(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I got to put my timer on. Get myself in trouble. Nobody said go preach it. They're like we know Pastor Thompson. They stopped saying preach it. The timer's already up here I see. Wow is this just installed this morning? Anyway I want to thank Pastor Pazarski and Mrs. Pazarski for and and the hold for I mean the stand fast family I mean hold fast family for all the hospitality. I'm just kidding. I just want to give them a little ribbon because you know that's what we pastors do behind closed doors but I'll just do it openly in front of all. Now I really appreciate Pastor Pazarski. He's a good friend of ours and Mrs. Pazarski and the family at hold fast. We're so thankful to be here today and I'm gonna preach a soul winning sermon but I'm gonna run away and not go soul winning today so I'm sorry I have to catch a plane. That's just how it is though but the title of the sermon this morning is Recharge Your Soul Winning Battery. Recharging your soul winning battery. Let's go ahead and turn to Acts chapter number one. Acts chapter number one and for sake of time I'm just gonna read three verses. Here in Acts chapter number one look at verse number six the Bible says when they therefore were come together they asked of him saying Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Let's pray. Lord we thank you so much for Hold Fast Baptist Church and for the pastor and just everybody that showed up today to go soul winning in your in your harvest Lord or just pray that you just bless everybody as they go out that they'd be very fruitful. Lord we just want to also have a special prayer Lord for brother Sha and Miss Ava and the loss of their child would just pray that or that you'd comfort their hearts and help them and and help the the very family and everybody else to just be a blessing to them in whatever way they can and Lord I pray that you just fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach your word in Jesus name I pray amen. So Acts chapter 1 obviously this is where Jesus kind of gives his final orders as to what they're supposed to be doing next and basically he just left us with that we need to go soul winning and he said ye shall receive power and who do we receive that power from we receive that power from God so we're charging our soul winning batteries you know sometimes we can get to the point where just like you know I just don't really feel like going soul winning right now or you know maybe we just need to change some things up and and so I just kind of want to give some some some inspiration to keep going obviously I'm preaching to the choir here but like back at your own home churches sometimes it can be like well you know and you want to go to a vent like this instead of going soul winning at your own church and I would just say this that you need to stay soul winning at your own church also but it's good to come to things like this because it can recharge your soul winning batteries so now God gave us the power he gave us the power of the Holy Spirit but sometimes we can quench the spirit and sometimes the flesh can take over so we don't want that to happen so again I'm just gonna give you a few things this morning about recharging your soul winning batteries but let's look at verse 8 again the Bible says but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem so the Jerusalem for this church would be this whole fast Baptist Church this city Fresno California and in all Judea I guess that would be California the state of California and in Samaria you know I guess that'd be Mexico and Canada our borders and then on to the uttermost parts of the earth that means just or else so we have been commissioned to reach the whole world one place at a time and so I went on this trip to Toronto last week and I just want to talk a little bit about that and it was like it was a great trip there was and I'll read the stats to you in just a second but even though I got sick it was still a great trip and I got to go so many a few times when I was there but I literally met people from many nations any dissents white Italian Hispanic Asian black Latino German French Canadian American and you know and probably a bunch of other nations that I'm probably forgetting but it was like a melting pot type of soul winning marathon and the entire marathon was Friday July 28th to Monday August 7th so a long marathon it was like all these events and things going on and different it took place at America and then up and there was a hundred eighty seven salvations as a result of all those people going out soul winning and I'm just gonna read you kind of the the the wrap-up of the the marathon itself it was 187 salvations the main soul winning days Thursday was a full day had 25 soul winners 47 salvations Friday morning 30 soul winners 28 salvation Saturday full day 36 soul winners 72 salvations and these invitations that we were handing out had QR codes for the Bible way to heaven and when you when you scan that code it takes it to whatever language your phone is in so if you're a Spanish speaker or whatever just whatever language your phone is in it automatically converted the Bible way to heaven to that language it was really cool like I want to definitely incorporate that into our invitations but so that's from Bible way to heaven calm BW to h calm so if you pull up that site and your phone is an English it's gonna be an English one but you can also click on it and it'll you can go to all the different languages that are already on it it was really cool but I want to give you the stats for that too so last the so for the marathon there was 56 clicks on that particular QR code for the Bible way to heaven and then on the backside there's a preaching and documentary site that had 30 clicks on it Friday the there was preaching food fellowship and everybody watched the LGBT