(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right we are in Exodus 35 and if you know if you go to this church normally you know that we are going through the book of Exodus in the evenings and we're doing the Lord's Supper so I figured I would preach out of the book of Exodus and chapter 35 is where we're at and I'm going to use Exodus 35 to springboard into the sermon that I'm preaching about and the sermon I'm preaching is called the scarlet thread and if you notice in Scripture from the very beginning of course when Adam and Eve fall there's a blood atonement that is going to be required and it's prophesied in Genesis that you know that there's going to be this a man that's born of a woman and she is and he is going to crush the serpent and that but you know obviously we know that Jesus Christ is prophesied in the Old Testament to be that blood atonement but we have here in Exodus chapter 35 and obviously there's lots of different portions of Exodus which talk about this color of scarlet that is used and so the the reason why I'm calling it the scarlet thread is because obviously they're using scarlet to thread into all these different like the priest garments and all the different pieces of the tabernacle there's multiple different parts that are used and scarlet and purple and all these different colors are supposed to be used and that scarlet represents the blood of Christ the blood that needs to be shed for mankind and the blood that Christ did shed for mankind and so I just figured well it's right here in this chapter so I always preach about the death of Christ when we do the Lord's Supper usually the day of so I just figured I would keep to that tradition and so that's what I'm preaching about this morning let's look down at our Bibles at verse number six in our text there it says and blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats hair and ram skin dyed red and badgers skin and shit and wood now skip down to verse 23 it says and every man with whom was found blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats hair and red skins of Rams and badger skins brought them skip down to verse 25 and all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands and brought that which they had spun both of blue and a purple and a scarlet and a fine linen so you know you get these descriptions of all these things that they're supposed to be bringing for these offerings because we've gone through and looked at the tabernacle and what all these things mean symbolically and so this chapter is kind of just saying this is what they now the people are actually bringing this stuff and the people are actually going to be making these things that God has told Moses need to be made so that's why he's picking these special people to give them the spirit of wisdom to be able to make these things because this is not stuff that they probably knew how to do just off the top of their head right and these things are patterns of things that are already in heaven and Moses was supposed to to tell teach the people how to make things after the pattern that he showed them the things that are in heaven these things that they're making here are a pattern and you know there's a lot of symbolism in these colors now scarlet obviously is that thread that that is to be used in all these different garments and the tapestries and the in the covering of the the door of the tabernacle the covering of the veil and all these different things to be spun and and and to be designed into it so my like I said my my sermon is to trace this scarlet thread from Genesis to Revelation and I'm gonna try my best to if I had need to to cut some of this out so that the sermon doesn't go too long but it is the picture of the blood without the blood we have no salvation and blood is kind of a gruesome thing like if you have ever seen somebody really bloody from maybe get into a fight or you've you know seen something even worse you know that you know blood is a horrific thing to see in a lot I mean I've just had some pretty bad bloody noses before that like blood you know if you if you hit somebody in the nose or somebody hits you in the nose blood just pours out of your nose really bad so but Christ was beaten so badly and marred so much that his face was was marred more than any man that's what the Bible says so when he you know people you know the Catholics like to put Jesus hanging on a cross with long hair skinny and effeminate looking with just a couple trickles of blood coming out of him but in the reality of it is if you saw Jesus on the cross you probably would have turned your face away from him because it was such a gruesome sight but what happened to Jesus was necessary for our salvation that is why he came for us that is what he came to do that is why he was born so let's back up to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 and we are going to look at a lot of scripture this morning but I also want to for maybe the people are new or maybe have never seen this before kind of just back up and and see why we need to do this so now God in the beginning everything was good there was no death before Adam and Eve death came because of the sin that they committed and God made this great creation the earth was just perfect in every way and when God stopped his creation on the sixth day he said behold ever everything was very good so if everything's very good there's no death going on before that right there's nothing wrong animals aren't eating each other humans aren't killing each other it's only just Adam and Eve at this point look at Genesis 2 16 it says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die so God just said there's one thing you can't do and just it kind of seems like we can we can picture this with our children you know that there's one thing you can't touch kids don't touch the stove or you know whatever it is don't touch that and what do kids like to do they walk up and just like oh really and they touch it right but this is what this is what happened with with Eve she but she was beguiled into doing this look at verse 1 in Genesis chapter 3 so Eve is ends up getting tricked here into doing what she was told not to do it says that you're gonna if you touch that if you eat of this this tree of the knowledge of good and evil you're gonna die in the day that you do it you're gonna die but did they drop dead did their human bodies drop dead no what died in them was their spirit what died in them was their soul their soul what that needed atonement after that and so every other human being after that needed it also so look at verse 1 in Genesis 3 it says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman of yay hath God said you should not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you should not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die so the serpent came to try to kill mankind through his lies he's the father of lies that's what the Bible teaches and he's also a murderer so his his his way is to lie to people so that they can be killed and that's what he does here it says in the serpent said to the woman ye shall not surely die so he's lying to her because they do die the moment that they eat of the flesh of that fruit that they eat they die spiritually for God doth know then the day eat thereof then your eyes shall be open he should be as gods knowing good and evil and when the woman sought the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons so they knew that they had sinned they knew that they were naked and so they what do they do they try to cover up themselves so what do they try to do it with they don't do it with with with animal skins or with leather outfits of any kind they