(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright so I'll just try to be loud so if I get too loud well then at least you can hear me right? Anyway yeah I'm Pastor Thompson from Sure Foundation Baptist Church in I was about to say Spokane, Vancouver Washington so we have a church plant in Spokane and other places and Pastor Messler here has been a great friend of mine we came here in September for about a week and he invited me to preach and I really appreciate his friendship got to know him and the church was great very gracious to us last time we were here the last time we were here was I think 106 people or something on the surface so it was really cool and yeah we had a great week we actually were on missions trip here in Yakima where we actually at the very end we our goal is to see 100 people saved and we had 115 so we had 25 salvation is the last thing that we're here and you might not know this but Yakima is a very receptive place to the gospel in a lot of parts of the area I mean I'm just saying greater Yakima as in the whole but yeah I'm very happy to be here thank you very much thank you for coming tonight I really appreciate it I do want to preface my preaching with seeing if I sound like I'm mad if I sound like I'm angry I am a little bit because you know I've heard about some of the things that have been happening with Pastor Rick and I just it really angered me to find out that people were trying to overthrow him as the pastor here and so the bible is very clear about rebellion and so my sermon tonight is rebellion against the leadership rebellion against the leadership I just want to take you through some scriptures tonight and kind of address some of the things that happen and sometimes it's better for someone to stick up for you than to stick up for yourself and I you know pastor that's worth my friend and I want to stick up for him and I just want you to understand where he's coming from and if I say anything that he doesn't approve of then just know that your pastor's right and I'm wrong okay so I'm going to read just one scripture here and then we'll pray okay the bible says in number so go ahead and turn your bibles to numbers I'm sorry numbers chapter 16 and normally we read the whole chapter to get you the context but it's a pretty long chapter but many of you if you've been in church for a very long time you you know what the story here is is the rebellion of Korah and Dathan in a bible so and of course there's many other people besides that but it was a very big rebellion against Moses now Moses was the man of God for the children of Israel and I just want you to understand something the bible teaches very clearly that there's actually a leadership hierarchy so God the father the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit make up the trinity now we believe the trinity I know you guys believe the trinity but but so then you got in church life you have the Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the church right you believe that now there's an under shepherd that's supposed to be for each church now not all churches always get that but the under shepherd would be the pastor yeah so in the bible the bible teaches that one man leads that congregation okay it's not a plurality of elders it's not the deacons it's not the trustees it's not the it's the bible teaches pastoral authority in the church so and I know that this church is a King James only bible believing that's right that's right and does this church believe that salvation is by faith alone does this church believe that salvation is by faith alone and it's eternal life you can't lose your salvation right nobody in here believes that so the apostle Paul just to preface things in and in the book of Galatians he said if you put if any if anybody ever even if it was an angel or one of the apostles themselves he said well let's just turn it around so keep your finger in numbers real quick I just want to show you this verse it wasn't in my notes but keep your fingers in numbers I'm sorry about this but I just want to show you this really quickly this I just want this to kind of set the stage for what I'm about to preach to you tonight Galatians chapter 1 verse number 6 just keep your finger in numbers chapter 16 it says I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ so there's people out there that pervert the gospel of Christ and teach a workspace salvation they'll say oh yeah salvation is by grace but you got to repent of all your sins or salvation is by grace as long you know like the Mormons would say the salvation is by grace after you've done all you can do that's what they say isn't it but look at what it says the first day it says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be a curse and you know what the apostle Paul is saying right there you say let them go to hell let them be damned let them be a curse right and it says it doesn't just say it once you know when God wants to get your attention you'll say something twice look at verse number nine it says and as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that he have received let him be a curse so look this church teaches and I know that that this is what you guys believe that there's only one gospel one way of salvation that's the way it is and that's what the bible teaches and anybody else that teaches any other gospel doesn't matter who it is if it's an angel if it's an apostle if it's another pastor if it's a deacon whoever it is the bible says let them be accursed doesn't it say that right okay so let's go back to numbers chapter 16 and I'm going to go ahead and pray right now so I can get myself right with the lord here so all right let's pray heavenly father we thank the lord so much for all those that would come on a wednesday night lord I pray you'd be with me and fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach this sermon lord about rebellion lord it's very important lord and you know that that's true and we know that you're on the side of the leadership here and we just pray that you would help anybody to fix their heart that's not knit with in one accord with the rest of the church here and help them to be convinced out of the scriptures tonight that the position this church takes is the right one in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right numbers chapter 16 look at verse 1 it says now the son of Ishar and the son of Kohath the son of Levi and Dathan and Abiram the sons of Elia and Om the son of Peleth sons of Reuben took men so right here this is what this is talking about they're taking men for a rebellion against the leadership look what it says in verse 2 and they rose up before Moses and certain of the children of Israel 250 princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown now let me explain something to you it doesn't matter who they are or what you know these guys are men of renown these guys are leaders in the congregation but you know the people that are Judas and backstabbers a lot of the times are of the of these famous people in the congregation yeah and so look it shouldn't like Judas nobody not only disciples knew that Judas was going to betray Christ Christ knew that and he was the Bible says he was a devil from the beginning so someone can be part of your the the leadership of the church but they can also become a Judas Iscariot they can also become a Dehazi they can also become a Korah a Dathan or a Baira yes and what you have happening here is a coup an attempt to take over the leadership of the children of Israel which