terrorist film so there was 60 in attendance on that day so on the trip I met I was sitting there for dinner it was a great event but I was sitting there for dinner and I met a man named Aaron from Germany he was already a man after my own heart after meeting him so and he came there with his girlfriend his girlfriend's name was Nivi Mika and she was born in a place that I'd never heard of called Kang Kanger suck and it was over a thousand miles north of Montreal so if you don't know where that is I didn't know either I had to look it up on a map but we were all kind of sitting at the same table there and I just started you know chatting with them and I knew that she was probably like some sort of Native American or Native descent and when I asked her if she was Inuit which is like kind of like what we would call Eskimo I guess but that's offensive to them I guess in some places so I don't know I'm sure it's not you know how it is so anyway but the Inuit people are natives from the north regions of the earth and Inuit is it means the people are a group of culturally similar similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic and sub Arctic regions of Greenland Labrador Quebec Nunavut and Northwest Territories and Alaska Inuit languages are part of the Eskimo languages Elio languages I probably said that wrong also known as it and also ask elute I'm saying all that wrong probably but I'm sorry I don't speak that language and I've never said those words in my life so anyway I just when you put it on paper it's just like oh yeah I can pronounce that you're like nevermind so but the population of the town that she was from is 561 people it became a permanent settlement in 1921 and for centuries it was an Inuit hunting and fishing like location that people there wasn't like a permanent settlement there they found Viking settlements there at some point the average temperature there is minus eighteen point five in January and July is an average of fifty three point eight degrees high so they get highs of fifty five I mean that's cold like that to me that's to you in California that's freezing isn't it so but anyway so there there's like 14 communities up in that area about six or seven hundred people total and the only way to get there is by plane if you try to Google search the name of the place where she's from it says Google can't find a way to get there and so I was just I was interested in how she got saved because she's from such a faraway region way I mean a thousand miles north of Montreal in Canada so I was interested how she got saved she told me that her cousin got her saved watching New World Order Bible versions well she got her cousin got saved watching New World Order Bible versions and I said well did he get saved watching it in that town yes so somehow New World Order Bible versions Bible way to heaven got to her cousin you know a thousand miles north you know the uttermost parts he got her saved and the only exposure that they ever had to Christianity was that you know she said her grandparents had raised her and they went to an Anglican Church so there was an Anglican Church in their town and a Catholic Church the other church that way yeah like I said was Catholic but her then her cousin got saved and then taught her the gospel and she got saved and eventually she moved to Montreal and her and met her boyfriend Aaron who like I said so he was he's German he spoke multiple languages and so they buddy so he's German but he's living in Montreal which is a French-speaking area in Canada so anyway so they drove five hours from Montreal to come to Toronto just to come to the soul winning marathon so that they could learn how to preach the gospel and you know just fellowship with the Saints and to hear the Bible being preached in person and it just really encouraged me to know that we think that the things that we do the small things that we do don't matter but even just sharing like a Bible way to heaven on social media or mirroring other channels and things like that they can't make a difference I mean this couple came from I mean obviously five hours is a long drive but then but really it's she from even further than that and it really encouraged me because you know sometimes even pastors need to have their spiritually better spiritual batteries recharged I'm glad I went to that so many marathon it was a blessing to me it fired me back up for solely not that I don't love so I mean I do love so any but everybody can get into the you know it's it's just kind of like it becomes a chore sometimes especially if you're not very receptive area it can be like that but I would just say this we need to be faithful in the churches that we're at don't shun Sony don't be a spiritual adrenaline junkie and just only go to so many marathons and things like that but so funds are other churches are good to go to look at Psalm chapter 2 verse number 8 Psalm chapter 2 verse number 8 the Bible says ask of me give thee heat and for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession so you know in Psalm chapter 2 verse 8 obviously this is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ you know in the New Testament this is where Jesus tells us in Acts chapter 1 he tells us hey the uttermost parts of the earth and that just means everywhere but I would say it also means the farthest reaches of the earth and I just that's very encouraging to me that and it says he'll give him the utter the the heathen for an inheritance to the othermost parts of the earth now turn to Matthew chapter 12 verse 41 we have a great responsibility to go and reach everybody and obviously you know hold fast is what this is the second is this the second anniversary and I don't know you know what plans pastor bazarski has for missions later but I'm sure that more the more the longer he's doing it the more he's gonna do just like kind of all the