(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Well, it's great to be back at Pure Words Baptist Church. It's been a couple of years and I got to see one of my baptisms that I did. Well, the only baptism I did last time I was here. But it's great to have everybody here and I just want to thank Pastor Shelley for letting me come and preach to you guys. I really care about this church a lot. I ask Pastor Shelley about how you guys are doing all the time. And because last time I was here I just, you know, I really liked the spirit of this church and just how welcoming and kind you guys are. And you care about the things of God and the truths of God's word. And this morning I have a sermon titled Sperius. Now you might not know what that means but I'll give you the definition here in just a minute. Let's look at Proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 and look at the first verse there. It says, A false balance is abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. Let's have a word of prayer. Dear Lord, I pray that you'd meet with us today. I pray you'd fill us with your spirit. Fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach, Lord. I pray you'd help the people to have ears to hear what your spirit says to the church this morning. And Lord, I just pray that you'd give us some sweet fellowship in the afternoon. Lord, bless all that's done in your house today and the soul winning that takes place. And I just pray that you'd just bless this church in a special way. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, so the word Sperius, it means not what it purports to be. False or fake. Not genuine. Illegitimate. Like you could say it would be about someone having an illegitimate child. But Sperius is just a, I like the word, so that's why I titled it that. I could have named it false or fake or whatever, but Sperius just basically means it's something that's fake. Something that's phony. Something that's simulated. Something that's substitute. It's unreal. It's put on. It's false. It's fake. It's unauthentic. It's ungenuine. And we live in a world where we see a lot of fake things, don't we? There's fake news, right? We see a lot of fake news. We see a lot of fake vaccines. You know, fake mandates and all this stuff that's, you know, just all this fakeness around us. We have fake presidents. I mean, we got fake diamonds. Would you know the difference between a real diamond and a fake diamond? I probably wouldn't. I'd be like, that looks good, you know. Fake leather. You know, they call it pleather. You know, when I was growing up, you know, swap meets used to sell. I'm sure they probably still do. Name brand looking stuff, but it's not really genuine. It's not really Louis Vuitton. You know, if you got it for five bucks, it's not Louis Vuitton, okay? There's fake women with fake parts. There's fake business models. There's a lot of fakeness in this world. And why are things fake? Why are things spurious? Why are things, you know, why do people try to deceive others with these fake types of things? Well, it's because they want to get over on you. You know, these things want to get over on you and make you think that what they are is genuine. No matter what it is, no matter what fake thing it is, no matter what false way it is, then we have to watch out for these things because there's so much misinformation out there in the world. I mean, we literally have a president that can't complete two sentences. And they're saying he's the president. I mean, you know, a lot of people think that that was a fake election. You know, I'm probably going to get zapped by YouTube for saying that. But we got to look out for fake things. And so I just had a number of things today, and I'm not sure how far I'll get my list, a number of spurious or false things that we need to look out for when it comes to Christianity. Because we're Christians and we live the Christian life. And a lot of times there's things that are thrown our way that are false or fake. And why would that happen? Why are there false Christians? Why are there false Bible versions? Why is there, you know, even with the false balance, false balance is talking about, you know, something that's, you know, like back in the old days, you know, you used to weigh out money. You used to weigh out gold, like real money. That's what real money is, is gold or silver, precious metals and things like that. But now we got, what, paper dollars. You know, that's not, it has no real value. It is kind of fake. I mean, it does get you stuff, but like the gold backing it, who knows if that's even really there or not. But we ought to look out for things like this. And number one, we got to look out for the false balance. We got to look out for the false balance. And I'll just read that verse again in Proverbs 11 one. It says, a false balance is abomination. It's something that God hates. It's something that God detests. It's an abomination to the Lord. It says, but a just weight is his delight. So we should deal truthfully in our business practices as Christians. I mean, this is written to Christians, is it not? It's not for the world necessarily. I mean, obviously the world should be right in their business practices too. But, you know, this could apply to a lot of things, you know. It could apply to tithing. It could apply to just your personal dealings with other people. Because you as a Christian, we are held to a higher standard. You know, God expects us to deal truthfully with our neighbors. And he expects us to give that which is right. You know, not say, not hold back portions of the money or hold back something that we're, you know, the price of something, try to whittle someone down to nothing. You know, those Facebook, those people that they make a post on Facebook to, you know, sell something in the marketplace or whatever. And people always just low ball them. You know, so right in the description it says no low ballers. You know, and I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for a deal. I mean, because I ask for deals. You know, and whenever I'm at a restaurant I always say, hey, you're going to give us a 20% discount, you know, for such a big group. But I'm always joking. They never give it to us. But, you know, I mean, there's a lot of things that are false. There's a lot of false balances going on in our world. And one thing that people get sucked into in Christianity, I've noticed, is these quick, get rich quick schemes. And it's always some quasi-Christian group that wants to come in and do like Amway. What's some of the other ones? There's Amway. What's the new one? It's like, it's fairly new. Good night. I can't even think of the name of it. Huh? Yeah, well, Scentsy Candles. Yeah, that's one of them. And then there's, good night. They like support the NFL and everything. But they're like pyramid schemes is what I'm talking about. And it's always some kind of, you know, they can be air filters. Like when I was at a church and I thought this guy was, you know, you think people are your friends and they're like, hey, we want to invite you over for dinner. And it's like they're Christians who go to your church. And the next thing you know they're trying to sell you some gold package or something. They're trying to get you into some carrot bars or gold package or, you know, whatever. It's like I thought you just wanted to have me over for dinner because you were my friend. You know, because you like me. But in reality what they're doing is they're trying to make merchandise out of you. That's a false balance. As Christians we shouldn't be going around trying to make money off of each other. Now obviously if you do something outside the walls of this church and you have some kind of business dealing with someone, that's your business. Like once, if you're just here as an advantage to try to, you know, make money off your business by your fellow Christians, people have been doing that for a long time. And God, you know, God says it's an abomination. You know, we're not supposed to be doing business in the house of the Lord. Jesus flipped tables over and he cracked the whip over that kind of stuff, didn't he? So we shouldn't have a false balance. We shouldn't have a reason why we're here that's a different agenda than actually coming here and serving Christ. So there's a lot of this quick, get rich quick schemes that are aimed towards Christians. And you know what, you get what you pay for, that's true. But you also, don't expect something for nothing. Don't expect that you're going to become this rich Christian because you signed up under the third leg of the pyramid of someone else at church. That stuff never works out. It never does. You know, maybe there is some person that's just highly motivated but are we supposed to be motivated by money to the point where that's all we do is eat, drink, sleep, breathe, you know, money all the time? It's not something that should be a big deal in our lives. So, you know, pay people what's right, have