(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen All right, so like I said in the announcement So I'm gonna preach about Freemasons in light of the Bible Freemasons in light of the Bible. Can you hear me? Okay, Richard, okay so As I begin to dive back into this because when I first got saved I really got into study and all this stuff and and got really probably too far into but actually before I was even saved I I kind of knew about the Freemasons and and All the secret society mumbo-jumbo and all that kind of stuff, but you know, it's not just mumbo-jumbo. It actually is true That you know, there are secret societies around the world You know Satan like I've preached about in other servants has his people in his places God has his people in his places and you know this I've never actually heard anybody preach about this subject before I've heard like things get mentioned before but I've never actually heard anybody preach about it and you know, honestly There's no way I have time to go through everything That the Freemasons believe and everything that I believe about them if you ever want to talk sometime afterward I can kind of you know explain some of the things but I just wanted to cover a lot of the highlights And I definitely want to shed the the light of the Bible, you know they believe that that they get light this this light that That makes them smart and that they know more than everybody else and they have the secret knowledge that they get But you know what the Bible is what sheds its light on everything So and that's what we're gonna use to shed the light on what the Masons actually believe And when I say Masons, I'm not talking about the people that you know, put your chimney in. Okay, so, you know Back in the you know back throughout time people things have been built by stones and stonemasons and stuff and supposedly this you know you know came from those stonemasons and you know the working man and they had these different initiates of you know, people like at my work they have you know people that are entry-level people that are Laborers and then they have people that are what they would consider journey level people, you know, then you have the management but you know anyway, so So but the journey level people, you know There's there's there's different levels at work like if you're in some kind of a trade that they have with the Masons they have the same thing in their Organization and look these guys aren't building You know buildings anymore, you know, this is an organization that you know Is has changed from what it was once was and and honestly if you look if you I looked all over At different things. I have lots of different books But nothing's really pins the tail on where this whole thing started what the Masons How they started it's it's just not clear but Like I said as I begin to dive back into studying the Freemasons I realize just how vast and in depth you you know, you have to go to study what they actually believe You know and I'm not gonna go super deep on what they believe because really I don't want to pollute everybody's minds here You know There's there's stuff that they believe and stuff that they teach and things that you can find on the internet and in their books And it's just things that you know, you don't really need to know so But you know, I'm not trying to hold the secrets from you. Okay? so but But what I want to show is a broad overview how they portray themselves Number one and what they really are number two and number three some of the strange teachings and beliefs that they hold to so you might ask why are you preaching about this and Like I said, I've never actually heard a sermon about it I've been waiting to hear one for a long time. So I thought well, you know what I'll just preach for myself. So And when I let's see So definitely one thing that I do know about about masonry is that you don't want to join any Fremont Freemason organization okay, and you'll find out why as I get through the sermon, but You know, don't let your kids go to their functions, you know, they have kids organizations in the Masons and I'll have a little story about that later on but Not you know, they have kids they have teen groups that they have just like churches have You know kids groups and teen groups. They kind of mimic those kinds of things and they call let's see they have Job's daughters is one of their I think that's their teen ladies and then They have the Dimalay which is like a young men's Kids group that are for boys and That's and I'll tell you who that's named after, you know soon but You know, they have all these different organizations and even the ladies. I think they have the Eastern Star who's there is their ladies group and But turn to Ephesians chapter 5 We'll get started with some Bible here Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5 verse 6 the Bible reads let no man deceive you with vain words For because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience Be not ye therefore partakers with them for you were sometimes For you were sometimes darkness But now are ye light in the world walk as children of light For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret but all things That are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever Doth make manifest is light Wherefore he saith awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light See then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil wherefore being not unwise but Understanding what the will of the Lord is and so what this but this is teaching is, you know Don't you know, we're not supposed to be yoked up with with these weird Partakers of evil we're as a saved Christians. We are The our light comes from Christ our light comes from the Word of God and from the Bible and We don't need a secret society that says that they have extra knowledge about things To to make us more spiritual, you know, we don't all we need is this book We need to go to church and we need to you know, do what God says to do and all this secret handshake Handshake Grand Poobah stuff is is not something that we should be involved in you know and a lot of us probably have family members that are involved in this or Have been involved with this in the times past But just remember brother Joe talked about this not too long ago about remember Circumspectly he talked about being circumspect in this world watch it means to watch me watchful and discreet Cautious and prudent and we should be watchful and discreet that we should know, you know and I'm not saying we should study every single religion and that's why I'm preaching this sermon so that you don't have to go and You know mess your brain up looking at all this garbage on the internet and maybe some of you already have and I know I I've looked way more at it than I should have but But I try not to delve too deep into it Like I said this time and you know It's it's really not it's not gonna be fruitful for you to study every single wicked false religion But just be warned that you know, it's not