(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, man, I'll write the title of the sermon this morning. Perilous times shall come. Perilous times shall come. And I know that it's been a little dark with the preaching lately. I apologize for that. But I really, I'm sorry, not sorry, because we are headed into perilous times. And it's important for us to really put things in perspective, because there's a lot of strange things going on in the world right now. Look, I'm not saying that the rapture is coming imminently or anything weird like that, okay? I'm just saying that there's, the Bible says there's going to be a falling away, okay? And then the man of sin will be revealed. And so, look, I mean, if you don't think we're in or heading into a falling away, then you're not looking very closely, because there's a lot of bad stuff going on in this world. Let's look at verse number one, it says, This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. Let's have a word of prayer. Thank you, Lord, so much for this wonderful day. And Lord, we just thank you for the opportunity to be in church, Lord, that we're free to do that at this time. And I just pray that you would bless our church, help us, even in perilous times, Lord, we want this church to continue on until Jesus comes. And Lord, I just pray that you'd help us to be chafed in our minds and just understand that Lord, we're in a battle here, and not to be afraid, not to be weird, because ultimately you have the victory for us. I pray you fill me with your spirit right now as I begin to preach, and that you'd bless the people that are here. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. All right, so, I mean, I've already had this kind of fleshed out, and there's just been some weird bills that have been going on since the new president came into place, and basically all of them are just like all these LGBTQ, HIV, you know, JKLMNOP, all these different things, and it's, look, we're only in February right now. He's already passed all these executive orders. We have a trans freak as our health administrator or whatever, and that's definitely not a healthy lifestyle, so I don't know. I mean, you might as well just put like an AIDS-infested freak as the picture right there, right? But I want to read this article before I start preaching, and it is kind of a little bit lengthy, but I want you to understand what's being attempted here, what's being tried here. And so a few days ago, the House voted to pass what's called the Equality Act. As far as I know, I thought that these LGBT freaks already had all the upper hand in every business, in every situation. They're already very protected on all different levels, but they don't feel like the protection goes far enough, so they want to amend the constitutional amendment, the federal act that was passed for the nondiscrimination in 1963. They want to amend that to put more levels of protection for them to not be discriminated against. So you know, really the only people that are not discriminated against them, I mean that are discriminated against them, is probably churches like this. So I'm not trying to scare you this morning, but I do want you to understand what we're about to walk into, because changes are coming, changes have been coming to this country for a long time, and you know, we've had a lot of freedom in years past, but that might not always be the case. And so are you prepared in your heart to, you know, for things to change? Because we just don't know what's going to happen. And I don't want you to be afraid, because look, God's got this. If you read the end of the book, we win, right? So if we lose for, it seems like we're losing for a little while, you know, it's like Rocky, you know, we come out swinging in the last round and we win, right? Jesus wins for us, though. All right, so look, I'm just going to read this to you real quickly. I'll try to read it fast, all right, because I want to get done within the hour here. But it says, the House voted, okay, it's an Equality Act prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. You know, they say they believe in science, but yet they don't understand that there's two genders. You know, see, they deny, they say we don't believe in science. No, they don't believe in science. There's only two genders, male and female, okay? So the House voted Thursday to pass the Equality Act, a far-reaching measure that has been decades in the making and would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The legislation was passed by the House in 2019, but blocked in the Republican-led Senate. This time, Democrats control the White House, House, and Senate. President Biden has signaled his support for the measure, but it still faces an uphill fight in the Senate where it would need 60 votes to break a legislative filibuster. You know why they were working so hard to get all these House seats and all these Senate seats? So they could pass this garbage right here. The Civil Rights Act is a sacred pillar of freedom in our country. It is not amended lightly. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, yeah, she's a devil. But anyway, said in a House floor speech Thursday afternoon, she thanked members of the Congressional Black Caucus who gave their impropiture to the opening of the Civil Rights Act to end discrimination against LGBTQ Americans. See, they're also putting the black plight with the HOMO plight. They're adding them together. That's what their plan's been this whole time, and it's worked because everybody in here knows that the Black Lives Matter movement is this big movement, and every single place in Portland that didn't have Black Lives Matter on their windows got smashed out, and their buildings and stuff got destroyed. So that's, and it's really not about black lives. They take something that happens, and then they use it for their own agenda. But I've already preached about this before, that the Black Lives Matter movement, if you look it up on their website, it's more about HOMO Lives Matter, okay? And they're trying to get their agenda across in our country, and it's working. And it says, after a tense and often personal debate, the House voted 224 to 206 for the measure with three Republicans joining all Democrats to vote yes. The legislation would amend federal civil rights laws to ensure protections for LGBTQ Americans in employment, education, housing, credit, jury service, and other areas. So the other areas they don't want to mention, because listen to me, the media lies. The media doesn't want to tell you the whole truth, but I'll tell you what, those other areas are churches. Those other areas are church institutions, like church schools, private schools, things like that. It is a top legislative priority of Biden who, in a statement last week, called the bill a critical step towards ensuring that America lives up to our foundational values of equality and freedom for all. National LGBTQ, HIV rights groups hailed the measure's passage with the Human Rights Campaign calling it a major milestone for equality, bringing us closer to ensuring that every person is treated equally under the law. Well, how about the Christians? Are they treated equally under the law? No, they just throw our rights in the garbage can while they continue to press forward their agenda. Now the ball is in the Senate's court to pass the Equality Act and finally allow LGBTQ Americans the ability to live their lives free from discrimination. The group's president, Alfonso David, said in a statement, he's a Virginia delegate, Danica Roem, who knows who that is? Okay, one of the country's first openly transgender elected officials. That's the freak show that they have, I think, in that position I was saying earlier. Emphasize the importance of the measure Thursday. She, quotation marks there on my part, noted that Virginia last year passed its own versions of the Equality Act, the Virginia Values Act and House Bill 1049, making it the first southern state to enact sweeping LGBT rights legislation. The hashtag Equality Act is the constituent service Roem said in a message on Twitter pass it. A number of religious denominations, however, are lobbying against the measure, saying its lack of religious exemptions create one of the most sweeping challenges to religious liberties in decades. So there's people fighting against it, but it's not the