(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus tells the story says two men went up to the temple to pray one a Pharisee the other Republican The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself He's literally not praying to God. He's praying within himself and he says God Isn't that interesting? He's praying He's praying with himself and he's saying God. He's his own God. I think thee that I'm not as other men are Extortioners unjust Adulters or even as this publican I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possess and the publican standing afar off would not Lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven But smote his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself Shall be abased and he that humblest himself Shall be exalted. So God look God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble You have two different types of people here one that self-righteous thinks he's better than everybody else Despises other people and then you have this guy who's a sinner and realizes He's just a sinful man and just says God have mercy mercy upon me a sinner and which one was justified The one that wouldn't even lift up his eyes the one that stood back The Pharisees all up there like he's number one and he's standing back won't even look up This is what self-righteous people are like Jesus is pointing this hippo hypocrisy out with this Pharisee and It's funny how they call us the Pharisees But in reality the holier than thou's are really the more ones that are like the Pharisees We're just saying what the Bible says the Pharisees always disputed what the Bible said No, and the second one tonight or it's actually the third one But we'll say the second one. Okay, because the Absalom one was a throw-in but here's another thing to be aware of be aware of passive aggressive people Overt and covert narcissist and psychopaths. That's a big mouthful there But and you might not be able to know how to diagnose You know passive aggressive people but you'll know when you deal with them and There's things that you can kind of look up and obviously these aren't Bible terms, but the Bible talks about them the Bible warns us against them and so Overt narcissist and covert narcissist. I'll kind of explain what that is. Well, let's turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 Narcissists are in the Bible. They just don't call narcissist But what it says in 2nd Timothy 3 1 It says this know Also that in the last days Perilous time shall come that word perilous is talking about dangerous times Perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves That's what a narcissist is someone that loves themself. They love themselves. They're in love with themselves. They look in the mirror They're like, hey, how's it going? Right, so these types of people isn't it funny how that's the first thing that that's out of God's you know Out of the spirit of God's mouth is that perilous times are gonna come men are gonna be lovers of them of them own selves They're gonna love themselves and that's dangerous for other people because in their love for themselves they have a lot of weird traits that come along with that and They're called in Psychology today, they're called narcissists now. Everybody has narcissistic tendencies to a certain degree Everybody loves themselves to a certain degree everybody takes care of themselves and and you know, you get up in the morning and you brush your teeth and comb your hair hopefully and Shave your beard or whatever it is. You got to do but and we got to maintain ourselves, right? But these people love themselves to the point where they'll throw anybody under the bus they play all these weird games they're basically so like Narcissist and Narcissistic disorder are two different things when you have the disorder That's when I believe that you're a reprobate So there is a checklist just like the psychopathy checklist. The checklist is a nine as a nine Point checklist and if you check five of those boxes then you're that's what you are You're that that narcissist the bad style of narcissist so The Bible says that there's gonna be people that are lovers of them their own selves covetous boasters proud Blasphemers disobedient to parents on thankful and holy so I just want to cover this really quickly because I preach the whole sermon about it So I don't want to go too deep into this, but I did preach a sermon about narcissistic personality disorder and Also about passive-aggressive people so not everybody that's passive-aggressive is a narcissist. Okay, not everybody Sometimes people that's just like a learned thing that they do but sometimes Passive-aggressive people are narcissists and those types of people are usually psychopaths and there's overt Narcissists and there's covert narcissists and I'll explain that here in just a second But I just want to tell you I want to read to you what the disorder is So a narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders It's a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance they think they're the most important person in the world the world revolves around that person a Deep need for excessive attention and admiration. They want people to love them I mean, I would say that Absalom fits in this category He pulled his hair once a year and you know road mules and all this other stuff You know, he's got the lot the long hair trouble They have troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others And so when someone has no empathy for other people, that's a that's a dangerous thing You know, that means you can do things to them and not feel bad about it So that's when you kind of get into the realm of them being a reprobate. So these Narcissist type people these Psychopaths, there's no cure for what they have. There's no medical treatment that they can do. There's no Counseling that they can do they're just done and God is done with them So here's the checklist really quick lack of empathy manipulative projection emotionally cold gaslighting never takes responsibility controlling grandiose sense of self and infidelity So like I said, if you check the five out of the nine, that's what a narcissist or a narcissistic disorder Would be so I don't have time to really delve into that if you watch that sermon that I preached about it I go into more detail about it But an overt narcissist is someone characterized by grandiose sense of self attention seeking and entitlement with an inflated sense of self which is commonly expected of They're arrogant and preoccupied with fantasies of being successful with wealth and power So the overt narcissists are the ones that just do it out in the open, right? They're the ones that do it out in the open They have their little minions that kind of serve them and if those people get out of line They smack them around and put them in their place right now the covert narcissists are people with An excess an excessive need for admiration and entitlement They tend to lack empathy and have difficulties developing and maintaining relationships Covert narcissists lack a stable sense of self self esteem and healthy confidence This is one reason they seek attention and validation So the covert narcissists are the ones that do it behind the scenes. They're the ones that manipulate people behind the scenes But they do have an excessive need for admiration entitlement They are both grandiose in their characters Where they just they grandiose means they have it like this big extreme sense of how important they are and everybody else needs to know It and one thing that they don't like is that when you call them out For what they are they get really upset If you burst their bubble if you if they if they're seen as lesser or Seen for what they are they freak out and I've seen it happen. So When you call them out, it's bad So you don't want to have relationships people like that But feel like that can be in the church and you might not realize I think the the more covert ones are the ones that Are in the church. They're not going to openly do it because they're gonna get smashed by the leadership So they do it behind the scenes They start whispering to other people and trying to turn them against the leadership turn them against other people in the church they'll turn and make the little factions and You you know, they always have a way to deny what they're doing They're very slick. They're very smart about it Romans chapter 1 verse number 28 if you want to turn there This is basically what encapsulates what they are and obviously we know the homo part. I'm not going to read that part for sake of time But Just the fact that God does give people over to a reprobate mind We got to avoid this type of person this, you know Grandiose Narcissistic type people so it says in Romans 1 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness Unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers Backbiters and what are they haters of God? These are the types of people that hate God They're not always homos, but they have the you know, they have the ability to do all in righteousness So whether they are or not They're still a person that you need to avoid like the plague and obviously we pick on homos because it's easy Number one and Number two, they're bad people to be around. You don't want them in your church So, I mean though that's that's easy, but not all Homos are gonna be overt that try it would try to creep into a church like this You know, it says they're despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable Unmerciful they have no mercy they have no empathy That's why when I say that I think that narcissists that the ones that have the disorder are These reprobate type people because if you don't have any empathy, you don't care if you hurt somebody You don't care if you're destroying someone's life. You don't care if you're destroying a church You don't care if you're destroying a church's reputation. You don't care if you're pulling people out of church. In fact, that's probably their goal So it says who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death Not only do the same that pleasure and then that do them. So obviously we don't want discussing homos in our church That's definitely a red flag Okay If they come in, you know But that's the state of affairs that we're in right now I mean pastor Jones were talking about this and he was kind of saying that it's kind of seems like it's the falling away like we're seeing it now and It's like I can't disagree with that because when I drive through Portland, you know what I see rainbow flags You know where their little signs are they have a rainbow flag right there. So what does that mean? They've been conquered by the rainbow people The rainbow people and it's not the good rainbow people. It's the bad rainbow people the reprobates the sodomites they've taken over and Most churches even if they don't put that on the front of their building They're still saying you got to love these people and what and love them love them and bring them into your church The born-that-way ministries they say make him children's workers. I Mean, can you believe that? What is it Sam was his name? SM Davis, I Mean, he's like he was a big name in fundamental Christianity You know I think that they all slithered under the rock after they got destroyed by a pastor Jones pastor Anderson all that whole video or he could dissect the book with gloves on I don't know if you ever seen that before but It's pretty good Bob Jones senior I mean, these are guys that were like really looked up to and they're the ones Promoting this filth and saying that homos are just misunderstood eunuchs That they're just actually that they're not really homosexuals. They just they're just eunuchs But they're eunuchs. They wouldn't want anything That's actually what the Bible teaches that that a eunuch is just you know Someone that's either been made into that or they are just born like that For some whatever reason maybe they have some kind of defect within them or sometimes It's just something that they they don't have to have that kind of Intimate relationship and they are somebody that will work for the Lord and and not have to worry about needing that You know, that's a very rare person by the way, but you know what they're not they're not filthy fags Okay, that's not what Jesus was saying. They totally twist the Word of God It's one of the most blasphemous things I've ever actually seen from an independent Baptist Church And there was a bunch of them on the list boy, did they take that list down fast You got to go on the wayback machine I don't even think you can find it in that but like there was all these ministries that were supporting born that way ministries And it's like oh they took that down real fast You know, Johnny Nixon. I Haven't even seen them around at all. I think they're they got just obliterated Maybe they're just doing it in secret. I don't know but you know, they're going around