(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Looking forward to more things to come in the afternoon, soul winning and another sermon and some more fellowship and we definitely like the fellowship of this church. I don't know how late you guys all stayed here last night but maybe you left right away I don't know but I was kind of done at seven o'clock so but it's been good being here and you know I just thank everybody for being here this morning. The title of my sermon this morning is the dangers of being too casual, the dangers of being too casual and I get that from chapter 1 Corinthians 14 40 in our text this morning it says let all things be done decently and in order. Let all things be done decently and in order. Now the great thing about this church is that there's unity and everybody seems to get along really well or at least you're pretending in front of me which is great but but I feel like that like we don't have problems in this church there's a lot of unity and people aren't fighting and I don't have a lot of problems and I'm glad for that when I'm not getting phone calls where people are fighting all the time and things like that that's great but you know and I would take a church with 25 to 30 people any day that has no problems everybody's spiritual everybody shows up everybody does work and I'll take you know dozens of church like that and you know don't get me mad I might start another church by the end of the service but but it's great to have that but also there and what made me think about this sermon is that sometimes you know there is a danger of being too casual and when you're around people a lot and you become friends or even just in clothing there's lots of different things where we could get too casual and it can be dangerous because it can lead to problems from being too casual and I'll explain that more as I get into the sermon I want to kind of really go on my notes this morning because I have a lot of them and I don't want to keep you here hostage all day so let's see it's 10 56 right now so I'll do my best to wrap this up as soon as possible but I think it's just important for us to just kind of get the principles obviously there's a lot of things you could talk about but I just kind of thought of a few things this morning that I thought were important for us to think about and to apply to our life these principles so it says let all things be done decently and in order so what does it mean to be decent well it's becoming or fit you know or suitable in words behavior dress and ceremony so when Paul says let everything to be done decently and in order he's saying let the things that are done in God's house be fit and suitable the words are the right words the behavior is the right behavior the dress is the right dress and the ceremony so we have a specific way that we do our services we have two songs we have a prayer or we have one song prayer another song and then the announcements then after the announcements we do the another song we do the offering and and then we do what the preaching or the bible reading then the preaching and then one final song you all know like you you've been here long enough to where you know it's kind of automatic isn't it and the reason why we do it like that is because we want things to be done decent and in order decently and in order so you know what to expect when you come to our church it's not a free for all it's not three people getting up preaching at the same time in three different languages it's not women getting up here and giving a testimony and you know preaching a sermon to us I mean the reason why I picked this chapter is because it really does sum everything up that this chapter is talking about and Paul's saying hey we got to have decency in our churches here are some of the rules and here's the order and and and he's not saying this is how you do the order of service but you know he's just basically saying have order in your service it's not supposed to be a free for all not everybody's supposed to get up with a special song not everybody's supposed to come up with a word of knowledge and all this stuff so it's supposed to be done decently in an order and that's the point that Paul is trying to make you know it's talking about tongues and we don't believe that tongues is some you know jibber jabber where you're just you know and all this other stuff right that's not what it's talking about it's talking about different languages and I was I was reading that little sheet you have by the Bible the 1611 Bible out there talking about how the original Greek and Hebrew was translated into 500 languages before 600 AD and then the Catholic church took over and you could only have everything in Latin but 500 languages that's that's pretty impressive that the that the Bible is translated into that many languages but that's because in the book of Acts you see a bunch of people from a bunch of different nations all getting saved you know they're having you know the the Pentecost feast and all that stuff and so then the word of God was spread all around the world and then the scriptures were spread all around the world but so the word decently is you know just obviously a form of the word decent and you know it it means in a decent or becoming manner with propriety of behavior or speech without immodesty so it does imply how we dress it does imply how we speak it does imply order and you know like I said decent is suitable words behavior dress ceremony and decent conduct decent actions decent ornaments or dress so you know obviously the Bible teaches against like wearing a bunch of gaudy jewelry and having your hair broided with gold and you know just being really decadent you know obviously we should look nice you know it's not saying have your hair scraggly and you know don't do your don't do makeup or whatever it's not talking about that it's just you know we don't want to get go too far with being like if I was wearing like a three thousand dollar Italian suit or something that's too much right but should I look nice when I get up here to preach the word of God I think I should try my best to look my best without it being some decadent thing so now order is the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence pattern or method so what's the apostle Paul say decent decently and in order so things in a sequence things in a pattern a method of doing things why don't we have three people getting up and preaching at the same time because it'd be very confusing to people why don't we have people in multiple languages preaching and nobody being able to interpret or understand those words because it's gonna it's gonna you know be confusing to people and if you have visitors and they're like did I come to a Spanish service like what's going on you know did I come to some Italian service and and there's you know just different people speaking different languages and nobody is able to interpret what's going on so there's rules there's rules of of church conduct there's rules that are decent and and so when you're talking about being casual casual is a relaxed or unconcerned manner or done acting without sufficient care or thoughtfulness so you're just casually doing things it's just you know this is not a big deal everything's just not a big deal and we shouldn't and you know when we do things at church they should be done right they should be everything shouldn't be just so casual all the time and and I'll get more into what I'm talking about here but imagine if there was no structure in this church at all it would be literal chaos no leader no order of service you know just a free-for-all women preaching people you know preaching the same time all the time but you know we don't want that we want it to be decent and in order and that's why we do those things and so it's not without formality so when it's casual that is without formality that's without having anything formal going on the church is a mess or you know you're dressed like a mess you're you came to to you know like you were going to Walmart in your pajamas or something you know we ought not to be like that right so and and the thing is as a society we become very casual in our society and the reason why I bring that up about Walmart is because I mean there's videos called the people of Walmart I'm sure you've seen it and it's like people just go dressed in any manner you know they're wearing their bunny slippers and their pajamas and you know and all kinds of other crazy outfits right like like you know it's just going to Walmart is a dangerous territory now when I used I used to work for Walmart a long time ago and I wasn't even allowed to have my tattoo showing when I worked there if you had tattoos if you were sleeved up you worked in the back room you weren't you couldn't wear earrings you couldn't have long hair if you were a man I mean that's how far our society has become casual now you look and the cashiers have green and pink and purple hair and it looks like they fell in a tackle box before they they they came to to work that day they're wearing you know you used to have to wear a specific you know tan pants and like a you know certain you had to wear a collared shirt you know and that's Walmart now Walmart is just like their standards have gone way low so and that you know again those people if there was those types of people or people that dressed like that they'd be in the back room they weren't out you know they didn't come out till at night time when you know when they you can't get through the aisles because they put all the the pallets in front of everything you want to try to shop for so you know we just don't want to get to the point where we're following the patterns of the world we don't want to follow what the world does as the church we should set the standards of society and so when we go out in the world the world looks at us and they go well hey maybe i shouldn't be maybe i shouldn't be in my pajamas right now maybe i should be wearing something that's decent maybe i shouldn't walk out naked i mean you can't even go any place anywhere you know especially in the summertime this is the time when people become more casual they start stripping off the clothes more you know and and what we consider naked is from the loins to the thighs if you're if your thighs are showing your cleavage is showing you know you're just you're naked all right and people just don't understand nakedness anymore and so