people you might think because it's groups including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They've already caved in. I don't know what they're fighting about. Orthodox Jews and Seventh-day Adventists, among others, say it could halt the free and reduced-cost lunches for children across the country who attend single-gender parochial schools, require church community halls to rent space for LGBTQ ceremonies. So, like, they want to be able to have access to our auditorium so they can have their homo-marriages and things like that, and threaten federal security grants for synagogues and mosques facing violence. The House debate over the issue included personal testimony from several lawmakers including LGBTQ members of Congress who are among those who rose in support of the measure, of course, as were lawmakers whose family members are transgender. So because they have, you know, some sugar in the tank and some of their families or whatever, they want to help pass it too. So it says, in announcing her support for the bill Wednesday, Representative Sarah Jacobs, Democrat from California, noted that she is the proud sister to a trans brother and a gender non-conforming sibling. On Tuesday, freshman Representative Marie Newman, Democrat, Illinois, delivered an emotional floor speech in which she mentioned her daughter who said she came out to her as a transgender years ago. I knew from that day on my daughter would be living in a nation where most of its states she could be discriminated against merely because of who she is. Newman said, and yet it was still the happiest day of my life and my daughter has found her authentic self. And as any mother would, I swore I would fight to ensure this country changes for the better. So they want to tell us what to think. They want to tell us what we should believe. They want to tell us who we should allow into our church services. Is that freedom? Is that freedom for Christians? Absolutely not. Newman raised a transgender pride flag outside her office this week in support of the bill. Another house freshman, Republican Marjorie Taylor from Georgia, one of the legislature's most vocal opponents, responded by mocking Newman with a poster that she hung outside her own office which sits directly across the hall. There are two genders, male and female. Trust the science. Oh, yeah, I could get behind that. The poster says the house voted this month to remove Green from her two committee assignments because she repeatedly espoused false and extremist claims, including the QAnon radicalized ideology. So if you say anything against what they're saying, they're going to call you a false extremist and that you're involved in QAnon. Republican Mark Pocan, Democrat Wisconsin, criticized Green without naming her Thursday. He called out a lawmaker who hung an anti-trans poster on the wall outside of her office. Look, this fight is getting real. It's already gotten real. You know, they said they just wanted to get married, right? I just want to get married. No, they're implacable. They want more. They always want more. They want to adopt children. They want to do all this other stuff. And look, this is happening, folks. This is in the Senate, and if it passes in the Senate, we don't know what the bill really says. It's not saying that part of it for our point, but it says this new QAnon spirit across the aisle, which I don't believe in the QAnon thing, anyway, but across the aisle is appearing in a nasty and hateful way. Pocan said, arguing that the vote against measure is a vote for discrimination, plain and simple. Republicans have said the Equality Act infringes on the religious beliefs of individuals and repeatedly raised the specter of women's sports. Yeah, so now men are allowed to wrestle, run against any other sport that women do, and they're breaking all of the records. All of them. They are. It's really true. But would you want your daughter to have to wrestle some trans freak? I mean, they're really men, okay? And I've seen what happens. Like, girls can hang with guys until a certain age in wrestling, but then once they start getting a little bit of the man strength, it's over. They can't beat them because they're just not strong enough. So that's what's happening right now with the whole sports thing, but it says in remarks on the House floor Thursday morning, representative Andrew S. Clyde, Republican Georgia, repeatedly referred to transgender women as biological males, because that's what they are. And he said the Equality Act would violate women's right to privacy and safety in locker rooms and showers. God help us, Clyde said. We have lost our ever-loving minds. I agree with that. God help us. Members of the hard right House Freedom Caucus delivered the hard right, a broad attack on the substance of the bill Thursday, and many calling it part of a broader liberal attack on the traditional Christian values. Representative Randy Weber, Republican Texas, called the bill anti-life, anti-family, and anti-faith, while Representative Yvette Harrell, Republican New Mexico, said it moves our nation away from our Judeo-Christian values and takes away parents' rights to decide. The three Republicans who joined Democrats in voting yes were Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania, John Katko, New York, and Tom Reed, New York. I hope nobody ever votes those clowns in again. The Equality Act has been a pillar of the LGBTQ civil rights movement since similar trans legislation was first discussed after the Stonewall Riots in 1969. So they've been trying to get this passed for a long time. Democratic Representative Bella Abzug of New York was the main sponsor of the Equality Act in 1974. Other prominent supporters of the legislation include Representative Ed Cook, Democrat of New York. In the ensuing decades, public opinion has shifted dramatically towards support of such protection. It's because the constant brain defilement has been going on for years and years and years and years, and now here we are right now, and they're like, okay, it's time to pass it. See, that's what they do. They pass, and the people resist, and they kind of take a step back, and then they take another step forward. But here we are at the launching point of where they're going to start trying to tell us as Christians who we can let in our building and who we can't. It says more than 8 in 10 Americans favor laws that would protect LGBTQ people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. According to a 2020 Public Religion Research Institute American Values Survey. Yeah, I don't know if I agree with that, but that's a lot. 8 out of 10? I hope 8 out of 10 believe that in here, but I know you don't. But it says more than 21 states have passed laws explicitly prohibiting discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, or other realms. But the patchwork of the laws leaves large gaps in the LGBTQ protections. In 27 states, a person can be denied housing because of the sexual orientation or gender identity. I don't believe that, but they can be denied access to education in 31 states. Well, that's probably, they're probably talking like they can't go to a private Christian school. And they shouldn't be allowed to. And the right to gender identity, they can be denied, excuse me, and the right to serve on a jury in 41. I don't believe that either. According to a statement released last week, but how would you like to have 12 reprobates judging something like the fact that you didn't let homeless into your church and then take you to court over it? How would you like those to be your jurors? So yeah, I mean, I could see why you wouldn't want to have them implacable reprobates on the jury that you're, you know, you're done. They're not going to help you. You know, so it does, you know, they hate God, so why would you want as a Christian to have 12 jurors, they're not your peers. Those are people that are not your peers. They're wild beasts, according to the Bible. But it says, let's see, anyway, I'm done with the article. I've got to get on with my sermon, but I just wanted you to understand that the reason why I'm preaching this is because perilous times are coming. Okay, and we have to get behind the Bible and not be scared of what's going on. Does it, is it kind of scary? A little bit, but you know what, we shouldn't fear anything but God. So we need to be able to stand our