(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Welcome to Shur Foundation Baptist Church. If you could find your seats and grab your songbooks and turn to page 192. We're going to be seeing Ring the Bells of Heaven. Welcome to Shur Foundation Baptist Church. If you could find your seats and grab your songbooks and turn to page 192. Ring the Bells of Heaven. Song 192, let's sing it together on that first. Ring the Bells of Heaven, there is joy today. For a soul returning from the wild. See the Father meet Him out upon the way. Welcoming His weary wandering child. Glory, glory, how the angels sing. Glory, glory, how the loud harps ring. Tis a ransomed army like a mighty sea. Peeling forth the anthem of the free. Now you guys are doing a great job if you're trying to put us to sleep or something like that. But not very much for a song service. So let's try to step it up a little bit on the second. Let's start there on that second. Ring the Bells of Heaven, there is joy today. For a wanderer now is reconciled. Yes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way. And is born anew a ransomed child. Glory, glory, how the angels sing. Glory, glory, how the loud harps ring. Tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea. Peeling forth the anthem of the free. A lot better on the third. Ring the Bells of Heaven, spread the feast today. Angels swell the glad triumphant strain. Tell the joyful tidings, bear it far away. For a precious soul is born again. Glory, glory, how the angels sing. Glory, glory, how the loud harps ring. Tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea. Peeling forth the anthem of the free. Peeling forth the anthem of the free. Amen, brother Alex, would you open up a word of prayer? Amen, our second song, song number 236, No Not One. Song number 236, No Not One. Song 236, No Not One, let's sing it together on that first verse. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. None else could heal all our soul's diseases. No, not one, Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. No friend like him is so high and holy. No, not one, no, not one. And yet no friend is so meek and lowly. No, not one, no, not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. There's not an hour that he is not near us. No, not one, no, not one. No night so dark but his love can cheer us. No, not one, no, not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. Did ever saint find this friend, forsake him? No, not one, no, not one. Or sinner find that he would not take him? No, not one, no, not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. On that last, was there a gift like the Savior given? No, not one, no, not one. Will he refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one, no, not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one, no, not one. The ushers will bring you a bulletin. Everybody good? On our front cover, we have our verse of the week. It says, the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. Proverbs chapter 18, verse 15. On the inside, we have our service time, Sunday morning service, 10.30 a.m. for the preaching, and Sunday evening service, 3.30 p.m. We're in Exodus chapter 20. We'll be covering Commandments 5 and 6 of the Ten Commandments tonight, and then the Thursday Bible study. We're in Malachi, but this week, Pastor Anderson's going to be preaching here at 6.30, so it'll be the Red Hot Preaching Conference going on also this weekend, so it'll be a little interruption in those things, but we'll be back after that, and then if you look down, you can see the sowing times. We had sowing today. Did anybody get saved out there today? Anybody get one? All right, no? All right, but hey, you toiled in the heat of the day, and you worked hard, and that's what God expects. So anyway, let's see. The praise report, you can see the salvations, baptisms, and attendance totals for last week and last month and this month, and then let's see. The sowing class is going to be this Tuesday at 4 p.m. Let's see, Mrs. Harrington, for any questions. July 19, Pastor Anderson's preaching in Spokane at 6.30 p.m., and then he's going to be driving here the next day to preach for us. Like I said, 6.30 p.m. this Thursday as part of his Make It Conference, which will end at the Red Hot Preaching Conference on, I think, I believe, Sunday. So he's going to be preaching, doing a lot of preaching and doing a lot of driving. There's a lot of open space between Oklahoma, and I think he's going to Boise next, I'm pretty sure, Boise, Spokane, and then here and then California. So yeah, he's in the rough leg of his trip right now. He might be grouchy when he comes here, so you guys better be nice to him. Anyway, I'm sure he'll be good, though. And then July 28 through, well, we have the Red Hot Preaching Conference this week, and that's kicking off. There's going to be special Baptist Bias episodes also. I wanted to let you know about that. And then there's also going to be the showing, the premiere, of LGBTQ terrorists. And so I saw the trailer for it. The trailer looks really good. And Pastor Shelley does a really great job with stuff like that. So there will be a lot of great things going on. I'm sure you'll be able to tune in. But I think that also to watch the live streams. I know that when Pastor Jimenez was done with YouTube, maybe people haven't transitioned over to the Rumble portion, but I think that's all he uses is Rumble. And I think that you have to subscribe to the email list in order to get the link for the conference every day. So who already knew that? Who didn't know that? All right, good. Well, I taught some people something today. So subscribe. If you've got your smart phones, just whip them out right now. And subscribe to the Banned But Not Bound email. And the schedule is right here. If you want to know the schedule, the times, even just for the preaching, keep that and you'll know what time all the services are. It looks like the LGBTQ terrorist is showing at 4 PM on Saturday. I'm not sure if they're showing that live on Rumble. I would assume that they might be, but I'm not 100% sure about that. So there's also some other activities there if you're still on the fence about going. But anyway, also the week after that we have our five-year anniversary. So it's been almost five years since we became Sure Foundation Baptist Church and almost seven years since we started as Verity Baptist Church Vancouver. So it's been the better part of almost a decade going now where we've been a church here in this area. And so it's kind of a big mark there, five-year anniversary. So hopefully everybody will be here and attend all the services and do all the soul winning and partake in all the family activities that we have coming up. It's going to kick off with Pastor Jimenez Friday. He might be grouchy too because the Red Hot Preaching Conference is the week before. And I just basically groveled and said, please come and preach for us. I mean I wanted him to come just because he's the one that started our church. I thought it would be a good milestone for him to come. And so he reluctantly, no, he probably didn't want to, but he said that he would of course do it. So looking forward to having Pastor Jimenez here. And so if you're missing the Red Hot Preaching Conference, you're still getting two of the preachers here that are preaching at the conference. So if you stay behind, you're missing Pastor Shelley, Pastor Mejia, Pastor Berzins. But they're great preachers obviously. But at least they'll get part of the Red Hot, right? And then on our anniversary we're having the Saturday soul winning at 10 30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 30 p.m. lunch will be provided for the church. We're having hot dogs and hamburgers and other stuff. There will be a balance house and a mechanical bowl also from 1 30 to 4 30 p.m. We'll have a guest preacher on Sunday afternoon. Brother Wynn Fisher and his family will be visiting us for the whole weekend. And so we'll get to hear him preach for us on Sunday night. It's been a long time since he's preached at our church. I'm looking forward to that also. So August 3rd through 6th is the Toronto soul winning trip. The schedule is available. There's some schedules over there if you're interested. It's coming up soon. October 12th through 15th is the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship at Steadfast Baptist Church. So if you want to get a real up close look at beasts, then when you walk in there, you'll probably have to get the jeers and you'll get some persecution for going. I mean, so you'll get some rewards in heaven, right? And then November 8th through 12th is the FWBC missions conference in 10 p. And so all the other stuff, I'm just going to breeze through here because you all already know this stuff. And happy birthday to Annie and Sierra. And that's all we've got for announcements. Let's go ahead and sing another song and then we'll get right into the rest of the service here. Alright, our next song will be song number 215. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Song number 215, heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Song number 215, heaven came down, let's sing it out together on the first. Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forget. After I'd wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met. Oh, what a tender, compassionate friend, he met the need of my heart. Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling, he made all the darkness depart. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross the Savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Now, you hear that little awkward part in that chorus right there? It's like that long four second pause. That's kind of where you're supposed to fill in that gap right there. Because I'm singing the first part so I can't sing that second part. So, make it sound a little bit less awkward. Let's sing those words. You see the words there, yeah? Let's start it on the second. Born of the Spirit with life from above into God's family divine. Justified fully through Calvary's love. Oh, what a standing is mine. And the transaction so quickly was made. When as a sinner I came. Took the offer of grace he did proffer. He saved me, oh praise his dear name. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. That's good. When at the cross the Savior made me whole. Amen. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Amen. Much better on the third. Now I've a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time. I have a future in heaven for sure. There in those mansions sublime. And it's because of that wonderful day. When at the cross I believe. Rich is eternal and blessing supernal from his precious hands I receive. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross the Savior made me whole. Amen. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Amen. See it sounds a lot better, not awkward. Brother Ramon, would you bless the offering for us? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to open your Bibles to Exodus chapter 20. Exodus chapter number 20. There should be a Bible under the seat in front of you. Exodus 20. Exodus 20 the Bible reads, And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. For I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's. And all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, and when the people saw it, they removed and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear, but let not God speak with us, lest we die. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not, for God has come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces that you sin not. And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew nearer unto the thick darkness where God was. And the Lord said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven, Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall you make unto you gods of gold, and altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings, thy sheep and thy oxen, and all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee. And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of huge stone, for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto my own altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. Brother Robert, will you pray for us? Amen. All right. Well, we're in Exodus chapter 20 again. So by the time we get done with Exodus chapter 20, you guys will probably be very familiar with the commandments, and that's kind of the point. I wanted to take the time and go through just two commandments a week and kind of just expand on them a little bit. And so this week, this is the third sermon out of this passage, and of course we'll have seven and eight, nine and ten still to come. But just to recap previously on the other commandments that were covered, the first commandment is have no other gods before me. And so God is a jealous God, and He's not going to put up with us having other gods before us. Number two was no graven images. We're not supposed to make and bow down to graven images. That's anything that you would religiously worship in place of God, making an image and calling that a god. So no taking of God's name in vain. So I covered that last week about using God's name as a cuss word or just irreverently in general. It's profanity. It's profaning the name of the Lord, and it was the death penalty in the Old Testament for that. So obviously no other gods before me was also a death penalty, and I believe the graven images is also. So these are ten serious commandments that God is dead serious about it, literally, to where He would be put to death in the Old Testament kingdom of Israel. So remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Now that's the commandment. One out of the ten commandments is no longer applicable to the New Testament Christian. I covered that last week. And so people will call Sunday the Sabbath, but it's actually not the Sabbath. And people will say, well, you have to give one day a week to God. There's nothing in the New Testament that says that. We're not to be judged in those things, meats, drinks, and respect for a holy day or a holiday. But that's so far what we've gotten to. And just another recap also is that the ten commandments fit underneath an umbrella of two different divisions. So the first five commandments are essentially how we relate to God. Commandment's how we relate to God. Because the first commandment actually is, the most important commandment isn't even in the ten commandments necessarily. It is, I guess, if you view it in certain ways. But we're supposed to love God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, with all of our soul, with all of our strength. So I guess, yeah, if you have other gods before him, is that loving God above all else? No. If you have graven images that you would bow down to worship and hold as an idol to yourself, then that is not loving God. Taking God's name in vain is definitely not loving God. And remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy in the Old Testament, that is something that God wanted us to do as a picture of the things that he would do later on by Jesus Christ, his Son. Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath day for us. He did all the work for our salvation. It was purposely done during the Passover when Jesus was put to death. And he shed his blood for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. And so that Sabbath was a picture that we rest from our works and trust in the work of Christ for our salvation. And then the other umbrella in which the other six through ten, those commandments, are the love your neighbor as yourself. And you'll notice when we get into number six, and even number five is along the same lines, that if you do these things, you're not loving your neighbor. Before we get into the main sermon, I do want to turn to 1 John, chapter 4, verse 18, though. 1 John, chapter 4, verse number 18, where the Bible reads. Just go ahead and keep your finger here. We'll come back to it. 1 John, chapter 4, 18. I thought this was an interesting set of verses to go with the sermon. It says, We love him because he first loved us. If a man say, If I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment we have from him, that he who loveth God, loveth his brother also. So this is in relation to those two commandments, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. That's the second commandment that's like unto loving God. So God expects us to love our brother and if we don't, how can we say that we love God and we've never seen him and you already hate your brother whom you have seen? So, then the Ten Commandments are also grouped in this split of groupings where a lot of the commandments that you're going to see following after this would go under those specific commandments. So, like thou shalt not bear false witness. That's one of the commandments that we're going to get to later on. But what goes underneath that? Well, bearing false witness is specifically testifying against somebody for something. And it's lying, but lying lips is an abomination unto God. So, just like anything that you would see with lying or deceiving people would fall under that commandment. So, hopefully that makes sense. So, Commandments 6 and 10, like I said, are geared toward loving your neighbor. What we're going to cover, the first commandment tonight we're going to cover is commandment number 5, which is to honor your father and mother. Let's look back at Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 where the Bible says, Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. So, that word honor means regard with great respect. So, we're supposed to regard our father and mother with great respect. From the smallest child and even in your adult life, you should honor your father and mother. Now, Leviticus chapter 19 verse 32 says, Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God. I am the Lord. So, if we're just supposed to have respect for someone that is older, an elderly person, and honor the face of that person, and God says, And fear thy God, I am the Lord. So, how does he want us to treat our parents when they've gotten old? Well, if we're already supposed to honor, which means to regard with great respect, then that means that we're supposed to do this throughout the remainder of our lives. So, they take care of us when we're young and support us, and then in the end, when they get old and can't take care of themselves, then we're supposed to step up and fulfill those roles. Now, that's not always possible. I understand that. There's lots of different circumstances, but to the best of your ability, you should still try to honor your parents. Yes, even if they're not saved. Now, if there's some kind of reprobate queer or something, you probably should just have nothing to do with them, but that's how many people in here have a reprobate queer mom or dad. Don't raise your hand, but I don't think anybody does. It exists, though, and it's probably even more so now today, but I would just say that anybody that's just a full-blown reprobate, God hates them. So, I'm not saying to be mean to them or whatever, but I would just say just don't have anything to do with them. Now, if you just have an unsaved relative or unsaved mom or dad, if you have a relationship with them, there's nothing wrong with that. They're your parents. You're supposed to honor them, right? But don't necessarily take marriage advice from them. Don't necessarily take friendship advice from them. Don't necessarily take even child-rearing advice, because a lot of times you'll give your children your most precious thing that you have over to someone that's a non-believer, family member, and then that person's saying, well, when you grow up, you can do whatever you want. That happens, and so we've got to be careful who we leave our kids with. Obviously, we don't want our children being influenced by grandparents that don't have the best thing in mind for them, so hopefully that makes sense, and you'll have to discern whether those things are so, but I know of a person who goes to one of our churches, and their own sister turned them in for spanking his son, and it's just like that's not someone I'd ever let my child be in contact with ever again. I would completely cut that person out of my life, and then to have your parents do something similar, same thing. That's your family, and you're the mom and dad, not them, so I do believe that there's some. Today, grandparents have sued to have visitation rights with their grandchildren, and won. Now, I believe if you don't want