something that you want to get yourself into turn to Ephesians 6 Turn to Ephesians 6 just one page over from where you were Ephesians 6 verse 10 says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to Stand so we're supposed to have the armor of God on that's what's gonna protect us from this But but verse 12 says we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities and against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness the high places So this is Satan his minions You know the the other devils and the people that Satan Gives things to so Satan has the power and the ability to give things give things to people You know and when he's when he was up on the mount he was up on the temple He offered Jesus or yeah, he was up on a high mountain and he showed Jesus all the all the kingdom of the world He said it all this all given to thee if you bow down and worship me and so If if Satan didn't have that power, why would he offer it? You know, he has the power to To give people things that they want, you know, and definitely I would not seek after those types of things But we're supposed to be aware of this fact that we don't wrestle our fight is not there's not a physical fight it's a spiritual battle of spiritual warfare and these masons Are part of that system I would say and you know and just as I was thinking about it They have all these grange halls and they have elks clubs, you know, which is basically just an excuse to go get wasted You know, that's that's what it else Club is It's you know, it's the the secret of how you can drink as much beer as you want and get smashed and puke all over the floor But you know all these organizations like the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts all all those types of organizations are filtered are This is the this is the prototype of all those organizations And if you do a study like if you do study about it, you will find that that is the truth but point number one is how masons portray themselves and I just took this from Wikipedia because I knew that they weren't gonna say anything controversial. They'll just say Exactly what they portray themselves to be because you can't I googled like, you know freemason.com or whatever You know to try to find out if they just have a website that just says what they believe Well, they're a secret society. They're not gonna tell you what they believe so, you know, they don't have a website You can find plenty of Christian apologetic websites that talk about it, but you can't find you know, you know They kind of they kind of pattern themselves after how Baptists do it. We're supposed to be a local Independent Baptist Church. Well, they have their local independent Lodges and that's what they call their organizational buildings as lodges and usually they'll find that they don't have windows on the outside of them and They're just weird buildings, you know and all over This country you will see if any small town that you go to You will find a Masonic Lodge in every single city every single town And I used to when we'd go on road trips and stuff like that If I'd see an old Masonic building, I'd go up and and read who you know when it was built and all that kind of stuff and it's pretty interesting, but Anyway, so what I took from Wikipedia Masonry or masonry or freemasonry or masonry consists of fraternal organizations that trace their origins To the local fraternities of stonemasons which from the end of the 14th century regulated The qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds Those of apprentice journeymen or fellow now called fellow craft. So that's their three Levels that they have are two levels and then they have master mason So these are the degrees offered by craft or blue lodge freemasonry Members of these organizations are known as freemasons or masons. There are additional degrees Which vary with locality and jurisdiction and are usually Administered by different bodies than the craft degrees the basic local organizational unit of freemasonry is the lodge The lodges are usually supervised and governed at the regional level usually With either a state or province or national border By a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient. There's no international worldwide Grand Lodge that Supervises all freemasonry each Grand Lodge is independent and they do not necessarily recognize Each other as being legitimate. So it's kind of like churches, you know, I mean we do the same thing, right but You know Okay, so let me finish modern freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups regular freemasonry Insists that a volume of scripture is open and a working launch that every member professed belief in a deity That no women are admitted and that the discussion of religion and politics is banned Continental freemasonry is now the general term for the liberal So they even have liberal freemasons Jurisdictions who have removed some or all of these restrictions. So you see that that you know They even say in this article that they that they have to profess belief in a deity a deity It doesn't matter which one it is It could be any deity and then once you they affirm that you believe that Then you're not allowed to discuss which one's better. I guess they're not allowed to talk about politics You're not allowed to talk about religion. So I guess that's where that comes from You ever heard that saying it was like, you know, two things you don't discuss in my house. It's politics and religion Well, I think that's that comes from the masons so you can just see the influence, you know And in our in our lives in this world But basically what most people believe about freemasons is that they're benevolent organization that helps children through the Shriners organization and things like that we My grandpa was he was a 33rd degree Scottish Rites Mason and he put on the Shriners East-West game for many many years in Oregon and You know, he had a little funny hat and all that stuff But you know, that's what people think that when they think of the masons They think of the Shriners and you know up on the top of the hill in Portland They have that Shriners Hospital, you know, which is good that they do good thanks for kids and whatnot and they have the statue of this guy with the funny hat holding the kid in his hand, you Know and they I think that it's a burn. It's a burn clinic hospital So but you know, that's what people think, you know, just regular people think But they do these and they do these various Fundraisings to help people, you know the Shriners, you know They have their little funny hats and they get out their little clown cars I mean, I'm sure you've seen them at the parades where they're driving those little tiny cars They all jump out and it's like how did you all fit in there? You know the same little game that they do at every single parade, but you know You know that hat that they wear the fez it's called a fez, you know where they got that from that is actually From I think it was like the 12th century or something where there