(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Well it's great to be back here. It's good to see all your smiling faces today and yesterday. I just want to say thank you very much to Mrs. Jimenez. Pastor Jimenez for having us come and having me preach and the hospitality has been great as always and at our church we always try to emulate that hospitality and it was a great thing that pastor passed on to me and I like to be hospitable too and this is a great church of course and you guys are all feel like family to me and so it's always great to be back here. Just one before I start preaching I just want to kind of give you a little state of the union for our church up up north. You guys had a big part in planting so a major part obviously but last Sunday we had 105 in church so our church is doing really well attendance wise. We got rid of the old pews so if you ever come back to visit it's more like a new IFB. We're so new IFB we have chairs now so anyway and we also so we planted two churches last year one in Spokane Washington. We're about to have the one-year anniversary for it actually and it's doing great and also we planted a church in Hawaii which is doing really well also and so I you know anytime you got a chance to go visit one of those churches of course our church up in Canada is doing well also. So we finally caught up with Pastor Jimenez on church plants so I was happy for that so anyway he's got point he likes to tease me and say well you know Pastor Thompson just take it take it each church but he's got four church plants too so you can't make fun of me all right so we had about 2,000 saved last year through our ministry and many many baptisms so I just thank you so much for allowing me to preach tonight and it's a it's a pleasure to be here so let's focus in tonight on chat on Matthew chapter 24 verse number 43 now you I'm not preaching about the rapture tonight I'm not preaching about the end times tonight what I'm preaching about is being the head of the household the head of the household you're like Pastor Thompson what are you talking about where you getting this from well look at verse number 43 it says but know this that if the good men of the house had known and what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up and so I just want to teach a principle from this verse obviously in the context it's talking about the end times if you would then want you know if you would watch you would know you wouldn't be caught by surprise when the rapture comes but I also I think you can apply this because that word Goodman right there actually means the male head of the house and so Jesus uses this little parable this little dark saying to kind of get our attention to teach us the principle that we should be watching for him but you know as the head of a household we should be watching our houses to men and so this this sermon is directed towards men but obviously I like the when I preach I like to use some buckshot technology where I'll try to just scatter shotgun everybody and make sure everybody gets a good dose of and make it apply to them also because you know a good be took behind every good man there's a good woman right and there's you know every good man you know God wants us to raise our our families in the end and he wants us to have strong families and unfortunately in this country we have a lot of dysfunctional families and I'm not gonna ask for a raise of hands of who has a dysfunctional family in here but I'll raise mine okay so I one of the things that I purposely and having a Christian home is that I wanted to make sure that my family didn't turn out as dysfunctional as my family was before me and I want to make a difference I think that we should turn the tide in this country as Christians and as men we need to be strong men we need to be the heads of our households and so that word Goodman like I said means the male head of the house now before I get into the the preaching maybe you're not a male head of the house maybe you're a single a single woman or you know you're a child or whatever but hey you know everybody has someone that's the head over them even the male head of the household has God as their head as Christ as their head and God is the head of Christ right so but ladies if you're just like a single lady and you live by yourself you know what Christ is could be the head of your home also so this can all apply to everybody I know that there's lots of different situations and lots of different things but tonight I mainly want to focus on men being the head of the household and you know there's a lot of different support positions that can be involved in that so and again I understand this interpretation is you know just a parable but we can learn some principles from this and so this circuit let's see let's look at yeah I already gave you the definition so the Goodman so number one point number one tonight is be a Goodman and a Goodman again means the male head of a household aka the boss of the home and you know and in 2020 that's not a very popular saying that's not a very popular teaching we got a lot of feminists out there that want to take over the role of just I don't even know what they want to be you know they're so weird they don't know what they want but but you know as Christians we as as male heads of the houses we need to we need to be many different things we need to wear many different hats we have many different roles but our main role is leading our family leading our household and making sure the next generation gets the Word of God and that our families after us grow up in a Christian home also I want more than anything for my children to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and so the next generation can be fixed you know and all it takes is one generation to forget about God and to and for one generation to forget about teaching their children after them and then it's it's ruined again so I want to preach about this tonight so so what is the definition of good so in that word Goodman there's the word good and so the the first definition of that would be having the qualities required for a particular role so as a Goodman you have to be you have to have the quality required for that role which is to be a man okay and number two that which is morally right or righteous so you you want to be two things as the good men of the house you want to be have the quality required to fulfill that particular role as the head of the household and you also want to be morally right as the head of the household so it's not going to do you any good if you're just you know you know coming home and kicking off your boots and drinking a beer and you know don't worry about it kids it's okay and you know just acting like you know you're gonna lose your family you're not your house is gonna be suffered to be broken up and if you're not watching and paying attention what your kids are doing you're not watching and paying attention to what your wife's doing you don't even spend time with your family guess what your house is gonna be suffered to be broken up you're gonna allow your house to be broken up and look it's gonna be your fault because you weren't paying attention because you weren't watching so what is the thief in this analogy well the thief is anything that can come in that you're not paying attention to that can break your house up and then look you could be the next dysfunctional family there's a lot of Christians that let their families become dysfunctional how about a lot I mean how talk about this functional I mean that was he puts the this and dysfunctional so I don't know it's not it's not fun to be dysfunctional people say you know you put the fun and dysfunctional there's nothing fun about being the dysfunctional family it's actually really sad so Christians tonight meant Christian men in here that are listening to me tonight you know you need to be the spiritual head of your household not just the breadwinner the one that goes out you know it's not just your job just to only go and provide for your family you have other responsibilities also and one of those responsibilities is being the spiritual head of your house turn to Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 we'll look in the Bible and see what it says there about being the spiritual head well and Adam wasn't exactly being spiritual when he partake partook of the fruit that he wasn't supposed to