(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵For a precious soul is born again🎵 🎵Glory, glory how the angels sing🎵 🎵Glory, glory how the loud harps ring🎵 🎵Tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea🎵 🎵Healing forth the anthem of the free🎵 Amen, again it's the same for Sean Conlon Could you up your board of prayer? Amen. Second song is going to be doing favorites Kayla had the first hand up, what do you want? 305. 305? Song 305, Yield Not to Temptation, let's sing it out on the first 🎵Yield not to temptation for yielding his sin🎵 🎵Each victory will help you🎵 🎵Some other to win🎵 🎵Fight manfully onward🎵 🎵Dark passion subdued🎵 🎵Look ever to Jesus🎵 🎵He will carry you through🎵 🎵Ask the Savior to help you🎵 🎵Comfort, strengthen and keep you🎵 🎵He is willing to aid you🎵 🎵He will carry you through🎵 What, Kyle? 30. Number 30. Song number 30, Nothing But The Blood, let's sing it out on the first 🎵What can wash away my sin🎵 🎵Nothing but the blood of Jesus🎵 🎵What can make me whole again🎵 🎵Nothing but the blood of Jesus🎵 🎵All precious is the flow🎵 🎵That makes me white as snow🎵 🎵No other fount I know🎵 🎵Nothing but the blood of Jesus🎵 Uh, Moses? 31. 31. Song number 31, He Lives. Song number 31, He Lives, let's sing it out on the first 🎵I serve a risen Savior🎵 🎵He's in the world today🎵 🎵I know that He is living whatever men may say🎵 🎵I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer🎵 🎵And just the time I need Him, He's always near🎵 🎵He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today🎵 🎵He walks with me and talks with me🎵 🎵A long life's narrow way🎵 🎵He lives, He lives, salvation to impart🎵 🎵You ask me how I know He lives🎵 🎵He lives within my heart🎵 Miss Rachel? 169. Come Thou Fount. Song number 169, Come Thou Fount on the first 🎵Come Thou Fount of every blessing🎵 🎵To my heart to sing Thy grace🎵 🎵Streams of mercy never ceasing🎵 🎵Calls for songs of loudest praise🎵 🎵Teach me some melodious sonnet🎵 🎵Sung by flaming tongues above🎵 🎵Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it🎵 🎵Mount of Thy redeeming love🎵 Brother Gabe? 325 on the what? In the green? Trust and Obey. Song number 325, Trust and Obey. Let's sing it out on that first. 🎵When we walk with the Lord🎵 🎵In the light of His word🎵 🎵What a glory He sheds on our way🎵 🎵While we do His good will🎵 🎵He abides with a still🎵 🎵And with all who will trust and obey🎵 🎵Trust and obey🎵 🎵For there's no other way🎵 🎵To be happy in Jesus🎵 🎵But to trust and obey🎵 Mishila? 17? Mmm. No idea what that song is. I won't be honest with you. You got another one? That's one day. Not this day. 63? Alright, number 63. It's a day theme. Oh man. What a day that will be. Let's sing it out on the first. 🎵There is coming a day🎵 🎵When no heartache shall come🎵 🎵No more clouds in the sky🎵 🎵No more tears to dim the eye🎵 🎵All is peace forevermore🎵 🎵On that happy golden shore🎵 🎵What a day, glorious day🎵 🎵That will be🎵 🎵What a day that will be🎵 🎵When my Jesus I shall see🎵 🎵And I look upon his face🎵 🎵The one who saved me by his grace🎵 🎵When he takes me by the hand🎵 🎵And leads me through the promised land🎵 🎵What a day, glorious day🎵 🎵That will be🎵 Brother Bill? 114 on the third. 114 on the third. The Great Physician on the third. 114. Song number 114, The Great Physician. Let's sing it out on that third verse. 🎵All glory to the dying Lamb🎵 🎵I now believe in Jesus🎵 🎵I love the blessed Savior's name🎵 🎵I love the name of Jesus🎵 🎵Sweetest note in seraph song🎵 🎵Sweetest name on mortal tongue🎵 🎵Sweetest carol ever sung🎵 🎵Jesus, blessed Jesus🎵 397. Little is much when God is in it. We'll have one more after this. Little is much when God is in it. Song number 397. Let's sing it out on that first. 🎵In the harvest field now right then🎵 🎵There's a word for all to do🎵 🎵Hark the voice of God is calling🎵 🎵To the harvest calling you🎵 🎵Little is much when God is in it🎵 🎵Labor not for wealth or fame🎵 🎵There's a crown and you can win it🎵 🎵If you'll go in Jesus' name🎵 Mom? 266. Honey in the Rock. Song number 266, Honey in the Rock. Let's sing it out on the first. 🎵Oh my brother do you know the savior🎵 🎵Who is wondrous, kind and true🎵 🎵He's the rock of your salvation🎵 🎵There's honey in the rock for you🎵 🎵Oh there's honey in the rock my brother🎵 🎵There's honey in the rock for you🎵 🎵Leave your sins for the blood to cover🎵 🎵There's honey in the rock for you🎵 Good evening, welcome to Shore Foundation Baptist Church. We're going to take our bulletins once more and go through those. If you need a bulletin would you lift up your hand? Oh, we're out of bulletins, never mind. Alright, I got one here if anybody wants one. Going once, going twice. Sold! Anyway, we had a great morning service this morning. I believe we had one salvation afterwards. Do we have any salvations in Solonite? Super Bowl worship Sunday? Nobody want to get saved? We had one salvation after service so praise God for that. We had 97 in church this morning and it was great having Pastor Shelley here to preach for us. Our verse of the week is, nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 33 It's a great Valentines style scripture there and speaking of that we had a great time last night at the Valentines banquet and just wanted to thank everybody once again for all your hard work and I appreciate people showing up and eating most of that food. Did that food get eaten today? I think there was some left over so hopefully some got eaten. There's some in there so if you want to take some home feel free. But anyway, it was a great time. The food was really good and the game went good there was no mishaps or anything like that so Pastor Shelley was the emcee for us last night. They did a great job. Anyway our Sunday service times are Sunday morning at 10 30 AM Sunday evening at 3 30 PM and we're in Genesis 41 and I'm going to do about half the chapter tonight and next week we'll have to do the other half. Thursday's Bible study is going to be in 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and our soloing times are listed below, regional soloing times and I wanted to do an update for the church services in England today. They broke the record of 77 in attendance for the morning service and they had 73 in the evening service. I think that breaks the record for the evening service also and they had 13 salvations out soloing today so they don't care about the Super Bowl over there. When it's Super Bowl they're thinking about football, the different kind of football that we don't like so it's called soccer. Anyway we call it soccer in America so anyway which is kind of weird because you actually do kick the ball in soccer so and then you throw the ball and hand it off in football so I don't know there's a little bit of kicking in American football but not much. Anyhow let's see and like I told you last week they had 4 baptisms so the church over there is doing really well and I think I told everybody this morning about the 30 salvations that were gotten throughout Europe and I think that was in Romania, Germany, Hungary Sweden, Poland. Did I say Germany already? And England of course had 27 so they had 57 salvations. Did I miss one? Huh? Switzerland. Did I say that? I thought I said that. Alright I said Sweden I think. Anyway so yeah it was a great day for our church over in England and all the following that we kind of have going on over there in Europe so it's just great you know if you preach the gospel people are going to come and people are going to get saved. Amen. So again thanks to Pastor Shelley for preaching for us this morning it was a great sermon and tomorrow we got the Valentine's Kids party at 12pm at the Lambert's Home. I think the address was put into the WhatsApp group and I'll be preaching next Sunday at the Verity Baptist Church for the PM service. March 4th through 6th is the Sure Foundation Baptist Spokane 3rd anniversary. We'll have Pastor Jones preaching on Friday night. We'll have a soul winning marathon and I'll be preaching the services on Sunday there. April 22nd through 25th is the Detroit soul winning trip and if you want to find out more details you can watch the video or talk to Brother Temo. He's kind of heading that trip up and then June 1st through 4th is church camp. June 10th is the Northeast New IFB conference night in New Jersey. Pastor Jimenez will be preaching and I'll be preaching on Friday night. There will be food and fellowship and the service at 7. So we'll be preaching back to back there in New Jersey. July 14th through 17th is the Red Hot Preaching Conference and the Fish Coin Challenge is open for the next couple weeks and all this other stuff you all already know so I'm just going to skip through this for the sake of time. We sang Happy Birthday to Miss Kathleen and Happy Anniversary to Brother Steven and Miss Kristen and their 16 year anniversary. I think that's all I got for announcements. Let's sing another song and we'll receive the offering. Alright, our next song is going to be song number 14 in the Blue Hymnal. New Life in Christ. It's a new one so let's try to learn it together. Song number 14, New Life in Christ. Let's sing it out there on that first verse. New life in Christ abundant and free. What glory shine, what joys are mine, what wondrous blessings I see my past with its sin. The searching and strife forever gone there's a bright new dawn for in Christ I have found new life. New life in Christ abundant and free what glory shine, what joys are mine, what wondrous blessings I see my past with its sin the searching and strife. Forever gone there's a bright new dawn for in Christ I have found