was a Christian community of Christians in these in these Muslims came and butchered them all and the streets Literally ran with blood and they took and they took their hats and dipped them in the blood of the Christians that they killed and put Them back on because you know and if you look at those little Shriner Fez hats that they have they have Like the moon and they have the sword and all that that's you know, that's represents, you know Allah that represents the god of Muhammad, you know so that You know People that say that they're a Christian and they wear one of those hats I mean they I mean that's crazy that they would wear something like that. But I mean honestly You know, that's what that's what it's from. I mean, I don't have the exact detail I'm just kind of remembering that from memory that that's how those things came to be but Many people also realize that they are in fact a secret society I mean a lot of people think that you know on the Flintstones if you ever watch the Flintstones when you're a kid They had the you know, the great the grand prove off, you know, they had the grand poop on that That was like their little Mason Organization for the Flintstones or whatever. So but you know, I mean, it's just it's just permeates in our society so, you know you got The fact that people they understand that they're a secret society and that they have the funny handshakes and all that stuff The secret handshakes the secret signs that they do like Joseph Smith was a known Mason and when he died He put his hand into his coat like this as a sign for the other Masons to help him Because when you're a Mason, it's like being part of the good old boys club, you know when in the 50s when people knocked on You know they started doing the hard sales where they would come and knock on the doors and sell things to people if you had a Masonic ring or if you did the the Masonic handshake you were supposed to buy something from those guys You know, they're supposed to take care of each other and that's that's part of it is like people from lower You know that are from lower classes, you know They want to be part of this organization where they have these big powerful people and that's how that's what allures people to become part of this organization So but anytime I've ever brought up the evils of Freemasonry With people that like are in my family or just you know Just normal people that you know, you start talking about it. They just they look at you like you're conspiracy nut You know, they look at you like, you know, you're crazy for for saying that but you know when my grandpa died He was buried by these got these guys at the at the funeral he was buried and they had all these, you know white gloves and the and the masonic outfits and the hats and you know, My grandfather was was buried You know in full Masonic garb and it was like a really weird ceremony that they did and like when I found all that out I was like I had just learned about all that stuff And so I was like sitting there trying to warn my family about you know, you know, what are you guys into? you know what and I was trying to get them all saved and stuff and they're just thought I wasn't that but You know, I probably didn't have the right right soul winning Techniques at that time, but I just I just wanted to tell him the truth You know, like my cousin was in I think she was in the little girls group I think it's I don't know if it was job's dollars or rainbow girls. So I think she was in rainbow girls That's what it was. That's what they call the little girls masons is the rainbow girls, but Anyway, I was just like you need to get out of that, you know I'm just trying to warn my whole family and they just thought it was a nutcase but you know, they still do so it doesn't matter but Turned a second Corinthians chapter 11 second Corinthians Chapter 11 Second Corinthians 11 verse 12 But what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them that desire occasion and wherein They glory they may be found even as we for such are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as ministers of righteousness Whose end shall be according to their works? So, you know These verses made me think about the masons that like they have these works But and they seem like they're these benevolent people but in reality they're there They're either knowingly or unknowingly agents of Satan and they've true You know Satan transforms himself into an angel of light and they believe that you know And I can't spoil the end, but I gotta I gotta move on here So keep so but just keep these scriptures in mind As as we move forward here in view of what the Freemasons really believe and that brings me to point number two what Freemasons really are so that they claim to be this benevolent Organization and that they do these good works and there are these great and it all it is is just you know A secret men's club or whatever, but here's what they really are Freemasons are in fact a secret society That's wicked as hell and they say that they're religious organization. They say they're not a religious organization, but they really are Because you know, I have this I have this Bible, right? It's it's King James Bible, but it's a Masonic Bible has a picture of Jesus on the front with long hair And I want to cut that thing off and throw it away, but anyway, it's when he was 12 years old It's like that's the picture that they have on front and it you know, it has all the Masonic symbolism the You know the compass and the G and all that stuff, but it has like definitions in it And so like I just thought it was weird that a Satanic organization like the Masons would have a King James Bible, but they don't use it to study the Bible They use it to portray They take the they take these names and they take these people out of the Bible and then change it into something that it's not And so, you know They say that they believe in God or that you have to believe in a deity and they say that they Believe in they believe in the one true God. That's what they would say, too But they believe in a being that they called a great architect So this great architect is supposedly the creator of the whole universe But to be a Mason like they like I said They require that you believe in a deity and they say you must believe in the one true God but in reality That could be any God so it could be It could be Allah it could be you know, the Hindu God it could be any God that is worshiped That's okay As long as you believe in something But they reject the fact just by proxy That Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven because if you can believe in all these other gods and be part of their organization Then then they have to reject that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth in the life. No man cometh unto the Father except by except through me Which I think I butchered that except for me, yeah but you know to be to be a Mason you also have to recite blood oaths and curses and You know, you have to you have to repeat so like at the