partake of but look at Genesis 3 16 says unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception and sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee so God's plan is for the man to be the head of the household right he's to rule over the wife and that was part that's actually part of the curse you're welcome right so but you know and part of the curse for the ladies is the hard childbirth you know it hurts right I mean I don't know I wouldn't know I could just see what it looks like when women give birth and it looks like it hurts so but anyway I'm sorry ours is to work by the sweat of our face and to provide for our family though and that's not always easy either so but I'm not comparing it to childbirth okay anyway so but you know men as spiritual heads of your house you need to decide what church to go to that be a good spiritual thing to do right you decide what church you go to don't let your wife decide what church you go to don't let your children decide what church you go to you decide what church you go to and you know what you should choose the best church that you can to take your children to now obviously you're got your kids in a good church today and I and that's great but don't get to that point where you're just like well you know it's okay we'll just go to the community church they got more kids programs and that's wrong don't take your kid to some weak church because you know what they're gonna grow up watching Joyce Myers after they get out of the house you know you want that you want your kids watching Joyce Myers for their spiritual their spiritual feeding you know she was wrong the moment she got up and said anything so why would you want your kids listen to that because look a lot of these churches all they are is fun centers Chuck E Cheese Baptist or whatever and they're not really giving your kids a spiritual thing look this morning you heard a spiritual sermon you know I was having a hard time keeping up with all that Bible flipping this morning and I was trying to give you guys a little bit of a break tonight but I don't know if I'm gonna do that or not for sure but anyway I do have some some verses to go to but you should make sure that also your family is reading the Bible and you know as the spiritual head of your house you should make sure that you're when you're at work hey mom's reading the Bible with the kids you know you know how you want to make your kids smarter have them read the Bible you know what their kids your kids will get smarter reading the Bible they'll know how to pronounce words better they'll know how to read better than most kids but you know what dad you need to make sure that they're reading the Bible you need to make sure that your kids are reading their Bible your wife is reading her Bible that's your job as a spiritual leader in the house teach your kids to pray do you get down at night with your kids and pray with them you know and that's one of the funnest things that I remember about when the kids were little is prayer time and sometimes prayer time got a little bit crazy with the kids you know because they're praying for the goldfish and you know all the you know animals to be saved and just you know all kinds of crazy stuff that they come up with you know but it's cute right like well I don't know if that's really God's will for all the animals to be saved kids but you know and so we would pray as a family pray a family prayer time at night before we went to bed and you know they they've never forgot how to pray you know but as a dad if you don't do it if you don't make it happen it's not gonna happen you know you shouldn't be depending on your wife to make family prayer time it should be you and you set the spiritual standards for your home what do you allow into your house what do you allow what kind of sermons are you letting your wife listen to while you're at work you know are you letting her listen to Benny Hinn should comment on you know whatever are you letting them watch you know sir there's letting her sit there and watch Joyce Myers well if you sit there let her listen to Joyce Myers you might come home to a liberal wife right you don't want that do you as the spiritual head of your house you should be controlling what goes on spiritually in your house and so the Christian male head of the household has a boss above him I already mentioned that but look turn over to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse number 3 1st Corinthians 11 and verse number 3 this is the famous haircut passage but that's not what I'm talking about so 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 3 says but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ so Christ is the man's head right and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God so we have an order in our home a spiritual order and you know what none of us has actually ever seen God if you said if you believe you've seen God then you might need to go check into a mental institution because you know what God nobody no man's ever seen God the Father ever you know what Jesus went back to heaven so if you you know the Apostle Paul said he was the last one to see him so if you think you've seen Jesus then you need to talk to the pastor after the service and get some counseling but you know the point I'm trying to make here is that you know the Lord Jesus Christ is our head we haven't seen him we haven't seen the Father but you know what that means that he's our spiritual leader so we believe in Christ by faith and we take him as our spiritual leader you know what a dad should have the same role in the house not just a physical leader not just one that goes and makes the money but also someone that's a spiritual leader in the home so turn over to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and you know we need to be spiritual man you can't just come home and kick off your boots every night and just stop being spiritual you have to be spiritual when you come home you with little ones especially you know your kids want to spend time with you but do you spend time with them doing anything spiritual you know don't you think we need you need to have a little bit of spirituality in your life and yeah I realize that we work a lot of hard hours we work a lot of long hours but you know what your kids need you they need your they need you to be spiritual not just mom with you 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 15 says but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ so as Christians we have the mind of Christ and you know what it says that he that spiritual judgeth all things and you know what we need to judge all things in our home we need to judge what's going on spiritually in our home and hey if you think that the ship is going is starting to sink a little bit you need to do something to fix it and as a good man of the house it's not just like I said just to provide for the family but you need to provide spiritually Ephesians 5 23 I won't have you turn there but it says for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the Savior of the body so look a lot of people in this day and age are like we need to have a 50-50 marriage you know both both parties work both parties come home both parties have chores you know what that does it just causes confusion in the home you know everybody should have their own wool at home you know when you get home dad's from going to work you know your wife should be able to stay home by the way you know and if it's all at all possible you should have your wife stay home hey have a little bit of faith in your life you know have a little bit of faith in your life and let your wife stay home and God's gonna bless you for it is it hard yes it can get hard but you know what that's what God's will is for your lives and you know he wants us to be spiritual and look 50-50 relationships is is a two-headed freaky monster right where you get home it's your turn to do the dishes no it's always your turn to do the dishes it's my turn to go out and go to work and bring home the bacon now obviously men can do things nice for their wives and you know it's there's go rinse your dish off yet you filthy animal you know it's not gonna kill you to rinse a dish from time to time I'm not saying that you know you can't do anything I have to do you know but we can rent you go rinse a dish you know get up and rinse your dish off guys there's nothing wrong