(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, man, all right. We're in revelation chapter 1 but before I get into the scriptures. This is part 2 in the spiritual house series and this week, we're going to be preaching about the priesthood of the believer the priesthood of the believer and Last week, I talked about how we are chosen by God and so we're chosen by God because we put our faith in him He looked through Through time that he doesn't live in and he chose us because he knew that we were going to choose him, right? And so that's kind of what I covered last week But today we're going to talk about the priesthood of the believer. So look down at your Bible at Revelation chapter 1 verse number 5 it says and from Jesus Christ Who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth? Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests Unto God and his father to be glory and Dominion to him be glory and Dominion forever and ever Amen behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen I am the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is Which was and which is to come the Almighty. Let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord Lord for shedding your blood for us Lord and that we could gather together this morning and preach and Listen to your word be spoken Lord. I pray that you would just help us today and help us to understand This principle and in this truth in the Bible about the fact that we are kings and priests unto you Lord and Lord and all those things They go along with those duties Lord And we just pray I pray right now that you'd fill me with the spirit and help me to preach in Jesus name. Amen All right, so why I chose Revelation chapter 1 is because in verse Let's see verse 6 It says and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father So who made us kings and priests? Well the Lord Jesus Christ did so in the Old Testament We had the Levites which had the family of the priests of God and they had different purposes They that they did but they were a tribe of Israel that was set apart to do the work of God And so today the Bible says that God has made us kings and priests So we're not just priests were kings and priests and so, you know people in the world don't realize hey They're in the presence of royalty when they're in front of our presence, right? And why are we royal because God made us that way because the Lord Jesus Christ made us that way Because he's the king of kings and the Lord of Lords and he gives the priesthood to whoever he wants to So In the Old Testament was different on what today I'm just going to show you what how the Old Testament worked with the priests and then how that was changed Because Christ is the one that changed the priesthood, right? And so he also and I also want to show you how we are kings and priests in the New Testament So kind of a three fold thing and so we're gonna go through a lot of scripture today so I hope you got your beauty sleep and You know if you need to stand up in the back of the room and do whatever and you know Whatever just try to stay awake and try to follow along because hey, why are we in church? It's not to sleep We're not in church to be eudicuses here, you know I'm just gonna try not to preach for two hours so that you don't you don't cuss at me you to cuss at me anyway But I want to just convey this truth to you because what's the the point of this series It's to show us how we are a spiritual house and and the different full the different things including You know the fact that we're priests of God kings and priests unto God So we are a royal priesthood I'm not joking when I say that people are in the presence of kings everybody in this room is a king and priest unto God now obviously the the husband is the head of the home and You know, that's that's the way God ordained that to be so men your priests in your own home but you know back in the Old Testament the people had to come and bring their Sacrifices and the priests had to offer them to God for them and the the high priest was the one that went in once a year on the Day of Atonement and he had the blood on his ear and on his Big toe and he had to be totally sanctified and cleaned and washed before he ever walked in there But he was an earthly high priest now when Christ came He became our heavenly high priest and he's a great high priest because see the other high priest died at some point in their lives Right, but Christ is never going to die. So I'll explain all that to you in the sermon though But turn to Genesis chapter 14 verse number 17 This is the first appearance of the word priest in the Bible now I preached a sermon up in Spokane about the slaughter of the Kings which is a different subject altogether But if you'll notice that the first time priest is used in the Bible It's in Genesis chapter number 14 and look what it says in verse 17 It says and the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Cheddolomer Now it's talking about Abraham here and of the kings that were with him at the valley of Sheva, which is the Kings Dale isn't that interesting that the first time that you see that, you know, the the talks about a priest It's Abraham one of God's people before the law Saved by the fact that he believed on God He's the father of the faithful and where does he meet? Where does he Cheddolomer come to meet with them? Or not Cheddolomer. Cheddolomer is dead. Where do they come? Where does Melchizedek come to meet with him in the Kings Dale? That interesting, you know, we're kings and priests unto God but look at verse 18 says a Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the Most High God that is the first time that the word priest appears in the Bible and It says that he brought for he was the king of Salem And I'll show you later where the the New Testament Interprets these verses for you because at the at the when you read through this you're like, yeah I'm not sure what's going on here. Well, Melchizedek was the king of Salem and he was the priest of the Most High God That's what the Bible says, right? And so king of Salem and I'll show you what all that stuff means later But it says that he was a priest. Okay. Well word he come from doesn't say Who was his parents? We don't know Who you know, when was he born no idea when did he die? I don't know But it says that he was a priest of the Most High God Well, the children of Israel had you know that the law had not been given where did he come from? You know, that's that's an interesting study if you want to study it out more I'm gonna show you a lot of verses today about that But anyway, it says and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God Possessor of heaven and earth Now the word possessor means a person who owns something Okay, if you said hey, you know people say that that's stupid saying possessions nine-tenths of the law, right? You know if you have it, it's yours. I don't know if that's even true or not I've just heard that that people say that I don't know, you know possessions nine-tenths of law I'll have to look into that but the Bible says here that it's not saying that Abraham's the possessor of heaven and earth It's saying it's talking about God is the possessor of heaven and earth and it said and a possessor So I'm just a person that owns something So who's the possessor of heaven and earth who owns the heaven and the earth who owns it God, right? so and it says and blessed be the Most High God which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand and he gave him tithes of all so Melchizedek was was the high priest of God he comes out and he blesses Abraham after he slaughters the Kings these wicked kings of the earth and you know, isn't it funny that at some point we're gonna that the Saints are gonna come back and We get and Jesus Christ is gonna give the kings of the earth. He's gonna destroy them for us You know and God was obviously with Abraham when he went out to do that But I just think you know, there's a lot of symbolism here That's worthy of study, but I'm not gonna be able to get super deep into that And maybe that's a sermon for a different time But I just wanted to show you also that you know, God is the one that possesses this earth You know, we look around the world right now and we think hey, we don't really seem like kings, you know, we're not really You know causing a big a big change in this world But you don't know what the change that you're putting in this world one day We're gonna see the ramifications of all the things that we've done in our last lifetime as kings and priests Okay, and you know, we should never get to the point where