your parents to have a relationship with your children for some wicked reason, I mean, that they're wicked, then I think you should have that right, but this country has just gotten so weird with stuff like that, but if somebody did something like that, turned me in like that to CPS, that would be the last time I ever speak with them, but I'm trying to teach you tonight about honoring your parents, okay? So not everybody's parents are going to do stuff like that, but the Bible does say that Jesus came to cause division, to turn families against each other, and He's saying that because when you're saved, then you're going to be at enmity with those people that are not saved, and so sometimes that could cause... The Bible says that children will rise up and cause their parents to be put to death. I mean, that's pretty bad, isn't it? Or vice versa. So we definitely want to make sure that we're raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Look at Deuteronomy 5, verse 16. This is the retelling of the law, and it's slightly different from what is said in Exodus 20, 12. I'll just remind you what it says. Honor thy father and mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. So in order to have a long life, you should honor your parents. The Bible says it's the first commandment with promise. Look at what Deuteronomy says in chapter 5, verse 16. It says, honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee. So, a little bit different there, but it's a commandment to honor your father and mother, that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee. So, both places, Moses is saying that you're going to have a longer life if you honor your parents. So, let's turn to Ephesians, chapter 6, verse number 1. Ephesians, chapter 6, verse number 1. The New Testament reiterates this. It's not like, oh, we're under grace, not the law, so I can just kick my parents to the curb now. That's not what the Bible teaches. Now, we are not under the Mosaic law in the sense that we are under grace, but does that mean that all God's moral commandments go out the window? Absolutely not. We don't believe that at this church. Look what it says in Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 1. The Bible says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. So, notice how it says obey. So, children, you're supposed to obey your parents when they tell you to do something, you do it. And you're like, well, yeah, but this is, my parents are dumb. You're dumb if you think your parents are dumb, because your parents are smarter than you, they've been alive longer than you, they know what's best for you. That's why you're under our care as parents because we know what's best for you. Now, obviously if you are talking about unsaved parents, they still know what's best for you in a lot of ways. Maybe as far as the ways of God, they don't know what's best for you. But just because parents are unsaved does not mean that God doesn't want you to respect them and to honor them. But the Bible says, Children, obey your parents, notice what it says, in the Lord. So, that right there is talking about, you know, as far as the commandments go, you know, as far as, you know, obviously if your parents are telling you to do something wicked, hey, go kill this person, go steal this, you know, you don't have to obey your parents when it's going against God's word. And that is basically the hierarchy of what we have to go by. God is above all else, so if we're supposed to love him no matter what, and we're supposed to love him with all of our heart, with all of our mind, soul, and strength, then the things that he commands are above what our worldly or earthly parents would say, correct? So, if they tell you, you can't get saved, then that's something you can disobey. You know, it's your choice whether you want to be saved or not. The Bible says, Whosoever will may come and get the water of life freely. So, now it says, For this is right, to obey your parents' children is right. And God expects you to do this. Look at Ephesians chapter 6 verse 2, it says, Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. So, out of the Ten Commandments, out of all God's commandments, this is the first one that has a promise attached to it. Now, I preached about tithing a few weeks ago, and there's a promise attached if you tithe also, that God will take care of you and, you know, he's going to make sure that you're blessed in your life and you're blessed, but as far as, like, the commandments that have actual promises attached to them, those two are ones that he does have promises attached to. So, look at verse number 3, the Bible says, That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. So, here it is in the New Testament being backed up. It's still in effect as far as, you know, honoring your parents is something that you're supposed to still do in the New Testament. Now, it's not the New, but again, it's not the Old Covenant that we're under. So, but this is a moral law that God has put in place, and you're like, well, how does this, what does this have to do with, you know, being, how is this dishonoring God if you dishonor your parents? Well, isn't God your Heavenly Father if you're saved? So, if you're dishonoring the God-given authority that he gave you in your life and the command to do that, well, again, those verses I read in 1 John 4 kind of apply here, don't they? If you don't love your parents who you do know, how are you going to love God who you've never seen? And so God expects us to honor him and love him, but he also expects us to honor our God-given authority on this earth. And, you know, that includes, you know, obviously parents, but it also includes your boss. Whoever your God-given authority is in spheres of your life, different areas of your life, that's who you should obey. Look at Colossians chapter 3, verse 20. Colossians chapter 3, verse number 20. The Bible says, So God is happy when children obey their parents. You're like, I thought this was about honoring your parents. Well, yeah, if you're going to honor your parents, you're going to obey your parents and do what they say. Because, you know, rebellious children are ashamed to their parents. And, you know, but we as parents also need to understand that it's our job to guide our children and help them to understand these commandments and principles. Because they should honor you, but you should teach them to honor you. You should make them respect you. This isn't just like something that they get to just choose whatever they want to do. That's what the world does. That's how the world is child-rearing these days. Have you been to a store lately where a brat, bratty kid is just screaming and telling their parents, no, and no, I'm getting this. And I just had it happen not too long ago. I stopped at Big's. And I watched this little kid who's demanding something from, you know, some kind of candy that he wants. And he's got his parents hostage right there, screaming and yelling. And they're just like, oh, yeah, yeah. It'd be like, whoosh. I mean, come on. How are you letting a kid control you in a store? Grab that kid and take him out of the car and beat his butt. But the world is not taught to do that anymore. You know, the world will say, well, you shouldn't spank. Violence begets violence. Well, you know, if you don't spank, someone else is going to get violent with them. And it's going to be God in the end. Because, you know, you deliver your child from hell when you apply corporal punishment to them in the way the Bible says to do. So Malachi chapter 1, verse 6. Malachi chapter 1, verse 6. And I just was really thinking about this verse because you don't hear in the Old Testament, you don't see God being called a father a lot. In the New Testament, that's more of a thing. Where it's talking about God being the father. You know, it talks about the Lord of Hosts and all these other things. But here's a specific verse where God says he is a father. Look at what it says in Malachi 1, 6. It says, A son honoreth his father, and a servant his master. If then I be a father, where is mine honor? So God is a father, isn't he? Where is mine honor? And if I be a master, where is my fear? Sayeth the Lord of Hosts unto you, a priest that despiseth my name. And you say, Wherein have we despised thy name? So God is making the point here that he is a father and that people are not honoring him. His own children are not honoring him. And so when we don't honor, see the fact that we as parents, or you if you are a parent, you know, God wants you to be the picture of what God is for us. So dads, fathers, fleshly fathers, God expects you to be the father that he wants you to be so that that child will love the Heavenly Father. And so you're a picture for that child as to what God is like with us. Now obviously, we chastise for our own pleasure is what it says. You know, every once in a while it does feel good to give that spanking because they really got it coming, you know what I mean? But God only does that for our betterment. He only does that to perfect us. He doesn't just take pleasure in spanking. He does it because it needs to be done. And so again, that's something that we should incorporate into our lives. Why are we spanking our children? Well, because we are told to. The Bible says to do it be times. That means early. And obviously, to the level of the age of the child. I'm not talking about taking out stripes for the fool's back when they're a month old. That's ridiculous. And so anybody that takes Bible preaching about spanking to that level in their mind, that's just a weird jump, a weird leap. But we should start correcting our children at an early age. And even when they do the whole scratch your face thing, when they start to get those Freddy Krueger claws, you know what I'm talking about? And they just like rake your face. Sometimes kids will hit you. And you have to just tell them who the boss is right away. And you don't have to spank them or anything like that. You just grab their hands and say, no. And then they're like, eh, eh, eh. You know, they try to get you again. It's like, no. You have to submit those children in order for them to submit to you. Sometimes you've got to, I mean, it's weird. They're that little and yet they're still trying to usurp the authority over their