(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Amen? I'm going to turn your Bibles to Titus chapter 2. Titus chapter number 2 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one. Titus chapter 2. Titus 2 the Bible reads, But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine, that the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in the faith, in charity, in patience. The aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded, in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to save you. Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloining, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adore the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Brother Sean, will you pray for us? Father, heaven, I thank you for this day, Lord, and thank you for bringing us all here to church today. I pray you'd fill Pastor Thompson with your spirit, Lord, I pray you'd fill him with the boldness and clarity of my heart. I pray that you'd just help us to listen to the message that you've had to prepare for us, Lord, and please help us be attentive, Lord, and give us your everything here. For the great sake of Jesus' name, amen. Amen. All right, well, last time we were in Titus, chapter number two, if you remember, I went through and kind of outlined sound doctrine, that the Bible says that we're supposed to have sound doctrine, and it basically turns into a list, and we're supposed to speak those things as pastors that become sound doctrine, verse number one, and that the aged men be sober, temperate, sound in the faith and charity and patience, that the aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as cometh holiness, not false accusers, not given too much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, and to love their children. That's kind of as far as I got there, and I preached about, you know, it's talking about being, you know, having sound doctrine, and for the pastor to preach sound doctrine, and then it kind of gives these lists where it's kind of focusing on some things that the aged men should know, and the aged women should have the specific kind of behavior, and then it goes into young women, and so tonight we're going to talk about the young women, the young men, and the servants, and then I'll probably preach a sermon about the rapture next week, the blessed hope, which is a good thing to preach on at least once or twice a year, amen? So tonight we're going to, number one, we're going to look at the young women, so sound doctrine to the young women, men, and servants. So number one, or verse number four says that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. So it kind of, you know, the aged women springboards into the young women and how they're supposed to teach them. See, the elder people in the church are supposed to be examples to the other believers and to teach the younger of their gender to be these things, and, you know, this is delving into things that aren't very popular to be preached these days, so, you know, excuse me as I step on your toes a little bit tonight, and the aged women and the aged men got it a couple weeks ago a little bit, so, but not just to get onto you, I want to help you and exhort you to do what's right and true in the eyes of God. So, but the aged women are supposed to teach the young women to be sober. Now, remember being sober, it means to be serious, but it also literally means to be sober. You know, we're not supposed to be drunkards, you know, we teach the teetotaling lifestyle here at our church, and so drinking and doing drugs and things like that, smoking marijuana and doing hard drugs, that is not something that you should be getting involved in, and obviously it's unbecoming of a young woman to not be sober. And so, also it says to love their husbands. So you wouldn't think that that would have to be the case, but it is. I mean, people are selfish, and a lot of times people being selfish causes them to not, you know, love other people they should love as much as they should love them. So, it sounds kind of weird to say, well, hey, teach them to love their husbands, but sometimes not everybody's, you know, a lot of people say, oh, I'm in love, you know. They get this idea that they're in love, but I don't really feel like you can truly love someone until you really get to know them and spend a lot of time with them. And sometimes people are hard to love, you know. Some of the aspects and attributes of people are hard to love. You know, you start to, you know, you newlyweds in here, you know that it was like, oh, we're in love, and they carry you through the threshold or whatever on your wedding night, and everything's all good for like a day or two until they, I always say, leave the toilet seat up or, you know, push the toothpaste from like the very beginning of the toothpaste thing. And that really drives ladies nuts, I think. Drives me nuts too, but, or not making the bed or, you know, just stuff like that, leaving your undies on the floor or your socks next to the bed, things like that. And, you know, it's just people, you know, you know, people can be hard to love sometimes, some people harder than others. But, you know, if you're married to somebody, as a man, you're commanded to love your wife, right? But the age of women, we're supposed to teach the young women to be sober and to love their husbands and to love their children. And you would think that that wouldn't be something that you would have to teach somebody. But, you know, in the last days, the Bible says there's going to be perilous times. And, you know, there's people, you know, who would have thought that people would murder their own children, but is that loving them? I mean, I don't think killing someone is showing them love and especially your own children, you know. So we live in a time where people are literally in the streets with signs showing dead babies that they, you know, they want to kill or babies that they want to kill. I drove by this billboard in Portland the other day and it was like something about like, you know, love babies or something like that. The baby had like, it was a giant billboard and it had the baby's eyes were crossed out with two X's and it had all these things about killing babies. Like that's the society we live in. That's the sadist that we live among and rub elbows with in grocery stores and stuff, people that would want to murder their own children. Hey, children should be safe in the womb. Children shouldn't be some political object that you, you know, play feminism with. And, you know, but today that's kind of, women have been brain defiled into wanting to have careers and chopping their hair off, wearing paints, and, you know, working alongside their husband, like looking exactly the same as they are and they want to bring home the bacon and all this other stuff. That's not what the Bible teaches. And so if you're a Christian woman, that should not be some desire that you have tucked in your heart and if it is, you need to get right with God. You know, and obviously some people are in a position where they do have to work, some ladies. And look, you know, hopefully Prince Charming comes along at some point, you know, and you find someone to get married to and they want to have children. They want to have loads of children. You know, it says to love their children, not child. You know, God doesn't have a one child policy. I know China used to, but then they found out within a generation that there was nobody for their boys to marry because they all want to, you know, so they're kidnapping kids from other families or people that hid their daughter's births. And then, you know, in the black market, like, you know, having a married off, I mean, it's crazy. But that's the kind of world we live in where, you know, people want to have a 2.5 family, you know, two parents in the home and a half a child or something like it's King Solomon's house or something. But anyway, the Bible says, so it says here, these are specific instructions for young women to be sober, to love their husband. You know, and look, you should love your husband more than anyone. It's getting quiet in here. More than anyone, more than your mommy or your dad or your grandparents, mammy and papa or whatever you call them, your children. You should love your spouse more than anybody else on this earth. The Bible says, and they twain shall be one flesh. It didn't say, you know, mother-in-law and daughter are one flesh. It says the husband and wife are one flesh. So if you have some inordinate affection to somebody else more than your spouse, again, you're not right with God. You should love your husband more and you should also love your children. They would be second. Okay. So it's not going to work unless things are the way God designed them to be. So if you're trying to go outside the plan of God for you, then you're off the beaten path and you're not doing what God has commanded. So, and here, you know, when you love your children, don't treat them as a burden. Don't act, you know, you're like, oh yeah, I want to have a big family. And then you have it and you're like, ah, I don't want to have a big family anymore. I want to hide. I want to run. That shouldn't be your attitude. You know, love your children. Raise them up and love them and teach them to love, you know, their