(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're in Job chapter 4 verse 17 and we're continuing on in the series of the series is wrong views about God wrong views about God and tomorrow to tonight or this morning, excuse me is part two of that series and It's it's basically this sermon is about Being more loving than God because there's people out there that act like they love people more than God does They're more righteous and just than God is they're more moral than God is and A lot of it is when people don't understand or know the Bible a lot of people are unsaved that will judge God or speak Foolishly about him, but a lot of Christians do the same thing and they'll they'll team up with the unbelievers and Condemning what the Bible says? And it's just because they just don't know the Bible So last week the view the wrong view was how people view God's judgment They get mad when God judges things and so that sermon last week we covered pretty thoroughly this week again, I want to focus on the people that are so good and Just and loving that they in their own mind Think that they're more loving than God and many people saved and unsaved. They just don't understand that God is love But that's they don't understand that God is love but he's also a God of wrath and judgment and things like that They just think that God is love and that's all that we should ever preach in our service in our sermons people that condemn Sermons that I preach against false prophets or God's judgment. They like you should be preaching the love of God Don't they don't they say that kind of stuff? That's all you should pretty hey If you if you don't preach the gospel in every single sermon that you preach you're you're wrong for doing that Because Charles Spurgeon, you know, he preached the gospel and every single sermon inherited. I don't care Charles Spurgeon's roasted in hell So why would I care that Charles Charles Spurgeon didn't even preach the right gospel? He preached that you have to repent of your sins So hey, I'll skip that that gospel presentation and you know what? We go out and we preach the gospel To people at their doors like Jesus said to do he said to go and do those things not come into church and do it and obviously There's times when we do get people saved at church and that people do get saved at church people get baptized and things like that I'm not saying that we should never get people saved at church. I'm just saying that we're supposed to go That's what the Bible teaches So this week I want to focus on That wrong view about God where people are so loving and morally superior to everyone including God See, they think they're morally superior to us, but they also think they're morally superior to God And that's where they've got a wrong view about who God is and you know The purpose of me preaching this series is because there's a lot of people that have a wrong view about God And so turn to 1st John chapter 4 verse number 7 Before we get fully started here 1st John 4 verse number 7 the Bible says in 1st John 4 7 beloved let us love one another for God is love and Everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love in this was manifest in this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God Sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him Here in his love not that we love God But that he loved us and sent his son to be a propitiation for our sin So yes, the Bible teaches that God is love nobody understands love more than God does and hey people these Christians or these unbelievers whoever it is that says that God is only love they're wrong about that God is love they're correct about that But we don't have to love every single thing and there is a time to love and a time to hate the Bible says so And going back to last week What does it stem from well it stems this attitude that people think they're more loving than God and look they don't even realize that They think that sometimes They just think that they know Who God really is and what God really does and what he thinks and they don't know because they're sitting in some clown Shoe church that doesn't preach all the things in the Bible because look if you read this book cover to cover You're gonna get a different understanding about who God is just read the book of Jeremiah and ask ask yourself the question is God a God of judgment Amen, God is a consuming fire the Bible says So yeah, God's love, but he also has a wrathful nature And yes, he is a jealous God because if you try to bring other gods before him He your wrath is gonna be the wrath of God is gonna be upon your life so So number one believers unbelievers Want to tell God tell us how God is even though they don't know him or his book that was from last week right so people unbelievers Believers they want to tell us how God is when they've never even read the Bible cover to cover one time Believers that don't follow Jesus and have never read the Bible cover to cover ever They want to tell us how God is who we should love who we shouldn't love When you can point out a very clear scripture in the Bible, and they'll just ignore it nope God is love But we need to be better than that we need to understand what God says and we need to understand what the Bible says And hey when the Bible gives us a clear scripture. We need to believe that scripture Because just you know it's folly and shame when a Christian doesn't believe the Bible Just like I brought up the crocodile hunter last week How he was teaching evolution and look somebody put a little comment on my video about that saying he was saved And he went to church, and you know what I did some digging about that and guess what it's not true There's no evidence that Steve Irwin was ever saved. There's no evidence that Steve when Steve Irwin went to church You know it's really weird that people like to like somebody that they love so much. They want to put them in heaven automatically It's like Steve Irwin the saint of all animals. You know he's in heaven now Just like Thomas Paine in the American Revolutionary War people were sitting at his bedside Trying to get him to just give some sort of you know the thing that they could use to say that Thomas Paine was saved but I'll tell you what Thomas Paine was a reprobate and The and he till the day he died he wanted witnesses in his room so that people wouldn't go out and say hey I got converted I got saved he actually had a friend and then whenever people would try to say Thomas Paine was saved He'd say nope Wasn't saved never believed So and people try to do that when you condemn anybody to hell and look I don't condemn people to hell God condemns people to hell I'm just telling you what God's Word says that if you what I said last week was that if he wasn't saved Then he's in hell Because anybody that's not saved is in hell when they die so Anyway, let's look at Job 4 verse 17 again It says shall mortal mortal man be more just than God shall a man be more pure than his maker And now look I understand that this is from Eliphaz the Temanite right and all the things that Job's Friends came they were wrong about their view on what was wrong what happened with Job They were trying to convince him and trying to get him to admit that he had sinned in some way And that's why his life got torn apart But just because they're wrong and their general concept doesn't mean everything that they say in the book of Job is wrong So this this is actually just a question shall mortal man be more just than God What's the answer to that question? absolutely not Shall a man be more pure than his maker? Absolutely not that's what we're talking about today is people that would say or think that they are more pure than them Why is this verse in here? Well because people do think that People point their finger at God and say he's evil. He's wicked. He shouldn't have done this. I can't believe he allows this I can't believe he you know makes a rape a rape victim get married to the to the person that raped him God doesn't think that see they just they're reading the wrong Bible verse and that's the problem with that But so number one time I have two main points today and the first main point is some unbelievers Believers false converts and reprobates believe that they're more Moral than God I'm gonna read you just a quote from Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins anybody know who Richard Dawkins is he's just like atheist. It's famous or whatever and He's really he's infamous in my mind. He's a wicked person. He hates God and You know he's beyond