(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You Well welcome to sure foundation Baptist Church, let's find a seat Our blue books to page 271 blue hymn books to page 271 We're gonna sing Oh come all ye faithful Page 271 in your blue hymn books come all ye faithful Oh Oh Oh Oh Good seeing this morning. Thanks for coming brother Sean. Can you open us with the word of prayer? I Mean let's turn to page 266. There's a song in the air page 266 Sing it out on the first Our while There's a Oh We rejoice Oh All right, let's turn to page 265 one page back Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh We're having technical difficulties with the bulletin, so we're going green this morning So I'll just go through what I got and then we will have Boltons later but Anyway, our verse of the week is for a just man follow seven times and riseth up again But the wicked shall fall into mischief. That's saw Proverbs chapter 24 verse number 16 and Our service times are 1030 in the morning on Sundays for the preaching service Sunday evening is at 3 30 p.m And we'll be in Exodus chapter 5 today Our Thursday Bible study is at 6 30 p.m. And I'll be back in 2nd Peter chapter 2 to finish that sermon that Got nuked or something happened to it. We don't have it the internet Mysteriously went out right in the middle of my sermon. So and then wouldn't come back with the right bandwidth. So who knows anyway? We'll probably try to get that fixed I'm hoping that brother Robert will be able to splice together what we had and we can put it on Like rumble when I look for the rumble link, I couldn't even find it said it said not found So, I don't know maybe rumble nuked it too. It was probably the hardest sermon I've ever preached About the alphabet people and all that stuff. So at least I felt like it was pretty pretty hardcore but anyway Let's see, so the praise report you can see the salvation's baptisms and attendance tools from last week and Our upcoming events Miss Annie how much longer are we doing the pictures for does anybody else need it their picture done? Thank you brother Tony. Oh god I'm old school. I need one of these. All right Are we still doing pictures or okay? All right, so pictures are still available See miss Annie or sign up from the whatsapp group for the times I don't know what what's I don't know what the cutoffs gonna be. It's probably gonna be Maybe up to Christmas. Do you are? Whatever you want to do, but people please get that taken care of so And obviously if you're single you can still get a picture taken, right? December 10th is the cookie exchange and white elephant gift game at the bender residence at 11 30 a.m Please see Rylan or miss julene for any questions Please make sure you're bringing three dozen of your best cookies and with the white elephant game They're asking that you only spend at the maximum twenty dollars per gift So if you can't afford a gift one will be given to you at little or no cost and I'm just kidding No cost of course, but if you just need one just come and see me. Don't be embarrassed about it. It's not a big deal. So But I just don't want people to think that to go and have fun at one of our events that you have to actually Pay to do that or something. So anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there's we got some me My wife got some extra gifts so that if anybody needs to borrow And never give back then Feel free to come talk to me or miss Sherry miss. Sherry's sick today. So I know that some other people are too Thank you for coming out in the the weather and I'll Update you on what's going on for the rest of the day when concerning that here in just a minute December 25th is going to be an altered schedule now if you noticed well, I think Tony printed the wrong bulletin But that's okay. It's uh, I remember what I did So the Christmas Day schedule is not gonna be 10 a.m. And 1 p.m. It's gonna be 11 a.m. And 1 30 p.m Okay, so that way you can For you that like to just wake up bright and early and do your Christmas You can still make it by 11 or if you like to do your Christmas in the evening then after I don't know Like 3 o'clock or probably sooner probably just an hour service in the evening Then you can go home and do what you do. So there'll be no soul winning that day There is gonna be a children's choir Singing at the a.m. Service and then we're gonna do like a Quasi Candlelight service, so it probably won't be completely dark when we do that out unless it's just like this or something, but We'll do it. And so hopefully the people in the in the orchestra can still See the words and the letters. So anyway, we'll just we'll just do it anyway, so So anyway, and it'll be a short sermon I know that you've I've said that before and been found a liar, but But I really am gonna do a shorter sermon that that second service will be a short service We're gonna sing some songs. We'll have the candles not real candles, by the way, but fake ones, but they still give off light. So anyway, that's the schedule for Christmas Day and then we also have some other things coming up January 1st is the New Testament challenge That's nine chapters a day for 30 days and you'll get the whole New Testament done in 30 days It is a challenge for a reason because it's not easy to do So if you want to do that challenge, just let me know when you've finished and if it's like January 2nd Then I'll just be like, yeah, I don't know about that. I Mean it's possible You just have to stay up for 24 hours or something like that and read the whole thing or whatever But I better have some evidence of that anyway also January we usually on December 31st. We usually do something so It's it's not on here. I'm gonna actually I'm gonna bring my phone out again So, I think I need to see some details on here No, but still wrong. Okay So January 30 or December 31st We'll probably meet well, we're gonna meet here at the building and have like a game Evening or whatever and then at 9 o'clock like we always do we're gonna pray the new year in but we'll probably have some food And festivities in the afternoon play some games some board games whatever board game as long as it's you know obviously appropriate for church And we'll just hang out. So we usually do that. Maybe we'll have a little bit of preaching or something. Who knows? But anyway, that's a little ways off We'll get that all that solidified soon And then if you have the Romans Road app or you haven't gotten it yet Please download that or you can go to the website, which is Romans Road app Com and all that's just on there. I Did order some new invitations? I have several different types of invitations coming some Christmas ones that we're gonna have to just Blitz those things out because they're not gonna be here till the 8th. So anyway Here Yeah, that's about it for announcements we're a family integrated church that means the children infants are welcome during the church services, please Utilize the mother baby rooms and a baby rooms for your convenience. The rockers and gliders are for pregnant nursing mothers or elders only Please no men in the mother baby room No mothers in the dad baby room during the church services and no unattended children in any area of the building For any reason so and then please keep the food in the assembly area Silence your cell phones at this time if you would please and then if you need to escort to your vehicle Or help to your vehicle The ushers are available for that service at the end of the service and the online donations are below there The ties and offerings is wrong, that's Rylan and Tony's fault at the same time and mine. So anyway, we also have some birthdays coming up this week Zoe Lambert and Brandon D Haas He's born on December 7th the day that'll live forever in infamy Pearl Harbor was attacked and Brandon was born so Anyway And then we have Elias his birthday is on the 9th and then CJ's birthday is also on the 9th and So I don't think we have any anniversaries. Let's go ahead and sing. Happy birthday So As far as today goes it looks like we have some wintry conditions going on So I'm thinking that we should probably just move the service up for the second service Make the second service at like 1 o'clock or 115 ish There we're probably gonna cancel so winning unless some diehards want to go out there and do that I just my concern is for you know safety, of course I would like you guys to be able to get home if some people have driven from a ways off. So I'd prefer to Just even just move up to services and then everybody can get home while it's daylight Is everybody all in favor of that say aye It's your only chance to vote ever in this church. So all in favor of that say aye Okay, the ayes have it So we're gonna just have a short lunch break and then I'll just get right back to the second service Then y'all can go home. Okay, that sound good All right, and if I don't finish my serve with my sermon this morning in a timely fashion, then I'll just you know Finish it for the second service. All right. So with that that's all I have for announcements Let's sing another song and we'll receive the offering Let's open up for Blue Hymnals page 275 we're gonna sing while shepherds watch their flocks page 275 On the first Oh To Oh Oh At this time we're gonna receive our offering brother Sean Harrington, can you bless you offering for us? Well, thank you so much for today You You I Go and open your Bibles to Jeremiah chapter 17 Jeremiah 17 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one Jeremiah 17 You Jeremiah 17 the Bible reads the sin of Judah is written with a pin of iron and With the point of a diamond it is graven upon the table of their heart and upon the horns of your altars Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills Oh my mountain in the field I will give thy substance and all thy treasures to the spoil and thy high places for sin Throughout all thy borders and thou even thyself shall discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee and I will cause thee to serve Thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger which shall burn forever Thus saith the Lord Curse be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord For he shall be like the Heath in the desert and shall not see when good cometh But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness in a salt land and not inhabited Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is For he shall be as a tree Planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river and shall not see when he when he cometh But her leaf shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it. I the Lord search the heart. I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruits of his doings as The partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he that getteth riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days and That his end shall be a fool a glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary Oh Lord the hope of Israel all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth Because they have forsaken the Lord the foundation of living waters Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved for thou art my praise Behold they say unto me. Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come now as for me I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee neither have I desired the woeful day That thou knowest that which came out of my lips was right before thee be not a terror unto me Thou art my hope in the day of evil Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded Let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed bring upon them the day of evil and destroy them with double destruction Thus said the Lord unto me go and stand in the gate of the children of the people whereby the kings of Judah come in and by the which they go out and in all the gates of Jerusalem and Say unto them hear ye the word of the Lord ye kings of Judah and all Jude and all Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem that enter in by these gates Thus saith the Lord take heed to yourselves and bear no burden on the Sabbath day nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day Neither do any neither do ye any work, but hollow ye the Sabbath day as I commanded your fathers But they obeyed not Neither inclined their ear But made their necks stiff that they might not hear nor receive instruction And it shall come to pass if you diligently harken unto me Sayeth the Lord to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the Sabbath day But hollow the Sabbath day to do no work therein Then shall there enter into the gates of this city Kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David Riding in chariots and on horses they and their princes the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and this city shall remain forever and they shall come from the cities of Judah and from the places about Jerusalem and from the land of Benjamin and from the plain and from the mountains and from the south bringing burn offerings and Sacrifices and meet offerings and incense and bringing sacrifices of praise and to the house of the Lord But if you will not harken unto me to hallow the Sabbath day and not to bear a burden Even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day then will I kindle a fire in the gate there up in the gates thereof and it shall be devoured and It shall devour the places of Jerusalem and it shall not be quenched brother Tim. Oh we pray for us I'm gonna preach the final sermon in my issues of the heart series and there's probably other sermons I could preach but I'm ready to move on into Christmas mode after this so Jeremiah 17 verse number 9 the Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things and Desperately wicked who can know it and so the title of the sermon is the wicked heart. Let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the Bible and Lord how its a mirror for our faces to show us what we've done and what we are the Lord also A discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I pray that you'd help me to preach this morning and I pray that you would just Fill me with the Spirit of God and that Lord the people would hear what you have to say to them through your word In Jesus name we pray. Amen alright, so issues of the heart The wicked heart so the Bible says in Jeremiah 17 9 once again it says the heart is deceitful above all things and Desperately wicked who can know it at the very beginning of the chapter? you notice that God's talking through Jeremiah about how the you know, they've taken a Diamond pen and carved into the hearts of these people. That's heart is so hardened that in Jeremiah Chapter 6 verse 30. It says that God's rejected them and a lot of the people that lived in Jerusalem at the time when the Babylonians came were killed a lot of some of the people were taken off to Babylon the best of the people some of the nobles and Of course Daniel Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego And then you know lots of other people but a lot of the people were killed by the Babylonians when they came in They didn't spare young or old They've gotten so bad they had starved them out for so long that people were eating their own children They were boiling them. They were just completely wicked. They were selling You know, they were eating things that obviously you should never eat But that's how wicked they'd become and God allowed them to be judged in a very harsh way And so it's no wonder that Jeremiah talks about how deceit how deceitful the heart is here It says I the Lord try the heart verse 10 I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of His doing so God will judge the wicked person the sinner For the ways and the fruit that they have the fruit of their doings basically what comes forth from what they're doing in their Life, but you know and obviously he's preaching to the children of Judah You know Samara Samaria in the in the Israel the Israelites have already been taken away by the Assyrians at this point like a hundred years earlier and so now it's Judah's turn and God is just pre having Jeremiah preach all these sermons and they're all negative and You know, there's a little bit of positivity in it But Jeremiah was so hated that even everybody in his hometown wanted to kill him You know, he was put in jail several times. He was smacked around. He was hurt and Basically, what what was Jeremiah's sin? Well, I Obviously Jeremiah was a sinner just like everybody else but his sin according to the people was that he was trying to Stop people from you know being you know, basically it was kind of like a murica thing You know, it was like, you know, you don't want to support us. Well, then, you know, you're you're You're going with the other side. You're like a spy for the other side or whatever And so they just made up fraudulent charges against him But isn't that what they do to preachers today that will stand up and preach boldly, you know, Pastor Jones is over a Boise getting You know protested today right now in a blizzard snowstorm right now And why because he dared to preach against the evils of this nation Against the evils of sodomy and wickedness against the evils of abortion. I mean Pastor Jones is You know, he's a good man. He's my friend But what's his crime to preach the truth, you know, why are people why were people so mad at me last week because I preach The truth and and and here's the here's the thing is that there's not a lot of people out there preaching the truth So even so-called Christians or maybe even real Christians are saying well, you're just turning people away You're the reason Pastor Thompson why people are stopping to go to churches Well last time I checked I wasn't you know I wasn't a pastor until six years, you know, four years ago, and I was a preacher six years ago So what about all the other times before that? So is that all my fault too? No, the the nation has been decreasing in to ungodliness for a long time This nation used to be quote-unquote Christian to a certain extent Everybody used to go to church now hardly anybody goes to church And so that's not my fault that is the the nation unraveling Unraveling and going down in a downward spiral to where ultimately God is gonna punish this nation, too Because don't you think that the the things that are being done in this country right now are equal with what Judah was doing And look what God did to Judah What about all the stuff that God did to Sodom and Gomorrah? What about all the stuff that God has done to judge any city any nation in the history of this world Why did he drown every single man woman and child and beast besides the eight people on the boat? that Noah built or You know two of each kind of animal Because God judges sin and he also, you know, the Bible says that Noah was a preacher of righteousness And so what was he doing he was preaching the truth he was preaching to people but yet only eight people got on the boat Why is that? Well, sometimes the message just isn't gonna get heard Sometimes there's a generation so wicked that they're gonna blame the people that preach the message For everything that's going wrong. So it's my fault that everything's going wrong. It's my fault that all this stuff is happening It's not my fault This country had a problem well before I was born this country's had a problem well before I became a pastor It's not my fault. Don't try to blame me for it I'm trying to right the ship as many people as I can I'm gonna do What the Bible says and I'm gonna keep fighting for the truth as long as I'm the pastor at this church I'm not gonna back down. I'm not gonna shut up. That's not gonna happen The Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things. What does that mean? Exactly? What does deceitful mean? It means deceiving or misleading it's it's your heart is gonna mislead you your heart will deceive you and It means to tending to mislead to deceive or ensnare full of the seat deceitful right full of the seat Trickish fraudulent cheating. These are some Some other words that would go along with it, but you're basically full of the seat So, what does the Bible say your heart is deceitful above all things it's gonna lie to you it's gonna mislead you It's gonna ensnare you it's gonna trick you it's gonna commit fraud against you. It's gonna cheat Why are people committing adultery by the droves? Why is fornication so rampant in our country because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked And people out there think that they're