(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen well it's great to be back this evening and sounds like you guys had a great time out soul wanting today 14 salvation that's just fantastic it's a great report and well over 700 salvation's for the year that's that's just incredible so I'm looking forward to doing the baptisms tonight and just real quickly like kind of like people wonder like why would someone get rebaptized well if someone got was to get rebaptized it's because they got baptized in a church where they didn't believe the truth or if it wasn't like a true church so say like a you know you got baptized as a Catholic you know someone just spritz some water on here so that's not baptism okay or Pentecostals where they believe you could lose your salvation things like that those are one people that I would say are candidates for rebaptizing or if you weren't saved you know obviously when you got baptized that you know the Bible teaches very clearly that you should be saved before you get baptized amen so if anybody has any questions about that afterwards I'd be willing to talk with you about that I just I'm not sure if everybody understands that you know everybody's this is like a new thing here right so the bat you know the Baptist some of you haven't been Baptist for very long and just you know we baptized people that are saved okay we dunked them underwater so that's kind of how we do it but anyway let's get to the sermon here the title of sermon is one big team one big team and so as a church we're supposed to be a big team we're supposed to all have just being one accord you know striving together for the gospel you know the reason why we're out is so we can go get 14 people saved in between services and obviously to hear Bible preaching to help us get better as Christians but you know we're all supposed to be striving together for the faith of the gospel that's what the Bible teaches and one thing I could tell you just like you know I kind of was thinking about the sermons I need to preach and I felt like this was one of them because sometimes people they get to church and they're not really sure where to plug in you know what what am I supposed to do like is there something I can do that would help this be one big team and obviously you want to help your leadership too you see this story in Exodus chapter 18 where Moses is just like trying to do everything right he's standing up from morning till night judging the people and even his father in law saying like what are you doing so but one thing I would say is that once you become part of this church is that you need to get on board with the church program and get involved as much as you possibly can now obviously you know we got the build the building here has been a blessing to us and soon there'll be another building that we're part of that will have more stuff to do so the bigger it is the more people come the more people come the more there is to do and so one man can't do that by himself one man and his wife and his children can't do it all by himself and I'm not saying that they're doing everything by themselves right now I'm just saying that this is supposed to be a sermon to help you to help your leadership and also just to help you to stay plugged in to the Christian life so like I said the church has accomplished a lot of things in a very short amount of time and like so I wasn't really expecting that and Ian was pretty you know new to all this stuff and I was just like man how's he gonna handle this you know it's it's a lot of work you know and if you haven't preached a lot or whatever you know and and wrangling Baptist is kind of like wrangling cats sometimes you know like with the soul winning and everything's just new and but they've done a great job and you all have done a great job helping them so I really appreciate that and so lives are being changed you know the Word of God is being proclaimed people are getting saved and that's what we're supposed to be doing amen but you know my point my first point tonight in the sermon is we need to be plug and play from day one we need to be plug and play from day one someone was telling me like I think it was Tom Tom's a new guy right that he just felt like an immediate connection to everything and and that's good and I think I was talking to someone else about just being plug and play oh it was a brother Charles he's like you know he went to faithful word for a long time he said he felt he felt at home right away and just plugged right in you know and that's that's the way it should be that's the way everybody should be you know if you're not doing something for the Lord find something to do for the Lord you know the last thing you want to do is just be a bad example right you want to be a good example and try to you know do things for the Lord let's look down at our Bibles at verse number 13 so number one we need to be plug and play from day one it says that it came to pass on the moral that Moses set to judge the people and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening and when Moses father-in-law saw all that he did to the people he said what is this thing that thou doest to the people why sittest thyself alone and all the people stand by thee from morning unto even Moses said unto his father-in-law because the people come unto me to inquire of God when they have a matter they come unto me and I judge between one and another and I do make them know the statutes of God and his law laws and so the thing that Moses was supposed to be doing he was supposed to counsel people that had hard issues but he was also supposed to teach them what the Bible says he was supposed to teach them God's laws and that's basically what brother Ian is supposed to be doing here it's his job to proclaim the Word of God to you and try to teach you the statutes and things in God's law and obviously he has a lot of other jobs besides that but Moses was just doing that one thing all day long and never had time to do anything else and it says in verse 17 and Moses father-in-law said unto him the thing that thou doest is not good so see you can get there's there's what people call Roman candle Christians you know they're just fired up and they come and they they're there for a little short time and they blow up and then they're done right and you don't want to be you know nobody in this room wants to be burnt out so obviously you don't want to take on so much that you're just burnout and then you're done because that does happen that there's there's burnout that happens we obviously don't want the leader of this church to get burnout and to fade away because that would leave the church and a really bad spot I don't think he's anywhere close to burnout so he didn't tell me to preach this sermon to you this is all my idea so but anyway it's it's true and we can we can as leaders I know that I personally can just be like you know I need to take care of this I need to do this this is my responsibility you know I have to do this but really in all reality there's things that I've let go over the years that I like stressed out over that like I just gave it to someone else and once I did I was like okay they can do that that's much better you know there's just lots of things that I did at the beginning that I don't do anymore because I need to free myself up some time and but it takes people that are faithful and plugged in and trustworthy to do those types of things but what it says in verse 18 it says thou will surely wear away both thou and this people that is with thee so you know it not only is it bad for the man of God to wear out but also when that man of God wears out the people are gonna wear out with them and so this is a very important principle in God's Word that we can't you know we don't want the man of God to get burnout but you don't want to get burnout either it says for this thing is too heavy for thee thou art not able to perform it thyself alone and no one man can just do everything no one family could just do everything everybody has to pitch in and help out but it's not just anybody obviously you want people you don't want someone that only shows up every four weeks and you know if you show up every four weeks and you live like four or five hours away that's very understandable but what I'm talking about is you couldn't give the usher job to someone that's only here once every four weeks because that you know