(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) please take your seats and open your hymnals to page 413 please find your seats and open up to page 413 your green hymnals all right page 413 stand up stand up for Jesus on the first stand up stand up for Jesus he's soldiers of the cross high it must not suffer loss from victory unto victory his army shall he lead wish name Christ is Lord indeed page 413 on the second stand up stand up for Jesus the trumpet call obey for to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day he that our men now serve him against unnumbered foes let courage rise with danger strength to strength oppose on the last stand up stand up for Jesus the arm of flesh will fail you he dare not trust your own and watching where duty calls or danger be never wanting man great seeing everyone brother Ramon you want to open us with the word of prayer today man favorites tonight get your favorite hymns ready green hymnal only Kai 27 the old rugged cross page 27 page 27 the old rugged cross on the first on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross an exchange is some day for Leilani 169 come now found page 169 sing it out on the first come now found of every blessing to my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me some melodious son it sung by flaming tongues above praise the mouth I'm fixed up on it by redeeming love sherry 356 I must tell Jesus page 356 on the first I must tell Jesus all of my trials I cannot bear these burdens alone in my distress he kindly will help me he ever loved and cares for his own I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my burdens I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can help me Jesus Josh 73 got another one brother Sheila 17 on the last one day page 17 Sheila you got another one 63 what a day that will be you got it okay what a day that will be page 63 on the first there is coming a day when the heartache shall come no more clouds in the sky no more tears to dim the eye on that happy golden shore what a day glorious day that will be what a day that will be when my Jesus eyes shall see and I look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand it leads me through the promised land what a day pastor 356 on the second I must tell Jesus on the second I must tell Jesus all of my troubles he is a kind compassionate friend if I but ask him he will deliver make up my troubles quickly I cannot bear my burdens alone I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can help me Jesus alone should tell 143 143 on the first blessed assurance blessed assurance on the first blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine hair of salvation purchase of God born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long for the bill 14 1 14 the great physician page 114 on the first the great physician now is near the sympathizing Jesus he speaks the drooping heart to cheer oh hear the voice of Jesus sweetest note in seraph song sweetest name a mortal tongue sweetest carol ever sung Jesus blessed Jesus Josh 137 in times like these page 137 are you good okay 123 the Christians goodnight page 123 on the fourth only good night be loving not farewell a little while and all is same shall dwell in hallowed union indivisible good night good night good night one last one Jack 30 page 30 nothing but the blood nothing but the blood page 30 on the first wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other found I know nothing but the blood of Jesus all right welcome back to your foundation got to search for our evening service let's take our bulletins look through them really quickly if you need a bulletin would you lift up your hand we're out of bulletins okay never mind just listen I know you won't but that's okay on our front cover we have our verse of the week it says but behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity Psalm 133 verse 1 and our service times are 10 30 a.m. Sunday morning 3 30 p.m. Sunday evening we're in Genesis chapter 38 tonight and Thursday evening Bible studies at 6 30 we are in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 this Thursday and our so many times are listed below we had so winning today did anybody get a salvation today one there be two total all right praise God so to salvation's all right and the red team was decimated today we only had three people show up for the red team in our area how many do you have in blue is like it was like feast or famine right we actually got quite a few doors knocked though for only having three people we got some really good conversations so I heard miss Jessica got into a really good conversation too with the care and apartment manager so she faced the final boss for everybody so appreciate that anyway so keep up the good job doing so winning and if you look down you can see our stats there at the bottom the salvation's baptisms attendance on the right hand inside cover there we have our New Testament challenges still going on nine chapters a day and 31 days so we're about halfway there so we are halfway there so hopefully you're gonna get that challenge done challenge accepted right and Friday February 11th is our married couples sweetheart banquet and we'll have guest speaker pastor Jonathan Shelley and we'll probably have a sign up here coming up not too long from now so that we can get all the married couples signed up and we got to order the food so just make sure that you sign up we'll probably do like a virtual thing inside the whatsapp group and if you need to do it some other way just let us know all right and so he'll also be preaching for us on Sunday the 13th February 20th I'll be preaching at Verity Baptist Church for the p.m. service President's Day weekend March 4th through 6th we'll have our sure Foundation Baptist Spokane third anniversary and we'll have pastor Jones preaching for us that Friday night the 4th and then I'll be preaching both services on Sunday June 8th through 11th is the church camp that we've not been able to do for the last two years that might get changed to the first week so don't take your time off of work just yet I just kind of want to give you a heads up that we are planning on still having a church camp and so that wouldn't be too far for you brother Richie right it's only like a couple hours from you yeah there's one advantage you know one advantage for the Richie family there all right and then July 14th through 17th is set in stone for the Red Hot Preaching Conference so if you want to make plans and get your hotel don't don't wait till the last minute because the hotel prices increase you know and all that stuff so it'd be a good time to just jump on your your rooms now get all your if you're planning on going and get everything figured out for that trip I'm gonna skip through the rest of this stuff for sake of time and we saying happy birthday this morning I think that's all we got all right well oh no one more thing I want to say that's not in the bulletin so if you need a tax-giving statement for the for this year please email I just want you to email don't do in the whatsapp group because I just want it in one place one location so it makes it easier on myself and my wife so now so this is being done by request so I'm not gonna just do it for everybody but if you need it or want it I will give it to you no problem oh so just email the church email address sure foundation Baptist at gmail.com and just say yes I need a giving statement this is brother so-and-so or whatever and then we'll make sure to get you one okay and if you would in the email just say if you gave through online donations and you know if you did both be good to know that we go through all of it anyway so it doesn't really matter but it'd be just nice to know if I have to look at a different location because sometimes people will just give in person some people just give only online or some people do accommodation so anyway so get those out to me as soon as possible but of course I could just draw them up for you anytime you want but we'd like to just get them all done at the same time around the end of the month so anyway that's all I got for announcements let's sing another song turning green handles page 375 375 work for the night is coming page 375 work for the night is coming on the first work for the night is coming work through the morning hours work while the dew is sparkling work mid springing flowers work when the day grows brighter work in the glowing Sun work for the night is coming when man's work is done work for the night is coming work through sunny new they'll brightest hours with labor rest come sure and soon give every minute something to keep in store work for the night is coming when man works no work for the night