the hope of redemption Okay, and look at so I'll just read it to you It says the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all of fiction so right there He's just saying I don't believe the Bible. It's fiction, and then he's charging God with being an unpleasant and Wicked person right? jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a Miss Homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal filicidal Pestic pastential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic Capriciously benevolent bully and they're saying all this stuff about God He's seen this about God Richard Dawkins and it's a quote from his book The God Delusion so Misogyny is also another thing that he Quite misogyny is where you like hate women put women down or whatever and is God like that I mean who was ministering to Christ while he walked on this earth I mean he had the Apostles But he had a troop of women that followed him around too and gave to him out of their substance even people in Herod's household one of his Servant servants was following Jesus and trying to help him out whenever she could and God loves women And he we just have different roles so there's nothing wrong with having different roles and God just as a god of order and you know he's the head of the church the man is the head of the wife and the Husband is the head of the household and that's just the way it is but today Even in Christian circles, that's not the case You have women bossing their men around and pushing them around in church and telling them what to do and look If you're a man you need to man up and put the pants back on and get your wife back in a dress So there could be some a distinction in the roles because your wife should be bullying you and telling you everything that needs to go on in the house That's ridiculous. You know, but anyway, I'm not preaching about that turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 2 Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse number 2 Bible says be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God For God is in heaven and thou upon the earth. Therefore let thy words be few So Richard Dawkins should have learned to shut his mouth a long time ago, and he's calling God some homophobic You know misogynistic racist and that he's bloodthirsty and he's vengeful You know God is vengeful, but see he's got a wrong view about who God is See God judges what's right and what's wrong and a bench and he is long-suffering You know, he took he's he said the Amorites sin is not yet full. So what was he doing? He was giving the Amorites a law a chance to maybe repent or maybe to get right And so but what ended up happening is the time came for his long-suffering to end and God's like, okay Go in there and kill everybody Not just the Amorites, but the Canaanites the Hivites and all that stuff So we got to understand that God's you know to charge God foolishly We shouldn't be hasty in our heart to utter things about God and to God because hey Sometimes Christians can get bitter against God too and they'll just be like well, I can't believe I've served God I go soul-wanting every week. I read my Bible. I pray I can't believe that this is happening to me and Then they'll charge God foolishly like you know in the book of Job when when it says Job didn't Do that So it says for a dream, excuse me let's see Ecclesiastes 5 3 says for a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool's voice is known by the multitude of his words and Richard's docking is His mouth is known by the multitude of his words and he's a fool and he's gonna die and he's gonna go to hell But see he's charging God saying all this stuff against him But he doesn't stop to think of why God is doing those things And obviously he's just lying about God because God is not misogynistic or homophobic he's not afraid of homos He tortures them, you know So he's not afraid of anything and and you know, he's not a bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser you know that's basically saying that he's a racist and he's telling the The Jews to go and kill people because their race that's not true Everybody knows that's not true But yet he'll sit there and and spout off his mouth and tell anybody that Will be willing to listen to him and give like cannon fodder to all these atheists that hate God You never notice that atheists just like to regurgitate the same things that they heard from somebody else. It's like Boring you're saying the same thing. I've already heard this before and I look I got an answer for you And we should have answers when we go to the door to people's folly and their foolishness Why does God allow bad things to happen People ask that question don't they why does God how come God lets bad things to happen? Will God let the pygmies in Africa go to hell? Well, yeah, he will But the pygmies in Africa have had chances to get saved too. It's like they act like nobody's ever heard of God and These pygmies are gonna die and go to hell because they've never heard of God Well, and then I was talking to you about Nate Saints and Jim Elliott the Missionaries that like flew in and they camped and even though they knew that they were gonna get they knew that those possible They're gonna kick get killed They still went anyway You know sometimes God just lets things happen, but you know those guys who probably didn't have a right gospel They probably didn't have a right Bible version. I mean, I'm I can't find anything on them I've like looked and scoured the internet trying to find something that shows what church they even went to You can't even find that out I mean you really have to do some digging Somewhere else besides the internet to find those that information out maybe like news clips or something Why do you think that they don't want people to know what church they went to? Because they want to make money off their deaths That's what they do. They made the the movie the end of the spear and what was the other one? That's an equally dumb one But you know they want to act like these India. You know these Indians are getting saved well How do we know that they got saved? How do we know we don't know so but these you know these guys are going around preaching a false gospel and How do I know that well because the world loves them? The world loves them the world loves Billy Graham the world loves all these all these wicked people right they love the the false prophet And the Bible says that they would do the same thing with us And I forgot what point I was trying to make with that, but anyway. I'm gonna move on here, but What yeah? Why does God allow bad things to happen like those guys supposedly were serving with their lives Jesus and all this other stuff? But maybe they were just stupid Maybe they've God killed them because they had a false gospel that could be possible too, couldn't it? But God sometimes does allow bad things to happen And it's because we live in a free in a world where there's free will So I know that's shocking for Calvinists to understand that but we do live in a world where there's free Will we have choices that we make every day and nobody stops us from making those choices Do they so guess what when you're saved? And you still have choices to make and you still have to live with the consequences of the mistakes that you've made Guess what there's people that are wicked and straight out of hell that do the same thing and there's nothing that we can do to stop them because God has Given them also free will So and and we live in a fallen world and it's just the way it is. There's death. There's tears. There's crying There's wicked people do wicked things and you know what? I'm sure God does protect us from a lot of things that we don't even see coming and we'll never know Until we get to heaven that God was protecting us in a certain situation Hey, why'd my car break down? Well because some serial killer was gonna kill you when you got to the store or something I don't know, you know, but there I mean, I know that's an extreme case But I'm just saying that sometimes God keeps us from doing things when it's gonna be to our own hurt So and then sometimes God allows things to go wrong in people's lives and look you don't always understand look I get tired of people saying Like every time someone's sick or every time someone's this or something they lost their job or whatever it is That it's always because it's God's judgment You know why I think the book of Job exists is so God can say look that's not why You don't always know why his friends