do it with fig leaves and this is kind of what their son Cain ends up doing he ends up bringing them a sack got a sacrifice of the fruits and vegetables the things made after his own hands he planted that stuff and God that's not what God wants he needs the the blood needs to be shed for the atonement of sin skip down to verse 14 it says the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dost shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head thou shalt bruise his heel so here we have the prophecy of the Messiah in verse number 15 and this seed of the woman is gonna rise up one day and who is that seed of the woman well Jesus didn't have a human father so that's why it's saying that Jesus's dad or father was God right so the seed of the woman is gonna rise he's gonna rise up and bruise the head of the serpent he's gonna bruise the head of the devil and he shall bruise his heel so obviously that's talking about Jesus dying and getting killed but skip down to verse 21 it says unto Adam also to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them so he made coats of skin so here you have the first death occurring it's the death of an animal and it's pig it's it's the animal can't atone for sins but it is a picture of what Christ is later going to do he's gonna have to shed his blood to atone for the sins of all mankind and so the Bible teaches very clearly that Jesus dies for the sins of the whole world not just a limited amount of people for everyone he dies for every single serial killer every single wicked person every person that's in hell today those people Jesus died for them too everybody has the ability to be saved it's based upon our own free will just like Adam and Eve had the choice to be beguiled by you know Eve had the choice she could have just went to her husband said hey this serpent's trying to bug me into taking this this fruit but she didn't do that she fell into his trance or whatever and decided to do that and then Adam willingly took of it Adam knew better Adam and so Adam is the one that's blamed throughout Scripture it's not Eve you know we always say well you know the first woman ate the first man out of house and home or whatever which you know you know cuz I had to leave the garden or whatever but but in reality she was beguiled by a very evil and malevolent character in the Bible Satan or Lucifer a fallen angel very intelligent and powerful being and Adam is but he gets the blame right so Jesus when he was born he couldn't be born of man because man is the one that passes the sin nature on down to their children not it's not the woman because Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary but just because she was a virgin doesn't mean she was sinless the sin nature does not get passed on to the to the children it's for through the through the mom it gets passed on genetically through the dad so that's why it says the seed of a woman so hopefully that makes sense hopefully you understand that but this death that occurs this animal you know obviously God makes some coats of skins and he clothed them this pictures that that man needs the righteousness of God to cover them so that they don't have to go to hell and what what is required blood so you you can you can shear a sheep and put their wool upon you without killing a sheep but it's pretty hard to take skins of an animal without killing them so God God had to kill these animals and show that picture to us that it takes blood to atone for sin now it says in verse 22 and the Lord God said behold the man is that is become as one of us to no good and evil and now let us put for what lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life so God kicked him out of the garden they're not allowed to access the tree of life anymore and so they could not live forever anymore now I'll turn to Genesis chapter 4 verse number 1 so this is when they begin to have children their first two children that they have are Cain and Abel everybody knows the story of Cain and Abel Cain rises up and kills Abel but look what it says in verse 1 it says and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground and in process the time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering why did he respect the offering of Abel because he brought of the fat now it's pretty hard to you know bring the fat of an animal without killing it so Abel you know he kept sheep and he killed that sheep and brought of the firstling of his flock now Jesus Christ is the firstborn and the only begotten Son of God and that's what this represents he brought of the firstlings of the flock and the fat thereof and Jesus is also pictured as a lamb an innocent lamb without spot or blemish in the Bible so it was a perfect looking lamb and an innocent you know little who's seen little baby lambs before probably most people in here and you've seen pictures of them and the last thing you'd want to do is just beat and batter and kill a baby lamb I mean most people will be horrified to do something like that right I mean but that's what was required because that is the picture because Jesus Christ was innocent in every single way so to punch Jesus in the face to slop him in the face to rip his beard out to put a crown of thorns upon his head and to mock him and tease him and spit in his face it's it's worse than hurting a baby sinless spotless little lamb too and so that is the picture you have and so also just a just a little quick glimpse about this also is that Abel is a righteous man Abel is a prophet he's the first prophet that was ever born but Cain his brother is also a prophet but he's a different kind of prophet Cain is a false prophet and he's the first man born upon the face of the earth he's a false prophet so you have a false prophet and you have a prophet of God righteous and so you also have that first prophet and a righteous man picturing that the wicked will also murder Jesus Christ the righteous and what do you see you know what do you see throughout the Bible wicked false prophets you know killing righteous men throughout the Bible and obviously that pictures you know what you know if you're righteous if you're a saved person then the wicked are always gonna try to persecute us why did they chop off the the head of John the Baptist because he was a righteous man because he preached what he preached hard against sin and he preached the truth so when you preach the truth when you do the truth then you're gonna be persecuted by the world that's just how it is so now look at well I'm just gonna read for you Hebrews 9 22 because we're gonna go back to that later but Hebrews 9 22 says and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission so we'll revisit that verse later but without shedding of blood is no remission now you've heard of cancer obviously a lot of people have died of cancer a lot of people know people or have loved ones that have cancer and cancer is a disease that in a lot of and a lot of times kills people but cancer can go into remission and people can live through it right so when it's talking about there's no remission well remission means that that that sin curse or that that that fact that you were gonna die and go to hell because of your sin is remitted by that blood okay so we'll just keep that in mind as we go through this now I'm not gonna have you turn to the passage in Genesis 22 either I had that in there but it's just gonna make it the sermon take too long so but if you if you know the picture in Genesis chapter 22 you can write this down and read the story later but Genesis 22 Abraham is asked to slay his only begotten son Isaac now obviously he had Ishmael before that but that was not the son that was promised so but the