(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's great to be here and I don't know if anybody realizes this but seven years straight we've always come to President's Day weekend so and sometimes that falls on Valentine's Day and sometimes it doesn't but this has been seven years that we've been coming here and obviously we've now I've now become a pastor and we've had a church running for almost five years now and before I get through preach you know before I get preaching here I just wanted to give you an update on our church we're we're still running about a hundred people even though all the COVID stuffs happen and I know last year soul when it was kind of tough on a lot of churches but we still had about 500 people saved or something like that so and the church in Hawaii that we planted had about 450 something or 460 salvations and Hawaii if you don't know has been the most locked down place that there is but we've started five churches now since we became a church and today we actually launched a church in the United Kingdom and so it was very successful this morning they had 49 or 48 people in the first service and 49 people in the second service and so it's kind of cool to listen those guys preach in their British accent so but the guy that's leading that the church plan his name is Ian Tavener and they had a surprise visit from the COVID police right in the middle of his sermon so of course any church that we kind of try to start it seems like there's always some sort of adversity but they left them alone he got to finish his sermon it was pretty pretty cool to watch so but pray for that church plant of ours and of course Spokane's going strong we're running about 40 people there about 20 in Hawaii and let's see British Columbia we saw about 25 people going to church there they're totally locked down it's just been a weird year in a couple months hasn't it but God's still moving forward with his plans and we're still gonna move forward with our plans for the kingdom of heaven so anyway I just like to thank Pastor Jimenez and Miss Joanne and all the hospitality of Verity Baptist Church appreciate you guys having us here and it's we love this church and it always be a dear part of our hearts before I get going also I just want to say we have two missions trips this year and I don't know if anybody wants to come alongside us on this and we have of course well we have our two-year anniversary in Hawaii and that's gonna be the first week of June so if you I'm gonna put a video about it here pretty soon but you probably have to pass a COVID test or something before you go there so you're not willing to do that then you might not want to go so and then Yakima Washington is a place we went to last year in September it's the Yakima Indian Nation and we had a group go there for five days and we had 115 salvations and so it was a great trip but you know we can't go to a lot of countries in the world right now but we could still go to our own to the United States I mean kind of but there's always adversity I mean there was people harassing me about going there and all this other stuff but anyway you know this pastor man has took a chance on our church and you know when I see people needing a church like you know don't start emailing me right now because I got my cup runneth over but just wait for a while I need some pastors to fill these pulpits so anyway the title of my sermon tonight is imprecatory prayers Psalms and preaching imprecatory prayers Psalms and preaching before I get to the text that brother Oliver read I wanted to read a couple verses to you Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 says this for I am the Lord I change not therefore he sons of Jacob are not consumed so God is a God that doesn't change it's called the immutability of God he doesn't change he's the same yesterday today and forever as a matter of fact Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 says Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever so the reason why I'm saying that is because people say in the New Testament war you're not supposed to pray things curses upon people and things like that but that's what imprecatory prayers are so if Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he's the same throughout the whole Bible so what I want to show you tonight is that not only do do Christians and save people and a man after God's own heart named King David he actually wrote 23 or 20 at 23 and precatory Psalms and that's just his prayers against other people that doesn't include all the preaching against wickedness in the Psalms and that's just the Psalms but then you also have the Old Testament which is you know people say well God's not an old you know the Old Testament it's the Old Testament God's not like that anymore yeah he is and so we have to understand this concept because people act like we just made this doctrine up like that there are people that we do have to hate there are people that God does hate and I know people people just get upset about this kind of preaching but look we didn't make the doctrine up it's in the Bible and so if you love that you know pastor this is the the fifth point the pastor's sermon is that you know if you love your church you should love the Bible so we should love the Bible and everything in it and there are some hard things in it some of the things in the Bible are like oh man that's rough but I guarantee you anything that God writes in here is harder than anything I've ever preached it's harder than everything that Pastor Jimenez ever preached we get what we preach from the Bible so it shouldn't upset people but so if you don't know what imprecatory means it means to invoke or call down evil or curses all right and you're like Pastor Thompson this is supposed to be love your church Sunday well hey if you know if I love you I'm gonna tell you the truth right so we need to know the truth and obviously some people know this doctrine but maybe you've never maybe that's something that you teeter on maybe you're just like I don't know I just yeah when I when you say that you're supposed to hate some people that just makes me cringe Pastor Thompson well I'll tell you what let the Bible guide what you believe don't let what I'm saying look at what the scriptures and we're gonna go through a lot of scriptures and you know put some toothpicks in your eyelids stay up I came here to preach I didn't come here to tickle your ears and I got a lot of scriptures to go through so anyway but imprecatory means to invoke or call down evil or curses upon a person now when I look for the definition in the dick in the in Google of course I googled it right I found in dictionary commas really funny I found this so it says repeatedly called for as like an example it says repeatedly called for the death of President Obama via imprecatory prayer gee I wonder where they got that one I don't know if Pastor Anderson's face is like next to that in dictionary comm but I think he's the one that prayed it that's funny that that's the example isn't it so he did pray for the death of Barack Obama and use some scripture to back that up so but there is much imprecatory prayer in the Bible there's also imprecatory preaching like hard preaching against things and against people and against places and countries and that's found in the Psalms the Old Testament and the New Testament God doesn't change he's not gonna change from from Genesis to Revelation God has impregatory preaching and prayers I mean what happens in Revelation you know things are falling from the sky talent size you know hail is falling on top of people people are blaspheming God's name he's pouring out fire and brimstone on people that's in the New Testament people it's not in the Old Testament so God has not changed so turn I'm just gonna read for you second Peter go ahead if you're in Psalm chapter 5 just park there for a second I'm gonna read 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 20 this is important verse knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of is of any private interpretation so this is not my private interpretation that I'm preaching to you today this is straight from the Bible it says for the prophets he came not an old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost every word written in this book was written by the Holy Ghost it was in men spoke it under the inspiration of God under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and it's all profitable for us for doctrine and reproof and all that stuff it's important that we understand that the Psalms are part of the Bible to the Psalms are God's song book and some of these songs are just like just I mean we haven't put a lot of these two words but we're working on it I know that people are working on it but some of these were like they'd sound funny to sing in the congregation I remember we sang Psalm 139 in our congregation I was preaching about some hated hate thing we hate somebody but anyway I it was an experiment on my part because I wanted to see if people would sing out that song and they and there it seemed like people were kind of hesitant and shaky about it because people tell here's the thing the world wants to tell us what we should believe and sometimes we let the world brow beat us into under what we believe and look I'm not saying that we should hate everything all the time and every our Christian life should be about hate but there should be some of it and we we look this church loves people they send soul winners out 87 soul winners out last week our church sends out soul winners because we