(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right let's look at Leviticus chapter 26 verse 27 it says if you will not for all this hearken unto me but walk contrary unto me that I will walk contrary unto you also in fury and I even I will chastise you seven times for your sins and you shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day for all the visitors Lord for all the people that are here to listen to your word Lord I pray you'd fill me with your spirit Lord and I know this is a different type of message I pray Lord that you'd help me to articulate what you put on my heart this morning and Lord the people to hear in Jesus name I pray amen so the title of the sermon this morning is earmarks of a wicked civilization cannibalism earmarks of a wicked civilization cannibalism so in this verse the Bible says in verse 29 it says you shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat this is a punishment from God for being a wicked and evil civilization now throughout the world there's all kinds of different places that have been destroyed and there's you know people find these ruins of these people that you know we're obviously cannibals there's there's earmarks that show and an earmark is like a characterization that kind of shows you it's like a characterization or a description of something like an earmark is like if you punch a cow's ear to show ownership but more than that just it just shows you something that's a reality that's true so an earmark of a wicked civilization is the fact that people become cannibals now God is part of this this is obviously written to the children of Israel but let me submit this to you that any nation that ever gets into wickedness and idolatry to the point where the children of Israel did God will overthrow that place he will destroy that place and and maybe that he'll leave a remnant and maybe he won't but in history there's been plenty of cannibalism now after the New Testament was written obviously cannibalism has dropped off dramatically in the world but there's still places I'm sure that do it there's still places that partake in of it I'm sure but you you always see these places that were once great people and then now they're their cities are deserted think about the Incas you know they have Machu Picchu and Machu Picchu was deserted because it was conquered and people didn't even rediscover until 1906 or something like that but that great place where the stones are set together so perfect they didn't even need to use mortar one at one point they were they were doing all these buildings and things like that were engineering feats for their time they don't even really know how they did it in some circumstances but you know just think about Egypt you got the the ruins of the pyramids I mean they're still there but I mean what was once great Egypt is not Egypt is not a great powerhouse in the world right now and it's because the Satan always tries to overturn the things that are going on in a nation and you know nations can get great but then you see them degrade into wickedness and idolatry and at the very look at the first verse in this chapter says you shall make no idols nor graven images neither rear you up a standing image neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land and bow down to it for I am the Lord your God but these rules apply to all nations these rules apply to all people and I talked last week about how the God's law is written on the the hearts of the people that don't even have God's law people know what they're doing is wrong okay that's not like they don't know a lot of times these nations end up being cannibalistic and so I know that's kind of a morbid sermon title there but I think that it's important for us to understand where what the the mistakes that people make in history are doomed to repeat themselves if they don't learn their lesson and so I just want to you know this is kind of be a little bit of a of a TT sermon but I'm gonna apply this some scriptures in the end and so it is kind of a morbid sermon title but I we need to know the depths of what a nation can go to and then what God's gonna do because of the depths that they go to because look America is headed that way and so we need to understand our position and in the way that the work the things of the world are is anything gonna stop Babylon USA from being judged no but we can stave off that judgment we can help stave it off for a while and we can do the best we can knowing that that's gonna happen anyway right so cannibalism is a practice mentioned several times in the scripture as a punishment of God on a wicked nation what what did why did God kick the Canaanites out and dispossess them and let the children of Israel take over their lands why because they were doing the same exact things that God says he would punish the children of Israel for in here and so basically once a nation gets to a certain point God destroys them so like the Amorites he said their time is not yet full to where God would bring the children of Israel against them but once they became so wicked God just destroys people that's what he has to do because he's a god of judgment he's not going to just let stuff like this slide and cannibalism is one of the weirdest and most disgusting things that you could even think of to do is to eat another human being right so and all over the world there's evidences of these nations becoming super wicked and being wiped out by God for this type of weakness and it starts with idolatry it starts with idolatry it starts with people bowing down to statues look at what Nebuchadnezzar he reared up the statue in Babylon it was an idol wasn't it they're only supposed to bow down to that idol they're supposed to listen to a certain type of music and when they heard that music they bow down to it what happened to all those nations that were mentioned in that statue what happened to those nations are they around anymore no they're not around anymore there's a reason why because once they become so wicked God has to destroy them okay so and this might get a little controversial this morning but there's a there's a belief system when it comes to native people in countries like Hawaiian you know the people talk about how you know one thing that bothers me about Hawaii is how much they try to push their heat and culture down people's throats when you go there I love the Hawaiian people I want to see him saved but I don't want to see men walking around in grass skirts sorry I don't want to see you know I don't want to watch women half naked dancing in front of me and my children I'm not interested in that kind of culture the reason why they were able to be conquered is probably because of that kind of culture and let's just be honest there was a headhunter cannibalistic people that lived there and I'll get into that a little bit later but how about American Indians what is the story that we hear about American Indians that they were at one with nature and then Whitey came and destroyed them all for no reason right isn't that what we hear the white Europeans came over and and that is true they did come over and destroy them but why did they do it why was that allowed to happen do you think that they were like worshiping and spirit and truth and then all of a sudden just for no reason they got destroyed no you know why they got destroyed they got destroyed because the way they were behaving what were they idolatrous what were they human sacrifice was part of the things that they did and then cannibalism they were involved in cannibalism okay and I'll prove that to you this morning so who's ever heard of the Anasazi Indians right they're like supposedly the ones that people the Native Americans look to as like this is where they were at their zenith and they made these they're called pueblo a lot of times are pueblo Indians or whatever because they made these pueblos which means the Great House so but these Indians were in ancient North America in the southwest US who flourished between 200 BC and AD 1500 the earliest phase of their culture is known as the basket maker period the present-day pueblo culture developed from a later stage so they want to say that these Indians here the Anasazi were basket makers peaceful basket makers and for some reason they just disappeared off the face of the planet well but that's not exactly true because see the problem with with history sometimes is it becomes his story and why is there this this this need to try