we kind of got to walk around with blinders on half the time and it's it's really sad that that has come to that but that's what it was like but it's also become like that in churches there's churches where it's like the come as you come as you are mentality well are you really sure you mean that because some people when they come as they are nowadays is a lot different than you know come as you are that that that saying in churches you know don't worry about what you're dressed like just come to church you know you that that could be dangerous to say that now because they could come and you're just like hey you know there's some guy wearing a skirt or something you know and which has happened at our church some guy walked in wearing a skirt i was like bye you got to get out of here yeah he didn't understand why well you know we're not going to let some weird fruitcake in with a skirt on waving a cigarette around trying to look at our kids or something that's exactly what he was doing but anyway so we can all learn something from the sermon and maybe you'll disagree with some of the conclusions that i come to and maybe you're not quite there but but i can tell you this that the more casual our society gets the more casual our churches are going to get and the more casual we get the more casual everything in our life is going to be and and and then when that leaks over into your spiritual life which it will then you've become just like the world you become too casual so so the first thing i want to talk about is about how we dress so you know if you're casual with how you dress it can lead to you being casual in other areas so if you look at old photos of like people out in the in the you know the roaring 20s or you know you see those black and white pictures of a bunch of guys at a baseball game they're all wearing shirts and ties all the ladies are wearing dresses that cover themselves you did not walk out in society naked you didn't walk out in society uncovered you walked out when people went out they went out and they were dressed to the nines that was just a that was just a thing that you did if you're outside even at walmart i don't think walmart was around back then but even at walmart you would still be dressed decently right and so that's how far the standards have gone like i was looking at pictures one time at my grandma's house of all her siblings and it was when they were younger and every one of them was wearing a dress a long dress and then you know obviously things have loosened and the more it loosens in society then it spills over to the churches that's when you have women wearing pants at church and even in independent fundamental baptist churches i go and visit independent fundamental baptist churches that aren't like us sometimes and like i went to a service not too long ago at a church and you know half the women there were we're wearing pants and like so obviously that doesn't get preached about that that you know and when you don't preach about it and then they're going to be as casual as the world when they come in and then our church is casual right and so we don't want to be too casual because like again it's it spills out from the world into our church house so those old photos i mean just go just look up men's sporting sporting events in the 1940s or 50s or whatever and you'll see a bunch of men in ties shirts and ties right so and even in the professional environments like in an office environment it's like casual friday every day in a lot of office spaces but i remember when i first started working in an office you know you're supposed to wear you know business casual friday was casual friday every other day you gotta you gotta dress like you're supposed to dress and and business casual was was casual friday it wasn't you know your nascar shirt it wasn't your favorite nfl team you know and and you know we it's funny like i knew i was going to preach this i already had it ready when i got here and i started as soon as i got into town i started seeing all the things that were so casual and like so i go to the to check out my to to get my rental vehicle and everybody there is wearing like some irish t-shirt or back in it was back in green it was like an acdc you know kind of design that said back in green or whatever you know because it's st patrick's day and everybody wants to wear green and whatever and look you know it's it's fun whatever but it was casual then i take pastor bazarnsky to a restaurant and you know one of our favorite restaurants you know the the italian one down the street and we walk in there's a sign that says wear decent attire or it said something like that it said you're expected to wear decent attire and the first thing that we see when we walk in even the the lady's checking us in she's wearing skin tight it wasn't yoga pants but it might as well have been that's how tight jeans were and i was thinking is that what we pass off as decent nowadays i mean the guy that served us at our server was wearing like a goofy looking hat and a tie-dyed sweatshirt like it must have been casual friday there and we just didn't realize it or something but like when you have a sign that says you know you got to be dressed right to come in here and then the people that work there aren't dressed right it's like that's just kind of weird maybe it's just been there for so long that everybody forgets that it's there but those are just some of the i mean that's not that big of a deal but i'm just saying that because of how casual society is i mean i guess that's decent dress to them but that's not what should pass for decent dress here and you know people will say well you're just a pharisee you think that everybody should wear a three-piece suit and every everything everywhere they go i'm not even saying that i'm just saying that when you're at church you should wear your best you know why would you not wear your best when you have the opportunity to do so so because any place you go today you have to be prepared to look the other way people shouldn't look at church people and say oh don't look at them they're wearing something that's too immodest that ought not to be ever said in the house of god or outside of the house of god right so this come as you are leave as you came all this attitude and churches today it's it's led to apathy it's led to be people being too casual with each other and you know when you got a big casual church then nothing really matters anymore does it they don't care about the bible that they use they don't care about the songs that they sing they're singing you know shout to the lord and lord i lift your name on high and people are just doing this and for 45 50 minutes and then the pastor gets up says a couple stories says a couple songs you might get an nlt scripture here the young's translation over here on something else whatever it is that fits their sermon they'll cherry pick their verses they want to talk about us cherry picking verses they cherry pick versions at their churches right and they cherry pick what is decent how how can you read this chapter in the bible in a church setting and get anything other than things must be done decently in an order you can't get it and then yet women are getting up and preaching in churches joyce myer for instance but it's not just that i mean i think that the southern baptist church convention or the southern s yeah southern baptist church their whole convention like kicked saddle back out for being too liberal and it's like the southern baptists are already liberal enough as it is i think they kicked saddle back out because i think they were ordaining women as pastors or something so even the southern baptist convention has standards which not a lot but they still have some right so let's turn to first king shepherd 10 verse 1 i know i've said a lot of things just said things we've only read one scripture so that's not like me let's get into some bible here so we have a story here about king solomon and king solomon had his problems you know pastor pazarnsky was talking about you know his all of his wives and that would have been tough but uh i can't i mean imagine having one nagging wife versus 700 nagging wives i i'm not saying every wife's a nag i'm just saying that you know i mean i imagine out of the the 700 wives and 300 concubines there were some that were you never come see me solomon this is my this is my year you're supposed to spend the day with me on this this day of the year it's our you know every two years you see we see each other anniversary i mean i just can't even imagine how that worked but anyway here's where solomon had things right all right and he was decent and in order look it's first king chapter 10 verse 1 it says and when the queen of sheba heard of the fame of solomon concerning the name of the lord she came to prove him with hard questions you know some people have this attitude they're like well let's just see let's put them to the test and people do this when we're out solving don't they they ask you hard questions they want to know the answers to their questions and maybe they've had these questions for a long time and you know so we should always be prepared to prove our doctrine to prove what we believe and obviously sometimes we're going to get questions that are maybe a little tougher but we should all have a certain level of knowledge of the bible and i'm not saying you have to have everything down when you're soloing but it is good to read your bible because then you know what you're talking about you know if there's some obscure question or hard question that's asked out there we should be able to answer some of those questions right i mean obviously we have google you can just you know type in some stuff real quick but it's good to just know if you're having to type everything up because you don't know anything then maybe you should just read the bible more right so she came to prove him with hard questions she wasn't just saying well i just want to see if what what's going on is really what's going on she she came to prove him and it says and she came to jerusalem with a very great train with camels that bear spices and very much gold and precious stones and when she was come to solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart and solomon told her all her questions so he answered all the hard questions that she had there was not anything hid from the king which he had not which he told her not and