new life. Amen, good singing. Brother Sean Conlon can you bless the offering for us? Heavenly Father, again I thank you for this day Lord, for church today Lord. Again I ask you to fill Pastor Thompson with your spirit Lord. I pray that you just help us be attentive Lord. Please help us to stay awake and not be falling asleep and not be thinking of things in this world Lord. I pray that you bless this offering. I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Go ahead and turn with me to Genesis chapter 41. Genesis 41 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one. Genesis chapter 41. Genesis 41 the Bible reads and it came to pass at the end of two full years that Pharaoh dreamed and behold he stood by the river and behold there came up out of the river seven well favored kind and fat-fleshed and they fed in a meadow and behold seven other kind came up after them out of the river ill favored and lean-fleshed and stood by the other kind upon the brink of the river and the ill favored and lean-fleshed and did eat up the seven well favored and fat kind so Pharaoh awoke and he slept and dreamed the second time and behold seven ears of corn came up upon one stock rank and good and behold seven thin ears and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them and the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full years and Pharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream and it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all the wise men thereof and Pharaoh told them his dream but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh saying I do remember my faults this day Pharaoh was wroth with his servants and put me in ward in the captain of the guards house both me and the chief baker and we dreamed a dream in one night I and he we dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream and there was there with us a young man in Hebrew servant to the captain of the guard and we told him and he interpreted to us our dreams to each man according to his dream he did interpret and it came to pass as he interpreted to us so it was me he restored unto mine office and him he hanged then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon and he shaved himself and changed his raiment and came in unto Pharaoh and Pharaoh said unto Joseph I have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and I have heard say of thee that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it and Joseph answered Pharaoh saying it is not in me God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace and Pharaoh said unto Joseph in my dream behold I stood upon the bank of the river and behold there came up out of the river seven kind fat flesh and well favored and they fed in a meadow and behold seven other kind came up after them poor and very ill favored and lean fleshed such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness and lean and the ill favored kind did eat up the first seven fat kind and when they had eaten them up it could not be known that they had eaten them but they were still ill favored as at the beginning so I awoke and I saw in my dream and behold seven years came up in one stock full and good and behold seven years withered thin and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them and the thin ears devoured the seven good ears and I told this unto the magicians but there was none that could declare it unto me and Joseph said unto Pharaoh the dream of the Pharaoh is one God hath showed Pharaoh what he is about to do the seven good kind are seven years and the seven good years are seven years the dream is one and the seven thin and ill favored kind that came up after them are seven years and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine this is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh what God is about to do he showed he showeth unto Pharaoh behold there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt and there shall arise after them seven years of famine and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt and the famine shall consume the land and the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of famine following for it shall be very grievous and for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice it is because the thing is established by God and God will shortly bring it to pass now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of Egypt let Pharaoh do this and let him appoint officers over the land and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years and let them gather all the food of those good years that come and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh and let them keep food in the cities and that food shall be for store in the land against the seven years of famine which shall be in the land of Egypt that the land perish not through the famine and the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all his servants and Pharaoh said unto his servants can we find such a one as this a man in whom the spirit of God is and Pharaoh said unto Joseph for as much as God have showed thee all this there is none so discreet and wise as thou art thou shall be over my house and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne will I be greater than thou and Pharaoh said unto Joseph see I have set thee over all the land of Egypt and Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had and they cried before him bow the knee and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt and Pharaoh said unto Joseph I am Pharaoh and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt and Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnath-panea and he gave him to wife Asenath the daughter of Potipharah the priest of On and Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt and Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh the king of Egypt and Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and went throughout all the land of Egypt and in the seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls and he gathered up all the food of the seven years which were in the land of Egypt and laid up the food in the cities the food of the field which was round about every city laid he up in the same and Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea and he didn't do much until he left numbering for it was without number and unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of Ammon came which Asenath the daughter of Potipharah the priest of On bare unto him and Joseph called the name of the first born Manasseh for God said he had made me forget all my toil and all my father's house and the name of the second called he Ephraim for God had caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction and the seven years of plenteous that was in the land of Egypt were ended and the seven years of Dirth began to come according as Joseph had said and the Dirth was in all lands but in all the land of Egypt there was bread and when all the land of Egypt was famished the people cried unto Pharaoh for bread and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians go unto Joseph what he sayeth to you do and the famine was over all the face of the earth and Joseph opened the storehouses and sold unto the Egyptians and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt and all the countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn because that the famine was so sore in all the lands brother Bill will you pray for us amen amen amen alright we're in Genesis chapter number 41 and as you can see it was a long chapter for brother CJ to read so that means I'm going to cut this chapter in half and I'm going to preach the first half tonight and then in two weeks I'll be back to preach the second one so I got kind of a little bit of ringing going on there Rylan if you could fix that that would be great hey let's look at verse number one the Bible says and it came to pass at the end of two full years that Pharaoh dreamed behold he stood by the river let's have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you Lord so much this wonderful day and all the great blessings that have been told today and Lord just the great preaching we've already heard and we ask Lord that you just meet with us one last time tonight Lord that you fill us with your spirit Lord I pray you fill me with your spirit and boldness and power to preach your word and Lord help this to apply to our life in some way shape or form tonight Lord it's the word of God and we love you and we thank you for all the blessings you give us in our church in Jesus' name we pray amen so after two full years remember in the last chapter that Joseph was able to interpret the Butler and the Baker's dreams and the Butler got restored back to his position where he was squeezing the grapes into the cup of Pharaoh and then the Baker was hanged and he was eaten by birds so it didn't end well for the Baker did it but after the service I think a couple guys came up to me and said hey that kind of picture is like communion and it kind of does like you think about it the Baker bakes bread and then of course the Butler was squeezing grapes fresh grapes into the cup of Pharaoh and that's a good picture of the blood of Christ and obviously the bread of Christ and Jesus Christ died for our sins his body was broken he was hanged on the tree so it's a picture of the crucifixion also so I'm glad somebody in here was spiritual and came up with that for me so I could you know and every chapter has been some kind of thing where it leads