(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing. That'. That' is kind of hard because I don't know. I think right here might be good. Ah, he Yeah, here is the problem. It's in the way of Rylan Rylan Rylan. It has to be over here. Yeah, it has to be here. The problem is Pastor wants one thing and it doesn't work the other way. We just have to coordinate, if you ever do music, make sure it's up here pointed at you because we're not getting the sound like it's supposed to be. It's a directional mic, so it's got to literally be like that, not necessarily over here in the middle. They don't understand that. I'm running the chord here for now. I'm going to take this home. Yeah, we can get a longer chord. Well, if you're going to take it home, do you think there's something you can do as far as the holes in the table? I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here and I'm going to drill a hole in here and I'm going to drill a hole in here and I'm going to drill a hole in here and I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. I'm going to drill a hole in here. When we all get to heaven, 526 on the first. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus. Sing his mercy and his grace. In the mansions bright and blessed, he'll prepare for us a place. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory. I want to hear you shout on the last one, okay? On the second. While we walk the pilgrim pathway, clouds will overspread the sky. But when traveling days are over, not a shadow, not a sign. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory. Let us then be true and faithful, trusting, serving every day. Just one glimpse of him in glory will the toils of life repay. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory. On the last. Onward to the prize before us. Soon his beauty will behold. Soon the pearly gates will open. We shall tread the streets of gold. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory. All right, good to sing this morning. Thanks for everyone for coming out. Brother Travis, can you open us with a word of prayer? Dear Lord, Father in heaven, we dance and sing, we dance and sing and sing, we dance and sing, we dance and sing, his praise and praise. Amen. Such love, sing it out on the first. That God should love a sinner such as I should yearn to change my sorrow into bliss nor rest till he had planned to bring me nigh. How wonderful is love like this. Such love, such wondrous love. Such love, such wondrous love. That God should love a sinner such as I. How wonderful is love like this. That Christ should join so freely in the scheme although it meant his death on Calvary did ever human tongue find nobler theme then love divine that ransomed me. Such love, such wondrous love. Such love, such wondrous love. That God should love a sinner such as I. How wonderful is love like this. That for a willful outcast such as I the Father planned, the Savior bled and died. Redemption for a worthless slave to buy who long at law in grace define. Such love, such wondrous love. Such love, such wondrous love. That God should love a sinner such as I. How wonderful is love like this. On the last. And now he takes me to his heart a son. He asks me not to fill a servant's place. The far off country, one dreams all are done. Wide open are his arms of grace. Such love, such wondrous love. Such love, such wondrous love. That God should love a sinner such as I. How wonderful is love like this. Amen, good morning. Welcome to Shur Foundation Baptist Church. And let's take our bulletins and go through those. On our front cover we have our verse of the week. But if there's anybody needs a bulletin would you raise your hand up real quick and Brother Ramon will get you a bulletin. All right, everybody's got one. The Bible verse of the week says, the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him. Nahum chapter one, verse seven, it's a great verse there. Our service times at Shur Foundation Baptist Church Sunday morning service is 10 30 a.m. And Sunday evening service is 3 30 p.m. We'll be in Genesis chapter 15 tonight. Thursday evening Bible study is at 6 30 p.m. And we'll be in 1 John chapter 4. So we're moving right along with 1 John. And our soul wanting times are listed below. If you're going soul wanting or plan on going, we have a soul wanting time at 1 o'clock today. And you can see all the other soul wanting times. If you're going to go, please let Brother Brandon know so he can start pairing people up. Today's our biggest day of soul wanting so it can get difficult pairing people up. Who has cars, who doesn't, who's single, who's not, who's married, who's not, who's married. But they decided that one's not going and you know it's just, it gets confusing. So please do your best to help Brother Brandon out with that and our regional soul wanting times are listed down below. In Tacoma I believe they had five salvations yesterday so praise God for that. Brother Neb's feeling better so that's great. And so the Tacoma boys are, I don't know, is there any gals? Is there a gal there? Okay there's gals too, sorry. The Tacoma people, I'll be gender neutral for you. But the Tacoma people are doing a great job up there. So and the praise report you can see the salvation's baptism. His brother Wayne had three baptisms up in Canada. I don't know if he knew that. But we also had a great attendance a couple weeks ago but we were closed down for snow. So yeah snow day's over, let's get back to work. And we'll have a great day in the Lord's house today. The Spanish kid's class is next Tuesday at 6 p.m. All right, Brian got it right, he's lucky. All right so and then I just wanted to mention that Pastor Jones next weekend is having his second year anniversary at Schill, the Faith Baptist Church. And so Pastor Jimenez will be preaching there Friday night and I'll be preaching Saturday morning just a quick soul winning sermon. And then I'm gonna fly back and preach here on Sunday. But Pastor Jones is preaching both services on Sunday if you were wanting to go. You might want to look at the road report unless you're planning on flying. But definitely if you can go and be a help to Pastor Jones and his support. He's a good friend of ours and so I just want to go and spend a little bit of time with him before I come back here. But you're more than welcome to go and help him or just be a blessing, be in his service. March 5th, the weekend after that is our second anniversary for Schill Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane. And Pastor Bruce Mejia will be preaching on Friday night at 6 p.m. there. So if you would like to hear Pastor Mejia preach and join in on the celebration, we'll be there all weekend. So I'll be preaching both services on Sunday and there'll be some soul winning on Saturday. So I think there's a meal planned for after the service on Sunday afternoon. So I'll be feeding everybody that's there. So if you're planning on going, please just let me know if you plan on going. I kind of like to just get a count of how much food I have to order for Sunday. If you're gonna be there, just let me know. And let's see what else we got coming up on the horizon. Well, I didn't put Easter and the mega soul winning marathon because I don't know, I know we're having Easter but as far as the mega soul winning marathon, I'm not sure about that yet. So I know a lot of people are asking about it but we're just not sure. So anyway, I'll be preaching in steadfast OKC on April 25th and then make plans if you want to go on that Hawaii trip but just realize that you're probably gonna have to take some kind of COVID test to go over there. So if you're afraid of the doctor or you're afraid of getting the test, you don't wanna be the mark of the beast or whatever, just don't plan on going until they open up. I'm teasing about that. But some people just don't wanna get tested. I can say, I guess I don't blame you. But if you've already had it, you probably have the antibodies. So I don't know if they're gonna work out some kind of deal where if you have the antibodies, you don't have to get the vaccine. I've heard talks about that but I'm not exactly sure. So June's a ways off. You don't have to spend the whole week there if you just want to spend a few days there. The soul winning is very receptive and we're gonna have great services on Sunday before we leave. So it's not June 1st. That's the wrong date, Ryland. Fix that. I think it's May, is it May 30? Is it 31 days in May? 31? Okay, 31 days. Yeah, it's the 31st to August 1st. And of course, the Corona police have tried to contact me. They closed our case but someone was trying to say that we tell people that they don't have to wear masks and I've never said that. So I just wanted to let that be known that I don't tell people that. And you can see the rules there. No handshakes, hugging, keep your distance when you're talking, don't come to church sick. Those are the best ways. Wash your hands, things like that. And those are the best ways to not spread disease or germs or COVID, anything. Apparently there's no more flu so I didn't know that that was a thing but the flu just magically disappeared just because everybody's wearing masks, that's why. But anyway, the Bible Memory Verse Challenge is John 14 one through six and today is the last day that you can quote it word perfect to a non-family member. So I'm already depleted on the prizes because everybody's kind of jumped in on this so that's great. If you're an adult and you just don't want a coloring book, we'll probably do some gift cards or something but we'll probably handle that stuff out next week so if you're just waiting because you didn't want to have a coloring book, you adults, then if you want a coloring book, that's fine, I'm not gonna judge you. So I like to color but I just don't have time. Anyway, so yeah, just make sure that today's, you know today's the last day. Don't call me at 11.59 p.m. or yeah, 11.59 p.m. and try to quote it to me like all a hundred did at one time. No, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Anyway, so, oh and thank you to