(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ...for our testimony for this opening. We made a marathon yesterday. Before we start, let's open our session with... Open our inbox on page 178. 179. Sajla, 179. Email page 179. 179. Sajla. Sajla. Sajla. Sajla. Ready? On the first verse now, ready? Sing. The head God should rub A sinner such as I Should yearn to Change my sorrow Into bliss For rest still he Had that to bring me down How wonderful is love like this Such love Such wondrous love Such love Such wondrous love That God should love A sinner such as I How wonderful is love like this That Christ should join So pretty this year Although he meant His dell of robbery He did ever human Time cries over me And only wine that Dressed on me Such love Such wondrous love Such love Such wondrous love That God should love A sinner such as I How wonderful is love like this On the third verse. That for a willful Outcome such as I The Father Let us take your plan and die Redemption for a Worthless thing to buy Who don't have no one in grace Define Such love Such wondrous love Such love Such wondrous love That God should love A sinner such as I How wonderful is love like this On the third verse. And how he takes me To his heart of song He asks me not to Fill a service place The far off country One makes all are done Wide open heart His arms of grace Such love Such wondrous love Such love Such wondrous love That God should love A sinner such as I How wonderful is love like this On our second song Page 227 page 227 On the first verse now ready Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing ock Save my love, not of the crucified one. Save my love, not of the crucified one. The power he's made and he's built, it was done. Great prize of mine, more than his own precious son. Save my love, not of the crucified one. Sorry I'm saved, sorry I'm saved. My sins are all part of my gift, it's all gone. Sorry I'm saved, sorry I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Save by the blood of the crucified one. All hail to the Father, all hail to the Son. All hail to the Spirit, the great thinking one. Save my love, not of the crucified one. Sorry I'm saved, sorry I'm saved. My sins are all part of my gift, it's all gone. Sorry I'm saved, sorry I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Alright, so I guess we'll go through testimonies from each of the three groups. I'm the only one here from Pampanga, that's my wife and my son, and I don't think my son's ready for a testimony. So I'll kind of quickly go, and then brother Emmon's going to represent the Moo Moo Koo group, and then the guys who want to go from Quezon City. So I say for so many today, we'll probably do so many a little bit less time than normal, I think a lot of us are exhausted, but we'll have to get through the testimonies, I'll come back up here and go through a few things and carry you guys over there. So let's give you guys a few things from Pampanga. So we went down there on Thursday, and it took us like five hours to get there because of traffic, which was fun, and once we got down there, I was kind of surprised that we had in our hotel, like when I went out, just people were beating themselves everywhere. Because I watched the interview with Stephen Anderson, Pastor Anderson, and James White, and James White said, oh people are really beating themselves, they're workers by themselves. I've never been here for Holy Week, so it's very, very common, especially in Pampanga. And so I woke up Friday morning and I just heard that sound, that unmistakable sound of people beating themselves, like 6.15 in the morning, I was like man, you can tell there's a lot of people doing it too. So I saw one person walking with a cross, like they were nailed to it, and there was like a group of like five or six people that were carrying crosses. I guess they were going to nail themselves later. The most amazing thing to me though was just that it seemed so normal to everybody. And to a lot of people it might be desensitized to because you've seen it, but for me, I didn't even want to see people beating themselves, it's really gross, it's disgusting. That just kind of shows no matter what you're taught or what you're around, you will become desensitized over time. It doesn't matter what it is, it will start to seem normal to you. And so for me it didn't seem normal at all, maybe it will here in a few years, I don't know. So that was on Friday, and so when we went soloing on Saturday, we had 25 solo owners, which is a pretty good number. We had obviously Brother Francis and his wife, this is Michelle, we're here, but also the families that visited from Pampanga last week came as well. But also my wife's old church was there as well, like half of them, some of them. And so this is kind of a testimony going five years back, but when my wife and I first started talking, their church didn't really do any soloing. And we started talking, and I talked about soloing to her when we were talking long distance, and their church started to implement soloing to their church. It was obviously new to them and everything like that. And so on Friday when I went out to the park just to do soloing, just talking to people that are out and about, I actually saw her old church leader was actually out there in the park. And so he's still the church leader now. And I was like, I haven't seen him in five years. I guess he's seen some of my videos online, I didn't even recognize him. And he's like, oh Matt, what time is soloing tomorrow? And I'm like, who are you? So I ended up recognizing him when he was pretty adept, but it took me a little while. This kind of shows that the seal that we have as a church, and as individuals, it does rub off on people. Because soloing is what we're about and it's exciting, and it just shows that it has a lasting impact. Like all these soloing marathons we do, it will have a lasting impact. And even some of these lame churches, the ones that are right on the gospel but are really lame, honestly some of them are going to see it and start to do at least some forms of evangelism or soloing. Even if it's not the best techniques, at least it's something. And so that was kind of exciting. And so we had 25 soul owners, and at the park there was just not that many people there, which the other groups experienced the same thing. I think it was just really hot or maybe Catholic festival or whatever they were doing, I don't know. There weren't that many people there, so we really had to search for the people we were going to talk to. So we kind of went and left the park and were just stopping people on the side of the road and everything. So we ended up with, in the morning session, I'm trying to think of the exact number we had of salvation. It was in the 50s, I think, high 50s. And then a lot of people had to go because it was World Church's anniversary, so they could only say the first half. And then we stayed and got up to 80 souls saved for 25 soul owners. It's a good number, it's 3.2 per person. And I like the numbers because it's a good number, but it's not a crazy number. We didn't come back with 800 salvation. 