parents. And it's a battle. But you can't let your children turn into little terrorists that are terrorizing everybody else, including yourself. I mean, don't you want rest? But if your children never give you rest, then you're doing something wrong. You need to fix whatever child-rearing problems you have because you don't want them to turn out to be big monsters later on. And that's what's going to happen. And consistency is the important part of child training. It sucks when they're rebellious and having a hard time keeping the rules and they just want to rebel, rebel, rebel. But if you let them win one battle out of ten, then it kind of starts over again. And so you have to pass the test every time. You have to be consistent. If it's a spanking offense, you have to spank them. And it's like, man, I'm tired of spanking them. Well, you're going to be saying, I'm tired of bailing them out. I'm tired of borrowing, giving them money. I'm tired of all these problems that they're causing in other people's lives. So we need to train our children to grow up in the ways of the Lord. And so spanking is one of those things. And God wants His children to honor Him. And like I said, that picture for us, or for our children, or for you as a child, is that your parents should be the absolute authority in your life at this point. Of course, God is higher than that. But you're like, well, my parents make up stupid rules. Well, let's look at what Proverbs 8 says. Proverbs 1, verse 8. The Bible says, if you have a chance to get over there real quickly, Proverbs 1.8 says, My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother. So can parents make rules that aren't in the Bible? Well, it sounds like they can. And some of these things are common sense rules. Some of these things are words of wisdom. You teach a child to work hard. You teach your son to work. And then if that son works hard, then you teach them to obey their boss. You teach them to not quit a job unless they already got another one on the line. You teach them to give two weeks notice. Now, unfortunately, in this day and age, someone will just say, if you give them two weeks notice, I've had where people just said, okay, well, this is your last day. It's like, I've had people do that, and I'll be like, okay. I said, but you're the reason why people just quit and just walk off of jobs. And so we shouldn't be like that. And even if we know, if we think that someone's going to do that, we should still give two weeks notice because God's going to honor you, and He's going to be happy with you for the fact that you did something that was right towards your boss instead of just quitting at the last second. I have done that before. I'm not going to say that I haven't. But I was being ruled over by a tyrant, short-haired, bossy, fat lady that was just tormenting me for months. And I knew that if I put my two weeks notice, so I'm just, you know, there's been times when I haven't practiced what I'm preaching to you right now, but I do believe it's the right thing to do is to give two weeks notice, and it's like, where's that in the Bible? It's not in the Bible. It's just something that we learn to do. It's respect, and it gives the company time to hire somebody else or, you know, today it's hard to get hired even. You can't even just fill out an application. It's got to be all done through computer and human resources, but at least they can get a head start on filling your replacement position. But we're supposed to teach our children, and kids, there's rules out there that your parents have for you, and to you they might not make sense. Well, why can't I stay up all night on my video games eating candy and lollipops? Well, you know, because number one, it's good to be in good habits. You need to have sleep, and eating candy and ice cream for dinner every night would be a bad idea. You're going to have no teeth. No one's going to like you because you have bad teeth, and you're going to be, you know, in some problems. You're going to have to get one of those, like, gold grills, you know, and it's just a bad way to, you know, why don't we let kids eat whatever they want and sleep whenever they want, and do whatever they want because it's not good for them. So we have to put, like, some kind of foundation and some form for them to grow up in. We teach them. We teach them the Bible. We teach them, you know, we're responsible for their education. And you know what? If you have your kids in a public school, then you should get them out immediately if you're a Christian, even if you're not a Christian. I mean, I would put your kid in a private school or some non-LGBTQIA, HIV, AIDS kind of school system because it's bad now. It's our responsibility to raise up the children. And then that's how they grow up to learn to be that way, and they're respectful to their parents. They're respectful to you, and then you keep that cycle going because it only takes one dysfunctional generation to destroy all the good that you can do with one generation. It's just like, you know, with Joshua. Joshua, all the children of Israel obeyed him until his death, and then there rose up a generation that knew not Joshua, knew not the things of the Lord, and then that's all it took is just one generation, and they're worshiping Baal. So it's a very serious job that we have as parents, and kids, you should honor your parents. Honor your parents. They brought you to church today because they love you, and they want you to learn the things of the Lord, and they want you to grow up and to get saved and baptized if you're not already, and your parents love you, and that's why they bring you to church. You're like, well, church is boring. Everything doesn't have to be fun, fun, fun, cake, lollipops, Kool-Aid, Disneyland, video games, screen time. It doesn't have to be just always a fun adventure for kids all the time, because if you live your life like that and you think that, then you're going to grow up thinking that way, too. It's not all fun and games. Life is hard sometimes, and as you get older, and when you have to start paying your own bills, and you have to start buying diapers all the time, which is super expensive. It's probably more expensive than I even want to know. How much are a pack of diapers right now? Anybody? What? Wow, those must be at the Costco. But, yeah, I mean, the last diaper that we had to change, and I remember specifically we were like, this is the last pack of diapers, and it's like, yeah, because you have a lot of kids, and you're just buying diapers all the time. It's just part of your bill process. But it's really expensive. It's expensive to take care of kids. It's expensive to buy all these things. Turn to Matthew 15, verse number 1. Matthew 15, verse number 1. Now, Jesus talked about the issue of honoring your father and mother, and He references a specific law in here. Look at Matthew 15, 1. The Bible says, Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders, for they wash not their hands when they eat bread? So the scribes and Pharisees are getting on to Jesus for not washing their hands. But then He turns the tables on them really quickly right here. Verse 3, it says, But He answered and said unto them, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother, and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. So He brings two concepts in here. He brings in the Ten Commandments. He brings in commandment number 5 here, where He says that you're supposed to honor your father or mother. And then He says, And he that curseth father and mother, let him die the death. So that's found in Exodus chapter 21. But what's it say? If you curse father and mother, let him what? Die the death. So people will criticize us over verses like this, but they'll say Jesus is loving. He never would condone the death penalty and all this other stuff. But then you show it to them, and they're like, oh, well, you know, they don't have an answer for you. But it sounds like Jesus agreed with this law. And you know why? Because He's God. He's the one that wrote it. And you're like, well, what are you saying, pastor, that if someone curses their parents that they should die? That's what God says. So that's a serious deal. So how does God take it when someone does that to their parents? And it's just saying cursing them. Not necessarily saying cuss words to them, but cursing them in some way. You know, I hope you go to hell, mom and dad, or something like that. You know, God doesn't take that lightly. It says let him die the death. But ye say, whosoever shall say to his father and his mother, it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, and honor not his father or his mother, he shall be free. So their tradition is to say, well, as long as you gave them a gift, it's kind of like paying an indulgence to the Catholic Church or something. Like, well, they're going to donate. Here, this is to make me free from having to care for my mom and dad, you know, when they're old or whatever. And that's what they're saying to people that don't want to take care of their parents. Thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well, the Desaias prophesy of you, saying, this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and on earth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. So he's talking about the Pharisees and this type of attitude where you're like, well, you know, I'm just going to give a one-time gift to the priest, and then I don't have to worry about my parents anymore. God doesn't accept that. That is a tradition of men. That is a commandment of men. And it says, but in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. So what is the problem here? Well, the Pharisees, the religious rulers at that time, were letting people get out of one of God's Ten Commandments by just paying them some money, paying a gift at the altar or whatever, which Jesus is reproving them for. But the point I wanted to show you that for is to show you that Jesus still holds to this commandment, and he says it in red letters if you have a red letter edition, to honor your father and mother. And if you curse them, let them die the death. Does Jesus believe in the death penalty for doing that, yes or no? Yes, he does. So, go ahead and turn to Mark chapter 7. Mark chapter 7, and this is another, like a parallel