unless that was just their day whatever that was their time to do it but you know you got to have the right people in the right places so obviously not every job is fit for every single person it's just like preaching you can't just put anybody up behind the pulpit you have to have people that can preach so anyway so look at verse 19 it says hearken now unto my voice I will give thee counsel and God shall be with thee be thou for the people to God word that thou mayest bring the causes unto God and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and shall show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do so see it's the man of God's job to teach the ordinances and the laws and show people the way where they must walk isn't that what Bible preaching is all about isn't that what brother Ian's supposed to get up and do every single week is to teach you laws and ordinances and show you how to walk the Christian life and so that that's what he's saying is that Moses your main job is to do this and to also and show them the work that they must do see it's it's it's you got to be a delegator as a leader you can't just do everything yourself you have to learn to delegate and if you want to be a successful leader you have to learn to delegate things and can't just take everything on yourself and so it's his job also to tell you the work that you must do so and obviously you want to get the right people doing the right things but that's how you're gonna get plugged in and working hey maybe there's something that you're really good at or something you want to get really good at that you can help do and obviously that's all cleared through brother Ian and through me but you know if there's something that you can do or that you want to do you know throw your hat in say hey I'd like to try that I'd like to do that maybe you know you want to learn how to preach well come to the men's preaching nights you know we have men's preaching nights it's not just for something extra for us to do during the week no hey I think I'll just do something extra because you know being in the ministry is hard work you know you're you got a deadline every single week and what and when you actually have to do that deadline if you have to preach two or three times a week that deadlines always there you always have to be thinking about what you're gonna write next what you're you know have to have a close connection with the Lord and and try to work out the things that you're supposed to be preaching about but not only do you have to do that but you're also you know counseling with people and doing all kinds of things so when the church does events show up to them if you want to learn how to preach don't just feel like oh I just want to have a lazy Tuesday or whatever and maybe next two months from now all all learn how to preach you should come to the men's preaching nights if you want to preach and come and learn how to preach that's what those nights are for it's not just so you can get up and rip on the queers or something or you know preach your hoppy horse start preaching something that's simple that that you need to learn you know maybe a doctrine that you know really well and then you get up and preach it you know and that's how you get better at preaching it's not just about getting up and being flashy and preaching a bunch of complicated sermons because when you only got ten minutes to preach that goes fast doesn't it who's preached at the ten-minute sermons yeah it goes fast doesn't it like your list and point number one oh it's time's up it's like oh man I was just about to say something really good too you know so I know how that is so when you're preparing something just prepare something simple maybe just a one-point sermon and make your point or three really quick sermons look at verse number 21 it says moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men see people that are able to do the tasks see I used to coach football and I'm talking about American football all right and I coach football and everybody's kid want you know that everybody wants their kid to be the quarterback it's like why isn't Johnny the quarterback it's like cuz he sucks you know sometimes someone's just not the right person for the job you know so why isn't he the running back cuz he's slow he can't run he can't catch you know like what am I supposed to do put the worst person at the job that's just not how it works in the real world does your boss promote the worst people well that can happen but usually the most worthless people are management right so it's like they can't work maybe they could just you know do something watch people or something I don't know but you know the Bible says we're supposed to provide out of all the people able men such as fear God men of truth hating covetousness and place such over them to be rulers over thousands and rulers over hundreds and rulers over 50s and rulers over 10 so obviously our church isn't that big where there has to be rulers over thousands and things like that but you know God wants there to be strong leaders it's not just one leader here there's one leader that's the boss here but there's other men that lead in this church isn't there and so you know brother Ian is looking for people and I'm looking for people to step up and be leaders you know because Moses had to have guys that were good leaders but it says able men not not men that can't do the job able man okay and ladies able ladies ladies that are able to do the job don't say you know I yeah I'll clean and then like you don't clean you just come and talk you know ladies are good at that but ladies are good at cleaning too ladies are good at a lot of things but I'm just saying that like if you're gonna say you're gonna do something do what the task is don't just you know just show up to party or whatever you know and we like to talk Baptist like to talk and and and stuff but there's a time to talk and there's a time to work amen look over summer 22 it says and let them judge the people at all seasons and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring unto thee but every small matter they shall judge so shall it be easier for thyself see the the point is is to make things easier for the leadership right and you're like well he should have a hard job he should prove himself well they do per you know leaders do prove themselves and I think that Ian has proved himself a great leader here and I think that you know for you to not try to make things harder for him make things easier for him and so that's that's gonna take people people that he can count on able men able women that are able to do the work and it says so shall be easier for thyself verse 22 and they shall bear the burden with thee see isn't it easier when a whole bunch of people are helping do something have you ever moved and it's like just you and your wife or something it's just like you're like trying to carry all this heavy furniture upstairs you're like yelling at each other and that never happens up sorry that that didn't come from my memory bank or anything but but you know it's easier to do things many hands make light work you know that's a that's a scene you know and it's just true you know if you have a whole bunch of people clean up then it gets done really fast doesn't it but if one person's having to clean all by themselves all the time or whatever I'm not just it's not just cleaning it's just anything okay any task if you have a lot of people helping labor then it makes it easier and that's the whole point right to have a lot of people working a lot of you know think about it you know you see something laying on the floor you know here's how you tell the difference between someone that's a number one worker and there's there's four types of workers that I feel so the first type of worker is the number one worker the number one worker sees what needs to be done and does it they don't have to be asked nobody has to tell them they just see something they pick it up put it in trash that's usually the boss that's usually the person that is a boss at a workplace why are they why are they the boss because they picked up the piece of paper you know it's like well picking up a piece of paper that's not some a boss does yeah it actually is because they saw something that need to be done and they just got it done the number two worker is a great kind of worker and that worker you know they