80 salvation, but it was really hard. I had four salvations, which is not great, it's not terrible. But it took a lot of work to get those four. Really spending a lot of time and searching and everything like that. And so it's just exciting to be a part of that. 80 salvations, amen. And we had another church that was able to help participate with us, and they do have the same gospel as us, so that's great news. So it's just exciting to be a part of it. All right, Brother Evan. Good afternoon, guys. So I am here to represent the Mutiluba chapter. So our exact location was the Sunken Garden, and it is near the New religion prison. I don't know if you guys are familiar with that, but it's like the Alcatraz version of the Philippines. So these are where the maximum security inmates are. And so we have a total of 15 winners that night, and I think we have counted until, was it 47? Yeah, 47 salvations. So in the morning, though, it saved us the situation in Pampanga, where people are not that much in the park itself, so the team decided to go on a door-to-door preaching. And there are a few people at that moment. I think it's because of the heat. Most doors that we open up doesn't seem like responding. It's as if they were not home. I don't know why. But it was the afternoon part where we became more productive. As we can see, the people hanging out in the parks are gradually increasing. So me and my partner, Brother Lem, have been preaching from couple to couple to couple during that afternoon. It was much more better than what we had in the morning. But for me, my highlight just happened maybe a few minutes before the first morning session just got out, where I had a chance to speak with an inmate of the new Brazilian prison. Surprisingly, he was out in the prison, so I thought he was just a normal guy. But the guy is pretty much a dark complexion, small and built, wearing just white sandals, but his body is all marked up with tattoos and all. So as I go and preach the gospel to him, he keeps on bothering me. He was saying in Tagalog, Ditos a medium, kameis a medium, where I'm going to preach Amen about religion. But I don't know what's the meaning of that medium. It just, when I found out, when I continued my preaching to him, when I got to Revelation 21, 8, wherein there's a fearful and unbelieving, and then all of a sudden he started, seeming like he's reading my Bible, and he pointed the murderer apart, and he says, oh, this is my case. Then it just hit me that this guy is a murderer, and he killed someone. Well, at least he already knows that he's about to go to hell, and he's admitting it. But the thing is, I still continue preaching, and it made me nervous. I was thinking, would this guy kill me if I would offend him? Something like that. But praise God that he believes in us, in what we're preaching, and he told me that he believed in Jesus. Among all of the religious groups that he heard, he told me that ours is the one that made sense to him because the gospel is pretty plain and simple and it's easy to understand. And praise God for that. And I just want to highlight what Brother Stuckey mentioned a while ago in Jeremiah 32, 27. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? And the answer is still none. So my take on that is that if God is for us, then he can be against us. And this will also serve as an encouragement for all those new soul winners out there and those who want the Christ all winning. It's really a good experience, especially if you will be in a big group like this, like the mega-marathon. And I'm really blessed to be a part of it, and I just want to praise God for all those who saved yesterday. That's it. Thank you very much. Alright, so I'll be sending to you also the case for the case. Yeah, what happened yesterday with the castle city group. You can correct me guys if I missed something out. So overall it was a great experience, soul winning again in the castle city circle. And like what the other cases in other places in Mupang, the morning was, you would see the Jao times. So it's the Jai times that you cannot find that much people unlike in the afternoon. And the interesting part about soul winning in the castle city circle is the false prophets. So I very well know how I feel with false prophets. But don't worry, I was calm. I was able to fulfill my promise. I was calm with them. And while you're here with me, I'd like to give you a special mention on how we should deal with false prophets. I'd like to also share that with you as well. If you will be soul winning in a public place and you see a false prophet preaching a false gospel to a certain group of people or a person, after they presented their message, you come to them, approach them, and also presented them the gospel. And most likely, in my case, they were able to receive the gospel in both groups. So this group from Korea preached their false gospel and I talked to the guy. I was able to save the guy from hell. And the other one preached in the afternoon. There comes the lordshipers, the people who preach lordship and salvation. Same thing, they got saved as well. And it was also the same case. I also heard about Catholics who are defending themselves, trying to defend their works and their ways of heaven. Okay, well, they can go to hell if they want to. So, yeah. And overall it was great. We got 66 salvation for the entire day and 17 soul winners were able to do a great job. So, yeah, that's it for this evening. Amen. Alright, well, great work everyone. Let me just say one thing before we get started on soul winning. We've been around, I think, as a church for five months, pretty much. We're very successful as a church. But honestly, you know, my wife and I want to thank everyone because, you know, we couldn't do it without everybody's help in getting stuff organized. We hosted three events, which meant that a lot of people were going to have to chip in to make those things happen. And just for our church to be successful, it is really a great benefit. Quite honestly, you know, in this area we really hope, which is sad that that's the way it is, but, you know, we got to do, you know, a mighty work for God. We just really appreciate everyone's help and so far things are very successful, so we just want to thank them for that. So let's just give a round of applause.