(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, alright well if you are watching online you can see that the title of the sermon this morning is reprobate founding fathers, reprobate founding fathers and I want to focus on verses 6 through 10 in Colossians chapter 2 where Bible reads as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him established in the faith as you have been taught abounding therein with thanksgiving beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you're complete in him which is the head of all principality and powerless pray Heavenly Father Lord I pray that you help me to preach this morning I pray you'd help me to convey all the hours of study that I put into this sermon I pray you'd help me to preach the Word of God boldly and in truth and fill me with your Holy Spirit now as I begin to preach in Jesus name I pray amen alright so again the title of the sermon this morning is reprobate founding fathers now immediately some people have already clicked off immediately people have already been like oh man I can't yeah I'm gonna preach about this and the reason why is because in the time that we're living in right now I see a lot of people hanging their hat on the founding fathers and the Constitution of this country as opposed to walking in Christ and being established in Christ and being established in faith you know we're complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power he's the head of everything now look am I thankful to live in this country I am thankful to live in this country don't get me wrong but this country is wicked and this country had founders that were wicked and look I've seen comments where people are like you know we have the rights from the Constitution and from the Word of God no the Word of God should be the first thing that we get our rights from and if you want to throw the Constitution in there then so be it but you know if you watch pastor Jimenez's sermon last week you know he shut that down okay if you haven't watched it because you're too American pie for that then you just need to just swallow your American pride go watch that sermon and watch a real man stand up and preach the Word of God anyway and so as far as this sermon goes I didn't preach this because I saw pastor man's sermon I already planned on preaching a sermon and I have witnesses to that effect okay so look so why would I preach a sermon like this well and why would I bash upon the nation's founders of the United States of America you know why because I love the truth and people are standing and saying I stand with the founding fathers then who are you standing with let me ask you that question who are you staying with and by the time I get done preaching these two sermons because I'm having part one and part two because there's just too much stuff for part one and or for just one part there's been like 15 pages or something not gonna try to do that to you the morning sermons probably longer than the afternoon sermon I do have a little bit to finish up on the last point after service but I'm gonna preach to you about the founding fathers and how I know for a fact that there look I'm not saying every single one of them was reprobate but the ones I'm gonna show you which are like the pillars of our country so to speak are and were reprobate beyond the shadow of a doubt and look I didn't even put all the quotes I could have in here some of it was just it was just too lengthy too long but I want to show you some of what they believed and and why I believe that this country was not founded as a Christian nation now unless unless you're talking about before the Revolutionary War those people that came over they did come over here seeking religious asylum from being persecuted against their faith and things like that I'm not talking about them I'm talking about from the Revolutionary War and onward okay the founding fathers of the United States of America so and why do what you know why why bring this truth up well there's a lot of opinions about whether the founding fathers were Christian or not but you know why did Peter get confronted by Paul why did he why why was that well let me read for you in Galatians chapter 2 and verse 11 it says but when Peter was come to Antioch I was stood him to the face because he was to be blamed sometimes Christians are just wrong about stuff and hey Peter was a good man he was a great man of God but you know what he was wrong about this issue that Paul takes him to task for it says I was stood him face to the face because he was to be blamed because what did he do it says for before there that certain came from James he did eat with the Gentiles but when they were come he withdrew and separate himself fearing them which were of the circumcision so he got he was being judaized and he was actually not walking according to the truth of the gospel it says and the other Jews assembled likewise with him and so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation but when I saw that they walk not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all if thou being a Jew liveth after the manner of Gentiles and not as do the Jews why compelest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews so what is my point well sometimes people are just wrong about stuff and sometimes you got to stand up and just say to the face and hey if that's through Bible preaching or whatever that might be which is what I'm doing this morning some people just need to be withstood to the face and say hey you need to