is the church in the wilderness according to the book of Hebrews so the church in the wilderness it was still a congregate though so it was called the congregation well church and congregation guess what they mean the same thing so look at verse three it says and they gathered themselves together what's it say against Moses and against Aaron so if they weren't for him they were against him and said unto them you take too much upon you seen all the congregation are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them wherefore then lift you up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord and when Moses heard it he fell upon his face now the Bible says about Moses that he was the meekest man on the face of the work of the planet at that time he was God spoke to him not in dark sentences but face to face as he would have framed so who was God's man in the children of Israel it was Moses who was the undisputed leader of the children of Israel it was Moses so these bozos decide well hey everybody's on the same level we're holy you know why you why do you take so much upon you Moses why are you trying to be the the big shot the leader because he was the leader because God proclaimed him to be the leader yeah and Aaron was the high priest okay and so these people are rebelling against God's man right right and so anytime that you do that without some kind of real legit reason then you're wrong amen that's right so Moses falls on his face and then like you if you have time to read it when you go home just read this whole chapter it's a very great chapter it helps us to understand how God feels about someone trying to take over leadership because we know what ends up happening to him and I don't have time to to to go through the whole chapter because it's a long chapter but I'll just um I'm gonna I'm gonna read you a verse before I move on with the text though it says in jude 1 11 is talking about the same man Korah and but it spells it differently but in june 1 11 it says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and reigned greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished with the game saying of Korah so Korah is considered like this false prophet that rose up against Moses he wasn't a good guy and so when someone's going against the leadership for not a biblical reason for not a real reason and even so you're still supposed to take two or three witnesses and and go and treat the pastor like a father you're not supposed to go and heckle him while he's preaching and push him in the chest and put your hands upon him and threaten him you know that you're on dangerous ground when you get to that point right and it really made me angry to find out that one of the deacons last week put his hands on that pastor you know and it's wicked yeah so you know so you know most of the time people are going to put their hands on me on a six foot eight you know you know I'm sure someone might in some day some some way shape or form but you know they have no business putting their hands on the pastor they have no business acting like they're going to draw some kind of gun on them or anything like that and they have no business firing the pastor yeah the deacons are not the head of the pastor the pastor is the head of the church right under christ as the under shepherd okay so nobody has you know there's there's rules about this kind of thing and if the pastor's in serious heresy like he's saying hey you don't you know you have to do works and believe in jesus to be saved that's a heresy that is that is rank heresy it's damnable heresy and yeah he would should be fired for that but if it's some kind of preference in something that's not a salvation issue then it shouldn't you know you're supposed to follow what your pastor does as he follows christ just like paul said follow me as i follow christ isn't that what the bible says so looking back and so basically to gainsay like the reason why i read that verse in jews is so i could tell you what gainsay the gainsay in a quorum and gainsay means to speak against or to oppose somebody and so quorum wanted to oppose moses and to uh try to take over basically a position that was not his and they were supposed to be the bearers of the burdens the ones that carry the tabernacle to the wilderness and they you know if you look into the divisions of the levites their job was to do that they were not happy with what they were doing and this is how rebellions always rise up someone's not happy and they think that they deserve more or that they should be picked up to a different position or they should be more highly esteemed than what they are but you know what the bible says to humble yourself and to god and not to be a proud person so god will lift you up god will exalt you when you're humble but if you're proud and arrogant and you think you're somebody when you're really not god is going to abase you the bible teaches so look at numbers chapter 16 verse 12 it says and moses sent to call dathan and abiram the sons of elia which said we will not come up so here they are they're rebelling against moses and they're refusing to listen to his leadership they're refusing to listen to him and they're doing this in front of the congregation of the lord and it says isn't a small thing that thou has brought us up out of the land that flows with milk and honey to kill us in the wilderness except thou make thyself all altogether a prince over us moreover thou has not brought us into a land that flows with milk and honey or given us inheritance and fields and vineyards will thou put out the eyes of these men we will not come up and so they're saying we're not going to do what you say moses you know the bible says that we're supposed to obey them that have the rule over you right you know what that verse is talking about in in context it's talking about obey the pastor in the things of the church i'm not saying if he tells you to come over and change the wallpaper at your house that you obey that i'm saying in the church the person that rules the church instead of christ and by the bible which is the words of christ the word of god that's how that pastor's supposed to lead and so if he's deviating from what the bible says then yeah there's a problem but if he's teaching what the bible says that shouldn't be a problem to anybody if you don't like what the bible says then that's her problem amen exactly so it says uh let's see um verse 15 and moses was very rough that means he was very angry he was mad and said unto the lord respect not thou their offering i have not taken one ass from them neither have i hurt one of them and moses said unto korath be thou and all thy company before the lord thou and they and erin tomorrow so he's saying hey tomorrow you need to show up or i'm telling you to go ahead take every man his censor and put incense in them and bring me before the lord every man his censor 250 censors thou also and erin each of you his censor and they took every man his sensor and put fire in them and laid incense there on and stood at the door of the tabernacle the congregation with moses and erin book verse 19 says in quorum gathered all the congregation what against them so see they're against moses they're against the man of god are they right or are they wrong for being against the man of god they're wrong yeah that's right it says they against them under the door of the tabernacle the congregation and the glory of the lord appeared unto all the congregation so everybody that's in the of the congregation the children of israel saw the