is coming under the sunset skies while their bright tints are glowing work for daylight flies work till the last beam fadeth fadeth to shine no more work while the night is darkening when man's work is or man great singing everyone at this time we're gonna have our offering brother Sean Collin can you bless the offering for us for keeping us safe out there soul winning or afraid that you would just bless all aspects of the service Lord the pastor with your spirit and give us yours to hear the message pretty bless this offering bless both the gift and the giver pray these things in Jesus name amen you you you I go and turn to Genesis chapter 38 Genesis 38 if you have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one Genesis 38 Genesis 38 the Bible reads and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned into a certain adult might whose name was higher and Judas saw their daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was sure and he took her and went in unto her and she conceived and bear son and called his name her and she conceived again and bear son and she called his name onan and she yet again and she yet again conceived and bear son and called his name Sheila and he was at Chesapeake when she bear him and Judah took a wife for her as firstborn whose name was tomorrow and heard Judas firstborn was wicked in the side of the Lord and the Lord slew him and Judah said unto onan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother and onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went on to his brother's wife that he spilled on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and a thing which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also then said Judah to Tamar's daughter-in-law remain a widow at thy father's house till she let my son be grown for he said let's pair adventure he died also as his brethren did and Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house and in process of time the daughter of Shua Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath he and his friend Hira the Adulamite and it was told to Tamar saying behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep and she put her widows garments off from her and covered her with a veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place which is by the way to Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given unto him to wife when Judah saw her he thought her to be in harlot because she had covered her face and he turned unto her and by the way and said go to I pray thee let me come in unto thee for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law and she said what will thou give me that thou mayest come in unto me and he said I would send thee a kid from the flock and she said will thou give me a pledge till thou send it and he said what pledge shall I give thee and she said thy signet and thy bracelets and thy staff that is in thine hand and he gave it to her and he gave it her and came in unto her and she conceived by him and she arose and went away and laid by her veil from her and put on the garments of her widowhood and Judah sent the kid the hand of his friend the Adulamite to receive his pledge from the woman's hand but he found her not then he asked the man of that place saying where is the harlot that was openly by the wayside and they said there was no harlot in this place and he returned to Judah and said I cannot find her and also the men of that place of the place said that there was no harlot in this place and Judah said let her take it to her lest we be shamed behold I send this kid and thou has not found her and it came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah saying tomorrow thy daughter-in-law has played the harlot and also behold she is with child by Hordom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt when she was brought forth she sent to her father-in-law saying by the man whose these are am I with child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and the bracelet and staff and Judah acknowledged them and said she had been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Sheila my son and he knew her again no more and it came to pass in the time of her travail that behold twins were in a room and it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as she drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how has thou broken forth this breach be upon thee therefore his name was called ferrets and afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara brother Robert week papers amen the title of sermon tonight is Judas failures Judas failures now of course as you read along with the story there's failures on a lot of different parts of people here too but I kind of want to focus on that what I see as the failures of Judah now if you notice so we we go to Joseph like last week I preached two full sermons about how Joseph pictures Christ in a lot of different ways and I actually took two whole sermons to preach that and then you know from here on out after this chapter here it's all about Joseph and his dealings and his brothers and all this other stuff because if you remember Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites at the end of last chapter and he was taken off to Egypt and then you see it just goes right to this story right so look at verse number one the Bible says and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned to a certain Adulamite whose name was Hira so basically we have a break in the story here so it's about to start telling us all about Joseph and then just for it's seemingly for no reason at all this chapter is sandwiched in in the you know if we we find out about Joseph and then there's like a pause in the story and it goes to Judah but there wasn't anything about Reuben there wasn't anything about Gad there wasn't anything about any of the other tribes of Israel just Judah now of course we know if you know the Bible at all that Judah is the tribe that God chose for Jesus Christ to come through and I believe that the reason why this chapter is sandwiched in here is because you know number one it's going to tell us a little bit of background about Judah but I do believe that Judah pictures Christ but like I said last week I believe that Judah possibly pictures the first Adam and the second Adam and I and I think that Judah is shows Judas failures in this chapter for us to see obviously Judah wasn't a perfect person but then at the end of the sermon I'm going to show you kind of why I think that he pictures both and obviously you know you can disagree with me about that and that's fine but that's just kind of how I see it obviously I don't want to just preach a sermon only just showing you the carnal application of the Bible I want to show you some spiritual aspects and I you know I mean obviously Judah doesn't do a lot right in this chapter as a matter of fact this is kind of like a Jerry Springer show type chapter if you think about it I mean it really is because you know if you know what the Jerry Springer show is it's like or Maury Povich you know you know basically it's like you're not that you know you are the father Judah you know it's like surprise you know it says it's kind of a weird deal but there was I believe that God shows us dysfunction within you know these are great people of God but then there's a lot of dysfunction in their families and I think it's just God's way of showing us hey I can use people that are not perfect I can bring forth the Messiah out of someone you know and you'll see you'll see the failures of as we go along but he brought the Messiah through the tribe of Judah for a reason you know he chose that tribe you know it wasn't the priestly tribe it was the tribe of Judah now so here we have this break in the story where Judah you know it just kind of tells us this story of Judah and his line here and you know obviously it's telling us the story of how the line went through Judah and who these people are so Phares who is actually who Christ comes through but let's dig into the chapter here look at verse number two it says in Judah saw they're a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shuah and he took her and went in unto her so right off the bat you know Judah's already making mistakes isn't he it doesn't say that he married her does it it just says that he took her and went in unto her and also you know she was a Canaanite was were the children of Israel supposed to marry Canaanites did Abraham I mean is everything that Abraham and Isaac taught them just gone out the window or something is everything that that Jacob taught go out the window it apparently does with Judah and it says and she conceived to bear a son and he called his name err and she conceived