love people it's not because we hate people want to destroy people Jesus didn't come to destroy he came to save however there are people that the Bible does say to hate there are these wicked people that try to creep into churches they creep in unawares and there's also people that stalk us and try to destroy the work of God and it's really weird I've never been like before I kind of joined myself to churches like these I never had this kind of things happen in church I've never seen these kind of weirdos and these kind of freaks trying and doing anything they can to stop the work of God lying about me and of God just flat-out lying lies and trying to destroy people's families talking crap about people's families and like even politicians don't do that for the most part I mean but these people are snakes they're wicked they're evil they're not savable they're trash like Pastor Anderson would have said what said in his sermon a couple years ago but so look this is scripture and we have to understand that Psalm chapter 5 look at verse 1 this is a this is the first and considered the first imprecatory Psalm okay and that's why I picked it because it's kind of a pattern of how we should pray if we're gonna be in this type of a situation where we need to pray against somebody that's trying to hurt us or hurt our lives or hurt our pastor or whatever it is and you know that this person's a bad person that can't be helped right and we don't always know but I'll get to that later look at verse number one in Psalm chapter 5 it says give ear to my words Oh Lord consider my meditation harken unto the voice of my cry my king and my God for unto thee will I pray so this is God this is David King David praying and he's saying hey I'm gonna pray to you Lord and here's what I'm gonna pray my voice shalt thou here in the morning Oh Lord in the morning I will direct my prayer unto thee and look up so far so good it's all hearts and roses right hey we should be praying to God and you know we should it says in the morning doesn't it you know don't wait till the evening to pray to God pray to him in the morning for thou art not a God that hath pleasure and wickedness neither shall evil dwell with thee the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity so that term workers of iniquity is that's not just the run-of-a-mill sinner this is a person that hates God this is a person that hates the work of God and they'll do anything they can to try to destroy it now it's hard for us to understand how people could be like this how people could be against Christianity how people people could pretend that they are Christians and then attack the work of God that's going on how they can say hey you're preaching a false gospel you're preaching that you don't have to repent of your sins those people that fight against us like that those people are workers of iniquity they're false prophets and some of them are just people that you know look if if if we're a true church which I believe this church is a true church preach the right gospel and pastor him as preaches the whole counsel of God he doesn't hold anything back notice in the book of Acts people what were people doing to the to the disciples of the book of Acts they're always trying to stop them from preaching don't preach in this name and what did they do to Paul followed him everywhere he went right there were stalkers he had stalkers who were following him around these Jews that were trying to stop the work of God and that's what you see in any good Bible believing churches the devil is gonna throw his people his children our way and we sometimes we fail to recognize that because there's wolves in sheep's clothing they look like us they dress like us they talk like us but then the things come out later the ear sticks out later the tail kind of you catch the tail they start saying weird stuff all the flat earth they start saying you know well I do think you have to you know you do have to have the works and you know they start saying weird stuff or they start trying to bring you over to a corner you know but that it's not just people that creep into churches there's people on the outside that want to destroy what we're doing let me tell you something when we started that church the coat today it was at 2 30 in the morning for our time the coven police someone was watching on YouTube just waiting to see someone without a mask and they turned him in because he wasn't wearing a mask that right during the middle of brother Ian's preaching the coven police showed up at the front door and interrupted the preaching so like all of a sudden like you know he's leaves the pulpit and then comes back like five minutes later just preaches the rest of the sermon but they let him go on but this is the type of evil people that want to shut us down I mean there was already articles written in newspapers about them last week people are harassing them about going door to door so winning and saying that they were you know super spreaders or whatever you know these people hate us and want to shut us down and guess what they're not going to the Pentecostal Church they're not going to the Church of Christ they're not going to the Jehovah's Witnesses they're not going to the Mormons I mean that they're part of that but what I'm saying is that the Pete the the devil has got a target on the back of this church the devil's got a target on the back of my church the devil's got a target on the back of churches of friends that I that I associate with why because we're doing the work of God and they can't stand it the devil hates it and so he's gonna take his children and he's gonna put all his forces against us and the others calms and from the storm sometimes but you know cuz God is gracious amen you know he's gonna keep him away or he's gonna let him be exposed and they get kicked out and there's you know these you guys have been through it and we've been through it and lots of churches have been through it so don't be surprised when this kind of stuff happens it's gonna happen you know we're like oh I can't believe that person that person's got to be saved no they're not you know I'm not saying every person that leaves the church is unsaved I'm not saying that but you know the ones that I'm talking about right the ones that just cause all kinds of chaos and not only do they go after pastors but they go after people in the church too and they want to drag those people away like the Amalekites you know came and tried to get the weakest of the children of Israel from behind that's how they that's what they want to do here maybe you're a new Christian maybe you're just new to all this and you don't know anything about this but look I'm trying to that's why I'm preaching this sermon to you because I do love you I do care and I want you to understand this doctrine okay so it says the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all the workers of iniquity look at here people look at people hate is not a bad word okay I know Yoda says it is I know that the world says it is the news tells you that quit watching the news because they're telling you that hate is a bad word look hate is a word in the Bible and it says thou hate who's he talking about God thou hatest all workers of iniquity God hates them do you see that look at your Bible thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man does he like them no does he so it's the use that word of horror of horror is a synonym for hate it's just they're trying not to be repetitive here but God hates bloody and deceitful men leasing is an act of lying lies or falsehood but what are these people trying to do they're trying to destroy David they're trying to destroy the work of God of whore means to detest or hate now skip down to verse 9 it says for there is no faithfulness in their mouth their inward part is very wickedness their throat is an open sepulcher it's like going to a graveyard and having to smell those graves that's what their throat is like they just breathe out all kinds of disgusting things they flatter with the tongue destroy them Oh God that's the Bible that's David a man after God's own heart saying destroy them does he say pray for them oh we just got to love them no destroy them Oh God destroy them let them fall by their own counsels cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions for they have rebelled against thee but let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice let them ever shout for joy because thou defendest them let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee so after he says destroy them he's like we're gonna jump for joy you know people like you know Ravi Zacharias you know it just came out today you know I preached a sermon against him and I'm have all these people just mad at me about it right but he was a false prophet he didn't even preach the Bible he was just some apologetic joke and what what ends up happening I preach against them people get on me then I do an addendum and just just put more stuff on what he did because I didn't have time to finish the sermon he was an adulterer he got caught in this big scandal or he had to pay off these people and you know he did he was he lied about all his education you know his whole ministry was built on lies he never went to Cambridge he never graduated from he was never a professor he lied about everything and people are like you need to forgive him brother it's like shut up that guy never sent anybody to heaven he sent everybody and made them twofold more the child hell than he was himself and then it comes out today that he raped a woman