with that but you know I guess you're the boss so whatever rule you make is your own rule so let's see turn to 1st Timothy 5 8 so look we can't have 50-50 relationships someone's got to be the boss in the home all right and that's just all there is to it and look the Bible teaches that it's the husband it's the man that's the head of the household Goodman is the male you know leader of the home okay so look at 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 8 and you know I talked about that's not just about providing for your family you know monetarily but it is that is part of your role that is part of your role is to take care of your family to make sure the rent's paid to make sure you have food on the table to make sure they have clothes on their back to make sure that you know the there's you know food whatever a roof and food on the table and all that good stuff right so look at the Bible says in 1st Timothy 5 8 says but if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel so look don't stay here and tell me you're spiritual when your power shut off oh I just want to be spiritual well you're not spiritual when you're worse than an infidel because your power got shut off at your house okay that's not spiritual if you're homeless and you're like well you know I'm just trying to follow Jesus he was homeless too no no Jesus wants you to provide for your house men he wants you to provide for your house all the bills pay all the bills do all that stuff but look you don't have to be rich to do all that kind of stuff you know you know it's more financially hard to live in Vancouver Washington than it is in Sacramento California I just I just got the newest stats all right it's true so the market for housing is 38 percent higher in Vancouver Washington than it is for Sacramento California and sacra people in Sacramento make eight percent more than than people that live in Vancouver Washington so don't whine to me about California come up and try to live in Vancouver watching and all the prices have gone up for the houses all these California people you just need to stay here okay quit trying to move up and take over all the houses up there all right I'm kidding but anyway turn turn to the Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 Colossians 3 verse 23 and look it's not just your your job men to provide for your house monetarily you know God wants you to provide for your house monetarily but he also wants you to work as hard as you can okay we're not trying to get any get rich quick schemes in this church hopefully look don't be dumb about things make sure that you have a trade or some kind of skill or you go to school to learn something to do to provide for your home but doing like you know shackley diet pills and what are some other things like buying and selling gold you know I'm like there's some legitimacy to that okay I'm talking about the scam the scam things the multi-level marketing things look if you think that you're gonna get and provide for your family on some kind of multi-level marketing thing you're wrong and maybe that one person in a million can do that and they're the double triple diamond person or whatever you know I'm talking about what are some other ones I can't remember what some other multi-level does anybody have anything huh am way yeah that's the big one right so am way and there's a new one right that's it's uh it's where they have the sports drinks and all that stuff anyway I can't remember what it is but look don't try to build your family dream off of some scam that someone's already made all the money off of and you're just getting in on the bottom level that's ridiculous go work a job hey if you're not making the ends meet just work harder work more hours because that's what's gonna get you ahead it's not gonna be something where you don't have to work look and all labor there's profit but if you're not laboring you're not gonna get any profit okay that those these people that are rich they've worked hard to get rich and look but Christians are not supposed to labor to be rich that's what the Bible teaches you're in Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 it says whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men knowing that the law of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you see serve the Lord Christ so at your job that you work out whatever your job is you're supposed to do it as heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men you might have the crudiest boss in the world but you know what do it work like you're working for Jesus you know just forget whatever the company is that you're working for and just put I work for Jesus and then when you do that work hard for him you know what God's got you know you see if you seek the kingdom of heaven first you seek the kingdom of God first God Jesus already said he's gonna add all these things unto you so God's gonna take care of you God's gonna take care of the things you need but you know what you still need to work hard you know God doesn't say well just do all these multi-level marketing things as unto the Lord no it's work hard that's what he wants you to do all right and also as being a good man of the house you need to learn to not leave your own house into sin you know you don't want to lead your house and so you want to lead them into the good things of the Lord and be spiritual but don't lead them into sin Romans chapter 13 verse 14 says but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof you should be putting things in your house or watching things in your house that it's gonna cause your family members to sin including yourself you know because you know that that's just you know that's just that should be just a simple thing to tell you right it's something that we should just already know but you know what a lot of people still have all their Disney movies in their house that they're still watching I don't know I'm looking up I don't know who in here still watches all the Disney movies or whatever but I'm just saying that don't don't cause your family of sin don't bring stuff into your house that's gonna let your family fall into sin Psalm chapter 101 verse 3 says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me and so you shouldn't bring things and set it says set them I will set no wicked thing before my eyes so usually people when they are watching something wicked or doing something wicked they're setting it there themselves and so we can't be as Christian as Goodman of the house we can't be the ones that are bringing that stuff into our home Psalm 119 104 says through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way so every false way God hates it so should you bring it into your house if it's a false way absolutely not you know it's a tremendous responsibility to be the head of the home and it's very rewarding though when you do it God's way you know my kids have grown up and they're doing pretty good there are they perfect you've seen Josh right you met Josh they're not perfect I always pick on Josh I'm sorry Josh but you know my kids aren't perfect but I'll tell you what I raised them in the Lord they're still in church I don't have to drag them to church every single week they go to church on their own they have their own families they have their own things going on but you know what they still show up for church every single service and so you know I and I'm not saying I I'm a perfect parent but you know I I know what's important and I knew what was important to do with my family and I'll tell you what I'm glad that I did I'm glad that I raised my kids the way I did I'm glad that I raised them in church I'm glad that I made it a priority to do those things so number one was be a Goodman and be so with that being spiritual working hard taking care of your family leading your family in the right way not leading them into sin number two as the head of the household you need to watch you need to watch what's going on in your home so Matthew chapter 24 verse 43 it says but know this that if the Goodman of the house had known and what watch the thief would come he would have watched isn't that true if someone if you knew someone's gonna break into your house wouldn't you watched right wouldn't you have been paying attention nobody likes it I've had my house robbed before a long time ago it's a very it's a terrifying feeling knowing that someone just in there just