(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen the verse I want to focus on this morning or in Galatians 1 verse 6 through 10 the Bible reads in verse 1 I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel, which is not another But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel Unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed So if anybody preaches another gospel Then that which we've received What are we what are they to God they're a curse the Bible says and the curse means that they're damned to hell Okay Verse 9 as we said before so say I now again, so he said it before he's saying it again If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which you have received let him be accursed for now For do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men? I should not be the servant of Christ And see the thing is is that there's a gospel out there that does please men and that gospel is a works-based Salvation it's in every religion in the world and it's even crept into Christianity to the point that people believe that it takes works to be saved and You know I'm gonna get more into that but today. I'm preaching a sermon An entire sermon against just a man, and he's a false prophet He's definitely a false prophet a man That's an heretic and a false prophet and against his ministry his name is John MacArthur anybody ever heard of him hurt raise your hand if you've heard of John MacArthur Okay His ministry is called grace to you, and he gets the name of his ministry from this chapter in Galatians 1 We'll look at verse 3 it says grace be to you see, but his his ministry is called grace to you So there see that B right there see how it's in italics So he doesn't believe that that's part of the Word of God So he just salt calls it grace to you instead of grace be to you Okay, and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ So he gets the name of his you know and obviously Paul says this in a lot of his different epistles Grace be to you But now like I said his great his ministry is called grace to you But what it really should be called is hell to you because that's what he's promoting because His his gospel is a false gospel And he proudly displays it on his website if you look up the terms lordship salvation You're gonna come up with grace to you, and it'll say what John MacArthur believes about lordship salvation It'll say that he believes you have to repent of all your sins and all this other stuff But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself So the title of my sermon this morning is really Simple and easy to remember the title of my sermon is called John MacArthur go to hell John MacArthur go to hell. Let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father We thank you Lord for the scriptures Lord And I pray Lord that people would hear me and not just tune me out and think man this guy's hateful But Lord you hate false prophets, and I pray that the Bible would clearly show that today and Lord I think it already has in Galatians 1 spray you put your spirit upon me Lord. Help me to preach boldly and help me to Lord just expound on the scriptures as you'd have me to do in Jesus name amen So I'm gonna be actually using grace to use own They have a website and you know he it's got tons It's he's a really big into websites And he has all the sermons recorded just like we might have in our movement but I'm gonna use his own words and things he said personally, and I'm gonna compare those things to what the Word of God says Let's see Whether he's a false prophet because me just saying it doesn't make it so does it so we got to see what what? Does this man believe? So well, let's just check it out. Okay. I'm just gonna read a little blurb about Who John MacArthur is okay, he was born in 1939 Is an American pastor and author for known for his? internationally syndicated Christian Teaching radio program grace to you He has been the pastor and teacher of grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since February 9th 1969 And also currently is the president of the Masters University in Newhall, California and the Masters Seminary in Los Angeles, California Theologically MacArthur is considered a Calvinist and a strong proponent of expository preaching He has been acknowledged by Christianity today is one of the most influential preachers of his time And was a frequent guest on Larry King live as a representative of evangelical Christian perspective MacArthur has authored or Edited more than 150 books most notably the MacArthur study Bible who's seen a MacArthur study Bible before okay? Which has sold more than 1 million copies and received a gold medallion book award? Other best-selling books include his MacArthur New Testament commentary series More than 1 million copies of sold of that and then 12 ordinary men more than 500,000 copies and children's book of faith to grow on Which garnered an ecpa Christian book award so that's basically who he is he's got a huge church down in California. He's widely known He's on the radio every day on KPDQ the local Christian radio station in town Grace to you. I think it's on like a noon or something. I don't know I don't listen to it But I've heard like it come on before anyway So This that source that I just read that from it's not from independent Baptist comm or anything like that is from that source is from Wikipedia Okay, so also here's another quote. He's weak Okay, that's from the source is Joe Jones. Okay. That's a that's a direct. That's a direct quote So anyway if you don't know who Joe Jones is see me after the service, okay? So I want to show you what he teaches it's not what the Bible teaches and It's about not just about salvation But many other things and look I would have we would have been here for two hours if I you know I'm not gonna do that to you. Okay, so I'm gonna try to preach fast I do have ten points of doctrine that he believes that I want to Take a look at today But here's what he believes Here's what grace to you website teaches. They believe about salvation We teach that salvation is holy of God by grace on the basis of redemption of Jesus Christ The merit of his shed blood and not on the basis of human merit or works that doesn't sound so bad does it? You know that sounds that actually sounds good But let me read on regeneration We teach that regeneration is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit by which the divine nature and divine life are given It is instantaneous and is accomplished solely by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumental instrumentality of the Word of God when the repentant sinner as enabled by the Holy Spirit Responds in faith to the divine provision of salvation So apparently you have to be a repentant sinner before the Holy Ghost will save you. That's what that's what it's saying. Okay? Genuine regeneration is manifested by fruits