to make indigenous peoples out to be these peaceful nature loving people that were just minding their own business until the Europeans came and destroyed them well I'll just submit this to you that any nation that acts the way these people were acting the way Babylon was acting the way Rome acted the way Greece acted every place is given over to idolatry and human sacrifice and cannibalism get destroyed and wiped off the face of the planet by God he's not just gonna allow that to happen but these people are you know the the story that they're now trying to project is that these poor Indians well you know there was savagery on both sides there was there was savagery by the by the Europeans I'll admit that but God always brings a more wicked people a wicked nation to destroy that place that's how he does it God has his own plans and his own patterns that he does and the devil has his own plans and things that he does he's still he's got the same game plan every time and people fall for it every single time I mean think about even the nation of Israel that was supposed to be God's people were given over to this stuff and what ended up happening the curses that God told them were gonna happen to him in Leviticus chapter 26 they all happened because they let the devil take over their society and then ultimately what did they do they ate their own children literally ate their own children it's disgusting but it was a judgment from God so but people don't want to admit that the Indians were cannibals they don't they try to reject that they'll the the evidence is right before their faces and they reject it because they just want to perpetuate this peace loving smoke the pipe with me peyote religion which is only a couple of hundred years old by the way that's not as old as they say it is obviously they did have a religion before is called worshipping the devil when you have totem poles with different kind of of gods on it that's idolatry there it's a carved image okay so they were given over to idolatry and so and look I'm not saying that I don't love Native Americans I do we went to Yakima to try to preach the gospel to the Native Americans see God leaves a remnant sometimes and that remnant can be saved okay but God overall destroyed well if you would call this a nation of Native Americans God destroyed it and just like God will destroy any nation and he'll bring another nation that's more wicked than them but after Babylon destroyed Israel they became just as bad as they were they were worse than they were when they came even and then God destroyed them later on for the same exact reasons so but people don't want to admit that their people were cannibals and it's just a fact of history it's a fact of history that they try to whitewash and it really it angers me because why why are they trying to do that because they ultimately want those people to get back into the same practices as they were in so they could be destroyed again that's really the purpose isn't it because that's what's going to happen would you say that the American Indians are now more are doing better than when they were at their best no they're not most of them are I mean drug not most of them just saying in the reservations they have a problem with alcohol a big problem with alcohol and drugs some of the reservations won't even allow alcohol on them because it's destroyed the people so badly and what did we see when we went to Yakima we saw the same thing gangs violence you know and what what's it's it's hurting them to for them to continue in that culture and that it's a death style you know if you worship something other than God he's a jealous God he's not going to put up with it when you start bringing out these idols and worshiping and bowing down to them and then what's next human sacrifice that's what they always start doing human sacrifice and then they start eating those sacrifices so you know for some reason the problems in history just repeat themselves they do and it's because of the devil's plan versus God's plan and God's plan is he's always going to destroy those wicked people so history can be changed the truth can be buried and you know that's fine but but there is facts of science I believe in science I don't believe that science is two men you know being together or that a woman is a man trapped in a man's body or whatever I don't believe in that that's not science that's called freak show okay but cannibalism has specifically by markings made on bones from two stone tools been proven to be in these Indian cultures so let me explain that to you so when you who's butchered an animal in here before okay when you butcher the animal they have tendons that run along the bone and in through the muscle and you have to cut those off right if you've ever have you ever cut the tendons of an animal when you cut those tendons there's marks that are left on the bones and you know so they found bones in these places these Native American places where they were they're called Pueblos these Pueblo places were like where they actually worship the devil they gave sacrifices to their gods and then they found human bones with these earmarks on them that show that they were cutting the tendons off of them I mean we're not talking about just a couple we're talking about hundreds and hundreds of skeletons found and not just one place where they just kind of got weird in one place no it was every almost every place in that area had the same tendencies so it was a culture it became a cannibal culture and you know I know that's gross but it's true they would cut off their heads they would cook them in the fire and they would eat their brains it's pretty sick but that's what you know and and you know eating people eating brains at all don't eat brains by the way it will turn you into a zombie but it really is bad for you you're not supposed to eat brains there's like you can get diseases and you know have you ever heard of mad cow disease you know why people got that because they're eating cow brains cow and then they were mixing those cow they were having the cows even eat their own brains and that's I think that's what really happened I'm pretty sure but yeah I know I'm sorry guys we're ruining your appetite but he'll get it back so so all over in these Anastasi areas in the southwest these pueblos as they called them and they're like oh look at how advanced their society is and they're not advanced anymore are they they were they're left that they don't even know what happened to them I can submit what I think happened to them they were probably killed by another tribe that was more powerful than them as a vengeance of God because of their wickedness so so how else do you know what's another way to know that someone was a can't had a cannibal culture well you find bones and they're broken up and what they're doing is they're trying to get them the marrow out of those bones and so also what they do is they find coprolites I don't know if I'm explain if I'm pronouncing that right coprolites but what that is it's petrified poo of human beings okay and when they test when they find that they test it and they see that they have human myoglobin inside that inside their dung right they're petrified dung and so human what is myoglobin myoglobin is like I don't mean I have the definition right here it's a red protein containing heme which carries this and stores oxygen in muscle cells it's structurally similar to this sub subunit of hemoglobin human myoglobin only gets in to their fecal matter in one way and that's by consuming human flesh and so when they tested these things when they found these things they've tested them and that's still the only way you're gonna get human myoglobin inside your feces is if you have consumed human flesh so they've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt but people are just like no no even a professor there's a professor that wrote a book at the University of Arizona and it's he's not like a Bible believing Christian but what he sees is the evidence and he just presents that evidence and people get mad why because you're you're trying to overturn the false narrative of Indians being a peaceful and and nature-loving people that were attacked for no reason and their homeland was stolen from them okay so do you ever see God giving the Canaanites reparations for things no he didn't he didn't get reparations and so they didn't get special privileges where they got their medical care and all this other stuff