(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, thanks so much for coming, guys. I'm going to go ahead and get started with a few tips this morning and then we'll get maps and we'll go out, okay? Start with a word of prayer. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us this morning. Thank you for the food we had. I pray that you would just bless us as we go out to preach the gospel, that you be with us, that you strengthen us. I pray that you would just help us in the future as we continue to go out and preach the gospel, that we would continue to have a sharp blade, which is the word of God. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. So this morning, instead of going through really the gospel, I just wanted to go over a few tips because we've kind of looked at a lot of the aspects of the gospel. Part one was kind of more of introduction. Part two was kind of closing the deals, the more of the emphasis. So this morning I just want to kind of address a few situations that you may run across and just my advice on handling the situations. The first one that I wanted to talk about was just if you run into multiple people, out-soul winning. So sometimes it's not always just a one-on-one encounter. Perhaps there's multiple people that you kind of approach or even sometimes you're talking to one person and then other people just join in the conversation or kind of start eavesdropping or whatever's happening. I find that it's always best to speak to one person at a time. And really, especially if people come into a conversation later, if they weren't already there at the very beginning, I will more than likely try my best to just stay with that one person. Because if you start introducing the other person, a lot of times they'll stop the presentation or start saying weird things they haven't heard and everything. Also they didn't agree to even listen to you. So you don't even know if they want to listen to you. They may just be kind of a bozo or something like that. And I've had lots of times where I thought, you know what, I kind of want to talk to all these people. But if you stick to this principle, it's a really effective principle. I've had it where there was like five or six young people all kind of standing there. It all seemed like they might be interested, but only one kind of initially said they wanted to talk to me. And I just basically preached the gospel to this one person the whole time all the way through. And we prayed and then I started talking to the other people like, I'm an atheist. I hate God. I don't want to hear the Bible. And I was just like, wow. And I'm so glad I didn't try to introduce them into the conversation while I was talking to their friend because they would have ruined it, spoiled it or blasphemed or something that had been really confusing. Also what can happen if somebody agrees to listen to you and you start kind of giving them the gospel, but then also you start paying attention to the person, that first person might walk away. You might think like, oh, you stopped paying attention to me or now's my out to kind of just leave or whatever. So it's always just best to stick with the person they've been talking to. If you're talking to someone and someone comes and tries to interrupt the conversation and let's say they're trying to draw the other person away. Now this could happen in a lot of different scenarios. You could have a spouse coming and trying to draw the other spouse away. You could have, maybe you're talking to a teenager. Your parent is trying to draw them away. Maybe their brother's trying to draw them away. It doesn't matter exactly who's drawing them away. What I may do, depending on what kind of conversation is, I'll kind of just explain the situation for the person and not let them be awkward. I'll just say something like, hey, they, they asked me if I would, if I would show them what the Bible says about how to be saved. Can I just have a few minutes to finish with them quickly? So that way, number one, you're kind of telling the other person like they want to hear without them having to say it. You're helping them say that to them and then you're basically kind of politely asking them to stop harassing you, talking to you or something like that. So that's what I will typically say. I'll say, hey, they wanted me to just show them real quickly how to be saved from the Bible. Can I just, can I show them a few more verses or do you mind waiting just a minute while I finish showing them what I want to show them? And then, or what they, you know, wanted, they wanted to hear. That is typically the best way to handle situations. Sometimes it's still not going to work. Sometimes it's still going to pull them away or they're like, no, go away or whatever. And at that point, you know, you just got to use your best discretion. If it's a parent, I'm never going to, you know, go above what a parent's basically asking me to do. You know, if they're, if they don't want their child to hear, unfortunately I'm just going to walk away at that point. You know, if, if for some reason it's just like their buddy or something like that, you could be like, hey man, just, just let, just, you know, go over there for a minute and let me talk to them or whatever. You might kind of be a little bit more like confrontational about it. But again, if it was like a parent, I would just be respectful of the parent's wishes and everything like that. But that's just, that's kind of a tip. I find that it's, if you try to engage multiple people, it usually doesn't work very well. Now what you can do is this, let's say you preach the whole gospel and someone's just been sitting here paying attention the whole time. Sometimes they'll even just pray, you know, like you didn't even talk to them and then they just pray with the other person and you didn't even ask them to pray. What I'll, I'll kind of do is afterwards I'll then test them. So I don't have to go through the little gospel with them. I'll basically just test them. I'll say, hey, I just want, I know you're kind of