were wrong and so God's showing us there That's not just the people that you know live a good life that don't have bad things happen to him Sometimes the best people in this world have bad bad things happen to him And what is who was the best man on the face of the planet at that time? It was job who had the most bad things happen to him in that time job So look that wisdom your wisdom is not of God You need to take the wisdom and understanding of God into your mind and quit just every time your husband You know get sick or something you're like. I don't what have you been doing? What kind of sin did you get yourself in this week The ladies are laughing because they know they do it but But look we can't have that attitude every time sometimes people just get sick You know maybe it was because they were righteous that week. Yeah, what righteous thing have you done this week Pastor Thompson? You know I mean, maybe it's like maybe bad things are happening because I am doing something. That's right You ever think of that, but it's always we always think of the worst case scenario Because we don't understand how God thinks God is not the God that you think he is sometimes Maybe you need to read your Bible a little bit more and understand that Hey, did you forget about job? When you're accusing your spouse of you know not cleaning the house the right way this week or something you know what I mean It's just like we have to understand That we can't just blame wickedness on everything that goes wrong in people's lives, so Anyway, I know I got quiet in here for a second, but anyway, let's move on Turn to John 3 16 John chapter 3 verse 16 See God is not the God that Calvinists think he is either You know there's the word free will appears in the Bible several times You know why it is because we do have free will to make choices all right God doesn't control everything like a puppet master in the sky He doesn't control everything single thing we do and that's why bad things happen sometimes Because Satan is actually the god of this world He is in control of things now obviously God's gonna work everything out to our benefit And we still there still save people and God still works in this world I'm not saying he doesn't but Satan does have control of the power structure in this world He's allowed to give things out as he pleases you know So John 3 16 it says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish would have everlasting life Is it true that God loved the world? Yeah He died for every single person that's ever been born or more made and every single person to the last drop That is born on this planet. He died for them all but does he always love that person That's that's a false doctrine if you believe people the people that say that stuff are preaching on saying a false doctrine God doesn't always love every single person till the day they die It's not true So look at verse 17 says God for God sent not the son in the world to condemn the world But that the world through him might be saved. Hey, God loves us a lot God loved every single person a lot so much that he gave his only begotten son that the world through him might be saved Look at verse 18 and he believeth and he that believeth on him is not condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already Look people are every single person that was ever born on this planet is already condemned to hell You're already condemned Be why because you have not believed in the name of the only begotten son Why do people die and go to hell because they haven't believed on the name of the only begotten son of God. That's why so Look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 2nd Corinthians 4 verse number 3 So God does love everybody But People are already condemned He does love us he loves us a lot But there's a certain point that you get past where God stops loving you I'll get to that here in a few minutes, but 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 says But if our gospel is hid it's hid to them that are lost Hey, if you stop going solo and guess what people there should have got saved today when he didn't go out are gonna be lost So If our gospel is hid if you hide that gospel within you then you're not gonna get people saved That person is gonna go to hell They are lost it says in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them Which believe not see Satan is the god of this world That's what the Bible teaches and he's blinded the minds of them that believe not and you know what? It's our job to shine the light of the gospel into their face and so that they could get saved It says lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them That's not what it says. So look the devil is deceiving people that he's made traps for every single person Every single person on the face of the planet is deceived by Satan in one in a way some way shape or form, right? But God wants us to not hide our gospel He wants us to shine it forth unto them so that when they we shine that light on them that they the Satan goes away And we can get that person saved But Satan does run this world. So when people would say well, how can God allow this stuff to happen? Well, he's allowing it to happen because of our sin because of the fallen nature of humanity and because of ultimately because of free will there's a lot of people that willingly serve Satan too and those are the workers of iniquity that we've talked about so many times but Here's another question that people would ask against God basically Why would God send people to hell if he loves people so much? Because see they think he loves people so much that he wouldn't send them to hell See that false doctrine brings another false doctrine to them that God wouldn't send people to hell So the Jehovah's Witnesses, what do they do? Well, they try to say that people don't go to hell that that's not really true that they just are Incinerated the moment that they die or whatever if they're headed for hell Same thing with the Seventh-day Adventist They don't believe that someone roasts in hell for all eternity somebody dies and and is punished by God for all eternity You know why they think that because they think God is just always loving and a loving God wouldn't send someone to hell It's not true a loving God will send people and has sent people to hell for thousands of years and in the great final judgment of God at the Great White Throne judgment God's gonna throw people into hell then too and Look, it's too late for them after that point And so it once it so God's bound by the things that he says in his word and look if someone you know If he said well, I'm gonna give you another chance now that now that you know the truth No, they had the chance to know the truth here. They rejected it. They made their choice you make your bed You got a lay in it and if it has a bunch of lumps on it's gonna be uncomfortable, right? So God just throws people into hell because why because he still loves them no, because he loves them no more and They'll say well, that's not very loving exactly It's not very loving you're right about that. It's it's it's the truth. It's not very loving at all to throw someone into hell So You know that should tell you that he quits loving people at some point, doesn't it? I mean doesn't that make sense that if God stops and loving them and he throws them into hell that he doesn't love them anymore Well, I mean because anybody with a with a logical mind can think that that's the truth. Would you throw your child into hell? No, you wouldn't throw your child into hell and that's not who he's throwing into hell. They're not his children I'll preach that sermon next week, but God will not throw his children into hell He throws the children all that are ultimately the children of the devil into hell So why would God tell his people to kill everything that breathed including women children and animals? That's a hard question that people like that's a that's something they like to throw in Christians faces, right? Because there's so much more loving than God That they wouldn't do what God did. Well turn to Deuteronomy chapter 20 verse number 12 Deuteronomy 20 verse number 12 Why would God do that to us that even you know as a human being I've thought sometimes that's really harsh like Why would he allow children and women and all these all eat when the animals, you know, the precious animals? are killed too Look at Deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 12 It says and I will make and if it will not if it will make no peace with thee