(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right well in Genesis chapter number six, let's look at verse number one together It says and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair And they took them wives of all they chose and the Lord said my spirit Shall not always strive with man for that. He also is flesh It is days shall be in hundred and twenty years. Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord We thank you so much For the Bible and Lord how it's just super clear Lord all the doctrines and Lord of people would just focus on what the Word of God says instead of stupid videos and and and garbage teaching Lord I pray that He would just help us open up the scriptures to our understanding today Fill this congregation with your spirit Lord and fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach in Jesus name we pray amen So what I'm preaching about is the truth about the sons of God the truth about the sons of God, so There's teaching out there today that says that the sons of God are angels now That is absolutely false It's absolutely untrue And I'm gonna prove to you clearly that the Bible teaches that the sons of God are people that are children of God by faith and that The people so in this chapter you see that it says that the sons of God saw daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all Which they chose and in and ultimately in this in this passage here There's the doctrine of the Nephilim who's heard of the doctrine of the Nephilim Okay, so Nephilim Actually isn't in the Bible. It doesn't say Nephilim in here. It says giants Okay, the Bible says there are giants in the earth in those days and after that Okay, so you're looking at one right now, so apparently they still exist and no my Dad is not a demon that that You know came down and had a you know in a real dinner marriage with my mom, okay? So this is the teaching of the of the Nephilim is that they think that these Nephilim that it's talking about these giants that it's talking About are the offspring of demonic beings that procreated with human wives Human women okay now if you believe that In this church. I mean I don't know if people secretly hold to the Nephilim doctrine in this church So I'm not like pinpointing anybody, but if it is something you believe I just want to show you from the Bible That it's just absolutely false. It's not true and the sons of God are saved people So number one let's just go I have three points today and number one the first point is the sons of God are saved People okay, so let's look at verse number one again It says and it came to pass when men began to multiply in the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair So you know right now. I can't I just can't prove to you out of this Bible that the sons of God are not angels But I will show you as we go along that it's absolutely just can't be true And if you still hold to that or you know if you know somebody that struggles with that Maybe you can take these these verses and just show them very plainly what the Bible teaches about it That what the Bible teaches about the sons of God what the Bible teaches about who these Nephilim quote unquote are If you just type in Nephilim on on YouTube you're gonna find a various array of weird videos Okay, I don't suggest you watch those videos for your teaching because they just make these leaps They use the book of Enoch to try to prove their point, which the book of Enoch is not scripture You know I had a lady last week who was I solely with last week. It was Who's who's that with last week? I was with somebody Drew dr. Drew yeah, so drew I was with drew and This lady starts talking about the book of Enoch right out the gate, so I was like oh, man So she she thinks all churches are false and she's sitting there with you know smoking cigarettes or whatever and Just acts like she's the only one that has the truth and and really ultimately doctrines like this Can can really be a hobby horse for people where they just that's all they think about and because nobody wants to believe them They just think that they have this special truth that nobody else has but guess what a lot of people believe that dumb doctrine And it's not it's still not true Well I don't care how many videos you've watched on YouTube about it Well you got to take in perspective what the Bible says about an issue and then that's where you get your doctrine from you can't get your doctrine from YouTube videos of Of these clowns that that they don't even know what they're talking about They just make leaps of logic or there is none, and they actually you know just saying the word Nephilim Okay, that's the Hebrew word for giant apparently, but you know I don't speak Hebrew and when I look at Hebrew I don't I can't read a word of it. I just see little squiggly lines and and Letters that I don't understand at all like zero understanding like I could not pinpoint one Hebrew word and say what that is Okay, that's how unlearned in Hebrew I am but I do believe that God preserved a book as the King James Bible And then when they translated they translated the the term that that word for giant correctly And so there's other modern versions They'll put Nephilim in that verse they'll just say Nephilim instead of giants because they what they're saying is that the King James Translators made an error and that they're not Giants are just these demon hybrid people But then they'll all there's also groups that teach that they're 450 foot tall Giants that they found in the book of Enoch And so I just want to debunk this doctrine once and for all I mean obviously it's gonna come up again But you know it's a good one to look at and to Understand because there's gonna be a lot of jokers that try to teach this garbage, and you need to be able to shut them down You know this lady wouldn't even let me talk so there was no point and even Continuing the discussion with her like every time I tried to respond to her questions. She just went by Just got over the top. You know she was oh over top of me like you know when people do that It was really bad, so it's worse than I am but anyway I Let's look at job chapter 1 verse 6 I'll just show there's not a whole lot of times that the Bible says sons of God in the Bible So I'm just gonna take you through all the mentions of it job chapter 1 verse number 6 Job chapter 1 verse number 6 says now there was a day when the sons of God Came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also Among them So and then it says verse 7 and the Lord said unto Satan whence comest thou then Satan answered the Lord and said from going to And fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it So people take a verse like this and