pastors have done that are part of this movement so Matthew chapter 12 verse 41 the Bible says the men of Nineveh shall rise up with this generation shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here sometimes we go to cities and we just do like a one big soul winning marathon we get a whole bunch of people saved but there's no church there after that but like what I've learned also Paul in the Bible is that sometimes he would just go to a place like Philippi he gets one lady and her whole house gets saved they get baptized then they then they have this demon possessed lady come and then she is harassing them and all this stuff and then they cast that devil out of her and then she was a gain for you know the people of that city they beat them they throw them in jail then Paul stops a guy from committing suicide gets him saved he gets his whole house saved and baptized and then he throws them back in jail and then makes the the officials of the town come and pull them out of jail themselves but Philippi you know the book of Philippians is written to a church that was formed just because going in that one time and getting these two big families saved and so when we go a city and we get a bunch of people saved hey great things can come from great churches can be formed based upon just one little thing we do and you know that story about the the Inuit lady getting saved her her and her cousin getting saved in the uttermost parts of the earth and then come down to go soul winning with us like that's a great thing like people take that as a small thing but it's not a small thing because we know that the uttermost parts of the earth are being reached by the message of the gospel through efforts of pastors in this movement from efforts of people in this movement and it is you know people say the new IFB is dead or whatever these bozos online will say that kind of stuff but I think it's greater than it ever has been because the been balanced out I mean obviously there's always those surrounding us in some way shape or form a lot of the weird people have left so you know it's balancing out and then there's so many activities going on right now that it's like people don't have the money or the time off to be able to but and I understand that you know it's like hey we're doing this we're doing this we're doing this it's like well we can't go to that we can't go to that we'll go this go to something go to be a part of it look at verse 42 Matthew chapter 12 it says meaning of the South shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and that's obviously the Queen of Sheba she heard everything that Solomon had to say saw all the great things the ascent to the to the house of the Lord and the you know just all that stuff and she had no more spirit left in her she had all these hard questions and then they got answered and she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear that wisdom but you know the that same lady that I was just talking about came from the uttermost parts of the earth to also you know try to complete that circle of the Christian life where you know being saved isn't enough I mean it's enough for us to go to heaven obviously but we're supposed to continue to work for the Lord we are kings and priests and the Lord our God and what do priests do they serve don't they and so we are a royal priesthood and so we are supposed to serve Lord but she came from the uttermost parts of the earth and it says behold a greater than Solomon is here of course we have the Lord Jesus Christ to tell people about and that is you know obviously greater than Solomon but people will receive the message and people will have their lives changed forever because of the work that we do as soul winners look at Luke chapter 24 verse 47 Luke chapter 24 verse 47 the Bible says and that repentance and remission sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem so does God want us to reach all nations absolutely he wants us to reach all nations and begin at Jerusalem but this is your Jerusalem here so you know the plan for us in the Bible is to reach our Jerusalem you know our Judea our Sumeria and then the uttermost parts of the earth so you know I I have a vision to reach Washington State and we have four churches in Washington State now so but I want to go I want to do more you're like pastor you're doing enough really but we're about to ordain you know one of our men as the pastor in England soon and so then there'll be an independent Baptist Church there I know there's plans of a pastor going into Poland there's plans you know there's already a church in Germany and so we're kind of moving over to the European side of things and I think that great things are still yet to come obviously we're just scratching the surface of this movement we've just kind of really begun to do great works you know the Philippines is being reached by brother stuck and other people he's got like I think he's trying to compete with me right now he's got three churches talking about two more so I can start a church at the end of the sermon I mean I don't make me mad so how do we recharge our soul winning batteries well I'm just gonna give you six really quick things you're like oh man I'm gonna do it fast Galatians 6-8 so the first thing is you ought to continue to soul win in your local church now obviously this is a great event this is a perfect example of an event but not everybody here goes to this church but it's you know people that go to this church should definitely be here for an event that their church is putting on but you know just the day in and day out so winning at your church you should stay involved in and you're like well how's that gonna recharge my batteries because in Galatians 6 9 just like Galatians 6 9 says and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not so don't faint in your body don't faint in your mind