paid for because God overthrew them because they were wicked that's not that that didn't happen that's something that humans do okay and what is the house that helped them how does it helped them as a society they're on reservations living in squalor for the most part and they're drunks and drug addicted and they're without Jesus still it's like the government like overthrew them and then made sure that a lot of them would get saved but thank God for Christian missionaries that came over and taught them how to read and write and how to read the Word of God and how to be saved you know obviously a lot of them were not Bible believing Christians in the sense that we would understand it but I mean they were called so I preached a sermon last weekend called savage now that type of savage is different than the type of savage that these people were savages they were called or they were called savages because of them eating human flesh and and scalping the the scalping came from the Indians it they're the ones that started scalping people and some of the bones that they found were scalped twice so obviously they scalped them and then the person survived somehow and then they scalped them again but myoglobin and the ear marks or the cuts that you could see on the bones proved that they were doing cannibalistic things in these cultures it's not just the American Indians though the Hawaiians were doing it too even up to the 1860s Hawaiians were doing it there was a god missionary that he was traveling with his friend he was hurt and like he woke up in the morning and the guy was gone and when he asked the natives about it there they were too embarrassed to say because they took him and ate him when they killed Captain Cook in the late 1700s Captain Cook they only gave him back the the butt cheeks and the and like the thighs or something everything else was eaten and sacrificed to their gods now Hawaiians will try to deny this I actually read an article about it last night they're like that didn't really happen yeah it did it was proven over and over again that they did it and what they were doing is they were trying to steal his you know they thought he was a great they thought he was God when he came and sailed in with his white masks on his ship and stuff they thought he was this one of the gods that they sacrificed people to when I was in Hawaii I went on the top of one of the mountains on the north side of the island and there was a human sacrifice place right there they weren't just sacrificing animals they sacrificed human beings that even said it you know on on the thing they sacrificed human beings and they ate them okay so and that's wicked that's how you know that it's the end of a society but but you know God's grace has made it to where the native Hawaiians are still there but you know it's funny they call themselves native Hawaiians but in reality there was a people that were there before they got there and they call them like the little people or something they were smaller than them obviously have you ever seen a Tongan before they're big have you seen you know some big there's in Hawaii I look like a shrimp compared to some of these guys okay so but what was I saying I'm having a senior moment huh what all the people before so there was people before the Hawaiians got there and the Hawaiians came from Tahiti they're Polynesian so it wasn't really their homeland they came and took it from somebody else but then they sit there and whine about how the United States took their land away from them you know you can't have it both ways you came and stole it from someone and you know what they did they tortured those people and murdered them and and wiped them off the face of the planet for a thousand years so the Hawaiians didn't even get there till 800 AD or something like that so that that's not that long ago so don't say you're from Hawaii Hawaii came up as a volcano you know it wasn't it hasn't been there for thousands and thousands of years so but I'm kind of getting ahead of myself here but so so so they found that they they did things to their how did they know that they cook their brains and all that because the burn marks on the back of their skulls there was burn marks on the back of them where they set them in the fire and on the inside they they knew how to cook them to perfection because on the inside the skull was not burnt so they were cooking their brains in their skulls and then knocking the knock you know cracking them open and and eating the brains it's pretty gross I know I'm sorry but it's true and sometimes the truth is ugly it's not exactly a great I mean I've been studying all this for a long time and so I've been waiting to to preach about it and I just thought well why not this Sunday because tonight sermon kind of goes with it a little bit but it's way more positive so well it's got positive moments I'll just say that this will have you know not very many positive moments I'm sorry about that but why am I preaching this well we need to understand what happens to societies if they disobey God and they are idolaters you know cannibals cannibals was wicked and it's the grossest thing that you could possibly think about now there are times that when people became cannibals because they were starving to death that was not the case here they found 300 skeletons that all died about the same time and so there had to have been a lot of people to eat all that meat because the marks are all over where they butchered them like an animal and there's about there's a lot of meat on a single person a lot of meat that they could eat so there it was a practice that they were doing it wasn't just some ritualistic cannibalism that's what they'll say and a lot of these things I'll read to you they'll say it's ritualistic cannibalism so they're basically saying that they just did it just because it was a ritual that they had to do like they just took a bite we're like okay I'm done that's not what they were doing they were actually eating these people so Chaco Canyon is where the Anasazi lived 15 thou out of 15,000 skeletons that they checked 500 had signs of violent death and then 300 were butchered and consumed and this is just you know all these out of the 15,000 skeletons so that's that's a pretty good number of people that they butchered and consumed so but you have these people trying to downplay dismiss this there was actually I watched a documentary about it and the guy took like a real animal carcass and like he used the stone tools that they would use to cut the meat off and how that they would slice the tendons and he because he wanted to say he wanted to make sure before he just called this culture cannibalistic that he was right about what he was saying with all the cut marks on the bones and the heads and all that stuff and he did exactly everything with an animal carcass and when he cut the tendons off the same marks were there so you know that that's what they were doing and they were clearly human skeletons so this could this culture and this Anasazi Indians these the the hop each or the Hopi or whatever you want to call them all these these these Indian nations want to say well these were our ancestors and maybe they were maybe God let some of them escape and obviously there's some there's Native Americans alive today that need to be reached for Christ but the problem is is that humans and culture are dictating a different story and dialogue of why they were destroyed so in 80 separate spots that they checked and villages surrounding these areas has skeletal remains with proven cannibalism 80 locations it wasn't just like I said one spot it was 80 locations men women children unborn children all were amongst the remains and so you know there's a good biological I mentioned this before but I want to read this I just kind of said what happens if you eat brains I just typed that in a Google search and said there's a good biological reason why cannibalism is taboo in virtually every culture eating other humans can make you sick specifically eating the brain of another human being can cause kuru a brain disease that's similar to mad cow disease kuru occurs because our brains contain prions that transmit the disease so God makes a way to punish you no matter what right it's just like people people I've thought about this like tattoos when you get a tattoo what is the punishment that you get for having a tattoo because a lot of these cultures tattoos are one of the things that are in