paying attention. I wanted to just ask you the same questions I asked them earlier. Do you think that salvation, you know, you think we're all sinners? And they're like, yeah. Do you think we can deserve hell for our sins? Or do you think we deserve hell for our sins? They're like, you know, yeah. What did Jesus do for us though? And they're like, he died on the cross for my sins. And it's like, well, what does the Bible say you have to do to be saved? And they're like, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you're thinking like, okay, maybe, but if at any point, wherever they kind of stop, they stop actually getting questions right, then you can just start there with your gospel and revisit that point with them. Okay. And so that way you don't necessarily have to go preach the whole gospel to them again. But at the same time, you're, you're double checking what they actually believe. If, you know, let's say they were listening all the time. I didn't really address them. They prayed and they, all the questions, right. Then I'll just say this. Now, is that different than what you thought before I showed up? And if they said yes, then I'm like, okay, then I would count that as a salvation. If they say no, or they don't get it, then I just would not count that. I would just move on. Or if they come kind of later part of the gospel, I can say, Hey, can I show you what I just showed them? And maybe that's another good way to kind of go over all those facts. But I find it's always best to just kind of deal with people one on one. If sometimes both people are just super interested, you could try to just kind of like, uh, ask questions alternating. Like I'll ask this person a question, this person, this person, but at any point that someone is not interested, I want to stay laser locked on the person that's interested. And I don't want to lose them, lose their attention, stop paying attention to that particular individual. So that's just kind of a tip that I want to give because you will run into multiple people, uh, you know, wanting to hear the gospel sometimes or being a part of listening. And so it's, it's important to just kind of stay focused though, on that person, give them all of your attention. And that's going to be almost always the best case when I have not followed my own advice. It usually always fails. I usually, I usually regret not following that advice. So that's just a tip. Another tip I have is just about rabbit trails. And this is, this one's a really hard because literally the sky's the limit as to far as what can happen when you're going out soul winning, what they may bring up, what they may try to introduce. Typically the absolute best thing that you can do and someone just starts asking you random questions like, what do you think about witches? And you're like, you know, I would, I would typically say, you know, I can answer that question, but let me just finish showing you this first. That's typically your best response. And it really doesn't matter what they asked. You know, they said, tell me about witches. Do you think dinosaurs in the Bible or what do you think about the Torah or, you know, what do you think? I mean, it's like they'll bring up anything and everything or they'll start trying to go down their life story with you sometimes if they're kind of just, you know, wanting to get something out, sometimes I'll just give them a minute or two to just kind of go on their monologue and then I'll say, you know, I'm sorry about that or, you know, that's definitely frustrating. Let me finish showing you this and then I'd like to talk to you about that. Okay. So as long as you just kind of acknowledged that they spoke and you paid attention to what they said, but just kind of trying to draw it back, that's typically your best way to kind of handle a rabbit trail. If you can, and just like five, 10 seconds answer their question, that's also not a bad approach. So if they just said something like, you know, what do you think about, you know, uh, the Nephilim? I might say, just say, I don't believe that that's not real, but let me, let me show you this verse and then I'll, I'll answer any questions you have, you know, so you could, you could just kind of give a real quick response, but it's not, Oh, let me show you, let's go to Genesis. You know, it's just like, that's really just a waste of time. You're going to waste your soul wanting partner's time, you're going to waste your time. Um, I've done it, we've all done it. It's it's, but it's usually just not very profitable. Uh, if someone has a question that's kind of related to salvation, then I may go to another place in the Bible just to kind of address it, but it's still best to give them like one real clear, uh, verse or one clear answer. And if they're not really willing to kind of come back to the gospel, then a lot of times it's best to just kind of then just be like, you know what, if you are interested, check out that card. You know, I don't want to argue with you, you know, I was here to preach the gospel. If you don't, you know, if you're not interested today, check it out when you, when you're interested or you have time or something like that and then just kind of move on. So that's just kind of my tip with rabbit trails. Um, again, you want to just kind of play it by ear. You never know what people are going to say or do, but I try my best to just always just bring it back and if they're not willing to bring it back, then it's also another good time to probably just exit, you know, if they're just like, well no, you came on my door and I want to talk about witches and it's like, well look, come to church and we'll talk about it. You know, I'm just here to go preach the gospel, so you know, if you don't have time right now, that's fine. I'll go, you know, we want to go talk to other people too. So have a good day. Check out our church card. Maybe you can find a sermon on that, you know, something like that. So that's just what I would advise you to try and do. Again, you don't want to just waste 45, 50 minutes at