we feel like we need to quit Hey if things are going wrong in your life, you know what you better keep serving God Job kept serving God didn't he and he lost everything He went through, you know, basically when people you know people we go out so I want you to go Well, I think hell is earth Like no man, it's not It can seem like it but it's not hell hell would be you roasting and fire for all eternity. That's hell But we go through trials we go through tribulations and we go through things and sometimes we don't understand why But you know That's why the book of Job is there to help you to understand Hey, not everything that someone does is because God's judging them for being a wicked sinner Sometimes God's putting you through a trial and you don't even realize it That you're being tested and when you when you're tested you come forth as gold that means you pass the test Right God's purging you of whatever it is. He needs to purge you of not everything that you that happens in your life That's bad. There's some kind of chastening from God It's just not true. And if you just take if you think that that's true, just read the book of Job It'll help you to understand it. Okay, so anyway So God owns this world the devil is just a squatter He's just a squatter and eventually that bums gonna get kicked into hell He's gonna get cast into hell now He's gonna be cast into hell for a thousand years and then he's gonna be allowed to come back out and you know clean up You know, he'd get all the trash, you know collect He said he's gonna be the ultimate chat trash collector Right and then God's gonna burn him and all of his people up with fire When they try to come against us again in the end, right? so The devil's just a squatter. He's like those people on the sides of the roads that are just you know Have tents everywhere and and their needles and you know, they're just kind of like you know, I mean there's signs on every corner right now because it's of course it's nice outside and You know, they just want to you know, come out when the Christians are out because a lot of Christians think well If I give money to this homeless person, then you know, God's gonna bless me If you give I mean obviously I'm not against you if you give money to somebody but just know this that most of those people are people that are not that can work there are people that can work and you're basically you're There's this word and a a and na it's called enabling You're enabling them to continue in a lifestyle that they are that they are, you know, what's gonna help them to not give them a dime That's gonna help them Obviously if somebody's crippled and they can't work or something like that That's a totally different story all together But you almost want to ask you like, you know, how did you lose your arm bro? Like, you know, what was it were you born like that or did you fall into a you know? The ocean and a shark bit your arm off, you know, what happened because sometimes those are self-induced You know wounds that they get to but you know, obviously I wouldn't ask somebody how how are you crippled anyway? You know But these bombs around here just really irritate me because the Bible says if man doesn't work neither should he eat Anyway, so turn to Psalms chapter 50 verse number 5, you know, this is our Father's world and Again, one day we are going to be the possessors of this land We're gonna be the possessors of the earth through God God's gonna help. He's we're gonna inherit the land We're gonna inherit this earth We're gonna inherit everlasting life and we will be the ultimate supreme rulers in the in the millennial in the millennium in The thousand year reign of Christ we're gonna be the ones that are running the show with Christ as our head. Amen So but here's some verses to show you again about God You know people say that that the devil is the god of this world and he is and right now He's cut he kind of runs things on this earth. But what you know, but it is ultimately still God's property It's like the person that you know leases a place and then they're a bad tenant, you know God just waiting to kick them out at some point and that's what's gonna end up happening But look at verse 5 in Psalm chapter 50 It says gather my Saints together unto me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice What's this talking about talking about priests right or anybody? That's just a saint just means a saved person You've made a covenant with me. Hey, we're in the new covenant right now We've made a covenant with God's made a covenant with us if we believe on him, then we're saved Right. It says those that made a covenant with me by sacrifice and the heavens shall declare his righteousness for God is judge Himself sila here. Oh my people and I will speak Oh Israel and I'll testify against the I am God even thy God I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices Or thy burnt offerings to have been continually before me I will take no bullock out of thy house nor he goats out of thy folds for every beast of the forest is mine See, you know, we think we're sacrifice, you know, the people in the Old Testament really we're just sacrificing something that God already gave to them You know what? I mean? Because it says every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills Everything belongs to God anyway, and he's already given you those things So when people we sacrifice we act like oh, we're just sacrificing so much for God He already owns it anyway It says I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine If I were hungry, I would not tell thee For the world is mine and the fullness thereof You know, he's basically saying hey your sacrifices, you know, I'm not eating your sacrifices if I was hungry, I would even tell you The world's mine and the fullness thereof Well, I eat of the flesh of bulls or drink of the blood of goats offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows Unto the most high so God wants us to be thankful to him for the things that he gives us and we give that portion Back to him right and it says pay thy vows Unto the most high so God wants us to do the things that we say we're gonna do He wants us to do the things that we say we're gonna do Let's see, we're sinners and we don't always do that doing but God does expect you to pay your vow And that doesn't mean pay money. It's whatever you vowed to him. So the Bible says swear not It's better for you to just keep your mouth shut Than to make a vow that you're not gonna keep because God is going to hold you to that vow Whether you like that or not And sometimes I wonder like I wonder if there's vows I made to God that I forgot about that That I didn't keep I'm sure there are God if you get me out of this situation I promise I'm gonna go to church every week, you know, I mean those kind of vows God If you get me out of this situation, I promise, you know, I'll follow you or whatever I remember saying those things as kit as a kid when I wasn't even saved So I know that I probably said him as a as a Christian that was saved, but I don't know anyway It's not a good thing to do though So but the point is is that God is the one that really ultimately owns this world And we got to understand that he gives us everything anyway, you're not just like making some some hard sacrifice You know what? The sacrifice is is that God knows your heart was right by the fact that you gave it You know and the fact that you're trusting in him so Anyway, God's a possessor of the whole earth. The world is his He is God. There's none else There's nobody else that you need to give credit to and God had a priesthood in the Old Testament We're gonna we're gonna study this Old Testament priesthood so turn to Exodus chapter 28 verse 1 and I'll show you that the Old Testament priesthood because a lot of Religions have priests don't they and a lot of religions in the you know back in the day had Priests that would offer sacrifices now the Aztecs. I think the Aztecs and you know these different South America and Central America Religions they sacrifice people In Hawaii, I think they sacrifice people I'm not a hundred percent sure about that, but I That's that's what I believe is the truth I know in Samoa they did and I know in all different places of the earth they would they would sacrifice human beings You know, but there was there's priests all these religions Why because Satan is a big copycat that wants to copy God and you know, he makes everybody he copies God But then makes it all wicked so Exodus 28 verse 1 the Bible says this and Take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother and his sons with