port promoting this book And maybe making people think that their faggot relative is some kind of misunderstood eunuch We need to love them and bring them in here and let them watch our kids. Yeah, right It's the last thing you need to let them do And maybe the experiment just lasted a couple years because they realize all these fags are letting in or molesting their kids, too It's probably just a short-lived False doctrine. Hopefully that's the truth I don't really dug into it very much lately and I haven't seen them pop their heads up or anything like that. But You know, we that's the last thing we need those that's a definite red flag. Here's another one disguised hostile humor disguised hostile humor turn to Proverbs chapter 6 26 verse 18 Proverbs chapter 26 verse 18 Bible says as a madman who casteth firebrands arrows and death So is the man that deceiveth his neighbor and saith am not I in sport? So there's people that like to see, you know, they deceive their neighbor But it says, you know when they're called on it, they say I was just joking. I was just kidding So that's the passive-aggressive person that like they say something, you know They say something to you and then they go. Oh, I'm just kidding so they could just dismiss everything That's what that's what these people try to do a lot of the times is just say oh, I was just kidding And then when you call somebody on something that they did oh no, I was just joking I didn't really mean that you gotta watch out for that kind of disguised humor, you know, and sometimes you are just joking I'm not saying anybody that says hey, I was just joking that there's some kind of a weirdo I'm just saying that if someone's going around being passive-aggressive and teasing people passive-aggressively and then That you say something really offensive and that person says I'm just kidding. That's what this person That's what this is talking about. We got to watch out for that When people are doing that number four private dinner parties or private meetings designed for tail-bearing and seed planting and This happens a lot and what they like to do these types of people is they'll have people over for their dinner parties They'll only invite certain people They won't invite, you know, they'll only invite the ones that they think they can corrupt I've seen this happen lots of times actually it's happened to me I've seen people do it that people have done it to me and what they like to do is they want to cause doubt in the leader or in their wife and You know if you get invited to something like that and someone, you know, they're you're just eating with them Everything's all good and they start bringing up the church They start bringing up things, you know, the pastor does that you don't agree with or something. That's a red flag and if they're doing things like Bringing up doctrine that that you know, they're false doctrine that they want to preach They'll do it at these little types of parties. And again There's nothing wrong with inviting people over for dinner. Okay, I'm not saying that You're like I'm afraid to invite anybody over for dinner. Pastor Thompson's gonna think I'm bad. No, that's not true But when they're when they're doing the tail-bearing and the seed planting and seed planting is just saying watch for when they do this Watch watch what happens when this person does this and they'll try to just plant seeds in their mind or you know Don't you think pastors kind of this or that and they'll say little things to get a seed planted That's you know, they're sowing seeds of doubt. They're sowing seeds of discord into other church members and You got to watch out for that Proverbs 23 verse 6 says eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye Neither desire thou his dainty meats for as he thinketh in his heart So is he eat and drink saith he to thee but his heart is not with thee So there's people that have these little dinner plans with you and in reality, they're saying hey eat up drink up Hey, we're having a great time, but he's saying that but in his heart he's saying I'm not with this person I'm gonna try to sow seeds of doubt and destruction in their life and try to get him to Quit or leave the church or come with me So this is a common one that infiltrators try to do and again I've seen that personally many times number five over-the-top accusations over the top accusations Accusing everyone of being homos and pedophiles or false prophets Everybody that walks in the door. That's a homo Everybody that walks in the door. They're probably I saw him looking at my kids. They're a pedophile You know, sometimes people look at people's kids. I mean, what are you supposed to do? Just like You never look at somebody else's kids. I mean or if you pick them up, you know, obviously You'll notice that not a lot of people pick up other people's kids and churches like ours because there is that factor where people are Just like well, you know, I just don't go around picking up people's kids. I just don't do it But you know, there's people that if you did pick up someone's kid They're gonna say that person's a pervert you see him pick up my kids like That's weird. Jesus picked up people's kids He set him on his lap he blessed them I mean, it's not weird to be nice to somebody's kids but these people Usually are accusing other people of that and then they don't even watch their own kids That's the funny thing about it. Like the people I've seen that do this kind of stuff I've had people like this in my church and they're like everyone that comes in there accusing of being a pedophile It's just like yeah, I don't know the jury the jury's kind of out on this one It's like I saw them glance at my kid So they're a pedophile. I mean that that is railing Like you should really you know, obviously we've had people come drunk to our service and say Hey, where's the Sunday school class? Cuz I want to work with the kids. It's like get out of here you idiot You know, obviously, you know and some churches might be so dumb. They're like, oh, yeah, you can come on You're the size new Sunday school teacher. I mean, I'm sure there's churches that are that dumb and trusting but Obviously, that's somebody like get out of here man. You're drunk But there are people that have these over-the-top Accusations. Have you seen a pastor Jones? I've seen it I'm not saying that everybody that accuses somebody or something like that is a bad guy I'm just saying that what I've noticed with the people