(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, we're in Mark chapter 10 tonight and We're gonna start with verse number one the title of the sermon tonight is what the Bible says about Divorce and remarriage what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. Let's have a word prayer Heavenly Father We thank you Lord so much for sound doctrine Lord And it comes straight from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ pray Lord that you would just help me to preach a sermon tonight Lord many people have questions about this many people have a hard time With this doctrine and Lord. I just pray that you'd help me to expound upon your word Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit tonight with boldness and Lord Let me not forget anything that I was on my heart to say tonight as I preach your word in Jesus name we pray amen All right, so what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage, and it's been a while since I preached a full-length sermon on this The sermon I preached about it I have a lot of people that get on that sermon on YouTube and they ask a lot of questions And they're basically battling back and forth with me and one of the things that That they keep saying as well. You know if you get divorced and remarried you're supposed to Once you realize that you got divorced again, or you got remarried again You shouldn't have done that then you're supposed to divorce that wife also, and then remain unmarried for all the days I'm like okay That doesn't make sense because that's not true first of all because once you make vows to God Why would if you made more vows to God you broke the first ones they made? And then you get remarried which you're not supposed to do which is sin which is adultery, right? But then to to compound that error and get divorced again You know what if you got six kids? What if you got ten kids with that second marriage you're supposed to divorce them and just leave them destitute That's ridiculous It's a stupid way to look at the Bible, and you know it just I was thinking about this on the way here I was thinking how people take 1st Corinthians 11 about length of hair and turn that into head coverings Even in my Bible software it says about head coverings And it's like that's not what it's talking about so obviously the guy that made that Bible software is probably not saved And that's probably why he has all the doc the strongs and all this other stuff in there It's like can't we just look at the Bible Why do I have to look at all the commentary from Matthew Henry and all this other stuff? I don't use any of that junk But he does have little sub Titles on there's this east sword or whatever you know what I'm talking about If you preach at all But anyway, so this this topic is the hardest thing that I deal with as a pastor easily and why is it hard because Well, it's the times we live in the times we live in Marriage and divorce are you know people get married and just as easily get divorced? And it's because of laws that started in California and spread all across the country And really it's just doctrines of Satan Where you can just get an easy divorce you don't have to have a reason for it anymore The women always get the kids unless there's some drugged out crack whore you know And even then they'll still get on sometimes But you know and then the men are weakened every other weekend warrior daddies They don't even get to have any say in what goes on in their children's lives it destroys Families it destroys this country and God hates divorce God's Against divorce it's wicked so why would someone try to say that you're supposed to divorce again? Look you've already made the mistake you repented of it And you know frankly a lot of it comes from these weak churches that are out there that the pastor will go Oh, I think that you should leave. I think you should divorce your husband or tell the crew you know That's that's bad advice any pastor. That's going around teaching. It's okay to divorce obviously hasn't read their Bible And the other thing is yeah, I know I brought up first Corinthians 11, okay So people I didn't I didn't finish my thought on that my wife so back there is like mmm, but So here's the thing people will say about the head coverings right, but just like the head covering doctrine That's non-existent by the way Then you know the covering is your hair, okay? That's what the Bible is teaching in first Corinthians 11 But people will take the verses about divorce and have the same kind of weird interpretations about them You know why people have weird interpretations about divorce because they're not saved they don't understand the Bible Or someone has taught them bad doctrine. I'm not saying everybody that got divorced is is unsaved okay? That's not what I was saying. I'm just saying that people like the people that are on my pay on that YouTube Video from three years ago or whatever Are telling me that I'm I'm a false teacher because I say that you should stay with the second spouse that you married It's like they just don't understand what I'm trying to say to them which is weird But it just so happens that we're in Mark chapter 10, and this is what Jesus is talking about in the first passages in this chapter so It's it's become too normal for people to get divorced for any reason For any reason and you know it's funny people will call me a Pharisee for what I believe about divorce and remarriage And you know it's funny that the Pharisees are the ones that said that you know can we get divorced for any cause? That's the Pharisee the one that says oh, yeah, you can just get divorced for any reason Moses So just give her a bill of divorcement. It's okay so That's ridiculous And that's what's become the people that are actually getting divorced remarried are the Pharisees and the one that are actually preaching the Bible are the ones that are being Scrutinized and called liars and wolves and heretics. It's like good night You know why don't you just look what Jesus said and we're gonna look at what Jesus said tonight We're gonna look at some other stuff too, but my goal in this sermon is not to make people feel bad It's not doesn't have anything to do with that. I'm preaching the Bible. I'm preaching sound doctrine I'm preaching what the truth is about marriage and what the truth is about divorce and remarriage