a door because if you just leave, you might find someone that's actually receptive and want to hear the gospel today and that's more important than proving that witches are bad or something. You know, I don't know. I don't know what the point would be. Okay. So that's just a couple tips. Other the other things I wanted to just say is here's, I want to give three examples of something that may happen in presenting the gospel and a couple of verses that I go to. So here's one that can happen and it's kind of frustrating, but let's say the person doesn't want to pray. Let's say they, they heard the gospel. You can tell they had a repentance. You can tell that they're saying they've changed their mind, but you say, okay, well, can I help you pray a prayer and just basically tell the Lord what you believe now so you know you're saved and they're like, yeah, I don't know. Maybe another time or yeah, I don't know if I want to pray right now. You know, basically they're just not wanting to pray for whatever reason, but you feel like they should, you feel like they've had that, that moment of clarity and they need to go ahead and call upon the name of the Lord. Typically what I'll do is I'll show them two verses. There's two places I like to go and I'll probably show them one at a time in the sense that I'll show them one, give them a, compel them to pray. If they don't like that one, I'll show them one more, compel them and at that point I'll basically be like, okay, fine and walk away. But I like second Corinthians, chapter number six, second Corinthians, chapter number six, verse number two, it says, for he said, I've heard the in a time except that in the day of salvation, if I sucker the behold, now is the accepted time build. Now's the day of salvation. And what I really like about this is it doesn't say today, it says now it is like, well, I'll pray later. And I'm like, well, actually the Bible says that you're supposed to pray now. The Bible says the moment that you understand what it takes to be saved, the Bible says you need to settle it right now. And you know, that's why it's important because you never know how long, you know, we got, we were not even promised the end of the day and you may forget. Now if that doesn't work, which sometimes, you know, it's not going to, I'll go to one more place. I'll go to Luke chapter eight, Luke chapter number eight. And in Luke chapter number eight, it's the parable of the sower. And I basically just show them a verse and I say, now I'll kind of just explain it as I'm turning. Typically I like to keep talking while I'm turning places in the Bible, but I'll say, you know what? The Bible warns that there's some people that they hear the gospel. It goes down into their heart. They understand it, but they decide not to believe in that moment. And then the devil comes and takes that gospel message away from them, causes them to forget or not care. And they end up not believing in Jesus and not getting saved. And then I'll just show them very clearly. Luke chapter number eight, look at verse number 12. Those by the wayside are they that hear, then come at the devil and take away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. And I said, now what I just showed you is the gospel and it's, it's definitely in your heart because you can tell me what the gospel is saying. But if you decide not to call on the name of the Lord right now and pray, the devil's going to come and try to take that gospel message away from you, cause you to forget it, get confused, and you may decide not to end up believing later and you won't go to heaven. You will go to hell. And I just try to bake it. You know, I try to put a little pressure on them and say like, look, this is a real example that the Bible's bringing up of someone hearing the gospel. It's even literally in their heart. And then they decide not to act on it now and they end up completely missing out. And so that's why it's important to compel them. I also think there's verses in the Bible, in the Bible to compel us to compel them because there are literally people that have heard the gospel by a soul winner, decided not to pray in that moment and they never prayed and they never got saved. Okay. And you know, it's not accepting Jesus in your heart that saves you because notice they have Jesus in their heart, but they didn't believe. Okay. And the way we believe, how you believe is by calling upon the name of the Lord and faith. Okay. And that's why it's important to help compel them. You know, I don't believe in this nonsense. It's like, Oh, you came to a, a certain level of understanding. That means you're saved. It's not believing the gospel is true. That saves you. It's believing in the gospel. There's a difference between believing it's true and believing in the gospel. Okay. Putting your faith in Jesus Christ, calling upon the name of the Lord and faith. That is a difference. Okay. Atheists can tell you that the gospel, you know, all the facts of the gospel, they can even say, I believed it was true at a certain point in time, but you know what? They never did put their trust in it because they never put their trust in it. They were even able to walk away from it and basically reject it and become an atheist. Okay. So it's not a certain enlightenment of ideas that get someone saved. It's not an acknowledgement that the gospel is true. I guarantee the devil knows the gospel is true, but you know, he's still not saved because he's not trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay. Anybody that is an atheist. All right. So that's one tip. If at that point you've given them one or two verses though, trying to kind of encourage them to still pray. If they don't want to just move on, you know, it's not their day. I'll just say, well, you know what? You don't have to pray with me, but you do need to call upon the name of the Lord. You better do that as soon as I leave and I'll basically just sell them that and then I'll walk away. Okay. Um, one other scenario I want to bring up is the Trinity. So let's say typically a