talking about a nation that won't make peace During war says but will make war against thee then thou shalt besiege it So hey, if someone's picking a fight with you, they don't want they don't want to have peace Then he's saying well then go ahead and besiege it Right and when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword So God's commanding them kill all the men but the women and the little ones in the cattle and all that is in the city even all the spoil thereof Shout thou take unto thyself and thou shalt eat the spoils of thine enemies Which the Lord thy God hath given thee see right there people were already mad You know kill all the men take all the women and the children to yourself take all the cattle take all the animals They're all yours Enjoy the spoils of war, right? Says in verse 15 thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from me Which are not of the cities of these nations, so he's talking about places from a far way That would try to fight and make war he said just kill the kill kill the men and leave the children and women alive Save the dogs and the puppies and the kitties and the ducks and the baby ducks and the baby pigs and you know all that stuff, right believer 16 says but of the cities of these people Which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth But thou shalt utterly destroy them Namely the Hittites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee that they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods So should ye sin against the Lord your God Why did God tell them to kill every single one the breeze including women and children and all the baby animals and ducklings Why? Well, so their abominations won't cling to them and then they learn to do their abominations But did the children of Israel obey those commandments? No they did not and so therefore the the inhabit they started to do the Abominations and they learned to do after the heathen like God told him not to do And what ended up happening because of that well they were judged later on because of that they were judged actually They were judged all the time for it You know God would raise up a man like Samson or a man like Samuel or men like that to lead and judge the people But the people would always fall back into sin and idolatry and bail worship and all this other stuff sodomy murder theft and Worshipping of braves of graven images and things like these things Look, why did God cast them out of the land because they were doing wicked abominations It wasn't like God was just some racist and said, you know what? I don't like these people because they're black so going to kill every single one of them. That's not what he said He said he killed them for what they did wrong for their wickedness and Look, there's list of things that they did in Leviticus chapter 20 turn to Leviticus 20 verse 22 And I'm not gonna read the whole chapter but all the things in Leviticus chapter 20 that we know very well That God hates and calls an abomination I'm not gonna read all those things because you already know what they are Being a sodomite a beast, you know Someone that would lie with a beast people that would sleep with their own family members in a way that married people should should do And things like that. Those are the things that God was judging that he was saying don't do these things Look at verse 22 He shall therefore keep all my statutes and all my judgments and do them that the land whether I bring you to dwell therein Spew you not out and you shall not walk in the manners of the nation Which I cast out before you for they committed all these things And therefore I abhorred them Why did God tell them to kill everybody and start over and you? Take over their land because God spewed that the land spewed them out for being wicked filthy Abominations before the Lord and that's why God destroyed them and you know what God is God and we're men And we don't have the right to tell God what's right and what's wrong. If you think he's wrong. You're the one that's wrong And you know, he doesn't want have people this world running around with a bunch of sodomites in it That's why he said to cast them out cast stones at them until they die That's why he said anybody that lies with a beast you kill him and the beast alive that he lied with That's why he said that you know If it a woman is an adultery that she should be stoned to death if a man's an adultery They should be stoned to death why because they're harming the land. They're harming the people they live in. They're not Loving their neighbor as they do themselves And so God has some very severe punishments, but look he was long-suffering in Abraham's time He lived amongst the Canaanites and they weren't as wicked as they were when it came time for Moses They were wicked, but they weren't as wicked. Actually, they treated Abraham pretty good in a lot of different cases You know, he was the one lying to them And so he was lying to them and pretending that Sarah was his sister which she technically kind of was so he was like telling Truth there But he always ended up getting in trouble for that and God but God protected Abraham because ultimately he was trying to not get killed For his wife who was very beautiful so He was afraid of them, but they weren't even gonna do what he said to do He said you know God like Abimelech said I didn't do it. You know, I didn't do any of these things. He's like I know and So that's why I didn't kill you basically So You know, look we got to understand that God does things for a reason and when we start putting ourselves in the place of his Judgment when we put start putting ourselves and saying hey if I was God, I wouldn't do those things. You're wrong And God is always right turn to Jude chapter 1 look at verse 15 It's a book right before Revelation, Jude 1 or just the book of Jude look at verse 14 it says and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all and To convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds Which they have ungodly committed and all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him There's a lot of people that like to give Godly and hard speeches against God and you know what he's gonna come back to get vengeance upon them And you know why he's able to do that because he's God And he could do whatever he wants and whatever he wants to do is what's right? See any judge anything you think that God says too hard in here He's right though, and we're wrong for thinking it And if that's not what you believe then, you know, you need to realize that you're wrong And God's right You know in Richard Dawkins judging mind God is bad for judging people for you know, and he's just mean he's just nasty He's just me know he did it because of the abominations that they were committing in the land It will you know, but Richard Dawkins will judge God, but he won't judge the people for doing the things that they're doing It's not funny You know just Richard Dawkins is a pervert He's a pervert protector and how do I know that well He's just fine with pedophilia I'll read you another little snippet of an article about him. He says a little pedophilia is fine Little pedophilia is fine an interview with the Time magazine the ink the Englishman and famed atheist says Says past stories of touching children shouldn't be condemned Dawkins bases his hideous assertion on his own experience of his headmaster putting his hands inside of his shorts The event Dawkins says didn't cause lasting harm. So I should so it should be dismissed So he's basically excusing somebody for being a per a little pedophile pervert And he's protecting them. He's saying hey, you know that you know, it's fine that he did that You think that's fine? So he'll sit there and condemn God For you know doing and having judgment and killing people that deserve to be killed and For being jealous and all this other stuff, but then he looks back on his childhood and then says oh well It didn't really bother me that much. Oh, yeah, it didn't bother you that much. That's why you're God-hating atheist I guess you know, maybe he just doesn't realize how it affected him But to this day he still hates God and that speech is in his book And he says this I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning like Mild pedophilia and can't find it in me to condemn it. Well, I'll tell you what God condemns it I'll tell you what. I'm gonna condemn it because the Bible condemns it And anybody that rapes or molests or harms children is better for them than a millstone We're tied around his