(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so now I gotta re-say everything I just said, but So anyway, the reason I'm preaching this is because there's a lot of lies that go And being told about the new IFB about and obviously the new IFB isn't some denomination We're independent Baptist churches But we all you know agree on the essentials and the main doctrines of the faith And maybe we do believe some things a little bit differently But you know, we're we're different than the old life being though in some things that we believe now The thing is this isn't a scathing sermon against the old IFB necessarily But what I'm doing is I'm specifically addressing lies that are told about us So there's a lot of I could cover a lot of things that that's wrong with the old IFB But I just want to specifically cover the lies that are being told about Churches like our church like this church here and my in my church up in Vancouver, Washington And so I the sermon I already preached I had Six lies that I've already preached about so you're gonna get seven through I think 14 tonight, so I'll try to preach fast But you know, I want to cover this stuff and the reason why is because I want people to be able to say hey You know when people when people lie about us and it's not just the old IP It's other people too that make make up lies about us I want them to be able to go to a sermon and say hey, what do they really believe? And so this sermon is just basically Disputing those lies that are being told about us and that's basically what it's about So let's look at Proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 The Bible says these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination unto him a Proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that deviseth wicked imaginations Feet that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies He that soweth discord Among brethren, let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord for this gathering tonight of this church Lord. We just pray that The Lord you bless the sermon Lord bless the preaching of your word tonight Lord fill me with your spirit and give me boldness to Speak your word tonight in Jesus name we pray. Amen Okay, so I'll just give you the quick recap of the other six lies that I've covered and obviously I might have glossed over some So if you find some out, maybe I can do an addendum some other day and just put the other lies on there But this is what I had so far in the other two sermons I preached lie number one is that we're a cult and Pastor Anderson art is our leader So we know that everybody tries to say that that's true. But you know, and Pastor Anderson did start this new IFP movement There's no doubt about that, but I'll tell you what every time I get up to preach I don't have to call him and ask him if it's okay if I preach something All right, and that's what a cult does. We we might believe different things I'm sure there's things that he disagrees with me about and just we all disagree about certain things I'm sure and so that's not cult like behavior You know what a cult does a cult makes you all toe the line and what they believe and so we don't do that We're independent Baptist churches and Pastor Anderson definitely isn't our Pope He's a great man of God that a lot of people follow and a lot of people listen to but we're not a cult Cults don't kick people out. They try to keep him in right and I'm sure how many people have you kicked out of this church? Pastor Bruce a lot All right And so, you know There's kind of a reputation that goes along with our churches someone has to be pretty sneaky to get into these churches because we got Watchdogs all over just waiting for that false prophet to appear like I think that guy's a false prophet. Everybody's just like, you know Anyway number two lie number two that's told about us is that we're one two three repeat after me who's heard that lie before Right, yeah, we're one two three repeat after me with like 45 scriptures Okay, I don't know any other churches to go soul-winding and give the amount of scripture that we do and we try to make sure Obviously that people understand it's eternal life, too We hit hard on that where the old IFB, you know, they leave a ghost so any for the most part they don't go so any and You know when they do that's actually bus calling and when they do it's actually just sticking a door hanger on somebody's door And so lie number three is we don't believe in repentance. Of course. We know that that's not true You know there but their version of repentance is repent of your sins. And so yeah, if you're saying that yeah We don't believe that you have to repent of your sins to be saved. But we we do believe in repentance Hey a man's got to change his mind about what he believes And whatever you're believing that's keeping you not saved. You got to put all your faith in Christ. That's repenting That's turning from what you believed before and believing on Christ now That's what we believe about repentance and a lie. Number four is that we hate Jews Who's heard that lie before? Now I will say that we hate the religion of the Jews we hate Judaism But we don't hate Jews. We want Jews to be saved obviously and Jews do get saved It's a rare occasion, but they do get saved, right? And so we don't hate Jews lie number five is we believe in a mid-trib rapture who's heard that lie before. Oh You're mid-trib. No, we're after the tribulation. That's what the Bible says. So in my last sermon I debunked that and that took about the whole sermon to do that and then Lie number six. We don't do follow-up. So Now it depends on what you mean by follow-up Right when someone gets saved I tell them that they need to get baptized I show them the scriptures and say hey, you should come to church and get baptized We you know, we re invite them right and then you know, we invite them to church. We give them a Bible So they got the sword of the Lord They got an invitation to come and their discipleship is going to take place here at this church mouse, right? So every every service when the Word of God is preached, that's their discipleship, you know And obviously other churches do things other ways. That's fine You know, but to say we don't do any follow-up is a lie because I believe that after you tell you know It's not like we just get him saying go. Okay. We'll see you later. Have a good one. Have a good rest of eternity We'll see you in heaven. You know, I try to get people to come to church But and I try to get people to get baptized and so we do do follow-up. At least we follow somewhat They don't even follow at all Because Jesus said follow me and I'll make you fishers of men and so when they're sitting there Criticizing that we don't do follow-up. They don't even follow at all Right Lie number seven. This is where we're gonna start out is we are Calvinist or Believe a different gospel because we believe the reprobate doctrine Okay, we're Calvinist or believe a different gospel because we believe in the reprobate doctrine who's heard that lie before Okay, we're Calvinist yeah, we don't like Calvinist So we're not Calvinist and the problem is is that they just don't understand I think they don't want to understand the reprobate doctrine because I think the reprobate doctrine is super clear and I'm immediately Suspect of any pastor that wants to just foam over some fags instead of standing with God's people, right? So even if they don't agree that the homeless can't be saved whatever that's fine But they go so far as that they would kick somebody out of one of their churches if they believe that It's like okay fag. It's okay for you to come in. Hey. Hey, you believe they can't be saved You can't come in. Oh, I know your soul winner. Oh, I know you tithe every week I know you come to every service. I know you're a blessing but you know, I'd rather have you know Captain skinny jeans come in and and and go to the bathroom of the same bathroom as your son. What's wrong with you? So so they call it's Calvinist. They say that we believe a different gospel But here's the thing there comes a point where someone can't be saved anymore right, and I know you guys all know this I'm pandering to the crowd tonight, but Here's the thing. They're more Calvinist in their doctrine than we are and I'll say this