dad. Teach them to love, you know, their siblings and teach them to love God more importantly than anything else. Right? So, and don't treat them like these feminists want to treat them or they just flush them down the toilet for an Oscar award. You know what I mean? And they literally do these things. They literally give up and kill their own children because they want to have a career. Well, you know, quit being a whore and you won't have to have an abortion as a contraceptive. I mean, you know, people go, you know, we should have the right to choose. You mean choose to murder your children? My body, my choice. It's not your body. You say you believe in science, but then you say it's your body. It's not your body. It's not your choice. So there's a body within the body. When a woman has a child in her womb, that child is a different body. They do like a ultrasound or an x-ray. There's gonna be another skeleton in there. There's gonna be that weird looking alien head in the, you know, the, you know what I'm talking about. And the ultrasound, they kind of look weird, you know, like, ah, they're so cute. Look at their little, you know, heartbeat or whatever. It's like, yeah, they kind of look like aliens. But anyway, sorry, that's just me. You know, I love it that there's like a meme going around where it says like, well, what moms do with their babies. It's like they're like holding them like this, you know, and then it says what dads do when they're along with their babies that are like scrunching the baby's face like this. That gonna look funny? So true. Anyway, let's look at verse number five. The Bible says, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Now, what does it mean to be discreet? Well, it means to be careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage. You don't want to tell everything to every person. You don't want to tell your deepest secrets to someone that you just meet. You know, you might not want to tell your deepest secrets to anybody, maybe to God. You know, there's certain things that you just shouldn't repeat and say. Not everybody needs to know everything that comes into your mind about everything. And, you know, sometimes people are trying to get information out of you because they want to use it against you. So you got to be careful with that. So it's telling the young women, the Apostle Paul is telling Titus to preach this stuff to the young women to be discreet. Why? Because they have a tendency to not be discreet sometimes. It's not, it's, you know, and again, men can be gossips also and tailbearers, but it's more of a, of a thing with women, right? There's like a show or whatever called Gossip Girls or whatever. It's not, it's not called Gossip Girls because they don't gossip. You know, I've never watched the show, so don't, don't even say it. I just have heard of it. Okay. But it's just, you know, it just shows you that that's something, you know, and, and for that to be a television show. You know, I'm sure it's not, it's not teaching you not to gossip. It's not saying you're bad for gossiping, you know, in every episode. God's going to strike you down for repeating that. You know, that's not what it's probably about. It's probably about girls giving all the juiciest gossip and how they're ruining other people's lives. And, you know, you got the one that's worse than the other ones and she's playing all of everybody against each other. You know, I mean, that's not how young ladies should be. And it says chaste. What does chaste mean? It means moral purity concerning the things, you know, only married people should be doing. So it's, you know, basically being pure in that manner without, you know, getting too much into detail. But it also means without unnecessary ornamentation. That's the secondary definition to it. It says without unnecessary ornamentation. So what does that mean? Well, without the braided hair and, you know, not braided hair, but the broided hair, gold, you know, the special, you know, you know, when you get your hair done for your wedding day, I mean, usually girls are just like, ladies are just like, you know, they get there. They got it all did up. You know, I'm not saying it looks bad. I'm not very good at this. I'm sorry. But you know what I'm talking about? You know, ladies like to get dolled up sometimes. And there's, you know, there's I guess there's a time and a place for that. But to have that be who you are. So like, in this book, we've been talking about how are you personified by that? Is that something that you're known as someone that just, you know, you got to have your makeup put on, or the paint sprayer or something, or let's take it off the spatula or something? You know, I mean, just like, you don't want to have that. Well, they just have the most expensive clothes, and they have to have the coach purse and the Gucci shoes and whatever. I don't know. I don't know much about it. But I do know that, you know, ladies should young ladies should just be a little more plain. I'm not saying where Little House on the Prairie dresses either. Or head coverings and veils or something like that. I mean, we don't need to be ridiculous about it. But, you know, obviously, it's just not like going all out and trying to look sensual, I guess would be a good word. Not to have that Jezebel spirit about you. And I know that that's kind of a Pentecostal term or whatever. But I just what I mean by that when I say that is like someone could be married or someone could be not married, but there's that spirit of they just kind of lure it with a lot of guys or something. You know what I'm talking about? And when married women do it, it's like it's really bad, you know. So when married men do it, it's bad too. Don't get me wrong, but we're on the ladies right now, so just hang on. But, you know, it's just God wants you to be a certain way. Discreet. You don't have to run your mouth all the time. It's based, you know, morally pure in the things that married people should do. You shouldn't be going outside your marriage or doing things before marriage. You ought not to be fornicating and things like that. And then it says keepers at home. And I know that this gets parked on a lot, okay. But it needs to be parked on a lot. Why? Because there's a whole world out there that wants you to be the career woman, like I just said. They want you to be Rosie the Riveter, you know. Brother Corbin had this little puppet that he got and it was like Rosie the Riveter and he was like beating him up in the sermon or whatever. I don't know if you guys ever saw that one. It was pretty funny. But there's posters in workplaces, you know, and like women are becoming the bosses and the CEOs of all these companies and stuff. And it's like, you know, that's not what God called you to be. It says to be keepers at home. What does that mean? Well, a keeper is a person who manages or looks after something or someone. So your house or your home is the place where you live. So what's the Bible saying here to be keepers at home? To be taking care of or managing your own home. You know, instead of managing the subway down the street or managing the corporate CEO spot in some highfalutin company like McDonald's or Walmart or even some mom and pop place. Why don't you manage your home? Why don't you manage the children that you've already had? Why don't you make yourself available to actually have children so that you can manage the home? And hey, while you're waiting, why don't you practice on what you already need to do? And you know what? Men need a lot of help. In case you didn't realize that. And if you're married, you realize that your husband, there's a reason why God made the help meet. Because we need a lot of help. You know, I lost my keys on Sunday night and everybody was helping me find them. And you know what? I didn't want to believe it. That I actually did it twice. That I locked my keys in my office for the second time. Had to have a locksmith come out. I did the walk of shame and walked in and got my keys. But I'm glad I found them because those were irreplaceable, some of those keys. But if my wife would have been helping me, no I'm just kidding. Usually she can find my stuff for me, but if I lock it in an office that's filled with concrete on all sides and steel reinforced doors, then it's just not going to happen. But we need a lot of help. And so being a keeper at home, what does that mean? Well hey, doing the laundry, doing the dishes, cleaning the house. If you're managing a place and you're the boss, while the boss is away, you're still managing that home. And so when your husband comes home, and yeah this is going to sound really misogynistic, but you know, it's not misogynistic, it's just what the Bible teaches. Keepers at home. It's not saying keepers at all these different places that you want to work. At this career, the dental assistant job that you want to get. Or the medical assisting job. And look, every single one of those jobs is going to require you to wear man's clothing. Pants, pretty much, unless you're a secretary or something like that. And then all the guys are going to be hitting on you at work because there's going to be a bunch of dudes around. So that's not what God called you to be. Hey, if you have children at home, you shouldn't be having the government babysit them for