again and bear a son and she called his name Onan and yet and excuse me and she yet again conceived to bear a son and called his name Sheila and he was at Chesapeake would she bear him so you know Judah goes in he I don't I mean I don't know if he marries her doesn't say that he does just as he went in on tour and he has these three sons by her own and Sheila says in verse six and Judah took a wife for her his first born whose name was Tamar and err Judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him so here we go the first born son of Judah is actually a wicked person so wicked you know it doesn't say why he was wicked it just says that he was and so you know to me this verse is just saying like you know God can be angry with somebody and kill them for whatever reason he wants to if they're wicked God could kill them so you know and when we say we don't know what a day is gonna bring forth we don't know why God chooses to take people's lives here and there but this we do know for sure that every person on this planet is sinful and wicked so but of course God killed this guy and to me it seems to me that he was extremely wicked in some area that it actually says that the Lord slew him and it says that Judah said unto Onan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother now if you've been reading through the New Testament recently you'll you probably have run across the fact that the the Pharisees and Sadducees asked Jesus a question and they basically say well you know if if someone's brother you know their brother dies and you're supposed to go and it's like and it goes so on and so forth and you know the seventh one had her to wife also and she didn't have any children it's like this rule where if if a brother dies and he's married he doesn't have any children then you're the other brother is supposed to marry the next one in line is supposed to marry her and raise up seed unto his brother so the firstborn would be the son of the of the brother that actually died okay now they they use this to ask a stupid question of Jesus and he puts them in their place like he always does but this was this is actually a law in the Bible in Deuteronomy chapter 25 so I'm gonna have you turn over to Deuteronomy chapter 25 but think about this you know this rule was already in place before the law even came to be and so it's like you know we'll talk about like tithing like tithing Abraham gave tithes of all Jacob gave tithes of all why did they do that well obviously there was some kind of oral rules that God had put forth to people it just wasn't written down in the book of Moses and I'm not saying that you know what I'm saying the law well the law came from Moses but like obviously there was rules and laws that God had in place already that were like maybe orally passed down in some way shape or form because this is something that Judah knew to do how did he know to do this you know how did he know that God would want this and so let's look at what the actual law says in Deuteronomy chapter 25 verse 10 it says if brethren dwell together and one of them die and have no children the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her so this is an actual law that God puts forth in the Bible and says hey she's not supposed to go outside and marry a stranger but the brother is supposed to come the next brother you know doesn't say the next brother in line but the says her husband's brother shall go in unto her but you see how it's done with Judah it's the next born son the next son that's supposed to be given away to wife so obviously these you know onan was the younger brother of her and so you can see how it goes into a line of succession and even in the story it talks about how Sheila was supposed to be promised to her he said you know when she was old enough than you can then he can marry you but then he he doesn't do what he says he's gonna do right so it says in verse 6 and it shall be that the firstborn which she's beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Israel so this the spirit of this law is is that the bloodline of that brother doesn't die off and so the brother who is near kin to him is supposed to come and be you know he gives you know he marries her but the firstborn is that what it says it shall be that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother so it was it wasn't that all of the kids that they had together would be in that situation just the firstborn and that that one would have the name of the father of the brother that died so that makes sense and it says and if the man like not to take his brother's wife and let his brother's wife go up to the gate of the elders and say my husband's brother refuses to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother then the elders of the city shall call him and speak unto him and if he stand to it and say I like not to take her then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders and loose his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face and shall answer and say so shall it be done unto the man that will not build up his brother's house so it's like a shameful thing and so shameful to the fact that I don't know what the taking the shoe off thing has to do with it but for someone to spit in your face it's pretty degrading isn't it has anybody ever had someone spit in their face before I was telling that story how my aunt held me down and like would you know pretty like suck the spit back up and all that it's really gross I know and then I'd be like ah then it would like go in my mouth she tricked me with that one quite a few times before I learned my lesson but is disgusting I know that's the ultimate grossness all right but having someone just spit in your face it and it instantly angers you like if it's somebody that's some other guy and you're a guy just like they spit on you it's like oh you know you just that's instantly fighting right so this woman so this is a shameful thing for the for the brother to not do this but they did have a choice you see they had a choice and the alternative was to be shamed in front of everybody and spit in your face right which you know if you maybe you just don't like her and you don't want to do it but it isn't a thing of honor that God is asking them to do in the Bible right and look at verse 10 it says and his name shall be called in Israel the house of him that hath his shoe loosed so obviously this is a shame that they would probably carry about them for the rest of their life or you know maybe they'd have to move away out of shame I don't know but this is the law that the Bible puts forth so what is happening here in Genesis is basically this law being played out without having the law already given to them so again you know I'm not sure what capacity this was done but obviously you know Abraham knew what God's will was for him Abraham was a prophet Jacob was also a prophet and God revealed things to him and so you know I think that that's how they probably had this knowledge so here's Judah you know he's he's already going into the Canaanite woman and having children with a Canaanite but then he's like really super strict on this rule and it kind of seems like sometimes Christians will be like this too they're like you know they'll they'll they'll swallow the camel you know they'll strain it and swallow the camel with a lot of things like you can't do that that's it you know and it's just some it's like basically what you're what he's doing is is way worse you know and in the end of this he Judah is going to harlots you know he accidentally sleeps with his own daughter-in-law I mean Jerry Jerry it's like it is like Jerry Springer right so turn back to your chapter in Genesis 38 verse 9 and it's like Maury who is the father I'm not as good but anyway and Onan knew that the seed would should not be his so see the laws applied here but it wasn't put forth yet and it came to pass when when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother now I've your child in here this is not necessarily something that you need to exactly know exactly what it's talking about here that's up for your parents to decide but basically they're doing the act that that husbands and wives do okay when they're married but here's the thing Onan basically did this did he have to marry her he didn't have to marry her so what he's doing is he's trying to get the benefits of marriage here without actually doing the job of the husband's brother right so there's a varying aspect of things that God's upset here with with Onan about and it's about to show us that God's not happy about it but he didn't he couldn't he have just said I don't want to marry her and then she spits in his face and maybe he just was prideful