(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You Luke chapter number 17 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one Luke chapter 17 Luke 17 the Bible reads then said he unto the disciples it is impossible, but that offenses will come But one to him through whom they come It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea Then that he should offend one of these little ones Take heed to yourselves if thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgive him And if you trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee saying I repent Thou shalt forgive him and the Apostles said unto the Lord increase our faith And the Lord said if he had faith as a grain of a mustard seed You might say unto this sycamore tree be now plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and it should obey You but which of you having a servant plowing or feeding cattle will say unto him by and by when he has come from the field go and sit down to meet and Will not rather say unto him make ready wherewith I may sup and gird thyself and serve me till I have eaten and drunken and Afterward thou shalt eat and drink Does he think that servant because he did the things that were commanded that were commanded him I trow not So likewise ye when ye shall have done all those things which were commanded you say we are unprofitable servants We have done that which was our duty to do and it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers which stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said Jesus master have mercy on us and when he saw them He said unto them go show yourselves unto the priest And it came to pass that as they went They were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed term turned back and with a loud voice glorified God and fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks and he was a Samaritan and Jesus answering said Where they're not ten cleansed, but where are thine where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God save this stranger and he said unto him arise go thy way thy faith has made thee whole and When he was demanded of the Pharisees When the kingdom of God should come he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation Neither shall they say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of God is within you And he said unto the disciples The days will come when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man and you shall not see it And they shall say to you see here or see there go not after them nor follow them For as the lightning that light that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven shineth under the other part under heaven So shall also the Son of Man be in his in his day But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation and As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the day of the Son of Man They did eat they drank they married wives They were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded But the same day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed in that day He which shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house Let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field. Let him likewise not return back remember lots wife Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it I tell you in that night There shall be two men in one bed The one shall be taken and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding together The one shall be taken in the other left two men shall be in the field The one shall be taken in the other left and they answered and said unto him where Lord and he said unto them Wheresoever the body is thither will the eagles be gathered together Brother Tim will we pray for us? Amen Well, we are in Luke chapter 17 this morning And I'd like to turn your attention to verse number 28 where the Bible reads Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot They did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded But the same day that a lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and Destroyed them all let's pray or do. Thank you so much for the scriptures Lord, and I'm about to preach a sermon that I'm really just don't feel like preaching but We're supposed to preach things in season and out of season and Lord. I just Asked that you would give me grace this morning I'm just feeling tired and Worn down and I know that a lot of people here that went on the trip are feeling the same way, too Lord, I pray that you'd perk us up help us pay attention Lord I pray you just fill me with your spirit as I preach this sermon Because there's a great need to hear it in Jesus name we pray. Amen Alright, so the title of sermon is as it was in the days of Lot as it was in the days of Lot now I'm actually preaching two sermons, but not two sermons about this Specific subject because the Bible says also as it was in the days of Noah So there's two examples that Jesus gives us as to what conditions will be like in The time before he returns to the earth One of the things he says and the first thing he actually brings up Noah. I'm gonna preach that at a probably next week But as it was in the days of Lot is also in there And he he points us to some specific things that are very interesting The first thing I find very interesting is the fact that it says as it was in the days of Lot Because Lot is not like a great picture of a godly Christian a godly Man, in fact his story ends in a cave committing incest with his own two daughters so which is really just weird and you know the end of a person that just backslides and continues to Go further down into bat being a backslidden Christian, you know Eventually, you're gonna end up in a place that you don't want to be, you know, you can have micro Backsliding aggressions or whatever but to get totally backslidden like Lot