(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right the title of my sermon this morning is what does sure foundation Baptist Church believe Part two so a couple weeks ago. I started to preach this and realized Pretty quickly into my sermon that I wasn't gonna get the whole thing done So I'm gonna preach part two of the things that we believe at this church now if you remember my sermon from last time I was just touching on certain doctrines that we believe so That's kind of gonna be the way that I preach this one also, so I wanted to finish this, but I've been gone a lot so I'm gonna preach part two for you this morning, so look down in Acts chapter 2 verse 41 that's gonna kind of be our focal point and kind of the the Basically the summary of why I'm preaching this look at verse 41 It says then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day There were added unto them about three thousand souls and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and in fellowship and Breaking a bread and in prayer, so let's pray well. We thank you so much for the Word of God Thank you so much for all these people that would Travel from far away and Lord all those that are faithful that come to this church and are a blessing here We just pray that you would Be with us this morning be with the soul winning today and Lord just give us strength and Give us ears to hear your words fill me now with the Holy Ghost as I preach in Jesus name Amen Alright, so so what is it talking about here in verse 41? It's they that gladly received his word were baptized So people what what happens when you gladly receive the Word of God you get saved right so and then what happens after that? You're supposed to get baptized. That's what we preach at the doors, right? That's what we say to people that you know I mean, hopefully you're saying that to people after you get him say say hey come to our church get baptized You know that's the first thing that God wants you to do After you're saved, and it says in the same day were added unto them about three thousand souls. What does that mean well? They were added to the church right the church of Jerusalem at that time That was them that was the main location right that's where they started that first church and It says and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine So what it was the Apostles Doctrine anything that the Lord Jesus Christ taught them right and it says and fellowship So they hung out together a lot right and you know we don't have a problem of fellowship at this church we're a fellowship and a bunch of people here amen and It says in a breaking of bread eating together and in prayers so All these things that they had in common And so the point of the sermon is to just show you know God puts lists in the Bible for a reason And he puts those lists in order This is a list of order isn't it because once you get you know you don't you don't get baptized before you get saved Right you don't take the Lord's Supper before you get saved I mean some people do and they just don't realize what it is They're doing because they're unsaved But I'm talking about you know God has an order for things that he wants us to do and So basically I just want to make sure that everybody understands where we're at what doctrine we teach You know brother Stuckey preached a great sermon at the Red Hot Preaching Conference and saying you know people should know what you believe You know you should be known by what you believe, right? So it was a great sermon if you haven't had a chance to listen to it actually it might be banned from YouTube right now But hopefully some other people have recorded it and mirrored it, but if you if you have a chance to listen to this great sermon but anyway so Last time I finished off with what we believe about the rapture right we believe that the rapture is a post-trib Pre-wrath rapture and so basically what that means is we believe that you know people people will say well Jesus could come back at any moment before this church service is over Jesus could come back is that true No because the Bible says let no man deceive you by any means that day shall not come Except you know then it says you know that the man of sin be revealed You know and so on and so forth, but the thing is is that you know people will say well Jesus could come back at any moment That's not true, and so what does the Bible say immediately after the tribulation of those days? You know the Sun and Moon will be darkened and all that good stuff right so we believe that Jesus can't come back at any moment We believe that there's things that have to happen first You know and so God is a God of order. Why would he go against what he said in the Bible? He's not gonna do that. He's gonna go by what he says so all these clowns that are preaching Jesus could come back at any moment. It's just a lie It's a lie straight out of the pit of hell because they they want you to be prepared for the Antichrist That's what they really want anyway So what do we believe about communion turn over to 1st Corinthians 11 verse 23 1st Corinthians 11 verse 23 now just so everybody understands We're an independent Baptist Church here, and I preach about this Thursday night that you know we say the new IFB movement That's kind of what we call this movement, but this movement is a movement of churches Okay, it's not a movement of a whole bunch of universal believers in the same doctrine It's a movement of churches and so God wants you to be in church Amen, and so people that don't have a good church to go to they need to find one or one that they can serve in and Obviously you can do whatever you want But if you're in a position to be able to go to a good church And you don't go to one then you're in sin the Bible says that sin so anyway 1st Corinthians 11 23 Says for I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night Which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat This is my body, which is broken for you this do and remembrance of me After the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying the cup is That