lord come down it says in the lord's estate unto moses and under erin say separate yourselves from among this congregation that i may consume them in a moment you think is god whose side is gone he's on the side of the leadership he's on the side of the man of god he's on the side of moses amen amen and they fell upon their faces and said oh god the god of spirits of all flesh shall one man sin and wilt thou be wrought with all the congregation but you know what they were standing with him but then when they realized that god is not on their side they started crying they start whining and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the congregation saying get you up from about from about the tabernacle of korah dathan and abiram and moses rose and went unto dathan and abiram and the elders of israel followed him and he spake unto the congregation saying depart i pray you from the tents of these what wicked men so what is god calling wicked men what is moses calling wicked men anybody that would rise up and try to overthrow the pastor of this church are wicked for doing that now maybe you got caught up into it maybe someone tried to to bring you and wrangle you into it but you know what it's wicked to try to overthrow the pastor if you don't have a legitimate reason for doing so that's right for not preaching the bible for not doing what they're supposed to do women are supposed to keep silence in the church by the way during the preaching time but anyway depart i pray from the tents of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs lest you be consumed in all their sins hey if you're if you're rebelling against the man of god if you're rebelling against the pastor of this church then the bible says you're wicked it's wicked it's evil wrong and you know what if you're wrong about that get your heart right make your heart right so god is a forgiving god he's long suffering and merciful but you know what happened to korah dathan and abiram when they separated themselves from those wicked people god did he moses said if you if you died the death of a normal person then you know i i wasn't called by god if you if they died a regular death and then what happened hell opened up and all korah and dathan and abiram and all those people they went straight down into hell you ever heard that term they're going to split hell wide open that's where it comes from yep right they split hell well god split hell wide open and dropped them and all that pertained to them into the pit of hell and then it closed back up amen and who so who won moses won god showed moses and all the people in front of the sight of everybody who was right and who was wrong and you know what there's a time and a place and a way to do things but to just openly rebel and try to take over services while they're being done while you're and shouting down a person while they're preaching when it's not your place to do so is wrong it's wicked what kyle did last week the pastor while he was trying to pray to shout him down he had no right to do that he's taking over the service the pastor's job is to leave the services and that's what he was trying to do and you know what kyle is out of here and he's not allowed back right that's right because he's wicked and he's a punk that's right that's why amen he came here and he sat down and he won't and he just bided his time and as soon as he became a member of this church then the first thing he does is rebel against the pastor and openly shouts him down in the middle of the service it's wicked that's right god is not for rebellion against leadership period amen first daniel chapter 15 let's turn over there first daniel chapter 15 you know and and and god was so angry that those people were destroyed among the people because god hates rebellion against leadership let me tell you he hates it even david when saul was wrong in his leadership david said i will not put my hand against the lord's anointing right that's right david never saw saul was trying to kill david for many years and david was running and hiding from and he was the true king of israel that was supposed to take over for saul because saul fell down on the job and was rebelled against the lord but david never tried to rebel and overthrow and kill saul he had many times to kill saul but did he ever kill him no he didn't and you know why because he said i will not stretch forth my hand to touch the lord's anointed that's right that's right so first daniel chapter 15 and let me just tell you this every christian in this room that saved you have an anointing by the holy spirit so if you say well you know whatever you want to say about haster every single person has an anointing from the holy spirit if you're saved that's right amen so if you're putting forth your hand towards the lord the lord's anointing that would include other christians also right first daniel chapter 15 verse 23 says for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry because i was rejected the word of the lord he had also rejected thee from being king my what when when and when did god replace saul he replaced saul at his own time when he wanted to replace him so if someone's going to be replaced like that it shouldn't be by some deacon that thinks he's going to just overthrow the church and just crown somebody else the new pastor of the church that's right you want to talk about church constitutions let's talk about how the deacons nowhere in your church constitution does it say that the deacons can fire the pastor that's right right but you know who can't be fired the deacons yeah you know who has a time clock ticking every year the deacons and if the pastor sees that they're not doing their job as a deacon he can fire them and so that's what he did and that's where we're at today and you know i came up here from vancouver washington in support thank you to all my church members that have come up with me thank you for everybody for coming here tonight and i hope you stand with your pastor he loves this church he loves the congregation he loves the people in yakima and you know what there's plenty of churches around here they're going to preach garbage teaching and they won't go so lonely they don't care about souls but you know what your pastor goes out and knocks on people's doors and tries to get them saved and he's trying to encourage other people to follow him and do that also and you know why because jesus said he's come to say seek and save that which was lost and you know how you do it when he says go ye into all the world he didn't say come have them come ye into the church he said go ye into all the world and preach the gospel and people think it's some kind of altar call some kind of you know you got to preach someone down here and they can hold on here to the horns of the altar this is not an altar okay the altar was in the old testament this is the new testament quit trying to live in the old testament this is not an altar the bible says not to have steps on the altar okay so there's steps here so it can't be an altar but anyway look jesus told us to go out and preach and say that that's the thing why are we here why does why didn't jesus leave us here you know what if we weren't supposed to do some kind of a job then why doesn't he just beam us up and send us home because we have work to do yes right right he said we're going to do greater works than him right well you know some people just seem to forget that some pastors just seem to forget that you know what this pastor has a vision to reach this area and you should