that ended up turning bad that one of the things that they did is Just over the top accused people of stuff. I think brother so-and-so is a false prophet I heard something he said when he was so winning. It just didn't quite sound right Well, if they said they got a turn from their sins, I would agree with you Okay, but just because someone flubs up a soul any presentation sometimes doesn't mean that they're a false prophet So we got to be careful about this. We got to be careful about not being false accusers and 1st Corinthians 5 let you go ahead and turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 3 2nd Timothy 3 3 and I'm gonna read 1st Corinthians 5 11 1st Corinthians 5 11 says But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother Be a fornicator a covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extorturer was such a one know not to eat so Railers on that list and a railer is someone that a railing Accusation is it's always a lie. It's always a sin So if it wasn't always a sin, it wouldn't be right here as something to kick somebody out for So you don't want to be a railer in This church to just accuse somebody that just walks in the door because they're wearing skinny jeans of being a fag Skinny jeans is a popular thing right now. I mean not here hopefully but In in just society in general you got a bunch of queers making everybody's clothes for them And so they're trying to make dudes look as chicken-legged and queer as they can and so they sell these skinny jeans But just because someone has skinny jeans doesn't make them a fag, right? I mean, it's suspect but I'm just teasing. So you're in 2nd Timothy 3 3 it says without natural affection truce breakers False accusers. So one of the things that are part of that, you know these perilous times, you know You're gonna have people that are false accusers Incontinent despisers or fierce despisers of those that are good traders We've had our fair Fair share of traders in our church and in other churches of like faith where you think that they're your friend if you love them you invest all this time into them and They end up stabbing you in the back and falsely accusing you. I've had it happen to me multiple times I know pastor John's probably had it happen to him multiple times And that's just the world we're living in right now You know we but as pastors our job is to you know Try to help everybody and like I said just because someone has a red flag, you know in the file cabinet, you know the Not not real file cabinet, but just something we tuck back here You know, we still try to help people But then when they just keep giving it over and over again and all these different things, you know We have to take action. You know, that's not the most comfortable part of my job I don't like having to confront people on all the stupid things that they do and having to check people all the time But that's another thing that people do is that they're line steppers, they're perpetual line steppers They're always trying to cross the line and see what they can push you to do And that's like it's like a you know, Wolf's you know, how they how they hunt wolves circle around And they just keep doing like perimeter runs and they look and find the weakness and that's when they attack so, you know, they're wolves and sheep's clothing that come into these churches and They'll circle around until they find the weakness and then they're gonna attack And that's why they always try to go after weaker members And I'm not you know, and so if you're one of the people that they try to come at They perceive you as being weak for some reason So, you know beef up get strong do some push-ups do some spiritual push-ups and get strong and don't let these people just sway you With their great swelling words that they have Here's another one excessive flattery And this is a big one too. This is the best church I've ever been to you're the best preacher I've ever heard You know, I'm never gonna quit this church. I'm gonna love this church forever. I mean that is said a lot I've seen that said about people a lot And it's funny one time I was with I was visiting with Pastor Anderson and somebody came up and they were just like You're the smartest person I've ever met in my life No, you're great and he just got done saying well it's really weird when people are just like really over-the-top flattery and then this person just comes up and Just it was standing there listening to him say this and then just over-the-top flattery. I was just like It's weird It's weird when people do that But Proverbs 26 23 it says burning lips and a wicked heart or like a potsherd covered with silver dross He that hateth December with his lips these people that flatter They just are they really don't love you. They're dissembling with their lips They're pretending to love you and layeth up deceit within him when he speaketh fair believe him not For there are seven abominations in his heart whose hatred is covered by deceit his wickedness shall be shown before the whole Congregation So eventually these people get smoked out as the sycophants and the flattering weirdos that they are But I've actually this is something I had to you know have happened to me before I finally started to realize what this is and because everybody likes their ego stroke to a certain degree and That's what flatterers do they stroke your ego. They make you feel like you're special and important and it's like hey they actually do like me and It's over the top. That's when you know it's flattery when someone tells me I'm the best preacher ever then I know that they're just lying and When they say you know just you know this is the this is something I heard from someone that left our church that they were Always saying this this is the best church. I've ever been to I'm never gonna leave this church And it's like and they're gone They gone They're not here anymore That's weird how it could just change to being the greatest church that you've ever been to and now you're going some other church that's I Guess the next best of the better church that he's ever been to I don't know it is weird How that happens who so dig at the pit shall fall there in he that roll at the stone it will Return upon him a lying tongue hated those that are afflicted by it and a flattering mouth work with ruin So just know this anybody that's trying to flatter you in a major way like that flattering is over-the-top Compliments flattering is telling you how great you are