(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. I'll write the title of the sermon today is effeminate sissies in light of the Bible. Effeminate sissies in light of the Bible. Let's pray. Lord we thank you so much for your word Lord and that's so clear. Lord let's pray that we would focus on those parts today which would edify the church Lord and also Lord that would help us men to be men and women to be women and there would not be a blurring of the lines in this church ever. Lord Jesus name we pray. Amen. Alright so we're in 1st Corinthians 6. Look at verse 9. It says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves of mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. So just right off the bat I just want to explain something really quickly. Everybody is something on this list. Okay so what it's saying is these people if they don't get saved they won't go to heaven. Okay if you get saved and you're one of these things you still go to heaven. Okay so I know people like to take this and twist it and I just want to get that off right right now. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved and you do one of the things on this list you are going to heaven. Okay not everybody that does everything on this list is going straight to hell if you if they believe they're going to heaven. Okay so but what I want to focus on it says nor effeminate. So we're going to talk about what what it's like the sin of being effeminate in light of the Bible and and this is the only time that this words ever used in the Bible. Do you know that? So the sin of being effeminate is a sin. It's not it's listed in a list of sins of people that wouldn't inherit the kingdom of heaven. Okay so what is effeminate? Let's let's look at the definition of that and the number one I saw was of a man or boy having traits tastes habits etc traditionally considered to be feminine as softness or delicate. So like we all seen men that are soft and maybe they're you know just because you're a feminine doesn't mean you're a queer. Okay I just want to say that also being a feminine doesn't mean that you're a queer. Okay and this is what the modern Bible college professors and pastors out there saying today is they'll take 1st Corinthians 6 and then say nor effeminate that they'll say that that's a homosexual and then they'll say nor abusers of themselves with mankind they'll say that's a homosexual. Well if God said don't even let a homosexual into your church he said don't even let him in then why would he say that they could be saved? That's not what it's talking about because if it says so why wouldn't he put the word sodomite right there? Now he used it you know several other times in the Bible sodomite we know what a sodomite is it's a homosexual. Why would God not be queer when it's talking about this? Because we know once someone becomes a sodomite they've been given over to a reprobate mind. Okay so God's not going to say they go to heaven because they can't because they've been given over so people have been given over to a reprobate mind if you're not familiar with these terms we have several sermons I can point you to at the end of the service okay but so here's another number two definition characterized by excessive softness delicacy so basically a man that's a feminine has or takes part in things that would be considered womanly the opposite of manly not manly okay like wearing pink shirts okay that is soft that is effeminate okay and I'm sorry if you've ever wore I've worn a pink shirt before okay I'm sorry I've been effeminate before okay in my life I don't wear pink shirts anymore though okay but I think it was for like one time I was working at a place and we wore a uniform every day and I think they let us wear like pink for breast cancer awareness or something and so I had this like pink polo but I felt really like a sold-out punk for the whole day so I'm sorry I'm confessing my faults to you right now but you know it's all under the blood amen all right so so but it's also an effeminate person is a feminine man is having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman so so men we don't want to be and have characteristics that are typical of a woman when someone sees you walking down the street they don't want to wish you they shouldn't have to guess what you are and same thing with women they look we should be able to know that you're a woman from afar off okay long hair dress things like that right not a haircut that looks just like mine high and tight okay that's if it's a woman you're like oh they got short hair what's going on the blurring of the lines is is so wicked today that you can't tell who's who anymore it's like they're all Pat you know you're trying to find out whether they're a man or a woman and look God's people should always you should always be able to tell what they are okay so um but let's look at back at first Corinthians 6 verse 9 and let's just look at this says be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind okay so so being a feminine is a sin it's not just hey you shouldn't do that you know that's probably not a good idea no it's a sin God calls it a sin it's a sin and it's listed in 1st Corinthians 6 9 for us in a list of other sins but like I said being a feminine doesn't mean a person is a homo okay there's soft men there's men that are mama's boys or whatever and they've never you know look we were just talking about this last night the different generations that you have we were talking about well what's what years generation X what years the Millennials and we were trying to figure all this out we're googling it and finding all kinds of different answers but the problem is is that this generation here is is weird because the the one before it the parents failed and the one before that the parents fell the baby the baby boomer generation they messed everything up for us you know they were the start of the landslide and then the generation X as people call it are also called the key latch kids the ones who that's when your parents both started working outside the home and then the they called him the key latch kids because they had the hidey keys because they came home from school and had nobody there for him when they got home so then you got to do whatever you get to do whatever you want you know the MTV generation and all that that's kind of what happened there and then those parents were worse than the parents before them and now we got the Millennials good night the Millennials they think everything should be handed to him on a silver platter you know they're the ones we were talking to our waitress last night and she was just like you know she she wasn't I'm sure she wasn't like saved or something but she was even like making fun of them so you know and I'm not saying look if you're if you're we don't we're not categorized by our generation necessarily it's just it's just a way of lumping everybody together we're not all the same and obviously I'm not the same as a generation extra that you'd see in Portland okay I'm from Portland I'm a generation X person but or in that in that generation but I don't I'm not my mindset is not what their mindset is I'll just put it that way so I don't let