take down your American pride down a couple notches all right and look I love this country and the fact that I love the people I want them to be saved but do I hang my hat at the end of the day on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the founding fathers no and I haven't for a long time I don't know if I ever have but I definitely don't now so one thing that has always irritated me with Baptist churches is the Yankee Doodle Dandy apple pie eating flag worshiping total devotion to the USA that they express in their church services by bringing in politicians and police chiefs and fire department and all this other stuff and they're just like oh you know the flags waving in there and their church building hey look I'm not gonna worship a flag I'm not gonna pledge allegiance to a flag I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ and him only am I gonna serve it just goes beyond the love of people in this country and in some cases just pure bootlicking and plain old-fashioned idolatry and worship of men it's not the truth it's not the truth and so I think that this people standing with the founding fathers crap needs to be addressed and hey if you're if you're gonna get mad at me get mad but listen to the words that they say okay listen to what they're saying and listen to what the Bible says this morning and I'm gonna try to keep my opinions out of it as much as possible but is it okay if I have an opinion about something if my opinion matches up with the Word of God and matches up with what these men are saying I'm gonna let them condemn themselves this morning and so you can judge for yourself whether the founding fathers were reprobates or not okay and so let's look back at Colossians chapter 2 verse number 6 looks you're already there it says and as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him not the founding fathers but in him okay verse number 7 rooted and built up in him not in the Constitution not in the Bill of Rights beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men and not after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ again not the Bill of Rights not world government it's in Christ that we're supposed to be rooted and grounded in we're supposed to receive Christ and then walk in him okay we're not supposed to receive Thomas Jefferson and walk in his ways all right look this world is not our home we're passing through we're pilgrims we're a spiritual nation that just happens to be born into the physical nation of the United States so don't get all crazy with your patriotism because patriotism is not in the Bible as a positive thing so so now let's look at some of the names of the some of the founding fathers and look there's so many of them I'm not gonna name them all but the main ones that we all know Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin John Adams Samuel Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison and John Jay are the ones that are like the main ones that people know I never even heard of John Jay before I started studying this honestly but you know I'm not I'm not gonna say I'm an expert in the Revolutionary War and the founding fathers I'm not an expert but I have learned enough to understand who they were and what they stood for now there's many other figures have also been cited as founding fathers these include John Hancock best known for his flashy signature on the Declaration of Independence governor Morris who wrote much much of the Constitution Thomas Payne the British born author of Common Sense Paul Revere a Boston silversmith who admit whose midnight ride warned of approaching redcoats George Mason who helped craft the Constitution but ultimately refused to sign it Charles Carroll the lone Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence Patrick Henry who famously declared give me liberty or give me death John Marshall a Revolutionary War veteran and longtime chief justice of the Supreme Court and Abigail Adams who implored her husband John to remember the ladies while shaping the new country so those are the basic founding fathers and then there's another one that's not really mentioned on that list and his name is Charles Thompson and there's no P in there so no he was not related to me Charles Thompson not Thompson okay who's ever heard of Charles Thompson okay well I hadn't either so but anyway he was an Irish born patriot leader in Philadelphia during the American Revolution and a secretary of the Continental Congress through 1774 to 1789 throughout its existence Thompson's role as secretary to Congress was not limited to clerical duties according to biography biographer Boyd Schlenter Thompson took a direct role in the conduct of foreign affairs and has suggested suggested that Thomas Charles Thompson was essentially the Prime Minister of the United States at this time Thompson is also noted for designing with William Barton the great seal of the United States so who knows what the great seal of the United States is Shirley chuck that wallet at me real quick oh nice throw that a pepper all right so the great seal as many of you know is on the back of the $1 bill so this is the front side of the seal you probably can't see this but if you have a dollar bill in your pocket you can look at it or I can pass this around so the great seals right here this is the reverse side of the great seal which has the pyramid with the all-seeing eye and then of course I've gone into where what these represent and all that kind of stuff you want to pass this around