that they say all of Israel shall be saved Calvinists Right. So the Bible does say that all Israel shall be saved but you know, they're taking that out of context All right in Romans 11 26 says and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of the scion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob and we know that's talking about Jesus Christ and Anybody that's Israel. We're spiritual Israel. So yeah, we're all going to be saved anybody from the Old Testament That was of Israel that was saved is going to be saved They're gonna make it into the millennium just like we are and that's what we believe but they say well When Jesus comes back then the Jews will believe so what they're gonna be they're gonna be all Calvinists They're all gonna believe at the same time, you know, God said we're supposed to live by faith We're supposed to you know, so what they get a special pass We have to we have to believe on Christ at some point But they get to get saved right at the last second just by seeing a sign I don't agree with that And so they're more Calvinist than we are and some of them even go to the to the point where they say that every Jews saved already Right or you know, these dispensationalist dirtbags, right? So Also, they'll say well enduring to the end, you know, we're gonna be We're gonna be doing a works and believing in Jesus Type salvation. That's what these rucktards believe, right? But so they say well we have to endure till the end. We have to keep God's commandments and believe in Jesus. That's heresy That's Calvinism Because they're saying we have to endure to the end. That's what Calvinists believe Right. We believe that the that part about being saved is talking about beings that your body being saved Your life being saved because there's a great tribulation going on, right? Matthew 24 verse 13 says but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved and so that's where they get that verse but I when I first got When I first heard the the pre-trib rapture preached I was already post-trib because I'd already read the book of Revelation I'd already read the book of Matthew So I knew what it said, so when I first heard it preached at a Baptist Church I was like, what's he talking about? So I after the service I went to him. I said pastor this doesn't make sense You know, so he started telling me well, some people believe which meant he believed this some people believe that there's a works and Believe combination that happens in the last seven years and that you have to endure till the end So this pastor didn't even know what he was talking about And I said, well, you know, that's kind of weird because Jesus died once and for all for all of our sins on the cross And that there's you know, why would there be need to be another covenant after there's a perfect covenant put in place That doesn't make sense so You may have heard the ABCs of salvation who's ever heard the ABCs of salvation Admit believe and call admit that you're a sinner believe on Christ for salvation call upon him to be saved You got you guys have heard that right? Well, I want to I want to show you the ABCs of reprobation tonight. So add blaspheme or choose Add blaspheme or choose, okay So this is what they they try to nail us down on and they try to say well You know you believe that people can't be saved till the final Bell. Well, here's the thing the Bible doesn't teach that So let's look at some scriptures tonight. I'm going to show you the ABCs of Reprobation reprobation verses turn to Revelation chapter 22 verse number 18 Revelation chapter 22 verse number 18 So these verses will make you an instant reprobate and what does that mean? You're rejected of God? You can't be saved. That's the end for you. So any of these things that you do it's over for you Okay Revelation chapter 22 verse 18 says for I testify unto every man that here at the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add Unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book But if any man shall take away from the words of this the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life now. What does that mean? You're not saved and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book So what does that mean? Well, if you add to the Bible or you take away from the Bible you take away from this book You're an instant reprobate you can't be saved it and look you can't lose your salvation So this is not talking about someone that was already in the book as in They were already saved that their name is just taken out. They can never get it put back They could never get it added into there So that's number one add if you add to God's Word, you're gonna be a reprobate number or letter B Blast them the Holy Ghost if you blast him the Holy Ghost Then you're giving up to a reprobate mind turn to Matthew chapter 12 verse 31 Matthew chapter 12 verse number 31 Look at verse 21 Says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy Shall be forgiven unto men but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall what? Not be forgiven unto men. So let me ask you this old IFB What does that mean? Does it mean you can be forgiven or you can't be forgiven if you blast him the Holy Ghost you're done You're rejected you're gone Look at verse 22 says and whosoever speak at the word against the Son of Man It shall be forgiven when people blast him the name of Christ, which is done often We'll do that. They can be forgiven of that sin But it said says but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be Forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come you're done You're wiped out on the book of life your reprobate and that doesn't mean we're Calvinists That doesn't mean we believe another gospel just means we believe this book right here and so see Choose to take the mark of the beast That's another way to become an instant reprobate. Okay Choose to take the mark of the beast now look at Revelation chapter 14 verse number 8 revelation 14 verse number 8 Now the Bible says to prove all things So when I set forth to prove the things that people are saying are lies Or the people the lies that people are telling about us I want to prove from the Bible what we believe and I want to show you what the Bible actually says We'll get Revelation 14 8 it says and there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen the great city or that great city excuse me because she made all the nation's drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and Receive his mark in their forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God So can Christians receive the wrath of God No, we're gonna be taken up before that happens, right? But it says these people here shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented With fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb tormented That you know Christians are never gonna be tormented in the lake of fire Christians are never be tormented with fire and brimstone like that says in the smoke of their torment ascended up for how long Forever and ever is that forever that's everlasting, right? And they shall have no rest day nor night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receive it the mark of his name So that's three things. I've showed you from the Word of God that shows that people can become reprobate They can be twice dead they can be living yet. They're dead on this earth. They are reprobates and so Who's right? Who's right is God right is the Bible right or is you know old IFB? You can you know, you can get saved whenever you want until your dying breath Or any other church for that matter Look the old IFB, you know, they used to stand for something but in reality now they just with the world They're with the liberal Christians now They dress like them. They preach like them. They play the same music they do they're just you know, and look I know that there's diamonds in the rough and pterodactyl ones left, but But the truth is is that most of them have gone the way of The dodo, you know, they're they're a bunch of dodos really so Anyways How do they explain Pharaoh? Yeah, how they explain Pharaoh? Exodus chapter 8 verse number 15 says but when Pharaoh you can turn over there But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite he hardened his heart and hearken not unto them