very first level you have to you have to you know Say I will never do and I'll get to those in just a minute But you have to recite blood oaths and curses if you and curses upon yourself if you dare to repeat their secrets The Masons have much more influence in this world than you might think and are tied to the Illuminati and you know, the people go You know, it's the Illuminati is a was a real organization and it still is, you know Just because you know people like Beyonce and stuff are wearing their t-shirts and they you know, and they're just they're just out now It's it's not really a big secret anymore. You know, the Illuminati is a real organization And yeah, there's a lot of fake and phony people but the Illuminati was basically meant to be Like the upper echelon of Masons, you know and and a lot, you know, if you study a lot into it I mean if you look at all the revolutions that happen in the 1700s and 1800s it's tied to those guys those crooked guys Adam why shop and all these guys that they got together and they they I believe that they Made a conspiracy against these countries and overthrew them and killed a lot of the Christians And that when they came over to the United States You know that that that didn't change So we've all been brainwashed into believing that all the founding fathers were these righteous Christian people when in reality That's not the truth You know if you if you look into it You look at what they read wrote and you look at what they what they believed they didn't they were not these You know super Christians that we would have them to believe that we believe that they are So our you know, in fact many of our Presidents have been Freemasons and I was just you know, I didn't get an all-inclusive list of all these guys But I did write down some of the ones that were in that Masonic Bible that I do have and it says That okay. There's a picture of George Washington First of all in that Bible of him like doing his little secret hand sign He's got his little napkin on his apron that he wears around his waist And You know, it says that George Washington is the most famous president and he was the and he was a he was a 33rd-degree You know high-ranking me. He was the leader of his lodge So, you know and people were like, oh, well, you know that you know, that doesn't mean he wasn't a Christian. Yeah, it does It absolutely does because the third if you're over a certain degree of Mason They know who they really believe in and it's not the God of the Bible so But George Washington was definitely a Freemason Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe Andrew Jackson Teddy Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman Gerald Ford and I think that my Bible like doesn't go past that because I know there's been some more after that, but Those are just some of the names that I didn't even write down all the names just some of them But those are some pretty famous presidents that were Freemasons. Well, you know, why is it that they're that? The Washington was a Freemason and Thomas Paine they said that without So, let's see. George Washington was like the the leader of the revolution. He was the general That led the revolution but Thomas Paine he wrote he wrote all these books and and those books were read by by George Washington to his troops and You know come to find out later that Thomas Paine was a was a super atheist He didn't believe in God at all and you know, he was he was wicked on his deathbed that guy You know He kept two of his best friends by his side So because people kept sending the Christians kept sending people because they didn't want it to get out that all these guys that started this Big revolution were actually a bunch of deists Masons that didn't even believe in the Bible at all Thomas Jefferson for instance He rewrote the Bible and took all the miracles out of it So what so what is it what happens when someone alters and changes God's Word what happens to that person? They become a reprobate that so Thomas Jefferson one of the founding fathers of this country You know was a was a stinking reprobate, you know flat out, you know, and you can believe whatever you want But that's just the truth, you know, and he was a he was a super deist You know all these guys Like I said Thomas Paine That what was said about him was that he wrote What what Washington couldn't do with the sword he did with the pen And so he basically, you know all of his writings that Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin took him under his wing You know, Benjamin Franklin's the same the same thing It was you know, his house was found in France with dead bodies underneath all the four, you know But they he was he was the leader of the French Freemasons, you know, and you know We have us we have a giant statue in New York City that was given to us by the by the French And do you think that that thing represents like God or something? No, it's it was get a gift from the from from France from their friend the Freemason buddies That helped them when we helped him out world war one so Anyway, I got off on a little presidential tangent there But I just want to say that You know, you can believe what I said or not about the president's and about the founding fathers But the facts are the facts you can go look it up and look at what they said Thomas Paine wrote a book by denying Jesus Christ. He was an enemy of the gospel He hated the church He wasn't a good guy and he's supposed to be This great guy that we're supposed to look up to and look churches all around are trying to tell us that we should just you Know that the founding fathers were these great guys. Well, you know, I don't I don't necessarily agree with that You know and obviously that's my opinion Okay But if you like I said if you look at what they wrote you look at what they believed they did not believe they were Not viable even Christians like like it's pushed upon us all the time like George Washington chopped down the cherry tree You know, he told his father I can't I cannot tell a lie father, you know, I mean everybody knows that story's garbage, right? Anyway, but that's the brainwashing that we get growing up in school So But there are also many famous people in the Masonic organization and you know, but for the second I'm not gonna mention all of them But you know Laurel and Hardy used to do like these these really heavily steep Masonic like movies And I like had all these symbols and things like that in them But you know, there's there's famous people that are involved in this organization But you know and like I said, there's tons of research that can be done about this but You know I just want to warn you about Getting your mind off of the things of the Bible because that this is this is the pitfall that I fell into with studying about all this stuff is that you can get so wrapped up into conspiracy theories and and and all these kinds of you know, Masonic Masonic horror stories and And all this stuff and get your mind off the Bible you can start reading all these different