don't get this Black Hill attitude about soul winning in your area have a great attitude about the soul in your area you know what we we're not in the most receptive part world in Vancouver Washington but you know what we get people saved every single week and people still go out and get saved and you know people are getting saved you know and then you can add supplemental things to help like if your area is not that receptive we'll go to someplace that is receptive so the first thing is you ought to continue to soul win in your local church and don't forsake your local church soul winning so number two go soul winning at another church on like a church I call it a church cation before I was you know the the leader in Verity Baptist Vancouver I was just a soul winner going to church but I like to go on what I call church cases I use all my vacation time just to go and visit other churches I've only visited Pastor Jimenez when visit a faithful word and back then there wasn't a lot of options but you know we would just I would use all my vacation time just to go to another church so I go soul winning there and and you know have fellowship and things like that chapter 16 go ahead to Roman chapter 16 so I would say this it's like you can do whatever you want but when your church is having a big weekend don't go to somebody else's church that you know be there to support your church you know it's a blessing to see this whole room filled with people that are ready to go and go soul winning on a marathon here and I've heard that it's very receptive here that's great and you know but but if your church is having a big weekend don't say well I'm going to visit you know you know First Works Baptist Church or something today instead I mean obviously you could do whatever you want like I said if you already planned it well in advance you know I'm caveating that but I'm just saying if your church is having a big weekend be a part of it and be supportive to your pastor because it is a big deal look at Romans 16 one says I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant of the church which is at centria they receive her in the Lord as become a Saints and the assist her in whatever business she hath need of you for she hath been a securer of many and of myself also greet Priscilla and Aquila my my helpers and Jesus in Christ Jesus who have for my life laid down their own necks unto whom not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentile so you know Paul's writing this letter and he's like commending people to hey these people are visiting your church take care of them do good unto them they're helping the cause of Christ they're helping the churches of the Gentiles and you know so it's when people come to visit your church treat them nice you know talk to them you know they're people too they might not be in your circle but you know be outgoing you know they're coming here on their own dime you know treat them right I know Pastor Pizar she's gonna do that but just you know don't don't shun other people from other churches and be suspicious of them they're they're here to help right so three but what conference where soul-waning is done and get around other people like you that may be able to also sharpen you so of course we have the red-hot preaching conference that I haven't missed one of them yet and eternal Ecclesiastes 12 9 so I think it's good for you not only to go church solely in your own church to recharge your battery but also go soul-waning at other churches to recharge your battery but don't forsake your local church and then go to a conference where soul-waning is done because most of the conferences that are held have soul-waning going on Pastor Menes has soul-waning going on we had a King James conference but we still had soul-waning going on that's the great thing about this movement it's not just a sit around and listen to great preachers preach us that's that's a great part of it but also we're we're trying to help you get involved in the ministry and how to learn how to go soul-waning if you've never been or maybe just experienced another place I think it's cool going to other places I like going to other places and going soul-waning and I think it's fun I think it's you know it's it's just every place is different every place that you know the Bible or not the Bible but people say variety is the spice of life and sometimes it's good to have some variety and get out and go to a soul-waning church or go to a conference where great preaching is happening and soul-waning is being promoted Ecclesiastes 12 9 says moreover because the preacher was wise he still taught the people knowledge yea he gave good heed and sought out and set in order many proverbs the preacher sought to find out acceptable words that which was written was upright even words of truth the words of the wise are as goads and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies which are given from one Shepherd so when you go to a conference you're gonna hear some goading from the from the shepherds that are trying to inspire you to do better inspire you to get sin out of your life and so when you're going to like a great conference you're gonna get not only you're gonna get a lot of food and a lot of a lot of teachings from the Word of God from great men of God but you're also going to be able to have chances to go so many in another place and that will recharge you you know going to a great conference is going to recharge you and in and hopefully recharge your soul-waning batteries number four go on a missions trip to a small town or another big city go on a missions trip to a small town or another big city look at Luke eight one Luke eight one I'm not gonna give you time to get there I'm just gonna start reading and it came to pass that went he went through out every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him so what