grabbing all your stuff and it's not a fun feeling you know it's it hurts anybody ever had their house robbed before you can raise your hand on that one yeah it's it's not cool it's not fun and I guarantee you you know you look back you're like man I wish I would have just put like one of those sticks in the window or I wish I would have done this I wish I would have had an alarm or something like that I wished I would have been watching and paying attention but you know as as the head of the house you need to watch man you need to watch what's going on not just looking for thieves to come break in your house but things that come into your house via your fan your family members via your wife via your kids whatever whoever they're hanging out with you need to watch every single aspect of your home and pay attention be diligent turn to Ezekiel chapter 33 verse 6 we need to watch out for them spiritually as the head of the house we need to watch out for them our children our our wife our family members spiritually Ezekiel chapter 33 verse 6 says but if the watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpet and the people be not warned if the sword come and take any person from among them he is taken away in his iniquity but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand your kids are doing something and you know it's wicked and you don't say anything you know what God's gonna require that at your hand too as the head of the household you need to be on guard for what your kids are doing and what your wife is doing Ezekiel 33 verse 7 says so thou O son of man I have set thee a watch unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me as the head of the house guess what you're the priest of the house believers you're the priest you're the you're the priest of your home and you know what if you're reading the Bible like you should be you're supposed to be warning your family hey don't do that you know don't watch that don't go there don't hang out with that person that's your job and so and obviously mothers would be the same thing but we need to watch our children and warn them of the things that they're falling into that might not be spiritual now of course I've had I've had teen I have one teenager left in the house right and so my my battles might be different than your battles your battles might be going to Walmart and watching them scream is that you don't buy them everything they want or something I don't know I've been there I remember those days but you know watch your wife watch your children watch for them I'm not saying like watch them like you're in the FBI and put cameras all over the house for them or something like that okay but watch their associations and their friendships because look you don't want your wife to get mixed up with somebody that's like the church gossip or the the person that's trying to corrupt you into doing things that you shouldn't be doing you know how about old friends you know old friends that are unsaved you know you really don't have any business having friendships like that obviously you still love them you still care about them you still want them to be saved you want them to get the gospel but for your wife to have a best friend that's not saved and she's just powing around with her all the time guess what that's a wrong that's a wrong thing to do you gotta watch what your wife is doing you gotta watch the friends that your children have look at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse number 33 1st Corinthians 15 33 see because who you hang around with is going to influence you you think you're influencing them if they're unsaved but guess what they're influencing you and you don't want to be influenced in a wrong way and you definitely don't want your wife to be influenced in a wrong way you don't want your children to be influenced in a wrong way so you have to watch those relationships as the head of the house it's your responsibility to make sure they're not hanging around people that they shouldn't be hanging around isn't it are you the boss or not you're just gonna let everything go you know let your kids hang around with the worst kid in church you think that the your kid hanging out the worst kid in church is the best thing for your kid and look I hope there's no bad kids in here I hope they're all good kids but I hope that every kid in here is a good influence you know and you should be you're in the house of God this is this is this is where your church family are and kids you need to behave and be a good influence to other kids around you don't be like oh my mom and dad just dragged me here I'm just gonna be bad I'm gonna rebel that's wicked kids don't be that kid but 1st Corinthians 1533 says be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners hey look if you think that you're just gonna hang around someone that has evil communications coming out of their mouth saying all kinds of wicked things it's gonna corrupt your good manners it's gonna corrupt your children's good manners they're gonna come home with this garbage kind of like where'd you hear that from all my friend that friend might need to be cut out of your life or their life right so turn to well turn to Proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 I'm gonna read for you in Psalm chapter 1 verse 1 in Psalm 1 1 it says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful God doesn't want us just hanging out with the ungodly I mean people think well how are you gonna you know Jesus hung around with the sinners yeah he hung around with the sinners to get them saved okay he wasn't just you know going to the bars and drinking beers with them and shooting the breeze and telling dirty jokes he was out there just trying to get people saved and you know what when you to get someone saved guess what you have to talk to him guess what you have to hang around with him sometimes but he wasn't just they were his what was his inner circle his inner circle was the Apostles and guess what they were all saved except for Judas so but you're in Proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 it says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed you know what fools are in the Bible they're unsaved people and a lot of times they're reprobate unsaved people but look as a wise man don't walk with with fools because guess what you're gonna be destroyed and you know as a as a spiritual man in the head of your house don't let your kids just hang out with every unsaved little heathen and you know they're gonna influence your kids they're gonna get your kids watching stuff that they shouldn't be watching listening to music they shouldn't be listening to look worldly music in our churches is a big deal it's something that happy all people have a hard time with because every song that you listen to guess what it gets put into your little memory bank and it can play back exactly the way you heard it have you ever got up and took a shower or something and like you're just all said you're some song from 20 years ago in your head why is that so because every music we listen to is influential to us and I there's songs that will pop up in my brain that like why am I thinking about that song of all songs and some wicked song you know why because that had an influence on my brain someday and we just retain music like like you know crazy so but as Christians you know I know that Christians fall back into this I know they do I know that Christians fall back into watching stuff they shouldn't be watching I know they do but you know what you got to get yourself you got to put yourself in check and just realize hey I'm what I'm doing is wrong I need to stop doing that and you know what all that stuff is gonna influence your house your kids don't let your kids hang around kid other people that are gonna be a bad influence on them Proverbs 23 verse 7 says he that for as he thinketh in his heart so is he eat and drink sayeth he sayeth he to thee but his heart is not with thee so as you think in your heart you're gonna be that person so guess what if you think you're a gangster you're gonna try to be that person aren't you you know you're just like some Christian kid and all of a sudden you're hanging out with a bunch of gangster kids you're gonna think you're a gangster and guess what you're not a gangster you're just a goofball you're not down with the set homie or whatever alright you know if you