as the Lord had said God said hey, he's gonna harden his heart. So God knows the end from the beginning And he knew that Pharaoh was not going to do what he wanted to do him to do Look at verse 19 says then the magician said unto Pharaoh This is the finger of God and Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he hearkened not unto them as the Lord had said Pharaoh continually hardened his heart against God and against God it was look it was God's man Moses It was coming to him and just saying hey, let my people go and he would say, okay I'll let him go and then he wouldn't do it Right all these plagues had to be shown. I mean wouldn't you like change your mind after the first plague? You Know wouldn't you change your mind when hail mixed with blood is falling from the you know what I mean? Wouldn't you wouldn't you change your mind if the earth was filled with frogs? And it was so bad that you're just stepping on them and every the whole land stink Wouldn't you change your mind? We know what Pharaoh didn't Pharaoh saw the hand of God working and he said, you know what I'm gonna harden my heart Look at Exodus 10 verse 27 Flip a couple pages over says but the Lord Hardened Pharaoh's heart and he would not let them go and they just said if I see your face again Moses You're gonna be dead. I'm gonna kill you. Don't come back And so that was the end and then of course the firstborn were all killed But see Pharaoh hardened his heart and then God hardened it in the end And that's what God will do to anybody that keeps continuously rejecting him and rejecting his word Romans 128 says and even as they did not like to retain God in their mind or in their knowledge Excuse me. God gave them over to a reprobate mind and that means a rejected mind. It's rejected To do those things which are not convenient So, you know they get mad about you know, what it really is. They know these verses They know this is that these verses are in the Bible, but you know what? They just love the queers more than they love God's people They love the idea of it But they never really witnessed to them. They don't even witness to lost people let alone reprobates It's all a dog and pony show to them So explain these verses to me Explain how am I wrong here? Explain it. You know what? It's just a filthy lie that says we're Calvinist You know and God hates it when people lie That's why I chose Proverbs chapter 6 tonight because God hates it when people bear false witness And you know what the old life being anybody else that's against us and lying about us. There's trying to separate brethren They're trying to lie and bear false witness against us And you know what? I'm gonna set the record straight tonight So who's right God in the Bible? That's what I believe. Hey, that's why we're Baptist because we believe the Bible amen They're just a bunch of queer lovers. Just that it's just plain and simple Well, you keep on loving those queers we're gonna keep doing what we're doing all right lie number eight Let me move on here. The pastors of the new IFB are false prophets and Devils That's one that's another line. Okay, so they say that we're false prophets. We're Devils if you look in the YouTube comments I mean, there's some of the most filthiest comments about pastor Mejia mostly about him. No, I'm just kidding But They lie about us all the time and they say they're false prophets there. We're this we're that we're Devils Well, you know what? You better be careful who you're calling a devil People have been saying that God's true prophets have been Devils for thousands of years People have been calling God's men false prophets for thousands of years But even God's own people do it God's own people because look not all these people that are against us are not saved Some of them probably are saved They're just wrapped up and what they're hanging out with the wrong crowd is what it really is turn to Jeremiah chapter 43 Jeremiah chapter 43 Look at verse number one This is an instance where Jeremiah You know, they come to him and they say Jeremiah we want to hear what you have to say What does God have to say and you know would promise we'll do everything we're gonna we're gonna do what you say But then after he gets done telling them don't go to Egypt stay here And do what what I've told you to do and then here's their answer to them verse number one It says and it came to pass that when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking and all the people All the words of the Lord their God for which the Lord their God had sent him to them Even all these words then spake Azariah the son of Hoshea and Johanan the son of Korea and all the proud men saying unto Jeremiah thou speak is falsely That's what they told God's man. The one they said. Hey, we'll listen to whatever you have to say They're like thou speak is falsely That's the same thing that they do to us It's the same exact thing. Look God's Word, you know He gave them the Word of the Lord all the words of the Lord their God and see it says the Lord their God See God was their God, too But you know what? They said the proud man says that all the proud men Because they're too proud to admit that they need to change what they believe into what the Bible says and not to what they think Not to what they've been taught at Bible College They haven't even read they don't even read their Bible at Bible College. How's that work? They teach him principles and and go through lexicons and all this other garbage Hey, they should be reading their Bible There should be a standard of Bible reading a Bible College if they read Bible College shouldn't even exist anyway But they at least should be reading their Bible. There was a guy in our last church He with the Isles Anderson College and when he came back, he was assistant pastor for the summer He's like, you know, 19 years old or whatever, which I'm not gonna you know Knocking for being 19, but I said how many times he read the Bible cover to cover. Well, I haven't Not once You're 19 years old. You're saved. You're going to Bible College You're the assistant pastor and you haven't read your Bible one time even cover to cover one time That's sad. I said bro. You need to read your Bible, man Sorry pastor. I want to treat you like a father. But anyway I Didn't have any kids by the way, it wasn't married but he was the assistant pastor so But this is what they say thou speak is falsely the Lord our God hath not sent thee this day Go not into Egypt to sojourn there. So they just basically say, you know what? We want to hear the Bible says and then they go up now speak as falsely Even though he told them the word of the Lord So false brethren also have crept into Baptist churches and tried to reinvent what it means to be Baptist like this repentance garbage, I mean and Then they spread lies about us and the simple people will believe it. You know, this is why I'm making this sermon Look, I want somebody in a in Podunk Hall or Baptist Church When they're there pastor gets up and rips on one of our one of the men or some of the church members At any of these churches they say these guys are they believe this they believe that and they come across lies about the old IFB on YouTube and They say well, I want to know what they really believe and then they got a bullet They got a pointed sermon where it can show. Hey the pastor pastor said they believe this but they don't really believe that The Bible the Bible actually says this anyway, so Turn to Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 26 Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 26. I hope it's okay if I go through the Bible tonight Jeremiah 5 verse number 26 That's the problem. They don't read their Bibles They don't preach the Bible they preach like one or two verses and then say look up here Okay, general 5 26 says for among my people are found wicked men They lay weight as he that set of snares. They set a trap they catch men As a cage is full of birds. So are their house is full of deceit Therefore they are become great and wax and rich they're wax and fat they shine Yay, they overpass the deeds of the wicked they judge not the cause the cause of the fatherless yet They prosper and they're right of the knee of the needy. Do they not judge? Shall I not visit for these things sayeth the Lord? Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets Prophesy falsely and what is he talking about? He's talking about these prophets that just preach a false doctrine They preach preach false a false gospel And the priests bear rule by their means and my people love to have it So and what will you do in the end thereof? That's the problem that all these these weasels have creeped into these Baptist churches and they take it over and they turn it over to this repentance and lordship salvation and Jew worshiping stuff and you know the people love to have it. So They love to have their ears tickled. They don't want to hear the hard truths They don't want to hear that every time they take a birth control pill that they're doing silent abortions that they're murdering their own children I shared Pastor Jimenez's video about how ladies should not do birth control and I had Baptists of church of the church. I used to go to get on there go. This isn't biblical What Pastor Jimenez used scripture through the whole thing. He used this thing called science also And it was a great video and then the first thing someone gets on there this isn't true this is they'll speak as falsely right Because then another lady that went to the same church that went to house Anderson College Also, she gets on there and she's like well, you know I know a lot of people that had kids early and they regretted it. So I don't think all birth control is wrong Well, maybe they regretted it because they just didn't know how to train their children, right? The children are a blessing of the Lord it's not it's not it's not their problem. I mean it is their problem It's not God's problem. They should have just done things like God said to so Matthew chapter actually Luke chapter 7 So they they'll try to say that we're false prophets and we're devils and we're this and we're that But you know what? They've been doing that Since for thousands of years they said it about John the Baptist. They said it about the Lord Jesus Christ You know, and so I'm I'm glad I follow in the footsteps of Preachers that would be called a devil when they're really not You know what? I mean? So look at verse 33 in Luke chapter 7 I says for John the Baptist came neither Eating bread nor drinking wine and you say what he hath the devil The Son of Man has come eating and drinking and you say behold a gluttonous man and a wine bibber a friend of publicans and sinners So what is it that they're you know, what did the why did the Pharisees become reprobates? What did they do? They said that Jesus was doing miracles by Beelzebub, right Calling Jesus a devil and so they were saying that his spirit was of the devil And so that is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. That means they had no forgiveness. I already covered those verses, right? But they said it about John, too John was filled with the spirit from his birth And so what are they saying about John he hath the devil So, I mean What do you think that they're doing they're blaspheming the Holy Ghost They're blaspheming the Holy Ghost when they say stuff like that And so that's why I said you better be careful who you're calling a devil You better be careful who you're saying has the spirit of a devil Because people want to know can this sin still be committed I'm sorry if I'm talking out of turn here, but I believe that it's possible that you can still commit blasphemy against the Holy Ghost That's what I believe. And now if I'm wrong that pastor me and believe something different. I'm sorry then just chop this out of the sermon, but They were calling they said in one breath basically Jesus said they said that John had a devil They said that he had a devil and then he said they have never forgiveness. They're never gonna be forgiven. Look at Matthew chapter 12 I've already read these verses to you, but I want to read them to you again in context of what I was just saying Matthew chapter 12 verse 31 says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven men Whosoever speaketh the word against the Son of Man shall be forgiven him But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come So these people that are calling us false prophets, they're calling us devils I would say this that they I mean and look I'm not being dogmatic about it But I'm just saying that they're calling saying that our spirit is the spirit of the devil when we have the Holy Spirit living inside Of us you better be careful Better be careful. You're tempting God so Proverbs chapter 18 verse 17. I won't have you turn there. I'll just read it for you It says he that is first in his own cause seemeth just but his neighbor cometh in search of him And you know what? That's what I'm doing tonight See they come and they think that they bring their cause first and said they're devils They're false prophets. They believe in a mid-trip rapture They believe they don't believe in repentance that they believe and they say all this stuff and they say their thing first of all You know what? I'm saying a second. I'm searching my neighbor out and just saying look, you know what you're a bunch of liars By number nine that we believe salvation doesn't have evidence Have you ever heard that where they say? Well, you don't even believe salvation has evidence Well, yeah, I do But my evidence is different than your evidence. See they think that if you stop smoking After you make a profession of faith that well, look at how Jesus changed his life He quit smoking, you know, he still curses like a sailor, but you know, he's working on him Look, I believe in sanctification That you know, once we get saved and God's gonna sanctify us He's gonna set us apart and as we learn the Bible we're gonna get sin out of our life But are we gonna be completely sinless? No not until Jesus comes But they think that our works that we that we show are the evidence of our salvation, but that's not true That's not what the Bible teaches at all. And so when they say we don't believe salvation has evidence. They're lying It's a lie because faith is evidence our face faith is the evidence turn to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 What we believe what we say we believe is the evidence Okay, not the changed life of works Hey someone that's not even safe can stop being an alcoholic Someone's not even safe to stop smoking cigarettes. Someone's not even safe to stop cursing and swearing But the thing is that doesn't mean you're saved I've known a lot of people that are devils that you know had good works so to speak Hey, your good works don't prove it, you know, what proves it your faith Well, so that's why when we go to the door we say What do you believe it takes to be saved? Are you a hundred percent sure that if you died today you go to heaven? What do you what do you think it takes to get to heaven and we let their testimony? Tell us whether they're saved or not, right? Well, why well, you know, I'm a good person Tell me what you do, let me hear the works resume. I just love when they give me their works resume So I'm just like tucking feathers in my cap for later, you know when I could just turn it back on them You know, so and what else do we ask them? Well, we ask them if they could lose that salvation Is there anything you could do to lose it? Oh, yeah, if you don't live right you don't do good works If you don't follow after Jesus See, that's what they're saying is evidence is not really evidence And what they're saying about us is that we don't think that someone has to change their life And look your life has changed the moment you get saved if you're truly saved there is a change But that might not be an outward manifestation Hebrews level 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things Not seen so again what we believe is The evidence of our salvation. Hey, we hope for Jesus Hey, you know what? You know what? I'm trusting to take me to heaven the fact that Jesus died He was buried he rose again the third day. That's what I'm trusting in and you know what? I can't lose my salvation That's that's my evidence. That's the best I can do. I Trust in Jesus alone. I don't trust in any works. That's evidence. You know, the fact that someone quit smoking isn't evidence to me It just means that you know, they have some awesome willpower when it comes to giving up addiction Okay That Matthew chapter 12 turn