lot of people understand the Trinity, but let's say they don't believe the Trinity or they don't understand or they're confused or something like that in the middle of the gospel. When I typically bring up Jesus being the son of God and God in the flesh, then, uh, if they kind of are confused about that, then I'll show them a couple of different verses. Okay. One place I like to go first is just Matthew chapter one. And the reason I like to go to Matthew chapter one first is because typically when someone is screwed up on the Trinity, they're screwed up on the deity of Jesus Christ. Okay. Cause they typically don't believe that Jesus is God. That's usually a big difference. Now obviously you got weird cults like oneness Pentecostals. You're pretty much never going to even explain to them that the Trinity is real. Okay. They're just so delusional and brain dead that it's really like almost a waste of time. I would still attempt, but I'm just saying most of the time when you're explaining the Trinity to someone, it's not a oneness Pentecostal perspective. So you're not really having to delineate between the father and the son. You're really more proving the deity of Jesus Christ as someone. Okay. And if you look in Matthew chapter one, it says in verse 23, behold, a virgin shall be with child and job bring forth a son and they should call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. So I'd say, see, look, when Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, that wasn't just the son of God. It was God with us. Okay. Is both. And then you could just go to like John one, just one one there is really easy. And so in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God, right? So now we have kind of a picture of how there's, Jesus is God with us, but he's also with God. And you could even skip down to verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And I just, I always just tell them, look, the word is a name for Jesus. And so, you know, and then you could go to first John chapter five, verse seven, it says for there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy ghost. And these three are one at that point. If you've showed them about three verses like this, typically they're going to be making decisions already. They're going to basically decide, I believe the Bible or I don't. And you know, I may show them one or two more verses if I need to, but I'm not going to show them 10, 15 necessarily. You know, if you show them three or four verses on the Trinity and they're still just kind of denying everything you showed them from the Bible, it's a lot of times good to just move on again. Okay. So again, it's always the same because the Bible says a man doesn't heretic after the first and second ammunition reject, right? So it's, it's in there for a reason when you can show somebody something in the Bible multiple times and they just don't get it. It's not that you're explaining it wrong and sometimes you get frustrated. You're kind of thinking like, Oh, why just don't know what to do then. It's like the person is just a heretic. It's not really, you know, people get all scared about like, what happens if I run in this situation and it's just like, it doesn't matter how good you are explaining the Trinity. No one's going to get it. You know, it doesn't matter how good you are explaining these, these simple truths of the Bible. A child should be able to get them. It's the fact that the person doesn't want to believe is not interested. Okay. So sometimes you do have to realize not everybody's interested. Not everybody wants to hear. Not everyone's going to believe. That's okay. You're there to literally just show people that are receptive, want to hear and are willing to believe the Bible. Okay. And at worst case scenario, you plant a seed. You've planted seeds. You've given them verses to think about. You give them a video to walk, to watch when they come to later. Last example I want to explain, maybe how to handle this. Let's say they bring up not believing the Bible's the word of God. Okay. Now this could look at a different, a couple of different forms. Typically we're talking about people that are saying, you know what? I believe the Bible, some of it, but some of it seems like it's written by man or I'm not sure about it or I don't really know if the Bible's trustworthy, something like that. I will typically first ask them this question. I will just say, if I could prove to you that the Bible is the word of God, would you be willing to change your mind? And I think that's an important question because the person that's not going to want to, that's like, no, I'm not going to believe the Bible. Doesn't matter what you show me. Okay. Bye. You know, like, you know, and it's also not beneficial to show them the gospel when they don't even believe the Bible. Like, it doesn't even really make much sense times when I've done that. It's really frustrating. In fact, if you go to other parts of the country, there's a, you'll run into this a lot more. Like in Arizona, I ran into this a lot and I just didn't understand it because I would show up, I'd preach people the gospel and then they would be like, yeah, I see everything you're saying in there, but I just don't even believe the Bible. And you'd just be like, wow, why did I just preach the gospel to you for 15 minutes and you just don't even believe anything in the Bible anyways. They're like, yeah, it's just a book of fairytales or something. So it happened so many times to me that I started just literally at the beginning of my gospel. Do you believe the Bible is the word of God? And then I would decide I wouldn't even preach the gospel to them at that point. Okay. And then I started, you know, if they said no, I would say, okay, well, if I could prove in a few verses, would you, would you change your mind? And someone would say, yes. Then I started that before I even started the gospel. Okay. But I still don't want to waste a lot of time here because still most people won't even change their mind, but some do. And I have had some people