or shows us pictures of Christ especially in the life of Joseph here now Joseph he's been sold to the slavery by his brothers he was rejected by his brethren they sold them to some spice guys some guys that were traveling to Egypt and then they sold them to Potiphar. Potiphar's wife you know he was put in charge of the whole house of Potiphar Potiphar's wife tried to get him to commit adultery and he said how can I do this wickedness and sin against God and so because of his goodness that he did onto Potiphar he was thrown in prison by him because he believed his wife and you know in most cases that would probably be the case you know who are you going to believe or this Hebrew slave here you know so Joseph got the shaft so to speak and got thrown into prison and while he's in prison you know he's such a good guy he gets promoted everywhere he goes so he gets you know promoted into Potiphar's house he's a slave he gets put in charge of his whole house then he gets into prison the prison guard's like hey why don't you just take care of everything for me he promotes them as the head prisoner keeper and he's a servant unto the butler and the baker and takes good care of them and that's a picture of like servant leadership how Christ you know came to serve others even though he was the king of kings and lord of lords and so the last thing that he said to the butler was to remember him you know and so he could get out of prison because he didn't do anything wrong you know in most prisons today most prisoners will say he didn't do anything wrong you know it wasn't me it was somebody else's fault but in reality this really is true for Joseph so but here it is it's two full years later remember how old Joseph was when he first went into slavery basically he was 17 years old when he was sold and so you saw in this chapter later on in the chapter of the reading that when he was promoted by the so that he was 30 years old so at his 30th birthday is when he rose to power in Egypt and so he goes from being in the prison you know to being a lowly slave and a prisoner to being the king over all the land basically except for Pharaoh was the only person higher in the land than him it's just really interesting because isn't that how it is for Jesus too like he becomes a servant for us and then you know he's meek and lowly and serving everybody else and you know he doesn't have a pillow to lay his head he doesn't have a place to stay you know he's got the clothes on his back he's depending on other people to help him through life and then he you know goes and lives a perfect life and does everything right and earns his way to heaven because he didn't do no wrong and so nobody else has been able to do that he you know and now he's entrusted with the whole world and who's the only one that has authority over him? God the father right and so there you have another picture of Joseph you know as he rises to power how old was Jesus when he got into his earthly ministry? 30 years old right so there's another picture of Joseph you know alike Christ you know you can see pictures of Christ in Joseph so obviously they don't fit exactly but I mean do you think that it just says 30 years old for no reason I don't think so so here we are again two years later so he hasn't gotten to that point yet I just kind of wanted to kind of shade that in for you but so it says that Pharaoh dreamed and behold he stood by the river and behold there came up out of the river seven well favored kind and fat-fleshed and they fed in the meadow and behold seven other kind now kind are like cattle okay just another word for cattle came up after them out of the river ill favored and lean-fleshed and stood by the other kind upon the brink of the river so here's the picture there's a river you know it's probably talking about you know the Nile or something and you got seven fat cows ready to be slaughtered good looking for rib-eyes and then you got the other ones that are all skinny and gnarly looking probably got mange or something on them they just don't look good they're lean-fleshed they're skinny and it says and stood by the other kind on the brink of the river and the ill favored and lean-fleshed kind did eat up the seven well favored and fat kind so Pharaoh awoke so this is Pharaoh the king of all the world basically at this time having a dream about cows eating other cows and that would be a pretty a pretty weird dream wouldn't it now last week we talked about how dreams are can be really weird in our lives too and I was talking about certain types of dreams that I've had in my life and a lot of people raised their hand and said they've had similar dreams so that kind of tells me that you know a lot of our dreams are just things that kind of help our mind process things and you know if we're all having the same types of dreams but you know we don't usually have dreams like this necessarily now some people do have some pretty weird dreams but this this dream is not just a regular dream this is a dream that's given by God and it's given to not just some normal guy he's actually the king of Egypt and I don't know how much they ranked over the whole world at this specific time I didn't like look into the timelines and everything and really some of the world history can get kind of muddied up they'll say that the Egyptians have been around for thousands and thousands of years there's only 4,000 years of written language though and you know why because 4,400 years ago there was a flood that wiped out the whole world the world's only like 6,200 and some odd years old it's not you know you'll see like you know some of these shows and they'll say this is this text is from 30,000 years ago it's like no it's not no it's not 4,000 years is the oldest text that you can find that's a fact Jack it's it's you know when people start saying something that's 30,000 years old or a tree that's 30,000 years old that's not possible the oldest tree can only possibly be about 4,400 years old so anyway so yeah I mean we have all these different kinds of weird dreams but this dream specifically is told that it's a dream straight from God now look at verse 7 it says and the seven thin ears devour the seven rank in full ears and Pharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream oh wait I've skipped over the ears didn't I let me back up here sorry about that look at verse number 5 I'm sorry and it says and he slept and dreamed a second dream and behold seven ears of corn came up upon one stock rank in good and behold seven thin ears and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them so when we think of corn we usually think of like corn on the cob but it's probably more like wheat corns of wheat that it's talking about so you've got wheat that's really good and healthy looking some kind of vegetable or whatever and then you've got the gnarly looking wheat that looks like it's been blasted by the east wind and verse 7 it says and the thin ears devoured the seven rank in full ears and Pharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream so he has two dreams here it says it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled so this isn't just a regular dream this is one of those dreams that stick with you and you like wonder and it sticks in your craw and you're just like I need to know what this dream means and I don't know if you've ever had dreams like that where you're just like what did that dream mean you know but most of the time we just forget our dreams in about 20 minutes you're like I'm gonna I promise myself I'm gonna remember this dream and you never do right unless you get up and write it all down then you start losing it as you write it down so most of the time you're not gonna be able to remember it so anyway so it came to pass in the morning his spirit was troubled and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all the wise men thereof and Pharaoh told them his dream and there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh remember last week Joseph told the baker and the butler that God is the only one that can interpret dreams and I kind of went into a little diatribe about how you know if you try to go to the world to try to find out what your dreams mean they don't know science does not know or understand dreams the only time you ever see dreams interpreted is by men of God in the Bible and they're getting that interpretation straight from God it's not even them that have the ability to interpret it it's that God gives them the dream God tells them what the dream is or he tells them what the interpretation of it is and they're just basically speaking for God what the interpretation is now we have another example of this in the Bible it's in Daniel chapter 2 let's go ahead and turn over to Daniel chapter number 2 the Bible says in Daniel chapter number 2 and in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams wherewith his spirit was troubled and his sleep break from him so here you have Nebuchadnezzar this is many years later having dreams that are bothering his spirit also so you see it's a similar pattern but Nebuchadnezzar is a different kind of dude than the Pharaoh is and you're going to see that here really quickly it says then the king commanded to call the magicians and the astrologers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans for to show the king his dreams so they came and stood before the king so both kings do the same thing don't they the Egyptian king he says hey bring in all the wise men and the magicians from