back over to Matthew chapter 12 Unfortunately, I'm too tall to see that clock back there so I'm sorry if I go a little long tonight All right Matthew chapter 12 verse 36 says but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak They shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words Shall thou be justified See, it's what we say that makes us justify when we call upon the name of the Lord when we tell what we believe Hey, we're justified by what by what we believe by what we say We believe this isn't by thy words shalt thou be condemned So what I'm so wanting at a door and they condemn themselves with their own words That's when I come in and say hey, well, you know what when I first got here You said I was good, but you had to be a good person to be saved You said that you had to follow the golden rule you said you had to follow the footsteps of Jesus It's not what the Bible says and then you show them what the Bible says and hope that they get saved and make the right decision So so that's just garbage. We don't believe that there isn't a change We do believe that there is a change turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 17 2nd Corinthians 5 17 Says therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature Old things are passed away behold all things are become new. So is there a change or not? Yes, there is But that's you've got the new man You've got your spirit is made alive and you have everlasting life. The Holy Ghost comes to reside within you And is the earnest of our expectation the earnest the down payment of our fact that we're saved We become a new creature No, does that mean that you become a deacon in the church and you do all this and that and that what makes you save? No, it's the fact that you are a new creature because God made you that When you chose to believe in him, okay, I'm gonna read some scriptures off So so I could save a little time here But if you want to follow me you can Romans chapter 6 verse 6 says knowing this that our old man is crucified With him that the body of sin might be destroyed and henceforth. We should not serve Sin, so the only way we're gonna Have these good works is that if we crucify that old man See, we're a new creature in Christ and you got to walk in the spirit now So that's how you're gonna not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Okay, so for and then Romans 7 verse 18 says for I know That in me, this is the Apostle Paul talking by the way that that is in my flesh Dwelleth no good thing So is that the evidence? He's saying it's not the evidence He said in my plaster dwells no good thing. You can't reform the flesh It's in print. It's it's done. It's dead Right, it says for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not so our good works. That's not our evidence Paul never says that's our evidence verse 25 I thank God through Christ Jesus our Lord so that with the mind I I myself serve the law of God But with the flesh the law of sin, so there's two natures within us So even though we got that new creature that new creation in us There's still the flesh that wants to sin and do wickedness and so we are in a battle for our spiritual lives for the rest of our Natural human lives on this earth because there's a there's a battle going on with our flesh and our spirit there we understand that okay, so Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 says that you put off concerning the former conversation That means the lifestyle that used to live the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust Turn to Galatians 5 Galatians chapter number 5 This illustrates what I was saying perfectly with the Word of God It says in verse 16 this I say then walk in the spirit And he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh Lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and are contrary the one to the other So that you cannot do the things that you would But if you be led by the spirit you're not under the law So they think our works are evidence, but that's simply not true. I mean I proved it over and over I mean, there's so many verses I could go to But you know I got to move on to the other points here, but not lie number 10 lie number 10 We send people out to split churches There's another lie that they like to tell about us that we just sent yeah We got our secret agents the secret Jesuits within our church that we send out to these other churches to split them It's ridiculous the flat-out lie Not one single new IFB pastor that I know has ever preached that in Fact they preach the opposite. They say hey find the best church in your area. Hey sit down shut up be a blessing Get involved in the soul winning program be a blessing to your pastor But you know what are they lot? They just sit there lie about us. They're railers Saying the word. We're just out there sending people to their churches to split. That's ridiculous. I want my church members at my church You name me the church that's been split by a new IFB pastor, and I'll call it. You're a liar You're a liar that says that That's ridiculous, I want my church members my church every week You know what in fact people are just waking up to the Word of God they're waking up to the truth They're looking at what their pastors preaching and they see a rip rip roaring sermon online. They're like man. I got to get under that So we tell we just say you know what even people people will call me and you know in my flesh I just want to say just move the sure foundation Baptist Church, but I don't do that Because I don't want them to first of all blame me that their life is destroyed once they move there So I just don't tell people to move to our church, and if people are gonna move away I try to You know People make mistakes you know sometimes people move away And they want to go to some place and put on color and change this other they want to they want these churches To you know be like our churches, but you know what you're not going to change them And so I would just totally discourage anybody from trying to make their church like our church It's never gonna happen now You might be able to be blessed and start up a soul winning program or something like that, and you could be Partially blessed, but you know what you know the new IFP churches are where it's at And people are gonna leave because they want to Look this isn't you know they want to accuse us of being cults a Cult and cult leaders while they're sitting there saying you know don't leave our church And we're saying leave our church get out of here we don't want you here don't let the door hit you in the way out bud See that's who's acting more like a cult they're all worried about losing that last tie there So Weird I actually got accused of being a of sending people to a church to split it I Got I can't give too much details about this but This guy calls me, and he's like yeah You're not gonna be able to rent this so we're gonna rent this facility. We rented this facility anyway, and he's like yeah We can't send your money back your deposit. You can't you can't rent. You know we can't rent to you like Okay, no problem. I was like can I ask you why? Yeah, because you sent people to split our church. You said you said I'm like excuse me He's like yeah, and then he named the people who they were and I was like look. They're kicked out of my church I Kicked those clowns out of my church you think that I sent them to split your church I said hey, they're never welcome back at my church He's like oh really well, okay, and so then he's like well Let me talk confer with the other pastors and find out whether it's okay to continue to rent this facility to you And I was like okay, so he calls me back. He's like yeah the other pastors said it's it's okay I'm just like What? But they actually thought that we sent these little and these guys are like they're losers right so look I just want to say this if someone goes to an old FBE church and says hey I follow so-and-so and they're trying to split that church. They're not listening to the preaching They're not obeying the preaching that they're hearing out of churches like ours because we don't tell people to do that So if they're doing it they're doing it out of their own heart They're doing it despite the preaching that they're hearing and and they're not split you know