books about the Bible But you don't read the Bible which is where we should be getting all of our knowledge from So I just want to warn you to to you know, not get too wrapped up into it Look, we can't do anything about it Anyway, so, you know, I mean all we can do is just win souls to Jesus Christ and you know we can know our Bible and know what we believe of what God says that we're supposed to believe and Not get worried about wrapped up into all this stuff But point number three is that strange doctrine the strange doctrines that they believe and their practices and Again, this is not an all-inclusive list. But in the Masonic Bible I have it defines that they What they believe about certain Bible characters. So the reason why I had CJ read that Gigantic chapter this morning, you know is because you need you need to hear the Word of God, you know No, but it's you do amen right and then you know, it's good Maybe that's the only Bible reading you've done this week. So I just want to make sure it was a long chapter but But another reason why is because they hold Solomon's temple and some weird reverence okay, and actually in that Bible that I have it has like a two-page spread of and it's a picture of Hiram of Hiram of Biff is what they call them and Hiram king of Tyre and and King Solomon and it's like them building the temple Like collaborating together to build the temple so but they have definitions of Bible characters and different Symbology within that Bible and it like so basically they're just saying this is our code These are our code words for you, you know, the Bible, you know is secondary to all our little stupid beliefs and things like that But go to first Kings 7 where we were where the Bible reading was from this morning first Kings 7 And I just want to point you to a couple of these verses First Kings 7 So CJ just for three verses that you had to read all those verses But first Kings 7 verse 13 it says in King Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre verse 14 he was a widow's son of the tribe of neftali and his father was a man of Tyre a worker in brass and he was filled with wisdom and Understanding and cunning to work all works of brat and brass and he came to King Solomon and wrought all his work And dropped down to verse 40 It says and Hiram made the labors and the shovels and the basin so Hiram made an end of doing All the works that he made King Solomon for his house then turned over to 2nd Chronicles chapter 2 2nd Chronicles chapter 2 This is kind of like the parallel passage To this chapter 2nd Chronicles 2 1 Says and Solomon determined to build an house for the same of the Lord of the name of the Lord and the house of his kingdom and Solomon told out three score and 10,000 men to bear burdens and four score thousand to Hugh in the mountain and 3600 to oversee them and Solomon sent to Hiram so you see how it says a different It's a different pronunciation of his name, but it's the same guy To Huron the king of Tyre saying as thou didst deal with David my father and didst deal him cedars to build an house To dwell there and even so deal with me Behold I build an house to the name of the Lord my God to dedicate it to him and to burn before him sweet Incense and for the continual showbread and for the burnt offerings Morning and evening on Sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feast of the Lord our God This is an ordinance forever to Israel and the house which I build is great For great is our God above all gods So if Solomon's got it right here But who is able to build him in house seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? Who am I then that I should build him in house save only to burn sacrifice before him send me now therefore cunning a man cunning To work in gold and in silver and brass and iron and purple and crimson and blue and and that Can skilled to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem whom David my father did provide Verse 8 send me also Cedar trees fir trees and algum trees out of the Lebanon for I know that the servant that thy servants can skill out Cut timber in Lebanon and behold my servants shall be with thy servants even to prepare me timber in abundance For the house, which I am about to build shall be a wonderful great and behold I will give to thy servants the hearers that cut timber 20,000 measures of beaten wheat and 20,000 measures of barley and 20,000 boughs of wine and 20,000 boughs of oil then Hiram the king of Tyre Answered in writing which he sent to Solomon because the Lord had loved his people He hath made the king over them Huron said Moreover blessed be the Lord God of Israel that made heaven and earth and I just want to stop right there And so and so Huron Does it sound like he believes in God right here? Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. He's blessing the God of Israel That made heaven and earth and and who hath given David the king a wise son and dude with prudence And understanding that might build an house for the Lord and an house for his kingdom And now I have sent a cunning man and dude with understanding of Huron my father's The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyre Skillful and work and gold and silver and brass and an iron and stone and timber and purple and blue and fine linen and crimson also to grave any manner of graving and to find out every device which shall be put to him with thy Cunning men and with the cunning men of my lord David thy father So who is it so this is King Huron or King Hyrum Sends an another man named Hyrum or Huron to Solomon He's this guy that has a spirit of wisdom You know in first Kings it says he has a spirit of wisdom and he has all these skills To make all these different things for the house of the Lord So you might be thinking right now brother. What does this have to do with the organization of the Freemasons and what you know? What what does this have to do with with what you're talking about? So but here's what they they like I said they take these Bible stories and this is like the main one that they use and that's why I chose this this scripture verses But here's what they believe about Hyrum This is that they take this story and they make it into being that this is the secrets of all the Masons, right? So I'm gonna read this for you. It says Hyrum This is what I got from from the website of what they believe. Okay Hyrum the descendant of Tubal Cain did that say anything this anything like that and the verses we just read Hyrum the descendant of Tubal Cain who first constructed a furnace and worked in metals erected a marvelous building the temple of Solomon Raised the golden throne of Solomon and built many glorious edifices But now melancholy admits his greatness He lived alone understood and loved by few hated by many including Solomon who was envious of his genius and glory When Bauchus the Queen of Sheba, so they even give the Queen of Sheba a name, which the Bible doesn't do Came to Jerusalem Solomon led Her to behold the temple and the Queen was lost in admiration and the