how beautiful you are how? Handsome you are how strong you are how great you are at this how great you are at that that's over-the-top flattering and so This person is also what's known modern day is like a sycophant a sycophant is someone that uses flattery To win favor from individuals wielding influence So a sycophant you know there's some people are just you know use flattery on anybody But a sycophant goes right after an individual that has influence so they'll go after pastors they'll go after someone that they perceive has influence and then they Will pour on this flattering thing and you know it's just weird and every time they go up They're bad. They don't really love you. They actually hate you And they're waiting their their data mining Their data mining for you. They're trying to get your your Your data so that they can throw it back in your face later So don't give them what they want Don't give people your whole heart and just spill the beans on your past tell everybody about everything you've ever done Don't do that because that's what people you know we had this this person left our church and not too long ago They got a bunch of our church members in a text message group And what they said was I love you guys. I'm gonna be there for you blah blah blah and then Not too long later. He's flipping on the bird and leaving the the text group And one of the things he said in there was in the text group was I got I got skeletons and all of your closets I Got skeletons all of your closets, and it's like false accusations Stuff they got from somebody else's that's a compulsive liar It's like so if any of it was actually true You know it'd be bad, but like they got this information. Well. I mean some of it. They they datamined themselves But like the person that's saying that it's like there are so many terrible things I know about you like the you know you open your mouth and bones fly out of your mouth I mean your closet is filled buddy. How are you gonna talk about other people that are better than you? It's because they're an excessive flatterer to the people with influence, and then they turn around and Use it against you so and then they go bad and wig out and they go on to the next person and that's that's a bad thing that happens bad or weird soul winning presentations and When people try to go too crazy with some weird soul winning presentations That's a red flag to me You know go by what you're you've been taught and don't try to steer off into your own path Now I'm not saying everybody that has something weird, and there's so many presentations bad Maybe they just didn't get trained good Or they didn't take the training like they should have but we had a guy that came to our church And he would walk up and this is what he do at every door Hey, he'd come up. He'd knock on the door as soon as they answered. He'd go he'd bow Like this and put his finger like this And he'd say I'm coming to you in the name of the Lord preaching the gospel of peace and you know whatever else He said and it's like they're looking at him like it seems like every single person was looking. I'm like a world is wrong with you and Then if they if they open up their door he'd stick his there his foot in the door it's just like What are you doing this guy ended up being some one this weirdo? And he got kicked out but That's a red flag lookout for strange doctrine spreading of course you know if someone comes in talking about The Nephilim or the those mountains you see over there Those are actually the sleeping Nephilim or whatever Sounds like you guys had some doozies in here not too long ago But people that believe you know they'll say stuff like you know they'll preach oneness or flat earth But they take people aside into corners and say this kind of stuff to them And flat earth. I mean it's dumb every single person. I've seen that believes that they end up being bad And so when they have some weird strange doctrines they believe that's a red flag You know and and the other thing that they like to do number nine is When they when they're revealed like when when they're revealed they reveal themselves in the church or whatever what they are they renounce All beliefs or most of the beliefs they had Made a big deal about before they were the number one fanboy that believed about the sodomites They're the number one fanboy about the Israel being not God's chosen people anymore they were the number one fanboy about this or that and then all of a sudden they just do a complete 180 and They don't believe any of it. You're a cult. I mean that happens like almost when when that happens Like you've had people leave your church, and they just leave and never come back, and they don't bother you on the internet They don't do anything those are normal people. Maybe it was just not their cup of tea, but you always know that they're bad ones when It's not just pastor Jones. It's bad It's all the pastors that are bad. You're all a cult You're all I mean, that's just take it to the bank that person's a reprobate. Just take it to the bank They're I mean unless they're just severely deceived by somebody But it seems like this is something they do every single time At first at first they'll say well I still believe all the doctrines that I believed before and then the next thing you know they're they're praising some sodomite You know and saying that they love them That they're so you know that they're so great I love you people and that person the person that did that that person threw a fag out on the first night of Verity Baptist Church He just stumbled in the door the guy didn't even know what was going on And he just grabs this guy and just go get out of here you freak. You know it's obviously he wasn't some infiltrator He just was like some you know confused drunk or something that he looked like a drag drag queen or something like a mild drag queen, but still They don't just grab someone slam them out the door when you haven't even asked them to leave They go from doing that and accusing every single person of being a fag that comes in and everybody being a false prophet And then what do they do well? They go and side with the sodomites against Pastor Shelley It's just like how do you go from being number one fanboy to loving the sodomites? Because you never really believed it in the first place That's why you're a phony you're a fake, and that's what these people do they pretend They fit in they dress like us they act like us they talk like us they