this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it Remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come So at this church, we believe that the that the Lord's Supper has replaced the Old Testament Passover see because You know they sacrificed the lamb well that lamb of God's already been sacrificed once and for all right so Jesus Instituted this this practice okay at this church. We believe that well, so how often was the Passover done? Once a year, so if this replaces the Passover how often should we do it once a year? That's what I believe that's what this church believes, and if you don't believe that that's okay But you know the thing is that you're at sure foundation Baptist Church So if you can't get down with what we believe or if it bothers you so much That we believe this then there's other churches you could go to that might not believe the same thing so and obviously You know each like the reason why I brought up the point that this is a movement of churches All these Pat all of our the pastors are like-minded in the main things, right? But maybe we have some differences in how we do our operations how we do our soul-winning You know certain maybe minor differences that we believe So There are some different churches that believe differently some churches practice the Lord's Supper more than once a year Some some people believe that you do it at your own home Which I don't believe that so and that's okay if so if we differ in that in that difference I'm not trying to throw shade on anybody or anything like that, but at this church We believe that we take the Lord's Supper one time a year Because it replaces the Passover, and I don't have time to get into a whole You know I've preached sermons about it before you can look at what pastor Jimenez believes I believe exactly the way he does on this subject and You know we don't we don't Police the Lord's table necessarily, but one thing one thing I do Believe though is that when you take the Lord's Supper you should have already been baptized Because what's the order of things? You know you get saved then you get baptized you don't do it out of order You don't you don't get saved and take the Lord's Supper. They get baptized That's not how that's not how the list went right so I believe that you get saved if you have not been baptized Then you should not be partaking So that's what I believe And not everybody necessarily believes that either, but you know what's the Bible say you know you get you get saved Then you get baptized then it's breaking and bread and prayers and fellowship and all that good stuff So you know but we believe it's once a year you know and if you have questions about that I do have sermons I preached about it before if you just have questions I can show you further scripture on that but at this church we believe that so And you know God wants us to do things after the due order right God's really specific Sometimes about how he wants things done and one of the things about What we call communion or the Lord's Lord's Supper. We don't use alcoholic wine Okay, because that's The Bible says it's that you know that's a picture of corruption was Jesus's blood sinless So what would you use if your drink if you're having the fruit of the vine? Which it never says wine in the Bible when it talks about the community says the fruit of the vine Jesus you know said I will not drink this fruit of the vine till I drink it new with you in my father's kingdom Right so what's more pure than freshly squeezed grape juice, right? That's what we use That's what we believe in and brother Justin. I watched him walk by with a bunch of loaves of leaven bread Okay, I've been to churches before where they have a big loaf of bread and people just come up And they have wine like real wine You know not real wine, but alcoholic wine, okay? So wine is two things in the Bible it could either be freshly squeezed juice of some sort Or it could be fermented alcoholic it depends on the context But anyway, we don't use We don't use things with leaven we don't use leaven bread for our Communion service we use unleavened bread, and we actually freshly baked that the night before so It doesn't it doesn't come in like a little tiny square like this big that's been freeze-dried For since he turned you know for thousands of years You know I'm talking about you put that thing in your mouth like Tastes like you're eating a piece of chalk or something So we use a freshly baked unleavened bread You know because that's a picture of the sinless body of Christ It was broken for our sins right and the blood that he shed for us is the pure grape juice that we use Okay, so and we do believe that those are the ordinances two of the ordinances that we observe in this church and That's what we believe so let's move on. Oh actually let's go over to first Chronicles first Chronicles chapter 15 First Chronicles chapter 15 And you know one of the things about the Lord's Supper Which I'm not going to go into the verses about it, but if you it says if you drink it unworthily That some are falling asleep So that's one of those things that we take really seriously here because and I like to just explain what all that means is That if you drink that Lord's Supper unworthily you could die You know it says some are falling asleep So obviously that's talking about people that are saved because you know say you know debt people that are not saved. They just die Okay, but Christians when they? When they die that the Bible sometimes says that they're falling asleep like because they're gonna get woken up at some point You know I mean, they're they're awake in heaven, but their body is dead right so first Chronicles 15 verse number 12 The Bible says and he said unto them. You're the chief of the fathers of the Levites sanctify yourself Both ye and your brethren that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel unto the place That I have prepared for it for because you did it not at the first the Lord our God made a breach upon us For that we sought him not after the due order Order So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel and the children of the Levites Bear the ark of God upon their shoulders with staves thereon as Moses commanding commanded excuse me According to the word of the Lord so what happened well they brought the they brought the ark on a cart right they made a new cart They're bringing the ark to Jerusalem And they were not doing it the way that they were told in the in the book of Moses They said they were supposed to put it on staves The Levites were supposed to carry those things and were they doing a bad thing by bringing the ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem No, they were doing a good thing But they weren't doing it the way God told them to do it and so when you do things Not the way God told you to do it, but you want to do it your own way well be careful because you know God might just You know make a breach upon you you know what I mean, and what is a breach? It's a it's a hole or it's something that divides you so Uzzah when he reached forth to touch the ark to stop it from Falling over what did God do? He killed him he put a breach upon him and David was afraid that day And so what did they do that brought it back after the due order the way God said to do it and God blessed that So that's why you know I really do take the Lord's Supper Seriously, and I I want to do it the way that I think that God wants it to be done So by the due order the way he says to do it, so you know if I'm wrong I guess I'm ignorant But I don't think that I am wrong about it And so we'll continue to practice it the way that we have since we started here So anyway moving on soul winning. What do we believe about soul winning? Like I'm gonna talk about selling again. Yeah, we're gonna talk about soul it again It's the most important thing that we do here All right, and I'm gonna talk about sewing again. We're not carnival barkers Okay, some people you know do this. Oh, let's do street preaching. You don't believe it's street preaching brother. No, I don't Unless you're talking about walking up to someone and giving the gospel and preaching to them that yeah, I'm okay with that But if you're just standing on the street corner with a bullhorn with a sign that says repent or perish or whatever They're not even using real Bible verses on their signs that they put on their bodies And all they do is yell and scream and tell people they're going to hell. That's not how you reach people Okay, you're never gonna reach people that way You're never gonna reach people by standing on a corner and screaming at the top of your lungs Tell people they're going to hell because the music they listen to I mean, it's just not the way God Has us to do things we believe in door-to-door Soul winning turn over to Acts chapter 5 and I realize a lot of this stuff is really basic stuff that you already know But I want the I want you guys to know and you know maybe there's things that you just kind of forgot Oh, I forgot we believe that so or maybe you're just new in church, and you don't know these things This is good stuff to know so winning Acts 5 verse 42 says and daily and in the temple and in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ, so They did it daily You know and we have a pretty we have a lot of soul winning times at our church We have a lot of soul winning going on in our church, and so we're almost daily We're getting there, but it says daily in the temple and in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ So if they're doing it at every house does that mean that they have to go to people's houses Yeah, so um People get all you go door you walk and knock on people's doors Yeah, because to get into every house you have to knock on the doors, right? Turn over to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter number 20 Acts chapter 20 I Gotta get there myself here acts 20 verse 20 The Bible says and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house so the Apostle Paul go house to house So what is the greatest example of soul winners in the Bible is he one of the greatest examples of solar's in the Bible of? Course and he went house to house You know oh, you're like those Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. No. We're like the Apostle Paul. We're like Jesus Christ That's what we're trying to aim to be and that's what we're gonna do as long as I'm the pastor here We're gonna go and knock people's doors We're not gonna stand on a street corner with a bullhorn in our hand and just scream at people and tell them they're going to hell Because they're all these people that are like the Trump protesters and stuff they do the prayer National prayer warriors or whatever whatever they're called all they're doing is going down to try to pick a fight with the antifa people All that is is like it's like they put their battle in a ray so they can yell and scream and make videos I mean you watch those videos and everybody's standing around with the camera waiting for someone to do something crazy, right? That's not what we're doing here What you know and they say that they're Christians or whatever, but how's that reaching people all? They're doing is just starting fights, and that's not what I mean if the fight comes to us. We'll bring it on But we're not out to try to start fights intentionally with people and that's what those clowns are doing and most of those people are like repent of your sins street corner bullhorn preachers, and that's not what we're doing so What so what do we need to explain to someone to get them saved? Well, we got it. They got it people got to understand their sinners, right? And people got to understand that there is a literal hell that they're gonna go to and so we got to explain the gospel The death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and we got to explain to people that it's by faith alone Right and that's a hard one for people because everybody wants to believe in works Everybody wants to think that they have to just repent of their sins and all that garbage We got on people got to understand. It's a gift salvation is a free gift and it is important to make sure that you stress that