and Jesus covers the topic a lot a lot So my goal is to help people and look if you've already been divorced and remarried stay with your spouse Continue To raise your children or you know be in that relationship with all your might and don't worry about What other people would say about that? There's people there's idiots these trash people that will say that oh well They're they're perpetually committing adultery was David perpetually committing adultery when he married Bathsheba. He committed adultery He killed her husband. That's true And it was a blemish upon him for his whole rest of his life But God held true to the fact that he made vows He was married to her and they were husband and wife. It wasn't an adulterous relationship forever. Okay, so Anyway, I'll cover all that as we go Let's look at verse number one says any arose from vents and cometh into the coast of Judea by the Farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again and as he was wont he taught them again And he did want to teach this is what Jesus one of the things that Jesus came to do is teach right doctrine and verse number two, it says in the Pharisees came to him and Asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him That so they're tempting Jesus, you know, and it's it's really funny. I think he smokes them super easy Just goes back to the beginning He goes to Moses the one that they claim to love and and follow and the Jews today still don't follow Moses They still don't follow the Bible. They still don't believe the Bible They still don't believe what Jesus said and they're still just as lost as they ever have been the synagogue of Satan but look at what it says it says and In verse number three, it says and he answered and said unto them. What did Moses command you? What's the law say? What's the Bible say and here's one of the other things that these people say, okay I'm kind of mad about this. So just in case you didn't realize that but what what what is it? What is it that they're saying to me? Well, they're saying oh, you're gonna go to the Old Testament What did Jesus say? What did Moses command you to do? Where did Jesus go he went to the Old Testament where the law actually is So And then look at verse number five it says and Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardest of your hearts He wrote this precept because they said excuse me I skipped verse four verse four and they said Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away He allowed so suffered means allowed. Okay, so he suffered Moses suffered or he allowed to write a bill of divorcement now And then Jesus says and and Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your hearts He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation of God made them God made them male and female Amen, praise God. It wasn't a bunch of other genders and alphabets and things like that male and female All right for this cause shall man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh So then they are no more twain but one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder I think that's pretty clear, isn't it? Well, God's joined together and made one when you get married. Guess what you become one flesh That's the way it's been since the beginning So even past and beyond what Moses has said which we're gonna get into but at the beginning the first two people got married and They were joined in one and became one flesh and Jesus said What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder So the answer to some of these clowns would like to say, oh, yeah Well, if you're in your second divorce If you realize you know or your second marriage and you realize that you weren't supposed to get you're supposed to go back to your Old spouse this is another thing that they're saying you're supposed to go back to your old spouse And that's what they think that that's okay and then you're supposed to divorce them Well, what did Jesus say let not man put asunder are we all men here? Yes We are we all the man the human race mankind. Yes, we are So we're not supposed to once we've been joined together in holy matrimony We're not supposed to put that asunder that means to split apart that means to divorce Okay, verse 10 and in the head and in the house of his disciples asked him again of the same matter And he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife This is very important. Listen up kids. Sit still please and he saith unto them whosoever Shall put away his wife and marry another Committed adultery against her and if what and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another She committed adultery how much more clear do you have to be than that? How much more queer you put away your wife you marry another guess what you're committing adultery if a wife Divorces her husband guess what she's committing adultery. That's queer. That's what Jesus teaches That's what Jesus taught. He said let not man put asunder So guess what when you get if you get divorced you're already wrong If you get divorced and remarried you're committing adultery That's what the Bible says. That's what Jesus said. He's very clear about that right now turn to Matthew chapter 19 And there's a couple different things in Matthew chapter 19 They're a little bit different than this, but it is a parallel passage here So turn to Matthew chapter 19 look at verse number 3 Matthew 19 verse 3 So we're just gonna kind of go through what Jesus taught about Divorce and remarriage okay, and he's very clear. He doesn't say anything different about it Okay, but he does add a couple There's a couple details added here in Matthew 19 that I want you to see verse number 3 The Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him Is it lawful for a man to put his put away his wife for every cause? So you know what because they believed that they could put away their wife for every cause Okay, and we already saw what Jesus said But this is a little extra thing that they that's not said Mark chapter 10. It says any answer and said unto them Have you not read? Don't you know how to read you're masters of Israel, and you don't know these things These pastors out there they're supposed to be pastors leading flocks And they're telling people to get divorced for whatever pops into their brain It's ridiculous They're not of God And