(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right we're in Luke chapter 12 and there's many great truths in this chapter. This is a great great chapter in the Bible and if you were following along with the reading you could see that there are many great truths. I'm just going to touch on some of these truths really quickly and then I'll get into the sermon here. But one of the great truths is in verse number four. It's telling us to not be afraid and God that's a great truth that we need to know from God. Hey don't be afraid not only just of things and people but don't be afraid about your finances. Don't be afraid about what God's going to clothe you with because God promised to take care of us and we don't have to worry about those things. Hey at least He promised you food and raiment and so as long as we have that we're supposed to be satisfied with those things. Another great truth is also that we need to fear the person that can throw us or could throw us or throw other people into hell. See God's the one with the ultimate power the devil's I preached about this on Thursday that the devil's they do have power they can't do many things to us but as far as possessing a Christian they can't do that and you should take comfort of knowing that hey greater is he that is in you than he is in the world and also that we need to fear him above all things. See we fear a lot of things don't we in this world and you know everybody goes through fear but God always says fear not. Hey as long as our trust is in the Savior then we should not worry about things and fear those things and we're above animals we're above the sparrows we're worth more than much sparrows the Bible says and so another great truth verse 15 says he said unto him take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of thought and the abundance of the things which he possesseth and this time of year it's a great time to preach that sermon I've already preached that sermon before but it's good to put it into your remembrance that hey I've learned hey it's wrong to be covetousness and take heed beware hey watch out for this sin because in all honesty covetousness is probably the sin that we really commit the most in this life and people we're not supposed to covet things and so we need to be aware of that we need to be aware of that we need to take heed to that truth and it says in verse 21 so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God so some people get trapped in the riches of this world and caring about money and things too much and property and quads and and whatever else a boat you know brother Scott said one time he said I've never seen someone save that had you know a motor home and they're in their their carport or a soup a Subaru so but he did he did he did get someone say that a Subaru finally and we have saved people in this church to drive Subaru's a couple of them it's few and far between that's the remnant of the Subaru drivers but but God says hey you know you should be aware of covetousness and you should also be rich towards God first see seek the things seek the things of God and all the all these things shall be added unto you seek you first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you verse number 23 says the life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment don't worry about all the things that you think that you need because God's gonna take care of you another great truth is found in verse 31 but rather seek you the for the the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you I've got ahead of myself unfortunately but hey that's a great truth hey when you seek the things of God everything that you were seeking for would be added unto you you seek first the kingdom of God and then all these things should be added unto you don't worry about the things that you don't have God's gonna provide for you verse 34 for where your treasure is there where your heart be also hey whatever is in in your heart the things that you seek and desire after those that's where your heart whatever you seek after that's where your heart's gonna be too so that's those are the things that draw you away from God the things that are of this world the things that people covet the things that people want and so hey where your heart is that or where your treasure is that's where your heart's gonna be also if your treasure is all the things of this world your heart's gonna be there also and guess where it's not gonna be with God and the things of God okay so look at verse 40 it says be therefore ready also for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when you think not I'm not teaching the pre-trib rapture here this morning but hey Jesus said we're supposed to be ready for his coming you know and unfortunately there's a lot of people who would take this verse of rest it and say well he could come back at any moment that's not true that's garbage and we know that that that's not true because the Bible says immediately after the tribulation so the Sun and Moon be darkened and it won't give its light and then shall you see the sign of the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and great glory right so we know that Christ is gonna come back after the tribulation so what would you think that this verse is obviously this verse is talking you know to someone you know it's supposed to be to have our hearts to be ready but it's also for those people that are in that time for their hearts to be ready and so it goes on to talk about in verse 51 suppose you that I am come to give peace on the earth I tell you nay but rather division see people to get saved they think all my life's gonna be roses and a bed of roses and it's just gonna be all great and fine but I'll tell you what you're gonna lose some friends you're gonna lose some family members because they see what you are and they don't want to be that they don't want to be where you're at they would rather put their head in the sand and just live their life out and not worry about these things so it says verse 52 from hence forth there shall be five in one house divided three against two and two against three so even what households will be divided some people will be saved some people won't be we have to learn to deal with that and and understand that hey don't put your family members above Christ why because because you know God is the most important thing that's why we're supposed to love the Lord our God with all of our heart with all of our mind with all of our soul with all of our strength right and the second commandment is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself those are the two greatest commandments and hey so what it what when you break it down really God's number one and helping your neighbor to get saved helping people to get saved is number two okay so that's the thing that's how we should prioritize our lives and so if your house is divided look don't go see people try to put their family above God and really people say well I don't I don't feel that way but then when the chips are down when that family member says I'm walking away then they take that family member side over the people of God they put their family member over God and it happens all the time so it's a warning to