these cultures and now it seems to be in our culture permeating it tattoos are kind of a big deal but you know you can probably get some kind of blood disease I know there's a lot of people that have where they have weak immune systems and I don't know if I I haven't proven that yet I need to like do some research on it but I think that they connect all these problems that it's possible that it's from tattooing so God's not gonna just let you tattoo yourself and then not punish you for it I notice a lot of people have these types of you know problems with their immune system when they have a lot of tattoos so I don't know and I've heard rumors of it being true so I'm not gonna dogmatically say that that's the truth here's another way that God punishes you with the tattoo you just look like an idiot when you're older and you have you know saggy looking tattoos all over you so and you can't remove them they're permanent that's the other punishment so anyway moving along the pattern of cow cannibalism was found to be in two thirds of the great houses or pueblos that were found in the southwest in the Chaco Valley Canyon in the southwest United States had evidence of cannibalism these people were not peaceful basket weavers that's what they'll tell the basket weaver no they're they're making they found their cauldrons where they would make pots and they would boil the humans in them you know they break their bones and then boil them into these things and even the the marks there's polished marks on the skeletons themselves like just like if you hold a bone up I've ever seen worse have you ever seen polished bone before they're like kind of shines but if it's not polished it doesn't shine so that they they saw that the bones were the exact size of the opening of the top of the cauldron so they had to break them to a certain size to fit them in and then they'd boil them and and and mix them around in this pot and it's been bones would have polished marks on them where they were scraping against the sides of the pottery where they were boiling them I mean they got a pretty precise detail on all this so like I said the guy that I was talking about from an Arizona State or excuse me areas University of Arizona he he wanted to make sure you know and I really wanted to make sure before I preach a sermon like this that I'm right about something and the guy that was doing the the demonstrations with the animals everything matched up to exactly what they were doing with human bones so and inside the pottery there's like a scum you know I've ever made soup and there's like scum around the edge of it or whatever well the scum that they found in those pottery was from humans so anyway so a great house is what Pueblo means great house and so these places like you if you look online you can see the pictures of these places and a great house is a large multi-storied ancestral Pueblan structure they're built between I this is from Wikipedia they're built between 850 and 1150 whereas the term great house typically refers to structures in Chaco Canyon they're also found in more northerly locations the purpose of the structures is unclear so the purposes of the structures is unclear that's another way of saying we know what they were doing it was called human sacrifice because that's where they found all the bones that's where they found all the cannibalism happened that's where you can see you can see the altars still to this day in these structures where they would butcher the people and burn them and sacrifice them to their gods so yeah and I understand this is an ugly ugly ugly thing that we're talking about here but the Aztecs has anybody studied the Aztecs before okay Aztecs worshiped false gods committed idolatry did human sacrifices took part in cannibalism the evidence is still painted on the walls of the temples in Mexico and other temples in the Yucatan and South America it's a fact don't sit there and feel sorry for them for being conquered look there was a guy that used to say the Catholic Church all right well he would say the church because he would just throw Catholic it you know the Catholic church or the the church came over and slaughtered these Indians for no reason and it's like I back then I didn't know what I know now but it wasn't for no reason like even Cortez was a wicked person he's the one that conquered the Aztecs but God was probably just using him as an instrument to destroy them for the wickedness that they did their wickedness is very evident there they still have the temples are some of the temples are still intact there some of them are you know Mexico City was where they were actually attacked and it was called a different name at that time but it's now modern-day Mexico City and they're still they built structures on top of the old temples that they used to do these sacrifices with and the Aztec Empire fell when invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Herman court or Hernan Cortez overthrew the Aztec Empire by force and captured to neck T long I think that's how you say I don't know if I'm saying that right but in 1521 so bringing an end to Mesoamerica's last great civilization so but at the time they were not great anymore they were on a downward slide they're on a downward turn and they and now do you think civilization and the in the country of Mexico is better is it a good culture that's going on down there I mean there's a lot of there are a lot of good people but there's a lot of wickedness that goes on down there now too and you know if you if you want to say well I'm Aztec and this is why would you say that why would you want to even be associated with that because what they did in that civilization was super wicked they had about 18 feasts a year during the months of the year to multiple gods so they worship many gods and here's the examples of the things that they I mean they basically had sacrifice going on 24 7 3 6 5 they had like five days of the year where they fasted and didn't sacrifice people five days here's examples of what they did they sacrificed children and captives to the water deities sacrifice of captive so I'm just reading different I'm not going to tell you all the names of all the different feasts it's going to tell you what they did during these different feasts sacrifice of captives gladiatorial fighting fighters dance dances of the priests wearing skin of the flayed victims here's another type of sacrifice extraction of the heart bearing of the flayed human skins sacrifices of children every feast they sacrifice children everyone sacrifice of a maid or of a boy and girl and a maid is a virgin in case you didn't know that of a boy or girl sacrifices of captain captives by extraction of the heart so basically what they would do is they put them on these altars and they would cut their their abdomens open and they would reach in and grab they're still beating hard and burn it in for a sacrifice while it was still pumping it's wicked so they said they did sacrifice of decapitated women and extraction of her heart sacrificed by starvation in a cave or temple that's a role sounds like a really nice culture doesn't it like they were just at one and peace with nature right they they starve people to death and temples and caves I mean what a way to go you know Joshua put a bunch of boulders for the kings that they were destroying when Joshua and and the children of Israel went to take over the land but you know what they untook the rocks and then killed them they didn't just leave them in there started that that's like cruel and unusual so also sacrifice of decapitated young woman to Toki one of their gods skinned and she was skinned and a young man wore her skin sacrifice of captives by hurling from a height and extraction of the heart sacrifices by fire extraction of the heart sacrifices of children to noble women extraction of the heart and flame ritual can of cannibalism that's what they call ritual but what they did is they they killed them took their heart out chop their head off and threw them down down the stairs and then people are waiting to chop off their arms and legs and the warrior that captured that person would get to have the legs and arms for their meal or whatever for their meat I mean does that does that sound like a culture at one with nature and all things right with God no they're super wicked and disgusting people and when they got slaughtered and when they got taken over they deserved it so I know this is kind of disgusting I'm