(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 26. And as you can imagine, by following along with the Bible reading, this is probably one of the more difficult passages to study for a sermon for. I'm sure all the guys that are pretty sure are thinking, man, what was he going to say? But, well, I have this little setup here. This is about as as Judaizing as we're going to get. We're not celebrating Hanukkah, okay? I just, you know, people are going to see that. They're going to be like, what is Pastor Thompson? He's really going off the deep end. Well, I put that up there, and I actually ordered that. I was hoping it was going to get here in time for me to actually put it together. And I want to actually, sometimes people are visual learners, and when you're listening to tashes and curtains and couplings and things like that, it's hard to picture those things in your mind if you're a visual learner. And so, obviously, some of this stuff might not be true to spec. But you have here, obviously, you have this big giant candlestick. And this is, like I talked about this last week, or I don't know with all this stuff here, but it's supposed to be one beaten work where you have the three coming out of the one, and then the one candlestick here. This is basically what it was supposed to look like. I don't know if it looked exactly like this. It probably didn't. But it's kind of a picture of it for you to know what it looks like. And then, of course, the Ark of the Covenant. And I'm glad it doesn't really have really a lot of detail on the angels, as you can just kind of see their wings. I think that the wings are supposed to kind of cross to where you can't see. I think they're supposed to tip so the wings are supposed to touch or something. But inside, there's nothing in there. If you look inside, you can see the mirror. It's you. You're ugly. But anyway, I mean, I just kind of wanted you to get a picture of kind of what you're, because they talked about the furniture last week, basically. And then, of course, this is the tabernacle. And I'm going to put it together so you can kind of look at it next week and kind of get a visual of what it might have looked like. I brought the badger back and the ram skin, basically. So you can kind of get a visual on that, too. But I'm going to teach some spiritual lessons out of this chapter. And hopefully, just looking at some of the things that I brought here, you can kind of get a glimpse of what it is that is being described here. Now, in chapter 36, we're going to have more details. So this is the gathering of all the materials. Remember, Moses has been asked to have an offering. That's what we talked about last week. And he's been asked to do this and bring all these materials together and to make all this stuff. Then in chapter 36, you're going to have where they actually do build it and put it all in place and enact all of this stuff. So it's kind of going to be like a retelling 10 chapters from now. So I'll try not to go back too much into some of that stuff. And for the sake of time, I might skip through some of this tonight. But I'll try to get to a lot of the things that I was kind of thinking about. And this is just me and my own personal study. And if you disagree with some of the things I say, that's fine. And maybe you're going to find some cool stuff that I didn't think about or that I didn't see. Obviously, there's a lot of stuff in this chapter. So how many verses are there? There are 37 verses. So I just tried my best to kind of dig some of the spiritual things out of this that I could. And being able to see kind of what the tabernacle, the layout kind of might help you with the pictures here that I have brought. So we're in that portion where God is just explaining these things. And then, again, last week, we saw the furniture being asked to be built and all those things. And then we saw how specifically that God was asking for certain materials. And they're not cheap things. And when you're going to build something that's supposed to last for hundreds of years, which the children of Israel didn't know how long it was supposed to last, but God did. And you kind of compare that to our earthly tabernacles. Because it is a picture of... Because in the New Testament, the tabernacle of God is where our bodies are where the Holy Ghost dwells. And so this tabernacle in the Old Testament is a picture of believers being indwelt by the Holy Spirit. And the veil that it talks about is rent and twain in Matthew chapter 27. So in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would come upon people and rest on them, but also did not indwell the believer. But now in the New Testament, that has changed. And so that's a really big difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. But this tabernacle is a picture of the believer in the New Testament. And so there's a lot of spiritual pictures you can get. Because you think about the most holy place. People talk about, I have Jesus in my heart. That's why I know I'm saved. But the Bible does talk about Jesus being in your heart. The Bible talks about the Spirit of God indwelling you. And then the tabernacle is compared to the tabernacle. In the New Testament, the Bible talks about the tabernacle. And I talked about that last week. Anyway, so you got the carnal application also of the things that are just talking about the practicality of how God had them build this. It's built to last. It's engineered specifically to be a working mobile tabernacle. And God knew what he was doing. He had all the right parts. He had all the right pieces. He knew what was going to last. And built it specifically and also put all that spiritual imagery in it for us for the time that we live in now so that we could see those things. I mean God is really amazing in the way he does things. So then we have again we have that tabernacle of our flesh pictured. And I was just thinking about this also if you think about so the tabernacle in the wilderness was a roaming tabernacle that God said go here go there. And so we in this earth you know we only have a a short time in this tabernacle kind of like the the tabernacle in the wilderness. But you know the temple that was built that was built by you know the the things were gathered together by David. And Solomon built the temple which was in one place and it stayed in that one place right. And that was a permanent structure. But you think about like David is the one that you know he's talked about as you know that he's going to raise up you know later on Christ is going to be of the throne of David or whatever. But David kind of pictures that that millennial that millennial picture of Christ and he has his mighty men right. How many mighty men did he have. Well he had all these different ones. He had three that were the mightiest and and it would tell of their great exploits and you're like this guy he killed 1200 people with one with his spear or whatever you're like that seems impossible. Well in the millennial reign you know we're going to be what we'll have glorified bodies and we'd probably be able to do the same thing to people that don't have glorified bodies. So I mean you think about that picture and