living right they think that they're doing right they think that what I'm saying or what the Bible is saying, excuse me is Wrong and what they're doing is right. See there's we've come to the place now We're preaching the Bible is evil preaching. The Bible is wicked to some people Well, if that's what God says then Blankety-blank him or whatever I've gotten a lot of really blasphemous messages in the last week the last week and a half These people just are relentless they You know and obviously you guys aren't having to deal with that So it's coming out of me because I'm the one that's been dealing with it So and I'm glad I could be a shield to our church and I'll take it all it doesn't it's it's not a big deal It's just kind of par for the course But like when people start saying like oh you're pastor or this and that it might try to people were trying to try to Dishearten you from coming to this church People are gonna try to stop you from believing the truth because they're gonna be like well How come everybody hates your church so much? How come everybody hates everybody in this building so much You know, what are the what are these little children done to you? That they're gonna say oh we want you we want to burn down your church with everybody in it That's not wicked. That's not hateful. That's not promoting violence. I I Haven't said any of that stuff. I haven't I haven't said for anybody to do anything like that I haven't said for anybody to kill anybody. I've never said that but yet I'm preaching violence Well, I guess Violent is a subjective word Because the Bible says you're not supposed to kill Which is murder right Jesus said in the New Testament thou shall do no murder So that's what kill means in the in the Ten Commandments But yeah These baby killers are gonna sit there and try to condemn me for things. I've said a bunch of baby killing freaks Bunch of people that like to just sodomize people's eyeballs with all this filth all the time I'm sick of it and I know everybody else in this country. Well, not maybe not everybody else. There's a small percentage It's out upset with me But comparisonally, you know in comparison there are people that are They're they're mad at me But a lot of people are mad about all this drag queen story time and all this other stuff You know in the context of what I was talking about That's what I was talking about. So all these people are sending me messages. They know that So that's just okay to do a striptease in front of children and we'll have them put dollar bills and people's waistbands That are dressed their men dressed up like women That's a wicked heart Don't blame me because you guys are freak shows that's not my fault I didn't make you that way and no you're not born that way, but you will burn that way, right? Anyway, so I want to talk about these the person has a wicked heart and obviously You Christian believers can have a wicked heart, too Now there but we have two hearts we have two different Natures in us and it's not man and woman. It's man and Holy Spirit Okay, so I'll get to that later But you know the world wants you to follow your heart Have you ever heard you know that that term will just follow your heart and all your dreams will come true Or there's there's songs called, you know, the the heart wants what it wants So and then there's also, you know, listen to your heart was a popular like late 80s early 90s song But you know when you hear that kind of stuff pumped into your brain all the time and you're just you know When you're younger, you don't think about the things or what the ramifications are of what they're saying but You know, it does affect us Because ultimately it comes out where people will just they will say well, you know what? I've had enough of all these rules all these things that God says all these things are I'm supposedly doing wrong You know, they met they made a saw a Disney song about it called let it go And I'm not gonna sing that song because I don't want that stuck in your head. I definitely don't want stuck in mine It's already happening. No, but But that song is about someone Bucking what they believe in and Saying I don't care if it's right. I'm gonna do what I want I'm never going back just all kinds of things like that and it might seem like an innocent song But the words and the lyrics in the song are really evil and wicked. They really are like the you can't just Just type in Lyrics to let it go and then read what it says and then you'll see that it's about rebellion about this young girl Wanting to rebel against everything that she's been taught and grown up in Says saying that she's tired of pretending tired of this and that tired of following all the rules Well, you know if your heart starts saying that then you're being misled That's a wicked thought. That's a wicked rebellious heart that you have So we shouldn't you know, if the if the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked Should we follow our heart? Should we listen to our heart? No, we shouldn't and when it says the heart, you know that song the heart wants what it wants I've never heard the song before I think it's like Selena Gomez or something But I'm sure it's pretty bad I mean people have signs all over the city and all over the city across and what does it say in our America? love wins Because the heart wants what it wants, doesn't it? Science is real, but then they go Then they believe in all these different genders. So apparently they don't believe in science anyway Well, so the first point that I have is the wicked heart of the unbeliever So there are wicked people that have a wicked heart and they are in unbelief Some of them are reprobates, but most of them are just have a wicked heart of unbelief But there are people that are worse than others, you know There are people that you know would I would say are good and moral in in the eyes of the world out there But here's the thing They're not good and moral in the eyes of God Because the little old lady that you know is the sweet and daring grandmother that's not saved. She's still wicked And maybe she's not as wicked as some of these freaks out there They're causing all kinds of hate and discontent and chaos and and suffering and murder Maybe they're not doing that but maybe they're just a liar The Bible says that just one lie will take you to hell Just one so and lying is wicked. It is it's in a the Bible says an abomination It's one of the Ten Commandments thou shalt not bear false witness now everything that falls under deceit and lies goes underneath that umbrella of That commandment but isn't it really wicked to say To something that somebody did something that they didn't do and then that other that person is getting prosecuted for something that someone's lying about That is really wicked. It's very evil So just lying can be a very serious issue in your life It could be a very serious issue in somebody else's life and they're like, well, I've just told a little white lie That's all I've ever done you liar you've told more lies than just little white lies But that's because the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked people will deceive themselves and even say that they're not sinners I mean every once in a while we run into a door where someone says well, I've I've only done one thing Like shut up, you know, you've done more than one thing. I just don't do that anymore. You know, I just I'm sinless That's ridiculous folks Nobody can get through a day without doing some kind of thing wrong So let's turn to Proverbs chapter 10 verse 20 Proverbs chapter 10 verse 20 And I like that verse of the week I'll read it I don't have it in my notes, but it says for a just man falls seven times and rises up again But the wicked shall fall into mischief so a righteous person will will fall They'll do wrong things, but then they'll rise back up again Because you know, they've gotten their the forgiveness from God They've realized that you know every day is going to be a new day for us that morning by morning new mercies We see and so on and so forth But some people just won't won't get to that point. Look at Proverbs chapter 10 verse 20 the tongue of The just is as choice silver the heart of the wicked is little worth The heart of the wicked is little worth now, obviously when the Bible talks about people being wicked You can put them into two categories You can put them into people that are saved that are being wicked and people that are unsaved that are wicked this I would say by the context is talking about someone that's not saved and Probably won't get saved the heart of the wicked is little worth You know, there's it's worthless But when you have a tongue that's you know, the tongue of the just that's a saved person is as choice silver So you're gonna speak things that are that are godly you're gonna speak the truth and love you're gonna speak the gospel And anything that's in this book is good Every word of God is good right turn to Proverbs or yeah Proverbs chapter 26 verse 23 I'm gonna read 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 14 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 14 says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed Children, so in 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 14, which is what I was preaching out of last Thursday talks is talking about these false prophets and You know, obviously a false prophet what I was preaching is that they can't be saved They are destined for hell at the point that they've rejected God to the point where they're a false prophet teaching damnable heresies So heart they have exercised with covetous practices So they're after your money and it says cursed children So what is a cursed what is cursed children? Well, you know, obviously on the surface It's children that are actually reprobates themselves or is it possible for a child to be a reprobate? Yes, it is You know, it is it is possible So and I'm not saying like a two-year-old or you know, I know that two-year-olds a reprobate look at other acting I'm not saying that okay I'm talking about you know, maybe children that have are past the age of accountability and at some point they just rejected God in their heart and in their mind and Obviously this is just talking about the fact that they're cursed children where they're the children of the devil Okay, so it's talking about a spiritual or unspiritual type of issue here But you can apply it both ways because it is possible for children to be reprobate But it also I believe is talking about these children of the devil, you know, obviously That they are children of Belial. They are the workers of iniquity that the Bible talks about And like when it's when the Bible talks about the workers of iniquity there's never a positive mention of them ever if you just look up workers of iniquity or a worker of iniquity in the Bible and When it's when Jesus brings it up in the New Testament, he says you're you know, the depart from me that work iniquity Depart from me you workers of iniquity he's quoting an Old Testament verse, but he's applying it to what people that Say that they're godly say that they're saved say that they're Christians like all these false prophets And then on the day when they say we preach in your name We did all these things and he's gonna say depart from me either work iniquity. I never knew you Not I used to know you and then I didn't now I do then I didn't now I do he loves me He loves me not you can't lose your salvation So when Jesus says I never knew you that means they were never saved So explain that one to me you people that think you can lose your salvation If you think you can lose your salvation Then wouldn't there be people that that the loss or salvation said I used to know you at one point But now I never knew you that doesn't make sense You know why because someone that he never knew was never saved to begin with So, you know what? I mean? So like people that think that you can lose your salvation. They'll say well, yeah, you can lose it well, then that means you had it and You used to know him but now you don't know him anymore see The Bible is always true folks nobody That nobody nobody that's saved is ever gonna step one foot into hell They're not even gonna tip their put their little their toe in the fires of hell for one second They're not gonna smell like flames for a minute. They're not gonna be Suffering in hell for any amount of time because we already had a Savior that went down to hell and suffered for us He died on the cross for us. He shed his precious blood. He was tortured. He was mocked He was beaten so that we would never have to endure that for one second So the people that are he's saying depart from me. I never knew you. These are people that are unsaved Reprobates Because isn't it true that so if someone dies and they're not saved. What do they instantly become? They instantly become a reprobate right, so All people that are in hell are reprobates Because God doesn't throw people he loves in hell You wouldn't if your kids don't clean the house when you tell them to you come back and you're like, what have you done? Everything's under the bed. What do you think? I wasn't gonna look And then he's just saying well I'm stoking up the oven to 350 and you're gonna go in there and suffer for a while Nobody's gonna do that only somebody that's deranged or mentally ill would do something like that Nobody that loves their children is gonna put them in that kind of a harm And you know what? God loves all his children, but not everybody is God's children like the Mormons teach That's another you know, the emails you if I blended all the emails I've gotten I'm going to hell That's like the number of survey says number one answer. I Think I don't believe in hell, but if there was one you're going there Well, guess what you really are going there And yeah, unfortunately, I would like all you know, God wants all people to be saved So why wouldn't I want all people to be saved, of course I want all people to be saved, but there's some people that are past that point They have a wicked heart you'd have had you turn to Proverbs chapter 26 Look at verse 23 Bible says burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross Let's talk about someone has a wicked wicked heart a pot shirt is like a broken piece of a pottery And then you take the dross the scum that's on the top of a reef You're when you're trying to refine some kind of metal or something and you want if you take that scum that Reprobate scum off the top of it and then you would cover that pot shirt that broken piece of clay with the dross So it's like basically trash being covered with trash Right. I mean, isn't that what it is? So it says a wicked heart is like a pot shirt covered with silver dross and dross is again the scum that's wiped off the top It's like here you go. Here's your piece of clay. It's Native American art. Here you go And it's just like, you know scum over the top of scum It's not Redeemable, it's it's disgusting. It's an abomination And these are this is obviously talking about not just a safe Christian that has a wicked heart This is talking about people that are evil and they're not saved that have a wicked heart Look what it says in verse 24. He that hateth December with his lips and layeth up the seat within him now, let me just address this word hate real quick so Hatred is not always a bad thing. Okay, but if people hate Christians or godly people Because of who they are and what they believe in then this is what this is a hatred that's wrong You know one of the works of the flesh is hatred But so but when God hates things Is he wicked because he hates things is he wicked because he hates people there are people that God hates He loved them for God so loved the world, but there comes a point when he stops loving people Like even even the Israelites, you know, God says I will love you no more. I'll love thee no more You know He basically cast them aside and let the Assyrians come and take him over and assimilate and that's what when The children of Israel when Jesus was going to Samaria These are like people that have been brought from the Assyrian Empire their ancestors of probably a mixture a combination of the twelve tribes But the twelve tribes got taken away and then replaced with these Assyrians and then you know They didn't know the gods of the land or whatever basically, there's some really confused religious people is what they are, but Word hate is not a bad thing So we should hate that which God hates hate those who God hates But obviously hating other Christians is wrong because the Bible says we're supposed to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, right? So this person here is a person that hates Good people that hates save people look what it says he that hateth December with with his lips. They're trying to cause the simp the Dissemination they're trying to cause division it says and layeth up deceit within him When he speaketh fair believe him not for there are seven abominations in his heart Does that sound like this is a safe person? It says don't believe them when they're you know, and this is what people do that creep into churches They they act they have fair speeches. They speak fair. They have good things to say You're the best preacher I've ever heard or you know, you're the best Christian. You're my best and closest friend You know, I I just want to reach out to you because you're my best friend, you know And then everybody in the church they said this they send the same message to that's that's kind of weird. Don't you think? But the Bible says believe not there are seven abominations in his heart whose hatred is covered by deceit So they're deceiving right his wickedness shall be showed before the whole congregation So at some point God is gonna allow these types of people to be revealed now There's some people that probably hunker in pretty deep and it takes a long time for them to get rooted out But eventually they pop up and then be like surprise. I was a reprobate the whole time I mean, how are you gonna go to a church like this and then claim later on that you don't believe in eternal security It's because that person was never saved in the first place. They're just a plant of the devil The Bible says that while men slept You know tares were sowed amongst the wheat We have to we have to understand this is gonna happen in our church. It has happened in our church multiple times so Says who so dig at the pit shall fall therein and he that rolleth a stone it will return upon them So don't worry because the things that the evil things that they're trying to do are gonna come back on them If you try to roll a stone to try to kill somebody a stone's gonna get rolled on you He either roll the stone it will return upon him maybe they're trying to push it uphill or something because you might as well be trying to push it uphill because God's gonna make sure that that stone gets rolled back upon you you dig a pit for someone to fall in You're trying to scheme against people in this church or scheme against other people in other churches. It's gonna happen You're gonna fall into the pit that you dug yourself You know you reap what you sow That's what the Bible teaches that if you sow wickedness and that's what you're what you're all about Where people say you got karma coming to you. Well number one. I don't believe in karma. I call it reaping what you sow Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap Now it says a lying tongue hated those that are afflicted by it and a flattering mouth worketh ruin So these people that do these things they are Flattery is their main thing that they do to try to get you to drop your defenses because everybody wants to hear how great they are Everybody wants to hear positive things about themselves oh Well really you think I'm the best Christian you've ever met I mean when they're laying it on thick like that You should just have a warning in your heart it's been preached about enough where you should just realize if someone's flattering you and Buttering you up to that point that there's something going on. Don't the Bible says don't believe them doesn't it? So these types of people They they're they're trying to lie to you You know they're trying to deceive you so that ultimately they can do something wicked to you don't fall for this stuff Turn to Proverbs chapter 4 verse 14 Proverbs chapter 4 verse 14 Now I know that this doesn't really necessarily have Anything about the heart, but it