my kids die their hair pink all right so I'll have play dates no I'm just joking if you have play dates I'm sorry I mean if anyway but you know being a feminine is acting girly it's acting soft it's it's if you keep your hair like a woman I mean some guys they like they spend more time on their hair then they should okay why not why do I cut my hair like this so I could just go I'm done you know just take a brush or at one time if there's like something out of place I'll just you know like that but if you you know look like Todd white who knows who Todd white is people out there a white guy with dreadlocks it's really weird looking but anyway you know that's that's a feminine to have long hair is a feminine I'm getting ahead of myself here but what about just not acting manly you know people there's been out there and they just do not act manly at all and look not all of us were raised underneath the hood of a car I'm not I'm not one of those people that was raised under the hood of a car I don't know how to work on cars so you know that was my dad's fault because he wasn't there for me when I was a kid you know he didn't teach me he doesn't know how to work on cars either so I guess if you if you lose those things in the generations to before then you're just in trouble or you have to just figure it out yourself YouTube videos and stuff like that so but if if being a feminine a feminine man is a sin what does God want you to be the opposite he wants you to be the opposite of a feminine right as a man he wants you to be manly don't you think I mean because of being a feminine is a sin then God wants you to be a man right men and look this sermon isn't just for the men today but I mean this specific sin is a sin a man commits okay but there's a lot of blurring of the lines I don't know what you would call a woman that wants to be manly I guess it's a bull dyke I don't know but or just a top they call them tomboys right and not all tomboys are lesbians you know but they're just girls that like to do boy type stuff right but so what are we seeing today in the GSA what are we seeing we're seeing the wussification of men a bunch of men acting like women that's what we see and it's getting worse every day okay turning the genders on their head men acting like women and women acting like men you know there's guys that are afraid to go you know they don't want to go in the military that's why all the bull dykes are over there there are more of a man than the actual men we're coming into a time when men are not acting manly anymore we got to turn the tide we got to stop this now and you know we got to raise up families and in our homes we got to push the fact that men are men and women are women let's get back to the traditional way of viewing things I bet the devil just loves God's creation acting like a bunch of mind-defiled weirdos I bet he loves it you know that's why homosexuality is tied to Satanism a lot of the Satanistic rituals and things like that there's there's homosexuality involved in it there's gender-bending going on with that so I want to take a look at some of the trends that are going on today and let's let's see what the Bible reveals about those things okay so number one today I want to get on the bronies a little bit okay men who love my little ponies who's heard of this before okay a lot of people maybe I showed it to you defiled you I'm sorry when I first discovered that this was a real thing I didn't believe it like I started looking through the like the Google stuff and the pictures I was like oh man there's actually men that play with my little ponies they collect them they carrying them around and little plot with little their little plush animals you know and they line them up on their bed like I used to do that when I was a kid but it wasn't with my little ponies it was like teddy bears and stuff GI Joe's I'd set them up for war battles and stuff like that that's what men play with right they play with GI Joe's and transformers and stuff like that okay but these are men that like and collect and watch the cartoon of my little ponies they're called bronies they combine the the bro with the pony brony okay it's a real thing so remember a feminine is having traits tastes or habits etc traditionally considered to be feminine as softness or delicate right so so is my little pony is that cartoon made for little girls four to seven or is it made for men 16 to 40 when I was a kid there was my little pony commercials on television the little girls are playing with them on the you know the little ponies are flying around right or whatever they do right my little pony they came out when I was a kid when they're in the 80s at the prime of all the new toys when GI Joe is super popular and transformers and my little pony for girls I didn't play with those though the only time I ever played with it was maybe to kill them with my GI Joe's pretend kill you know but a brony is a fan of my little pony friendship is magic so and it's out the outs it's outside the target demographic of these little girls so so for some weird reason my little pony revamped you know in 2010 you know it was a dismal failure before and so men started watching the show then they made like you know what do you call it chat rooms and stuff and then it was then it became this like big movement I don't know how big it really is but they have a thing called brony Kong brony Kong and it's a bunch of dudes that look really weird and really effeminate and they're carrying around stuffed animals and they're you know they look they're nerds they're straight-up nerds but I mean they're they're doing that because they're not accepted because of their effeminate qualities or whatever they're bullied at school because they're the different kids probably because they're raised by different parents that say you know but once once if you're a kid if you're a parent of a man that lives at home who's 26 years old he's an accountant and he has a root you walk in his room is filled with pink and my little ponies and drawings of little ponies don't you think that you'd kind of think well maybe I screwed up somewhere that's what I would think I'd be like you got till the till evening to get this stuff out of my house right now so but these are adults these are teenagers that like my little ponies they're bronies so my little pony is a toy line that was put out by Hasbro in the 80s for little girls so it's a so what are they doing there they're playing with things that are made for little girls they're watching a television show that's made for little girls so low so these men they obsess over this cartoon and it's a cartoon and I guess there's a movie for it now and I just watched a video before I came here oh man these two guys that were like super excited about the movie coming out and it was like they gave the movie review it was really sad I felt bad for him actually they're just straight geeks but anyway so we had a recent threat to our church I don't know maybe some people don't know this but there was a there was a brony that was threatening to kill my family okay and you know he kind of looked like this guy right here it's not him I don't know if you can see that picture that's sad that's