when the queen of sheba had seen all solomon's wisdom and the house that he built so it's not just his wisdom and his bible knowledge but also the house that he built and the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his minister so you see how this could spill into church life right you know sit the sitting of his servants the attendance of his ministers and what's it say right there and their what their apparel what is that the clothes that they're wearing she's looking at everything and see when people come to our church they're going to look at everything we just we we are in here and we just kind of get used to everything but when someone is going to come here for the first time or someone comes to our church in vancouver for the first time they're going to look around at how things are set up they're going to look around how do the ushers attend to the services how is everything run in a professional manner and it's not just some big joke all the time and so the clothing was important so she's the queen of sheba she's not just some commoner she's a queen and so when she came do you think that she was dressed in her pajamas she was probably looked nice didn't she when she presented herself before solomon and said there was a great train she's bringing all these these fine spices and goods and and then she sees what so what if she's really super not casual i don't think she was casual but then she comes and she sees solomon's ministers are just kind of just laying around they're they're sleeping you know oh solomon you wanted something else okay sorry no they're just like dialed in everything that they have is dialed in including the clothes that they're wearing what if they're wearing the the people of walmart outfits when they get there what do you think the queen of sheba does then do you think that people will say well how you dress doesn't matter that's according to the queen of sheba it did matter according to the queen of sheba it did matter how things were being operated and how well he knew the bible and pastor pazarski mentioned this on friday night he said we are kings and priests aren't we so when we're kings and priests you know we should be also dressed like kings and priests and i'm not saying look that you always have to have some super expensive outfit on or something i'm not saying that but we should be dressed decently right and it says his apparel and his cup bearers and the ascent which by which he went up to the house of the lord there was no more spirit in her and and you know sometimes people like oh her spirit just left her that's that's not what it's saying i believe that it's talking about the fact that she had like a spirit of maybe a little bit of a contention she probably she because she came to prove him by hard questions and sometimes when people have that attitude but then all of a sudden every it's even again soul winning you come to them and at first they're kind of a little bit combative and then as you answer their questions don't they soften up a little bit sometimes obviously the jerks are going to be the jerks but some people want you to prove their hard questions like well i've never heard anybody say that brother jason's given the gospel to some lady yesterday and she said i've never heard anybody say any of this stuff to me so he told her all of her questions and and when she had all of her questions answered she got saved praise god but it's the same thing with the queen of sheba she had no more spirit left in her shoes you know you talk about the fighting spirit or you know sometimes people just have this spirit of wanting to kind of prove everything and she obviously was like that but she had no more spirit in her she had no more resistance in her and she she realized that she needed to be saved and it says in verse seven it says or verse six excuse me it says and she said to the king it is a true report that i have heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom howbeit i believed not the words see she didn't believe it until i came and my eyes had seen it and behold the half was not told me thy wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame which i heard happy are thy men happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdom blessed be the lord thy god which delighted in thee to set thee on the throne of israel because the lord loved israel forever therefore made he the king to do judgment and justice but imagine the story being changed i'm not trying to change the bible here i'm just saying imagine the story being changed they come she comes she hears all this great stuff about solomon his wisdom his acts all the riches and splendors of the nation and it's just a bunch of people dressed like slobs talking like talking slobbishly and falling asleep while they're supposed to be attending or you know just dressed terribly that would have changed everything i i honestly don't think the queen of sheba would have got saved had it been like that so this is an example to us that in our lives in our church lives and just even in our personal lives because some of this stuff is just his personal attendance his and his personal apparel and things like that it wasn't necessarily church stuff but then it goes into the realm of church stuff when it says how he ascended up to the house of the lord you know and and and and here's a good thing to to get out of this also he actually went to the house of the lord so you know that that's that's part of it being faithful to the services so i just personally believe that if everything hadn't been decent and in order done decently in an order she probably wasn't going to get saved and if he would have been able to answer her questions her hard questions she probably wasn't going to get saved so uh several years ago it's been now but there was a guy that got arrested out soloing and somebody i was talking with one of the people at this church and he was like well you know the way he was dressed when he was out soloing he was wearing a pair of flip-flops a pair of shorts and a graphic tee and he was trying they were at like some 55 and older you know senior citizen community or whatever and you know what they do they instantly call the police the cops will instantly come and so he's there and he's preaching the gospel to somebody and the cop pulls up looking for these trespassers you know they just get a call trespassers and they're going and looking for those trespassers and then they see this guy wearing flip-flops shorts and a graphic tee talking to some lady at the door they pull up to him and they're like hey you know are you supposed to be here and i don't know exactly what was said to him but when the police officer walked up to him what do you think he instantly thought did he do you think that he instantly thought this guy's the pastor of the church do you think they thought that they didn't think that they're like who's this dude wearing flip-flops and you know preaching at this lady's door and you know people do judge a book by its cover sometimes and how we look when we're out soloing how we're dressed when we're at church people do notice it and you might not think well it's not a big deal you know quit being a pharisee or whatever that's not being a pharisee i don't think that's being a pharisee at all i think that's just you know doing what i think that god's standards are that we should dress nice i mean just think about what the priest wore the priest of the old testament why did they make those specific outfits what did it say it was for does anybody know for beauty right so those things look nice they didn't say he didn't say grab some gunny sacks make sure they go past the loins and the thighs no they they had them specifically made stitched the bonnets all the all the different thing that the whole outfit and yeah they were wearing shorts it's it's the deserts okay and you know they had a robe that kind of covered i'm sure that but they were covered they weren't naked and then and and the clothes were nice and they're the priest of the lord so i don't think there's anything wrong with dressing nice you know he had his priest dressed nice he had him dressed a certain way and so to say well that's just not a right attitude well why don't you say that to god then now the shorts thing i don't think that shorts are inherently wrong i i wear shorts sometimes but you know as a pastor i've learned that being more uh or less casual is best you know because if you see me if you see me at walmart and i'm just like wearing a pair of uh you know basketball shorts or something and a graphic tee you're gonna be like well i i never thought i'd see pastor dressed like that before or you know and that's not a good look i don't think so if i look like i'm just going to just got done playing volleyball or something i mean when i'm out in the public i mean i just to me i just think that the more i look at these things the more important i think it is to not be too casual so let's look at matthew chapter 12 verse 42 just look up that verse um so but the point of the story of me telling about the guy with the flip flops he ended up going to jail now but imagine he's wearing a shirt and tie do you think that the cop approaches him in the same way i don't think he does and then of course the guy's a jerk and it's like i don't have to give my id to you cop or whatever which i understand that but maybe he would have never asked him maybe he would just saw a guy at a door with a shirt and tie on and looking nice and say hey pastor you know there's not there's no trust i mean they might it might have been the same thing anyway but at least i think that people are going to look at somebody when they're out dressed nice in public they're going to be there they treat you different when you're we're wearing a shirt and ties yesterday and they couldn't tell which one of us was the pastor or which you know and when people look mormons and jehovah witnesses and jews all go out in public wearing what shirts and ties ladies and dresses so are you going to let them outclass you i don't think we should let them outclass us they have the wrong gospel they have the right clothes but they have the wrong gospel right and so we want to have the right clothes and the right gospel when we go out so does it really matter how we dress i think it does it mentions this story in second chronicles chapter nine and then uh jesus talks about it right here a little bit he says the queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation so what's that saying she got saved didn't she and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of solomon and behold a greater than solomon is here so she's just he's just jesus is alluding to this story but the point of me showing it to you is that he's saying this lady got saved and and what and what ties that all together what's how was how everything was presented to her when she came to see him she gets she gets saved turn to matthew chapter 6 verse 25 matthew chapter 6 verse number 25 the bible says in matthew 6 25 it says therefore i say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you what you shall put on talking about your clothing is not the life more than meat and the body than reinment so basically he's saying like why are you worried about having clothes and food those are the things that i'm going to provide for you now skip down to verse 28 and why take he thought for raiment talking about clothing consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not neither do they spin and yet i say unto you that even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these so what does that tell you about solomon how was he dressed even solomon so he's like referring back to the fact that solomon was well dressed and then he's saying we shouldn't worry about those things because he even even just a flower in the field is clothed with more array and nicer you know because obviously god made that thing it's in nature but it says wherefore if god so clothed the grass of the field which today is is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you oh ye of little faith therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed for after all these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that you have need of all these things so god knows what we need so to the people would say well i can't really just afford to dress nice there's a place called goodwill there's thrift stores you could actually go and what somebody threw away that is just not cool and in style to them anymore that's one man's trash is another man's treasure and we can go and find you know yeah not a lot of people dress like this anymore and that's why those goodwill coat racks are filled they have your size somewhere they have they've had my size i mean they they have your size somewhere and god knows that you need these things so when you say like i don't know i mean i just can't afford to dress nice that's just not true that we can't afford to dress nice and you know what god's saying here is don't worry about those things i'm going to provide those things for you right so god will provide for us but if your attitude is well i just i'm not going to do that because i can't afford to then you're just like basically saying well you know i don't care how i dress because um i just can't afford to dress like that i'm not a pharisee or whatever it says take no thought um yeah verse 34 take take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof so god knows that we need things and he you know and the reason why i bring this up is because i had someone come and preach a sermon about standards when i was newly saved and i'm wearing a tank top trailblazers jersey because it's playoff season of course i'm representing i had my tickets to the gun show i think i was i didn't even i didn't even have like a sleeve shirt underneath it was just the straight tank top jersey this is your pastor i'm wearing a pair of basketball shorts in church and like i don't know if he just like said well i was going to preach this sermon and then he decided to preach another one because he saw me sit in the crowd but it was actually rollin rasmussen's son matt rasmussen and he's preaching this this sermon about he's just bringing standards into it and i felt like this big at the end of the sermon and i don't know that he was doing that intentionally i don't think he was but that's what everybody thinks when someone is preaching something that's a little too hot you're just like oh this is he's talking about me so you know he tells a story too about how when elvis was really popular and and rollin rasmussen was his was his dad they're all sitting at the dinner table and elvis is in the prime of his popularity and he has the sideburns sideburns used to be a sign of rebellion and wickedness because of elvis right so at the table he's like hey dad i think i'm going to grow my sideburns to look like elvis and he's like oh that's great son where are you going to live i've never forgotten that story i think it's just super funny but i i mean i felt bad because i felt like you know why wouldn't i dress up and and i really honestly i couldn't afford to go off and buy new suits and clothes and stuff like that and i and i talked to the pastor afterwards you know not not him but my pastor i was just like you know i'm sorry that i haven't been dressed and nice for church i was like honestly i really can't afford to go out and buy a bunch of pants but as soon as i can i will and then he just gives me money to go buy some clothes just like that it's like god has he knows that you need these things and even though someone gave me the ability to do that he thought well if this is his heart then i want to help him do those things and obviously we got people in our church that are nice like that god will provide for you if you if you want it but you know if we seek first the things of the kingdom of god then he's going to provide all the things we need right so you you know who president zelinsky is of the ukraine guy the guy comes to the united states and we're giving him billions and billions of dollars and he shows up in a tracksuit with a gold chain on it's like what in the world like and and people mocked him for that in this country in a country that's very casual and a lot of things but you know what's not still uh casual in people's minds that a president from another country that's coming to grovel for money to fight a war that we have nothing to do with and they're still mocking him for wearing a tracksuit at the when he goes to meet with the president of the united states what is it casual friday every day in ukraine or something good night so it does matter how we dress even if you were going to meet some governor i know i not our governor okay but some other governor not gay ensley but like maybe i don't i don't even know i don't even know what governor's good i have no idea but like yeah disantis how about that but anyway we wouldn't wear a t-shirt and shorts and flip-flops to meet a governor like that would we i mean if you did we people would be mocking you that's right and then biden's like here's a check you know and and then there's like a pic i think there's like a picture with zelinski in his tracksuit and then like all the the the statesmen and and people the vice pre you know not the vice president but i don't know who all was in it but they all take their ties off for the picture and just have their collars hanging out it's just like just to dumb themselves down and make them look not as you know you know staunch or whatever but it does matter what we dress like it does matter what we look like when we come to church we should be dressed as nice as we can we're out in public you know think about the image that you're presenting because what if that's your opportunity to give somebody the gospel and it's just like then you're dressed in a i'm with stupid t-shirt or something you know that's just we got to think about these things now the other thing we need to think about is not being too casual with our speech and our personal life not being too casual with our speech and our personal life let's look at collagens chapter four verse five collagens chapter number four verse five and like it or not people do judge us by our speech it's just a fact how we talk don't use here's a good guy don't use words you don't understand that's a good that's a good thing and if you don't have a lot of understanding in words learn you know reading is going to help you learn words and and things like that but i'm not just talking about that i'm talking about how you talk to people what you talk to people about look at collagens four or five it says walk in wisdom toward them that are without redeeming the time let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man now i realize that there's freaks that are gonna yell and scream at us and if you can take it just take it sometimes you can't all right everybody's kind of blown up on somebody i'm sure at some point when you're out and someone's just being some wicked evil troll to you or whatever but for the most part we should try to make sure our speech is always with grace and seasoned with salt so that doesn't mean that you're just always nice no matter what without giving them the hard truths because salt does sting doesn't it so you might not be delivering that with a with a sharp tongue but just the words that we speak are salty to people when you're actually preaching what the bible says when you actually tell someone at the door it's like hey you know i'm at your door and i realize i'm not invited to guess but the bible says that like there's a heaven to gain and a hell to shun and if you don't believe on the lord jesus christ the bible says that you're going to end up in hell i mean that's not an easy thing to say to people but that is graceful isn't it yeah you're giving you're showing them you know god will give you the grace you got to get saved but at the same time you're not seeing it like a jerk you know i think that's what it's saying we should be like that and in proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 i won't have you turn there you can if you want but uh proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 says a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold and pictures of silver sometimes people just come up and they have the right thing to say at the right time you're like man that was well said that was like perfectly delivered perfect timing for that to be said and those are the types of that's the way our speech should be you know we're adding to the conversation we're not just shooting off at the mouth over every little thing and and not listening to people when they're talking and you're just ready to just say the next thing that you want to say you know a word fitly spoken is spoken at the right time and in the right