passage to this. And I'm not going to go through the whole thing. Let's see. Let's look at verse 6. Mark 7, 6. It says, He answered and said, so it's the same scenario. He answered and said unto them, Well hath the Zaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honorth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, for laying aside the commandment of God, so they lay aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups, and many other such things you do. So, they're holding washing dishes and washing their hands over honoring and loving your parents. So, this is why their society was so messed up and backwards, they can't even get this commandment right. The Pharisees were just wrong about everything. But isn't it the same way today that a lot of Christian quote-unquote groups, like the Catholic Church, and all these different quasi-Christian organizations will allow people to break commandments and they'll give an excuse for those things. And this is the type of things that the Pharisees do. They don't really believe the Bible. People don't believe the Bible today. There was a lady that showed up at Steadfast today, and she had her crosses. She had a really nice dress on. She showed up. She's filming them in their parking lot. Dylan's trying to get that lady off the property saying, hey, you're not welcome here. She pulled into the parking lot. And she's berating them for what they believe or whatever. And she's showing up looking like a Christian. She's got her Mr. T startup kit with the crosses on it and all that. But she's some old boomer lady that thinks that the Bible says things that it doesn't say. And he's like, have you ever read Leviticus 20-13? She's like, yeah, lots of times. Well, if you've read it lots of times, it's pretty clear what it says, isn't it? So how are they wrong then? It's just insane. Well, you're supposed to love your neighbor. But people don't believe the Bible. They call themselves Christians, but they don't believe the Bible. And Jesus is just abrading these people for it. It says in verse 9, And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. For Moses said, Honor thy father and thy mother, and whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death. But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, A gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by, he shall be free. So again, it's reiterating the same thing that if you think that you can just give a gift and get out of having to take care of your parents, God is against you on that. He's not just going to allow that to be something that you do, and there's not going to be any recourse for it. So here's verse 12, So, what's it saying? The priests are saying you don't have to help them anymore because you gave me this gift. So, what's the most important commandment? Well, first of all, the washing of your hands isn't even a real commandment of God. You know, it's probably helpful sometimes. You know, it's probably good, but it is not a commandment of God in the Bible. Obviously, we're supposed to be clean and things like that, but if you eat an apple without washing your hands first, you're not breaking some huge commandment. But you know where you are breaking a huge commandment? To refuse to honor your parents when the Bible says you're supposed to, and you're taking other commandments and making them more important. You know, or just commandments that aren't even in the Bible or maybe just not as important, and you're putting those over the top of one of the Ten Commandments. I mean, it's a big deal. So, let's go to Exodus 21, verse 15, and I'll show you the verses that Jesus is quoting here. Exodus 21, verse 15. And when we get to this chapter, it's going to give us more details about the certain types of, you know, because the Ten Commandments, again, are just statements of what God commands us to do, but the interpretation of them is sometimes given in the preceding chapter. So, Exodus 21, verse 15 says, He that smiteth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. So, what is smiting? Well, smiting could be just hitting them with something. Smiting could be killing them, because you can smite someone with something. It's just striking somebody. So, if you're striking your own parents, what does the Bible say in Exodus 21, verse 15? If you do that, shall surely be put to death. And you're like, well, that's just crazy. Christians actually believe that? Well, this is what the Bible says, folks. And I'm not saying that you should kill your kids if they strike you. That's not what I'm saying. But, you know, it's not within our power to do these things. And, you know, I believe that this is an extreme case, but have you ever seen any videos where... I saw a YouTube video where, like, maybe a 15-, 16-year-old kid in prime shape knocks out his grandfather, who's like 80 years old, just in front of his friends. You know, I don't know if he thought that was going to make them think that he was cool or something, but just blasts his grandfather in the face and knocks him out cold on video. And I'm sure there's all kinds of videos out there like that, just extremely wicked. I wouldn't be surprised if that kid isn't dead right now. I mean, that was his grandfather, but still, he's his father in a way, isn't he? He's related directly to him. But you're like, well, that's just crazy that you would say that they should be put to death for that. You know what's crazy is having a person like that living in our society. That's what's crazy, because if they'll do that to their own grandfather, to their own parents, then what else are they capable of doing? You know what? God's commandments are right, no matter how you feel about them. God doesn't say, well, how do you feel about this commandment? Because, you know, I could just take it away. That's not what he says. God is the one that makes the rules, folks. God is the one that makes the commandments, and what he says is always right. It's always true. So when people come at you like, well, look at what it says. You're supposed to put your kids to death. Well, number one, we don't live under the Old Testament laws of Israel. We don't have these death penalties instituted in our society. So even if we wanted that to be the case, it's not going to be the case. And how many people do you actually think took their kid to go have them killed by the elders? By the judges? Actually took them to the judges. And I honestly think that it wasn't a lot, because look how many times the children of Israel failed. Look how many times the children of Israel turned back to Baal, turned back to false gods. Do you think if, you know, parents were doing their job and children were doing right by their parents, that that stuff would have ever been a thing? No. Because if people would actually carry out God's law, then people would see that and they'd fear. They used to have public executions for things. They used to hang people in public and the whole town would come and watch it. And they were like, yeah, he got justice. You know, he raped some woman or they robbed and shot people on a stagecoach or whatever you can think of. Deserters in the military, homos, all these different things. There used to be the death penalty in this country, now there's a moratorium on it in almost every state. They just want to murder children. They don't want to kill people that actually deserve to be killed. So, it says in the Bible that if you smite your father or mother, you shall surely be put to death. So kids, don't ever put your hands on your parents. It's wicked. And obviously to murder your parents is even worse. So, definitely worse. Look at verse 17. And this is the one that Jesus was talking about. It says, and he that cursed his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. So, this is what Jesus said, they shall die the death. What is he saying? He's saying that there's a death penalty for someone that would curse their father or mother. And, you know, obviously if you would smite your father or mother. Look at Deuteronomy 21. This was the whole deal. And Moses gives this example in Deuteronomy 21 verse 18. And this is where atheists and these homos will, they'll send me stuff like this. I think they just sent me something like this not too long ago in an email. And it's like, how can, you know. And people will say, Christians will, they'll see people post stuff like this and they're like, well that's the, don't make excuses for God. What he says is right. Deuteronomy 21, 18. If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them. So this is a child that's just so rebellious they refuse to obey their parents and they have already chastised them. They've already spanked them. They've already done all these things and will still not hearken unto them. It says, then shall his father and mother lay hold on him. So they're basically capturing him and bring him out unto the elders of his city and unto the gate of his place and they shall say unto the elders of the city, this our son is a stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey our voice. He is a glutton and a drunkard. And so they're adding on. He's obviously worse than just this. He's a glutton and a drunkard. And all the men of the city shall stone him with stones that he die, so shalt thou put evil away from among you and all Israel shall hear and fear. And if you've tuned me out right now because you'd never even dream about doing this to little Johnny or little Susie, look, I understand. I've never thought about, hey, I think, honey, it's time. Let's take them to the police station and see if they'll shoot them. I mean, I've never had that thought. But you have to be honest with yourself right here. What is the Bible saying? I mean, and I think that this is an extreme case. It's not like, hey, they refuse to clean their room. Kill them! But it does say that they, even after Chase, I think that this is like obviously an older, maybe, to me it seems like it'd be a teenager because I don't know how many little children are drinking alcohol or it says a drunkard and a glutton and a drunkard, so maybe it's some rebellious teen. I don't know. I can see that. Now, that's where I could see the issue. That's when I think maybe that's the most close I've ever been to taking them. That's when they get all awkward and