king Captivated by her beauty offered his hand which she accepted On again visiting the temple she repeatedly desired to see the architect Solomon delayed as long as possible, but at last was forced to present Hyrum of Biff to the Queen so they get so The Bible just says that he's you know of his father Hyrum But now they're giving him a last name Hyrum of Biff right to the Queen When she wished to see the countless host of workmen that wrought at the temple Solomon protested the impossibility of assembling them All at once but Hyrum leaping on a stone to be better seen with his right hand described in the air symbolic the air symbolic Tao and immediately The men hastened from all parts of the work into the presence of their master At this the Queen wondered greatly and secretly repented of the promise. She had given the king for she felt herself in love with the mighty architect Solomon set himself to destroy this affection and prepared his rivals humiliation and ruin for this purpose He employed three fellow crafts Envious of Hyrum because he had refused to raise them to the degree of masters on account of their want of knowledge and their idleness The black envy these three projected that the casting of the brazen seed Which was to raise the glory of Hyrum its utmost height should turn out a failure The day for the casting arrived in the Queen Shiba the Queen of Shiba was present the doors and the restrained the molten metal were open and torrents of liquid fire poured into the Cast mold where in the brazen sea was to assume its form but the burning mass flowed like lava over the adjacent aces The terrified crowd fled from the advancing stream of fire while Hyrum calm like a god Endeavored to arrest its advance with ponderous columns of water, but without success so, I mean they're just making up this gigantic story about About Hyrum that is nowhere to be found in the Bible at all that Solomon was jealous of him and that he married the Queen of Shiva and all this other garbage So, but you know then all of a sudden, you know, I don't have time to read the rest of the story But you know, basically what they say is that Well, I'll just skip down to the bottom of it. Let's see One day after this so so supposedly to Bulcain appears to him in some vision and tells him how to defeat the molten mass of You know stuff for the for the molten sea that he's how he can subside it without being hurt and Anyway, so it says one day after the Queen accompanied her maids beyond Jerusalem, they're encouraged there encountered Hyrum alone and thoughtful They mutually confessed their love Solomon now hinted to the fellow crafts that the removal of his rival who refused to give him the master's Word would be acceptable unto him So when the architect came to the temple he was assailed and slain by them they wrapped his body and carried it to a solitary hill and buried it planting over the grave a spring of Achaia Hyrum not having made his appearance for seven days Solomon to satisfy the clamor of the people was forced to have him searched for The body was found by the three masters and they suspecting that he had been slain by three fellow crafts for refusing him the master's word Determined nevertheless For greater security to change the word the three fellow crafts were traced But rather than fall in the hands of the pursuers they committed suicide and their heads were brought to Solomon So this story is one of the rituals that they do inside inside masonry It's a third. I think it's their third degree that they have to attain to maybe not. No, I don't know anyway It says but this is a you know, this is a bunch of ridiculous nonsense that they didn't get from God's Word You know and this is this is something that they teach And they they lure people in and try to get him hooked into this Masonic it, you know, it's just it's foolishness But the masons twist the Bible for their own agenda And in reality, they don't believe in the God of the Bible They believe in the system of getting light or superior knowledge From going up levels like, you know, they're Pokemon or something and Through strange initiations and practices, you know, they have this pyramid scheme or whatever, but you know, not everybody attains to that level within masonry You know, they only pick the super smart ones that they that they want for their you know for their To reveal what they really believe And they practice these things in secret all this stuff if you if you try to walk into a Masonic Lodge and just hang out and be you know, you can't just come in there You have to go through, you know, all these systems and you know, you have to be invited by somebody and you know, I have a lot more to go over but I'm gonna have to skip some of this but But one of the guys the other guys that they hold in high regard like salt like Hiram Abiff is there is our number one Guy, but Jacques de Malay. He was the last Night Grand Master or Grand Supreme Master of the Knights Templar and you know Jack Dean Jacques de Malay was he's the second, you know, he's the one that they really look up to But not quite as much as Hiram Abiff But he was burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft He was worshipping skulls and you know things like that, but he was also a known sodomite and pedophile So yeah, they burned Jacques de Malay to the stake that's the least they did that right but you know The thing is is that they have a whole organ, you know, they have a whole organization for young boys That's named after him right and he's a sodomite and a pedophile You know, it's like naming a woman battered woman's place, you know the Ray Rice home or something, you know, it's Ridiculous, but anyway But Jacques de Malay, you know he was That he was part of the Knights Templar the Knights Templar they they were during the Crusades They they got so much power that they were more they became more powerful than the Catholic Church and that's why The Catholic Church got upset and tried to stomp out all the Freemasons at that time So but back to the blood oaths part of the Freemasons require you to say oaths and curse yourself for revealing their secrets So I'm going to give you a couple examples of what they do So If you enter the apprentice degree you have to say that if you if you if you repeat what they say that you have to I'm just gonna read the quote It says my throat cut across my tongue torn out and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low water mark There the tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours Should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this my solemn obligation of an entered apprentice? So if you if you're an entered apprentice in the Freemasons and you reveal the secrets that they give you at that That level that's what they say is your punishment. That's what you say that you are willing to to take and fellow craft degree My left breast be torn open my heart and vitals taken thence and my body given as a prey to the vultures of the air Should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this