sorry but it's important to understand look I want to change the narrative at least I want people in our church to understand that what they're saying as history and as facts is not true because it makes you like sympathize with their plight or whatever in reality they got judged by God and New Testament Christians have a chance to come and save the remnant and that's what I want to do I don't hate the people in Hawaii because there are cannibals at one point I want I love them all I want to see them saved I don't hate the Native Americans and Yakima you know I love them all I want to see them saved I don't hate anybody of these cultures I want to see them saved if God's left a remnant for us to be able to go to then we should go to them but you know we need to quit downplaying the fact that they were judged for what they were doing okay there's in like the northern parts of Canada that they have a it's like this Windigo character have you ever heard of the Windigo the Windigo is like a spirit of cannibalism that they say if someone tastes human flesh that they get this madness about them and all they want to do is they have an insatiable appetite to eat human flesh and I'm sure that that legend was born of reality you know and in those places food gets scarce and so there's no wonder that there's a legend of this creature that eats human flesh and has insatiable appetites I'm sure that they tell these stories to scare children you know also but there's probably some reality behind it so these places around the world and these at like just the Aztecs alone I think Cortez like basically beat them with very few people but one at one point I was reading the stories about it last night and when the Aztecs fought back against them they captured like five of their their soldiers and they took them and immediately sacrificed them on an altar immediately in the view of the Spaniards who watched them chop their heads off and burnt take their hearts out and burn them in front of them it's not what people think it is it's not this peace-loving you know native culture that you see being taught it's just not true now I'm not saying the people nowadays aren't peaceful and and things like that there I don't see any native cultures that are burning people on altars and things like that why is that though because Christianity that's why because Christianity went through the whole world and got these place even in Hawaii I was reading the history about the missionaries to Hawaii and they stopped the cannibalistic culture that was going on there but it's now creeping back and I shared like a Facebook I shared a sermon I preached about oh no here's what it was it was Pastor Anderson's Bible way to heaven with Hawaiian you know subtitles which obviously every Hawaiian there speaks English and why English is our first language now people that speak Hawaiian like they don't talk they don't speak in the Hawaiian language to each other or very rarely do they do that it's not like if you're you know Mexican and you speak Spanish and that was your first language and now you also speak English it's just basically English is their only real language that they know so I was just doing it you know because I thought well maybe they would respect the fact that the Hawaiian subtitles are there you know I didn't think that that was my only way of reaching them it was actually speaking English but I had a lot of people attack me from Hawaii because I put that up and what were they saying oh you're white you're white Jesus and you know we believe in the old gods and there's just a bunch of dissenters on there you know bringing back that old heathen culture and acting like that was something great when it wasn't it's wicked so here's a an account of Juan Diaz and he was one of the people that was with Cortez when they conquered the Aztecs it says on these altars were idols with evil looking bodies and that every night see these are people that wrote that saw the things when they came in that every night five Indians had been sacrificed before them their chests had been cut open their arms and thighs have been cut off the walls were covered with blood we stood greatly amazed and gave the island the name this letter the sacrificial isle islet of sacrifices in English I guess in the conquest of New Spain Diaz recounted that after landing on the coast they came across the temple dedicated to Tezcatlipoca I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right I'm probably gonna get this land for all my pronunciation but I don't care I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce it but anyway that day they had sacrificed two boys cutting open their chests and offering their blood and hearts to that accursed idol Diaz narrates several more sacrificial descriptions on the latter Cortez expedition arriving in Cholula they find cages of stout wooden bars full of men and boys who were being fattened for the sacrifice at which their flesh would be eaten that doesn't sound like ritual sacrifice that sounds like Hansel and Gretel okay where they're you know fattening up the kids so she can the witch can eat them right when the conquistadors reached tenica I can't even pronounce it now I'm gonna try it's it's modern-day Mexico City okay Diaz described the sacrifices at the Great Pyramid they would strike the wretch the wretched Indians chest with flint knives and hastily tear out their palpitating heart which with the blood they present to the idols they cut off the arms and thighs and head eating the arms and thighs at ceremonial banquets the head they hang up on the beam and the body is given to the beast of prayer I mean yeah it's gruesome it's gruesome but that's what that culture was like don't let anybody fool you or tell you anything different quit you know just sometimes when you just got to read a book sometimes you got to read a book and find out what reality is about things you can't just believe everything that was perpetuated in these stories so the Mayans were the same way they got conquered the Incas were the same way they got conquered they were doing human sacrifices Machu Picchu had an altar or they did human sacrifices up there if you go you can walk up to Machu Picchu today it's a long walk but you can you can still see the things that they did there and it was like a sanctuary city where nobody would would be able to kill them or whatever but the people live there now no they don't and the reason why is because they got conquered and actually they conquered them with 168 Spanish soldiers 168 there was thousands and thousands of people they conquered with 168 people it was Francisco Pizarro and his brothers and they were you know they weren't good people either but why did they why did they conquer them when they if you came into a place and you just happen to see children being sacrificed to a pagan deity and an idol what would you think about that you think these people need to be destroyed so if a human that's not even saved would think that what do you think God thinks about it so I've given you stories about all these different types of cultures and what they do the Bible talks about this downward spiral that happens turn to Romans chapter 1 I know I've been light on Bible but I'm gonna buzz through it now Romans chapter 1 verse 18 here's what God does when nations and people get like this he destroys them every single time he's not just gonna allow cannibalism to just run rampant he's not it's gonna destroy those wicked sinners right Romans chapter 1 verse 18 says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men does it say just the children of Israel here no it's not just the children of Israel it's all ungodliness and unrighteousness of man the wrath of God is revealed from heaven who hold the truth and unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them quit saying that these people have never heard of Jesus or they don't know who God is the Bible doesn't say that it doesn't teach that anywhere the Bible teaches that all men know how the God is manifest unto them and God has showed it to them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen when you look at things created they tell you there was a creator and that will drive that should drive you to want to believe in God or believe that there's a higher power of some sort and then God's gonna let you know but see the problem is is that men's men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil or sinful people and if a society gets