ground and understand the times we're living in. So point number one, I'm going to get moving in this message. I'm preaching pretty much everything out of First Timothy chapter, or Second Timothy chapter three. So number one, and I'm just going to have five statements today and they're going to be quick, all right? Perilous times are coming, is statement number one. This know also, verse number one, that in the last days perilous times shall come. The perilous times are a result of the state of mankind. That's what's going on right now, and it's not just that, the devil is orchestrating everything from behind the scenes. But as we move closer to a reprobate nation and world, this time, at this time, we're heading into perilous times. And I just read you that article and they're not going to stop with that. And you know, maybe it won't pass the Senate this time, but Joe Biden already tried to pass it before and it barely, barely lost. And now here we are, the fate of Christianity in this country, basically, as far as who is allowed in and who's not allowed in. But here's the thing, what churches are not allowing the men? What churches? Ours. Faithful War Baptist Church, you know. Pastor Jimenez's church down at Verity Baptist Church down in Sacramento. Pastor Jones' church at Shield of Faith Baptist Church. I mean, I'm not going to name them all because I don't want to put a hit target on them right now. I think they already know who we all are anyway. But we do have targets on our backs. And you know, so it's not like Paul Chappell hasn't already caved to this idea. You know, he didn't like the target put, you know, gender, gender, non-gender bathrooms in their stores, but he just allows them to go into his bathrooms at his church, so look, we're the last one standing. Okay, so if you don't think we're in some sort of falling away, I don't, you know, what Baptist, what old IFB Baptist are you going to trust to hold the fort with this situation right here, with the transgenders and stuff being allowed to come in? What are they going to do when we just say, no, you're not coming in? What are we going to do? We're not going to cave. We might be meeting in a cave, but we're not going to cave to this agenda. What does perilous mean? It means full of danger or risk. That's the times we're headed into, danger, risk, and those things can set people, you know, and make them nervous, and I understand that. So hold your place here and turn to Second Thessalonians chapter two, verse three. Just hold your place here, and actually, you probably just want to put a bookmark or a ribbon or something, whatever you, a pen or something in there, because we're going to keep coming back to this chapter. So Second Thessalonians chapter two, verse three says, Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come. What day is it talking about? The day of Christ, the day that Christ returns, except there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. So there's two things that have to happen before that day shall come. Now, I understand that all the other rest of Christianity doesn't understand this fact, and they like to twist the Bible and make all kinds of funny charts with angels all over them, and all these intersecting lines. I mean, if you look at their charts, you can't even make heads or tails of them. But there's going to be a falling away first, and what is that talking about? Apostasy, not real Christianity. And we're there, folks, we're there. So turn back to your text in Second Timothy three. It says, For men shall be lovers of their own selves. You know, we definitely live in a day right now where people love themselves more than they love other people. I believe in the acronym of JOY, Jesus, others, you. You should be the last on that list. We should be loving our brothers, we should be loving God more than anything else, but that's not what this generation of people are like. That, you know, most people that have like Facebook, they have like hundreds of selfies of themselves, you know, these chicks that put their makeup on with a paint sprayer, and they have all these pictures of themselves in bathrooms and all this other stuff. Look, if you have a selfie stick and you're walking around with it all the time just taking pictures of yourself, you love yourself more than you love other people. There's no doubt about that. It says covetous, people love money more than they love God. They want to make money. You know, some people have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, because really they love money more than they love God. Boasters, people love to boast about how great they are. Oh, I'm a theologian and I'm a scholar, you know, people just boast about themselves. I'm the greatest quarterback in the game, right? You know, you test me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that's the result you're gonna get, L-O-B, you know. That's the kind of stuff that we're gonna get, yeah. People in sports that are gifted athletically more than other people boasting about how great they are. God gave them that talent, but you know, they want to boast about themselves and how great they are. Hey, God's the one that's great, the one that made you the way you are. Blasphemers, who are proud. People are proud, and even you see that in soloing all the time. They're too proud to change their mind. You know, you get them to the point where they understand everything, but they're too proud to admit that they were already not saved. And so therefore there's a roadblock trying to get that person to get saved. And you know, there's just proud. You want to talk about pride, the L-G-B-T, Q-H-I-G, H-I-J-K-L-M-N-A-P, those people, the alphabet people, their whole thing is gay pride, right? And they steal God's rainbow and blaspheme his name, they hate him, but yet they still want to go to church. You know, if they actually read the Bible, and they know what's in the Bible, they know why we hate them, but see, people have conformed to this ideology, and here we are, right here, the L-G-B-T agenda. And it says they're disobedient, blasphemers. People blaspheme Jesus all the time, they blaspheme God, you know, there's a website called the Blasphemy Challenge where people can actually go online, record a video, upload it of them blaspheming the Holy Ghost so they can know for sure that they're never going to heaven. Like that's what the website is intended to do, is to get people to blaspheme the Holy Ghost so they can guarantee that they're never going to heaven. And children, you know, there's children, and teens, and adults that do this challenge, and you know what, God's going to grant them their wish. Disobedient to parents. You know, you see, have you ever seen videos where people are beating their own parents up? Like they have them on YouTube, it's disgusting. Unthankful, unholy, we're living in this generation where people just don't care. They don't care about the things of God, they hate the things of God, and so they're without natural affection. Truth breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. People actually hate us because we want to do good. Isn't that weird? It's very strange that someone would hate someone because they want to do good, but that's how people are. Traders, we definitely had our share of traitors, even just in churches like ours. You know, pastors just stabbing other pastors in the back, then going and talking crap about them, and they're just glomming onto us so they can get a following and then they break away. I mean, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to, I mean, if you don't care, then you don't care. I don't blame you there, because the fighting in the bakery does get old sometimes. But look, there's people that have glommed on to pastors in our movement, and then when they get their following that they want, then they separate, because really, they were just using Pastor Anderson to try to get their own glory, and if you don't know who those people are, it's pretty obvious to see. Sometimes I just don't understand how people don't see these things, but maybe it's just me. Maybe I look into it too much, but when people are actually calling out pastors that ordain them by name and telling them that they're doing stupid things, you got something wrong with you, pal. So anyway, we have our truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers, those are good. Traders, heady, and heady means willfully, rash, or violent. High-minded, they think they're better than everybody else. Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Hey, we're in perilous times. We're heading into perilous times here, because look, all those things you can see happening right now, and I'm not saying we're like at the door. I'm not saying anything for sure is about to happen, but look, nothing ever has happened in our world like you see these legislative things happening right now. You know, the Bible calls, it says there's gonna be a one-world government in Revelation chapter 13, okay? What do most people call that, though, these days? They call it the New World Order, right? There's a video that we promote called New World Order Bible Versions. But New World, where do they get the New World from? What is America called? The New World. When they came over from other countries to start, they wanted religious freedom, and that was a good thing in the beginning, but when it all got revolutionized, the Revolutionary War, where they overthrew the king, which the Bible doesn't say to do, by the way, but they call it the New World. Why do they call it that? Because there wasn't a place that was occupied by like modernized societies. You know, there was some Native Americans and things like that there, but Joseph Smith's Native Americans, no, I'm just kidding. But hey, when people whine about the Native Americans getting destroyed, but you know what? God does that to every nation that's a heathen. Doesn't matter who they are. But what I'm trying to tell you is that people call it the New World Order, and the New World is here. And the United Nations is in New York City. So I mean, if that doesn't tell you something, you're like, well, it could be another nation. Yeah, it could be. And I realize there's a caveat to that, but just think about it for a second. Just think about what America is right now and what it's trying to become. It's going back to its roots of rebellion. When they rebelled against the king, look, everything breaks forth after its own kind. And something started in rebellion is gonna end in rebellion, okay? And just because God has allowed Christianity to thrive in the United States doesn't mean that God's not gonna destroy the Whore of Babylon someday. So anyway, where am I at here? Okay, so point number one was perilous times are coming. They're coming. It says in the end days, and look, we're in the end days. So the Bible's very clear about that. The last 2,000 years have been end times. But every day we get closer, we're getting closer to those perilous times. And right now, we're not getting killed for our faith. We're getting yelled at, we're getting screamed at, we're getting cussed out. A couple people have been dotted up. But other than that, that's kind of the extent. But they'll come to apartment complexes where we're knocking on doors. They follow us around and harass us. I mean, it's getting more anti-Christian every year. So, but point number two is, we need to turn away from reprobates. We need to turn away from them. Look at verse number five. It says, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such, turn away. We need to turn away from them. We need to turn away from everything that has anything to do with them. It says, for out of this sort, what sort? The ones that deny God, the ones that we should turn away from. Of this sort are they which creep into houses and leave captive, silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts, ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. When I first got saved, there was a guy that I was friends with. And he tried to run from Arab, Portland, and all this other stuff. And I used to do all these homeless things. And I was friends with him for a long time. But when I first got saved, I tried to get him saved. And I read these scriptures, and I was like, this is who this guy is right here. This guy is ever learning. He wants to talk about, you know, Inky, and Inky Do, and the ancient aliens, and all this other stuff. And how Zechariah's ascension. I mean, if you don't know who these people are, it's the ancient aliens people, okay? Even though you can see drag marks on all the stones that they pulled to these temples that they built. But they think that aliens built these ancient civilizations just because our architects aren't able to reproduce these things. But, you know, if there's rope marks, they obviously pulled them with animals, or men. But this guy that I was friends with, I would just give him scriptures, and try to get him saved. And he would have a form of believing in God. He just would say, I'm just not really sure. Agnostics are in a dangerous spot. Because they say, well, I'm not really sure what's out there. And then you go to the door and tell them. They're in a more dangerous spot, because you've already told them the truth, and they're still denying that power thereof, right? Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. That's what is in the mind of a reprobate. It's anything but God. It's aliens, it's whatever else. Now the Norse gods are becoming this new thing. Have you ever gone to a door when someone says, I'm a pagan, and I'm going to Valhalla, and all this other stuff? It's super weird, okay, it's mythology. Mythology, it's called mythology. It says, now as Jans and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. What do they reprobate concerning? The faith. They don't understand the faith, because they're of a reprobate mind. They can't understand it. These guys, Jans and Jambres, it actually mentions these guys in the New Testament. It doesn't tell their names in Exodus, but these are the guys that were doing the same miracles. They were doing everything that Moses was doing up to a certain point where they tried to create life, and they were like, hey, we're done, we can't do this. I think it was the plague of lice. These guys resisted Moses, and so they're like these false prophets. And if you think about it, the Exodus, I think, is like a picture of tribulation. It's the picture of God's people being persecuted. They're being persecuted, right? And then Moses is trying to get these guys to let, trying to get Pharaoh to let the people go, and then these guys are doing the same miracles that Moses is. In the last days, there's gonna be, the false prophet is gonna be able to call fire down from heaven. These false preachers and false Christs are gonna be able to do miracles before people and deceive a lot of people, but they won't be able to deceive us if we're paying attention to what's going on. But we need to turn away from people like this. Look, anybody that's preaching a false gospel and has been for 50 years or 30 years or 20 years or whatever, they're reprobates. Don't watch their sermons. Turn away from those people. That's what the Bible says, right? Turn away from those people. Stop watching their sermons. And people always ask questions online about, hey, what do you think about this guy? He's a reprobate. That's what I think. Stop watching. Why don't you watch a Baptist that actually preached a right gospel and preached the truth and preached the Bible and say, hey, we're gonna have to go through tribulation. But people will always try to resist the truth that we're coming out with, and they're gonna make you think, hey, you're wrong because you're following what the Bible says. Because you're not following, it is a movement that our churches are kind of a part of, but in reality, we're just a Bible-believing church that preaches the Bible. We're an independent Baptist church. So people are gonna try to steer you away and say, hey, Pastor Thompson did this and his kids did that. You know what, if you have a question about anything about me, I'm an open book. You can come talk to me about anything you want any time you want. So, but people are always constantly trying to come against us. Why? Why aren't they going against Paul Chappell? Why aren't they going against, what's that guy's name that was praying in front of the fountain? Golden Calf Baptist College, whatever. What was his name? Jack Treiber. Oh, Jack Treiber, so holy. He fought against the masks. You know that there's churches that are taking the PPP money? You know what the PPP is, is where they're paying back or paying for businesses to stay closed. You know what