he owned all these massage parlors where he was pawing at all the women and molesting all these women yeah false prophets have the same modus operandi of all all the time it's money and they want some kind of you know they're just whoremongers and hordes and all this other stuff right so it's not a big surprise to me so now I I'm not I'm not gonna make another denim this is my addendum part three I guess but look he was a wicked person sure oh you should pray for his family well you know I don't I feel bad for his family I feel bad for anybody in that ministry but look it's a parachurch organization what do they build it on sinking sand and so it came out today finally that he you know was everything that I thought he was so case closed but where was I at what verses I all the will shout for joy okay look at it says for a verse 12 oh yeah a verse 11 says because I'll defend us them see God is the one that defends us we don't have to go out and fight battles I'm not saying that we go out and try to hurt people nobody's ever preached anything like that we wouldn't go and try to hurt somebody physically this is a spiritual battle we're in where do I fight I fight from the pulpit where do I fight I fight with God's Word the sword of the Lord and what do I do I use prayer my connection with God to fight my battles for me and it says in verse 12 for thou Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou compass him as with the shield you don't have to worry about anything these people are gonna be destroyed but you know what you should pray for them pray for them to die and go to hell there's nothing wrong with that and I'm not talking about just a run-of-the-mill sinner I'm talking about people like this was David wrong and preaching this didn't I just read you the verses where it says that all scripture is by inspiration or not not that one but the one in Peter where it says that let me read it real quick yeah the holy it didn't come by by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they move were moved by the Holy Ghost David was moved by the Holy Ghost to preach that to say that to pray that prayer in Psalm chapter 5 and that's our example pray that if someone's bothering you if someone's trying to mess with your pastor or mess with your church start praying for them just have a separate part of your prayer sheet that deals with those people there's nothing wrong with that people act like you know we're telling you over you know we're these evil people look the Bible teaches it does it not it teaches it so I love this churches love your church Sunday I'm trying to just tell you the truth because I love you so anyway there's differences between now this is where people say well you know Jesus is different now he says something different turn to Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 so people will throw Matthew chapter 5 at us and say you know you're wrong Jesus doesn't think that way anymore that's not true but here's the thing I'm not talking about our enemies our personal enemies that we pray against you might pray against them for maybe they would get revealed or something like that but you know if someone's able to be saved I wouldn't pray for them to die and go to hell I mean that I think would be wrong but sometimes we just don't know so then you think so here's a way to pray for those people just say well Lord I'm not sure if this person's a reprobate or what but if they're not save them if they are if they are reprobate kill them that's what pastor said like last week right and that's the truth you know that's how we should deal with it so but this is where the people try to say they try to stump you right here in Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 look at what it says you have heard that has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but I say unto you love notice what it says your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you this is not God's enemy necessarily this is your personal enemies the people that just don't like you at work because you do everything right or there you know there's people that just don't like you you know there's some people in here that nobody likes them I'm just kidding but it's probably me but look there's a difference between hating God's enemies and hating your own enemies and we'll get to that here just a little bit but look was David a man after God's own heart or not yes he was now do you see him loving his enemies in the scriptures yes you do Saul was a saved man and was trying to kill him it was his personal enemy that hated him but what did David do he did good unto him he cut his robe just a piece off his robe and felt bad about it so but then he's he's praying these imprecatory prayers these aren't towards Saul God took care of Saul Saul messes his own life up and this is not towards Saul but David did have reprobates that were amongst him even he didn't even know about it it talks about these certain sons of Belial when the hat they had to go get their wives and their stuff back from the Amalekites and certain sons of Belial were trying to challenge him and that's the that's not him saying that that's just the Bible saying that so he didn't even know sometimes you just don't know so anyway so imprecatory prayer is against those that hate the Lord that's the difference between it's the difference between God's enemies that hate him and our enemies and we don't have to pray for our enemies to die and go to hell okay you just pray you just do good to them just like the Bible says pray for them that despitefully use you you know bless them that curse you but now there can be a transformation in this where they become your enemies because they're God's enemies all right so you'll see well as we read along here that there's people that David's saying they're my enemies but why are they his enemies because they're God's enemies that's a different kind of enemy does that make sense so imprecatory Psalms so we're gonna look through some imprecatory Psalms first so it contained within the book of Psalms are those that invoke judgment calamity or curses upon haters of God or those perceived as the enemies of God major imprecatory Psalms includes Psalms 69 and Psalm 109 all Psalms 5 6 11 12 35 37 40 52 54 56 57 58 59 79 83 94 137 139 and 143 are considered imprecatory Psalms that's a big number isn't it so don't tell me that we made this doctrine up it's garbage so this and this doesn't even include all the imprecatory preaching in the Psalms we're talking about just the prayer the Psalms of prayer and remember Psalms are songs that were sung in Israel one of these days I think we'll probably sing all these together with the music it was meant to be written to and we'll all sing them together someday turn to Psalm chapter 6 actually turn to Psalm chapter 69 I'm gonna read for you Psalm chapter 6 verse 8 Psalm chapter 6 verse 8 says depart from me all you workers of iniquity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping the Lord hath heard my supplication the Lord will receive my prayer let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed let them return and be ashamed suddenly there's an imprecatory Psalm it's saying let mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed so he doesn't necessarily tell them to die so he but it's talking about workers of iniquity what are the workers of iniquity they're the sons of Belial they're the sons of the devil they're they're evil people that can't be saved okay so you're in Psalm 69 this is one of the major imprecatory Psalms it says let their table become a snare before them and that which should have been for their welfare let it become a trap let their eyes be darkened that they see not and make their loins continually to shake pour out thine indignation upon them this is praying for God's wrath and there's no mercy here and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them let their habitation be desolate and let none dwell in their tents for they persecute him whom thou has smitten now if you know who this is time is it's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ now remember people say well Jesus said you know for father forgive them for the they know not what they do but did the father forgive the reprobates no Jesus talking about he's praying for people that can be saved not the people that can't be saved because why would he pray for so why would it say they persecute him whom thou has smitten and they talk to the grief of those whom thou has wounded add iniquity to their iniquity see isn't that the opposite of what Jesus was saying about people that could be saved this is still talking about Jesus the person that whom thou has spent is talking about God the Father smiting smiting the Lord Jesus Christ and that he you know because he fulfilled the things he was supposed to do and God turned his wrath upon the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary because he became sin for us but look at what it's saying about the people that were reprobate because there were people that were reprobates around him weren't there some of the Pharisees and Sadducees and all these people they followed him from place to place didn't they see the people follow Jesus from place to place where he went to preach they try to cut him off at the pass but who also showed up at those places the Pharisees the stalkers you know so there's been stalking going around for a long time I'm gonna define what stalking is towards the end of this sermon but these people are stalkers they'll stalk your life they'll stalk a pastor's life they'll