worthy of repentance as demonstrated in righteous attitudes and conduct Good works are proper evidence and fruit of regeneration That's what he that's what he says that salvation is Okay, and then he sources 1st Corinthians 6 19 through 20 and Ephesians 2 10 so What he's saying is if you don't have manifested fruits of repentance aka Good works a righteous attitude and conduct then you're not saved That's what he's saying He's so the first part says we believe that it's all grace and not of works But then he says that if you don't have the works that he don't really have the faith. That's what he's saying So and a lot of people believe that a lot of people believe that but is that what's right? Is that what salvation is? Is that is that what we believe? No, it's not So he says that these works are the evidence of the faith that you have he's a liar All right, that's not what the Bible teaches at all So, let's check his source scriptures and see what what it says Okay, turn to 1st Corinthians 6 19 1st Corinthians 6 19 See, he's real slick with the way he puts his wording on things and some of it sounds like oh that doesn't sound so Bad, but if you really look into what he's saying, he's he's a liar. He's full of dead men's bones He's a wicked false prophet 1st Corinthians 6 19 says What know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you Which you have of God and you're not your own For you're a bot with a price Therefore glorify in your body and your glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's Okay, I agree with that. We should glorify God in our body. We should glorify God in our spirits God has purchased us. We should do the things that God wants us to do But that's not what he's saying, is it? If you want to argue that you have to live a godly life in your body after being saved as a command I would say that that's true. It is a command. God does say we're supposed to live a righteous life. Okay? But where in those verses that I just read does it say if you if you keep it That is evidence of a genuine regeneration. If you keep that commandment is that does this say right there? That's that's evidence This is the evidence that you're saved. It doesn't say that does it it just says That you're bought with the price therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God's you're supposed to do that But that doesn't make you saved That doesn't mean you're saved It's just saying that God tell that's what God expects from you But do we all keep God's commandments all the time? You know It's really funny the people that believe that you have to do works to stay saved or they have to do works to be saved They they never think that the sin that they commit is the one that would make them lose their salvation So let's look at this next text. That is a source text for being a fruit inspector This is what we call being a fruit inspector. Well, you should know them by your fruits. Okay? Ephesians 2 10 let go to Ephesians 2 10 Ephesians 2 10 says For we are his workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good works Which God hath before ordained that now notice these next two letters these next two words. We should We should walk in them So we should walk in them But does it say that if you don't walk in them, then you don't really have the fruits You if you don't have the fruit then you're not really saved Is this saying that verse anywhere that if you don't have the you don't have the works that you're not really saved Does it say that there? Let's read it again for we are his workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good works Which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. So should we walk in good works? Should we do good works? Of course we should But does that mean that we're saved because let's let me read what he said again What John MacArthur said again? Good works are proper evidence and fruit and and fruit of regeneration Ephesians 2 10 So where's he getting that from because he's just making it up because anybody that teaches works salvation believes this garbage Okay So should we do good works? Yes, we should I've I will never teach that we shouldn't do good works. We should keep God's commandments We should do good works. But if we don't that doesn't mean we lost our salvation. That doesn't mean we're not saved You can't look at someone and just know that they're saved or not Because people backslide people get people get in and out of church people have good days and have bad days Well, that's why the Bible says morning by morning new mercies. I see right You know, we're supposed to Pick up our cross daily and follow after him But sometimes you stumble with the cross in your hand and you fall down, right? So but you're supposed to rise back up again the next day pick that old cross back up and go again What if you don't does that mean you're not saved? No, see because Christ did all the work for us Christ did that work for us, but he still does expect us to do good works and be and do good things so Those proof texts are are not what he said they were I mean do you follow that? so he also says genuine regeneration is manifested by fruits worthy of repentance as Demonstrated in righteous attitudes and conducts good works or the proper evidence and fruit of regeneration so So but he's just pull He's just taking those verses and just turning them on their head and making them say something that they don't That's garbage. That's janky and that's twisted. Okay, it's you know, jankies like the new word or whatever It just means that it's weak, right? So I'm trying to be relevant here in this sermon. Okay? Turn to for a second Peter second Peter to second Peter to I had to actually look up what janky meant before I use it my sermon because I want to make sure I wasn't saying something bad All right, so second Peter to look at verse 1 the Bible says but there were false prophets also among the people So what's he talking about back in the Old Testament? There were false prophets among the people and it says even as there shall be false teachers among you So are there gonna be false teachers among us in the world? Yes, there are how do we spot them out? Who shall privilege shall bring in damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and Through covetousness shall they be shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now Of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not look false prophets. They know they're false prophets They are going to hell. That's what the Bible teaches. It says their damnation slumbereth not They have a day appointed and they're gonna be judged by God It's not accidental that they're like that These preachers that get up and preach a works based salvation And you can't you can show them in the Bible that it says something different and they will never accept it Because they're a false prophet and look John