you know she spits in his face takes off his shoe or whatever and then he's you know he's shamed in the family about it but that's not what he does it seems to me that he takes her as a wife and then so that he couldn't raise seed up to a and do the job of the husband's brother so that firstborn son wouldn't have been technically his son it's still a son though right but it's it's a son like in name he still he lives on as his brother's name it's something that's you know so that that man's seed does not die out of Israel and so it's really it is a noble thing to do we might not understand that because our culture is not that way so and in reality think about this in the law of Moses you couldn't just divorce your spouse and marry the brother you couldn't just you know go and be with the brother that's wickedness right it's it's you know it's totally something that God just condemns in the Bible to go on to the brother-in-law or the sister-in-law or things like that and even like John the Baptist preached against Herod because he stole his brother Philip's wife and the way that it's probably different is that that brother is dead now and so once the brother is dead you know he's free she's free to marry who she wants within the family right so I mean I guess that's what makes it right and okay I was trying to fit I'm just trying to think out loud with you guys and so I could explain it but that's kind of how I see it but anyway so this seed that he spills on the ground it's like in the Bible in other places called the seed of copulation it's about as details I'm gonna get with you all tonight I'm sure most adults know what I'm talking about here but what he did is he tried to practice birth control okay now I'm sure you've heard sermons about this before and obviously God does not want Christians to practice birth control okay so and basically look at verse number 10 it says and the thing which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also so I think there's a lot of different varying things going on here like I said so first of all he was he married her and just and refused to do that job that he was supposed to do as the the husband's the the duty of a husband's brother okay I think God was angry about that there's no doubt about that because it is a law of God later on in the Bible so obviously God still thinks that that's right even before the law of Moses was given right so this thing displeased the Lord it said that that the thing which he did displeased the Lord so the whole act that he did spilling it on the ground also displeased the Lord because it says you know the thing which he did so it wasn't just the fact that he didn't do what he was supposed to do and here's the thing anything that's in God's law he could kill you for but does he always kill a thief does he always kill a murderer I mean David got got his sentence you know revoked or he didn't have to die for what he did to Uriah the Hittite so sometimes God there's there's this law in the Bible where you know the first into the law of the first instance so in the Bible when someone you know like picks up sticks on the Sabbath day and what was God's recommendation that they stone with stones right but did everybody that broke the Sabbath always get stone with stones probably not and so here's the instance where Onan is killed for not you know not following the law about the brothers raising up seed into your brother and so God could have killed him for multiple reasons at this point but I believe that he killed him for that and for the act which he did which was you know the Bible says we're supposed to be fruitful and multiply it I'll get and I'll get to that verse here in just a second but God wants us to be fruitful multiply not just us as Christians but the whole world right and so this world's going to die out if everybody had a one child policy you know in China found out we're pretty quick that you could destroy a whole generation of people and so now they have a two child policy so they used to have a one child policy and everybody was just you know through abortion getting rid of their daughters and so then you know there's a whole generation because they want the men to succeed and so they're buying daughters off the black market and people are trying to spare their children it's just a really wicked thing to do but if you if you don't if you don't bring forth children multiple children you know the world's population will not be able to keep up with the deaths that happen and so God really from the very beginning wanted us to make sure that we're being fruitful and multiplying okay so this is so that's what I think that that's what God's God's upset about the fact that he spilled it on the ground God's upset about the fact that he was wicked and you know he when he married this woman in a deceptive way because he never planned on doing what he was supposed to do because again he didn't have to marry her right I mean did you see that in Deuteronomy where it says you know if if he still wants to stick to it and not do it then what happens is the shame and the spitting and all that stuff so let's look at Mark chapter 12 verse 19 and this is just one instance where it's actually talked about in the New Testament Mark chapter 12 verse 19 the Bible says master Moses wrote unto us if a man's brother die and leave his wife behind him and leave no children that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed on to his brother now again they were taking this law because you know they just don't believe the Bible this is the problem of the Pharisees and the Sadducees they just they despise the Bible they didn't they thought this was a stupid rule that God came up with but you know then Jesus says hey you know you do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God and then he's like explains to them that you know they're not going to be good you know because they're saying well whose wife in the resurrection shall she shall shall the who's gonna be the husband of that wife or whatever and he's like you're not given a marriage in heaven you know I know the Mormons teach that marriage is forever but it's not true I know this makes my wife really sad when she's like we're not gonna be married in heaven no but you can come visit me every 10,000 years no I'm just kidding I'm sure we're all gonna be together hanging out you know and so but it's just gonna be different we don't know what that's gonna be like but you know it's heaven so you know enjoy your marriage that's that's the silver lining that you should look at right now hey you know a lot of things that we fight and argue about are pretty dumb a lot of it is pride a lot of it is who wants to dominate the other one and that kind of stuff and we should just look at it like hey we got one life to live with our wife right now stick with the wife that you have stick with the husband that you have and do the best you can to get along together and raise a family together for the Lord anyway turn to Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 the Bible says in Genesis 1 verse number 28 it says and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth so God blessed man he made man in his own image after his own likeness he made woman out of the rib of Adam and so but he said he says God blessed them so being fruitful and multiplying is a blessing from God having children is a blessing from God and at this church we don't believe in birth control and the thing that Onan did that displeased the Lord we don't believe in that here you know the Bible says to be fruitful God says to be fruitful and multiply and multiply children it doesn't say have just one kid be fruitful and multiply right so and it's a blessing God blessed them and said be fruitful multiply so being fruitful and multiplying is a blessing from God and it says and replenish the earth now at this time there's only two people on earth so but obviously you have to continue to replenish the earth and so it says and to subdue it so God gave man dominion over the whole earth and and and he told us to have children so the thing that Onan did was wicked on on you know there's a lot of different dynamics going on in that but the fact that he practiced birth control the fact that he didn't do the job of a husband's brother and you know the fact that he married a woman under false pretext you know and just decided I'm not gonna have children because I know that that firstborn is gonna be my brothers who died you know and God you know what it displeased the Lord so just these types of things are a big deal so if it displeased God it displeased him enough that wherefore he slew him also so Judas doesn't have a very good track record with his first two