are you scared come on it's all right somebody come up here come boy come up here Jack Oh Brando you guys all afraid to be on camera or what so if you want to look at the back of the seal in the front of the seal anyway kids are usually the first ones to jump up but not these ones anyhow so he created the greats he was helped he helped William Bart Barton and he's only presented the great seal and as Secretary of Congress Thompson chose what to include in the official journals of the Continental Congress so the Continental so before I get into that though the great seal let me read you something about the great seal of the United States it is used to authenticate certain documents issued by the federal government of the United States the phrase is used both for the physical seal itself which is kept in the United States Secretary of State and more generally the design impressed upon it so basically this seal is stamped on the thing just like a you know seals of old times where Kings would put their seal on something that's what the seal is but the back of that seal was not really revealed until they actually put it on the dollar bill and people can see what it actually was written on there so a lot of weird Masonic Illuminati things in there which I'm not I don't have time and the scope of the sermon to get into but maybe some day I'll preach about that just by itself but we'll see but anyway so this Charles Thompson this is and look I didn't get the source these sources from conspiracy theory independent Baptist calm I got these from like Wikipedia and actual government sources and documents so because I watched a film called a hidden faith of the founding fathers and it's by guiding Chris Pinto and it's actually really well done and it kind of goes in a way more detail than I'm going to go into today and I'll actually put a link in the description on the YouTube sermon and you can go and watch that that movie that documentary and he goes into super detail about it and it's really well done I highly recommend it and I really I got a lot of what I what I got from that documentary but here's the thing I did check the sources you know because people get to say things and say this was quoted by so-and-so but I actually went and checked the sources of everything I put into this sermon and I actually typed in the quotes myself and then it would take me to some government archive where they actually said the things that they said like Thomas Paine George Washington Thomas Jefferson all these things okay so here's what the reason why I'm bringing up Charles Thompson is because this it says he prepared a work of over a thousand pages that covered political history of the American Revolution after leaving office listen up very closely he chose to destroy the work and effort to preserve the myths of the war of independence leaders as heroes stating his desire to avoid contradicting all the histories of the great events of the Revolution so look we've been fed a lot of propaganda growing up everybody's learned about the founding fathers in our history books and how we revolted against the evil King George of England and how he was so wicked and all this stuff look there was two taxes the sugar tax and the tea tax and this okay there was a Stamp Act and people flipped out and used that as a reason to revolt against the king now listen up that look at the taxes that we pay now and so word was that so bad as to revolt I mean we're not revolting over every single like gas tax I mean everybody has to buy gas all the time we're taxed beyond measure like just not even just the checks that we get from from back from work where they taxes for 20 to 25 percent or whatever or 10 to whatever percentage you or tax bracketed in everything else that we buy has a tax associated with it also so we're taxed very heavily on the things that we have in the money that we make so look it says let the gut let the world admire the supposed wisdom and valor of our great men perhaps they may adopt the qualities that have been ascribed to them and thus good may be done I shall not undeceive future generations now this is the secretary of he was the secretary of Congress before the Declaration of Independence and everything was during the war he was like a head person in the Revolutionary War and he said that we that he doesn't want to undeceive future generations because you know what we've been deceived by the goodness of the founding fathers and how great of morals this country was founded upon now I realize I'm reading a lot of stuff I'm gonna get some Bible in here so don't worry about that but I do want to just lay the groundwork and just say look this guy Charles Thompson said things aren't what they seem to be and hey you know he wrote the truth down and then he burned his manuscript there was a thousand pages of what really happened look don't forget that this is on the back of the French Revolution and all these guys came in France is the one that helped America the United States win the war against the British we employed their soldiers their soldiers came over and fought in our militias okay and so after they killed all these Christians and murdered the king and the Queen over and in France and and started that revolution which was bloody and disgusting and wicked as hell I'm actually hoping that Pastor Anderson someday will do a sermon about the French Revolution I don't know if it really applies but you know he seems to know a lot about it but maybe one day I'll do it I don't know I need to study