what a brony looks like they got let me see he's got the little my little pony he's got a little baby binky in his mouth I mean what is wrong with these people but what is he upset about because we were making fun of Stephen Hawking burning in hell well the the shock value of that video is to wake people up and say hey maybe he's in hell you know we're trying to reach people with the message that hey if you believe like this idiot you're gonna be roasted in hell just like all of them just like all your favorite evolution heroes but this guy like threatened our church and he has like pictures of my little ponies on his on his Facebook page I'm like are you for real man yeah I mean if you're trying to strike fear in the heart of me having a my little pony picture is not gonna do that so that's I mean if you saw that picture I'm sorry it's it's pretty cringy isn't it it's super cringy it's super creepy it's super weird and it's super wicked if you dress like that you got issues you know they the thing that they like about the show is that it it makes them feel fuzzy inside so it's kind of like the Mormon my little girl show or so that makes it feel a fuzzy feeling when they watch the shows that's what one of the guys was saying I was like man just get saved put a suit and tie on go to church man you'll have plenty of friends you know but these guys don't have any friends because they're feminine that's what the problem is so but if you're a boy or a man and you play with girls toys and you watch girls to little girls television shows you're a feminine case closed okay you're you're bordering on the line of becoming a queer I mean because being a feminine is the gateway sin to becoming a fag right don't you think I mean if you're dressing like a girl you're looking like a girl I mean ultimately that's what fags do right so 1st Corinthians 13 turn over there I know I'm going wide on scripture here today but 1st Corinthians 13 verse 11 here's what I got to say about the Bronies here I thought this tied in well 1st Corinthians 13 11 says when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things notice that it says when I became a man I put away childish things I put my GI Joe's away when I stopped being a boy and I start being a man I remember putting them in the cigar box and and and putting them away and thinking I'm never playing with these things again okay these guys are 16 to 40 and they're going back they're going back to adopt it not I mean if they're playing with GI Joe's okay that's a little it's still weird but but at least it's not little girls toys that are pink and purple and all that stuff and it's just this is where we're at in 2018 Bronies bro Bronies how much more worse is it for a grown man for grown men that are dressing up like faggots and sissies and playing with little girls toys and collecting their artwork and watching their kid shows how much worse is that than playing with GI Joe's it's pretty bad I mean if you've seen any of these freaks on the internet you can tell that they're Bronies I mean just immediately their rainbows on their shirts hey look they're promoting homosexuality in that cartoon I've never watched the cartoon but there's one that has like a rainbow mane or something like that and they won't come out and say it is a homo but they won't say it's not so most Bronies don't identify as gay though did you know that if you know anything about Bronies they get mad when you start trying to say well yeah I'm not a fag or I'm not a homosexual I'm not a pervert but you know this is the math they try to push on you but as I like studied and analyzed the Bronie analysis here okay which is really weird for me to have to even say that but one point either there was like some statistics that were done on the Bronies okay and one point seven one percent identify as gay and we call those sodomites we don't call them gay but one point seven one that's that's less than like the you know how they say there's two percent or homosexuals in society right and Portland is probably way bigger than that but two point four four percent mainly interested in the same sex mainly interested in the same sex what does that equal sodomites right so now they're that goes up two point four four percent eleven point zero five percent bisexual what does that equal sodomites okay twenty point two seven mainly interested in the opposite sex what does that equal sodomites okay sixty four point five four exclusively interested in the same sex that's straight people right but they're also effeminate if they're dudes they're effeminate if they're women okay well they're supposed to be playing with my little ponies but it's usually supposed to be little girls it's demographic to be girls four to seven years old okay so so really the statistics are way bigger than what they're saying they're saying well there's only one point seven four four percent of the Bronies that are homos but really it's thirty four thirty five point four seven percent that's way bigger so so these people are like oh it's it's it's totally harmless we're not really perverts we're not hanging out with a bunch of perverts yeah you are you're hanging out with a huge percentage of perverts those are the probably the ones that are just admitting that they are so they thirty thirty five point four seven are sodomites that's what the real statistic is if they say they're bisexual they're sodomites because all sodomites are bisexual okay so they try to say oh it's less than the regular population of the sodomites in the Brony movement no it's not it's way more and then the rest of them the dudes are effeminate the Bronies are effeminate if they're not a queer and they're only straight men and they're a Brony they're effeminate so what is the whole organization a bunch of effeminate queer little sissies that's what it that's what they are so being effeminate I would say is the gateway sin to becoming a homo it's the gateway sin right so if you're hanging out with them dressing like them it's only a matter of time before you become one because what are they like to do the homosexuals are predators they are predators they they want to get you drunk and and do weird stuff here and so what are they gonna try to do they're gonna try to recruit these ones that they think are oh we're harmless oh I'm mostly interested in in in the same gender that's that's how they infiltrate but they're fully infiltrated these people that took these statistics just don't realize it because they don't look at it the way we would so the number one demographic is effeminate number two is sodomite so what does that tell you that's an organization a movement that you'd like to stay away from as a Christian if you're a brony in here today you just need to repent you need to come up with an old-fashioned I'm just kidding just kidding but you need to repent and get get get that garbage out of your house so I'm assuming actual real girls do like the show too so that's okay but you know if that if that is that shows drawing men to become weird then what is in that cartoon that's making that happen you know who's the agent behind this weirdness so I'd say you know knowing that that the show is luring men to become you