MacArthur makes a lot of money doing what he does make no mistake about it His he makes a lot of money Off of what he does and so basically what's a false prophet want to do they want to make money They want to subvert people because they work for the devil. They work for Satan their reprobate false prophets Okay, so here's number one about One thing that so I already showed you what what he teaches about salvation, but let's look at what he teaches about lordship salvation Okay in his grace to you website It says scripture here This is what he says scripture teaches that Jesus is Lord of all and the faith he demands involves unconditional Surrender in other words Christ does not bestow eternal life on those whose hearts remain set against him Surrender to Jesus's lordship is not an addendum to the biblical terms of salvation the summons of some to submission is at the heart of the gospel invitation through scripture and contrast easy believe ism Teaches that submission to Christ supreme authority is not to germane to the saving transaction So as not to germane the saving to the saving transaction So basically he's he's he's hacking on easy believe ism that that it's we believe it's see we believe in easy believe ism at this Church okay, it's easy to be saved Christ made Salvation easy for us he did the work I don't know why people have such a hard time understanding that Christ did it all all we got to do is trust in him That's pretty easy okay, so It also says this scripture teaches that behavior is an important test of faith obedience is Evidence that one's faith is real is that true. We just saw that. That's that that's not what the Bible says, okay? On the other hand the person who remains utterly unwilling to obey Christ is not is does not evidence true faith in Contrast easy believe ism Teaches that disobedience and prolongs sin are no reason to doubt the reality of one's faith Now I understand that people will look at people and go well I don't know if they're really saved or not because they're living a wicked life Look we tend to be that way we tend to look at people know that but do we know that for sure Do we know that if you looked at King Saul's life in the Bible would you have thought he was saved I? Mean after killing the Lord's priests after killing himself After trying to kill David the whole time You know the bug the Bible is very clear that Saul's God changed Saul's heart when he was little in his own sight He was in he was in a right standing with God But he became backslidden, and he just refused to obey God and so God destroyed him. He took away his kingdom Okay, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't saved because it went before when he went to see the witch at Endor He Said tomorrow you and your sons will be with me and work and where does God live where was Samuel the Prophet? He Samuel prophets in heaven God lives in heaven So if he said tomorrow you and your sons are gonna be with me where did where did Saul go when he died? He went to heaven okay, and he killed himself So people will say well if you kill yourself. That's the unpardonable sin. No, it's not It's a wicked sin, but it's not the unpardonable sin Turn to Acts chapter 16 See because John MacArthur says you have to You know submit yourself to the lordship of Christ, and if you're not keeping his commandments, and you're not really saved, okay? Well, let's see what the Bible says about that turn to Acts chapter 16 look at verse 30 This is the only time that this is ever asked in the whole Bible Okay this question right here says and brought them out and said sirs What must I do to be saved? Okay, that's the only time that's ever asked in the whole Bible And they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Does this say make him the Lord of your life? Does this say if obey all his commandments does this say you have to have the fruits of repentance does this say you have to? Show a good life and be a good person no it doesn't say that that is That's not what the Bible the Bible teaches. It's very simple to be saved that all you have to do is believe on Christ That's easy believeism. That's what the Bible teaches and what's that heretic teach? That you have to submit yourself, and look I'm not saying you shouldn't submit yourself to Christ But if you don't submit yourself to Christ every day does that mean you're not saved no Number two John MacArthur teaches Calvinism he believes a Calvinist and look There's I think he like maybe calls himself a Baptist or something. I know that there's Baptist Calvinists, okay? Which is an oxymoron? Because we don't believe that junk Here's what John MacArthur says we teach that in Adam's sin of disobedience To the revealed will and Word of God man lost his innocence now. He's really Theologically you know he's got all these fancy terms that he uses incurred the penalty of Spiritual and physical death became subject to the wrath of God it became inherently corrupt now listen to this it says utterly incapable of choosing or Doing that which is acceptable to God apart from divine grace So what's he saying? That we can't even choose to be saved That's what he's saying. That's what Calvinism teaches that we can't choose to be saved that it's all God We don't have any part in our own salvation that we're predestined from the foundation of the world to either Be Like Justin was saying last night in the sermon You're made to either be go to hell for all eternity and burn in hell Just because God didn't like you when he made you or you were pre Pre-made to go to heaven and that no matter what you're gonna get saved because you're you're predestined to be saved, right? No, God just knows who's gonna be saved because he's all-powerful. He's all-knowing. He's almighty So there is a difference just because you know Who's gonna be saved doesn't mean that he true that he chose the people that would be saved. That's a wicked God My god doesn't isn't that way my god doesn't just choose people to go to hell straight from the womb No or straight before the the foundation of the world. He doesn't choose people. Oh, I don't like that guy He's going to hell. That's not how God is God is not God wants all people to be saved all people That's why he died for the sins of the whole world. See Calvinists have a problem with that word all They don't believe that all really means all So but all really does mean all So what's Ephesians 2 8 and 9 and 10 say for my grace are you saved through faith and That not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works Which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them, okay? So but here's what a Calvinist will say See the gift of God they say the gift of God is your faith. That's what they teach so it says For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God So they'll take that verse and flip it on its head and say no God God gives you the