place and in the right setting so turn to first corinthians chapter 9 verse 22 first corinthians 9 22 the bible says to the weak became i as weak that i might gain the week i made all things to all men that i might by all means save some so look we we need to to get on the people's level that we're with and the common people will hear us gladly but you know if we're just going around talking you know just cussing up a storm or or whatever all the time out in public and things like that people it diminishes you because you know it does kind of just show that you don't care you're being too casual with your language and i'm not preaching against cussing right now or whatever but i'm just saying that does the world think that when you say something that's quote unquote a cuss word it does bother that like they can say everything that they want at work they can say every filthy thing and tell every filthy joke but the minute they know a christian said the s word or whatever you know then they oh i thought you were christian it's like but it's okay for you to talk like that it's like oh i'm not a christian you know it's just so people do watch what we talk how we talk and what we talk about and things like that so i do think it's wise to not just go around you know and obviously you don't want your kids to talk like that and it's about being intelligent and sounding intelligent and being able to use the right words right so don't be too casual with your language but also don't be too casual with your friends family and church family even when it comes to what you're talking to people about and you know i know in a church this size everybody's friends we all get along and things like that but there should be some mystique left in your relationships you shouldn't tell everybody everything about you you know they're you know once the mystique is gone then it's kind of like they're you know and here's the thing is dangerous is to tell somebody something that you don't know how they're going to respond to it i'm not saying be fake i'm just saying that there's things that might you might have done in the past things that you regret that if you tell somebody something about yourself regardless of whether a christian or not they might not be able to help but judge you for those things is it right i'm not saying it's right i'm just saying that it happens so turn to proverbs 11 verse 12 proverbs chapter 11 verse 12 and you can do this with your family too you start talking about people at church in front of unsaved family members and things like that that's not a good look that's not something we should be doing because what you're just painting a picture of what your church is like to them like why would i want to go there when they act just like everybody else does you know and i remember before i got saved the church that i actually started going to was an independent fundamental baptist church and the pastor was caught like he was just buying like all these extravagant things for his family he was buying like couches and cars and just stealing like he was stealing money from the church and i heard that from my wife through her family members that went to that church i said see that's why i don't want to go to church or whatever so people when they hear things like that and should that have ever come to my ears why would that ever need to come to my ears obviously that's a church issue and i don't even believe that they handled the issue right they should have fired him or or whatever but they actually turn them into the police for it and he ended up doing prison time over something that's a first corinthians you know issue where you don't give it over to the judges basically because we can judge those things we can just say hey you're not allowed here you're not allowed to handle money or whatever it is if someone steals we have the ability to throw those people out but to turn them over to the wicked justice system you don't even know what they're going to do i mean they could throw him in a hole so deep he's never going to get out of it solitary confinement federal prison or whatever it is like i just think that the whole thing was handled wrong but the point i'm saying is that for some reason that church business leaked into an unsaved person's ears and i judged the situation i was like well i don't want to go to that church now thank god i got saved and then you know i've despite knowing that stuff i still went went to that church and i got plugged in and started serving the lord i got baptized and all that stuff but not everybody's going to go there some people they have a lasting thought about how churches are and they'll never get over that because they heard something they should have never have heard you know come out of the walls of a church building that just shouldn't have shouldn't have taken place i don't remember how i maybe my wife just told me about it i think is what it was but that they that came from church members so we can be too casual with our conversations outside of this place where they have no place in our in our personal family or or unsafe family even safe family members that are don't come here like our business shouldn't just be spread abroad to everybody right now it says in uh proverbs chapter 11 verse 12 it says he that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor but a man of understanding holdeth his peace so if you have understanding you're not going to tell them everything that you know or everything about yourself or everything about our church or whatever and it says a tale bearer reveal the secrets so here's another verse where this can help us when you're telling secrets about other people or telling things about other people that you know you're a tale bearer you're taking something that somebody else told you and you're telling it to somebody else and we all know how the game campfire works right where you're all sitting around a campfire and the first person is it called campfire it's called telephone it's always played my wife i was thinking i'm getting this wrong i already know because i've said this so many times but around a campfire you play the game telephone okay i'm sorry i got it right this time she was like but anyway the telephone but uh it's called telephone and you play it around the campfire right it and you say something you know some phrase or something and by the time it gets around to the very end it's something completely different and that's what tail bearing is and sometimes it could it could start out as something right but then by the time it gets back it's like that's not what happened at all so we shouldn't be going around telling secrets about our church members or talking about things that they might have told you in private because it's not right it's too casual but you know you that told that person that you were too casual to tell that to somebody else that you don't know and obviously we've been together for a long time this church has been together for a long time and i'm sure there's things that you might have told people that you regret telling them i don't know but i'm just saying this as a principle that it's not wise to tell your whole heart about everything i mean think about samson the strength was in his hair that he grew long because god told him to do it and they're always trying to get the secret of samson's strength aren't they and then to the point where they're painting people are there they're going to kill all these people if they don't tell them the truth about it and then finally delilah you know he's schmoozing with some some you know witchy woman some whore of babylon or whatever and she finally just wears him down to tell him the secret tell him tell me the secret tell me the secret and she's like you just don't even love me samson and she's just playing playing him right so he finally tells her and she cuts off his hair and so she told him his whole he told her his whole heart and he paid dearly for it didn't he and so there's just some things that you just you don't need to tell nobody needs to know everything about you like i said sometimes people are going to hear something that you've done in your past and maybe they've never done that before and to them it's just something that they can't get past and i would say that when you're asking other people for information that maybe you don't want to know that information maybe you should just not ask for that information see my sermons about boundaries when i was talking when i talk about things that are appropriate to ask people things that are appropriate to talk about but i bring this up because it's an important thing we shouldn't get too casual with our speech why because it leads to danger in your life it leads to danger in your christian life or just in your life outside of you know don't tell everybody at work everything about you don't tell everybody at your work you know don't just start playing you know pastor anderson's wildest you know wildest sermons or whatever in front of your co-worker before you even get them saved you know what i mean it's like have some discernment with that like you believe this you know they're vile they're rapidly you know it's just like jumping on the pulpit and whatever i mean those aren't the you like those types of sermons i like those types of sermons but where do you need to start off with them first you know let's get to the jumping on the pulpits after we get them saved you know what i mean so by the way now that you're saved let me teach you the reprobate doctrine so but so turn to let's see oh i said so keep there and then i'll have you turn to proverbs 25 here in a second but it says a tail bear reveals secrets but he that is a faithful spirit conceal with the matter see the opposite of a tail bear is someone that's of a faithful spirit and they're going to conceal the matter you're like well that's isn't that covering it up yeah it is you know people don't need to know everything about your life people don't need to know every dirty secret that's ever been in your family or everything you know they don't need to know that stuff and i think it's better to conceal those things than it is to tell people that they might think differently about you because of it you know what i mean and people say well you're being that's just being fake i'm not fake well that's not being fake that's doing what the bible says right it says you conceal the matter yeah proverbs chapter