picture is is that Abraham supposed to take a knife put it put him on the wood bind him on this pile of wood on an altar kill him with a knife drain his blood and burn him upon the altar and they see this this sheep this lamb in the thicket and and they actually God tells Abraham not to slay his son it was a test to see how far Abraham would go obviously God never intended him to do that but it is a picture for us to see that God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering and so God did provide himself so Jesus Christ is God and he provided himself he became a man he was born of the Virgin Mary and he became a man for us and died for the intention of himself being that lamb for the burnt offering and so now turn to Genesis chapter 38 and we'll see the first actual piece of thread that I that I've found in the Bible anyway I'm sure maybe you got hopefully some people come up to me and say hey you forgot about this thread pastor because I really want to know if there's anything that I missed but I just kind of looked up scarlet obviously there's other things that are read in the Bible and maybe I just missed that but Genesis chapter 38 you have this clear picture of thread being used to picture something else picturing the Messiah and the blood that he's gonna shed so look at Genesis 38 24 now Judah is the tribe in which the Lord Jesus Christ would come from there's 12 sons of Israel and the tribe of Levi is the priestly tribe that's where Moses comes from and Aaron and the priest and all that but Judah is where the kings are going to come from where King David came from when all and all the kings of Judah came from and then Jesus Christ is going to eventually come from and so Jude that I don't need I can't go into the whole backstory but basically Judah's sons die two of his sons are wicked and God it says that God kills them there they must have been pretty bad if God killed them and then he promised to give his other son to the wife because she married the brother because there's this rule about bringing up children of the first for the firstborn so the second the second son didn't want to do that and so God killed him because he didn't want to do that and he was practicing birth control basically so he didn't have to do that so God killed him and then the other one he didn't give to wife he didn't give Tamar she promised her that he would give his third son to her and he didn't do it so she so she dresses up and pretends she's a harlot and then Judah her father-in-law basically goes in on to her and she isn't really a harlot but pretends to be she gets pregnant I know it's you know it's a bad story or whatever but this is what happened so Genesis 38 verse 24 so he's trying to find her to pay her back because of all this but he had given her these certain items that she could hold on to and then she they said there's no harlot in this area what are you talking about so anyway she ends up becoming pregnant and then people find out about and he's like we need to burn this lady you know he's he's just he's not doing right obviously but it says verse 24 and it came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah saying Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath played the harlot and also behold she is with child by Hordom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt when she was brought forth she sent to her father-in-law saying by the man who whose these are I am with child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and the bracelets and staff and Judah acknowledged him and said she hath been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Sheila my son and he knew her again no more so he never you know went back to her obviously it says and it came to pass in the time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb and it came to pass when she travailed that one put out his hand so one of the babies put out his hand which is not a normal practice in birthing I mean usually the head comes out and if the head's not coming out first it's a problem right but obviously this is some kind of you know just not normal birth here but it says and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first because with twins it would have mattered who the firstborn is who gets the you know the benefit of being the firstborn son so she ties this scarlet thread upon his wrist and saying this came out first but only his hand came out all right and it says that it came to pass as he drew back his hand so the hand comes back in all right that's what's happening here that behold his brother came out so she ties so his wrist came out first but he didn't he wasn't born first and then the brother came out like just kind of squeaked past him I guess or whatever and she said how hast thou broken forth this breach be upon thee therefore his name is called Ferez now if you know anything about the Bible Ferez is in the line of Christ and so this this is kind of like a miraculous thing and and God is showing us here that the line of Ferez is going to be the line of Christ and but he's not the one that gets the thread tied around his wrist but what's interesting about that is that you know he you know the the blood the blood is is the picture there of what's on the wrist but the one that comes after him is the one that's actually going to shed you know he's the picture of the one that's actually going to shed that blood for for mankind so and and the New Testament comes after the Old Testament so he came first and got the thread on his hand but actually Ferez was born before he was and I also have pictures that Jesus Christ is before from everlasting so you know I mean if you're thinking about John the Baptist John the Baptist was older than Jesus in years you know he was like six months older or whatever but in reality Jesus Christ has always been and always will be right now look at verse 30 it says and afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zerah so the one with the scarlet thread upon his hand was actually not the firstborn it was Ferez I mean his hand came out but it's like you know came back in I don't I mean that's a weird thing to picture I've seen childbirth happen I just you know it's just kind of a strange thing but like that's what the Bible says happened I believe the Bible so but anyway so there's the first picture of a scarlet thread you have in the Bible and it's actually you know it's fitting because Jesus came from the tribe of Judah and his heir you know the where the line came from is Ferez so genealogy and when it's reckoned by genealogy you see that Ferez is in the line of Christ now turn to Exodus chapter 12 Exodus chapter 12 now you're not gonna see a thread in this picture but you will see the picture of blood being pictured as a token to represent the blood of Christ covering us from our sins now Exodus chapter 12 verse 13 the Bible says and the blood shall be to you for a token so it's a representing something else it's a picture of the blood of Christ covering us from our sins remember they had to they had to strike the doorpost of their house with this blood of the lamb that they sacrificed in the Passover right it says and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the house is where you are and when I see the blood I will pass over you so when God the Father sees the blood of Jesus Christ upon our hearts or upon our lives or however you want to interpret that the the imputed righteousness of Christ is that blood that covers us from our sins but it's that picture I will pass over you so God's not gonna he's not gonna see our sins he's gonna see the righteousness of Christ when he looks at us if you're saved today then God's gonna pass over you