(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right well we're back in Exodus chapter 20 and I want to take my time like I said in the announcements and go through the commandments and just teach them and obviously they're they are the letter of the law when the Bible talks of being the letter of the law this is the letter of the law I mean God wrote it with his own finger and he gave these commandments to Moses I kind of talked about in my first sermon about this you know the first two commandments were that shall have no other gods before me and the other one is you're not supposed to make or worship or bow down to any graven image so I'm just gonna cover two commandments tonight but the first five commandments are basically sins that you would do against God and the the second commandments are things that you would do against your fellow man but all sin is obviously transgression but if you kind of divide it up that way that's kind of how it works out and the commandments for us and even for the children of Israel should have been something that showed them they couldn't keep those things because we're all sinners we all break commandments we all break the commandments of God and so they're supposed to be a school master to bring us under Christ and so you know by the law Moses came and he gave the law and grace and truth came by Jesus Christ so tonight we're going to talk about the third and fourth commandment I'm gonna preach about taking the name of God in vain and the Sabbath the commandment of the Sabbath so let's start off in verse number seven where the Bible reads thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain so commandment number three is that you're not supposed to take the name of God in vain and the other thing I wanted to mention also is that the Ten Commandments are kind of an all like an umbrella of the commandments and a lot of other commandments fall underneath those but then the the commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength is the first and greatest commandment that's not even in this passage here and then the second one is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself so really all those commandments come you know underneath the umbrella of those two top Commandments which we're not supposed to you know we're supposed to love God so if we love God we're not gonna you know we're not gonna want to break those five Commandments those first five and then if we love our fellow man we're gonna break the other five so obviously you shouldn't break any of them but we're under grace not the law this is the Old Testament this is the Old Covenant but there's definitely some things that we can learn about these these Commandments and one of the Commandments is kind of null and void now it's been changed so that's the fourth commandment which is the Sabbath so we're not commanded to keep the Sabbath anymore but even though all these Judaizing type cults and the Jews themselves try to hold people to these things and they even have special refrigerators made for them so they you know because I think it's like something like the light won't turn on on a certain day I can't remember how it is but they can't energize anything because they say there's like a commandment to not kindle a fire or something I don't know they have all kinds of weird things that they do they won't push a walk button they can't push elevator buttons so there's certain buildings you know where the elevator just goes to the top and comes back down goes to the top comes back down so they don't have to push the buttons on the elevator I mean that's how weird people get with this kind of stuff but the funny thing is we don't have to keep the Sabbath anymore so I mean those things are just null and void but this third commandment here thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain and so like vain means empty or worthless to call like basically to take the name of God in vain is to just throw out his name and and people would say using it as a cuss word and or a curse word or profanity it is profanity because profaning something is making something holy not holy or actually making it seem like as if it's not a big deal so it actually means to treat something sacred with irreverence or disrespect so to take God's name and treat it with irreverence or disrespect is profanity it is being profane it is wrong it is taking his name in vain and then the other word you would use is blaspheme so this is also could be considered blaspheming so because if you're taking God's name in vain then you are blaspheming what does that mean to blaspheme what means to speak irreverently about God or sacred things and it could even be about God's word you know so to blaspheme and profane are bad things and to take God's name and use it in vain to use it disrespectfully people do that every single day every all the time this is a huge commandment that is broken a lot and a lot of unsaved people like I can hear the F word and all these other bad people these bad words that people talk about I can hear that all day but if I hear people using God's name in vain that bothers me and I know one of the first things that I got out of my life the first sin that I got out of my life as a Christian is when I realized that all the times that I've taken God's name in vain before the point that I was saved and that was one of the first sins that I repented of is using God's name and blasphemy because it was like I mean if you're around someone for just a few minutes in the secular world they're saying Oh God or you know they'll say Jesus Christ in an irreverent way won't they and like that's every every time they're upset about something they use God's name in vain and like it's funny because they're using the name of the Creator the one that allows them to live and breathe and and and all the things that we are provided for in this world even if they're not saved that the the rain were the rain comes on the just and the unjust alike so people that aren't even saved get the benefits of a world that God created in a world that he allowed them to live in and they're using his name as a cuss word or a curse word or for profanity and that is one thing in the workplace that I would not put up with you can say whatever other word you want those are just words to me but when you start using that word you know God's name in vain I would just stop people and say hey you know I don't care about all the other stuff but please don't blaspheme in God's name in front of me I said I just like I don't like it please just stop and most people will but isn't it funny how they'll hold you to it like a whole Christians to a standard the world and say well I didn't know Christians cuss but then they're using God's name and blasphemy just over and over and over again to an extreme I mean you go on a construction site and it's just all the time but it's like that probably everywhere we you know we hang out with church people for the most part more than likely and you know we probably live you know work in a lot of controlled conditions because we don't want to happen like there's business owners in this room that don't you don't have to listen to someone spew that garbage all the time but if you're working for like a corporation or for another company you know and some some some companies have rules against profanity as they call it or cussing using you know words that would be considered cuss words they have they have policies about that not to talk like that you know but yet using God's name and blasphemy doesn't even compute to them as as if that I mean that's the worst thing you could possibly those are the worst words that could come out of your mouth if you're using them irreverently and so this is a big commandment it's not one to be taken lightly but it's also one that gets broken a lot and it's a big deal so I'm not gonna have you turn there but Deuteronomy 5 11 is like kind of the second giving of the law God Moses just kind of reiterates it in Deuteronomy chapter 5 it says thou shalt take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain so God is not going to hold you guiltless what does that mean you're gonna be you're gonna get punished for it you're gonna get punished for it and you're like well you know people do use God's name is blasting all the time if they get punished for it they're gonna get punished for it ultimately aren't they in the lake of fire if they don't get saved but obviously you know I mean I grew up in a home that was secular you know we weren't