stalk a church they'll stalk they stalk the Lord Jesus and Jesus said if they hated me they're gonna hate you also but look what it says add iniquity in verse 27 to their iniquity and let them not come into thy righteousness he's saying don't let them be saved right let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous what's that saying don't let them be saved God these people are wicked and vile God's done with them all right do you see the difference between your enemies and God's enemies because it's the Bible is making it very clear turn to Psalm chapter 37 verse number 12 Psalm chapter 37 verse number 12 the Bible says the wicked plotteth against the just give you a second turn there Bible says the wicked plotteth against the just and gnash at the pond him with his teeth the Lord shall what laugh at him is did you grow up learning that in Sunday school that God's gonna laugh at people when they're dying God's gonna laugh at them when their calamity comes as it says in the book of Proverbs it says the wicked plotteth against the just and gnasheth upon them with their teeth and the Lord shall laugh at him for what he see it that his day is coming your day is coming you reprobates your day is coming you haters of the Lord you know what God's gonna laugh at you and so people like when they see that we laugh about some false prophet dying and I do I don't care I'll say it I don't care I laugh about it you know why because they can't hurt any more people they can't molest any more people Ravi Zacharias they can't send any more people to hell and you're like well God would never like it says he laughs at there's more verses of the Bible to say that than just this one so if God can laugh at him why can't I aren't we supposed to be like Christ are we supposed to be like God and look I know that sounds morbid to you maybe but look that's what the Bible says that God will laugh at them that what it says where he see it that his days coming you know that Jack Heil somewhere he says Sunday is coming and he mentions all you know all these people are just having their way in the world they're having their way they're gnashing their teeth upon the righteous they're trying to destroy pastors of their ministries they're trying to destroy their children they're trying to take down one church at a time and they hate the Lord and you know what God says I know your day's coming and he laughs at him the wicked have drawn out the sword they have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy to slay such as be of an upright conversation who are they looking to slay the people of God that are trying to live a godly life to slay that such as be of an upright conversation their sword shall enter into their own heart and their bow of their bows excuse me shall be broken and in the next verse that I don't have in there in my notes it says that their arms will be broken God's not dealing with these people with kid gloves in the end they're gonna get what they deserve and sometimes they get what they deserve before the end so you should have a prayer list you know you should have a prayer list of people that are trying to attack your pastor you should have a prayer list against people that are trying to attack you that hate the Lord you know maybe go talk to Pastor Mez and ask who's on his his death prayer list and find out maybe you can help and pray for those things one down four more to go turn to Psalm chapter 58 verse 6 Psalm chapter 58 verse 6 they're like well I'm leaving I'm never coming back well I'm sorry I won't be here next week either so I'm leaving I'm not coming back for a while either so don't worry about it Pastor Meadows will be back preaching after this Psalm chapter 58 verse 6 the Bible says break their teeth Oh God in their mouth break out the great teeth of the young lions Oh Lord this is again a psalm of David he's saying break their teeth you know we're not supposed to break their teeth we are gonna pray for God to break their teeth you understand verse 7 let them melt away as waters which run continually when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows let them be as cut in pieces as a snail which melteth let every one of them pass away I mean it reports salt on a snail before they melt away like it you know it's disgusting I've never done it before but I've seen it done I I love all animals so anyway I don't really love snails I think they're disgusting but I see why people do it you know but what's what's the the language here melt them Lord melt them let them like the untimely birth of a woman that they may not see the Sun before the pots can feel the thorns he shall take them away as with a whirlwind both living and in his wrath the righteous shall rejoice and this these are two hard verses right here for any crit these these verses do not get preached in Christian churches most places these gifts these are the Psalms that gets skipped over guaranteed because you know what I had a pastor not too long ago there was preaching through the Psalms and when you get to stuff like this oh you know the it's time for the end it's the end of the service sorry we just didn't have time to get through it on Sunday school maybe next time it's like when you get to stuff like this I'm just waiting come on get to it get to it what's he gonna say skip he skips the track he never gets to it but what's it say the righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance what does rejoice mean you know like oh what a feeling Toyota you know that commercial from the old days like Pastor Anderson was saying hey you jump for joy and you rejoice you're happy why because you see he see it the vengeance he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked that's pretty hard isn't it I mean one day this is gonna be fulfilled and everybody in this room is saved it's kind of be washing their feet in the blood of the wicked now I always say this we can't get AIDS then because we'll have glorified bodies so don't worry about it so anyway verse 11 so that a man may say it may so that a man shall say excuse me verily that means truly there is a reward for the righteous verily he is a God that judges in the earth aren't you glad you have a God that can is gonna take your back he's gonna he's gonna take vengeance upon the evils that have been done to you the evils that have been done to your church look it's getting worse out there can you feel it can you feel it getting worse can you see it getting worse I mean President Biden gets elected and the first thing he does is put a drag queen as our safety administrator or whatever or hell as our what was it the sum of health right yeah real healthy to be a transvestite that's a really great that's a really great lifestyle I mean death style and then just starts letting men wrestle women and wrestling and you know they're breaking all the records and all this stuff talk about hating women they say we hate women well how about so you you make some poor little girl have to wrestle some you know some person the same age same weight but it's a dude they're gonna wipe the floor with them and that's what's happening all their their running records are getting broken and people are trying to like protect their daughters hey if my daughter was having to rest some freak that was a dude I would just forfeit I don't understand why you let your daughter get beat up like that there's an MMA fighter named Fallon Fox and Fallon Fox is a man that just beats the crap out of girls for a living he says he's a girl but he's not a girl genetically a man and he shouldn't be allowed to fight women it's ridiculous but that's the kind of world we're living in we're living in a kind of world where someone's watching the YouTube so they can shut down the first church service of a brand new church that's the world we live in where you have Pro you guys went through the protests I was there with you for some of it for a very small inkling of it you had to endure it for three months after that it wasn't fun was it but those are the people that try to break and destroy the work of the Lord turn to Psalm 109 another prayer of David this is a this is a actually against Judas this is like the fulfillment or the prophecy against Judas when shall he be shall he shall be judged let him be condemned and let his prayer become sin let his days be few and let his another take his office let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow let his children be continually vagabonds a bag let them seek their bread also out of the desolate places let the extortioner catch all that he hath and let the stranger spoil his labor let there be none to extend mercy unto him neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children let his posterity be cut off and in the generation following let their names be blotted out let their iniquity let the iniquity of his father's be remembered with the Lord and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out it's pretty harsh stuff but Judas was a wicked person he's the son of perdition he betrayed the Lord with a kiss and it surely would have been better that he'd never been born so I'm gonna skip through the rest I mean this is pretty brutal stuff and look I'm not reading all the Psalms today I'm not reading all the Psalms tonight turn to Psalm 139 this is the one that I tried to get our church to sing and they kind of half-heartedly sang it and it made me feel bad it's like we need to sing this song again this is straight out of the song book of God this is inspired song Psalm 139 verse 20 says for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies this is David talking about God's enemies thine enemies take thy name in vain do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies so you see we're supposed to pray for our enemies we're supposed to do good to those people that hate us and all and and all those things that Jesus said but once they become haters of God that changes that enemy they become your enemies that you hate also because they hate the Lord does that make sense so I hate them with perfect hatred that means complete hatred that's you don't have any mercy for them David did not have did he have mercy in Psalm 109 when he was talking about Judas which is actually a full you know those things are quoted in the New Testament they may not be your personal enemies but I count them as mine enemy because they hate God does that make sense that's how we're supposed to be about these enemies that hate God that's what the Bible says so turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28 now I'm done reading the you can like take a sigh of relief I'm gonna move on to the Old Testament here and you know people don't disagree that there's some fiery preaching of a precatory manner in the Old Testament so I'm just gonna read a couple verses I mean a couple things here Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 20 see the Old Testament books are filled with imprecatory preaching and prayers so Deuteronomy 28 has a multitude of verses talking about the curses that he's gonna curse Israel with if they don't keep his commandments including eating cannibalism and just all manner of I mean the curses are intense but I'm just gonna read you one verse says the Lord shall send upon the cursing vexation and rebuke and all that thou setest thine hand to do unto excuse me thine hand unto for to do until thou be what destroyed and until thou perish quickly because of the wickedness of thy doings whereby thou hast forsaken me so those there's some hard preaching by Moses to the children of Israel by me if you read that old chapter you know it's talking about the blessings and then all sudden it's like the cursings go to like verse 68 God when God it you know people think that they understand who God is but the thing is God has a fiery side to him he has a vengeful side to him he's not the hearts and flowers that everybody thinks he is all the time and but he does love people he loves people he loved us he saved us he wants people to be saved but there are people that are so wicked that they can't they've gone too far with God and they need to be prayed against so turn to Jeremiah chapter 18 verse 19 Jeremiah chapter 18 verse 19 now Jeremiah if you read Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel all in a row you might be in a little bit of a Christian depression afterwards there's a lot I mean it's a lot of negative preaching just like I'm preaching tonight but there's a lot of negative stuff it's like they these nobody would listen to these preachers and like basically everybody hated Jeremiah he only had like one friend Baruch or maybe he had two I don't know but most people did not listen to his preaching but here's Jeremiah you know at one point God tells Jeremiah to stop praying for them because they're so wicked now here's Jeremiah praying to God in verse 19 give heed to me o Lord and harken to the voice of them that contend with me shall evil be recompensed for good for they have digged a pit for my soul remember that I stood before thee to speak good for them and to turn away thy wrath from them see remember the time when I used to you know say hey we should do some good for them God but then God said no don't do good for them don't pray for their good and it says therefore deliver up their children to the famine and pour out their blood by the force of the sword and let their wives be bereaved of their children and be widows and let their men be put to death let their young men be slain by the sword in battle let a cry be heard from their houses when thou shall bring a troop suddenly upon them for they have digged a pit to take me and hid snares for my feet yet Lord thou knowest all their counsel against me to slay me forgive not their iniquity neither blot out their sin from thy side but let them be overthrown before thee deal thus with them in the time of thine anger so here Jeremiah's changed his mind about praying for the children of Israel he's like you know what never mind what I said God I'm not praying for their good anymore let's pray for their bad why because it was too late for them you know and and look to Jeremiah love people absolutely spent his whole ministry preaching to people that would never listen to him and you know that they did try to kill him they tried to kill him multiple times and what was his crime preaching the Bible preaching what God told him to preach what's the crime that pastor a minute is committed when he preached against the sodomites in 2016 the truth what the Bible says nothing wrong with that we just simply we got we got protested by some sodomites not too long ago and it was bookend to bookend Sunday to Sunday between our missions trip that we went on so we had the sodomites protesting on Sunday and then when we got back from the trip they were protesting us again on Sunday but what was our crime what did we do that was so wrong we put an invitation on one of their doors seriously and then they just unleashed their fury on us and tried to say that we're racist and all this other stuff you know apparently if you don't like homos then you're racist see they've achieved their goal of finally putting themselves in as a racist thing they're not a race they're perverts so they are not you know they have like the black history month going on right now and you see like this fist I saw this like poster where the fist and it has like the rainbow flag like bracelet around it the black fist arm or whatever the BLM is nothing but the black lives matter is not really about black lives mattering it was made by sodomites if you look at their website they hate the nuclear family they want to destroy Christianity they hate our guts and I don't think all black people agree with that so amen see I got a black guy amen to me amen so I mean these people are freaks they're out to destroy I mean look I mean black lives matter took over every business didn't every business around here because I up were important where I'm from every window if you didn't have it in they'll smash your window out that's bolt the bullying and thuggery that's going on with this movement it's wicked so where are you at here turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 19 verse 2 2nd Chronicles chapter 19 verse 2 so this should leave you with no questions about where God stands on this doctrine of preaching and precatory things and precatory preaching and sermon and prayers excuse me says in Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him this is talking about Jehoshaphat the king because he had made it an affinity with Ahab and said to the king to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly who do you think sent this this seer to Jehoshaphat you think he sent himself was he sent from Joel Osteen ministries no he was sent by God he's a prophet shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord are we supposed to love them that hate the Lord what's it say therefore wrath is upon thee from the Lord look if you're on the side of the bad guys the ones that hate God then look wrath is upon you also so don't get this tender heart for these freaks and for these reprobates that hate God it's not just sodomites there's other people that hate God that aren't necessarily sodomites but don't get a soft spot for them because God's not talking about praying for them for their good he's talking about praying them for their bad he's saying don't help them they're wicked and look that's okay I'm done with an Old Testament you guys take a breath but look there's pre hard preaching in Isaiah Ezekiel all throughout the Old Testament this type of preaching is found throughout it but don't lose track of the site I mean don't let me make you lose track of the site that God is loving God he does love us he loves sinners but again we're not talking about run-of-the-mill sinners we're talking about these people that God hates okay and those that hate they hate God first see they hate God first Pharaoh hardened his heart first then God hardened Pharaoh's heart Pharaoh had all the opportunity that anybody else to be saved in the world but what did he do hardened his heart said who is the Lord who is the Lord well he showed him ten plagues later who the Lord was and what happened to him died drowned so let's look at some New Testament in prerogatory scriptures right some New Testament stuff okay so the New Testament contains passages that quote in prerogatory Psalms and has in prerogatory preaching in as well so here's here's where people like well you know the New Testament you know it says we're supposed to love everybody no that's not what it says the New Testament is is basically an addition to the Old Testament the Old Testament's like four times the size of the New Testament at least but it's added on it's the New Covenant but it doesn't mean that you throw out all the imprecatory preaching in Psalms it's all for us it's written for our admonition so John chapter turned to John chapter 8 verse 44 I'll read from you John chapter 2 verse 17 which quotes Psalm chapter 69 it says and his disciples remembered that it was written the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up so that's a direct