my solemn obligation of a fellow craft? So, you know the Bible is very clear about about swearing and not and not taking oaths In Matthew 5 33. I'm just gonna read it to you for sake of time It says again that you've heard that it's been said of them of old time thou shalt not forswear thyself But shall perform unto the Lord thine oaths But I say unto you swear not at all Neither by heaven for it is God's throne neither by the earth for its his footstool Either by Jerusalem for it's the city of the great king neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou can't Not make one hair white or black, but let your communication be yay. Yay Nay, nay, or yes. Yes or no. No for whatsoever is more than that then these cometh of evil So if you're swearing an oath that you're not gonna repeat all these things on a blood curse I mean that goes flat out in the face of what Jesus Christ is teaching right here But we're not supposed to do it the mastermason degree what they say Is that my body severed in twain my bowels taken thence and when my body? burned to ashes and ashes thereof Scattered to the four winds of heaven that there might remain neither track traced or resemblance among man or Mason So vile a perjured or wretch as I should be should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this my solemn obligation of a mastermason You know and that in the ending of all their obligations when they when they swear these things to become masons It says so help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same. So they're swearing oaths They're swearing against what the Bible says So, you know people can say that the masons and the Christianity can coexist all they want But you know everything that they do Flies in the face of God and Christianity James 5 12 says but above all things my brethren swear not neither by heaven Neither by earth neither by any other oath, but let your yay be a in your navy name lest you fall into condemnation So we're not supposed to swear you're not supposed to say I'll put that on, you know, whatever that's swearing oaths So like when you're in a court and you say, you know, they say do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth? So help me God, you know a lot of people who I do well you're swearing to God that you're gonna tell the truth So Christians normally would say I have I affirm that's just saying that that's saying that my yes is yes So, you know worst of all though that the highest, you know when you get to the highest levels they reveal to you The God that they really served Albert Pike Was a writer and you know, he wrote all these books about Freemasonry and he he actually said he wrote a book called the morals and dogma and and in that book and I'm not gonna read the whole thing, but It says that let's see but we must say to the crowd is we worship a god, but It is the God that the one adores without superstition to you sovereign Grand Inspectors General We say this that you may repeat it to the brethren of the thirty-first thirty-first thirty-second thirty-first and third thirtieth degrees The Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine So who's Lucifer the devil, right? If Lucifer were not God would Adonai the God of the Christians Whose deeds prove his cruelty? Perfidy and hatred of man barbarism and repulsion for science would Adonai and his priest Caluminate him. Yes. Lucifer is God and Unfortunately Adonai is God also So that's that's their great leader from the 1800s that wrote all these books and they hold them in this high regard Saying flat out that they believe that Lucifer is God Yes, Lucifer is God I mean, it's hard to you can't really distinguish that right? I mean, it's It's he just flat-out says it So yes, Lucifer is God and unfortunately Adonai is also for the eternal law is that there is no light Without shade no beauty without ugliness. No white without black for the absolute can only exist as two gods Darkness being necessary to love to light to serve as its foil and the pedestal It's necessary to to the statue and break to the locomotive So so thus the doctrine of Satan Satanism is heresy and true and pure Philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer the equal of Adonai So they're saying that it's Satan the God is is God too, but Satan is equal with God And but Lucifer God of light and God of good is struggling for humanity against Adonai the God of darkness and evil So they're saying that God the God of the Bible is wicked and evil and that Lucifer is the God of light So you see how that that pertains to those verses that I was that I was saying that he turns himself into an angel light And that's what they believe. They believe in that Lucifer is this angel of light You know and they worship, you know the Baphomet I mean Some crazy weird-looking goat that you know has both men and women parts It's a transvestite goat or whatever, you know, they got a lot of weird stuff that they believe but you know I'm out of time here. But in closing I just want you know, I just want you to realize What Freemasons are and you know, I just want to tell a couple stories real quick before I end up I've been recruited by the Masons three different times and once when I was 14 years old at the end of my football season, I had a guy and his name was Morgan will and He said hey you want to come on this weekend excursion and we're just kind of hanging out at this house and We're gonna play football and we're gonna eat food and we're gonna go to the movies We're gonna go to the Nick arcade and we're gonna do all this fun stuff, right? So I was like, okay. Well, what is it? You know, it's like oh, you know, I'll tell you at the end of it You know, it was just like the way that it was it was portrayed to me I just like right from the very beginning. I thought was kind of weird. So as I Mean so I agreed to go and all this other stuff and so we did we played football We had fun we ate but the guys that at the place that we were staying there were grown men and all they would do the only time that we ever saw those guys is when they came to bring us our food or They drove us to the movies, but they didn't even really talk to us and it was like a bunch of the guys from the team So I remember they they paid for us all they paid for everything They paid for us to go to the Nick Clark cave and to go watch Christmas vacation and all this stuff And then at the end of the weekend They took us to you know, but while we're there what I thought was really strange I always felt like I was being watched while I was there and I can't prove that we were weren't but I really seriously I Thought that we were being watched the whole time. We're there It was really it was not feeling but at the end of the weekend They took us to a room me and a friend of mine and they get have these contracts You know, they had actually contracts that said, you know You know that you're joining the D Malay. It was for the D Malay and So the guys that were there that were at the house They they come up and hand the