Christ is going to be reigning from where Jerusalem in that one location right. So then you have the picture of the new Jerusalem which is come down from God from heaven and then you have the eternal state of the believer. So you have those three that you have the tabernacle and the temple and then you have the new Jerusalem which picture those three really main things that we deal with in the Bible. So you know and you know we also have hindsight to see these spiritual applications which is pretty cool being a new testament believer. You know there's a lot of cool things that happen in the old testament but they didn't have the sight that we have to be able to look back and see the spiritual applications and the spiritual pictures and the shadow fulfillments and the typology and you know what do these numbers mean what do these colors stand for what does this metal what does this metal represent and to think that these that these things don't mean something that's just insane because God brings up these certain numbers all the time and I'm not saying we're supposed to be numerologists or something but when God brings up set the number seven a lot or the number 50 or 40 and two or you know 666 is brought up you know these numbers are significant the number 70 you know that they mean something and someone God puts them over and over again in scripture or when he puts the color blue in exactly 50 times in the Bible you know it's just those things are not coincidental. So now look at before we get into our scriptures just keep your finger in Exodus 26 verse 1 and let's look at 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15. 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 and you know I've been trying to put a little bit more visuals in some of my preaching and because I realized that you know we are a family integrated church and you know I want the children to get stuff out of the services too and I want adults to get stuff out of services you know if you're a visual learner as an adult these little props they help you too but I think kids like stuff like that I think it's you know when they're listening to the attaches and the in the couplers and they're like what but when they can put their eyes on it and say oh okay well that's what that might have looked like or that's what that candlestick might look like or maybe that's what the ark would have looked like it helps you know because you can get a visual picture in your mind but then to see it like well that that's possible I mean it helps you just want to know more about the bible and things like that so look at 2 Timothy 3 15 that says and from and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures and one of the goals at sure foundation baptist church is I want the children at this church to know the bible I want them to love the bible I want them to think about the bible and put the bible in their daily lives too and it says which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so what's the goal so they'd know the bible so they'd be saved right and it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good work so all scripture is inspired of God so is this chapter inspired of God and these are these are the chapters that people are like this is boring well but it's not really boring it's only boring because you just lack you know you're lacking in wanting to see the spiritual aspects of the bible because maybe it's boring if you're just looking at the carnal aspects of it but if you're looking at the spiritual things it's actually not boring it's like the genealogies people don't like reading the genealogies but if you're reading it as if it's a chore instead of maybe doing some cross referencing and saying well like you know you won't know that samuel is a high priest and a prophet and a judge unless you actually do some studying in first chronicles and then you realize well that's how samuel was able to do the burnt offerings because he was actually in the line of the priest but you wouldn't know that unless you read first chronicles the genealogy so and and so all scripture is given to us that we might and i think it's interesting is verse 17 it says that the man of god may be perfect that means the complete god's given us this book so we can be the the complete package a well-rounded christian throughly furnished unto all good works and and and you think of that word throughly furnished like some people you know will rent apartments and it's already furnished for them it's got all the the couches and and all the end tables and all that stuff i've never rented a place like that i've always had to just move everything with me but it'd be kind of nice right but you think of that thoroughly furnished unto all good works everything in the bible all the furniture is already there it's already there for you and then you think about what chapter we're in it's like and last week where it's talking about the different furniture that's already furnished you know jesus furnished you know the tabernacle so that you know to give us these pictures of eternal life and and representations of salvation and what he did for us i think it's pretty cool anyway let's look at verse number one the bible says moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle which just means like a tent basically right with 10 curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet and cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them so he's commanding them to make the tabernacle and this tabernacle has four layers on it at first when i first read through this i thought i'd only have three but it actually has four layers what's the first layer the curtains the 10 curtains of fine twined linen and what else does it have blue and purple and scarlet and cherubims of cunning work shout out make them but so it's skill you know when it says cunning work it's talking about skilled work it's really high quality work right and um it's not the cheapest you can find you know a lot of times you'll see church work done or buildings being built and it's like cutting corners you know not putting the best materials things like that but you know god it seems like every time something's made in the old testament it's made with the top materials the best laborers and that's anything that we do for god should be done with high quality work and high quality materials so it shouldn't always be the cheapest thing and that's kind of how people are they're like let's just do the cheapest thing it's like what's not let's do maybe something that's a little more expensive that's going to last so but i mean i think of right off the top of my head here 10 10 curtains 10 commandments right we're talking in the old testament so 10 curtains 10 commandments i mean that makes sense right but uh what is the fine twine linen remember last week when i had you turn over to ezekiel and it was talking about the badgers i specifically pointed out the badgers skin for the shodding of the feet well it also talked about how god clothed them in fine linen and silk and all these different things well those are mentioned here too and so you know there's a correlation between what god is talking about ezekiel 16 and