Egypt and it says none could interpret the dream unto Pharaoh now Nebuchadnezzar does the same exact thing and it says in verse 3 and the king said unto them I have dreamed a dream and my spirit was troubled to know the dream so he forgot the dream also just like everybody else does but something about that dream just really bothered him in verse 4 it says then spake the Chaldeans to the king in Syriac O king live forever tell thy servants the dream and we will show the interpretation the king answered and said unto the Chaldeans the thing is gone from me if you will not make known unto me the dream with the interpretation thereof you shall be cut in pieces and your houses shall be made of dung hell so here we have a different kind of cat here don't we we have a different kind of man here so you know the Pharaoh was just like oh you know I guess we don't have anybody to interpret the dreams and Nebuchadnezzar was like hey you don't tell me the dream and the interpretation I'm going to cut you in pieces and your houses shall be made of dung hell you know and that's a pile of doo doo right so look at verse 6 it says and if you show the dream and the interpretation thereof you shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor therefore show me the dream and the interpretation thereof so he's saying hey if you can do it hey you got you know gifts rewards great honors coming to you but also here's the difference that Pharaoh did remember his dreams he remembered his dreams and was able to tell Joseph what his dreams were but Nebuchadnezzar completely forgot his now look at verse 7 it says they answered again and said let the king tell his servants the dream and we will show the interpretation of it the king answered and said I know of certainty that you would gain the time because you see that the thing is gone from me but if you will not make known unto me my the dream there is but one decree for you for you have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me till the time be changed therefore tell me the dream and I shall know that you can show me the interpretation thereof so you know basically he's just saying I know you're just trying to lie you don't really know what the dream is so he's basically not really given he's put them between a rock and a hard place here because he knows that they're just going to lie whatever he says he can't remember the dream so he wants them to tell him what the dream is and he doesn't even remember it so he's really asking him an impossible thing isn't he and verse 10 you know but they say you know these types of mystics and astrologers and all these astrological all these you know soothsayers and things like this they say that they can predict the future they say they can tell your horoscope or the lines on the palms of your hands or they can look at the bones and you know they shake the bones and throw them and they're like oh the bones are telling me this or they look into the liver they take like a chicken liver or something and like dig through it and try to I don't know I don't you know I don't want to get into that too much but that's basically what these types of people are they're like wizards witches warlock type people and so obviously this is not a godly kingdom that he's dealing with here but you know what Nebuchadnezzar is smart enough to know when people are trying to pull the wool over his eyes he's not the king for no reason and so where am I at here verse number uh where am I at verse number 10 is that right alright sounds good to me the Chaldean's answered before the king and said there is not a man on the earth that can show the king's matter therefore there is no king lord nor ruler that asks such things that any magician or astrologer or Chaldean there's basically a saying like nobody's ever asked the crazy thing that you're asking us to do and then it says and it is a rare thing that the king requireth and there is none other that can show it before the king except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh for this cause the king was angry and very furious and commanded to destroy all the wise men in Babylon now see he here he is he's lumping everybody together and if you'll remember that Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego would be included into these people now and I'll show you here in just a minute how that's the case but look at what it says in verse 13 it says and the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain so they're lumped in with all these bad guys so but basically what I'm trying to show you is this is that there's two different types of wise people in this world there's the wise people of this world the supposed wise people the people that you know people look to in spiritualism but there's also science that people consider scientists to be wise people and doctors and things like that but there's another group of wise people and these people are safe people and they understand true science they understand the things of God they understand that the interpretation of a dream can only come from the Lord so but here Nebuchadnezzar doesn't understand this and so he's throwing in the children of Israel in with these other wise men so they're both wise men won by the world standards you know one group by the world standards another group by God's standards right and look at verse look at Daniel chapter 1 verse 3 this says and the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of the eunuchs that he should bring certain of the children of Israel and the king's seed and of the princes children in whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace in whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans so Nebuchadnezzar is looking for people from these children's of the princes of Israel that they've taken away from Jerusalem and he wants certain ones the smartest ones to stand before him and you know they're supposed to be without blemish so they're like goodly to look upon skillful in all wisdom but do you think that that means that they were looking in the liver and throwing chicken bones and stuff like that looking up at the stars no different kind of knowledge alright and understanding science so you know people will say I believe in science you know you see them in the yards all the time we believe that love is love science is real it's like well then you wouldn't believe the two fags you know belong together because that's not science that's an abomination right so you know there's hey guess what there's only two genders news flash you're either born male or you're born female you're not born like omnigender or whatever other you know what is it binary non-binary you don't look like an elf or something everybody nobody looks like an elf when they come out like these non-binary people with the weird haircuts and can't is it a pat you know is it a male or is it a female you guys probably don't remember what pat is some old people in here know what pat is but he like couldn't tell what he was or it whatever anyhow so in and these people the Nebuchadnezzar wants these children they're supposed to understand real science okay so we as Christians do believe in science science is things you can observe and test but we have scientists so called these days that say that we came from monkeys so and so how many million years ago and that we come from a big bang and all this other stuff that's not science folks that is something unobservable it's not something and they'll just fight with you tooth and nail you can't observe it how you can go back billions of years four billion years ago and see the big bang or whatever I think it's actually longer than that like 15 billion years ago or something I don't know it's hard to keep up with their ever changing scientific methods but anyhow these guys Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they understood real science the bible talks about their being science falsely so called that's not the science we believe in hey guess what there's two types of genders male and female hey God figured that out when he put every animal on the ark male and female he didn't say and then you know the other weird ones no there's no other weird ones male and female that's science mark it down that's a scientific fact but these bozos want to put their signs out in their front yards and say we believe in love is love well is that really science I don't think it's love that you're talking about I don't think they know what love really is they're talking about lust they're talking about perverted lust alright so I'm not going to go on a big tangent about the homos I mean it's good to kick it every once in a while you know kick the bees hive but anyway these young men were truly wise wise not just in the things of this world but wise as in saved young men also and there's the foolish there's the wise fools are people that are not saved in the bible wise people wise men are people that are saved so again two different types of wise people in this world look at verse number twenty it says and in all matters of wisdom all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm turn over to first Corinthians chapter number one first Corinthians chapter number one so God talks about this this strange phenomenon where there's wisdom of this world and then there's the wisdom of God right the wisdom of God is better than the wisdom of this world just like these wise young men were better than the supposed wise men that could not interpret the dream they were trying to fool Nebuchadnezzar