rarely they don't need a lot of direction from people they still can do things and work on their own but they do need a little bit of direction they're still a great worker it's number two worker still a good worker it's just someone that needs a little bit of direction number three worker does what they're told you know and they have to be supervised so it's not that they're a bad worker either it's just that you know there's just some people that you know they they need to come to you for the next step or whatever you know I'm saying and then the number four worker you know you have to find them in order to get them to do something because they're never around right when they go on break that's just what they do they break they break and they hide you know those types of workers are like you know the ones that you don't like working with and they're just lazy that's that's not the type of work you want to be but a number one worker if you want to be the boss someday or if you want to be a leader someday hey you see something that needs to be done do it now obviously if it's not you're in your wheelhouse just let me caveat that you know if brother Ian comes in and you know some some the walls are painted black or something like that he might get a little upset about that so you might just want to clear some stuff through him before you just choose to do something on your own but I mean the site you know or painted it all red or something like a Clint Eastwood movie or something but anyway yeah so just be try to be a number one worker you know and if you're not a number worker number one worker be a number two be the best worker that you can be for this church because it's not just about getting people saved it's a lot about getting people saved but there's a lot of other things that go into doing church work and it's and it's labor the children of Israel the Levites some of their jobs was just to carry things they just packed everything back up it was like they were camping out in the desert and and then they had to take care of the things of God and plus they had to move all their families and all their tents and stuff like that there's a lot of work and who's been can't you guys go camping here in this country like okay all right so camping is like a big thing where we're from I haven't camped in many years because I've been in the ministry but I mean this isn't a cabin or something but camping is hard like I feel more tired if I go out and set out of tent in the wilderness and you cook on the stove and all that like by the time you get home it's like you need another vacation from the vacation you just had right you know what I'm saying like you're moving those tents it's hard so you know what I'm saying is doing the ministry it's hard work cleaning is is not easy you know making food for everybody is not easy just putting all the bulletins together just all the stuff that you do around here it's not always easy you know and so putting all the video equipment all the sound and just everything that goes into doing church work and and the bigger you get the more problems you're gonna get the bigger you get the harder it's gonna get and I'm not trying to discourage you from getting bigger because you know we're pretty much packed out in this place aren't we so we need to get a bigger place and I think that we we got that place so anyway it's just gonna things are gonna change you know more space more to clean you know our new church building we got has one two three four five six bathrooms you're like six bathrooms that's amazing yeah but think about the cleaning crew and there's six bathrooms and eight stalls and so like one of the first rules is we just don't use two of the bathrooms that are upstairs because there's just no need to use all the bathrooms on every service unless we're having like some big service or something so I mean we got a we got to consider when moving into a bigger place there's gonna be more people more chairs more to clean up things like that so look what it says in verse number yeah so you bear the when you bear the burden together it's easier for the leadership it's easier for you it says verse 23 if thou shalt do this thing and God command thee so then thou shalt be able to endure you know the leader that it can endure till the end he shall be saved but you know you want them to be able to endure you know what was Jethro what was Moses father-in-law trying to do get him to be able to endure the task that he had now he had millions of people that he will assert were under him so he had a way bigger job but it's still the the Bible is telling us something here and teaching us something here that we really need to get it's important for a new church or any church for that matter to understand these principles so look at verse 24 so Moses harken to the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he had said that Moses chose able men out of all Israel so hey be an able man you want to be used here you want to be used and do something productive be someone that's able to do the task it says it made them heads over the people rulers of thousands rulers of hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of tens and they judge the people at all seasons the hard causes they brought into Moses and every small matter they judge themselves and here's another good principle is that you don't have to bring every small matter to the leadership you know if it's something that you can figure out for yourself or the Bible you know obviously I'm not saying don't come to him okay but if it's some you know small matter you know that those are things that maybe you could work out on your own reading the Bible or just friends you know everybody in here has friends I'm sure like there's somebody that likes you here right at least one person so but anyway so number one we need to be plug-and-play from day one and obviously we're on day you know seven months but you know and I know that you guys all help and I just want to encourage you to continue to do so and don't just think well hey it's gonna get done if I if I just kind of pull back you know I'm kind of just tired of doing all this you know if you pull back then maybe it won't get done and and the ministry is important and the things getting done around here are important number two become the mighty Christians that God intended you to be become the mighty Christians that God intended you to be look at second Samuel chapter 23 second Samuel chapter number 23 and I really like the story about the mighty men of David I really love this story and obviously I'm ladies I'm not trying to disclude you in any of this when I when I think of you know I think I like the mighty men but you know there's a lot of mighty women in the Bible too that did a lot of great things too so I'm not trying to discount you at all you know I know that the ladies in here work really hard also but this is the story about the mighty man okay you're just not in this one so second Samuel chapter 23 verse 8 says these be the names of the mighty men whom David had the tachymite that sat in the seat chief among the captains the same was a Dino the east night he lift up his spear against 800 whom he slew at one time that's pretty that's pretty boss right you see that word here pretty boss I don't know he was bad right he killed 800 people by himself I mean Samson killed a thousand men by himself you know and then was about to die afterwards but this guy you know this guy's pretty tough right I mean to handle 800 people at the same time they're like how is that possible the Spirit of God these guys are obviously filled with the Spirit of God that's what made them the mighty men that they were but they had a lot of character too and you'll see as we go through some of these scriptures look at verse number 20 skip down it says Abedoniah the son of Jehoiada the son of a valiant man of Tabsil who had done many acts he slew two lion-like men of Moab he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow he's pretty tough too and and it's not just that and he slew an Egyptian a goodly man and the Egyptian had a spear in his hand but he went down to him with the staff and plucked the spear of the Egyptians hand and slew him with his own spear bad to the bone right there right he's just like killed the guy so these I mean I'm just giving you some examples of how tough these guys were I mean David was tough