you. That's what a lot of people do in this world. They send them off to the sitter or mom and dad take care of them for you while you both go to work. Well guess what? Who's putting all their influence on that child? It's not you. It's not your husband. It's somebody else. And hey, maybe your mom is the greatest mom in the world, but is she an independent fundamental Baptist? Is she going to spank your kids like you do? Because I'll tell you what, I don't spank my grandkids like my children spank them. You know, unless I have to, which is very rare. Because I just have to just like, ugh, and then they just like, they cower down. Most of the time. Or I cower down to them, no. But that's not my job to be their parent. My job is to be their grandparent. And so that's a different job. And so a grandparent's not going to do the same job that you do for your own child. Nobody's going to love your child like you love your child. Okay? And so, if you have somebody else watching them and raising them for their whole lives, then you didn't raise them. Like, well, I raised my kids to do that. You didn't raise them. The public school raised them. Your mom or dad raised them. Your government babysitter that you paid raised them. And you know what? Look, maybe some people in here have had those experiences in life and you wish you could change them. I guarantee you, anybody that put their kids through public school wishes they wouldn't have done it. I guarantee you, anybody in this room that has had other people had to watch their kids or that maybe you were raised in that key latch situation, I was. My grandparents, I lived with my grandparents for part of my life and I came home to one of those hide-a-keys, you know? You know what I'm talking about? They have the little slide on them and it hides the key and whatever and then you come in and, yeah, I did my homework, sure. And you're like watching GI Joe or eating Top Ramen noodles or whatever. Playing Mike Tyson's Punch Out like 30 days in a row and still can't beat him. Stuff like that. But what's my point? Well, my point is that God says, this is sound doctrine, that the young women are supposed to be keepers at home. At home. So, and also it says, obedient to their own husbands. I kind of touched on this last time, but look, nobody else is your boss besides your husband. If you're married in here, your boss is your husband. Well, there's one other person. God is your boss, okay? But the Bible actually does say that it's, you know, Jesus is the head of every man, the man is the head of every wife, you know? So, you're supposed to obey your husband like you would obey God. So, if you never obey your husband, then you probably don't obey God either. They're mutually, you know, it's something you have to do both. And I know that this, you know, it's just, I'm sure it's just going in one ear and out the other to some people, but this is important. Maybe you already got this settled in your heart and you do this. And you're like, I already know all this stuff. Well, maybe somebody else doesn't. Maybe somebody else needs to hear it. Maybe somebody else needs to get a reality check. And look, not every marriage is going to be literal Prince Charming. And you're going to have the white picket fence and the three and a half, you know, three, you know, three bedrooms, two and a half baths and, you know, two dogs and one cat, you know, or whatever. That's not going to be necessarily everybody's life right away even. But what if that is what you want to do? Look, quit letting Hollywood dictate how your life should be. Quit letting Hollywood and the world dictate how your life should be. You know, I want to get the jet ski. You know what you're going to do? You're going to skip church so you can go jet skiing. You want to get the side by side, you know, I'm not the ladies ignore this part, the side by side. This, those things, you know, those racers that people go to the sand dunes and that's like a really popular thing right now. But like, you know, whatever it is, the vacation home, you know, I want to get a vacation home and look, I'm not mad at you or whatever. If you have a vacation home, I'm just saying that those things that the world's always tugging at our hearts to try to get away from God and get away from the things of the Lord. And, you know, the Bible says, be keepers at home, obedient to your own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. You know, look at how that woman wears the pants in the family. It's like, what does, for a Baptist, that's like a double slap in the face. Not only is it saying that she's the boss, but she's also literally wearing pants. And so to an independent fundamental Baptist, New IFBE, King James only, dragon slaying, you know, Bible believing, whatever, that's a double slap in the face. And you don't want that to be said that, you know, hey, that, you know, they go to church, but she runs the house and, you know, literally, figuratively, all that stuff. So, let's see, let's turn to 1 Peter 3, verse 1. 1 Peter 3, verse 1. And I went through this last week, but it applies this week also, okay? So, it says in 1 Peter 3, 1, it says, likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands. Notice how it's saying your own husband. No other man is your boss, including work. If you're married and you have two bosses, that's a freak. Okay, who's, who are you going to obey more? You're going to go to work every day and obey what another man says for you to do, and go by their work rules, and go by everything that they say. They say you clock in here, you come in there, you wear this, you say this, this is your job, and you're willing to obey some other man outside of your home, but when you get home, it's like 50-50. And look, it goes, you know, husbands, make it available for your wives to stay home. Make it available for your wives to stay home. How about, you know, you're like, well, it just doesn't work, it works. If God says you can do it, God says to do it, He's going to make a way for you to be able to do it. Quit worrying about it. And hey, maybe you're going to be more broke than the other people you work with for a time because you have, you know, a bunch of kids and you have, you know, you only have one income. It is harder, but work harder. Work more hours. There's plenty of work out there nowadays. I'm getting offers from people all the time. Pay you $100,000 a year and throw in a $10,000 signing bonus and all the, there's all kinds of stuff out there like that right now. So you don't have any excuse to not work because there's plenty of work out there because there's plenty of derelicts like the one that was at the freeway when Brandon made me miss the light. And I had to watch him sit there and talk crap to us because we wouldn't give him money. So I had to say something to him. I said, I rolled down my window because I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to throw stuff at me first. When the light turned, I rolled down my window and took a cheap shot. I said, I said, you know, why don't you get a job? There's plenty of them out there. And then just, so it wasn't that mean. He was just like, oh, you know. He zombied out or whatever. But anyway, where was I at here? Did I even get past the first line? So it's talking about the lifestyle that the wives live that maybe you don't have a believing husband. Well, if you, you know, follow what God says to follow, then your opportunity to get them saved is going to be a lot better than if you're being a disobedient wife and you're like, hey, why don't you get saved, dummy? You know what I mean? So like some people, some ladies, they're just like, you know, just bombard their husbands and they're not ready to hear it, but then you won't even obey them. You won't even, you know, and look, I'm not saying, look, I personally believe that we're supposed to, you know, obey God rather than men. So God is number one. If your husband tells you not to go to church, I don't agree with that. Maybe he doesn't want you to come to this church, then that's fine. But if he wants you to go to a, you know, some other church than this one, as long as the pastor's saved and they're actually, you know, a real church, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. And I'm sure that's happened in our past as a church. But, you know, I believe that women should still obey God rather than their husband when it comes to the things of God, okay? But when you're trying to win them over, you know, I'm talking about like, will you please make me lunch? No, why don't you make it yourself? You should have went to church with me on Sunday. I mean, that's not how you want to approach it, okay? Because those are things to do with the household. Those are things where the husband is in the realm of authority and there's nothing wrong with you asking, you know, your wife to make you a lunch, you know? So I just think, you know, that wives should obey their husbands in everything. That's actually what the Bible says. So it says, while they behold your chaste conversation, coupled with fear, whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of the plating of hair and the wearing of gold or the putting on of apparel. So that outward adorning, that, you know, getting all dolled up or whatever, but let it be the hidden man of the heart. And