and try to make him think things that weren't true and he knew it you know he probably knew that there were charlatans he probably knew that there were bozos right but anyway look at verse number twenty six first Corinthians chapter twenty first Corinthians chapter one verse twenty six it says for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God have chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to not things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence and you'll notice in our story that when it came time for Joseph to he could have just said yeah I'm about to tell you what happened I'm going to tell you but he doesn't do that does he he says God is the one that's going to reveal these things to you just like Daniel does the same exact thing he says the interpretations from the Lord now let's turn back to Daniel chapter two look at Daniel chapter two verse twenty six you're like what does this have to do with Genesis well I'm just trying to show you in the two major stories where there's dreams that are interpreted there's a lot of parallels that are the same obviously two very different men but what do they have in common they're both leaders basically of the whole world I mean Pharaoh you know I can't a hundred percent prove it's you know that he was the out and out leader of the world but there's no doubt that Egypt was the first main world power and then you had the Assyrian empire then you had the Babylonian empire then you had the Medes and Persians and you had the Greeks and you had the Romans right so now let's look back at Daniel chapter two verse twenty six the bible says the king answered and said to Daniel whose name was Belteshazzar aren't thou able to make known unto me the dream that I have seen in the interpretation thereof Daniel answered in the presence of the king and said the secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men the astrologers the magicians the soothsayers show unto the king but there is a God in heaven that reveal the secrets and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days so there's a purpose why God is showing Nebuchadnezzar this dream it's to show what is going to be in the latter days and why is he picking Nebuchadnezzar well he's the head of gold he's the first in this statue you know I didn't get to show you what the dream was he says what the dream is later but Daniel explains to him what the dream is and then he tells in the interpretation of it we don't have time to do all that tonight but he is the head of gold and this is a major latter days dream not latter day saints but latter days dream okay it's a big end times bible prophecy dream that he has it says thy dream thy visions of thy head upon thy bed are these as for thee oh king thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed what should come to pass hereafter and he that reveal his secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass so this isn't just some regular dream it's a very important dream that God's about to reveal to him but also who else is he revealing it to he's revealing it to Daniel isn't he and Daniel is a great man of God but also who else is he revealing it to all of us right and so we have this dream we can help you know through the through the new testament through the book of revelation there's a lot of things that we can interpret from this dream that apply directly to us because these things have some of these things have not happened yet even right now so it's a very important vision and you know why did he have it well to show a lot of people what's going to happen in the latter days look what it says in verse 30 says but as for me this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living so here he is not taking credit for it he's basically just like you know it's not because I'm smart it's not for any you know I'm not better than anybody else but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king so it's also for the sakes of Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego because what was going to happen to them if Daniel did not tell them the dream tell Nebuchadnezzar what the dream was and what was about to happen or you know and interpret the whole dream for them they were going to get killed right and so there's lots of different interchanging parts here but one of the reasons was to protect Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and it says that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart and so why reveal it to Nebuchadnezzar well I believe that you know not only was Nebuchadnezzar the head of gold but he was you know he was the you know basically the head of this statue and Nebuchadnezzar you know he was he was a terrible and merciless ruler and you know it seems like in his latter days I think he might have gotten his act together but one thing's for sure that he was a great he basically dominated the whole world and you know God does there is a divine I believe that there is a divine right of kings you know I believe that when God ordained someone as a king even if they're bad there's still a divine right for these kings because I mean even the ones in Israel that were bad God would still send prophets to them and tell them hey do this this and that and you'll win the battle against the Syrians and even though they weren't necessarily good guys he was still trying to help them because there was people in their kingdoms that were saved and so God has ordained government you know for our benefit and you know and sometimes God moves and moves the hearts of kings to do things you know like King James he moved King James' heart to do what? To make sure that we have this Bible right in front of our faces for 411 years or whatever it's been it's been maybe longer than that I think it's 411 years but anyway God does work through kings that was Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar saved at this time he wasn't and I know that some people would say he probably was never saved I kind of think that he did get saved but that's just my opinion and then you have Pharaoh I believe that Pharaoh probably ended up getting saved later on I can't I don't have anything that necessarily proves that but he sure was nice to Joseph he sure was nice to his father when he came he treated the children of Israel well and one thing you could say at least he was blessed because of the fact that Joseph was in his land you know and one thing to take away from all this is that even though we have wicked rulers from the beginning of time until now God's people have always been able to work within these systems even the Roman government Paul was a Roman citizen you know and sometimes he was able to pull the card and say haha I'm a Roman what are you doing you can't just be beating me whenever you feel like it and they're like oh okay never mind you know he still took a lot of beatings though so he didn't always work but every once in a while he could pull his card right but you know you just think about Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Shadrach Meshach and Abednego withstood the most mighty king in the world at that time and when he got mad he huffed and puffed didn't he? If you can't figure out what my dream is I'm going to cut you in pieces and make your houses a dung hill. I mean he was a bad dude he was probably really scary to be around you know and when they defied him and said his visage changed like he just pictured Nebuchadnezzar just like what you know he just like super saiyan or whatever I don't know but like he gets the furnace seven times hotter than it ought to be and when they went to push them into the fiery furnace it was so hot that the soldiers they sent to push them in died because it was so hot. They couldn't even get them in they were just like ugh they caught on fire or something I don't know. It was crazy. So you know God has always allowed his people to work within the system. I mean look the United States isn't getting better is it? At one point you know at the zenith of the United States it was a great place to live and a great nation obviously you know there's probably been some under workings of the devil all along but we still right now are in church. Nobody's like stopping us from coming in yet but you know we're still able to go soul winning you know for the most part without much trouble besides people just getting mad and you know telling us to get out of here and yelling at us and stuff like that. We're calling the police. But anyway let's skip down to verse 44 in Daniel chapter 2. Daniel chapter 2 verse 44. The Bible says in the days of these kings so here he's going to give I just got part of it in here. In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever for as much as thou sawest the stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and the gold the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter and the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure. So you know that's basically like boom you know you got the interpretation everything I said is solid gold and he knows it too but it's really interesting so he's telling Nebuchadnezzar things that haven't even happened to us yet. That hasn't happened in our lifetime. This stuff is still coming to pass some day so it's a very important dream and like I said you don't see this kind of stuff happen too often in the Bible where you know these great rulers are dreaming these dreams like the two major ones are this one here and then Pharaoh with Joseph so look at verse 46 says