even allowed to go to church just because my stepdad just hated religion he hated it and so we we were allowed to go to a assembly of God like they were having some kind of I don't know if it was DBS or what it was but it was some kind of summer program and we went there and they gave us candy and they you know gave us the gospel or whatever but I was too young I didn't understand and they they don't really preach the right gospel anyway but I remember specifically learning about Jonah and the whale and I remember liking the experience of going to church and then when they came to drop us off we lived out in the country out in the meadows and they dropped us off and he went out and talked to the people that picked us up and they said he said he basically just told them off and said don't ever try to take our kids to church again don't ever come back don't ever contact contact us again and you know maybe that's good because you know if I would have gone to the Assemblies of God Church then maybe it wouldn't have worked out for me you know I don't know but you know it just not everybody grows up in a Christian home and so I'm not giving myself excuses but like I did use God's name in blasphemy a lot when I was young so and I really like I said that was the first one that I was just like okay I realized that that's blasphemy and it's really serious and so you know but those things can creep up in your heart too so you got to be careful like you know and have rule over your spirit because you can get really frustrated and then all sudden you're in your heart in your mind you can commit this sin you know without even thinking about it especially if it was something that was a common word that you used to use like you know and again using God's name in vain you're using it in place of saying some kind of a cuss word right which I mean you're putting God's name on such a low level that you know it's like the like nobody goes well Adolf Hitler you know and when they're when they're saying they always say Jesus Christ don't they so they're not I mean the worst one of the worst human beings that people could think of is Adolf Hitler nobody goes like Ted will Ted burn to you or you know they don't say stuff like that but that's who they should be cursed if they're gonna curse somebody curse curse somebody else don't curse God don't use God's name irreverently don't profane the name of the Lord your God but obviously you know unsaved people would you know and this is the other thing is that Christians can't expect unsaved people to understand this fully they know it's wrong they'll say oh I'm sorry you know have you ever been around people that are unsaved and they'll say something in front of you even if it's just like a just a regular cuss word or whatever they'll they'll go oh sorry you know so they do know that it's wrong but like to expect people to live like we do to believe like we do is unrealistic but you can still curb people's behavior when it comes to this specific one I'm just not gonna let someone just be around me and use God's name in vain even if they're just saying like Oh God you know because have you ever heard people they're not necessarily using it as a cuss word but they're using it as a term for disgust like oh you know and then they use God as that word it's like that's just really bad just shows how wicked people's hearts really are and so those that's something that I would correct people over and I think that if that's something that you have a that you had a tendency to do that I mean if you're a new Christian that's the first thing you should stop doing because I hear people say you know I've heard people that were saved use God's name in vain and then it's just like you know like nails on a chalkboard to be even worse it's like hey you realize that that what you're doing is blast you're blaspheming God by using his name like that and then you know hopefully that corrects people but but you can also you know and blasphemy is probably some you know I believe it's under that umbrella of you know just general blasphemies in general is under that umbrella of using God's name in vain because everything in this book is true you know except for maybe people's opinions that it's being told you know it's the narrator's telling you what they said or whatever that might not be true but the Bible is true God's words are true so anything that would be blasphemous would be you know just saying you know using or treating the things of God in a reverent or disrespectful manner that is profanity and speaking irreverently about God or sacred things isn't the Bible a sacred thing isn't the Bible the most sacred book in the world isn't the Bible the greatest book of all time so then when people blaspheme the Word of God they're you know they're mocking the Word of God they're saying you know the Bible says a fool makes a mock of sin right and it's don't it's sinful for someone to attack the Bible and mock the Bible that is blasphemy and it might not be taking God's name in vain but you're still acting like the Bible is just some trash book and in reality it's the best book that they could ever pick up you know these atheists and these these queer fagnostics all these weird people that just want to put science books that some man wrote over the top of what God's Word says and so people will blaspheme God's Word and that is a form of blasphemy and it belongs in that category of taking God's name in vain and then so also we have to think about what the penalty for blaspheming God's name is what is the penalty we'll look at Leviticus chapter 24 verse 10 Leviticus chapter 24 verse 10 and we'll see an example of someone breaking this commandment and you know there's also there's there's like examples sometimes of the first time that it's dealt with after a law is given so and God puts these things in the Bible so we can know that you know you can get the death penalty for any sin that you commit but when it comes to like picking up sticks on the Sabbath and I'll cover that in a little while but like this specific instance is giving us an instance where it's telling who the person is that they're not even they're half Egyptian half you know half Jew or whatever but look at verse 10 in Leviticus 24 says and the son of an Israelitish woman whose father was an Egyptian went out among the children of Israel and his son of the this son of the Israelitish woman and a man of Israel strove together in the camp so these guys are fighting one of them's like you know the mixed multitude or whatever and it says in verse 11 and the Israelitish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cursed so he blasphemed God's name and cursed now cursing you know people we modern term will go we'll quit cursing you know and and you think that that's you know the the cuss words or whatever but that's not necessarily what it means your curse when you're cursing something you're you're putting evil upon that person your hope you're wishing for bad things to happen to them or you know your place some kind of curse against them but it says they blast he blasphemed the name of the Lord so he took God's name in vain and cursed and they brought him unto Moses and his mother's name was Shalomith the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan and they put him in Ward so they put him in jail that the mind of the Lord might be showed them so why did they put him in jail so they can figure out what God is mind is to do with the with this situation what does God think about this situation what does God think about it when someone blasphemes his name and you and and curses people like this man did well it says verse 13 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head and let all the congregation stone him so he was killed for blaspheming the name of the Lord and cursing isn't that what it says so what is the penalty for blaspheming God's name it's death it's the death penalty right so and those are ones that we don't really think about necessarily all the time but think about how many people have the death penalty upon them and don't even realize that that's the truth of the matter I mean I didn't know that when I was younger I knew you know I mean I knew it was bad or whatever but to think it's the death penalty well it's the death penalty it's a serious situation it's a serious sin and so he cursed and it says and thou shalt speak on to the children of Israel saying whosoever cursed his God shall bear his sin so whosoever what does that mean anyone right anybody whosoever