neck and he was cast into the depths of the sea So don't tell me that God's wrong and you're right Anybody that harms a child should be thrown in the sea with a millstone around their neck period And so even secular people were horrified by what he said it says he said The internet is understandably in an uproar about the comments which child welfare specialists have deemed outrageous See even you know in child welfare people are kidnapping kids and doing all kinds of weird stuff, but I'll tell you what God's right. Richard Dawkins is wrong and he God condemned those places for doing the things that he's talking about He's fine with that though But he's not fine with God judging him for it. That's wicked. He doesn't know God. He doesn't understand God He doesn't understand God's Word and anybody that listens to him and believes this stuff. Look, he's he's he's perverting people's minds by saying this stuff Why would God kill babies in a flood I've heard that question asked before Why would God do that? Well turn to Genesis chapter 6 verse number 5 And I'm just trying to give you some of the thing I know there's probably a lot more things that people say and they they feel like there's so much more loving and so much more just than God is but obviously I can't think of everything so I Just was thinking about a few things here. So why would God kill babies in the flood? He killed baby animals. He killed babies Everything that lived on the face of the planet except for those that were in Nozark died in the flood Why did God do it? Look at Genesis chapter 6 verse number 5 it says and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil Continually and so God said, you know what it repented me that I made man And I'm gonna wipe him off the face of the planet with a big flood That's what he did and you know what he was right to do it Get mad about it all you want, but you know what the babies that died in the flood. Where do you think they went? They went to heaven So really it was a merciful act because those kids would have grown up to be little monsters just like their parents And so I think that that is more of an act of mercy than it is an act of Megamania, you know and whatever else Richard Dawkins says You know in our minds when if we were to see a child drown like that, it would really probably affect us But knowing God the way we should know God it should not affect us in the same way as it would affect some unbeliever some atheist or Phagnostic, right? So God has the right to judge his own creation. Guess what? He made this world He made us. He is the one that allows us to breathe breath every single second of the day He's the one that closes our eyes and heals us as we go to sleep He's the one that that makes sure that we do have all the things necessary that we need. He allows the rain to To go on the just and unjust also And you know what? God is able to do those things God is able to also judge his own creation because you know why because he's God So we need to be careful as Christians not to charge God foolishly for the things that we don't think Or we don't see eye to eye with God on Whether whatever subject matter that would be So turn to Job chapter 1 Job chapter 1 Look at verse number 19 the Bible says And behold there came a great wind from the wilderness and smote the four corners of the house and it fell upon the young men And they are dead and I only am escaped alone to tell thee so this is the last messenger The job gets that his children are all killed, right? He lost everything all of his substance all of his riches everything and like basically one Messengers coming in and before they can finish saying what they're gonna say The next messenger comes in and tells them some more horrible news and then the next messenger comes in and then the final one says hey Guess what? All your kids are dead And so what does job do right here? then Job arose verse number 20 and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and Worshipped, you know why he did that because he didn't understand why everything was going wrong But you know what his first instinct was to do He said he said naked he and said naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither the Lord gave the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of The Lord so God so the job respond in a right way Absolutely. The Bible tells us in verse 22 says in all this job sinned not nor charged God Foolishly see a lot of people in that situation. What are they gonna do? They're gonna sin. They're gonna say something stupid with their mouth against God They're gonna say something foolish against the God that made them against the God that gave them everything and every substance they've ever had in the very life and the Breath in the palm of his hand and they're gonna sin against God and they're gonna charge God foolishly in that situation Look people do it all the time Christians do it all the time Unbelievers do it all the time reprobates do it all the time and but you know what we as Christians we look we we know We're here in the book right now. You're reading it for yourself and know this That you whatever happens in your life, whatever bad things happen in your life, whatever horrors you go through in your life Guess what don't charge God foolishly because you know what he is the God that judges in the earth He is right in everything. He says and he is right with everything he does And you shouldn't be sitting there talking bad about God and who he is Because you're saved and you know better and Look, you've heard the scriptures. Look you're not gonna get preaching like this at every single church in town I'll tell you that I'm not saying I'm a good preacher I'm just saying that you know, I'm preaching the Bible here and guess what all these other Baptist churches in this in this City are doing right now. They're preaching the love of God and how much more money you should put the offering plate Pretty much. Hey, come on up to the old-fashioned altar and get saved one more time So we can at least count one salvation for the year I know I know you guys saved last year, but we need to we need some numbers here At the church before the last church in the bulletin there was usually like two or maybe three Maybe they put more Salvations and I can't remember but they would count all the bus Salvations which of course a lot of those kids did get saved because there was actually people that were saved They were given on the gospel But other than that like the pastor wasn't getting people saved Because every time he did an altar call he called me or one of the other men up in the church to give him the gospel The real God I would give him the real gospel I wouldn't say guess what you got to repent of all your sins That's not how it's supposed to go but look we're not supposed to charge don't charge your wife foolishly or your kids foolishly You know, that's that's a good, you know thing that we can learn from this also is that not everything is caused from sin Okay. Now there are things that are caused from sin. Absolutely But I think that people that are being chastened know why they're being chastened sometimes Like it could be a you know, what we would redeem as a small sin and then like something happens. They're late for work or You know just you get in a fight with your spouse or whatever just things like that I mean sometimes you just know what's going wrong and then that's when you need to repent with God and and fix that problem so Some Christians are more pure than God also On I like the the verse that Ryland put on there says every word is of God is pure He's a shield unto them that put their trust in him Proverbs 30 verse 5, you know every word that God says is pure every word so every every word in this book right here is pure and God's not gonna put some sinful sentence in here or some sinful word in this Bible Because you know what every word of God is pure and that means it's good Turn to Psalm chapter 12 verse number 6 Psalm chapter 12 verse number 6 Here's another thing where people charge not only God foolishly, but they charge Christians foolishly as well. One time I was Giving the gospel to this little kid and and I said well, where are you gonna go? so what's the Bible say you're gonna go to if you don't believe in Jesus and he was like Well, we got it right. Hell But He was afraid to say hell because he thought it was a cuss word So if the word hell is in the Bible, it's not a cuss word. I was like it's okay for you said he's like Like looking for his mom. I don't know about