go see well Satan can't you know the sons of God came before got? Before God's throne and then Satan come came in among them So they'll say see they're there in heaven, so they're talking to God so they must be these angels Well You know when people die, and they're saved where do they go? They go to heaven don't they so if you're a son of God you instantly go to heaven Okay, you know there's no so we don't believe in soul sleep of this church. We're not Jehovah's Witnesses Your body dies, but your spirit goes up to him who made it right and that's God the Father So what it is it strange to you that sons of God would be? Talking to God and presenting themselves before him it shouldn't be strange because They go to heaven you know their conscience They're awake. You know when when Enoch or when Elijah and Moses came down they they obviously Were still alive you know but they God allowed them to see them and that allowed them to see them minister To the Lord Jesus Christ when he was transfigured So my point is in Job chapter 1 verse 6 that just because it says sons of God and they're in heaven doesn't mean that They're angels okay, and look at Job chapter 2 verse 1 Job chapter 2 Verse number 1 is the second mention of it after Genesis Job chapter 2 verse 1 says and there was a day when the sons of God became came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them to present himself Before the Lord so here we have a second mention, and this is when God's dealing with Satan about Job But so the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord then Satan came in also But you know Satan is also the accuser of the brethren So people have this idea that Satan is down in hell right now And he's not he can go to and fro through the earth he can go and appear before God in heaven and he's called the accuser of the brethren and so It's no wonder to me that he would go while the sons of God are there and present his cases against other Christians Probably the people they got saved their family members things like that And you know Satan is is is a wicked entity and he wants our people to be destroyed He wants this he wants the sons of God to be destroyed in the daughters of God And so he comes and he and he you know again He's saying well You know he's bargaining with God about Job and God's like hey job's a good guy and Satan's like well if I take away this watch what he does But he always proved himself right God was right about job and Satan was wrong But there's the second minute or third mention of it now job chapter 38 turn to job chapter 38 This is where people will say well aha. I got you. These are the sons of God the sons of God are angels You know and that's what you know, that's what people Will try to say that you know well, how can these people be at the foundation of the earth? Okay, but look what it says it says in Job chapter 38 verse 6 It says whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone? thereof when the morning stars sank together and all the sons of God Shouted for joy, and I'll go oh well. It says they're the sons of God, and they shouted for joy when the foundation thereof were fastened of the earth But he's a isn't Jesus Christ the foundation of our faith he's the cornerstone the chief Cornerstone, so Now is it so do you think it's possible that it could be talking about a dual meaning here now obviously? You know the the found when God laid the foundations of the earth it says When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy But I would say that when the Lord Jesus Christ was born or when the Lord Jesus Christ Was killed on the cross I think there was a great rejoicing in heaven because of the fact that that Cornerstone was set into place and so And and I'll just say this that there's no way that this can be talking about angels So even if you don't fully understand or wrap your mind around this verse right here. It doesn't mean that The other side is right Okay, because look at John chapter 112 and it'll define The Bible defines itself over and over again And it'll explain to us who the sons of God are in this verse right here look at John chapter 112 And many of you probably have this verse memorized But in John chapter 112 it says, but as many as received him to him gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name, so who are the sons of God Those are people that have received him and believed on his name. Those are the sons of God He gives them power to become the sons of God look. There's only one son of God as far as begotten This is where the modern versions are also Totally try to destroy the biblical truth because look in the other versions. It'll say One and only son one and only son over and over again in these versions in the modern versions It'll say one and only son. Well. I'll tell you what Jesus isn't the one and only son of God he's the only begotten son of God that means he's his literal father and We are adopted into God's family. There's a difference Now we are sons and daughters of God if we believe on the name of Christ, right? That's what it says as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name, so we automatically become sons or daughters of God by adoption the moment We believe the moment we put our faith in Christ. It's a done deal. We're sealed by the Holy Ghost We have eternal security and we become the sons of God, but you say well pastor Thompson Well, maybe the angels are the sons of God, too Maybe that's possible. Well, it isn't possible and I'll show you that here in a few minutes, but look at Romans chapter 8 verse 14 I'll give you another mention of sons of God here So I think the scriptures are really clear who the sons of God are and When it talks about sons of God in the Old Testament, it's talking about the same things. It's talking about in the New Testament Romans 8 14 says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God They are the sons of God now drop down and look at verse 19 It says for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God Philippians chapter 2 verse 15 turn over to Philippians chapter 2 verse 15. I'm just trying to show you all the mentions here Philippians 2 verse 15 Philippians 2 15 says that you may be blameless and Harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as Lights in the world. So who's he talking to? He's talking to people of the church of Philippi and he's saying hey that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without Rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world Jesus said that we're supposed to shine forth the gospel We're supposed to shine the light of God and other people's lives and and that is done by human beings Okay Angels don't shine forth their light to other