kind of express a little bit of doubt in the Bible. And then after showing them a few verses, they ended up changing their mind, were willing to hear the gospel and then even got saved. So it definitely can work. But if I'm going to show them, I'm going to first go to Luke four. And I like this one because it's really easy to remember Luke four, four. Okay. And I, it's Jesus Christ speaking and it says, and it's Jesus talking to the devil and Jesus answered him saying, it is written that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. And I say, if God preserved food for us, if God gave us life, if everything on this earth is still, you know, in existence from the creation, and he's saying that the Bible is more important than food, don't you think you would have preserved it? And if they say, yeah. And I say, well, look, he's not saying he just preserved his word. He's saying he preserved every word. So you have to believe it somewhere. And then I say, I believe this is every word. I believe the King James Bible is every word. It hasn't changed. Yes, there are bad versions out there, but I believe the King James Bible is every word of God. And we have it preserved. It's the most popular book in human history. And it would make no sense that if God wanted me to have every word, that he would not give me the opportunity to have every word of God. Okay. So that's one place I'm going to go to. Then I might go to first Peter chapter number two or one. Yeah. First Peter chapter number one, verse 23. And I'm giving you some verses here that are New Testament because some of you, some of you only carry a New Testament. Okay. There are good verses you go to in the Old Testament too. But here's a couple of verses straight in the New Testament that you could use. First Peter chapter one, verse 23. The Bible says, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God, which liveth in the body forever. The reason I like this verse is just because a lot of people say, oh, I believe all the Bibles are corrupted. But then I would show them, well, you know, there are a lot of corrupt Bibles out there, but I don't believe this one is. And the Bible teaches that there is a particular seed that's incorruptible. And he's like, I believe that this Bible has not been corrupted. And that's what actually gets people saved. If all the Bibles were corrupt, no one could ever get saved. God couldn't do any work, but I don't believe that the King James Bible still has fruit. People are still getting saved from the word of God. Now at this point, you go to a couple of different places. And again, if you have a full Bible, maybe you go to Psalms 12, 6, and 7, right? The words of the Lord are pure words. That's a really good verse. You could also go to Isaiah 59, and I believe it's verse 21. It's the last verse of Isaiah 59. Let's double check. That's a good one too. Yeah, verse 21. Because it says, as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord. My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed, seed, saith the Lord from henceforth forever. So it's saying the book of Isaiah is never going to depart from the mouth of any generation all the way to the very end, and I could say, hey, look, I believe this is still exactly what Isaiah had. Yeah, I understand it's a translation, but I believe it's been preserved. Then you could just show them Revelation 22 maybe is one other place. But I probably wouldn't show all of them. I would just show maybe Max 2-3. 2-3 verses, see if they've kind of changed their mind, if they're still confused or whatever. And if they've kind of changed their mind or they feel softened to the gospel, then maybe preach them the gospel, right? But it's a lot of times a waste if they just say, I don't even believe the Bible to even preach them the whole gospel. I think it's beneficial to clarify that point if you get any hints like that. And typically people that believe that, they'll bring it up. You don't even have to ask. Typically they'll just be like, yeah, well, it was written by man or that's kind of a hint like, oh, do you not believe the Bible? You know, or what kind of book is that or which Bible is that? You know, it's like a King James Bible. Do you believe the King James Bible? You know, they start asking questions about the Bible or dropping hints. It's a good time to kind of clarify with them. OK, so those are just a couple tips. I do want to give you an opportunity. Does anybody have a question or a scenario or something that they're interested in just having someone give some kind of advice or suggestions that you've been thinking about? If you walk up to like three people at the same time and they all say yeah, we'll hear it. Yeah, so again, typically you're going to have the chief speaker, right? The person that actually said, yes, I'll focus on that person. Now again, if it's a group setting, I just try to focus on the person that's appearing that they're the most interested. Like who's paying attention to me, talking to me, you know, and most of the time it's not everybody. Some people are kind of a little bit more shy. Maybe they're paying attention. Whoever's the one that's answering the questions, talking to you, looking at you. That's the person you really want to focus on. So if again, like I said, let's say it's two people and they're both really interested and they're both kind of talking to you and it's not, you can't really even tell. You could try to kind of alternate questions, like basically just kind of go back and forth because I ask a lot of questions when preaching the gospel. So I just kind of go back and forth. But at any point that one starts to becoming not very interested and the other one is, I'll just laser lock on the person that's the most interested. I just find that's where you get the best success. And it usually helps because even though, you know, they'll, they'll be paying attention. You just really, it can get in the weeds quick and then it can just completely go. It's kind of like whenever Paul and Silas are like coming into an area or Paul and