(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man I write the title of the sermon this morning is all roads lead to heaven All roads lead to heaven. So this is the part four of my Wrong views about God series. So this is something that people will say when you hear them when you knock on their doors They'll say well, I just think that every religion can get you there You know, they're following the light that they know or something along those lines and that is a wrong view about God Because they'll say well all is the same God is the God of the Bible. No, he's not It might mean the same thing but you know what, I would never call God Allah because of the negative connotation that it has and knowing that these Muslims that believe in a workspace salvation and that they think that their way is the only way to get to heaven and that we're wrong, but You know They say that all these different prophets are gonna come that the ama Mahdi is gonna come and then he's gonna bring Jesus with him and Jesus is gonna kill all the infidels They kind of got that part right a little bit Jesus is gonna come back and kill all the infidels at some point, but the rest of it they got all wrong So the Bible, you know the title sermon is all roads lead to heaven But obviously I don't believe that all roads lead to heaven I believe that there's only one way to get to heaven and that's the only point of my sermon today is there's only One way to heaven. Let's look at John chapter 4 verse number 5 the Bible says Thomas saith unto him Lord, we know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father But by me, let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for your word Lord that just Just shows us the way Lord the truth and the life and Lord We know that you're the only way to get to heaven and we know we understand There's a lot of people that are confused out there Lord I pray that you just give me The words to say today Lord help me to speak boldly on this truth and Lord Help me to be filled with the Holy Spirit right now as I begin to preach Lord Let the people be attentive to your word and have ears to hear what you have to say to him this morning Jesus name We pray amen so the word the in The grammar of the English language is a determiner It's a person or thing that determines or decides something, okay, we use the word the a lot Sometimes we use it wrongly like the you know, it will say that or you know, sometimes we use it, right? But there's a lot of times that we use the word the it's it's probably one of the most common things that we would say In the English language, but you know I just want to let you know today that Jesus didn't say that he was a way to get that he wasn't a way I'm a way. No, he didn't say that and he also didn't say I'm one way You know, I'm one way to get to heaven. He said he was the way All right, and the word the is also known as the definite article And it's used to refer to a particular member of a group or class It may be something that the speaker has already mentioned or it may be something uniquely specified The is the only definite article in English for both singular and plural nouns So when Jesus says he he said I am the way He said I'm the definite way the only way to get to heaven And so, you know English class is over So we're gonna go to the Bible but many people around the world here believe that there are many ways to get to heaven Lots who's heard that when you're out soul wanting that there's lots of different ways Like you'll be giving them the gospel for a long time And then finally they just reveal that, you know, they believe every way can get can get you there, too And so that's why I'm preaching the sermon so that you can have a little bit of ammunition And so we can understand how we can defeat this argument very easily or out going door-to-door Hey, and they might not believe you they might not believe what you're saying, but I'll tell you what the Bible is very clear How you get to heaven All right, and it's not by all different religions the light that you have. It's not that you saw creation It's not anything else. It's just one way to get to heaven. Jesus said I am the way I am the way He didn't say there's any other way. He didn't say it's a way. He said it's the way So, you know and a lot of people are sincere in this thought I don't think I don't think everybody that believes this way Just as doing it because they're possessed of the devil or they're a false prophet or whatever I think some people have just been taught this And they're sincere in this thought But you know you could be sincere, but you can also be sincerely wrong Okay, so just because you're sincere doesn't mean you're not wrong and so some people you know you feel like you're tearing them up at The door you feel kind of bad. They're just like destroying their religion in front of them. You know And you know that's what we have to do that because if you don't rip out their foundation Then they're not going to understand the gospel So if they're in part of one of these cults or one of these different false religions You know you have to show them that Jesus is the only way to heaven and so especially when they say hey There's many roads to heaven This is when you would want to pull these verses out and just say gee look what Jesus said you know because that's what makes People mad about Christianity because we say that that's the only way to get to heaven So they will get mad and sometimes like you don't understand why someone's mad well It's because you're saying that Jesus is the only way you're calling that you're telling them that they're a sinner You're telling them that if they don't get saved if they don't believe in Christ, and they're gonna go to hell Which is the truth and we have to tell the truth. This is we're not here to just you know go Oh, well, you know you could be right. No. They're wrong. We have to tell them that they're wrong And we don't have to be big jerks about it either, but at some point Whether it's you know whether you're being a jerk or not you have to tell them the truth, so People can be sincerely wrong and you say well, but pastor Thompson's there's so many different religions out in the world How can how can they how