also it says and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you so what happened in Egypt that night is the firstborn of anybody that did not have that blood covering that doorpost of their house then they were gonna die their firstborn was gonna die it says when I smite the land of Egypt and this day shall be unto you for a memorial and he shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations he shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever and you know today we're gonna we're gonna partake of the Lord's Supper the continuation of the Passover obviously Jesus was the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world and so we don't eat a lamb anymore we eat unleavened bread and drink the pure blood of a grape it's not with alcohol we don't believe that the table of devils is gonna be partaken of in this house we're not gonna use leaven bread leaven represents sin we're not gonna use alcoholic wine because that's poison it's the poison of asps it's something that gets you drunk so we're not gonna use those things to represent the pure blood of Christ that was sinless and the pure body of Christ which was also sinless in an ordinance to be shown unto our children and to our church so now in Exodus 25 26 27 28 35 36 38 and 39 you're gonna see this scarlet color being used to pick in pictures of the tabernacle the tapestries and all these different things so it's it's kind of a big theme in the pictures of the tabernacle and Exodus and the clothes that the priests wore and it's mixed with purple and blue but the purple of course pictures the bruising of the Lord Jesus Christ you know the Bible says that he was broken you know we break the bread because his body was broken but the bones of Christ were not broken but his body was broken open with the lashes of the whip and with the punching in his face and with the crown of thorns upon his head the spear that stabbed into his side after he was already dead and the and the blood gushes out the side of his of his body so now let's turn to Leviticus chapter 14 verse 4 Leviticus chapter 14 verse number 4 the Bible says then the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean and cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop so this is something that if the if a if a leper is cleansed of their leprosy then they're supposed to do this atonement with a bird that's alive and then a bird that's sacrificed it's dead and they take the blood and then they dip the live bird and then they use water and it's the it's it's basically a picture of the atonement here but you know most people did not get cleansed of leprosy but what is what is the leprosy a picture of it's a it's a picture of an incurable disease like like sin is an incurable disease it's not something that we can cure without an atonement without blood without washing of the water of the Spirit of the Lord coming into us and and so on and so forth but look at verse 5 it says and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in the earthen vessel over running water as for the living bird he shall take it and the cedar wood of course the cedar wood probably represents the cross there and the scarlet of course the blood and the hiss and the hyssop and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times and shall pronounce him clean and shall let the living bird loose into an open field and so I mean I think that that bird letting loose probably represents maybe the resurrection but it's just it's an interesting picture here but that running water of course Jesus said if you if you drink of this water then you won't be thirsty again basically that living water that's bubbling up on to everlasting life so you kind of have a lot of those pictures in here you have the dead bird the bird had to die and the other one is set free right after it's dipped in the blood so we are set free from the plague of the leprosy of sin by the blood of Christ and we are clean and every whit hold just like it like a person that was saved from leprosy now turn over to Numbers chapter 4 verse 8 numbers chapter 4 verse 8 I'm kind of making it easy here for you I'm not jumping around a lot you just have to turn to another book that's going forward in the Old Testament and we'll get to the New Testament here in just a little bit but numbers 4 verse 8 says and they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet and cover the same with the covering of badger skins and shall put in the staves thereof so you have another appearance of the scarlet cloth that covers you know the covering of the tabernacle of the congregation which the tabernacle represents the body of a believer or the body of Christ right the body in the inner the inner the holiest place where the other veil is that's you know obviously represents Christ you know when that veil is written twain it pictures going through the veil the body of Christ so numbers 19 numbers 19 so I just kind of basically just looked up scarlet and kind of just went and just trying to show you all the different the different appearances of that numbers 19 6 it says in the pre shell takes cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer so this is the offering of the red heifer and so scarlet is involved in that and the cedar wood and the hyssop so again representing the cross hyssop is kind of like a picture of cleansing of the soul and the cedar wood of course is representing the cross now and also can be used for barbecuing so anyway just a little side note there but now turn to Joshua chapter 2 we're now we're gonna see another like full-on picture of this scarlet thread picturing how it saves okay the blood saving so Joshua chapter 2 and you're probably familiar with the story about the fall of Jericho so Jericho Falls because they remember they march around Jericho seven times and blow the trumpets and all that but they sent some spies and the spies kind of get found out and this woman named Rahab who is a harlot and so she's you know she's a professional you know she does things for money but and then it's interesting that that Tamar is also you know accused of being a harlot and she kind of did play the harlot in a way she tricked Judah into lying with her but now Joshua you have this woman named so let's just look at verse number nine it says and she said unto the men I know that the Lord hath given you the land and that your terror is fallen upon us and all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you for we heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you so you know walking through a sea that's called the Red Sea I know it's it doesn't isn't actually red but there's another picture of going through the blood and it's pictures baptism but anyway when he's when he came out of Egypt and what you did unto the two kings of the Amorites that you were on the other side that were on the other side of Jordan Sihon and Og whom he utterly destroyed and as soon as we heard these things our hearts did melt neither did there remain any more courage in any man because of you for the Lord your God he is God in heaven above and in earth beneath so this woman sounds like she's a believer sounds like the fear the Lord came upon her and the Bible says you know that fear is the beginning of wisdom fear is the beginning of knowledge so and it says now therefore I pray you swear unto me by the Lord since I have showed you kindness they will also show kindness unto my father's house and give me a true token so that again there's a token what's the token well it says and that he then that you will save alive my father and my mother and my brethren and my sisters and all that that they have and deliver our lives from death because everybody