(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey, and today our basic soul-winning tip is to focus on believing when you give the Gospel. Whenever you look throughout the entire Bible, when you see the Gospel being emphasized over and over again, it says, believe, believe, believe, believe, believe. I've been soul-winning with people before that they focus so much on the prayer that it's like it doesn't even matter to them what the person believes. As long as they pray, then they're automatically saved. The thing is, it has to come by true faith in the heart, and if a person believes that you have to live a good life and get baptized and that you can lose your salvation, it does not matter if they pray and ask Jesus to save them because they don't really believe. A person has to truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is as easy as whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life, but the key is that a person is putting their full faith on Jesus and not just 95% of their faith. So when you're giving the Gospel, what you really want to focus on is simply by believing it is truly a free gift because throughout the Bible, that's the main emphasis you see when the Gospel is being presented is believe, believe, believe, believe. So focus on believing and not so much the prayer.