can we say that we only have the right way to heaven? Well, you know how why why is it that you say that it's the only way to get heaven is through Jesus because That is the only way because the Bible says so that's why and you know what if we don't believe the Bible We might as well just pack it up and get out of here right now And just walk home or go watch the Super Bowl make your Super Bowl plans or whatever you want to do But you know at this church. This is what we believe and you know They're wrong. They're just simply wrong and we have to show them that they're wrong So according to who according to Jesus according to what according to the Bible so turn to Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 this morning Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 and look I could go on and on all day about this But I'm not going to I just want to show you some verses that teach you know that what I'm telling you is the truth Obviously the first one you know I am the way the truth in life. That's pretty self-explanatory, right? I mean, how can you misinterpret that well believe it or not? There's people that do misinterpret that and they're believe it or not There's people that do believe this and call themselves a Christian preacher So but look at Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 it says entry into the straight gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at So how many people are going to heaven? It's not a lot You know and you know we would measure it by How many per bill you know how many people how many billion people are there on the planet right now? Was it seven or eight billion or something like that is it eight someone say eight someone gonna give you seven Can I give it eight? I was gonna I don't know exactly the exact number, but out of those billions of people how many of those people are actually saved I? Would say there's probably millions But the billion is a big number seven billion. That's a really big number Congress doesn't understand that but you know we do understand that so Anyway it says broad is the way that leadeth to destruction many there be which go in there at Jesus This is Jesus talking okay He's saying there's many people that will go through the broad way and that way leads to destruction What's it? What's he saying? There's not many roads to heaven. There's only one way to heaven It's a straight gate. There's only one way. It's a narrow path says because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and Few there be that find it so how many are saved few when you look when you're talking about billions of people It's few I'm not saying three like only three people in here are saved or something like that Okay, I'm just he's just saying that in comparison to the number of the population. There's only few people that are saved it's not a lot of people you know homos are like the 2% of the population I would say probably Christianity is probably about the same Truly saved people truly saved Christians, maybe two or three I don't know that for a hundred percent surety, but when it says few it's talking about not very many right So if you look at a percentage wise if it was three percent I mean that would be few right so a few percentage of people going to heaven so Jesus I mean over and over explains this concept that he is the only way to get to heaven and it's a narrow way Which leads unto life, okay? So I preach a sermon against world-famous evangelist Billy Graham a couple of years ago right around you know This date somewhere around this date. It's about two years ago. It was highly controversial it has 323,000 856 views on YouTube right now Not a week goes by that. I don't have comments on that video I've explained this to you guys before but there what are they doing in the in the comments? They're damning me to hell saying how wrong. I am to judge my brother and That I'm wrong on repentance, and if I don't repent that I'm gonna go to hell I mean some people I just think that they didn't watch the sermon at all You know and I honestly I don't even think was that great of a sermon to be honest with you It was not not like I knocked it out of the park or anything, but what were they upset about? They're upset because I attacked Billy Graham who is super popular not just in the United States of America Not just in England, but all over the whole world. I'm getting comments from broken English, and it's like I'm trying to decipher You know they're broken language that they're trying to say to me They probably went through Google Translate or something to try to rebuke me or whatever But you know I said hey if you find a verse in the King James Bible that says That you have to repent of your sins to go to heaven I will take this video down and so people just keep putting repent they put all these verses about repent But none of those verses say you have to repent of your sins You know why because you don't have to it's never gonna be found in the King James Bible It's not in the King James Bible. You don't have to repent of your sins to go to heaven You have to believe on Christ. He's the way. He's the truth. He's the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by him He explains it in Matthew chapter 7 verse number 13. It's a straight gate. It's a narrow way It's not the broad way. It's not through the Buddhist through the you know all these different religions. It's one way It's God's way. It's through this book the only book. It's not from Joseph Smith's book It's not from you know the whatever What's about the the Jehovah's Witnesses false Bible version that only they read you know because it's just their special little Bible version It's not through the Quran that doesn't make any sense whatsoever It just has no it it makes no sense like they'll they'll contradict themselves Over and over again. That's not the way to get to heaven, but the reason why I brought up the Billy Graham thing is this I Want to read to you a transcript that I didn't read in that sermon. I want to read a transcript to you and On the on the YouTube video I'll put a description like that actually the description link that I put on the original video has been removed removed by the user So maybe they just you know