go sowing like us they have big families like us, but in reality their heart is not with us and You know they make a big deal about all these doctrines, and then they totally flip you know and It's just weird they cue then you're a cult It's not just Pastor Jones, so if someone doesn't like my church, or they don't like me, and they say you know what? I'm gonna go to Pastor Jones's church It's just not my you're not your leadership style is not my cup of tea or whatever I would have no problem with that. I would literally have no problem with that but what I have a problem with is when they You know once they leave your church Then everybody's a cult that's something to watch out for that You know and so if I don't care if it's the first person that ever went to your church if they're doing that crap they're bad trust me they are bad and that's I mean look at look at what Judas was one of the first people to and The disciples weren't going oh Judas what he wasn't that bad don't you know don't kick him out I mean they they were just like we need to replace Judas Judas is done Let's find somebody else. They didn't weep at one tear for him as far as I saw in the Bible I mean and they were with him for three years once they reveal themselves They're revealed and we should have nothing to do with them and the secret phone calls that they try to do to our church members You should just block them Block them don't have anything to do with them if they say that they hate this church Or they hate all the pastors that you like Then they're the ones with the problem. They're the ones with the problem so The number ten they're covetous. They got all these get-rich-quick schemes trying to get church members for profit starting little businesses within the church, and this is something I've just noticed people that have left or revealed themselves as bad people And they'll start a business geared towards church members It's like and then you know they're trying to make all this money And then they're fleecing the church members by saying how broke they are and how much help they need and all this other stuff this is one particular thing that I've seen you know and Here I learned that this person was a grifter in our church, and I tried to preach it out of them But the tagline that they would always say I started noticing this towards the end that Every time someone would say hey, brother. How you doing? They say oh, I'm doing pretty good You know just just trying to survive And you know I don't know how I'm gonna pay my rent because I'm completely broke and you know I got all these bills to Pay but you know God's good. He's faithful. He's gonna take care of me. That is code word for please help me And give me some money it is and If you say that every single time they need to get your butt out and work harder Because the church shouldn't be paying all of your bills for you for the whole time you go there and That's the kind of people that are cut their covetous, but they're hard. They're hard to root out sometimes You know they lie about how hard of workers. They are oh Yeah, I work seven you know Tyler Baker came to our church Back in the day in the beginning, and he just couldn't stop telling me how hard of a worker He was I work 70 hours a week Yeah, I do all this and you know I got all these people are leaving faithful word to come Some people say did I preach better than Pastor Anderson? He actually said that to me, and I was just like I had to like reel my mouth back closed. I was just like wow And That's that's a giant red flag you know and guess what what did Pastor Anderson say when he fired him You're a lazy You've been a crappy worker the whole time You know it's just like so he's telling me. He's a hard worker He's telling me about how great he is but in reality. He's nothing like he's presenting himself to be those types of people are Hard to deal with I know I'm kind of running out of time here I got about probably five minutes left or so, so I'm just gonna rush through these here, but You know when they see tailbone I already covered that They team up with our enemies no matter what they believe This is another thing that they do this is another way to know that they're bad You know they're bad Don't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore on this stuff when they go to the enemies and they form this big super team of trash can reprobates Then You know that they're bad Because those people are Calvinists You know flat Earthers Fags atheists whatever it is it doesn't matter to them They're totally ecumenical Whatever it is. They hate what we are they hate Baptists. They hate the truth. They hate hard preaching They hate soul winning they'll lie and say that they believe some of the stuff that we do but they don't really believe it and if they side and like and hard all these comments of True reprobates, and they've teamed up with them. They're bad. Just take it to the bank that they are bad They might not say something right away, but after a while you'll see you'll see they'll start talking to you, and this is what they like to do they like to leave churches and Pretend that they're leaving on good terms I'm not gonna talk any I'm just leaving you know I'm not gonna say anything bad about the church You know how many times I heard that and every time it's a lie every single time They always lie they always try to contact people from in the church or people from outside of the church and guess what I? always find out about it and Then when those people when I find out that then it's gloves off you know because that's kind of an agreement I make with people when they leave our church and You know they're they're saying they're not leaving on bad terms. They're not gonna talk about about the church I just say well if you do though I'm gonna nuke you That's what's gonna happen you gotta mark them. You know we have to mark these people so They Stock every move that you make and your family I mean some of these people are serious nut jobs and They will watch every sermon that you preach, and they think it's all about them I bet you think this sermons about you. Don't you? They're so vain a Pastor John's preach server about that, but they do they think every sermons about them, and maybe some of it is and If the shoe fits wear it sucka You suck You sucked as a church member. You know we don't want other people sucking like you did So we're gonna call it out But not every sermons about you, but you know what it was weird