quote from Psalm chapter 69 which I read some of to you which is an imprecatory Psalm and has in prerogatory preaching John chapter 8 verse 44 here's some hard preaching to say to your stalkers that follow you around and they get really mad when you call them unsaved they get really mad when you call them rapper Bates but here's what it says you're of your father the devil and the lust of your father will you will you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when you speak of the law he's speaking of his own for he is a liar and the father of it the devil is the father of lies the devil was a murderer from the beginning and he abode not in the truth that's the same thing that his children are like to see he's calling them children of the devil you know why because they are and Jesus is right about everything isn't he so it's not wrong to call these children of the devil unsaved unable to be saved these are the type of people that I'm talking about that are different they're a special kind of stupid they're a special kind of wicked right turn to John chapter 12 verse 37 John chapter 12 verse 37 it says I'm gonna just start reading while you get there but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the scene of his eyes the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe you see that there's people that can't believe do you believe it because it's right there there believe it or not there's people that can't believe that's what the Bible says because that Isaiah said he hath blinded their eyes and hath hardened their heart and that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted that I should heal them what's God saying I'm done with them I blinded their eyes I'm done with them I harden their hearts I've blinded them so they can't see what the way of salvation not just physical sight we're talking about spiritual sight they couldn't believe anymore no matter what anybody said to them no matter how bad you came and prayed for them God's never gonna listen to your prayer about that because they can't believe I mean is that what it says or not therefore they couldn't believe and these things said as I is when he saw his glory and spake of him turn to Matthew chapter 23 here's the hardest sermon probably in the whole Bible where he just rips the Pharisees and look why why were the Pharisees unable to believe well they called Jesus Beelzebub they called him the devil they said he cast out Devils by the Prince of Devils they basically they blaspheme the Holy Ghost and once you blast him the Holy Ghost God is done with you once you change or alter scripture God is done with you once you take the mark of the beast God is done with you John MacArthur he's got he's done with John MacArthur to the wicked devil so anyway I'm gonna read a verse before I so so in John 15 verse 25 I didn't have you turn there I had to turn to Matthew 23 but it says but this cometh the past that the word might be fulfilled which was written in the law they hated me without a cause there's another quote from Psalm chapter 69 see Jesus backed up the Psalms he backed up the imprecatory Psalms didn't he he backed up the Old Testament in John it's saying that Isaiah is the one that prophesied those things that take place in John chapter 12 Matthew chapter 23 verse 13 says but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them which are going or excuse me entering to go in and what is woe mean it means bad things are coming your way it's cursing someone it's saying that that they're that they're done basically the when when Jesus pronounces a woe on you you're in trouble woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for pretense make long prayer therefore you shall receive the greater damnation what's he doing he's already telling saying they're going to hell look I look I know this is hard for some people it's not hard for me it took me a while to get it to but look this is the truth love your church Sunday amen all right so therefore you shall receive the greater damnation so there are people that receive a greater damnation than others see but you get told we've been told the lie all sin is equal is it it doesn't seem that way to me it seems that there can be a greater damnation there could be worse people I think Billy Graham is in the lower parts of hell I think Ravi Zacharias is there with them and you know what they're not hanging out they're not talking theology they're roasting in flames they're screaming for a drop of water and they had their time they had their time where they drew away these people from the true ways of the Lord and God hates that they preach a false gospel they send people to hell Billy Graham never sent anybody to heaven preach the false gospel skip down to verse 33 he serpents a generation of vipers how can you escape the damnation of hell wherefore behold I send unto you profits and wise men and scribes and some of them he shall kill and crucify and some of them shall you scourge in their synagogues and persecute them from city to city that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barakas whom he slew between the temple and the altar this is Jesus just rebuking them and he says verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation that's a precatory preaching that's in saying look you're going to hell that's all there is to it and then he just rips their faces off for the whole chapter and what so he could tell them that their generation is gonna receive the the recompense for everything that they've done for all the prophets they've slain and killed Matthew chapter 26 verse 23 Matthew chapter 26 verse 23 says and he answered and said he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish the same shall betray me this is at the Lord's Supper the institution of the Lord's Supper and he says the Son of Man goeth as it is written of him but woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed it had been better been good for a hint for that man if he had never been born that's a pretty harsh thing to say about someone when he's sitting right there next to you Jesus was bold Jesus was bold you know what his preacher should be bold too and they should just say things how they are they should preach the Bible how it is why do we preach stuff like why am I preaching something like this because nobody else is because the world has gone by the wayside these preachers that are preaching now they just preach what they want to preach they want they have the big buildings with the you know that's what they care about they care about things that don't matter they stopped so many a long time ago in America and there's there's still some people that haven't bowed the knee the knee to bail but you know it's very few and far between in England they were desperate for a for a church they're desperate and now they got one but right away what happens darts are being thrown at them service first service interrupted it's pretty tough for a new preacher to have to deal with the Gestapo mask police coming in and breaking up your service right Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 verse number 15 in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of the names were about 120 so Peter stands up to preach these people men and brethren the scriptures must need have needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas see there it is right there black and white the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake these things concerning Judas this is God preaching to people and so if that hurts your delicate sensibilities then you take that up with God because he's the one that wrote it which was guide to them that took Jesus for he was numbered with us and have tamed part of his ministry now the man purchased the field with the reward of iniquity and failing falling headlong he bursts asunder in the midst and his bowels gushed out it's pretty gross right but that's what said you know that's what he deserved that's you know God's righteous God never sins so everything he does is good might sound gross it is kind of gross you know when someone's bowels aggression out but that's what that's what he deserved so look at verse 20 it says for it is written in the book of Psalms let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell there in and his bishopric let another take direct quote from what Psalm chapter 109 so they're you know in the book of Acts are quoting it and like I said earlier in the sermon they got followed around they got stocked they got told to stop preaching they got thrown in prison they got you know just you know Paul had had to have a garrison of Roman soldiers take him away because the Jews are trying to kill them these people want to shut down God's work Paul quoted in prerogatory Psalms in 1st Corinthians chapter 16 verse 22 if any man loved not the Lord or excuse me this is just him preaching this 1st Corinthians chapter 16 verse 22 says if any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha that means a curse that means you're cursed so don't tell me well you're like one of these dispensationalist was like no you don't listen to Jesus you don't listen the Old Testament you you need to listen to Paul Paul says the same thing so Paul says what there's people that need to be a cursed and actually there's quite a few verses to talk about it but Romans chapter 11 says let their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a rug can pence unto them let their eyes be darker that they may not see and bow down their back always direct quote from Psalm chapter 58 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 