(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Even though Pastor Anderson's been deported, you know what, that's not going to change anything. We came here to go soul winning and that's what we're going to do. As a matter of fact, I'm going to keep going soul winning for the rest of the day. This mall is crazy, you just park yourself in front of the entrance and just people flock to you and you just give them the gospel and people around them, you're watching them watching you and then they come to you and they're like, they want to know, they ask you questions, they want to know. I was talking to two guys right now and there was a guy who was standing about ten feet away and he was answering the questions for them, he's like, it's eternal, you don't deserve it because you're a sinner, you can't lose it, he's going to give it to you because he loves you, it's like the colds notes, the cheating notes, it's crazy. We're getting this whole mall saved. So while I was ordering the burger from the two checkout guys, I got them saved and then Shane, who's a machine, had this whole table over here with the rest of the wait staff restaurant about five waitresses giving them the gospel, got three girls saved and promised the manager who kept having to go back to work, promised the manager to come back today and give her the gospel. So that's what he's doing right now and it's just, the Wimpy Burger man loves us here. We've just been getting the whole place saved. It's awesome. But that's how it's been for a lot of these shops. Every single shop, the Mug and Bean, we've gotten basically every one that the Mug and Bean saved, the Mando's Chicken, we've got their whole restaurant saved. There's a theater upstairs, we've got every single lowest person saved, I mean every shop we go to, we've been here for two or three days now and everywhere we go through this whole mall, everyone waves at us and says hi because we've all got them saved. This is the most fruitful place I've ever been in my life. Every single person I talk to just about, that I stop to ask, they all want to hear the gospel. Okay, so Friday at 1 p.m. we're going to wipe out this whole restaurant at Mug and Bean so we're going to save the entire restaurant this Friday at 1 at Mug and Bean. You got an appointment with them? Appointment. We made an appointment with the whole staff. Appointment for salvation. The whole staff is like, yeah, we'll meet you there at one o'clock. That's right. That's how we roll. And we will send you more details. So God bless you and have a great day.