that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price. Now, think about this for a second. The hidden man of the heart, what is that? What's that talking about? It's talking about the new man. So, you know, it's talking about the new man of the heart that it says it's not corruptible. When you get saved, you're a new creature in Christ Jesus, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. So the Bible's talking about here, you know, let your adorning be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible, even the ornament. So instead of putting on these outward things to make you look pretty, why don't you put on the hidden man of the heart that can make you look pretty from the outside or from the inside out of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price. So would you say, if you're a lady and you're reading that here, do you think that God wants you to have a meek and quiet spirit? He does. I mean, it says in the sight of God, that's a great price. You know, instead of the opposite of that, loud, proud and stubborn, right? The feminist that won't shut up at the dinner party and overrides everything her husband's saying and argues with him about stuff he says in front. I mean, look, if you have an unsaved husband, they're never going to get on board if you're like that. And so be meek and quiet. You want your husband to get saved? Here, you know, your children are sanctified because of you being saved, but you want your husband to be part of that package. Well, obey him. That's what it says, right? So it says in verse 5, Now it's going to give us an example here of a woman that was in subjection to her own husband. It says, So it's talking about the time when Abraham, you know, he had the three visitors. One was the Lord and the two angels that went to Sodom afterward. But, I mean, you catch this part of the story and you're like, well, why is it telling us all this detail? Well, it's telling us that detail because later on Peter's going to quote a part of this story that happens. It's not even really the main part of the story, but he uses it to teach in the New Testament about how wives should be with their husbands. Turn to Genesis chapter 18. Genesis chapter number 18. The Bible says in Genesis chapter 18, you should have been able to turn that really quickly because it's the first book in the Bible. Look at verse number 6. Now, if you back up one verse, Abraham told those visitors that he's trying to give some hospitality to that he was going to make ready this stuff. And what's he do? He comes and asks his wife to do. And notice he doesn't say please. He doesn't say, please, Sarah, will you make this stuff real quick for the visitors? I didn't even have time to clean the tent up, Abraham. That's not what she said. I didn't want company. You know, she just, what does she do? She did what she was told to do and she did it with a good heart. It says, you know, he just said, make ready quickly. He said, hurry up and get this done. And then it says, Abraham ran to the herd and fetched the calf tender and good and gave it to a young man. He hated to dress it. So Abraham didn't even do anything. He just said, you do it. I'm going to tell you guys that I'm going to do it, but then I'm going to have somebody else do it. It says that he took butter and milk and the calf, which he had dressed, and set it before them. And he stood by them under the tree and they did eat. And they said unto him, where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, behold, in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life, and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. And Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. So she was past the time of life when women can have children. Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I am waxed old, shall I have pleasure? My Lord be being old also. So this is what Peter's referencing to is this little story right here. And you'll notice that Abraham just told her to hurry up and make some food. You know, he just burst in the tent. Get up and make some food right now. We've got to do it quickly. How many women would actually do that? You'd be like, make it yourself, you know, and throw it at them or whatever. Hopefully women in our church wouldn't be like that though. You know, because this is used as an example of a woman of God who was saved doing that which was right in God's eyes. Being meek, being quiet. She was so quiet, she didn't even say any of that stuff. That was in her head. She wasn't even talking out loud but called Abraham Lord in her mind. That's true obedience there because Abraham didn't even know she had that conversation in her mind. She's just like speaking out loud in her mind, you know, when you're thinking about stuff. But Peter zones in on that and says, hey, what about when Sarah, you know, it's not even talking about Sodom and Gomorrah here. You know, it's just taking this picture in scripture and kind of giving us a glimpse of what it's like for a godly woman to obey her husband. And then it said, even calling him Lord. So maybe as young women you need a purpose in your heart to be what God made you to be, not to be a man, become a daughter of Sarah. Because it says, you know, whose daughters you are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement. So even as Sarah obeyed Abraham. So we need to have some more Christian women that are like Sarah who would obey even in her head. And think that stuff in her heart and her mind because that's how much she reverenced her husband, how much she loved him. God has not called you to be a feminist, not even a Christian feminist. And believe me, there's people that would consider themselves Christian feminists. You know, these people that read the NIV or it takes the gender out of it. You know, which doesn't surprise me because it was some omni gender that helped translate it. So, you know, God hasn't called you to be the next CEO of Walmart. God has not called you to be Rosie the Riveter, the construction worker on the job site telling all the men what to do and trying to outwork them. Which will never happen, by the way, unless you're some freak of nature woman that's able to do that. You know, the exception proves the rule. Women, some women can put men to shame. And you know what, I would say women probably have more stamina to get through like 24 hour periods where they're like staying up with sick kids. Beating the family, cleaning. It's like you get home and you're like, oh man, I'm so tired. You know, I worked a hard day and rightly so. But your wives job doesn't stop then. They're always at home. If they're keepers at home, they're always at home pretty much unless they're taking, you know, going shopping or taking the kids someplace or whatever. That's good, you know. That's what God's called us to do. We can't have both people doing the same exact job. It just does not work. It doesn't function correctly. So, be called a lady that loves her husband and children. Don't just be, you know, someone that, you know, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not degrading at all. It's actually one of the greatest jobs that there could be. You know, they say that there's a saying that says the, what is it, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world or whatever. Obviously, that's not a Bible scripture. But it is kind of true in a way because you do spend a lot more time with the children than your husband does in most regards. So, you know, and let me say this. Submit yourself to your husband. Quit running your mouth all the time. Because, you know, the Bible talks about here and when it's going to talk about bosses later on, it talks about you not answering back again. So, if that's your boss at work and you're not supposed to talk back to him like that, why would you do that to your husband? Who you love. Who actually is your boss too. So, you shouldn't be that way. You should respect your husband more than your boss, don't you think? Like if you're a woman that works and you're married, who do you think you should respect more, your husband or your boss at work? I mean, but again, you're serving two masters. No man can serve two masters because they're going to hate the one and love the other, right? We can't serve God and man. We can't serve two masters. You can't have two bosses. It doesn't work. You know, because if you're obeying the boss outside at your job more than your husband, that's wrong. And if your husband doesn't want you to work, stay home. So, God called you to be a help meat. Fitting, that means fitting for your husband. You know, not to tear him down, not to despise him in your heart because he burps or makes other noises that you don't like. Or he isn't exactly like you like him to be. You know, you're not exactly how he wants you to be either, but you know what? You're still supposed to love each other despite the things that you don't like about each other. You know, the longer you live with someone, the more you notice their quirks. The more you come to church, the more you're going to notice the things that aren't perfect here. The more you get to know the pastor, the more you're going to be like, ah, he's not that great or whatever. Because none of us are that great. We all have issues, folks. But when you say, when you vow to vow to be married, tell death to us part in sickness and in health, you know, in poverty and in wealth, and all that other stuff that you vowed vows to, you know, God holds you to your vows, right? So if you said, I do, I will obey, you know, it's not like, you know, God doesn't want you to just be smack talking to your husband all the time. Disagreeing with him in front of other people, it's just wrong. So, and don't put off being a mother to your children or a career. Because that's going to end in a train wreck too. Turn to, let's see, I've got to move on here. But I did want to say, so I'm just going to read this scripture for you real quick. 