cursed his God shall bear his sin and he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord he shall surely be put to death so what's the penalty in God's eyes this isn't just a one-time thing this is any time somebody did this in this nation of Israel that is beginning here it's the death penalty shall surely be put to death and all the congregation shall certainly stone him as well so I think this is interesting because he's you he's saying this for a reason right here as well the stranger as he that is born in the land so if you're just happen to be some immigrant or something that just immigrated to Israel or you're born but you're still of a stranger so because this guy specifically was what the son of an Israelitish woman and an Egyptian father so he was a stranger basically in this situation but but he's it says as well the stranger as he that is born a land when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord shall be put to death so just because he's in it has an Egyptian dad well maybe he just didn't know better no it doesn't matter whether he knew better or not in this you know nation of Israel you're responsible for the things that come out of your mouth and you know what today we are responsible for the things that come out of our mouth you know we can bless and we can curse but God doesn't want us cursing people like saying go to hell you know obviously if it's some reprobate that's a different story but if you're telling some brother in Christ to go to hell that's wicked it's not that is cursing somebody right so this guy you know is put to death and it's interesting because they say every everybody who heard him say these things was to put their hand on his head and then the whole congregation threw rocks at him until he died I mean it's a terrible way to go your blood shall be upon you so what happens when you throw rocks at people blood is going to come out upon you right so you know your your blood is required at somebody else's hand for doing this sin so you know but again this is the favorite cuss words of unsaved people to use in blasphemy and you know words you know they'll say Jesus Christ or they'll say Jesus H Christ have you ever heard people say that before Christ on a crutch they'll say that really wicked they'll say Jesus Mary and Joseph and you know that that might not seem like the biggest deal in the world but they are saying it in a way well you know it's not it's an irreverent way of saying Jesus name right and then I've heard way worse than that I'm not going to utter those things from this pulpit but Jesus the F word Christ you know and then they'll say God damn you know and obviously when the word damn in the Bible means damn to what hell so when people say that you know you're basically cursing someone to hell or some kind of excruciating punishment so those are the words that should never come out of our mouth in disgust ever so as Christians these are things that we should not say children these are things you should never utter out of your lips and just because we don't have the death penalty in this country for blasphemy it doesn't mean that God isn't going to still hold you guilt he will not hold you guiltless that's what the Bible says so regardless of whether man is punishing for these sins or not God in heaven is still punishing for these sins isn't he but thank God that he has mercy upon us for the people that have used these words in the past you know I'm glad that I got saved and I was able to clean that part of my life up because obviously to continue to use those words or just suffer people say those things around you there's nothing wrong with correcting people and to use God the holy name of God is a curse word or curse word or a term of disgust is a wicked sin and it's dealt with with the with the death penalty so the same people you know that don't cuss will say and use God's name of blasphemy it's just hypocritical so let's look at Matthew chapter 12 so another form of blasphemy so and you know blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a really serious form of blasphemy also which also falls under this same umbrella if you think about because the Holy Ghost is God he's not the force you know like the Jehovah's Witness teaches that he's like you know like it's Star Wars or something he's not the force he's not some you know he is God we believe in the Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is God and you have an instance here where Jesus has been accused of commit you know the way he does his miracles is by Beelzebub and so the Pharisees have called him Beelzebub and there's other scriptures we could go to but Jesus lays it out really clearly here what the penalty for blaspheming the Holy Ghost it says wherefore I say unto you verse 31 all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men so is it possible to be forgiven for blasphemy absolutely but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men this is where God draws a line here you know God has some deadlines some places that you can't go past or you're done and you can't even be saved you lose your ability to be saved it's not that you lose your salvation because no person that's saved is ever going to blaspheme the Holy Ghost but but it says but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven unto men and whosoever remember that word whosoever that's anyone speak at the word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him so can you say Jesus Christ as a cuss word or can you talk trash on Jesus and still be forgiven yes you can but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so this is a very serious form of blasphemy if you blaspheme you know even it doesn't say God the Father here but you know if you blaspheme God you know you use God's name as a cuss word or just speak about him irreverently you can't be forgiven for those things you can be forgiven for saying things against the Lord Jesus Christ and a lot of people before they're saved do they don't understand they're not saved right you know Paul persecuted Christians and he didn't realize that Jesus Christ was the Lord until he appeared to him on the road to Damascus you know and he was he did those things ignorantly and in unbelief so Paul was forgiven for the things that he did so yes you can be forgiven for those things but once you get to this point this deadline right here it's just like adding to or taking away from the Bible you lose your chance to be able to be saved God blots your name out of the book of life and you can never be forgiven for this sin that's why it's so important that you know we should get our kids saved at an early age and these these things should be taught to them because I mean there's a lot of weird people out in the world and but there's people that say this this sin cannot be done anymore and I don't believe that so this is one of those things this individual soul liberty thing there's pastors that I love that that teach that you can't do this sin anymore but I don't believe that's true because look what it says in verse let's see verse 32 whosoever speaketh whosoever means anyone right anyone speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him so when you're if someone said like you know you and the Holy Ghost can go to hell or something like that would that would that be blasting in the Holy Ghost or you know people that want you know they that I mean I think that that would be a legitimate thing like if you're specifically blasting in the Holy Ghost so that you can lose your chance of being saved God's gonna grant you your request that's what I think you might disagree with me about that but I don't really care because it says whosoever because some people say well you know only this only applied to Jesus in this particular time but why would it say whosoever then because it means anyone so it's a warning don't do this don't blasting the Holy Ghost and what do they specifically do with Jesus well they attributed the works of the Holy Ghost unto the devil and said he was doing these miracles by the power of Beelzebub and by the power of the devil and yeah that is blasting in the Holy Ghost because who was actually doing those things the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ and so you know in my mind when the Bible says whosoever it's talking about anyone whosoever believeth you know and even in Exodus or Leviticus it says you know whosoever cursed with his God shall bear his sin so when it means whosoever I think that's what it actually means so when people you