know effeminate then what is it teaching their brand people's brains why is it that men are liking this show and it's become some phenomenon well it'd probably be something you probably would want your kids to stay away from your daughters to stay away from just saying so but you know these people are mind defiled their mind defiled into thinking that the genders are okay to just it's it's just all right to you know that what some of them say like you know I'm just you know once I embrace my manliness no you're not embracing your manliness you're putting on girliness you're putting on softness you're putting on a feminine it's a sin it's wicked as hell and you know the BronyCon thing I mean that's how big it is there's 10,000 people that go to that thing 10,000 it's a big thing so it's not just something that's small Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 turn over there Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 and I'm probably gonna get some hatred from the Bronies over this sermon but you know what you need to get saved if you're a Brony you need to get saved Christians will accept you but you you need to you're in a danger zone if you're not already a queer you're already effeminate repent I'm not saying repent of your sins change your mind about your Brony situation and become a Christian because you're going down a road of weirdness and pain Deuteronomy 22 5 says this the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the Lord thy God and you're like oh yeah that's the Old Testament when did God say to start for women to start dressed like men and men to start dressed like women why would this why would this commandment be gone why would this commandment be gone look guys that have rainbow wigs that look like long hair and play with my little ponies that's dressing like a woman okay women wearing pants is dressing like a man men have always worn pants that's just the way it is some queer invented women's pants get your heart right quit hide in your pants situation ladies if you're wearing pants at home you know what's the Bible say I mean I'm not trying to be mean here I'm just saying that the Bible says that if you put on a man's garment that's an abomination you're an abomination neither shall a man put on a woman's garment you know if I came in here with a dress and or you know if I came in here with a dress you throw me out of here wouldn't you I would hope you would or a brony shirt or something gone I mean Matt would be like he'd shoot me I think Tony would just like empty the clip on me right there and rightly so I'm never gonna walk in here with the dress on I guarantee you that but it's just like you know but people don't see it the other way you know I don't understand that so number two tonight today let's look at soy boys soy boys who sort of soy boys that's another I mean it's it's just something that people like to call guys that drink a lot of soy and eat a lot of soy food but the thing is is that soy does make you a feminine it makes you girly it there's the scientific tests that have been done and soy is not good for men okay now soy sauce I don't know how bad that is for you I like soy sauce but if it makes me girly I'll stop I'll stop put it on my Chinese food right now no soy sauce put the Bragg's on there yeah Bragg's but what is the soy boy soy boy is slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities this pathetic state is usually achieved by an overindulgence of emasculating products and or ideologies the origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption have been proven to have on the male's physique and libido so basically soy just turns you into a woman you grow breasts and everything I mean and and a soy boy is basically like the average soy boy is like a feminist non-athletic never been in a fight type of guy okay they bow down to women and they apologize for being born a man and stuff like that and it's a really weird state to get into where you're apologizing as a man for being a man I mean that is a feminine that's super effeminate right soy boys are basically like subservient to women even if they're not gay so they're not I'm not saying they're gay again being effeminate doesn't make you gay or queer or homo so I'm starting to use the world's words here yeah anyway turn over to Isaiah chapter 3 Isaiah chapter 3 Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 see God said it would become like this the more wicked a nation gets the more wicked society gets God said that certain things like this would happen look at Isaiah 3 verse 4 says I will give children to be their princes and what does a prince a princess is someone that the leader the head person in charge and babes shall rule over them we're talking about babies what we're in a day right now we're two people's children control what they do now you've got to control what the children do you tell them what to do you're the boss but you know all these books over the years dr. Spock don't spank your kids all that garbage that's where this has led to some people have never been spanked in their whole life I actually when I talk to kids I stopped using this and soul winning because I'd say well did your parents ever spank you no never now you run into that a lot and you wonder why they won't get saved because they never realized that there's a God above a father in heaven that will punish his children for their sins he'll punish people for their sins but they've never were taught that growing up because they never got spanked you know and so spanking is a tool that you use to rule over your children but see the babes here are ruling over them they're telling you no no we're doing this I've seen people you know it's funny you'll see like kindergarten classes or toddler classes and the the teachers have leashes on all the kids have you ever seen that before it's weird it's like but really those kids are telling them what to do they're just like here take me to my food master it's weird anyway verse 5 says and the people shall be oppressed every one by another and everyone by his neighbor the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient and the base against the honorable so we're living in a time that's like that you know where the children are ruling over and also the women are ruling over the men that's not the way God's intended to be you know the Christ is the head the husband's the head of the home that's the way God intended it to be but because we live in such a weird and wicked time those things have been a mind defiling people for years we were raised under television and mind and things that would just defile our minds to believe something different so we're like fighting against the grain all the time that's why you need this book to brainwash you you need the Bible to brainwashing you're like what are you talking about are you a cult leader no I'm saying the Bible needs to wash that defilement out of your mind you your your brain has been defiled and bombarded with so much stuff that you need this book right here to get your mind right again because because if you think that it's an equal partnership in marriage someone's gotten to your brain someone's defiled your mind and I'm not