a just weight, don't have a false balance, but don't expect something for nothing either. That's also a false balance. You know, there's people that like, they know how to play other Christians. Or they'll say, well, you know, it sure would be nice if I had another computer, my computer went down. You know, and people are nice, Christians are nice and Christians are giving. But there's some people that are just like kind of professional grifters at church. Where they just come and they just, you know, they don't want to work hard and they just want to sponge off the rest of the congregation. And it's a wicked thing to do. And look, I'm not saying don't help other people. Don't get me wrong, okay? But I'm talking about the people that constantly, you know, have their hand out but don't want to work. Because that's a wicked way to live your life as a Christian. Now, you know, me and my wife were poor for many years growing up, you know, raising our kids in church and having one income. And, you know, we struggled and people helped us and I appreciate that. I'm not talking about that because we should help each other out. And I'm not saying, well, hey, you should pick out who the grifter in the church is or something, okay? Sometimes people just need help, right? I believe in a helping hand, not necessarily perpetual handouts, though. There comes a time when you have to kind of cut that off with people, you know, and help them to, you know, realize that they need to actually work for their, you know, and support their family on their own, right? So, number two, the number two thing is false friends. We've got to be on the lookout for false friends. Because, you know, and obviously, again, I'm not saying try to pick out who your false friend is in the church today. I'm not saying that. But there are people that will come in and pretend to be your friend because they have some kind of advantage that they want to gain over you. A lot of times it is money, like referring back to the false balance. But let's turn to Matthew chapter 26. And, you know, I'm of the opinion that we should be as friendly as we can to people. I don't think that we should suspect every single person that walks in the door. You know, I don't want to have this attitude at my church where everybody that walks in were wondering whether they're a false prophet or not, okay? We should be nice. We should be welcoming. Obviously, if the first thing out of their mouth is they're talking about their Michael the Archangel, or their Gabriel, you know, some weird kind of stuff that they're saying, they're a flat earther, you know, something like that. You know, obviously there's things that trigger, you know, you to have like a red flag over somebody. But, you know, again, that's what those are is they're red flags. You know, and sometimes it takes multiple red flags to finally, you know, get it right. But, you know, we shouldn't just suspect everybody. We should actually suspect no one, but trust really no one completely either. And what I mean by that is that, you know, giving people your deepest, darkest secrets that you just met is probably not a good idea. You know, especially with just the amount of people that are traitors today. There's a lot of people that pretend like they're your friends, but in reality they're just trying to catch something out of your mouth so they can accuse you. Now, Matthew chapter 26 verse 47 says, and this is talking about Judas, obviously, it says, And while he yet spake, lo Judas one of the twelve came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, the same is he, hold him fast. So Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ who was his friend, supposedly, for what, 30 pieces of silver, right? Look what it says in verse 49, What a low-down, stinking, back-stabbing skunk he was. What a piece of garbage, what a piece of trash. And you know what, Judas is roasting in hell today because he betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ and he was a devil from the beginning, the Bible says. But look what Jesus says to him. And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? He calls Judas friend, even to the very end he called him friend. Because Jesus was a true friend to him. He knew what he was going to do to him. He knew he was going to betray him, but yet he still treated him like a friend. He got down on his hands and knees and washed Judas' feet just like he did all the other disciples. He was a friend unto the end, wasn't he? That's the type of friend we should be with our friends. But Jesus, you know, after he knows that this is the kiss of death that he's putting on him. Judas, think about this, Judas kissed the door of heaven, the very door of heaven, and still went to hell, didn't he? It says, Then came they and laid hands on Jesus and took him. You know, sometimes in life, friends are going to betray us. But we do, you know, we should be on the lookout and we should guard ourselves to a certain extent. We should guard our hearts to a certain extent around people. And you don't have to tell everybody everything that you've ever done in the past. You know, as a Christian, that stuff's forgiven and under the blood. You know, we don't have to go around and tell everybody every wicked sin that we committed as a teenager, or every wicked sin that we committed as a young adult. You know, because those things are really between you and the Lord at that point. And why go around and rustle the trash up in your life and tell it to somebody that you don't really know that well? Well, but they're a Christian, you know, I get that. I get that, and we have a very forgiving and very trusting heart, most Christians do. But we need to be aware that there are people, you know, that are spurious. They're fakes, they're fake friends, and they will stab you in the back in the blink of an eye. Just like Judas, because he didn't get to sell the ointment that was used to rub on Jesus' cracked and dried out feet. By a woman that loved him and actually was his friend, and actually cared about him. He was just concerned because that spikenard, that ointment was the equivalent to a whole years of wages. And so, you know, he could have sold that and got a lot of money from it, and that's what he was upset about it. And that's what he ultimately did, because he was mad because he didn't get to have his chunk off of that spikenard that should have been sold and given to the poor. You know, beware of people's motivations also. Because some people seem like they really care. Some people seem like they really are concerned about other people. But in reality, did he really care about the poor? He didn't care about the poor. He cared about lining his own pockets. He cared about taking money out of the bag that he was holding. He was the treasurer. He was the secretary, basically, who kept the money, and he held the bag. And he was concerned about what was in that bag, and in this case, more concerned about what wasn't in the bag. And so, friends will turn on you. Friends, you know, you call them frenemies, right? If they're really, they say you're friends, but they're really an enemy, that's a frenemy, right? So, look at Proverbs chapter 27, verse 6. Proverbs chapter 27, verse number 6. The Bible says, faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. See, Judas was an enemy of Jesus Christ, wasn't he? But he was, you know, he was supposedly his friend. But see, Jesus was a friend, see? And so, Jesus, he's the example that we should look up to. He's, you know, take up your cross daily and follow after me, right? He wants us to follow after his examples. So, should we be great friends to people? Absolutely. You know, a great friend is faithful. You know, a friend loveth at all times, the Bible says. So, you know, even though we're going to have people that are going to betray us in our lives, and believe me, Christian friends will betray you in your lives, but that doesn't mean you have to, you know, I'm just not going to make any friends, you know, because they're just going to betray me anyway. We shouldn't have that attitude. You know, and I've been stabbed in the back plenty of times as a pastor, thinking people are my friends. Oh, surely that person's going to be my friend to the end, but then I find out that they're not. You know, and then they just stab you in the back over any little thing. But it just goes to show that they were never really your friends in the first place. And watch out for flattery. Flattery, you know, I know that gets preached about a lot, but if someone's just buttering you up all the time, they're just, you know, oh, you're so great, you're so beautiful, your hair's so pretty, you know, or, you know, of course, guys, if someone's telling you that, then they're lying. All right, but we got to watch out for people that flatter us and try to make us feel like we're the, you know, because that's what people do when they want to, you know, they want to compartmentalize you and make you think, well, sure, this