does say something about the wicked and so someone's Someone's wicked then that means their hearts wicked isn't it look at Proverbs 4 14 It says enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men So this is why the Bible teaches separation. We should separate ourselves from people like that We should stay away from people like that because you know what's going to happen. You're going to become like them If you have unsaved friends and family that you're you know constantly hanging around they're going to rub off on you You're not going to rub off on them if they've rejected Christ so many times and then you know what they're just they're the one Good bad person in the world That's not true folks. That's not true. So if they're rejecting Christ and You know you're still like have this close relationship with them The Bible says come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing You know we're not supposed to mix together with unbelievers like that, so like I'm not saying like Hate your family or hate your friends or whatever Obviously you should love them and want them to get saved But sometimes there's what comes a point when you kind of need to separate yourself from them so and sometimes it's soon There's some wicked families out there You know there's some people that would just they'd rather have you being drunk and on drugs Or you know being a whore or a whoremonger or an adulterer than going to this church Which is a really weird point of view isn't it? Like I'm so glad that you quit drinking and smoking and doing drugs, but you really need to get out of that church What do you think changed the heart of that person? Jesus changed the heart of that person and And as they read the Bible, they're like well. Hey, you know I need to change some things in my life That's what Christians. Do you work on trying to change some things in your life not getting worse? I'm not saying that you judge people by their works necessarily, but if that person never Went forward for Christ at all you know there's a good chance that it might be a false convert But if they believe they are saved and there are wicked people that are Christians I'm going to get into that here in a minute, but I Had you turn to Proverbs chapter 4 verse 14 it says Enter not in the path of the of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men avoid it pass not by it Turn from it and pass away get away from these people For they sleep not Except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away Unless they cause some to fall for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence And there was a wicked person that left our church and totally betrayed us and all this stuff And they were texting group group chats to our men in our church. I Remember seeing one of the comments where they said I'm sleeping fine. I sleep like a baby every single night, and it's like Yeah, but it says they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away Unless they cause some to fall so If you're sleeping fine It's because you try to get someone to fall you try to to pull some kind of chicanery so that you could sleep at night Because you're so wicked and evil that you can't sleep at night unless you cause someone to fall so That was a weird response. Oh, I sleep fine at night Yeah, I'm sure you do because you're a wicked evil piece of garbage and trash. It's gonna be cast in the lake of fire Number two even the safe can have a wicked heart look at Deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 7 So obviously, you know, there's evil and wicked people out there in the world. We need to avoid them we need to identify them for what they are and you know Obviously, I preach a lot about wicked people. So I'm just gonna I'm gonna now focus the rest of the sermon on you On your wicked hearts. We all have wicked hearts at some point But I'll explain that to you look at Deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 7 if there be among you a Poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Thou shalt not harden thine heart Nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother So we're supposed to if someone's in need we are supposed to help them It says but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need and that which he wanteth Beware, so the Bible's warning us here beware that that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart Saying the seventh year and the seventh year of release is at hand and thine eye be Evil against thy poor brother and thou giveth him not and he crieth unto the Lord against thee and it be sin Unto thee so when you have a wicked heart and a thought of I'm not gonna help this person I'm gonna wait for somebody else or whatever, you know, and obviously this is talking about the Year of Jubilee but But there, you know, there's always gonna be poor people in churches. There was always gonna be poor people in the world We can't stop the poor. I know that's what communists say But then all those people in communist China are getting bulldozed and killed because if they take if they take any stand against the government They just smash them That's what the USSR did. That's what Korea has done. You know, you can't even have a Bible in some of these countries You can't even preach the gospel in some of these places in China They have underground churches because if they're not underground then they're controlled by the government You can't even preach the book of Daniel. You can't preach the book of Revelation in China because it says that all the worlds are gonna be overthrown by Jesus all the all the countries and nations are gonna be overthrown by Jesus and so the communist Chinese don't want to accept that fact They don't want that preached because that would give hope to the hearts of the people that live there wouldn't it? Well one of these days we could be out of this regime and Jesus gonna come back He's the stone that rolled down from the mountain and and destroy the statue Which is obviously representing all the nations that came before these wicked nations But we're not supposed to have a wicked thought about not helping people, you know, and obviously there comes a point when you kind of have to and I I'm just saying if someone's just like a professional mooch that's different Okay, if someone is a man that refuses to work and labor, you know There's verses that trump that isn't there but man doesn't work. Neither. Should he eat? That's what the Bible teaches. I was accused of You actually you guys were accused last night of being mean to homeless people And I said well if you've been being Well, they said you're actually let me be be more specific. They said you guys are harassing the homeless people in Vancouver you guys Why have you been doing that? I said well if you mean by harassing asking Drug people literally drinking and using drugs while church services are going on or screeching and allowing their demons, you know to be behind me while I'm preaching or Leaving all their trash and garbage and using our back step as a urinal and a place to defecate Then yeah, we're gonna harass them and tell them to get out of here Go do that somewhere else Because literally I've walked this whole complex here and No, no other building or property had this kind of stuff being done to it So so now you guys are harassing people because the ushers go out and say you guys can't do this here Get out of here, you know, maybe in the churches down in Portland. They put up with that kind of stuff Maybe the churches with the rainbow flags and the come as you are and leave as you came flags are hanging on their churches But you know what if the Bible says if a man doesn't work neither should eat if they show up at the end of a Church service when they it's clearly written on the door what time our church service is they all have cell phones too, by the way They're homeless with cell phones and and and they they see what time it is They could just look up our service times, but they always want to come after the church service and ask for money Not happening Why don't you go to the church that you drank on the on that doorstep and go ask them for money? You probably use them up too. That's probably why you're asking me, but you know what the answer is gonna be for me. No Get out of here. If that's harassment. Well, I'm sorry to say I don't like people I don't like people having to take the garbage out and there's dung all over the back porch literally or whatever they stole that they could sleep in that night or you know pallets empty pallets of wood and And then people just illegally dumping all their stuff in our dumpster and then they go through it and throw it out all over the ground That's not harassment folks that's that get out of here. I'm not gonna help you unless you know you Actually come to a church service come to a church service, then we'll talk But if they don't want to hear what God has to say then you know what my answer is gonna be no You guys just need to quit harassing them, right So it says thou shalt surely give him and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him It's not talking about homeless derelicts and druggies folks. It's talking about God's people that might be having a hard time because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and In all that thou put his thine hand unto for the poor shall never cease out of the land Therefore I command thee saying thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother See that to the to thy poor and to thy needy in the land So yeah the poor and needy it doesn't say the lazy and homeless now someone that's homeless can Still be a righteous person. Maybe there's how Jesus was homeless but when people put signs out that say You know why lie I need a beer I'm never gonna give you a dollar I'm never gonna give you anything if someone's crippled and it's obvious. They can't work I would help that person, but I'm not gonna help just 20 year old dudes That are able to stand and walk and I saw one the other day that has a cardboard sign It was pretty inventive, but it had three different flips to it So one said freezing one said hungry, and I don't know what the other one said I couldn't read it But it's like they just pick which one you know Maybe they