get on board with this program instead of resisting him yeah and i'm not saying people in here are resistant i'm just saying this if you are resisting him ask yourself why ask yourself why you're resisting are you resisting because something he said the bible is not true because you better be able to back that up and look even nobody agrees with every pastor 100 on everything that they teach nobody does people in my church i know that they disagree with me about something but you know what they don't disagree with me about the essentials the fact that salvation is by faith alone the fact that it's eternal security the fact that we're supposed to go out and go soloing amen the fact that we're king james only amen those are things that you should that you should hold to but if it's some doctor that doesn't include it's not really i mean all all doctors apart i'm not saying it's not i'm just saying that there's some that you can disagree with somebody about and you can still get on board and be on the same page with them okay so turn to third john chapter one verse nine third john chapter one verse nine i know it's not a chapter that people go to very often but there's a reason why i'm having a turn here because there's this guy named theotropies you ever heard theotropies sounds like some kind of a fossil or something doesn't it but anyway look at first our third john long verse nine it says i wrote into the church but theotropies who love to have the preeminence among them uh receiveth us not wherefore i come if i come excuse me i'll remember his deeds which he doeth prating against us with malicious words and not content therewith neither ducky himself received the brethren and forbideth them that would and casteth them out of the church follow not that which is evil but that which is good so here you got this guy theotropies and he's casting out people that are true believers there's nothing wrong with what they're doing and he's praying he's he's he's ripping uh people to shreds with malicious words and and not even allowing the brethren to come to church that want to come to church and that's kind of what happened last week is that someone got up and started shouting this pastor down while he's in the middle of his sermon are trying to preach and just won't shut his big fat mouth right and then they take him aside and try to fire him and the other the deacon puts his hands on the pastor wicked man it's wicked and you know what you should stand with your pastor yeah because that is what happened now i heard one of the other deacons repented about that and he feels bad about it and i hope he does because it was wrong then they come and try to drill out all the holes you know they they changed the locks who gave them the right to do that did the pastor tell them they could do that no that's what that's rebellion that's what i'm talking about and so if someone comes here on sunday morning and tries to try to shout on your pastor or sunday evening or ever try to do that again the men in this church should rise up and tell them to get out man demands because they don't have the right to take over a church service it's his job to leave the church service it's not anybody else's job and you know the deacons are supposed to support the pastor yeah so we're supposed to follow that it says beloved falling out that which is evil so sometimes you know we're not supposed to follow a multitude to do evil just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true you're not supposed to receive a railing accusation against your pastor you're not supposed to receive an accusation against your pastor except for with two or three witnesses yeah right right right is that what the bible says i mean tell me if i'm not saying something that the bible says okay at the end of this service you can come up to me so it's not question and answer time tonight but he that doeth good is of god but he that doeth evil hath not seen god the bible says and let me just tell you something about the church constitution okay i know that that's a big player in this situation and let me just tell you something god's word trumps any constitution made of man right amen amen including the u.s constitution that's right including any constitution you want to bring in this book if it says something different the other that constitution is wrong right man and so it's the pastor's job to teach down doctrine in this church right that's right it's his responsibility so if he finds something that's in the constitution that's against this book which one are you going to go with right you got to go with the bible so and you can just scribble down a bunch of verses and say oh this is why we believe this but you know you got to prove what you're saying and when it comes to dispensationalism i know he's already preached about dispensational i'm not going to preach about dispensationalism tonight but there's a few only a few verses that even say dispensational and none of them say that there's seven church ages none of them say that there's fifth you know i don't know what dr rockman said but i think he said that there was i don't does anybody know like how many church ages he said there was he said well he he said there was four he says like him or not there's at least four and then he wrote about six or seven right and so he wasn't sure and so dr rockman is not the pastor of this church his his commentary on the bible isn't the ruling of this church you know the commentary that you should be reading the actual bible itself yeah that's right you don't see any commentaries at the bottom of this bible you might find a reference here and there you might find like a heading like the rebellion of quora in there but you're not going to find some other man's commentary on the bible the holy spirit should be your commentary on the bible amen you're filled with the spirit and you ask god to help you understand what the bible says he's going to help you but the plain reading in any part of the bible never is going to tell you there's seven church ages there's seven ages of dispensation amen the bible doesn't say that anywhere so and i'll say i'll say this there's people that believe in this sensationalism that believe the right gospel yeah and i don't really have a problem with that i mean i don't i don't agree with it but i don't have a problem if someone you know that's to me that's whatever you want to interpret the bible that's fine but to say that they're the seven church ages teach a different type of salvation that's where it becomes here yeah that's where remember at the beginning of the sermon i was telling you i was saying what do you believe about salvation do you believe that salvation is by faith alone by grace alone yes and that it's an everlasting life i mean if that's what you believe that's what the gospel is but if you believe anything else what are you you're a curse if somebody teaches another gospel they're a curse so you're telling me this pastor's supposed to get up here and say you know in this dispensation you are saved by works only in this dispensation is works plus faith in this i mean how confusing is that yeah yeah it's confusing now like i said there's dispensationalists that believe in one type of salvation salvation by faith alone i'm with them on that i agree with them not on dispensationalism but just on the fact that you're saved by faith alone by grace alone there's never been any time where someone is saved by works there's never been any time when someone's saved by faith and works that's right you know