caught some heat and maybe YouTube removed it. I don't know You know whatever. It's like a two-minute clip that you could just clearly hear what he says The only one on the internet on YouTube that I found is a nine-minute clip that posts some other of his Stuff in there, and it clearly says what Billy Graham says okay? But I've gotten a lot of heat over that video And you know what I stand 100% behind every single word that I said and the reason why I stand behind every single word That I says because I'm right and they're wrong God's right. They're wrong and Billy Graham is you know let me get through this real quick Okay, all right in the so in the video It says May 13th 1997 on the hour of power television program titled say yes to possibility thinking program 1426 Robert Schuler Interviewed by Billy or interviewed Billy Graham what mr.. Graham said in the video is very alarming The following is transcribed from the video where he says the following okay now listen up close to what he says So everybody thinks Billy Graham is the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's the super popular evangelist and all this other stuff How could you condemn Billy all this other stuff right listen what he says with his own words? I think everybody that loves Christ or knows Christ whether they're conscious of it or not they're members of the body of Christ and That's what God is doing today He's calling people out of the world for his name whether they come from the Muslim world or the Buddhist world Or the Christian world or the non-believing world They are members of the body of Christ because they've been called by God They may not even know the name of Jesus But they know in their heart that they need something that they don't have and they turn to the only light they have And I think that they are saved and they're going to be with us in heaven If that's not the biggest load of garbage you've ever heard in your whole life. That's heresy. That's wickedness And anybody that says that Billy Graham saved after hearing him say that you're insane You just you know, let me introduce you to something. It's called the Bible The Bible says that when false prophets say things like this, they're going to hell So that's why I preached a sermon called why Billy Graham is roasting in hell Because you know what? I believe today that he after a couple years is still roasting in hell. I Stand a hundred percent behind that sermon and this is what he said that really, you know I mean, this is the biggest thing that he said that is against him Not only that though that he also claims you must repent of your sins to be saved Just like every other stinking weak church that preaches the same garbage And obviously I understand that people could say repent and not understand what they're saying is wrong. I Understand there's a spectrum so to speak About those people but hey if you can correct if you correct someone with the Bible and I say well no I still think you have to you know, I think repent means that you have to turn from your sins Which is what Billy Graham teaches. He's a damnable heretic You know because I remember I used to my pastor used to say Repent of your sins and I just like never really caught it, you know I didn't understand the repentance fight and all that stuff and you know, I might have even said it before I don't know. I can't remember saying it. But you know, I know that I was into Ray Comfort for a while But when I realized that and I was corrected on this issue, you know how fast I changed just like that Just like that and I never when I've led people to the Lord I never said you go to repent of all your sins You go to turn from all your sins or you can't be saved. I'd never believed that cuz that's not how I got saved. I Got saved by calling upon the Lord Jesus Christ with all my faith That's it all my heart with all my soul. I called upon him and asked him as I trusted him as my Savior That's all it takes to get to heaven is to believe But look people get upset about me saying stuff like this. This is what he said This I'm not just making this up What do you say come from the Muslim world the Buddhist world the Christian world? He's basically saying that anybody is saved no matter what isn't it? I Believe that you know that all these people are saved. I Think that they're saved and they're going to be with us in heaven. Is that what the Bible says? No, there's only one way to get to heaven. It's through the Lord Jesus Christ And it says even if they don't know his name So, what is Billy Graham actually teaching here he's teaching that Christ is not the only way isn't he and Billy Graham is a heretic. He's a reprobate and he's a false prophet Okay, there's no doubt about that people go. Well, maybe someone reached Billy Graham, you know right before he died on his deathbed People I can't even understand how people use that argument Someone said that about Michael Jackson to maybe someone got to Michael Jackson right before he dot OD who was it his doctor Good Night people just want to believe because they just are so pumped up by Hollywood and by musicians and Athletes and everything else that they just did not want to say that person's in hell Just like Kobe Bryant. All right. I didn't write Kobe Bryant into this sermon, but you know people are just like worship him Right Carmelo Anthony from the Blazers wouldn't even play in the game because he was too emotional Well, he must be drinking too much soy or something because he's too he's too emotional to play in a game It's your job dude. Get out there and play but People say that, you know, all Kobe was a Catholic, but maybe he got saved at the last second. No, he didn't If he's Catholic and that's what he believed. He's in hell right now Yeah, let's just be honest I know people are just like wanting to worship Kobe and all that stuff and how dare you say Kobe Bryant's in hell Well, you know the Bible says that Jesus is the only way to heaven And what are the Catholics believe? They believe in sacraments Hey, nobody was there to baptize Kobe Bryant when he was in the helicopter crash. What were they so he's going to hell But what the Catholics say is that he'd be going to purgatory You know, then, you know as long as he follows