person's my great friend. But really, when people are always telling you only positive things about yourself and they never actually tell you things that you need to work on or maybe something that you did wrong to them, they're really not a good friend. Because an honest person, you know, sometimes friends come, they say, give me your honest opinion. And my response to that usually is this, are you sure you really want to hear my honest opinion? Because if you don't want to hear my honest opinion, then you can take that back right now and I won't give it to you. But sometimes, you know, a true friend is going to tell someone the honest truth that they, you know, they're asking for your opinion, well, give it to them, but give it to them honestly because a real friend is going to be honest with their friends, right? Number three, fake salvation. Watch out for spurious or fake salvation. You know what, that kind of, you're like, well, we got the right salvation here. Absolutely. But you got to watch out for it creeping in here. You got to watch out for people, you know, trying to say something as part of salvation that's really not. Let's look at Galatians chapter 1. Let's see what the Bible says about someone that would bring in a phony salvation or a fake salvation, and people try to do it. They try to do it in the Bible times. Remember the Pharisees would come down, they said that they believed, but then they would say, they told Paul, hey, you got to be, and the people there, you got to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to be saved. They're bringing in a false salvation, a spurious salvation, and to some people it might seem right. Well, like Moses was a great man of God. Yeah, we're supposed to keep the law, but we're not supposed to keep the law to be saved. See, that's the difference. They were teaching work salvation. Look what it says in Galatians chapter 1, because the apostle Paul has to get after the Galatians here because they've been Judaized. These Jews have come in and tried to teach them that salvation was something it wasn't, but look what Paul says about it. And look, we can have no mercy in situations like this. Someone comes into this church trying to preach a false gospel to people, you need to alert the leadership as soon as possible and make sure the pastor Shelley knows about it so he can come down and toss them out the door, or somebody else, anybody else. I don't think they want to mess with Samson, right? His arm's almost back to normal, you know. He's got that rock-em-sock-em robot power punch back. Anyway, Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 says, I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel. See, there's fake salvation out there. People want to drop mud or dirt into the clear salvation cup. You think about salvation as a crystal clear, pure glass of water, no chemicals in it, no bleach in it. What else? No fluoride, you know. It's just a pure glass of water, you know, straight from heaven, right? But people want to come in and they want to throw chunks of dirt clods into it. They want to throw, you know, and just think about this, if there was just one single speck of dog poop in a glass of water that was already crystal clear, pure, everything, but someone just put in a tiny flake of dog poop, would you drink it? It makes you sick just thinking about it, doesn't it? It does. And you know what? There should be no impurities in the gospel. There should be no impurities in the gospel message. That's why Paul is calling it another gospel. But then he says, which is not another. It's not the real gospel. It's just a false gospel. But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. That's what we got to look out for. These fake, false salvation peddling fools that would come into a church like this and try to spread their leaven in the church. Because that's what was happening here, right? They're gospel perverts. They're perverting, they're infecting the true gospel and trying to make it be, salvation be something that it's not. Look at verse 8, it says, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Now I don't know if you know what the word accursed means, but it means let them be damned. Let them be casted to hell. Paul is saying let them be cursed. Their life is a curse. Their death is going to be a curse. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which you have received, let him be accursed. So he says it twice. He's like, hey, just let me make myself clear one more time. Let that person be accursed. It doesn't say let's pray for that person. Let's bring that person into the fold. Let's try to change the way he thinks. When someone comes to your door that Jehovah's Witnesses and they're bringing another gospel, you should tell them get the hell out of here. If you're a kid, don't, you know, ask your parents. But you shouldn't be answering the door anyway, kids. All right, so, unless your parents get you. All right, so, but we have like Mormons that would come and try to preach a false gospel. And I used, look, I used to be the same way. So if you're this person, I understand, but like when the Bible tell, corrects you and tells you to do something different, that's what you should do. I used to, when they would come to my door, I would try, well, you know, I actually know the Bible and I'm going to tell you something, buddy, you know. And you sit there and you try to preach the gospel to them. You know how many people I've gotten saved doing that? Zero. And I've had a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons come to my door over the years. But, you know, when I actually just said, you know, I'm just going to believe what God said. And I'm going to just tell them, you know, don't wish them Godspeed. Don't say, God bless, because you're basically becoming partaker of their evil deeds. Do you want to be yoked up with a false prophet? You probably don't. So don't tell them God bless you. Don't wish them a happy day. You know, wish them to be accursed like the Apostle Paul says. You're preaching a false, they're preaching a false gospel. At that point, you know, I mean, how many Mormons have you actually gotten saved? Anybody? Gotten one Mormon saved in this room. Good night. See what I mean? It's like, and how many have you tried to give the gospel to? Who's actually tried to give the gospel to Mormons before? Everybody, pretty much. I mean, you try to give the gospel to them and they'll either do this. They'll either stonewall you or they'll either pretend like they're listening to you to waste your time. And then they'll spring the trap of their Mormonism and go, look at this little book. It's like, no, I don't want that book. You know? We have a guy in our church that, this is how he witnesses the Mormons, okay? He listens, you know, he listens to, or he asks them if they'll listen to what he has to say. And if they don't, he'll say, can I see your Book of Mormon? And then as soon as they handle the Book of Mormon, he just goes whoosh and rips it in half. I mean, that's one way to do it. I mean, I'd actually like to witness it sometime. I've only heard the legend of it, but anyway. Look what it says in verse 9. It says, as we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel than that which you have received, let him be accursed. Look, we've got to watch out for people peddling a false salvation. We can't be in agreement with them. We can't be friendly with them on any way, shape, or form. Now, obviously, if somebody's just ignorant and we're at their door and we're trying to tell them the real gospel, I'm not saying be mean to them. When we go to people's doors, we should be nice to people. We should be trying to win them over. But, you know, give them two scriptures. If they don't want to hear it, go on to the next door. But it says in verse 10, for do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. So what is Paul saying? He said, hey, am I the one that persuades people or is it God? Or do I seek to please men? You know, if Paul was seeking to please men, he would put on man-made works. Because what happens when you go to someone's door? What do they usually say that is getting them to heaven? If they say they're going to heaven, what do they say? I'm a good person. I heard it a couple times yesterday. I'm a good person. You know, all you have to do is be a good person. So every man will proclaim everyone his own goodness, the Bible says. So every person's going to say that they're a good person. Everybody thinks that they're a good person. Nobody really usually thinks that they're a rotten person when you go to their door. I mean, unless they go, well, I worship Satan. You know, they're just like, okay, whatever, you idiot. But, you know, we're not supposed to be out there to please men. Because if we wanted to please them, we would just tell them, hey, well, you're right. You know, it is being a good person. Have a good day. But that's a false gospel. You know, the Bible says we're supposed to please God. And sometimes we have to give people the hard truth. And, you know, we wouldn't be the servants of Christ if we weren't going out and telling people the truth about the gospel. And, hey, any other gospel, which is not really another one, is accursed. These people are accursed by God and we can have no fellowship with them. And we can't allow it to even drop in. Not even a flake of a dog turd into the gospel of salvation. Nothing, not a piece of dirt, not a piece of sand, nothing can be there to muddy up the gospel. You've got to preach a clear gospel when you go out sowing it. Number four, we've got to watch out for fake Christians. Now, I already said fake friends, but fake Christians is a reality. Now, look at Galatians chapter two, there's maybe a page over in your Bible. Galatians chapter number two, there's false Christians out there. Now, not every false Christian is necessarily a false prophet. That's why I kind of have a different category for that. But false Christians are people that think they're saved and they're not really saved. But they could be false prophets. But look at Galatians chapter two verse four, it says, And that because of false brethren, unawares brought in who came in privily to spy out our liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. So in this case, it would be a false prophet. But there's false brethren, we call each other brothers and sisters in Christ, and we are. If you're saved, we're brothers and sisters in Christ. So sometimes we'll have people that are false brethren, they come in unaware. We don't realize necessarily that they are. They came in privily to spy out the liberty which they had in Jesus Christ. What's that liberty? That we're saved by faith alone, through Christ alone. And it's eternal security, right? Look at verse five, it says, Paul wouldn't even put up with them for one hour. He's like, see ya, you're outta here. God's not a respecter of persons. It doesn't matter who they are. I was talking about if LeBron James came in and came to church. Would people respect him as a person because he's LeBron James? I mean, think about that. Would you actually be a respecter of persons? Oh, could I get your autograph, LeBron, yeah. What if he was just coming in to sit in church? I mean, would you go, here, bring Samson and he could be your footstool. No, you're not gonna do that. You shouldn't do that. We shouldn't be respecters of persons. God, it doesn't matter to God. If a person is equal in his sight like that, it says, for who they seem to be, somewhat in conference added nothing to me. It doesn't matter if they're Pharisees. It doesn't matter if they're a pastor at some other church. It doesn't matter what high ranking person you think they are. There's like people that think that there's like high ranking people within just like the new IFB or whatever. It doesn't matter. They're not better than anybody else. We shouldn't be respecters of persons, and that's gonna help us to smoke out these false brethren like this. Because, you know, well, everybody thinks that they're a great person. But if you see that they're preaching something that's false, you have to say something. And there's gonna be false Christians that creep in, and they're gonna pretend like they're just one of us. Look at 2 Corinthians 11. Because what's the damage that gets done by a fake Christian? Well, the damage can be severe. The Apostle Paul has this list of things that he went through, and it's in 2 Corinthians 11 verse 24. It says, Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes, save one. So five times he got beaten with 39 stripes. I mean, that's a spanking. I mean, usually three whacks will do it for one of my kids, you know. So back in the day when they used to get spanked all the time. But 39 times, five times, and I'm sure that there was a grown man doing it, or maybe multiple, you know, taking turns. I'll give ten, you give ten, I'll give nine, whatever. But, you know, this is a severe beating. Look what it says. Thrice was I beaten with rods. So sticks of some sort. That's three times. Once I was stoned. Thrice I suffered shipwreck. A night and a day have I been in the deep. In journeyings often, in perils of water, in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils by the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea. What does it say? In perils among false brethren. So false Christians can put you in peril. And what would they be doing? Well, it might not necessarily be a physical thing, but it could be. It might just be that they're working against you, trying to get people to hate you in the church. Because people do that. It doesn't necessarily have to be a false prophet. It could just be a false Christian. Someone that's, they actually, there's a lot of Baptists that think that they're saved, huh? Have you ever gone to a church and there's Baptists that think they're saved? They even believe in eternal security. But they believe you have to repent of your sins to get that, right? They believe that repentance is necessary as far as repenting of your sins. I believe repentance is necessary to salvation, but not repenting of your sins. But these types of people, they exist amongst even churches like ours, where they're just pretend Christians. They're fake Christians. And when you spot them out, obviously note that person. Mark that person in your mind. But obviously you don't want to just go and say, hey, this person's a false brethren. Go through the proper channels, okay? I'm not saying just smoke everybody out that you think is a false prophet. Because then we can just get into this mode where we're just trying to pick out, hey, who's the false Christian? They said something kind of weird when they were at my house last night. They were talking about the Nephilim. Just because someone believes in the Nephilim doesn't mean they're not saved, okay? You can talk them off the ledge. They watch too many YouTube videos or something. But anyway, yeah, the Nephilim's a dumb doctrine. But let's look at Luke chapter 20, verse 19. Luke chapter 20, verse 19. Luke chapter 20, verse 19, the Bible says, And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him, and they feared the people, for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them, talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, and they watched him and sent for spies who should feign themselves just men. So that word feign means fake. They're pretending to be these just men. And it says that they might take hold of his words that so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor. So these fake brethren, they came down, they pretended like they wanted to hear what Jesus had to say. But what were they really doing? They were spies. They were pretending to be just men. And what was the purpose? To take hold on his words. They wanted to catch him saying something that they thought was wrong. And so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor. And this kind of stuff happens today. People will watch sermons from me or my pastor friends, and they'll try to catch something that we say and turn it against us and tell everybody, oh, look, they're a false prophet because they said this or whatever. And basically, we say a lot of things, and it's etched on YouTube or on Facebook, whatever, forever. And do we mess up when we say things sometimes? Absolutely. My son said that the sin goes through the woman instead of the sin going through the man. You know, when the sin is passed, death by sin, so death passed upon all men for all sin. He said it was by the woman. Now, do you think he meant to say that? No. He didn't mean to say that, but he said it in a sermon. And so, you know, what do you do? Just delete the whole sermon because he accidentally made a mistake like that? No, I mean, we make mistakes. But there's always these people that come in, they creep in, or they're creeping in on our YouTube sermons. They don't like us. They don't care about us. They're false brethren. And all they want to do is try to catch something out of our mouths so they can accuse us. They want to catch something that we're doing so they can try to accuse us. And what were they trying to do? They're trying to get them in trouble with the actual government. You know, they're trying to get them in trouble through the governor, who was, you know, this is church stuff going on. They're trying to get them involved and in trouble with the governor. Look at verse 21. It says, And they asked him, saying, Master, we know that thou sayest and teacheth rightly. Do they really believe that? No, they don't. Neither acceptest thou the person of any, but teacheth the way of God truly. They're just lying. Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar or no? And so basically they're trying to trap him in his words to get him to say, No, it's not lawful for us to give unto Caesar. We shouldn't have to pay taxes. But Jesus confounded them. You know, Jesus told, he said, Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God the things that belong to God. Right? So, you know, he was always ready for their traps. No matter how good of a trap they tried to spring on him, Jesus was always ready for the false brethren. But we might not be as perceptive and smart and quick-witted as Jesus, obviously, because he was God, after all. And he knew their hearts. But we don't always know people's hearts. And so we do have to be aware of these false brethren that would come in and try to, you know, cause havoc in our life or cause havoc in our church. They talk about psychopaths at work. If you've ever studied any psychopathy, there's like these white-collar psychopaths. And those are the people at your workplace that are usually stirring up trouble everywhere they go. They're always talking bad about everybody to the boss, and then talking bad about the boss to you so they can get you to say something bad about the boss so they can go back and tell the boss what you said. It's the same type of situation that can happen at church. You know, we can have these same types of people that are just trying to cause trouble within the church. You know, they want to get you to say something about somebody else in church, so just don't talk bad about other people in church, and you won't have those problems. But this is the type of things that false brethren do. They come in. They spy. They pretend like they're your friends. They pretend like they're a Christian just like you, but in reality, they're not. They're seeking for an opportunity to betray you in some way, shape, or form. Number five, we need to be on the lookout for false Bible versions. Now you're like, well, we got this one covered. This is pure words about this church. I agree, and we should have it locked in what we believe about the Bible. The false Bible versions will always try to creep in. You know what people will accuse us of is believing the King James and the spurious Greek that the King James was translated out of, which is complete garbage. It's complete rubbish. They just want their Bible of the month to be promoted, and people will always, you know, nobody's ever NIV only. They're never NASB only. It's always every Bible version is good except the King James. So that opposite of that is actually true. Turn to Psalm chapter 12, verse 6. Of course, you guys probably know this verse by heart. Is the verse behind me? Well, it's partially behind me. Psalm chapter 12, verse 6. Look, God, you know, if you believe in a Bible that is always changing and says in a bunch of Bibles that just believe or say different things, if they say all different things, then that means they're not all the same, doesn't it? And if they're not all the same, then they're not the Word of God, because God is not the author of confusion. You know who the author of confusion is? The devil. Why would he want to have a bunch of false Bible versions around for people, for Christians to stumble upon? Because he wants people to be confused. He wants the world to be confused about the Bible version issues, and so when we go to someone's door with the King James Bible in our hand, and what do they usually bring? Oh, I got a Bible. Well, what Bible do you got? The NIV? Or they got five different Bibles and they're all different versions? You know, we got that exchange program that we got to get going. You know, when you get someone saved, ask them if they have another Bible and just exchange it out for a real one, right? I mean, you guys give out Bibles here, don't you? But look what the Bible says in Psalm chapter 12, verse 6. It says, the words of the Lord are pure words. As silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times. So it's a very pure word. It's so pure that it's perfect. It says in verse 7, thou shalt keep them. So whose responsibility is it to keep the word of God? It's God's responsibility, isn't it? He uses men to do that, obviously. But it says, thou shalt keep them, O Lord. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation. And for how long? Forever. The Bible says, forever is thy word settled in heaven. So we got to be on the lookout for false Bible versions. Why? Because those are the things that will corrupt us. I've been hearing a little bit about different King James versions like the KJV 21st century. Anybody heard of that one? They're always trying to come in and say, well, we just soften the language a little bit. We just change the thes and the thows. There's a version called the KJVER. And you know what that stands for? Easy Reader. So they take out the thes and the thows, but they take out a lot more than that. And it looks like it's almost done by Ray Comfort because in the back it has a lot of stuff. It's Ray Comfort stuff. And that version's trash because it's not just that they changed the thes and the thows. And they changed more than that. And if they changed, obviously if it says there's an s at the end instead of a th. I mean, you know, when it has the th, that is like a plural sound, right? It's supposed to be plural. So, but that's not all they're changing. They're changing full words. And so we've got to be on the lookout for, you know, obviously we know at this church it's never going to be NIV or NLT or HIV or whatever. But we know the New King James version is bad. They tried to get the King James people with that a long time ago. And it did work. Because, you know, if someone doesn't understand a King James, the real problem is that they're not saved. So Brother Omar got a young lady saved yesterday. And at the end he was kind of just telling her some stuff. And he said, now you have the Holy Spirit. Now you can understand the Word of God. And he basically said, I think this is what he said, is that, you know, she, that you've probably read the Bible before and didn't understand it. And she nodded her head like this and said yes. That's because people have tried, you know, they try to read the Bible. And that's a frustrating thing for an unsaved person. First of all, they're unsaved. They think that they're saved. You know, they think that they can read the Bible and understand it. But then they pick it up and try to read it. And they can't understand it. How much more confusing would it be if it was an NIV or something else? But the Word of God, you know, they're trying to dumb the Bible versions down so that people that are unsaved can understand it. But they still can't understand it. They still can't understand, you know, the corrupted Word of God. They're not going to get it. But more so, the true Bible, why are they trying to dumb it down? Because people don't understand it because they're not saved. But see, people that are saved, it's not hard to read the King James. I mean, if you just read it, you're going to learn it. And if you don't understand a word, look it up. Look in its context. You know, look at the first use that was made in the Bible. And then usually it will give you the definition of the word for you. But don't just give up because you don't understand, you know, what propitiation means. You know, propitiation is like one of the biggest words in the Bible. But it just means the appeasement. You know, it's the propitiation, what God required of mankind, Jesus provided that. Propitiation. And it's that He's a propitiation for our sins. That means He's the appeasement of the wrath of God for us. So, I mean, it seems like a hard word, but like if you just ask God to teach you and to show you great and wondrous things out of His law, He will do it if you're saved. And if you're not saved, then you're not going to understand it no matter how hard you try it. You might understand that, you know, Noah put all these different animals on the boat. You know, but the spiritual things of the Bible you're never going to get. And so, but it's God's job to preserve them. And so we have a preserved word of God. It's the King James. There's no reason to make a 21st century King James version. This isn't, you know, it's not like you can't understand what it says. You can understand what it says. Now, are there words in there that are not usually used in common conversations? Yeah, there is. But does that mean that you can't understand it? Do we need to have a whole other version because you don't know what that word means? All the words in this book are in a regular modern dictionary. Maybe you just need to get smarter. Maybe you just need to read and do some more reading and you'll get smart. Reading is what gets you smart. Watching YouTube videos doesn't make you any smarter. It might teach you some things, watching, preaching, I get that. But most people that have watched, you know, any of the documentaries that are done, they can't necessarily explain all those doctrines if they just sit there with someone and sat down with them and explained it to them. You know, you can't get after the tribulation and then you're going to just explain the whole film to somebody right afterwards. You actually have to know the material. You have to know, you know, you can't just fake a test. You know, a lot of people will just like watch a video and then they go take a test. And that's just not going to stick into you like reading it. Who's trying to get their license anytime soon or has had their license? They have these books that are the most dry books ever. You know, these DMV books, right, and they're like this thick. You know, if you're a CDL operator, oh man, you're in trouble. If it's hazmat, ugh, you know, I had to read this hazmat book to get my hazmat and it was like, it's like literally watching paint dry. And it was torturous for me. See, I like to read stuff that I like to read. You know, most people don't like to read boring stuff unless you're, you know, a sneaker wearing nerd or something like that, right? I'm just kidding. But I'm just kidding. But most people don't like to read dry, boring stuff. But, you know, if you read the Bible, it's not going to be boring to you. You know, you've got to read it. You've got to get it. But these DMV books, they're like super boring. But you know what, you're going to pass the test if you read the book more than if you just watch some video. If someone instructs you verbally, it's usually not the only way people learn. Some people are visual learners. But most people, it's going to stick in your brain a lot more if you read it. That's why God didn't have, you know, DVDs passed down from generation to generation. He had the book. You know why? Because he said he wants us to read it. He wants us to understand it. And, you know, if you don't read it, you're not going to understand it. You're not going to read. Have you not read? That's the question Jesus always asks people. Have you not read? You don't know the answer to that question? Maybe you should have read. If you're a leader, a master in Israel, and you don't know what these things mean, maybe you should have read the book. You know, and that's what he's told in Nicodemus. So we've got to be on the lookout for these false Bible versions. They're false. You know, don't get all hung up on, you know, oh, this is too hard for me to read. It's not too hard for you to read. You just have to be saved, and you have to actually put some effort into it. You know, put your eyeballs on the page. You can read the book one year. You read seven and a half minutes in the morning, seven and a half minutes at night, and you're going to read the whole Bible in one year if you're an average reader. So false prophets, that's another thing that we need to look out for. These spurious prophets, these false prophets, and Jesus said that we need to be aware of them. Look at Matthew chapter 7. So number six is false prophets. We need to be aware of false prophets. According to Matthew chapter 7 verse 15, it says, Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Well, why does Jesus want us to be aware of them? Because they look like us, they talk like us, they act like us, and this has kind of been a theme throughout this sermon, but, you know, these are actual false prophets. These are people that someone would follow and follow their teachings like John MacArthur and, you know, Billy Graham when he was alive. Franklin Graham, we don't beat up on Franklin Graham enough, do we? He's, you know, he's the spawn of Billy Graham. Do you think Franklin Graham saved? No. He took over what his dad is doing, but he gets a pass. You know, I'm going to have to come up with a whole sermon for him. But you've got a lot of people out there that are false prophets. The Bible says there will be many false prophets. It's not just going to be a few, it's going to be many. And they come to you in a sheep's clothing. They come to you looking nice. They come to you talking nice. And they're really, you know, they just are, they lay it on thick like Joel Osteen, you know, obviously. He lays it on pretty thick, doesn't he? He's got a million dollar grill, you know, got all of his teeth redone, and he looks like Martin Short. But anyway, I can't unsee it. I can't. But anyway, yeah, they look, he looks real nice. He talks real nice, doesn't he? He looks the part. He wears a suit and tie. You know, he looks, you know, and he talks. He has such a sweet spirit. He's so nice. You know, he talks about not letting the devil steal your joy. And, you know, don't let the devil steal your joy. Someone just flips you off in the car. You know, don't let the devil steal your joy. You don't have to chase after him. You know, he just like, he lures you in, you know. I was listening to a sermon by Brother Stuckey the other day, and he said that he's actually a panic, like he's a tongue talker. And I've never, I didn't know that. Like, I don't know where he got the information from, but I believe him. But, you know, that's pretty weird. He doesn't tongue talk on TV, though, does he? You know why he doesn't? You know why he doesn't? Because he, you know, some of these tongue talkers lose people right when they first start babbling, right? These Kenneth Copeland type people and, you know, COVID-19, blah, blah, blah, whatever. You know, there's a lot of false prophets out there, and they all have their own little niche. And you know what Joel Osteen's niche is? To be super nice, super sweet, come to my, you know, 20,000 arena, and pay, people have to pay to go to church there. You've got to pay to go to church there. It's like, hey, you guys are lucky. I mean, you didn't have to pay to get in here this morning, did you? But I think it's like hundreds of dollars. Hundreds of dollars to go to church there. It's like, wow. And then you've got to put stuff on the offering plate. I mean, he's really literally fleecing the flock. But the Bible, Jesus says, beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they're ravening wolves. You're not going to realize it unless you hear what they say. See, it's the things that come out of someone's heart that defile them. And when you hear the message of Joel Osteen, sometimes it's the non-message. He really doesn't say a lot about doctrine, does he? Because he just wants you to feel good about yourself. He's like Tony Robbins or something. He's like, I just want you to feel great when you walk out of church today. Sometimes you've got to feel like crap when you leave church. Sometimes you've got to have a swift kick in the pants and feel like, hey man, I've really got to get this right in my life because I'm messing up. That's what the Word of God is supposed to do to you. It's supposed to help you, instruct you. It's supposed to help you get better, not get worse. And so these false prophets that come in and they come in pretending like they're one of the sheep, they're really not. They just want to devour you. They want your money, and they want to send people to hell. I mean, that's ultimately they work for the devil. They're sons of Belial. They're children of the devil. Look what it says in verse 16. He shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. So obviously we know there's certain kinds of trees that grow certain kinds of fruits. You see a tree that looks like an orange tree? It has oranges on it. That's a good tree because it has oranges. You get vitamin C and whatever. In Britain, they call it vitamin C. But anyway, I'm going to make fun of my British friends over there. But when you look at a tree, you should be able to inspect that fruit. The tree is these false prophets that are likened to this tree. But if all they bring forth is bad fruit, if everything that they bring forth is just unsaved people, then you should be able to see the fruit that they produced that is rotten. And so when you see a good tree and they're bringing forth good fruit, they're bringing forth saved people, they're getting people baptized or teaching people the Bible, then that's a good tree. And they're bringing forth good fruit. That's how you know the difference. And so if someone comes out and says, Hey, I'm a good tree, but then they try to take your church over by some weird type of way by going and filling out some paperwork and saying they're now the president of Steadfast Baptist Church, then what does that tell you about that person? Those scumbags don't even go to that church. All three of them scum. All three of them reprobate. And so you should know them by their fruits. And how did they first come out? I mean, obviously, Seth, the weirdo that he is, has been just going after your pastor for a long time now. But Ryan came out against me pretending like he's just this champion of justice and he's exposing Pastor Thompson for all the evils that he's done. But look at their fruit. Look at their fruit. He's a total failure. He's a total Judas. And what did he do after he made videos about me and lied about me and maligned me? Then he goes and goes after your pastor. I thought it was just about me, though. You see how you can see their fruit? It wasn't just about taking me down. It was about taking the whole thing down. That's what it's always been about. And you have to look at the fruit that they bring forth. What's the fruit? Wickedness. They basically stole the church's money. What were they after? What do they say they're trying to do? They're trying to help people get out of the cult or whatever. They're trying to help people. They're getting ripped off. But what are they really after? What do they really go after? The bank account. Why did they go after the bank account? Because that's what's in their hearts. It really is all about just being evil. Don't say they didn't even spend the money. It's just sitting there. It doesn't matter. They still took it out of a bank account that didn't belong to them, that wasn't started by them, and put it into their own bank account. That is stealing by definition. It doesn't matter if they've spent the money or not. I keep seeing people say, well, how do you know they spent the money? It doesn't matter. They took the money from your church, from Steadfast Baptist Church, from your pastor, and put it in another bank account. That's theft. And the way that they did it is some little stupid loophole which was easily proven by your pastor's video last night. But what are they trying to do? They're trying to make you guys think your pastor's evil. Your pastor's not evil. Your pastor's a good man. Your pastor's a good friend. Your pastor's a good pastor. He cares about you. And what fruit are you going to look at? Look at Pastor Shelley's fruit. And you're like, well, people are always mad at him. Well, yeah, he preaches the Bible. You know why people aren't always mad at Joel Osteen? Because he doesn't preach the Bible. But as soon as he didn't let everybody into the Superdome or whatever the dome was, the Houston Rockets place, the old, what's the name of the place? The Summit. The Summit. As soon as people, you know, the hurricane came through and he didn't want to put all these homeless people into the summit, then they turned on him too, didn't they? They're always going to turn on us no matter what. But Pastor Shelley is nothing like Joel Osteen. Joel Osteen is a covetous wolf and a false prophet. Your pastor is, you know, he's got a program going here. And Houston is a humongous city and the sky's the limit for this church. You guys are just scratching the surface. You know, you've got about 35 people in here today. But this church is going to grow. Even if it grows slow, it's still going to grow. But you guys got to get plugged in and be on the program because, you know, you've got a great pastor and he's doing great things for the Lord and he wants you to follow him while he does great things. But if you're always, you know, looking at chatter and what people say, what people say isn't always the truth. You have to see the fruit. And the fruit of Seth Bookout is wickedness, is it not? The fruit of Leslie Romero is wickedness also. And the fruit of Ryan Gallagher is also wickedness. He was a failure that I was trying to replace. And people that know, know that that's true. He tried to turn Pastor Jimenez against me. He tried to turn my church members against me. He tried to destroy our church. And when he didn't get what he wanted, he just made more videos with more lies on it. So, and I don't know if Chad is just a useful idiot or an unsaved devil. I haven't really decided that yet. But both of them were evangelists, right? So that would make them prophets, wouldn't it? What's their fruit? I mean, you got to look at their fruit. That's how you know whether they're false or not. Like, well, he doesn't preach a false gospel. Did you know that Judas, do you know if Judas preached a false gospel or not? Does it say that he did? Does the Bible actually say, and then Judas preached a false gospel? And that's how they knew. No, Judas preached, he probably preached the right gospel. But he was not saved himself, so he didn't get other people saved. You know, despite what Natalie Perry says, he did not get more people saved than the rest of the disciples. You got to judge them by the fruit. What were they after? Well, it sounds like they're after Steadfast Baptist Church. It sounds like they're after Sure Foundation Baptist Church. You know, Ryan wanted to make this documentary while he was at our church, and it's called Upon the Circle. Anybody heard of that? Well, it was three years ago, and believe me, I was on him about it because you know what? Other people were on me. He wasn't feeling the heat from anybody besides me, but I had people go, hey, when's Upon the Circle? And people were making comments, and people tried to get their money back from GoFundMe because he basically petitioned people to help with the film. And I'm glad that I never just said, hey, will you donate to Sure Foundation Baptist Church for this movie? Because I didn't do that. And I'm glad. That was like one of the smartest things I've done. But, you know, he made a video where he actually doxed your pastor online, and then in that video, mentioned how that he couldn't prove that the earth was, you know, either way, whether it was flat earth or not. And then like, so basically, he took this trip around the world where he charged up thousands of dollars on credit cards. You know, he wasted our church's resources. He wasted pastors' resources that I had come preach at our church, you know, woke poor Pastor Anderson up at the crack of dawn to have him do this interview, you know, and, you know, just wasted his time. Wasted Pastor Jimenez's time. Wasted Pastor Robinson's time. You know, Pastor Robinson came and preached a sermon. Wasted his time. And then for what? For him not to make the movie? I mean, I would venture to say, and I'm 99% sure that this is true, that he never did one single thing on that film besides make a trailer. But he said, I'm working on it. I'm working on it. Let's see it. Let's see where it's at. But now that he conveniently became a lawyer, you know, I sent him out to start a church, he becomes a lawyer. I sent him out to start a church, he becomes a lawyer, you know, or whatever. He just passed the bar exam. And then the first thing he does is tries to steal a church away from their congregants and the pastor. Where's the fruit? Look at the fruit. The fruit's rotten. And, you know, I would say, you know, his wife called Jasmine, you know, Jasmine and Dylan, and was warning them that instead, you know, that Dylan wasn't going to have a job, you need to help Dylan find a new job. And I wondered whether she was doing that out of the kindness of her heart or whether she was doing that just to gloat or something because they, you know, because the next day is when everything broke loose. It's not like she actually had time to find a job for Dylan or whatever. But, you know, we were all, I mean, we knew what was going on. So, but the fact is, is that she was also calling Pastor Mahia a false prophet. She's now saying that Faithful Word Baptist, you know, she's going around messaging women, so if she's messaging you, you know, don't feel special about it. She's doing it to everybody else too. Same MO. How's your family? How's your children? We love you. We know that thou art true. We know that thou art holy, you know, just like we are, you know. And then she says, by the way, Pastor Mahia preaches a false gospel. By the way, you know, we're just fighting against the P being preached in Tulip at Faithful Word Baptist Church and FWBCLA. The P in Tulip is perseverance of the saints, okay. Supposedly that's being preached. So see, you see what I'm saying? It's not like, you know, they came out with this video attacking me, attacking my family, and saying some of the most vile and lying, wicked things about me that they could possibly say. You know, the first thing that they do is they team up with the worst scumbags on the face of the planet, which is Seth and Leslie and all these people and the Reason Files and all these wicked people. You know, they're harding their comments. They're liking their comments. And that should just tell you right away, if they jumped in with the trash, then what does that make them? If you throw trash, or if you throw something in the trash, what does it become? It becomes trash. So these people right away are full-on trash people. So, you know, if Jesus says that you shall know them by their fruits, then what is the fruit of Ryan Gallagher? It's disgusting. It's wicked. What's the fruit of Seth Bookout? Is he like some champion of justice that's trying to help you all get out of your cult? No, he's a wicked little troll, is what he is. I saw him on that video going, trying to look all tough and cool. Fat little troll. What a liar. And then he just comes, and then he just goes and tries to, you know, convince everybody that Pastor Shelley is a false prophet and all this other stuff. And he's a flat earther. And I don't know if Ryan's a flat earther, but he did say he can't prove it. But I have proof. I put a video out last night that shows that he did say that he believed that the earth was round. But which one is it? I mean, this is the thing. These types of people, they just will lie out of convenience. They don't even really believe what they're saying. And they're wicked. And they're false prophets. It says, wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Look at Jude chapter one, the only chapter in Jude. Pretty easy to find. It's right before Revelation. I only got a couple more minutes here, but, oh, one more minute. I didn't really get a timetable, though. Is it okay if I preach for a little bit longer? You guys don't have church until 5.30, so I could really go to like three if I really needed to. So, look at Jude 1-3, it says, Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. And so we're supposed to contend. We're supposed to fight. People get upset, oh, there's all these battles going on all the time. There's gonna be battles. There's gonna be a fight. We're supposed to earnestly, that means seriously contend for the faith. And it's not just salvation. It's other doctrines also. It's the truth. It's soul winning. What's the end game of these trolls and these people that hate our guts to where they just spend hours and hours combing through sermons, combing, trying to splice together all these things that they want to say and make us look bad with or whatever. They have no life. How are they even paying their bills? What are they on, welfare or something? Are they living in Mamaw's basement? I mean, how do they have time to do this? I don't know, the devil's given them plenty of time apparently to do all this stuff, but why do they do it? What's the ultimate goal? Look at what it says in verse four. For there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. Ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not. And the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise, also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil of dignities. These are just the worst types of people. It says yet Michael the archangel contending with the devil disputed not about the body of Moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee. But these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the heir of Balaam for what? Reward. In those things they corrupt themselves. So what is the ultimate goal of these guys I think? Ultimately it's gain seen. It's greed. They want money. But not only that they want to tear down every soul winning church that they possibly can. I saw a comment on YouTube that said oh we'd love to get a look at faithful words. The bank statements. Why did they do all this? What is one of the reasons to get the bank statements? So they could accuse Pastor Shelley? But you know what? They don't have anything. They have nothing. And so what trick are they going to pull out next? Who knows? But you know what I would say to you is this. Look at their fruit and then look at the fruit of the pastors in this movement. Look at what we're trying to do. We're trying to just win back as much of America to God as we possibly can while we have the time to do it. We're trying to get an army together of soul winners to go out and just preach the gospel and get as many people saved as possible. We're trying to preach the word of God in spirit and in truth. We're trying to make sure that families are normal again. We want families to be normal. We want families to be like the nuclear family used to be supposedly. You know where you got moms staying home and taking care of their kids. Dads going out and working by the sweat of their brow. We want children to grow up in normal houses. Not where they have to be called different pronoun names and stuff like is going on in schools today. Hi he, she, it, they, there. How are you today? What a crazy world we're living in. It's fake. It's spurious. It's wicked. And you know we got wicked people like this creeping around our churches. You know they're stalkers. They're flat out stalkers. And they're allowed to get away with it because it's against Christians. They're allowed to get away with all the wicked and evil stuff that they do because Satan is their father, the god of this world. And he's allowing them to operate. But ultimately, you know what, I've read Revelation, I've read the whole Bible and guess what, we win at the end. So regardless of whether they stop anything that we do or put a roadblock or a monkey in the ranch or a wrench in the monkey or whatever, they're going to try to stop us at any way that they can by the worst and most vile ways that they can. But we still have to fight, you know, and we still have to do things the right way. I could reveal to you so many things about some of these people that I know personally about them. But you know what, I can't do that. Because you know what, there's a thing called integrity. And that's what a pastor is supposed to have, some integrity. I could tell you lots of things about the Gallagher's that I won't tell because it would be a breach of confidentiality. But there's things that are confidential that I could tell you. But I'm not going to because maybe it's just a sermon for another time. And I'm out of time. But let me just tell you this. If they're going around calling pastors false prophets because they don't think that someone that says that they're saved and goes and becomes a full-blown Mormon, they think that they're still saved. That's the P in TULIP that we're supposedly preaching. Because we think that if someone becomes a Roman Catholic and fully converts to Roman Catholicism, but you said you were saved and you were in a Baptist church, but that person's still saved because if you believe not, that's retarded. That's ridiculous. It's not preaching perseverance. It's just saying, hey, some people pretend to be saved and they're really not. That's what it really is. It has nothing to do with perseverance of the saints. It has to do with whether someone's real or whether they're spurious, whether they're real or whether they're fake. And someone that becomes a full-blown Mormon is not really saved. Sorry, I don't believe that. And I don't think anybody in this room really believes that. Well, if we believe not, yeah, he abideth faithful, you're taking that out of context. It's not what it's talking about. Because then everybody is just saved and, you know, we don't have to worry, don't even go soul-winding, you know, because everybody's just saved. That's stupid. But we got to watch out for these spurious people. We got to watch out for spurious Bible versions. We got to watch out for a false balance. There's a lot of things we got to watch out for in this world. And we got to be a little, we got to walk in this world with a little more, you know, we got to stop paying attention to all the talking heads and the loud voices that are just screaming what they want and just focus on this book. If your pastor's preaching the Bible, then he's doing a good thing. But if he's preaching, you know, these bozos aren't even in church. And if they are in church, I'm sure that their pastor doesn't know what they're going around doing or they'd probably kick them out. Obviously, Dirty Donnie probably isn't going to church anywhere. But the Gallagher's supposedly are going to a great soul-winning church. See, that was their angle was to try to get me to, you know, try to get everybody to say, oh, they're just whistleblowers. They're just blowing the whistle. But then now look at them. Now look at them. See, that was what was truly in their heart the whole time. So, and if Chad's actually a saved guy and he just got caught up as a useful idiot with Ryan, then, you know, I hope he just, you know, gets right with God. But if he's not, then we'll know by his word. You know, the first thing he did is made his own Bible way to heaven after he quit being an evangelist. So it's like, why would you do that? Do you think there's something special? Well, now we're going to follow Chad Argonne's ministries or something. It's weird. People are strange. People are fake. But, you know, we've got a lot of real people in this room. Thank God for it. Let's pray. Lord, thank you so much for this great church here. Lord, I pray that they would just realize and just see things for what they are, Lord. I pray you'd give us discernment, Lord. I pray you'd help us to see things for what they are. Lord, we can't believe every video. We can't believe every accusation that comes out. Lord, we've got to believe what's true and what's right. And, Lord, you told us to look at their fruit. And what is their fruit? And when these false prophets come out against pastors and my pastor friends, Lord, I pray that people just, instead of listening to the lies, that they would just listen to what's being said that's true. I pray you'd just help people to look at the fruit that these people have and the fruit of the other side and make that decision based upon that instead of just every little fake diamond, every little fake thing that they come out with and pray that you'd just help us to have eyes to see and ears to hear. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.