people and get people saved do they? So it's talking when it's time about sons of God See people want to only want to claim it when it's some obscure verse that they don't fully understand See, but when it's very clear But if it's a if it's some Old Testament thing this maybe seems like it might they might build a see look Here's the thing Unsafe people will twist doctrine they'll twist the scriptures for their own devices and some of these guys that have these Nephilim YouTube channels and all that kind of stuff. What are they looking for? They're looking for people to follow them and get subscribers and build up this subscription where people just fall on every word that they say But the fact is the sons of God in the scriptures are clearly shown to be people that are believers Look at what first John three two three two first John three two First John three two says behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not So, you know the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God So who are the sons of God saved people? Look at verse 2. It says behold now are we the sons of God and It doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear We shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Was Jesus Christ a man also? Yes, and so his goal he's the only person that has a glorified body right now and it says when we see when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and So we're good, but we're gonna be like him and we're creating the image of God and when we're creating the image of God And then he made male and female in the beginning. So I don't see any hybrids in here. I Don't see any aliens maybe a couple But I don't want to mention any names Ryland, but I'm just kidding. I'm just joking. But the thing is look Everything brings forth after its own kind All right, so God made Adam and Eve and they've brought forth from the beginning of the Bible, which is the beginning of mankind We've only seen humans bring forth humans dogs bring forth dogs cats bring forth cats. We don't see Anything different in nature and in science You know, I believe in science as long as it's you know, the Bible agrees with it But if someone's gonna say the world is billions of years old I'm gonna say no, it's not because the Bible says only six thousand two hundred and some odd years old So it doesn't matter what people think But these false prophets, you know They want to they want to make up some fake doctrine so that they can have some spooky little you know The people are watching us and there's giants are just hiding from us, but they're gonna come back That's what this lady said the Giants are gonna come back I'm just thinking you're standing in front of one right now, but But what so turn to Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 I was getting ahead of myself here And this this is the the ultimate proof of the fact that angels are not the sons of God I've showed you verses that are very clear that teach that that man and woman Are the sons and daughters of God? Okay, but let's look at the Bible just shutting the door on it completely Okay Hebrews 1 for look what it says Being made so much better than the angels as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they for unto which of the angels said he at any time any time any time Right you get that any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be us to me a son At any time did God say anything to the angels concerning them being his son? Okay, so that's game over right there strikes two three and four you're done well, it's just three strikes and you're out but One two and three you're done. I mean that just that's a strikeout right there. They lose We win the Bible wins. Okay. Why is it important? Why pastor Thompson? Why are you preaching about this? Because there's a lot of buffoons out there that teaches garbage is false doctrine. It needs to be addressed So He's he never has told any angel at any time thou art my son this day. I have I begotten thee Okay, and I will be a father to him and he shall be a son and again look at verse 6 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and let all the angels of God worship him okay, so he's just Making it very clear to the Jehovah's Witnesses that there's no way that Michael the Archangel is Jesus Okay, and so these are actually really good verses that you can use to disprove the Jehovah's Witnesses false doctrine But there's other people that will teach Jesus as an angel, you know, and it's just garbage You know, there's a lot of weird teachings about angels there really is People believe that they become angels when they go to heaven Have you ever heard that before? You know, the angels are watching over me my loved ones have become angels I don't know where they get all this stuff, but it must be Fantasyland because the Bible makes a very clear distinction about who angels are and who mankind is they're different we're different than they are and So their interpretation of job 38 verse 7 has to be wrong Why because it says that he's never called any of the angels his son So regardless of what you think that verse means or when that you know What your confusion is with it if you're confused about it Your one thing I know for sure that's not true is that it's talking about angels Okay, when the angel when the sons of God shouted for joy Whatever you believe about that verse bullet don't believe the fact that don't believe that they're angels Okay, because the Bible clearly says they're not. Okay, that's an open and shut case. That's game over Part or number two angels can't procreate with humans I was just talking about how everything brings forth after its own kind look at Hebrews chapter 1 verse 7 You're already there Hebrews 1 7 says and of the angels He saith who make his angel spirits and his ministers of flame of fire so angels are Ministers to the sage it says who maketh his angel spirits So angels are what their spirits. Are you a spirit? Well, you have a spirit in you, but we're flesh and blood also Angels are spirits. It says in verse skip down to verse 13 It says but to which of the angels said he at any time Again any time all right sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy feet He's never said that before are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation So what are angels their ministry spirits sent forth to minister for though for them? Who shall be heirs of salvation? So angels are ministering spirits to who? The real sons of God the sons of God to save people Alright, and that's why you know, I believe that we do have guardian angels, right? But they're not little fat cherubs with bow and arrows, you know They're not you know women with angel feathers and