the Pope on Twitter, he might be able to get back out or something But look I'm not I'm not like trying to say I'm glad that Kobe Bryant's in hell I'm just telling you the truth that sometimes the truth hurts and sometimes you need to just Dial that into yourself and say hey is the Bible true or is you know, the Catholic Church true or is Billy Graham's? truth the truth Because that's a great gospel that everybody just gets to be saved no matter what. Hey, you might as well just go out and party Hey go out and buy a 30-pack of Natty ice and go watch the Super Bowl game eat drink and be merry But look God has a different plan for us and that's not his plan for you to go drink a bunch of natty ice and get wasted and watch the Super Bowl or Basketball or whatever. Hey, if you're a Bible believer Christian ought to be in church And So, yeah Kobe Bryant is probably in hell and I'm not I'm not like, you know, oh he celebrated Kobe Bryant being in hell. No, I'm not celebrating that I'm just saying that it's a fact. Okay, because if he was not saved and he's in hell Just like the crocodile hunter just like Billy Graham just like Michael Jackson just like anybody else that dies without Christ. They're in hell So Billy Graham died February 21st 2018 when he closed his eyes and death He went straight to the pit of hell and you know what? He was a false prophet So to tell people that they're going to hell no matter what they believe you're a false prophet Why are you a false prophet? Well, cuz Jesus said something different He said he's the way so who's right Billy Graham or Jesus Jesus of course and How does someone love Christ if he's not conscious of it explain that to me The idea cannot be found in Scripture. In fact, it contradicts the scriptures Let's turn to Acts chapter 4 verse number 12 Acts 4 verse 12 Acts 4 12 the Bible says neither is there salvation in any other For there is none other name under heaven given among men Whereby we must be saved. Is that clear? Who's that talking about? It's talking about Jesus, right? There's none other Name None other name. Well, I just think that Muhammad and Buddha and Whoever else Joseph Smith all these other people know that's not what it says. It's Jesus the name of Jesus That's the name whereby we must be saved Romans. I'll turn to Romans chapter 10 verse 14 We're all read for you Romans chapter 3 verse 11 Romans chapter 3 verse 11 says that there is none that Understandeth there is none that seeketh after God So these people that supposedly are in these other religions that Billy Graham is saying Are our conscience that even if they're not conscious of the name of Christ that they're still saved. It's a lie Nobody understands nobody seeks after God. Hey a soul winner has to come up and get you saved That's what the Bible teaches. All right, you're not just gonna be standing on some mountain all sudden, you know, you're saved It's not gonna happen. God is not gonna come out of the sky and give you the gospel. That's not what that's not how it works Look at Romans 10 verse 14. This is how it works how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and How shall they hear without a preacher? Explain that to me Billy Graham away. He's in hell. I can't have him explain it to me but Explain that to me How shall they call on him who they've not believed? Look the Bible says you have to believe in Jesus Okay, he's the only way to get to heaven and just because you're not caught You know, if you're not conscious of the name of Christ, you can't be saved There's only one name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved It's Jesus How does someone become a member of the body of Christ if he's not conscious of who Christ is explain that to me Explain that to me Billy Graham while you're in hell You know, and his son isn't falling too far from the tree by the way. He's just as wicked as he is He's not saved and Billy Graham was or wasn't they're both not saved, you know, and he's like, oh, okay You know, it's funny people are just so upset about you know, people that preach about against the queers Alright well Franklin Graham Didn't even you know, he wasn't even gonna preach against them He just wanted to go and share Jesus with them and guess what he got banned from England So hey you don't stand up for the Word of God guess what's gonna happen you're gonna get banned You think that they just it was just pastor Anderson's just so radical that he's the only one That they're gonna do that with though. They're gonna try to destroy anything called Christianity They're gonna try to destroy everything that has to do with Christ You know, it's ridiculous to for people to believe and look Franklin Graham. I think it's a false prophet He's like let the you know, the homos can come in and I'll preach them to they don't want to hear the gospel They're full of garbage. They're just not gonna they don't believe you know, why because the reprobate they already rejected Christ so Look at Romans chapter 10. You're already there. Look at verse 9. It says You know, it's a so how does someone become a member of the body of Christ if he's not conscious of who Christ is Well, look at Romans 10 9 says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth The Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved For what the heart man believeth under righteousness and what the mouth confession is made into salvation. Look that's not You know something that you can just say. Oh, well, you know, it doesn't really matter if I do that or not No, it's saying that you have to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus saying you have to believe in your heart You have to put all your trust and faith in him It's not just you know, oh, well, you know, I'm a pygmy in Africa. It doesn't really count for me John 112 turn to John 3 18. I'm gonna read for you. John 112 John 112 says but as many as received him To them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name So look you have to receive Christ to become one of the sons of God One of the daughters of God and it says even to them that believe on his name Like this, it's not negotiable You have to you have to believe you have to call upon him to be saved. Look at John 3 