faith so that you can be saved. No, that's not true. You have to that's your choice You have to choose to be saved and then once you choose to be saved then you are chosen of God That's how that works Roman 623 says the wait for the wages of sin is death But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord So what's the gift of God? It's eternal life So they're lying when they say that they that in in Ephesians 2 that the gift is faith That's a lie that see that's twisting the scriptures And it's very clear turn to John chapter 4 John chapter 4 John chapter 4 look at verse 9 Then sayeth the woman of Samaria unto him How is it that thou being a Jew askest drink of me which am a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is That sayeth unto thee give me to drink thou wouldest ask of him and he would have given thee Living water see the gift is living water It's eternal life and you have to ask God for it to get it. You don't just it doesn't just Come upon you like a dove. It doesn't you know, I Didn't put this in the sermon, but there's he said that he led this homosexual to the Lord in In the hospital and one of his little things about homosexuality He said he was holding this homo's hand right and that he prayed that God would would save him He prayed this long prayer, you know, what does the Bible say about people that play it pray long prayers anyway So he didn't say that that guy trusted Christ. He just said hey Now is your opportunity to ask God to forgive you for the things that you've done. Is that how you get saved? No, that's not how you get saved. So even if that guy hadn't been a homo Even if that guy hadn't been a homo, that's not how you lead someone of the Lord by you praying a prayer for them That's not how that's not how it works They have to ask Christ for salvation and just asking someone to forgive you of your sins doesn't save you You know, you can repent of all your sins and still go straight to hell once you ask juice is scary it Well, hopefully you don't have to ask him because he's in hell You know and hopefully nobody in here is headed there but the Bible is very clear that salvation is a gift that you choose to get because You have to choose to believe to be saved That's why the Bible says choose you this day who you'll serve, you know If you don't have a choice in the matter, then that's kind of weird that God would use that wording Is that you know what when Moses says who's on the Lord's side? You know, they had a choice Hey I'm gonna come over and stand with Moses or I'm gonna stay over here and get killed and they decided hey I'm gonna stay over here and get killed. All right, they had a choice in the matter Joshua said choose you this day who you'll serve as for me in my house. We will serve the Lord That's what he said. All right, so Here's another wicked thing that he teaches number three. John MacArthur teaches that the blood of Christ It's just not that important, you know He He and he got in trouble with that a long time ago and has tried to go back and say over and over again You know try to cover up for it a little bit here and there but he still sticks to the same thing So The Bible says turn over to let's see. I'll have you turn over to Romans 3 and while you're turning over to Romans 3 I'm gonna read for you in Romans 10 verse 29 It says of how much sore punishment suppose he shall he be thought worthy who have trodden Underfoot the Son of God and have counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing And have done despite the spirit of grace That's Hebrews 10 29. Look if you count the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing You know, I'm not saying that he says it's an unholy thing he's just saying it's not that big of a deal Okay What's the Bible so and here's some quotes that he said I'm gonna before I show you what the Bible says I'm gonna just show you what this is what he said from his own mouth. Okay? He said From an article in 1976 Entitled not his bleeding but his dying He said it was his death that that was Ephesus not his blood Christ did not bleed to death. The shedding of blood had nothing to do with bleeding. It simply means death nothing in his human blood saves It is not his blood that I love it is him it is not his bleeding that saved me but his dying No, John MacArthur. It's both It's both it takes it takes the death and it takes the blood So without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sins. Okay But that's John McCarthy said that that his blood didn't save him Well, he's right because he's not saved because he's a false prophet. All right So the blood is mentioned the word blood is mentioned 392 times in the King James Bible So do you think that blood is an important topic in the Bible then Yeah, and I'm not saying that every mention is about the blood of Christ But there's many mentions about the blood of Christ And it's funny how these new versions like to take the blood of Christ out of their their Bible versions So you're in Romans chapter 3 look at verse 24. It says being justified freely See that word freely By his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation And what's this next one say through faith in his what blood? To declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God So do you have to have faith in his blood? That's what the Bible says right to declare I say at this time His righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus See that word believeth in Jesus. So you have to believe in Jesus. You have to believe in the death. You have to believe That he shed his precious blood for you have to believe in the in the burial and resurrection of Christ to be saved That's not just one thing. It's not just the death So He's wrong. It's not the death. It's everything. There's a combined package Because if Christ didn't rise from the dead, then we we are not going to be saved, but he did rise from the dead Turn to Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 look at verse 11 The Bible says but Christ being come and high priest of good things to come By a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood See that by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained Eternal redemption for us. So how did he enter into the holy place in heaven with his own blood? He took his own blood up there with him. Okay For if the blood of bulls and goats and in the ashes of a heifer Sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more Shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God See Christ offered himself as the sacrifice for us Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God And for this cause he's the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgression That were under the first testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance for where a Testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. So what? Christ took his blood up there, but he also did have to die Okay says in verse 17 for a testament is a force after men are dead Otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth So if you have a last will and testament, right you go and get your your your will done, right? Gary's gonna give me his house when he passes away is what he said Everybody knows it. No, okay. I'm just kidding. But but if he did leave me his house So does do I get it before he dies? No, yeah. Yeah, I have to wait until after he dies and then it's willed to me. But so There's also could be stipulations in that will that say Well, as long as he still goes to church and he still keeps the commandments and you know, whatever That's that's his last will and testament so it's the same thing with with Christ There was certain there's certain things that have to take place so Christ had to die in order to make a New Testament or a new covenant and he had to shed his blood and that Blood had to be taken into the tabernacle in heaven. Okay Not the one here on earth. It says for when Moses had spoken every precept of all the people according to the law He took the blood of calves and of goats and with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people Saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined unto you moreover He sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry and almost all things Are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no Remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of the things in heaven should be purified with these But the heavenly things themselves with better Sacrifices than these so we had a tabernacle here on earth. There was a Tabernacle that Moses, you know, they had to do all those things with the blood of the goats and all that stuff But there that was a pattern of what was already up in heaven. And so Christ was the better Had the better Testament he had the better Covenant to give and he took his blood up to heaven into that heavenly tabernacle and to that Mercy seat and sprinkled his blood on there one time Okay, it says for Christ has not entered into the holy place is made with hands which are the figures of the true But into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us Nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest entered into the holy place every year with blood of others for he must For then he must often have suffered since the foundation of the world But now once see that word once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin By the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed under men wants to die But after this the judgment so Christ was once offered To bear the sins of many and unto them that look unto him Or for them to look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation So is the blood of Christ important or not? So was it important for him to take that blood up and sprinkle that on the mercy seat for us? Yes, it is because we can't be saved without the blood of Christ It wasn't just the fact that he died on the cross that blood that he shed. He had to live a perfect life He had to live a perfect life we can't live the perfect life therefore we can never save ourselves We can never do enough to save ourselves So and he did this once and for all Okay, so John MacArthur. You're wrong, and you're a false prophet, and you're going straight to hell all right number four John MacArthur teaches that you have to repent of your sins for salvation He teaches you have to repent of your sins for salvation now This is another popular teaching that you have to repent of your sins, so after all the things. I just got done saying How would someone still believe that it's something that they could reform their life? Enough to get into heaven or that you have to reform your life somehow before Christ will save you or you have to keep reforming your life in order to stay saved That doesn't make sense Because he paid for your sins once and for all the time He shed that blood and put that on the mercy seat for you. That was enough That was enough. You don't have to do anything. He did it for you But he says scripture teaches that the gospel calls sinners of faith to faith joined in oneness with repentance Repentance is a turning from sin. That's what he says is that what the Bible teaches though Okay, where's the where's the Bible say that repentance is a turning from sin? Anybody have the verse for me that says that that repentance is turning from sin? He says it's acts 319 in Luke 24 47 But I don't think that those verses maybe in his ESV. It says that I don't know Maybe someone should cross-reference that for me real quick. So I got a smartphone want to check and see what his ESV says Says that consists not of human work, but of the divinely bestowed grace It's a change of heart but genuine repentance will affect a change of behavior as well in Contrast easy believe ism. So he likes to attack easy believe ism Teaches that repentance is simply a synonym for faith and that no turning from sin is required from salvation. Yeah, because it's not I'll wake you up a little bit It's not a requirement for salvation Jonah 310 says Let's turn over there because I want your eyeballs to look at this If you're in doubt of what I'm saying right now at all Jonah 310 Jonah 310 So let's let's let the Bible define for you what turning from sin is okay Because this is the clearest verse you're gonna see in the whole Bible for it. Okay Jonah 310 says and God saw their what's that say men? God saw their God saw their all right that they turned from their evil way So what was their works that they turned from their evil way, right is that repenting of your sins Okay, and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not Okay, so Let me actually get there in my Bible real quick Jonah 310 So does God what does God define? Works as then turning from your evil way so The Bible says salvation is not of works lest any man should boast in Ephesians 2 8 Okay, if it's not of works and someone is telling you that you have to repent of your sins to be saved What are they telling you you have to do? Works, they're telling you have to do works to be saved as the Bible then the Bible does not teach that Now when Joe when this happened with with the Ninevites so there was they had two types of salvation's here They were saved from the destruction that was going to happen to their city for the evil works that they were doing and they also had a spiritual salvation because Jesus said that the That the the men of Nineveh will rise up and judge this generation because they repented at the preaching of Jonas okay, so But so they were saved spiritually because the Bible says in Jonah, I'm not gonna turn there but it says It says it says that and they and the and the people of Nineveh believed God So that came before this verse right here. What verse is it? Someone tell