the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face and worshipped Daniel and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odors unto him so he's worshipping him as a god wrong move there but anyway the king answered unto Daniel and said of a truth it is that your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of secrets seeing thou couldest reveal this secret. Then the king made Daniel a great man and gave him many great gifts and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and the chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon. Then Daniel requested of the king that he set Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego over the affairs of the province of Babylon but Daniel sat in the gate of the king. So you know Daniel is basically what a eunuch you know he's basically there to please the king and everything and now the next thing you know he's set high above everybody else too. So God is also able to promote people within a worldly system and make them in high regards. I mean think about what Joseph was able to accomplish. You know Joseph was just under Pharaoh and basically ran the whole thing and God is the one that sets up people. He promotes kings. He promotes rulers to their places so why show all this to you? Because in both instances the Lord is showing kings that the most important thing is to save much, well in the first case in the story we're in now or not in Daniel but in Genesis you know this action, this dream is going to save a lot of people's lives because if you were following along on the Bible reading you know the whole face of the earth was in a great birth. It wasn't just a local thing. It wasn't just a local famine. It wasn't just not raining in Egypt. It was not raining all over the world. So for seven years this happens and after seven years of it not raining very much on the face of the earth and you don't have a lot you know people are going to be starving. It's going to be a lot of death and Jacob was so concerned about it that he sends his sons to go get bread from Egypt because he finds out later on you know we're going to the future here but he finds out that there's bread in Egypt and you know just a little quick shout out for bread. People have lived off bread for thousands of years. Just FYI and not much else. You can't live off of bread. I know it's not the bread of the Bible times or whatever but I think we can still make the bread of the Bible times. Now if you're thinking it's Fran's Wonder Bread that's not the bread of Bible times. I agree with you on that one. But do we still have the same nutrients and abilities to have the same type of bread? Yeah but people just are kind of lazy you know if you want the right kind of bread you know the wider the bread the quicker you're dead right. But if you want the right kind of bread you might just have to get a bread maker and make it from the ingredients that you can get that are good ingredients. So just saying. Anyway but people act like bread is bad for you or something it's like people lived on bread for I mean what did they go to Pharaoh for? Why did they go to Joseph? What did they go to get? Stuff to make bread. What did Paul feed all the sailors on the ship when the ship was about to go down? He said here take some bread for your health. Right because they were going to be swimming and out in the tide and everything. They had bread. He didn't say you know here have some you know some essential oils this will get you through. He said take some bread. And why? Because it has carbs in it. You know it's going to keep you going. Now obviously you should have like a balanced type of thing but if all there was to eat in the world was bread you'd eat it and you'd love it and you'd just be like let me get some more bread and then put some honey on it. It's good. Amen. Put some butter on it alright. Bread and butter is good. If you're really hungry bread and butter and ice cold glass of water is good. Alright. Anyway that's just my little free rant there for a second. So anyway let's look at verse go back to Genesis chapter 41 look at verse number nine. So in both cases though the survival of God's people was a main part of the reason why God allowed these kings to have the dream. Because ultimately why was that all revealed to Pharaoh so that Joseph could interpret that dream all the bad things happened to Joseph in his life culminating in that one moment when he could interpret that dream for him then be lifted up to the second highest command in the whole land of Egypt and his brethren which are the twelve tribes of Israel it's all the sons of Jacob which God promised to give you know an inheritance to in the land of Canaan and the line of Christ was to come through had he not done all that then they would have perished in the dearth right. And so God is not going to just forsake his people he's going to allow them to move forward and live and the same thing with Nebuchadnezzar. One of the reasons was so that Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego could live through because Nebuchadnezzar was a freak you know he was just going to kill everybody that's just kind of how he was. But anyway Genesis 41 verse 9 the Bible says, Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day. Pharaoh was wroth with his servants and put me in ward in the captain and the guard's house both me and the chief baker. So he's remembered that he was supposed to tell about Joseph here. I do remember my faults whoops sorry it took me two years to remember this. Anyway verse 11 then we dreamed a dream and one night I and he and we dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream and there was there was there with us a young man and Hebrew servant to the captain of the guard and we told him and he interpreted to us our dreams to each man according to his dream he did interpret and it came to pass as he interpreted to us. So it was me he restored unto mine office and him he hanged. So exactly as he told him in the dreams they told him the dreams he interpreted it came to pass as he interpreted to us so it was perfectly just like when Daniel perfectly interpreted his. This says in verse 14 then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon and he shaved himself and changed his raiment and came in unto Pharaoh. So two years later Joseph finally gets a haircut and a shave and he's hastily brought out. Isn't that funny though? He was hastily put in there against his will for something that wasn't even proven because did Potiphar's wife does she have another witness? She didn't have another witness so Potiphar just took the word of his wife and threw an innocent person in prison without any kind of trial or anything like that and that's where government fails a lot of times when it comes to its justice with people. The rule of law is important and God has a rule of law in the Bible and the rule of law in this country is supposed to be based upon a lot of the rules and laws and it used to be many many moons ago upon this book. The sin of Sodomy was actually they would take Leviticus 2013 and put it next to the law because that was the law. You were put to death period. If you committed adultery, all the stuff that's in the Bible they would cite those Bible verses and enforce those penalties and obviously again the American justice system has never been perfect either. I mean you'd get killed for stealing horses. Stealing a horse isn't exactly a capital crime I don't think in the Bible. I mean you should get whipped or have to pay some kind of restitution but horse theft and cattle theft was punishable by death I'm pretty sure in Texas for sure. A lot of cattle thieves and stuff like that and they would kill people for it. That's why they call it the wild west but anyway because of bad laws and corrupt government Joseph did two years in prison for a crime that he did not commit. Now this happened and still happens today every single day all around the world where people are thrown into prison for things that they didn't do and it's not right. You know when people just follow how the Bible says to do things people that were innocent would get found not guilty but everybody seems to be that does something now is guilty until proven innocent. You know people just automatically you can't even get a federal trial in this world where you know everything is on the internet everything goes viral you know the whole news system is basically just lies to their teeth about everything and they report based upon their political party lines so like CNN communist news network you can't get a fair shake on communist news network owned by Ted Turner who's a commie his wife was a commie his wife was a traitor and should have been put to death Jane Fonda for what she did in Vietnam. Go ahead and look that up I don't have time to get into it but she was a traitor. My grandpa is a liberal Democrat and he still thinks Jane Fonda should be put to death so he calls her Hanoi Jane because she was going and saying we need to turn ourselves in and telling you know the military people to disregard you know what the orders of their military commanders and just all kinds of stuff so anyway that's a totally different story but let's turn to Deuteronomy chapter 17 Deuteronomy chapter number 17 and the law of two or three witnesses is a very important law when it comes to criminal justice when it comes to things in the church when it comes to matters when it comes to talking with even with just you know how you speak to a pastor how you