him from among the children of Israel that he may minister Unto me in the what the priests office even Aaron Nadab and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar Aaron's son, so The first thing I want you to see in in the Old Testament priests is that they had an official office their office was officially Priest okay, and Aaron was the first high priest of Israel and I know that because that's my name and so when I went when I was younger and I went looked up what my Name means that mean that means you know, Aaron the first high priest of the Hebrews brother of Moses now I thought well, man, I feel shafted here, you know, it's it doesn't mean something really cool But I think it does mean something cool because I do believe that Aaron was a good man He made some mistakes and I understand that but don't we all make mistakes He's a picture of an imperfect person but he did a lot of great things too because why did God pick him to be the first high priest if he wasn't a Godly person, right? So Let's see. Where are we at here verse 2 says and thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for Beauty and thou shalt speak unto all that are wisehearted Whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him that he may Minister unto me in the priests office So Aaron was they had to make special clothes for Aaron and for his sons and these priests had to wear special garments holy garments garments that God told them to wear It's so funny, you know since it's summer. I'm just gonna bring this up It's so funny that people think that it's just okay to get naked because it's summertime But you know if you're one of God's priests, should you be out wearing? You know two-piece bikinis and should you be out wearing short shorts guys? I mean, I hope I never see anybody in here with short shorts. I'll just you know get disgusted and probably puke on you But let's look down a little further what it says In verse 42 it says and I shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins even to the thighs They shall reach so God gives us the definition of nakedness right here in Exodus chapter 28 verse number 42 How how far are they supposed to reach from the loins unto the thigh? Now I've heard this just not too long ago where someone said that it's from the loins unto the thigh So you're saying that the loins unto the thigh You know the string bikinis are okay, or that guys can wear speedos walking around because it's not nakedness from here down to here No, it's talking about the loins unto the end of your thighs. That's what the Bible is teaching here I don't know why you would think that you know under under ruse would be something acceptable to wear out in the public So and why did he say to do that because he didn't want them to show their nakedness When they did their service on the altar So let me ask you this if we're kings and priests of God in the New Testament Does God want us walking around naked in front of people and doing the service of the Lord naked? But you know some people think it's okay Well, I'll tell you what it's not okay. It's still not okay today This wasn't okay back then and notice it says he was wearing breeches So Ryan's wearing some breeches today, where's Ryan at he's downstairs, but he's wearing shorts. I don't have a problem with that Why would you have something a problem with something that God put in the Bible? As long as it reaches from the loins unto the thighs you're good to go But people just you know they get weird like hey, you know and I'm a pastor I'm gonna I'm not gonna come in here in Bermuda Bermuda shorts or whatever I'm not gonna come in here. You know I want to dress the best I can you know God made special garments for the priests to wear well Why wouldn't I wear the best clothes I could wear too because they were for beauty and for holiness So you know people just get carried away and obviously I don't think that if you didn't wear a tie today that you're not right With God, I'm not saying that I'm just saying that you know if you have nice clothes You should probably wear them and obviously you shouldn't be naked in front of other people you know and just revealing You know you're both your cracks You know the crack in the front for the ladies and the crack in the back You know and we should not be exposing our cracks Cover your crack up cover both your cracks up ladies I Stole that from Pastor Perry anyway Cover that crack we don't want to see the cracks all right Anyway, so moving on that was just like a timeout free free thing for you But you know obviously in the summertime we should be covering up now obviously if you weren't a short-sleeve shirt I don't have a problem with that if you're wearing shorts I don't have a problem with that, but just don't show your nakedness. It's pretty simple, but people just like well What do you mean it's nakedness? Just quick just because you want to strip down don't try to change what the Bible says okay? Just because your kids dress like you know you're dressing your kids like a harlot or like you know a whoremonger Doesn't mean that that it's right Okay, follow what the Bible says so They were told you know so God's priests were from the line of The Levites right so turn to Exodus chapter 40 verse 12 Exodus 40 verse number 12 the Bible says this and now shall bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation and wash them with water and now shall put upon Aaron the holy garments and anoint him and sanctify Him that he may minister Unto me in the priests office, and I shall bring his sons and clothe them with coats now shall anoint them as thou Didst anoint their father that they may minister unto me in the priests office for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood Throughout their generations thus did Moses according to all the Lord commanded him so Did he so the other thing I want you to see is that they were Anointed by God they were anointed to be priests and and in the New Testaments the same thing and I'll get to that here in a minute, but that old that anointing was a picture of The the pouring out upon the the New Testament believer of the Holy Spirit right the oil represents the Holy Spirit and there's another I think it's what in the Psalms where it says that that the That the oil flowed into Aaron's beard it poured off of his beard I don't I didn't quote that scripture, but I forgot to put it in my notes But you know Aaron's beard was anointed with the oil his whole head They just poured it on top of their head, and you know who else got anointed Wasn't just the priest who else got anointed the Kings right so the kings and priests so kings and priests You know if you if you transfer that to the New Testament Then we should be filled with the Spirit. We're kings and priests amen We should have the Holy Spirit of God upon us look if you're not saved You're not a king or a priest you got to get saved you got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ That's the only qualification that you have to have as a priest You know it's people always just say hey well You know if I'm I can't be a pastor because I made some mistakes or whatever look you can still be a priest for God Can't you can't you still be a priest for God in the New Testament because it says we're kings and priests Hey fulfill your role as a priest fulfill the role that God gave you to fulfill Turn to Leviticus chapter 7 verse 34 Leviticus 7 verse number 34 Leviticus 7 34 says for the wave breast and the heave shoulder Have I taken of the children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace offerings and have given them unto Aaron The priest and unto his sons by a statute Forever from among the children of Israel This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron and of the anointing of his sons Out of the offerings of the Lord made by fire in the day which he presented them to minister unto the Lord in the priest's office, so Number one the thing that the the Old Testament priests had is they had They had an office you know and they were supposed to be separate they had to wear special clothes They had to do certain everything that God commanded him to do and they also had to be anointed with oil that was part of Being a priest in the Old Testament They were set apart from the rest of the tribes Because they had a special job to do and special jobs to do okay and so it says in verse 36 what which the Lord commanded to be given them of the children of Israel in the day that He anointed them by a statute forever throughout their generations this is the law of the burnt offering of the meat offering of the sin offering the trespass