people say well faith without works is dead that was still faith isn't it yeah it might be dead but it's still faith so you can have you can be saved and never do one work for god and you're still saved should you do good works absolutely i agree that you should do good works but let me just read you some things that ruckman said that are so wrong that they're going to blow your mind and rockman is who teaches this dispensational salvation and its heresy okay the original plan of salvation according to ruckman was pure works you had to work your way to heaven pure works and then he says in the millennium the last plan of salvation is again pure works that is damnable heresy that's wicked it's wrong and what do the apostle paul say if you teach any other kind of salvation than than what the god the true gospel you're cursed right that's right so and then rockman's kind of a mean guy and he might say well i think you're kind of a mean guy well rockwell's way more mean tonight he cussed people out you know in sermons and he was he was kind of a nasty fellow but he said contrary to every immature milksop baptist baby in your town or city genesis 322 corrects the kiddies like whatever that means but it said you know in the old testament you find salvation he says in the old testament you find salvation before the law by grace through faith under the law by faith and works what that doesn't even make sense yeah yeah right here's another thing he said he said start working your way to heaven if the lord comes and you remain behind then start working like a madman to get to heaven because you're going to have to you have entered a period of time called the great tribulation and the plan of salvation of the tribulation is faith in jesus plus your own good works heresy it is it's heresy so what are you going to go with right now and i'm going to show you some scriptures that destroy that real quick but i just want to tell you this is what he's saying so if you believe in the rockman's style of dispensational uh dispensationalism then he's teaching that that you're saved in different ways in different in different ages okay it says the one minute after rapture took place you must get out of the ten commandments and the golden rule will start learning them because you're going to be judged by them and it says it will take faith in christ shed blood plus works exactly as in the old testament it took faith and shit and shed blood and verse that's not what the bible teaches my friends ruckus system of different plans of salvation for different ages is so bizarre that he teaches no less than six different plans of salvation in the book of acts alone just the six different types of salvation in the books of the book of acts alone do you believe that no no is that what you believe here no because that's what your pastor is fighting against right now right do you believe that you saved six different ways in the book of acts no that's insane that is heresy that is total utter wickedness yeah here's what he says salvation by repentance and water baptism with no tongues and evidence as a single convert that's his first one in the book of acts salvation and belief and water baptism without any converts speaking in tongues salvation by grace through faith before water baptism or tongues salvation by grace through faith after water baptism salvation by belief and baptism without getting the holy spirit salvation by grace or faith without tongues or water baptism in without tongues or laying on of hands." So there's his six types of salvation that he teaches just in the book of Acts alone. That, I mean, if you believe that you need to, you need to pretend. You need to get right. Maybe you're not even saved if you believe that. The Baptist that teaches the Old Testament salvation before and under the law and the tribulation salvation and millennial salvation are identical to New Testament salvation is by any set of scriptures quoted from any translation or any version of the Bible, a viable heretic according to Bruckman. He has denied three-fourths of scripture at one leg. How do these pitiful Bible-perverting Baptist alibi there sing? That's a quote from Dr. Bruckman. Not only does he call them apostates, he does not hesitate to use the term heretic for those who teach that in the Old Testament saints were saved by looking forward to the cross. And I'll tell you what, you know what? I believe that the saints were saved by looking forward. It's weird to me that someone would say you're saved by a different mode. You're saved. We're saved looking back to the cross. So Old Testament saints, Job said, I know that my redeemer liveth, right? He said that someday he's going to be on the earth with him, right? So I didn't quote that verse right, but he did. He did say, I know that my redeemer liveth and then he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and go after my skin. Why don't you show this body yet in my flesh I shall see God. That's right. That's exactly how, and that's exactly right. So Job was looking forward to salvation by the redeemer, right? Don't tell me that that's not true. We are not saved by different types of salvation in different time periods. That is heresy, right? You want to talk about what heresy is? The deacons try to fire him for not believing on it, right? That's crazy. So, and I don't know for a hundred percent sure that's what kind of dispensationalism that they believe, but if that's what it is, that's insane to try to fire the pastor for believing for not believing that heresy. Here's what he said. Also, whenever you hear any heretics say that the men are not saved in the Old Testament by looking forward to the cross after the New Testament, by looking back at the cross, you're dealing with either a lazy creature or a stupid preacher or a crooked lying fool. I think I know who the crooked lying fool was. So first Peter chapter one, go ahead and turn to Revelation chapter 13 verse eight. Turn to Revelation chapter 13 verse eight. I'm going to read first Peter chapter one verse 20. It says, who barely was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. So the Bible says that Christ was foreordained before the foundation of the world. And you're in Revelation 13. Look what it says, that all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names were not written in the book of life of the lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. Christ, God lives outside of time. But there was a certain time when Jesus had to come and die on the cross and atone for our sins. There was a time period when that happened. But everything from the creation to that time, those people believed and were saved just like anybody else. It takes faith to be saved. Now maybe they didn't know the name of the Lord Jesus, but they still had faith in the name of the God that they knew at that time. So Ephesians chapter three, go ahead and turn to Ephesians chapter three. While you're turning there I'm going to read from you Genesis chapter four verse 26. Genesis chapter four verse 26 says this, and to Seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name Enos. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. Let me ask you this question in Romans chapter 10 verse 13. What does the Bible say? Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So in Genesis chapter four men began to call upon the name of the Lord. So how were they saved in Genesis chapter four? By calling upon the name of the Lord. How are you saved right now? You call upon the name of the Lord in faith and ask him to save you. Same salvation. Ephesians chapter three verse 21. I want to talk about some ages. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout what? All ages. World without end amen. Christ Jesus throughout all ages. So Christ Jesus has been throughout all ages. Moses wrote about Christ. Moses said there's going to be a prophet who will rise up like unto me and hear he him. That's what they said. So Moses you know the Bible says that Abraham was preached the gospel in the book of Genesis and you know in the book of Galatians it says that he was preached the gospel by God right? So Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 says and he believed in the Lord talking about Abram and he counted it to him for righteousness. What did he say? He believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness. So how is Abraham saved? By faith. How is Moses saved? By faith. Amen. How is Joshua saved? By faith. Amen. How is anybody that's ever been born into this world been saved? By faith. Amen. Believe it. That's the truth. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 9. And you know I thought during the Baptist church it was okay to turn to a lot of Bible verses. So let your fingers do the walking right? Some of you remember those old phone books right? That was the ad. Okay I got some people that are a little close to my age in here. So look at what Hebrews 10 says. It says then said he lo I come to do thy will oh God he taketh away the first. Talking about the first testament right? That he may establish the second. Okay by the which we will we are excuse me by the which will we are sanctified for the offering of the body of Jesus Christ. What does it say there? Once for all. Amen. Once for all. So why would you need to be saved by works in any other age or any other thing when it says that we're saved by that offering by Jesus Christ once for all. He only had to die once. That's right. Okay. And that was good enough to save every single person. Does the Bible say he died for the sins of the whole world or just some of them before Abraham and then some of them you know and then the law was this. No no no. Christ is powerful enough and his atonement was good enough to save everybody to the uttermost. Amen. So look what it says in verse number 11. And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can what well somebody some man read that to me. What's it say? We have to be everywhere. Go ahead. Which can never take away sins. Which can never take away sins. Tell me how this works. Please explain to me how you're saved by works in any age. If you believe in ages that's fine but tell me what the Bible says right there which can never take away sins. The blood of bulls and goats can never take away sins. You can believe you can have works but I'll tell you what those never saved anybody. The blood of crib is a type of the blood of Christ and to show what he was going to do later on. Look at verse 12. But this man after he had offered what one sacrifice for sins for what forever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool and by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us for after that he had said before this is the covenant I will make with them after those days. I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them and and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now let me ask you something. You heard what I said what I read about the quote from Dr. Ruckman and how he said that in the after the rapture you're gonna have to keep the golden rule and the commandments or whatever. You heard that he said that in the in the tribulation time you're gonna have to be saved a different way. What does the Bible teach? That he has perfected by one offering forever. So is the book of Revelation after the book of Hebrews or before the book of Hebrews? It's after isn't it? You know why? Because the events take place after that. So let me tell you something when the book of Hebrews says that there's only one way of salvation there's only one there's only one way to be saved there's only one sacrifice there's only one time is the offer for our sins then how can it be for worse in you know in the book of Revelation how can that be possible are you saying that the sacrifice is no longer good enough for you in the book of Revelation is that what you're saying because that is heresy that is not true yeah so he says um so turn to Hebrews 8.13 you're really close to there Hebrews chapter 8 verse number 13 it says in Hebrews 8.13 it says in that he saith a new covenant he hath made the first old now that which the kath of acid old is ready to vanish away what what are we living under right now the new testament right but does it say and this is the new covenant it's actually the seventh in between you know there's one there's one old testament and there's the new testament you want to say well i believe in dispensationalism i do old testament new testament amen is that what it teaches where is it so where are the other six or where are the other five in here where are they it doesn't show it does it so i don't have time to get into the dispensation if you want to there's one two three four verses in the whole bible to say the word dispensation and you know what they all say it's seven times it's seven different ways that are it's six different ways just in the book it has to be saved that is that's just clown interpretation yes amen right right first chronicles chapter 16 verse 21 i want to go back to this real quick i'm getting close to being done here just hang on for a few more minutes all right take your time brother we got time all right okay first chronicles chapter 16 verse 21 says he suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sakes saying touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm just know this that when you're rebelling against the leadership that you're on god's bad side you're not on god's good side you're going to be on god's bad side because you're not supposed to be touching the lord's anointed david didn't touch the lord's anointed did he and it says do my prophets no harm when the pastor gets up there and preaches he's preaching the bible what the prophets said right the Bible calls it prophesying prophesying doesn't always mean that you're telling the future right as a matter of fact nobody's been able to do that says john wrote the book of revelation that's right amen all right so the canon is closed at that point so now there's this term that we like to use in churches and in our church oh you know in other churches i know it says moss back it's called this moss back deacons deacons that won't do their job a lot of the time churches hire deacons just so they because maybe they are the biggest tithes in the church or something like that but you know that there's some qualifications that the deacons have to make right there's qualifications that they have to meet the pastor has to meet qualifications the deacons must make the qualifications turn to act chapter six verse one and let me just show you really quickly the position of a deacon it doesn't say deacon here but this is what most people believe the institution of deacons was in the in the old in the new tesla excuse me at the first church in jerusalem what it says in act six one and in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied there arose a murmuring of the grations against the hebrews because the widows were neglected in the daily administration then the 12 called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said