they're not floating on clouds and wearing white dresses okay, they're probably a lot more scary than that and You know, that's why people fall over and and look dead when they see them We can't see them. They're spirits. They're in the spirit world now God could allow us to see them if he wanted to God could allow us to see these angels, but he doesn't Because if we did see them, we'd probably freak out I mean if you saw if you saw your guardian angel, you'd probably get really scared You'd probably more scared of the guardian angel than the person that was trying to attack you But God makes it very clear right here that they're spirits. Is that clear? All right, it's clear. John 3 6 turn to John 3 6 So I just want to prove this to you logically John 3 6 So there is a difference between angels and human beings what's the difference Angels are spirits spirits You know, they're spirits and and human beings are flesh and blood right so John 3 6 Says which of to that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit So there's two now obviously we're you know, like God the Father or we're like God Where we have like a Trinity within us, right? So the the body the spirit and the soul, okay So we're like God in that way But It's the Bible says that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit So there's two different things. There's we're talking about here. We're talking about spirit and flesh So the angels are ministering spirits are not flesh Alright turn to John chapter or excuse me 1st Corinthians 15 verse 37 1st Corinthians 15 Verse 37 I Will show you why I'm making this point here in just a minute 1st Corinthians 15 37 says and that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be but but bare grain It may chance of wheat or of some other grain But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of men other flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another so Terrestrial just means earthly right and celestial is like a spiritual body. Okay, so When when you're talking about celestial and terrestrial we're talking about two different types of body types and when you're talking about fish You know who's held the fish before on their hands Okay, you catch a trout and it feels weird and slimy. It's got scales on it, right? It's different You can tell the texture of it's different with animals. It's the same way We all have different types of body types and different kinds So notice in verse 39, it says all flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts so we don't have the same kind of flesh And we don't have the same kind of flesh as a celestial body So angels can have bodies, but they are celestial bodies and they are also Spiritual bodies. Okay. Now the Lord Jesus Christ has a spiritual body But it also is a fleshly body. So we are different where God doesn't make everything the same. He likes a variety But the thing I want you to understand is that God doesn't bring forth Things one kind to another we can't have babies with animals Because we're different kinds of flesh or different kinds of animals. We're different kinds of crit We're not animals, but we're different kinds of creatures, right? And so Turn to Genesis chapter 1 and explains this very easily for you Genesis chapter 1 verse number 11 Genesis 1 verse 11 the Bible says and God said let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind Okay, so fruit trees have their own kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth Grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself After his kind and God saw that it was good and skip down to verse 20 it says and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth Which the waters brought forth abundantly? Abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that was good and God blessed them Saying be fruitful multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply the earth Skip down verse 24 it says and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and the beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let him have them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every Creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God Created man in his own image and the image of God created he him male and female created he them God blessed them and said or excuse me God said unto them be fruitful and Multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air And over every living thing that moveth upon the earth so What is what is the Bible trying to teach us here that everything brings forth after its own? kind the fish have their own kind the fowls of the air the birds have their own kind and When God makes man is he made them male and female and so what what do you deduce from that that? Everything brings forth after its own kind so man and woman bring forth after their own kind So where do you see the demon and the man together here? Being able to procreate after that kind you don't see that. Why don't you see it because it's not possible Because mankind cannot procreate with demonic angelic beings Okay, and so and and the other thing is that they can't even Angels can't even have children Angels can't get married they don't have children And you know the Bible is very clear that everything brings forth after its own kind so this this thing that people believe about these Hybrid humans being men of renown being these giants in the earth. It's it's baloney It's impossible, so I've already proved to you first of all that the sons of God are people that are saved Okay, and then the other thing I proved to you is that angels were never called the Son of God and number three I just proved to you that everything comes forth of its own kind So there's three things that are very easily provable in the Bible and male and female bring forth after their own kind as human beings So look at Matthew chapter 22 verse 23 Matthew chapter 22 Verse 23 now on Thursday night. I kind of brought this up. That's what made me Have the idea to preach a whole sermon about it, but I preached that I showed you those verses out of Mark Let me show you out of Matthew chapter 22 verse 23 This doctrine that angels cannot marry okay look at verse Matthew 22 verse 23 it says The same day came to him the Sadducees which say that there is no resurrection and asked him saying master Moses said if a man die having no children his brother shall marry his wife and raise up seed unto his brother now there were With us seven brethren and the first when he had married his wife or a wife deceased and having no issue Left his wife unto his brother Likewise the second also the third unto the seventh and the last of all the the woman died also Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall be of the seven and they all for they all had her Jesus answered and said unto them ye do err Not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God for in the resurrection. They neither marry Nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven Okay, so how are the angels of God in heaven? They are they don't marry and they're not given in marriage and so there's no issue in heaven So we're all we all become unmarried once we die, you know, that's why it says in the vows till death do us part Okay, so we'll part as one flesh and that in that time and I know that's really sad for a lot of people But you know, it's not gonna be sad because there's nobody's gonna be crying in heaven. Okay, so it might seem sad to you right now but like I said, my wife can come visit me anytime in my lush tropical island that I live on and And she's always welcome just got to leave by nine o'clock, right? No I'm only kidding, but But here's the thing this proves to you right here that the angels cannot make children first of all, they can't get married and Second of all, they're just not able to have children Okay, it says but it's but I was touching the resurrection of the dead Have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God saying I'm the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead but of the living and when the multitude heard this they were astonished at his doctrine Well, why were they astonished as doctrine because it was right Because they were thinking one thing But he helped them with the scriptures to understand what the right thing is And that's what I'm trying to do this morning And maybe there's nobody in here that believes this junk, but I want to make sure that nobody gets caught up on it That's the that's the thing and I want us to have right definitions of what we believe You know, so if someone comes you know, what about Job chapter 38 verse 7 where it says the sons of God shall ever Joy, those have to be angels, right? No, because he never said to any angel at any time thou art my son this day. Have I begotten thee? That's the that's the killer to that to that belief So we have to take the scriptures in totality and and let them guide us on what we believe And this might not be the most important doctrine ever but I think it is important to understand who the sons of God are who the angels are and The fact that you know God very clearly in Genesis chapter 1 tells us how things bring forth Why does he tell us that so that 2019 you don't get wrapped up in evolution You know where they say different animals come from different things and this and this and that that's why people people believe that garbage because You know, they don't believe the Bible. So why will someone believe this Nephilim doctrine also because they don't believe the Bible They'd rather believe some fantasy story They'd rather believe in some false scripture like the book of Enoch that's not doesn't belong in the Bible You know and I'll even take you to step further that book is straight out of hell Because people try to say that it's part of Scripture and it was kept out by the Catholic Church and this and that but God Preserved his word. He's the one that said that he'll keep it. He'll preserve it from this generation forever So don't give me that garbage that the book of Enoch belongs in this book as it does It's a piece of trash. It needs to be burnt and thrown in the fire I'm King James only So Turn so number three jot the Giants of Giants and men of renown are not physical children of the devil Okay, the Giants and men of renown are not physical children of the devil turn back to Genesis chapter 6 look at verse 4 Genesis chapter 6 look at verse 4 Genesis 6 4 says there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and They bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown So what can we set so what you've learned so far in this sermon should be able to help you Discern what this verse is talking about there were giants in the earth in those days. Okay, and also after that So were there Giants in the old and before the flood yes, there was or the Giants after the flood Yes, there were okay, so there were Giants and you know Goliath was a real living breathing giant, but you know what he wasn't 450 foot tall like the stupid crackhead book of Enoch says It's usually crackheads to believe that garbage, but anyway But also we should understand that when it says when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and They bear children to them. What else have we learned so far that helps you to understand this Okay, saved people went to the daughters of people that weren't saved That's what that's what you should be able to understand by that and that they bear children unto them Everything brings forth after their own kind. So if they were men You Know I'm saying they bring forth after their own kind These men were not sons of God because angels can't procreate they were real men and real women Okay, but the fact that they became mighty men which were of old men of renown should even tell you the same thing because You know the Bible talks about the I'm gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get ahead of myself here, but What I want you to understand is that these children that became mighty men that were of old men of renown and these giants they were children of the sons of God and So basically this all came to all this thing that brother CJ read this whole chapter in Genesis chapter 6 how the world became destroyed Why did it become destroyed? because The sons of God intermingled with people that weren't saved. That's what it that's what really happened It wasn't because this secret fake Nephilim race of giants and these demons had children with real people. That's that's garbage It's it preaches real. Well, it's fascinating, but it's not true It's like UFOs not true. It's like Bigfoot not true also If you break for Bigfoot, that's fine, but you're never gonna see one because it doesn't exist Oh There's Bigfoot, nope, it's not it's just a big bear Bigfoot's not real. How do I know Bigfoot's not real? Where is where's the skeleton? Show me the skeleton Well, I know that you can find someone line, but that doesn't mean they're real skeletons. Okay, and The one where the guys walk in, you know, have you ever seen that footage where the guys walk any kind of like, you know Bigfoot That Could have been me in a mask for all you know And actually they proved that it was the guy that was making the video because he looks just like like Have you ever seen that where the he gets exposed and it's like that's the real footage and then the guy like walks off after The interview he walks exactly like him There's No such thing as Bigfoot