at his own right he slew Goliath you know as a young man and you know hit him with a bullseye right between the eyes and then got up on top of him chopped his head off and carried it around with him for a while showed it to Saul I mean he was a pretty mighty man too and nobody wanted to fight Goliath and so David you know became an instant leader when that happened and so David was the man that these mighty men see it says they're the mighty men whom David had these men followed David why because David was a mighty man of God also but he was also a man after God's own heart it says and these things did Benaniah verse 22 the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three mighty men so he's like they're kind of ranking these guys of how tough they were in the mighty feats that they did but you know what before they were David's mighty men they were just normal men that had problems just like anybody else when they came to David they weren't David's mighty men when they first came there were they look at 1st Samuel chapter 22 verse number 1 1st Samuel chapter 22 verse number 1 so David you know obviously Saul's trying to kill him he's chasing them all over the place and he starts to kind of get a following of people and who are these people well it says in verse number 1 David therefore departed thence and escaped to the cave adulum and when his brethren and all of his father's house heard it they went down thither to him so his brother remember his brother and he was picked as the last of the household of his father Jesse and then when he went to the battle his brother's like get out of here kid you bother me you know he's like I know the naughtiness of your heart I know that you just want to come and see the battle but now his family's heard where he was and they're coming down to him they're following him and it's kind of like the Lord Jesus Christ you know his his brethren didn't follow him at first either but two of his brothers were were pastors and church in the church and apostles so look at 1st Samuel chapter 22 verse 2 it says and everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him and he became a captain over them and there were with him about 400 men so David had these 400 men that came to him did it say that they were mighty no it says they were in distress they were in debt they were discontented they had problems you know and that's kind of what happens when you come to a church like this you know we're all we all got our own problems and our own issues that we bring into it but as the Word of God starts to work on us and as we start to live the Christian life as we start to go out and win souls as we start to work together as one big team then God is going to turn this church into a group of mighty men and women and maybe you're already on your way maybe it's already happening but it's gonna happen in stages but it happened was in stages with King David too didn't it and a lot of people today when they come to a church like ours they're already in distress maybe they are already in debt maybe they're discontented with the church that they used to go to and I and I would say that that's probably true of every single person that came to this church but you gather yourselves together and then let someone be your captain over you and follow that captain and be loyal to that person you know and then you're gonna learn to become mighty like the mighty men of David were look at 1st Samuel chapter 23 verse number 13 for Samuel chapter 23 verse number 13 so first he starts off with 400 right discontented in distress in debt now look at verse 23 it says then David and his men which were about 600 so now it's increased so these guys are increasing and these guys stick with him for years you'll see that as we go through these scriptures it says David his men which were about 600 arose and depart of key lie and were withersoever they could go and it was told Saul that David escaped from chela and he forbear to go forth so I'm just showing you this to show you that you know it increased to 600 men now look at 1st Samuel chapter 30 verse number 9 1st Samuel chapter 30 verse number 9 the Bible says in 1st Samuel chapter 30 verse 9 says so David went he and the 600 men that were with him so remember David's whole family and all their families got taken and you know they got taken and then David had to go and try to hunt them down and get his family members back and all the stuff that they stole but it says he and the 600 men so they're still with him right the 600 men with him came to the brook besor where those that were left behind stayed so some people stayed behind it says but David pursued he and 400 men for 200 abode behind which were so faint they could not go over the brook besor so even though they were too faint to go with them they were still with him though weren't they and they stayed with the stuff you know and when the spoils all brought back together again David divided amongst everybody because you know sometimes we're not always gonna be at our best well sometimes we're gonna have problems some people like he was talking about a woman that's sick in our church you know sometimes you're not always gonna be you know ready to go sometimes you're gonna have problems in your life and you got to kind of hang back but you know don't get out of the fight don't just completely quit you know they were still with David they just were you know had some issues and needed to stay behind but don't just drop out don't just drop out of church oh it's too hard it's too far you know you guys have a lot of challenges here and the challenge to me seems like ever almost everybody lives like an hour away at least from here who okay so who drives less than an hour away in here raise your hand less than an hour is one okay god bless you I see that and who drives an hour away all right there's a lot more now who drives two hours who drives three hours who drives four hours dang so you guys have challenges those are challenges like it's not like the church is just right here for you but you know that's what character is you know stick with it stick with stick with your captain follow your captain and you know you might not always be able to be here because of how far away you live but that doesn't mean you're not still part of it you're not still praying for what's going on here and and being encouraging don't forget to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ one big team one big family right now look at 2nd Samuel chapter 15 verse number 15 2nd Samuel 15 verse number 15 we'll see this as the story goes on with these mighty men that follow David so this is way later in the story isn't it what it says and the king's servant said of the king behold thy servants are ready to do whatsoever my lord the king shall appoint this is when he is fleeing from Absalom so David's already committed this wicked sin and God's judging him and cursing for him for what he did but yet the Lord still loves David the Lord did forgive David who already did but you know we reap what we sow sometimes and that should just be a lesson to us also hey you know our sin will follow us even though we might be forgiven of it but we still reap what we sow so sometimes you know we make mistakes in our lives even as Christians will make mistakes that we wish we hadn't done but you know we need to stick strong and still keep moving because David didn't just quit did he he didn't just quit he did leave though he left and because basically his son Absalom took 40 years to turn all of Israel against him but who's still stuck by his side look what it says in verse number 16 and the king went forth in all his household after him and the king left ten women which were concubines to keep the house that's important and the king went forth and all the people after him and tarried in a place that was a far off and all his servants passed on beside him and all the Cherithites and the Pelethites and all the Gidtites what's it say how many 600 men this is years later when David's much older 600 men which came after him from Gath passed on before the king you're like well Pastor Thompson doesn't really say it's those 600 but it but it already has said these 600 now let's move on to the next chapter 2nd Samuel chapter 16 verse 6 see the Christian life isn't measured just by just by a few weeks or a few years it's measured by decades isn't it it's measured by a lifetime