know and maybe this maybe I'm going too far with this but this is just something I thought about I'm not gonna be dogmatic about it but when people say that we when we're getting people saved that what they're attributing are getting people saved and so winning to the doubt doing the devil's work I mean I think you're borderline there when you're telling a child of God that they have a spirit of a demon or some kind of thing like that I mean whose spirit is living inside you if you're saved it's the Holy Spirit so and I you know I don't think it's just any willy-nilly thing I'm just saying that people should be careful about how they talk about people that are saved because they have the Holy Spirit now obviously a Christian again is not going to you know blasting the Holy Spirit they can't do that because then you technically could lose your salvation but we know that that's just not possible for a Christian to do that because they would never a real Christian is never gonna do this sin so we don't have to worry about this but we're out so many people say well there is one thing you can do to lose it you could blast him the Holy Ghost I've heard that more times than I can count but then I just correct their belief on what that is and that a Christian can't perform that and a Christian can't do that and a Christian wouldn't do that and usually you can kind of talk them off a ledge but you know they're getting this instruction from somebody and then someone's teaching them you can lose your salvation because see if you blast in the Holy Ghost you can lose your salvation so right there you know you're dealing with someone that possibly isn't saved or they just heard trashy preaching that isn't true in order to bolster up some doctrine that they wanted to preach so blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is a sin that will cause you to have your name blood out of the Book of Life and again blasphemy the Holy Ghost I believe is still happening today it can still be done today it still does happen today and you know people do commit this sin and we don't know necessarily know how they do well I mean just think about people that that reject God who they rejecting because isn't the Spirit of God the one that you know tries to you know tell them that Jesus is your Savior you know we ask for the Holy Spirit to go out before us and prepare people's hearts so that they can be saved and then when someone rejects the gospel and again we don't know like if they reject the gospel they're not reprobates right when when we do that but if someone understands the Bible what you're saying and then they reject it they're they're close I mean I would say that those are the people that are the closest to being reprobates but some people maybe nobody even has preached the gospel but for some reason they just learn to hate God in their heart when people hate God God hates them and then he he does turn them into a rep gives them a reprobate mind and we don't know exactly when that process always happens we just know the signs of the reprobate so you know let's see so all manner of sin can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Ghost and you know so some people are dead while they live there's people out there that are literally dead in trespasses and sins they're going to go to hell as soon as their body dies they're twice dead the Bible teaches this as a matter of fact and you know there's there's atheists out there and to say that I don't think all atheists hate God but I think a good portion probably do because they try to come up with all this stuff like I was just watched just on Twitter yesterday I was looking at somebody want you know saying yeah we got this big victory in Arkansas to take down the Ten Commandments and you know they lost and it's like why would you want that to be taken down because you oh well separation between church and state you mean you want people killing it disrespecting their parents murdering people stealing committed adultery you know blaspheming God I mean it's just you know a lot of the commandments are just no brainers right and our heart you know we you know God gives every person a conscience so when you steal you know it's wrong when you lie you know it's wrong you know these types of things and so what do they want to do they want to take that away from people's vision to see what God says because you know most of times it's going to be like those little two tablets up there those are the mini Ten Commandments up there you probably pass by them all the time but what you know those used to be put in public places they used to be put in public schools and you know what when God got kicked out of school then everything all the STDs went up all the teen pregnancies went up all you know just all kinds of statistics just went through the roof and why because if if people don't believe that there's a God then they're gonna do worse things and if they think that God isn't real or they think there's no punishment for their sin there's no commandment to not do things then they're gonna do and live however they want and what do you know we live in a society today I wouldn't even dream of putting my kids in a public school right now not even dream of it just not gonna happen like these schools are so weird and so wicked they've been totally taken over by Satan and it's a look it's a lost cause folks get your kids out of public school if you have them in public school get them out because you don't want them learning all this garbage you know why do they want to take the Ten Commandments out because they don't want people to see that there there's an accountability system with God and so to blasting the name of God is a very wicked sin punishable by death I've mentioned this before I think my kids will probably make fun of me for bringing it up again I don't care I'm the pastor I'll do whatever I want but no I'm just kidding but I've brought this up before but there's a blasphemy challenge on the internet where you're encouraged to upload videos on social media to blaspheme the Holy Ghost so that you can ensure that there's no way even if you wanted to get saved later that God would save you you know this this comes from the mind of an atheist and I just kind of gonna read a little blurb about it it says the blasphemy challenges an internet-based project started in December 2006 which invites young people to submit videos to YouTube or other video internet hosts in which they record themselves blaspheming or denying the existence of the Holy Spirit the first 1,001 users who took the blasphemy challenge were sent a DVD of Fleming's film I don't know who this guy is but the God who wasn't there so for blaspheming the Holy Ghost they get a DVD about the God who wasn't there celebrity atheists such as Christopher Hitchens Daniel Dennett Penn Jillette I think he's one of those magicians atheist magicians or whatever participated in the project behind the project is the rational response squad a group of atheists founded by Bryant sapient and Rook Hawkins key to the motive behind the challenge is the rational response squads view of the so-called unpardonable sin so they know that it's an unpardonable sin specifically blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and then they cite mark 328 and 29 and Matthew 12 30 through 32 users who took the challenge therefore saw themselves as crossing a point of no return and would accept the consequences if the Christian God does indeed exist so what a really stupid thing for you to do like you're an atheist but in reality you're probably an agnostic and you know foolishness is bound in the heart of a child and so they're picking children and young people to do this because they you know kids just do stupid things with no direction they're gonna fall into horrible things so to put a challenge out for young people to blasting the Holy Ghost so they can never be saved like you have to be a total idiot to do something like that but they just shows that people have no fear of God and they're willing to just throw their salvation away for for what so you can get a stupid DVD by some stupid atheist that is going to hell when he dies you know like well you know I'd like to go to hell with them if I have to believe in the God that you believe in well bye have fun well oh wait you won't you're gonna be burning for all eternity it's not something to look forward to and so for a kid to do this you know why are they having them do it because they want kids to not be saved what is the point of atheism