what he's talking about with the with the tabernacle here but i want to specifically show you in turn to revelation 19 verse 8 and this is what i think that when it's talking about the fine twined linen this this is what this is representing to us when it comes to this first layer of the tabernacle because you got four layers on top of each other what is it covering it's covering the sanctuary and it's covering the holiest place isn't it so revelation chapter 19 verse 8 the bible says and to her was granted that she would be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints so i mean just off the top of my you know my head here and comparing scripture with scripture you have this fine linen and what is it being compared to the righteousness of the saints so when jesus died for us the righteousness of the saints is only we only get that because of the blood of christ and so there's other layers that go on top and you'll see here pretty soon why this makes sense but you got and remember if the tabernacle is picturing the new testament believer then that we have to have the righteousness of christ in order to go to heaven don't we now the blue that it's speaking of in that verse go to numbers chapter 15 verse 38 so what does the blue represent because remember it's supposed to be blue purple and scarlet in that first layer also how do you get the righteousness of christ and what is that what does that blue kind of represent i think it represents a couple things but numbers 15 38 look what it says speak unto the children of israel and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribbon of blue and it shall be unto you for a fringe that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the lord and do them so why were they supposed to put the blue so they could remember what the commandments of the lord and do them not just to remember them but do them and that you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes after which you use to go a whoring that you may remember and do all my commandments and be holy unto your god so what what would the blue represent well i believe it does represent the law the law of god that you look at that blue and you think of the law of god okay now what is the what about the purple and and i'm going to have an application also for the blue purple and the scarlet also in a different way but look at mark chapter 15 verse 16 so you got the fine linen representing what the righteousness of the saints what you get from the lord jesus christ of course where our righteousness is filthy rags to the lord blue representing the law of god and that we're supposed to look upon that and remember it and think about this if you look upon and think about the law of god what do you what else do you think about how much you break it right and the bible says that the law is our schoolmaster to bring us unto christ so if you look at the law of god and you think about it a lot you're probably going to think about how much you fail in it so that's a good thing god is putting that law into your mind so you understand your need for salvation now look at mark 15 16 it says and the soldiers led him away into the hall called praetorium and they called together the whole band and they clothed him with purple and platted a crown of thorns and put it upon his head and began to salute him hail king of the jews and they smote him on the head with a reed and did spit upon him and bowing their knees worshipped him and when they had mocked him they took off the purple from him and put his own clothes on him and led him out to crucify him you're like well what does that really prove well look at john 19 look at john 19 verse number two so i would submit to you the blue god specifically tells them to put that in the borders and into the to into the rib end of their the borders of their garments so they can remember the law of god to keep it and then the color of purple itself even even the kings of this world because obviously satan counterfeits a lot of things but purple is a known color for kings of this world and so this is why they take that the you know people say jesus wore a robe the only time he wears a robe is this part part right here in the bible he does not wear a robe ever in the new testament until someone actually puts it on him now look at john chapter 19 verse 2 it says and the soldiers plated a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe and said hail king of the jews and they smote him with their hands and pilot therefore went forth again and saith unto them behold i bring him forth to you that you may know i find no fault in him then came jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe and pilot saith unto them behold the man so i would submit to you that purple does represent the royalty of christ also christ is the great king he's the king of kings and the lord of lords and the soldiers mocked jesus as the king of the jews they were calling him the king of the jews and remember pilot asked him are you the king of the jews and what did he say thou sayest and he said but he did say you know my kingdom is not of this world if if you know if my kingdom were of this world then then would my disciples fight so jesus christ is the king but he's the king of the kingdom of god and his time is not yet to rule and reign on this earth that'll be in the millennial reign and onward but look at first actually i'll just read first timothy 6 15 go ahead and turn to revelation 17 14 revelation 17 14 i'll read first timothy 6 15 first timothy 6 15 says which in his times he shall show who is the blessed and only potentate the king of kings and lord of lords in revelation 17 14 it says these shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is the lord of lords and the king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful so the bible definitely calls him a king and when they mock jesus and put the robe on him they put that color on and what was the color it was purple wasn't it in revelation 19 verse 16 it says and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh and name written king of kings and lord of lords i know we're still in the first verse but we'll pick up some steam here in a minute but i just wanted to kind of go over these colors in that first verse scarlet obviously we can kind of tell what that's representing but you know our first thought is of course the atoning blood of christ and when it comes to the scarlet thread you know you kind of can see that scarlet thread throughout the bible you think about you know when rahab the harlot through the you know that they said to throw that scarlet line out so they could see that you know and and then you also think about when uh the twins were born and they tied the scarlet thread around one of them right not the not the first born but they did it with the second born right because jesus christ is our you know he's our brother and he you know he obtained that salvation for us um anyway so but what i'm saying is that you have this scarlet thread that runs through the bible and that thread kind of uh it pictures for us the blood of christ but you know we think about obviously that's that that scarlet pictures the blood of christ and uh obviously you know the other part of what the color scarlet represents is god's wrath so the blood can also picture god's wrath and you think about the red sea you know why why was it called the red seed i mean it doesn't does it look red i don't know i mean maybe it does from a distance or from some vantage point but every time i've seen it it looks like it's blue but um it's called the red sea isn't it and it's you know obviously in the in in the new testament says that they were baptized under moses when they walked through there right on dry ground but it's called the red sea and you know when they walked through it what happened to the egyptians though they were devout you know they were drowned in that red sea they were judged by god and destroyed and they got damnation the children of israel were saved as they walked through that red sea and then the egyptians were destroyed by that and you know you have where jesus christ in revelation chapter 14 you have the great squishing where he you know he comes down and he stomps people out and you know the the the the earth is ripe and ready to be harvested and you have the the blood coming up you know to the horse bridles and all that stuff so and then he gives them blood to drink in the book of revelation because they're worthy to his enemies so and you know so you have that picture also sacrificed where you know the the wine is sacrificed also so but uh you know you also have you know the pictures in the communion where you know jesus christ blood is represented by the fruit of the vine so i mean there's a the blood is is a theme throughout the scriptures and it's pretty obvious so when you mix blue with scarlet though what color do you get you get purple don't you but think about this turn to proverbs chapter 20 verse 30 think about i mean despite all that stuff which i think is very relevant i think it's very important to get that part of it but what else does it represent well i think a really clear picture is also what christ had to go through to purchase our salvation it wasn't just blood but it was you know being beaten and what happens when you get beaten well look what it says in proverbs 20 verse 30 it says the blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil so do stripes the inward parts of the belly so you know and this is just true as in you know if you get a if you get a bruise it's showing that your wound is being cleansed away you know you get a bruise initially it turns what color blue right and then that turns purple after time and then it kind of turns you know it kind of gets that black color and then they're like that maybe even the yellow around the black you know what i'm talking about but if you think about those colors like what they represent you know you know the law but you know when you break the law then you know that you have that blue represented you know jesus you know he paid for us breaking the law and he was bruised for what we did is by his stripes are we healed according to isaiah chapter 53 as a matter of fact go ahead and turn to isaiah 53 but you know the blueness of the wound cleanseth away evil so christ took the bruising that we deserved and he cleansed away our evil and his stripes took away those inward sins that we have in our lives and cleansed those away from us also stripes are when you get whipped with something and blood appears so you know and then you think about again those bruises turn purple and then turn black and then you know it's healed so you know christ didn't deserve those things we deserve them it's kind of like you think about like i'm sure that somebody in here who's been spanked for something that you didn't deserve and it was actually your brother or sister actually deserved it raise your hand don't be afraid speak out it's okay my kids are raising their hand remy was it the snake the snakey anyway but so like i mean you kind of have a glimpse of what you know a very small glimpse of what jesus went through it's like when you get punished for something you didn't do you feel like a great injustice has been done to you but i mean jesus got punished for the sins of the whole world and it wasn't just you know a physical anguish that he went through it was a spiritual anguish that he went through too because he was separated from the father for the first time ever literally separated from him and so jesus christ went through a very brutal beating so that that first layer on the tabernacle is fine twined linen with the cherubims in it but it also has the blue and the scarlet and the purple in it so in order for us to have that imputed righteousness you know that bruising and that beating and now and those stripes had to come in order for us to get it look at what it says in isaiah 53 verse 5 it really parallels proverbs 20 30 very well it says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed and it really parallels that verse really well doesn't it so you know jesus christ kept that law shed his precious blood he is our high priest and king forever and he has made us kings and priests unto him because think about this also in the veil nobody was allowed to go through that veil but who i mean we just went through a hot the whole book of hebrews not too long ago the high priest was the only person was able to go through there and what did he have to have on him that one time a year when he went in there what do you have to have he had that blood on his what is it right ear thumb big toe i think that's it but he was only allowed to go in there once a year which obviously represents you know i mean that's a picture for people that jesus would one time have to come and put his blood on the mercy seat at one time and he's the only one that could go in there so now he is our high priest forever after the order of melchizedek and you know so you know he rent that veil in twain matthew chapter 27 you know that began the new testament that changed everything that changed the way that god dealt with us you know only you know obviously we can't go to the father except through through jesus the son but we still can go to the father now that was never possible before you had to go to the high priest and the high you know the high priest was the go-between and but so the there was those other priests that worked there they they didn't go get to go in there they but we pick what do we picture we picture those priests now that have to go through jesus to get to the father to get to the mercy seat right now let's look at verse two i know we're like 35 minutes in but uh that's some really cool stuff i think i don't know i was geeking out on it last night so anyway exodus chapter 26 verse 2 the bible says the length of one curtain shall be eight and 20 cubits and the breadth of one curtain four cubits and every one of the curtains she'll have one measure so every so 28 cubits they have to understand that i i explained this last week that a cubit is about 18 inches the egyptian cubit anyway and that's the length of your elbow to the tip of your finger not my cubit but a normal person's cubit right so you have to kind of it's you have to kind of like put time in half on it or something you have to put you have to put a