caught up in the things that I'm talking about today there's an end to them it's going to end it says they're clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power in Godhead so what they are without excuse when the downward spiral starts it's because of what they do and God has to just you know he tries to give them mercy and gives them long-suffering and gives them time but at some point their iniquities is filled up and God's done with them just like he's done with an individual reprobate person he's also done with an individual or with an reprobate society so Romans chapter 1 verse 21 says because that the new God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful what became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so vain in their imaginations that it started imagining things just imagine right just imagine there's like a half human half animal God let's make an idol to him and bow down to him and worship him this is what they do says professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to a corruptible man how does the downward spiral start they deny God they deny the true creator they start worshiping idols they start worshiping false gods and it says into birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things they start worshiping animals to and incorporating these animals as part of their God you know the Aztecs they worship this this basically the snake you know and what what does the snake represent Satan they basically worship the devil and so it says who changed the truth of God into a lion worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen we see that in society today animals over humans animals are equal with humans animals are better than humans because they love me when I come home and lick my face and therefore I go and clean up their doodoo people get weird with animals and look I have animals but don't get too weird you know if you have a whole how a whole room for your dog and it has like all the different animal outfits you know I told you about the story where we go and take our dogs nails to get clipped or whatever because that we have hardwood floors and they just get annoying after a while and they go did you bring your dog's clothes no you mean a collar you have the clothes they like will not call it a collar they will not call it a leash they call it clothes and then they call them our fur babies weird so I like they refuse to call them they call them our children like yeah the children we're bringing those beasts in to get their nails clipped anyway look people this is the pattern that God shows in the scripture they get idolatrous they worship animals and it says who changed the truth of God into a lion worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator for this cause God gave them up to vile affections so and it says in verse 28 and God gave them over to a reprobate mind so God eventually rejects these cultures he rejects these types of people and it all just boils down to idolatry because when you're served what are people doing when they worship an idol the Bible says that they're worshipping Devils okay so they're literally worshipping Devils and they and whether they know that or not they're still worshipping Devils and so once that happens then the devil is going to be able to come in and say hey why don't you just start sacrificing people to me you know I mean because where does that my where does that come from it doesn't come it maybe it does come from the heart of men but it's really weird to me that every single culture on the planet every single place on the face of the earth there's been these same things with the same temples and the same altars what's God's altar like God doesn't have an altar anymore because he sat you know the difference between what they would believe in is they believe in we have to sacrifice a bunch of people to gods who have insatiable appetites for blood you know what our God believes in hey I sacrificed my son so that all the world could be saved you see the difference there it's a lot different Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 go ahead and turn over Deuteronomy chapter 28 Deuteronomy 18 verse 10 says there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch okay this is one of the things that would start the downhill the downward spiral of wickedness and a people you make your sons and daughters you sacrifice your own sons and daughters into a fire to a false god and the and what I was reading about in this Aztec culture is that it wasn't just the poor people and slaves that they captured and things like that it was their own children the ones of royalty they would take their own children and give them as sacrifices to the gods just like the children of Israel were doing also because what didn't Manasseh sacrifice one of his children into the fire he sacrificed his children he did witchcraft he made the high places he did human sacrifice and what happened God could not pardon the iniquity and the blood that was spilt during his day and the day of all the kings before him what did he do wipe Jerusalem why like you'd wipe a plate clean even though Josiah staved it off for a little while as soon as Josiah died that's when the beginning of the end came for the nation of Israel you know what God did that twice to the nation of Israel and what happened each time you know really the Jews they weren't sack they weren't worshiping idols but they had the wrong salvation you know so God wiped them away because why because they really their idols were the things that were in their hearts and the things that they wanted to believe and they didn't want to believe that Jesus was the Christ so really they were worshiping false gods in reality they just weren't bowing down to stone statues and things like that anymore so I had to turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28 look at verse 47 says because I'll and look this is over and over a theme throughout Scripture God says hey you do good you do right you keep my commandments I'm gonna take care of you I'm gonna make the rain come when it's supposed to come I'm gonna bless your store you're gonna bring forth the old store because the new store is there I'm gonna bless you with lots of children you know and health and all and safety and all this stuff and then you'll be able to chase 10,000 with with with two people will chase 10,000 you know I'm gonna bless you tremendously but there's always that there's always the cursings and in Leviticus chapter 26 are a lot more than the blessings aren't they and he says three times in that chapter I'll punish you seven times more for your sins you know when God's people do things like this then it's worse well he's gonna punish us worse than he's gonna punish them but ultimately they all get the same punishment where's Canaan land now destroyed you know this Hawaii is Hawaii a kingdom anymore destroyed you know but the United States came in they didn't kill everybody this time and actually their life is a lot better than it was when they were under the heathen kings that they were under Kamehameha was trying to unite Hawaii and they act like he's some great person who community wound he was so great he murdered and butchered thousands of his own of his own people to try to unite the islands he stole the only reason why he did is because you know he got the guns from Captain Cook's people he got guns from Englishmen that he captured and then he was able to win the war because he had the bullets and the guns and the cannons but was he a good he was a great person how's he a great person when he killed he pushed thousands of Hawaiians off of a cliff and killed them all like 10,000 people I think I mean I'm not sure about the numbers someone's gonna go on there go you just stupid Pastor Thompson was 40,000 people I'm just off the top the cuff it was thousands though but they want to say that it was such a great culture guess what if you looked if you ate dinner with your wife you'd be put to death in that culture I mean some of you're like well you know I could see that how weird is that though you couldn't even eat dinner with your own spouse you couldn't eat dinner with someone of the opposite gender couldn't eat with dinner death penalty I mean do you think that's good death penalty for looking at someone that would be a royalty if you looked at someone that was royal dead and they ruled and if you didn't work hard then they would kill you or they'd banish you off