go ahead and turn to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 says for this cause sorry I know I'm going to a lot of verses there's a lot there's a way more than what I'm going to we could be here for hours take a breath all right for this cause God shall send him strong delusions talking about when the Antichrist is revealed that they should believe a lie these are people that are sinners right they that they might that they all might be what damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness that's the Apostle Paul writing that also 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil the Lord reward him according to his works so if he's a if God's gonna reward Alexander the coppersmith according to his works what does that mean that he's gonna go to hell that he's gonna get judged based upon what he did against God and his kingdom and so it also says of whom be thou where also see it's not just that he's going against the Apostle Paul he's telling other people to beware of him because he's what he hath greatly withstood our words you know there's people out there that greatly withstand our words and they try to twist what we say they try to twist doctrines like this and say that they're not true I mean if you walk away from this sermon saying Pastor Thompson's wrong about this I just think that we should just love everybody and you just don't believe the Bible simple as that Galatians chapter 1 verse 8 says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed that's the Apostle Paul saying if any gospel perverts hey let him go to hell let them be accursed as we and he says it twice so it's worth mentioning again and apparently as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which he have received let him be accursed turn to Revelation 6 verse 9 Galatians 5 12 says I would that they were even cut off which trouble you and so what what does that mean that they were dead to trouble you because there's people that trouble Christians there's there's so much stuff on the internet that you could watch that you shouldn't watch turn your face away from that stuff don't try to learn more about them like that hey don't let people you know there's a Baptist preacher just the other day I was reading a news article where it says Baptist independent Baptist preacher converts to Mormonism okay that guy was never saved you don't just convert to Mormonism after being an independent Baptist pastor that's just I've never heard of anything like that ever happening but that's crazy I had a Mormon missionary actually bragged me one time and said we get more Baptist converts than any other religion I thought really that's really true how could that be possible because maybe Baptists quit preaching right a long time ago maybe that's why revelations chapter 6 verse 9 says and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them were slain for the Word of God for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth what are these say even in heaven even people that have been their heads been chopped off by the Antichrist they're in heaven and they're like how long Lord how long till you judge these people from the blood that they have shed they killed us Lord are you gonna avenge us even in heaven they're asking for the vengeance to come upon them don't tell me this isn't a real thought this isn't a right doctrine that's what the Bible says that's what the Bible teaches and you know God is going to avenge them God is gonna avenge everybody that's been slighted by these type of people now turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 it's a very famous passage of Scripture says in verse 1 this know also then in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of them of their own selves kind of like generation selfie right I mean they love their own self covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good there are people that just despise you just because you're good these people are the types of people I'm talking about in this sermon traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having a form of godliness they pretend that they're saved they pretend that they're holy they pretend that they're good but denying the power thereof what's the Bible say from such turn away don't watch their videos don't follow them these are the of this sort or they would creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth these are the types of people that we have to deal with on a daily basis pastor Jimenez has to deal with all the time I have to deal with all the time these people are just constantly stalking us on the internet constantly emailing us all this weird stuff constantly trying to destroy our finances talking crap about our children all the time talking bringing our family into the things they don't care but you know what we can't fight the way they fight and I don't even want to it's so weird to me that someone will leave our church or a church like ours and then they just spend the rest of their life and the rest of their days just over and over again just attack attack attack make these fake accounts online and attack us and say all men are evil against us you know what if you leave a church in my you know times I've left churches before I just leave quietly you know what I don't do I don't stock the pastor and tell everybody how wrong he is and lie about him all the time this is the type of people that we're dealing with so you know what you should pray for your pastor you should pray for me you should pray for art in your church and because these people exist unfortunately and they're sick in the mind what's the Bible say about them they're never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now it and it points out these false prophets that Moses had to deal with in Egypt says now as Jans and Jamborees withstood Moses so what they try to do they try to say hey Moses is wrong they stood against the man of God didn't they so do these also resist the truth who the type of people that I'm talking about to you tonight they resist the truth men of corrupt minds there's something wrong with them reprobate concerning the faith they can't understand they can't see they've been blinded but all they know what they see is tunnel vision to try to destroy this church to destroy your pastor that's all they want to do and it says but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs was also just like Jans and Jamborees their folly was manifest unto all people all men so is the people that try to attack us and sometimes it just it's just one of those things we just got to get used to it it's hard to get used to though just constantly I mean I get emails every single day and I get people posting weird stuff on my youtube page all the time there's people that made a video about all of us pastors all my friends pastor hey man is where they dress us up in drag put makeup on our face they took a lot of time to make this video and show us dancing around to like worldly music and the lady gay gay how weird is that is that gonna get my attention to make me think that they're cool or something or make them think that maybe I'm wrong about something no it just makes me think that they're strange and weird and it makes me want to pray against them for the wickedness that they are doing just like they withstood Moses they're trying to withstood was stood with standing pastor he met as they're trying to withstand me they're trying to and I'm not trying to compare us the most I'm just saying men of God that preach the truth that goes so winning that send people out so winning and try to preach the whole counsel of God this is what we're up against these freaks and these weirdos so what who should we pray and pregatory prayers against the workers of iniquity the haters of God that's who we should pray them against who do we preach this kind of stuff to the haters of God and obviously for your knowledge we have to preach this stuff because there's people are gonna clip at your heels and be like your pastors are hateful your pastors hateful I think he's pretty loving I think he's pretty nice this church does everything you know everything that you do is done for free you know and I see a pastor that's loving I see a pastor it's a nice guy and they're painting us in a picture like we're these you know just just these sick look we're the only thing standing against these things everybody else has folded their tents and went home come on in why do they fight against us like this because that's what the workers of iniquity do that's what the children of hell do so what if you're not sure about somebody like I said if they can be saved save them Lord if not destroy them kill them that's that could be your prayers God knows your heart he knows you're not trying to pray death upon someone that doesn't deserve it he knows who's could be saved and who can't be sometimes it's hard under to decide but we have these internet trolls that are against us all the time and like we live in a different day and age you know in Jesus time they just followed him around physically in Paul's time and an apostles time they just followed around physically and waited for him haha we're here again but here we preach a lot we preach on YouTube and we'll obviously preach in front of a congregation but times are just a little bit different we do things a little bit different but guess what we still have people following us all over the place it's on YouTube it's on Facebook it's they creep into churches like these and try to infiltrate but the these guys are doing so much evil against us they