they smell weird, the boys anyway, and they give you more trouble. They give you more lip because once they turn 13, they have all knowledge of all things in the universe and they think that they're smarter than everybody else. Not all teens are like that, but in a big majority we do get rebellious. It's like we're little men and little women that think that we know everything. It's like you're going through these changes in your body and in your life and it's just a thing with teenagers. I don't know. But again, this is a really extreme situation, I think, but I'm not going to apologize for God. This is what God's word says, and so that's what I think the law indicates. In the millennium, this will happen. It actually says it. It says that if one of their kids becomes like some false prophet, that their own parents will thrust them through. So people will obey the law of God in the millennium. It's just a fact. But the concept of the death penalty is so severe to us that when people do see it justly carried out, they do fear. And so I think if the law of God was implemented and the death penalty was implemented, crime would go down big time. It would go way down because the first time some screaming punk teenager is taken out to the outside of the camp and stones are thrown at him until he dies, all the other teenagers are going to be like, right? Wouldn't they be afraid? Pushing their mom around or something when dad's not around or whatever the things that they're doing, rebelling, knocking out their grandfather? I mean, that stuff's not going to happen. If you know that you're going to get the stones, you're going to get stoned to death. So this is a deterrent for crime. When you put the death penalty in the situation, it's a deterrent for the crime. And so when some child is so severe that this has to happen, it is going to affect the rest of the people because this is talking about the elders of your town. So in the Bible they had different rules than we have now, obviously, but there's a bunch of unsaved freaks out there that freak out about these verses, but I believe this is the extreme case, but I do believe it's right and true. And sometimes parents do do everything that they can do, and a child still does make their own choice. A child still does defy the rules that God has put over them in their life, and God finds it abhorrent. And so it's so abhorrent to God that you would treat your parents like that that he puts the death penalty on it, and it is what it is. I'm not going to apologize. And so we take flak for believing this. While the world's children are apparently confused about what gender they are, their kids are the ones that are screaming at their parents at the store. Their kids are the ones that are the total rebellious brats, dressing like whores when they're in teenage years, just fornication running rampant, no punishment for anything, no consequences. But here's the thing about having no consequences with your parent-child relationship. There always is going to be consequences no matter what you do. So the consequences of not punishing your children, and not correcting your children, and not having them be in trouble for the things that they do, the consequences are going to be what they are later in life. They're going to be a person that doesn't understand why God would punish someone for their sin because they've never been punished for anything they've ever done. Oh no, no, don't do that. Quit coddling your kids so much. I mean, obviously there's a time to love them and all that. I'm not saying not to be loving, not to be nurturing, not to admonish them. You know, sometimes kids hate being lectured. I think I'd rather take a spanking than a long lecture from my dad because he could really just pour on the lecture. It's like, okay dad, I get it. But sometimes I think that the spanking is just the better way to go. You get it out of the way, they cry, you hug, they say they're sorry, over. But again, we take flack for spanking children. And it's like, look at your kid. He's got green hair, and he's got bones in his nose, and he's got, looks like he fell into a fishing tackle box, and they're the ones that are the ones that are screaming in uncontrollable rage. They have these rage quitting. I mean, have you ever seen the rage quit videos where the kids are playing video games and they just go on these, you know, anybody know what I'm talking about, rage quit? It's when they get beat in video games and then they just freak out and smash the controller and start destroying their house and stuff over a video game. I mean, I've seen videos where kids were screaming and freaking out on their parents because they said they're going to take their video games away. You know, if that's your deterrent, then you need to fix some stuff and your parenting, you know, just barring them from Mario Brothers is not going to be enough, all right? You can't let your kids talk to you like that. You can't operate your life like that because you become the prisoner in your own home. That's what happens. And what is consequences? It's a result or effect of an action or condition. It's a result. So no matter what you do, there's consequences. If you spank them, the consequences for them are going to be that they're corrected and they're going to do better next time, hopefully. And if you don't do it, then they're going to not get corrected and they're not going to believe in God. They're going to end up dying and going to hell because they don't understand the father-son relationship. Now, it's a real shame when I see this with Christians, though, because it's not as if I haven't preached it. It's not as if I haven't talked about it multiple times, and I still see Christian parents today still doing the same thing that the world's doing, you know, not correcting their children. You know, when your child is assaulting people, that needs to be corrected. That's not something you can just let go. When your child is, you know, throwing a fit, breaking God's commandments, you've got to correct them. You know, it's not just, you know, you can't parent out of guilt. And this is what a lot of women do, is that they'll be like, oh, you know, don't spank them. You know, they're the ones that are the advocates trying to stop you from spanking them, and that's not right. You know, if you can't handle the spanking, Mom, you know, you're in a lot of trouble because if you've got a gang of them, I mean, if you're having a lot of kids, and look, I think that people should have a lot of kids. But if you have a lot of kids and all of them are controlling you, then it's going to be a miserable existence for the next 20-whatever years that you have these kids in your home. Because every time you have one, the clock starts again. And if you can't control them now, you know, you're going to have a real hard time controlling all of them when you have seven or eight kids or something, and they're all telling you what to do instead of you telling them what to do. You have to get on this kind of stuff really quickly. So, I feel like this has been a child training sermon more than respecting your parents, but the result, the consequences of you training your children are that they're going to grow up and be saved and better people. In most instances, children get saved at an early age when they have Christian parents. So, it's important. It's important. You know, it's not just, like I said, it's not just like fun, fun, fun. You know, always candy, cookies, pizza, McDonald's Happy Meals. It can't just be all that all the time. Don't feel bad about making your children have chores. Hey, if they grow up and think our life is only fun, and you've allowed them to, you've fostered that environment, then when they get older, they're going to be in your basement. They're going to be, you know, having rage wars with people online. They're going to be like these nuts that follow us online all the time and make up new profile pictures and come up with these stupid names and then attack us in YouTube comments. You know, they're like, oh, I got them. Look at this new thumbnail. Debate me. I'm a troll. I mean, we don't want our kids growing up like that. Look at Isaiah chapter 3, verse 12. And this is the sad part about it. And Israel, like I said, Israel had a real hard time, but you know Christians have a hard time. But don't feel bad. The world wants you to feel bad for correcting your kids. The world wants you to feel bad for having your daughters wear a dress to church. The world wants you to feel bad because you're not letting them watch whatever they want on television. It's like, look at how your kids are turning out. You know, and obviously your kids aren't going to be perfect if you're a Christian, but you know what, they're a lot better equipped to live in this world than they are if they're just left to themselves. They're called antifa communists. That's the result of not spanking your children. Sleep all day, protest at night. Do drugs afterwards. Rinse and repeat. Living with their parents. Not knowing what gender they are. I mean, I was reading about this one antifa person, and they were like, they were known as Joshua something, and the next protest they were known as some other, you know, looked like some transvestite or something. Freaky, weird, and they're, you know, these are the types of people who are assaulting federal officers and doing all these riots. You know, we don't want our kids to turn out like that, so we need to do what's right. Look at Isaiah 3.12, it says, As for My people, children... Hold on, let me back up again. What does it say there? As for My people. Who are His people? The children of God, the saved people, right? As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. And look, men, woe unto us if this is the case when women are ruling over us, and children are the ones that are oppressing our lives. What a miserable existence that is to let your children run your home. It must suck if that's you. It must really suck to have your children, you know, that you feel like you're in prison because your kids are ruling over you. I mean, you can fix that. Guess how? Where's a paddle? Somebody throw me a paddle. There's a paddle right there. Amen. Guess what? Your kids can sit through church. Train them. Guess what? Your kids don't have