saying that men are supposed to be mean to their wives that's not what I'm saying at all just saying there's a chain of command in the home God has an order and a specific thing that he wants things to be done in he has a specific order for his for the home to be in and the women the women were not supposed to ever rule over the husband okay that's not the way it's supposed to be so let's look at number three skinny jeans skinny jeans dressed like a man guys what are we talking about here we're talking about people the the lines are being blurred and you know when the lines are being blurred then there's gonna be all kinds of weird stuff okay skinny jeans is a phenomenon that I've never fully understood I still don't understand and what are they they're tight-fitting jeans with narrow legs okay they make you look like you have bird legs right it's a derogatory nickname for a hipster or a preppy metrosexual I'm getting some of these from the Urban Dictionary so I apologize but I thought they were funny but look if it's ever if it was ever important in history to stop the lines from being bored what about 2018 let's stop that blurring as God's people we need to set the example for how people perceive men and women well you know I'm not saying wear prairie dresses and and you know wear bonnets on your head and stuff like that you don't have to look weird to look womanly you don't have to look weird to look like a man okay you can just wear regular men's clothes and you know I wear jeans that's what I wear most of the time most of my time I spent wearing a pair of blue jeans work pants you know you're not gonna think I'm a woman when I'm walking down the street ever I hope not I'm afraid to wear anything long I don't wear robes because I just don't want to even blur the lines at all I have a beard I I never wore a beard until I was 37 years old well probably because I couldn't grow one but I just never just I just never did it I just always shaved I'm not saying you're not manly if you don't have a beard I'm not saying that at all I'm just saying that there's no mistaking that I'm a man if you look at my face there's no woman features here so and and Jesus he's very clear in the New Testament what he considered manly attributes to be I thought this was really interesting when I was studying this sermon God wants you to be manly if you're a man look at Luke chapter 7 Luke chapter number 7 Luke 7 verse 24 Luke 7 verse 24 we're talking about John the Baptist right here if you want to get the context Luke 7 verse 24 says and when the messengers of John were departed he began to speak unto the people concerning John what went out what went ye out in the wilderness for to see a reed shaken with the wind see they they probably did think that because most of the time when you think about preachers nowadays it's like Joel Osteen or some sissified looking preacher you know yesterday I went got my hair cut and the lady that cuts my hair said do you want to have a line you know in your hair like you know to show my part because my part was like you know I guess it wasn't what she thought it should be I said hell no what are you talking about a part yeah put a Z back here too for Zorro but when I was in high school there was like this like thing where guys would like put lines in their hair on the side it's like dude come on man that's weird never did that or they'd go white guys would grow Jerry curls in the back and put curl activator then it's like what are you doing so weird anyway so Jesus is saying you know what did you think you were gonna see when you went out and saw John the Baptist some little sissy wearing wearing like soft clothing some little you know limp-wristed pansy preacher out in the middle of the wilderness look it says in verse 25 but what went you out for to see a man clothed in soft raiment behold they which are gorgeously appareled and live delicately are in Kings courts so but he says a man clothed in soft raiment no what did John look like John didn't look like a woman okay nobody must have mistook him for a woman wearing soft girly clothes okay look at verse 26 says but what went you what went you out for to see a prophet yea I say unto you a much more than a prophet you're not you know he didn't you're not going to see John the Baptist with with girly looking clothes on with my little pony do you think Davis took John the Baptist for a brony when they saw him probably not John was a man's man John wasn't wearing skinny jeans okay it they said go look for the guy in the skinny jeans then you'll see John the Baptist snow look at Matthew chapter 3 turn over to Matthew chapter 3 go find the man in the skinny jeans in the brony shirt and he was no he's not a reed shaking in the wind he said he's a man okay Matthew chapter 3 verse 4 and the same time John had his raiment of camel's hair and a leather leather and girdle about his loins that's a belt and his meat was locust and wild honey so what did they go out and see a dude wearing a belt a leather belt with a camel hair coat on you know that was a pretty rough-looking garment right I mean if anybody's seen a camel they're not like the it's not like a badger's pelt or something you know it's not like what kind of like a mink he wasn't wearing mink coat okay it was camel hair it was pretty rough looking and you know he was eating locust and wild honey so he's like what's going on guys you got this big you know locust are huge right they're like they're not like grasshoppers they're they're big so like this big like grasshopper dips it in the honey what would you out for to see what would you think what were you expecting when you came out to see me in the wilderness you know eating Slim Jim's or something Slim Jim's is more manly than probably some of the other stuff that these Kings people in Kings courts are eating caviar and stuff like that it was just a manly guy you know and he was a hairy guy he was like Elijah well turn over to 2nd Kings chapter 1 2nd Kings chapter 1 go back to the Old Testament so so John was was Elijah if the people were to receive it he came in a spirit of Elijah he wasn't Elijah the Prophet but he was like Elijah in a lot of different ways 2nd Kings chapter 1 verse 7 the Bible says and he said unto them what manner of man was he which came up to meet you and told you these words and they answered him he was a hairy man and girt with the girdle of leather about his loins and he said it is Elijah the Tish bite so how did he know it was Elijah because he was dressed like a man that's why he was a hairy man he was girt with a leather and belt about his loins so John dressed the same way that Elijah the Tish bite dressed a prophet of God a man so just because you're a preacher doesn't mean you have to put on a pink tie just because you're a preacher doesn't mean you have to act all soft all the time you can still dress like a man you can still act like a man you can still you know dip your locust and in honey and you know you don't have to be girly and that's and what is Jesus saying he's not expecting men of God to be like some soft person in a king's house wearing some robe with the little you know white outside on it you know the velvet type robes that's not what he's