point because people Just have a hard time with some people get it real easy, but some people it's like you have to go through You know all this different stuff all the scriptures. You know you can think of and sometimes they still won't get it And they also have to understand that that they have eternal life By believing by believing you get eternal life And that's a free gift that God gives you and that you have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved There's a person that was kicked out of faithful word and that person said I've never called upon the name of the Lord I've you know I've not even in my heart Never called upon the name of the Lord to be saved and that person was kicked out because they didn't believe the Trinity But so it may it just makes you to me if someone says I've never called upon the name of the Lord I've never done it even in my heart. You're not even saved Because the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, right? I Mean how much why would you go against that because you're not saved yeah, right? So do people oh messing up the mic here? So what about the prayer? What do they have to say well the thief of the cross? What do you say remember me when up when you come into your kingdom? It doesn't have to be super complicated, but it's their faith that they're calling with right So when I say someone you know people say well You just think you have to just pray a little prayer, and then they're saved and you know they don't have to do anything else Well, no they have to believe They have to have the right belief and when they call upon the Lord. What is that? That's an act of faith It's not a it's not a work like people will try to say oh, it's works. It's works to ask God for something It's works to call upon the name of the Lord. No that's faith. It takes faith to believe in God, right? so We do believe here that you have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved And if you haven't done that you're not saved So and people get mad about that, but I don't care. I'm gonna preach that till kingdom come right first John 510 turn over there first John 5 10 Do people need to believe in eternal security to be saved yes, they do they absolutely do and I'm of the mind that if they don't believe in eternal security then they are not saved Now sometimes you go to a door and someone might be saved, but they've gotten some garbage teaching, okay? It's hard to discern that sometimes it really is But like if you can just snap someone back with one scripture, and they're like oh, yeah, that's yeah I believe that but maybe they were just sitting in Joel Osteen's church or What's that clown's name the one in town? Yeah, Daniel Fusco if you go to his church. Maybe you're getting that impression. Maybe someone's corrupted you maybe they've Bewitched you into believing another gospel But obviously if you're saved the scriptures are going to make you retract what you believe really quickly I remember like Saying repent of your sins like because I heard it so much But didn't really I didn't think what people thought about it like that you had to Give up all your sins to be saved or something It's just a saying that you hear so much in church that it just you repeat it like a parrot, right? So but the first time I ever heard strong preaching against it was by Pastor Anderson, and I was like yeah, of course I mean yeah, I don't believe that You know and that's why he says that there's a spectrum of believers But here's the thing if If you're in a church and the pastor believes you have to repent of your sins And then you go to them and say hey look at Jonah 3 10, or you know look at any other verse They go. Oh, yeah, well. I don't believe that Then they you've snapped them back from from believing something that they probably just heard in Bible college. They've heard other preachers say and if they can just Change on it like that then they're probably are safe You know if they believe the right thing, but if they just dig in and say no That's not that's not what that's not what it is then You know they got a problem, and they got a problem because they're probably not saved so first John 5 10 The Bible says this he that believeth on the Son of God hath to witness in himself he that believeth not God Hath made him a liar Because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son And this is the important part and I'd I'd use this verse these verses so any all the time Says and this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son So you're calling God a liar if you don't believe the record What's the record that God has given to us eternal life from this life is in his son? If they don't so if they don't believe in eternal life if they say you could lose it then what are they saying? God's a liar Alright, that's blasphemy isn't it? Says he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life two different types of people They that have life they that don't have life. It's not that complicated so For Titus 1 to turn over to Numbers 23 19 Numbers 23 19 I'm just gonna read for you one verse that you guys probably already know Titus 1 2 says in hope of eternal life Which God that cannot lie? promised before the world began So I use that verse all the time out soul winning to God can't lie It's it's just a fact of of life that God can't lie. He's not a sinner and so he can't sin he's not capable of sin and so God's not gonna lie and It says that he cannot lie. Do you believe the Word of God this morning of course? Numbers 23 verse 19 says God Is not a man that he should lie Neither the son of man that he should repent Hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good? So when God says something you can count on it when God says he's not a man that he should lie That's the fact okay. He's not a man that he should lie turn over a Hebrews chapter 6 verse number 18 Hebrews 6 Verse number 18 So when people just dig in and Say no you can lose it you can lose it you show them verse after verse like this And they still don't get it just leave that person and if they're part of a false cult they