people It's a neat story. It's like the Nephilim It's it's it's a cool story to to entertain but you know what the Bible says that you know, we shouldn't entertain these stupid Stories and vain jangling. Okay, we shouldn't be Thinking things and dreaming things up that aren't true You know and and just like people will always say What about the other worlds that are out there what about the other planets that are out there couldn't there be people on them no There couldn't be Because the Bible says that Eve was the mother of all living Well, what about what if God has another Bible on another planet or something? Why don't you just worry about the Bible that you have on this planet? That's what you need to worry about Why don't you worry about what's in this book for your planet buddy and quit worrying about? Worlds that you don't know anything about That may or may not exist I'll say they I'll say that they probably don't exist and honestly, I'm not worried about it and These people that think that ancient aliens came and built these pyramids and all this stuff. There's rope marks on the stones people There's rope marks on them. So what does that tell you that? People moved on aliens don't have rope technology They're saying that all these things were laser coat with precision and stuff. Look people are pretty smart People get you know, maybe we've lost some some smarts since then Maybe we can't build as good as we do we did back then have you ever noticed that a house from the 1800s? Doesn't hold up like a house in the 1990s or the the 1990s house doesn't hold up like that house is what I mean Because people just we just don't build things like we used to yeah, it might be stronger It might be earthquake proof and all that but it's still ugly You should say there's buildings that are downtown that are really old they have like all these really cool carvings and stuff But you know, they're pretty neat looking what you don't see stuff like that today because people just don't have the smarts so they don't have you know, just things cost too much probably but People we've just lost something in archaeology or I mean in in our technology to build But Just because we've lost how to put a stone on Machu Picchu Doesn't mean that it was put there by aliens because there's rope marks on every single stone that's up there Okay, so if you think that that the world was you know, all these ancient things were made by aliens and you know You need to go get some fresh air You need to go smell the chemtrails anyway So The Bible says This is look at verse number five. I'm sorry. I went off on a rabbit trail there, but Bigfoot's not real anyway Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 it says and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil Continually and it repented the Lord that he made the man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the Fowls of the air for it repented me that I've made them but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. So Why why was God upset? Because the thoughts and intents of the heart were only evil continually Why does God warn us not to have intermarriage with people of different faiths? Because they're gonna influence you you're not gonna influence them. That's why or um or marrying unbelievers Look if you've already made the mistake There's nothing you can do about it now But I want here I want to warn the future generation in this room the future people that haven't chosen spouses yet The ones that haven't ruined their lives by being with an unbeliever look God says come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing Why did he destroy the whole world the flood because the sons of God chose people that they chose? Instead of choosing what God would choose for them. That's why So, why don't you choose someone that God wants you to choose instead of choosing who you want to choose Just because they're pretty doesn't mean that they're gonna make a good spouse guys Just because they're you know, you're lumberjack type dudes or whatever. They're all cut and chiseled You know, they spend more time in the mirror than you do that doesn't mean that they're a good person to marry If your husband spends more time in front of the mirror than you do you got a problem Just Done right doesn't take that long If your husband's in there manicuring his eyebrows before church service, he needs to get right with God anyway Unless you have bushy eyebrows and I know okay, I'll give you a break Anyway I'm gonna offend some people here. I better shut up But the point is is that we have to make sure that we're choosing the things that God would choose for us Not not that he chooses your spouse But he kind of does he says here's the ones that I don't want you to marry Unbelievers, here's the ones that you can choose from It's just like you can eat from all these trees don't eat from that one You know, I mean so God wants us to choose what he wants us to choose He puts parameters in our lives and safeguards in our lives so that we don't choose the wrong things why did God destroy the earth with the flood because Mankind chose to be influenced by the wrong people The sons of God went away from what God wanted them to do and then the whole world became corrupted That's how important it is That's how important it is that you marry the right spouse and it don't go divorce your spouse tomorrow if they're not exactly What they're supposed to be look you already made the vow. Hey when you make a vow you better keep it Because God requires you to keep it So if you've already made a marriage vow, you're stuck, you know, that's the way it is Brother Francisco, you're stuck, bro And You guys stuck with the right lady though. That's good. You guys both are saved both believe and you know God's gonna bless your home for that So and if you're if you're not in that situation Be a good influence on that person You know There's there's plan B's and plan C's for your life But you know what what you what you should do don't give up Try to influence that person You know the the conversation of the wife can win the husband over And the conversation isn't like what they're talking about with their girlfriends on the phone. The conversation means the lifestyle that you live Do you obey the Bible you show them that you obey the Bible? That's a way to win them over like hey They're really serious about this. Not just well, I tried to be a godly wife for one week and it just didn't work out Now I'm gonna fight with you again It takes work for a marriage to get along okay, but Anyway, I got to move on to numbers chapter 13 numbers chapter 13 Numbers chapter 13 verse 28 So this is out this is A Much further than the than the flood after Noah's