offering of the Consecrations and of the sacrifice of the peace offering so they were in charge of doing these offerings these Burnt offerings so Aaron's sons were in charge of that But it wasn't just Aaron's sons that were that were priests it was also It was all the other children of Levi So look at Numbers chapter 1 verse 47 Numbers chapter 1 verse number 47 Numbers 1 verse 47 says But the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them for the Lord had spoken unto Moses saying Only thou shalt not number the tribe of Levi neither take the sum of the money among the children of Israel But thou should appoint the Levites Over the tabernacle of the testimony over the vessels thereof and over all the things that belong to it They shall bear the tabernacle and all the vessels thereof and they shall minister unto it and shall encamp Round about the tabernacle so it was not just Aaron and his sons. It was all the Levites and they had Different jobs that they had to do and they were numbered to them according. They cast lots of what tribes would do what and So each tribe or each family within the tribe of Levi Had their own certain things that they had to do some people just had to you know pick up all the furniture I mean because they had all this stuff that they carried with them and somebody had to be the bearer of the burdens You know some people had to you know take care of the tent and roll the tent up and take all that stuff and so Each priest had their own job to do and they had to be from the from the tribe of Levi So it says when the tabernacle set forth the Levi shall take to take it down and when the tabernacle is pitched the Levi shall set it up and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death and The children of Israel shall pitch their tents every man by his own camp and every man by his own standard throughout Their hosts isn't that interesting that anybody that came near to try to do the priest job that they were to be killed Because you know the pretenders aren't gonna you know God's not gonna want the pretenders doing the work of the holy things Right it says But the the Levite shall pitch round about the tabernacle of the testimony shall be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of Israel And the Levite shall keep the charge of the tabernacle of the testimony so their job was to do the work of the Lord, right? So but in the New Testament, there's a change of the priesthood Okay, there was a change that takes place and in the book of Hebrews that explains it to us very thoroughly Which again? I believe that Paul the Apostles the one that wrote the book of Hebrews and he Explains this change that takes place because in the book of Acts. There's a transition period that's going on There's still a temple like we're in chapter 21 and in Acts in our Bible study There's there's still a temple at that point because Paul goes in there and shaves his head You know when they do a sacrifice for him So the sacrifices were still in place at the time that Paul wrote the book of Acts so some people were still trying to follow the Old Testament and Paul was trying to explain to people that you don't have to be circumcised and stuff but obviously in that chapter you kind of made some mistakes, but the thing is is there was a transition period and Paul explains the Transition period and what is supposed to be done going forward when it concerns the priesthood in Hebrews Okay, so this is very important that you understand this because hey if someone walks up and says hey, you know because the Mormons have a priesthood of Melchizedek too Alright, but it's not the priesthood that we believe in their priesthood is not really the priesthood of Melchizedek But anyway, so in the in the New Testament there has been a change. Why was there a change? Well because Jesus Christ came he died on the cross. He was buried. He rose again turn to Psalm chapter 110 verse 4 and it's awesome that the book of Psalms teaches us these things because the book of Psalms has a lot of great doctrine in it and a lot of the prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ are in the book of Psalms and You know it's not just a book of of fluff. You know it's got some judgment in there too, right? But anyway Psalms chapter 110 verse 4 says the Lord has sworn will not repent thou art a priest forever After the order of Melchizedek and that is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ now turn to Hebrews chapter 5 because this that verse is quoted several times in the book of Hebrews So turn to Hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 and hopefully I'm not going over people's heads this morning, but You know go back and listen to it when you're awake or something anyway Hebrews chapter 5 verse number 4 says and no man shall No man taketh his honor this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God as was Aaron So Aaron was called of God right did he pick himself? No, did somebody else pick him no God picked Aaron to be the high priest and the Bible says no man Taketh the honor unto himself, but he is called of God was Jesus called of God of course He was so verse 5 says so also Christ glorified not himself to be made in high priest But he that saith that said unto him thou art my son today have I begotten thee So he's quoting the song that we just read there in Psalm 110. It says and as Excuse me as he saith also in another place thou art a priest forever After the order of Melchizedek now. This is where it kind of explained some things for us So remember the the story in Genesis chapter 14 what it says in Psalms chapter 110 It says in Hebrews 5 7 who in the days of his flesh when he had offered up prayers and supplication With strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard and that he feared Though he were a son yet learned He obedience by the things which he suffered and being and it's talking about Christ and being made perfect He became what the author of eternal salvation unto all Them that obey him now some unsaved person would say well see you have to obey God to be saved No, that's not what it's talking about you obey the gospel and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Okay, it says called of God and high priest after the order of Melchizedek now remember Melchizedek didn't have There's not there's nothing really said about him. He just shows up blesses Abraham brings the bread and the wine right and Pronounces this blessing upon him Abraham gives him tithes of all and then we don't find out anything else about him until the New Testament He's like a mystery character in the Old Testament So but he but Christ became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him You know he was called of God and high priest so God called Aaron as the high priest in the Old Testament now Who's our New Testament high priest it's the Lord Jesus Christ That's what it says right here right called of God and high priest after the order of Melchizedek now He's gonna explain that here in a couple chapters But let's turn it over flip over to Hebrews chapter 6 verse 19 So what are we talking about here? We're talking about? The priesthood the high priesthood being changed the whole priesthood of the Levitical priesthood is changed by Christ Look at him What I say to turn to Hebrews 6 Which hope we have and look at verse 19 It says which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entered enter it Excuse me into that vale into good night into that within the veil So it says in verse 20 whether the forerunner is for us entered even Jesus made in high priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek, so he says it says it again Jesus is the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek turn to Hebrews chapter 7 verse number 1 Hebrews chapter 7 verse number 1 it says for this Melchizedek King of Salem Priest of the Most High God now. This is where it explains Genesis chapter 14 Who met Abraham or who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave the tenth part of all first being by interpretation King of righteousness so the Bible explains to us what king of Salem means it means the king of righteousness Who's the king of righteousness the Lord Jesus Christ right and it says and after that also king of Salem? Which is king of peace so no king of Salem means king of peace. I'm sorry. I messed that up But king of peace is what king of Salem means all right so first my interpretation So the interpretation of the name Melchizedek is king of righteousness, so that's what I meant to say, but anyway We all make mistakes right so at least I caught it in the verse where I messed it