in this place is supposed to get killed and it says and men and the men answered her our life for yours if you utter not this our business and it shall be when the Lord hath given us the land that we will deal kindly and truly with thee then she let them down by a cord through the window for her house was upon the town wall and she dwelt upon the wall and she said unto them get you to the mountain lest the pursuers meet you and hide yourselves there three days until the pursuers be returned and afterward you may go your way interesting those three days right and the men said unto her we will be blameless of this thine oath which thou hast made us swear behold when we come into the land thou shall bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by and thou shalt bring thy father and thy mother and thy brethren and all thy father's household home unto thee so what is the sign that the token sign that remember she said you know give me a token that you're gonna show kindness unto my family he said this scarlet thread put that out the window and and then we're and then bring all your family in so what is that picture is picturing the salvation of her house the salvation by the blood of Christ by this scarlet thread being out the window and says it shall be verse 19 that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street his blood shall be upon his head and we will be guiltless and whosoever shall be with thee in the house his blood shall be on our head if any hand be upon him so again you got this picture of the blood covering and it covers and you know sure enough what they what they said came to pass and her family lives on and it says and if thou shalt utter this our business then we'll be quite a vine oath which thou shall which thou hast made us swear she said according unto your words so be it and she sent them away and they departed and she bound the scarlet line in the window so and guess what this is a picture this picture of this thread threaded line Rahab this harlot she is actually in the genealogy of Christ also she is one of the women that is in the line of Christ she marries somebody she assimilates herself into the tribe and her her she's mentioned in the genealogy of Christ so you have both times when you see this scarlet thread you see that these are it's kind of earmarking these people as direct descendants of Jesus Christ and and both of them two of these ladies they're they're called harlots in the Bible even though Tamar wasn't technically a harlot she didn't really take money for it but I mean she did she didn't kind of play the harlot but she was doing it to kind of revenge against Judah because he didn't keep his word but this lady she just got saved you know what harlots can get saved anybody he is saved and and here's the thing she she obviously showed that she feared the Lord and God spared her in her in her house she was genuine but without the blood you can't be saved and that's what the picture is here in Joshua 20 and she bound the scarlet line in the window she put it in the window and her whole house if you read further on which we don't have time for but if you read further on you'll see that her and her house were spared and then she's in the line of Christ so I'm gonna read go ahead and turn to Proverbs 31 24 excuse me 21 I'm gonna read 2nd Samuel 1 24 2nd Samuel 1 24 says he daughters of Israel weep over Saul who clothed you in scarlet with other delights who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel so you know Saul when he was in his right mind and doing right one of the things he did is he clothed these these women in scarlet so obviously picturing the blood Proverbs 31 21 she is not afraid of snow this is talking about the virtuous woman this whole prophecy of the virtuous woman talking about a good woman a good mother a good spouse to her husband she is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet obviously spiritually speaking you know a good woman will make sure that her kids are saved will try everything in her ability to make sure her children are clothed in scarlet clothed in the righteousness of Christ Song of Solomon 4 3 says thy lips are like a thread of scarlet I mean I don't think that's accidental here the lips are like a thread of scarlet and thy speech is calmly thy temples are like a piece of pomegranate within thy locks Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 I'll have you turn to Isaiah 1 18 Isaiah chapter 1 18 and then so you have here Isaiah using the the color red and actually the actual color of scarlet and liking in it to sin that needs to be cleaned up Isaiah 1 18 says come now let us reason together sayeth the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool and and how does that get accomplished well you know blood is a really big staining agent if you get a blood stain on your white clothes or or on anything it's really difficult to get out blood stains but Christ's blood which this doesn't make sense logically but Christ's blood if it's applied to those stains those sin stains of the blood that you have in your life it'll make them white as snow so Jesus's blood is like this cleansing agent that makes you your sins white as snow white as wool and so it doesn't really make sense it's kind of a paradox but but it is true nonetheless that even though our sins are like the blood that you can't get out a stain that you can't get out they're red like crimson his blood will clean up that sin in your life and that's that sin is covered by his blood that makes you white as snow Lamentations 4 5 says they that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dung hills obviously he's talking about the fall of Jerusalem but there was a time when there was a lot of people that were saved you know but the fall of Jerusalem there was a lot of people that were killed by Nebuchadnezzar and by the Babylonian army and you know these people are brought up in scarlet are embracing dung hills I mean they're delicately cold and obviously scarlet can represent royalty and you know obviously it's very you know it's a decadent type of a color to be clothed in it's it's it does represent you know royalty and that you have money and things like that but obviously the spiritual obligation is that you know what they had they had they had the blood covering them and now they're embracing dung hills and that's kind of what the children of Israel did they forsook all the things that they had the spiritual heritage that they had and by the time the Babylonian Empire got there even their king refused to just bend to the Word of God I mean Jeremiah is begging the king to just give up and said just I you know he's I beseech the king to to you know to just give up and let the Babylonians take over and he's gonna spare your lives and to spare the lives of your children and he was so worried about the peer pressure he was getting concerning the princes of the land that he died for peer pressure basically his children died because of peer pressure I mean what a stupid thing to die what a prideful idiotic thing to let your children die for go ahead and turn to now let's get let's get to the New Testament here Matthew chapter 27 Matthew chapter 27 so here we have the the first time that the word scarlet is actually used in the New Testament and it's in Matthew 27 of course it's when Jesus Christ is being crucified Matthew chapter 27 verse 24 the Bible says when Pilate saw that he can prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see to it so he realizes Pilate realizes that Jesus Christ is innocent there's nothing that he should put him to death for and just but just because he washed his hands and did that as a symbolic gesture he still