(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The only way to escape that punishment I started out the sermon with this verse from Matthew 23 how can you escape the damnation of hell that's a great question isn't it how can you escape the damnation of hell there's only one way Jesus the only way is Jesus there is no other way and by the way it's not well it's Jesus but it's because I follow him and obey him and go to church and got baptized a little bit good no no it's what he did it's Jesus not you not your good works not your good deeds it's Jesus it's his death barrel and resurrection it's faith that will save you and nothing not works list any man should boast so what's a practical application of this sermon you know why preach on hell well number one we have to preach on hell because it's in the Bible and we got to preach the whole Bible that's enough for a reason right there but it's good to have a practical application for preaching isn't it let me give you a practical application okay practical application number one if you're not saved get saved or you will split hell wide open and you know what you will remember this sermon the whole time you're burning in hell you're gonna be thinking about this sermon and you're gonna say what an idiot I was why didn't I just ask someone after the service why didn't I ask brother is why did I ask Pastor Thompson why didn't I get saved what was I thinking why would I put something off that's so important I knew I was gonna die get saved before it's eternally too late that's application number one number two say well I'm already saved and the vast majority here are already saved so what's the application for you get other people saying hey if you love people if you care about people if you at least love people as much as the rich man did you don't want them to come to that place of torment get them the gospel love the lost and you know what even love strangers love the people in your town God so loved the world love your street love your town love your county love your area love your state get them the gospel before it's too late for them but there's a third important application besides get saved number one get other people say it's number two there's a third application of this understand God you