I've left churches before and you guess what I never watched another sermon of theirs ever. I don't care Because I'm I've moved on I Don't just live in the past in some kind of sycophant Psycho world where I watch every sermon of the new IFB pastors And then I have someone assigned to watch this one on that one And hey you and you reprobate so-and-so you watch this one, and we'll dissect all that. We'll make videos about it And that's what they do They gather themselves together against us look at Psalm 56 verse 5 Psalm 56 verse 5 They stalk us David David had stalkers to guess what the Apostle Paul had stalkers the Apostles had stalkers Stalking is a big is a big thing for the reprobates. Psalm 56 5 says every day. They rest my words All their thoughts are against me for evil they gather themselves together There's your trash can they hide themselves They mark my steps When they wait for my soul, this is them They're resting our words every day. They make your words seem like you're saying something that you're not really saying and Their thoughts are always against us for evil That is a gigantic red flag that will tell you right then and there they're bad people Have nothing to do with them They falsely accused leadership turn to numbers chapter 16 verse 1 numbers chapter 16 verse 1 Number 16 1 and this is like one of my favorite stories to kind of this is I'm gonna end on this I think Because I'm out of time big time. I'm having fun though Having fun. I like preaching stuff like this It's good for us All right numbers chapter 16 Now this is the story of Cora turning against Moses notice the things that they do This is the MO of people that are waiting for an opportunity to spring themselves and turn the congregation against The leadership, you know and the another thing to do is they go after pastors wives They run to the pastor's wife doesn't do this. Look the pastor's wife doesn't have to do anything The pastor's wife does what she does are the kindnesses of her heart And you know, I know that most of the pastor's wives do work hard So But they always try to run them down because they always try to attack the wife They always try to attack the kids because they're too scared to try to attack the man because they know what's gonna happen They're gonna get smacked right number 16 verse 1 now core the son of his are the son of Kohath the son of Levi and Dathan and Abiram and the sons of Eliab and own and the son of Peleth sons of Reuben took men and They rose up before Moses with certain of the children of Israel 250 princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown. So what do you see so far? Well, these guys they're getting people from all these different tribes that are not part of the priestly tribe Okay, they're disgruntled because you know, they don't have the priesthood They're the ones that carry the stuff from place to place and they want to burn the incense and they want to do the priest Job and it says they rose up against Moses or rose up before Moses they took 250 princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men every now you know a lot of these people they want to be something and so they're looking for an occasion to You know to try to rise up and try to get famous and everybody loves them in the church or whatever And so don't be surprised when some of these people turn out to be bad guys It says and they gathered themselves together Against Moses and against Aaron and said unto them you take too much upon you Seeing that all the congregation are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them Wherefore then lift you up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord and when Moses heard it he fell upon his face So what are they saying? Moses has lifted himself up above everybody else Isn't that how they attack Pastors now you think you're so special you think you're you know, you're the man of you Say I'm the man of God and all this other stuff, right? They try to they're saying that we lift ourselves above the congregation when it comes to Moses here. Moses is literally God said he's literally the most the meekest man on the face of the planet But yet he's accusing. So what's he doing? He's falsely accusing Moses of lifting himself Above the congregation. Is it true? It's not they don't care See we have to play within the rules as Christians as pastors. We have rules that we have to to go by these people don't care They'll take any opportunity. They'll lie about everything. They'll lie about anything When they make these videos and stuff against us, you know, most of the stuff that they say is just not even true at all the accusations all this stuff and They just spread they want to spread it to everybody They want to spread their lies and rise up and they're saying hey, we're just as holy as you are They don't like pastoral authority They hate it. And so that's why they're always gonna try to rise up against the pastors that are like this We don't vote in this church, right? So pastor Jones makes the rules based upon what the Bible says. That's how a church should be run Moses didn't ask for permission on what to do. He went to God, right? That's what we're supposed to do go to God for the things in the Bible. He's spoken to us already We don't need him to speak. He's already spoken to us. He tells us how to do things and so These guys just want or they're looking for an occasion. Look at verse 31 This isn't it came to pass as he made and end of speaking all these words that the ground clave of sunder and was under Them and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up in their houses and all the men that Appertained to Korah and all their goods they and all that appertained to them went down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon Them and they perished among the congregation So God literally opened up the earth the earth opened up swallowed these reprobates They all died a fiery kicking and screaming snotty-nosed death I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight to see as they all dropped into hell so Because because they were saying that Moses isn't the only you know He's not the bona fide leader and Moses is like hey if you die a regular death And you know, I guess God didn't God didn't send me but what happened God did something He'd never done before and opened hell. They this is where you get the term they split hell wide open Because that's what happened so Get this this is the response from the congregation the next