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already. Sorry Billy Graham You're wrong about that one, too Because the Bible says that if you don't believe you're condemned already Any prophet that says that you could be saved without Jesus is a false prophet Whatever way they say if they say you have to repent of your sins and do this look they're adding to salvation They're adding works to salvation. I don't care what you think. That's the truth that they really think you have to turn from your sins Then they're not they're not preaching a right gospel. They're preaching a false gospel And why because he that hath not believed in the name of good Why are they not saved because they have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God That's why they're not saved. They say they're not saved because they haven't believed. What's Billy Graham say? Well, I just think if you don't believe you're still saved. Anyway, they're gonna be in heaven with us Here's and people will say well Billy Graham was old when he did that, you know, you got to cut him some slack, right? I don't know how you could get that far off the track. But anyway in 1978 he said something similar. He said I used to play God But I can't do that anymore. I used to believe that pagans and far-off countries were lost We're going to hell if they did not have the gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. I no longer believe that I No longer believe that Well yet people he's the most popular evangelist that ever lived he's you know Everybody was so sad when Bill poor little Billy died. Look Billy Graham said I no longer believe that you know what? He never believed that He never believed in the in the true Word of God That's why his ministries are filled with New World Order Bible versions. That's why he was kissing the big toe of the Pope He Says I no longer believe that I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God through nature Through dog worship through cow look What's he saying? He's saying there's other ways through nature for instance and plenty of other opportunities. Therefore They're therefore of saying yes to God Yes, little kitty I believe that you are God I Will go to heaven now. I mean, he's just saying nature So what does that mean if you hug a tree that you go to heaven to? That's a bunch of garbage he said unbelievers people that don't believe are gonna be saved to Turn to Romans chapter 1 No, not for that reason maybe next time Romans chapter 1 Look at verse 19. The Bible says this though. He's saying because of nature There's people that don't believe that can we just be saved? Look at what Romans 1 19 says because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them So God has shown somebody everybody a part of truth that they could follow, right? This says but for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made Even his eternal power and God has so what they are without Excuse it doesn't say so they're saved because they understand this now It says they're without excuse and what does it mean? You're without excuse that means you're not going to heaven Even if you were a pygmy in Africa and you didn't get the gospel preached to you That's why it's so important that we preach the gospel to people so that they can be saved Look people can die and go to hell that never heard of Jesus They're without excuse the Bible says and Billy Graham is wrong again I don't this work really wasn't supposed to be about Billy Graham It's supposed to be about how Jesus is the only way to heaven But look, he's just a perfect example of people that look, you know, they they love the false prophets in the Old Testament, too Didn't they that's why none of them followed Jeremiah. That's why none of them followed Isaiah That's why none of them followed Ezekiel. That's why none of them fault wanted to follow Daniel because look they were teaching something different And the false prophets are always wanting to tickle your ears and tell you that things are always gonna be okay Oh, no, Jerusalem's not gonna get destroyed. Hey, he's crazy. Let's slap him around a little bit and throw him in jail That's what they did with Dan with Jeremiah And so Jeremiah was basically just on an island on his own He had very little friends in this world, but you know who his friend was Jesus The Catholics the are pagan based and works based Just like all the other religions in the world the Muslims the Hindus the Buddhists all of them have like a works salvation Message and all these religions are unbiblical All these religions will not will lead you to the broad way the leadeth to destruction All right, it doesn't matter whether you believe you know, that's true look there's a there's people that also say that Jesus is only love That's all he is. He's only love God is love That's true But you know what? God is also wrathful. Hey explain to me the book of Revelation if God is only love When he's telling him to drink blood For they are worthy That he's raining down fire and brimstone upon them that he's destroying every living thing in the ocean He's destroying all the green grass. He's destroying everything, but I love you. I Love you No, God is not only love God is also wrathful God is also a jealous God, but you know what? He doesn't like trying to say that all religions can get you to heaven Because God hates every false way so Turn to Matthew chapter 7 again Matthew chapter 7 again Matthew chapter 7 the Bible says in verse 21 Not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven But he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven There's people that are gonna say to him on that day Lord Lord Hey, we've done all these great and wonderful things. Look at verse 22 many will say to me in that day many Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name? There's people that preach in the name of Jesus that are gonna go to hell and In thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works Look these people are counting on their works to get them to heaven and you know what Jesus is gonna say Well, you know you follow the light that you have You know you followed, you know, I know Buddha wasn't the right wasn't right, but you know, it's okay You can come on into heaven. Is that what he said? No, he