a lot more into it but there was a wicked and bloody thing it was an overturning of the king it was an over it was a revolt against the king okay and so those same people helped America start its revolution look there was revolutions upon revolutions in many many countries all over Europe and what were they doing they were thrown out overthrowing the monarchy the kingdoms that they were in and how is that biblical you just explained how how that's biblical because there's some verses I'll share this with you as I get a little further along here but so Charles Thompson he he made the great seal which is no doubt about it Masonic in all of its origins if you just like there's a pentagram that spells Mason on it there's like 13 feathers 13 stars of stripes 13 olive leaves on the branch and all this stuff represents all their secret society stuff and look the Masons did help the win the revolutionary war the Masons were here and they were like putting out their propaganda and they did help overthrow the kingdom of Great Britain look I'm not saying the king was a great guy or anything like that but where does the Bible say to do stuff like that it doesn't say that so to say that that's a Christian act that happened it's just not true so so what Charles Thompson is suggesting is that these men were not great men and he was suggesting that the story of the American Revolution is a deception okay and this deception is found in the men that deceived us so I want to show you a picture of the founding fathers and again not my own opinion not my own political opinion and I want to give you when I go through these founding fathers I want to give you a brief synopsis of them and then quote them for what they're saying and then quote what the Bible says about what they said to prove to you that they're reprobates okay so turn to Matthew chapter 12 verse number 33 Matthew 12 verse number 33 this is very important to the to the context of the sermon Matthew chapter 12 verse 33 says either make the tree good or his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit Oh generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so the things that we speak out of our heart the things that we say is what comes out of our heart it's the abundance of our heart we're gonna speak what we believe basically it's what that's saying a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment so look men that are look we're saved we're not gonna have to give an account for every idle word that we speak this is not talking about someone that say let's talk about someone that's not saved okay because there's no condemnation in Christ Jesus we're not held accountable for the things that we say in heaven so but this is talking about idle men that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof on the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified so when we call upon the name of the Lord when we confess that we believe that Jesus is the Christ and they died he buried he rose again the third day don't those words justify us absolutely you call upon the name of the Lord receive him as your Savior by our words were justified it says by thy words thou shalt be condemned I don't believe in Jesus I don't believe in the Holy Ghost I don't believe in the virgin birth I don't put all these things that people say they're gonna give an account thereof in the day of judgment so what was the American Revolution okay kids this is a homeschool thing plus preaching okay the American Revolution was a colonial revolt which occurred between 1765 and 1783 the American Patriots and the 13 colonies defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783 with the assistance of France winning independence from Great Britain and establishing the United States of America that's it in a nutshell okay so the first founding fathers that I want to talk about today is Thomas Paine now Thomas Paine was not exactly he's not put to the forefront of the founding fathers and there's a reason why because people want you know there's a deception that goes along with this whole we were made as a Christian nation no we weren't I'm not saying that there weren't Christians here I absolutely know that there was and that led a lot of people's thinking at that time these people these founding fathers the way that they thought was a minority but a lot a lot of people even if they weren't Baptist or if they weren't even if they weren't saved they still held to to Christian traditions and went to church every Sunday and things like that so but Thomas Paine he was not one of those people and he was openly against Christianity he hated God he hated Christianity and I'll prove it to you but let me give a synopsis of Thomas Paine was Thomas Paine was an England born political philosopher and writer who supported revolutionary causes in America and Europe published in 1776 to international acclaim common sense was the first pamphlet to advocate American independence after writing the American crisis papers during the Revolutionary War Paine returned to Europe and was offered a stirring defense of the revolution of the French Revolution with his rights of man so what did it sound like Thomas Paine was for the French Revolution absolutely was he wrote a pamphlet about it a stirring defense of the French Revolution his political views led to a stint in prison after he his release he produced his last great essay that's from the article not for me the age of reason a controversial critique of institutionalized religion and Christian