measure and a half on everything here and it'll help you understand in feet what it is and if you're done carpentry or construction work it's not too hard to figure it out but so notice it's 28 feet well not 28 feet but 28 cubits and then four cubits so if it's four cubits that means it's six feet okay does that make sense and they shall have one measure so then verse six verse three says the five curtains shall be coupled together one to another so when you think of the word coupled you know you think of well isn't that a cute couple there are two people that are together right so that's what a coupler is a coupler hooks two things together all right it's pretty pretty simple right five curtains shall be coupled shall be coupled together one to another and other five curtains shall be coupled one to another and when i you know there's ten ten of these so i i obviously my my mind obviously just starts thinking ten commandments right away and then five and five and when we went through the ten commandments which was a long process right i went through and really got down to the details in the ten commandments but what was the the first five commandments were what the ones that relate to to god himself right and then the other ones were how they relate to mankind so you have the two separate you have this separating but they are all called the ten commandments right so in galatians 3 go ahead and turn to james chapter 2 verse 10 and and basically they're all linked together here which you know so basically what what's taking place here is that they're they're making 10 different curtains but they all hook together to form one big curtain and that big curtain stretches over the top of the wood frame that it's going to talk about that you probably read along with or heard as it was being read this big tent it's a big tent is what it is so if you've been camping before and you've been into one of those giant tents that have you know that's what that's what we're talking about here but it's obviously you know something that god had us make or whatever i'm going to read galatians 3 10 as you as you turn there it says for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them so what does that mean well you can keep all the commandments you want but if you break one of them what happens you're guilty of all of them aren't you isn't that what it says in james 2 10 also for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all so if you couple the 10 commandments together you break one of those commandments then you've broken them all i mean i think that that is a valid point for a picture of what it's might be showing there verse four back in our text says now shall make loops of blue so we already kind of saw what the blue what's the blue represent again the law right it also make loops of blue upon the edge of the curtain from the selvage now i want to explain this word selvage who's the sewers in here somebody knows what a selvage is right a selvage is an edge produced of woven fabric during manufacture that prevents it from unraveling so it's kind of like a hem i guess you would say isn't that would that be like modern day kind it's kind of like a hem no okay i'm wrong all right whatever i don't sew anything so but so it's a selvage in the coupling so the coupling again is something that hooks two things together and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of another curtain in the coupling of the second so then verse five 50 loops shalt thou make in the one curtain in 50 loops shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second and the loops may take hold one of another so you have these 50 loops that you're being told to put in here and 50 is a is a common number that comes up a lot in the bible and you know the first thing i think of is that jesus you know he left after being on earth for 40 days and he said wait for the holy spirit and you know the holy spirit's going to come to you and the day of pentecost is when the holy spirit came and so the day of the the number 50 kind of represents a new beginning right and so what happened when christ died and came back from the dead well the church in the wilderness or the church you know the church that kind of had already had issues in the law the old testament died basically and when the veil was rent in twain you have the start of the new testament and then jesus said to wait for the holy spirit so 10 days they wait and the holy spirit comes down and and gives them that power and empowers the church with the power of the holy spirit and so you have that but also you if you think about if you think i'm wrong about that we'll think about the the year of jubilee that they were supposed to follow everything restarts right so and then that year of jubilee also pictures you know you know the the rap you know when we get our new glorified bodies if you think about that you know everything becomes new when we get new glorified bodies you know the rapture happens and all things are new for us and it's it's it's kind of a new thing so i don't know that's kind of where i went with that and then also verse six here you got it says and now shalt make 50 tatches of gold and couple the curtains together with tatches tatches or buckles or clasps and it says and it shall be one tabernacle so again you know you got this you know this this unity that's kind of happening with all these different curtains or you know it'd probably be pretty hard also to take this giant you know who's ever tried to pull like some giant piece of canvas or something a covering over something it's it's not easy especially if the wind's blowing so it's probably a lot easier to control and hook things together you know in a sandstorm or in a windstorm you know but of course god's putting pieces together for us spiritually too but you know it's also practical you know and all this stuff is covering what it's covering these this furniture that's inside that needs to be protected and covered and when it rains it's got it's going to have four layers over the top of it right so all these parts come together to make one tabernacle and you know if you think about that it kind of is also like the body of christ that each part fits together and you know our tabernacles all together in the same place form one big tabernacle which is called what the church right so our tabular in our you know and we all have the holy spirit and so one person by themselves sitting at home watching you know td jakes is not the church okay and don't watch td jakes anyway because he's a reprobate clown but you know when we come together for the purpose of serving the lord and preaching and and going out and preaching the gospel and singing praises to the lord then we come together to the church so look at first corinthians chapter 12 verse 24 first corinthians 12 verse 24. so i immediately thought about this verse when i was just kind of studying this last night that these these curtains come together and they become one tabernacle so obviously there's multiple churches but you know when that when eternity future happens it's all going to be one fold we're all going to be one in heaven and but until that day comes we kind of have our own