sons does he his first son is just wicked you know the Bible doesn't explain how it just says that he is and maybe that's for our own good maybe he was just so wicked that we don't he doesn't want us to know the things that he did but here we have just you know what Onan did and people today that they wouldn't bat an eye on what Onan did there's the men going their own way movement or whatever where they're like you know it doesn't benefit us at all to get married because all they can all they're gonna do is just take half of our stuff and steal our children away from us and like there is something to that it is wrong it is wicked that women have the power in this country and around the world to be able to do that kind of stuff I understand where they're coming from but it doesn't matter it's still wicked to not marry someone and you're just gonna use them for your own personal pleasure and then just discard them that's even more wicked you know and then here's here's a here's a good thing to understand you need to marry the right person I preach this a lot but look you know just because they're beautiful just because they're handsome that doesn't that's not everything beauty fades away you know the older you get the ugly you're gonna look I'm sorry to tell you but it's just the truth just take it it's true you're gonna be ugly someday you're gonna be wrinkly and ugly all right well I mean you know there's pretty a pretty wrinkly people but I'm just saying you're not gonna be as good as you once were okay how about that when you're you know you got the pictures of yourself when you're like 23 and you're just like oh yeah well some people in here are 23 but you know there's gonna come a time when you look as good as you're ever gonna look and then later on you're gonna be wrinkly or fat or whatever it is you know you're not gonna you're gonna have sun spot marks and whatever and because what I'm trying to say is that beauty is just skin deep it's not everything that you need to look for in a marriage you know when women have children sometimes their shapes change you know they have a hard time getting back you know they always want to get back to the pre baby weight or pre baby looks and it's just not possible sometimes it's just not possible but are you marrying them for their looks or for their character you know Martin Luther King days tomorrow he's like you know we should be judged not by the color of our skin but the content of our character don't judge your spouse you know based upon what they look like judge your spouse based upon the content of their character are they a Christian are they a Christian you know do they have the same values use you do they have the same hopes and goals and dreams that you do is your wife gonna follow you to the outermost parts of the earth where you want to go to the darkest parts of Africa and be a missionary you better find that out before you get married you know is people just get in love and like oh I just love them it's like yeah you do but then you're gonna get tired of them because they're annoying or whatever you know we go through phases in marriage and some of you have only been married but a short time but there's whole phases of your marriage that you're gonna go through and sometimes you just might not like each other very much that everything that that person does is annoying to you that day or everything that that person does annoys you that week it could last for months you never know if he drops that pair of underwear on the floor not outside of the hamper one more time that's it you know but I'm just saying that you need to really make sure that you've married the right one and hey once you've made the decision you're stuck according to the Bible and you should just do what the Bible says do the best thing you can stay together and hey work on the flaws because we all got flaws that's usually you know when people have marriage problems it's like well this person did that you know they're like well hey they did this it's like you know there's three different stories though their story you know the his story her story and then the truth because most people see things and angles from their own perspective and they don't look at it from the other person's perspective that maybe and and maybe and that's how people can can kind of mediate their marriages a little bit is that at some point you have to swallow your pride and just realize that you're not perfect and there's you can come over to their side a little bit and be you know agreeable about things now obviously I'm not talking about like 50-50 marriages or something I'm not talking about that because I believe the husband is the head of the home and they're supposed to rule the house okay that's what the Bible teaches but you know men are supposed to dwell with their wives and knowledge and and you want your wife to be happy do you want your wife to love you or do you want to be just that like that stir you know who loves like a stern disciplinarian all the time that bring me my food clip my toenails or you know I don't know just whatever you know that food wasn't salty enough it's like who you know you we have to be loving and that's what men fail to do and nobody else is gonna do that stuff for you nobody else is gonna take care of you like your wife's gonna take care of you and so we just got to learn to dwell and knowledge with our wives but you know we got to be loving you know they're not robots you're you're you shouldn't be a robot you know just like make my dinner you know we we got to dwell with each other knowledge but make sure you pick the right person okay let's move on here verse 11 it says then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in-law remain a widow at thy father's house tell Sheila my son be grown for he said less peradventure he died also as his brethren did and Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house so you know Judah's talent you know promising his youngest son so I don't know how old she is at this point but like a lot of times you know the younger son is not gonna want to marry some older woman or something and maybe that's what happened it doesn't really say how it didn't happen it just says that it doesn't happen you know he doesn't keep his end of the bargain here and it says and it's so funny because he was so adamant about following the rules but then it comes to his youngest son he's like yeah maybe not you know let's follow him until I feel like not following him anymore it says in the process of time the daughter of Shua Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up to the sheep shearers up to a sheep shearers and Timnath he and his friend Hira the Adulamite and it was told Tamar saying behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep and she put on her widows garments off from her and covered her with a veil I think this is interesting because here's another part of culture that we don't understand about these times is that you know when you were a widow you wore maybe certain garments that would show other people that you're a widow it might not be a bad idea for for modern day it's like sometimes people come to church and you know maybe or people are just interested in other people and they don't know like they visit another church or something that you don't know what that situation is all sudden you're you're you're talking to someone else's wife or something you know it's just I think that those types of things were good that people could see that she was a widow and hey she's able to be married or whatever anyway it's just a different time but it says and covered her with a veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place which is by the way to Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given unto him to wife so what she do she's gonna take the law into her own hands and she's trying to pull the wool so to speak over Judah's eyes here but it says that when Judah saw her he thought her to be in harlot because she had covered her face so she's sitting there in an open place on the road and so apparently that's this you know even prostitution was different back then instead of uncovering everything like they probably do now she covered her face so that nobody would know who she was and so apparently this is you know if Judah thought that this was the case obviously a harlot covering her face was kind of something that was done back in that time anyway that's my analysis of it look at verse 16 it says and he turned under her by the way and said go to go to I pray thee let me come in unto thee for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law and she said what will thou give me that thou mayest come in unto me so here's another