it off that out of the out of the place there's no lazy Hawaiians back then they were all not on island time they're on the king's time okay and there's a real bad laziness culture there too because of the island culture hey just show up church anytime I feel like it I I can't stand that that's hard for me to handle oh yeah you know we just had to stop by and get some that's garbage show up for church on time anyway so where was I at dinner army chapter 28 because thou serviced not the Lord thy God with joyfulness and with the gladness of heart for the abundance of all things therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee in hunger and in thirst and in nakedness and in want of all things and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck until they have destroyed thee so God is not going to just let things slide with people when they're doing these wicked things the Lord shall bring a nation against thee from afar from the end of the earth as swift as the eagle flyeth a nation whose tongue shall thou shall not understand a nation of fierce countenance which shall not regard the person of the old nor show favor to the young this is God's way God just takes another nation and smokes those people so and it says and thou shalt eat the fruit of the cattle and the fruit of thy land until thou be destroyed or he shall which also shall not leave thee either corn wine or oil or the increase of thy kind or flocks of thy sheep until he have destroyed thee Jeremiah 9 19 verse 9 says and I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters and they shall eat everyone the flesh of his friend in the siege when God destroyed Jerusalem people were practicing cannibalism but guess what they were practicing before that idolatry human sacrifice sacrificing their children and God gave them a way out and they didn't take it so that's just how God rolls Lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 says behold O Lord and consider to whom thou hast done this shall the women eat their fruit and the children of a span long shall the priests of the Prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord yeah that's what happened and so let's look at Psalm 106 verse 35 this is why it happens and look we have to be we have to be aware that when we do these things you know obviously nobody in here is going to eat human flesh okay I really hope you don't I know you won't we're not really in danger of this part happening but we can create idols in our heart and we can start to worship other things more than we worship God and maybe that's not a deity of some heathen nation maybe it's just money you cannot serve God and mammon you know you gotta hate one or love one and hate the other you can't serve both things at the same time you can't you know I'm basically mammon is like just material things money material things that type of stuff so I mean let's see where am I at Psalm 106 verse 35 talking about the downward spiral of Israel says but were mingled among the heathen verse 35 and learned their works why did that happen because they did not drive the Canaanite completely out of the land they left them in there they were tributaries unto them they were you know just basically under the Israelites thumbs but what happened they were mingled among the heathen and learned their works and served their idols which were a snare unto them how did the downward spiral start with Israel they learned the ways of the heathen and then they served their idols and they yay they sacrificed their sons and daughters to Devils it's not just a hey mate you know not a big deal no Israel was sacrificing their own children to Devils why would God destroy them and wipe them off the face of the planet because that is the most wicked thing I could possibly think of is to harm your own children and put them in a fire to the devil verse 38 and shed innocent blood and even the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with blood and so you wonder why God destroyed Israel it's not too hard to understand is it how did it start mingling with the heathen and you know and that's how it can start in our lives too how do we start a downward spiral in our Christianity you're not gonna lose your salvation but God might destroy you he might destroy your family he might destroy you for the things that you do in your life and you know if it's sacrificing your own children to the altar of convenience hey I'm just gonna put them in public school because you know I'm just too lazy to homeschool hey I'm just gonna you know let them watch all the most worldly television shows and just set them in front of that and that's all I'm gonna teach them you wonder what's gonna if you sacrifice you can sacrifice your children in other ways doesn't have to be on an altar to a demon called bail it doesn't have to be to Molech they could just be to your convenience not wanting to have to deal with them and so our downward spiral as a Christian can can start with mingling with the heathen if you so oh my child I'm just gonna give my child the choice to go to church well what do you think who do you think they're gonna hang out with if they don't go to church they're gonna hang out with heathens if you don't care enough to care about your children you're sacrificing them you're sacrificing the next generation that could have grown up and been a godly culture and your family and you just sacrifice them to the altar of your own convenience it's wicked do you want your children to grow up and serve God and and stay in church after they after they grow up and leave your home well you got to be realistic and you can't just sacrifice your children on that altar of convenience now there's women that do go and have abortions because they're just not ready to have a child yet well you should keep your good pants zipped up then don't be a whore don't be a whoremonger if you're not ready to have kids then don't do the things that make kids come about right so look what God says though in verse 39 says thus were they defiled with their own works and went a whoring with their own inventions therefore the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people and so much that he abhorred his own inheritance was that word of poor means it means to hate he began to hate his own inheritance and he gave them into the hand of the heathen and they hated them and they that hated them ruled over them their enemies also oppressed him and were brought into subjection under their hand many times did he deliver them but they provoked him with their counsel and they were brought low for their iniquity see God destroyed the nation of Israel because of the thing that when they got so when you get so far gone then God's like okay I'm pulling the plug on this when you get so far gone that you're eating your own children you're you're too far gone when you get so far gone that you're sacrificing your children literally to the devil on a real altar with real fire your society is done your society is done no matter whether you're the nation of Israel or the nation of Babylon or the nation of Babylon USA or whatever your whatever country you're part of the Native Americans that were here before and they're still here and we get them saved and I know in Arizona they have a big program down there where they're getting multitude saved but they're shut down right now because of the coronavirus but somehow we were able to get into Yakima and and and we got some native save amen but how many times did you knock on a door and they're like oh I'm native and so they're like they're just basically saying I'm gonna believe in the old ways and those are the ways that got them destroyed in the first place but they you know they need a Savior they need to know that Jesus loves them and died for them turn to the second Kings chapter 6 verse 24 second Kings chapter 6 verse 24 the story where the king just refused to listen to the preachers of God because you people can refuse to listen and what's gonna happen God's gonna destroy them okay second Kings chapter 6 verse 24 says and it came to pass after this that Ben the hey dad king of Syria gathered all the hosts and went up and besieged Samaria there was a great famine in Samaria and behold they besieged it until an ass's head was sold for four score pieces of silver so they had so little food that they were cutting off a donkey's head and selling it for what 80 pieces of silver that's pretty expensive head there and the fourth part of a