would accuse a pastor you better have your ducks in a row before you just try to get someone thrown in jail before you try to go up against your pastor before you try to go up against a church member before you accuse them to another church member in the church you better know what you're talking about and you better have more than one witness if you don't have more than one witness then you shouldn't say anything so look at Deuteronomy 17 verse 2 it's a very serious thing to not follow this look at Deuteronomy 17 verse 2 it says if there be found among you within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee man or woman that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord thy God in transgressing his covenant what is his covenant breaking his commandments right and hath gone and served other gods and worshiped them either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven which I have not commanded and it be told thee and thou hast heard it and inquired diligently and behold it be true and the thing certain that such abomination is wrought in Israel so just notice this you know they've transgressed the accusations they've transgressed the covenant they've gone after other gods and it says after you've heard of it and inquired diligently it's not just a heesh you know so and so told me if so and so told you you better find out for sure whether it's true or not and behold if it be true the thing certain there's no if ands or buts about it that such abomination is wrought in Israel then thou shalt bring forth that man or that woman which have committed that wicked thing unto thy gates even that man or that woman and shall stone them with stones till they die that's a pretty serious thing to have happen isn't it that's called the death penalty you know what and that's what God calls for in such cases if someone you know is a believer and then they say you know they're just lying and they're trying to get people to go after other gods they go after other gods they rise up some kind of abomination and make a statue or something what they're doing is they're trying to turn the hearts of other people it's kind of like what Pastor Shelley was talking about this morning these Hymenaeus and Philetus type people they're going to try to get you to go a different direction well God says that those people are supposed to be stoned with stones and it says at the mouth of what's it say verse 6 of two witnesses or three witnesses shall that is worthy of death be put to death so if someone's going to be put to death there should be two or three witnesses that actually witness the thing happen it's not hey I'm a witness and then I went and told somebody about it that's not a witness it's two witnesses two or three witnesses and it says then if that person is worthy of death so you don't just willy nilly put someone to death you have to have the goods on them you have to have the truth now would you say a video tape and someone seeing it that would be a second witness yeah I would say that's true it's evidence but I mean even today now they have the deep fake videos that they can make of people I mean you just never know obviously you know some store clerk at Plaid Pantry isn't going to make a deep fake video but you know you know what a deep fake video is where they make someone look like they did something they really didn't do they can do a lot of stuff with graphics these days anyway but it says now in verse 6 but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death now obviously Joseph was not put to death in the instance of what happened with him and maybe that's why he wasn't put to death maybe that's why he was just put in prison but still you know again I talked about this last week you know you shouldn't nobody should be put in prison for long lengths of time there should be some kind of action when the Bible says someone was in war it was until God you know the mind of the Lord was revealed concerning that thing putting someone in jail is just a temporary thing until you find out you know until they're judged until you find out the evidence against them and maybe the person's innocent you know you ever thought of that sometimes people are innocent guess what Joseph was innocent and he went to jail for two years for no reason now obviously all that was worked out by the Lord and you know all those bad things happened to Joseph so that good could come to the whole world it's just like all the bad things that happened to Christ throughout his life so that good could come to the whole world right now look what it says in verse 7 the hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterwards the hands of all the people so shalt thou put the evil away from among you so in the case of a capital crime whether it be a rapist a kidnapping a murder any of those things there has to be two or three witnesses now could that be corrupted also well you got Naboth who was killed and two or three witnesses rose up and lied against him as false witnesses false witnesses rose up against Jesus so is it possible yeah and that's why one of the ten commandments is thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor and that's a serious crime against humanity it's a crime against God and it shouldn't be done obviously but if three people get together for that kind of conspiracy you know I mean that's a wicked thing to do to people but people do it every single day in this country and really a lot of times you'll even have to have a second witness it's just wrong so but that's the state of affairs in the judicial system but you know what when king Jesus comes this you know this king that's talking about that there's going to be no end to his kingdom he's going to make sure everything is done right every judgment's going to be 100% correct nobody's going to go to jail for anything that they didn't do there won't be any jail they'll just be dashing pieces pieces like a potter's vessel but anyway or they'll be fined or whatever it is whatever the crime is the punishment will fit the crime unlike today so now that's the rule for putting people to death now turn to Matthew 18 verse 15 Matthew 18 verse 15 I'm almost done here I've got a few more verses to look at I'll have to finish the rest of this in a couple of weeks but anyway Matthew 18 verse 15 now in things like church see the three witnesses the two or three witnesses carries over into all aspects of our life so in church also moreover verse 15 if thy brother that shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone this is a step that most people skip all together they start talking to their friend about it oh you never believe what so and so did to me that's gossip that's wrong that's tale bearing go to that person alone if you really want to settle the issue go to that person if you're offended go to them you know but see some people are so snowflakey even if you did go to them they would get upset about that too it's just like just take it take your medicine you know that's the best thing to do and just don't be so offended by every single thing that someone says to you some people just melt as soon as someone confronts them with anything and Jesus said go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou hast gained thy brother see Jesus has the right answer that's the right answer isn't that the right thing to do isn't that what Jesus said to do it's not go tell everybody in the church about how so and so you saw them smoking by the store or whatever or whatever it is you know they didn't make their kid when they were supposed to or they you know they let their kid hit my kid or whatever it is there's all kinds of grievances we're around each other a lot everybody in here is sinful and we're going to do sinful things sometimes we're going to lose our temper we're going to say things we shouldn't say to each other things like that but if you offend someone else you know or someone offends you go to them personally say hey you know and appreciate that you know and then most people will say hey you know I'm really sorry I didn't mean to offend you and that's the end of it you don't carry it on any further but if that doesn't you know that doesn't work out there's another step look at verse 16 it says if you'll not hear thee then take with thee one or two more in the mouth of two or three witnesses now these aren't witnesses to what happened okay what's it say that every every word may be established so you're telling the matter now because they didn't receive whatever the offense was they didn't it didn't get worked out now they bring two or three witnesses to establish the words that are spoken between the two people it's not they're your other three witnesses you know this is my side of the story and we're all against you that's not how it works it says every word may be established so they can basically judge that situation and say well I don't agree with you know with what you're saying I think that this person's right or whatever and if they still won't accept that then you take it before the church now you're not going to walk up here and say excuse me pastor Thomas we have something to take before the church sit down you know you're going to take that through me alright and even when you get the two or three witness thing you're going to do that through me you're going to do that through the pastor okay you know I don't want this being like the what's Matthew 18 everybody service long type of situation these very rarely happen by the way and but this is the right