to turn people from God that is what they want that is what they this friendly atheist so-called that's always trying to lie about things that we say he'll say like I just called him out yesterday on Twitter because he said that somebody called for the murder of somebody and then I listened to the clip and they didn't call for the murder of anybody they called for the death penalty for capital crime there's a big difference capital punishment is capital punishment it's a you know you carry out a sentence for a capital crime a capital crime means you've committed some kind of crime that it carries the death penalty like blasphemy for instance so it's just you know the guy just you know people think well yeah he quotes us right he doesn't quote us right though because he's saying Christian hate preacher so-and-so says all all gay people should be killed or murdered he'll say murdered but that word never comes out of my mouth so people will hold me to some kind of thing I had this this bozo that's that's he's ordering these pizzas and stuff for us at all these places and all of our churches and he does it every week and he's stalking me he's making all these new different things and talk you know just he's threatening to kill me and all kinds of I don't want to tell you all the stuff he does but he's probably watching right now because he's a weirdo freak all right straight-up stalker made his an email address that he said was my email address and sent these emails to I don't know who he sent him to but I know for one there was some Unitarian Church or something that I've never even heard of but he sent emails saying that I wanted to kill all these LGBT people or calling for the death of him or something and sent them to all these people so he probably went and found queer affirming churches in our area and just sent him emails saying it was me but then the guy's so stupid he texts me and says I wrote an email in your name to all these churches and it's like okay thanks for the evidence idiot so I had the cops show up here yesterday to question me about this I mean I've been a pastor for almost five years now I've been preaching in this church for seven years and none of those words ever have come out of my mouth but I want to murder people or I want to kill all these people that's just untrue but yet you know these cops are probably salivating over the fact that they thought it might be true that they could come arrest me or something but you know what's funny it's okay for him to threaten to kill me all the time and I haven't heard anything back once I sent him the evidence of the fact that I you know that it wasn't me it was this other guy who has all these fake numbers that he uses and he just he must have like some kind of app that just generates Google numbers or something like this is the steps that these freaks are willing to take is that they'll just lie about me in order to try to get me in trouble and thank God I saved that message because most of the time I just spam all this stuff because he just I mean it's every day it's all day it's every day just constantly harassing me but like he's so dumb that he actually tells me what he's gonna do because it would have worked out better idiot if you would have actually just not said anything and then it's my word against yours or whatever or theirs or whoever he sent them to but he sent them to multiple people but only one church call back who knows what the whole deal is but you know he calls me on the phone when I'm out of town on my anniversary and you know I'm just getting a call from the police it's like weird they show up here and tell people at our church you know and then told them details about what about what I was being accused of and stuff it's just you know but yet they don't want to show up when people are out here with machine guns in front of our church right you see how they are because I've got no response back supposedly he's opening up a case I hope he does there's a case number so maybe they'll track this idiot down and find and find him but like this is the kind of steps that people will go to to try to destroy Christianity like they don't really have anything real so now let's just make stuff up and then you know the cops are basically doing their bidding and yeah maybe he had to follow up with it maybe he did but where's the follow-up when I've called the police about things that have been said and done to me like I just gave up I told the guy I said I've I said I just stopped turning this stuff in because you guys never do anything about it anyway because here's what they say to me too well just threatening to kill somebody isn't a crime but yet he's calling me because he thought that I threatened somebody you see how they are they're a bunch of phonies and they're their strings are being pulled by somebody else higher than them because they probably were just like you know that mean where the guy's like standing behind the tree with the yellow suit on they're like oh yeah Pastor Thompson actually did something bad like you think I'm that much of an idiot and you know I don't even believe that I don't believe that Christians should take the law into their own hands and kill anybody and I preach that so many times but yet what's the talking points Christian pastor says we should murder all gay people I've never said that ever one time I say what the Bible says which is my lawful right to do and I will continue to do that I don't care what laws they make I don't care what they say but I'll tell you one thing I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna email some church in our area and say that I want to kill all these people you think I'm really that stupid and I don't believe it anyway but yet I'm sure the next thing is gonna be another lie ramp up and yeah I'm kind of just getting it off my chest but this is this is what I deal with on a daily basis folks and the cops will never do anything about it I guarantee he's like I'm gonna put my internet guru on this oh well where's where's my call where's my call back where's my follow up call me back you know I sent him multiple messages where he said I don't even want to tell you guys there's things he said that you should take action on but he hasn't done it where's the track down where's the you know you're like well it's only been a few days well it doesn't matter why don't you follow up with me then because you know who's really being threatened who's really being harassed I don't care what these faggots do out here I really don't go be fags you know just stay away from us in our church and our families you know we don't want to be around them why would I want to even engage in a conversation that I don't have to with them I don't want to they're sick anyway there's people out there that are dead men walking look at Jude chapter 1 the only chapter in Jude Jude 1 these cops are never gonna give us a fair shake though over watching from the drone oh well thanks a lot we don't want to put our officers in harm's way wow you guys are pretty tough I mean I thought that's what they got paid for to put themselves in harm's way you're like well you maybe you shouldn't talk like that pastor Thompson maybe they're not gonna help you oh you mean like when they didn't help us before are they gonna help not help us more than that where's the help men but hey by all means go to an old life be church where they're gonna invite those people in to speak in pulpits across America and bring the mayor and the senators and all these other people and let them talk in your church while they do nothing for you and when it comes down to it they're not gonna do anything that's just the truth he he he compass land and sea to come and see if I was at the building so he could question me they probably were just like well we got him now right called me on the phone it's annoying it's like where's where's where's our police work oh we're gonna lot we they lied about what they said they were gonna do and did it not and their handlers told them what to do and I just said you know when I said that to them I said I know that you can't do anything about it because your bosses are telling you not to and that is the truth of the matter that's why they didn't show up to pastor Jones's church when they were carrying machine guns you know but I guarantee look there's a guy a kid or saw some street preacher was at a pride parade last month and he was just about to say a verse and the cop grabbed him and arrested him he was at a pride parade just preaching I don't