flood it says verse 28 says nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land This is the spies that come back to give the report about the land of Canaan Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover We saw the children of Anak there the Amalekites dwell in the land of the south and the Hittites and the Jebusites and the Amorites dwell in the mountains and The Canaanites dwell in this by the sea and by the coast of Jordan and Caleb stilled the people before Moses and said let us go up at once and possess it for we were able to overcome it But the men that went up with him said we be not able to go up against this Against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought up an evil report of the land Which they said searched onto the children of Israel saying the land Though which we have gone to search it is a land that eateth up its inhabitants thereof and all the people That we saw in it are men of great stature and look at verse 32 It says or 33, excuse me says and there we saw the Giants So there's that word Nephil that word Nephilim again there. We saw the Giants the sons of Anak Which come up of the Giants? And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight So not talking about little grasshoppers That's why people will say see there are 450 foot tall because you know grasshoppers compared to us are really You know, that's you just it's just you know a euphemism Okay, it's it's not saying they're literally in scale the same as us to a grasshopper Okay, just saying we're really small compared to them Because you don't see any of these Giants being 450 foot tall because Goliath was like 10 foot something tall, right? The tallest guy the living that we know in the like the last hundred years was like a guy named Robert Wadlow I think he was nine foot something. Okay, and he looks really big compared to other people, right? But My point is is that if this was done by these human, you know, if Giants come from human Angelic hybrids then weren't they all lost in the flood? Didn't God destroy everything that lived and moved and breathed except for Noah and his sons. So, how did this happen again? Well It didn't that's that's why it didn't because it says that they the Giants lived after that also All it's saying is that you know and after the flood did not know and his sons have children with you know different different people that were not godly people Canaan cursed be Canaan Ham and all those other guys They were people that you know, they had children and and some of these became Giants I'm sure that some of these kids were saved and then they went and and mixed with other people that were not saved and this is how God deals with that apparently but anyway Just trying to show you that the another another spot where it talks about the Nephilim all they were is just giant people Okay, and there's still people that are giant today. Wilt Chamberlain was one of the greatest athletes of all time Okay, and you know, he's a wicked person I'm not trying to put him lift him up on a pedestal, but he was a giant he was over seven feet tall He won sprinting championships. He played for the Harlem Globetrotters Before they were goofy, you know, and he you know was a just a stud of an athlete a long jumper He was a man of renown Okay, he was a man that would probably be able to take any one of our heads off pretty easy You know and he was just playing basketball and just playing sports but imagine if he was a had a sword and a shield and You know that that that's what it's talking about when it talks about these men every now that they became These mighty men in the earth and they were able to destroy, you know, Goliath was a mighty man, wasn't he? But you know, he got taken out because God is not gonna just let mighty men destroy his people He's gonna let us rise up and destroy them, but we have to have the faith like like Caleb had Caleb's like let's go. Let's go beat these guys And these other guys are like no They're tougher than us. They're greater than us. They're stronger than us You know, we're small number two in this church But God's given us the victory too and hey we were up against a lot of different things But you know what when we walk into Compton when we walk into Watts when we walk into Winai when we walk into any ghetto in the world You know what people just receive the Word of God and we don't has anybody ever been attacked in Compton before in this room Who's been so wanting in a ghetto? Yeah, lots of people right? Is it that scary? No, because God just lets us walk in and defeat giants He lets it because by faith we're not afraid to go preach the gospel to people and so God You know allows us to just you know, just overthrow things that seem like they're bigger and better than we are But really God's more powerful. He's on our side. The angels are our ministry and spirits They're probably watching over us as we go and do these things People just get too scared of things turn to Isaiah chapter 14 Isaiah chapter 14 So number three the point is the Giants and men of renown are not physical children of the devil Okay, because they're saying these people that believe this minute these Nephilim doctrine They're saying that they're the offspring of demonic beings right either the devil or fallen angels Okay So look at Isaiah 14 verse 11 Now this chapter is dealing with Satan and this is the only place in the whole Bible where it says his real name Which is Lucifer okay, his his name before he fell was Lucifer and Isaiah 14 11 says thy pomp is brought down to the grave and The noise of thy vials the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover these is talking about Lucifer Satan How art thou fallen from heaven? Heaven O Lucifer son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou has said nine hard I will send into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation the size of the north I will send above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high So Satan wants God's job, but it's not available Satan wants to overthrow God, but it's not possible But Satan wants to rise these armies up against God and try to overthrow him and he's gonna continue to do that until God finally Just cast fire and brimstone upon him and his armies and that is after the thousand-year millennium is up but here he says In verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble? That did shake the kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof That opened not the house of his prisoners All the kings of the nations even all of them lie in glory every one in his own house but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch and As the raiment of those that are slain thrust through with