theology so this this book ate the age of reason was just a scathing rebuke of everything that got that we would hold to be true of the Word of God of the Old Testament of the virgin birth everything he hated Jesus he hated the Word of God and he railed against it in this book the age of reason and so other pamphlets he did I'll get into more of that here in just a second pamphlets that most famous for was common sense it was first published January 10 1776 selling out its thousands a thousand printed copies immediately by the end of the year 150,000 copies an enormous amount for that time had been printed and sold it remains in print today so common sense is created as playing a crucial role in convincing colonists to take up arms against England in it pain argues the represental government is superior to a monarchy or to other forms of government based on aristocrats II and her and heredity so he's basically saying kingdoms are bad our government's better the government I'm suggesting is better and he basically uses propaganda to turn the hearts of the American people or the people that lived here at that time the 13 colonies and he changed and convinced them to take up arms against England okay so it says the pamphlet proves so influential influential that John Adams reportedly declared without the pen of the author of common sense the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain so without the intellect without the the propaganda of Thomas Paine then then George Washington would have raised his sword in vain so basically saying without the might of Washington's sword without the might of the pen of pain we wouldn't have had the revolution that we had so was Thomas Paine do you think he was an important character in the revolution of course he was he was one of the main characters and so as the Brit as the Revolutionary War began Payne enlisted and met general George Washington whom Payne served under the terrible condition of Washington's troops during the winter of 1776 prompted Paine to publish a series of inspirational pamphlets known as the American crisis which opens with the famous line these are the times that try men's souls Paine published his book of rights of man in two parts 1791 1792 a rebuttal of the writing of Irish political philosopher Edmund Burke and his attack on the French Revolution of which Paine was a supporter so it flat-out says that he supported the French Revolution and look he was used to as a propaganda machine there and just like he was a used as a propaganda machine here George Washington's the one that had him write those things for the soldiers okay and this guy was not a good guy but I'm gonna read for you Psalm chapter 26 look at Psalm chapter 139 verse 19 Psalm 26 verse 9 says gather not my soul with sinners nor my life with bloody men and look the people that did the French Revolution were bloody men that murdered many many people that didn't deserve it and then Psalm 59 verse 2 says deliver me from the workers of iniquity and save me from bloody men so this is David saying that bloody men are good people to hang around or bad people to hang around they're bad people to hang around and then you're in Psalm 139 verse 19 it says surely thou will slay the wicked Oh God depart for me therefore ye bloody men God is against bloody men and people that would use this kind of propaganda and stuff to overthrow a kingdom paints to volume treatise on religion the age of reason was published 1794 and 1795 with a third part appearing in 1802 the first volume functions as a criticism of Christian theology and organized religion in favor of reason and scientific inquiry though often mistaken as an atheist text the age of reason is actually an advocacy of deism and the belief in God see Thomas Paine wasn't an atheist he just didn't believe in the God of the Bible he was a deist and so was Thomas Jefferson and all these guys that started it so the age of reason so they believed in this this that reason if like the Bible said Jesus arose by a miraculous you know arose miraculously from the grave they would say well that doesn't sound very reasonable or if he if he was prophesied to be born of the Virgin Mary and he was born of a virgin they would say hey it's not reasonable that a virgin if you took like a hundred thousand virgins and none and none of them gave birth without a man helping them then then that's not reasonable well you know the Bible is not always gonna be reasonable because God has a different reasoning system than we do his wisdom is above our wisdom and look God is able to suspend the reason and laws of science in order to create what we would call a miracle okay the fact that Christ was born of the Virgin Mary it was a miracle okay and they just didn't believe in stuff like that and so that's why they appeal to reason if you look at quotes of all the founding fathers they all appeal to reason over over what's what God would say right so let's see so the second volume of a critical analysis of the Old Testament and the New Testament the Bible questioning the divinity of Christ so his second volume was questioning was you know after the age of reason he wrote a pamphlet called you know that it was the critical text it was a critical analysis of the Old Testament New Testament questioning divinity of Christ in 1806 despite failing health pain worked on the third part of his age of reason and also a criticism of biblical prophecies called an essay on dream so he was a he was so he wrote these three different pamphlets now