allowed it to happen he still just said go ahead and crucify him or whatever but he just says I'm innocent just because you say you're innocent of something doesn't mean you actually are it says then answered all the people and said and this is the Jews then answer all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children I mean just cursing themselves for murdering their Messiah murdering their Savior it says in verse 26 then release he Barabbas unto them and when he had scourged Jesus he delivered him to be crucified then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe now obviously they're doing this to mock him they're putting it and this is the only time by the way that Jesus ever wears a robe in Scripture you know people are like oh Jesus wore a robe and it was this long dress looking robe no this is the only time that in the whole Bible where you can see that Jesus wore a robe so I mean maybe in the other Gospels but I'm just saying this specific time a scarlet robe and when they had platted a crown of thorns they put it upon his head now you know to read into this though if they scourge Jesus they're whipping him with a whip and tearing open the flesh of his back so it's not just some oh they just kind of gave him a spanking or something no they they opened up his flesh with this whip and it says and then so then they put they plated a crown of thorns and they put it upon his head and if anybody knows anything about head wounds they bleed really bad so when they put this crown of thorns upon his head he just probably started bleeding everywhere just a bloody probably just blood dripping all down his body you're like well Pastor Thompson you're kind of getting gross with this hey but you know the ugly truth is is that that's what it took that is what it took for our Savior to atone for our sins and that's what the reason why I'm preaching about this because it's important for us to look back and see you know why are we remembering what he did for us today this afternoon because the price he paid was a big price what he did for us was bigger than we can probably ever imagine or think about and we have to get the right picture here because it was a bloody sacrifice it says they put it on his head and a read in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying hail king of the Jews and they spit upon him and took the read and smote him in the head so they're hitting him in the head with it and after that they had mocked him they took the robe off him and put on put his own raiment on him so put his clothes back on him and led him away to crucify him and just so you know when someone gets crucified you know they're nailing both of his hands onto this cross and then taking both feet putting them together and nailing a nail between into both of those feet I mean I feel like this part would hurt pretty bad but through both feet I mean that is excruciating pain both all three of those nails excruciating pain now the Bible in the law has this interesting passage I'm gonna have you go ahead and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 21 in verse 22 and God when he's talking about people being put to death because the death penalty is a reality in the Bible people think that all in the New Testament nobody's supposed to be put to death well that's not really true I mean mass murders should still go and be put to death I mean if someone lives through an electric chair or you know they do that like in lethal injection somebody just lived through one or something apparently but you know you know what they're not gonna live through a bullet through their brain they're not gonna live through that I mean at least I don't think they will people can get shot in the head and still live but you know I mean maybe multiple I mean a firing squad you're not gonna you're not gonna walk away from that one you're not gonna accidentally live through that so anyway Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 22 says and if a man have committed a sin worthy of death and he to be and he be to be put to death and thou hang him on a tree his body shall not remain all night upon the tree but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day so this is something in the Bible that if someone's hung on a tree and you know guess what a cross is made out of wood so it's made out of a tree right and so but but it says if any man committed a sin worthy of death did Jesus deserve to be put on that tree no Jesus did not deserve and he didn't do a sin worthy of death so he's dying a death that he doesn't deserve but in any wise if if they do that his body shall not remain all night upon the tree but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day for he that is hanged is accursed of God so and it says that thy hand oh excuse me that thy land be not defiled which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance so but you know they thought that they might be getting around this some way by allowing Jesus to be buried before the high Sabbath day which I'm gonna get to in just a second but he's hanged he's accursed of God Jesus Christ became a curse for us he was a curse of God for us because it is written here that if someone's hanged on a tree that they're accursed of God so even though Jesus wasn't a sinner he still was hung on that tree and he was all the sins of mankind were placed upon him so he died for each and every single person that from from Cain's first you know from Adam Neeves first sin until the very last sin that's that's done on this earth Jesus Christ all that stuff was poured upon him on the cross he was not he was not a sinner but he was made sin he was he was made a curse and so that provision there in the law that he wasn't allowed you know they weren't allowed to hang him all night on the tree you know that was fulfilled in the Bible but before we get to that fulfillment let's look at Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 in the New Testament it gives us some commentary on that specific verse those specific verses in Deuteronomy chapter 21 so Jesus Christ was hung on a tree but he didn't deserve it in verse 13 in Galatians chapter 3 it says Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written where is it written Deuteronomy chapter 21 curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree so Christ has made a curse for us he redeemed us from the curse by being made a curse for us now what it says that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles that's us through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith and you know what Abraham was promised that he would be the father of many nations and that that that seed of Christ you know that seed which is Christ is the promise of you know that that seed not seeds of plural but seed as of one that is of Christ he is the promised seed so the the scarlet thread you know came through Judah and obviously Rahab the harlot pictures with the scarlet thread you see the picture in the priests out the priest outfits that they had to wear but who's the high priest now Jesus Christ so ultimately he was going to be the high priest and so that's why the high priest had to wear you know the priest had to wear those pictures of in their out in their outfits right now let's turn to John chapter 19 John chapter 19 so in John chapter 19 we see that the Jews even though they don't have a problem killing Jesus for no reason they don't have a problem with selling him or with paying Judas 30 pieces of silver to in the middle of the night to go capture him and to hit him and and do all this stuff a lie about him constantly and try to do things to trip him up and send their soldiers to try to murder him multiple times