he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female And he said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain Shall be one flesh Wherefore they are not no more twain but one flesh what therefore God hath joined together Let not man put asunder and you know every wedding I do When I say you may kiss the bride and the people getting married probably don't realize that I'm saying this but I say but I say this What God has put together let not man put asunder as they kiss. That's what I say Because that's just what I did. That's why I was taught by pastor in medicine. That's what I do, too So I like that and I think it's right to say that because that's what Jesus said, right? They say unto him why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and put her away He saith unto them because Moses or Moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives But from the beginning it was not so so even though Moses did give a writing of divorcement But we're gonna get into that in just a second because there's only there's only one reason why Moses says to put away your wife Okay, one reason and we'll get to that here just a minute But look what it says in verse 9 it says and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife Accept it be for fornication Okay, here's the caveat right here. Here's the exception to the rule divorce is not permissible for any reason except for Fornication. Okay, and shall marry another Committeth adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery So where's Jesus getting this from? Well, we're gonna like I said, we're gonna get into that in a second Go ahead and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 22 but I want to give you the definition of Adultery because adultery is different than fornication All right It's voluntary and I'm just gonna you know, I'm not gonna read what the definition is given. I'm just gonna say voluntary You know things that husbands and wives do between themselves When you know it, let's see voluntary things that husbands do between Themselves between married person and person is not that it's not their spouse so if you go outside the marriage vows and you go and That's committing adultery. You're going that so adultery is when you're married and you go outside the marriage bed and Defile yourself and defile your wife. All right it's When two men and women get together, okay. I don't want to be too graphic here. Okay. I'm sorry I'm having a hard time with this. All right, but fornication is the same thing except for you're not married. All right, and so Fornication is is this act that happens but that's supposed to happen between married people When you're not married, okay, does that make sense? So fornication adultery are different. They're still both sexual sins But one is the death penalty Okay, the Bible says that the adultery shall surely be put to death. Okay, that's what the Bible says and Fornication sometimes people were killed for it But that is not it's not given the death penalty except for in the situation where a virgin is Proclaiming that she's a virgin the dad's giving her away and Then he finds out that she's not what she says she is That she has committed fornication before so obviously she's not married But she commits fornication before the wedding and Then it's found out that she's not okay. You're in Deuteronomy chapter 22 look at verse 13, and this is the caveat This is the only thing that Moses suffered a bill of divorcement for So the Pharisees are teaching what for every cause anything that comes into our mind. That's what we're gonna get divorced for What did Moses say well look at verse 20 or 13 and Deuteronomy 22 says if any man take a wife and go in unto her and that is you know talking about marriage things right okay and hate her and give occasions of speech against her and bring up an evil name upon her and say I took this woman and When I came to her I found her not a maid so he's saying You know we've had our marriage Then we did the things that married people do and I found out she wasn't what she said she was she wasn't she wasn't a virgin And then in verse 15 says then shall the father of the damsel and her mother take and bring forth the tokens of the dam Damsels virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate now This is talking about like whatever the sheets or you know whatever proof It's per I'll just say this it's proof that she was okay a virgin and the damsels father shall say unto The elders I gave my daughter unto this man to be wife And he hated her and lo he hath given occasions of speech against her saying I found not thy daughter a maid and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity and they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city and The elders of the city shall take that man and chastise him that means they're gonna beat him there It means they're gonna whip him or whatever because he lied About her right and it says and they shall immerse him in a hundred shekels of silver and give them unto the father of the damsel because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel and She shall be his wife He may not put her away all his days now people will take this verse and they'll say oh he raped her or whatever You know they'll say well This rape takes place and they're make forcing her to be his wife or whatever Look, they already got married First of all, and he just is trying to get out of it He just wants to be a whoremonger and he just wants to say something evil about this woman so that he can divorce her But the the bigger picture is that what he was gonna do was gonna cause her to be put to death We'll see that here just second, but it says she shall be his wife. Why because they consummated the marriage He may not put her away all his days. All right, so he gets beaten. He has to pay the father He's shamed for it Immersed in shekels and all that stuff and it says but if this thing be true So say this happens and it's true. She's not a virgin. She's committed fornication All right, because fornication happens before you're married. All right happens while you're not married Adultery happens when you are married and you go outside the bounds of the marriage All right But if this thing be true the toe and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel Then shall then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her