of serving look what it says in verse number 6 and he cast stones at David so it's talking about Shimei Shimei you know David's leaving in shame he's got the cover over his head you know he's down on his luck and this guy comes out and starts cursing him it says and he cast stones at David at all the servants of the of King David and all the people and what what's it say all the mighty men so were the mighty men still with him was that the 600 it's talking about I think it was we're on his right hand on his left see they never left David's side they were still there with him fighting with David even though there's thousands of people against them you know what they stuck strong and they stuck with their captain they stuck with their leader as and so you know stay loyal stay loyal to your leader you know get planted and get roots in this church and then grow you know and you're gonna become the mighty Christian that you were meant to be just like David's mighty men became the mighty men that they were they weren't the mighty men at first were they but they became the mighty men and why because they stuck in there and they they stayed with their leader and and did the work and they did mighty acts for God you know what you all will do mighty acts for God didn't you get your first person saved today praise God Deanna right got her first person safety that's a great thing to accomplish you know do you remember your first time getting someone saved amen it's a great it's a great accomplishment and you know we'll all do great works as we continue to grow in the faith here so become the mighty men and women that God intended you to become so David obviously had these guys that were loyal and you know what I would say to you as church members here at sure foundation Baptist Church in the UK stay loyal stay get planted get plugged in and do the work of God and you're gonna do great mighty things also number three tonight be a blessing to the church not a pain in the neck all right number three be a blessing to the church and not a pain in the neck look at Numbers chapter 11 verse 10 in your Bibles Numbers chapter 11 Numbers chapter 11 verse number 10 it's a similar situation with Moses here but this time the people are rebelling against them now look what it says in verse 10 it says then Moses heard the people weep through their families you know they're crying because they want meat and they want the things back of Egypt that they used to have they kind of want to go back to their world they want to go back to their old lives oh we remember the league we remember the garlic we remember all this you know I remember playing PlayStation I remember you know playing football whatever it is they used to do that was basically worthless right but it says Moses heard the people weep through their families every man in the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly so hey this is what we don't want to be where the anger of the Lord's kindled greatly against our church against our people but also you don't want the leader to be in the same situation look what it says Moses also was displeased see the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly he was hot he was mad but Moses also was displeased and Moses always stuck up for the people and he always interjected and said hey you know don't don't kill all of them and make me a nation a mighty nation just you know just let's forgive him this time Lord you know even his brother and sister tried to plot against him Moses was a great man he was a beak the meekest man on the face of the earth but at this point Moses is upset because the people are just you know they want to go back to the world they want to go back to doing the things they wanted to do and God was angry with them and so was Moses it says in verse 11 and Moses said unto the Lord wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant and wherefore have I not found favor in thy sight that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me here's what you don't want you don't want your leader saying stuff like this God why have you burdened me with all these people you know you don't want to be a pain in the neck to your leadership you want to be a blessing to them and Moses is in a spot right here where he's pretty down he's displeased he's down look at verse 12 it says have I conceived all this people have I begotten them that thou shouldest say unto me carry them in thy bosom as a nursing father beareth the suckling child you know should I have to carry these babies all around with me all the time you know talking about people there are grown folks onto the land which thou swears unto their fathers when should I have flesh to give unto all this people for they weep unto me saying give us flesh that we may eat and this could be any problem this could give us a new building this building you know just whatever the complaint could be you know don't don't be just a complainer in a murmur at this church be a blessing not a curse to your leadership so it says in verse 14 I am not able to bear all this people alone because it is too heavy for me you don't want your leadership to say this and if thou deal thus with me kill me I pray thee out of hand right if I have found favor in thy sight and let me not see my wretchedness so Moses gets to the point he's so down he's so tired of having to deal with all this stuff that he just says just kill me Lord just just kill me you know and you definitely don't want your leader to get to the position of race like praying for God to kill him you know you want to be a blessing and look Moses do you think Moses was a great leader he had bad followers though and a lot of times didn't he he had some great followers too yeah you know Joshua and Caleb and and he had a lot of good guys that followed him but there was a most of the people were kind of a pain in the neck weren't they they're always whining and complaining and you know making God angry which made Moses have to go through a desert for 40 years and wait till all the dead carcasses dropped in the wilderness you know we don't want to go through our Christian life like that we want to be a blessing to the leadership and definitely don't get into the point where he wants to have God kill him if he calls me and says Pastor Thompson I will you pray that God kills me I'm gonna be like pissed you guys have drove them to that point so so so look what it says in verse 16 here's the solution and the Lord said unto Moses gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people and officers over them and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation that they may what does it say stand there with thee stand there with your leadership you know we have too many unloyal people today that just will not stand with their leadership anything that comes across the pike they're like questioning everything that they do hey you know obviously if someone's doing something really bad question it but it shouldn't be everything that comes out everything that any enemy says they just believe that person they believe what they're saying that's that's just wrong and wicked you better give your leadership the benefit of the doubt it says in verse 17 and I will come down and talk with thee there and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee and I will put it upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee see having too much on you can be a burden to you and it says that thou bear it not thyself alone no leader should have to bear everything alone we need men and ladies in this church to step up and be spiritual leaders also you know I'm not saying that you're gonna be the boss or something you know there's only one room for one you know main boss here it's him so but can you get behind your leader can you say hey I'm gonna stand with you and I'm gonna be I'm gonna be with you and I'll take upon some of the burdens that you bear so that you he doesn't have to bear it himself alone so not one person should have to do that it was too much for Moses who was one of the greatest men in the whole Bible that's surely too much for me surely would be too much for Ian to have to bear everything alone and we shouldn't it shouldn't it shouldn't be that way we shouldn't be a pain in the neck we should be a blessing so how can you be a blessing to this church what can you do for this church well I'm glad he asked so I can I can listen things you