that is? Because when the whole lockdown thing first started happening, I got an email from our landlord and trying to help me to apply for this thing. I never applied for it. I don't want to take a shoe latchet from the government. Do you understand that? Abraham didn't want to take a shoe latchet from the king of Sodom, and I don't want to take one either. I'm not going to pay our rent from the government so they can tell us what we have to do. Are you stupid? But you know what, there's Baptists on that list. There's the grace to you. You know, they're making a big stand, John MacArthur or whatever. He's a false prophet, and he's got a church plant here that tried to get us to share the building with them. They took that money, so his satellite church, so I wonder if grace to you took the money too. And then they're whining about having to wear a mask. You hypocrites. Now I didn't look up grace to you for sure. I don't know if they took the money or not, but I know Joel Osteen did. I know other, you can look on the list. I'll give you the link, and you can look up Baptist churches. There's tons of Baptist churches come up that took that money. I don't want to have anything to do with the government when it comes to, there's a separation of church and state, right? I believe in that. So look, there's people out there that are greatly resisting us, and you know what? If you just already just kowtow to what the government tells you to do, because you know what happens when those churches take that money? Then they're under the authority of the government, and if they don't shut their church down or don't wear the mask or don't do everything that they tell them, what are they going to do? They're going to take that money back. And so that's why Abraham said, I don't want you to think that, you just say that you've made me rich. I don't want the government to be able to say, the Church Foundation Baptist Church got their rent paid by the king of Sodom. Because I mean, what is he really right now, our president? He's the king of Sodom. That's all he's passing. 2 Timothy 4.14, go ahead and turn back to our text in 2 Timothy 3. But in 2 Timothy 4, verse 14, actually you can look there, it's right there. 2 Timothy 4, verse 14 says, Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil. The Lord reward him according to his works. And listen to this, it says, of whom be thou where also, for he hath greatly withstood our words. Now we're talking about the apostle Paul here. The apostle Paul, probably one of the best, you know, preachers in the whole Bible, and one of the greatest men of God that ever lived, and this coppersmith, this just rando dude named Alexander the coppersmith, you know, he makes copper stuff. He makes things out of copper. Is greatly withstanding his words. It says that greatly withstood our words. There's people that are gonna pop up that are gonna greatly withstand the things that we're doing and greatly withstand, you know, this church right here. We've already seen some of it happen. We've already seen the little mob of homos out here, you know, doing all the weird stuff that they were doing. They wanna resist our words, you know why? They wanna shut us down, they wanna shut us up, and they wanna let these homos march into our church and do whatever they want. It's not happening. You're not coming in to play the piano. You're not coming in to eat with us. You're not coming in to do anything. You're out the door, pal. No homos allowed is the policy of this church, period. It's never gonna change. If they take away our tax exemption, I don't care. But are you prepared to lose your tax exemption? Yes, sir. Amen. No, we might have to go to a cash-based only thing. We might have to start paying taxes or whatever. Are you willing to do that? Yes, sir. Because that might be what it comes to. So they can take the 501c3, and I think that they probably will get to that point because all these people online are always talking about tax them, tax them, tax the church. That's a big movement right now. Well, go ahead and tax us then. They double tax waitresses already, the poor ladies, but they also are trying to double tax the church because we've already paid our taxes when we pay our tithes. But are you willing to give that up so that we can just keep our church legit? Because I don't care about money. If we're poor and we can't do a bunch of stuff, big deal. If we have to meet in somebody's house, big deal. Because I'd rather do that than compromise one single thing with the government. I'm not gonna take a shoe latchet from them. I'm not gonna let them tell me who I can let in and who I can't let in. They can go to hell. Number three, back in our text. There will be a reckoning. There will be a reckoning. Says, but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be made manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. So just like, we didn't get to see that part of the story. God didn't really reveal that part in the Exodus where their folly, I mean, I guess it was revealed because they couldn't do everything that God was doing. I guess, so let me change my mind while I'm preaching. Just like these guys resisted Moses, but there came a point where they couldn't do the things that God was doing. They couldn't create life. They couldn't have these frogs come out from everywhere. God just did out miracle them. Look, their folly proceeded no further and these people's folly will proceed no further also. There's gonna come a point where there's gonna be a reckoning to these people. And all these people that say all these filthy things about God and all these filthy things about you and all these filthy things about me and all these filthy things about all of our friends and all these filthy things about all of our pastor friends, their folly's gonna proceed no further and we're gonna get, there's gonna be a reckoning from God. So it says, but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be made, excuse me, be manifest unto all men as theirs also was. So Pastor Anderson, Pastor Berzins, Pastor Mejia, Pastor Robinson, Pastor Shelley, and yours truly, we've collected a following of hating reprobates in case you haven't noticed that, okay? And so I allow comments to be put on our sermons and stuff to a certain extent but sometimes I just block people because all they are is trolls that just wanna stir up and mess with your minds and mess with my mind, you know? But these people may, you know, I talked about it when I preached at Verity, how these people are cyber stalkers. They're stalkers in real life but they're also, cyber stalking is a real thing and it's a crime and it's being allowed to be taken part against our church, against friends of ours and to the point where, you know, I mean, it makes people just be weary of being a pastor, you know? I'm not weary of being a pastor. I'm still ready to go but I mean, you keep getting attacked all the time and it does kinda, it kinda messes with you sometimes. It bothers you, you know? I can't say that there's days that it does bother me. But these filthy beasts will stop at nothing to try and take us down. They'll stop at nothing. They'll just flat out lie about stuff. There was a person that came to our church and I just asked them not to, you know, I asked her husband not to bring him back anymore, basically and they were just lying, just flat out lying and even just recently lied about me saying that, here's what they said and they deleted this comment but this is what they said. They said that any time a new pastor comes into the area that I call them and then after saying all this stuff then I say that they're a cult and hang up on them. That's literally never happened. I called one guy that just recently came here, maybe it was a year ago or something. His name was, you know, I don't care what his name is but anyway, he was a missionary in Russia and he was coming back over here. I just wanna see like what he believed and things like that. We had a nice conversation but you know what I didn't do at the end of the conversation? I didn't say he was a cult member. I didn't hang up on him. It was a nice conversation. We've never talked again but I just felt like we weren't enough on the same page that there's no reason. If he doesn't wanna talk to me then why should I wanna, you know, I put myself out there at first and I try to be friends