might be a reprobate So well the Mormons like to waste your time Don't let you give them the whole gospel Just so you bet they make sure that you don't get down to the to the house that you were supposed to get to Because they work for the devil if they come and preach a false gospel to you. Don't let them in your house They're wicked as hell Rebuke them Hebrews 6 18 says Let's look at verse 17 says wherein God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immune the immutability of his counsel Confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie We might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold Upon the hope set for set before us. It's impossible for God to lie He cannot lie. It's impossible for him to lie. He's not a he's not a man that he should lie Okay, and so what what is the point the point is is that when God says he's gonna give you eternal life That's it. You just have to believe that and if you don't believe that then you're not saved Okay, so You should always try to if someone says they don't believe that they believe you could lose their Eternal life or whatever sometimes you get into a situation where you're not really able to start from the beginning of the gospel But you should try to always start at the beginning and give your gospel presentation all the way through Because if you jump in the middle of it, then it's hard to go back You know, so I would just suggest that if someone says they don't believe in eternal security that you just say hey Can I show you what the Bible says? Are you willing to listen to the gospel? You know and a lot of times they will just let you give them the gospel. So Let's look at the Trinity the nature of God the nature of God turn over to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5 Ephesians 4 verse number 5 So how many gods are there? One God, right But we believe in this church we believe in what's called the Trinity now the word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but we do believe in it and That's basically saying that there's there's three the Father the Son the Holy Ghost these three are one We don't believe in three gods. We believe in one God the Mormons believe in three gods and that's heresy so also the Is the the nation of Islam whatever? Mohammedans or whatever you want to call them They believe in one God, but they believe it differently than we do first of all their gods a wicked devil You know Hindus believe the same thing they believe in the oneness The oneness of God and so they have millions of gods that they worship But they they ultimately think that it's just one God playing the role in all these different religions That's not what we believe okay. We don't believe that Jesus and the Holy Ghost and the Father Are just his name is Jesus, and he's playing different modes. He's a one-man band right well That's not what we think all right You're in Ephesians 4 or 5 it says one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all Who is above all and through all and in you all so how many Lords is there one Lord? How many faiths are there one faith you have to you know have faith in one God? All right one baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all To turn over to Deuteronomy actually turn to first Turn to Deuteronomy 6 for Deuteronomy 6 verse 4 The Bible says in Deuteronomy 6 for us says hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord How many gods is there? one all right and But is Jesus God see this is this is something else that someone has to believe to be saved that Jesus Christ is God right Turn to so you're in first Timothy Now turn to first Timothy 3 16 you guys probably know this by heart first Timothy 3 16 is Jesus God Well the answer is in first Timothy 3 16 it says and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh Justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world Received up into glory who's this talking about the Lord Jesus Christ now obviously John 1 1 says in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was God and Then God took on the form of flesh, which was the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? So do we believe that Jesus Christ is God amen? All right, so was Jesus fully God fully man or both Turn to a collage of chapter 2 verse 8 Colossians 2 verse 8 Colossians 2 verse 8 says beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men After the rudiments of the world and not after Christ for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead Bodily so was Jesus Christ a ban yes. He was was he God yes He was how do you explain that? Well his God God was his father right this he was the son of Mary who was a human being okay? But it was is he God the Bible says he is so do we believe that by faith. Yes, we do I hope you believe that because if you don't believe that Jesus Christ is God then you're not saved So I know people get mad about that, but that's just the truth First Timothy 2 5 will just read that for you It says for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus Turn to 1st John 5 7 1st John 5 7 So why do we believe in the Trinity well? I think that this is the clearest verse in the whole Bible of why we would believe the Trinity Says in 1st John 5 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father The word which is Jesus and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Why do I believe in the Trinity because the Bible teaches it? Okay, it's real simple. It's not hard to understand It's hard to understand once you start delving into all the ins and outs of it Look, we're not the Bible says it's a mystery. Okay. The great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh Can you fully understand it and wrap your mind around it I? Don't think you can But does the Bible teach it. Yes, it does and does it does does the Bible teach it. Yes, it does and Do we believe it by faith? Yes, we should right we should believe in the Trinity because the Bible says that that's what it is Hebrews 1 3 Hebrews 1 3 Now some people have an issue with saying well, I don't like calling God persons, and you know who I'm talking