did Jesus do his custom was to go into what to say there every city and village every single one preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God so he's preaching the Bible he's also showing people the gospel and teaching people the gospel so it is biblical to hit small towns and you're like well what are we supposed to do leave our our newborns in the dumpster or whatever and and not give them a good church to go to what's better than not being saved at all isn't it so we're our mission when we go so one is to get people saved obviously we want the whole Great Commission to happen but you know like I said Philip I end up getting a great church after just two families got saved number five go on a foreign missions trip to another country go on a foreign missions trip to another country I went to the Philippines and it was very fruitful as a matter of fact brother RJ was my first so many partner and I realized pretty quickly that there was some language barriers you know they spoke English but maybe weren't you know understanding exactly how I put in maybe I was talking too fast I don't know but I just RJ was just sitting right sitting on a spot with a Bible in his hand and I'm just like come here the gospel come here the gospel come here the gospel you know over and over and over again he probably barely could talk the next day I'm sure but how many do you remember how many people you guys saved that day I think was more than that but maybe it's just my wife had also a native speaker with her maybe we I'm just thinking that I thought was like over 30 people but it was just I I just was you know it's not about me it's about people getting saved so I was just feeding them to them here you go here you go but that's what's great about going on a foreign missions trip where it's very receptive you know where people we're trying to grab people and hook them to get them in the boat but there they're just jumping in it's like when you grab the nets it's like 156 fish or whatever and they're all big you know so it's great to go like pastor he is going to Belize in what November and that's been very fruitful I think he's talking about starting a church there and you know there's lots of great things that could come out of a missions trip so I'm not gonna take the time to go to the verses but actually just John 4 35 John 4 35 I'll just read it for you while you're going there says say not ye there are yet four months and then cometh harvest behold I say unto you lift up your eyes and look on the fields for their white already to harvest this is in Jesus's time we're talking about Jerusalem I mean it probably wasn't as receptive as a lot of other places in the world are today because I mean a lot of the Jews rejected him right and he always had this entourage that followed him that were just constantly bothering him but Jesus said you know look look up you know this is after he meets the woman at the well and they're all off grocery shopping or whatever and it just takes the time to personally lead some woman to Christ and what happened as a result of that a whole bunch of people from that town got saved right in Samaria of all places right so number six the last thing is to go on a trip to the uttermost place of the earth go to one of these places you know I've actually yet to go to some remote village in Alaska or something but I do want to do that and you know people will get saved in the place you know in some Inuit village way up north then people will get saved everywhere and you know and in Psalm chapter 2 it says he'll give the you know the inheritance of the heathen to the Lord Jesus Christ and that and I believe that wherever we go wherever our foot the sole of our foot goes people will get saved when we go out and preach the gospel so you know in the Bible says in Psalm 126 verse 1 it says when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them the dream then was our mouth filled with laughing our tongue with singing then said they among the heathen the Lord hath done great things for them the Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad turn again our captivity O Lord as the streams of the south they that sow in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with them so the Bible teaches that if we go out sowing we're gonna we're gonna reap the harvest Jesus said the the fields are already ripe under the harvest already white under this so when we go people are gonna get saved but there's not a lot of laborers you know right now we have a lot of laborers in this room but compared to how big this city is it's it's we never seem to have enough so we need all hands on deck for soul winning get behind your pastor get behind your your pastor's soul winning vision and you know when you when you feel it like you need to get a recharge do one of these things that I've listed here and you'll you'll definitely get a recharge if you go to a super receptive area you're gonna get a recharge but don't just get all jaded about your area I think it's very important it's discouraging when a pastor has a soul winning program then people don't show up for it but they'll go to other people's churches so I'm just saying have balance don't you know support your pastor support your soul winning program but you know get get out and go other places the Bible that's what Jesus told us to do right so let's get out there today and get some people safe so whether it's a small town in the frozen tundra or a Pacific island atoll or small island in the middle of the Pacific there are plenty of places to choose from share the Bible way to heaven videos on social media mirror them on your platforms and you know you never know when somebody's cousin is gonna get somebody saved and that person's gonna come to a great soul in a marathon and learn how to go soul winning and in fellowship with the Saints so anyway let's pray