won't notice it's the same person standing at the off-ramp if I use three different signs or something freezing Get a job, buddy He literally he was like 25 years old And I'm supposed to help a person that just won't you know you know what they're gonna Do when you hand of money they're gonna go straight to their drug dealer and go get some smack They're gonna go straight to the drug dealer and go get their fentanyl or Chinese fentanyl They're gonna go to their nearest drug dealer or the just the store the booze peddling store Which is basically every store in the city so Anyway, I know that I kind of went on out For a little bit, but anyway There are people though that were are stingy even with the people of God and that ought not be the case So look at first Samuel chapter 16 first Samuel chapter 16 This is a kind of a little lengthy passage, but I brought this up in another sermon on the heart But so I'm just gonna actually just narrow it down to I'll just kind of explain a little bit so Saul has been rejected by God as the king of Israel and And Samuel's been asked to anoint a New a new king to replace him once Saul dies. It's David but so but Samuel's looking at people and Thinking that's him because the first king that God picked was head and shoulders above everybody else. He was meek. He was actually hiding He was hiding playing hide-and-seek when people were asking where is this guy at you know he he he had You know he was little in his own sight. He was a tall man He was head and shoulders above everybody else, but he was little in his own sight. He was humble You know he was usable and God picked him To be the king So you know Samuel's like well Saul's gonna kill me You know this is you know Saul's done evil ever since then and then now if Samuel Anoints somebody else and Saul finds out about it, then Saul is gonna kill Samuel That's what Samuel thinks and it's probably actually what was going to happen So but it's funny that Samuel rolls into town. Let's look at verse 4 And it says it's him so he he kind of says there's gonna be a sacrifice and that's kind of the way he you what he uses to in order to Do the anointing but says and Samuel did that which was which the Lord spake verse 4 and came to Bethlehem and the elders of? The town trembling at his coming said comest thou peaceably Isn't it funny that back then the man of God was feared? He rolled into town and people's like treated him like he was Clint Eastwood or something and a spaghetti Westerner like you know And late and you'll see in later on Actually, what was before this? Samuel chopped the dude into pieces in front you know it says before the Lord he hued this guy into pieces So I guess I could see why they're a little bit worried here And they said comes up peaceably And he was like you know I come and he said peaceably as he just said one thing peaceably I am come to the sacrifice of the Lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice He sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice now So basically all these these guys come before Samuel. He's like surely. This is the Lord's anointed. This is him this has got to be him and You know we look at things we look at people's outwards appearance That's a lot of times we judge based upon those things, but we can't see inside someone's heart We can't see what they're really like and that's why people are able to trick us and deceive us and creep in and things like that but It says let's see Look at verse 7 it says, but the Lord said unto Samuel Look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because I've refused him for the Lord seeth not as a man seeth For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart So how does God see people he sees into their heart he sees into their mind. He sees what they are you know? Santa Claus got nothing on him. He sees everything He knows everything about you. He knows you better than you know yourself He knows you better than your spouse if you're married and your spouse is usually get to know you pretty well But God knows you more than anybody else more than you know yourself, and he looks on the heart That's what he looks at he doesn't look you know and obviously I'm not saying don't dress up for church or something But he you know, but basically what God's saying is it's the heart of that person that really matters, okay? so now let's go back to first Samuel chapter 10 verse 9 Because you know Saul Samuel ends up anointing David the son of Jesse because At one point Saul was good, and then he went bad but David Was good and stayed good, but then we read about David. We're like man. He did some terrible things and To some people they would say like well saw it seemed like Saul didn't do as bad of things as David did But you know that's not how God sees it so we should see things how God sees them not how we see them Because God knows the heart, right So it says in first Samuel chapter 10 9 it says and it was so that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel God gave him another heart. This is Early on when he went to see Samuel God gave him another heart, so what does that mean well? It means that Saul got saved So he had another heart so see what I'm saying like believers can have two different types of hearts Because didn't Saul go bad later on well it's because there's two natures inside of us that fight against each other and That's obviously the new man and the old man. You want to call it that which the Bible does call it that so But God gave him another heart and all those signs came to pass that day and when they came dither to the hill behold a company of prophets met him and the Spirit of God came upon him and he Prophesied among them, so what's all doing? He's preaching Saul saved he gets saved the Spirit of God comes upon him in the Old Testament The Spirit of God came and rested upon people But did not indwell the believer in the New Testament the Spirit of God indwells a believer and never will leave you nor forsake you so What what ends up happening here is that Saul continues to prophesy it says and it came to pass when all that knew him be Before time saw that behold he prophesied among the prophets That the people said one to another what is this that has come unto the son of Kish is Saul also among the prophets So the people that knew him before They noticed a change in him didn't they that now all of a sudden this guy is on fire for God. He's preaching He's got the Spirit of God Resting upon him so Saul did start out good, but the Bible says he was given another heart So he is saved But the thing is is that when you're saved you can still go back to that wicked heart now You can never lose your salvation You always gonna have that new man in you so but even if say people can have a wicked heart That's just what the Bible teaches, but people that are work salvation experts That they they claim that they that they are saved because of their works or some kind of combination They're just lying to themselves They don't have a new heart they can appear to have a new heart, but they don't really have one That's why we really can't judge people based upon works Because I had some Mormons come to my door the other day, and they're like hey, and I was just like Not peaceably no They came to my door and instead of getting a big giant fight with them or trying to give them a gospel or something dumb I just was like I'm not interested like Can we help you out with something around the house you need anything done. I was like no But that's what they do. That's how they hook people well. They're so nice They come and and want to do nice things for you, and that's that's their hook Is that they want to get a hold of you and say well nobody else has ever? No other no Baptist have ever come and asked if they could mow my yard No Baptist have ever come and said that can I unload your U-Haul? Or whatever, but I'm sure that there's Baptist that have that have said stuff like that, but for the most part We're not trying to hook them with some kind of good works. We're trying to hook them with the gospel We're on a fishing expedition, and we're trolling you know we just want to see you know But you take the word of God you're gonna get saved You know or fly fishing We're net fishing we're doing all kinds of fishing right, but we're supposed to be fishers of men And they're trying to do it by their works because that's what they believe gets you saved But we cannot judge based upon those things because if we judge based upon the nice things that people do Then we'd be judging a lot of people saying that they're going to heaven when they're actually not Look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 16 verse 9 2nd Chronicles chapter 16 verse 9. I want to look at another Man that was a great man of God. He was a great king He was God loved him, and he did a lot of great things, but at the end of his life He kind of took a downward spiral and went back to being you know kind of having a wicked heart and a wicked attitude towards God's people and That man is Asa so Asa you know got the sodomites out of the land. He did all these great things. You know he won a war Against you know the Lubens and the Ethiopians that had a million-man army acid amounts of Chariots and he Defeated them because he trusted in God and God gave them the victory over a million people That's a lot of people that's more people that live in Vancouver That's a big host But then as he got older you know he's he's trying to Go and and rely on somebody else to help them instead of relying on God and so God wants to Work mightily in his people he wants to do great things and exploits through his people but when you start trusting in people that are not necessarily God's friends and God's enemies and you start going astray like that and Instead of trusting in God you're trusting in something else you're trusting in a military another military force You're trusting in the founding fathers. You're trusting in whatever it is. You're trusting in Then or your family and friends or whatever it is then God's gonna have a problem with that Your health care this is this is specifically tied to health care right here But look what it says in verse 9 for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth To show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him Herein Thou hast done foolishly Therefore from henceforth shalt thou shalt have war so what's God saying? He's saying well because you decided to not trust in me this time over a smaller army, and if you read that on your own He's just like you know I helped you defeat this million-man army, and now you're afraid of some some Clowns that are coming like you don't trust in me anymore But God is showing himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect for him So what does that tell you about about him is that his heart was no longer perfect for him? so Look what it says in verse 10 then Asa was wroth with the seer and put him in a prison house for he was in A rage with him because of this thing and Asa oppressed some of the people The same time so what's he do he's so backslidden. He's so not perfect not right with God that he actually puts one of the prophets in prison and Oppresses some of the other people probably people are like what are you doing? He's like I want you know he because kings have this this power Or when you say jump they say how high? But when people are trying to go against Asa for what he's doing wrong and the seer is sent by God You know this man is sent by God to tell him that he's wrong And then he just like throws him in prison because of it That's how you know Asa was was was a great man But he kind of his heart was not perfect in the end was it look what it says in verse 11 it says behold the acts of Asa first and last lo they're written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel and Asa and the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet until his disease was exceeding great Yet in his disease. He sought not to the Lord, but to the physician, so what was he trusting in in his health? He was trusting in physicians More than he was trusting in God. He sought not to God hey when we have health problems the first person You should go to is God. I mean this should be an exciting example to us To go to God first and then obviously physicians are okay to go to I'm not saying don't go to the doctor There's actually cults in this area that say that you're not allowed to go to the doctor if your child's dying that they were just meant to die or whatever That's an Oregon City. We call it the baby killer cult, but anyway Well, that's what I call it anyway. I know that's what Remy calls it the baby killer cult, but anyway see We need to to be able to stay strong and have a perfect heart toward God till our dying day And how are we going to accomplish that well number three? It's on my last point here How do we avoid having a wicked heart? You know giving in to the wicked heart that we have because we do have two natures I'm going to explain that to you, so the first thing we need to do is make sure we're saved If you're not saved then you need to get saved and then you can start the process of cleaning yourself up But God is the one that has to do that. It's called sanctification It's a process that happens throughout the Christian life if you are still hurt You know your heart's perfect towards God, but if you're totally backslidden and doing all kinds of wickedness You're not going to grow as a Christian. You're going to regress And if you're not continuing to do the work do the reading do all these things Then you're not going to grow as a Christian. You're going to turn back into a baby Because that is not what it says and Hebrews chapter 6 You know you don't you can't even have the strong meat you need to have milk again. You need someone teaches you again I'm definitely not quoting that perfectly, but I'm just Summing up what it says, but you can you know as a spirit baby God you can grow up Turn into a full-grown mature adult in the spirit or whatever in Christ And then turn back, and then you can go back to baby you can be Benjamin Button or whatever You can go back to becoming a baby after you've already been adult an adult Because if you don't use it you're going to lose it You can even lose scriptures that you have memorized you can you can lose doctrine You're going to lose it if you're not using it, and if you're backslidden, then you're definitely not going to go forward any further spiritually so and if you're already saved Then you need to walk in the Spirit of God That's how we avoid this wicked heart We have to if we're saved walk in the Spirit of God, and you know obviously Singing songs to him songs spiritual songs is going to help us. They're listening and applying the preaching to our lives reading the Bible Applying the reading of the Bible to our lives Those are the things that are going to help our daily walk and to help us to avoid Having the heart of Saul to avoid having what happened to Asa happen to him obviously there's many other examples I could use in the Bible, but I'm not going to so but 1st John chapter 3 go ahead and turn to 1st John chapter 3 verse number 9 1st John 3 9 I'm going to buzz through and blast the rest of this here real quick But it says Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin For his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he's born of God Obviously the work salvation people are like see if you commit sin, then you're not saved But look what it says it says his seed remaineth in him that seed is the new man that seed is Christ Christ said I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you He will send the comforter. He's going to send the holy spirit of God to us. That's what he said in John chapter 14 So you know these people that would say well, you're not going to send anymore ray comfort and people like that Because you're born of God. They don't understand the Bible because they're not saved and so they're going to twist it into these weird things that you Know anybody that says they no longer sin anymore as far as you know their flesh is concerned are just Lying they're lying Especially because they're not saved so they're probably just got all kinds of bones in their closet right so It says He cannot sin because he's born of God the new man When you get saved the new man can't sin, but you know what your flesh can still sin didn't Saul still sin Didn't aces still sin yes He did and everybody in this room Does also it says in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whoever who excuse me whosoever Doeth not righteousness is not of God neither. He that loveth not his brother skip down to verse 318 Or chapter 3 verse 18 says my little children Let us not love in word neither in tongue, but indeed and in truth So talk is cheap You know we should You know apply this in the right way you shouldn't just you know talk and say you're gonna do something, but when you say you're gonna do something you should actually do it and So when you're saying that you're a Christian You know people are going to see your good works, and that is a way for you to shine the light You know of Jesus of course But that doesn't prove that people are saved so this hopefully this isn't too confusing to people But it shouldn't really be confusing because we have two different hearts We have the old heart, and we have the new heart okay, if you're safe, so and it says hereby we know That we are the truth and shall assure our hearts before him Or if our heart condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things isn't that awesome that God is greater Than our heart he knoweth all things beloved if our heart condemn us not then we have confidence Toward him so when we're when our hearts right if it's not being condemned then we have confidence towards God But you know if our you know even if if our heart condemns us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things And you know what God can forgive us of our sins that we commit in the flesh And you know what if you are saved your sins are already all forgiven But you're still punished in this earth for the things that you do wrong so He'll never punish us by throwing us in a lake of fire, but he will punish our lives for living in the flesh But in first John turn to first Peter chapter 3 verse 4 John first John 1 9 says if we confess our sins He's faithful just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all on righteousness if we do sin if we do something We know is wrong go to God confess your faults confess your sins to him Not a priest not a friend not anybody else you can go right to God the Father Through Jesus the Son and he will forgive your sins It says he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all righteousness We can be right with God even if you fall Today tomorrow you can get back up and be right with God You Can be right with God after you do something Because all it's required by him is that you confess that you've done it But those that people those people who try to hide their sins and try to hide what they really are Those are the people that God's gonna chastise and take out his fury on so You're like well, I thought we couldn't sin though Your new man can't sin so the Regenerated heart that you have can't sin when God gives you a new heart or another heart That part cannot sin Your old man can though look at 1st Peter 3 4 it says but let it be the hidden man of the heart And that which is not corruptible see the hidden man the heart is not corruptible Even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God a great price In context talking about wives, but the hidden man of the heart is also in man, okay The hidden man of the heart is Jesus Christ right the hidden man of the heart is the Holy Spirit and so yeah It's a man in your heart, okay? But so both men and women have the hidden man of the heart so that hidden man of the heart is That new nature turn Ezekiel actually turn to Galatians chapter 5 I'll read Ezekiel 36 verse 26 the Bible prophesied about this in the Old Testament it says a new heart also will I give you and a spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and Will give you an heart of flesh Now obviously flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God But what the picture is showing is that that person's heart is already hardened, okay? He's gonna take away that stone heart Out out of the flesh and give you a heart of flesh, so he's gonna