everybody that put on the baby shower yesterday. Really appreciate everybody that showed up and hope that all your dreams come true with the baby stuff and we appreciate you guys. Welcome back by the way. The wayward son has come home so it's good to see you again. And so anyway, let's see, what do we got? I think the giving request thing has already been done. If there's anybody that needs a giving request, you know, a giving sheet and we haven't gotten to you, then please email me and let me know. As far as I know, I've gotten them all out. So make sure you're still praying for First Works Baptist Church and our church plant in the UK that just started last weekend and they started off with a bang. They got the COVID police walked in and all of the preaching and so, you know, just some people just hate us. They hate us because they hate us, right? But the UK church had 48 in service on their first service and then 49 on the evening service. So just like a chip off the old block, you know, we kind of were the same here. So we'd have more people in the evening service sometimes. But the preaching's been great and they had seven salvations last week. I'm still waiting to hear the report because I think at four o'clock in the morning, our time is when they're doing their second service or something. So anyway, I'll get all the updates and have that for you tonight. And don't forget to pray for all of our church plants in Hawaii and you know, all 12 of them. No, all four of them that we have right now. Surrey, BC, they're doing great up there and Brother Ryan is doing great over in Hawaii and Brother Chad and they're doing great too. So we had a new family come to church there last week. So very excited about that. And so anyway, we're a family integrated church. That means the children and infants are welcomed during the church services. Please take your children to the other baby room if you need to feed them, change them or spank them or whatever you gotta do. Or if they're just like freaking out, full blown freak out mode, then take them there. And let's see, don't, and there's a dad baby room down there too. So it's just a little smaller. But no ladies are allowed in the dad baby room and vice versa. So please make sure you're not doing that. And then the back rows are reserved for families with young children. Please make sure you're latching all gates, the front, the back gate and the gate back there. I tried to put that video where the lady's crawling down that mountainside with her children on our other YouTube page but it wouldn't let me do it. So I'll have to figure out how to do that but it's pretty funny. So anyway, escorts are available by the ushers. And just know the bars are starting to open up again. That's not a transvestite bar over there anymore so that's at least good that they got the trannies out of there. They'll probably try to come there after a while. Trannies are bad for business. I mean, they're definitely not allowed in here. So anyway, ushers, yeah. So last week we had, or two weeks ago we had to throw a guy out. And so the ushers did a great job. I just want to appreciate you from the pulpit for that. And you mess with the bull, you get the horns. So that's kind of what happens. So anyway, and then the donations, we have a text giving number that's on the bottom of the page. If you want to text give, which I know this is crazy, technology or whatever, it's probably not that crazy, but there's a number you can just, if you just text whatever amount you want to give to that number, then all the stuff opens up and you're able to give that way. You can also give online if you want. And so that's it for announcements. Let's sing another song and we'll receive the offering. Oh yeah. Oh, good night. Good night, sorry. Wow, Pastor Thompson. Two weeks off just messes me up. All right, so Liberty had a birthday on the 15th and Cassia, we sing to her. Huh? What? Rylan, you failed me for the last time. People always call Liberty Kathleen Liberty, don't they? So it's Kathleen's birthday on the 15th. Rylan ran, where'd he go? Took off. All right, sorry about that. So it's Kathleen's birthday and how old is Kathleen? 12, oh, she almost knows everything. And then Bowie's birthday, is she here this morning? I don't think she's here this morning. Okay, we'll sing to her later. And so Steven, was your anniversary on the 14th? Or is that? Oh, it was, okay. All right, well happy anniversary to you. And then we got Alex and Annie on the 29th. So do you guys want us to sing to you now? Have you been married for how long now? A year, yeah, all right. They made it. Some people say that the first year is the best year and all this stuff, but sometimes it's not. So you just never know. So anyway, okay, we'll sing happy birthday to Kathleen. And we'll sing happy birthday, ready? Oh no, she's not. Where's Zekiah? See, okay, we'll just do it acapulco. All right, ready? Happy birthday to you. Whoo! Happy birthday to you. Whoo! Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. And Rylan's punishment for getting it wrong is execution, that'll be after the service. All right. And let's see, so yeah, we'll sing happy anniversary to Steven and also to Alex and Annie, all right? Let's sing happy anniversary, ready? Happy anniversary to you. Whoo! Happy anniversary to you. Whoo! God bless you and keep you. Happy anniversary to you. All right, we'll sing another song and then we'll sing it to y'all. All right, let's open our Bibles to Psalm 24. Psalm 24. Psalm 24. ["The Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness of the World"] Psalm 24 on that first verse. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof The world and they that dwell therein For he hath founded it upon the seas And established it upon the floods Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord For who shall stand in his holy place He that hath clean hands and a pure heart Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity Nor sworn deceitfully He shall receive the blessing from the Lord And righteousness from the God of his salvation This is the generation of them that seek him That seek thy face, O Jacob, see love Lift up your heads, O ye gates And be ye lift up ye everlasting doors And the King of glory shall come in Who is his King of glory The Lord strong and mighty The Lord mighty in battle Lift up your heads, O ye gates Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors And the King of glory shall come in Who is this King of glory The Lord of hosts He is the King of glory, Selah Man, good singing. Brother Sean, can you bless the offering for us? Lord, may he so much be with us today and with so much glory that you may come back to the household and the world to have a talking spirit, to have great hope to the Lord and pray that He is what happens to the mighty world of this offering. Please bless and gift to Him with a peace and a peace and a blessing. You You You You Right go and turn your Bibles to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 2nd Corinthians 11 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one 2nd Corinthians 11 2nd Corinthians 11 the Bible reads would to God you could bear with me a little in my folly and Indeed bear with me for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy For I have espoused he espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ But I fear lest by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtly So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit Which you have not received or another gospel, which you have not accepted you might belt might well bear with him For I suppose I was not a wit behind the very chiefest apostles But though I'd be rude in speech yet not in knowledge, but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things Have I committed an offense and a basing myself that you might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely I robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service and when I was present with you I wanted and was chargeable to no man For that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you And so will I keep myself as the truth of Christ is in me No, man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of the cave Wherefore because I love you not God knoweth But what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion That wherein they glory they may be found even as we for such are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness Whose end shall be according to their works? I say again let no man think me a fool if otherwise yet as a fool Receive me that I may boast myself a little That which I speak I speak it not after the Lord But as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting seeing that many glory after the flesh I will glory also For ye suffer fools gladly seeing ye yourselves are wise For he suffer if a man bring you into bondage if a man devour you if a man take of you if a man Exalt himself if a man smite you on the face. I speak as concerning reproach as though we had been weak How be it where and so ever is any bold I speak foolishly I am bold Also, are they Hebrews? So am I are they Israelites? So am I are they the seed of Abraham so am I are they the ministers of Christ? I speak as a fool. I am more in laborers more abundant and stripes above major In prisons more frequent in deaths oft of the Jews five time received. I forty stripes save one Thrice was I beaten with rods once I was stoned thrice I suffered shipwreck a night and a day I have been in the deep and Journeying often in perils of waters and perils of robbers and perils by mine own countrymen and perils by the heathen and perils in the city and perils in the wilderness and perils in the sea and perils among false brethren and weariness and painfulness and Watchings often and hunger and thirst and fastings often and cold and nakedness Besides those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily the care of all the churches who is weak Am I not weak who is offended and I burn not if I must needs glory I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities the God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ was blessed forevermore knoweth that I lie not in Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascans with the garrison desirous to apprehend me and Through a window in a basket. I was let down by the wall and escaped in his hands brother Travis. We pray for us You're working to your word Amen, all right well, I'm continuing my series of Kingdom of the cult I told you every once while I was going to preach another one And I'm still working on the cult of the latter-day Satan's or Mormonism So I barely scratched the surface, and I actually might probably preach another sermon about this so Basically, I just want to start Telling you and picking apart what the things that they say that they the things that they believe which are pretty nutty I only got three things that I want to share with you this morning, but let's look at verse number two in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 it says for I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy For I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ Let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much For this wonderful day and all the people that showed up this morning I pray you bless them for coming and I pray you bless this church Lord continuously help us to have our guard up concerning these false teachers and these false prophets that are amongst us and Lord the latter-day Saints so-called and these Mormons are Really just one of the worst if not the worst cult that we have to deal with when we're out soul winning and just in false doctrine in general and Lord they try to be like us they try to look like us they try to add things To try to sound like Christianity, but they're really not Lord. I pray you'd help me fill me with your spirit As I preach today in Jesus name we pray amen So in part one I covered the history of the Mormon Church You know to a certain extent and then how it got started and near the end of my sermon I covered Some of what they believe well Cover what they believe about salvation and I covered about a little bit about their baptism about their baptism the way because they believe that Baptism is the first part of being saved and so basically it kind of melds together there They also don't believe in eternal security, but they also believe everybody goes to heaven so it's kind of weird So I don't understand why they would say that everybody goes to heaven But then they'd say that you have to do everything you can you know? We have to You know do everything we can to strive to get to heaven But then you know I think it's kind of like this this level up game that they have Where they have the lower kingdom and though you don't even have to believe in Jesus according to them To be in this lower kingdom, and then there's a second one. That's not as good. Maybe you're just You're just you're not as good as the upper echelon that like is full-blown Mormon and does everything that they asked to do but It's true that they preach a false gospel I mean, they'll say the right things to keep you talking to them But really that it's really kind of a waste of time if someone actually says they're a missionary of the LDS church You're wasting your time trying to get them saved flat out so Here in verse number two where Paul says that he's jealous over them with a godly jealousy see Paul Got a lot of these people saved and what he doesn't want is these these Charlatans coming in and trying to pretend like you know they're Doing things for their good and trying to teach them all this new stuff, but in reality they're teaching them a false gospel They're teaching them a false spirit. They're teaching them a false Jesus, and that's you know I think that they're probably dealing more with the Jews at this time There I don't think the Mormons didn't start till 1820 so or something like that so anyway But nothing is a bigger nightmare than than thinking that someone from a false religion is trying to seduce your church members And this is what Paul is talking about. He's like hey, you know I want to present you to Christ as a chaste virgin I don't want you to be defiled so Paul's like basically saying I've married you to Christ You know But I want you to To be presented to him as a chaste virgin or none of this false doctrine gets into your brain None of these false teachers, you know pull you out of church And and and and do harm to your spiritual life So like God is jealous over us We see the man of God being jealous over his converts and fellow believers So there's nothing wrong with that You know and so if you want to help somebody that these are types of sermons that you can Show people and and help them if they're struggling with certain Types of beliefs you know because some not all Mormons are reprobate But you know I think a lot of them are but there's some that still get saved and so But you know what I hate more than anything is I hate watching Mormons try to Convert people and I was at Brandon and Nia's apartment complex not too long ago And it was dark, and I was trying to park across the street at the Goodwill And I saw these clowns talking to people they had like Two people were talking to this lady with her child, and then two other guys were talking to another guy And man it just enraged me like I wanted to just go over there and just start swinging But I can't do that because I'm a pastor so but they're false prophets You know in the millennial reign they'll get for us through with a dart They'll get stoned with stones God hates false prophets And I'll tell you what he hates those guys every time they try to lead somebody astray. He God hates that And so the Apostle Paul here is trying to keep his converts from being undefiled by their false religion You know what we need to keep our people From being undefiled by false religion because what is one of the things that they say that permeates throughout You know people just say this and even the Pope says it. We're all God's children Not true not true I'm not gonna repreech my sons of God sermon, but this is something the Mormons teach we're all sons of God We're all daughters of God. That's not true, and so you have to become a son of God by faith in Jesus Christ And so and so and these people are actually sons of the devil The children of the devil if they're going and preaching another gospel. They're accursed. Okay, so don't feel sorry for them They might look nice. They might dress nice. They might do nice things for you They have a smile on their face, but all that's fake they desire an occasion with you And that's why they act like that so and So number one this morning. I got three points only and I'm just gonna cover three other doctors three other doctrines I'll probably preach another sermon out of about the Mormons But because there's just so much stuff that they believe that's false that you know, I want to get it all out So but it says in verse 3 But I fear lest by any means the serpent as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. So what's the the main important thing? He's trying to say don't let somebody can corrupt your minds about the simplicity that's in Christ. It's easy to be saved It's easy all you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ The Bible says thou shalt be saved you get everlasting life as a free gift. You cannot lose it. That's simple, isn't it? God forgives all your sins that you've ever done the moment you trust in Christ So but look at the Paul brings up the serpent He's going back to the Garden of Eden and what's he talking about? Well, he's talking about the subtlety of the devil And so these people are subtle these children are subtle they act like him just like we're supposed to act like Christ Well, the devil's children act like him. And so what is the devil? He's subtle He came to Eve and beguiled her the Bible says in Genesis chapter 3 But again, these teachers are like their father the devil. He's a liar He's a murderer and he's you know, and these people might not be murdering people, but you know what they're doing. They're murdering souls They're making people too full more the child of hell than they are themselves and they're wicked So but say people can be corrupted by false doctrine. It is possible to get corrupted by false doctrine I mean just look at all the Baptists that believe in the preacher of rapture. I mean Good night. I mean they act like we're reprobates because we believe in a post-trip pre-wrath rapture But you know what? That's what the Bible teaches. So They've been corrupted who they get corrupted by John Nelson Darby Who was a devil he wrote his own? Translation of the Bible and took words out and added things to it And so the guy was a false prophet and then the pre-trip rapture that's kind of where that came from and dispensational ISM And all these doctrines are false doctrines that people that are actually saved believe so it is possibly saved and believe false doctrine so So, you know and being indifferent towards these false teachers is also being complicit with their wickedness Don't be like, oh I feel sorry for them because they're so nice. No, they're wicked. They look nice, but they're wicked So we shouldn't be indifferent towards and say oh, well, they're just kind of doing their own style of Christianity They're still Christians No, they're not You know what by the end of this sermon and hopefully by the end of last sermon you realize they are not Christians They are actually just fruit loops Honestly, they're so nutty, you know, they could be in a fruitcake They are just weird and they look at you with that kool-aid stare, you know what I'm talking about To me that doesn't seem nice to me. That just seems like hey, they got an agenda. They're trying to sneak under my radar They're trying to be subtle against me They're trying to be subtle against the people of God and you know I had this this Baptist preacher just came out who was supposedly an independent fundamental Baptist and said that he's converted to Mormonism. I Had a Mormon tell me one time that Mormons are the most