(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, well we're in lesson number 5 which is page number 11 in your notebook. I'm going to sit if it's okay with you and after doing this for a day you know you just got tired so I'll sit and stand. If you've been reading the New Testament with us in the month of January you'll find that Jesus sat for a lot of his teachings so don't accuse me of being illiberal for sitting down. So let's see, page number 11, lesson number 5, condemned to hell. So number 1, a person must understand that they are personally condemned to hell before they can be saved. A person needs to understand that they are personally condemned to hell before they can be saved. Letter A, up to this point we have explained sin and the consequences for sin. So those of you who are filling the blanks there. Up to this point we have explained sin and the consequences for sin. Letter B, now we will personalize it and make sure that they understand that they are personally condemned because of their sin. So here's what happens, you explain to someone the fact that they're a sinner, their sin has wages which is death, it's not just a physical death but the second death. You explain that to somebody and in theory they agree with you and in theory they say oh yeah, oh that is right but for some reason people still don't personalize that. They don't say well I'm a sinner and I deserve to go to hell. So the next step that we take is try to kind of personalize that for them. Point number 2 there it says it does not matter how good of a person you have been. It does not matter how good of a person you have been. Letter A, people like to think that they are not too bad. People like to think that they are not too bad. So we need to show them that they are. That's our goal is to show them you are bad. So letter B, how this conversation may go. So what I would do is I would go to Revelation 21 8 and if you remember we left off in the book of Revelation already, Revelation 20, 14 and 15. So just moving over to Revelation 21 8 and usually I would read this verse and the Bible says with the fearful and unbelieving, the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. And the way I would explain this verse is I would basically just point at the, point at the passage and I would say something along those lines. I would say you know in Revelation 21 8 the Bible actually gives us a list of people who are going to hell. Notice what it says, it says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters. And then I would, this is how I explain it, I just stop right there and I say that's a pretty bad list right? I mean he's saying murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and most people agree that a murderer is going to go to hell. You know most people think like oh yeah a murderer will go to hell and then I'll say but look at the next thing it says and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. And sometimes you know I kind of joke around with people and say let me ask you a question all right? You've got to be honest okay? You can't lie to me all right? Have you ever told a lie before? And of course most people are going to say yeah you know we've all lied. And the Bible says in Romans 34 it says let God be true but every man a liar. And I'll explain to them see what the Bible is saying here is that you know because in our minds we like to justify ourselves and we'll say things like well I'm not perfect but I've never killed anyone right? You know I'm not as bad as so and so. And what the Bible is teaching here is that even a liar will go to hell. And the Bible says and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. So sometimes I just the review question is as simple as have you ever told a lie before? You know because this verse applies to us there. If you turn the page to page number 12 point number 3 the Bible the Bible good night point number 3 in your in your notes there it says any sin is enough to condemn you to hell. So the fill in the blank is any sin is enough to condemn you to hell. Letter A it doesn't matter which sin you have or haven't performed even one sin will send you to hell. Letter B how this conversation may go. So the next verse that I take people to is James chapter number 2 and verse number 10. James chapter 2 and verse 10 the Bible says for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all. And I'll just explain the verse and I'll say you know hear the Bible saying if you were hypothetically if someone was able to keep the entire law they you know they they followed everything except they made one mistake. They offended in one point they told one lie. The Bible says it's as if he's guilty of all and at this point I'm we're kind of concluding the way that I give the gospel is kind of like the bad news and then the good news. The bad news is this you're a sinner. You are condemned to hell because of your sin. The good news is you don't have to go to hell but we're kind of what they need to understand the fact that they need a savior in order for them to call upon the savior. So we're explaining to them the fact that they're sinners we're explaining to them the fact that there are wages for their sin which is death and I'll kind of just stop right here and say you know up to this point what I basically have showed you is that according to the Bible every single person is condemned to hell because of their sin. And sometimes I'll even ask people like what what do you think about that you know and most people are like well that's not good you know and then that'll kind of let me transition into well I have you know I have to give you the good the bad news before I give you the good news okay the bad news is this you're a sinner and I kind of use this as a review you know I'll say I have to give you the bad news before I can give you the good news the bad news is this you're a sinner I'm a sinner and our sin has condemned us to hell the wages of sin is death but you don't have to go to hell and let me show you how the Bible says that you can avoid hell. So if you look at point number four there in in page number twelve we kind of review the bad news letter A we pay for our sin through death we pay for our sin through death letter B not just a physical death but the second death not just a physical death but the second death which is being cast into the lake of fire. Letter C according to the Bible every person is condemned to hell because of their sin according to the Bible every person is condemned to hell because of their sin now let me let me give you some some things for those of you that were writing notes in your Bible if you want to go back to Romans 6 23 go back to that passage Romans chapter number six and verse 23 and write a number three in front of Romans 6 23 because that's the third passage that you're going to go to so if you want to write a number three in front of Romans 6 23 and then next to Romans 6 23 or underneath Romans 6 23 or wherever you're doing it write the reference Revelation 20 14 and 15. Revelation 20 verse 14 and 15 next to or under Romans 6 23 now go to Romans 20 14 and 15 and I'll try to slow down give you some time to write go to Revelation 20 14 and 15 and before or in front of Revelation 20 14 15 write the number four that's the fourth reference you're going to go to the number four and then next to Revelation 20 14 and 15 or underneath Revelation 20 14 and 15 you're going to write Revelation 21 8 because that's the next verse you're going to show them alright so you got your next reference there to help you out so number four excuse me number three in front of Romans 6 23 with the next reference being Revelation 20 14 and 15 a number four in front of Revelation 20 14 and 15 with the next reference being Revelation 21 8 alright so that's lesson number five so basically again just so you understand we're personalizing it so we introduced ourselves we asked them about their salvation we came to the point realization they're not saved they are they you know whatever they're believing in is not the true gospel we asked permission to give the gospel we they said yes we explained them that there is an unrighteous they're not perfect we explained them that they're all we're all sinners and they're a sinner we explained to them that there are wages for sin which is death which is hell and we personalized it hey look even you you're not good enough if you've lied you know that's enough to send you to hell now if you go to page number 13 lesson number six entitled the gift we can transition into the good news okay now I want you to understand something the tendency with a lot of soul winners is to go straight to the good news because that's exciting that's what we like right you know we want to talk about Jesus want to talk about forgiveness want to talk about this but here's what you can understand and keep in mind you know it's taking me hours to explain you know go through all this we're gonna explain to you this process takes 15 minutes literally at the door if someone's you know sharp they're comprehending it they're getting it doesn't take that long shouldn't take you four hours to go through this I'm explaining it and giving you notes and all those things but if you do a good job at explaining to someone that they're condemned to hell because of their sin and they realize that like they get it they'll give you as much time as you need to explain the good news I mean you you can hook them in if they realize wow you know I thought that going to church once a month was good enough to get me to heaven and you just showed me that that's not it you know now I want to know well what do I need to do go to heaven so if you do a good job with this first part you can take your time and be real thorough with the second part and a lot of times we miss out on people's because we don't ever get them to the place where they realize I need to be saved and they we kind of just either ignore that or don't do a good job with that and they never got to that place where they realize oh I need a Savior they're still thinking like well I'm good enough I'm not a murderer I'm not as bad as my neighbor or whatever so as you transition to the good news the gift you want to make sure that you've done a good job at explaining to them that they're a sinner condemned to hell we're not beating them up and we're not telling them you're some ratchet filthy we're not we're not doing that we're just showing them you're reading the verse you're revealing the truth you're reviewing the concept once they get it once they grasp it you move on to the next thing.