know what he was saying but he wasn't being disrespectful to the officer at all he just was about to say a Bible verse he cuffed him and put him in the back of the car so this cop that came before the conference he said or during the conference I called said hey yeah did you notice that Antifa's here with their machine guns and stuff and they're all in tactical gear and stuff I said you guys gonna do something about it oh no that's their constitutional right and okay but you know I guarantee you if we went to one of these drag queen faggot story hours that they have going on some place and we all showed up with ar-15s we'd be in a firefight we'd be in a firefight they'd be killing us they'd be taking us to jail I mean Afshin who is up in Spokane he wasn't even he was across the street at one of these things and the police arrested him he didn't have a gun on him he wasn't doing anything else he was just being there to kind of protest it or whatever they took him to jail so this cop say well we wouldn't do that to you liar I mean I kind of want to test the theory honestly and just see I mean I wouldn't do anything but let's see their justice let's see how well they're actually gonna back up what they say but he'd probably just say I never said that that's what they would do they would kill us for doing that but I don't want to be around them I don't want to see them I don't want to look at them I don't want to be around them I don't want to email them I don't want to call them on the phone so anyway sorry for going off about that anyway I had to turn to Jude 1 it said says verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not so in context of blasphemy think about these things speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves so people will speak evil about things that they don't know about and what is the context of this false prophets how'd they get that way well they corrupted themselves they spoke evil of those things that they know not would that include blaspheming the Holy Ghost think it would well one to them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the game saying of core these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withers without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots you know when a tree just dies and like you see it kind of wither away or maybe like an arbovitabush I have a couple arbovitabush is in our backyard and they're just like completely brown up top so what does that mean they're already dead they're standing there they kind of like if you look from a distance it would look like hey that trees alive but when you get up close to it you realize you know it's dead it needs to be chopped down that's what that's what God's saying about these people there's people that are walking around they have breath in their breath they have life but in reality they're dead they're already dead they're already judged and already going to hell and this is the kind of people that we're dealing with with our church the kind of people that Pastor Shelley is dealing with on a regular basis where they're terrorizing his church members they they're allowed to just go right up to the to the property and stand in the easement and scream and yell and curse at their families their children as they walk in do you know it's against the law to interrupt the church service in Texas it's against the law and they're supposed to be taken away with force over that and a $500 fine so they're allowing these freaks to break the law and to interrupt their church service and even yell with a bullhorn so loud that it's interrupting the service on the inside so they're interrupting it outside and inside and they're like well that's just if they tried to come in the door so see they always have a slippery way of just getting out of it and you're not supposed to block someone's place of business and block the driveway but what and that's exactly they said we're not gonna let them block the walkway were they blocking the walkway here yes they were were they in the road yes they were they're doing the same thing at pastor show his church but way worse and these this is you know they just moved there and then the police aren't even gonna force the law when it comes to these things that is not protesting folks that is harassment that is stalking and there they should be taking those people out of there it's one thing to stand outside and have picket signs and whatever I don't even care if people do that but once they cross the line over into breaking the law and the cops do nothing about it that's just the world we're living in right now it's like 2020 hit and there was like well let's do this experiment where the cops don't do anything and stop people you know Josh got a parking ticket down downtown at seven o'clock in the morning because he was too close to a fire hydrant and the city of Portland is handing out fentanyl straws and in tinfoil to give to all these people smoke fentanyl and they're getting law by I mean you're like well he was too close to the to the thing he could have caused some problem well his car has been broken into four times since he lived there and they broke out his windows and all this other stuff it's just like but oh you better make sure you give him a ticket for you know parking in front of the the fire hydrant but here give all these druggies you know some foil and straws it's like what kind of world are we living in I thought they were trying to stop the drugs from flowing in they're just like here's the paraphernalia I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start giving away bongs to everybody in pipes and you know needle I mean they already say I think they already given needles don't they and they give them all these kids you know they can't even clean up a mess from a homeless person down downtown or from these druggies they have to take their stuff they can't throw anything away and they put them in these trailers that are underneath the bridge downtown and these big cargo trailers they have to keep them in there for like 30 days or something so that they could come and like claim their stuff and you know what it is it's filth and garbage it's stuff that they've stolen from other people and you know it's they should probably be checking to see if it's on the stolen list but then it's probably ruined by the time you know they get to it this world is crazy folks and there's people in this world that just want to do evil and do harm and nothing's being done about it you know people are sick of it the pendulum is swinging a little bit to the to the other side I mean there's some polling numbers out there saying people have gone too far this whole LGBT you know Pride Month gets a whole month not just one month just June alone is just Pride Month where we're celebrating freaks for a whole month in our government and the White House is inviting them and and all this other stuff and all these companies put their logos to the rainbow and all this other stuff they just jam it down your throat well people went a little too far when they started making little kids you know underwear and stuff that is for transgender kids or whatever which don't exist by the way and I mean the world's gone crazy and then October is LGBTQ History Month so then you got another month I mean it's just when's it gonna stop and then like we have veterans in this country that fought in wars and put their life on the line and actually were brave and actually did do some difference in this world and they get one day it's called Veterans Day one day for the people that fought for this country you know and obviously I don't agree with all these wars or whatever but you know some people were trying to just do the right thing you know and they're killed they get their legs blown off but the LGBTQ people that want to change their kids into something else they're brave they're the they're the brave ones no they're the freaks they're the child abusers that need to be you know ran out of town they need to be back in the closet because nobody wants to see it anyway remember the Sabbath day I got 10 minutes here quit crying I finished early last time anyway judges one Jude 1 13 says raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom has reserved the blackness of darkness forever so is there any doubt where they're going now you know and we're judged by the things that come out of our mouth you know and so when we're saved we call upon the name of Lord you know how does God you know how's God gonna say you know we're saved because