Barnabas are coming to an area and they're like thinking they're gods at first and then all of a sudden they like turn on them and they want to stone them like really quickly. It's like the group can just shift their opinion so much faster than a singular individual. Okay. So that's why I find it's better to just kind of laser lock on one person and try to just keep it with them. That's a good question. Any other? Sure. I think with a silent partner, how they should behave is, is number one, you should try your best to be silent. Okay. Just, there's very rare times when a silent partner should probably speak. The only times I typically speak if I'm a silent partner is, is let's say like you walk up to the door and you're like, Hey, your partner's like, my name's Ryan. Okay. And the other person looks at you and kind of like is expecting you to talk and he's like, my name's Jonathan. Right. You don't want to be so awkward. That's just like, you know, like don't, don't act like, you know, you have to be weird about it or something like that. Yeah. I'd be like, Hey, how's it going? You know, I'll just kind of say, Hey, or, you know, but I don't even typically say that. I'm just saying if they kind of are looking at you and wanting some kind of response, I'll just, you know, be like, how's it going? Right. Um, if you're, if your partner kind of indicates that they want you to talk, you know, then I, then I may bring that up. Like sometimes if you're, if your partner's just like looking at you and just says like, Hey, do you have some, you know, you like to add or is there a verse you're thinking of or whatever. But even if my partner's struggling, I don't jump in. And the reason why I don't jump in is it to me is really important. If someone is really struggling in their gospel presentation, something's happening because when you're really struggling, your brain is like going on like hyper mode and you're trying to think really hard and a lot of times they'll figure it out eventually. Okay. And then later they'll be like, Oh man, I really am frustrated that I kind of had this in my mind, an embarrassing moment where I was struggling and then they'll want to fix it in the future. Whereas if you just always bail them out, you kind of relieve them of that mental stress that helps them to want to fix the future. So I've been with people and they just like bomb. I mean, they just, it's like, it's weird. It's like, man, that was weird. But I'm just kind of thinking like maybe that gives them an opportunity though, to realize like I didn't like how I did in this area. I don't like how I performed so they can fix it. Also gives me an opportunity afterwards to say, Hey, you know, when you were kind of in this part and you're a little bit struggling or trying to figure out what to say, here's something you could have said. Now obviously if they just completely bomb and it's done, like they're done presenting the gospel and the other person, so there you could try to jump in at that point or you could, you could kind of ask at that point. But I think it's best is let people just kind of work their work it out themselves. You don't really want to just jump in or sometimes people give the gospel in a goofy way. And just because I think like, Oh, I think you should turn to this verse now, even though they're not, a lot of times they'll go to it later anyways, and they'll end up explaining it. So I try my best as a silent partner just to be very silent. Just standing there being attentive. A couple of things though, is that you want to make sure that you're not a distraction. You know, you don't want to be distracting to the person preaching the gospel. Some things that I'll do, if the person they're preaching the gospel to is not really paying attention to them. They're paying attention to a lot of other things. What I do is I look at my partner because wherever you're looking, everybody else looks. Because if you just started kind of like looking over here, like everybody wants to kind of like look and see what I'm looking, it's like, I really looked over there. It's just because it's just human nature is so like, if you're just standing there while you're, you're, your person's preaching the gospel and you're just kind of like, you know, the person that you're preaching the gospel is going to be like, what's going on up there? You know, like, so it's, it's typically, it can kind of be a little bit distracting or if you're, if you're just kind of paying attention to other stuff, it's best because if I'm just looking directly at my silent partner's face, like he's, you know, it's the face of God and he's just giving me the best message ever, you know, it's going to help them to want to pay attention and kind of look at them too. That's just kind of a tip, especially if they're not paying attention. If they're paying attention, you know, I don't have to be like overly, you know, ugu and gaga over my, my partner, but I'm just saying that's kind of a tip that you can do. If you have children and you're a silent partner, please, please make sure that you're taking care of the children, taking care of any distractions, try to help assist the, whoever's the talker. If they're holding something and they can't quite turn the pages, you know, offer to hold it for them. You know, that's a good time to talk. So you're like, Hey, let me hold that for you. Or Hey, let me get that for you. You know, basically you're just there to help them be as successful as humanly possible, whatever they need, try to help them, try to assist them. But at the same time, let them be the leader. Let them be the person making decisions. I try not to interject unless I feel like it's absolutely necessary. If they start preaching a false gospel, then sure interject. Okay. Right. Like obviously there is a limit to what they're saying. If they're saying, yeah, work, save you. It's like, Whoa, wait, what? No, I think you misspoke. Right. Oh, okay. If let's say at your app, they're at the end, like they're basically walking away from the conversation. It's over