2 Timothy 3.3, it says, without natural affection. And in context, it's talking about the last times and perilous times are going to come. Men are going to be lovers of their own selves. They're going to be covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and holy, without natural affection. Now, this list is talking about people that are like, have these, they're reprobates it's talking about here. But, you know, we can have reprobate attributes sometimes. You know, sinful attributes that reprobates would do. And I'm not saying all of them, okay. But I'm saying people can be without natural affection. Especially when the screen that's in front of their face takes up more of their time than their children do. Especially when the thing hanging off their wall in their house is taking up more time. You know, or the project that you have or the hobby that you have is taking up more time than, you know, you spending time with your children. So, I've kind of noticed this that in this time that we're living in that there's a little bit of this not natural affection. And it's not something that women ought to be like. So, you know, I've just noticed that sometimes people aren't as attentive to their children as they could be. And I'm talking about moms and dads, okay. So, and, you know, I'm not trying to meddle here but sometimes I think that, you know, I just think of the way my wife was when the kids were growing up. She knew the differences between breathes and cries. You know, you can sleep through a cry that, you know, it's just like, you know, when they like to wake up in the middle of the night and whatever and I'm just like, you know. But their moms know the difference. You know the difference between like a hurt cry and a cry that's just a cry for attention or whatever. So, but I've noticed that sometimes people are more apt to go to the internet to find out what's wrong with their kid. When you can just look at them, spend some time with them, you can kind of understand what's going on with them just by, you know, paying more attention to them. We need to pay attention to our kids and what's going on with them because, you know, we shouldn't just have to run to the internet every time something happens that we don't know. Because, look, you're going to go right after the, nobody goes past the second screen on Google. Nobody does. I mean, that's why people say you want to be first, people email our church all the time say you want to be first place on Google. It's like delete, delete. But why are they saying that? Because they know that if someone Googles something that the first page of results is going to be what people go by. So we've got to be careful when it comes to, you know, getting psychological advice, medical advice, you know, child rearing advice from Google's first page list of stuff all the time. Everybody's guilty of it, I understand, and not just that but lots of different things that we try to go to for knowledge. But, you know, there's a lot of internet doctors out there and they're called parents that they just type in a Google search and they're like, oh, this is what's wrong with them or whatever. And it's like, you better check your sources because if it says like natural news or, you know, I mean, maybe natural news is a good source, I don't know, but I don't go on to it. I think that they're banned from the internet or something. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you should check your sources and make sure that, you know, you're being an attendant to your children and not just, you know, you're not the keepers of Facebook instead of keepers at home. You're not loving your children but you're loving your children through a screen on an app that nobody cares about or showing your best face now on a screen through the internet. You know, nobody takes the picture where your hair's messed up, you're all still in your pajamas and the babies are just like frazzled or whatever. Nobody takes that picture and puts it on the internet. Everybody always wants to show their best picture now, right? So, I mean, what I see in this generation though, and look, I'm probably guilty of it too, is spending too much time with this thing right here. And we got to get a handle on these kind of things, especially if you have children because we didn't have that when my kids were growing up. So I just, you know, there's a new danger in our lives that like wasn't around when I was a kid. I mean, we had cell phones but like they were like flip phones and phones that like you couldn't get a signal anywhere and stuff like that. You couldn't get internet, you couldn't like just, you know, Google search and then the results just popped instantly into your 5G. It was like 1G. It was like still loading, still loading. You know, so we got to be careful kind of how we parent our children and just make sure that like, hey, put that screen down every once in a while. Put the Google search down and quit trying to make Google search like your trusted doctor. Well, who's your doctor? Oh, Google. Yeah, I got all my, all my news from them. You know, hey, is your kid having an ear infection? Make sure you put them garlic drops in, girl, because that's what it says on here. It's all natural. But, you know, and I make fun of that. But also there's the other kind of the other end of the spectrum where people are like, make sure all your kids are vaccinated, all fully vaccinated at 24 months or whatever. And they got like 72 vaccinations or something. There's a place in the middle there where you can reside and be normal. OK, don't get too crazy on all these fads. And I know there's people are going to be like, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Look, I've been through everything you've been through, but it was 20 years earlier. OK, I've been through the Daniel diet. I've been through the garlic drops. I've been through the all raw fruits and vegetables thing. All that. Look, I saw all that stuff when you guys were just knee high to a grasshopper. OK, so don't act like I'm just some out of touch old boomer that doesn't know what he's talking about, because I might not know what I'm talking about in some aspects. But I've already seen what you've seen 20 years ago. It just cycles through in different parts of people's lives. That's why clothes from the 80s are now cool clothes here. It's like they were dorky then they're dorky now. OK, so trust your instincts on things. You know, listen, if your kid's arm is chopped off, you shouldn't Google ways to cauterize wounds the natural way. Take your kid to the doctor and get them checked out. Because, look, and think about this, because if you don't do your due diligence, you could harm your child by giving them something that they shouldn't be taking. Do you know if they're allergic to that? You might not know. All the, you know, fads, things that they, you know, and look, I'm for natural things. Don't get me wrong, I am. But there's got to be a balance, folks. Take your kids to the doctor sometimes. They have to go every once in a while if something's wrong with them. And don't try to be Doogie Howser of the Google internet services. And if it doesn't say Mayo Clinic or something reputable, and even those are, you know, they're going to tell you to get vaccines. So, like, it's hard to find out who to trust. But you know what you can trust? Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts. As a parent, I saw an internet blog mom that blogged that she had the cure for strep throat a couple years ago. Somebody that we all know. I'm not going to name names because it just isn't prudent at this time. But you can't go on the internet and make claims that you have cures for things that you don't really have cures for. You don't have the cure for strep throat, so quit lying. You don't have the cure for it. Here's what not treating strep throat does. Okay, and I looked at different reputable sources. And, you know, when I was a kid, these things were still a thing. So, if you get strep throat, it requires prompt treatment, particularly in children over the age of three. Left untreated, strep throat can lead to kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever. Fact. A serious illness can cause stroke and permanent damage to the heart. It can damage the heart valves. And those types of things, you know, do you want to live with the fact that you didn't get a strep test for your kid when they had a real bad strep throat? Because you're just like, oh, you know, a couple of thieves oil sprays in the back of their throat is going to help them. Look, let me tell you something. I've tried thieves spray when I had a sore throat and guess what it didn't do? It didn't work. And it was good stuff. It was from the natural guy or whatever. I put garlic drops in Nia's ear when she was little and had a lot of ear infections. And guess what it didn't do? It didn't work. And it was good stuff. It was the peer, bro. Okay? So, I do know a little bit of what I'm talking about and I'm just trying to warn you not to get too crazy with some of these internet doctors and these YouTube internet sensation doctors that turn out to be some raging false prophet or whatever. Look, trust your instincts and trust some science, okay? Not saying trust all science because not all science is great, but trust some doctors. If your kid has their finger chopped off, please go to the doctor. So, number two, talk about the young men, okay? I'm not going to have time to get to all the problems you guys have, but I'll try. I'll try. Turn to Titus chapter 2 verse number 6. The Bible says in Titus 2 verse 6, it says, Young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded, in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrines showing uncorruptness, gravity, and sincerity. So, you see how it changes? You know, men and women are just different and God focuses on different things with the young women, the old men and the older women, and it's talking about different things with the young men. Sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of you. So, it says exhort them to be sober-minded. So, the young men, you know, hey, the main application here is to be serious about things. You know, when you're a young man and you're getting to the point where you're going to marry or things like that, you're going to want to change, you know, there's a natural process where men just change, or young men change into old men, teens turn into young men, and so on and so forth, and that really can't be stopped, but sometimes people take the young-minded part of them, the things that are still things that a child would do, and drag that into their adulthood. And so, as a young Christian man, you know, the apostle Paul is exhorting Titus to tell people, hey, be serious about some stuff, not everything's a joke, you know, showing yourself, thyself a pattern of good works. It's not just the old folks at church that are supposed to do good works, it's the young men also. It says in doctrine showing uncorruptness, make sure, how would you get uncorrupt doctrine? Well, reading your Bible is a good way to do that, you know, because the Holy Spirit is going to teach you, you know, the things of God when you read the Bible, and you're reading it without a skewed view, or a preconceived notion, if you just let the Bible teach you, the Holy Spirit's going to teach you what you need to know. And so it says gravity, that's seriousness, and sincerity, you know. A lot of times, men will ask stupid vain questions, young men, and there's a lot of, in the past, we've had young single men that like to ask dumb questions and bring vain, you know, doctrine up, like, am I the boss of every woman? No, you're not the boss, you're not even the boss of anybody. You know, if you're not, if you're a young single man, you're not the boss of anybody, unless it's your brother and sister and you're babysitting them for an hour while your mom goes shopping or something. But like, there's been, in the past, there's been some guys that attach themselves to this movement that think that every woman should be there, you know, notice how it said, your own husbands. It didn't say your boyfriends, your fiancees, well my fiance won't obey me. She doesn't have to, you know, and if she's already being rebellious before you're married, then you might want to consider who you're marrying, you know. So it says in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, you know, there's, you know, sound doctrine is doctrine that's good, you can build upon it, and so on and so forth, but sound speech is also something that you should be able to have. Now I'll get up here and I'll say some slangy things every once in a while, and I'm kind of joking around when I do that. I do know how to talk right, okay. I do know how to talk right, you know. I do. But, you know, it's okay to just, you know, joke around and say some stuff every once in a while, but, you know, you should learn how to speak. If you're going to talk and use words that you don't understand, you're going to look like an idiot. So if you're going to get up and try to explain a word that you don't know, and you don't know what that word means, then you shouldn't be trying to teach people what that word means if you don't know what it means. You know what I mean? So, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say about you. When you're saying, you know, and I guess, you know, this topic of cuss words has been brought up and I don't want to beat this horse to death because there's some other people that are already beating it to death. The horse has been dead, resurrected, dead, beaten, and resurrected again. But, obviously, if you're a Christian, you're going around just, you know, using all this filthy language or whatever, or saying filthy things or whatever, you know, that's probably not a way to win somebody over, you know. So, and you know, the whole thing with Pastor Shelley, he was quoting something and he was making a point with what he said. And it's like, he never said that word before, so it's not like he lost control and didn't know what he was saying. He did know what he was saying. But, I don't think that that word should be just thrown around because, you know, and I know that Pastor Shelley doesn't feel that way either. He doesn't want people to go, oh, well, now he said it, so now I can get up and say it when I preach. That's not, he doesn't want that. That was like a one-time thing. And, you know, this is the first time I've actually weighed in on it, but I just think people have taken it to all the enemies, of course, have gotten a hold of it and think it's like the worst thing that anybody's ever done in the face of Christianity. It's like, I would say like hanging out with false prophets is a lot worse than that. Hanging out with people that preach false gospels is a lot worse than that. But, I'm also not saying we should go around and just throw that word around. And in certain contexts, it is a filthy word. But, words are words, you know. So, I don't think people should get that, you know, people love to teach for doctrines and commandments of men. They really do. They like to come out and say, hey, you didn't wash your hands before dinner, Jesus. You know, you're the worst thing ever. And, you know, people talk about us being Pharisees because we teach the Bible and preach the commandments of God and things like that. It's just like, no, you're the Pharisee because you're teaching something that's not in the Bible and acting like that's, you know, the queen worst thing that you could do ever in a pulpit or something. I mean, and again, there's no reason to necessarily use that word because it does have a bad connotation to it. But like, in the instance that it was being used for, basically it was just, you know, the people that got really mad about it, those are the people he was trying to expose basically. Because if you think that it's just okay to say, you know, let's go Brandon or whatever, and you're meaning it like it's meant. See, my son-in-law's name is Brandon. And when that whole thing came out, you know, anybody that knows Brandon knows this about him, that when he gets all hyped up and stuff, he'd be like, let's go. Has anybody ever seen Brandon do that before? Okay, hands all around the building. And so I thought it was really funny that that term was coined to a guy named Brandon because Brandon always says, let's go. And so I actually, I feel bad about this. I'm confessing my faults to you and everybody on YouTube or whatever. But I bought him the shirt that said, let's go Brandon, but he won't wear it. Because, you know, the bad connotation that it has, you know, I'm sure he wears it to bed or whatever. But if your name's Brandon, can you wear a shirt that says, let's go Brandon? I mean, I don't know. If that's not what he means, but then people think that's what he means by wearing it. But he's like, hey, my name's Brandon. You know, it's like, so when I say it about Brandon, it's like, he really does say, let's go. He's like an old, you know, he used to play sports growing up and he like, you know, when people are sports fanatics or whatever, they're like, let's go, you know, in football and basketball or whatever. So he just kind of does that. So anyway, the point is, is that, yeah, we shouldn't be just intentionally just throwing words out there, intending to insult people or see how many four letter words we can use and making them adjective and a verb and an adverb and whatever else you want to say, just for the fact of trying to offend somebody. But that's not what he was doing. That's not what this sermon's about anyway. I just, I knew that the people would jump on this. Oh, so you spout speech, it can't be condemned. You know, it's just like, it's taught, you know, having no evil thing to say about you. You know, I think it might apply there. It cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed. You know, so you don't want to, if someone hates Christians or