to be your oppressor. Men, we've got to rise up and have some godly homes here. And how's that done? Well, teach them. Lead them. Be the example that you have to be for them, and then you won't be in this little camp where God is saying, what a shame. What a shame that women and children are ruling over the houses. That's not the way God designed it to be. And it's a curse. What are you saying? That's a curse on your life because you've refused to do the job that a parent is supposed to do. These are the direct consequences of refusing to keep God's commandments. Now onto the sixth, and I know I've got to hurry here, but let's look at verse number 13. And commandment number six is, Thou shalt not kill. Deuteronomy 5 17 reads, Thou shalt not kill. So again, the retelling by Moses 40 years later in Deuteronomy chapter 5, he starts to explain all the things that happen with the children of Israel, and so that's why I keep going to Deuteronomy. But anyway, what does Jesus say about this commandment? What does Jesus say in Matthew chapter 19 verse 18? If you want to get there, get there. If not, don't. But here's what Jesus said about this commandment. Because people will say this, Well, doesn't the Bible say thou shalt not kill? It's like, yeah, it does say that. But look at how Jesus interprets it. He saith unto him, which Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. So what's he doing? He's bolstering the commandments and putting the commandments in a high regard here. But notice how it says, Thou shalt do no murder. So what does that tell you that the command to not kill is talking about murder? Obviously sometimes people have to be killed. God's not going to contradict himself and say, This is the death penalty. This is the death penalty. This is the death penalty. But thou shalt not kill. God is not schizophrenic. God understands the difference between murder and the death penalty. And so the death penalty comes for someone that commits a crime that's worthy of being put to death, which we've already seen. I mean, doing these things with your parents, hitting your parents, cursing your parents, these things ought not to be done. But the death penalty is put forth in murder for capital first-degree murder. Look at Exodus 21, verse 12. Exodus 21, verse 12. Does anybody even turn into the verses anymore? Exodus 21, verse 12. The Bible says, He that smiteth a man so that he die shall be surely put to death. And if a man lie not in wait, that means to premeditate, but God deliver him into his hand, then I will appoint thee a place whether he shall flee. But if a man shall come presumptuously upon his neighbor to slay him with guile, thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die. So remember that Joab put his hands on the altar, and what did Solomon say? Kill him. Why? Because he was a murderer. Because Joab murdered Amaziah, and who else did he murder? He murdered somebody else. The two people that were put to replace him, he just killed them that were supposed to be the generals. Right? So Solomon had him put to death, even though he was hanging onto the horns of the altar. And that's happened more times than just that. But anyway, what does God say? If a man lie in wait, if he lies in wait, that means he's premeditating something. If you're planning to kill somebody, you plan it all out, and then you enact that plan to kill them, that's murder. That's first-degree murder, premeditated murder. Now crimes of passion, those are considered like second-degree murder. There's also, like, if you're chopping with an ax, and maybe you don't have your safety stuff, you know, your ax isn't all the way mounted onto the piece of wood that you need to chop with. It flies off, it hits somebody and kills them. That's manslaughter. That's like an unintentional killing. You didn't mean for that person to die, but your negligence caused them to die. And so when that happens, then they still had to flee to these cities and be judged by the judges, and then it was determined whether it was premeditated or not. So the premeditated, do you think abortion's a premeditated crime? Yeah, I mean, you plan it, you make the doctor's appointment, you go in and do it, and then you let your baby be killed. That is first-degree murder. So what should happen to any person that murders their own children? They should be surely put to death, is what the Bible says. But it's funny, these same people are doing GoFundMes for Antifa terrorists that kill people and hurt people and all these different things, and try to get them bailed out. They try to write the governors of whatever state, and they pick it outside to make sure that they're not put to death, because the death penalty still does happen in some states. I think Texas still puts people to death. I think Oklahoma still puts people to death. You know, these Southern Bible Belt states will do that. But, you know, why is it that liberals and left-leaning tards like this they'll go all in to try to help somebody that's actually a murderer, that actually deserves the death penalty, they'll fall over themselves to help them, but then at the same time, they'll go and protest, you know, a state choosing what to do when it comes to the law of abortion. And when the Supreme Court said it's up to the states, which it's just wicked and wrong anyway, but I'm glad that that came down because less abortions are being done in certain states, right? So it was a step in the right direction. Is it going to stop abortion? It's not going to. It should just be stopped because it is premeditated murder. And anybody that puts their child to death like that should be put to death. But my point is, is that why is it okay to murder your child, but the people that actually deserve the death penalty are allowed to live? I just don't understand that disconnect with them. They don't understand it because you know why? They're just confused. They're confused and they're wicked. It's like the Star Wars generation has upon us or something. I call it like the Star Wars mentality. And it's nobody's ever too bad to turn back to the Jedi and the ways of the Force. If you've ever seen the Star Wars movie, you understand what I'm talking about. But Darth Vader is a sadistic murderer. He turns against the side of the good and then kills all the little children of this Jedi place or whatever. Kills all the little children. One by one just walks through chopping them up with his lightsaber. And then he tracks down all the remaining Jedi. And look, this is a movie. I understand that. But just hear me out here for a second. And then Luke Skywalker refuses to stop him, which is his dad. I am your father, Luke, or whatever, right? And he refuses to kill Darth Vader even though he's done all these things. Obviously he doesn't want to strike his father, I guess. But he says, I sense good in him or whatever. Look, there's no good left over in some homicidal maniac that's just murdering people by the droves. He kills all the sand people or whatever, men, women, and children. And then what's the message being spoken to by the masses that are just all these Star Wars nuts? What is the message? Well, that you can still be as bad as you could ever be and there's still hope in that person. You should save that person alive. And that's just wrong. And so, you know, then you got the Batman mentality also. Because look, these media outlets, these types of things are put on people for generations. What do you know about Batman? Batman in the comic books and in the movies, he doesn't kill people. That's like his thing, right? And Superman doesn't kill people. That's like his thing that makes him righteous or whatever. But the thing is, is that Joker is like a sadistic, you know, mass murderer that poisons people to death. And, you know, there was like, in the 90s when I was kind of into comic books, I was pretty much, I was into comic books, okay. They had Batman where you could call a 1-800 number and choose whether Robin lives or not. And so they chose for Robin to die. This is before the internet. This is like when you actually had to call phone numbers and stuff. Right? So they put the 1-800 numbers, if you want Robin to live, do this one. You want Robin to die. Who's ever heard of this before? Anybody? Okay, old people. So they choose, they vote for Robin to die. And so Joker beats him to death with a crowbar, well, almost to death with a crowbar, and then blows up the place he's at. And it was like a big controversial thing. The morality, it just shows the morality even at that time, you know, and it was probably actually in the late 80s, like almost 90s. But what is that, you know, and then Batman, he always catches Joker, and then what does he do? He beats the crap out of him, and then throws him back in Arkham Asylum. You know, he should be in this insane asylum because he's insane. After he just killed all these people, he killed Robin, he shot Batgirl, he made her paralyzed, all this other stuff. Look, I'm just saying what I know because I used to read the comic book, all right. But the point is, is what is this teaching our children? What is this teaching generations of people that Batman should never kill someone that deserves, well, he's a vigilante, so he shouldn't be doing it anyway. But for the sake of all the people, the next people he's gonna kill, you need to put his lights out. You need to kill him, all right. Joker needs to die because what happens? He just breaks out again and kills a whole bunch of more people, and he's like, I can't kill anybody. It's like, what kind of morality is that teaching people? That the innocent deserve to die but just never give up on the reprobate, never give up on the psychopath. They should always be worthy of being saved. It's backwards. It makes me wonder if that's where people get their moral compass today is from comic books and sci-fi movies because that's the message it's teaching. Darth Vader was never too bad, and then they turned him good at the last second and he throws the Emperor down the tunnel or whatever and kills him. But then he comes back or something. I don't know. Anyway, the point is that society wants, so if you think that that doesn't have an effect on society, well, why do you see society believing that kind of stuff today? Why is it that these people that read the comic books and