up So all right so king of our Melchizedek means the king of righteousness and after also king of Salem Which is king of peace who's the king of peace who's the who's the prince of peace the Lord Jesus Christ? So look at verse 3 it says without so this is where it explains Why he is Melchizedek all right it says without father without mother without descent Having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest Continually so we don't have we didn't have the answers to those questions But now Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 is helping to us to understand That Jesus was Melchizedek, and if you don't believe that that's fine. Maybe you think he was just a type of Christ That's okay. You can believe that if you want, but I don't believe that I think that that it's he was a pre-incarnate showing of Christ in the Old Testament So and because here just think about this for a second can can God be everywhere at once Could he be in Genesis chapter 14 right now? Yeah, he could could he be in the future right now. He's already seen everything. He's been there He's done that you know he lives outside of time So why could he not go and be Melchizedek in the Old Testament in Genesis chapter 14? I think he I think he did and I think he was And that's why it's a pre-incarnate showing of Christ because Christ is an eternal being Let's read verse 7 again or verse 3 again. It says without father without mother Without the scent having neither beginning of days nor end of life. Who's that that's God? Jesus Christ is God you know he's from behold. I mean he's from he's from before he's from everlasting The Bible says in the book of Micah he's from behold. Why do I keep saying behold? He's from before from everlasting. He is the king of kings and Lord of Lords, so if he's from everlasting He's never had a birth date. He never had a father. You know it says. He doesn't have father or mother genealogically speaking And neither beginning of days nor end of life But may but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continually verse 4 look It says now consider How great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils and verily? They that are of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a Commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren though They come out of the loins of Abraham So the Bible is saying you know consider How great this man was this Melchizedek who didn't have any we don't have any information on and Abraham gave him tithes of all the spoils So and it says verily they that are the sons of Levi who received the office of so it's comparing the differences between the New Testament and the Old Testament and so that's why I think it's so funny when people say that tithing is not in the New Testament even though Tithing was taking being taken place in the in before the law was even given So the Levi had started taking tithes with the tithes being given before that so it says verse 6 But he whose descent is not counted from them Received tithes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promises and without all Contradiction the less the less is blessed of the better and here men that die received tithes But there he received them of whom is witness that he liveth, so you know a Melchizedek never had an end of days So who did those tithes go to they went to the person that liveth? He's still alive because he's the Lord right? So look at verse 9 says and as many as as may I say Levi also who received the tithes Paid tithes in Abraham for he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law What further need was there that another priest should rise? After the order of Melchizedek and not be called after the order of Aaron for the priesthood being changed There it says it right there for you the priesthood was changed There's made a necessity a change also of the law For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the altar For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning the priesthood So it was never said that Jesus Christ would be would have the priesthood But here's the thing that you have to understand about the priesthood The New Testament all those things are things that are veiled Allegory there are types of things and you know They're they're of they're gonna be fulfilled in the New Testament. And so when the New Testament explains the Old Testament for us That's what we should sit up and pay attention to these things It says far more evident that after the similitude of Melchizedek there arises another priest Who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life So that priesthood changed because we had a High priest that is worthy of actually walking into the Holy of Holies and being perfect See Aaron was a type of Christ and the fact that he you know, he went in he was sanctified He was set apart He had to wash his clothes wash his body do all this stuff and make sure everything was perfect Before he could walk in there one time a year to give the the on the Day of Atonement, right? But Christ Never sinned he lived the perfect life and when he walked in when he put his blood his own blood on the altar in heaven Then that was a perfect sacrifice and he is able to be the everlasting Priest the the everlasting high priests in heaven for us And so how are we how do we become priests that way because well God gave us the priesthood See the law changed we don't you don't have to be a Levite to be in the priesthood anymore You just have to be a son of God and anybody that calls upon the name of the Lord is going is a son of God Says so he testified if there were a priest after the order in verse 17 after the order of Melchizedek for there is very verily and disannoying of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness Thereof For the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto God and In so much as not without an oath he was made a priest for those priests were made without an oath But this with an oath by him that said unto him the Lord swear and will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so what's it saying so the the priesthood went from nepotism why you were just born into that family and then you grew up and you became anointed and you Served a certain time period as a priest They didn't have to swear enough to do that. It was just given to them by inheritance But so the Lord Jesus Christ was sworn by the Lord Swear sworn he he will not repent thou art a priest forever after the older order of Melchizedek And so much was Jesus made a surety a better testament he was a better testament and People want to go back to the Old Testament and say all this look Jesus was a better testament The blood of Jesus is a better testament because it's an everlasting Covenant that will never go away. You know these clowns that teach teach dispensationalism the Dispensational salvation is a bunch of garbage. It's not true and therefore. They're preaching a false Gospel let them be accursed and they truly were verse 23 It says and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death, but this man Because he continued with forever hath an unchangeable priesthood, so there's never gonna be a different priesthood. There's never gonna be Something different it's always gonna be what we have now the New Testament the Lord Jesus Christ is good enough. He's the he's he's a perfect Testator for us. He's a perfect high priest for us So because of the change of the priesthood. There's also a change in law Again, we don't have to be Levites. We can just be born-again believers right and that's what changed the priesthood You know who can be a priest now who is the new high priest? It's not even how it doesn't have anything to do with the Levites has to do with being saved So turn to 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 2. I know that was a lot of meat and a lot of a lot of explaining But the bit the book of Hebrews is there to to help us with that transition What's changed you know there's there's things that have changed? We don't have to sacrifice animals anymore And I'm glad for that Let's see 1st Peter 2 2 says as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby So now that we know that we are New Testament priests the Bible says it It says we're supposed to desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby So let me ask you this if you're a priest of God in here today You're one of the priests that kings and priests of God here Do you are you desiring the sincere sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby? Because doesn't it take milk to grow I mean well I mean there's a there's a class that we're