With stones that she died Because she hath wrought folly in Israel to play the whore in her father's house So shalt thou put evil away from among you so it's a wicked sin for someone to pretend for a woman to pretend like she's a virgin and then The then the husband finds out. Oh, guess what? No, she's she's not a virgin She's actually fornicated and committed a fornication before I married her and then so What is the penalty for that the death penalty? Okay, that's how serious it is to God That's what God how God feels about it. All right, and it says that she's played the whore in her father's house And listen young ladies in here don't play the whore in your father's house You're supposed to remain a virgin until the day you come up and get married All right, you're not supposed to play the whore in your father's house and commit fornication. It's a wicked sin It's evil and to pretend like you are one after committing fornication is God calls that the death penalty. All right so anyway So what are some other things that people are saying about this? Well, they're saying you can go back to your old spouse. I brought that up earlier They're saying oh, well, you know if this happens then you know, you can go back to them I'm going to show you some things I'm gonna come back to this whole thing about the fornication because it's important but let me move on here just for For this real quick. It says turn to Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse number 1 Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse number 1 The Bible says when a man hath taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes because he hath found some uncleanness in her Then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it into her hand and send her out of this house Now this is if someone's Already married and they find some uncleanness in her and they just can't deal with it Moses suffered them to write a bill of divorcement Okay, this is Moses saying that but God we've already saw what God how God feels about it It says that when she is departed out of his house she may go and be another man's wife and if the latter husband hate her and Write her a bill of divorcement and giveth it into her hand and sendeth her out of his house And if the latter husband died Which took her to be his wife her former husband? Which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife After she is defiled. So here's the situation Husband divorces her she goes and becomes another man's wife. He divorces her Well, she's not allowed to go back to the original spouse because God says that she's been defiled All right, and you can disagree with that all you want, but that's what the Bible says. That's what Jesus said What did Moses say in the beginning it was not so so it says It says and if the what after she's defiled for it's an abomination before the Lord so to go back to your first spouse After you've been divorced and remarried again to someone else and then divorced again and go back to that first one It's an abomination to God It says thou shalt and thou shalt not cause the land of sin which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance now Turn to Jeremiah chapter 3 verse number 8 Jeremiah chapter 3 verse number 8 now Here's another argument a stupid argument that people will use to say that you can get remarried. Well, you can get remarried because God Got remarried. Okay. This is what they say Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 says and I saw when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I Had put her away and given her a bill of divorcement yet her treacherous sister Judah Feared not but went and played the harlot also And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and with stocks So basically they're saying well God, you know, and then God says well, I'll take you back again I will take you back even though I've divorced you and put you away for adultery. You can return to me But look He wasn't literally married to Israel Okay, this is a what you call, you know a figure of speech. He's just making it He's giving them a story they can understand Well, hey if you you know if your wife committed adultery But it says it's an abomination the Bible calls it an abomination to go back to the original Spouse but God's saying hey, but spiritually I will remarry you again But it's not saying it's not giving someone physically in the written the world The ability to go back to the first spouse the Bible the Bible already calls that an abomination It's wicked and you're not supposed to do it. So these people that think that oh, I'm supposed to be reconciled to my original spouse I got a divorce this one and go back and remarry the other one. No, that's not what the Bible says It's not what Jesus said Now turn to Malachi chapter 2 verse number 15 Malachi chapter 2 verse number 15 The Bible says this and did not he make one Yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed Therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth Okay, so this is talking about your original wife for the Lord the God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away God Hates divorce. He hates the putting away Deal not treacherously with the wife of thy youth and vice versa also ladies It says for one cover cover violence with his garment saith the Lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that you deal not Treacherously, so God is I mean how many times I have to how many verses do I have to show you tonight to prove this? Well, I'm going to show you more just in case the internet trolls. I want to jump on this but so look The point is committing more sin does not make the situation better to divorce your spouse You're currently married to even though you've been divorced remarried God hates the pudding away. He still hates it So if you vowed vows already to somebody else yeah, you broke the old vows Yeah, you messed up, but look you can go forward in your life And you know just confess that sin as sin and then move on with your life Okay If you've been divorced remarried Why would you sin again and get another divorce because you still made vows you still made promises? And that would just be totally just ignorant. I don't understand why people would think that God would be okay with this We're supposed to keep our vows turn to Numbers chapter 30 verse