or the Baptists are the most The the biggest denomination that converts to Mormonism. I Was just like I don't know if that's true or not. But then I saw this Baptist pastor I mean, there's no way the guy is saved Okay, so that's a case where I'd say, you know, they say they believe but look you don't have to believe You believe what their spirit is telling you if they convert from being an independent fundamental Baptist They were never saved if they go to be a Mormon. I'm sorry. That's not possible so Look at turn to Genesis chapter 3 while we're while we're kind of talking about how the subtlety of the devil works But Eve was deceived and because of that deception by the devil, you know and through Adam falling when he knew better Then we're all sinners because of that. So the subtlety of the devil is not to be underestimated So he has all these different religions that are corrupting people's minds that are corrupting people and subverting People and that's what the devil does best He's subtle and then he you know, he comes out and he says some subtle things and then he'll just say something That's a flat-out lie against God Look at verse 1 in Genesis chapter 3 It says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made And he said unto the woman yea hath God said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden So he's coming in with subtleties. Like did God say that you couldn't eat of every tree? You know and subtle is means making use of clever and indirect methods of achieving something So they're trying to be clever. They're trying to be indirect They go around and you got to watch out for people that do this to you there's people that do that to you also and they're trying to use subtlety and Cleverness and indirect methods to achieve something they plant little seeds in your mind Well, you know his pastor Thompson really qualified to be the pastor of this church, that's subtlety You know those types of things you got to watch out for you know, do you really believe that the sodomites can't be saved? You know, I mean So the devil just comes at you with these clever attempts and he'll do it through people You know because unsaved people he can control at his will The devil deceives the whole world the Bible says so it shouldn't be a big Surprise to us when people fall off because of subtlety and false doctrine being preached by these people So it says and verse 2 the woman said unto the serpent We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said you should not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said of the woman You shall not surely die. What's he saying there? He's called God a liar That's what he's saying and so every time you a Mormon tells you one of their stinking lies they're lying against God and When they say that they believe the same thing that you do and they're Christians also those are lies So if anybody calls God a liar for anybody calls the Bible, you know say the Bible's lying Then they're a false. They're a false teacher. They're a false prophet and the devil that's his game plan He wants to make you doubt the Word of God what it says whether it's true or not. He likes to twist the Bible What what does the Bible say in the New Testament that they twist the scriptures? They they want to twist those scriptures in order to get you to fall off They would twist the scriptures to their own destruction, right? So that's that's what the children of the devil like to do Look at verse 5 it says for God doth know that in the day you eat thereof Then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods Knowing good and evil. So what's the devil's ultimate game plan to let you know? You could be like you can be a god and what is the Mormons big big hook? They won't say it out loud to people at the doors. But if you ask him, they'll tell you You know, they believe that they become gods of their own planet someday. And so That's super weird, isn't it because I thought there was only one God but anyway Yeah, that's what they teach. And so they believe in multiplicity of gods. They just they don't like the word You know, they don't like to to say that they believe in many different gods, but they but they do They do and if you ask them, they'll tell you the truth So subtlety has worked has been working for Satan for six thousand over six thousand years on religions I mean he what did he do? He offered Eve something, you know how people say well they made a deal with the devil Well, she kind of did make a deal with the devil didn't she she's like, well we could be like gods Okay, well I'll eat it and that's what they that's what these people do. That's what the devil does. That's how he works It's been working on rock stars pretty good, right? I'll make you the best-selling album for the rap album or whatever and they and and they they get that but then they don't Realize that the devil of the details is that you're gonna die early You're gonna you know, you're gonna these people that want to be famous and want to be rich and all this stuff There's the devil doesn't care about them He gives them what they asked for and sometimes people don't ask for enough and then he just kills them off or whatever But the devil has been making deals with people for a long time movie stars You know people that love their own selves and just love money And love fame and fortune all these people are famous for a reason and it's and it's not because God made them famous that way Because God would rather have television destroyed I'm sure and all this radio garbage and all this music all this worldly Hip-hop and this music that Satan just outwardly satanic. It's so weird. How many people like comments on that tool? Video that we have and people just love him and so he's not satanic You don't know the story about his mom. I don't care. He is satanic If you come out on a rock and your face is painted and you have a sports bra on and you're a guy With with fake breasts, you're a weirdo Okay, and he sings about satanic stuff He sings about all kinds of say he's totally satanic just because he doesn't have to make up on anymore or whatever He has a wine, you know distillery or something doesn't matter. He's a satanic. He's one of the sons of the devil So, you know these this this trick has been played over and over again because you know we're so goable to the things that Satan wants to put into our lives and you know, obviously we can't be Possessed by the devil or things like that because greater see that is in you than he is in the world So God's Spirit would overpower the devil and never allow him to possess us in that way But Mormons believe that they will become a god of their own world if they do all the steps and all the levels It's like a it's like a false prophet pyramid scheme, you know So, you know as long as you do all this and all that and do everything that they ask and get married in The temple with your magic underwear and all this other stuff Then you are on your way to becoming your own God And so it's funny how they when you get him talking about it how they'll admit it. They'll just go. Oh, yeah You know, it's so weird that they're racist and then you have people Dark skin defending, you know the Mormon Church. It's like they literally believe that Cain was marked with a mark That and that was black skin. That's what they believe and they say if they they they preach against Mixing races, which we don't believe in that But race mixing that if you have one Drop of Negro blood as they said that you your children are cursed. I mean, it's like the things that they believe are just unbelievably stupid and Wicked, I mean they've been they taught you couldn't have if you're a black you couldn't have the priesthood till like 1974 or something but All sudden they had a revelation that changed if I knew that there was ever that belief I would never join a church like that But you know who they go after the Pacific Islanders are big-time, you know people they go after I just I just it just bothers me Like how can you be a part of a thing that hates? The color of your skin and thinks that you're of the mark of Cain anyway, um, so They also believe that God was once like we are And I think in the past that they've taught that Adam was actually God the Father and that Jesus was his literal son They teach a lot of weird stuff and they've had all these apostles Well, look if your apostles saying something different than what it said at the beginning of yours new religion Then and then then you just discard that with the next prophet. That's not that's not something that You know It's like the Jehovah's Witnesses how they said that Jesus is coming back in this year and that year and that year They were just false. That's what it means to be a false prophet It's to make false prophecies or to teach wicked things about God and then then someone else it doesn't come to pass or it's not true That means they're a false prophet so they say God was once like we are and we can become like he is they call God the Father Elohim and They believe in trillions of gods literally trillions of gods. Let me Read you some things from Brigham Young My name Brigham Young And I got this on a website so but it's pretty interesting. So here's what here's what? What the website says it says a very puzzling primordial position of Mormonism for Christians is that the belief that many inhabited worlds and planets existed before God created our world as emphasized in the Pearl of Great Price's book of Abraham 3 Chapter 3 verse 1 through 10 and that's by the way where the star base Kolob was invented also in this false scripture that they have and Says were also inhabited by gods This is what oh, excuse me. Mormon is also believes that these innumerable worlds Or kingdoms were also inhabited by gods. This is what bring Brigham Young taught The second Mormon president and prophet states this how many gods How many gods are there? I do not know. I Mean that's their prophet But there never was a time when there was not gods and worlds and when men were not passing through the same ordeals Mortality that we are