us to hey we're gonna be divided hey make sure you're on the right side of things first number 56 says he hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but how is it that you do not discern the time and so you we need to understand that we need to observe the time in which we're living in observe the places which we're living in it's important that we know where we're at in time where we're at in history and what God requires of us so the title of my sermon this morning is to whom much is given much will be required let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for these great scriptures Lord and there's just so much here but Lord I just want to focus in on this this subject here this morning I pray you'd help me fill me with the Holy Ghost and fill me with power and boldness I pray that you'd fill the the congregation with the Holy Spirit Lord and help them to discern your word Lord this morning in Jesus name we pray amen so who's ever heard the Peter Parker doctrine before with great power comes great responsibility that's the Peter Parker doctrine have you ever heard of that before spider-man right okay I think that Stan Lee took that from the Bible he did okay it's a fact all right so brother Sean knows it is a fact and it kind of is the same thing hey with grit who too much is given much is required when God gives us things and and we get a measure above what other people are getting God requires more from us that he would require from Joe blow that we got saved at the door that never sorry Joe that never followed after Christ that never came to church that didn't get baptized God requires more of us who have received that knowledge and have put some of these things into practice and when he gives us things and he gives us above what other people get he requires more of us and that's a principle that we need to understand today so I'm not preaching the Peter Parker doctor I'm just saying that hey if Stan Lee can take this principle and and that's he's a worldly guy he's probably roasted in hell right now right he invented a lot of things that probably weren't good right comic these comic books that people take people's minds into places where they shouldn't go and make superheroes out of people that are just not really superheroes God has more superpowers than all those stupid superheroes all put together he's the real superhero amen so anyway let's look we're gonna focus in on verses 43 through verse 48 this morning and I'm preaching this sermon to whom much is given much will be required and hopefully by the end of this we'll be edified and maybe a little swift kick in the pants for some of us and some will rebuke for some of us and hopefully this sermon will help you today that's why I wrote the sermon so it'll help our congregation so including myself so look at verse number 43 says blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh find so doing doing what working for him see we're all servants of Christ you know we're not slaves it doesn't mean slave okay I'll get to that in a little bit but bless is that servant whom the Lord when he cometh shall find so doing hey when God comes back or maybe when you go to God do you want God to see that you're doing something for him you know if your last day on earth you went soul winning your last day on earth you read the Bible your last day on earth that you were praying to him your last day on earth that you were still trying to get the sin out of your life to the last minute you know that would be a good that'd be good to have to be found in Christ having our lives put in order at that at that time it says of the truth verse 44 I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he half hey that's a great honor to have hey if you're if you're blessed when when Christ comes back if we're here when Christ comes back and he finds us still doing the things that he's asked us to do hey we're gonna be blessed above most people right says well he'll be ruler of all that he half so we're gonna rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years and then we're gonna reign with him forever it's not just for a thousand years the thousand year reign is a thousand year reign and I believe a lot of us just to show what this world would have been like if Christ was ruling for the whole time and we all know what a real ruler is supposed to be like but then for eternity we're with him for eternity and we're gonna be reigning with him for all eternity so look at verse 45 says but and if that servant say in his heart my Lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat the men servants and maidens and to eat and drink and be drunken the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him and at that at an hour when he's not aware and will cut him and sunder and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers so this person is not getting a lot of rewards you know you might unbelievers don't get any rewards do they they get to go to hell for all eternity but what it's it's not saying that you're gonna lose your salvation okay I don't think that that's what that's saying it's not saying that at all it's saying that your portion of the inheritance that you were supposed to get would be basically pretty much nothing you're getting in by the skin of your teeth so to speak it says in that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes so you get to get beat so and that would go for anybody even currently I think that God when you are given a lot of you're yet you're given a lot of gifts and given a lot of talents in this world and you're you're saved and you're in a good church and you're doing all these things God's gonna beat you worse because you know better yeah that's what the Bible is teaching right there and especially if you're not doing the Lord's will and you know that you're supposed to be doing it and you begin to you know it's saying beat your maid servants you know I mean I don't have any maid servants or men servants for that matter and I don't even drinking I don't drink so you know but that could be I mean just put anything there you begin to quit going to church you begin to quit reading your Bible you just are totally backslidden and you're not doing the things that God's called you to do and you're not using the gifts and talents that he's given to you then he's gonna beat you severely with many stripes the Bible says look at verse 48 says but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes excuse me for unto whomsoever much is given of hint of him much shall be much required and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more so the people that don't know they're not gonna be beaten with as many stripes as a person that knows better and knows what they're supposed to be doing and doesn't do it so but also to those that are given a lot God's gonna require a lot from you and when you don't produce what he's requiring of you you're gonna get beaten and you're like man I I think I should have just stayed in that community church man I maybe I just should have never gone to church after I got saved you know I don't want to get beaten with many stripes but that's a wrong attitude to have your attitude to have should be hey maybe I need to get going and do more