separate churches but you know we're still brothers and sisters in christ with churches that are legitimate churches so first corinthians 12 24 says for our commonly parts have no need but god hath tempered the body together have having given more abundant honor to the part to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it now ye are the body of christ and members in particular so you know we're when we all come together we are all the body of christ we are the church and we're members in particular so each one of us is a member of that of the church so whether you're the nose or the rear end or the leg or the foot or the finger or the the thumb you know you all got your part to play here so um and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna give out body parts here but some some people are the ear you know it's just but god god tempers us together and everybody here has a part to play in the body of christ let's go back to our text in exodus chapter 26 look at verse 7 the bible says and thou shalt make curtains of goats hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle 11 curtains shalt thou make so remember the first one was 10 curtains wasn't it and i believe that that's talking about you know the righteousness you know that's imputed by christ because of what he you know did having his body bruised and of course shows that he kept the law and he was punished and bruised for us and that's that first layer of the tabernacle and then you have the 11 curtains thou shalt make and think about this also that you know were built upon the apo you know the the prophets and the apostles too so but look at it says uh in verse eight it says the length of one curtain shall be 30 cubits so remember the other one was 28 cubits so this is longer these ones are longer and the breadth of one curtain four cubits and the 11 curtains shall be all of one measure and thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves and six curtains by themselves and shout double the sixth curtain the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tabernacle and you know i mean there's a couple things that i was thinking about with this a couple things that it might picture but here's my first theory here and i think this is actually pretty cool but uh i might be totally wrong about it too so this is like kind of opinionate opinion here but um i kind of think of the 12 apostles you know so and this is why because you have 11 like this is just like an odd number but notice that it says that you have five curtains there by themselves and then six curtain by themselves and shall double the sixth curtain so really there is 12 isn't there but judas iscariot betrayed the lord jesus christ the night that he was that the night you know he betrayed him to the to the roman or to the jews and then they they killed him judas committed suicide after betraying him for how many pieces of silver 30 pieces of silver how long was the curtain 30 i don't know i mean that could be like i said that could be total you know coincidence or whatever but but then you have 11 pieces and then the double piece in the front of the tabernacle this is what i think is interesting that judas needed to be replaced and they replaced him with mathias right but who did god replace paul and he was the greatest of all the apostles wasn't he outworked them all and at the forefront of all of them he really led the charge to the rest of the new testament i don't know i think that's a cool picture i could be wrong about that i could be totally wrong about that but you know we are built upon you know jesus christ and the apostles so but i mean it is goats goats hair there too so but um anyway that's that was just kind of my own little thing there but uh anyway look at verse 10 it says and now shall make 50 loops on the edge from one curtain to the other outmost in the coupling 50 loops in the edge of the curtain which coupled the second now shall make the 50 tatches of brass they put the attaches on the loops couple the tent together that it may be one and the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent the half curtain that remaineth shall hang over the back side of the tabernacle this is talking about because remember the first ones were 28 cubits now you have 30 cubits and so that's going to hang off on the back side to over two cubits so it says in the cubit on the one side and the cubit on the other side that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and now on that side to cover it so it's it's making a the difference for that extra two cubits and it says and now shall make a covering for the tent of ram skins dyed red and a covering above the badgers of badger skin so this is where you get layers three and four now obviously those 11 pieces could represent the apostles but you know i i was also thinking about this so you got the first layer imputed righteousness of the saints the second layer you have um what was the second layer the goats right and then you have the third layer the ram skins and it's dyed red why is this the one that's dyed red and then you have the badger skin on top of that so i was just you know just kind of spitballing this in my mind i was thinking well if you have the you know all four of them you have those people that are you know saved and then you have the goats when jesus jesus tells us parable where he says that there's certain people he that wouldn't have them to reign over him and then when basically when the tribulation is over when the wrath of god is done he's going to take those goats and he's going to say bring them before me and have them slain before me so there's there's some people that are not going to get saved okay but jesus is the savior of the whole world isn't he he's is he the savior of those people that don't go they go to hell yeah so he's the savior of the people that go to hell and he's also he's also the lion of the tribe of juda so he comes forth from you know the israelites themselves so you have the rant so you know jesus christ i think represents you know coming from those rant that ram you know as that's that sacrificial ram and that's why the skin is dyed red i mean i don't know any other reason why that would be the case but then you're like well what about the badgers and you know maybe the badgers the old man you know because the old man always wants to do wrong right i kind of thought maybe it's the gentiles but like you know that's just too many parts moving around here but it's it's it could be the old man you know you got saved people you got the goats you got christ and then you got the old man and the old man's always there you know ready to rear its ugly head and uh you know do the things that honey badgers do or whatever you know i don't know but i i don't know if you have some kind of a different theory i'm all all ears to hear that but um i just was kind of spitballing some ideas there but it all remember it does go back to you know that he is you know that this represents our tabernacle so we have to have the imputed righteousness of christ we have to have the blood of christ of course we have to be saved we have to have the blood of christ um you know some people that are unsaved