now passing through that course Has been from all eternity and it is and will be to all eternity So he says how many gods are there? I don't know Trillions probably I don't know bring Brigham Young Even goes further and declares that there were not only many gods on these planets, but also multiple redeemers So not only they believe that there's gods all on every different planet, but they also believe there's multiple redeemers so different Christ's That's wicked There's only one God. There's only one Jesus Christ There's not multiple redeemers. It's like they believe in that. That's almost like, you know space alien type stuff That's like Star Trek or something. That's so weird Every earth has its Redeemer he says and every earth has its tempter So there's Devils that tempt there's Redeemers, you know, and they believe that God the Father Elohim is Based next to this place called Kolob and he has many plurality of wives that Continuously make spirit babies for him that sound like fun ladies to be the one of the many wives of Your husband and that you continuously make spirit babies So and then with their racism stuff they say that you know If you're a good if you're a good spirit, baby, you're born with white skin if you're a bad spirit, baby You're born with black skin So that's how wicked they are if you're like in between maybe you're kind of maybe you're on the second level of heaven that They believe in or something. I don't know But they say that the wider you are the more delights and you are what they call them white and delight some if you're white So somebody some people in here are pretty why they must be pretty pretty holy here. So I I need some Sun y'all. No, I'm just kidding But it says there's every earth habits has its tempter every earth has its Redeemer and Every earth the and the people thereof in their turn in time receive all that we receive and pass through all the ordeals That we are passing through Although Mormonism does not like the word polytheism because it too closely Reflects a pagan worldview. Yeah, it does There is no doubt that latter-day saints believe in the eternal reality of a plurality of gods That's what they believe. That's what their second prophet said Mormonism also believes that Jesus Christ under the direct authority of Father God Created not only this earth but also many other worlds for the future humans who would progress into gods to inhabit and fill with spirit children so it also in opposition to every branch and denomination of Christianity Mormonism promotes a theory that a Council of gods organized the universe out of an independent internal physical matter instead of creating the world out of nothing like the Bible actually does teach Joseph Smith and his famous 1844 King Follett funeral sermon During a church conference near the end of his life Expounded on the idea that God organized the universe out of pre-existing chaotic matter So he's saying before God made anything that there was pre-existing chaotic matter and that that's how the world was made you asked to learn doctor his this is a quote from Joseph Smith you asked to learn of doctors Why they say the world was made out of nothing and they will answer doesn't the Bible say he created the world They infer from the world create from the word create that it must have been made of nothing Now the word create came from the word Beyaro, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right. I don't even know it's a real word Which does not mean to create of nothing it means to organize the world out of chaos Chaos matter which is element and in which dwells all the glory element had an existence from the time he had Okay Peer the pure principles of element can never be destroyed They may be organized and reorganized but not destroyed. They had no beginning and have no end Is that true? No, the Bible says in the beginning The first words in the whole Bible so like from the first words the whole Bible they're against everything that God is teaching this ridiculous thing that you can become your own God and You're gonna have spirit babies forever and whatever and then there'll be a Redeemer and you'll be God the father of your own planet Does this sound like Christianity to you or does it sound like it's the ravings of a nutcase? You want me to be nice to these people it's not gonna happen I'm not gonna be like Ravi Zacharias and get up and not preach a whole sermon against them Just preach just I mean he's might as well been with them because he was just like a bunch of he's a devil He pretty he like read one scripture verse in that thing and then like talk for two hours or something That's not preaching. That's not apologetics so Anyway, I got Ravi on my mind because he's such a wicked devil Does anybody hear that, you know the whole reports come out against them and he raped women and did all this Wicked things and people are sickened by it But there's still people coming on that sermon page and saying you're so mean You know, you don't know if Ravi repented at the last second and all this stuff. It's just like are you kidding me? These disciples of Ravi Zacharias are coming and challenging me on my page after and they're just like well He was just like King David, you know, you got to give him a break. How dare you judge him like that? He was not anything like King David King David was a man after God God's own heart Ravi Zacharias was a man after the devil's own heart So The LDS doctrine is made clear by Brigham Young I keep calling him Brigham Young because that's he was a pervert, you know To assert that the Lord made the earth out of nothing is preposterous and impossible God never made something out of nothing What blasphemy is this? So look the Mormons are they've they're very clear. It's very clear They don't believe in legit Christianity what they do is replace our God the real God With a fake God and they call everything the same thing. They call it they say baptism They say saved they say grace They say all these other things that are like keywords for Christians They say that to trick you to hook you to get you in and then once they got their hooks into you they teach you all the false doctrine and make you twofold more the child of hell than they are themselves and Their wicked temples are filled with Masonic sim, you know symbols and the things that they do in secret Why are they doing all that stuff in secret? Why can't it be put out Jesus said what I say to you in the ear preach on the housetops So why is why do you have secret things going on in your church? It's pretty weird The article goes on to say if God simply organized the world as taught by Mormonism Then God does not actually transcend the natural universe But is Imminent within it According to Mormonism God oversaw the organization of the world but not but is not the single infinite and absolute creator of the physical Universe as taught in Christianity blasphemy What is even more confusing is that the LDS scriptural book pearl of great price? States that many gods Anticipated in the organization of our universe I mean these people would make Hindus blush about how many gods that they think there are and Hindus believe in millions of gods. So Look, they you know, they went down at the beginning and they and these supposed gods they went down at the beginning and They that is the gods organized and formed the heavens and the earth So they're just flat-out saying that God didn't create the heavens and the earth by himself. It was a plurality of gods We only believe in one God The Bible only teaches one God, you know, and they say they're King James only and they're so proud of that But it's as they interpret it. It's not how the Bible reads So they just interpret whatever whatever it goes against their theology They just say well, that's you know, that's doesn't really mean that it means something else Grace, you know, we're saved by grace or faith after all that we can do That's what they say After all that we can do so is that not adding to the Word of God So when they teach this stuff, they're not only teaching Blasphemy and a false gospel, but they're also teaching, you know, they're at they're adding to the Word of God They're teaching things that were added to God's Word Which is super wicked and God has a place for you if you're one of those people to do that These people are total whack jobs Okay, they're not I mean and look they took they they go door to door they go two by two They're one of the only groups that do that them and the Jehovah's Witnesses and I've seen Seventh-day Adventists like sell books before But that's the only people I've ever seen out soul winning, you know And you know how they do why they do that because they get converts that way But they're just different kinds of converts. They're the converts that Judas would have made so They're too. They're just children of hell But they look like they're doing something biblical because it is biblical to go door to door and knock on people's doors and try to get Them saved, but they're not getting them saved They're telling them trust the burning in your bosom that you feel right now. It's like Satan's like You know, they you know pray about this and pray and if you feel burning in your bosom, then you know, that's true We don't trust feelings to get saved people. We trust the Word of God We don't trust our little warm and fuzzy feeling, you know, just because you got heartburn doesn't mean that the Jehovah's Jehovah's Witnesses are right or I mean the Mormons are right The Book of Mormon is right Pray and ask if the Book of Mormon is right and then the devil is gonna come and make you feel a warm fuzzy feeling but people trust in feelings and that's the problem that people stop trusting the Word of God a long time ago and look if You get away from this book, then you're on sinking sand Any religion that's that's they claim that they're biblical but then they have an additional Bible that's sinking sand. That's not true So look at Isaiah 43 verse 10 I know I kind of went on for a long time with that but Isaiah 43 verse 10 What's the Bible say