we called upon the name of the Lord we proclaim the name of the Lord we called upon him and we believed in him but what what are what are they gonna be judged by by the other filthy things that came out of their sewer holes that's what their sewer hold mouths they're gonna get judged by the things that they've said and it's not gonna be good for them judged by their works judged by the blasphemies that they've said and some people were already damned to hell before they're even died well before they died these atheists you know they're they're trying to you know this country is going in a direction against God even like people that are in the Republican Party are not necessarily Christians you know they're conservative because it's about the money right and you know obviously they don't agree with how far things have gone but I mean even Ted Cruz look at Ted Cruz I mean he's hashtagging LGBTQ in his Twitter posts like wow I mean tell us what side you're really on Ted Cruz colonizing Uganda you know they're you know they talk about us colonizing people like when we I made this post about going to Yakima a couple years ago and I paid to have it promoted in that area and in Washington so people could see that were you know maybe join up with us or whatever and I had these people that it can't obviously came through their their feet or whatever and they're like quit colonizing the Indians you know and it's like we're not colonizing anybody this country's already been colonized but we're trying to get people saved we're trying to win people to the Lord and they they're talking about colonizing well how about quit colonizing Uganda once you let them have their own government you know they think that what we're doing is insane and isn't it crazy to third world countries got a little more common sense than our own than our country that's supposed to be the greatest country on the earth I don't think God views it that way I don't think he has for a while I love you know the freedoms we have but they're slowly actually quickly disappearing so get commandment number four remember the Sabbath day so verse number eight the Bible says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and in that and thou shalt not excuse me in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within my gate so it's pretty specific don't work don't have your kids work don't have people that you that work for you work don't do any work on the Sabbath day so this is a biblical commandment in the Ten Commandments but it is no longer to be followed by Christians and I'll show you the scriptures on that here just a second but it says in verse 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and how it it how many days did it take God to make the earth six days not billions of years not millions of years six days you know what and God could have made it in six minutes in six seconds in a half a second and God could have made it as fast as he wanted to but he did it this way for a purpose and so God is all-powerful and yet people will say well you know God you know the science doesn't agree with you know the Bible I don't care I believe what the Bible says I believe that it was created six and six days God rested on the seventh and that God blessed that seventh day and howled it and he made it separate why did he do that well for our purpose for our help for us to understand and turn to Numbers chapter 15 verse 32 numbers 15 32 and we'll see the punishment for the Sabbath breaking in the Old Testament so again the New Testament it's it's done away with in Christ but in the Old Testament was a big deal and why because the law is the schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ it's teaching us things so we can understand salvation look at Numbers chapter 15 verse 32 it says and while the children of Israel were in the wilderness they found a man that gathered sticks upon the Sabbath day are they supposed to work on the Sabbath day no and they and they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron and unto all the congregation and they put him in ward because it was not it was not declared what should be done to him so they kind of did the same thing that they did with the other guy and the Lord said unto Moses the man shall surely be put to death all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp and all the congregation brought him without the camp and stoned him with stones and he died and the Lord as the Lord commanded Moses so you're like you know sometimes like even my first time ever reading this as I thought that's pretty harsh like he picked sticks up but that's not why God killed him that's not why God put him to death because you know you might say this is harsh but this is a picture here and a warning for anybody that would work for their own salvation because the Sabbath is a picture of us resting from our own works and God doing the works for us and we have to we have to trust in the works that God did for us and not the work that we can do because humans they just we just have this thing about us where we want to do it ourselves have you ever like knocked at a door and one of the people you're trying to give the gospel to it's like that's just too easy I would rather do it my way or you know I still just think you have to do these things you know why they still think the why they think that because they want to be able to work their way to heaven so they can proudly say that they did it I mean I knocked the door today and one of the ladies say brother build remember what she said kind people go to heaven as she slams the door in my face well she didn't slam it but I mean she shut she shut the door my face kind people go to heaven click it's like well apparently you're not going it's like kind people actually knock on your door and make sure that you're safe but like you know I mean I knew she was kind of being standoffish anyway it was just a real quick conversation but she was like I said what what do you trust me to get you to heaven kind people go to heaven so she thought she's kind so this is this is a lot of people think that they're gonna work their way to heaven but in reality what's gonna happen they're gonna it's gonna cause them to be dead they're gonna die in trespasses and sin so this is a picture in a harsh picture of someone it's like he couldn't have gathered sticks the day before he couldn't have gathered sticks you know in advance because in the manna they had to collect more because God put out more manna on the day before the Sabbath so they could get enough to eat on the Sabbath so you know maybe he should have picked up some of those sticks you know a little extra bundle so he could light his fire or whatever the next day but instead he just doesn't care but in reality that is a picture for us you know and and to try to work your own way to heaven as opposed to resting in Christ you know it you don't get some award for doing it on your own because guess what the reward is death the reward is death for trying to work your way to heaven only Jesus could do it he is the only one that could actually keep the whole law that's why he came to this earth because we can't do it and so if you die in your sins and you believe that it was works that got you there or being kind to people and you're not kind it's funny like these people that believe in work salvation they're never doing the works it's like they're not going to church they're not knocking people's doors you know they're they're smoking while they're talking to you or whatever and it's like so what works exactly does it take to get to heaven then you know what I mean it's it's just they're hypocritical and they just don't see it I'm like obviously we're supposed to be kind to people and you know maybe some of the things we say to them will plant a seed in their heart for later we don't want to just you know because I could have just said well you're not going then you know but I just didn't say anything it's like why what's the point you know maybe she will watch one of those videos and she'll be like oh maybe I'm not being kind and get saved who knows but you know Cain did the same thing Cain in the very beginning he gave what the fruit of his own hands the things that he dug up and you know God's like get out of here you vegan I want the blood I want the lamb that's what that's what I require I require you know so so Abel brought the right picture the right sacrifice and what Cain bring his own work his own hands and he is mad because his works weren't good enough for God his