there's there's people that are unsaved they're going to die and go to hell and then you know the old man even if you are saved is going to rear up its ugly head sometimes and uh act like a badger right so anyway first john go ahead turn to first timothy chapter four verse ten i'm going to read first john two two first john two two says and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world because i mean think about this tabernacle what is it covering it's covering the mercy seat isn't it and so christ died for the sins of the whole world so his sin his his sacrifice covers it does cover the sins of the whole world doesn't it and so when you fall you know and he put that blood on the mercy seat for anybody to be able to obtain it but not everybody's going to obtain it first timothy 4 10 says for wherefore for therefore excuse me we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men especially of those that believe calvinist especially of those that believe so he he's not just the the savior of some people that are the elect he's the savior of all men especially you know the modern word for that is especially of those that believe so there are people that he died for that just will not accept it so you know maybe the the goats are the hell bound you know and the rams you know maybe israel or whatever and or jesus christ no obviously they're dyed red the remnant whatever um anyway it's kind of complicated but those are just some of my theories i guess i wouldn't really stand necessarily and just say i'm just dying on this hill or whatever but i just thought that was they were interesting concepts so verse 15 and now shall make boards of the tabernacle of shidamwood standing up and uh obviously to make a tent you have to have things that it you know you can't just throw throw a bunch of blankets out and call it a tent you can't just throw a bunch of canvases out call it a tent you have to have a frame to put it on you have to have something to hang the tabernacle on don't you and uh i i kind of did a little bit of study about the word shidamwood you know there's also another thing that was made another structure of wood called the ark not the ark not this ark but the ark in genesis chapter six the ark that noah built was called it was made out of what gopher wood gopher wood is never mentioned again in scripture only in the building of the ark and this is also a unique thing this shidamwood that it's talking about is not mentioned again in scripture except for for the building of the furniture in this tabernacle now there's a place named after this i don't know if it was for another reason or if it was just named after this kind of wood or whatever but anyway it's uh it was only used in the in the construction of the tabernacle as far as i could see in the scriptures and this was a unique material and this is the only time again it was mentioned but uh you know it was a one-of-a-kind type of material obviously it was something that god you know provided for them in the place that they're at just like the badgers just like all the other stuff that he provided for them but you know this type of wood's one of a kind but jesus christ was one of a kind too wasn't he there's none other like him there's none other wood like this mentioned in the scriptures but there's none other man like jesus christ either he was and is without sin and perfect in every single detail and christ is forever linked to wood forever you can't really think about christ without thinking about the cross can you you can't think about jesus christ without thinking about the fact that he hung on a tree and became a curse for us so um let's let's move on here in the chapter verse 16 um you know for sake of time i i'm just gonna kind of skip through this but this is talking about how the wood is put together with the sockets and basically i mean i'm i'm kind of i want to kind of skip through this because i am going to preach about this stuff again in chapter 36 and maybe i'll just save some of this for chapter 36 instead of just you know going for another 25 minutes or something through this section but i do want to kind of jump up to verse number 27 verse 27 the bible says and five bars for the boards of one side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the other side of the side of the tabernacle of the two sides westward and the middle bar in the midst of the board shall reach from end to end so let's talk about the structure of the tabernacle the board that goes down the middle and now shall overlay the boards with gold and make their rings of gold for places and for the bars now shall overlay the bars with gold and now shall rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee in the mount so this is details that that this these people can't really know the people that made this model god showed moses the pattern and only moses knew the pattern and even when the you know when the temple was being built you know those things were put upon by men that god put this spirit of building into even when in the and when it's retelling these things later on in exodus it's going to you're going to see that god puts special people to do this cunning type of work so you know when this new temple gets built that the anti-christ is going to claim to be god in they're not going to probably have everything right in it and you know as far as like the sacrifices go they're probably going to be sacrificing things but to what scale i'm not sure they don't even do circumcise circumcision right anymore they'll just like you know do a pinprick or something have you saw that marching design or they just oh they just like draw a little blood that's not what circumcision is even though when they're babies they'll do the whole thing right they just want to glory in our flesh i guess as gentiles but but anyway it says and verse 30 now shall rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee in the mount so i yeah i just want to point that detail out that there's things that like we don't know what the cherubims in the ark of the covenant looked like they're guessing we don't know about all these little designs and what the mercy seat looked like and you know on this they kind of have all these like little drawings and stuff on it and you know just these little intricate things we don't know that that's what it looked like so you kind of got to take that with a grain of salt but why don't we why why didn't god put those details in there because he knew that that was going to go away at some point and we wouldn't need those details really so just like the the ur um and erm and theorem thuman or whatever those little things for the judgment we don't know what they look like we don't even really know what don't even really know what they are per se we just know that they existed and that they're not in use anymore and so there's a reason why god doesn't why we don't know is because god doesn't want us to know those things disappeared there's a reason why the ark of the covenant is nowhere to be found now they try to say it's in ethiopia still and it's hidden in some cave or something i don't really believe that because i just don't it's probably destroyed it was probably melted down and used for roman coins or something you know because god allowed that stuff to get destroyed in 70 a.d all that stuff got melted everything got destroyed why would god allow those things to keep existing so he doesn't want them to continue to use those things and actually misuse them so and verse 31 says and now shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet so the veil separates the sanctuary from the holiest place it says and fine twined linen and cunning work with cherubims shall it be made so again in the old testament there's the veil it separated the holy place and the most holy place in both the temple and the tabernacle so we don't have to guess what the veil was a figure of as we're told in hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 and 20 says having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh the veil of the veil between the holy place and the most holy place is a figure of the flesh of jesus christ so that's clearly spelled out for us in hebrew chapter 10 you know i mean and helping us to understand this thing you can i mean hebrews the book of hebrews helps us to understand all this stuff it really is the key to unlocking all this stuff verse 32 says and thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of shit and wood overlaid with gold and the hook shall be of gold upon the four sockets of silver so you have the five pillars which again you know could represent the law because moses the law of moses is what five books right genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy and then you have the four pillars that's hang you know that is hanging on that this curtain is hanging on and what what would you think that might represent well how about matthew mark luke and john i don't know but also you know the working of the holy spirit obviously you know that number four kind of represents the working of the holy spirit also but it says their hooks shall be of gold and upon the sockets of silver so and then of course you got the the cherubim and you know when you when you study that what the cherubim are explained to look like that they have these faces and when you when you look when the faces i think are like a like isn't like a book they look like a bowl a man's face and then like isn't an eagle i can't remember i didn't do study on that i can't remember exactly what the faces are but but they kind of represent what the gospels represent how you know jesus is viewed as the son of god and then he's viewed you know so anyway that's a different study for a different time because it's just not really something i've looked at in a while but anyway um so verse 33 says and thou shall hang up the veil under the tatches that thou mayest bring it thither within the veil and the ark of the testimony and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy so when they built all the the curtains that went over the top there was a place where those were those tatches connected and the way that it was all overlaid is what made it you know you don't really kind of get the sense of that until you actually you know actually look at how it was all connected at the very end excuse me but the veil speaks of the work of the lord jesus christ which he accomplished in his flesh and the veil separated between the holy place and the most holy place only the again only the high priest had the access to that and the priest has the priests which would be us have no access to that holy place only when the lord finished that work did the children of god have direct access and view within the most holy place because we can go boldly to the throne of grace now because jesus christ is our high priest and he ripped that that veil in twain verse 34 and i shall put the mercy seat upon the ark of the testimony in the most holy place and i shall set the table without the veil and the candlestick over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south and i shall put the table on the north so what is it talking about okay it's talking about the candlestick right so you'll set the table so the table is the table of showbread which i don't have that built but i'll show you that next week but when you walk in the tabernacle on the right hand side would be the table of showbread on the left hand side is going to be the you know the candlestick and then right before the veil is going to be the table of incense and then it's going to be the veil and then inside the veil is the ark okay so but next week when i have this all built for you you'll be able to see for yourself and kind of get a little bit better of a grasp of what it's saying so it says now shall set the table in the veil excuse me verse 35 now shall set the table without the veil and the candlestick over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the north and now shall put the table on the north side and now shall make an hanging for the door of the tent of blue and purple and scarlet and fine twine linen wrought with needlework and now shall make the hanging five pillars of shidam wood and overlay them with gold and their hooks shall be of gold and now shall cast five sockets of brass for them so the hanging five of the you know make them for the hanging five pillars of shidam wood i mean i just last thoughts here i just think of galatians chapter three where you know the hang you know this this tabernacle is hanging on this wood jesus christ body hung on wood literally for us so that we could live and um i'll just finish with galatians 3 13 i'll just read it for you and then we'll close in prayer but uh galatians 3 13 says christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed as everyone that hangeth on a tree so when christ hung there on the crop on the cross on that tree he became a curse for us because it was written in the law that cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith very important scriptures very important because that promise to abraham way back in genesis chapter 12 is fulfilled in the fact in that fact and you know the the picture of the tabernacle helps us see these things so i know it's a lot to kind of take in and you know if i was out there a little bit on some of these things forgive me maybe i went down too deep and stayed down too long last night but i did my best all right so but if you have any cool things that you kind of gleaned out of there i'd be game to hear them so anyway let's pray lord we thank you so much for the scriptures and and lord we thank you for all the great spiritual pictures and and things that we can glean out of your word even what people would call the boring chapters of the bible lord i pray that we would never have that thought lord that all your all your book is great all your book is good and we should learn to love each and every single chapter of it and try to glean and find the most that we can out of each and everything each and every page of your word you put it there for us so we could know it so we could love it and so we could get something out of it i pray that you just help us to have that kind of attitude towards your towards your book lord and i pray that you just bless us all as we go our separate ways tonight in jesus name we pray amen