expecting he's expecting you to be a man and John the Baptist did not wear skinny jeans okay John the Baptist didn't have long hair Jesus Christ did not have long hair like all the little pictures showing him look like an effeminate little skinny queer turn to job I'm just gonna read for you job 38 turn to Jeremiah 1 job 38 God oh God has a saying that he says in the Bible and he says gird up now thy loins like a man and I will demand of thee and answered thou me that's job 38 3 God would tell people hey if someone's being soft or someone was being weenie he just say hey pull up your pants man let's go it's time to go to work gird up thy loins like a man and if you gird up your loins like a man you're having a pair of pants on okay and this this teaching people get really upset about but if he was if he if men back then wore dresses then wouldn't they be pulling their dress up and showing what's underneath you know people say that girding up your loins is you know tuck it you know making your your dress into a diaper or something who's seen that mean where it's like here's how you put gird up your loins and you dress you know you've folded a certain way and you tuck it under and all sudden you got this man diaper on and you're like wait your your thighs are exposed and you got a sword on your you know it's like come on that's stupid this means pull up your pants tuck in your shirt put you know strap your belt up and get ready to go but see it never says to the women gird up your loins why because they didn't wear pants that's why the women wore dresses but see they want to emasculate men today they want to make women masculine hey we both look the same walking down the street with our jeans on it's weird Jeremiah 1 17 says thou therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that I command thee be not dismayed at their faces lest I confound thee before them so God's saying look get tough Jeremiah put your pants on get your belt tied up go and speak to them everything that I'm saying for you to speak so God expects men to be manly and to dress manly and skinny jeans guys are not manly okay and look sagging your pants isn't manly either sagging and I've never seen anybody sag their pants in here on purpose anyway but you know some of us construction guys you know get the plumbers crack going on on accident pull up your pants to try your best but look do you know why why the sagging the pants thing came to be because in prison guys would pull their pants down so they can show that they were the they were the sissy they were the ones that they you know they were the ones that were like available for being you know queers so so that that transferred out to the to the outside and so when you see people with their pants sagging up down they got their underwear showing it's like what are you doing I don't want to see your brown stain bro gross pull up your pants pull your belt up gird up your lines how you gonna run like that you know you see it they're like late for the max or something downtown Portland and they're running and they got their pants they're pulling up their pants at the same time it's just not effective it doesn't make you look tough it makes you look really weird and sometimes they'll like have like boxer briefs that go down past their thighs and their pants are sag all the way down to there dude what's wrong with you you don't look good in yoga underwear man gross if I drive by and even if I'm in my work truck I'll say pull up your bags number four safe spaces I gotta hurry here safe spaces this is not like I think that this is an effeminate quality that has gotten into like colleges and stuff and what a safe space is it's a turn the term safe space has been extended to refer to an autonomous space for individuals who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with marginal marginal ization typically on a university campus safe spaces exist in educational institutes of anglo-phone countries whatever that means so basically it's you feel marginalized and so you need to go into this safe space and talk about your problems look if you're a man and you need to go find a safe space you're effeminate you're a sissy you're a little you're you're borderline queer you're ready to flip over to the dark side completely I mean that's just so weird I can't even the safe space used to be I don't know we didn't have safe spaces when I went to school so I don't know what they're talking about it was the bathroom hiding from the teachers I don't know but turnover to first Kings chapter 22 I was trying to think of some safe spaces verses in the Bible I could back this point of what I thought I found a couple there are safe spaces in the Bible there are I found some first Kings 22 verse 15 so he came to the king and the king said unto him Micaiah shall we go against Ramoth Gilead to battle or shall we forbear and he answered him go and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king and the king said unto him how many times shall I adjure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord and he said I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills as sheep having no Shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house and peace and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me but evil and he said hear thou there the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left and the Lord said who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead and one said on this manner and another said on that manner and there came forth the spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him and the Lord said unto him wherewith and he said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all of his prophets and he said the thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so now therefore behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all thy prophets and the Lord has spoken evil concerning thee but Zedekiah the son of Cheniah went near and smote Micaiah on the cheek and said which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me to speak unto thee and Micaiah said behold thou shalt see in that day when thou shalt go in to an inner chamber and hide thyself so he's saying this prophet of God is saying hey you're gonna know when you go like a little girl to your safe space and go hide yourself you're gonna know which way the Spirit of the Lord left me so apparently this is a prophecy concerning the fact that this guy is is gonna end up getting killed and trying to go hide someplace so that's his safe space so so people that are hiding that they're the ones they're gonna go to safe spaces that's something that an effeminate little sissy would do is go hide in a safe space Revelation 6 turn over there Revelation 6 verse 15 you notice that so that was a wicked person that was going and trying to find a safe space that he said you're gonna go in and hide in an inner chamber that's that's what a safe space is right he thinks he's gonna go hide from from what's coming to him Revelation 6 15 says and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and that and every bond man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the rocks or to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the