number 2 Numbers chapter 30 and verse number 2 Numbers chapter 30 verse number 2 This is what the Bible says about vows okay? Jesus said swear not now I believe swearing and vows are different things okay. They're in the same family They're like cousins or something, but they're not the same thing Swearing is like saying I you know I put that on my dead homies Or you know I put that on I put that on everything my family and you know you know people say that stuff, right? You're like swearing. You know saying this is true because you know whatever and Jesus talks about you Can't make you know your your stature grow odd. I promise if God shrinks me. You know you know whatever I mean just stupid stuff like that, so that's not what this is talking about This is a vow to your spouse now if God told you to stay married for the rest of your life He hates the pudding asunder he hates divorce Then why would he you know what because that it's okay to make a vow of that situation because God's already expecting you to do that anyway So whether you say you know I vow that you know we just did a wedding not too long ago And I you know that you have the I do vows and you know the repeat after me vows You know I promise all you know love you forever and whatever all the you know all the vows anyway I'm not gonna recite the whole thing I'm in between weddings right now, and it's off my mind, but But here's the thing so so God does expect you to keep the vows that you make at the wedding altar Okay, it's not a literal altar, but you know I'm saying okay look at numbers verse chapter 30 verse 2 if a man Vowel vowing to the Lord or swear an oath to bind his soul with the bond He shall not break his word He shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth God takes it very seriously When you make a vow when you say I promise I'll love you I'll stay with you till death do us part let not man put asunder look God Expects you to keep your marriage vows any vow that you make to the Lord Lord I promise if you get me out of this situation, and I'll be good for now. You know don't make vows that you can't keep Don't write checks that you can't cash right you know I'm saying so Anyway, I don't want to say it the wrong way there But so it says if a woman also vow a vow unto the Lord and bind herself By a bond being in her father's house and her youth and her father hear her vow and her bond there Wherewith she hath bound her soul and her father shall hold his peace at her then all her vows shall stand And every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand so and so I would say that when the father gives away You know the daughter to be married and she vows those vows right then and there then he holds his peace Obviously he's walked her down the aisle. He's willing to give her up But he while she's still in his house the father can diss in all those things But a husband you know I'm not gonna get in show those verses But the husband can also disallow a vow that a wife says in her house in his house See a woman is under the protection of her father Until she gets married to her husband, and then the husband should then she's under the protection of her husband That's how it works. You know it's not you know Women's lib Baptist Church here, we don't believe in that I've actually had Baptist people that I went to church with and their daughters called themselves feminists They're Christian feminists. How does that work show me the chapter and verses on those anyway? That's a different sermon But look if you break the first vow the person that gets divorced and then Remarried do not break the second vow because God's gonna hold you to that vow also You're gonna get punished for whatever value you've made But look sometimes people get married when they're not saved and all that God still expects those people to hold their vows to You know marriage is a is an institution. It's not just a religious thing It's also a it's also something that has to do with the government So it's also instituted for all people in the world to be married. It's not just Christians, okay so And then you know you know what we need to turn to Philippians chapter 3 turn to Philippians chapter 3 Look I'm not trying to bag like I said I'm not trying to make people feel bad for the mistakes that they've made okay You know that's between you and God and you need to you need to make that right between you and the Lord But making it right is not breaking more of God's commandments. That's what I'm trying to say Philippians chapter 3 verse 13 says brethren I count not myself To have apprehended, but this one thing I do Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before You divorced you got remarried. Hey you got to forget those things that are behind those things are under the blood of Christ Those things are you know you've made vows, and you broke them. It's over. You can't go back to them But You got to reach forth with those things that are before and stop living back here all right You can't just keep living in the past and beating yourself up for it look ask God for forgiveness and move on and if you're divorced now and you Get remarried guess what you're committing adultery The Bible is against it. God's against it. It's wickedness Alright, and so what's God expect you to do remain unmarried? Okay, that's what he expects you to do so Let's look at some other verses. So here's another verse in Matthew chapter 5 turn to Matthew chapter 5. We'll go back To this fornication thing again because I want to I want to nail this down for you because Jesus gave them one out One out for divorce. What is it? Fornication all right and guess when you find out that fornication happened on your wedding day That's the time to disallow it That's the time to to to put the bill of divorcement in effect all right And this actually plays out in the life of Christ in his infancy all right before he was ever born This happened with his family the situation came up with his family But it was not what he thought it was Joseph thought it was something he thought it was this situation here So Matthew 5 verse 31 says it hath been said Whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement So this is another testimony from Christ. We've already looked at Mark chapter 10 We've already looked at Matthew chapter 19 now look at Mark Matthew chapter 5 it hath