me real quick five verse five Jonah Three five says and the people of Nineveh believed God, right? So did they believe God before they did these good works and turn from turn from their wicked ways? Yes, because see you have to believe in the body You have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ before you get saved and then you can start repenting of your sins Okay, and then you can start putting sackcloth on your cows and your chickens and your animals and stuff. Okay? So God had a twofold salvation for me That's very clear that and so cuz Jonah went out away from the city and he thought God was gonna fireball him Right, and so he's like and then he gets mad Because he wanted them to be destroyed But God had other plans for him because they did repent of their sins after they believed the preaching of Jonas So then it's funny that Jesus used the words they repented at the preaching of Jonah But they repented because they believed on Christ They believed the Lord and then they turned from their evil ways. Okay, so Turn to Romans chapter 4 Does anybody confused about what I said about Jonah because I thought I think it's pretty crystal clear that God saw their works They turned from their evil way. That's Defining it for you. Okay, Romans 4 verse 3 says For what sayeth the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness so How was Abraham saved because he believed God that was counted to him for righteousness Now to him that worketh as the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt So if you're trying to work your way to heaven if you're trying to repent of all your sins If if you think that every time you stand that you have to ask God for forgiveness or you're not gonna go to heaven Then you're working your way to heaven. You're you're You owe God a debt Every day that you're never gonna be able to pay ever So it says but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his Faith is counted for righteousness Even as David also described the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness with our works You see that without works It's very plain. It's very clear. It's very plain as the nose on your face Same blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered Blesses the man to whom the Lord will not Impute Sin, and how does God not impute sin on someone because they believe by faith They're eat an easy believe ism person Because if you believe it's easy then It is you're right. It is easy So here's what else he said. He said the gospel is not a call to repentance or oh, no This is this is a quote. I like this quote. This is from Henry Ironside I don't know what he believes besides what this quote says, so Hopefully he's not some weirdo, but I like what he said here It says the gospel is not a call to repentance or to amend our ways To make restitution for past sins or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place But they do not constitute the gospel for the gospel is not good advice to be obeyed It is good news to be believed Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the gospel is a call to duty or a call to Reformation a call to better your condition to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past Nor is the gospel of demand that you give up the world That you give up your sins that you break off bad habits and try to cultivate good ones You may do all these things and never believe the gospel and consequently never be saved at all Alcoholics anonymous people do they trust in Christ and that's why Jesus just takes the the He just takes that want to drink away from people No, they get their little coins and they're you know, and I'm not saying it's bad to to quit drinking or anything like that I'm just saying that some people can quit drinking and some people can quit smoking without doing it through God and So does that make them say because they turned over a new leaf? No, it doesn't So I spent a lot of time on that. I'm gonna move to John MacArthur number five John MacArthur teaches out of false Bible versions John MacArthur teaches out of false Bible versions So here's what hit on the grace to you website Here's what he said we teach that the Word of God is an objective propositional revelation verbally inspired in every word absolutely inerrant and the original documents We don't even have the original documents So he's an omo an old An original manuscript only is that's what he is So The original manuscripts are infallible and God breathe even though he's never seen him before So he has faith in something. He's never seen before So what's that mean that he believes about the ones we have now they could have mistakes in them They probably do have mistakes in them. That's why he reads out of the ones that he thinks says it the best Well, I think this one says it better than this one. So I'm gonna read this one to you right now So that's weak. That is that is whack Doctrine if you believe that that that the Bible is only preserved in the original documents You have something wrong with your thinker because it doesn't make sense to believe in a book that has mistakes in it This Bible doesn't have mistakes in it. Show me one So He says about different Bible versions I looked up what he said about different Bible versions that says the most popular dynamic equivalency Translations which dominate the evangelical world are the new international version Today's new international version. That's the TN IV. Is that the one that takes the gender rolls out? I think it is the message the Living Bible The good news Bible and the new living translation of those the NIV is the most reliable That's what he says Okay, the NIV was completed in 1978 translators did not attempt to translate strictly word-for-word But aimed more for equivalent ideas as a result the NIV doesn't follow the exact wording of the original Greek and Hebrew text as closely as the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible versions do Nevertheless, it can be considered a faithful translation of the original text and a lucid and it's lucid Readability makes it quite popular especially for devotional reading so basically just said it's not a word-for-word translation, but the but every word in this Bible is Inspired so if they don't translate it for word for word that it's a piece of junk The four most popular formal equivalency Translations in English are the King James Version The New King James Version The New American Standard Bible and the English Standard Version So these are the ones he thinks are the best out of the word-for-word translations The KJV is the oldest of the four and continues to be a favorite of many Yeah, and the most read of all Bible versions It is known as the authorized version of 1611 because King James the first Approved the project to create an authoritative English Bible although it contains many obsolete words This is what he says I