here's a quote from Thomas Paine okay I'm gonna I'm gonna prove to you he was reprobate but I mean this alone right here should tell you I mean at the end of his life even he was writing this stuff because look people Christians will attribute the founding fathers of being faith they were saved and they really tried hard to get Thomas Paine to say that he was saved or say he was a Christian or get some kind of professional faith out of him because he died after he died because look if you if you think about who Thomas Paine hung around with who'd be hanging around with Thomas Jefferson George Washington Benjamin Franklin J James Monroe all these different guys he hung around them and what and what do we know to be true the birds of a feather flock together don't they and so people that were starting to think well hey if this guy believes like this well what are the rest of these guys believe and so they really were like oh man we we got talked into overthrowing our monarch and doing all this and then we realized what they really believe so that's the problem is that Thomas Paine never he like went after Christianity and so the other ones weren't so much like that but if you look at the quotes of Thomas Jefferson if you look at all the quotes of Benjamin Franklin and John Adams and those guys they were not pro Christian right well here's a quote from Thomas Paine he says kill the king but spare the man Thomas Paine so Thomas Paine was all about killing the king well what does the Bible say about killing the king look at Proverbs chapter 21 verse 20 or 24 verse 21 Proverbs chapter 24 verse 21 I says my son fear thou the Lord and the king and meddle not with them that are given to change was Thomas Paine given to change was he meddling with the he was meddling with change and also not fearing the Lord and not fearing the king see people to say that they're against kingdoms you know what God's not against kingdoms did you know that did you know God's not against Kings God's not against one man ruling over a whole entire nation as a matter of fact that's how all his kingdom was after you know the system of the judges now obviously the system of the judges was God's first choice but when they asked for a king God still honored that position now look at Proverbs 25 verse 6 one page over in your Bible but put not forth thyself in the presence of the king and stand not in the place of great men Proverbs chapter 29 verse 14 the king that faithfully judges the poor his throne shall be established forever Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 20 curse not the king no not in thy thought and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter turn to 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 17 I'm gonna read for you in Proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 the Bible says in Proverbs 21 verse 1 the Bible says the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water he turneth it whithersoever he will does this say the president's hand is in the heart of the king does this say the the ambassadors no it's hot it says the king because God honors the king and he honors dominions of kingdoms he's the king of kings and Lord of lords not the president of presidents okay he's not the prime minister of prime ministers he's the king of kings that's the language that God uses you're in 1st Peter chapter 2 look at verse 17 says honor all men love the Brotherhood fear God what honor the king was Thomas Payne and the founding fathers were they honoring the king or are they going against the kingdom they were going against the kingdom and that's what all these revelation revolutions were doing is they were saying hey we're going to oppose the king we're going to turn it into the government that we want it to be and what does that government ultimately want to be a one-world government you know what they call the United States when they first discovered it guess what they called it the new world have you ever heard of the term the new world order ever heard of that well why do you think they call it that because we are the new world we are America we are the new Atlantis according to these people and we are we have deposed the king and try to set up what we want to set up what the devil wants to be set up because also is there good things in America absolutely there is but look at how we're the most wicked nation on the face of the planet it was just talked about this week again how Donald Trump wanted to halt any kind of benefits to any country that still held homosexuality as a crime everybody just loves Donald Trump on the on the right wing Christian right but yet in one map one side he's saying one thing and one side he's saying the other hey we're gonna stop these countries and make them basically they just take all the money away from them and and sanction them so that they can't probably get food and clothing and things that they want until they say okay fine well we'll undo homosexuality as a crime why is it our business to do that why is it president Trump's business to be doing that garbage you know why because he doesn't look have you ever seen Trump doing this against the wailing wall yeah because he's a Jew his son's a Jew you know talk look don't get fooled by Donald Trump he's it's funny when he clowns on the liberals but you know it's all just a big show it still is funny you know but but in reality you know he's pressing the homosexual agenda in other countries that have it as a criminal offense so look we're not we're did I