been said whosoever shall put away his wife Let him give her a writing of divorcement What's the next two things say the next two words? but I Say unto you that whosoever Put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication Causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced Committeth adultery that's three times. He said the same exact thing right do you think he is there any room for other interpretation there? Well, what about this? What about that? What about if he's a drunkard? What if he's a drug addict? What if he's beaten her or whatever? Hey, make sure you're marrying the right person Obviously we can't foresee everything that's coming down the pike But you better look this is a lifetime commitment Marriage is a lifetime commitment and look you better make sure you're marrying the right person So but Jesus said okay, it's been said Whosoever Shall put away his wife let her give him a right her writing a divorcement send her out of the house So he's quoting what Moses said right? We've already looked at these verses but He says it again if you marry if you unless it's for fornication, which is before the marriage And you find out When you get married then you can write a bill of divorcement, that's the only out right It doesn't say what if she commits adultery later on? Doesn't say that does it? You're not you have no there's nothing you have no outs. That's why it's so important so the example in Scripture from the Lord our Lord's own family is in Matthew chapter 1 turn to Matthew chapter 1 tonight Some of you are like now. I already know this pastor times. I've already heard this sermon before I've already heard this Yeah, you need to hear it again You need to hear it more Especially this time of wickedness that we live in right now. We need to hear these doctrines more You know why because there's preachers out there saying it's okay to get divorced for any cause pretty much. Oh He was looking at porn. That's not a reason to get divorced. Oh Oh, he was doing this that's a reason, you know, whatever it is, it's not the reason it's not a reason to get divorced Look at Matthew chapter 1 verse 18. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise When as his mother Mary was a spouse to Joseph before they before they came together She was found with child of the Holy Ghost Now in every other situation ever besides this situation Then the person better realize that look you're not you're not marrying the Virgin Mary here, okay There's only one Virgin Mary. There's only one virgin birth So any other time Joseph would be right in this situation, but not this time Says then Joseph her husband Being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away Privately, which means privately. It's a hey, I'm gonna divorce her. I don't want to make it a big to do about it Basically, well if he didn't want to make a public example of her it's because why what would have happened to her She would have been taken outside and stoned to death. Okay, that's why But he didn't want her to have that happen Says but while he thought on these things behold an angel the Lord appeared and to him in a dream st Joseph thou son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife For that which is conceived in hers of the Holy Ghost and she shall bring forth the son now She'll call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which is spoken of the prophet of the Lord But excuse me spoken of the Lord by the prophets saying behold a virgin shall be with child I shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel, which is being interpreted God with us then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord have bitten him and took unto him his wife and He knew her not Until she had brought forth her firstborn son and he called his name Jesus So this is the all so Joseph actually thought he was in the situation that Jesus actually preaches about years later But he wasn't because this was a miracle. This is something that's out of the norm but every other time if you are about to marry someone and they're like Sticking out to here. They're claiming to be a virgin. Guess what? They're lying Like I'm supposed to have that the other Messiah might be, you know, the Antichrist, okay And I was saying well what about What about this situation Pastor Thompson? What about that situation Pastor Thompson? Let me give you a couple scenarios before we end tonight What about what if they're a reprobate? I heard somebody preach that said if if your spouse is reprobate Then you can divorce them. Is that what the Bible says? Did Jesus say except for the cause of fornication and except they be reprobate? No, that's not what he says Marry the right person, okay Let's look at an example of the Bible I was trying to think of an example of the Bible where this plays out look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 and We'll see how a woman that's a godly woman who's a saved woman deals with the fact that she's married to a reprobate Does she divorce him? No, does she call names? No, does she Does she leave him because he's a drunk? No Look at what it says now. We're gonna I'm just gonna I gotta skip through some of this. So what basically what happened here is Nabal David is taking care of his sheep and his cattle and stuff like that and he sends some of his men to be messengers And says hey since we've been doing this for you making sure everything's okay with your cattle Hook us up with some some food for the work we've done and then he you know Says some stuff that he shouldn't say David gets pissed He's about ready to go and take vengeance from his own hand Which is interesting because we're not supposed to take vengeance with our own hand in situations like this But God kept David from doing that but anyway different sermon for a different time, but look at verse 17 so Says now therefore know and consider what thou will do for evils determined against our master and against all his household for he is such A son of Belial that a man cannot speak to him So she goes to David and says please don't kill us David was gonna ride and kill all all their Everybody that pisseth against the wall. Yeah, I said pisseth anyway It says it several times of this chapter actually, but anyway, it's men piss against walls sometimes Okay, anyway, but it says that he's a son of Belial that's the point