about this plurality of God's? God's very clear that there's only one God. Okay only one God Isaiah 43 10 this is actually the verse that the Jehovah's Witnesses use to say that that you know, they put Jehovah there And in the in the verses but this is what the Bible says Isaiah 43 10 You're my witnesses saith the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen That you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me There was no God formed got that Mormons no God formed before him No, God formed neither shall there be after me Alright, so anybody that's that's trusting in this religion You can't become like God because there's no God's gonna be formed after him there was no gods before him Lying devils There was no God formed neither shall there be after me I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Savior There's no Redeemer on other planets. There's only one Redeemer and he's on and he was on this planet Turn to Isaiah 43 verse 11. I mean, excuse me 40 44 verse 6 Isaiah 44 verse 6 and you point this out to the job as witnesses and they're just like The Jehovah's Witnesses will say that Jesus is a Savior But then these verses that they use as their springboard to their verses that actually where they say that they're the witnesses They say behind besides Jehovah's no Savior is Jesus the Savior in the New Testament or is he not and They will admit that and they don't really change that verse. So that's a good one to use for Jehovah's Witnesses Well that sermon will come later. All right, Isaiah 44 verse 6 thus saith the Lord the king of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I'm the last and beside me there is no God and Who as I shall call and shall declare it and set it in order for me? Since I appointed the ancient people and the things that are coming and shall come let them show unto them Fear ye not neither be afraid Have not I told The that are excuse me have not I told thee from that time and have declared it You're my witnesses you even are my witnesses. Is there a God beside me if God's asking a question Yay, there is no God. I know not any That's pretty clear, isn't it? So the the Mormons with their job with their King James Bible They should be able to read that verse and it's very clear as day there's no gods formed before him No gods formed after him turn to Isaiah 45 verse 18 Isaiah 45 verse 18 Bible says for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens The Lord created the heavens not plurality of God's God himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it He created it not in vain. He formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is none else Skip down to verse 21 Tell ye and bring them near yay Let them take counsel together who hath declared this from ancient time who hath told me from that time Have not I the Lord and there is no God beside or else beside me a just God and a Savior There is none beside me. I mean God's being pretty specific, isn't he? Yeah Look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is what none else That's mic drop right there. There is no plurality of gods that helped create the heavens in the earth God created the heavens in the earth And there is none else beside him. There's no gods gonna be formed after him He's the only God there is and he's the only God there ever will be Turn to Mark chapter 12 verse 29 Mark chapter 12 verse 29 The Bible says in Mark verse 12 or chapter 12 verse 29 It says in Jesus answered him the first of all the commandments is hero Israel The Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all Thy mind with all thy strength. This is the first commandment and The second is like namely this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself There is none other commandment greater than these so how many gods is the Bible say there is one and Then we're supposed to love our neighbors as ourself, you know, if they would just catch on to this Then they'd be doing alright But you know, they're saying all that they can become my gods And that's false. It's false doctrine proved wrong seven ways of Sunday But it says that thou shalt love thy neighbor as ourself. So when they go to the door, they're not loving their neighbor as ourselves They're bringing a false gospel So they're hating their neighbor Like they should hate themselves because they're so misguided and it's not just being misguided They're wicked false teachers desiring occasion. That's what they want an occasion. Can I talk to you? Can I talk to you about this? Can I talk to me? Can you feel the burning? Can you you know? They want an occasion to try to overthrow people's faith or try to get people that are already on the wrong path You know to be a Mormon and so obviously if you're a saved born-again believer, you're not gonna convert to Mormonism Ridiculous because what they believe is so far out of the realm of Christianity. How could it even be compared? Like as an independent Baptist that's sad to me to hear the Baptist I didn't say back independent Baptist but Baptist There's a lot. There's 50,000 Southern Baptist Convention churches and so they've really gone off the deep end a long time ago But that is that Baptist is the biggest denomination in this country. That's a fact so number two The Book of Mormon teaches another testament the Book of Mormon teaches Another testament look at back in our text that we started at in verse number four second Corinthians 11 verse number four Bible says for if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus And we have not preached or if you receive another spirit, which we have not received or another gospel Which you have not accepted you might bear with him So look there's people that are out there preaching another Jesus They're preaching another spirit, and they're also preaching another gospel So do the Mormons preach the same Jesus that we do know do they preach the same Holy Spirit that we do know Do they preach the same gospel that we do know they teach another testament they teach That the Joseph Smith that the world was so bad that the churches were so bad they were abominations before God They say that and then they said that Joseph Smith You know God the Father and Jesus came to Joseph Smith and told him that all the other churches are bad And you need to start your own Church another Testament and so the Book of Mormon is basically what they call another testament of Jesus Do we need another testament of Jesus? No, we don't Galatians 1 ain't and they also said that they got it from you know the angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith and Taught him all this stuff and showed him where the magic stones were and all that stuff the necromancy and all the stuff that he was into Which is probably just all made up you know But it says in Galatians 1 8 But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto than that which we have preached let unto you let him Be accursed so God Says hey if even if it's an angel if it's the Apostles if it's your own pastor if I preach Some other gospel then you've heard me preach before let me be accursed So if I go bad, which I'm not going to because I'm saved and I believe the right gospel But I'm just saying that there are people like Billy Graham Who would seem to preach the right gospel and people say attack me on that too about the Billy Graham sermon? I'll be like Billy preached the right gospel. You're wrong. You're you better be careful You're gonna be the one that ends up in hell. That's what they say to me all the time, too It's like dude you believe you believe you can lose your own salvation. I don't believe that But look the angel an angel supposedly went to Muhammad and preached another gospel to him too, and that's another major religion that is out there But you know it's it's weird that an angel from you know It's an angel from heaven well just because they're for an angel from heaven doesn't mean that they're a good angel Because the all the angels were at one point in heaven and they out and some of them fell a third of them Fell so it might seem like they came from heaven But if they're teaching you something false Don't believe them like if an angel walked in here looked like an angel of light, and it said hey Your pastor's teaching a false gospel. He just stood right there Your pastor's teaching a false gospel. It's by works. He's wrong You know would you believe the angel or would you believe me? Because what's important is what the Bible says it's not what an angel says. It's not what someone says out of their mouth people get mad because we condemn people and We have to because of what they say doesn't match what the Bible says then they're wrong and So the Bible is way more like Peter said he saw the transfiguration, but he said that we have a shirt more sure word of prophecy You know Peter. What was he sent? What was Peter saying? I know that my eyes saw this for sure and the other apostles saw it too But you know what's more a more sure word is that the fact that it says it in the Bible That's better than believing what you believe with your eyes because can't people trick you with things with your eyes I mean have you ever seen a magician perform? Like how did he do that? Well? He's tricking you He's tricking your eyes into believing you know that the cards on it and some of those magicians I mean to me it seems like they might be possessed that's a whole nother sermon for another time, but Look at Deuteronomy chapter I'll just read for you Deuteronomy chapter 4 look turn or Turn to Revelation chapter 22 verse 18 and Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2. It says you should not add unto the word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that you may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you so in Deuteronomy chapter 4 you say hey Listen don't add unto what I've said don't add to the word of God You just do exactly what I said and don't diminish out from that means don't take anything away from it We're not supposed to add or take away anything to this book. It's wicked and In second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 