says depart from me you that work iniquity I never knew you He said I never knew you never And you know what he's never going to know him because he's gonna cast him into the lake of fire All right. So anybody that has this belief of all roads going to heaven is simply just wrong I've showed you scripture after scripture turn to a Galatians chapter 1 verse number 6. Sorry for upsetting your children out there Galatians chapter 1 verse number 6 the Bible says I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you Into the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would what pervert the gospel of Christ But though we what's he saying though, even if it's me even if it's Paul or an angel from heaven Preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be a curse Paul saying hey if I start preaching You know that all roads lead to heaven that there's many different ways. You just have to follow the light that you have Then I'm a curse to call me a cursed But we know that Paul never would do that But he's just saying that some people can be really tricky don't you think if that's that's kind of what he's saying He's saying hey, even if it's us Because a lot of people said well Billy Graham used to preach right but then he started preaching wrong when he was older That's not true. You just have to go through his some of his little sermons. He's still saying the same stuff in 1978 He still said I don't believe that anymore So why was it a big surprise in the 90s that he said exactly the same thing He just wanted to make sure it was more clear what he really believed But then he would pay lip service to St. Jesus Right, so and then look at verse 7 it says which is not another But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ, but though we already read that okay I'm sorry. Let's see look at verse 9 as we said before so say I now again if any man Preach any other gospel unto you than that which you have received let him be accursed I mean do you think that there's any room for interpretation on that if someone comes to you and says hey This is the gospel, and it's not believe alone. It's not put all your faith in Jesus It's not I am the way the truth in the life Then they're a false prophet let him be accursed You know so people are so mad about me saying that Billy Graham is a curse. He's a cursed Look don't get mad at me get mad at God because he's the one that said it I Want I don't want you to be mad at God. I'm just saying that look. I'm just reading what God said Okay, that's my job in case you didn't know you're in a Baptist Church We preach the Bible at this church, and so that's kind of what I have to do right look at Isaiah chapter 43 I Had some Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door yesterday Which was just timely for this sermon, right? So Look at Isaiah 43. This is where they get their verses to say why they're Jehovah's Witnesses, okay? Isaiah 43 10 says ye are my witnesses sayeth the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen They may know and believe in me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed Neither shall there be after me. I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Savior I have declared and have said and I have showed when there was no strange God among you therefore You're my witnesses sayeth the Lord that I am God Yea before the day was I am he and there is none that can deliver out of my hand I will work and who shall let it so this is their verse like their main verse Isaiah 43 10 I was saying that you know the Jehovah is God. There's no other God You're my witnesses of Jehovah, so this is what their whole foundation is for their whole religion, right? so But it says beside me there is no Savior, and they say that Jesus is not The Son of God that in the Trinity. He's a separate God and John 1 1 that says in the beginning God or where's it at John 1 1 in the beginning was the word I don't know about her in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was God That's what John 1 1 says in their Bible It says in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was a God with a small G right there So they came to my door trying to preach this junk to me surprise. It's a Baptist preacher But it was a woman and her younger like maybe early teen tween daughter and so I just start schooling her automatically, I mean it just I Wasn't being rude though. I wasn't being rude. I was just hoping you know because for the sake of her daughter I didn't want to say go to hell and get out of here For the sake of her daughter. I wanted her daughter to hear some truth And so I preached the truth to her and I said how is it that you know I said I asked her she had a she had like a an app that had the King James their Garbage translation and something else I said go to Hebrews 1 ain't You know which says that well, let's turn there. What's Hebrews 1 8 say let's turn there real quick So I was just trying to prove to her that Jesus Christ is not just the Son of God, but he also is God Which is very easy to prove out of the Bible I didn't even have my Bible with me though Hebrews 1 verse 8 the Bible says But unto the Son he saith thy throne Oh, God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. She read that to me I said, so who's this talk? Who's this talking about? I said it's saying to the Son and Then he calls them God With a big G right there. She's like well. I just don't believe that Yeah, I know you don't believe it because you're a false prophet You know and she was she's like well listen. I know you know a lot of stuff It's obvious. You know a lot about the Bible, and you know and that's good. I'm glad to see that someone has faith You know, but I just don't know I just don't agree with you, and I said yeah, I see that you don't agree with me But I told her that you know she said it just seems like you're just saying that my religion is wrong I said yeah, because it is And so I was nice about it. She goes well, let's just part ways as you know Pleasantly or so I can't remember exactly what she said, but she was just like saying let's put just part part friend part as friends You know now we're okay I was like I can't do that because I'd be partaker of your evil deeds You know because