land for that great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand so you got the kings of the earth the wicked people the reprobate army of the beast all these people that hate God they want a safe space when God reveals himself to everyone and when he when he comes and gets his people back they're gonna look for a safe space they're gonna say to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us put us in our safe space so see they're just preparing right now these safe spaces on college campuses they're just preparing you you know to hot to find your safe space later on after the during the tribulation period so but safe spaces are not biblical there is no safe space to hide okay and and it's a girly thing for a man to have to go in and talk to his about his problems in some little safe space with a bunch of other snowflakes just like them don't you think that's just weird I mean brother Scott could you ever imagine going into a safe space I don't I just couldn't picture brother Scott having to find a safe space I don't know you know I got another point that I wanted to make but the Tide pod generation and you know that's not exactly an effeminate thing but it is kind of weird so I just wanted to give it an honorable mention these these kids online that like eat like it's like detergent or something right it's like a little pod and I guess it kind of looks like it would be good like if you look at it it looks like some kind of candy and that's why I think that's how it like started someone ate it like I thought it was candy or something but you know those things will kill you they could kill you you know when people are eating them but yeah don't kids don't eat Tide pods those videos I think they took them all off of line I think the only ones you see are like the ones that say that they're gonna they're gonna eat Tide pods and then at the last second they go what do you think I'm stupid the don't eat Tide pods kid and the thing an effeminate man is gonna let somebody peer pressure them and to eat in a Tide pod okay that's just weird the Bible says in Exodus 23 2 thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil don't get peer pressured and men you should definitely not get peer pressured and look peer pressure is an easy thing to fall into and it is a real thing but all these little internet things that they you know it started I think with the ice bucket challenge seemingly innocent right and now they got all these dumb challenges on you know and I'm not even gonna mention one of the other ones that I've seen but the Tide pod thing I mean you got to be an idiot you got to be a complete moron to eat a Tide pod so guys don't don't get peer pressure don't be effeminate and let some dude peer pressure and you into eating a Tide pod okay snowflakes number six snowflakes that term began being used extensively as a putdown for someone usually on the political left who is easily offended or felt they needed a safe space away from the harsh realities of the world but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject I don't usually use it for a putdown for any subject it's usually for the left usually for people that are just you know crying about little things that are really dumb turn to Psalm 119 165 one night Psalm 119 65 I'm sure a lot of you know this verse Psalm 119 165 but snowflakes a man snowflake a man that gets just offended over any little thing that's an effeminate quality guys if you're offended by every little thing that someone says to you you need to gird up your loins like a man put your pants on pull your belt up cinch it up and go do some push-ups or something because if you're offended over every little thing and you're and you're like someone that's being called a snowflake all the time then you're probably effeminate just saying Psalm 119 165 says great peace of they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so and obviously this is intended for Christians but you know for Christians too if you're a man and you're a Christian you're always offended about something meditate on this verse you know great peace of they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them don't get offended it doesn't say don't get offended by everything he says nothing shall offend you so don't get offended guys that's a that's an effeminate quality to have really to be offended about every little thing number seven long-haired dudes long-haired dudes all right number seven turn to 1st Corinthians 11 1st Corinthians 11 there's a lot of confusion about these verses for some reason but you know I think the reason why people are confused about it a lot because they're not saved there's cultures that like think the women have to have head coverings on and it's all there's a lot of different Christian churches that think this but you know if they would just read the verses you know and actually apply them for how they're how they are I mean I don't see how you can confuse this but you know even the simple things of God can be a confusion to someone that's not saved so 1st Corinthians 11 1 says be followers of me as I also am of Christ now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances I delivered them to you but I wouldn't I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ so Christ is the head of every man okay and the head of the woman is the man okay I was talking about that earlier and the head of Christ is God every man praying every man praying or prophesying that means preaching so if a man is praying or preaching having his head covered dishonor at his head and that weird that the Jews always use like a little dixie cup on their head or whatever they're covering their head but that I don't know I mean I don't know what that symbolizes but but they can't think where they can't read the Bible with you know they think I don't know they're the opposite of everything that they should be so but covering your head really means to have long hair and you'll see that here at the end of this passage so guys like Todd white guys like Daniel Fusco who have these long these long haired dreadlock hippie looking guys that are preaching and praying in front of people look they're not right with God if you can just see from their appearance that they're not right with God just from seeing that they have long hair then you should just dismiss everything that they say right right out the gate it's like Joyce Meyer you see her preaching first of all just preaching at all you should just just know you I'm not gonna listen to her she's a false prophet women are not allowed to preach that's just the way it is you can preach at the door but you're not supposed to preach up in front of the congregation and the other thing is that you can see immediately that she has short hair so women are supposed to have long hair okay and I'll show you that right here look at verse 5 it says every woman that prayeth or prophesy with her head uncovered dishonor with her head who's the woman's head the man right so every woman that has short hair that's praying to God or prophesying or preaching so so now they're like well what are you saying brother Aaron that women can preach yeah the women can preach they preach at