can do to help out one thing I know that this church probably needs is we need more preachers you know at our church we we've trained a lot of different men to get up and preach I'm here over here able to be here now you know why because I have men that I can trust and people that I can trust back at our church to preach the Word of God they're not in some in it for themselves they're not trying to have some glory for themselves and they're not trying to take over the church while I'm gone at least I hope not they better not will be swift retribution oh but no I can trust them and so you know and Ian needs a break sometimes and so sometimes it'd be nice if you'd have someone that can come and preach I think he he hasn't been able to you know sit with his family in a service for a long time and obviously it's his job to preach that's I understand that but like it'd be nice I'm not saying nobody in here can preach I'm sure you can but I'm just saying that like we need to develop a bunch of preachers in here that hey what if Ian fell sick what if he you know broke his leg doing Muay Thai or something you know it was things happen you know are you gonna be able to step in and fulfill the role you know the next man up mentality you know you never know what's gonna happen so I'm not saying you know hopefully that doesn't happen okay but we need to have people that are ready to go at a moment's notice I could call someone at home and give them a couple hours notice and I know they'd step in and preach they drop whatever they're doing right now and preach is that way is that where your hearts at you know obviously if you live four hours away that might be a little tough but but you know we need more preachers look at chapter same chapter look at verse 24 same chapter it says Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord so the Lord you know told him what to do it says and gathered the 70 men of the elders of the people and set them roundabout the tabernacle and the Lord came down in a cloud and spake unto them and took of the spirit that was upon him and gave it unto the 70 elders and it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease so what was the burden that was shifted away from only Moses alone to preach he shifted it to 70 other people that prophesied and that so that means they preached and it says and did not cease so it'd be not you know they had millions of people they had hundreds of thousands of men soldiers and 70 men you know got the the spirit of Moses was divided amongst them and they were all preaching you know what is preaching do it helps people it edifies people and it tells them what they need to do it says they did not cease look at verse 26 but there remained two of the men in the camp the name of one was L dad and the other and one of the other was me dad and the spirit rested upon them and they were of them that were written but went not out under the tabernacle and they prophesied in the camp I've always found this set of scriptures very interesting like this it's not like they were they weren't really doing something wrong it says and there ran a young man and told Moses and said L dad and me dad do prophesy in the camp like they're preaching you know outside the camp or they're not supposed to be you know they're just all excited about it and it says in Joshua the son of Nun which of course was a loyal follower to Moses the servant of Moses one of his young men answered and said my Lord Moses forbid them and listen what Moses says very humble of him he says and it says and Moses said envious thou for my sake would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them you know and everybody in this room can be a prophet everybody in this room can be filled with the spirit if you're saved you're filled with the spirit and you know what you can preach now I'm not saying the ladies are supposed to get up here and preach behind the pulpit I'm not saying that but you know what you can go out and preach in the streets a lot of ladies did that today you know you can get out there and preach but you know we also need man to prophesy and preach behind this pulpit and you know what I would say is start to sharpen your skills start to get where you want that spirit upon you that you could preach also you know it takes practice it takes being faithful you know and obviously if brother Ian's gonna pick someone to preach it's gonna be someone he can count on you know he's not you're not gonna call him on Saturday night at 10 30 and say hey man I'm just not gonna be able to do it strike three you're out you know it's instantly that's that's hard that's a hard position to put somebody in you know and so if Ian picks you to preach you know be there be faithful be ready to go and you know show up to the men's preaching nights and you'll find here's what I do when men stop showing up as much I give just like two or three people show up then I just don't have them for a while and I try to get the guys excited to do it again because it can be a lot but show up when when there's a men's preaching night do your best to show up be ready don't write your sermon five minutes before you're supposed to go you shouldn't walk in you know you're just like you know still wait you know get you know the day comes faster than you then you realize it's gonna come you know and if you're only writing a 10-minute sermon you don't have to write that much one page should get you through your sermon if you have this many pages on a 10-minute sermon you in trouble you better just save it for the one time you do get to preach beyond the pulpit on a Sunday night or something but anyway there's always need for all different aspects of church work so let me just start listing some and if there's something that strikes your fancy and you feel like you just you know it doesn't have to be something you like to do but maybe it's something that you're willing to do you know the Lord needs able people to do these things so cleaning crews in the future you know that it's always nice to have a lot of people helping with the cleaning piano players you know right now we're doing things through through a speaker right but you know there's there's a lot of people here I'm sure you're able hey get them pastor Anderson books you know we'll get them for you if you want if you're interested in doing it and playing the piano we'll get we'll help you we'll buy those books for you but you know you got to practice you got to be willing to do it how about an orchestra is anybody in here playing an instrument besides the piano anybody you're not gonna raise your hand are you who okay so we need to get people that are willing to play you know and and that's how you build an orchestra that's how you build music and songs song leading you know brother John does a great job song leading but hey what if he's struck ill or something is anybody in here else trained just do song leading song leading yeah so but again next man up you know like in American football I'm gonna bring up American football again I think it's the first weekend of NFL football so I haven't watched any of those so don't don't judge me but in football what happens if the quarterback gets knocked out then you got to have another guy that can play quarterback come in and play and he usually is not as good but you have to have somebody to step in and take that roll over and so when you're one big team then the next person up steps in and fulfills that role so you know if you want to if you're interested in song leading then I'm sure that we can provide the training for that for you soul winning captains you know it looks like you all got a bunch of someone different soul winning times but and maybe you want to be a future captain hey you could still learn what that captain is doing and still know every aspect I think it's good to be well-rounded in all areas of the ministry even if you're not in the ministry if you just hey maybe someone just needs you to take the time from them from that one week and they don't want the soul wanting to not happen but they just can't make it for one week or whatever for whatever reason you know and and being a soul winning captain you have to be able to pair people up make maps so maybe you just want to make maps maybe you want to take and make a big map in here that we can mark off all the areas you know it'd be kind of hard right now because you never know you don't