so don't blame Pastor Anderson don't blame pastor Mejia for your you know people Having problems because somebody came and said that they follow us. Hey if they're following us. They're gonna follow the preaching too And they're not following the preaching and and Romans 16 verse 17 says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine, but you have learned and avoid them So I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna believe that verse and then say hey go cause the vision in these churches ha ha I'm sure that's that's so lame, and it's just a flat-out lie The Bible says a froward man so so a strife and a whisper separated chief chief friend So I'm not I'm not trying to split somebody else's church. I Don't want them to go and I don't want people to go from my church and try to influence another church like that I just you know hey come to our church or go to their church I don't care which one you do, but don't try to bring me into it So number line number 11 that we condone murder We condone murder have you heard that one before oh, yeah, just go murder people ha ha We condone it No, we condone the death penalty as God commands it. That's what they're talking about So why don't you just say the truth and quit lying out of your forked tongue? Because when they say that we condone murder That's a lie. We don't condone murder. We preach harder about sin than any other churches around guaranteed So Genesis chapter 9 Concerning murder says who so shedeth man's blood by man's shall his blood be shed for in the image of God Made he man, so what do we believe well if someone's a murderer then they should be put to death That doesn't mean we believe in murder Means we believe in the death penalty so I Do believe in the death penalty. I believe it should be carried out swiftly and by a proper Person, I mean it's not our job to go kill people. It's not our job to put people to death One day it will be again in the millennium when we're washing our feet in the blood of the wicked You know when these sodomites are getting thrown off of buildings, you know With rocks falling on top of them afterwards Hey, we're gonna be the law of the land then Jesus is gonna dash people to pieces like a pot like a potter's vessel with a rod of iron so What are some other things that we believe in as far as the death penalty is concerned? Well bestiality you should be put to death you lie with an animal you should be put to death Bible says in Exodus chapter 22 verse 19 whosoever lieth with the beast shall surely be put to death You're condoning murder pastor Thompson No I'm contouring condoning the death penalty for a filthy animal and actually both the animal and the person should be put to death So these little dog worshippers out there, you know, put that in your pipe and smoke it I'm so sick of people that worship animals. It just makes me sick Can I go off on a little tangent about that verse? I? Saw a person with a stroller pushing their little doggy in it yesterday Michael at first I look I see it's a strong like oh what a cute little no It was a dog When you're pushing your dog in a stroller you've gone too far I Saw a bumper sticker the other day and you know that little thing it's like the greater than symbol it said humans dogs And then it was like a Subaru with all these other weird stickers on it People with Subarus rarely get saved I'll just tell you that right now Subarus and motorhomes just it's like we're knocking on a Mormon door almost I'm teasing Anyway back to the sermon What else is what's another thing that we condone the death penalty over well, how about rape Unfortunately, our government doesn't believe in that anymore They don't believe that molesters should be put to death our own judges in this nation Have made it have outlawed the death penalty for any sexual offender You know what that makes me think But they're guilty of it themselves Well, hey, I just want to make sure I don't get put to death I'm the Supreme Court, so I'm gonna make sure it never happens to me But you know what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 22 verse 25 you can turn there if you want to So I want to prove all things amen. I'm going to show you the verses Deuteronomy 22 verse 25 says but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and The man forced her and lie with her then the man only that lie with her shall die So and people, you know, they'll say well you believe you know in the death, but you know, you believe in murder No, I believe that a person that's a rapist should be put to death just like God says But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing There's no there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death For as when a man riseth against his neighbor and slayeth him for so is this manner For he found her in the field and betrothed damsel cried and there was none to save her when someone forces themselves on someone And there's look there's a lot of queers that that molest boys young boys You know what? They should be put to death You know and if people get mad about that that's their problem But I'll tell you what every time I see one of these news molester stories on Facebook The Facebook feed there's always people that you know aren't saved They're going kill him, you know, hang him, you know, the you know, the death penalty be reinstituted for pedophilia Even the world gets it but these so-called Christians and Baptists. They'd say that we're condoning murder No, we're just saying what God says we're thundering what God says to do on Capital crimes cursing and hitting your parents. He the curse of his father or his mother shall surely be put to death You know, hey, that's not a popular teaching either, but hey I'm not just gonna throw in the ones that I'm for and and maybe I cringe a little bit On some of these other ones like I mean my my kids have you know said some things though They haven't cursed me because if they did it'd be But you know your kids get to get that or like whosoever smite at his parents shall surely be put to death the Bible says Hey, I've seen little kids swinging on their parents and their parents don't do anything about it. You better control your kids Don't let them turn into something like this You know that you let them do it now They're gonna do it later. I Hate you mommy. I mean you should punish that immediately I'm not saying with the death penalty You don't have that right, okay Sodomy All right. I try to put that at the end right a little bit Leviticus 2013 says if a man lie also lie with mankind as he lieth of the woman both of them have committed an abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon. Hey, just so you don't get it mixed up Hey, your blood should be upon you That's why I said the rock should fall after you know, and then the bloods upon them, right? Okay But you know, I've showed you other instances where the death penalty is necessary But why is it all of a sudden it's just like well I think you're being a little too harsh on these homos what people do in their own house is You know is okay as long as it doesn't affect me Hey, you know what every vile pervert that's out there every child molester every six sodomite out there is Affecting you you just don't know it, but you should know it now Because every time I go out to eat I have to look at these transvestites Every time I go out to eat I have to look at some you know Andrew sleuter looking, you know prom prom girl They look like a man they look like Andrew sleuter anyway He's like the model for lesbian prom dates or something anyway Adultery is also that says the adultery shall surely be put to death Hey, you know what? I run, you know what the hardest thing to deal with as a pastor to me so far Is dealing with divorce and remarriage issues? It's really hard and You know in a perfect world if someone committed adultery on you They'd be put to death and you'd be able to marry someone else, but you know what happens the woman leaves They take the kids they take you to court and say you're a religious extremist And then you're paying child support on someone you shouldn't have to pay child support on because they should have been put to death You should have the kids. I'm just saying you know that could happen and you know either male or female, okay? But what I'm saying is