enjoyed the movies, why is it that they're fighting so hard to let these rapists and mass murderers out of prison and writing letters to the governor? And look, there's so many weird people out there. There's women that fall in love with serial killers and marry them and stuff while they're in prison. It's just like, what in the world? Because crime and true crime and things like that, Bonnie and Clyde, people love Bonnie and Clyde. They were mass murderers. Clyde, they were just both murderers and people were cheering for them to win, cheering for them to get away with the things that they were doing, and they were super wicked. There's just all kinds of different situations like that. John Dillinger, he was a good-looking guy, and I think that he was a bank robber. He murdered people. He murdered lots of people. But yet people still wanted him to get out of it. Why do we think like that? Because, look, it's called programming for a reason, folks, and that's why the Joker always just gets put back in jail so that we can think, well, yeah, that's not right for Batman to kill people. No, he deserved to die. He's a murderer. He deserves the death penalty. So that Antifa riot member I was telling you about, he was caught on camera stabbing a black conservative man that was just filming the riots one night down there. And the guy just walked up and was like, hey, why are you following us? Because the guy was stalking them downtown. You can see the video of it. It doesn't show any graphic, too graphic stuff. You can just see where he stabs the guy in the back. And that guy got probation for stabbing that guy. Probation. Sentence served. No, no, no. I mean, the guy didn't die. But do you think he wasn't trying to kill him by stabbing him in the back? And then a crowd chased the guy down. See, there still is some justice in the world. There had to be street justice. And they beat the crap out of him and then drug him to jail. But what do the people that are in power do? Let them off scot-free with no consequences. And you wonder why people have this mentality because it's being pushed into our brain. And you know what? We can't give in to this mentality of murder is OK. And they have these action hero movies where the person's bad, but they want you to cheer for him. There was a movie called Natural Born Killers. And it's basically like a recreation of the Bonnie and Clyde story. They murder her parents together. And then they go on this crazy rampage where they're just killing people indiscriminately through the whole thing. And I watched that movie in California. I was 16. But I went to the movie in California on the premiere night, me and my cousin. And the whole crowd was cheering for them, like clapping, cheering. Yeah, I mean, it's different going to the movies in California, apparently. But why? Because they're cheering for these evil people to get away with the things that they were doing. At the time, I didn't think anything about it. But as a sane person, we have to have the right mentality. Killing babies, bad. Executing murderers, good. That's good. And again, what is the point of the death penalty to make people fear? What? Fear God. Fear the punishment of breaking that commandment. And that's what's going to help us. I'm just going to read this last one. I know I've got to be done here. But Exodus chapter 21, verse 28. If you don't want to go there, you don't have to. But there's this weird mentality in our world where people think that even if their dog is a vicious dog, we should still just give that dog another chance. It didn't mean to bite that baby. It didn't mean to swim out to that drowning child and then bring him back to shore just so he could eat them. We just have this weird mentality about pets. And it's gotten out of control, folks. It really has. The Bible tells us that if we have a dangerous animal, then we're supposed to put that animal to death. We're not supposed to have that animal around people. But how many people walk up to you with their dogs and let them sniff you? It's weird. It's like, get your dog away from me. I don't just assume every dog is friendly because you just never know. Some dogs just get upset when you walk past them. But they're just like, oh, they'll never hurt. This is the famous last words of every dog owner right before their dog bites somebody. Oh, he's so nice, he wouldn't bite anybody. Bah! You know, it attacks them. Look at Exodus 21, verse 28. It says, If an ox gore a man or a woman that they die, then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner of the ox shall be quit. But if the ox were not were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it has been testified to the owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death. So this is what I would say to all the pit. So in modern times, this is pit bulls. People have pit bulls, and their pit bulls get out. And their pit bulls bite people, and their pit bulls kill other people's pets. But pit bulls also are the main cause of people being killed in this country by dog bites. The main reprobate dog in this country is the pit bull. And it's not how you raise them necessarily. Now, I've had nice pit bulls. I've been around nice pit bulls, but there's always kind of that like, what if he just decides to snap right now? The dog can kill you. But yeah, people have these land sharks, and obviously I had a pit bull even just not that long ago. But when I had grandkids, and they started coming around, we got rid of them. Because I just don't, it's kind of like a snake. You just can't tell what a snake is going to do, and then all of a sudden it bites you. You're just like, where'd that come from? It's the same thing with the dog. I just couldn't, you know what? A dog means nothing to me compared to my grandchild. A dog means nothing to me compared to anybody, any human being, except for reprobates. But do you understand what I'm saying? Like, you can't just allow pit bulls to exist. They shouldn't exist. That's a breed that should be wiped out. You're like, you're teaching dog genocide. Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Because if they're the main culprits, like chihuahuas are mean. At the rez, there was a chihuahua that was running a dog gang there. Can I get a witness? Fact. But guess what? That chihuahua didn't try to kill me, because it couldn't, because it could only bite my ankles. But anyway, so what does the Bible say, though? If you know your animal's dangerous and you allow them and they kill somebody else, what does the Bible say? You're responsible, you get the death penalty for that, because it's kind of like a premeditated crime in the way that you know that they're like that, but yet you allow them to exist and live around people anyway. And there's all kinds of horror stories. Miss Sheila's not here today. This was for her, but she just wasn't here, but hopefully she's listening online. But she's right about that. She's right about the whole pit bull thing. And we need to have some people with some common sense. Look, if someone doesn't believe that pit bulls are dangerous, they shouldn't be allowed to own one, period. I mean, if you're gonna let them exist, let them exist. You should probably, look, you have to have all kind of licenses and a permit to conceal carry, but you don't have to have a permit to buy a pit bull? I mean, there should be some rules and laws in that, don't you think? I would think so, but anyway. So the rule is that that person should be stone with stones and the beast, because it's like premeditated murder. Now, there's a lot of murder going on, even in the city across from us. Portland used to be a safe city, but when law and order ceased to exist, then the society starts to delve into wickedness. And that's the point we're at right now, but we have to hold up the truths of God's word, and the Ten Commandments are still useful for us today. They want to rip them off the walls of all the schools, and they already have in most places. They want to take them off all the halls of justice and all these things. This is what our rules and laws are based upon in this country. And they want to take all that away? Why? So that this place can be like the hellhole that's right across the river from us, where nobody wants to walk at night anymore because they're afraid they're going to get robbed, where you can't even park your vehicle in your apartment complex without some skis or lot lizard coming in and stripping everything you have off your car. You can't rent a hotel in this town without your work vehicle and your trailer being stolen and just nobody knows what happens. That's the kind of stuff that happens in a society that delves down to the depths of not keeping God's law, not keeping God's commandments. Let's pray. Lord, thank you so much for the Ten Commandments. Lord, they're just something that we really should hold in high esteem as far as just how we rule our lives. And Lord, I pray that you would just help us to have strong men that in this church will lead their families, Lord, and that our families wouldn't become just like any old family in the world, Lord. I pray that you would just help us, Lord, to take life as a serious and precious thing, Lord, and that, Lord, we would uphold the truth of the Bible no matter what it says because we know that everything you say is right, God. And we just ask that you would take us home safely tonight and that you would, Lord, that you would bring us back for the next service. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, just to rest upon His promise, just to know, thus saith the Lord, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust Him more. Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus, just to trust His cleansing blood, just in simple faith to plunge me beneath the healing cleansing flood. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust Him more. Yes, tis sweet to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease, just from Jesus simply taking life and rest and joy and peace. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust Him more. I'm so glad I learned to trust the precious Jesus, Savior, Friend, and I know that Thou art with me, will be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust Him more. Amen, good scene. Brother Mo, would you close with a prayer? . .