it is not reason that we should leave the work of god or excuse me the word of god and serve tables so what's he saying what are they saying hey it's more important for us to study the bible prepare our sermons be spiritual read the scriptures than it is for us to go and serve tables and help you know not that it's a bad thing to help the widows and all this stuff it's a good thing but the pastor has to have the time to do the spiritual things that's the most important part of being a pastor is preaching the word of god and teaching the people and leading the people that says wherefore brother look you out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and wisdom who we may appoint over this business so does it say that the deacons picked the pastor no these guys aren't even pastors but well some of them are but the 12 is talking about the 12 apostles and they picked the deacons they said what the qualifications are look out men that are full of the holy ghost and wisdom that we can point they're on an honest report that we can point over this business but we will give ourselves continually to prayer into the ministry of the word that's the pastor's job to work on the ministry of the word and the same pleased the whole multitude that they chose stephen vanful faith of the holy ghost and philip apocrys and nakanar and teeman and harmonious and nicholas the cross light of antioc whom they set before the apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands on them who ordained the first deacons it was the apostles who was the leaders in the church at that time the apostles in your constitution at your church it says your church it says the deacon must be proved every year so every year they're supposed to be where are the deacons right because either the bible means something or it doesn't amen it means something or it doesn't they need the qualifications or they don't so who has the right to fire who in your constitution it says that they don't meet the qualifications they're done yeah right it doesn't say exactly like that but i'm just saying that's my way of saving but let me tell you something this pastor told me that he tried to get his deacons to go soloing to go out with him and knock the doors and preach the gospel in your constitution it says that they're supposed to do all the things to help the pastor to do uh all the ministration and the baptism to make sure everything's set ready and to be involved in the evangelistic program in the church right if you if the pastor says hey deacon you need to go and knock some doors with me and they're like you're joe's witness what are you talking about are you serious that's an evangelistic endeavor and that's their job to go and their job is to listen what the pastor says and anything that they that he tells them to do within the bounds of the bible amen refusing to go soloing that's why i call them moss-backed deacons because they sit around and they want to try to plot and do all this weird stuff and try to overthrow pastor if they don't like the way his what he's doing and they don't have the right to do that if anything this pastor has the right to fire them and i think he did yes indeed first timothy chapter 3 8 let's look at the qualifications of the deacons the qualifications of the deacons in first timothy 3 8 says likewise must the deacons be grave not double tongue elward's not going behind the pastor's back and trying to get people their side so they can fire him yeah not giving them much wine not greedy a filthy lucre holding the mystery of the faith and pure conscience now let these also first be what proved let them then then let them use the opposite of the deacon being found blameless even so must their wives be grave not slanderers sober faithful in all things let the deacons be the husbands of one wife if the deacon is divorced he doesn't he's not qualified yeah okay and i know that's not a popular teaching today you got pastors are being sent out all over america they don't have wives they don't have kids but the bible says you're supposed to be the husband of one wife and you're supposed to have faithful children right how can they lead the church of god if they don't even have a wife and children that will fall down explain that to me you want to talk about the great fallen away you want to talk about apostasy look at all the churches around you that don't have qualified pastors and qualified deacons right so it says that they're supposed to be the husbands of one life and there's that then it says for they that have used the opposite of deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in christ jesus you know and your sunday school teacher that got up and the challenge you know pastor challenged him over his dispensational charts that he had and asked him where did you get those charts from the bible you should know the word the bible those charts aren't the bible yeah those charts are something a man made up that's right and put together and splice together it's not the bible amen amen the word of god is the bible that's right not your charts not your charts with angels on and all these crossing signs and connections look that's a bunch of garbage yeah it's a bunch of trash and so your study school teacher got up and called and walked out with his wife and said you guys are a bunch of jahovah's witnesses yeah is that what he said yeah it's just like a jahova witness church now yeah it's just like a jahovah's witness church now why because you're supposed to knock on doors because the pastor wants people to be involved in the evangelistic program yeah acts 542 says and daily yeah we're not even doing that and daily in the temple and in what every house they cease not to teach and preach jesus christ tell me how are you going to preach in every house if you never knock on the door yeah that's right are you going to walk through it like a ghost yeah most people aren't even going door to door but what's the bible say that in every house they cease not to teach and preach amen jesus christ what's the problem what's the problem with churches in america today they lost their way they lost the biblical way to go out and preach the gospel and it's just basically become some country club or saints go to die yeah and it stopped being a powerhouse for soul weighing and you know what this this city has a few people in it that are actually knocking doors and then it doesn't surprise me that the devil will try to rise up some kind of quora dathan in the vibrant to try to remove the one pastor that's actually knocking doors in this area are you kidding me and i'm glad for the ones that have stood with your pastor you know what you need to stay standing with him you need to go along beside him and help him say pastor is there something i could do is there something i can help with hey i'm willing to go out on order to try to go soloing will you teach me you don't have to go out there and talk with people just learn and you know what guess what you get rewards for just standing there with them you don't even have to say a word you still hear me right that's right what is so hard about that why is that so bad how you know go out and you know it was nice today i went out yeah and i got a little sun on my face and it was nice got one one person saved praise yeah and you know what if a church isn't going soloing they're not a real church yeah yeah that's right man in a feature the book of the revelation talks about the church in ethicist how if you lose your first love then what do you need to do you need to do the