i'm not saying when things need to be said they need to be said but i'm not i'm talking about just general things okay proverbs 25 verse 17 proverbs chapter 25 verse 17 the bible says withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house lest he be weary of thee and so hate thee now this can be a problem too that you're always staying and i and look i'm not talking about people that are weekend visitors sometimes or someone needs to stay at somebody's house i'm not talking about that but people that will just plant roots you know like couch surfers you know when i was you know younger there was people that would just sleep on other people's couches and never go home it's just like what you know it's the person on the couch or whatever and you know we don't want to i think the point of this verse is that if you spend too much time around people then you're going to get too casual and then when you get too casual it bothers the person whose house it is yeah so like maybe the first time you go over to someone's house you know they offer you something to drink and then you've gone over there two or three times and now you're just walking up to the refrigerator and looking what's in there that's being too casual i mean but if someone says help yourself to the fridge help yourself to this i i don't think that's wise to do that because you can't help but get mad when they eat your favorite food or whatever it's like oh the captain crunch is gone again i hate this man or whatever they drink the cream off the top of the milk and ain't my captain crunch it's just like you can become too familiar with people you can become too casual with people when they're at your house a lot and so that's why it's just wise to you know again maintain the mystique the first time you go to someone's house you might ask where's the bathroom oh it's right down to the hall to the left or whatever and then just it's just and i'm not saying this is rude but then you know the third or fourth time you just go right to the bathroom without asking and and i don't think that that's rude necessarily and especially you know if my kids come over they're just like in the fridge looking through the cupboards you know whatever leaving the toilet seat up still or whatever not jiggling the handle whatever it is i mean but those are our kids you know but even this like remy slow down on my diet root beer buddy you've gone too far i hate you no i'm just kidding i'm just joking feel like oh i was like what happened to all my root beer it's gone but anyway but it's just a good principle to not get too casual even with your friends even with your family and even with your church family so we love each other and you know the best way to keep that keep that you know mystique going is that just don't get too casual and then you won't have those problems right so because people get too casual like then they start crossing lines of decency when they delve into your personal business or giving you health advice that you didn't ask for giving you food advice that you didn't that you didn't ask for i didn't ask you whether you like mcdonald's or not or whether you thought it was bad for you and mcdonald's you know i'm not saying it's good for you and i don't i rarely eat there i promise you that but what if i did eat mcdonald's once every once in a while it's like is that is that really your business to tell me how bad it is for you it's not because you know the people there's some people that that's their favorite food or whatever and obviously that's not healthy but like if here's the principle you should take out of this is just don't tell people don't give people advice that they didn't ask for if they say well what do you think about mcdonald's you know you think it's good for you no it's like but but you're okay with chipotle you're okay with all these other different fast food places right but it's just mcdonald's like they're the only ones with the bad food right but mcdonald's you know they they had that super size me uh documentary which i've been told that some of that's fake i don't know i don't really care but people have a stigma against mcdonald's even when my mom was a little girl my grandpa told her that they put cow eyes in the in the burgers and that one time he opened up a big mac and there was a big cow eye in the middle of the patty of course he was just making it up but like i got told that story from a child and i was like i'll have a happy meal please but all i'm saying is that we can get too familiar and then we're like intruding upon people's personal business into child rearing like you know well this is what i do with my kid and and whatever and it's hard to not do that sometimes because you see people struggling maybe in child rearing they're like well maybe you should try this but if you're going to give someone advice i would say that you should probably ask that person if it's okay you know and and even then it might it's a touchy subject so i don't run around telling people marriage or i don't give people advice that they don't ask for i don't give them marriage advice i don't give them child rearing advice i'll preach it from the pulpit but i'm not going to walk around to my church members and say well maybe you should just do this that's not my business my business is to preach the word of god and if they listen to the word of god and they receive the word of god then they're going to change those things based upon what the bible says and if they don't do it it's not my job to follow up with them yeah yeah so it goes for anybody in church you know when you're giving people uh you know you're you're the md naturalist or whatever at the church and you know all the remedies and stuff just be careful you know because what if that kid was allergic to that thing and then you're like here's this oil this oil will will cure all your ailments or whatever and then that kid gets sick because of it then you're the one that told them to do that you know what i mean like i think we just gotta be careful doing stuff like that i don't want to kick that dog too long because i know people get mad but it's just the truth so um and then you know your personal convictions can can rub off onto other people and you're like well i personally would never do this or it's like do you have a bible verse for that well as a matter of fact i do you know it's just like but that's not your business it's just not your business to go around telling other people how to live their lives it's too casual so let's look at second kings verse chapter 20 verse 12 now in second kings chapter 20 verse 12 this is a really interesting story but it shows someone that's being too casual with strangers you know when new people come to the church or you meet new people you still should be not too casual with them now this is a leader he's the king of israel or the king of judah and he has you know he hezekiah gets sick and then he recovers from a sickness and someone heard that hezekiah was sick and you know it starts off with good intentions but words would end up everybody being enslaved and taken to babylon because he was too casual look at the story in chapter 20 verse 12 it says and at that time barodak beladdin the son of beladdin king of babylon sent letters and a present unto hezekiah for he had heard that hezekiah had been sick and hezekiah hearkened unto them and showed them all the house of his precious things the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious ointment house of his armor and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that hezekiah showed them not is that what you do when you first meet someone or a stranger comes to visit you or someone you don't know do you show them every treasure that you own in your house brother shawn do you take brand new strangers right to your gun your your assault weapon area do you show them all of your gun i mean you might but i would just say don't do that because you know don't let them don't be too casual but anyway now everybody knows shawn has gone i'm sorry brother shawn as if nobody knew that already though i'm sorry brother shawn but anyway oh man i'm being too casual i'm sorry forgive me let me repent real quick i'll be ready but uh but hezekiah shows him everything so all of his all his wealth basically and it's all in his house and there was nothing that he didn't show him and then came isaiah the prophet unto king hezekiah said unto him what said these men and from whence came they unto thee and hezekiah said there come from a far country even from babylon and he said excuse me what have they excuse me what have they seen in thine house and hezekiah answered all the things that are in my house have they seen there is nothing among my treasure that i have not showed them he showed him everything and so this you know god's showing him here through a prophet coming to him saying you're making a bit you made a big mistake here buddy and isaiah said unto hezekiah hear the word of the lord behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day shall be carried into babylon nothing shall be left saith the lord and of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of babylon and said then said hezekiah unto isaiah good is the word of the lord which thou has spoken and he said is it not good if peace and truth be in my days that's a really terrible way to look at things and he probably regrets saying that he's in heaven he's like if he could talk to us right now he'd be like i regret that you know but even a wise and godly king that did mighty works for the lord and was was a righteous he's he's in heaven right now but he made a big mistake didn't he he was too casual with his visitors and then because of him doing that babylon now knows everything that they have the emissaries of that kingdom know that when they come and batter down the walls later on all the riches and all the gold that they have everything that's in their house and isaiah said there's gonna be nothing left so in leadership we have to be careful also you know those that are leaders we have to be careful about telling everything you know telling everything about everything we do and and just talking about other people's problems to other people in our church and just stuff like that we got to be careful you know there's this thing called fraternization and fraternization is when you know you are friends with the people that you're in leadership over in the business