(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen all right Zephaniah chapter 2 so we're in the series of Zephaniah and last week I preached about being in season out of seasons he Zephaniah was a prophet and he was in a time of blessing in the time where Josiah was the king but yet he if you read if you've read ahead in any of these chapters he's not being a positive preacher he's no Joe Osteen that's for sure okay so he's not preaching the prosperity gospel he's preaching judgment because right after this is the hard times coming and see God's always gonna try to reach his people God's always gonna try to reach that next generation and it doesn't always work you know there but there it's always a remnant that carries the torch on to the next generation and then another movement sparks out of that so but Jerusalem just ended up getting wiped out in the end but God still saved a remnant remnant then also but tonight's sermon is titled the nations that forget God the nations that forget God let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for your word Lord and I just pray Lord you'd help me fill me with the Holy Ghost tonight as I preach your word I pray you'd help me to preach that which you'd have me to preach in Jesus name Amen alright so number one tonight we have God's judgment against the nations of this world and the Bible does talk a lot and a lot of different books about the judgment that he pronounces on different nations and so throughout history there's some old old countries and nations in this book that are talked about throughout the whole Bible and some of those places are still nations today like Syria you heard the name Syria Syria is still a nation today and there's still a place called Damascus you know this is thousands of years ago so but look at Zephaniah 2 1 it says gather yourselves together yea gather together o nation not desired before the decree bring forth before the day passes chaff as the chaff before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you before the day of the Lord's anger come upon you seek ye the Lord all you meek of the earth which have wrought his judgment seek righteousness seek meekness it may be you shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger so what's the Bible saying here the Bible saying that there's that these nations need to gather up and get saved right get saved before this wrath comes upon you and it might be that you shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger see people have this misunderstanding that only the people in Israel and Judah were saved but there were people in other nations that were saved too so in case you didn't realize this Jonah went and preached and almost everybody in that city got saved or at least a lot of those people got saved okay a lot of them just stop doing the wicked things that they were doing but God spared that nation that was a that was a heathen nation that was a wicked place and God spared them and saved a lot of those people the Bible Jesus said the people of Nineveh shall rise up against that generation that he preached to in Israel they're gonna rise up in judgment against them because they repented at the preaching of Jonas so there are people they have been getting saved in other places you know Job they said he lived in the land of us right so he that you know where us was that wasn't that was in Mo Moab I believe it's either Moab or Edom it was Edom so all those places and those people that was talking about those were Edomites Job was an Edomite I believe he was I mean it doesn't say Job was an Edomite but he lived there and his friends are Edomites and he lived in Edom so I mean there's people that were saved in Edom so just because God is gonna judge a nation that because they're wicked doesn't mean there's not people that are saved within those nations see we live in a wicked nation right now that's getting more wicked as the days go by but there is a remnant there is a remnant of people that are saved that love God but one of these days he's gonna say come out of her my people lest he be partakers of their sins so God doesn't want us to be partakers at some point that that whore of Babylon is gonna be judged which I believe of course is the United States and when that place is judged God's gonna say to his people you get out of there so I'm pretty sure there won't be a lot of saved people left so it probably might not be as difficult as you might think I was thinking how are they gonna get across the border but you know the thing is with God all things are possible right so you know and it takes a meek person to be saved it takes a person not a proud person God doesn't save the proud the people that are proud God is not gonna save those people until they humble themselves in the sight of God so he's calling these nations that forget God to seek righteousness that they could be hid in the day of the Lord's anger so individuals can still get saved in the United States individuals can still get saved in Iraq in Afghanistan in these wicked places there's people that are saved in Iran there's a guy I know that listens to sermons in our movement and he's in Iran I don't know how he's broadcasting what he brought he must be like a super hacker or something so they find out who he is they're probably gonna kill him you know but he's got the guts to stand up and say what he believes I like that but you know that just goes to show that the preaching that this movement is doing is reaching all nations so I'll talk about that a little bit more as I go