that this kind of adultery ruins people's lives And that's why God hates it so much and puts the death penalty on it now obviously that doesn't happen nowadays But there's coming today when it's going to But you know what? I believe the death penalty. I don't condone murder. I hate murderers Well, I mean, I don't you know, you know what I'm saying? I hate that at the crib the crime of murder. I hate the all these crimes and What you know who's a bit of you know you're like well, you're judging them know God's judging them God's judging them So you know if that just wrinkles your feathers or whatever that just makes you bristle And it makes you you know I don't know this is is this okay for him to be preaching this you know what hey? God's the one that preached it first The death penalty is not murdered the death penalty is God's law against capital crimes all right So line number 12. We're a hate group Line number 12. We're a hate group. Well. You're like well pastor Thompson after everything You're just saying a few minutes ago. It kind of sounds like you are But let me tell you what we're a love group You know several people were out so wanting to got two people saved this afternoon. Did they do that because they hate people? No, they did it because they love people and they want to keep God's Commandments And they want to go out and pull somebody out of the fire They want to go out and have compassion on somebody you know what compassion is that's that's an act of love that you care about somebody Jesus had compassion on the masses Jesus went out and preached to all these cities and all these villages Why because he loves people and he wants us to love people also, and you know what I know everybody in this room Loves people and wants people to go to heaven Except to be reprobate anyway But Ecclesiastes 3 8 says there's a time to love well It doesn't say there's but it says a time to love and a time to hate So the Bible claims that there is a time to love and a time to hate So but people you know hate is like the new buzzword He said hate It's like well, that's hate speech So God put he said there's a time to love and a time to hate So is God wrong? If he says there's a time to love and a time to hate when is when is the time to hate Well, there's a time to hate when you know there's people that are You know that hate God That's the time that we're supposed to hate them so look. We're love. We're supposed to love our enemies do good to those Those people that are our enemies, but God's enemies is a different story okay the people that God hates We're supposed to hate him too, okay You can't you can't hate flowers. I mean you can't love flowers without hating weeds right Hey, if you're trying to plant some crops you want weeds in there No, so you got to hate them you got to get rid of them. You got to destroy them Right and so if you love children You don't like pedophiles you hate them right So there is a time to hate hey if you love your children. Why would you let some queer around them? Well he's not like that he's different no He's not I don't care if it's your Siamese twin your brother your sister. I don't care who it is You should hate that person and not want them around your children right But people will say well, we're like the Westboro Baptist, right? Who's heard that we're like the Westboro Baptist, okay? Well first of all I don't hold stupid signs up to say stupid things okay the God hates military people or whatever and As far as I know not everybody in this church is related Okay Not everybody this church is related Right, but everybody in the Westboro Baptist Church is And you know what I already kind of covered this, but we're not Calvinists either, and they're Calvinists, right? And you know what they think they think that the homeless could be saved. You know what I think no they can't So we're not anything like the Westboro Baptist they claim to hate queers, but they don't have as much as we do You gotta have a real hatred in your heart You don't hate them enough You need to hate them more Bible says in Psalm 139 verse 21 it says do not I hate them O Lord than hate thee And am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee I hate them with perfect hatred I count them my enemies sign King David a man after God's own heart So Don't sit there and tell me well take speech. I guess David's a hate speech provocateur also So we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourself, right? we're also supposed to love the Lord our gods with all of our hearts with all of our minds with all of our soul with all of our strength and So loving our neighbor as ourself is like that commandment We're supposed to do the first works amen First works Baptist Church. I see the shirts, you know, and how do you know that someone's lost their love for God? When they don't go soul winning So I'll tell you what the people that lie and say that we're a hate group They don't even love it all because they don't even go so winning If they do it's a rare occasion Once a month soul winning. Let's go put the flyers on the door and run Yeah, we're doing so much for Jesus Hey put the signs up in front of the abortion clinic, I'm sure that people are gonna get saved from that Turn or burn. Oh, look at what we did. We were given the gospel today. I'll tell you what We got three more people for the bus route today praise God And then repeat them then preach them repent of your sins after the service right and clowns anyway, so number 13 We don't know how to rightly divide the truth We don't know how to rightly divide the truth and I am getting close to the kind of close to the end. All right So they say in line number 13. They say that we don't know how to rightly divide The truth turn to Ephesians chapter 3 verse 21 And As far as line number 12 that we're a hate group. We're a love group. We love people. We love lost souls. We love God Right, so we're a love group as far as I'm concerned Fly number 13. We don't know how to rightly divide the truth Okay, well Ephesians 3 21 says unto him be glory and the church by Christ Jesus throughout what? all ages word without end Amen, so where's the division there all ages? Right the church throughout all ages. So was there a congregation of the Lord in the Old Testament? Yes, there was So, why don't we just learn to divide things how God divides things Let me show you something real quick Let me show you something real quick. Let me turn to Matthew chapter 1 Turn to Matthew chapter 1 real quick And then turn to the page right before that where it says New Testament Why don't we rightly divide the word of truth hey Old Testament New Testament That's how God divides it We're in the New Testament, right? Turn to where did I have you turn first? I have you turn somewhere else. No, I didn't. Okay Hebrews chapter 8 Did I have you turn somewhere else? But you already I already read it didn't I? Okay Hebrews chapter 8 verse number 7 This explains How the New Covenant Makes the old one go away. All right, I believe that we don't we're supposed to rightly divide But there's Old Testament New Testament. That's how I divide it Okay, everything in the New Testament is how believers are supposed to live by but hey There's stuff in the Old Testament that we're supposed to live by to every word of God is pure. Amen every word Hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 says for in the first if the first covenant has been faultless had been faultless Then should no place have been sought for the second for finding fault with them He says behold the days come sayeth the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with the our fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant and I Regarded them not sayeth the Lord for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel After those days sayeth the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts And I will be with be to them a God and they shall be to me a people And they shall not teach every man whose neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for all Shall know me from the least to the greatest and I will be merciful to their unrighteousness And their sins and their iniquities while I remember no more in that he saith a new covenant He that he hath made the first old now that which the kath and waxeth old is ready to vanish