world right and like at walmart they had a they had a policy about people that were managers or supervisors that they had a no fraternization policy because what ends up happening is you have your favorites that you give all and you can't when you have a favorite you can't help sometimes but to give them better benefits than what other people are getting and so as leaders we got to be careful not to obviously there's people you probably like better than other people i understand that but when you show that favoritism to other people in the church it's not good and so you know i i'm not saying i'm not friends with people in our church i think i am friends with people in our church but they're also you know i don't want to be too casual either and and some of these things just being a pastor i i know i've just come back to bite me in some ways where i'm too casual with even people that work for me in the ministry and then those things you know are blasted on the internet later or some variation of that story whether it be totally true or not but i just learned being a pastor you just can't be too casual even with church members that you love and know and and you think that they're your friends and then later on you find out they're not so and you think about david and joab what did david do well he he's sending letters of hey joab killed this guy he was too obviously that was a wicked sin but he was too casual in letting him know things that he was doing that was wrong and then david was never able to correct joab in his life because joab held something over his head for the rest of the time that he was king and so then he's like solomon make sure this guy dies but he didn't do it himself why didn't he do it himself because he knew the secret and so he was able to just act certain ways toward david where he would have never allowed that to take place and so you don't want to put yourself in a position where you're in a compromising position where someone's holding something over your head because it's just not good so like these are things that we have to think about and principles we have to get you know david never checked him because he felt like he couldn't and so i don't ever want to get a position where i just don't feel like i can correct someone because they have something on me or something like that so i would just say that in all aspects of our life just don't show everybody everything you have don't tell everybody all your secrets and don't show everybody all your wealth the first time they ever come over your house well this is where i keep my jewelry and this is you know where my best ties are or you know whatever here's where my gun here's my my wall my fake wall where i have all my guns or whatever don't do that here's my safe here's the combo to my safe just in case i die i know you're a stranger it's just like you're asking to get robbed i mean don't do that and i know that i got to be done so i'm just going to skip some of this but um let's see i'm going to skip the entertainment part but i think it is important that we're not too casual in our entertainment but i'm going to skip that for sake of time but we don't want to be too casual with the things that we allow in our house that set no wicked thing before your eyes and so on and so forth because if you don't want to have you know you don't allow whoremongers and adulterers and things like that in your house then why would you let them come through on the tv screen to your kids so anyway that i'll have to preach about that later on maybe i'll finish this at a certain another time in a different sermon but um when it comes to church turn to jeremiah chapter 6 verse 13 jeremiah chapter 6 verse 13 jeremiah chapter 6 verse 13 says for from the east of them unto the or from the least excuse me of them unto the greatest every one is given to covetousness from the profiting even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace were they ashamed when they committed abomination nay they were not all at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they shall fall among them that fall at the time that i shall visit them they shall be cast down saith the lord and so he's talking about people being you know just turning wicked and becoming abominable in church and in church life it says in verse 16 thus saith the lord stand in the way and see and ask for the old pass where is the good way and walk therein and you shall find rest your souls but they said we will not walk therein so you know there is a danger with churches being too casual in the way that they stop following the old pass they stop going with the good way they won't walk there and they refuse to do those things and then god just kind of is like you know what i'm just done with this whole thing let me restart let me hit the reset button and then jerusalem had to be reset right all the people who were doing these types of things were were basically cut off and god got rid of them so it's because you know he said he says also i set watchman over you verse 17 saying harken to the sound of the trumpet but they said we will not harken see we got to start listening we got to start listening we got to start applying things that we hear in church it says therefore hear you nations and know o congregation what is among them hear o earth behold i will bring evil upon this people even the fruit of their thoughts because they have not hearkened unto my words nor to my law but rejected it and to what purpose cometh there to me incense from sheba and a sweet came from a far country your burnt offerings are not acceptable nor your sacrifices sweet unto me so this all are welcome kind of mentality that there is in churches is not is not good because there's some people that aren't welcome right and so that's the problem with modern day churches being too casual now you're just letting anybody in anybody that wants to come in they're more than welcome all are welcome i mean when it's being said from independent fundamental baptist churches that's when you know that the churches have become too casual they don't kick people out anymore they don't exercise church discipline there's not you know they let freaks and weirdos into their churches right so you know obviously the john getz story isn't like a a new story that's been preached about before but here's the thing here's what here's what john getz said and this is from the most influential baptist church in the whole country arguably obviously a lot of ifb think that they're liberal but a lot of ifb in this area and in in in oregon washington california but even all over the country they sell his books in their churches and they go off of the things that paul chapel says but john getz works for paul chapel and so paul chapel heard him preach this sermon he knew he was preaching this sermon he didn't decry this sermon and say it was wrong so obviously he he was okay with it this is how he feels too well here's what john getz said every human being regardless of their ethnic background their education their financial status their religious beliefs and sexual orientation deserves to be treated with respect and dignity let me say it again every person on this planet regardless of their sexual identity orientation deserves respect and dignity now again this is a baptist independent fundamental baptist saying this to a the church in lancaster there and and and it's just so wicked that they would say that and and and they're not people aren't even allowed to be upset about it because in their rules and regulations first they say you know homosexuality is a sin and all this other stuff yeah like we didn't know that right but here's some of the things that they say in the subcategories under that heading it says all people are welcome all people are welcome to attend our regular worship services for we believe that all people need and deserve to hear the truth of the gospel that sounds so sweet doesn't it it sounds like they just love everybody right but unfortunately you know not everybody should be in church you know if a drag queen walks into this service i expect the ushers to make that person leave immediately they're not allowed there's no homos allowed in this church period so and and here's the thing is that they actually expect these people to get saved so what kind of gospel are they preaching like did they think that someone that's a homosexual someone's a sodomite is actually going to get saved they're not going to get saved the bible says that they're reprobates so you're what you're expecting them to follow the rules of normalcy in a church setting and then so you're they're they're they're going to put these rules out look what it says well you can't see it but anyway it says those who attend may not display and promote behavior that demonstrates violations of the sinful behaviors listed in the section in church services on the church grounds or at church functions so you think that they're just going to come to church and not going to show what they do and behind closed doors that they want to defile people's brains they want to defile children's brains they're going to come in and they're going to do that you think that you're just nicely saying please don't kiss each other at the church services they're not going to listen to that they're reprobates they're they're sodomites they have no they have no restraining bolt on them anymore right so look at again you can't see you can't look at it but church it says church church representatives shall enforce the doctrinal position of the church so people that aren't staff can't say anything this and why am i saying that because that's what it says look or uh but shall not display over disrespect for those who condone or display the sinful behaviors listed in this section so first they say those people aren't allowed to do these sinful behaviors but even if they do you're not allowed to show disrespect towards them you're not allowed to like give a dirty look like what are you doing you filthy homo why are you kissing in front of my children like that why are you dressed like a drag queen you know i was just talking to paul about this yesterday i said i never thought we'd get to the point where you know transvestites are normal because even fags hate transvestites they're so weird and they're all fags but you know what i'm saying like they they think it's weird they make fun of them so even in the subculture of sodomites they make fun