way to do it this is what Jesus said to do and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it to the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican so once the church says hey you're wrong you know you've done wrong you owe that guy 1800 bucks said you were going to pay him back or whatever you know we are saying the church is saying you're wrong you need to pay him back the money and they're like blankety blank no I'm not doing it or whatever and then they leave then you treat that person like a heathen a republican they're kicked out so but the two or three witnesses is again to establish what's being said between the two people because how can those two people be the witnesses of your side of the story when they weren't there see a lot of people act like you know they're automatically these two or three witnesses when they're really not they're witnesses as to what's being said back and forth here's the evidence of this person here's the evidence of this person what's right you know in the church the people those two people or three people judge the situation so and then in second Corinthians go ahead and turn back to Genesis chapter 41 we'll finish in verse 15 second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 says this is the third time I'm coming to you this is Paul talking in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established so in things concerning the law and the laws of man what's the bible say if you're going to put someone to death two or three witnesses and I would say in any criminal case diligent inquiry should be done to establish all matters of where someone is going to actually be punished for something you know Paul had special rights as a Roman citizen that other people didn't have the other people were subjugate unto the Roman Empire so if someone was not a Roman they didn't have the same you know citizenship laws that a Roman citizen had so they could beat someone that wasn't a Roman citizen they could beat someone or make them walk an extra mile with their stuff or whatever it is you know I'm not exactly sure of all the laws but one thing I know is that when it came to Paul and they were just going to beat him without knowing the whole story he was like uh uh uh no you're not and so you know Paul got off the hook of a ruthless beating they're like let's beat him and find out why he did what evil thing he's done it's like yeah that's not really civilized either is it you know they've kind of said that torture really doesn't necessarily work people will tell you anything to save their own flesh so and I'm sure that torture happens you know will make people talk to a certain you know not everybody's like I don't know some action hero or something they're like I'm never going to talk it's like as soon as they start to bend one of your fingernails they're like okay it was so and so you know you're just going to rat them out real quick but uh anyway so but you know God has things a certain way for a reason so people like Joseph you know should not be thrown into prison for two years for not not doing anything wrong you know but obviously this world is not completely run by God the God of this world runs this world and he puts things into place also that are contrary to God's laws so Genesis chapter 41 verse 15 the Bible says and then Pharaoh said unto Joseph I have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and I have heard say of thee that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it and Joseph answered Pharaoh and saying it is not in me God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace and so here you saw that Daniel was the exact same way he wasn't just trying to get his own glory and saying I am great Daniel which interpreted this you know both these guys are very humble men Daniel and Joseph and Joseph was a great man and the reason why he was promoted look he's after this he's promoted once again this is the third time you see Joseph promoted you know in a few chapters and why because he's a great man he's a goodly man you know he has integrity he has character he's hard working and God blessed him because of that and he you know he resisted sin you know he had a chance he could have committed adultery with Potiphar's wife and he said now I'm not going to do this thing in sin against God I'm not going to do it and then even when she grabbed him and tried to like you know say no you're going to do it and he ran off he fled fornication so you know and these are the types these two men these two great men of God were blessed tremendously by God and again you have two kind of similar stories here you know two great world leaders being revealed great dreams by God and then two great men of God interpreting those dreams for them so as we close tonight and I'm going to get into the rest of the story in a couple weeks here promotion comes from God you know if you work hard and do what's right you know things might seem like they're going wrong but you know what God is still going to promote you you need to just have integrity and still continue to do the right thing you know and God knows who to abase he knows who to abound and who to abase you know he's going to give great things and do great things for those people and make things work out right for those who have integrity and are hard working just I mean just look at the type of people that Daniel and Joseph were really great integrity I mean Daniel prayed three times a day and then when it came time you know they didn't bust him for doing something he never did before he wasn't like he was like well I don't care what the government says I'm going to wear a mask I'm not going to wear a mask while I'm praying you know praying out the window every week or whatever you know he just that was his thing he just prayed every single day three times a day and they knew right where to go to him to bust him on it so he got busted doing the same thing that he was always doing just because the law changed doesn't mean it changed for them between them and God so and remember if you don't have enough witnesses it's wicked to repeat matters or accuse someone of a crime or even very serious sin in the church you know if you're the only witness you know and obviously who you tell is an important thing too don't you don't just go to Joe Blow no offense Joe, Joe Blow that can't do anything about it you need to come to the pastor you know if there's something that someone's doing that's a serious issue I need to know about it but if you catch you know Bill out smoking somewhere or something don't come and tell me that Bill was smoking you know I don't need to know that Bill will quit smoking on his own time and I'm sorry if you smoke Bill I don't know if you do but like how did he know he guessed no I don't know who smokes and who doesn't you know what I mean that's not something I would kick somebody out for so you know and even when it comes to a pastor you know the Bible says you're not supposed to you know accuse a pastor without two or three witnesses but you see that happening all the time so it's wicked and God reveals secrets to whoever he wants why did he reveal to them I mean I thought I came up with some pretty good reasons but you know ultimately he reveals secrets to whoever he wants and reveals hidden and secret things and he showed those things to Pharaoh and he showed them to Nebuchadnezzar and he revealed them through two great men of God two of the greatest men in the whole Bible let's pray Lord we thank you so much it's a great chapter in the Bible Lord I pray that you just help us and as we go throughout our week to Lord live for you and to keep you first and the first thing we do when we wake up is think about you Lord and give you praise and honor and Lord I pray that you'd help us to be faithful to read our Bibles and to pray this week and Lord make it to every church service we can pray you'd help us to be safe as we go home and bring us home back into your house when the doors are open again in Jesus' name we pray Amen Alright our last song is song number four you may have the joy bells song number four in your green hymnal you may have the joy bells song number four you may have the joy bells let's sing it out on the first you may have the joy bells you may have the joy bells ringing in your heart and a peace that from you never will depart walk the straight and narrow way live for Jesus every day he will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go he will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart love of Jesus in its fullness you may know and there's love to those around you'll sweetly show words of kindness always say deeds of mercy do each day then he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go then he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart you will meet with trials as your journey home grace sufficient he will give to overcome though unseen by mortal eye he is with you ever nigh and he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go and he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart let your life speak well of Jesus every day own his right to every service you can pay sinners you can help to win if your life is pure and clean and you'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart joy bells ringing in your heart take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go and you'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart Amen. Good seeing you brother Alex. Could you close with a prayer? Thank you.