the door they preach to people the gospel but but men are the ones that are supposed to stand up at the pulpit and preach so it says for that is even all one as if she were shaven so so a woman with short hair dishonors her husband that's what it's saying the man with long hair dishonors God verse 6 for if a woman be not covered let her also be shorn that means shaven but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered for a man indeed ought to not cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man for this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels and no I don't understand what that means nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord for as the woman is of the man even so is the man also by the woman but all things of God judging yourselves is it comely for a woman that that a woman praying to God uncovered so this is where the people they think it's a head covering right because it's to us we think of cover we don't think of it like in the context of hair normally but what does it say right here it says does it judge in yourself is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him why it is why is it a shame for a man to have long hair because women are supposed to have long hair and so you're looking like a woman you're dishonoring the Lord Jesus Christ if you're a man and you keep your hair long that's what it's saying right but if a woman have long hair see it define the Bible always defines itself for you so you can understand what it's talking about it says but if a woman have long hair it is a it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering so that head you got right there it gets covered up by hair that's what the covering is it's your hair this is not what it says right there your hair is given to you for a cover if if a woman have long hair is a glory to her but what if a man has long hair if a man is covering up his head is it a glory to him no it's a it's a shame unto him because he's looking trying to look like a woman okay he might there's a lot of guys that have long hair that aren't they don't think they're looking like a woman but they are and it's a sin it says but if a man but if a woman have long hair it's a glory to her for her hair is given to her for a covering so what does the Bible teach about hair women have long hair men have short hair real simple is there an exception to the rule yeah there's an an as right exception to the rule it was for a short time unless you were Samson who was born a Nazarite from his mother's womb and was told to never cut his hair but that's the exception to the rule okay that's God can make exceptions to the rule okay but we don't make exceptions to the rule God says if a man has long hair it's a shame to him that's why we know that Jesus didn't have long hair that's how we know John the Baptist didn't have long hair he it doesn't say he was a Nazarite now John did some of the stuff that a Nazarite would do but it doesn't never says that he's an Azarite so and so to wrap all this up 1st Corinthians 6 9 through 10 let's read it again turn back over there 1st Corinthians 6 9 through 10 so look men having long hair it's a feminine it's an effeminate quality it's you looking like a woman so men you should cut your hair I went and got my hair cut yesterday because I was I didn't look like a woman but you know I don't want to blur the lines you know I'm saying I don't want to even look like John Lennon whatsoever so 1st Corinthians 6 9 says no no you not that the unrighteous should not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor adulterers nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves of mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God so look men you need to act manly dress manly do manly things parents raise your kids with the not blurring the lines you know if your kid wants to play with a little baby doll I mean if your kid wants to play with baby dolls that's all they want to play with your boy you need to detach them from the baby doll okay don't don't just say oh it's just a cute little phase they're going through I don't think it is you know I'm not saying they're queers or something like that I'm just saying that it's just not a good practice to get into because what if that's all they ever want to play with is my little ponies then you got a brony on your hands later on you don't want that nobody wants to wake up and realize that their son's a brony okay nobody wants that so and growing you know make sure that your boys get their haircuts on a regular basis and let your the girls need a got Sherry got Nia's haircut one time like really short she took those pictures off of Facebook she was so embarrassed about it huh baby sorry honey I'm sorry that the mom did it was a long time ago okay but she I mean it was like a cute little haircut like the little what do you call the Bob cut or whatever it's called Bob it's called Bob for a reason I was so mad like she's like doesn't it look cute it's like no I was so mad fear wasn't I I was furious and she's never cut it again so police that I know of never never cut it that short before I mean she didn't look like a boy I'm not saying that but it is called a Bob cut anyway so you know it's important for us to not bore the lines it's important for us you know to have a distinction between men and women and and to look that way and ladies the same thing dress like a woman be as womanly as you possibly can you know I I know that there's there's people that are against makeup and people that aren't but I'm not saying you should have your paint your makeup put on what with a paint sprayer okay I'm not totally against makeup or anything like that but you know maybe I'm wicked for that I don't know but it makes you look if a dude's wearing makeup that's a feminine that's weird okay grow out your long beautiful hair ladies let it flow let it flow down some people there's no mistaking but you know the guys with long hair ruin that don't they I mean if a dude has a long hair as my daughter has now that just it doesn't look right and if it looks like the predator it's even worse so and you know kids don't grow up too soon everyone in this room would love to be a kid again but if you're a boy play with boy toys very girl play with girl toys you know I think it's good for little girls to have little baby dolls and stuff like that teaches and you know early take care take care of your kids but Nia was fine or somebody was playing a sin huh I'm gonna just blow Nia it was Nia she was playing a sin a sims game and on the sims game it was a long this long time ago but on the sims game she got turned into CPS because she didn't feed her kids and the CPS came and took her children and she was crying and freaking out and shares like what's wrong what's wrong she's like CPS took my kids so anyway the moral of the story teach your daughters to take care of their children from early age you know teach the guys to do manly stuff right and girls I would say it's okay to play with my little ponies as long as you're probably not watching the television show but I mean I don't know that's up to your parents boys don't even think about it if I see a hint of Brony in this church you're gone