mistake by Judah first of all it's his daughter-in-law and he doesn't know it his former daughter-in-law and second of all he thinks he's going to an harlot you know it's not right for young men to go and pay for some other woman you know you're supposed to wait until you're married and obviously is Judah married at this time yeah he's going into a harlot so why is this sermon about the mistakes of Judah because Judah makes a lot of mistakes in this chapter and says that he said I will send thee a kid from the flock and she said wilt thou give me a pledge till thou send it and he said what pledge shall I give thee and she said thy signet and thy bracelets and thy staff that is in thine hand and he gave it her and came in unto her and she conceived by him so they do this act and she's with child so she was supposed to be getting a son from the other two sons but you know both of them were killed by God and then the ones the other son that was supposed to be promised to her by Judah you know he doesn't give it to her and so she goes about to do it her own way she wants to have that child so it says that she arose and went away and laid her by her veil from her and put on the garments of her widowhood and Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adulamite to receive his pledge from the woman's hand but he found her not. Here's another interesting story about the part about this story who you know it says what his name is Hyrra the Adulamite and it talks about him several times in this chapter and I gotta admit I haven't quite figured out what this spiritual connection is but he kind of seems like you know just like his his friend that he just sends to do all this dirty work or something you know here you go do this it's like he sent a kid by the hand of his friend the Adulamite to receive his pledge from the woman's hand but he found her not so he's sending his body to do his dirty work to the pledge was that he was going to give her a goat for being able to do this act but she collected his stuff so that like if he never sent it then she would have proof that Judah was the father right then when he asked the so that was like the DNA test I guess back then right then he said then he asked men of that place saying where is the harlot that was openly by the wayside and they said there was no harlot in this place and he turned to Judah and said I cannot find her and also the men of the place said that there was no harlot in this place and Judah said let her let her take it to her lest we be ashamed behold I send this kid and now has not found her and it came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah saying Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath played the harlot and also behold she is with child by Hordom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt so you see his double standard here like he went in unto a harlot he doesn't know if that harlot got pregnant by him or not but then his daughter-in-law that he's done dirty you know he's like bring her forth and let her be burnt you see the double standard there there's a there's another thing that Judah does wrong in this chapter and it kind of reminds me of David a little bit and I'll get to that here just a minute but it says you know bring her forth let her be burnt and it says that when she was brought forth she sent to her father-in-law saying by the man whose these are I am with child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and bracelets and staff had she not collected those things she would have been burnt right so she was smart to do that and it says in Judah acknowledged them and said she hath been more righteous than I so he admits like man I've screwed up she's better than she's a better person than I am she's more righteous than I am because that I gave her not Sheila my son and he knew her again no more so here you have him repent of his sins right I mean he basically he realizes he's done something wrong he doesn't like take her to wife or anything but he acknowledges the fact that he's sinned and done something wrong so you know so Judah is it's like he's you know he's saying like you know let her be burned and he and you know he's like more report which is like Judah you are the father it's kind of what it's like you know that's what that shows like I mean don't watch that show it's stupid but usually it's just about like is this the real father and it's some kind of weird situation that's like this story so but it does remind me of Nathan with David and when it said when he said thou art the man because you know Nathan you know tricks him with this story and makes him think that you know this guy stole this poor guy's lamb and used it for the barbecue or whatever to entertain his friends and then David's like I'm gonna kill you know who is this person they're going down I'm gonna kill them and then it's like you thou art the man so this is kind of a similar situation like you know it's like who's sickness are these you know Judah is like but at least he admits he's wrong he could have done things differently could still burnt her anyway so I don't know what you're talking about or whatever so at this point he does the right thing doesn't he so there's one good thing that he's done look at verse 27 and it came to pass at that time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb so Judah's you know has twins in his daughter-in-law's womb right and it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first now this is a really interesting part of the story here just think about what it's saying here so she's having the children one that says the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound his hand with a scarlet thread why would they do that because they want to see which one came out first but it's just his hand all right saying this came out first so she's like this is the twin that has you know the double honor the double you know blessings and all that kind of stuff I'll go to says it says and it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out now I don't know exactly how that works I've seen some children born I've never seen twins born so but to me this is saying I made it correct me if I'm wrong but the other child came out before him is that what it says it's like his hand drew back it's like he went back in or whatever but the other baby came out and it says behold the you know his brother came out and she said how is thou broken forth like how did this even happen it's not something he was normally see at a birth okay this and then she says this breach be upon thee therefore his name was called Fares which means obviously breach okay so anyway so this is a you know why is this story being told well number one Fares is the one that is in the line of Christ okay if you look at all the genealogies and I don't want to take the time to do that tonight but if you always look if you look at the genealogies of Christ Fares is always in that genealogy and notice that so but here here's the funny thing about this story is that you know Fares is the the true heir and he's the one that's good that's going to be the line of Christ but the picture that you see you know is okay so his name was called Fares now look at verse 30 it says and afterward came out his brother and that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara okay so afterwards the brother came out so Zara was the one that had the scarlet letter or the scarlet letter the scarlet does a book the scarlet thread tied about his hand but he was not the first to come out and so it's just interesting how that he then pictures Christ so Fares is actually the one that's in the line of Christ but then Zara is the one that actually pictures Christ because you know the Old Testament came first you know the old you know the Old Covenant was first and then you see that afterward came out the brother that had the scarlet thread so but who you know look it was tied about his hand you know Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross he had blood coming out of his hands and his feet right so I mean I believe that this does picture that you know the one that was the first covenant that was actually the true covenant squeaked past the old covenant right when he was supposed to be you know the the heir and he ended up you know he was he ended up being you know the one that was the heir because he squeaked past him right so and his name was called Zara so he actually pictures Christ at the birth but the birth line goes through Fares okay does that make sense that did I make sense out of all that that's just kind of how I saw it but you know why else would that story be in here if not to show us a picture of Christ right because Fares was the