having so that we can help people understand that the milk so it's gonna make the babies grow right So and you know we we should desire that sincere milk of the word What is that the easy things to understand first off? you know just read your Bible one through one time cover to cover and It's weird, but that it unlocks something in you that you don't realize I think it's just a blessing of God because you've read every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God So it says that you may grow thereby if so be you have Tasted the that the Lord is gracious to him coming as unto live a lively stone disallowed indeed of men But chosen of God and precious talking about the Lord Jesus Christ remember I talked about the light being a lively stone last week What now was talking about Jesus was he a lively stone a lively stone is something? That's you know full of energy You know for it's it's basically a person a lively person is someone that's always active and doing sick things right and Jesus didn't even take time to eat sometimes. He was working so hard verse 5 and in 1st Peter 2 5 it says you also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and Holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ so last week I talked about how we're chosen of God and and The the series that I'm preaching about is to be a spiritual house. You know how are we a spiritual house well There's all these different things that it talks about but we're a holy priesthood, and we're supposed to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ we don't offer Bulls and things we don't have this isn't an altar people We don't have like don't bring your you know you don't have to bring your best lamb to me Okay, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world you don't have to bring me a hunk of Beef you know you don't have to do that because you're supposed to offer up spiritual Sacrifices that are acceptable to God by Christ Jesus, and we know that we have the commandments obviously I'm not going to get up here and tell you every commandment that you should be doing But as a priest you're supposed to be offering up the spiritual sacrifices if you're a holy priest That's what you're going to do We have a great privilege to be priests of the most high God, but sadly some Christians aren't very priestly And you know we all make mistakes But some people just aren't pretty aren't priestly at all some people will never go to church Or they'll skip church whenever they feel like it because they just don't feel like going or They'll skip soul on him because they don't feel like going or whatever but There's also many priests that don't know their Bible Haven't read their Bible cover to cover one time and so if we're supposed to be priests unto God Don't you think you should know what the Bible says about things? I mean we should be as Christians as priests of God you know wouldn't it be weird to say hey I'm a priest of God, but I don't know the Bible at all because I've never read it That's a weird thing too. That's a weird You know he saved us to be part of this priesthood, and we're a lot of people are out there. Just wasting it They're just wasting the fact that they're a priest of God and they're wasting the fact that they have a Bible right here look There's countries that don't even have a Bible in their own language And we're sitting here with the King James Bible the perfect word of God and people don't read it They got 50 copies of the King James at their house, and they don't even read one of them But God's given us this book so we can know what the Bible says and as Kings and priests Don't you think we should know the Bible a little bit? Turn to John chapter 14 verse number 26 How sad is it to not have a Bible in your own language? Hey, you're you're blessed beyond all Beyond all people right now you speak English, and you have a perfect English Bible in your language But a lot of nations and tongues and people don't have that for themselves. It's a sad thing But Christ we're supposed to be anointed just like the priests in the Old Testament were anointed We're anointed with the Holy Ghost God gives us the Holy Spirit He said I'll send the comforter to you Which is the Holy Ghost look at John 14 verse 26 it says But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name. He shall teach you all Things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever what I have said unto you But hey if you haven't read what he said then Howard then how are you gonna be taught? If you haven't read the Bible for yourself one time How are you gonna be taught the words that I said to you? I'm gonna bring him in a remembrance, but if you've never read them you don't even have a remembrance of them Good He says whatsoever. I've said unto you peace. I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither Let it be afraid so sometimes people are afraid what they see in the Bible They're just like I don't even want to read that, but you know what you shouldn't be afraid Look we got the promises of God. We have the blessings of God. Hey people say hey I want to have the power of God on my life But they don't read the Bible How are you gonna get the power of God on your life if you don't even know how to get it? You know how what is the power of God in our life? The anointing of God that we get as a safe person we get the down payment of our salvation from the Holy Ghost, right? So then but then what do you do with it because the Bible says be filled with the Spirit be not drunk with wine Where is excess but be filled with the Spirit? Okay, so we're supposed to be filled with the Spirit that means that you're not always filled with the Spirit Are you you have the down payment you have the portion of it, but to be filled with it? You're supposed to speak to yourselves in psalms hands spiritual songs making melody in your heart to the Lord, right? We're supposed to come to God and sing to him enter into his gates with Thanksgiving We're supposed to go soul winning. We're supposed to go in and reach a lost world for Christ But sadly many people are not fulfilling their priesthood They're not offering up spiritual sacrifices. They're just going through the motions of playing church They're showing up and not doing what God said to do You can be in this building all you want, but if you're not actually doing it if you just you know, you're so I'm just tired of this you're ready to quit Look God wants you to fulfill your role as a priest Look at turn to John chapter 16 verse 13 John chapter 16 Verse 13 John 16 verse 13 says how be it when he The Spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth Now, let me just stop right there for a second. He'll guide you into all truth. He's gonna guide you But are you gonna be guided? Are you gonna be guided by the Holy Spirit? Are you gonna be guided by God to do the things that he wants you to do? But it says he shall not speak of himself But whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come He shall glorify me and he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you All things that the Father hath are mine. Therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you But hey if you're being guided but you're like, yeah Skip the Bible reading today It's gonna go to the beach Hey, I'm gonna skip the Bible reading today. I'm gonna go camping. I'm gonna skip the Bible reading. I'm gonna just skip church You know what? I've been doing so good. I deserve some time off Hey when my sermon from camp gets up, you'll see well that I you know The Bible says that you know Jesus said come you apart in a desert place and rest a while doesn't say rest for the rest of your Christian life and and they were in a desert place for one day and They didn't even want to help Jesus and he just ended up taking over for him while they got the rest So and those are the disciples the very spiritual people and you know, they probably wanted a day off. I don't blame them Sometimes I want a day off too. And I just there's just times I can't take days off So I try to plan for hours off When you get to the point, you know, it's like I was on vacation for three weeks But I really didn't have a lot of time off. I did have some rest. I'll say that and it was it was great It was it was a blessing But God wants us to be lively stones Not little chunks of coal You know meant to be burned, right? He wants us to be lively stones stones that are alive Hey when you look at a diamond that kind of it's sparkles It shines when you look at rubies and emeralds and sapphires and those kinds of stones. They're lively They have a sparkle to them, you know, and I