throughout the book of John you see even after chapter 7 that he just couldn't even walk around in this in the towns and cities anymore he had to kind of go on the outskirts because they're constantly just trying to kill him the whole time they don't have a problem doing that but you know what they do have a problem with him healing people that are crippled they have a problem with him healing a blind man on the Sabbath day they have a problem with him healing a man whose hand was withered you know the man was blind on the Sabbath day they had a problem with that he was born blind but they're they're upset because he did on the Sabbath day these people are just so backwards it's not even funny but look what the so so that the law is that if a man hath committed a sin worthy of death all the people you saw the verse were said all the people were saying you know let his blood his blood be upon us and upon our children so even the people are joining in at this point it was the leaders that were doing it now the people have joined in and the Romans are allowing it to happen and John 1931 says and this is after he's already died here it says the Jews therefore because it was the preparation that the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day for that Sabbath was an high day be stopped pilot that their legs might be broken and that they might be kept taken away so that high day that it's talking about it's talking about the Passover which is drawing nigh so Jesus died at the time that you were supposed to kill the Passover lamb on the 14th of the month right so now it says in verse 32 then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with him but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already they break not his legs but one of the soldiers with the spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water so he already bled pretty much everything he was going to bleed but then just to bleed him out completely they stabbed him in the side and all the rest of that blood just came gushing out and water and he said and he that saw it bear record and his record is true and he knoweth that he sayeth true that he might believe for these things were done that the scripture be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and that scriptures found in the Psalms and so his body was broken but his bones were not broken and so if they would have sledge hammered his leg and broke his legs then that scripture would have been broken right so Jesus died according to the scriptures that's what the Bible says so he had to die when he was supposed to die how he was supposed to die all the things in the Old Testament had to be fulfilled about how he died and the blood that he shed and exactly the things some of the things that were said by him but look in verse 37 says and again another scripture saith they shall look on him whom they pierced so they looked upon Jesus they pierced him in his side and you know there's another fulfillment of that coming also but look at Hebrews chapter 9 let's see Hebrews chapter 9 so I'm going to read for you while you turn there 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 3 it says for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures the probability of Jesus fulfilling all those scriptures is astronomical it's just not possible so people are like oh yeah well it's just made up now these things happen folks it's a historical fact we're in 2024 because we were keeping track because of when Jesus came it was it was a it's it's the defining moment of history now they can say the History Channel could make up or whatever anybody can say well you know BCE and all this other stuff it's before Christ that's what it really is you know they can before they'll say before the common era no it's before Christ that's what it actually is you know Jesus Christ changed this world and everything in it you know these savage nations that were sacrificing humans turned to Christ in all different walks of life in all different places Hebrews 9 12 says I told you we'd come back to this Hebrews 9 12 says neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood who Jesus Christ by his own blood he entered in once unto the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us so he obtained because he did all the work right and he entered into the holy place it says how many times once right for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctify to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God and for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance for where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is a force after men are dead it's talking about like a covenant or a will otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth whereupon neither the First Testament was dedicated without blood for when Moses had spoken every precept to the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats and of water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined unto you moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission so like I said you know sin is like a cancer and a plague upon our eternal soul the blood of Christ puts our death sentence and curse in a permanent remission so when it's talking about the remission of sins it's talking about the taking away of it the taking away of the curse because his atonement and the blood that he shed at one time that's all I had to be done one time he'll he had to go into heaven and put the blood on the mercy seat one time so Moses and they had to do these sacrifices in the Old Testament many times and what's talked about is like you know it'd be like so that book right there obviously they didn't have like a necessarily a book like that but like the scroll or whatever they wrote it on you know Moses is like walking around with blood and hyssop and all this stuff and he's just like splashing it I mean imagine you know just someone with a with a thing of blood just like just flicking blood all over you just like just pour just splashing blood on you I mean that'd be disgusting wouldn't it but you know that is the picture that that we need to be sprinkled with the blood of Christ in order to escape the cancer of sin so that we can be in remission so that we can never have our sins thrown in our face again for all eternity because it's not just a one-time thing I mean just going out soul-winding yesterday there's multiple people that just think that their sin is only covered until a certain point that their sin is just covered until the moment they get saved and then they have to then they you know it's just weird and to explain these things to people it's like look if he died for everybody sins for all time he died for every sin they ever committed or will commit because he died in the past didn't he so in his sacrifice covered all the people that were born before him and all the sins are gonna be born after him so wouldn't it make sense that everything you've ever done is covered too so once you believe everything's retroactively and futuristically covered by that blood that makes sense so like you don't have to keep getting saved over and over again and in fact you can't get saved over and over again it's just like his atonement was a one-time thing so is your salvation a one-time thing and all it takes is the is to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now I get sick of all these churches trying to make it something that it isn't it's real simple to be saved believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that's what it's that's what the Bible says and thou shalt be saved real easy it's not hard it's hard to follow Christ it's hard to live the Christian life but being