first works yeah what's the first works that christ said to do come follow me be fishers of men yeah come on man come on come follow me and be fishers of men i will make you to be fishers of men jesus said hey you know what i'll train you to be fishers of men that's right that's right so how isn't that different than saying invite somebody to church and then maybe i'll give the gospel every single service and every single service i'm going to have somebody come up and call people developer how's that working how's that working in america when people lost the true way of going and getting people safe yeah explain that it's not working it's not working acts 2020 i'm going to close us here on this i know i preached for a while that's all right keep going brother well i've got my notes are over here acts 2020 maybe i will let's see last year you know we thought acts 2020 vision was gonna it was a big deal right just finally 2020 and you know what happened to coronavirus and so we got about half the people saved that we did the year before yeah but you know what we still got people safe amen we didn't give up on the gospel we were scared and you know everybody's afraid and they want to get their vaccinations before they talk to another human being again and all this other stuff but you know what people still get saved amen that's right door-to-door sowing still works right there's nothing wrong with your pastor asking your deacons to do that that's right as a matter of fact they should be fired if they don't amen i'm not saying to you you have a choice but i'm saying if someone says they're a deacon they're not the husband of one wife they don't have faithful children or whatever they don't have they don't need the qualifications and then they won't help the pastor so you know i said the bible is over the top of the constitution but both the bible and the constitution of your church say the deacon should be going somewhere the deacon should be helping the pastor look at what it says and how like this is the apostle paul he says and how i kept back nothing that was profitable unto you see your pastor is supposed to preach the whole council of god whether people like it or not that's right if you go home and your tails between your legs and you're all pouty that's good for you yeah you know you shouldn't always walk out of church feeling like a million bucks sometimes god has a hard message for you about two-thirds of this book is negative read the book of jeremiah and ezekiel back to back and you know what you're gonna get you're gonna get a little depressed they're very negative books aren't they but you know what they're still the word of god every word in those books is inspired by the holy ghost and is profitable for you yeah amen and so paul kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but has showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house house to house paul turned this world upside down for the gospel you know how he did it hey how's it going my name is paul and i just want to invite you to church are you 100 sure if you died today you'd go to heaven oh really what can i show you how to be saved actually what the bible says it takes to go to heaven amen knock he knocked yeah and i don't know you know exactly what the doors looked like back then but he wasn't a mediterranean so maybe he just had to knock on the side of the um but anyway paul said he taught you publicly from house to house that means that he knocked on people's doors so don't sit there and let you know a buyer run the other the other jerry not the good jerry bad jerry don't let him say that you're a Jehovah's Witness because you go and knock on a door yeah yeah that is wicked man that's right that's right it's wicked to downplay cell winning it's wicked to sit there and go against your pastor in the middle of a church service man if you've got a problem with him go and ask him to talk with him and treat him like a father amen he's not your doormat to step on he's not some bossy woman's you know and some bossy woman's every whim yeah treat him with respect treat him with this respect he deserves he's the pastor of this church you voted him in yeah right unanimously yep and don't if someone comes to you talking garbage about your pastor you know what you should say hey come on let's go let's go ask him yeah amen that's good preaching right there let's go ask man that's right if someone has a problem with your pastor and they're going hey let me tell you what pastor could you know what you should do you should say hey let's go let's go find out what you did let's go talk to them together yeah you know a lot of churches get overturned and things like that because of stuff like that yeah that's right and you should be on your pastor's side and give him the benefit of the doubt amen so because it says testify both to the jews and also the greeks repentant towards god and faith towards our lord jesus christ don't let the conspiracy grow in this church you know what you got a good pastor you got a guy that cares about souls in this area and the lights are flickering here in yakima yeah you can go to any church in this town there's a baptist church and you're going to get dispensational ism yeah salvation yeah we're going to get repent of your sins you know if i could repent my sins to be saved guess what i'd never be saved yeah right yeah because i don't think anybody in here is sinless yeah amen that's right yeah i mean you're sinless in the sight of god because you're saved right but nobody in this room has ever repented of all our sins if that's a requirement for salvation we're all doomed yes amen that's right so stand with the leadership not with cora pete or dathan jerry loveless or uh a byron kyle yeah i mean if you want to take something out of out of the sermon just apply those names and put them over the top of those names then you know you had a rebellion against your pastor who's a man of god stand with you know i'm not saying he's he's as good as moses okay i'm not saying that but stand with the man of god who's like your moses to you amen that's right he's not perfect nobody's perfect right but i didn't know that was a requirement for being a pastor is that you have to be perfect about every single thing amen let's pray well thank you so much for this uh gathering together tonight lord and i know things kind of got a little hot in some areas but lord it's so important for the church to understand the church members here and anybody listening um that it's important to stand with the man of god and to not rebel against him and to not take slander and false accusations and to come to the man of god with respect and with two or three witnesses lord and and lord just i pray that the people here would love their pastor that they would go alongside of them and help them with anything he needs because he's a great man in the Jewish name of praise praise the lord thank you brother erin brother erin's a good friend and he uh he came to do the soul and uh i was just so tickled pink when he said hey do you want me to come and speak on your behalf and uh just preach for you Wednesday night he didn't even say speak on my behalf i didn't know he's going to do that but you know what praise the lord thank you brother you're a good friend and a fine preacher and this is a soul and a machine praise the lord that's it for tonight i'm thankful everybody came here wasn't that great thank you brother thank you so much for presenting the word of god simply and clearly and the folks are thank you all coming out