said this last week You don't want to be the dirt-clawed of God, right? You want to be a priest? That's a lively stone so You know if you're gonna if you're gonna be led by the Spirit You got it. How are you gonna get what what God wants for you? You got to get it through this book And he wants you to know the Bible and then he'll guide you into all truth Hey, you just got to put your eyeballs on the page Listen to it do something with it, but you got to know it somewhat turn to 1st Peter 2 again 1st Peter 2 Verse number 9 it says but you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation of peculiar people That you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light look, if you're just sitting in darkness, you're not gonna show any kind of light at all and It says verse 10 which is in times past were not a people in times past. We were not a people It says but are now the people of God. Hey, we're God's people And We should be great priests for him We should be a spiritual house for him. We should be lively stones for him We should be working and doing the things that God wants us as priests of God And it says which not have not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy Hey, it's great that we've obtained mercy. But hey, we got some work to do You're like Pastor Thompson. We do so much around here. What are you talking about? Hey people get backslidden and even if you're just backslidden for a day You're still backslidden even if you're just backslidden for a couple hours, you're still backslidden right You can get backslidden people can oh, I've done so much you you rest on your laurels. I've had thousands of people saved You know, I'm just gonna go look. Hey when it's time for church, you should be in church When it's time to preach you should be preaching when it's time to do the things that God's called you to do You should be doing them So turn to Acts chapter 2 verse 1 Acts chapter 2 verse 1 it says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting See Jesus had promised the disciples that he would pour the Spirit of God upon them now people get confused about this They're like well, they weren't saved then because they didn't have the Spirit of God No, they had the Spirit of God They didn't have the power of the Spirit of God. That's the difference. They had the down payment They had the earnest of their of their salvation but look at verse 3 it says and there appeared unto them clove and tongues like as fire and it sat upon each of them and They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance now we know they didn't start barking and and rolling on the floor and clucking like chickens and having people lead them around with leashes and Crazy running around the stages. That's not what was happening They were giving people the gospel They were getting people saved and that when they spoke that person and the other language heard it in their own language That was the miracle that was going on And so what did what did God give us the Holy Spirit for to give us power so we could go out and win a? dying world to Christ And so we can lead our families look people were against nepotism and I get that I understand that nepotism can be bad But here's the thing didn't God Institute the the Levitical priesthood or that was there nepotism there There was right now Did God tell them and command them to teach their children after them? Yes, because look if you're in the family of God and you have children You should be teaching your children to be a spiritual priest just like you are so Do you see how it there's there's parallels to the Old Testament priests and to the New Testament look? I don't have a problem with nepotism at all as long as that nepotism is a right kind of nepotism Right you're teaching them to become not just your family member, but God's family member, right? so God wants to fill us with the Holy Spirit You get saved you get the Holy Spirit, but he wants you to be filled with the Spirit He wants to be doing things with that spirit. He wants you to lead your fit your families, man He wants you to lead your families and that your children will grow up and be blessed And then their children will grow up and be blessed and be saved in the family of God Why are all these nations like just totally reprobate? Because that stopped happening Because somewhere down the line people stopped caring about their own children and just did their own thing You Got to raise your children to be people of this book of the family of this book and As a priest men of the priests of your family, that's your responsibility So all believers do have the spirit, but they're not all filled with the Spirit And obviously not everyone in this room is filled with the Spirit all the time. Okay, I get that But what kind of spiritual sacrifices are you offering up? What kind of spiritual sacrifices are you offering up? What kind of spiritual sacrifices are you offering up? You know, I go soloing once a week for 59 minutes and 59 seconds. I go to all the things the church puts on, okay? But you know, what are you doing with with your sacrifices, you know, if you think about it in like cow terms, right? Are you giving the sacrifices of the shank? Are you giving God the little bit of time you have left over from all the other stuff that you're doing? You're giving them the shank offering. Here you go. Here's the shank roast for you You know, it's like the back of the leg right here or something the toughest part of the cow I'm not sure if it's the toughest but it's one of the tougher cuts Right. There's a reason why you have to tenderize some of that meat But are you giving God your spiritual ribeye? Your spiritual ribeye. Hey, the ribeye is the best cut of meat on the whole thing, right? But what kind of spiritual sacrifice are you giving them? Are you giving God your spiritual ribeye or your shank roast? Because the Old Testament priests they offered up these animals and the priest ate from them But why did Eli and his sons get into trouble? Well, because they were taking the best things you know, they were taking the best things that God's people were bringing forth and They were doing it in a wrong fashion Because you know, you can have all the greatest intentions of in the world Well, they didn't have great intentions, but you can have all the greatest intentions of the world But if you if you grow if your kids grow up and they don't know Christ that you failed as a parent you failed As a dad you failed as a mother Turn to first John chapter 2 verse 20 And look people of good people in the Bible their kids went to the devil Samuel's kids went to the devil Samuel was a great man of God, but his children chose Something different. That's why they that's why the children of Israel said we want a king. They didn't want Samuel's sons Eli's sons were reprobates So it does matter how we are priests not only just in in general in public But also how we are priests in our own home So Let's see. We're in John first John chapter 2 verse 20 it says We have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things and what does it mean to have an unction? It's not something it's not conjunction. It's unction okay, and an unction basically just means this the action of anointing someone with oil or ointment as religious as a religious right or as a symbol of investor as a monarch so To be To have an unction from the Holy One and this is in the New Testament right Says, but you have an unction you have an anointing all right. I'm not getting charismatic up here But we have an anointing that God's given us From the Holy One who's the Holy One the Holy One of Israel the Lord Jesus Christ and you know all things Hey, you're gonna know all things through this book You know that's the first step get the milk in then God's gonna grow you up Then you can have them rib eyes later right you can get that strong meat this the stronger meat That's harder to understand look. There's some things in the Bible that I still have a hard time understanding Maybe I just need to read more. We all need to read more, right? But we have an unction we have an anointing of God Every single person that's saved in this room has an anointing of God and how you choose to use that is up to you He's still not gonna force you to work for him He's not gonna force you to be saved He's not gonna force you to work for him after you're saved But he wants you to so look at second Peter first Peter chapter 2 again, and we're gonna just look at verse 9 See we should have good works in our resume Not to be saved, but because we're saved Says but your chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation of peculiar people that ye what? should Show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness unto his marvelous light I don't think that's an accident that that word should is in there. You should do it But if you don't do it, you're still a priest you're just a bad priest There were bad priests in the Bible Not all the priests of the Bible were even saved look in Jesus time most of those guys weren't even saved But some of them believed Over senses which in times past were not a people, but are now what the people of God which have Had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy So the Bible says that we should show forth the praises of him turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 Ephesians 2 verse 10 I'm almost done here Ephesians 2 verse 10 says for we are his work or yeah for we're as workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto what? Good works, which God hath before ordained that we what? Should walk in them So we should but we don't always do it We should be having good works, but we don't always do it. We should be showing forth the praises of God, but we don't always do it And so what is this a spiritual a spiritual kick in the pants for everybody this morning, and I need it, too We all need it. We all need it from time to time. I'm look. I know everybody works hard in here I know you do, but I know everybody loves God in here. I mean. I don't know a hundred percent for sure But I think everybody I know in here loves God But the Bible says if you love me keep my commandments You know so if we're gonna be a spiritual priest for God shouldn't we be keeping his commandments shouldn't we know? The Bible shouldn't we be doing good work shouldn't we care about lost people? You know Jesus wept Over Lazarus he wept over him, but he also wept over that whole city He wept over that he wept over the cities that he saw they knew we're not gonna accept him But if his priests aren't even doing the job how many towns did we pass through how many towns we drive past we just think? Man, how are they gonna get the gospel? Who's gonna do it Well sure foundation Baptist Church wants to do it But we need the kings and priests to be able to step up to the plate We've done a lot of great things this year That's almost been one year, but I want to keep pressing on and doing even more We're gonna start a church in Hawaii. It's happening soon and I want more kings and priests over there You know and someday hopefully in the millennium. I get why I get one of the islands over there I want one of those just kidding Maybe he'll give it to me. I Don't know maybe Portland, Oregon fagless. You know That'd be a beautiful city Vancouver Washington no transvestites over on the corner bar here First Peter 2 verse 5 says you're also lively stones are built up a Spiritual house and holy priesthood To offer up spiritual sacrifice is acceptable to God by Christ Jesus look we got to be on that spiritual cake We got to be remember that we're lively stones It's a great truth in the Bible. It's a great truth that we get to be God's priests Before we didn't have a shot It was the Levites only now God has changed the priesthood the Lord Jesus Christ has changed the priesthood He's a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek Forever and you know what we get to go to our high priest and pray whatever we want and ask him for whatever we need And that prayer goes directly to God the Father Amen Romans 12 verse 1 let's turn it over there, and I'll finish off actually turn over to Revelation 20 verse 4 I'm just gonna read for you Romans 12 of 1 says I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice Holy Acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service way. We have a reasonable service I know I read this verse last week, but it still applies this week, and it might apply next week, too Because once we realize that you know our body is not our own and God bought our body with a price He bought us with a price We should understand that it's it's a reasonable service to serve him It's reasonable You know and we should be it's acceptable unto God to present our bodies as a living sacrifice And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? Hey, I'll tell you what if you're a priest that's conformed to the world of God or Yeah, you're a priest that's conformed to this world not of God Then you're gonna have a hard time being a good priest Because if all you have is the world in you Then you're gonna have a dark light. You're not gonna have a light that shines It's gonna be darkened you see the stars up in the sky sometimes, and you see the ones that like have a little tiny Glimmer you can't see there's brighter stars. That's the way it's gonna be in heaven, too That's a picture for us some sharp some stars are gonna shine brighter. Why because They did the works here They did the things that God asked them to do and some of them were gonna be damned They're still gonna be there, but they're just not gonna be as bright There's not gonna be hundreds of people walking up to him. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for getting me safe Thank you so much for getting my family members saved They're gonna be that one in the corner. It's like I wish I would have got more people saved I wish I got would have got one person saved. I wish I would have went to church I wish I would have read my Bible I wish I would have done the things that God's asked me to do I wish I would have raised my kids for Jesus I wish I would have taken them out of the public school when I had a chance to You know I wish I would have went so many more I Wish I would have went so many once There's gonna be people up in heaven like that and hey I want to be a bright shining star up there And I want everybody in this room to be too, and then we'll be in the court We'll be in the corner where it's all the bright stars are You Know they're like what's that? What is that bright shining those stars over there? That's your foundation Baptist Church? Amen Last verse I had you turn to Revelation 20 verse 4 says and I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not Worshiped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands And what and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years see that we're gonna reign with Christ forever But we're gonna rule and reign with Christ when he sets up his earthly kingdom here when he said that earthly kingdom. That's from heaven You know he's gonna show Pete. He's gonna show everybody what it's like when a real leader has control and When he's gonna rule with a rod of iron the Bible says and he'll dash the wicked people and in pieces as a potter's vessel But we're gonna be his sheriff's we're gonna be his patrolman. We're gonna be his the people that rule and reign with him That's gonna be an awesome thing look. It's really gonna happen It's not just something that's far far away. It's something that's gonna happen soon That's gonna be awesome to live and rule and reign with Christ and don't you want to go up and be one of the good? priests Don't you want to be one of the priests that served him with their life? And he says well done now good and faithful servant Says but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished This is the first resurrection blessed and holy as he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power But they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years But you know what our if you're saved your position is already settled in heaven you're already there We sit in heavenly places, but yet we're here right now in this time in the present That was the past. This is the present We live in time, but hey Think forward to think you know think about your life sometimes We just get so wrapped up in how bad our life is or how hard it is, but I'll tell you what Push through it Push through it and be a good priest unto the Lord. Let's pray Heavenly Father We thank you Lord for this wonderful day Lord to pray that you just bless this church Lord Help us to be those shines those stars that shine bright That people would come to Lord and and I just pray Lord that we would be a people That are a holy priesthood Lord that we would be a royal Priesthood to you Lord and that we'd think about those things and think about the fact that we need to read the Bible Lord and That we need to go soul winning and we need to care about people that are lost Lord I just pray that you'd bless and as we as we partake of food together and fellowship Lord I just pray this would be a special day here and Lord that you would bless it in Jesus name pray. Amen