for God and I should do what he's requiring me to do because he's given me so much and so because he requires more of me I'm gonna do those things that he's requiring of me but it says and also to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more so when it's kind of like that in church work there's people that just like want to do a lot of stuff and like when I ask for volunteers to do thing it's a person that's already doing like five or six things that person wants to do more and so it is kind of biblical for that to happen but unfortunately there's people that don't want to do anything and they just kind of float by and they know what they're supposed to be doing they know that they should be doing something hey look sweeping the floor is doing something picking up after yourself is something I mean anything that you do in this house the house of the Lord God's gonna reward you for those things even if it's a carnal thing even if it's just being a blessing being an encouragement to somebody so once we're saved God expects us to be servants of his okay God expects that and so do all people do that though no they don't he wants us to do good works he wants us to obey his word pretty simple stuff it's like that's amateur hour right now but we all know this stuff but a servant is not it's not a slave so when these new modern Bible perversions put slave there they're wrong because even if you just look up the definition of a servant it says a person who performs duties for others especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant so God expects us to be a personal attendant to him God expects us to perform duties for others God expects us to you know we're we're in the house of Lord it says by the definition says a person employed in a house hey this is the house of Lord and you're all employees you know we're all employees here we all work for God we're all his servants and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse number 21 1st Corinthians 7 verse number 21 1st Corinthians 7 verse 21 says art thou called being a servant care not for it but if thou mayest be made free use it rather let's talk about a literal servant here for he that is called in the Lord being a servant is the Lord's Freeman because you work for the Lord ultimately and that's what the attitude that you should have if you are a servant likewise also he that is called being free is Christ's servant so the Bible very clearly lays it out right here that we are Christ's servant if are you called are you chosen are you got are you God's elect are you saved today well hey then you are Christ's servant that's what the Bible says Ephesians 2 10 I won't have you turn there I'll have you turn to John chapter 14 verse 15 Ephesians 2 10 says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them now obviously we're saved by faith we're not saved by works we're under grace we're not under the law but God still created us in Christ Jesus unto good works he still wants us to work for him and it's a thing that's an obedience thing God ordained that we should walk in them we should see there's a should you don't have to but guess what if you don't you're not gonna get any rewards see the thing about the person that doesn't know a lot that does it gets beat with few stripes they're still gonna get beaten just with few stripes but they don't know any better so they're not gonna get the rewards that someone like a person in a church like this is gonna get you've been set up you've been set up with a whole smorgasbord in front of you you can get your your rewards here on earth and you can also get your rewards in heaven and there's a lot of things that go into adding up those rewards which I don't know the complete formula I know that we can give to missionaries and that and those souls are put onto our account somehow I don't know how he divides the spoils like that but hey if you give unto a missionary or something like that or our church provides for missionaries and helps them out there's gonna be stuff accounted to us for those things that we do everything that we do and all labor there's profit the Bible says everything you do for the Lord adds up unless it's some ministry that's like you know underwater basket weaving for Christ or something like that God you know I don't think that's gonna be in a very ineffective ministry okay I'm gonna weave this underwater and then you know put a little sign that says Jesus or something on it that's not gonna get you any rewards that's wood hay and stubble okay that's ridiculous I don't even know if there is a ministry like that I I shudder to think that there is there probably is so anyway you're in John 14 look at verse 15 it says if you love me keep my commandments if you have a red letter edition Bible you see that that's Jesus saying that but we're under grace but God still wants us to keep his commandments not to be saved but he just wants us to it's really for our own good because he doesn't want to have to beat us severely he doesn't want to have to beat us with few stripes he doesn't want to have to beat us with many but I'll tell you what he will beat us if we don't keep his commandments that's why he's saying if you love me keep my commandments Romans chapter 12 turn to Romans chapter 12 verse 3 Romans chapter 12 verse number 3 as they're turning there I'm going to begin reading Romans chapter 12 verse number 3 says for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think see if you have some position or you have something that you do for God don't think you're better than anybody else because you're not it says but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith see God's dealt a measure of faith to every single one of us all right and we all have been given something it's not like you're the one Christian that didn't get any gifts you're the one Christian that didn't get any anything from God and so that's why I don't do anything for God I just I just don't think I have any gifts not true not true look at verse 4 for as we have many members in one body that's talking about the church together and all members have not the same office all right and so that just means that like not everybody's the pastor not everybody's a deacon not everybody's an evangelist not everybody's whatever but we all we don't all have the same office but it says so we be many or one body in Christ and every one members one of another so there's every member has something some function that they perform or are supposed to be performing in the church verse 6 having then gifts see that having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us so is it saying that everybody gets gifts yeah whether prophecy prophecy let us prophesy hey if you got the gift of preaching get up and preach don't be scared get up and preach if you think that you have the gift of prophecy now a lot of people I know they're the number one thing people think they have is the gift of discernment and usually people that say that they have the gift of discernment don't have any at all so be careful not to just say well I think my gift is this hey you're gonna know what your gifts are okay says according to the proportion of faith according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministries lock it down whatever it is your ministry you should be doing that or he that teaches on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation and look exhortation could just be a motivator someone says hey you know I missed it so any brother I really want to go so one with you next week and you're just exhorting someone to go solely with you or you're exhorting someone to help out with something or just whatever it is you're exhorting someone to action you're getting someone to do things for God he that giveth let him do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness so whatever your gift is you should be cheerful you should be diligent that means you're just you're on top of it if you're ruling and if you you're showing even if you're just showing mercy with cheerfulness you know nobody wants to have someone walk up and say hey brother here's 20 bucks it's my lost 20 bucks but you know I just wanted to help you out you're lucky or you know hey dude what's your from this say hey brother I just want to help you out here you go no I mean it's just we got to have the right attitude when we're serving the Lord obviously and don't just do something just so people can see you do it you know do those things in secret so some people have also been born in different time periods and there's no way to control what time period we're born into we're all born in the last days in this room because when Jesus came that's beginning of the last days started when he came and so everything after that we're still in the last days so we need to understand that we're in the last days we understand that we're all born in the time of the New Testament we're not born in the Old Testament we're born when God wanted us to be born everybody in this room God gave something for them to do God gave you all gifts that you're supposed to perform God put you in the church that he wanted you to do things in and that's just the way it is and so here you are and some of you are here by choice so hopefully most of you are here by choice not just out of duty but you know the Lord Jesus has already come he's already died he was already buried he is risen again from the dead amen and God expects certain things from us according to what we have been given we've been given eternal life as saved believers that's a great gift isn't it we've also been given other gifts beyond salvation we've been given a perfect Bible that's a good gift the King James Bible and you know a lot of people speak different languages in this world did you know that and not all of them have a perfect Word of God in their language so hey you know what the fact that you have a perfect Word of God in your language that's a great gift and you know what God expects you to use that gift he expects you to read out of it he expects you to show people how to be saved out of it it's a great gift not everybody has that gift but you everybody in this room has a that speaks English can read a King James and know it's perfect and know what's good and know it's trustworthy that's a great gift how about having a the great gift of a great church you know and I'm not saying I make it great you guys all make it great everybody in this room makes it great but hey don't don't get complacent on the fact that you're in a good church don't start getting drawn away by the lust of this world and the pride of life and all the riches and and hey I just want to do go to Disneyland with my kids but I know my church is gonna judge me and all this other garbage hey you're in a great church you know what God gave you the gift of a great church you know what you ought to be in it you ought to serve in it it's it's worry it's here for for you to use and God gave it to you and you know God gave us the ability and freedom to preach the gospel do all churches send people out to preach the gospel God's given you a great gift of a great church that you can go out and preach the gospel in and we need to understand that our with that gift comes a great responsibility because if we stop doing it if we stop giving the gospel if we stop coming to church we stop reading our Bible we stop praying then God is gonna beat us with many stripes so God you know and I'm not saying I'm the greatest preacher but I'll tell you what I'm gonna preach the Bible to you and hey you at least be able to get something out of that because I'll tell you what there's a lot of church is that don't preach the Bible they don't preach the right version of the Bible though they're all their churches is a big in a social club and for them to get rich for the pastor to get rich and live high on the hog it's his career path what am I gonna do I'll be a pastor yeah I'm gonna be a pasta I'm gonna be rich I'm gonna be God's man do you think that that was my attitude becoming the pastor of this church you know it wasn't I still drive the same gremlin the same slime or mobile that I have I'm not I don't have a Jaguar I'd like an Escalade someday but it's gonna be used that way very expensive but you know they fit me really well anyway God's given us a lot of gifts in this life hasn't he what about your family what about your family are you thankful for your family that God gave you some of you have family that are in here praise God for that you know how many family members I have in here I have a lot it's my household though I don't have you know much beyond that be thankful for the fact that you have your family in church today be thankful for the kids that God's given you today be thankful for the spouse that God's given you today because they're great gifts aren't they and sometimes we take we we just we forget how great we have it we forget how great of gifts God has given us and you know what with great when he gives us a great gift he's expecting stuff out of us he's gonna requires more from us James 1 17 says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning God is the one that gives us the gifts that we have every good gift every safe family member you have in here every sit every brother and sister in Christ that you have in here that's a good gift hey we have the gift of fellowshipping with other believers you know those people in countries that they're the only person that believes like we do or if they're if they are out there they don't know about them there's people in other countries that don't even have a Baptist Church to go to at all and all they want is just to go soul wanting all they want is just to have a pastor sent over to him but just there's not enough men there's not enough people that are faithful there's not enough men that want to be pastors that meet the qualifications to even send them over there and some of these countries you couldn't even have a church there because it would be illegal despite what people think about China look it's a godless country and they are under the rule of communism which is a wicked system the Bible actually sometime I'm gonna preach a sermon about the the communist manifesto and I'll show you from the Bible that everything that's said in there is not of God it's ungodly put that on my list somebody remind me all right 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse number 1 says if you want to turn there you can