away And so I believe that we have two covenants one is old the one is new This is the one we're supposed to be living by this is how I divide the word of truth. Okay? Now obviously there's a lot more to the Bible than just that but you know They say we don't know how to rightly divide, you know, and what they mean by that is dispensationalism I think somebody made a movie about that. I don't know What pastor made that movie or not, but I think it was pretty in-depth also they kind of it covered a lot of stuff So I'm not gonna preach about Dispensationalism because I know that you guys have gotten what didn't you just preach about dispensationalism? Yeah for salvation So I'm just saying that hey, we know how to rightly divide the word of truth And I'll tell you what, we don't chop it up into 15,000 dispensations, okay But we don't teach that there's another way of salvation in the future because that's a bunch of garbage They don't know how to rightly divide the word of truth because they chopped it up so much that it doesn't even make sense Doesn't make sense Lie number 14 and this is my last point. Okay last point. So I've only gone through seven points Just so you know, all right, but lie number 14. I know you're probably getting a little restless here I'll finish off with this and Obviously if you have any more please come to me at the end of the service and if I forgot something then let me know I'll do an addendum in like two years. All right, but lie number 14. We are sheep stealers Or sheep stealers brother This is this is another why that they like to say and I've been accused of this Have you been accused of being a sheep stealer pastor? Oh, yeah, I have to Even though I only have one person well, I guess I've had other people that left churches But they were already, you know on their way out. Anyway, the pastors kicked them out because they came to our church So I guess if that makes us sheep stealers because they kicked their own people out for just coming to our church service Then I guess I'm a sheep stealer guilty as charged But in Jeremiah chapter 23 turn over there. It'll be One of the last scriptures we turn to second-to-last. Okay, Jeremiah 23 See what let me just say this first of all, they're not your sheep they're God's sheep Okay, but we're just as pastors. We're just set over the flock We're under shepherds. We're just thundering forth what God already told us to do Well, it's not our sheep. They're God's sheep. The Good Shepherd loveth his sheep. Amen Jeremiah 23 is what he says about pastors that scatter sheep though This is what they're doing Well be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture sayeth the Lord Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel Against the pastors that feed my people you have scattered my flock and driven them away You have not visited them behold. I will visit upon you the evil of your doing saith the Lord Now we'll gather the remnant of my flock out of the countries whether I've driven them and I will bring them Again to their folds and they shall have be fruitful and increase and I will set up shepherds over them Which shall feed them hey and just because pastors like us are trying to feed the sheep Don't get mad at us because they scatter you're the one that scattered them in the first place with your weak preaching with your garbage dispensationalism and Letting everybody believe all these different modes of salvation in your church One guy's a Calvinist one guy's repent of your sins one's a lordship salvations. One's a messianic Jew, you know, whatever they are It's all good But you know you get somebody that comes in and wants to be a blessing and go soul-winning And you know be a blessing to the pastor. Oh, hey, you're Steven Anderson listener Get out queer come in What That makes no sense So it says I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them Hey, and what are we trying to do here trying to feed the sheep? Hey, I'm getting a lot lots of food tonight Lots of the Word of God, you know, we're supposed to feed the the sheep with the Word of God I'm not up here telling You know two poems and a few stories and you know all the stories about my life how this and this and that with one Scripture. Hey, have I given you a lot of scripture tonight? You're overloaded. You're sad. You're drunken with the scriptures right now You're saturated So that's what pastors are supposed to do. They're supposed to give you the Word of God not a bunch of fluff so We're trying to shepherd believers to the truth and not scatter them Hey, and if they're not of not of the fold they get kicked out, right? Hey, they don't listen to the voice of the shepherd and so they believe in oneness or whatever Get out we want unity in our churches You know and obviously not everybody believes exactly the same thing in here on every single issue But hey, you better believe that the the major doctrines of the faith Salvation by faith alone the King James Bible soul winning all these other things Hey, you better have a good hold on that if you have if you aren't sure who the two witnesses are, whatever That's not a big deal. Is it? But people make it make you know, these guys are are just it's a free-for-all at these churches what they believe because I look I bid I Preached a sermon against Calvinism in my last church that I was at before we started Verity Vancouver And the pastor wouldn't let me preach again because I offended one of his congregation members because I preached against Calvinism Like really? Yeah You went too far That Calvinist was really offended and I thought we were Baptist here Last Last verse I'll have you go to Jeremiah 17 verse 15. It says give you a second to turn there Jeremiah 17 verse 15 Says behold they say unto me. Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come now As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee. This is Jeremiah saying hey, I'm following God I haven't hastened from being a pastor to follow you. Hey, you know what Pastor Mejia? He follows Jesus I'm trying to follow Jesus and He's the Good Shepherd You know, we're just under shepherds of the and trying to lead the flock the best we can And you know what? We're not trying to steal anybody's sheep But I'll tell you what you little cult member type people do cult member pastors that are like saying well, that's my sheep That's my sheep. That's God No, they're not your sheep. They're God's sheep They're Jesus's sheep and they could go to whatever church they want to you ever heard of believing in in Liberty Hey, we're free And I don't have to get stuck at some dead as a doornail Baptist Church for all the rest of my life Hey, you know what if you're in a dead as a doornail Baptist Church, why don't you go to a good church? You know, why why just stay where you're miserable if you're miserable there go That's not being that's not teaching sheep stealing. That's teaching. Hey do the most you can in this life for Christ Why why pine away in some church that's doing nothing hoping that some new IFB Church is gonna get started in your area You know, and I'm not saying to you know, maybe there will be a new IFB Church Church that starts in your area But if you live in Podunkhala You know out in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure that's not gonna happen anytime soon So but this church this movements growing and why is it growing because we're preaching the truth? Because we're preaching this book And people are sick and tired of this book staying closed through a whole sermon they're sick of it You know and once you pastors quit lying Quit lying about good men of God quit lying about the things that we teach that and look I debunked it all I debunked it all So, what do you got? Why don't you start telling the truth for a change in Judas's? All right, well, let's pray let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you so much for this wonderful day pray Lord that you Lord that you just Intercede for us Lord. I'm not trying to I'm just trying to defend the lies But I know Lord that you're the one that avenges and I pray that Lord you'd avenge us With these liars and I pray that Lord. I just pray that you bless this church here Pray that you grow it pray you'd anoint it in a special way Lord help pastor Bruce As he leads your flock in Jesus name we pray. Amen