of them but now it's just like now it's all good you know you got this weird teacher in canada wearing fake prosthetics in front of children and then they see they snap a picture of him just recently and he's dressed normal out in society it's like so what was the purpose of that guy dressing like that at school to pervert children's minds when you allow them in the house oh lord that's exactly the thing that they're going to do here too and here's a here's another thing for you if they're already past the point of no return if they're already reprobates what do you think that they're gonna how are they gonna get saved but you know this church here that lancaster baptist church and i asked paul chapel to his face it wasn't just on his website or anything like that i tapped him on the shoulder after i heard him preach and i asked him what do you believe about repentance and you know what he said to me repentance is two sides of the same coin you have to repent of your sins and you have to believe it's a simultaneous action that happens at the same time this is what they say that's work salvation so why do they want the homos to come into their services because they think that they're going to change them and then they could tell some cool sad story or whatever about how some homos came and now they grew their hair out and now they're they married men and or whatever and that that's just normal and that they really got saved like well they're married now if they sound like a queer they talk like a queer they dress like a queer they wear their hair like a queer they're queers and even if they grow their hair long if they're a butch they're still queers you can't a leopard can't change its spots you know once they're a queer they're always a queer and you're like well that's not true i know someone's cousin's uncle's brother's nephew's sister's cousin that went to this church over in india that that person was a homo and now they have a thriving family shut up with that garbage it's always somebody else that they know it's like bigfoot we almost saw him you know i heard him like cracking branches in the in the back i saw his footprints in the in the sand or whatever it's like come on that's garbage i know someone personally that goes this is what people always say it's never that they got someone saved because i'll tell you what i've been i've been giving the gospel to people since 2001 and i've given the gospel to people i knew were sodomites they have never gotten saved not one time don't you think that out of all the times i preach the gospel to people even accidentally at the door there were sodomites at least one of them would got saved they never do they never have i used to think they could get saved but you know the bible and experience tells me that that's not true so look we don't want to be casual and just let allowing anybody to come you know it sounds good all people are welcome at our services but that's not true not all people are welcome at our services as a matter of fact that there's people that if they're in church and they're committing certain sins they're not welcome in our church either so you know people just want to you know claim this high moral ground or whatever and act like we just hate people well we do hate some people we sang the song it's chad's favorite song do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and what kind of person doesn't like god's word being sung it says the pastor of the church will consistently preach against all forms of sinful behavior as well as other sinful behaviors so they always have to throw a bone to you know well i know i know this is bothering you but we're going to preach against other sinful behaviors too right the bible says in deuteronomy 23 17 it says there shall no whore of the daughters be no whore of the daughters of israel nor a sodomite of the sons of israel there's no sodomites in this as the sons of israel thou shall not bring the higher of a whore the price of a dog into the house of the lord thy god for any vow for even both of these are an abomination unto the lord so if they're not supposed to come to the house of the lord then why would we let them in well that's that's old testament pastor also now it's okay to let freaks in our church you know i had this this i was talking to a pastor just recently and he's like you know jesus went to sodom and gomorrah to give them grace before he burned it up and i was just thinking that didn't happen okay he sent two angels into sodom to see whether the things that were happening were so and he said see you know he still gave them a chance to be saved and i was like yeah but here's the problem with that that theory law and his two daughters are the only ones that left there alive okay so if they could get saved then why didn't any of them leave with lot out of all those people if sodomites can really be saved don't you think one person from sodom and gomorrah would have went out with a lot that just shows me that you know and and abraham's like you know jew and god down or whatever he's just like i'm sorry that's this is joke but anyway if there's 50 that are saved if there's 40 they're saved if there's 30 that are saved if there's 20 they're saved if there's 10 that are saved and god's like yes i'll spare the city for that many and then it gets down to 10 so what does that tell you none of them were saved they were all sodomites none of them were saved so that theory that jesus came to preach grace to sodom and gomorrah or whatever that didn't happen he went to abraham and you know the lord appeared to abraham in the plains of mammary but the two angels and then god rained fire and brimstone down on that place because you know all these sodomites got you know destroyed because there was not 10 righteous people in the city so this should establish us as not being too casual with these people and allowing just anybody to come to our services it's not happening not on my watch it'll be over my dead body and they're like yeah we're fine with that yeah i know you are that's why you're always sending me death threats and stuff i understand you're you know why would i expect filthy dogs to act any different way it's like you know if we had dogs in our services right if we just and i'm talking about real dogs like the the dog kind of creature do you think that they would follow the rules that we set in place for them in the church services do you think they would they'd be jumping on people's legs and you know trying to eat people's food out of their hands and just that that's how dogs are you know the dog kind is like man's best friend or whatever but they are kind of you know disgusting sometimes they eat crayons and it comes out of their dung and you know they just don't eat anything you know brother robert showed me this meme yesterday where it's like Hulk Hogan going like this you know his neck muscles are popping out he's like every time i tell my dog don't go to the bathroom right here don't go to the bathroom right here and it's like the dog just like instantly just does that anyway you're like trying to drag him away from the yard like that's the neighbor's yard or i didn't want to clean that up or you know my point is is that when the bible compares them to dogs because they act like a dog would all the filthy things that they do that so you're not gonna be able to train a dog to sit in the services now i'm people are gonna be like what about the cni dogs and stuff i'm not talking about that just talking about your normal household pets but even cni dogs and and service animals will still get out of line sometimes in services or whatever i've seen that happen and they're having to get onto them or whatever but my point is you know we've become too casual in our society and we need to rein in our casualness and realize that it's a danger to be too casual in any area of your life and it can bleed into other parts of your life and then even into the church and don't be too casual with god he's not daddy oh daddy or whatever or he's not the man upstairs he's the lord your god he's the lord god of israel and he demands to be respected he he wants to be worshipped in spirit and in truth and we worship him it's not like you're just having a casual conversation with some friend of yours so address him the right way walk me i mean when he appeared to moses he's like take your shoes off when he appeared to joshua is take your shoes off you're on holy graham when you meet with god it's a holy thing that's happening and you know i believe that people are too casual with god they're just acting like he's the genie that's going to get him all their three wishes or whatever for the day and you know they address him flippantly i don't think we should do that that's what the atheists do they call them sky daddy and all this other stuff we ought not to be disrespectful when it comes to the things of the lord and so everything should go out of the house of god and we should be setting the standards in society the way we dress the way we talk the way we act all these different things and we should our church should be not casual and i'm not saying not friendly not fun i'm not saying that i'm saying not too casual so and i believe you put these principles in place in your life then it's not going to bleed into your church life it's not going to bleed into your life at work or at home or whatever so let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this wonderful day we pray that you just bless everything that happens from here on out pray bless the food that we're going to eat and the soul warning as we go out and preach your word just say we pray amen all right if you want to take your hymnals we're going to turn to page number 39 it's page number 39 how beautiful heaven must be page number 39 how beautiful heaven must be all right we'll sing it out on the first it's made for the pure and the free these truths in god's word he has given how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free me no wish or elsewhere to be god's light is forever there shining how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be pure waters of life there are flowing and all of the drink make me free where jewels of splendor are glowing how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be the angels so sweetly are singing up there by that beautiful sea sweet chords where your arms are ringing how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be