this the bad place But like I've had that happen to me several times anybody ever had that happen to him when I was only okay Yeah, lots of people But and look I wouldn't say that a kid should go around using words For no reason, right? They'll just go around saying words that people would like some people just hear the word bastard and they think That's a sin. I can't believe you're costing at the pulpit You're swearing at the pulpit because you said that no the word bastard is just a word in the Bible and it means that they're an illegitimate child it means that they You know someone Had a child out of wedlock. That's what it means You know when people are so sensitive and Just so wishy-washy and look their Bible versions take all this stuff out of their out of the book And so when people don't read it in their New King James version or in their NIV version Then they think when you say that word that it's not pure but every word of God is pure Look at Psalm chapter 12 verse 6 It says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified Seven times are God's words pure or not? Is the King James Bible perfect or not? Is it pure? Yes, it is It says thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever Look, we got a 400 year old translation of the Bible the Word of God in English and it's perfect And it has words in it that people would deem as a cuss word or as a swear word or as profanity Okay, the word damn It doesn't it means that you're damned to like hell or damned to some kind of curse or whatever. It's not a bad word Now listen kids don't go around Sitting there saying damn damn all the time or something because Pastor Thompson said it was okay that that words pure Look, it's it's how it's used. Don't use it how the Bible uses it. I would say that But sometimes God uses strong language in the Bible and we don't need to censor that out of our mouths Because every word of God is pure The word damn or damnation is used several times in the Bible. You know what? It's pure. It's a right word It's okay to say that person's damned It's not a bad word Now look kids you better listen to your parents and you know, I'm teaching the Word of God here But you know if your parents don't want you to say certain words you just listen to them. Okay? But the word piss People really get upset with the word piss They get word they get upset with the word dung But piss and dung are Bible words Let me show you something the Word of God real quick turn to 2nd Kings chapter 18 verse number 27 This is just one example. Okay? And this is strong language so But you know just because it's strong language language doesn't mean it's not right language Okay, 2nd Kings chapter 18 verse number 27 Now follow along in 2nd Kings 18 27 while I read the New King James version of this verse So read along with me And I'll show you something Verse number 27 says but Rabshakah said unto them has my master sent me to your master to you To speak these words and not to the men who sit on the wall who will eat and drink their own waste with you Is that what is that what your Bible says? Well, let's read it now again in the King James version. So they took the word. What did they take out? They took the word piss out. They took the word Dung out and they took the word the out didn't they? Let's read it again But Rabshakah said unto them hath my master sent me to thy master and to thee to speak these words Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall that they may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you It's gross, isn't it? But you know, it's strong language and you know what you think of You think of eating your own dung and drinking your own pee your piss Honestly, I'm even dumbing it down But look, it's not wrong to say those words because you know what? It's in the Word of God and look he told he's saying something that's strong to them and God wants us to know just how strong It really is. But when you go when you change it You know people try to say well the New King James is is okay because it's written it's translated out of the Texas Receptus You know what? They changed those words on purpose Because he wasn't talking to the whole group of people he was talking to one person that's why it says and to you Speak these words and not to the men who sit on the wall That's what makes sense You know when it says Actually when it says to thee to speak these words, so he's saying he's talking to one person and he's saying to thee Not to the men that sit on the wall That makes sense That's proper English But why did they change it because the King James is just too hard to understand No, when it's talking about to thee it's talking about one single person so even these supposed People that are so smart with the Bible these theologians they sit there and they think it's okay to change God's Word to something that it doesn't say It said it's telling us when it says to thee he's talking to a single person But in the New King James, he's talking to everybody because you is a plural term It means it's talking to a group of people. So you don't know who he's talking to But in the King James, it makes it very clear That's a side note But what I'm talking about is Bible words that people get upset about and say you're cussing from the pulpit You're what you're saying is not right And Look I already put the pre-warning out for the kids don't go around to saying things just to say them Okay, but if you say well and if you don't want your kids talking like this, but I I do I just I read the Bible and so when I say I gotta go to the back I say I gotta go take a piss trauma Sorry, but if you don't want your kid talking like that then I understand that But that's what I say, you know because it's not a bad word It's in the Bible. So it's not a bad word. Okay, and So look don't get mad at me and come to me after the sermon say I can't believe you tell my kids It's okay to say piss. Well, the Bible says every word of God's pure. And so why would you be upset about that? Now if I said hey kids go say whatever you want doesn't matter what your parents say then that would be wrong for me to Do that and I'm not gonna say that But when Rab Shaka comes to these guys and say that they may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you That's strong words because God wants us to understand just how Strongly he was speaking against God's people just how strongly he was speaking against God And what happened to Rab Shaka? Well Rab Shaka didn't make it And neither did the rest of his posse. So The word fool it means like a stupid person or someone that's an unbeliever and The word bastard means illegitimate child the word ass means a donkey The word hell Doesn't mean she you know The word she'll is used in the Hebrew and the word Hades is used in the Greek or whatever But you know what? The Bible says hell The word hell and the word hell is in the Bible several times and God says hell And when we hear the word hell, we understand what it's talking about. It's not wrong to say the word hell like that little kid thought You know in the context of me asking him that question. Do you think it was what would be wrong for him to say hell? Do you it's not? So I'm just asking him a question mass I'm like, you know when you go through the questions with people Well, where do you think you where would you go if you didn't believe go to hell? He was afraid to say that because he thought it was a cuss word But it's not a cuss word because every word of God is pure but see people don't understand God They don't know God and you know They have a wrong concept of who God is and so any Christian that would say that these words are bad words or profane words They're saying that God's words not pure aren't they by proxy saying that and if I use these words from the pulpit if I'm reading This if CJ gets up and reads this chapter in the Bible. Do you think I want him to say? Who drink there and eat their own waste with you No, because that doesn't really give the picture in your mind that God wants you to have He wants you to have that gross picture of you literally having to drink your own your own pee Your own piss and eat your own dung which is really disgusting and I would puke and Probably die instantly But It's still not a bet those aren't bad words Some people are more loving than God. Let's turn to Matthew chapter 18 verse 21 Some people are also more forgiving than God, too Some people are more forgiving than God is Because in places where God wouldn't forgive somebody They say well, you know, I'm just gonna be Holy and I'm gonna forgive this person or whatever and look I'm not saying we shouldn't forgive people But you know what the context of Matthew 8 chapter 18 and the where I'm about to show you the context is where someone Asked God to you know, basically if you put this and let's read it Let's read it It says in verse 21 then came Peter to him and said Lord how off shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times Jesus said unto him I say unto thee until seven times But until I say not unto thee until seven times but unto until seventy times seven, so what's he saying? Forgive him when they ask you to forgive that'd be a lot of times in a day to forgive somebody wouldn't it? You know, you're just like Will you forgive me? Yes Will you forgive me? Yes But at a certain point I would think you know Maybe they don't really need it But You know, Jesus did say to forgive it's a commandment for us to forgive when people ask us to forgive them Look at verse 23 says therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain King which would take account of his servants And when he had begun to reckon one was brought to him which owed him 10,000 talents but for as much as he had not to pay his Lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he Had and payment to be made So he was gonna sell his whole family including him until the payment was made and then the servant therefore fell down and worshiped Him saying Lord had patience with me and I will pay thee all So what is he saying? He's saying God it basically if you're looking at as God is the one that's being asked to be forgiven or is being asked He's asking God to forgive him Then the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the debt But the same servant went out and Found one of his fellow servants which owed him a hundred pence and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat Saying pay me that thou owest So he didn't even own very much. Remember this guy owed the Lord 10,000 talents and in this guy You know, it was a hundred pence. It's like a hundred pennies, right? Compared to 10,000 talents with talents were like, you know big bricks of gold or silver or whatever And so it says he laid his hands on him and took him by the throat saying pay me that thou owest And what did the guy say to him? He said and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying Have patience with me and I will pay thee all so he's doing the same thing that this guy Did with gut with the Lord and then he's in what's he's do he says and he would not But went and cast him into prison tell her she'd pay the debt So when his fellow servants saw what he had done They were very sorry and came and told unto their Lord all that was done and his Lord After that, he had called him said unto him. Oh that wicked servant. I forgave thee all that debt because thou desirous me shouldst not thou have had compassion on thy fellow servant even as I had pity on thee and The Lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due unto him So likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother his their trespasses So at the beginning he Peter said how many times do I have to forgive someone and what he tell him? 70 times 7 right which is basically just saying whenever they ask you, right? So here we got this guy Doing the same thing But see what is the key element in this in the scripture that he asked? The Lord to forgive him and then this guy asked him to forgive him for the hundred pence debt debt, right So what I believe and what I've taught since I've been here and people can disagree with me all they want about this But I don't think you have to forgive someone unless they ask you to That being said I think it's spiritual for a person to overlook somebody's minor sin and Just forgive them and don't even bring it up to her to them and don't even put it out in the open Look, you can you can be you can have your your sin You don't have to like just hold someone's feet to the fire over everything that they do But that being said if someone keeps Committing adultery with your wife, you know, they're committing adultery with your wife and they never ask you to forgive them Do you have to forgive them? Would you forgive them? I wouldn't Could you forgive them? Yeah But what I'm saying is some people are so forgiving that they'll even forget like you always see these court cases where they're like You know, and I think it's a show Ultimately, I think it's a Christian show It's just like the Pharisees getting up and saying a long prayer or it's like them saying I've given this person seven pence as an alms, you know, or you know, whatever I think the same thing when I see some person that's killed somebody's loved one That's a serial killer and then all these family members get up and you know, the Christian ones get up and go I just want to let you know I've forgiven you. I Think it's a show. Maybe they'd really do forgive them, whatever But I don't think you have to forgive someone that doesn't ask you for it And I would definitely not forgive a serial killer for killing a family member of mine, especially if he wasn't asking for it You know why because they hate God and their reprobates. That's why and And Obviously, you know Most of them just sit there with a cold blank look on their face and they don't care because if they were allowed to get Out they would do it again in a heartbeat But some people will like oh I forgive you whatever I Don't I don't agree that that's always the case that every Christian has to always forgive because you know What God doesn't always forgive every single person if they don't ask him either So, why would you say that a Christian has to forgive in every single situation But God doesn't So you put your right there you're putting yourself above God's standards above God's moral law above what God would have have you to do and you don't owe a person an Apology or you don't owe someone forgiveness that doesn't ask you for it Now Jesus did say father forgive them for they know what not what they do, but did God forgive all them He didn't Some of those people died and went straight to hell So we can have a forgiving heart and I'm not saying we shouldn't have a forgiving heart I think we should let transgressions even amongst us Like if someone gives flashes you a dirty look because they're they slapped your kid or whatever I don't think that you always have to just like Go to every single person over every single thing that they do I think we should let people you know Just give them the benefit of the doubt and just maybe they're having a bad day or something I don't confront every single per every single thing I hear or every single thing people do and it's like, you know I know people go through hard times and sometimes people just react in different ways You can forgive someone but you don't have to in certain case. Do you guys understand what I'm trying to say here? I hope you understand But that is another thing where people just say well I'm way more holy because I forgive things that God wouldn't even forgive And that's weird turn to Psalm Ecclesiastes 3 8 Says there's a time To love and a time to hate a time of war and a time of peace and there are times When we are supposed to hate there are times, you know, love is put there first, you know obviously love is the first thing that we should be doing with people but There's also a time to hate and Christians just like ink blot this out of their Bibles and they've fallen after the Jedi ways of Yoda and Luke Skywalker and they think that any kind of hatred is gonna lead you to the dark side Okay, and they didn't know more about Star Wars lore than they do about this book and that's the problem in their life is they Just don't understand the Bible Look Yoda's wrong. I Know that might be blasphemy in your Jedi ways, but Yoda was wrong Turn to Psalm chapter 139 verse 18 Hate leads to anger anger leads to hate. I don't know how it goes Somebody can quote it for me word perfect, you know Yoda's scripture Look Psalm 139 verse 18 says if I if I should count them They are more number than the sand when I wait awake. I am still with thee surely thou will slay the wicked Oh God Depart from me therefore you bloody men For they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not I hate them O Lord That hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against me Against thee, excuse me. I hate them with perfect hatred You know perfect means complete complete hatred. I count them mine enemies So the enemies of God the ones that got