let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful hey Paul was the mitt was the minister of Christ he was a steward of the mysteries of God and you know what we also are stewards of the things of God in this church but you know what it's required of a steward that a man be found faithful if you're not faithful you're not a good steward see good stewards take care of the things that they've been given the gifts that God has given them they take care of those things they foster those things they nurture those things and they use those things but you got to be faithful and so that's what God is requiring of us today hey be faithful be faithful to him be faithful to church be faithful to the Bible be faithful to your spouses be faithful to your children care about your care about the things that you have their gifts from God and you should not take them for granted so with these things in mind and I really do have like four points but they're very they're fast I didn't put like a mountain of scripture underneath them so hopefully I can get through this and we'll get out of here on time today I'm really trying hard I need to try harder to make my sermons a little bit shorter but anyway number one the number one thing today that we need to understand is that God's promises God promises a blessing to the vigilant Christian God promises a vigil the blessing to the vigilant Christian let's look back in our text and we'll go to verse number 43 Luke chapter 12 verse number 43 go ahead and just put a rip in our bookmark there so we're gonna be coming back to him and it says in verse number 43 blesses that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing of a truth I say unto you that he will make him ruler over all he hath now I have already kind of skim covered some of this stuff but turn over to Revelation chapter 20 let's look at the promises for ourselves see and the reason why I went through all those things at the very beginning of this sermon is because everything that was read there in front of your eyes today or hurt in your ears while you were thinking about the things that you wanted to do later or the things that you wanted to do after church or the things that you have to get done tomorrow you're still responsible for the things that you've heard today you're responsible for every word in that chapter in this book okay and God expects you to know that you're accountable for the things that you read in the Bible it's too late for you you got it you got it you're stuck now so Revelation chapter 20 verse 4 this is a great blessing here look at it says and I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God which he had not worshiped which had not worshiped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads and in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years see there's some people are gonna take the mark of the beast there's some people are not gonna get saved there's some people are not gonna repent of their sorceries there's people are gonna be wicked and they're gonna be damned because of it but there's also people that that got their heads chopped off because they they believed in what was given to them there was a big requirement for but you know what they have they have a better resurrection this is they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years this is they lived and reigned with him so there's some people that are gonna actually get to live in the same place that he lives so and if I'm not one of those people please Lord send me to Hawaii I I was preaching about this and I you know Babylon us Babylon is supposed to be destroyed with fire and the smoke of his brain goes up forever I'm not sure if that's the whole continent of the United States I hope not but Hawaii's way out here like 2,000 miles away I don't think it's gonna cross the sea I hope it doesn't and that land was stolen away from Babylon USA so maybe God will give them a break when it comes to that but hey it's beautiful there and I wouldn't mind raining and ruling from there so anyway Vancouver Washington too as long as the rain was cut off just a little bit more anyway I'm kidding but look at verse number five it says but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years hey God has a special blessing for those people that are gonna be vigilant and those people that are gonna it says bless is that servant who when his Lord whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing hey when God when Jesus comes back there's gonna be people that are still gonna be doing the things that they're supposed to be doing but you know what these verses apply to us too in the time that we live in say Christ doesn't come back in our time but you know what if he sees that we're faithful unto the end he's gonna bless us also number two God promises great chastisement upon those that waste their gifts look over Luke chapter 12 verse 45 number two God promises great chastisement upon those that waste their gifts Luke 12 verse 45 says but and if the servants say in his heart my Lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat the men servants and maidens and to eat and to drink and be drunken the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him and at the hour when he's not aware and will cut him and sunder and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers and that servant which knew not the Lord's will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes so God only beats his children okay he doesn't beat people that are not saved so took for someone to twist this scripture and say this is talking about people being unsaved it's not what it's saying because the Lord isn't gonna beat people with many stripes he's gonna cast them into a fiery lake of hell so God just kind of lets though I mean obviously there's a lot of reprobates and things like that that have untimely ends or some kind of bad way that they die or something like I mean if you think of Jezebel you know he she got thrown out of a window and the dogs ate her I mean that was pretty bad right all that was left was the palms of her hands so but God killed her in a bad way but the thing is she wasn't beaten she wasn't chastised you know why because she wasn't saved she was a reprobate all right so but God wants us to use the gifts that we've been given and he doesn't want to have to beat us with many stripes but if we don't use the gifts and talents that God's given us that's what he's gonna do look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse number 5 Hebrews chapter 12 verse number 5 you see and the thing is that we can you can apply this to people you can apply this to the time when Christ come that's what it's immediately talking about isn't it it's saying it but if my servant say in his heart the Lord blaeth is coming and shall begin to beat the mate men servants and maidens to him that eateth and drink and to be drunken the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him so we know that Christ isn't coming till after the tribulation but these so this is immediately talking about people in this time but think about this what if you're not doing the things when the Lord comes for you when the Lord comes and requires your soul when the Lord comes and it's your