whatever you think you are that the people that you're with are gonna influence you to do things and you're gonna become them have you been around a person that like it was a new friend or something and you notice that you start talking the same that they do you just can't help it if you go if I go down to Texas it's over I'm just it's bad alright I start talking like I'm from Texas or something like what am I doing but it's just because the influence of people around you and so you want to have good influences in your life is what I'm saying you want your children to have good friends that you can trust and you know everybody does bad okay we all sin I understand that but there's kids that you know that your kids shouldn't be hanging around with it you know obviously the gang leader down the block is not the person you know I'm just trying to get him safe no that's not what's gonna happen he's gonna influence your life and the next thing you're doing drive-by shootings right I'm just kidding but hopefully not I mean but it is important who we hang around okay and think about family relationships turn to Matthew chapter 10 family relationships these can be the ones that are the most destructive for your family as a as someone that's watching what's going on in your family hey if you if you would have watched you would have suffered your house to be broken up so family relationships you're like well it's just grandma it's just grandpa it's just look if grandma and grandpa are God hating atheists I would not leave my kid over there to spend the night I'm just saying would you I mean think about that they hate God and I'm not saying this is every family member okay but if they hate God what why would you let your kids stay the night with them there's no way you know when you get saved something changes and you you don't want you want to you you know you start getting into church you start reading your Bible you start praying you start going to church and listening to sermons and things change in your life but yeah you're gonna hang around the same old people and look family divisions happen naturally okay look at Matthew chapter 10 verse 34 says think not that I'm come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but what what to say there but a sword this is Jesus talking okay he said for I'm not come to set him I'm from come to set a man a variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foe shall be they have their of his own household he the love father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he the love of son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me what's God's what's Jesus saying right here there's got to be a division and hey a lot of the times they the division comes from them I'm not saying you know just throw your family down down the toilet or whatever I'm just saying that once you start you know growing as a Christian you start changing your desires are gonna change okay and their desires are gonna stay the same they're gonna try to save you from the cult that you're in right and they think they know best I had just heard the news that a friend of mine hung himself on when I got in a friend that I went to high school with hung himself you know why he hung himself he had no hope you know I loved him as a friend but you know there came a time when I just had to separate myself from him and you know I separated myself from him because I knew what he was into but you know and then even as Facebook friends I had to separate myself from him because when people are sitting there saying blasphemous things to you on Facebook you need it's time to cut the ties now all right but you know was I sad that to hear the news absolutely I was but do you think I never tried to reach out to him you know I tried to reach out to him and now look where he's at but it's sad but you know we have to make a division and this is talking about family okay mothers dads mother-in-laws that's not too crazy that happens a lot but father son children are gonna rise up and and put have their parents put to death in the last days look we got to be careful who are allowing our family to be around if your family your unsaved relative is telling your wife how to be a good wife that's probably not a good conversation that's happening you know well you need to leave him he's a dirt bag and he's this and he's that you know I can't believe he spanks the kids hey you need to spank the kids kids need to be spanked so I'm just saying that there's family relationships that we need to cut ties with and I'm not saying hate them be mean to them all the time I'm just saying that letting your kids stay with them spending lots of times with them it's probably not a good thing so you know and so we also need to watch their decisions we need to watch our family's decisions and the decisions that our family members make look you know in the Bible a man could say you know in the Old Testament a man can say nope you're not doing that like someone would make a vow and the in the dad could say no I'm disallowing that and that was God help you know they could make a vow to God but the husband could say nope that's not I'm not letting you bow that bow or to the daughter also so we got to understand we are the ones that make the decisions in the house it's not a voting deal where the kids you know all seven kids are voting against dad to find out what we're watching on TV tonight okay that's not we don't vote in church most of the time no we don't vote in church and we don't vote at home the dad is supposed to make the rules the husband is supposed to make the rules and turn to Ephesians 5 22 Ephesians 5 22 Ephesians 5 22 says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord so I mean I'm talking a man here but I'm also talking to the ladies all right because in America in 2020 you know me I can sit here and say yeah man yeah make all the decisions you're the boss and this and that but hey if the what if the wives don't listen what's the husband supposed to do about it it's like you can't pick them up and make them do what you want them to do but wives you should listen to your husband's you should it says obey doesn't it or submit excuse me it says submit that means what he asked you to do that's what you do as unto the Lord so God's saying hey if your husband asked you to do something you might as well take it as if the Lord's saying it to you now obviously you know if he's like okay I want you to go run rob this convenience store you know I'm kind of short on money this month you know go you know obviously we're not gonna break God's commandments you know if your husband asked you to break God's commandments don't do that but most I mean is anybody in here been asked to break the commandments you will go kill that person I told you go kill that person you know I mean come on I'm sure it does happen but you know I've never seen it so anyway but the Bible says the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the Savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their husbands and some things whatever they feel like doing that what it says you know wives be to their own husbands and a lot of the things but not everything that what it says look at what does it say in everything right and so it also says this though so here's I'm gonna get back on the husbands here husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it I'll tell you this your wives might respect you a little bit more if you're a little bit more loving anybody that's been married for all a period of time if you just keep hitting your head against the wall over the same issues you need to change something you know and sometimes and I'm not look I'm not excusing wives for not obeying their husbands because their husband isn't super loving well look loving someone is caring for them showing them that you care for them talking with them sometimes you know I know that's pretty hard to do like you're you know what your wives want to talk to you every once a while do you know that you know what sometimes men don't feel like talking I understand I'm a man I understand that okay but you know sometimes they do want to talk to you and you shouldn't be just a robot all the time they're just you know you're just clocking and clock out I went to work today I'm done for the day while your wife is still working like an 18-hour day with the kids they've been puking all day and you know just