cab of doves dung for five pieces of silver a fourth part of a bird dropping from a dove five pieces of silver here you go yes and dove dung isn't like the biggest dung on the on the face of the planet it's just like a little drop you know so if it's a fourth part of that and people that's how bad people were starving and as the king of Israel is passing upon the wall there cried a woman unto him saying help my lord o king and he said if the Lord do not help thee when shall I help thee out of the barn floor or out of the wine press and the king said unto her what a lethe and she answered this woman said unto me give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow so we boiled my son and did eat him and I said unto her on the next day give thy son that we may eat him and she hath hid her son this is the problem that she's coming to the king with hey she hid her son we ate my son the other night this is how far down society that the nation of Israel was at this time so came to pass when the king heard the words of the woman that he rent his clothes and passed upon the wall and the people looked and behold he had sackcloth within upon his flesh then he said God do so and more also to me if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall stand on him this day so typical that people want to blame somebody else for the actions that they brought forth was it Elisha's fault that this was happening and he had to hear this horrific story it's a horrific story but he's blaming the wrong person he's blaming the person that was trying to help them and tried to preach the word to them and try to get them out of this mess and instead he's wanting to kill the man of God that's bringing forth the message Ezekiel 5 10 says therefore the father shall eat their sons in the midst of thee and the son shall eat their fathers and I will execute judgments in thee and the whole remnant of thee while I scatter into all the winds so over and over again the Bible prophesies about you know getting so far down the path that you would sacrifice and eat your own children so I got to skip through all this because I got to get done here so basically what do we know about past empires in the Bible what do we know about them well they all fell and the ones that used to be powerhouses that haven't completely fallen they're not powers anymore they're done God's done with them God's done and they're done being a great society it said that the walls of Babylon were had hanging guard it was like called the hey it was like one of the seven wonders of the world the city of Babylon and had all these hanging gardens and it was supposed to be like a sight to behold what do you see when you see it now a couple dinosaurs on the wall pretty much it it's desolate it's destroyed how's the Greek Empire doing right now last I know that they were fighting and robbing people for money and they're basically broke how's the bead and Persian Empire doing well the Persia Persia is where Iran is they're they're taken over by the ayatollahs and all those guys Rome was destroyed it itself from within and we have a lot revived Roman Empire that we're living in today and I'm gonna just turn to Jeremiah chapter 51 real quick and then that'll be the last place I have you turn Jeremiah 51 God pronounces evil on our nation too and he so so if you read the book of Jeremiah the last three or four chapters towards the end of the book it explains how Babylon can be destroyed part of those are talking about the original Babylon and then part of them are talking about this Babylon the one we live in today Jeremiah 51 verse 60 says so Jeremiah wrote in a book all that the of all the evil that shall come upon Babylon even all the words that are written against Babylon and Jeremiah said to Sariah when thou comest to Babylon shall see and shall read all these words then shalt thou say o Lord thou has spoken against the place to cut it off and none shall remain in it neither shall man or beast but that it shall be desolate forever and it shall be when I was made an end of reading this book that thou shall bind a stone to it and cast in the midst of the Euphrates and now shall say thus Babylon shall Babylon sink and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her and they shall be weary thus far are the words of Jeremiah all the the empires arose to prominence and ended up being caught into idolatry have fallen and it's not going to be any different here we got statues here you know we got abortions happening here people are sacrificing their children to Moloch here too you know but maybe there's not a big temple where people you know take the beating hearts out of people and things like that going on but the we have a lot of the same things a lot of the same things going on in God's not gonna let our society last either and the Bible says that the Babylon is going to be the final and the one world government will be the final government before the Lord Jesus Christ comes and makes it all right and so you know what what can you apply to this sermon what can we apply it that you know when we mingle with the heathen and learn their ways we can get caught up into the same things we can destroy our own family we can destroy our own lives we can destroy our own church family and we need to not learn the ways of the heathen we need to be separated and come apart from them and be separate saith Lord flee idolatry God can destroy anybody for being an idolatry he's not a respecter of persons if his own he did it to his own people in the Old Testament apply that to the New Testament he can do the same thing where's the Church of Ephesus at now is it still alive it's still a soul winning powerhouse for the gospel how about the church at Ephesus you know the Church of Ephesus is gone God said he would wipe it off the face of the planet just like you know churches degrade just like society degrades when churches go bad then God destroys them too he takes the candlestick away from them so we don't want to be caught up in idolatry either where we start serving and worshiping other things and hold things more high regard than God don't sacrifice your children to the devil by mingling them with the heathen you think that they're gonna they're gonna influence those friends that they have no the their friends are gonna influence them that's how that works and remember to love each other don't cannibalize your brothers and sisters in Christ there's a spiritual application for you and here's a verse for you a proof verse but if you bite and devour one another take heed that you not be consumed one of another so let's talk about spiritual cannibalism I guess right this I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh that's the key to everything that's the key to our good life on this earth and that's the key to our good life in this church walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the lust for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh there's a battle going on every day in our lives every single day you got to get up and get your gloves on and get ready to box spiritually okay and it says that these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would so don't get caught up and the things of this world hey we don't want to be spiritual cannibals to each other and we don't want to sacrifice our children and alter of convenience there's some spiritual applications we can get out this sermon I know it was a little ugly at moments okay I'm sorry about that but I think it's important to preach the whole counsel of God and look cannibalism is in the Bible that's not a pretty picture but just shows you the downgrade of a society let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the Word of God and Lord sometimes it's it's ugly to hear and the things that people have done around the world it's it's ugly to hear those things but Lord I pray that we'd be a church that shines our light in the darkness and Lord even in the northwest where it's dark spiritually I pray you'd help us to continue to shine a light and be a light to all the people around us and Lord that we've grown out in all the world and be a light there also and help these people that that still want to cling to being a native or being some kind of Aboriginal person to the land and and thinking that their culture came from something good Lord I pray you'd help us to break down these walls these lies in history and help us to bring forth the glorious gospel in Jesus name we pray amen