change that heart He's gonna give you a new heart And it says I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes And he shall keep my judgments and do them. It's talking about the born-again saved person in Galatians chapter 5 verse 13 it says For brethren you have been called unto Liberty only use not Liberty for an occasion to the flesh But by love serve one another For all the law is fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself But if you bite and devour one another take he that be not consumed one of another This I say then walk in the spirit And you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other So that you cannot do the things that you would So there's this battle that goes on between the spirit of the flesh and whether you're if you're walking in the spirit It says in verse 18, but if you be led of the spirit, you're not under the law So when we are living in the flesh you're breaking God's law You're doing that and then God is going you know you're gonna be walking in the flesh And so if you're walking in the flesh you're gonna be sinful you're gonna be doing sinful things That's your flesh when our flesh is redeemed by Jesus Christ when he comes back that will be gone But in this life we do have a constant battle. There's battles of people from the outside. There's battles from below There's battles going on in our our own bodies every single day This our life at the battlefield folks So you just get used to that But if you don't want to be getting smacked around all the time by God then try to you know walk in the spirit Obviously nobody's gonna be a hundred percent in the spirit at all times But you know most people that are in here today right now if unless you're just saying hurry up and shut up and be done Look at the snow pastor. Are you stupid? Well, do you have a wicked heart? I'm almost done, but I just wanted you know obviously these are this is refreshing stuff This is stuff that you already know, but like we need to be reminded over and over again about things So how do we ultimately know if our hearts wicked? How do we measure that how do we know? You know because the heart is deceitful above all things desperately wicked, so how can we know when we're being wicked? How can we know when our heart is being wicked? How can we keep our hearts with all diligence because that's not really the theme of this series is keep your hearts with all Diligence proud of it are the issues of life. How do we keep our heart? How do we tend to it? How do we make sure it's right before God? How do we gauge it? How can we ever trust our heart? Well the only heart we can trust is the one that can't sin okay? And and you need guidance in order to know what that is Turn to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 And this is a great verse and it helps us to understand What we Funnel everything through how do we how do we know that our hearts? Good or bad or whether our intents are right or wrong or whether we're right with God or not well of course It's the Bible That is the shining light that is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path You know how shall a young man cleanse his way by taking taking heed thereto according to thy word And it says in Hebrews chapter 4 12 it says for the word of God is quick that means it's alive it's not just a regular book and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of what? The heart so it discerns what does the Bible discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart? So how can you know if you're right or wrong if your heart if you're following the right heart? Well the Bible is gonna. Tell you what is right and wrong, but if you never read the Bible then I guess It's never gonna. Tell you anything if you're not paying attention or applying things in the preaching You're it's not gonna. Help you. You're just gonna walk around being a fleshly new IFB sold-out independent Baptist that Isn't walking in the spirit So that's what's gonna happen So and first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 says wherefore let us let him that think that he standest take heed lest he fall There's a lot of people like I can't believe how would they how could they ever do that because their heart is desperately wicked That's why and when you're not right with God you're gonna do wrong so and Romans chapter 13 verse 11, I'll close out here will be done You don't want to turn there you don't have to but While You're turning there I'm gonna read first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 says there is no temptation taking you, but such as is common to man But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted that above that you're able But with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it So with that temptation God's gonna make a way to escape so does anybody have an excuse to commit sin? You know because God Will you know that's why people say well if you sin willfully then there you know you can't be renewed again to repentance Well that can't be possible for a Christian That can't be talking about a Christian. I don't believe it is but Because you can be renewed again to repentance you can when you're backslidden you can slide forward you can get right with God That's why the first is are there that I've just read to you There's no temptation, but that which is common to men so do all men still willfully sin that are saved Yeah everybody willfully sins So that again, and that's a different sermon for another time, but look at you're in Romans 13 verse 11 it says and that knowing the time that now is the high time to awake out of sleep and Now is our salvation nearer than when we then when we believed So isn't that true Jesus is closer to coming back today Then he that he was closer today than he is was yesterday, and he's closer gonna be closer tomorrow Every day we live we're getting nearer to that day, and I'm not saying it's gonna happen in our lifetime it might not but the Bible says it's high time to awake out of sleep if you're sleeping and slumbering if You're just you know you're just my I'm like Charlie Brown's teacher up here, and you're not hearing anything I'm saying Then you're in a sad state of affairs. You need to get right with God So Because if that's your attitude, then you already got one foot out the door look at verse 12 The night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness Let us put on the armor of light Let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envying But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not Provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof you know the provision that you're putting yourself into That's what's making your flesh go. Yeah, I want that you're it's like you know putting You know hay in front of a horse don't horses eat hay they do don't they and Then saying don't eat that It's like putting a steak dinner in front of you, and you're like I'm not gonna eat any any any red meat for six months And you just put a steak in front of you every day to see if you can withstand the temptation Look the temptations real the same so We need to put on Jesus Christ put on the new man make not provision for the flesh don't put yourself in a situation that you know you're gonna fail in and It says to fulfill the lust thereof because we should be keeping our heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life So don't hang out with people who have a wicked heart Even if it is a Christian if that person is just dragging you down and making you unspiritual Then don't hang out with that person anymore because what's happening is you're getting less spiritual, and they already were on spiritual But now you're getting less spiritual because you're hanging out with someone. That's not spiritual I'm not saying like don't love that person and don't pray for that person don't help that person I'm just saying that if you hang out with the least spiritual person in this church. You're gonna become less spiritual. It's just a fact so if you have a Backslidden heart if you have some kind of hardened heart towards the things of God if you're Blaming me for the reason why you don't want come to this church anymore because you don't like that I'm preaching you know hot sermons against the sodomites or whatever Then you know there's plenty of other churches you can go to I don't want you to be out of church But if you don't like this church to go someplace else you know So that and I don't want anybody to go anyplace else I'm just saying that I'd rather have you go and go to some you know less productive church than to flounder here You know I don't want you to be dragged down. I want you to do well so don't hang out with those people that are the least spiritual in the church and don't hang out with a person that has a wicked heart saved or unsaved and Avoid giving into your wicked heart of the flesh of the old man Because you do have a choice you have a choice to sin you have a choice who to hang out with nobody's just says hey You have to hang out with so-and-so That's your new soul winning partner forever. That's your new best friend forever. You know nobody forces you to hang out with anybody but again you should love everybody that's saved in this church and You should be good to them, but you don't have to hang out with them all right, so let's avoid giving into our wicked hearts and try to Put on the new man. Let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much for this great church, and hey you just help us and help everybody get home safely this afternoon and We'll just give you the praise and honor for that and thank you for just all the people that would come knowing that it's going to be this weather and just thankful for those in our church, and pray that you just dismiss us now and keep us in your tender care in Jesus name we pray amen and Church one o'clock that enough time to get something to eat, or do you want 115 huh 115 all right? We'll be right back. The place Here to the heart of God Place To the heart Jesus To a To the heart There is a place Oh Bless redeemer Oh Jesus Oh Amen thanks for joining us this morning and great singing like to see you back here at 115 for a second service brother bill Can you end us with the word of prayer? You