(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I was a small child I believed that God was real and I believed that Jesus is God. I always thought that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell and that if I wanted to go to heaven I had to keep God's commandments. I had these beliefs about heaven as I grew up but when I was a teenager I became very worldly and I got into the party lifestyle with drugs and alcohol from the age of 14. That led me to not care at all about what the Bible had to say and God was the last thing on my mind in those days. When I was 19 I used to live with one of my sisters and the Mormons used to come around to a house regularly to talk with her. I would always overhear them speaking but I also avoided talking to them because I still wanted nothing to do with religion. One day my sister was out and they came over so we got speaking and one thing led to another and I became a Mormon one month later. Like every false religion the Mormons taught me that I had to do good works to get into heaven and keep God's commandments. I'm a pretty dedicated type of guy so I made the decision to give it everything I had to try and earn my way into heaven. I stopped doing drugs, smoking, drinking and a lot of other things. I gave it everything I had. Because I gave it all I had that's when I knew I didn't have what it takes to be good enough. I failed and from that point on I knew I was not going to make it to heaven by keeping the commandments. I ended up leaving the Mormon church one year after I became a Mormon for that reason. Plus they're a crazy cult that do a lot of strange rituals that also influenced me to leave. When I left that cult I remembered wishing that when Jesus died on the cross that he could have, that that could have been enough to save me. I said to God why couldn't you have just died on the cross for all my sins so that I could never lose my salvation. Because I knew I wasn't good enough to get into heaven I didn't want hell to be true so I became an atheist so I could try and get the fear of hell out of my mind so I could pretend I was safe. I was an atheist for about four to five years and up to this point in my life I had still never heard the true gospel of Jesus Christ. But then one day I decided to give God another go in my life. By this time I told myself I'm just going to believe God's real and just try to be good in my life knowing that I'm not going to be good enough. A couple of months later I was on YouTube and I came across a video of Steven Anderson ripping on America and its sins and I really liked it. A few days later I watched his video Once Saved Always Saved and it was one of the happiest days of my life. The things I had wished for about salvation when I had left the Mormon cult turned out to be true and I felt like everything I had to fear in my life was taken from me. From that point on I felt joy in my heart about God and the Bible and especially about Jesus dying on the cross and the gift of God which is eternal life. So after watching Once Saved Always Saved I searched through Steven Anderson's channel and I watched his soul winning demonstration with Pastor Berzen's and I put all my trust in Jesus and called upon the name of the Lord to save me. That's it.