things been crazy like honey come take my boots off all right it's just like guys can get ridiculous with this stuff all right but I don't and I but I my wife is my help me you know sometimes she does come over and take my boots off when I get off work you know she comes she sees my face and knows what kind of day I've had just by walk when I walk in the door but I'm just saying look guys be loving to your wives and you know maybe they'd be a little bit more respectful to you also because they do you know this is a relationship that you're in it's a marriage that you're in it's not you know like your roommates or something okay so and also you need to watch out for your family's physical safety their physical safety so I would say this buy a gun have a dog be ready to protect your family men that's part of your duty to Christ gave himself for the church right so what you wouldn't give yourself for your family I always say this scenario like if someone walked and knocked on my door and they held a gun to my face and said is there anybody else inside what would my answer be no is that a lie yeah Rahab the harlot lied to when she was protecting God's people I'm just saying you should be ready to do whatever you got to do to protect your family I would never tell oh yeah my wife's in the first bedroom upstairs kids or you know they're sleeping on the bunk beds in this room I mean that would be dumb right so we got to protect our families and you know we got to be manly if they see you wearing skinny jeans and you know a pink sweatshirt when they walk in it's over for your family unless you have our well-trained in jujitsu and have a gun sitting next to you but that's just like an invitation to rob your house right they see some skinny jean dude like walking or some guy was pants are pulled all the way down the ever seen these guys with the pants that are pulled down it's pretty weird right it's like what are you gonna get away from I mean when you got to start running you gotta just hold your belt while you're running is that what is that what you do I don't know it's pretty weird the only time you're gonna see my pants falling down is if I forgot to wear a belt that day my pants are never gonna be sagged down like that I don't understand that but anyway so yeah we need to protect our physical safety so number one was be a good man be spiritual provide be a good leader number two as the head of the house you need to watch your family's associations their safety their relationships and number three tonight is don't suffer or allow your house to be broken up let's look back at Matthew chapter 24 verse number 43 Matthew 24 verse number 43 the Bible says but know this that if the Goodman of the house had known and what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up so that word suffered in the King James Bible means allowed right there so it's not like someone was suffering you know but it says would not have suffered his house to be broken up you wouldn't allow that to happen if you would have been watching if the Goodman would have been watching if you would have been paying attention if you would have been a good leader he would not have suffered his house to be broken up so you know and the thing is that some men just don't get it they keep making the same mistakes over and over again and their wife is at the last end of the thread of her patience with them and like they just don't seem to be able to get it they don't seem to be able to just not allow them to their house be broken up I mean I the the hardest thing that I have to deal with as a pastor and the most devastating I have thing I have to deal with as a pastor is divorce divorce is wicked God hates it God doesn't like it but like it or not it happens 50% of the time of marriages you know and I it's hard for me I get situations I get scenarios you know what we believe at this church well I know what Pastor Mez believes and sorry I'm not the pastor here but what pastor believes is that you don't you don't get divorced and remarried okay I know that for a fact so I can emphatically say that I don't believe that either because Jesus didn't teach that did he he said if you divorce and marry another you committed adultery all right so at churches like ours we don't believe that but then I'll have some 24 year old person that married the wrong person and then have to watch them suffer you know and just and what I have what I have to tell them is the truth hey you shouldn't you should have picked somebody better you should have picked somebody different you shouldn't have been so hasty to pick some loser to be the head of your household so what what can I tell you teens what can I tell you kids in here I'll tell you what you better you better check them out make sure that they're golden okay make sure that that man's a hard worker make sure that he's not some cheater that's going to go out and cheat on you it's hard it's hard today for me as a pastor to deal with divorce issues because I just it's heartbreaking to me to see a young person who made a mistake and married some reprobate and I believe me I've dealt with some weird situations where this is like ah you know it's hard but what do I have to say what do I have to say I have to say what the bible says every single time I can't make exceptions for that but what you know women out here girls young girls or whatever teenagers make sure that you're picking the right person but they're not working hard if they're spending more time in the mirror than you are you got a problem you know how much time I spend in the mirror that's it I'm done my hair is messed up so I gotta put a little bit of gel in it but like when I sleep I wake up and there's like forks sticking up and local roosters are trying to you know lay eggs in my hair and stuff I gotta do something to make up for that but I'm not sitting there shaping my eyebrows okay I'm not sitting there like just you know putting all kinds of you know oils and stuff in my beard and just you know shaping might be I don't do that stuff because you know that's what that's a feminine it's a feminine so if your boyfriend to be or your husband to be spending more time in the mirror than you are you might want to x him off the list if you're if you're a soon-to-be husband and can't hold down a job they don't have a job don't even marry him how about that well in between jobs well if you can't support the household then what are you doing trying to get married you know it's it's ridiculous so uh where was I at here let's see yeah so men just you know a lot of they a lot of times they just don't get it and look ladies aren't getting it either just because he's good looking and handsome and he shapes his eyebrows doesn't mean you should marry him okay that is just weird I'm sorry I'll overstep my bouncer pastor I'm sorry about the shaping of eyebrows that's not in the bible anyway so you know hey look if a guy doesn't have a spiritual bone in his body what are you doing marrying him christian lady what are you doing marrying a man that doesn't even want to go to church and you know what the only reason why he comes to church is just so that he can you know marry you someday but guess what he's going to be the head of the household and guess what he can just say you know what I'm done with church that happens all the time and if you're like well you know he he's a christian he's an episcopalian look don't be unequally yoked you want to be you want to marry someone you want to make sure that they believe the same thing you do and they'll just make it up in your mind oh yeah they believe it yeah they're saved but you know they don't go to church they don't do this and obviously people can be saved without going to church I get that I'm just saying if they're not spiritual what are you doing trying to marry them men same thing if the if the lady you're trying to marry isn't spiritual why are you trying to marry them so you have to drag them to church every time they never want to come they never want to be part of what you're part of look those relationships are hard and obviously some people get saved when they're already married and the other one doesn't want to be saved or whatever there's all kinds of different scenarios but I'm just saying this you have a choice to make when you get married and it's your choice no one puts a gun to your head and say you will marry him right now nobody does that everybody