last day on earth and you just don't realize it what are you gonna be doing on that day are you still gonna be serving him are you gonna go into the Christian retirement program and quite honestly we do have a small window of the things that we can where we can serve Christ at our greatest hey there is this thing called the prime of life you know most men get to the prime of their life about 30 years old and so you can do a lot of work within the prime of your life you're the most you can be you're the best you can be but there's gonna be time when you're 90 years old and guess what you're probably not gonna be walking three flights of apartment stairs to knock on doors unless you're just like blessed beyond measure by God most people at 90 years old will not be knocking doors so I know that people say well we're never supposed to retire I agree with that but there's always something that you can still do you can still be faithful you can still pray even Jacob when he lost all of his his vision and he could hardly hear he still prayed didn't he still prayed for his sons so you're in Hebrews chapter 12 verse number 5 it says and he have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth if you endure chastening God deal with with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not see God chastens his children so the person is getting beaten with many stripes this person's a saved person but they're getting beaten why because they're not using their gifts they're not using their talents they're in a great church they're not doing anything with the fact that they're in a great church they're just kind of going through the motions hey any of us can get disconnected at any time and get backslidden but hey when you know you're backslidden that's the time when you're like hey I realize I'm backslidden what can I do to get myself out of this mess well get the sin out of your life you know whatever the sin it is that easily is besetting you and making you backslidden try to try to flip the script try to get that sin out of your life so that you can go on serving God and that way you're not gonna continuously get it beaten some people are like I just don't understand why I'm going through all this and hey sometimes it's not because you're getting beaten sometimes it's because you're going through a trial but sometimes you know when you're getting beaten you know everybody here knows when they get beaten you know and you you might know yourself but not everybody else does but see God beats you in different ways he's not gonna literally pull a spanking spoon out and and and get you down to your undies and spank your behind okay that's not literally gonna happen what's he talking about he's gonna chasing something in your life and hey we don't want to get to the point where God is killing family members or things like that thing really serious bad things are happening because you're so far off the path that he has to really get your attention don't put God in that position that's your fault and God will take it out on family members because it's proof that when David and Bathsheba had their child and guess what that child died because they were committing adultery and David committed murder and what was the punishment he killed their child he had their child die because of that sin so what's it he didn't spank David with a wooden spoon he spanked him with a sword never leaving his house also in his own sons turning against him a man after God's own heart was chasing severely of God so don't think that you're above being chastened by the Lord because you know if you're if you're not being chastened at all then you're probably not saved look at number verse number eight but if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are you bastards and not sons that means you're illegitimate you're not really part of the family and it says furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live see sometimes God will also kill you God will take out the believer themselves what did he do to Saul when Saul died David loved still love Saul even though Saul tried to kill him so many times and what do you say how are the mighty fallen Saul was a mighty man of God at one point but you know what he got so backslidden that God had to kill him he went and saw a witch that's the old that's how his life ended so he was chastised with many stripes wasn't he things just never seemed to go well after Saul after he decided to disobey God over and over and not get right so God will chat chastise us with many stripes especially those that know what they're supposed to be doing and they refuse to do it that should be scary to you you should be scared since furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live for they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure but he for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous nobody likes getting spanked kids do you like getting spanked raise your hand if you do if you are if you do you're weird all right so nobody likes getting spanked nobody but nevertheless it says afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby spankings are good for you because it's supposed to bring forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness when I've spanked my kids you know there seems to be this peace that happens between us we hug it out you know and then we're good and those kids you know the kids say they're sorry when they say they're sorry you know all that I can't think of a time when I've spanked my kids and they didn't say that they were sorry except for Nia but she was mad at me for a couple weeks one time but she got over it she got spanked a little late in life and she didn't think it was too cool but hey I will spank my kids so the day they leave my house you better believe that cuz God's gonna spank his his sons and daughters until the day they leave this world isn't he yeah so I will still spank my kids though you better believe Josh has a couple months left with us well he's probably gonna be there longer than that as long as he's in my house he's gonna get the spoon that ladle that ladle is deadly that's the ultimate spanking weapon it hurts but it just leaves these little tiny marks where the the end of the ladle hey yeah but boy I wouldn't I wouldn't want to get spanked by that thing and look we shouldn't as God's children want to be spanked either if you like getting spanked you're twisted and nobody like it says nobody likes to get spanked nope I notice no kids raised their hands when it said they like to get spanked now and I know kids that you think that mom doesn't spank as hard as dad please don't let dad spank me hey ladies that should tell you that you need to spank harder because don't be the softy and make your husband do all the hard work when it comes to spanking hey they should fear both mother and father if they don't fear a mother guess what they're gonna do they're gonna trample right over the top of her anyway I'm getting off of my subject here let's look at the third point God will chastise the ignorant less God will chastise the ignorant less but verse 48 in Luke chapter 12 it says but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes so I kind of explained a little bit that a little bit