I'm trying to show you so what does it was the Bible is saying when it says? You know and I get that she's calling him a son of Belial But I think that the scriptures prove that he is a son of Belial she knows he's a and what does that mean it means? He's a reprobate okay now skip down to verse 25. It says let not my lord I pray they regard this man of Belial even Nabal for as his name is So is he Nabal is his name and folly is with him so the main name Nabal means folly or fool Okay, which is what a reprobate is pretty much anyway So it says but I thine handmaid saw not the young men of my lord whom now did sin So so basically I'm saying that to prove this to you if you marry a reprobate That's your fault, and you're gonna stick with them Now look at skip down now what if he's an addict what if he's a druggie Pastor Thompson what if he's an alcoholic? He married him. It's your fault Now I'm not saying that you have to stay with him. Okay. Let me let me get past this part Okay, but here's what here's what Abigail did says an Abigail came in verse 36 Abigail Abigail came to Abigail she's me came to Nabal and behold he held a feast in his house like the feast of a king and Nabal's heart was merry within him, and he was very drunken I'm sure this wasn't the first time he was very drunken, but he was very drunken. He was a drunk Wherefore she told him nothing less or more until the morning light But as it came to pass in the morning when the wine was gone at a navel and his wife had told him these things That his heart died within him, and he became as stone This is what the Bible talks about when it says that God hardens people's heart I believe that God you know he was already a son of Belial, but God hardened his heart So and then it says in verse 38 and it came to pass about ten days after that the Lord smote navel that he died And when David heard that navel was dead He said blessed be the Lord that hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of navel and hath kept his servant from Evil for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of navel upon his own head and David sent communed with Abigail to take her To him to what? Wife so once navel's dead She is free to marry whoever she wants and this is the point. I'm trying to make here Hey, if you got married to a reprobate I'm sorry about that, and you know if you need to keep your distance from him because he's a dangerous person I understand that hey look up here, so if that's the case look you got to wait for that person to die And I know that sounds mean or whatever, but if it's a person's reprobate. They're going to hell They're causing lots of damage in the world anyway, and so Basically what I'm telling you is that if you're divorced and you're waiting to get remarried you got to wait for that reprobate to die Doesn't say you can divorce them She when did she get when did she get divorced from the moment? He dropped dead went into hell okay, so you know and look if you're if your spouse your former spouse is a reprobate a Reprobate I'm not saying someone that you just don't like or that's not a Christian Not every person that gets the you get divorced from is necessarily a reprobate. Maybe they're an unbeliever, but a reprobate I don't know, but I would say if you know for a fact They're a reprobate. There's some kind of queer. There's some kind of child molester There's some kind of rapist or serial killer or something and you know for a fact that they're a reprobate Pray that they die and go to hell as soon as possible, and then you'll be relieved of your marriage duties But what am I trying to tell you tonight? I'm trying to tell you that There's no reason to get divorced except for the cause of fornication. That's what the Bible says And that's what we believe that's what I'll always preach at this church And if you don't like it then go find a church that the pastor will say oh, you should get a divorce. She's an alcoholic It's not what the Bible says oh He's on pills Not what the Bible says Always beating me up. It's not what the Bible says Now okay, I'm gonna give you the caveats for this turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 7 now This is a chapter that a lot of people misinterpret and they think that this is your get-out-of-marriage-free card And I know people specifically that have used these verses and tried to say well God said if the unbelieving wife will you're not under bondage under such cases. It's not talking about getting divorced though is it? And we'll find that out look at verse number 10 in 1st Corinthians 7 I'm on my last. This is the last scriptures. I'll have you turn to tonight 1st Corinthians 7 10 says and unto the married I command Yet not I but the Lord Let not the wife depart from her husband Yet not I but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband, but and if she depart Let her remain unmarried Or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife What's the Bible saying hey if it's so bad you have to leave you know he says don't depart Don't depart from your husband, but if she depart Then what's what are you supposed to do remain unmarried? Or be reconciled to her husband now if that person gets married to another person then guess what the other Biblical laws come into effect it's an abomination to go back to the original husband. It's an abomination to go back to the original wife Okay, let not his husband put away his wife Okay Skip down to verse 12 But to the rest speak I not the Lord if any brother hath a wife that believe not and she be pleased to dwell with him Let him not what put her away So if you are in a situation where you're married to somebody and they don't believe The Bible you know it says don't put her away don't divorce her And it says and what and the woman which hath and husband that believe not and if he be pleased to dwell with her Let her not leave him So look Christians will try to say well, they're not saved You're not supposed to leave them. That's what it says okay Don't shoot the messenger verse 14 for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else Where your children unclean, but now they are holy, but if the unbelieving depart If they can't handle your Christianity Right let him depart a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases But God hath called us to peace so if they depart What are you still