about right You know and but you know when you when you read this verse which I showed that clown this verse right here Hebrews 1 3 it says who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and Upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself Purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high So people will say oh, I don't because we believe that the Trinity is three persons that make up one God, right? so Is Jesus Christ the person? Yeah, he was But it says the bright who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person so is God a person Okay, so what's wrong with saying person? Oh? I just you know I call it the Godhead the Bible says person right here So what's the problem? You're just a heretic? That's the problem Read the Bible yeah one time all sudden he's a Scholar he's Gamaliel come worship at his feet I Grew up at the feet of Gamaliel Sebastian He's read the Bible one time he knows more than all the pastors in the movement You know his he's just been divinely inspired to know all doctrines and what we're preaching is just wrong I mean people like that. That's why That's why I warn against you know just being a YouTube only Christian You got to read the Bible if you don't read the Bible. You're not getting what you need to get you're still a little baby I Mean you know Dylan preached a sermon about him called spiritual teenage punks, but really He's a he's a little punk, baby You know what I mean He's just a little punk, baby He's like one of those babies that never get chastised by their parents You know he's like a actually he's like more like a toddler cuz okay, let's give him credit He read the Bible one time. He said he's a punk toddler. He's a terrible to person That's right yeah, he hasn't been born again, so he's not even a spiritual anything. He's a devil child Devil toddler you know you know the kind of ones on top Anyway, so what about what do we believe about the virgin birth? What do we believe about the virgin birth turn to Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 This is a thing that people like to challenge to in the new modern perversions Like to downplay the virgin birth of Christ. They'll say no. It's just a young woman That doesn't even make sense Sorry, I'm not turning with you. I got to turn with you. I don't have this one in my notes, but Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 If I can ever get there Isaiah 7 verse 14 So this is the prophecy in the Old Testament about the birth of Jesus Christ Which is fulfilled in Matthew chapter 1 Says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel So turn over to Matthew chapter 1 so this is the said the Lord himself will give you a sign a virgin shall conceive right and bear a son and call his name Emmanuel so a Virgin conceiving and burying a son is a miracle of God It's only happened once all right And this is the only time it's ever happened now the new versions will say the young woman or whatever And it's like well There's a lot of young women how much of a sign is that a young woman will conceive whoo? Look at the miracle behind that that happens all the time in America right this whorish nation that we live in but Matthew 1 verse 21 says and and she shall bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus The Sam get missed that one for he shall save his people from their sins Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophets saying Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall call shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel now that God tells us what it means what a manual means right here says which be interpreted is God with us So the virgin birth was fulfilled by Mary She was a virgin she had never been with a man the Bible is very clear about that and she's not she wasn't sinless See the thing is that the Lord Jesus got his nature from God It's because the the sin nature is passed on through the man. That's the Bible teaches that Romans 5 12 Says wherefore by one man sin entered the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned So the sin passes from the father. It's like that Dads, it's your fault. It's not Eve's fault the the transgression was done by Adam and God held him responsible And the Bible says that that passed on from from father to child so Mary had a sin nature, but it did not pass on to Jesus because The he had the nature of his father, which is God okay does that make sense so? So God with us that me that's another proof right there the Jesus Christ is God Okay, his name was Emmanuel. That's what means God with us so And then what do we believe about hell? Do we believe in purgatory? No, I hope not Hope there's no Catholics hiding in the congregation anywhere So where do unsaved people go when they die the Bible teaches they go to a place called hell turn over Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 verse number 19 Bible says there was a certain rich man Which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day, and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus Which was laid at the gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom and the rich man Also died and was buried and in hell He lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom So where did Lazarus go? I mean, where did the rich man go the moment he died? Where did he wake up in hell? Doesn't say purgatory and so we believe that once someone dies The Bible says there's a point under man wants to die and after this the judgment See that just flies in the face of all these people That believe you're reincarnated into earthworms and what the Hindus believe they believe they do believe in hell but they believe you can get out of hell and That you can go and then you're transformed or they say that you're in hell right now See have you ever heard people say that when you're at their door. They're like well. I believe we're in hell right now you know where they get that from the Hindus you know they get that from Satan and You know we don't believe that at all and that's why we're going to warning people because you only have one chance in this life