firstborn Fares was the one that got the double honor and the double all that he was in the line of Christ and Zara was not but yeah he's the one that pictures Christ with the scarlet thread because even like Rahab the harlot that pictures Christ you know and she's also in the line of Christ but she hangs the scarlet the scarlet cloth or whatever out the thing so that the children of Israel won't kill her and her family and so anyway just really interesting story but let's turn over to Luke chapter 13 verse 25 it also kind of fits you know some of the gospel stories were you know you notice that Jesus is always saying those that we first will be last those will be last will be first that's kind of when I thought about this story I was like that kind of fits with what you know she's like hurries up and ties the thread on there you know and then he's the last one to come out so anyway Luke chapter 13 verse 25 it says when once the master of the house is risen up and hath shut the door he shall begin to stand without a knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say I know not I know you not whence you are then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunk and in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets but he shall say I tell you I know you not whence you are depart from me all you workers of iniquity there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when he shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets of the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out so he uses this first and last to talk about Abraham Isaac and Jacob you know and and there's you know you have the people from the from the first from the first testament are just you know not going into heaven the people from the old covenant I mean there are people that are going to heaven from there but they're like they think that they're in the line of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but in reality it's the people that actually got saved by Christ the second person you know obviously the second covenant the first it's actually the new covenant the New Testament and so it says and they shall come from east and from west and from north and from south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God and behold there are last which are what shall be first and there are first which shall be last I just thought that was really fitting to fit with this birth story because you know they all thought that they were the ones that were going to be first they're number one but really they're last and as a matter of fact not even saved so and and so Jesus Christ you know kind of puts them in their place these Pharisees and stuff saying you know there's gonna be other people that actually are gonna be sitting down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob which again I mentioned this yesterday but I think this can be really cool that we get to actually sit down with the patriarchs because that's what it says right you know when he shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the prophets and the kingdom of God and not in and you yourselves are thrust out so the people that think that they're going to heaven are not really going the people that you know are the second one that for part of that first covenant are going to heaven right so and I mentioned at the beginning of the sermon that I believe that Judah does represent that first Adam so if you think about the picture that it shows what do we see here we see that Judah is just making all manner of mistakes isn't he and if you think about it also the mistake is with a woman so one thing that Adam did that was a big mistake was listening to what his wife told him to do right she you know she was beguiled but he did it willingly you know and so then you have here Judah being beguiled by a woman to do something to make something happen I don't know I just think it's really interesting how the Bible just has all these different layers and side stories and it's like man it's really cool but I believe that that he represents the first Adam in this chapter obviously and then the second Adam when he goes to die for the rest of his brothers now let's look at first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 I only got two more places I'm gonna have you turn or we're gonna be done yeah we've done on time maybe maybe whenever I say that it never works out but anyway first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 says and so it is written that the first man Adam was made a living soul and the last Adam was made a quickening spirit how be it that was not first which was spiritual but that which is natural afterward that which is spiritual which also kind of fits with the birthing story doesn't it and the first is that is of the earth earthy and the second man is the Lord from heaven so obviously Adam was a normal man but he was also sinless until he sinned obviously in iniquity he brought forth the rest of the earth and every single person this room is a sinful because of what Adam did so he was the first man of the earth earthy and the second man is the Lord from heaven so you have two different Adams in play here the Adam that was made by God you know made an adult on the first day it wasn't a baby that had to grow up or anything he was just a man who was made sinless he sinned he messed everything up the second Adam had to come also sinless and live that sinless life and and he had to take the place for us on the cross so that we could be saved he had to die and be resurrected right so turn to Genesis chapter 44 and we'll wrap up this picture here so you think about Judah in this chapter representing you know because we know that the line of Christ goes to Judah you think about Judah representing you know a sinful man because he you know he obviously does a lot of dumb things in this chapter doesn't he but in the end of course Judah was not an unreasonable man or or someone that could not be corrected he gets corrected he gets he gets humbled and he he himself shows humility at the end of the chapter doesn't he look at Genesis chapter 44 verse 30 it says now therefore when I come to thy servant my father so this is you know talking about how Joe and basically Joseph is like trying to give these guys a hard time and they don't realize who they don't realize it's Joseph they don't recognize it's Joseph which is another picture of Joseph by the way being like Christ because the children of Israel didn't recognize Jesus Christ for who he was either right so isn't that weird like they grew up with with him he was 17 years old when they sold him into slavery so he's still you know if Josh was 17 I saw him like 20 years later or whatever I'd still know he was Josh so maybe I don't know maybe he just like had a crazy looking beard or something I don't know but like you can still look in someone's eyes if like you know people's faces you could still see someone years later and still recognize who they are I think but I think that that's done on purpose but anyway that's a different we'll get to that when we get to that chapter but right now you know basically he's saying he's not going to send them back and he's not going to send Benjamin back to or he's going to keep a hold of Benjamin and that you know they made this promise to their dad that they were not going to come back without him right I would have says now therefore when I come to thy servant my father and the lad be not with us seeing that his life is bound up in the lad's life it shall come to pass when he seeth that the lad is not with us that he will die and thy servant shall bring down the gray hairs of thy servant our father with sorrow to the grave and this is Judah talking here for thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father saying if I bring him not unto thee then I shall bear the blame to my father forever so just like Jesus Christ bears the blame for all of our sins to our heavenly father forever doesn't he and so there's there's where you see the picture of Judah being a picture of Christ because he's saying I will bear you know because what he really bear it forever now so I mean I don't think that's an accident that it's saying it this way so I'll get verse 33 it says now therefore I pray thee let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my Lord so didn't Christ come to be a servant right you know I talked about the 30 pieces of silver last week so he said you know there's no way that you can actually mistake these verses I don't think so he said let thy servant abide instead let me take the place for for Benjamin let me take the place and take all this and I will be a bondman unto my Lord and let the lad go up with his brethren so there you