supposed to do? You're supposed to remain unmarried Okay, so that's what the Bible teaches because that's what it said if she depart let her remain unmarried It's not saying you're not under bondage to be married in such cases as saying you're not under bondage To be with them if they leave You're not under bondage to take care of them if you're a husband now obviously the wicked court systems is a different story There's nothing we can do about that child support just starts from coming right out of your paycheck whether you want it to or not God doesn't want that to happen God doesn't believe That you're supposed to be in bondage under such cases say the woman commits adultery takes the kids You really shouldn't have to pay for that It's wicked But that's just the world we live in that's why I'm preaching this sermon tonight That's why it's so important to understand that hey the person you pick is supposed to be with you till death do us part Let not man put asunder God hateth the pudding away It's important So and it says For what knowest thou a wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or know or how now how knowest thou oh man whether thou shalt save Thy wife if the depart if the unbelieving depart guess what? You're still trapped in that marriage, but you shouldn't have to like you know just like we're not supposed to You know defraud our spouses in The things that you know men and women do when they're married, right? But if some some jerk just takes off and thinks they can come back Whenever they feel like it to get whatever they want and then leave again You're not under bondage in such cases if you're a man And she just wants to come by and grab money from you all the time. You're not under bondage in such cases Now the federal government or the state government has something different to say about that, but you know what who does you know? We're not God doesn't believe we have it should have to pay taxes either Jesus said hey, you know the chip the children are free, but guess what he said pay him anyway because You know you don't want to offend them And you know what happens when you offend the federal government. They throw you in jail and throw away the key ask Kent Hovind All right, you know they didn't throw away the key he got out, but he's messed up since he came out of prison So what am I trying to say if you if you get married to something say you're trapped in a marriage you get saved You know just because they're not saved does it mean you can leave them and divorce them You're supposed to stay as long as they're willing to be with you. You're supposed to stay with them But if they depart you're not under bondage To do things that married people will do for each other in those cases Okay, but again this system is so messed up the way that they have to put the screws to men and and it's men They put the screws to men when they get divorced so again take marriage seriously Outside of getting saved. It's the biggest decision You will ever make in your life make sure the one you marry is the right one If you have been divorced and remarried and you're hearing this for the first time Tell God you're sorry and move on make the marriage you're in as good as possible And I'm not condemning you. I'm just saying what the Bible says all right Do you want the next generation to hear the preaching you should have heard if you're someone that's been divorced Don't be mad at me for preaching this sermon I Want the next generation to learn the truth about this and to do what the Bible says and then your life won't be messed up Like a bunch of other people's lives are I have divorces rampant in my family And we had to have like three or four Christmases was such the bonus of being a divorced You know kid or whatever, but look you want your mom and dad to be together I would have rather forsaken all those presents that I got from extra families that were divorced and remarried and Just had one family and one present Because what is a present and compared to living with your mom and dad in a harmonious family that God? intended you to be in If you're married and having a hard time never give up Keep your vows. That's what God expects from you Don't break your vows If you're currently divorced do not get remarried because what's the Bible what did Jesus say it was it's adultery It's not just a sin. It's adultery. It's a wicked sin Divorce is a mess and it ruins your family and scars your family for life It makes people have daddy issues it makes people have mommy issues it has it makes you know It causes a big the mass and you know what the devil wants the devil wants to destroy your family He wants to destroy your marriage He wants to destroy your children and look you're the only thing standing between that you and the Lord And don't ever get divorced You know why because it's gonna mess your family up And you think that life's hard now when you're fighting It's not as hard as when you're divorced and you're only seeing your kids every other weekend. It's not as hard as You know watching your kids go off and some other Some other guy playing the dad for your children You don't want to go through that And vice versa with everything else all right with the ladies anyway hopefully I covered everything I Think I covered what Jesus said that's the most important thing let's pray Heavenly Father We thank you Lord for this teaching in the Bible pray Lord that you'd just instill instill these commands of you into the hearts of this people Lord I pray that That even if someone's having a hard marriage right now in this room or under the sound of my voice I pray Lord that you just help them encourage them Lord and Lord Prayer does a lot of things and people need to understand that God can turn that you can turn things around Lord You can turn the lives around of marriages that are going through a hard time and Lord for the sake of children also Lord The statistics are just astronomical of how hard it is for a person to grow up without both parents in the home and what things That child has in front of them. What roadblocks they have in front of them what heartache They have in front of them Lord pray that people would consider these things before thinking about themselves Lord and keep the marriage Intact and keep the families intact, and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen