(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) that you would be a Pastor Thompson now. Fill in with your spirit and give us ears to hear and in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. All right, well good morning. It's great to see everybody again and I was supposed to come in August but some Rona stuff happened and it got all messed up so but I am thankful to be back here. I appreciate Pastor Mejia inviting me to come and I also appreciate the church showing up and listening to me preach this morning and tonight I'm preaching a different kind of sermon so I'll try not to keep you in prison for too long here today but I do have a lot of notes. So Pastor Mejia, I don't know if you remember the Red Hot Preaching Conference, well Pastor Mejia had 14 pages of notes and I had what did I say eight and it took me like an hour and 15 minutes to preach that sermon. So I'll try to be faster than I normally am, it's one hour per page so anyway I'm just kidding. So before I get started preaching though I wanted to do something for Pastor Mejia. He is at the half of three score and ten today. Today is his birthday so I wanted to have everybody sing happy birthday to Pastor Mejia today and I'll lead that. Can I get the piano player back up here though real quick? All right you know happy birthday? Okay I just want to make sure. All right so at our church when we sing happy birthday to someone we instead of saying their name and everybody says the wrong thing, we just say God bless you and keep you happy birthday to you. Is that okay? You guys good with that instead of saying Pastor Mejia, Brother Mejia or whatever? Okay right. So he's halfway to his you know we're only promised three score and ten right? So he's halfway there he said I'm in my prime but really he's halfway there. All right let's sing happy birthday, ready? all right let's get into some preaching here so let's look at Luke chapter 19 let's look at verse number 12 and it says he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them occupy till I come but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us and of course we know that this is a parable but the Lord Jesus Christ is alluding to the fact that there the Jews would not have Jesus to rule over them when he was there and so let's flip over to verse number 27 after he gets done telling the rest of the parable he says this he says but my but those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me now so do you think that that this was an ungraceful move by the Lord Jesus Christ because there's a lot of people out there preaching this hyper grace that you know we're always supposed to be nice no matter what but if you look at the scriptures you'll see a overarching theme and when I began to study this sermon I just saw so much scripture on this and basically the title so the title my sermon this morning is savage it's savage and so right here we see Jesus Christ being savage he's he's just slain these people before them and they're like and they were like could I get a little grace he's like no and so he slew them he had them slain before him and so there's many instances like I said where God's men are being savage now I'm not talking about just being some like savage dog or some savage cannibal you know there's different meanings for the term savage now at this church I know you guys use it in different ways also but I'm gonna give you some definitions but before I do that I want to pray so let's let's pray Lord we thank you so much for this great day and for pastor Mahia pray that he'd be blessed on his birthday Lord pray that you'd help me to preach this sermon by the power of your Holy Spirit Lord and I pray you fill me now and fill the congregation with your spirit as I begin to preach in Jesus name amen alright so after the Red Hot preaching conference there was some attacking going on and you heard a certain you might have heard or heard of a sermon called savage that wasn't very savage okay so it was talking about that basically pastor Mahia and his gang of thugs in the rod of iron room and all this other stuff right and how that savage is this reprobate behavior and that we were acting like reprobates and we were not filled with the spirit during the Red Hot preaching conference but here let me tell you this the Red Hot preaching conference is supposed to be Red Hot and it's supposed to be preaching against something every single time all right it's supposed to be hot we're not having the edification conference we're having the what we want to be edified obviously but it's not called the edification conference it's called the Red Hot preaching conference and so when you know sometimes you gotta you gotta say things how they need to be said sometimes you got to get savage in your in your preaching and sometimes in the Bible people would be savage indeed and in works also so you'd see them say some some gangster stuff basically and then they would carry out these gangster type deeds and I'm not you know I'm just I'm just playing around when I say that but so we got attacked we got called out but basically what we get called out for for being savage in our preaching right where we were accused of not preaching spirit-filled stuff but it's it but we were you know basically what we're doing is we're taking out the trash when it came to a bunch of freeloaders that are backstabbing our friends and you know they're preaching these passive-aggressive and gaslighting sermons for months and months and months I thought we gave some grace you know enough is enough at some point we got to call things out for what they are and so it's funny that people get you know they they like the savage preaching until it's against them right they don't like it once against them so I'm gonna give you some definitions you know of savage you know because we have some frenemies that basically just accuse us of not being spirit-filled frenemies is a friend that's kind of this really your enemy it's like frenemy I don't know if you've ever heard of that not but anyway the first definition of savage is this of an animal or force of nature fierce violent and uncontrolled pack of savage dogs roam the streets that's the little sentence it gives now I wouldn't say that that's how we were supposed to be but it says the number two definition kind of can fit it says of something bad or negative it doesn't always have to be bad it could just be negative and sometimes we got to preach negative stuff sometimes we have to have negative actions not everybody you know likes it when we kick people out of churches but sometimes it's necessary and sometimes we have to preach against things that are going on in the church and that's necessary they can't just be hyper grace and hyper spiritualism all the time and then oh you guys have no love we got plenty of love I saw a list of soul winners and different so many times you guys have here and it seems like you care about people it seems like you love people and it seems like you want to bestow grace upon people because look if we didn't care about people we wouldn't go soul winning we just wouldn't do it we'd be like okay well let's just preach savage every week and and you know we get accused of just only preaching the reprobate doctrine and things like that which is not true but you know what we got to preach it more in 2020 than we did last year and next year guess what we're gonna preach it some more because there's always new people coming in and there's always new people that need to hear the truth because right now you got a bunch of people and that's all they preach is grace I literally saw Paul Chappell his YouTube page and he was there was like a 32 week series on grace I mean how much more grace do we need to hear about we know what grace is and I like to bestow grace and I'm a graceful guy but sometimes you got to get savage right so it says of something bad or negative very great or severe so and also there's a number three definition is a brutal or vicious person so and then number four is especially of a dog or wild animal attack ferociously and maul okay so there's your definition but there's also a slang definition for the word savage and it's it's the first so savage means or is meant to be meant as brutal or aggressive since the 1500s but since the 1990s savage has also been slang for excellent okay so sometimes we got to have some excellent preaching right and it says and it's and has especially become to describe a remark as hilariously but ruthlessly on point hilariously or ruthlessly on point so when you kind of sting someone with your words but it's it's on point but it's also you know it is negative but it's funny at the same time right so you got lots of instances in the bible and look I literally had to taper this down okay because there's just so much in the bible I mean just think about all the savage things that happen in the bible and I'm not talking about the enemies I'm talking about god and his people you know that a synonym for savage is terrible and the bible says that god is a terrible god and that we should be in awe of him and we should fear him why would we fear him because sometimes he gets savage so look and what would you expect that god's men would also have to get savage sometimes too sometimes we got to clean up we got a clean house and we got to preach some stuff that people might not like to hear so you know I guess it was just wrong for paul to rebuke peter wasn't it you know that you know why that story's in the bible because sometimes you got to rebuke a brother in christ sometimes you do and I guess it was wrong for the lord to call peter satan I mean he literally what's the worst thing you could probably call someone satan you know at first he says blessed art thou peter and the next thing you know he's saying get behind me satan you know sometimes the lord was a little savage in some of the things that he would say to the disciples wasn't he and they would just sit there and take it wouldn't they you know because sometimes you need to be rebuked sometimes you need to be told you're wrong and you need to be willing to take that rebuke because a lot of people they just they they cower down when they when they hear some rebuke and they can't take it and you should be able to be reproved and still you know man up and still stay you know oh I can't ever go back to that church they they said some mean things to me hey sometimes people need to say some mean things to you to get you right so we live in a time where the world views christians and christianity and past christian pastors as weak lily-livered ned flanders types preachers right who knows who ned flanders is okay i don't watch that show i don't you know i know who ned flanders is okay he's the guy that says haddily doodly you know he's he's like that geeky you know perception and that's how that's how the world views us and so like you got a lot a bunch of pastors out there today they're like hey i know you're you're a sodomite but haddily doodly welcome to my church it's like get out of here we don't need to we don't need to have no ned flanders preachers around here we need to have some men of god they're going to stand up and preach the truth and sometimes we got to get a little savage so um you know like i was saying about the hyper grace stuff that's going on it seems like our friends that were once our friends as soon as they're not our friends anymore they're all getting on to us because they're cussing from the pulpit you know and they're like i can't believe you said crap crap just means dumb dumb is a bible word it's just a synonym for the same thing it's not you know that's not cussing i'm sorry if you think that's cussing past me here if i'm wrong then you just you know whatever past when he says is right right so if you study like i said if you study the bible you're going to see the the god is a terrible god and that he's savage at times and his preachers are savage also let's look at colossians chapter four verse six but really the the i was going to preach his sermon before i ever heard that stupid sermon by michael johnson okay i was already gonna preach it you can ask him i already told him i was going to preach in october and august i was going to preach that before that sermon was ever even heard of but you know so this is the real savage sermon okay it's supposed to be so you're in colossians chapter four look at verse six it says let your speech be always with grace but see they forget the next part here it says seasoned with salt seasoned with salt that you may know how you have to answer every man and you know have you ever got sweat in your eyes you know that's salt that's coming out of your body what's it do it stings doesn't it it stings your eyes so salt can do a lot of things salt can preserve salt is a preserving food and it also puts flavor on your meat amen we all like flavor on our meat don't we so we're supposed to be uh we're always always supposed to have grace but we're supposed to be seasoned with salt okay we got to be a little salty you hear that term it's a modern day term that don't be salty like you're upset but we need to be salty sometimes so we can you know people need to hear the truth they can't just be always hyper grace and all this crap it has to have some salt on it it has to have some season and sometimes your preaching has to have a little salt on it okay salt is a white crystalline substance that gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for seasoning and preserving foods yeah our words preserve people you know when you give someone the gospel don't you have to tell them that they're a sinner first don't they have to admit that they're a sinner first that you know people don't like that but you know that's the salty part of our preaching that we have to tell people and you know what we have to tell people that there's a literal hell where yes people do roast there okay they roast like a hot dog down there so people do go to hell people do they they burn forever and it's no it's always day and night it's forever it's it's a prison that we're never going to be able to escape and we have to tell people that we can't be graceful about that oh it's just separation with god yeah no god's down there burning them up right so we have to we have to be graceful but we still have to put the salt on it right so um god wants us to be salty as christians so look at matthew chapter 5 verse 13 matthew chapter 5 verse number 13 i'm on page 2 and it's under an hour so that's good matthew chapter 5 verse 13 says you're the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted it is therefore good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden underfoot of men so when you lose your salt christian when you when you're just all grace and you're never salty you never give someone the salt that they need to you know because if you always just preach the gospel and you never tell people about hell you're not doing your job as a christian you've lost your savor and you're good for nothing and you're to be trot out and cast under the foot of men that's what the bible says look at luke chapter 14 verse 34 luke chapter 14 verse 34 i'm just going to start reading because i got to get through this quick luke chapter 14 verse 34 says salt is good but if the salt has lost have lost its savor wherewith shall it be seasoned it is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dung hill that says dung hill doesn't it you know what that is it's the crap pile okay it says but men cast cast it out he that hath ears to hear let him hear we have to be salty as christians we can't just be all grace all the time and the men of god in the bible were not like that jesus christ was not like that the apostle paul was not like that the apostle john was not like that the apostle peter was not like that there's john the baptist was not like that elijah was not like that elijah was not like that jeremiah was not like that isaiah was not like that none of the preachers in the bible were like that they were not hyper grace they told people how it was and they told people you know they sprinkled salt on these people and they told regardless of whether they received that message or not they've been salted turn to mark chapter nine mark chapter nine look over verse 48 the very famous chapter where jesus goes and tells people about hell and he and he really drives this point home he says it three times but i'm just going to show you verse 48 says where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched talking about hell look at verse 49 for everyone shall be salted with fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt everybody that we preach the gospel to every person that hears the gospel whether they go to hell or they go to heaven they've had some salt shaking on them haven't they and it's it's it's kind of strange wording here every salt every one shall be salted with fire the people that go to hell they've heard they've heard the salty message they just didn't like it and so they chose to not be saved and they end up in hell roasting like a hot dog okay and the people that hear that salty message and they're like hey i understand i'm a sinner i understand i deserve hell but you know what i'm going to call on the lord for my salvation and they believe on jesus and so look we have to be salt and light we have to shine the light in the dark place and we also have to shake salt on every single person and that's what the you know there was a covenant of salt every sacrifice that was received by god had to have what on it had to have salt didn't it so we can't just be grace grace grace hyper hyper grace oh do you have a little grace all the time okay so god has a lot of savage moments in the bible doesn't he well let's just go over some of them real quick and i don't have time to go through all of them because we'd be here literally for a long time for weeks so and i don't have that much time so but think about the the the times that god just rips on whores in ezekiel for like how many times does he say whore and harlot in that chapter or whoredoms several times and that's savage people hey you don't hear preachers getting up and preaching that hard most of the time jesus how about when jesus just rips the pharisees to shreds in matthew chapter 23 how about when jesus shuts the scribes up for the last time and they're like they they just don't ask any more questions like he just shuts them up he's savage you know and and when you're just reading it casually you might not see the savageness of what he's saying but think about this the pharisees were always there every time he went to go preach somewhere they went and followed and they were just standing there like this and so think about preaching that way who's got up here and preached at some point here in this building who's preached a sermon in this building raise your hand nobody you guys have to i've seen your sermons but look think about this so you're usually not in a hostile environment when you're preaching but jesus was always in a hostile environment where people hated him and wanted to kill him that's savage to be able to preach the stuff that he did knowing it was going to hair lip them every single time so how about when god wipes jerusalem like he wipes a plate he destroys jerusalem and he's like okay the dishes are done puts the plate away that's pretty savage isn't it how about when god fried sodom and gomorrah because there are wicked sinners before the lord exceedingly why because there were a bunch of sodomites even their children were turned into sodomites you know it's pretty savage to wipe out a whole four cities or whatever it was how about when moses destroys korah and he says if he dies to death of a normal man then you know god hasn't called me or whatever and then what happened the earth opened up he literally we get the term split hell wide open is when korah and all of his company dropped into hell right yeah can i get a little grace moses no he's wicked korah and hit and everything that pertained to him was was dropped into hell how about in the book of judges you know when those queers uh killed the uh levite's wife and then god said they they were like should we go up against benjamin and god's like yeah go up against benjamin and what did he do he almost destroyed a whole tribe of israel because they were being queerbaits and fag hags and wouldn't turn over the sodomites to uh the the other tribes to have them put to death god's pretty savage and his men are savage um how about samson here's a savage quote from samson you wouldn't have known my riddle except i'll plow with my heifer you put that on a meme right how about samson literally killing one thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass that's pretty savage it wasn't a sword it was a jaw bone with teeth on it a thousand men of course the spirit of god was upon him when he did that but we think about these things i mean i'm sure you're probably thinking about something i haven't even mentioned yet right savage moments how about when ehood stabs egg long you know and they're like i think he's going to the bathroom maybe we shouldn't check on him and like he the sword went all the way into him he was really fat guy and that's pretty savage that's one of god's men though that was a savior that god sent to help the people of israel and sometimes you got to get down and dirty so i got like five examples today that i just want to give like the full story on and maybe i'll skip through some of the the verses but turn to first kings chapter 22 verse 5 i'll give you the first example and i just want to hit highlights because there's just so much that i could go to but i want to hit some highlights of some some stories i think are pretty good um how about so number one ahab and zedekiah are roasted by the prophet makiah ahab and zedekiah are roasted by the prophet makiah look at it first kings chapter 22 verse 5 it says the jehoshaphat said unto the king of israel inquire i pray thee at the word of the lord today then the king of israel gathered the prophets together about 400 men and said unto them shall i go against ramoth gilead to battle or shall i forbear and they said go up for the lord shall deliver it into thine hand to the hand of the king and jehoshaphat said is there not here a prophet of the lord besides that we might inquire of him so jehoshaphat you know he shouldn't be here he shouldn't be doing what he's doing and he gets rebuked in the next chapter for what his his you know for yoking up with ahab but he he's at least godly enough to realize these guys aren't telling the truth there's something there's something going on here you know all 400 guys are just like telling them what he wants to hear basically and isn't it that way in the world we live in now where most of the preachers out there are just telling everybody what they want to hear and nobody wants to stand up and say what what is true and right well the sodomites could get saved no they can't someone has to stand up and say that's not true that's not true now look at verse uh eight and it says and the king of israel said unto jehoshaphat there is yet one man makiah the son of emla by whom we may inquire of the lord but i hate him for he doth not prophesy good concern to me but evil and jehoshaphat said let not the king say so then the king of israel called an officer and said hasten hither makiah the son of emla and the king of israel and jehoshaphat the king of judah sat each on his throne having put on their robes in a in a void place in the entrance of the gate of samaria and all the prophets prophesied before him all the false prophets right these are guys are false prophets and zedekiah the son of china made him horns of iron and he said thus saith the lord with these shall thou push the strings until thou has consumed them and you can just imagine this guy he's got like these these fake horns and he made he's like yeah we're gonna push him out right i mean the guy's probably looking like a total goofball but everybody's into it right so uh so it says and all the prophets prophesied so saying go up to ramoth gilead and prosper for the lord shall deliver it into the king's hand and the messenger the messenger that went that was gone to call makiah said unto him saying behold now the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth let thy word i pray thee be like the word of one of them that speak that which is good and makiah said as the lord liveth what the lord saith unto me that will i speak and that's the way god's man should always be whatever the book says whatever god says he's not talking to us in an audible voice anymore but he's talking to us through his word what's god say that is what a man of god should be preaching not your opinion not what makes you popular not what keeps your top tithers in the church but that which the lord saith unto me that will i speak look at verse 15 so he came to the king and the king said unto him makiah shall we go against ramoth gilead to battle or shall we forbear and he answered him go and prosper for the lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king so he's messing with him right here just so you know and it says and the king said unto him how many times shall i adjure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the lord so he knows that he's that he's lying to him right here because you know what deep down inside ahab knows that he's doomed he has to know that why would he not know that because why would he say you're lying if all the other guys are saying the same thing but he always prophesies evil unto ahab why because ahab is evil okay and the king said and then look at verse 17 says and he said i saw all israel scattered upon hills the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house and peace and the king of israel said unto jehoshaphat did i not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concern to me but evil and he said hear thou therefore the word of the lord i saw the lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on the right hand and his left and the lord said who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall at rameth gilead and one said in on this manner and said on that manner and there came forth a spirit that stood before the lord and said i will persuade him and the lord said unto him wherewith and he said i will go forth and i'll be a lying spirit in the mouth of his prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so now therefore behold the lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets and the lord has spoken evil concerning thee you know think about this situation you're the only guy saying the truth even jehoshaphat and he's a godly king even jehoshaphat though is still helping someone that god hates he's still helping those that hate the lord and so he's the one person that has the differing and dissenting view and the different and dissenting preaching that's a tough thing to do but that's how god wants his men to be you got to say it you got to be savage sometimes and he and i think just the fact that he's here with there's 400 prophets that are not on his side so and it says therefore behold the lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of thy prophets the lord has spoken evil concerning thee but zedekiah the son of chanana went near and smote makiah on the cheek and said which way went the spirit of the lord for me to speak unto thee so that one of his false prophets the guy that made the horns walks up and smacks him in the face for what he said because sometimes you're going to get smacked for the things that you say even even you know anybody just preaching to your your friends your family sometimes people are going to smack you they're going to smack you with their words they're going to smack you and they don't want to hear the truth sometimes and so but we have to be bold as a lion we have to be bold to speak the truth and to be savage sometimes with what we say okay so um so look at what he says look at what makiah says to him though it's funny he says behold thou shall see in the day when thou go into an inner chamber and hide thyself so during he's that's savage he's like he just gets smacked in the mouth by the guy he's like yeah you're gonna you're gonna see when you go run and hide yourself into like he's going to the closet to hide himself and the king said of israel said take makiah and carry him back unto am am and the governor of the city and joash to the king's son and say thus saith the king put this fellow in the prison and feed him with the bread of affliction with water of affliction and tell i come in peace and who gets the last word the prophet makai look what he says makai said if thou return at all in peace the lord hath not spoken by me and he said harken o people every one of you that's savage you know the king just said you know what throw him in water you know give him the bread water of affliction throw him in prison he's like if that return of peace at all he's not going to return in peace he gets killed right that's pretty savage preaching and that's the way it's it's got to be so even when it's not popular even when it's contrary to what every other weak preacher is saying in this world we still have to stand up and say the truth and be savage amen what the lord has said that will we speak so um you know what and if what we say hair lips every pit bull in la county it doesn't matter we still have to preach the truth is there a lot of pit bulls in la county i don't know i'm sure there are okay so number two this morning samuel goes full gangster on saul and agag samuel goes full gangster on saul and agag look at first samuel chapter 15 verse 13 first samuel chapter 15 verse 13 now of course i'm being a little facetious here with the uh with the point uh calling him a full gangster okay i know i'm going to get criticized for saying that but it's a slang term okay just look it up all right so anyway first samuel chapter 15 verse 13 but what it says it says that samuel came to saul so saul was supposed to destroy the amalekites god had a vendetta against him and he said saul go kill every single person every single animal every single anybody that's breathing including agag the king they were supposed to kill everybody and leave nothing alive right so samuel comes and and he's a little bit late but uh he he comes and look what he says he says that samuel said to saul and saul or and samuel came to saul excuse me and saul said unto him blessed be thou of the lord i performed the commandment of the lord and he didn't so he's just like you know it seems like he's kind of cowering down here to samuel a little bit but when you see what he does you're gonna understand why and it says and samuel said what meaneth then the bleeding of the sheep in mine ears and lowing of the oxen which i hear see saul didn't have any dissenting voices either he was the king and samuel's here telling the king what's up he's like you're wrong you did not keep the commandment of the lord why are these sheep bleeding in my ears why are they why is he hearing this they should be dead right and it says and saul said they have brought them from the amalekites for the people spared the best of the sheep in the oxen to sacrifice the lord thy god and the rest we have utterly destroyed but that wasn't what he was supposed to do then samuel said unto saul stay and i will tell thee what the lord has said to me this night and he said unto him say on this is the tough part this is where he has to really tell him what's up and samuel said when i was little in thine own sight was thou not made the head of the tribes of israel and the lord anointed thee king over israel and the lord sent thee on a journey and said go and otherly destroy the sinners the amalekites and fight against them until they be consumed wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the lord but didst fly upon the spoil and did it's evil in the sight of the lord and saul said unto samuel yea i have obeyed the voice of the lord and have gone the way of the lord that the which lord has sent me and have brought agag the king of amalek and have utterly destroyed the amalekites but the people took of the spoil so he starts blaming the people that's bad leadership just so you know but the people took of the spoil of the sheep and the oxen and the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed to sacrifice unto the lord thy god and gilgal and samuel said hath the lord as great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams just remember that always it's not what you give it's not what you put into it it's what you obey of god god is is going to bless you more for obeying than for the things you give you can't just give gifts to get out of things all the time you can't just give gifts to your children and to get out of being a bad apparent you know what i'm saying so think about that the next time you just think you're going to just wipe something away with the present all right um so that's just a side little freebie there but verse 23 says for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as the iniquity and idolatry because thou has rejected the word of the lord he has also rejected thee from being king so i mean that's pretty gangster to just say hey guess what you're not the king anymore you know and and i think that that's pretty savage that's that's some savage stuff to say it to someone that's the king of israel you know walk up to joe biden and say that i well i wouldn't be that scary but uh he probably wouldn't even know what was going on but but look at what saul says it says and saul said unto samuel i have sinned and i have transgressed the commandment of the lord and i and thy words because i feared the people and obeyed their voice that's always a bad sign of leadership to fear the people and obey their voice see when you're in leadership they're supposed to obey your voice and they're supposed to fear you now therefore i pray the part of my sin and turn again with me that i may worship the lord and samuel said to saul i will not return with thee for thou has rejected the word of the lord and the lord hath rejected thee from being king over israel and as samuel turned away to go he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle and rent it so like samuel's just walking away from me he's like wait wait and then he rips he rips part of his mantle like mantle is like like a like a like a cloak or something right he rips it and look at what he says and samuel said unto him the lord hath rent the kingdom of israel from thee this day and hath given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than now well he just says he's going to give it someone better than you saul that's pretty savage that's pretty savage preaching right there and says and also the strength of israel will not lie nor repent the strength of israel will not lie nor repent for he is not a man that he should repent then he said i have sinned yet honor me now i pray thee before the elders of the people and before israel and turn again with me that i may worship the lord thy god so samuel turned again after saul and worshiped and saul worshiped the lord then said samuel bring ye hither to me agag the king of the amalekites so he's like i'm not done yet i got some more savage stuff to do right here and aga came onto him delicately he's just like you know and aga said surely the bitterness of death has passed he's like can i get some grace so and samuel said as i sort of made women childless so shall thy mother be childless among women and samuel hewed agag in pieces before the lord and gilgal and you know what god didn't say that was wrong sam you should have gave him some grace no samuel it says he hewed agag in pieces okay so whatever he was using to do that with which was a sword yeah it says as thy sword has made women childless so shall thy mother be childless among women so he takes his sword and he chops him up into pieces so it must have been a pretty sharp sword okay and samuel went full gangster right there right first he just rebuked the king of israel and told him hey i'm gonna give the kingdom to somebody that's better than you and then he chops up the guy that he was supposed to chop up right and so the word hue means to chop or cut okay so he he chopped him into pieces before the lord so you know and so the next chapter his reputation precedes him okay look at first samuel chapter 16 verse 4 when sam comes to town the people have a new attitude it's like debo coming you know debo is coming right and look look what happens he's like the the godly version of debo though right so look at verse 4 it says and samuel did that which the lord spake and came to bethlehem so he was supposed to go and anoint david the king and so he came to bethlehem and it says and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and that word trembled means to shake involuntarily typically as a result of anxiety excitement or frailty have you ever like gone swimming and it was the water was really cold you get out you're just like trembling you can't stop it that's how scared they were when he came they were literally trembling when sam came to town okay when samuel came to town look what it says and the elders of the town of the town trembled at his coming and said comest thou peaceably you know the chapter before he chopped the guy up into little pieces and so yeah they had they they better be scared you know and that's the thing is that people think that god's men should just be just like these little frail joel osteen and rick warren looking guys and that we should have pink shirts on and that we you know these little special glasses you know so we look smarter and all this other stuff but when samuel came to town the people trembled they were scared they were frightened and look i'm not saying that you should be scared that i'm going to chop you up into pieces all right you can shake my hand after the service it's fine i'm not going to chop you up but you know sometimes we've got to chop some people up though with our words in the new testament we got to chop some people up with our words and we got to hew people into pieces and sometimes people got it coming and sometimes people need to hear the truth and it chops them up on the inside it chop the word of god will chop your heart into pieces too and make you you know when your people are thundering forth the bible it should chop you up sometimes you shouldn't you shouldn't ever walk out here going i feel so great i mean obviously you should feel good but i'm just saying you should be able to get a kick in the pants out of the out of the preaching it shouldn't always be positive grace grace grace hyper grace hyper grace you know can i get a little grace you need to get chopped up sometimes and i'm i know that this pastor here will chop you up from time to time like every service right maybe not every service but look we need to edify the people we need to preach doctrine and we need to be loving and we need to be graceful but sometimes we need to get savage and sometimes people gotta you know samuel do you think that he'd chop people up every week probably not but you know the people were afraid of him and he was a man of god there's nothing in the world wrong with being afraid when the man of god thunders forth from the pulpit you should be because if he's preaching what god says then you should be afraid because that's what that's who told him to do those things it was god you never see god getting mad in any of these verses i've read does it ever say but god was mad because no it doesn't say that it says he chopped him up before the lord the lord was watching him do it and the lord was pleased he was pleased why wouldn't he be he did what saul didn't do what saul didn't have the guts to do that he was a bad leader and so a good leader had to come and show him how it's done and so when they said when they said come to self peaceably he said peaceably i'm coming to sacrifice to the lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to sacrifice and he sanctified jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice so here we have samuel going full gangster and people being afraid the next time he comes to town and trembling with fear okay there's nothing wrong with god's men you know getting savage sometimes look at verse or number three david savagely destroys goliath david savagely destroys goliath in word andy okay look at first samuel chapter 17 verse 45 first samuel chapter 17 verse 45 it says then said david so of course we got this the famous story of david and goliath right and we we think about these stories and but sometimes you don't really pause on the details of what david actually did here because he was he went full gangster too here so and david is a young man probably like maybe a teenager maybe early 20s i don't know exactly how old he was but i know that he was called a stripling so and usually a stripling is not like you know a full-grown mature adult with all of his man muscles and all that stuff right but david was filled with the spirit of god when the spirit of god comes upon someone you know i mean sam i i don't believe that samson was some big hulking you know he didn't look like lou forigno or whatever when he walked around he probably was just a little tiny you know maybe just a regular average guy but when the spirit of the lord came upon him he slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass you know he picked up the city gate and carried it up to the top of the hill you know he broke the cords that that they put anything that they tried to bind stanson with he would snap them off easily so look at what david does look at verse 45 says then said david to the philistine thou comest to me with a sword with a spear and with a shield but i come to thee in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom thou hast defied this day will the lord deliver thee into mine hand and i will smite thee and take thine head from me and i will give the carcasses of the host of the philistines this day to the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know there is a god in israel you think god wasn't didn't have his back he absolutely had his back and what did he just tell him he's not going to smite you and chop your head off it's pretty savage isn't it but let's see if he backs up what he says look at verse 47 it says and all the assembly shall know that the lord saith not with sword and spear for the battle is the lord's and he will give you into our hands and it came to pass when the philistines arose and came and drew neither to meet david that david hastened and ran toward the army to meet the philistine and david put his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the philistine in the in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead so imagine you know i'm i'm for scale i guess i could be goliath today so i i need what what's your what's what's his name can i can your boy come up here real quick what's his name jaden come up here jaden all right here's david here's goliath it's about right you want to fight you want to fight me jaden okay we'll sit back down so david is fighting a man like for scale that was probably what it was really like right so david you know was savage you know like for a young man to stand up against a giant and it wasn't you know it wasn't like goliath wasn't a battle-hardened warrior goliath was probably a really tough guy but when it comes to the battle david said it was it was the lord's battle right so that stone sunk into his forehead that means it went inside his head right and what happened he fell upon his face to the earth so david prevailed over the philistine with a sling with a stone and smote the philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of david so what's david do well therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine so he just gets he's standing on top of his dead body and what's he do it says he took his sword and drew it out of the sheath thereof and slew him and cut off his head there with savage right is that savage or what this young guy just got any you know do you think goliath's sword was big or do you think it was like this one let's see i always got my little sword on me too it's not for scale but uh he just takes his sword out and what's he do he takes his giant sword out of its sheath while he's standing on top of goliath's dead body with a stone sunk into his head and what's he do and cut off his head there with he chops a giant's head off and when the philistine saw their champ champion was dead they fled now skip down to verse 54 it says and david took the head of the philistine and brought it to jerusalem but he put the armor in his tent so he spoiled the philistine but look what did he do he grabbed the head think about this have you ever picked up a dead corpse's head before i haven't i hope none of you guys but he picks up this guy's head and his head is not a regular-sized person's head it's a giant's head who's 10 feet tall nearly so he's way taller than me i mean i think the ceiling is probably eight feet no it's like it's probably seven feet right because i'm six foot eight so he's like three feet taller than me and bigger and probably more muscles and all that stuff so way more muscles so he's carrying around this dead giant's armor puts it in his tent and he's just carrying his head around with him that's pretty savage i mean if that's not savage i don't i don't know what is you know chopping a guy up into little pieces that's pretty savage but chopping a giant's head off and carrying it around with you that's really savage well you're like pastor chopson how do you know he carries it around with him well look what it says in verse 55 and when saul saw the giant or saul saw david go forth against the philistines he said unto abner captain of the host abner who's whose son is this youth and abner said as thy soul liveth o king i cannot tell and sorry turn the page here and the king said inquire thou whose son this stripling is and as david returned from the slaughter of the philistine abner took him and brought him before saul with the head of the philistine in his hand he's like he's got the size 20 bowling ball in his hand like hey what's up king check it out that's savage is that not savage they're like pastor thompson you know yeah this is the old testament yeah i know but the bible has savage men in the new testament too i'll get to that here in just a minute but let me ask you this could you imagine joel osteen walking around with a giant's head in his hand how about rick warren could you imagine rick warren from saddleback church walking around with a giant's head in his hand no how about paul chapel how about michael johnson imagine him carrying around a dead giant's head how about manly perry oh got quiet in here there's nothing manly about backstabbing your friends i'll just tell you that right now and you know what he's like this mighty hunter right supposedly but like in texas they have no private property i just want to say this because i'm from the northwest and when we went out hunting we went out and hunt and found the animal and shot them we didn't put put them in front of a feeding trough and then act like we're some mighty hunter when you just sneak up and just shoot them you know when they're eating food i mean i don't know maybe maybe i'm just not a texas style hunter but in texas that's what you do you're allowed to feed them and so that's how you draw them in is just putting food out for them for free to eat and then you walk up and kill them that's not very sporting to me like when i went hunting when i was a kid we'd drive around the back of a truck and we'd see something on the ridge we'd stop and use bow and arrows not guns like we were i don't know we're going into our native side or something but anyway bow and arrows and we'd shoot the animals with bone arrows i'm not saying you're bad if you shoot animals with guns but to me it's not manly to sneak up on an animal when it's eating food and just like yeah i really got that brother just because like michael johnson makes his point in his savage term he's like his name is manly his name's manly i don't care just because someone's name is manly doesn't mean that they are right okay and i just can't picture either of those two guys walking around with a giant's head in their hand that's all i'm saying and you know hunting to me is when you're going out and hunting something you're not just like you know you're up in a blind you know i'm gonna get hunters mad at me about this but i don't know i just hunted different when i was younger so whatever number four eliza mocks and kills the prophets of bale savage look at first kings chapter 18 verse 25 first kings chapter 18 verse 25 i'm doing good on time i can't believe it i've got two pages left pastor what am i going to do all right number four elijah mocks and kills the prophets of bale this is another thing that people get mad at us for when we preach that we mock other people and make fun of them well god's men do do that in the bible here's an example look at verse 25 first kings chapter 18 and elijah said unto the prophets of bale choose you one bullet for yourselves and dress it first for your many and call on the name of your gods but put no fire under and they took the bullock which was given them this is the prophets of bale this is a big showdown between elijah and the prophets of bale and it says they took the bullock which was given to them and addressed it and called on the name of bale from morning until noon saying oh bale hear us but there was no voice nor any that answered and they leaped upon the altar which was made and it came to pass at noon that elijah mocked them he mocked them so there's these 400 guys they're jumping up and down on this altar and they're calling on their false god rapture practice elijah mocked them you know what mocking means it means to make fun of someone arguably the one of the greatest prophets of the whole bible the prophet elijah when you see the mount of transfiguration who appeared moses and elijah so elijah you know he's going to come back in the end times right he's going to be one of the two witnesses elijah mocked them and said cry aloud for he is a god either he's talking like he's talking he can't hear what you're saying or he's pursuing maybe he's hunting or he's on a journey he took a little journey or paired venture he sleepeth and must be awakened he's taking a nap he can't hear you right now i mean he's just ripping these guys into shreds he's mocking them he's making fun of them and they cried aloud and cut themselves after the manner with knives and lancet lancets until the blood gushed out upon them so they're on this altar they're doing their rapture practice now they're cutting themselves and it came to pass when midday was passed that they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice and there was neither voice nor any to answer nor any that regarded and so he just mocks them you know that's pretty savage but you know we're not supposed to mock people the man of god is not supposed to did you see god say but god was not pleased with the mocking that elijah did no he didn't care he probably laughed too yeah skip to verse 40 it says in elijah i saw here he's he's uh in word and deed savage and elijah said unto them take the prophets of bale let not one of them escape and they took them and elijah brought them down to the brook kishon and slew them there how many of them was there pastor mahea that's a trivia question was it 700 i thought it was 400 okay well i'd agree with you but we'd both be wrong i'm just kidding i don't i don't remember if anybody has the answer google it is it 750 i'm probably wrong all right well i should have studied that part before i open my big mouth but anyway notice he didn't take take okay we're both wrong all right so we need to study more but notice that he didn't take them down to preach the gospel to them come bring the prophets of bale down and give them the god why didn't you give the false prophets the gospel you know why because they're false prophets and they can't be saved that's why so look if you see a catholic priest at an airport and he's wearing his dress and his backwards collar he's a false prophet you don't give him the gospel he's accursed he's already occurred if a mormon missionary comes to your door with their stupid little hat you know their stupid bicycle helmets that say elder jones or whatever and they're like 19 years old they're false prophets because how many people have knocked the doors of mormons and they were missionaries before to get saved how many actually mormons do you actually get saved in reality i mean most people are are very fortunate to get one you know i i have not got a dyed in the wool mormon saved not one joe's witnesses yes but not not mormons they're false prophets you know and what did elijah do he took him down and slew them 450 prophets savage that's savage and you know what it's the right thing to do because that's what god says to do to false prophets in the millennium it's going to be a different story the lord jesus christ is going to dash people to pieces like a potter's vessel does that sound does that sound graceful no it doesn't sound graceful he's going to slay he's going to have these people come and they're going to be slain before him so you know what he he didn't say well hey the still small voice is telling me to give them an invitation to