the sword that go down To the stones of the pit as a carcass trodden underfoot under feet excuse me thou shalt not be joined with them in burial because thou hast destroyed thy land and Slain thy people the seed of evildoers shall never be what? renowned Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 There were giants in the earth in those days And also after that and the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bear children to them And the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown Do you see what I'm trying to say here so Game over right The seed of evildoers shall never be renowned who's this talking about specifically it's talking about the devil Okay, so the devil cannot be the father of these men that are of that are of old of renown, right? is the Bible contradict itself either either it's true or not and So that is that is like the final blow to the Nephilim doctrine right there And so I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here that the seed of the devil the physical seed of the devil He doesn't have a physical scene the spiritual seed of the devil He might have some wicked people that are like famous or whatever But they're not what what Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 says they're not these men of renown So these devils could not have made These men of renown it says the sons of God did the sons of God are saved people, right? That what it says or am I just making it up my twisting the scriptures No, so that proves that the devil and his angels cannot be the father of the Nephilim Giants I call them Giants. That's what they are. That's what the Bible says. They are That's what the King James Bible says they are so the Nephilim thing It's just I just say it because you you understand what I'm talking about But turn to Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 So I mean if I was to show you an exhaustive list of all the times that God was upset with people for going to To the unsaved to find their spouses. It'd be a long list, but I just want to show you a couple Before we end up closing here Deuteronomy 7 1 says when the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whether thou goes to possess it and hath cast out Many nations before thee the Hittites and the Girgashites The Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations Greater and mightier than thou and when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee Thou shall smite them and utterly destroy them thou shalt make no covenant with them. No sure no show no mercy to them first three neither shalt thou make marriages with them Who are not supposed to make marriages with they heathen the people round about it says? No Thou shall not make marriages with them thy daughter thou shall not give unto his son or his son shalt thou take unto thy son For they will turn away thy son from following me So that's what happened in Genesis chapter 6 They went and made marriages with people that they weren't supposed to make marriages with and they turned those people away from following God and After a few generations That's all it took to make the whole world go into wickedness and for God to want to destroy it From off the face of the earth that is why it's so important to pick the right spouse That is why it's so important look you might think it's all it's all you know it doesn't matter It's all gonna work out. No you better make sure that that they believe the same thing you do Don't try to grab some Roman Catholic and say well she believes in the Trinity It's all good, bro She believes in the Trinity She believes the father son the Holy Ghost Yeah, but she's also in a Babylonian cult Okay They give lip service to it, but it's not true So it's very important that you don't just fall for the first person that likes you okay? So It says they'll they'll turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods So will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy thee suddenly, but thus shall you deal with them? You shall destroy their altars and break down their images and cut their groves and burn their graven images with fire For thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God have chosen thee To be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth Turn to Psalms chapter 106, and that'll be the last scripture We turn to Psalm 106 verse 32 Psalm 106 verse 32 Bible says in Psalm 106 verse 32 they angered him also at the waters of strife So that went ill with Moses for their sakes because they provoked his spirit so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips They did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them But were mingled among the heathen and learned their works And they served their idols which were a snare unto them Yeah They sacrificed their sons and daughters unto devils and shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons And of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with blood Thus were they defiled with their own works and went to whoring with their own inventions Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people in so much that he abhorred his own inheritance So God can get to the point where even though you're a son Even though you're a daughter of God that he can be so upset with you that he abhors his own inheritance And why did he do it because they intermingled with the heathen and learn their ways and learn their works And so really the ultimate message today For you to understand is that how important it is to marry the right person How important is it to stay away from And separate yourself from the heathen Because you know you can understand all these doctrines But if you don't get the whole the full picture as to why God actually destroyed the earth of the flood Then really what that's the most important thing I preached today You know whether you believe that Nephilim are 450 foot tall giants, I mean you can believe it's stupid Bible doesn't teach it But I mean ultimately if you don't understand that the points about the about the marriage Then you're missing a big point in this sermon number one the sons of God are saved people number two angels can't procreate with humans number three the devil's children cannot be renowned and You know basically the main conclusion is interfaith marriage is the cause of severe woe for God's people and for the whole earth So Anyway, let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord for this wonderful day We thank you Lord for the scriptures that guide us into all truth pray that you would Lord bless the soul winning today Lord bless the second service Lord and Help us to make a difference out there today as we go preach the gospel in Jesus name we pray amen