doesn't, you know, they're not won over or something, and you're just like throwing out a bunch of words and saying, well, I don't believe it's wrong to cuss. But they do. See, the world always thinks, they think things that are not in the Bible, and they really adhere to those things really hard sometimes. And that's one of the things. They can cuss like a sailor. They can say the worst things and call women the worst things in songs and listen to those songs and repeat those songs. They can talk like that at the workplace all they want. But if a Christian says something like, you know, just says like, you know, a word that they would consider to be a cuss word like bastard, which is not a cuss word, or piss, I gotta take a piss, or whatever, it's not a bad word, okay? But the world might think it is. So, but just because the world thinks it is, it doesn't mean that it really is. So, but my point is, is like if someone's on the opposite end of the spectrum, you're trying not to offend or give them some way to attack you, you know, you don't want to just go, hey, Mother Effer, what's going on? And, you know, just start like cussing at them or something. You know what I'm saying? I think that that's, you know, the proper way to think about it. But in 1 Corinthians 13 verse 11, talking about the young men, it says, When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. So, young men, I think that when you become a young man, which is like past teens, like probably 20 years on and upward is what I believe, you know, put those childish things away from you, start to grow up a little bit, start to take things seriously, you know, when all the men are around talking about the Bible, why aren't you talking about the Bible with all the men? Why don't you show that you know some doctrine? You know, and in sincerity, not because you just happened to read 20 chapters in Isaiah today, and you want to show everybody just how learned you are in the Bible, you know, do things for the right reasons, too. In Psalm 25 verse 7, it says, Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions. According to thy mercy, remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O Lord. Remember not the sins of my youth. So, what is that saying? Well, youth, the youth have sins. And a lot of the sins that the youth do are different than what adults do. Turn to 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 22. I'm definitely going to have to put my next point in my next sermon, which is okay because I need some space for that next sermon anyway. So, I'm going to finish with just the second point, but I want to kind of show you this verse here when it's pertaining to men. You know, we should always be preparing for our next stage in life. You know, young women to become wives, you know, and young men to become husbands, and godly wives, and godly husbands, right? So, it says, Flee also youthful lusts, but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, and then that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. So, I was thinking about this and I was like, what would be the lust of the youth? And I kind of just started working this list, and if you have anything, I might take a couple from the crowd here, but when it's saying flee also youthful lusts, there's things that we would do more in our youth than we would do, you know, as we begin to become an adult. So, and I would say this, here's a real broad one, anything that stops us from serving God to the fullest, anything that you're doing as a young person that's stopping you from serving God to your fullest, you know, whatever we want, you know, doing whatever we want versus doing whatever you want. So, you know, we shouldn't be just constantly thinking about all the things that we want to do all the time, what about pleasing God? Should that enter into your mind at some point if you're a young person, or is all you think about is stupid movies, stupid music, you know, just young people just have a really slanted and skewed view about things, and when you're a child, you put away from yourself that stuff that is childish. When I was 14, yeah I know, I was old, I was a late bloomer, I put all my G.I. Joe's in like a cigar box and cried. Couple tears, it wasn't a lot. And I put those G.I. Joe's away and you know what, I never played with them again. It's just like one of those things, you know, when you're a child there's things that you did as a child, but when you get older, you got to put those things from you. So, you know, as children we have, you know, as children or teens we have a lot of things that we need to kind of just phase out of our life. So, glee, youthful lust, whatever something you did when you were young, you know, just put that away from you. Glee away from that and instead follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, and then the call on God out of a pure heart. What about not working hard? That's a youthful lust. You know, a lot of kids, they don't want to, you know, you got a bedroom to clean their room and a bedroom to take out the trash. You know, clean up the crumbs that you left on the counter after your mom just got done cleaning the whole kitchen. Stuff like that, can I get an amen from the parents out here? Amen. So, you know, not working hard. It's really annoying. But you know what, you can't take that into adulthood. You got to learn to be a hard worker and work hard. Otherwise you're not going to last very long at any job you work at. Okay? And that can include ladies and men. Nobody wants to have some lazy Facebook housewife that doesn't want to watch her kids or love her husband or make them lunch or make them dinner or any of that stuff. You know, you can't say, well, I'm a stay at home wife and then you never do anything for your husband. That's lame. That's a youthful lust. You know, you're not going to sit, you shouldn't be sitting there eating bonbons, you know, and just, you know, hey, I'm keeping my Facebook house in order though. All my pics, all my glamour shots are in perfect order and, you know, the duck lips and the fish scape or whatever the weird little thing, you know, get rid of that stuff. Quit being vain. Nobody needs to see a thousand pictures of selfies of yourself on Facebook. When I see that, I'm like, ah! Crepes me out. How many pics, how many selfies do you need? Here's another thing that kids like, that the youthful, another youthful lust that you need to run away from or flee from. Believing everyone. Believing everything. You know, kids will, you know, it's good that kids believe easy because that's easier to get them saved, but sometimes kids believe things that aren't true and it's to their hurt. You know, start to get a little bit of discernment in your life and realize that not everybody is on your side, not everybody is your friend and you need to take information that comes into your eyes and ears and appropriately analyze that. Because the friend that you think is a good friend might not be the best friend that you think they are. But isn't it funny how that's another youthful lust. Children and teens want to have friends and, you know, when they become teens, they're like, okay, mom and dad, don't hug me, you know, and they kind of act like that a little bit. Don't pull up in your car, you know, park around the block, stuff like that. And they just, all they care about is hanging out with friends. Just want to hang out with friends. But you know what, your friends are going to desert you. You're like, not my friends, they're my best friends. Yeah, those ones too. They're going to leave you. They're going to forsake you. I don't have anybody that I hang out with from childhood or anything. I might say hi to them on Facebook every once in a while or something, but they probably think I'm a cult leader or something. But anyway, don't believe everything and, you know, stop choosing bad friends over your family. That's a youthful lust, you need to get away from that. You know, your parents love you and want the best for you and your friends are fleeting. Friendships are fleeting. And if you have a really good friend that you have for your whole life, then count yourself blessed because not a lot of people have that. So how about being a picky eater? You know, kids a lot of times and children are picky eaters. I don't like that, mommy. I don't like anything that's green or has vegetables on it. No vegetables, no corn, no potatoes. Hey, that stuff's good for you. They put it on your plate so you can have a balanced diet. Eat your food. You know, as Pastor Anderson said, quit being a spoiled brat and eat your food, right? You can't, you know, and I know kids will probably have cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. But you know, it's not good for you. You'll die. There was like this guy that ate McDonald's every day, I think was it for a year or something. It's called Super Size Me. And he literally ate McDonald's every single day and like started to have health problems from it. You can't just eat whatever you want all the time and stay healthy. So you need to make sure that you're fleeing those youthful lusts and like eat stuff that's good for you. Staying up late. There's another thing that you need to flee from. If you have to get up early, then guess what? You shouldn't stay up late. And if you stay up