that hate God where it's okay for us to hate them And people just like flip out over this doctrine they really do but you know why because they don't understand who God is God God the God that they think that they believe in is not the God who it really is They don't believe in the right God because their God is a figment of their own imagination and the stupid preaching they've heard at other churches But this is straight out of the Bible am I saying something that's not in the Bible It's right there So search me oh God know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead Me in the way of everlasting see it's okay for us to hate God's enemies I'm not saying go looking for trouble all the time whenever You know whenever you go to a restaurant, and there's a homo waiter the throw food at them and walk out or something I I Did have a homo waiter not too long ago, and I really did want to walk out So that's because he was given bad service, and I couldn't handle the lisp but look I Do what you want obviously? But like just know that you're gonna get persecuted the minute you say something But I don't think it's wrong to say stuff to them necessarily, but I just I don't choose to do that I don't want stuff being put in my food. You know things like that and if you ask for a different waiter They're gonna know why so you might as well just get up and leave and go someplace else But it's getting to be that homos or even in every single restaurant that you go try to eat at Anyway, Hosea chapter 9 verse 15 says All their wickedness is in Gilgal therefore there I hated them for the wickedness of their doings. I will drive them out of mine house I will love them no more all their princes are revolters So God was saying to what these children these were the Israelites He was talking about he said I hated them for the wickedness of their doing I will drive them out of mine house I will love them no more see God is saying right here that there's a point where he loves them no more and So there comes a point with every human being look if God is gonna cast you into the lake of fire for all eternity He doesn't love you anymore He doesn't just go. I love you splash It's not like bowling you know I love you God doesn't love you anymore after he throws you into hell God doesn't love you anymore the time he throws you in hell before that final judgment if you're in hell. He stopped loving you all right, so That's just the fact and look I preached a sermon at steadfast about people protecting these perverts these past pervert protecting passers Right anybody hear that sermon Well in that sermon I talked about all the people that that guy molested and all these other wicked things that he did But one thing I didn't bring up in that sermon was the fact that he molested his nephews So all the other ones were girls, but he also molested his nephews, so what does that make him? Makes him a faggot doesn't it? And that word people like you're cut now you are cussing Pastor Thompson. You're say you said faggot Well, what it's a strong word isn't it? Is it wrong to say that word? Because if I just said sodomite every single time not everybody knows what a sodomite is but everybody knows what a faggot is right And that guy was a filthy faggot And I don't have a problem saying that at all. I don't think it's cussing You know like obviously you know if you take care of your kids However you want and like obviously you don't want your kid running around going faggot faggot faggot. You know, but sometimes you got to call a spade a spade and Those that guy was a faggot, and he deserves to be Sentenced to death by the government and put to death So I don't have a problem saying that and I'm glad for Massachusetts coming up here pretty soon I'm just gonna do a shameless plug for Faithful word Baptist Church, I'm glad pastor Anderson's putting that on it's gonna be in October So if you're interested in going and like you're like I've heard all these bag sermons before Pastor Thompson They are fun though, aren't they? But look why do we call why do I say that word? Why do I say that word so that you know that it's harsh language against them because you're gonna know if I just said Homosexual that's not that's offensive to them to call a homosexual. So what word should I use? What what less of it? Why do I have to use a less offensive word? Could they call themselves queers don't they? LGBTQ that what does that stand for it stands for queer, doesn't it? But that's what they call themselves. So am I gonna call them queers that doesn't offend them these little queers Yeah, that's a funny word But nothing really gets the point across like saying faggot Does it And look a faggot is kind of a synonym of what's all I mean, they're bundles of sticks meant to be burned That's what's gonna happen to him when they all drop dead and go straight into the pit of hell And then God is gonna say I love you no more. He loved them no more before he gave them over to a reprobate mind After he gives somebody over to a reprobate mind. He stopped loving them at that point, didn't he? But I knocked on the door of this pastor's house yesterday and he's a Methodist pastor a black Methodist pastor And he's he gave me the right gospel that he believed the right gospel. I'm I Don't know. I don't have a hard time with that But he said he was saved but he said that I don't stop people from coming to my churches. I said well I do You know because if they're not even supposed to be have buildings around the house of the Lord Why would I let them into the building period? Yeah, and our church is registered as a hate group or whatever but So what that's like a badge of honor Because all these other weak churches are afraid to preach the truth. They're afraid to call a fag a fag They're afraid to call, you know, the judgment of God what it is Oh, it might not be that the forest fires are a judgment of God. I'll tell you what look Australia I posted a beam about this Australia had this like big giant pride parade, right? And then the meme under it says Australia then Australia now, it's all on fire. You think that's an accident Look God's judgment. His wrath is gonna be on the nations that forget him and they'll be turned into hell I'm sorry. I used so many bad words today and I got to end this sermon now I had some more stuff that I wanted to show you but just thinking about Abraham, you know We got to make sure that we're taking things in perspective Look at Abraham when he was like he was in front of God He was saying well not the whole guy. Well, I'll just read one verse it says Far be it from thee to do after this manner to slay the righteous with the wicked and the righteous should be as the wicked That be far from thee shall not the judge of all the earth do right and God said What and the Lord said I will find if I find 50 in Sodom, right? If I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city, I will spare all the place for their sakes So God is not he's still just even at the the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah He said even if there's ten people I still won't destroy it. And what did he do? He destroyed it Why because there wasn't even ten righteous in that city You know how many righteous there were? One Lot and he got him out of there So was God right to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Absolutely because they were reprobates and they were wakened so I do got to end the sermon here But you know people just don't know who God really is and that is the reason I'm preaching this series and We as Christians need to understand that God might not be the people that we think he is and his word His pure words reveal to us who he is and we have to take that and we have to believe his word Because if not, we're no better than any of these other people Nobody's more just nobody's more. Holy. Nobody's more pure and nobody is more loving than God is That's just a fact take that to the bank. Let's pray Heavenly Father We thank you Lord for your judgments for your righteousness the fact that everything that you do is right Pray right now Lord that we'd have a right mindset Lord that we wouldn't Squirm away from the words that you use that are pure in the Bible and Lord that we wouldn't Charge you foolishly for the things that go wrong in our lives and Lord that you would just bless this church Lord Help us all to feel better and get well from the sickness that's been going around and Lord I just pray that you'd bless the soul winning today as we go out and preach the gospel in Jesus name pray. Amen