lie and twist the truth making wicked videos attacking our families calling our ordinations into question well let me just tell you something real quick we're not Baptist writers everybody know that we're not Baptist writers but we're also not pastor writers well it's a pastor brighter these people think they're like there has to be some unbroken succession of pastors that have ordained you that pastor a minute goes bad tomorrow does that make my ordination invalid no and if I go bad tomorrow does that make Pastor Mendez's ordination invalid I'm just saying going bad as in you know I my blow up my marriage or whatever something that makes me disqualified from the ministry something that makes him that look once Pastor Mendez laid his hands on me and and we and and we sent me to start that church in Vancouver we're independent guess what I don't have to call Pastor Mendez and ask him what I'm gonna preach next week we're supposed to prove our own ministries Pastor Mendez proves his ministry I prove my ministry other pastors prove their ministry we're independent they don't seem to understand this we're also independent pastors churches and pastors so what one pastor does doesn't affect what I do because I'm independent does that make sense so these people even just try to call our ordination into question it's so weird and they don't even believe that anyway that's the funny thing is like all the things they accuse us of they like take our beliefs and try to push them back on us and like they actually believe them they really don't if you don't know what I'm talking about then that's okay but these people you know are just their stalkers let me just tell you what a stalker is real quick a stalker is a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention doesn't always have to be someone that's being stalked it could be anybody let me read that again a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and ups and obsessive attention cyber stalking this is this is the new stalking right cyber stalking is the use of the internet or other electronic means to stalker harass an individual group or organization is this an organization yeah it's a church organization it's an intimate or an individual group of people it may include false accusations defamation slander and libel it may also include monitoring identity theft threats vandalism solicitation for sex or gathering information that may be used to threaten or embarrass or harass and so these people that do all this stuff you know what it's against the law I and I know I realize the police aren't gonna stop them the FBI is not gonna stop them you know this is just something that Christians have to deal with how do we deal with it though we pray against them we pray for God to destroy them cyber stalking is often accompanied by real-time or online stock or offline stalking excuse me in many jurisdictions such as California both are criminal offenses both are motivated by a desire to control intimidate or influence victim a victim a stalker may be an online stranger or a person whom the target knows they may be an anonymous and solicit involvement with other people online to do not eat they don't even know the target cyber stalking is a criminal offense under various state anti stalking slander and harassment laws a conviction can result in a restraining order probation or criminal penalties against the assailant including jail this is what they deserve they deserve to be punished by the law but the law doesn't do anything about it so what do we have to do we have to do something about it so one of these cyber stalkers just died his name was Todd Ferguson you know he's the guy that talked all funny he was like whatever he was just like Todd raising files and he's just making all these crazy videos just making up all these lies about pastor friends of mine including myself including your pastor including you know pastor Shelley pastor Anderson and and look the guy was just relentless the day he went missing or whatever he had posted a sermon against pastor Jimenez you know pastor man doesn't even go online you know he just minds his own business tries to run his church so these guys are just lying and doing all this stuff and you know what guess what if you just go against God's man if you go against the church hey something might happen to you you might just get kidnapped and beat up or whatever happened to him they found him in an alley you know with his head caved in or something you know people are like oh poor Todd you guys are heartless that guy didn't care a lick about what he said about us he just just lied I mean or twisted truth these are the types of people that we have to deal with and you know what I'm glad he's dead and I you know what I did laugh I laugh when I found out he was dead they're like well pastor Thompson you might be a main suspect check my records I had an alibi for that day and you know what I don't have anything in my bank account showing that I paid any hit man okay so I'm completely innocent but you know what you know what I can't say that I did pray for him to die and guess what he's on your preachers death list and guess what so that means there was five now there's four you know the people that are just harassing us like this and keep on going like this hey don't be surprised if you just drop dead of some weird manner you know and so this is a warning to the people that hate God and want to destroy us you know what we're praying against we're praying for you we're praying for you so and I just think it's funny that the way he died because it wasn't a normal death he's like I'm gonna go out and get some shoes I mean cocaine you know all the stuff he talks about us but he's the one that was really just going and and doing wicked things he died an early death you know and he says he's who says hey I'm gonna go out and get some shoes I mean it's kind of a weird thing to say I mean if you really go into this like if you're a lady you know I could see where that would be impossible but look the guy hated our guts and he's got his buddy what's his name Tuttle Robert Tuttle and he's carrying the torch and he's the one that actually started all this stuff against us but you know what it's funny because he wants to talk about how our kids are reprobates and we're reprobates and you're all reprobates and all this stuff it's like dude you don't even believe in that because your grandson's a fag guess what there's this thing called Facebook and I found out that his grandson's a fag and he's also a Jew so he's a Christ rejecter and he's a fag and then you're gonna go and say your people are reprobates and you got what are you talking about do you believe the doctrines that you even are saying that you're that you believe against us it doesn't make any sense and the reason why I want to make that public is because he refuses to let me comment on this page and say to everybody so look Robert Tuttle's grandson's a fag he's a Christ rejecting Jew and you can't delete this off YouTube so maybe you can I don't know but I can't delete the comment so anyway I know I'm way over time here but I just want to say this before I end that God is the one that's gonna defend us when we pray to him he's gonna answer our prayers and you know what God shows us a pattern in here we pray to him he takes care of business he's the ones sticking up for us the Bible says and in Romans chapter 12 verse 19 it says dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for his written vengeance is mine I will repay say it the Lord God's gonna repay so we don't have to worry about it it's all taken care of and even if you don't pray you know what God's still gonna take care of him so he's not gonna let him get away with it but there's nothing wrong in the world with you trying to to pray to go to the right person you know we always have to do the right thing so let's go to the right person let's go to God I'm not ever saying take matters into your own hands and do things in your own you know we're not supposed to fight physically and I never have and I never will but you know how I'm gonna fight a spiritual battle through the Lord Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords you know what he's gonna take care of business and these people that are haters of us these people are lying and slandering us all the time you know what one down four to go and there's actually more I'm gonna add to the death list after the service I want to talk to pastor let them know there's some other people I'm praying for so anyway that's all I got for tonight you know we got to understand there's a prerogatory Psalms Old Testament and prerogatory preaching and prayers and in the New Testament it quotes it and preaches it and you know what God's gonna protect us and fight for us let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for this wonderful day we pray Lord that you bless each and every person that came out I know it's a long sermon Lord but just made him even more hungry and I pray for that you would just protect your people protect the pastor of this church pastor Roger Jimenez and his family from all the wicked that people throw at him and I pray you watch over our church in Vancouver and Lord just all of our friends that are pastors Lord we have to deal with this stuff all the time I pray you just help us help our people to help us help our people to pray for us and put the remembrance in our heart that we go through a lot and sometimes people don't see everything that goes on but they would just continue to pray for their pastors in Jesus name we pray amen