mean some of which have changed in meaning many people appreciate its dignity and Majesty the New King James Version is similar translation taken from the same group of ancient manuscripts. That's not true That simply updates the archaic language of the KJV Yeah, what's one of the ones they use some really hard way harder words in the in the New King James than the King James is stupid, but anyway the NASB Completed in 1971 the updated in 1995 is the revision of the American Standard Version of 1901 His literal translation from the Hebrew and Greek languages that incorporates the scholarship of several centuries of textual criticism Conducted since the original KJV it quickly became a favorite translation for serious Bible study, it's serious The ESV is the most recent translation which stands firmly in the formal equivalency tradition It is very solid translation and updated language That aims to reproduce the beauty of the KJV The result is one of the most poetic and beautifully structured versions that maintains a high degree of Accuracy and faithfulness to the original languages sounds like he's sweet on the ESV doesn't it? So I think isn't that the one that he puts his main study Bible in the ESV So his so it says translation choice what version is the best Ultimately the choice is up to you each of the formal equivalency versions has strengths and weaknesses But there are reliable translations of the Bible if you want to read a dynamic translation read the NIV Ideally a serious student of the bio of the scripture You should come become familiar enough with concordances word study aids and conservative Commentaries so that Even without a thorough knowledge of the original languages you can explore the nuances of meaning that arise out of the original text So what's he saying? You got to go back to the geek? You got to go back to the original manuscripts. You got to you got to have the cup go study pour through the commentaries You know But what's the Bible say the Bible says in Psalm 12 6 the words of the Lord are pure words As silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times Thou shalt keep them o Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever This book hasn't lost anything God knows all languages and each and we have the great translation right here We have the best translation right here. There's nothing wrong with it. And maybe if you're too dumb to read this version Maybe you just need to get smarter There's nothing that's obsolete in here every single wordness is in a dictionary a modern dictionary, okay In Revelation 22 verse 18 it says for I testify unto every man that here at the words of the prophecy of this book If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in This book so if you mess with this book right here, you're gonna go to hell You're near your it's not as if not you don't lose your salvation Because anybody that tampers with this book never had it in the first place So that just ensures that you become a reprobate and what is the reprobate? It's someone that God's given up on because they gave up on him first So and speaking of going back to the Greek I call it going back to the geek Because you got to be a geek if you think you know that you have to go back To some old language that you don't even understand you couldn't even order a euro You know and in a cafe in Greece if you to save your life You couldn't find us you couldn't read a street name sign to find out where you're even at In Greece if you want to you know Hebrew, can you anybody read Hebrew in here? It looks like a bunch of Chicken scratches to me. I I can't understand it at all so But you know Greek is the same way to me. It's all Greek right so But I mean some people in here should probably speak more than one language But you know do you have to go back to the Greek to understand the words in this book no God translates has translated the Bible into all different types of languages but John MacArthur loves to go back to the Greek and try to make himself seem smarter than he really is and he uses terms like exegesis and Agape and you know that you got to go back and find the deeper meanings And so he'll take a word and and and go into the Greek and make that look if you think if you if you Try to do this go back to the Greek game You can make the Bible say whatever you want go grab a concordance and look up any term in the Bible There'll be like 50 definitions for each word Repentance is one of those things. It'll just say I have all these definitions And so basically you can just take those Greek words and make it say whatever you want And that's why they do it so that they can be your little guru to tell you exactly what the Bible says And you just don't understand because you don't understand the language well You don't understand the language either buddy because you don't speak Greek so Most of the people that say they speak it. They can't speak it fluently It's it's it's a lexicon that they that some other guy wrote and they put their own Definitions into the book so you can look at the real Greek word But all you're doing is reading their definition of what they say it says Okay, that's what it that's what I'm talking about So here's an example of John MacArthur going back to the Greek To prove that the homos can be saved and they should we should let them into their churches into our churches so He says just to take the glamour off it. That's what it really is. It's a sexual lust gone mad It's he's talking about homosexuality It is suicidal and can give an almost endless parade of statistics and litany of Information on the problems which doesn't after a certain point help what is more important to understand is from God's viewpoint What it really is Let's go back to our text in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 So I'm just gonna have you guys turn there to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 There's a mention there in verse 9. This is him talking of the word effeminate effeminate Marginal notes and the NAS says effeminate by perversion Malakos is the Greek word. It seems to have been a technical term for passive partner in homosexual relationships one of the best of Greek lexicons says the word Probably the word probably also included men and boys who allow themselves to become male Prostitutes and we're the passive partners It's more than a feminine in the sense that we think of a feminine as a kind of superficial style It is a kind of homosexual prostitution then the word homosexual Arsenic coitus, I don't know if I'm even saying that right two Greek words one meaning sexual relations the other meaning man men is A man having sexual relationships with men It means just that so here he is going back to the geek trying to tell us what these words mean in the Greek But but first of all, he's he's saying He's reading this out of his own Bible version see in