see you know the redemption of Judah so to speak that at first you know he was he was also the picture of Judas you know when we talked about last week that he you know he basically said well let's just sell him you know so Judah had his times in his life where he wasn't a very good person but you know what each and every one of us have our times in life where we're not a very good person too so but I that's why I believe though that Judah does represent the imperfect Adam who sinned you know we see the sin for sure and then at the very you know this is the very end of Genesis but in chapter 44 you see Judah trading his life and laying down his life and becoming a servant and a bondman to take the place to bear the blame to my father forever he shall bear the blame his father forever so I don't know I that's kind of just something cool that I found in there I thought that would be that I think that's a good spiritual picture of Judah the first and second Adam so Judah stood in the place of the children of Israel for their father just like Christ died for the children of Israel so there you have Genesis chapter number 38 and you know we should take things like this and just realize that our families aren't perfect even as Christians our families are not always going to be perfect and you know us as brethren we should realize that no family in here is perfect you know are there things that other families do to annoy us you know I'm not saying me personally I'm just saying like obviously sometimes we're around each other a lot you know we're brethren we're gonna get on each other's nerves sometimes aren't we but you know what we need to be able to look past that and still love our brothers and sisters in Christ and you know we should we should esteem other people better than ourselves and so that whole law of the the husband's you know the where the husband is supposed to the husband dies then you raise up seed that's like loving your neighbor as yourself isn't it I mean you're taking you're doing something you're making a huge sacrifice and you're who should be your firstborn son you're amazing you're raising up seed to your brother and so I mean what that's a huge sacrifice I couldn't imagine just not having any children and then all of a sudden my brother dies and it's like hey you got to marry his wife and by the way that kids not gonna be your kid it's gonna be somebody else's you know that's humility and and we see these two men get get destroyed for being wicked and Onan for being prideful and whatever else he was he was a whole ball of wax he wasn't a very good guy but then you see guys like Judah who make a bunch of huge mistakes and get it right see God will destroy those types of people but then all sudden he'll save people like Judah isn't that interesting I mean you know cuz Judah I mean you could argue that Judah knew more stuff you know then Onan and his son and her he knew more about the Bible he knew he learned right from Jacob and it doesn't seem like Judah was exactly the biggest Bible teacher in the world at this point now maybe he did teach them some stuff but it also you know it goes to show too that you know sometimes we we do judge people differently in church sometimes I just kind of want to bring this up that really has not much to do with the sermon just something I've been thinking about and we people give people more grief that grew up in church when they sin and do something it's like I can't believe that they did that they grew up in church they should know better than that that's true they should know better than that but does that person that grew up in church is are they any less of a sinner than other people that didn't grow up in church and just kind of started coming to church you know we got to be careful when we're judging people with you know even like well I grew up and I didn't even get saved till I was 25 and you know I was really wicked before you know but they grew up in church they shouldn't be acting like that that's wrong that's wicked and then you judge that person like worse than you were and their sin isn't even as great as the sins you've committed in your past but you're like well you know I wasn't saved back then and people always have that excuse but one thing you do know is for sure is that you do know it's wrong when you do stuff maybe your conscience was seared for a little while or something maybe you know and maybe that's a bad terminology but you know maybe you just started lying so much that it wasn't a big deal to you till the time you were 25 then you've got saved and learned God's laws but what I'm saying is that we're all we're all falling short and come short of the glory of God we have all sinned and so for us to look at our self through our self-righteous lens at other people that maybe have grown up in church it's not it's not a right judgment it's not equal is it true that someone that grew up in church would know more and should act better yeah but when they do sin just realize that they're sinners also it's like people have this like different judgment that they give on someone that grew up in church versus someone that didn't it's like why don't you just kind of look at everything like everybody is sinful and then nobody's gonna let you down you know what I mean so don't don't be like hold somebody on a higher pedestal than somebody else because they grew up in church I mean that's that's just a weird it's just a weird way to look at things isn't it I think it is you know and I don't think that people should go around you know and I don't I don't think anybody necessarily in this church does it but I'm just saying that when that if that ever kind of creeps up in your mind to think like that it's just not right you know people that are growing up in a Christian home are just as much a sinful person as you are but maybe you know again what advantage hath the Jew they do have an advantage like a person that's raised in church does have an advantage over someone that doesn't and maybe they don't live as sinful of a life but it doesn't matter that doesn't matter ultimately what ultimately matters that everybody is sinful and everybody needs a Savior okay not all sin is equal I understand that I believe that's true you know but at the same time you can't just jump it while they grew up in church you know so what you know you're a sin you're sinful too so don't act all high and mighty just because you were super sinful before and now all of a sudden you're just like got a halo above your head every time you walk in a church all right anyway so I just want to fill up five minutes of time and I thought that was an interesting point so anyway let's pray get out of here Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day we thank you for the two people that got saved to pray that you just bless their life and help them Lord help them to get come here and get baptized Lord I pray you'd help us to reach our converts and Lord to get them baptized and and teach them the Bible Lord I know that's a big goal of mine this year is to get more people out of the community to come to church and let's pray that you'd help us to care about people care about their lives even after salvation and that we would love them as we love ourselves and help us to have mercy on each other Lord when we Lord sometimes we just get irritated with each other sometimes and I just pray that you'd help us to see things for how they are and Lord that we're all on the same team and that we need to treat each other with respect and pray these things in Jesus name amen and turn your handles to page 110 all the way my Savior leads me page 110 all the way my Savior leads me page 110 on the first all the way my Savior leads me what have I to ask beside can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my guide heavily peace divine is comfort here by faith in him to for I know one air before me Jesus do with all things well for I know one air before me Jesus do with all things well all the way my Savior leads me cheers each winding path I tread gives me grace for every trial feeds me with the living bread though my weary steps may falter and my soul thirst maybe gushing from the rock before me lo a spring of joy I see gushing from the rock before me lo a spring of joy I see all the way my Savior leads me oh the fullness of his love perfect rest to me is promised in my father's house above when my spirit clothed immortal wings its flight to rounds of day this my soul through endless ages Jesus let me all the way this my soul through endless ages Jesus let me all the way man thanks for coming out this Sunday we like to see you at midweek service and back here next Sunday brother Remy you want to pray us out I really get home