sacrifice wasn't good enough for God and so he killed his brother who was righteous instead of just doing what was right in the first place but this is the attitude of people that believe in a workspace salvation so you know and so again the law is no longer in effect let's look at this Colossians chapter 2 verse 14 clause of chapter 2 verse 14 the law is no longer in effect for the Sabbath daykeeping in the New Testament where do I get that from well this is what seventh-day Adventists always seem to ask to this is where you get this is where you take them right clauses 214 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us talking about Jesus which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it let no man therefore judge you in meat like I was talking about this morning drink or in respect of a holy day you don't have to keep holidays the holidays of the the feast and all that stuff or the new moon or what to say or of the Sabbath days there's more than one Sabbath day there's the Sabbath high days and all he said Sabbath days no more don't let anybody judge you those things why because you don't have to keep them anymore so this commandment number four no longer applies to New Testament Christianity so in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 10 it says which stood in only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances opposed on them until the time of the Reformation so this will be considered a cardinal ordinance something that God's asking you to not do don't work right so it's no longer in effect because Christ fulfilled this law he while we rested on that those high holy Sabbath days the people rested and he did all the works and so the set the Sabbath was fulfilled that shadow fulfillment was fulfilled and we no longer have to keep that because you know God said that's why in the New Testament tells us in Colossians chapter 2 that we don't have we're not judged by those things anymore so is it still the death penalty for not keeping the Sabbath no and then these people these bozos that say or they're Saturday only type people and they think that we've taken the mark of the Beast because we go to church on Sunday I mean really what it doesn't really matter what day you go to church on like if we just change it to Tuesdays and Wednesdays like would that be wrong I mean people will be weirded out by it because it's just so normal you know we all have this pattern of things that we do but it's not wrong like we do Thursday instead of Wednesday service a lot of churches do Wednesday services so it doesn't really you know the days don't matter so much they don't matter at all really I mean it's just what people think and they'll call Sunday the Sabbath but that's not what it is Sunday is the first day of the week that's what it is okay and you know the Christian test you know Christians switched out of that sentence you know going on the seventh day I think a long time ago because they didn't want to be tied to the you know these Judaizing laws that no longer need to be enforced so there's no priesthood and there's no Sabbath the priesthood has changed actually there is a priest that has just changed so Hebrews 4 9 says the remainder therefore rest to the people of God for he that is entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his so that's you know the book of Hebrews teaches us in chapter 4 if you want to turn there or just write down that that there there is a rest for the people of God and God ceased from his own works excuse me he also ceased from his own works as God did from his but there's a rest to us that rest is in Christ and we have to trust in his works to get to heaven not our own mark chapter 2 is the last verse and will be done mark chapter 2 so and what was the purpose of the Sabbath I mean Jesus broke the Sabbath and that really made the Pharisees really angry and he did it a lot of different times like he did different things you know did it in different ways like his disciples would be plucking you know corn off the not corn on the cob but you know corn off of the barley or whatever and eating it and they got mad about that he healed people on the Sabbath day he did all these different things on the Sabbath day he healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath day and what are they mad about they're mad that he broke the Sabbath but he's the Lord of the Sabbath he's the one that made up the Sabbath in the first place and look at Mark chapter 2 verse 27 says and he said unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath the law wasn't put into place because the Sabbath is greater than man no he did it you know for man's sake not just as a physical rest because yeah there is a physical rest that takes place on here but what's the picture the picture is is that the physical rest is supposed to show us that we're also supposed to rest from our own works and let Christ save us and his works be enough for us and so why did that guy get killed for that because the picture is you drop you try to do your own works to get to heaven you're gonna die the penalty is death to die in your sins is death and so he broke that that's the picture of the Sabbath keeping because that's a shadow fulfillment of what was going to happen in the future and so that the spirit of the law is that we must rest from our own works or accomplishments to get us to heaven and trust in the finished works of the Lord Jesus Christ and the modern-day application just in the carnal sense would be to take a day of rest at least some time to rest and revive yourself I mean he made the Sabbath for us like physically and spiritually right but we need to be revived we need to have some rest every once in a while you can't just keep working yourself over and over and over again without taking rest you know and a lot of times people do will do that but you do have to force yourself sometimes to just take a little bit of time to recover you know every night we go to sleep and what happens when we sleep our body repairs itself for the hard work that you put in the day before you know your backs aching and you know when you get older you understand all that you're aching you're hurting but that little bit of rest overnight you know helps us to regenerate but just taking some time taking a day off here and there is good but we don't have to take days off there's no requirement in the Bible that says that a lot of people like to put church on Sunday because it's the first day of the week so the first day of the week what are you doing serving God you start off your week serving God and going to church and going soul and things like that and you've kind of already set the precedent for the rest of the week right you were in church your soul winning your you know your Bible reading all those things and you know you're starting off your week right and I think that's good you know if we had to wait until you know the end of the week we probably all you know I mean I guess it's still the same thing but we look at it like it's the beginning of the week though and that's how we should look at it we and we kind of have this tradition where we set aside that day and there's nothing wrong with it but if you have to go work and do some kind of work some in-between services or something like it's not a sin unless you think it's a sin and then anything that's not a faith is sin right and he didn't know you know so but that's just kind of one of those preference type things so the modern-day application would be to take a little bit of rest from time to time and you know take a literal rest and rejuvenate yourself and rest and and take some time off every once in a while all right let's pray Lord thanks so much for the Bible for the Ten Commandments and Lord pray that you just bless our church continue to bless all things that are being done we thank you for for the people that were baptized and for the visitors this morning and we ask you just continue to bless and watch over our churches Lord and we have enemies here that just stalk our every move and there they'll ever be with us Lord and always causing problems and things but Lord even though I'm just frustrated about it sometimes I know that it's just kind of part of the part of the package deal here and Lord we ask that you would just destroy our enemies and that you would just help us to do good to be able to operate within this world and the system that we're placed in as long as we can so that people could be saved in Jesus name we pray amen all right let's turn to page 397