already have you turn okay I did okay so let's look back at Thomas Payne and look if this doesn't convince you that he was a reprobate then I'm afraid nothing might okay but listen to what he says here it is not then the existence or the non-existence of persons that I trouble myself about it is the fable of Jesus Christ as told in the New Testament and the wild and visionary doctrine raised thereon against which I contend so what's he contending against what he considers a fable Jesus Christ in the New Testament this the story taking it as it is told is blasphemously obscene it gives an account of a young woman engaged to be married and while under the engagement she is to speak plain language debauched by a ghost is he a reprobate yes he is he's talking wickedly about the holy heat is that is that blasphemy the Holy Ghost in your mind you talk about oh no it's the Holy Ghost you clown he's roasting in hell right now Thomas Payne and he's a wicked person that started a revolution in this country that people are just like I stand with the founding fathers on for America on for the Constitution but guess what that Constitution was not built on Christian principles in my second sermon I'm going to show you what George Washington said about us being founded as a Christian nation but anyway let me move on here so turn back to Matthew chapter 12 verse 31 and so I told you I was going to give a synopsis of the character and then I told you I was going to show you some verses and I was going to show their quotations of the things that they said themselves I didn't say this I looked this up it's in his book the age of reason you can go right to it it's on it's it's it's on the internet for anybody to view that wants to look at it Matthew chapter 12 verse 31 says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so guess what Thomas Paine by the definition of the Bible when he said I don't even want to repeat what he said again but talking about the Holy Ghost in such a manner he's a reprobate he was a reprobate when he wrote that and so guess what once a reprobate always a reprobate so look what so here's another quote that he said whenever I read the obscene stories and voluptuous debaucheries the cruel and torturous executions the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled it more it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God who inspired the scriptures was that the Holy Ghost amen he said it's the word of a demon it'd be he'd rather recall it the word of a demon than the Word of God it's a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalized mankind and for my part I sincerely detest it as I detest everything that is cruel so here's saying he detests God he detests the Bible it's the word of a demon is what he said tell me how he's not reprobate you think he just had a deathbed conversion and look that that that documentary I sourced it never uses those words these guys were reprobates these were this or that they definitely doesn't believe that they were godly men so here's what else so when he was on his deathbed and see what I think did one of these quotes here was when he was asked about his faith and he wrote this letter and that was a maybe I'm confusing with somebody else but one I think it was true that a month before he died he wrote this but I'm not a hundred percent sure on that so don't don't get don't write me an email but anyway so it's funny how he says though I detest everything that's cruel but he was all for the French Revolution tell me a true Christian that's ever been someone that's just made this big revolution and tried to overthrow people that's ridiculous he was a wicked reprobate so it so what before he died he didn't want to be alone was one of his things and it wasn't because he was afraid of hell some people actually thought well is it for maybe he's afraid of hell maybe he needs to be saved maybe we need to go preach the gospel to him but what he was his biographers actually wrote this two accounts of it in the biography of Thomas Paine that it wasn't that he was afraid of being cast into hell as if he was afraid of being left alone at his house and a Christian come to his door and that Christian goes out saying hey I got Thomas Paine saved he saved because of what I was telling you before is that people realized how much of a clown this guy was and how much of a wicked person he was he was shunned by all society at one point and like he wasn't he wasn't a popular person when he died because when Christians found out the stuff that he was teaching and they were upset so but the powers that be you know they don't want to say well Thomas Paine he was the only one to believe like this look the natural trail you're gonna fall down hey if the if the person that propagandized our country and said all this stuff hates Christ hates the Bible hates the Word of God and called the Holy Ghost basically a rapist then what are these other guys believe what are the guys that he's hanging around believe and so they wanted to be able to enshrine him in history as a founding father that was you know you could say he had faith but he was afraid of being trapped by himself with Christians so they could go out and say he got saved he wanted he had those two biographers were with him at all times because he didn't want someone to be able to say you know he had his two witnesses that would say no he never got saved he wanted to make sure that history remembered him as a person not of faith here's a story that was told in one of those