makes their own choice don't be pressured to marry a loser don't be pressured to marry some unspiritual person you know don't be pressured to marry some guy that doesn't have a work ethic you know and that care about themselves more than they care about their family you know it's just ridiculous don't do it don't make a mistake that's going to cost you the rest of your life because you know what people are going to do they're going to get remarried anyway and they're going to ruin their lives even worse but divorce destroys families what am I talking about tonight if you can get one thing out of this sermon tonight get this I don't want your home to become a dysfunctional home and I don't want your children's home to become a dysfunctional home I want God's people to have functional homes functional marriages functional roles functional children children they'll get out and work children they'll obey their parents wives that will submit themselves to their husbands husbands that will love their wives I want God's people to have great relationships and great households that's that's the point I'm trying to get across to you tonight and look don't marry a loser ladies don't worry don't marry some harlot guys because you're just looking for trouble sometimes you might need to knock down the the looks in your in your checklist a little bit more I don't know if you're looking for some supermodel and that's the only person you're going to marry I guarantee you most of the time the supermodels are not spiritual I mean because they're on the cover of magazines showing their nakedness right I mean supermodels aren't exactly Christians of the year okay so anyway what if what if you tonight are one of these people that are you're going through some problems at home you know you're having problems fulfilling your role you know what the great thing about God is that he's the God of second chances and third chances and four chances and you know what God's ready to you know help you you don't have to do this on your own go to God just say God I'm failing help me to to be the man I should be God I'm failing help me to be the wife I should be tonight God I'm failing help me to obey my parents some kids you know what I don't let kids off the hook you know it's you're full of rebellion I get it but the Bible says you're supposed to obey your parents that's it do it don't sass them you know the fan your dad you know there's a lot of pressure we put on a man to to do all you know there's look wives they have a hard job I get that but men don't get enough credit when they are being a good man I feel like you know and sometimes they need to get a little bit of credit too you know the last thing that you want to have your dad or your your husband walk through the door and everything's like a total train wreck when you walk in obviously moms have bad days too but if it's every day you come home you've worked 10 hours and you walk in there's no dinner cooked the kids are screaming and crying and and being brats and you're like you do you know what Johnny did he did this this and this and this you need to snake him right now if you have to come home to that every single night that's not good on them that's bad on mom that's bad on the kids you know but ultimately guess who's the responsibility rests on these shoulders right here because somewhere you've let things slip and see that's the thing that you know that I always say why my wife can say well I'll ask my husband you know she's already got somebody to defer to you know who I got to defer to God and myself that's it so if I make a decision guess what it's always gonna be my fault if I make a bad decision it's always gonna be my fault but nobody wants to come home and you know the first thing they have to do is beat junior every single day every once in a while yeah I get it but mom couldn't you just tan his hide good enough to make him be good when you got you know why does dad have to go through that it's your responsibility you're the dad what you don't have any responsibility you can't spank them hard enough to get them to cement it shouldn't all it's look the family is a unit and every part of that unit has to have their own role to play so you know we don't want to have our houses broken up from weakness slothfulness apathy don't be apathetic either man don't just stop caring oh I just don't care you should care you should care how your house turns out you should care how your children turn out shouldn't you because guess what they're gonna be asking you for money for the rest of your life think about that dad I need to be bailed out of jail again dad I just can't afford to do anything because I never learned how to work as a kid dad dad can I get some money and this will be the last time I ask I promise I'll pay you back they're not gonna pay you back by the way my kids never asked me to borrow money because they know I'm gonna say no hey get a job all right well look don't be simple either okay don't be simple so men can be simple sometimes and just keep making the same mistakes over and over again I'm just gonna buzz through these because I know I'm running out of time here um but turn to Psalm chapter actually turn to Proverbs chapter 1 verse 4 now look men we need to not be simple hey if you're reading your bible you should be getting some knowledge you should be getting some useful things in your you know in your brain to help you lead your families right okay same thing with everybody else but look simple people if they never get any knowledge if they never get into wisdom they're always going to stay simple look at uh you're in Proverbs 1 4 is that where I had to turn I'm going to read Psalm chapter 19 verse 7 it says the law of the lord's perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple can a simple person become wise what does simple even mean simple means a low or abnormally low intelligence you're simple but you know what god can make you wise god can make you smart god can make you knowledgeable look at where you're turned to in Proverbs chapter 1 verse 4 says to give subtlety to the simple to the young man knowledge and discretion but you know what you're never going to get it if you never crack this book open if the only time you ever crack the bible open is when Pastor Jimenez is preaching then you aren't going to get enough knowledge and everything that you don't put into practice that you hear from preaching is going to leave your brain and so we need to learn to be wise men we need if you're going to be a good a good man of the house you need to get some wisdom out of this book the bible says uh in Proverbs 1 22 it says how long ye simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight and they're scorning the fools hate knowledge how long you simple when ones you know if you want to stay simple you're going to stay simple turn to Proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 i'm going to read for you proverbs 14 verse 15 proverbs 14 verse 15 says the simple believe every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going so the simple believe everything guess what i got this thing that if you're going to make millions of dollars you're going to get 500 back on your investment hey take out an investment and invest with me and i'm going to make you rich you don't even have to do anything oh okay that's being simple isn't it where'd i have you turn proverbs 132 is that where it was for the turning of the of the way of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them the turning away of the simple and hey if you're easily turned away by stuff like that then you need to get some smarts you need to get some wisdom what's the bible say proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding you don't have to stay simple you can get wisdom you can get knowledge and you know what you can get it with all and get it with all your understanding you don't have to stay simple you know don't be you know there's you know people think oh i'm just a simple man you know you're just calling yourself an idiot okay that's what you're doing i just i just want to be a simple man i don't want to be a simple man i want to be a smart guy i want to be i want to be wise and look i'm not talking about algebra i'm talking about in god's word joshua 1 8 says this book of law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success hey you want to be successful put your