or it's done. But you do feel like maybe there was an opportunity that was missed. And this is not often, I would say I do this once every like a hundred plus times. Okay. Not very often. But let's say there was some kind of opportunity. I mean, like, let's say the guy was you're so many partners wanting to keep preaching the gospel and they're kind of like bailing, but you think that maybe there was something you could have done. I might just say, Hey, before we go, there was one other verse that I would like to show you. Would you want to hear that? You know, maybe it just was confusing or something. Maybe you're going to someone that's kind of newer to the preaching the gospel or maybe you're just trying to kind of help. I might introduce that if they're still like, no, I got to go. Then you're just like, okay, bye. Right. But if they give you that opportunity, maybe you could jump in if your silent partner's asking you to kind of jump in. But that's typically my advice as being a silent partner. Just try to be silent. Try to just be attentive. Try to help. One thing you should not do is get out of the eyesight of your partner. Okay. If, if let's say me and my partner preaching the gospel and I'm standing, you know, 10, 10 feet away from them or something, and another person's coming by that could possibly be the distraction or just whatever, and I start talking to them, engaging them with the gospel or just whatever it is, that's fine. But I don't want to run around the corner and just go off somewhere and they're just all like, all right, we're done. Where did my, was he raptured? What happened? I thought it was post trip. You know, it's like, that's just, that's not cool. It's not cool to get out of the eyesight of your partner for any reason because you're also there for a safety reason. And I want to make that clear, like there is a safety aspect of preaching the gospel. You don't want to just abandon your partner. It's not a big deal if you're kind of still within eyesight of your partner, that it's not like, you know, you're that far away from them or anything like that, but you don't want to go in, especially don't want to go in someone's house away from your partner or any of these kind of weird things, abandon them. You know, you want to stick with your partner as much as humanly possible. And I even try not to engage in a conversation unless it's just a pretty clear opportunity that I need to, or to prevent some kind of a distraction or something like that. That is the best way to do it. So you know, also, I would say the only other time that I might introduce myself or say something is if my soul wanting partner is going to make like a really dangerous decision. You know, like maybe there's a creepy guy and he's like, let's come in and you're just like, and he's like, okay, you know, and you're like, no, we're okay. Let's just, we'll, we'll, we'll preach the gospel here. You know, maybe if that was something, you know, cause you got to think about it. We knock every door and if you look up like any website about bad people, it's just chicken box everywhere. Okay. And, and typically when people are weird, there's a reason, you know, there's not necessarily, I really don't advise women to ever go in someone's house. Like, I just don't think you should. It's just not worth it. Also, it's typically better if lady groups, especially in a more rough area or with other, with a lot of people or with a male group, if you're a male group, it's kind of a chaperone. Another time that not necessarily just run off, you know, want to pay attention, make sure you're being mindful of the people that you're with. So if you're with children, you know, you want to make sure, cause you know, I'm not really that intimidated by going in the poor ghetto areas, but there are some rough areas that we go into. Typically I'm more afraid of going in the rich areas cause you know, they're filled with rabid dogs, you know, of the baser sort, but that's kind of just my advice on silent parties. Is there something else you were thinking about? Okay. I don't care about cameras, I guess. With a ring doorbell, I mean, if I hit the ring doorbell and they like come up on the teleprompter, you know, I just, I don't, I'm not going to waste time. I'm just going to basically say, Hey, I'm leaving a card for you. See you later. You know, I, is that your, is that what you're bringing up or yeah, I wouldn't say that's about cameras and ring. I would just say in general, you want to be on your best behavior. You just want to make sure that your conversations too, are not kind of weird. Um, and you know, just like, man, I hope every fad dies and goes to hell, ding dong. You know, it's like, it's like, there's a time and place to scream that, but you know, you know, probably not soul winning. You want to be, you want to be respectful, um, of what you're saying, you know, man, I hate dogs. You know, that could, that could rub people the wrong way. So yeah, you do, you should keep your conversation polite. Don't be screaming. Don't let your kids pick all their flowers. Don't let your, don't let your kids go in. You know, sometimes kids are just, you open the door and some kids, I've been soloing with people and their kids just run in the house. And I'm thinking like, sorry, you know, like what's going on here? Like you want to be on your best behavior and uh, you know, you want to teach your kids how to be polite and, and tell them not to pick up trash. There could be a lot of dangerous objects out there and everything like that. So just be respectful. Do you have a question? Yes. I have a couple of questions. First of all, if they have that ring doorbell, is it better just to knock on the door? I do both. So I knock, so he's asking me to knock, ring the doorbell. I do all of it. So basically my strategy is I ring first and then I knock on top of that. Second question. If you're following this sheet and you're going down and you have a brain lapse, and you're the, you're, you're not used to it in the Gospel, can you ask your partner, say, Hey, let