saved is super easy it's as easy as walking through a door it's as easy as eating a piece of bread this is easy as drinking a drink of water and that's pretty easy isn't it and so Christ has made it simple for us because look if it was hard we would never get it done if it was dependent upon what we do in our lives we'd fail every single day in fact we do fail every day nobody has a perfect day that you know that's the other thing people will say well you know I've only done a couple things wrong my whole life it's like come on man you can't fool an old fooler you're not gonna get away with that one with me because obviously I'm saved and I still struggle with sin how about you the flesh cannot be reformed but you know what can I mean obviously can be reformed to a certain extent but we're never going to be reformed until Christ comes back in the clouds to receive us to himself and then we get the glorified body that he has I'm sorry let me finish up here and move past this but so now verse 23 it says it was therefore necessary that the patterns of the things in heaven should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us so when he did this he became our high priest he ever liveth to make intercession for us and it says in verse 25 nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest enterth into the holy place every year without with the blood of others so he doesn't have to keep atoning for our sins it's just one time for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but he hasn't had to suffer since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed unto men wants to die but after this the judgment so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and to and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation so he's gonna come back a second time is that what it's saying and he's gonna receive us to himself so that scarlet thread is prevalent throughout the whole Bible we see it's gruesome picture throughout the scriptures and you know we see that in revel so I gotta hurry up and be done here but revelation 13 8 says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world I do want to kind of make this final point because you know we say this you know that Jesus Christ is a lamb slain from the foundation of the world but Jesus was slain at a specific time so I want to help you understand this really quickly turn to first Peter chapter 118 so it says slain from the foundation of the world but was he slain before the foundation of the world was he actually slain before the foundation of the world well it says the first Peter it says for as much as you know that you are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by the tradition of your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as a lamb without blemish and without spot who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you so he was foreordained what does that mean well he was appointed beforehand so the plan was already in place before the foundation of the world because God knows everything he sees everything before it happens he knew that man would fail but he still wanted to make man he wanted to make this creation because he knew eventually everything was going to turn out right because he was going to send Jesus Christ but he was foreordained so was he slain before the foundation of the world or was it the plan that he would be slain for the world well it was the plan it was it was foreordained it was going to happen no matter what so I'm not trying to freak anybody out here by saying oh well he wasn't slain before the foundation of the world well we know when he came he came to 20 you know 2,000 years ago and was slain then but it was as good as done that's kind of what it's saying right it was it was going to happen according to the scriptures look God's Word can't be broken when God says something's going to happen it's going to happen he with his foreknowledge knew that this was going to happen and he basically foreordained it to happen but doesn't mean that Jesus didn't die when he died he did die when he died he did resurrect when he resurrected so we and we are you know we are made nigh by the blood of Christ to him because you know he died for us and so we are able to be saved just like the children of Israel and so I just want to turn to one last verse and we'll be done here revelation chapter 22 so I was going to kind of go through some other stuff but I've kind of made the point right well and the book it's in the book of Ephesians Colossians first John revelation chapter 12 and then you have that that picture of scarlet on the false prophets of the beast you have the dragon it's red you have the scar woman colored in scarlet because the devil wants to to mimic the things of God right so I didn't have time to get into that but revelation 22 you know in the end everything works out great for us in the end everything is going to be all better you know we live in a crazy world today and we're just doing our best to get along in this world and to be a shining light in this world for Christ says in Revelation 21 or 22 verse 1 says and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river there was a there was there the tree of life so here we have the tree of life coming back into the picture so remember in Genesis the tree of life was taken away from mankind and not allowed to access it in the garden when they kicked out of an Eve out right but now we have the the tree of life coming back it says and which bear 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse and why why because everything is fulfilled everything is done all the blood is covered everything and and and God and all the things in Revelation are done and the thousand year reign is over and there's gonna be no more curse that's gonna be great right all the curse is gone that curse that we've always lived under gone but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it and a servant shall serve him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads and there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall reign forever and ever the end I mean that's great right in the end because of all the hard work that Jesus did for us we get to rule and reign with him as inherited sons and daughters of God praise God I mean he did it all for us and all we have to do is just believe in him and we get to reap the benefits of everything that he did for us we don't have to repent of our sins to be saved we don't have to make Jesus the Lord of our lives to be saved we don't have to get saved over and over again and try to live a perfect life and try not to sin as we die you can literally die committing the sin you're still gonna go to heaven because that's the truth folks the truth is is that Christ paid it all with his precious blood and the scarlet thread that we see through scripture the pictures that we see and Christ did it all for us we did nothing all we have to do is put our faith in him our trust in him and then it's done for us and then we just do our best to serve him right so let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the the great theme that we have and the precious blood that that your son Jesus shed for us and that Lord it's just so easy to be saved Lord I pray that if there is somebody here that's not saved today Lord then they would make the decision to be saved or at least that a seed would be planted and then Lord that they would seek you and to find out for sure what the Bible says it takes to be saved and I pray that you just bless the soul that goes on here today and Lord I pray that you'd bless our solemn feast that we have planned later in the afternoon we pray these things in Jesus' precious name amen