earlier who will this be well say people that don't follow after Christ you know say people that don't follow after Christ will still get beaten it's just with fewer stripes why because they're ignorant of the things they haven't been getting given you know maybe they got gifts but they never went further in their Bible reading they never started going to church they never started doing all these things that God requires of them and so when they get beaten they're gonna get beaten with fewer stripes so to those that go to weak sauce Baptist Church or Shekinah Community Church or never go to church they're not gonna get beaten as bad unless you know that you're supposed to be in church and you know these things like I said it's too late for you already if you've already gotten the knowledge then God's still gonna hold you responsible just from point number two so you can't just say well you know what I'm just gonna be ignorant now nope you already know you're listening to this sermon right now you're responsible God requires more of you God's given you that gift he's given you the talents in your life he's given you the gifts that you have he's given you membership in a great Baptist Church and as one of those members you have a responsibility whether you're the nose whether you're the eyes whether you're the arm whether you're the leg whether you're the behind your parts the least esteemed doesn't matter you still have a place in this church you still have a job you still have a requirement from God and he wants his requirement to be paid in full he wants you to do the things he's asking you to do so if you think that you're getting out of number three by being ignorant you're not ignorant you're here you've heard it you're responsible now haha trick yeah anyway so like if you're going if I'm just talking about people that get saved and they their family member goes hey you want to come to my church she kinda and they go to that church they don't hear they hear a bunch of garbage preaching they don't they get on the NIV they never get they never get the things that you're getting at this church or churches like this church then they're not gonna be beaten like you are because they're ignorant they don't know that's why it says but he that knew not so ignorance isn't stupidity ignorance is not knowing so if you know not then you might even you're still responsible for the sins you commit but God's not gonna beat you like he would beat someone that knows what they're what they're supposed to be doing does that make sense look at chapter 14 and 1st Corinthians for 1st Corinthians 14 verse 37 turn over there I'm gonna start reading because I gotta hurry up if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual hey would you tell would you do you think of yourself as a spiritual person if you're saved you should let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord but if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant if anybody wants to go to week sauce Baptist Church and they just didn't know any better hey let him be ignorant and they're not gonna get beaten as badly but hey you that are spiritual you that and you just heard this right here from the Apostle Paul acknowledge that the things that he's writing unto you are the commandments of the Lord hey Paul had authority to it's not just Jesus it's not you know people getting this dispensational weirdness where they say well we're supposed to listen to Paul not Jesus that's ridiculous Jesus Christ is our Lord he's God but everything that Jesus Christ preached Paul the Paul preached agrees with each other don't give me that dispensational garbage so you might say to yourself I want to go back to category this category here and in verse number three you can't do it it's too late you're not ignorant anymore you know the truth and if you try to fit in this category you're gonna get beat down in category number two which is point number two which is many stripes number four this morning if God has given you much he's going to require much let's look back in Luke chapter 12 and I believe it's verse number 48 says for on to the second part of that verse for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall much be much required to him and excuse me and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more so we've already gone over these things you have a perfect Bible you have a great church where the truth is taught from the pulpit the Bible is preached you've been given an environment to do much work for God and that number one work is soul winning God's blessed you with great spouses and great families and if you if you're not married or you're or whatever he still bless you with family here in this church great brothers and sisters in Christ God has blessed our church with many children everyone in this room has been given much everyone not just a knowledge but just monetarily everything God's given us a lot so what are you doing with your gifts what are you doing with what God's given you are you doing as much as you were when he first came here are you doing less are you kind of just disillusioned are you just going through the motions and showing up when you feel like it what are you doing with your gifts because everything is done in the New Testament through the local church now obviously you have your stuff that you do at home I'm not talking about that come on what are you doing with what God's given you with what God has been give you has given you as a steward are you being a good steward are you doing all the things you're supposed to be doing you know I don't have to look at anybody in particular everybody in here knows what they're doing what they're not doing right and so God speaks to your heart through his word what's he spoken to your heart through his word this morning what does he convicted you about because everybody has something that flashes through their minds on these scriptures that just are like darts going through your heart right if you move to this church to serve the Lord are you doing it understand this just because you come to this church it doesn't automatically make you blessed yeah just because you come here you're not automatically blessed you still have to take the preaching in apply it to your life you still have to do the works that God's asked you to do I can't do those things for you I can't fix your life you know the word of God has to fix your life and you have to apply it to yourself you have to apply it you have to put into practice the things that you are given here at this church and God expects you to do it are you not showing up for the all the services that you could be and look if you live two three hours out of town I understand if you don't show up for the Thursday night service I do but I don't understand people who live in town they miss service in the midweek for any reason whatsoever it's three to thrive baby be here when the doors are open quit finding other stupid things to do that aren't as important as well guess what you're just gonna get beaten for it you already know I preach the sermon to you if you're just skipping church for no reason then God is gonna require of some lashes and it's not just little ones it's gonna be the big ones God bless