day number 1641 But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying You've killed the people of the Lord Moses and Aaron you've killed the people of the Lord You know and when we kick people out sometimes we kill them spiritually We make sure that they're they're exposed and and destroyed in a good way biblically and The people will get mad and say I can't believe you said that so-and-so's a reprobate I can't believe you said Tyler Baker's a reprobate people got really mad about that. There was a big split over that He's literally a oneness Pentecostal I Mean he believes everything they believe So he's not saved. He doesn't believe in the Trinity But yet people are you kill the person the man of the Lord It's like are you stupid But this is why you have to preach sermons like this so people can be explained to that This is the mentality sometimes that people they see Only on the surface and they don't see what the pastor sees They don't see what the pastor has already gone through with that person and maybe they just want it to be true They don't want it to be true that The person that they were side-by-side with going soul winning with Fellowshiping with going on trips with is some kind of weirdo reject psycho reprobate Narcissist they don't want to believe that and so then they blame the pastor for doing his job and taking care of business And that's not the right way to look at it Because think about this they dropped into hell Is it once saved always saved or not? So it's once they've always saved nobody that's saved is ever gonna spend one second in hell so all those people dropped into hell alive and Then they said you killed the people of the Lord They went to hell. They weren't the people of the Lord God made it known Moses said it they're they're done But yet people that are still in the congregation will say that person's good Like I just want you know I can't even and you know express how important it is that you look at things and don't don't let these people Come and text message you behind the pastor's back if someone's marked mark and avoid means avoid them Don't go out for coffee with them. Don't go hang out with them. Oh, well, they left good You know what if they left bat? Look sometimes they leave good, but they don't really leave good That should be a clue to you don't hang out with them don't take their messages and Look, it's not because we're trying to keep you as a cult It's because we don't want you corrupted like these people were corrupted. You killed the people of the Lord Come on That is trash. And you know what God is going to arise and he's gonna scatter his enemies There's gonna come a day When the Lord Jesus Christ is gonna come back and all these people the all these wicked people all these rulers and principalities and powers and Marilyn Manson and all these other people, you know, Marilyn Manson's bad, but Joe Biden anybody anybody that's some wicked the Disney executives all these people are gonna be running and Hiding from God because they say I'd rather have some boulders a mountain fall on top of me than to have to face the wrath of the Lamb These people aren't gonna be able to hide forever. That's why he said scatter them Lord scatter your enemies and have caused them to flee that hate thee and God is going to do that in the end and you know what? We're not gonna have to worry about all these types of things, but you know while we're here while you're in church, look don't let these people get a foothold on you and I didn't get to finish everything. I want to preach because I'm way over my time, but I just want you to understand there's things that we see that you might not see go to your pastor first You know what? I've noticed a lot of people that leave are just cowards. They won't even face me You know, we fellowship together I'm not hard to talk to but yet they won't come and talk to me because they're too scared They're too much of a coward to come and face me. They won't they won't come to my face. They come to your face No They won't they just leave and and what they're doing is they're trying to get other people to leave with them They do that's what they want to do They want to destroy this church from the inside out like the wolves they are And you know what? God's going to scatter them and they're gonna face the judgment Right now it looks like they win sometimes, but they're not really winning They're just storing up wrath with them for the day of vengeance there is a day of reckoning coming for these people and They would just be well enough to leave us alone But they don't and so they're just gonna store up more wrath upon themselves and you know, oh well That's what I say. I'm not I don't worry about it. God's gonna take care of business for me and You know, I hope my prayer is that this church is safe from these types of people and I hope you take this stuff to Heart because it's so important that you understand some of the signs and things that they do to try to manipulate people And that's how they they work their manipulators Let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much for this great church Lord I pray you protect it from These types of wicked people that creep in and try to cause strife and division Lord and they're still trying to contact people from the church and and talk trash about the man of God to pray Lord that you would just Smite those people Lord and that you would destroy them from off the face of the earth and Lord I pray that you would just Help us to be discerning as a people Lord that we wouldn't say You killed the people of the Lord that we would just rightly judge the situation and what's gone on and Lord I pray you bless his pastor pastor Jones and his wife miss Jessica and the kids here and all the people in this church Lord We thank you for all the visitors that came from far away I pray you protect them as they drive home tomorrow and I pray that you bless them at their churches where they're at and We pray all these things in Jesus name. Amen All Right, let's grab our hymn books one final time this evening We'll go out singing a great song number 30 nothing but the blood Three zero nothing but the blood what can wash away my sin what can wash away my sin nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh That makes me My pardon Nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Makes me Oh That makes me This is all my Jesus this is all my righteousness Nothing, but the blood of Jesus That makes me You You You You