on through here but God knows how to protect the saved God look in the land of Goshen there were saved people that God protected there were Israel God protected Israel in the land of Goshen during the plagues of Egypt right because if you if you read that account in Exodus it says it was thick darkness everywhere right nobody can see except for in Goshen they could see you know and every time I would say there was this plague it was affecting everybody else but in the land of Goshen it wasn't so God can protect his people in a judgment so second Peter 2 9 says this turn over to Psalm 9 Psalm chapter 9 I'm gonna read for you in 2nd Peter 2 9 it says the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished here in Psalm chapter 9 look at verse 15 the Bible says the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made and the net which they hid is their own foot taken see nobody's responsible for you know people are responsible for their own sins you know even though the devil is ruling over the the nations and he's ruling over the world and deceiving people they're still ultimately responsible for their own sin the Bible says in verse 16 it says the Lord is known by the judgment which he executed the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands and so the wicked are snared by the work of their own hands or you reap what you sow don't you and if you sow wickedness in this world that wickedness is gonna is gonna be reaped like a whirlwind God's gonna destroy the wicked look at verse 17 it says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God and so these nations that forget God were they going they're going to hell now does that mean every single person is going to hell every single person is not saved going to hell but as a nation God will judge a whole place as a nation for their wickedness he still judged Judah for their wickedness was there saved people in Judah at the time yeah and those but they still God still punished everybody took all those people out of the way but you know there was still saved people Daniel was saved right there was a lot of people that were still saved but the country overall was judged for its wickedness so all nations that forget God that is Ren though their end is to end up in hell and most people are going to hell today you know they're you know not everybody's going to heaven you know the Pope seems to think that everybody's just gonna disappear that doesn't believe with no they're not the Bible says they're turned into hell verse 18 says for the needy shall not always be forgotten the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever arise o Lord let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight and who are the heathen the heathen are the unbelievers that's what they are so it says put them in fear o Lord that the nations may know themselves to be but men see you notice in the Bible that Kings would end up saying I am a god I'm like God I'm a God King and that's why Tyrus was preached against that's why all these different kings like Nebuchadnezzar had had to have his wings clipped and then he didn't clip his nails for seven years right so God clipped his wings then he needed to clip his fingernails but anyway see men try to puff themselves up and to think that they're way better than what they really are but we are mortals right now I mean our bodies are gonna die someday and those people that are not saved they only have this life to live that's it they're done they're going straight to hell but the teaching that non-christian nations will get a free pass from God is a false doctrine and it's a stupid doctrine and a lot of churches do teach that that oh well the pygmies in Africa they're gonna get a free pass because no missionary ever got to them that's not true you know the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God all the tribes that forget God all the tongues that forget God everybody that forgets about God look at most of the problem is is that their ancestors didn't have a godly line they didn't have a godly seed they didn't have someone to teach the next generation the Bible and it got lost so man is not primitive they made themselves primitive by forgetting about God but the gospel has gone all over the world everybody has a chance to be saved but you know worse Christians are supposed to be doing the soul-winning to get them saved and that's not been happening for a long time so the Bible says in Romans 1 20 it says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse they're without excuse they have no excuse when they stand before God he's gonna throw them in hell just like he would throw anybody else Romans 1 21 says because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened the pygmy was darkened at some point in his heart and lost and I don't know there's probably saved pygmies I just used that example because people always go what about the pygmies in Africa there's probably more say pygmies in Africa than there are in certain places I'll tell you that who knows I mean I don't really know but there's a lot of nations out there that are just wicked as hell though Japan wicked as hell they need the gospel at some point a nation rejects the Lord as a whole and they're gonna be turned into hell Ezekiel 32 if you read that chapter talks about how the Pharaoh is gonna go down to the pit with all his men see the leaders of these nations also lead their people to hell with their wicked practices and their wicked religions that they allow to flourish in their countries and then they lead that whole nation into hell read Ezekiel 32 sometime it talks about all the all the nations in this chapter tonight are pretty much covered in Ezekiel 32 and look what it says happens to them they're going down to the pit they're going to hell so let's look at the Philistines tonight and turn back and I don't know if you turned away from Zephaniah to but we do go verse by verse so you always want to keep a hand there or whatever and be able to get back there quickly let's talk about the Philistines so Zephaniah to verse 4 the Bible says this for Gaza shall be forsaken and Ashkelon a desolation they shall be they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day and Ekron shall be rooted up now what are these places these are cities of the Philistines if you if you've read the Bible at all you've probably seen these names before where was Goliath from he was from Gath but Ekron and Ashdod and all these places Ashkelon these are where the kings of the Philistines ruled if you if you've read the book of 1st Samuel and 2nd Samuel it says in verse 5 woe unto the inhabitants of the seacoast the nation of the Cherithites the word of the Lord is against you o Canaan the land of the Philistines I will even destroy thee that there shall be no inhabitant is there a nation called the Philistines anymore anybody know who the Philistines are yeah you know why because God said he was going to destroy him and he did where are they there's no nation called Philistine or there's Palestine so those might be some of their remnants but the Bible says here I will destroy thee that there shall be no inhabitant as knows it says the word of the Lord is against you that's basically like saying Jesus is against you right who's the word of God Jesus Christ the Bible is the word of God God's word is spoken Jesus is is the word of God right it says the word of God is against you see Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever and he's just like he's against the nations today he was against the nations back then but he does want people to be saved but there comes a point you know God is long-suffering if you look at how long-suffering he was with Israel and Judah it took him a long time before he finally wiped them out all along and even the countries like he said that the let's see about Canaan he said that their their iniquity was not filled up yet or something along those lines that they the children of Israel weren't allowed to conquer that land until 400 years after Jacob left right so that he was long-suffering them for 400 years and then they all became faggots and sorcerers and whatever else sacrificing their children in the fires and all the wicked things they did people are like well God just told those people to murder those people no they those people needed to be put to death they were wicked they were so wicked that they were sacrificing children in the fire lying down with animals you know being sodomites they were wicked as hell and that's why God killed them and destroyed their countries look at verse 6 it says the seacoast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds and for folds and flocks the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah and they shall feed thereupon and the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening for the Lord their God shall visit them and turn away their captivity so turn over to Amos chapter 1 Amos chapter 1 if you can find it Amos chapter 1 Amos chapter 1 look at verse 8 Bible says and I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod and from him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon and I will turn mine hand against Ekron and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish sayeth the Lord God so here's another prophecy of the Philistines being wiped out there are no longer a nation but you know there are still people called Palestinians I'm not saying that that's the Philistines I don't know if that's why they call that land Palestine or whatever I mean it kind of sounds similar but those people are basically prisoners of the so-called Israelites over there right now they basically built walls all around Palestine and some those people need Jesus just like anybody else does there's actually Christians there's probably more Christians of Palestine than there ever will be in Israel until until all the safe people move back in right but all the blonde haired blue-eyed so-called Israelites over there are keeping them hostage but they need to be reached with the gospel too I don't know what kind of internet access they have I don't even know if you're allowed to go there I've never actually really looked into it before it's something that'd be interesting to find out but why are the Philistines no longer a nation because the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God that's why the Philistines I mean over and over the Philistines were the thorn in Israel's side the whole time you know Goliath you know where Pastor Mendez is preaching a really great series about David and Goliath right now you should check it out but you know Goliath cursed God he cursed David by his gods which were our demons we know that but eventually God got sick of the Philistines and said you know what I'm done I'm wiping you away you're done out here no longer a nation let's look at Moab and Ammon judged Zephaniah 2 verse 8 says I have heard the reproach of Moab and the revelings of the children of Ammon whereby they have reproached my people and magnified themselves against their border therefore as I live saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel surely Moab shall be as Sodom and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah even the breeding of nettles and salt pits and a perpetual desolation the residue of my people shall spoil them and the remnant of my people shall possess them this shall they have for their pride why because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the Lord of hosts and they were doing that from the very get-go as soon as they left Egypt the Moabites wouldn't even let them pass through their land to get a drink of water you know and Moab was trying to curse Israel and you know they just were set themselves against them and who is Moab who is Ammon well those two nations were started by Lot's children that he had with his own daughters so that's where they came from but it seems to you know there's still there's no nation called Moab right now there's no nation called Ammon right now but the Bible does talk about them like popping back up later on so maybe the P he's talking about the people that are still in that area if you look and try to find Ammon there is still a place called Ammon it's in Jordan so there is still those places still exist Basra still exists on a map they just named renamed it some something else but but you know the thing is when when you're against God's people he's gonna be against you he's gonna be against that nation that's why you know God is weird God would always it's not weird but it's just the way God does things he would take a nation is super wicked and use them to punish Israel but then once he punished Israel then he'd go and destroy that nation that's just kind of how he does things that's just how he's how we you know and then those those nations get conquered by someone else and then he destroys that nation also you know it's just kind of just how he does things so at some point the nations that you know the nations are gonna turn against us too in this country why because we're wicked as hell this country's wicked as hell turn to Daniel I'm just gonna read for you in Daniel 11 41 it says this go ahead and go to Romans 12 Daniel 11 41 has an interesting part in there that says in verse 41 it says he shall enter into the glorious land talking about the Antichrist and many countries shall be overthrown but these shall escape out of his hand even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon so the Bible talks about Jesus having blood like grape he stains his robes with the grapes and he he comes out of Basra during the time when he slaughters you know the nations that rise up against in the Beast's army pretty interesting I don't know if he's going to judge Edom and Moab but it kind of seems like that's what he's doing you know it's like he's finally getting his vengeance against them but remember God says and I don't have time to turn to the verse but God does say that he'll repay people that curse him to their face I've read that scripture to you guys before I know you remember but God says I'll repay them to their face so God's not like somebody that just likes to you know beat around the bush about things when he really has it out for a he's gonna repay you to the face and maybe that's how his clothes get all stained up he just goes down to Moab real quick you know wipes them out and then moves on to the battle but anyway Romans 12 verse 19 here in Romans 12 verse 19 it says dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place under wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay sayeth the Lord so all those times that Moab and Ammon were against the children of Israel God's gonna pay him back God's gonna pay him back for all the things that they've done and he doesn't forget we might forget stuff guys you forget where your car keys are you have to ask where what your wife or that nobody has to remind God who he's got to repay he's gonna repay him he will repay and he's gonna repay the people that have done things to us wickedly also the people that are reprobates the ones that go up and tear all the invites off the off the walls of the places where we go you think he's gonna let that slide unless they get saved that's their only you know chance of escaping that judgment but trying to go and stop people from getting saved we had this lady that recognized pastor Jimenez last week and Dylan knocked on her door she's like is your pastor the pastor that celebrated the death of the 50 homosexuals that and Dylan was like have a nice day I just walked off but she she she didn't just leave it at that she had to go and start tearing all the invites off the doors I then went and tried to interrupt the soul winning that was going on and that's wicked as hell that's wicked and God's gonna repay that wickedness you know hopefully she gets saved I don't want God to destroy somebody but you know if she doesn't get saved God's gonna make sure that she gets repaid for what she did and back in let's go back to Zephaniah to Zephaniah to look at verse 11 the Bible says the Lord will be terrible unto them for he will famish all the gods of the earth and men shall worship him every one from his place even all the aisles of the heat and see so he's going back to this where he's gonna be terrible unto them the ones that he's gonna destroy it says for he will famish all the gods of the earth and you know there's no other real gods beside God right so what who's he talking about the ones that think they're God and the ones that people worship and believe are gods these Buddhist these whatever Muhammadans what else the fake god of Mormonism who believes that God is is three different gods and there's millions of gods and they can become God and make some wear wet magic underwear and stuff like that what else the Jehovah's Witness days they serve a false god their God is not Jesus there the Jehovah that they serve is not the real Jehovah because Jesus is Jehovah so they got that wrong the Lord Jesus Christ he is God so um but you know the thing is is that men if the Bible says right here that men shall worship him every one from his place even all the aisles of the heathen and in the book Isaiah talks about how the the light of will shine under the Gentiles and we see this happen obviously in the New Testament where he goes in the nation of Israel and the people that we're gonna get saved get saved he calls the twelve apostles Judas betrays him he's killed on the cross he rises from the dead and what happens the Jews rejected him his own people rejected him and they end up going and spreading the gospel throughout all the aisles of the earth every place in the world you know and it started in Jerusalem and he had to kind of give him a little push a little persecution to get him out the door but you know that the Bible says that the gospel went out throughout the whole earth and it's gonna go around and keep going around and there's nations they're gonna you know right now there's nations that we cannot go into in China they just made it illegal for them to even download the Bible on their smartphones why are they so worried about whether they're gonna get a Bible or not because that's control that's why why do they always ban the Bible first because they want to control those people and make it brain you know brain to file them and turn them into commies like they are but that system never works you know they're gonna get the reprobates that they want but the rest of the people are just gonna be enslaved so and that's how it works that's how the little rocket man runs his country to the guy in North Korea what's his name Kim Jung is it Kim Jong-un yeah okay is that how you pronounce it okay I don't know they call a little Trump called him a little rocket man or whatever but but you know the thing is not funny about that though is that he tortures people to death he's a wicked wicked person and he's if you got if you're caught with the Bible there it's the death penalty or really super hard labor where they torture you and it's not a good time so and people they download stuff up there too but there's I watched a documentary where there people were smuggling things into North Korea but guess what happens to them when they get caught they get tortured they get killed it's bad so there's countries out there that are just they lock down their internet when we went to Canada my phone quit working like that so they can shut you down if you got like some prepaid cell phone you're not gonna be able to get around in Canada so it's the same thing in the Philippines I'm gonna have to use some kind of different phone while I'm there but if they can do that with you know they have different frequencies for other people they have their their control grid is getting tighter all over the world even in the places where it's supposedly free I'm driving down to a five on the way here tonight and there's this big giant pole I see a camera pointing down there's cameras in this city everywhere on every street corner every place they're watching us if they wanted to flip our internet off like that they could and they probably will at some point can you live without your internet Oh Sean can you live that yes yeah but just remember this that God wants people to be saved and we got to find a way to reach these nations before they get turned into hell and there's many places that are going to hell right now the Ethiopians in Zephaniah is 212 it says Ethiopians also you shall be slain by my sword is God talking it's not just somebody some regular sword it's my sword and when God swords coming after you you're not gonna get away so that's what happens the Ethiopians they had people that were saved there too I'm sure there's people saved there right now but the Coptics have taken over they're like Catholics they're basically Catholic Ethiopians right there's Catholic what is it the Coptic Egyptian they're basically just Catholic Egyptians so that they're not serving the true God they're serving their Babylonian God Nineveh and Assyria verse 13 it says and he will stretch out his hand against the north and destroy Assyria and will make Nineveh a desolation dry like a wilderness and flocks shall lie down in the midst of her and the beasts of the nations both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lentils of it their voice shall sing in the windows desolation shall be in the thresholds for he shall uncover excuse me the cedar work so Nineveh Jonah preached to Nineveh they end a bunch of people getting saved but what happens not too long after that they become a desolation see they didn't obviously didn't teach the next generations and so they end up getting destroyed is Nineveh still a big city anybody heard of Nineveh lately yeah says the void both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lentils of it so what are those things there are types of water birds I looked them up before I came because I was like what's a cormorant but but it's a type of bird that they're known for eating a lot of food like I looked at some Google pictures of it and then one like one had a cobra in its mouth or something or some kind of water snake but it had like a snake in its mouth and the other one had like a fish it was like bigger than it in its mouth and then the bittern is kind of like another kind of type of water bird but they're like the birds that can soar you know at the beach or whatever because this Nineveh was was like an ocean like a beach type city that's where all you know is lavish and they thought they were invincible but you know that's the problem is that these wicked nations they start thinking they're invincible but nobody's invincible against God so these birds are are singing in their in their ruins verse 15 says this is the rejoicing of the city that dwelt carelessly and said in her heart I am and there's none beside me that's what the people of the city that's where they got to I am and there's none beside me who else says that isn't that something that God says right how has she become a desolation a place for beasts to lie down everyone that passeth by her shall hiss and wag his hand so everyone that passeth by shall hiss well I don't think that that's really like in our culture today where you walk by and go but apparently people did that back then I guess and wag his hand people do that like don't bring it into my house again swat no I don't know it's a basketball thing but there's something the only God can truly say and have it be truth and that what they said there I am there's none beside me that's only God can say that I'll turn over to Isaiah chapter 45 Isaiah chapter 45 give you an example of God saying that he says it more than once in the Bible but here's a good one I found Isaiah chapter 45 verse 5 see if this sounds familiar to that same verse I am the Lord and there's none else there is no God beside me I girded thee though thou hast not known me that they may know from the rising of the Sun and from the West that there is none beside me I am the Lord and there is none else that's God the only God can say that and it's really true these people are clowns and the birds are chirping in their windowsills of the desolation that God made it so people need to be careful about how high up they think they really are when you start saying that I am there's none else besides me you're in a really dangerous place God's judgment is swiftly coming upon you there's a lot of proud people like that in the world though they think they're so hotshot and they think they're so cool and they start saying things that they don't really they probably shouldn't be saying and God's gonna knock you down from your little perch this pride though comes from the wickedness of the devil and the nations and people that follow him because see ultimately the devil has control of all this world you know God works within his people and he and he has a people that is called out by his called by his name but the devil has a lot more people but we're you know one two people can chase 10,000 Amen of God's people but the real spirit behind the statement that was made in Nineveh comes from the devil turn over to Isaiah chapter 14 the devil is the one that's really running things he has networks all over he's got everything sewn up his web is getting tighter and tighter and we are just the people God's people that have to live within its system and it is getting tighter I mean if you're paying attention it's getting tighter Isaiah 14 verse 12 look at this how art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer son of the morning how art there cut down from the ground which did weaken the nations for thou hast said nine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high so five times Satan said I will but what's God say to him look at verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit that's his and that's his destruction he's gonna try to do as much harm as he can and try to destroy as much people and send as many people to hell as he can before this takes place verse 16 says they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened up the house of his prisoners all the kings of the nations even all of them lie in glory every one in his own house but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch and as the raiment of those that are slain thrust through with the sword that go down to the stones of the pit as a carcass trodden under feet thou shall not be joined with them in burial because thou has destroyed thy land and slain thy people the seed of the evildoers shall never be renowned so the seed of the devil the people that work for him his his actual sons the sons of the devil the sons of Belial they'll never be renowned in the world to come we're not even gonna think about those people they're never gonna be famous anymore LeBron James is not going to be famous in the kingdom of heaven Michael Jordan is not going to be famous in the kingdom of heaven Shaquille O'Neal is not going to be famous in the kingdom of heaven who else John Stockton if you don't even know John Stockton is shall not be famous in the kingdom of heaven Charles Barkley shall not be famous in the kingdom of heaven because he's rejected the gospel and those are the heroes today you know in the American soldiers right the American soldiers with the Vietnam stickers on the back of their trucks it I mean people just worship anything but God isn't that weird it's strange those people will not be renowned and renowned means remembered for the great and valiant things that they did they're not gonna be remembered but the things that God's people do that will be remembered because it says right here prepare the slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers verse 21 that they do not rise nor possess the land nor fill the face of the of the world with cities for I will rise up against him say that the Lord of host and cut off from Babylon the name the remnant and the son the nephew say that the Lord so we're talking about Babylon here but who ran Babylon who ultimately was the was the leader of Babylon it was the devil same thing with the Medes and Persians and with the Greeks and with the Romans Egypt Assyria all these wicked nations the devil had ultimate control over them look at verse 23 and I will make it a possession for the bittern and see the bittern again this bitter and he likes to go to these desolate places that God destroys eats all the snakes or something I don't know and the pools of water and I will sweep it from the be some of destruction say that the Lord of hosts so Satan he runs the world now but there's gonna be a time coming when everything's gonna be different we live in a world right now that's so crazy that we don't even realize how crazy it is until we actually start thinking about it and I was gonna read these verses in Ezekiel but I don't have time to do that but if you read Ezekiel 28 it talks about the fall of Satan and how he was lifted up with pride in his heart and he thought he was so beautiful and then he was he was he was he was he was awesome until an equity is found in him tell his pride until he said I will do this he wanted to become he will be like the most highest what he that's what he wants he wants to be worshipped he wants to be adored by people that's why his sons the sons of Belial they want to be worshiped too don't they the rock stars all worship me the movie stars all worship me the Jews over Oh worship me lick my boots just you know the people that the devil controls want to be worshiped they want to be adored but the thing is is that that's not gonna God's not gonna allow that to happen for too much longer second Timothy turn over there second Timothy two I am almost done so bear with me here second Timothy 2 second Timothy 2 verse 4 Bible says in the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient sounds like Anthony gentle outpatient I'm just kidding I'm kidding he is he's gentle all right in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God paired venture will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will so does it sound like the devil can take people that are unsaved captive at his will yes it does at his will so who runs this thing the devil and we're like the the lights shining in the darkness God's lights in this world and the devil has this world snared and captive we're going to the Philippines what are we talking about tonight we're talking about the nations that forget God and the Philippines haven't completely forgot God there's they're probably more righteous than we are over there in reality their president kills drug dealers that's that's a plus so he's killing the sorcerers in the land he's killing the rapists but he doesn't sound like he's too good of a guy himself so I was reading up about him today people like him though because he's killing criminals and criminals have taken over there there's a big underage sex trade there that's just wicked as hell but he kills those people so people like that and good I'm glad now hopefully he can get saved you know maybe maybe maybe he'll find a psychopath reprobate DVD or something so but the people got to understand that doctrine you know it is really important brother Joe major when he was down in Jamaica I think he preached a sermon about it and people receive that really well because they're not hearing that in church anymore so I'm not saying we're going over there just to preach the reprobate doctrine but if I happen to get a chance to talk about it I probably will I might preach a sermon about it I don't know but why are we going there what's the purpose that we're going to the Philippines brother Aaron is to save as many many people as possible that's what the goal is that's that's goal number one to get as many people saved as possible you know are we gonna just leave them like sheep without a shepherd no but if they want to if they you know we're starting a church there it's coming soon to the Philippines near you you know brother stuck he's gonna start that up and hopefully take over his pastor someday and you know I'm praying for brother Stuckey we got it we got there's a lot of good people over in the Philippines but they have a lot of weak Baptist churches over there just because you know what the weak Baptist churches went over and started a bunch of weak churches over there and you know we're not gonna go and just throw 500 invites out the window and say oh I think about 200 of those people got saved that's not what we're doing over there that's what they did that's what they do that's their soul winning you know go in 1 2 3 repeat after me you know look that's not how you can't just count 200 people saved because you threw 5,000 invites out of a window of a car seriously I know a church that did that they said oh yeah I think we got like 200 you know coming back with a testimony that they got all these people saved you didn't get those people saved unless you actually went through the gospel with them and they called upon the name of the Lord with you you got nobody saved by throwing a bunch of you know they probably use them for fire starter they're like oh yeah they're gathering them up yeah so they can put them in the fire and burn them later that's probably what they did they're going to all these remote villages where they can't even speak English and throwing invites out the window I mean so stupid is that that is not soul winning that is not what we're doing but we want to get as many people saved and baptized and in a church as soon as possible to teach them the Bible and hopefully that weakness there's no weakness clinging to them you know these this with these weak bat Remy when he went to the Philippines he said that the first church they went to had an and I had was it NIV NIV Bibles at a Baptist Church there so and we're there's an independent Baptist Church going and in holding services with these people I wouldn't hold a service there until they threw all those and burn those in the guard in the fire but it's to help the workers that are already there that's the other reason why we're there there's brother Richie signs is over there tearing it up I don't know if anybody's watching any of his videos where he preaches like thousands of kids at the same time it's awesome he's a rock star over there like a Christian rock star well his rock is Jesus so not like not like Justin just kidding but we're going there to support you know we're going there to get people saved baptize them and disciple them you know but it's not the this we're not going to disciple them out of Paul Chappell's discipleship book okay that's not happening some unsaved person telling another person how to be a good Christian anyway so how can we help these nations today the obvious answer is soul winning okay and if you get sick of hearing about soul winning well I'm sorry you know go find a church that doesn't go so wanting that because we're always gonna talk about it it's always gonna be the first thing at this church it's always gonna be the first work at this church as long as I'm here anyway you can throw me out and start a choir if you want but as long as I'm here we're doing so winning we're talking about so winning and that's gonna be the main emphasis of this church so how are we gonna keep this that nation from forgetting God and going to hell we're gonna tell them about Jesus that's what we're gonna do what's the hope of Palestine today Jesus what's the hope of Iran today Jesus what's the hope of North Korea today Jesus what's the hope of Syria today Jesus what's the hope of Ethiopia today Jesus what's the hope of Jordan today Jesus what's the hope of Israel today Jesus it's not ran fan okay what's the hope of you know Afghanistan of Iran Iraq Afghanistan all these countries that won't let the gospel be in there what's their hope today Jesus and you know that we can't reach them we can't go to those countries why because they're closed off North Korea you'll be dealing if you go over there they will kill you so how are we gonna get in there YouTube tell they kick us off YouTube I was just looking at our analytics again last night for that Billy Graham sermon because it's like been viewed like a hundred sixty thousand times but what what I don't care about that what I care about is who's been who's it reaching people from Kazakhstan and all these countries I've never heard of yeah Kazakhstan what's that country where they kill the homos the Russian one where they said that you know what happened all the homos that disappeared then they said Chechnya yeah they said we don't have any homosexuals America they disappeared they disappeared like we don't have any homosexuals in our country I don't know what happened to them but you know YouTube is going into all the world you know if we can't if we can't get into the country YouTube can get into the country at least on some kind of pirate illegal who knows how many people are watching the sermons from the churches in our movement on some illegal download that they're having to hide in some cave to watch or something you know seriously or maybe they got little flash drives they got somehow got snuck across who knows who knows what the impact of all these sermons is but hopefully I mean if there's people have saved and I ran from the sermons then it is going into all the other countries and maybe at some point some of these countries will open back up again you can pill that devil off the the lid of their country and let some Christians back in there to preach the gospel because the time of the end is getting closer every day the time of our Lord coming back is getting closer every day and you know even if we can't win the whole world we're not gonna win the whole world to Jesus because few are they that get saved right but what we can do is make a big dent in it before the end comes right so the nations that forget about God are gonna be in hell we got to reach them so pray for us as we go and you know hopefully this country can be reached again for God to amen all right let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the Bible we thank you so much for the opportunity to go and preach the gospel in other countries I pray Lord you'd help us as we go many people would be saved and that Lord we'd be able to get as many people saved as possible before you come back Lord we know that we can do all things for you and we could get our strength from you Lord and I just pray that you'd bless this church continue to bless it watch over it as we're gone and just pray Lord that you would help us to win many souls here in Vancouver in Portland also to Lord and the next 10 days or so and I just pray Lord that you bless brother Oliver as he comes and brother Joe and protect them on their way up Jesus name Amen