you with the great family are you leading your wife and family right are you ruling over your home men because you're supposed to be and wives you should be allowing them to lead you and not trying to take all the decisions away from your husband not trying to run the pocketbook not trying to run the finances hey if your husband gave you the finances to to do then that's fine but you know what if your husband wants to do the finances you should let them do it you know who runs the finances of my house me because I'm the man I'm the man the man of God no just kidding that's a joke I am but no I am kidding mothers are you're rearing your children right and keeping your home or are you playing all day on Facebook and just have no you know you're not keeping your house clean you're not doing the things you're supposed to be doing at home hey you better get on God's program cuz hey he gave you a lot and he's expecting you to take care of it the right way when you have a child that you take care of your child quit pawning them off on everybody and I'm not saying don't let anybody hold your child I'm just saying hey raise your children great take care of your home ladies you know don't just use the the fact that God doesn't want you to work outside the home for your chance to be on Facebook all day or for your chance to be on Instagram which I still don't understand Instagram so I used to like Myspace and then they got rid of that but hey take care of the things you're supposed to be taking care of while you're supposed to be taking care of them okay and if you don't work for the Lord through the through the church God gave you are you doing the required amount that God requires of you if you don't work for the Lord through this church that God gave you are you doing the required amount God requires of you you got to work for the church whatever it is you're doing hey a lot of people put a lot of hard work in here but it's just like there's a lot of churches that just you know some people just want to float through and not have to do anything that's garbage so we need to do the best we can if you don't apply the preaching you here in your life then you're gonna get me in trouble with God right period and you know that you're supposed to be in church be here you know you're supposed to work for the Lord work for him you know you should be applying the preaching apply it you know that you should be tithing give look and I preached about this in Hawaii I didn't I haven't preached a full-length sermon on tithing here in a long time I think it's been a long time I don't know I think it's been at least a couple years but maybe I'm wrong about that but look part of trusting God is trusting with your finances and look you'll never look back once you learn to trust him with your finances you're never gonna look back once you realize that God's just gonna take care of you even though the the bills aren't adding up things aren't adding up oh how am I gonna pay this bill if I tie Pastor Mendez said a really profound thing that I thought was really good when he preached because he preached a little bit about tithing when he was in Hawaii and he said that people come up to him go pastor I just can't afford to tithe I can't afford it and he said you know what he said I can't afford not to I can't afford not to once you learn to trust God with your finances you'll never look back you'll never have to worry because you know what God's gonna rebuke the devourer for your sake but you know what if you don't give the tithe and he's not gonna rebuke the devourer for your sake and your car is gonna break down and you know you're gonna he's gonna get your tithe anyway he wants to so beware of people that cars break down a lot so I'm just kidding I'm kidding sometimes your car just breaks down okay Justin hasn't put oil in his car for years somehow it's still running he must be tithing you know it's like the children of Israel their souls that are feet you know their shoes never wore out or anything you know God will take care of your stuff God will take care of the things that you have but you got to put him first you know you should be obeying the Bible and doing what it says you know you should be reading it read it you know you should be ruling your family rule them and rule them well not like a tyrant you know you should be keeping your home ladies loving your children obeying your husband do it what do you mean obeying yeah obeying that's what the Bible says we're supposed to you're supposed to obey your husband don't get mad it's God's Word and to those that don't understand why you're getting chastised hey re-listen to this sermon later go through the scriptures if you just fell asleep mentally through this whole sermon then re-listen to it okay because it should be very helpful to your life so let's turn to our last scripture I'm done Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 it says Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 give you a second this is the things that we need to keep in our remembrance here this is not as though I had already attained either were already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend for which also I am apprehended of Christ brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before forget about the things of the past hey today's the day you can change turn the page and have a clean slate with God and guess what you can do it tomorrow too but you might get beaten in between days you know I'm saying but you can forget those things that are done in the past and hey today you can say you know what I know I've been failing in these areas and I need to step it up step up my game God expects it God requires it and know that you're gonna get beaten if you don't it says I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God and Christ Jesus hey it's a high calling you've been called to a high calling everybody in this room here and God expects us he requires more from us than he does from others and hey you might be upset that you got put in that category but it's too late now just got to deal with it and know that it's for the best because look if you're the person that's ignorant you're not getting any rewards if you're the person that's disobeying you're not gonna get as many rewards because you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing but you know be that person the in the first category that follows God obeys him and we all screw up we all mess up we all do things that we regret and we all have our bad days but hey you can get back up you know a just man falls seven times and rises up again right so we can rise back up again we can turn the page and we can start doing our best for God we can start today we can start after the service all right let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for this great truth in the Bible I pray Lord that we'd all know that we're responsible for what we've heard including myself and I know that we're Lord we're just people that go astray sometimes Lord I pray you'd help us if there's anybody backslid in here pray that you just help them speak to their heart Lord and I pray that you would bless the congregation bless us only today bless the second service in Jesus name we pray amen