him step in. Would you help me? Yeah, absolutely. If someone is kind of newer to preaching the Gospel and they get a little bit confused, can you have your, your, your silent partner kind of step in? I say, absolutely, here's, here's my advice and how to do that. If, if you get confused at any point and you want your silent partner to step in, just say something like, Hey, I was thinking of a verse and I'm trying to look it up. Do you mind stepping in? Can you help with, with this next verse for me? And they'll just, they can kind of step in. Now I'm asked to step in. This is what I typically do. I'll explain that verse and then I'll kind of like maybe get to the point that that person should, you know, kind of where we should be. And then I'll basically offer to, I'll say, do you want to continue? And I'll give them an opportunity to come back in the conversation if they wanted to, or if they say no, then I'll just finish. Okay. So you don't even have to necessarily completely take over. Maybe they just were thinking of a verse and they're struggling, but now they kind of came back to, or you kind of helped remind them. So I like to just kind of step in, just say, Hey, yeah, this is the verse I was thinking of, or here's a verse that makes a lot of sense with what he was explaining. My partner was saying X, Y, and Z about belief. Hopefully that kind of clears it up. Do you want to, do you want to keep, you know, you want to show them another verse or whatever. And if they say no, then you can just keep going. If not, then you kind of have that opportunity. So just be real purposeful about a hand, hand off. Cause sometimes I've had people, they're just kind of like looking at me and I'm kind of like thinking like, is someone on my face or do you want me to hop in or like, you know, I don't, I don't know what you want me to do. So I think it's best just, just, just say it, just, just basically be like, Hey, I'm kind of trying to remember this verse. Do you remember, do you mind saying something or do you mind bringing up that verse or do you mind showing them that verse? That way they know like, okay, I should, I should try to step in or help. I've, I've had some cases, you know, or I've heard of some cases where the person's like, you know, Jesus came and visited me in the car last night. And they're like, Hey buddy, you know, it's like, Hey Britt, do you have anything to say? At that point I'm just like, no, you got it. This sounds like your expertise, buddy. You know? Yeah, you have to use a discretion there. There's not a, there's not a right answer. I would just say I'm only going to run interference if I feel like it's not going to be a distraction. Like if I'm standing right next to my silent partner or right next to my person preaching the gospel and I'm the silent partner and someone walks up, I'm not going to start engaging them like in this close proximity because that's just going to become a worst distraction. But let's say they're like far away and I can kind of walk over to them and kind of talk to them from a distance. So it's not a distraction. If I'm in that situation, what I typically do is I try to just shoot the breeze. I don't even like necessarily preach the gospel of them. I'm just trying to like waste time. So you know, and people love to just tell, you know, everything that's ever happened to them. So I just, I'll just sit there and just listen. I'll just be like, Oh yeah, that's interesting. Yeah. You know. Oh, you go to this church? Cool. What's that like? What's the carpet look like? You know, it's just like, I don't care. You know, so if you're running interference, just try to be real, you know, cordial, real sweet and you know, and they'll just bring up weird stuff and you're just like, Oh, you like Biden? Cool. Yeah. But again, cause you're just letting, you're trying to just let your side, your partner just get done, wrap it up, whatever. I don't want to just go over there and necessarily piss them off too, or make them feel uncomfortable. I'll just kind of be polite because most people don't get offended by being invited to church. And then if you just kind of shoot the breeze of them, the only things that offend them is like preaching the gospel. If your partner then wraps up, then you can just start engaging with a gospel presentation or, or whatever makes sense at that point. So what time is it? Yeah, I think we should go ahead and we'll call it. I'll say a quick word of prayer. Dylan has maps. So if you already have a partner, just go and see Dylan, he'll get your map and you get out of here. So there's water and stuff like that. If you want to grab a snack, you can, we will be meeting back here at two. If you want to, if you don't want to like you already got a map or whatever it is, you can keep going with your partner, but if you want to get repaired up or a new map or any of you lost your partner, any scenario, you can meet back here at two. And we'll regroup one more time. If you're just done after the morning session, just make sure to hang onto your map, give it back to Dylan and report your soul winning numbers to your soul winning captain. Just say me and Dylan, we had 97 salvations in five minutes, you know, and we'll know to make sure that we won't put that down. Okay. So basically just say me and so and so had this many, just report that to your soul winning captain please. I think that should be it. If you don't have a partner, try to make one and then if you can't make one, we'll just, we'll just kind of pair people up here at the very end and then we'll get sent out. So let's say a quick word of prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this morning to be gathered together. I pray that you be with us as we got to preach the gospel. I pray that you would help us to preach clearly. You'd give us courage to present the gospel with boldness and I pray that you would just help us to find people that are interested, that you give us discernment as we go out there that we'd be harmless as does but wise as serpents and in Jesus' name we pray, amen.