face in this book every morning and every night and you know what you're going to get some smarts you're not going to be simple and you're going to have good you want to be successful get successful in this book get success from god it's not going to be from some stupid get rich quick scheme you know what god is going to give you everything you need we got unlimited resources in heaven god is the richest bean ever he owns everything right and guess what we have rewards and riches in heaven why do you need to build some kind of a kingdom here and all that stuff's going to be thrown in the garbage when you die all the little tea cups that you collected all that kind of stuff you know it's cool whatever but guess what nobody cares your kids aren't going to care about it look they don't care about your tea sets they're going to go oh in the garbage and they're going to be in heaven going i can't believe they threw out my tea set no they probably wouldn't but they're like i should have never collected that tea set that's what they'd really say two last things and i'll be done husband spend time with your wife spend time with your wife okay you want you want to have a good marriage spend some time uh first peter chapter three verse seven you can turn there i'm going to read it for you and then afeasian chapter six verse four um but first i'll read first peter three seven it says likewise he husbands dwell with them according to knowledge when you dwell with someone you're living with them right dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor to the wife as under the weaker vessel as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered hey you gotta learn to dwell with it you know what i was talking about this earlier but guess what husbands your wives want you to talk to them they want you to spend time with them if you get home and you're going right to the car project in the garage you're missing out on your life with your wife you're missing out on your life with your kids and all you're doing is just and all you're doing is just being a workaholic and guess what none of that matters in eternity and you're going to be sorry when your kids are out of your house and you realize all the time that you wasted that you could have spent with your kids that you could have spent with your wife and you're going to be sad about it because you know what we're not married forever we're married here till death do us part and you got married and god honors that marriage he wants you to stay married he wants you to have a good relationship so you need to learn how to dwell with your wives with knowledge and if you just completely ignore them all the time they're like they're talking you know and you're just like uh-huh has anybody ever done that before don't raise your hand they're like charlie brown's teacher and guess what you'll never believe but you know what just listen to them they want you to listen they want to talk and you know what that's not always our best thing that we do sometimes i want to be in my cave and just be left alone and she you know they recognize that too like obviously he just needs to spend some time alone right but it shouldn't be all the time we need to spend time with our families if you don't want your house to be broken up you know you need to watch you know you need to be a good man you need to be a spiritual man but you know if you don't want your house to be broken up spend some time with your family spend some time with your kids ephesians 6 4 says any fathers provoke not your children to wrath but what bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord it's not just yelling at them it's not just spanking them the bible says to nurture them that means take care of them right be gentle with them not you know obviously we have to be a little bit rough sometimes because we're the man yeah right but we also shouldn't have a balance in our lives okay you can't just work all the time and not spend time with your family and expect that your your family's gonna be rough is gonna be right it's not gonna happen eventually they're gonna want some attention from somebody else am i excusing that no but you know what it's not right you need to spend some time with your family and we need men to step up and be good in their houses we need men that want to lead there's too many weaklings in this world now you know why i brought up the person with skinny jeans in a in a in a pink sweater because that's what i see everywhere and their long effeminate hair it's like dude what happened what led you to this place where you want to dress like a skinny dreams little queer boy that's weird well pink's in style not in my house it's not my it's been styled with my wife it's okay for that but i'm not gonna wear pink nikes i'm not gonna wear pink clothes i'm not gonna do you see pink anywhere on me right now is there any pink on me that you can see maybe the back's bald spot on my head that's it all right but we need some men to step up provide for their families we need men that will have big spiritual shoulders and carry their families through these hard times and you know what we were in matthew chapter 24 and guess what there was families all there's families all the way till the end as in the days of noah so shall be also in the day when the son of man cometh right so there's going to be families and we need to lead our families we don't know when the end times are going to start just like pastors preaching about this morning but you know what we we know what we need to do to take them in through the end and the bible is very clear about it you know what we need to have strong families strong children strong husbands strong wives and but the men we need to carry the load we need to be the boss of our homes but you know what i think the thing is this is the last verse i'll have you turn to matthew chapter 11 verse 29 matthew 11 verse 29 we have someone to help us man that's the great thing about being a christian is that we don't have to do it all alone i'm so glad that i don't have to be i'm an unsaved person that has to bear all this load on myself i don't understand you know we knock all these doors and there's like not interested not interested not interested you just know their life is probably miserable what do you have what hope do you have i'm glad i'm a christian man i'm glad i have a christian family i i don't even understand i don't even know what i'd be doing without being a christian but you know what god expects a lot out of us men but you know he he he's going to help us through it look at verse number 29 matthew chapter 11 it says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light we got a savior that can carry the load for us and hey when things are getting hard guess what we can call out to that savior and we say help me lord help me i'm failing what do i need to do and you know god's going to help you he's going to help us carry the spiritual burden that we have and his yoke is easy his burden is light and he's going to come along so you know what a what a what what this is this is like a yoke for oxen and he's going to come up and he's going to bear the load for us and that's great that we have as christian husbands and christian men we have the savior that's going to come up beside us and help us out and you know i'm done but it's very important this topic is very important today because look let's just face it the skinny jeans people are starting to take over and they're starting to take over but in this church in my church and churches like our church we need to be men and like we all need to fulfill our roles in our homes and like i said even if you're a single lady christ could be the head of your home also and you can look to him for support let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much god i pray that you just help us help us understand how important it is to have heads of households lord that we would just uh break the cycle of dysfunction in this in this world at least in our churches lord and help us to have great families that we can see generations of our grandchildren grow up and be nurtured also in the ways of the lord and also that our family we could see our great grandchildren saved just like we are and i pray lord you'd help us to have strong families pray that you'd bless this church lord uh thank you so much for the opportunity to preach tonight in jesus name we pray amen