says, but we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God, but as of sincerity But as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ We don't corrupt the Word of God Christians aren't to corrupt the Word of God so if anybody tampers with this book They have the curse of God upon them if they add another testament to the book of Revelation Revelation the book is over folks Genesis is the beginning Revelation is the end we don't believe that there's any secret books out there that could be added to the Word of God This is the Word of God God promised to preserve it from this generation forever Okay So you're in Revelation 22 verse 18 What's it say for I testify unto every man that here at the words of this the prophecy of this book if any man shall Add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and From the things which are written in this book So the moment Joseph Smith took his pen and started to write another testament He had the curse of God upon his life, and he instantly became a reprobate Do you understand that there's no way that Joseph Smith or any of his people in his churches are even saved Unless somebody got saved at a Baptist Church And they're just going for their wife's sake or going for their husband's sake because they're compromised Then I could see where that would happen, but there's nobody getting saved by their door-to-door ministry You know why because God said that if they add to the book They're done and so the pearl of great price and and all and the and the book of Abraham and all this other stuff It's all a bunch of trash It's not legit and no don't start talking to me about the book of Enoch either that book is retarded so You know there's not no such thing as 450 foot tall Giants. Okay. We've already covered that before so I'll back off here But look if you add to God's Word if you say this is another testament. It's an addition to this book You're done. God's done with you God's gonna add to the plagues that are written in this in the book of Revelation If you add to those words or you take away anything from it. God's done with you So God was already done with Joseph Smith the moment He started you know looking at those the hat at this at the silly stones or whatever He was looking at the fake things that he was doing He's just trying to make his own religion prop up what he wanted to do And what do all false prophets want to do go after strange flesh? They want to make a lot of money go after strange flesh and deceive as many people as they can before they go to hell themselves so Now speaking of going to hell when Joseph Smith He was arrested and put into a jail with a couple other people one of them was his brother And you know Joe, so there's a mob that came to kill him You know why they want to kill him it wasn't because of what he was teaching this so they maybe it was But he was going around stealing other people's wives He was going around marrying other people's wives and some of them were little girls the guy was a pervert So But he was also a Mason and all the Mormons at that time were Masons And if you don't know what Masons are they're basically a satanic cult that ran in this country for many many years They're still around But like I think that they basically accomplished what they wanted to accomplish they needed to accomplish for the devil They're really not a big thing anymore. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but if you if you go to any town I'll tell you this if you go to any town any small podunk town Anywhere in this state or anywhere in it. You know you're gonna find a Masonic Lodge there they're a cult they snuck in underneath the radar Satan's subtlety and You know everything to do with this country They've they had lots to do with the founding of this country also, but that's another sermon also But Joseph, there's a sign for Masons when they're in distress And they're supposed to wave their arms up and down three times, and then they're supposed to say oh Lord my God have mercy on the widow's son and when they say that Masons are supposed to stop Going after you and they're supposed to help you as long as they're not putting their own life at risk so there's 200 men that rushed this jail that he was in and He he tried you know people say well. He jumped out the window Well I've heard other accounts where he was at the window And he was trying to wave his hands up and he started he said oh Lord my God And then so they just shot him so he never got the chance to say the rest of what he needed to say And then he fell and he out the window, and then they shot him again while he was dead So just for good measure So he didn't get a chance to say all the magic words that he needed to say to have the Masons help him But I guess the other guy, and I forgot what his name was but he was a big Mormon guy, too But he did say it at the top of the stairs, and they didn't kill him for that reason It was Taylor last maybe somebody else. I don't know, but I know they killed his brother They shot him in the face instantly killed him. He's like. I'm dying. Yeah, you're dying forever and ever so Anyway, so Joseph Smith. You know he his other testament is a bunch of garbage, and it doesn't even make sense You know he just faked like there's a book of ether you know like he has all these names that sound like names of Bible characters and the hill of Gomorrah was a Gomorrah the hill of Gomorrah is where the the plates were supposedly buried well I wonder where he got that from I Mean the guy was just a charlatan, but you know he tried he made this other testament But do we need a New Testament after we've already have we we are living in the New Testament This is the New Testament right here And why would we need another one when Jesus died for us? You know for everything that we've ever done, so let's look at a couple verses, and I'll show you That we don't need a New Testament and Joseph Smith Didn't need to make a New Testament, and there's no reason for us to accept another testament at our front door You know I like the way that Anthony does it he sees if he can preach in the gospel and then when they Lie and pretend like they're listening to him and at the end of it when they don't want to receive what he says he just says Can I see that can I see that book of Mormon? And he goes It's a good trick Anthony Sorry, I hope I didn't give away your your secrets there, but I Think it's funny. You know he tried. He tries to get him safe They don't want to accept it. You know so he just shreds that stupid piece of garbage And throw dude like rip it all up, or do you just rip it in half I? Like to live vicariously through Anthony sometimes So in Hebrews chapter 7 22 says by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better Testament and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death But this man because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable Priesthood there's nothing you're not going to change anything after Christ has already done the work Hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 you can turn Turn there. I just have a couple of verses. I want to show you before we move on to the last point Hebrews chapter 8 6 says, but now hath he ordained a more excellent Ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant Which was established upon better promises see Jesus Changed the old testament and because he was he was bringing a more excellent ministry And he was bringing a better covenant and no more having to sacrifice animals And go to on the Sabbath day and all this other stuff And you know he he basically died for everybody sins and established that better covenant Hebrews chapter 10 verse 10 And this is the one that just knocks it out of the park here by the which we are Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all once for all dispensationalists Once for all anybody that thinks that you have to add works onto your salvation at any time Christ did one sacrifice and it was once for all No matter what Dispensation people think they're in I know that these guys aren't dispensationalist But it just drives me crazy that people would say that yeah You there there's like a mix of works, and you know and faith at the same time That's the only way you can be saved in the tribulation. That's a lie straight out of the pit of hell Anybody that teaches that I would say is probably not saved so Because they're teaching a false gospel aren't they so so look God already gave us a better Testament it was the one that Jesus made we don't need Testament of Joseph Smith, you know the way he went to the Jesus went to the Native Americans I'll bring that up in the next sermon. That's that's another crazy thing that they believe but anyway so number one We cannot become gods number two the Book of Mormon is a fraud okay and number three Mormons preach another gospel door to door another gospel so look back in our text at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 4 It says he that cometh Preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit, which we have not received or another gospel Which you have not accepted now skip down to verse 12 It says, but what I do that I will do that I might cut off occasion From them which desire occasion you see that they're desiring this occasion and Paul said you know what I want to cut that occasion off Let me tell you what these clowns believe what let me tell you What they're saying they're preaching another Jesus they're preaching another spirit, and they're preaching another gospel It's lies and Paul says hey, I want to cut that occasion off let me tell you about these wicked people It says such are false It says such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ That's what false religions do and the ones that try to say that they're Christian are the most dangerous one because you're not gonna Go and worship these Hindu gods that have these weird crazy faces, and you know six arms or whatever You're not gonna worship that and you know most Christians are not gonna go after even the Catholic Church Because