the Bible says that we're not supposed to wish them Godspeed But have you ever noticed this about Mormons and anybody that will come to your door Jehovah's Witnesses Always try to end as friends so they could say God bless you, and then they expect you to say what? Yeah, that's their little trick. That's like. You know the devil's like okay. Well played Christian well played Well let me just try to get you to be partaker of their evil deeds and try to get you to say oh Well have a good day God bless no Don't say that when a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness comes to your door. Do not say that to them And I'm gonna have you turn it turn to 2nd John 1 turn to 2nd John 1 look. I didn't want to Be friends with her. I wanted her daughter to get some truth in her though Hey, she can remember that verse and go back and go yeah What was he talking about mom that is calling Jesus God that is calling the Son God I? Said that you know the in first 73 16 the God was manifest in the flesh You know John 1 1 and then John 1 14 the word the word became flesh and dwelt among us Right so 2nd John chapter 1 verse 7 says for many deceivers Let's say just a few No, many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh This is a deceiver and an Antichrist And you know what the Jehovah's Witnesses they believe that Jesus was a spirit, and they also believe he was at the angel Michael the archangel Michael So they're Antichrist Says look to yourselves that we not lose those things which we have wrought But that we receive a full reward whosoever transgress Transgresseth and abideth not and the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ He hath both the Father and the Son If there come Any to you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house Neither bid him Godspeed Okay, so first of all do not let them in your house I don't care how nice you are look God says don't let him in your house And then the other thing he says is neither bid him Godspeed Why for he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds? Hey, do you want to be partaker in a false prophets evil deeds don't ever let them in your house And don't ever tell them to have a good day or God bless or Godspeed or anything like that Do not be a partaker of that wicked person's evil deeds look That's the first time of Jehovah's Witnesses coming a long time because you know what I do the same thing every time So and I do the same thing to Mormons, and they haven't come back in a really long time Because look they're just they're on they're like us in a way because we just want to get to the next door right well I guess Jehovah's Witnesses. They walk really slow like when they mmm You know and then they knock they like eight doors done a day or something But they're like us in the way that they want to reach the next door that will listen to them See, but they're children of the devil. We're children of the light. That's the difference So look at Exodus chapter 20 verse 3 Exodus 20 verse 3 and look we shouldn't be surprised the second book of the Bible gives us The reason why God hates these false These fault he hates false gods he hates false ways look at Exodus 20 verse 3 It says thou shalt have no other gods before me That's there's a period at the end of that page isn't there period is there any room for interpretation there? Hey, you shall have no other gods before me small G verse 4 thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is In the earth beneath or those in the water under the earth We're not supposed to make graven images why because people bow down and worship them like their gods see rule number one Thou shalt have no other odds before me Look at verse 5 thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God and a jealous God Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me so God is A jealous God, and he doesn't want you to worship any other gods okay, and there's people that make themselves gods Look people can get into athlete worship. Just like they get into any other kind of worship Worshipping your money worshipping your things worshipping well you saying don't don't worship anything else besides me And so some people they get to the point where they're worshipping the Super Bowl They're worshipping a day where they can all just sit down and get wasted and eat to their heart's desire and watch them guys throw a pigskin around and You know look I like football. I'm not gonna lie Not appear to lie to you. I like football. I think I played football when I was growing up I like it, but you know what they're putting a lot more than just football in front of your eyes aren't they? They're putting beer commercials Scandaly clad women in the commercials they know what sells Heck there's even there's even subcultures in the Super Bowl or they just like get together They don't even care about the game. They just want to watch the commercials on the television because they're so funny or whatever Right and then yeah the halftime shows and the skanks that get up there, and you know have now Wardrobe malfunctions while they're up there that was like a big thing in the 90s or whatever or the 2000s oops I had a wardrobe malfunction I accidentally and Then that kid that's watching that game with their dad has to sit there and be have their mind to file with that garbage I like football It's a fun sport to watch But you know what I don't like all the other garbage that goes along with it And it gets to be like you know you'll see when you go out so wanting today How many people worship football and don't want to have anything to do with God? But you know we still got to preach the gospel to those people, too We still got to reach those people too, and it's like literally almost the whole country is gonna be watching the Super Bowl this afternoon so You know you can make that a high place for yourself, so you can make it alright Well, you know I was gonna go to church, but I think I'll just stay home and watch the Super Bowl Well look it starts at like 320 or something and then it like has all these pageantries and you know worshiping the American flag and then you know all the Players are crying on the sidelines thinking about their country And how we're just gonna go take