know where you're gonna be but hey you've covered a lot of the area here so why not make a map start just marking everything off maybe you could be the map person and that's your thing you would just like looking over maps and I like looking at maps I think it's kind of interesting but you know I got other things to do so how about being an usher you know we have a couple ushers but hey you know maybe you could fulfill some some spots and being an usher or doing the bulletins you know I took the bulletins I still have the bulletins for our church but I have someone else that puts all the stuff together and then I just like pick apart all the mistakes and print it so and then yell at them no I'm just kidding but I like bulletins or something if that's something you want to do maybe you want to revamp it it's not exactly you know it's a it's a regular old bulletin but if you want to look like Verity's bulletin then you know have you seen Verity Baptist Church's bulletin brother Oliver does a great job or you could do you know help with the potlucks money counting money drops being a handyman fixing stuff around the building being just a laborer gardening helping you know cut the weeds out and things like that video and audio hey if the video person goes down are you gonna do you have someone that can fix that can step in and do that do the job homeschool field trips organizer you're like what's that well it's a person organizes homeschool field trips so and and you guys have my permission to do so if you have homeschool families you know it might be hard with everybody living so far away from each other but that's something that's obviously on the table I'm okay with that baby showers you know if that's your thing you like doing baby showers you want to do you know a different theme every month every time you have a baby shower but each lady that that has a baby you know has a family is allowed to have one baby shower and it's all about you that day you know so but maybe you like to do that kind of stuff and you like to organize baby showers or help with weddings you know brother Ian just did his first wedding and it was it was he did a great job you know I was nervous for him because I know how hard and how pressurized that actually is you know if he if you screw up you know you just ruined somebody's wedding no prep no pressure though no pressure I think on my first wedding like I think maybe my first two weddings I forgot to tell everybody to sit down everybody's just standing up just looking at me like I think everybody finally took the hint but you're like looking at your book you're just like with your finger in there just like okay don't notice anything you know it's nerve-wracking but you know to be a wedding someone that just helps with weddings and decorating you know I'm sure that that can be done by multiple people so how about organizing food trains for people that have children so maybe you have had a baby at our church what we do is we have what is it is it one or two weeks one week we have meals brought to that person by members in our church and so it's just to help them out you know the last thing you want to do is try to make up some kind of supper when you just had a baby and we're make your husband do it and make everybody choke to death on their food something like that now some guys are good cooks or whatever but they're not gonna do it for a week straight okay you just know they're not going to but you know how about organizing or do you know the follow-up packets that was that was a perfect example you know he's asking for fault people to do the follow-up packet hey if that's you if you got time to lick some stamps and and lick some envelopes I don't know that you guys do that here anyway or email visitors you know follow up with visitors you know that's everybody's job I think the the program here is if you get someone saved and you want to follow up with them you better follow up with them and that's hard to do from four hours away I get that or three hours away but what I'm saying is there's just lots of things that you can get involved with and sometimes you just can't think of them that's why I'm trying to help you right now you can take notes I'll give you these afterwards you can look at them or someone is designated to give the gospel to guests you know sometimes a couple will come in or whatever people you'll start you'll start getting a lot of visitors have you made sure that that person saved you know who does that and if everybody goes up to that person at the end of the service they're gonna be like what's wrong with these people so maybe there just needs to be someone who's designated to give the gospel to couples or give the gospel to children like maybe you know some of these children in here know how to get people saved well maybe they're the ones to go up to those children you know but it can't be everybody so if it's everybody then it's gonna feel culty you know I mean like we want your soul you know just coming after you so I don't know if you have anybody that's designated to do that but that's a good thing to to be and then you know again have that next man up mentality that next person up mentality you know like Joshua was ready to go you know he got ordained right up you know and then Moses died and he just took over same thing with Elisha you know he started off by just washing Elijah's hands and then became a great prophet that had a double portion of the Spirit of God put upon him you start out doing the small things and you know God sees you do your faithful and the little things he's gonna also be putting things on you when you're in and make you faithful much right so there's a lot of things that you can do for the Lord it doesn't just have to be preaching doesn't just have to be some high high position in the church you know God looks at the things you do and he blesses you for those things turn to clause in chapter 3 verse 22 clause in chapter 3 verse 22 the Bible says servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing God and whatsoever you do do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ so when you're doing things don't think of it as I'm doing something for so-and-so and maybe you are but think of it ultimately what you're doing is you're working for the Lord do everything that you do heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men because that's who we ultimately work for right the Lord Jesus Christ we're working for him and you know do things for the right reasons look at Matthew chapter 6 verse 1 Matthew chapter 6 verse 1 do do things for the right reasons a lot of times you'll see people that will step up and do things because they want accolades they want people to pat them on the back but you should have the right reasons in your heart to do the things that you step up to do look at Matthew 6 1 it says take heed that you do not your alms before men to be seen of them otherwise you have no reward of your father which is in heaven therefore when thou doest thine alms do not sound a trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men verily I say unto you they have their reward so when you're doing things for the wrong reasons if you're doing things just to be seen of men oh look at how many people they got saved look how smart they are look how great they preach or whatever it is you already have your reward aren't you trying to do things to get rewards in heaven well the last thing you want to do is do things for the wrong reasons look what it says in verse 3 but when thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth not that thine alms may be in secret and thy father which seeth the seeth in secret excuse me himself shall reward thee openly see when when you exalt yourself you get a base you know but you want God to be the one that lifts you up so when he sees you do things secretly you do things for the right reasons with the right heart with the right attitude then God's gonna bless you and he's gonna reward you openly so instead of trying to get that open reward you know yourself let God do that for you you know have the right motives and the right reasons to do things and it says and when thou prayest thou shall not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be what scene of men barely I say unto you they have their reward you know those people that can just pray those super long prayers have you ever been to a church