biographies it says while napping after dinner an old woman called and asking for pain she said she had something of great importance to communicate with him she was shown into his bedchamber and pain raising himself on his elbow and turning towards the woman said what do you want with me I came from God to tell you if you don't repent and believe in Christ you'll be damned and then he says po po it's not true says pain you were not sent with an important message send her away God would not send such a foolish and ugly woman as you turn this messenger out get away be off shut the door so this woman comes to try to get him saved and he just calls her ugly and says your mom addresses you funny and get out of my house you know and the fact that he said po po it makes me wonder if he had ever visited the Philippines but anyway no that's a Filipino joke oh yeah anyway sorry none of you been to the Philippines obviously except for oh who else has been the Philippines in here nobody huh okay well that's why you don't get it so anyway po po but anyway so that was the that's the mindset of Thomas Paine and you know on his deathbed there was 22 people what the day he died there was priest there was pastors there was all these other Christians around trying to get him to get saved right but here's what here's what happened on on June 8th 19 or 1809 in New York City he was buried on his property in New Rochelle on his deathbed his doctor asked if he wished to accept Jesus Christ before passing I have no wish to believe on that subject pain replied before taking his final breath so is there any doubt from that that he was absolutely not saved I mean that just flat-out shows not saved yet one last chance as they say and he says I have no wish to believe on that subject before taking his final breath that was the last words he spoke and then flaming in hell so does it sound like Thomas Paine was inspired by God to start a revolution in the Revolutionary War does it sound like that God just you know what I'm gonna pick the person that hates me the most to start and put all the propaganda for the revolution I don't think so so who really inspired the revolution then the devil Satan yeah and so it is part you know the United States I believe you know I do believe it's Babylon USA and I believe there's no doubt about that you know so for turn to 1st John 4 3 1st John 4 3 and I'm almost done with part 1 here 1st John 4 3 says and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus has come in the flesh is what not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist wherever you've heard that it should come and even now already is in the world who's a liar but he that deny that Jesus is the Christ that's all sorry that's a different verse okay first John 2 22 who is a liar but he that deny that Jesus Christ he's Antichrist the denieth the father and the son there's no doubt that Thomas Paine was an Antichrist and he hated God and I mean flat-out just said it with all the words I mean and those are just some of the quotes from Thomas Paine I mean he's got a whole book three booklets that he writes about the subject and the guy was just a wicked reprobate you know I I just turn to one more verse first John look at verse you're in 1st John 4 look at verse 1 it says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they have God because many false prophets are gone out into the world and look I realized that he wasn't necessarily a false prophet but he was he did believe in deism so what he wasn't just saying I'm an atheist I don't believe in God he was believing in another God which was his father the devil and so I guess he kind of was a false prophet in that way and he also moved a whole nation to take up arms against the kingdom which God never said to do did God say to overthrow kingdoms no God overthrows kingdoms and I look I understand that God allowed this stuff to happen but it doesn't mean that that was God's will for that to happen absolutely not so basically what we've covered is one of the founding two of the founding fathers basically I'm gonna get into Thomas Jefferson George Washington and Benjamin Franklin in the second sermon and and follow up with some just practical things about this but I mean so far I mean Charles Thompson if he wasn't a reprobate he I mean he had to have known the stuff the mysteries of masonry and the Illuminati and all that stuff to have made them design those seals why would he design them like that and then say that he knew the real history of the revolution who these guys really were and then acted like you know he said you know I'm I'm gonna let people just believe what we lied about and then burned his manuscript that he wrote about the whole accounts of the Revolutionary War which obviously are different than what we've been taught growing up in school so anyway that's the first sermon and I'll continue on the second sermon after the break let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord God for just the truth Lord the truth of the scriptures and Lord that we could take men at their words and Lord even to their dying breath and know what they were when they died and Lord I get a lot of criticism and pastors that are friends of mine get a lot of criticism for judging in these situations but Lord can we not judge people by their words and by the words that you spoke in the Holy Scriptures I think we can and I know we can and I just pray that Lord you'd help me to preach in the next sermon these truths again in Jesus name we pray amen