and if you don't get saved you're going to hell and I talked to an 85 year old sheik or something from you know he was his religion was Islam and Before I left I made sure that he knew he was going to hell And I was nice about it because I'm at his door, but you can only be so not I mean how nice Can you be about telling someone going to hell you know you're going to hell? You know Can't be like that. You have to just matter-of-factly say it Say hey, I'm not trying to offend you or anything like this But the Bible says if you don't believe in the son of God if you don't believe that Jesus Christ is God You're going to go to hell I Believe that guy was a false prophet because obviously he he already had his like skull cap on and like his white dress He was going to the mosque or whatever that day. He came out. He just started blasting me with all the things they believe And one of the things he was saying which is so ridiculous that I can't even believe that they that they Count this as something they believe, but he said that they believe that They believe that Jesus was replaced You know they believe that Jesus was a prophet, but he was replaced they believe in replacement theology also that he was replaced by another person and That allah made his face look like Jesus's and they crucified some other guy Well, that's real nice of you all other crucify some guy that didn't deserve it I mean, that's weird, but the fact that they believe that Jesus didn't really die on the cross. They're just that's blasphemy They believe that Jesus is in heaven. He's going to come back and kill all the infidels with the imam Mahdi, right? Really what they believe is they believe in the antichrist So that imam Mahdi or whatever is probably going to be you know the false prophet or the whatever One of the antichrists or the false prophet Jesus will probably their Jesus will probably be you know the false prophet So but you know he believed that you know it was a face change that happened at the end He was a shape-shifter or something you know why would why would if he's a good God? Why would he put some other person on the cross that didn't deserve it? And what is the whole point of doing that in the first place? They just don't want them to believe in the death burial and resurrection and so they teach that stupidity in Their churches or whatever you want to call them their Senate there. What are they called mosque? Yeah? I almost said synagogue It's kind of the same thing though anyway So but the Bible teaches that that you're going to go to hell if you die without Christ That's why we warn people how long is the penalty of hell last we'll turn over to mark chapter 9 verse 42 We've got two more sets of scriptures to go to and I'm gonna be done all right mark chapter 9 verse 42 The Bible says for whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me It is better for him than a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea It's a warning to all the pedophiles right and if I hand offend he cut it off for it is better Or excuse me it is better for thee To enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched How long's never? It's never it's that it's forever never right But it says where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched is the fire ever quenched Do they ever get a cup of water? Do they ever get a drop of water? No? It says the fire that it's never shall be quenched if I foot offend he cut it off It's better for thee to enter into halt Or halt into life than to have two feet be casted to hell into the fire that never shall be quenched Anything Jesus being repetitive here for a reason? Yeah, look at verse 46 where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched and if thine eye Offend he pluck it out It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye Than having two eyes to be casted to hell fire Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched how many times did he say the fire is not quenched four times right there Is it ever gonna be quenched? No it lasts forever. Just like eternal life lasts forever eternal death lasts forever, too And last scripture we're gonna turn to this morning revelation chapter 14 verse number 9 revelation 14 verse number 9 says in the angel followed him or followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast and His image and receive his mark in their forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and The smoke of their torment Ascendeth up forever and ever and they shall have no rest Day nor night who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name So the Bible is very clear here. You're tormented with fire the smoke of your torment ascendeth up forever and ever that's eternal death And they shall have no rest day nor night. That's torture People say oh you believe in a guy that tortures people yeah Yeah, that's why we're here at your door dummy. That's why we want you to get saved You know and they're like Saying you know they're like saying I'd rather go to hell than believe there is one. That's basically what they're saying I Well, I don't believe in a God that would throw someone into hell Well, then you don't believe in God at all because the God that you believe in is a figment of your imagination It says you'll have no rest day or night, that's That's scary Looking if you're not scared about hell you better start getting scared about it because it's true. It's the truth You know some people just don't like the truth. They can't handle the truth so With that I'm gonna close. I do have some more topics. I'm gonna talk about tonight, so let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for your word and Lord just being clear on our doctrine I just want people to know what we believe and Lord we just skim the surface on a lot of these things a lot of these Facts could be whole sermons by themselves the Lord I just want people to get a brief understanding of what we believe I pray Lord that everybody in here Would read their Bibles Lord and that they would pray and what they would grow spiritually and our church would thrive in Jesus name Amen