late and get up early, then you're going to pay the piper. You're going to be groggy when you wake up. You're going to need a cup of coffee, you know, and that's if you even wake yourself up. A lot of kids can't even wake themselves up. You know, you have to wake, Mom, why didn't you wake me up? Wake yourself up, you brat. Set an alarm clock. Seriously. And so you shouldn't be having to wake your adult children up. You shouldn't, you know, Mom, will you call me in the morning to make sure I'm up? Get an alarm clock that blasts your eardrums out. Get the supersonic, whatever, Mega 5000. It has a rumble thing in here that rumbles in your pillow. Believe me, I've had one. I know what they're like. So you got to wake up. Get up. Flee those youthful lusts to just stay in and sleep because you know what? You're not going to turn out to be a good young man if, you know, Mommy has to wake you up. Mommy has to cook you dinner all the time. You know, at some point you need to find a wife. And having to be told to do something multiple times is also a youthful lust that we need to get away from. Your parents are always having to tell you to do things 50,000 times. Hey, why don't you just start purposing in your heart to actually just do what your parents ask you? If you know what your chores are, why do you have to be told every time? But when you become a young man, if your boss has to keep telling you to do something over and over and over again, he's going to go like, what's wrong with you? Are you like a child or something? You got to flee that youthful lust and become a hardworking, you know, young man that is going to be pleasing to their boss because I forgot only works for so long. Oh, I forgot. Oh, I forgot. Like, oh, you forgot? Well, you're fired. How about that? You know, maybe they won't fire you now. It might hurt your feelings. You might have to go into the crying room or whatever at work. But I know things have changed a little bit, but some, you know, construction places don't really have that kind of going on. So, you know, having to be, you know, throwing fits when you don't get your way. Now guess what? Throwing fits when you're older doesn't make you get your way. Well, I mean, it might with some people, but, you know, the IDS crowd and all that kind of, you know, Black Lives Matter stuff and all that, that works for them. But, you know, look, have some self-respect and don't throw fits when you don't get your way. We youthful lusts because nobody thinks it's cool when you throw fits that you didn't get your way. You know, rebellion against your parents and other leadership is a youthful lust that you need to overcome. And again, you know, I mentioned the toys, but what about video games? I mean, are video games overtaking your life? Because it overtakes a great multitude of people's lives these days. And hey, how are you going to raise your children if you're stuck playing, you know, whatever the newest video game is? I don't even know what the newest video game is because I don't play video games. If I do, it's a very rare occasion. Sorry, Brother Sean, but I do play every once in a while. But I can't even tell you the last time I actually played a video game. And look, I'm not saying you're evil if you play video games. I'm just saying that we need to flee youthful lusts. Your life can't be about video games if you have a family. Your life cannot be excessive, you know, just always into some kind of hobby if you have a family because you know what? You need to spend time with your family. And nobody wants to marry a dude that lives in his mom's basement and plays, you know, Fortnite all night. And can't wake up for their alarm to go to work. Why didn't you wake me up, Mom? It's ridiculous. And look, listening to things and watching things that you shouldn't watch. Speaking of that, how about TikTok? I mean, talk about a waste of your life and time. Talk about a waste of your brain cells. I think that you get dumber watching every TikTok reel. And there's some funny ones every once in a while. I don't even have TikTok, but every once in a while I'll see one that's kind of funny or whatever that someone shares. But one was like parents that were in demon voices or something I watched. It was kind of funny. But just sitting there going through reel after reel and TikTok, you know, you take your break at work or whatever. And all you're doing is watching the reels through the whole thing. And what is a reel? It's like a Facebook video and you can just swipe up to the next one. And it's like, wait till the end to find out what happens. It's like, guess what's going to happen? Nothing cool. It isn't that cool. It's like I really wasted my time with a five minute reel video. But wait, no, no, no, don't, you know, they just want your viewership so they can get money off of you. It's really stupid. And it's a youthful lust that we need to flee from. I'm not saying never watch them or something. I'm just saying if that's what you spend your time doing is just constantly watching that garbage, constantly letting worldly music just bombard your ears all day, all night. When we were at that Skyzone place, I just wanted to like carve my eardrums out. Because it's so loud in there. It's just annoying, you know. And, you know, like we don't really get to put the Baptist hymns on there. So, you know, it would be a lot better if we could do that. Maybe I'll look into that next time. I didn't realize it was like that. Sorry about that. But, you know, I'm you know, those are things that we shouldn't just obsess over. And here's the last one. I know I gotta be done. So, here's the last one. Crushing on people obsessively. This is a youthful lust. When I was growing up, all the teen girls, they had those teen bop magazines and stuff. And they would take the little centerfolds out of the 13 year old heartthrob of the month or whatever. The Corey Haims, the Corey Feldmans. You know what? Corey Haims dead now. Corey Feldman, you know, he's got problems. You know, they're not the heartthrobs that everybody thought they were at the time. Eventually, you know, beauty is vain. Right? You're never gonna get with them. They're never gonna like you. Quit obsessing over people that you're never, that's just, you know, it's just, it's a youthful lust. And to obsess over someone to the point where you have every video they've done. And, you know, I don't know if the magazine thing is a thing anymore. Or girls put, you know, magazine pictures up of all their teen heartthrobs. You know, the, what is it, Backstreet Boys and whatever. I'm old, I know. They're probably new ones, right? What is it? Vloggers? Oh, yeah, yeah. Look at him, he dances with his leg like this. The vanity. And what would I say to like wrap this sermon up? Well, be youthful lusts. If you're a young woman and you're, you know, all this stuff applies at the end here to both. You know, we gotta grow up and live an adult life. You can't live in TikTok land and Facebook forever. You actually have to, you know, talk to people. Here's the thing, talk to people. You know, if you're a recluse or whatever, it's probably because you've never had to talk to a human being before. You're always just talking over some kind of instrument of some sort. You know, put that thing down and just kind of start to talk. You know, talking to people has actually been done for thousands of years before these things ever came to pass. Before LOL and rolling on the floor laughing and text talk or whatever. So anyway, let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, so much for this great church. And Lord, I pray that you just help us, Lord, to fill our roles as you put them before us, Lord, and that the elder men would take to heart the things that we talked about a couple weeks ago. And the elder ladies and Lord, the young women and the young men, Lord, they would take some of these things to heart, Lord, because you specified some things that we need to work on. And I pray that you just help us as your people to love you and to keep your commandments, Lord. And Lord, that we would just move past some of the things that maybe we're into and like get a handle on some of the things that we maybe are out of control in our lives, Lord. Pray you'd help us, Lord, in all aspects of our life. And pray that we'd muse on these things and think on these things, Lord, and help us in our daily lives. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Heart is the shepherd's voice I hear Out in the desert, dark and drear Calling the sheep who've gone astray Far from the shepherd's foldaway Bring them in, bring them in Bring them in from the fields of sin Bring them in, bring them in Bring the wandering ones to Jesus Who'll go and help this shepherd kind Help him, the wandering ones, to find Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold Where they'll be sheltered from the cold Bring them in, bring them in Bring them in from the fields of sin Bring them in, bring them in Bring the wandering ones to Jesus Out in the desert, hear their cry Out on the mountains, wild and high Heart is the master, speaks to thee Go find my sheep, where'er they be Bring them in, bring them in Bring them in from the fields of sin Bring them in, bring them in Bring the wandering ones to Jesus Amen. Good seeing you, Brother Sean. Can you answer a prayer?