contracts to my friend and they just leave the room You know and they said well if you have any questions, you can ask them So I read I read over it a little bit and I'm just like, you know, this just doesn't feel right You know and they wanted you to pay some kind of dues to join the D Malay It was like, I don't know like seven bucks or something something really cheap, but you know, I just couldn't I For some reason I did not want to sign my name to that piece of paper saying that I had joined and you know So he was I was like he was like he was pretty fun, huh? We do this kind of stuff all the time I was like, yeah, this is fun. It was a great weekend, you know, and I was like, I don't really have anybody's like You know what? We'll just pay for it. Don't worry about it. I was like, yeah, I don't know I was like what why don't you want to do it? And I just like because the D Malay sounds too much like demon lay So But you know, I had no idea who Jacques D Malay was at that time or you know, I learned all this stuff later but You know years later. I was I had been newly saved and I'd already known about all this stuff and I there's this guy that used to drive around our house in Vancouver and he had like He had a gold BMW and he had the Masonic logo a gigantic sticker in the back of his window and it was like a G with the you know, the the compass stuff and Like he'd drive by all the time and one time I was just walking. I don't know what I was doing I was walking somewhere right close to my house and he pulls up tight next to me and he gets out of his car I just was like He's like, hey, how's it going? I was like good You know, this is he just stopped, you know in the middle of the street, you know, it was on a side street He's like, you know what this means right here I was like, yeah He goes what's it mean? And then I told him I told him all the stuff I knew and he's like Why would you like to go to a meeting with me? I was like no man. I'm good But I just thought that was really weird like, you know He just stops on the side of the road and asked me if I want to join this I mean raise your hand if you've ever been approached by anybody from the Masons in your whole life raise your hand Okay, and and to try to get you to be a member that's it's not very many You're not one of the special chosen ones or whatever But you know, so that happened to me and I was like, no, no, thanks, man You know, whatever and he was like he said I'm a black mason. It was a black guy So that happened to me and then when I was working for Walmart warehouse several years later my manager I was in his office and You know, he he had you know, I never saw him wear this ring before I would have noticed it but he had a masonic ring on when I was talking to him in his office and He's like I was like, huh, where'd you get that ring? He's like, yeah, I'm a mason He's like most of the people that work there are high up at Walmart are Masons He's like, do you want to come and and check us out? And I was like, no No, I don't He's like why not, you know, it's a good opportunity and you know all this other stuff. I was just like, you know I'm just not interested But when I got to talking to him I told him about this time because just a couple weeks before that I was in a like a thrift shop It was like a consignment store and I found that book Morals and dogmas and I knew that Albert Pike had written that you know people try to If you go on the internet and look at it people try to dismiss it and say that that's not what he was really saying But yes it is what he was really saying because I found that book and it was like $35 and I just was too cheap to pay for it and I found it and I Went to the page number where it was at and I remember what the page number was And I looked and sure enough it says exactly what I just read to you There about the him believing that Lucifer is God and that they they worship the devil That's what the the Masons the high up Masons do is they worship Satan But I told my boss about that and then like I was thinking man, I'm so stupid I should have never told him about that because he probably went and Bought it off the shelf or something because he was like after I told him that he was like asking me So what place was that again? And I was like, oh man, so I told him where it was and sure enough I went there the next week after I got paid to look for that book and it was gone So that's that book should have never been on that shelf They that's not a book that they just like, you know that you can just go buy at the Goodwill sometimes You know, I found that Bible at the Goodwill But normally that stuff I think they burn it or they just hand it down to the next people that they're supposed to but you know I mean, I I know that this wasn't an all-inclusive sermon about the Masons and things like that It was long enough as it is but You know, we do need to understand that, you know, their Masons are not just a harmless charitable organization. They do believe You know and promote an unbiblical doctrine of worshiping other gods and it's okay to worship other gods which we're definitely against And you know many influential men have been and are today members of this secret group I mean you can just like I said, you can just look it up on the internet and you know Like the Internet's true all the time says Abraham Lincoln But no, I mean you can really you can research if you want to go to books You can research the books yourself, too but it's the organization like I said at the last is that they believe that Lucifer is God and maybe the lower-level people don't But let me just tell you this If you have people in your family that are involved in this You're not gonna be able to just go straight up to them and say look you worship the devil You should get out of this because that's not gonna work. Okay, that's that's I mean I would say like looking back on how I dealt with my family on it I would say looking back on it that I would try to get those people saved and Then maybe introduce that stuff to them because while they're wrapped up into it They're not gonna they're not gonna you know, they they're not into the they might not be into the loose of Eric parts of you Know the mason the Masonic organization if they're not up to the third level You know the triangle pyramid scheme then they don't know they don't know that they're worshiping the devil They just think that they're or an organization that's doing good works so Just make sure that we as Christians know that we need to steer clear of any kind of stuff like this And obviously, I think most of the people in this room already know that but let's have a word prayer Heavenly Father Lord, we thank you for this for this day we pray that you bless the food and the fellowship to follow today Lord and that you bless the preachers as they preach tonight and At the 5 p.m. Service and I just pray Lord that we'd be edified by their preaching and God I just pray that you dismiss us and take those home that are traveling safely in Jesus name. Amen