of how weird that they are But you know what when they're knocking doors When they're using the King James Bible When they're dressed like me or you guys out there when they're dressed like the ladies dress in our church That there's an appeal to that There's an appeal to people with that kind of stuff they say well, they're kind of just like them, and if they don't know anything They're gonna find that occasion and try to scoop people in with that kind of stuff And then they just bring the Book of Mormon on them right so that it says In verse 12 again. It says that they which desire occasion that wherein they glory They may be found even as we what do they want to do they want to be like us They want us to think that they're like us Accepted like we are You see that's very subtle That's how they operate and it says in verse 14 and no Marvel Don't like think that this is some crazy thing that just Doesn't happen no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light We picture Satan as this you know this Red devil with horns and pitchfork and a long tail right I Don't know how you picture him, but that's not how he appears to people He appears to people like an angel of light It appears to people like someone that's there to help Oh Eve. You can become like a god Here try this fruit. It's fine. God just lied to you He just doesn't want you to know the secrets that we know let me tell you the real secrets that are going on That's what the Mormons do let me tell you the real secrets of Christianity guess what Our God lives on the star-based Kolob, and he makes spirit babies 24-7 do you want to be a spirit baby mama? I? mean Let's let's baptize people for the dead Come on. It'll be fun Let's do some genealogy studies who doesn't like to do that. I mean This is how they trick people you know some of that I mean I like studying genealogy stuff, but the Bible says to avoid genealogies doesn't it? So they study genealogies, but the Bible says to avoid them They study him for what so they can say well if there was a Mormon in their family then we can Baptize them for the dead so that they can go to heaven too, and so that's their like a secondary mission that they do So we shouldn't marvel about these things any religion that we're gonna study any religion that I'm gonna preach again This is something that you need to understand is that Satan is transformed into an angel of light That's how he appears to them. That's how they receive him Even Hindus, but there are Hindus their gods kind of get a little crazy, but look at these gods that the Mormons promote Multiplicity of gods God didn't really create everything it was a bunch of different ones There's gods and all these different planets and guess what if you wear the magic underwear and get married in the temple You one day can become God, too It's ridiculous. There's only one God. I think I proved that pretty Intensely there. I'm gonna read Galatians 1 6 I'm gonna have you turn to Romans 16 Galatians 1 6 says I marvel You're so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another? But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ That's who the Jehovah I mean the Mormons are that's who the Jehovah's Witnesses are there are people that That desire an occasion and they want to pervert the gospel, and it's really not another gospel. It's a false gospel And it's and and then Romans 16 verse 17 where I had you turn it says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause division divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them So when you see them out on the streets, and you see that little badge that says elder mark them What does that mean identify them? And it says they cause division contrary to the doctrine which you have learned avoid them You know unless it's telling them to go to hell or ripping their Mormon book in half then avoid them You know we shouldn't just sit there and Get in arguments with them because look they're stopping you from getting to the door that you need to get to That's what their purpose is Because they won't sit there and pretend like they believe everything like oh, I'm getting through to this guy He's listening to everything. I say he's agreeing with me, and then at the end. They're like James 2 yeah You know they bring up all this other stuff at the very end after you've already preached some gospel You think you're getting through to him how many people have actually preached the gospel to a Mormon the full gospel and They like did they turn the tables on you and so many times over oops That's what they want to do they want to waste your time Don't let them waste your time today because usually when I preach a sermon like this we run into a bunch of Mormons you know we run into a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses the Bible says mark them and avoid them and Reject them after the second admonition in the book of Titus reject them Don't go past two you know and get rid of them Maybe if it's your last or and you want to toy with them for a while You know I don't have a problem with that, but you want to tell them that Joseph Smith is roasting in hell I don't have a problem with that. It's true You know if you got like one time me and Ryan went to this door And I was kind of like this is before we started the church It's a long time ago, and it was like a 70 year old Mormon guy, and he said and Ryan's like you know Joseph Smith's roasted in hell, and you know I just thought cuz like he'd already rejected the gospel and then afterwards I was like oh, man. You're kind of harsh with them, and he was like he's like yeah well You know he's he's a river bait. He's 70 years old he rejected the gospel You know do you think someone else from a Baptist Church is gonna come and preach the gospel to that guy Probably not that was probably the once and only chance Before he goes to the jumbotron in heaven. You know just kidding Look the Bible says these people are out there It says in 2nd John chapter 1 verse 7 it says for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess that Jesus Christ is coming as Who confessed that Jesus Christ come to the flesh this is a deceiver and Antichrist these guys are anti-christ Okay, they're deceivers. They enter into the world and all they want to do is deceive people and They're anti-christ 2nd John 9 1 through 11 9 through 11 so turn there real quick. We'll end here 2nd John 9 So When people when Mormons come to your door, and I know that probably everybody's had their time where they're like well I'm gonna try to give them the gospel Like these are false prophets coming to your door Your chance to rebuke them is there you know I used to try to I've never gotten a Mormon save that came to my door that I try to give the gospel to I've never gotten a Jehovah's Witness save that came to my door try to give the gospel to him You know why because I was probably violating these scriptures But why don't we just believe what God says look what it says whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son if there come any unto you and Bring not this doctrine receive him not in your house. Do not invite the Mormons into your house Do not invite the Jehovah's Witnesses into your house ever I That is something I've never done okay, cuz I read this verse when I was newly saved And I you know I just I will not let them in my house I would talk to him on their porch on the porch, but I won't talk to him at the house and so it says Neither says bring not the bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him. Godspeed That what's that like God bless you. Have a great day. Do not bless them They're false prophets Because why would why why God's saying why? For he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds. Do you want to be a Jehovah's Witness today? Do you want to be a Mormon today when they come to your door do not let them in? Do not say God bless you have a good day that is being part You're partaking of their evil deeds and acting like hey, God bless you because what you're doing is good. No, it's not good So that would probably say get out of here you're sending people to hell you false prophets That would probably be a better thing to say, right? We are not to invite Mormons into our home or any other false religion that's trying to convert us at our front door Because why because we'll be partaker of their evil deeds, so they're preaching a false gospel They're preaching a false Jesus. They're preaching a false spirit. They're preaching a false God the Father. They're preaching a false Bible So why would we allow them to come into our home? Don't do it The Bible is warning you right here not to do that. Why because they're accursed They're accursed from God because they're preaching a false gospel. It's pretty simple So I'm gonna end here and I will preach another sermon, you know sometime in the future I think I took like a month or maybe longer to preach this one. So anyway, I'm not gonna preach them every week. So Number one we cannot become God Number two the Book of Mormon is a fraud there. We don't need another testament number three They preach the Mormons preach another gospel door-to-door and we should not bid them Godspeed We should not invite them in our home. Let's pray Lord We thank you so much for this wonderful day And we pray Lord that as we go out and do battle in the highways and the hedges Lord help us to understand That we're not these people's friends. They want to send people to hell and Lord we should rebuke them and Avoid them and and not try to sit there and get people saved that are false prophets in Jesus name. We pray. Amen Get your blue handles out and turn to page 370 370 will sing our last song Christ is all I need page 370 You Christ is all I need on the first Christ is all I need Christ is all I need Christ is all I need He was crucified, for me He died, on Calvary, that He loved me so. This is why I know Christ is all I need. Man, thanks for coming out this morning. Hope to see you out some morning. Back here at 3.30 for our evening service. Brother Ryan, can you end us with a word of prayer?