with people but you know, even people that say that they believe the same things that we do essentially like salvation by faith alone, all this stuff, they still don't want to be our friends and that's fine. You know, I don't care but I'm not gonna go around and call people that come into the area. I don't know who's coming to the area. Yeah, hey everybody that's coming to the area, I call them and tell them they're in a cult. How weird, what a weird thing to say. But my point is is that people just make up lies and then people are just so gullible that they believe everything that they say. It's really weird. You know, why don't you prove what you're gonna say? But that's what happens. You know what, they're gonna proceed no further. These stalkers, they've already killed one of the stalkers. God's already killed that guy. Todd, Raisin Falls, Outer Darkness. He's done, God killed him. You know, I didn't kill him. I got an alibi, homie. But you know what, you better quit messing with God's people, you better quit messing with God's men, you better quit messing with God's churches because you know what, your folly's gonna proceed no further and you know, something ends up happening to you, sorry. Not sorry, I don't care. You know, he's in hell today. You know, it's funny that all these people, it's like Pastor Aniston preached that sermon about being, you know, people that are trash. You ever heard that sermon? Got Pastor Aniston's YouTube channel nuked. But it was a good sermon and it's a good point because it's funny, all these people that get kicked out of these churches, all these people always end up in the same canister, mocking us online and they end up on the same channel and none of them believe the same things but then they accuse, they try to accuse us of things that we preach about and say that we're doing those things or not doing them but they don't even believe those things. See, because all they wanna do is start trouble. All they wanna do is hey, if we can get some of the people to get to leave and to move on and do different stuff, then that's, they've done their job. That's what they want. They want to destroy us. They want to destroy our movement. In Hosea chapter eight verse seven, it says, for they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. Hey, you reap what you sow. You're gonna sow hate and discontent and discord and all this other stuff. Well, don't be surprised when the whirlwind comes and you're part of that reaping. Because look, people say, well, your message is a message of hate, that's why we don't like you. That's why we're against you. Hey, is your message a message of hate when you go knock on doors every week? It's a message of love. But love does hate. And sometimes we have to hate the weeds to love the flowers. And that's the way it is. If we love children, we hate pedophiles. Just that simple. Is that wrong? Well, we should let them in so they can just do whatever they want. That's not happening. That's never gonna happen. These people creep into our churches and they try to cause trouble and their folly is made manifest. Jude, verse four says, there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old, ordained to this condemnation. Can I preach against false prophets? You know why I say that they're in hell or they're going to hell? Because they've crept in unawares, they're before, ordained of this condemnation. A Christian can't fall into condemnation. We're not gonna be condemned with the world. Ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. These people aren't saved. These people hate God and they hate us. Psalm chapter 58, verse nine says, before your pots can fill the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living and in his wrath. Before they can even fill the fires of hell, they're gonna be done. God's gonna wipe them away and it's just gonna happen all at once. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. I love that verse. That's one of my life verses right there. I can't wait. I can't wait. So that a man shall say, verily there's a reward for the righteous, verily he is a God that judges in the earth. You know why they hate us judging? Because God's a judge. If we judge like God judges, then we're not doing anything wrong as long as we're not pointing the hypocrite, right? So why do they hate God? Because he judges. I don't believe in a God that would send people to hell. Well then you don't believe in the right God. You believe in a false God. You believe in a God that's made up in your own mind. So there is a reward for the righteous. And guess what? We're gonna be able to see the vengeance of God against our enemies for the things that they've done. So you know, people might think that that's weird, but you know, they just don't believe the Bible. That's the problem. You know, basically the old IFB is like Saul to us. Saul wanted to kill David. Why? Because he went bad. He just started disobeying what God was saying. And so if you think about it, Saul is kind of like an old IFB guy. Because what does old IFB do to churches like us? They hate us. They talk crap about us all the time. And they hate us because we're like David. You know what? David wrote those imprecatory Psalms, didn't he? And so we still believe those imprecatory Psalms are in place. So yeah, are we like David? Yeah, we're like David. They're like Saul. They don't want to obey God's commandments. They want to rebel against the Lord. And not do, you know, make altars. And have people come up and bow before them. They change soul winning to bust ministries. They do all these different things. And they're mad at us because they know that we're better than them. Sorry, it's true. It is true. So people might not, you know, God said that he was going to give David the kingdom because he was better than Saul. So if you think about that, you know, why is God blessing our churches? Because we're trying to be like David. We believe the whole Bible. Even the imprecatory Psalms. Alright, number four. Persecutions will come. Persecutions will come. So turn back in your text to verse number 10. Guarantee persecutions are going to come. And look, it might just be in your family life. It might just be in your work life. It might be, you know, with your friends or whatever. But it's also going to be with the world. Just people that don't know you. So look at what it says in verse 10. It says, but thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charity, patience. Those are all good things. And hey, I think those things are great. I want to be, you know, I want to be all those things. I want to be long suffering, and I try to be. I want to have charity towards people. I want to have patience. I do have patience. I want people to know my doctrine, my manner of life, my purpose, my faith. And you should too. But also in verse 11, this is the thing that the old life bee doesn't want. This is the things that people won't stand up for. Why won't they stand up for the things of God? Why won't they stand against the filth that is trying to come out of this country because they're too busy with their flags in their church buildings, and their flags of Israel, and their flags of America because they don't get the Bible anymore because they don't read it. They don't want the persecution. You know what? You know what's never going to get you persecuted? If you never knock a door. You'll never get persecuted. People stop knocking doors and getting people saved. And you know why they don't get persecuted? Because they love the government. They love the PPP money. They love just being in their little country clubs and not having to worry about things. They're just saying things, but they don't do them. They're like the Pharisees. They want to call us Pharisees, but really they're like the Pharisees because they don't believe the Bible. And they don't follow the Bible. And they get mad at us because we want to follow the Bible because we believe the whole Bible. Yeah, we actually believe everything from Genesis to Revelation. You know what? And we preach it all. Look what it says. Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch and at Iconium and Lystra. Why did Paul get persecuted? Because he was preaching the whole counsel of God. Why did Paul get persecuted? Because he was going out and knocking every single door and turning the world upside down for Jesus Christ. And you know what you're going to get when you do that? You're going to get persecution. Get used to it. And it says at Lystra. What did they do to them at Lystra? They stoned him and left him for dead. That's what they did. What persecutions I endured, but out of them the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. So look, it's a guarantee. And if you don't want any persecution ever, then just get out of here and don't come back. If you're already weak and you're already going to fold, just go. Go to old IFB Central. Go back to your little potlucks that you have to pay for. Your camp that you have to pay for. You have to pay for everything even though you tithe through the church. Just go back to there. And go back to your bus ministry. Go back to the old, the old puss as they call them. Go back to the altar. If you're that weak then just go. Because you know what, I don't want weakness being part of this church. When the children of Israel went to war, they said anybody that's faint of heart, get out. Go. If you just got married, go spend some time with your wife. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying if you're faint of heart, if you can't handle this, then maybe it's not the right church for you. I don't want anybody to leave, but you better understand what situation we're in. The situation's dire. I mean, we have the whole world in a lockdown telling people to tell on people if they don't wear a mask. Telling people, I mean, you know what they did before they started putting bags over people's heads in communist Russia? They started telling people to turn their neighbors in. If you suspected them of anything, turn your neighbors in. So they took you to the gulags and there you either died or worked a hard labor life until you died or were basically broken. What do they do in North Korea? What do they do in China? Killed all the Christians, killed all the people that were in dissent against them. But look what they're doing now. They're telling us to turn our neighbors in so they will get in trouble. We've been reported three times at this church because they said the pastor told them not to wear a mask. I've never said that, and I never will. But I'm not gonna make you do something you don't wanna do. So we have coronavirus stuff in place, but you know what? We shut down for a little while because we didn't know what was going on. And look, I don't wanna love our neighbor. I don't want people to die. But look, all this stuff has been inflated. There is an agenda past the point of it being a pandemic. And look, I'm not saying, you know, stop obeying anything the government says. I'm just saying this, that there is an agenda that they're pushing that's past this point. It's not the mark of the beast. Because then you'd all be going to hell right now. But seriously, it's not the mark of the beast. But is it preparatory towards the mark of the beast? It could be. You know, when you walk into a hospital and you got a mask on, they put a little laser to your head before you can go in. I mean, and I'm not saying don't go to the hospital, okay? Please don't. I'm just saying they're conditioning people. They wanna see how far they can push this before people freak out. Because people are gonna freak out. You know, you can't just keep people locked down in cages and not talking to people forever and not expect something, you know, people to freak out about it. Because we do love free, we're in America. We're supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? And now it's become the land of the LGBTQ. And the home of all the Democratic governors that wanna just walk their people away and laugh about it while they go to parties. And while they go to parties and get caught going to different countries and having a good old time. You stupid suckers. Even like there's this famous doctor on YouTube that like he was telling everybody to wear masks and stuff and then he has pictures of him at his birthday party with all these girls and him, you know, not wearing masks on a boat. And he gets on YouTube and he, I'm so sorry, that was so irresponsible of me. Because there's an agenda behind this kind of, the other side is preaching some stuff that is contrary to what the Bible says. And you know, there is agendas going on. Can you feel the news tightening? You can feel it tightening. But the Bible says persecutions will come. We should expect it. That's what the Bible says. You know, and all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. If you believe the whole counsel of God, if you preach the whole counsel of God, if you knock doors and go soloing, guess what, just putting the invitation on the door God has persecuted, it's gonna come. Acts chapter 14 verse 22, turn to Acts chapter 14 verse 22. I gotta hurry here. Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. See, there's a whole bunch of Christians out there that say there's gonna be a pre-trib rapture and you're never gonna have to go through any tribulation. But that's not what the Bible teaches, okay? The Bible teaches that all that live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. And that through much tribulation, do you think Paul went through much tribulation? I mean, if you read the list of everything that happened to him he kind of spells it out for us in 2 Corinthians. You know, beaten with rods, stoned and left for dead, shipwrecked, in the deep, beaten with rods, all these different things. We haven't had to endure all that. But we should expect that it could happen to us. It could. Hold your finger right here in Acts chapter 14 and turn to Mark chapter 13 verse 19. But just keep your finger right there real quick. We're gonna come back to it here in just a few minutes. But it says in Mark chapter 13 verse 19, for in those days shall be afflictions such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. The days of those afflictions, that great tribulation is talking about, those are things that, if it comes in our lifetime, those are things that we're gonna have to go through. Those are things we're gonna have to see. Are you ready for that? Or is your heart prepared for that? Because really that's the reason why I'm preaching this sermon, because I want your heart to be prepared for anything. Because things are changing at a rapid pace. In 2 Corinthians chapter four verse eight, still keep your finger in Acts 14, but I'm just gonna read 2 Corinthians four verse, actually no, go ahead and turn to 1 Corinthians four verse eight, keep your finger in Acts chapter 14, and hopefully your ribbon is still in 2 Timothy chapter three, all right? I'm pulling a pass for a minute right here. All right, so, what does it say? 2 Corinthians chapter four verse eight says, we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. Persecuted, but not forsaken. Cast down, but not destroyed. God's not gonna let us get destroyed. We're gonna get persecuted. You know, and maybe we, our physical bodies will die, but you know what, we have a crown of glory waiting for us in heaven. It'll be over soon. You know, and even though we get troubled, we get perplexed, we get, we're not supposed to despair. We're not supposed to get distressed, and we're not gonna be forsaken by God. He said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. That's what he said, that's what Jesus said. And it says, we could be cast down, but we're not gonna be destroyed. Always bearing about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus, the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. Sometimes people get persecuted, sometimes people even die, they're delivered, it says delivered unto the death for Jesus' sake. But that's happened so that God can be manifest in us in our mortal flesh, because he died for us. And you think about Stephen being killed, Paul the apostle was right there holding their coats while that happened. But it had a big effect on the apostle Paul, and that's why Jesus said to him, why do you kick, it's hard for thee to kick against the pricks because he was being pricked by the Holy Spirit. God was trying to draw him to himself over what he saw. So when we get persecuted, it can't help us. Just like Pastor McGee, his church got bombed and his church is growing, why? Because persecution is gonna make our church grow. Persecution, it might be hard for a while, but it's gonna make us grow, it's gonna make us stronger as Christians, it's gonna make us more durable as soldiers of Christ. John chapter 16 verse one says, these things have I spoken unto you that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of their synagogues, yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God a service. So people are gonna be like, yeah, kill them, do this, torture them, do all these different things. They're gonna think that they're doing God a service. It says these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me. And in verse 33 in John 16 it says, these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Be of good cheer, that's hard for us to take in. But you know, if we're thinking about things the way we think about things instead of the way God thinks about things, that's our error, that's what we need to fix. And so point number five, the last point here, or the last statement, it's not gonna get better, it's gonna get worse. It's not gonna get better, it's gonna get worse. It says, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. So it's not getting better folks. People think, like these all millennials think that Christianity is just gonna make everything better until the end, but that's not true. The Bible says it's gonna get worse. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. They're deceived and then they allow someone else to deceive them. It's just about the blind leading the blind is basically what I was talking about. I had you keep your place there in Acts chapter 14. I actually did have more points, I'm sorry. I thought I had six or five points. Yeah, I'm gonna keep going for just a few more minutes, sorry. So point number five is it's not gonna get better, it's gonna get worse, all right? It's gonna get worse. And then point number six is we need to keep going. We need to keep going. So you're still, let's look at verse 14 in the text that we're supposed to be in, but you're still supposed to be in Acts chapter 14 also. It says, but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned. Continue, that means keep going. Continue thou in the things thou hast learned as been assured of. What are you assured of? Salvation by faith alone, you have everlasting life, Jesus coming back after the tribulation, when he comes back we're gonna rule and reign with him for a thousand years, and also through all eternity we're saved forever. Those are the things we're assured of, right? But it says to continue in the things that we've learned. You know, there's a lot of things that we need to learn from the Bible, but we need to continue in those things, not drop out, not quit. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. That's a worldly saying, but it's true. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, all right? So that's the truth. So you're, okay, so now you can go back to Acts chapter 14, sorry about that. Verse 22, you should have your finger there. Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith. Continue, exhorting them. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm trying to encourage you to continue in the faith, and don't let these things of the world, yeah, you know, they're disheartening, yeah, but you know what, we should already expect them to happen. The Bible says it's gonna happen. We shouldn't be caught by surprise about anything. If anything, this church is more woke, as people would say, than other churches, because everybody else thinks they're flying away on a pillow of ease. They're flying away on the pillow of ease, right? Am I a soldier of the cross? Hey, we're gonna go sail through bloody seas, amen? But it says, continue thou in the things that thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. So, that was in verse 14. So Acts 14, 22, confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, that we must, through much tribulation, enter into the kingdom of God. It's gonna be much tribulation. It's not gonna be easy. First Timothy chapter six, verse 11 says, go ahead and turn over there. It's not too far away from our original spot here. But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, whereunto there are also called, and has professed a good profession before many witnesses. I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession, that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus. Now, and this is the last point. Learn the Bible now. Learn the Bible now. There's lots of kids in this room right here. And you need, the Bible says right here, back in second Timothy chapter three, it says, in verse 15, and that from a child, thou hast known the holy scriptures. Hey kids, start learning the scriptures now, because you're probably this next generation that's gonna go through all this stuff. I can't say that for sure, but hey, Timothy knew the Bible from a child. Why wait until you're your parent's age to start learning the Bible? Some of us are first generation Christians in here, and we didn't learn the Bible until we were older. But you know what, there's a lot of kids in this church that have an opportunity to learn it now. Take the challenge in January. Read your Bible every day. And if you're saved, you definitely should be reading your Bible every day. But it says, as a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. Here's the other thing, the Bible is what gets people saved. And kids, if there's a kid in here, or any adult that isn't saved, you should make sure today, before you go home, before you close your eyes and go to bed, that you know for sure that you're saved. You can ask anybody in this room that's an adult, and they'll be able to show you what the Bible says it takes to go to heaven. And you know, I know that there's like different varying ages of children here. But it says, of a child, thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. There's only one way to get saved. That's by faith in Christ. And we need to know the Bible. Hey, an adult, maybe you're a baby in Christ. Maybe there's a baby that just got taken out of the room. But there's babies in Christ that don't know a lot too. And you need to learn the milk of the word of God. And it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God. It's profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect. Or woman of God may be perfect. That doesn't mean that you're gonna walk on water. That means you're gonna be a complete package Christian. That's the goal, right? But going into these perilous times, we need to understand that it's important to know your Bible. The Bible app might be shut down later on. Hey, do you actually have a printable Bible that you can actually read? If they outlaw guns, they could outlaw Bibles. The communists have burned Bibles before. You know it's true. They're not even allowed in North Korea. I think it's good to finish on a good note. And hey, we have the Bible. We have the Holy Scriptures. We have a perfect version of God's word. Not every country, not every nation, not every tongue can say that. We have the best Bible on the planet, as far as I'm concerned. And as far as if you're an English-speaking person, this is the greatest Bible in the world. So read it, know it. Know the things that it says. And don't be surprised when these things start to happen. You don't wanna be caught unaware. You know, Jesus said to watch. He said to watch. And so he's not just saying watch like he's coming back any moment. He's talking about watch the things that he was talking about in those chapters. What I say unto you, I say unto all, watch. The last verse of Mark, chapter 13, I believe. We're supposed to watch for these things. And don't let them take you unawares as a thief. All right, I'm gonna be done here. But point number one is perilous times are coming. Number two, turn away from the reprobates. Number three, there will be a reckoning. Number four, persecutions will come. Number five, it's not going to get better. It's gonna get worse. And number six, learn the Bible now. So that's the sermon for this morning. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, so much for this wonderful day. I pray that you'd bless us as we go out. So, Lord, pray to help us to show compassion on people and actually care about them. And Lord, I pray that we'd get out in a timely manner and that we'd have a good report for the evening service. So pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.