the ESV it says You're you're in 1st Corinthians 6, right? Let's see and 1st Corinthians 6 it says In the ESV it says or do you not know the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexuals Nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers. So his version says homosexuals. What's it say in the King James Version It says no You're not the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators not nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind Does it is abusers of themselves of mankind? Is that is that does that say homosexuals? Does that say sodomites? So the word sodomite is in the Bible. It was translated by the King James translators so Who's right? John MacArthur who says that he knows the Greek look that that Greek word. That's two Greek words That's the only time it's ever used in the history of There's no evidence that's been used besides when Paul used it to put it in the Bible So there's no manuscript evidence that you can go so he's just look they're just guessing that that's what it says That's why the translators did not translate it as homosexuals So Abusers themselves of mankind Maybe you don't know what that means, but I'll tell you what in Romans 1. It's it's very clear You know in Romans 1 comes before 1st Corinthians 6 9 in the Bible. Did you know that so turn over to Romans 1 see what it says? I'm just going to show you a few verses because I'm running out of time here Romans 1 verse 24 Says wherefore God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever Amen, and for this cause God gave them up to vile Affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. What's he talking about? He's talking about lesbians. He's talking about bull dykes okay, and Verse 27 it says and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another Is that pretty clear what that's talking about? men with men Working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was meet And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and then it has the list of all the wicked and Filthy things that these people do okay So are you saying that the Apostle Paul says that they're worthy of debt look it says It says in verse 31. It says without or no in verse 32 it says And knowing the judgment of God they which commit such things are worthy of death Not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them So you're saying the Apostle Paul just contradicts himself from one book to the next. Is that what he's doing? He's saying they're worthy of death that there are reprobates that God gave him up God gave him over God gave him up to a reprobate mind and then and then in the next book He's saying but such for some of you you've been but you've been washed brother No, he's not gonna contradict himself like that. The Bible doesn't contradict itself So somebody's wrong here It's the guy that's going back to the Greek language that he doesn't even understand trying to make it out to where homos can be saved But in Romans one is very clear that they can't be and let's just be real clear right now while I'm being clear Leviticus 2013 says if a man lie with them with mankind as he lies with a woman Both of them have committed abomination. They shall surely be put to death Their blood shall be upon them. That's what the Bible says. Is that clear enough for you? the Bible also says Let's see. I Have it my notes here. I'm not gonna get through all my notes So I just want to give you a couple highlights here I Gotta be done. I'm I'm out of time. But you know the thing is so so John MacArthur and I didn't even get to get to the parts that He says he also John MacArthur also says that you can take the mark of the beast and still be saved But what's the Bible say in Revelation chapter 14 that they'll have no rest day or night That they anyway it takes the mark of the beast is finished they're done They have no they're they're not gonna make it and he says flat out that yes, they can be saved. So He said and I'll just read it really quickly. I have a couple of minutes here He said he says yes He says the question is if you're living in tribulation period can you take the mark in other words you identify with the Beast Empire You'll still be able to be redeemed and I think the answer to that is yes. Yes So he emphatically says yes Look and he has a teaching. I was watching his teaching about the homos being able to be saved He's the one that had that thing where he's holding hands with the queer in the hospital room or whatever look He he's flat-out says in his in his sermon that he says there's tons of homeless at former homosexuals in his congregation Well, you know what you have fun with that John MacArthur But we're not gonna let him in here But see that's the twisted part of Christianity that is that is destroying it and it's no wonder that all these different All these different churches are letting all these queers in their churches because people like this guy right here That is sitting there saying that they can be saved that the Greek word means, you know, Minatoia whatever You know He's he's going back to the Greek to try to tell you that we should let queers in our church around our children You know, they're the ones that destroy children's lives Don't don't forget that They like to pervert children and that's because they can't reproduce so they got to recruit people right and that's how they recruit people is by molesting children and What and and and doing things like that and then they make more queers like themselves. That's how they do it So John MacArthur He's been weighed in the balance and found wanting okay He's not going to heaven and and look if you've listened to him or you think he's a great Bible teacher You need to turn that radio off Quit listen to that guy You know anybody that believes that you have to repent of all your sins You have to make Jesus the Lord of your life or you can't be saved and you have to show fruits for Repentance and that you should let the homos in your church. He's a big proponent for the pre-trip rapture You know The reason why he believes the mark of the beast you can be saved because he's all messed up on his doctorate on the on the Pre-trip rapture he thinks it's a seven year tribulation period and how could they be saved? You know, how can someone you know, how could anybody be saved in the end of the second half of the tribulation? Well the second half of tribulation the tribulation is over, you know, the great tribulation is over after the midpoint. Okay So anyway, let's pray Lord. We thank you for this day Lord. I pray that That you'd help us to rightly divide the word of truth Lord and help us to not get caught up and wrapped up into false prophets that that want to privily bring in damnable heresies Lord and Lord I pray that That you would just bless this congregation Lord bless the meal afterwards and our soul winning today in Jesus name