church did he see this is the prophet that had the still small voice you know what it didn't say to him the still small voice did not say to him to go and get the prophets of bale saved did he no he already killed them the still small voice came to him later so what did they do they slew them now there's lots of different stories like this in the bible lots of different stories where you can i mean you're probably thinking of more than i'm like last night we were just talking i was like man these are good ideas i gotta get these in so there's a couple i did actually put in here but um look think about david's mighty men how savage were they i mean they killed lion they jumped down in pits in the snow and killed lions you know one of them took like a giant ethiopian guy's own spear and killed him with it you know they slayed multitudes of people and they were just regular people that david recruited in the beginning and then they turned into mighty men of god you know what they did they slew they were savage and they were gangster right i mean they were the mighty men the the greatest fighting force in all the bible so here's another one number four or number five this is the last point g who walks on jezebel's dead corpse g who walks on jezebel's dead corpse that's pretty gangster isn't it that's pretty savage so look at second king chapter nine verse 30 second kings chapter nine verse 30 actually i got to turn over there myself second kings chapter nine verse number 30 look at the bible says and went now jihu god specifically chose him as the king and he was supposed to slay all of ahab's line and kill everybody that pertained to ahab everybody nobody was getting a pass this is just one part of what jihu did okay jihu was was about it he was about about it he was about about it look at her story it says when jihu was come to jezreel jezebel heard of it and she painted her face tired her head and looked out a window and as jihu entered in at the gate he said jihu had zimri peace who slew his master and he lifted up his face to the window and said who's on my side who and there looked out to him two or three eunuchs and he said throw her down she's up in this tower like thinking she's getting protected and he said and he said throw her down so they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and he trode her under foot that's an old English old English way of saying he walked on top of her corpse as he walked into the building he trode her down under foot is that what that means he stepped on her dead carcass as he walked past she gets thrown out the building blood splashing on the you know on the horses and on and he just like boom boom just like like a bump in the road right that's pretty savage that's pretty savage and he noticed it doesn't say that God was angry about that he was he had sometimes we got to be savage and so and when as this this is pretty good too what he says after this it says when he came in when he was come in he did eat and drink and said go see now this cursed woman and bury her for she's a king's daughter savage i just like picture him like taking a couple quarters like go bury her you know it's pretty savage you're like pastor thompson this is a morbid sermon it kind of it you know but the bible has some some hard things in it the bible has some hard stories the bible has some saints in here that the people get upset about you know but was it right for david to kill goliath was it right prophets of bale was it right i mean all was it right for samuel to chop egg egg into pieces you know it's right when a man of god gets up and gets a little savage sometimes it's not that the spirit of the lord is not upon him because in all these cases i guarantee the spirit of the lord was upon them so and definitely when david i mean think about samson you think about all these men that are filled with the spirit in the bible and they're doing things that are savage that's not a reprobate behavior because god is a terrible god you know what if you're his enemy if you're god's enemy don't be surprised if things get a little savage for you also sometimes we have to tell a brother or a sister in church that they're wrong sometimes we have to rebuke rebuke kings and false prophets you know and people shouldn't get angry about that you're like the new ifb is so mean at least somebody's being mean somebody has some hair on their legs and gets up and preaches what the bible says and you know what it's not a reprobate attitude to get nasty sometimes sometimes we gotta be and we need more rebuke in 2021 than we had this year we're gonna need to keep rebuking people because there's nobody else doing it we're gonna have to still keep preaching the reprobate doctrine because nobody else is doing it in season out of season and it's out of season right now right but for the new ifb it's always hunting season amen so we need salty preaching not splenda preaching okay we're getting plenty of splenda preaching sweetness and light this fake grace humility and we need to put on our rough garments and we need to get up and rip some face we've seen what the end of the stevia preaching is no offense if you use stevia i'm just saying that that type of preaching is weak we've seen how it makes us look weak it makes christianity look weak it makes you know god look like a joke when all you are is just sweetness and light all the time you don't preach negative things in the bible two-thirds of this book is negative people and there's a reason why because we're a sinful people and we do sinful things and god has to take action sometimes and get a little bit savage and god's men have to get a little bit savage it can't always be grace grace grace we got enough apathy we have enough weakness we have enough false doctrine we have enough schisms in other churches we don't need it in churches like this we need unity we need singleness of heart we need to be in one accord we can't have people one person believe and repent of your sins back here and lordship salvation and then grace by faith and then full-blown works right here that's not unity but that's what you see in most churches is they're not teaching the truth they're afraid to get up and get savage and say look if you believe that jesus's name is yeshua you need to get out quit spreading that false yeshua name around our church quit spreading the flat earth in our church get out man quit spreading racism in our church get out romans 12 says let love be without dissimulation we need to tell people we love them when we love them but we also need to cling to that which is good and abhor that which is evil what's evil get rid of it hate you know what a poor means it means to hate and so we need to get a little more savage not less and we need to just stop just stop stop following these people that are like oh they're so mean hey we're nice the service i'm nice have i yelled anybody today oh nice pastor me here it's nice well most of the time i'm just kidding anyway there's nothing wrong with being savage let's pray lord thank you so much for this great church and uh pray that you would just bless and continue to bless this church and help it to grow lord to pray that you would uh lord just bless brother bahi on his birthday and pray that it'd be a great day of fellowship and servitude in jesus name we pray amen amen song number 145 as our last song it is well with my soul song number 145 song number 145 see you on that verse when peace like a river attended my way when sorrows like sea whatever with my soul it is is is my soul is is with my soul is and the lord shall be so oh all right gracie i want to give you the winners by the way that sermon was