over and destroy everybody else. We're a one-world government. You know So look you're not gonna miss miss that much of it if you go to church tonight, but Be careful that it's not an idol to you because God is a jealous God There's only one way to heaven that's true, but God also only wants you to worship him that one true God And so look I'm not against hobbies I'm not against you liking things or doing other things obviously But you know to choose football over church. It's kind of a weird thing I'm not having an annual business meeting You know so that you could just have to miss it intentionally like my old church used to do They'd say well the annual business. Oh we got to change it I forgot the Super Bowl is on the fourth this year or on the second And he would do that on purpose just because he knew people would stay home and watch the you know so you know Stay here and worry about where your money's going in the church instead of watching the Super Bowl now. I would skip that I'm not gonna lie I would skip I mean that was times when I when I did when I didn't but it wasn't because of God's because the whole thing was just a financial Seminar by him you know what I'd rather watch football than watch a financial seminar Of where my money is not going to spread the gospel so Anyway don't get to where you're in idolatry look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 20 1st Corinthians 10 verse 20 because you know idols end up having some lowercase G attached to them right 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 20 says But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrificed they sacrificed to devils and not to God And I would not that he should have fellowship with devils like there's devils over everything that is in life And look they can they can try to pull your they might not be able to possess a Christian They can sure pull at your heartstrings and push your buttons and get you to do things that you shouldn't be doing so You know the Gentile like they didn't realize they're worshipping the devils and sacrificing the devils look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 I'm almost done here 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 the Bible says, but I fear Lest by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that cometh preacheth Another Jesus whom you have not preached or if you receive another spirit Which you have not received or another gospel, which you have not accepted you might bear well with him I'll skip down to verse 13. It says for such are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as The ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works We've done many wonderful works That's what they're gonna say But just know this that there are false apostles They're preaching a false Christ even Satan can appear as an angel of light Who do you think told the Muslims about? Islam it was an angel that went to him right who told Joseph Smith about the Mormon religion being the one true faith Is the devil is the angel is an angel of light or one of his minions But they think it's a great thing they think it's a good thing Hey, Joseph Smith says that he did more good on this earth than Christ did because at least his followers follow him That's what he said It's like okay And he's roasted in hell also So Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses seventh-day Adventist oneness Pentecostals Charismatics Wesleyans Methodist Nazarenes and whatever else you want to fill the blanks in with are not of God They're preaching false Gospels. They're preaching a false Christ I'll just name off some things the Jehovah's Witnesses look they said the rapture was gonna happen in 1844 Did it happen? No false prophets end of story The seventh-day Adventist same thing they said that Jesus we're gonna come back in a certain I can't remember what year it was the miller rights or whatever and did it happen? Nope false prophets Oneness Pentecostals, they don't even believe in eternal security and they believe in a oneness God That we don't we don't believe in that we're believing the Trinity So their God is a completely different God their Jesus is different Jesus Charismatics they don't believe in the in in eternal security either They don't even believe in they'll even use the right Bible versions for crying out loud Hey, if it's step one, you should have a right Bible version and most churches don't even have that And if they do They believe a false doctrine Wesleyans Methodist Nazarenes are all kind of related the Church of God They're all people like, you know how they say. Well, are you Arminian or are you Calvinist? So which I'm not either one of those but Arminians Believe that you can lose your salvation That's what they believe. So how are they saved explain that to me? They're not saved. So And they also teach you have to repent of your sins and all this other stuff. Look, there's only one way to get to heaven I hope I've driven that point home Sufficiently this morning and look if your church isn't preaching belief in Christ alone. It's false Now we know that in here your church doesn't preach that So I'm gonna close on this last verse. I won't have you turn there. I'll just read it Psalm 119 104 says through thy precepts. I get understanding therefore I hate Every false way at this church. I hate every false way I hate false religion. I hate false prophets. I hate Homosexuals there. I said it I hate anything that God is not for Alright, God hates every false way and you know what? I'm gonna agree with them Is it okay if I agree with you this morning if we agree with God this morning, right? Well, let's pray Heavenly Father We thank you Lord For this wonderful truth that you are the way the truth in the life and that no man cometh unto the Father but by you And Lord, I just pray that You'd help us help us like write some notes in our Bibles on this Subject and Lord that we could go and we when someone brings up Hey, I'm part of this religion or that religion the Lord we could just show them Through the through the Word of God that they're wrong and Lord I pray that we'd not do this just to be Strifing with people but Lord that our ultimate end would be to get people saved. Jesus name we pray. Amen