like that or so you know they call them out that prayer specialist at the end of the service and he's like I believe Genesis one through three that God created the heaven in the earth it just like goes on and on and they're very eloquent but they do that to be seen of men a lot of the times it says but thou when thou prayest enter in thy closet and when thou has shut the door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly so we want to do things for the right reasons and the right motivations and just remember when you do things for the Lord that he's gonna reward you openly when you do things with the right heart and in secret you know praying in your prayer closet or whatever instead of just being like all showy out in the world so and looking for attaboys is kind of a weird thing if you always need to be thanked for everything that you do you know sometimes someone forgets to say thank you now obviously you should be thanked for the things you do but ultimately who are you looking for the thank you from is it from that visit from the leadership or somebody that you helped out and obviously saying thank you is a polite thing to do so if someone does something nice for you just say thank you I mean it's it's it's right but like you can also overdo it oh thank you you know people just you know you don't have to be thanked for everything you do you know you know God's gonna reward you openly for those things you do you don't need to have some kind of acknowledgement every time you do something it's kind of weird you know it's like the participation trophy you guys have the participation trophy in the UK where every person on the team gets the same trophy even though they weren't good didn't play you know never scored a goal never played you know whatever it's the same thing in church work you know you don't have to get a participation trophy even though you didn't do anything right so look at Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 I'm almost done got a couple more minutes right yes Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whether thou goest so what are we supposed to do we when we find something to do do it with thy might don't just be lazy about it don't do it halfway do it with all your might so and then first Kings chapter 10 verse 1 first Kings chapter 10 verse 1 now when people come to the church it does matter what it looks like it does matter how you act all these things can add up to a visitor just think about this for a second let's look at these verses together first Kings chapter 10 verse 1 now the Queen of Sheba she came to Solomon with hard questions so what it says and when the Queen of Sheba heard the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord see is about God she came to prove him with hard questions you know people are gonna come to this church and they're gonna be like you know what do they got you know what is I've watched them online or I've heard about the church what is it really like and they might come to prove you all with hard questions and it says that she came to Jerusalem with a very great train with camels that bear spices and very much gold and precious stones and when she was come to Solomon she communed with him all that was in her heart and Solomon told her all her questions there was not anything hid from the king when she told her not so it's good to be able to answer people's questions right and it says in verse 4 and when the Queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom and the house that he built and the meat at his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and his cup bearers and the ascent by which he went up to the house of the Lord there was no more spirit in her sometimes the things that people see in that in this house and in this church is gonna convince them that hey this is I want I want what they have you know and I'm not saying that we're lifestyle evangelists or whatever but shouldn't they see something excellent when they come to our church shouldn't they see people with an excellent spirit shouldn't they see you know the attendance of our ministers how we dress you know if we dress in you know holy t-shirts or you know whatever if you don't dress nice it does matter to people people do look at that stuff so and I'm not saying we have to be flashy or whatever I'm just saying that you know most of the men are wearing you know shirts or college shirts in here and that's good you know people do judge a church based upon how people look and how people act and how they treat each other and it says there was no more spirit in her and she said that the king it was true a true report that I heard in my own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom how be it I believed not the words until I came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the half was not told me so I want people to come to this church and they say well you know I'm not really sure how great of a church it is you know but when they come they say well hey the half was never told me this is a great church and the people here are great they're kind they're loving they care about souls it says thy wisdom and I prosperity exceeded the fame which I heard happy are thy men happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that here thy wisdom blessed be the Lord thy God which delighteth in thee to set thee on the throne of Israel because the Lord loved Israel forever therefore made he the king to do judgments judgment and justice so what do you think happened with the Queen of Sheba do you think she got saved I think she did because in Matthew chapter 12 verse 42 it says the Queen of the South shall rise up in the judgment with the generation with this generation and shall condemn it for she came to the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon behold a greater than Solomon is here that's the words of Jesus Christ so if it says the Queen of the South which is the Queen of Sheba shall rise up what does that mean she's gonna rise from the dead just like anybody else that's believed on Christ and she's gonna judge that generation that condemned Jesus and she why did what what what blew her away everything that was done in the house everything that King Solomon prepared all the the all the things that were done so excellently in that kingdom won her over and she said that hey the half of it was never told me and so I want our church to be a church that with a Queen of Sheba comes here they're gonna be like hey the half has never been told to me this is a great church great preaching great soul winning you know and that if we you know and what I'm trying to say is like there everything doesn't have to look super perfect all the time or whatever but what I'm saying is we should try to do everything that we do at this church in a most excellent way the best we can do and we should have the best attitudes we can have and it does matter what the church looks like to visitors it matters how we dress it matters how our organization is our meat matters you know you got to bring the good stuff to the potluck right amen like there was today but you know how we behave in God's house matters how we treat visitors do you say hi to them do you try to give them the gospel you know everything that we do matters so act like it does because it does because it mattered to the Queen of Sheba didn't it and so how you treat people matters visitors see it visitors feel it you know what you should care about each other too maybe you're not the best of friends with some people it doesn't matter but you can still be nice you can still say hello you can still treat people like brothers and sisters of Christ and be respectful each other number one we need to be plug-and-play from day one number two we need to be come the mighty Christians that God intended us to be number three we need to be a blessing to the church and not a pain in the neck all right let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for a great day in church for all the people that got saved I just pray that you would bless now as we go to do the baptisms and Lord just thank you so much for everything you've done in this country here everything you've done in this church I pray you just bless brother Ian and his family and all the people that attend this church Lord I pray that they would feel as much of a part of sure foundation as anybody else and I pray these things in Jesus name Amen