did you know, it's just You know the Bible kind of paints his picture of how he's following Abraham obviously the Bible teaches that he's saved but You know, he gets into a place called Sodom and we all know the story of Sodom And we're gonna go over some of this stuff today but I Thought it was interesting that it says in the days of Lot because you know Noah is used as an example and Noah was a preacher Of righteousness was he not so Noah was a preacher of righteousness But you know even when Noah got off the ark after the judgment of God He started to drink and got himself drunk. He was naked, you know There's kind of a picture of don't you know, don't be drunken and you know naked, you know When it talks about in the book of Revelation and other places But you know, we want to be doing what we're supposed to be doing. Obviously, that's all I'll get into that later But I said I don't want to preach this sermon and I really don't like I wasn't feeling it but it was on my calendar and the reason why is because It's October all right, and I know June is the Pride Month right the you know, lgbtq sodomite homo bag month right where they just Unleash monkeypox upon the population and AIDS and whatever else they whatever kind of diseases that they carry So now I have even more of a fear of going to a public restroom now than I did before this other strain came out But anyway, it's lgbtq plus history month in October So not only do they have the Pride Month in June but they also that the homos get two months where we have to just set aside everything and then they bombard people with the the you know the mind Defiling information that they give to our children the stuff that they're pumping through the airwaves The stuff that they're pumping through your television just everything just screams Hey, look at us. Look at these freaks and hey be like us be tolerant of us let them in your churches and So I have a twofold reason for preaching this. So the the twofold reason is I want to Tell you that I'm gonna preach about the true lgbtq history month And I don't call them lgbtq. That's just what you know, people understand that they are. I call them fags I call them sodomites. I call them reprobates, right? And so the other one is to you know, obviously I want to point to what Jesus said in these scriptures You know people always say well Jesus wouldn't do that. Jesus wouldn't burn people, you know, in Sodom and Gomorrah Who do you think the Lord is? It says the Lord rained fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns the Lord What is the name of the person that we call upon when we get saved the Lord Jesus Christ He's the same God that poured down fire and brimstone upon these freaks in Genesis chapter 19 Okay so The twofold reason is I want to show you that Jesus You know, it's funny because they'll say all this stuff, right but Jesus Actually tells us about this in the text He's saying likewise as it is in the days of Lot and then he's basically saying like they ate They drank they bought they sold they planted they build it things were going on Normally, just like everyday life goes on And it'll be the same here except for obviously, you know Lots of different variables that are really wicked but he uses lot Why doesn't he say in the days of Abraham? Why doesn't he say the days of Abraham? Because he wants to draw your attention to the fact that yes, it was in the days of Abraham But what he wants to highlight is he wants to highlight what it was like for Lot and his town in his Surrounding areas and lot was saved Well, what does he what what would he picture the church that's falling away from the faith and And he's not, you know, obviously he's saved but an an apostasy is going to take place You know after the man of sin, you know before the man of sin is revealed then, you know There's gonna be this great falling away. The Bible says it's it's apostasy, right and So what would lot picture to you? Well, he'd picture a Christian that is just okay living in in basically San Francisco in the queerest part of the town Or you know, I mean because Sodom was filled with sodomites I mean they they were called sodomites then but they're the negative connotation is because they're a bunch of fags Right. So as it was in the days of lot so should also be When the son of man comes but it says but the same day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and Brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all did Jesus say and you know what that was a shame because you know You know, they were our brothers and sisters. No He destroyed them for a reason because they were wicked and they were unsavable Right. So this is LGBTQ plus history month. It's a 31-day celebration to honor Lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer achievement and Influence on the world and a time to learn more about the history of LGBTQ rights Well, you know what? The Bible doesn't give them rights. The Bible gives them us Commandments the government commandments to Destroy them, right? Based upon a public, you know that they not a public but trial where there's witnesses and then a government agent or Executioner would carry out that punishment not us not me I always have to be clear to say this stuff as clear as I possibly can because I don't believe in you know Vigilante justice or anything like that. I think it's the government's job And obviously we don't live in a government where they're gonna do this But does that mean I don't preach the what the Bible says just because it's not something that this country follows No, you still got to preach the Word of God because that transcends everything else that just cuts through all the other bull That's going on in this world and You know, I'm gonna teach a little bit of his a real LGBT history this this morning And you know and Jesus said as it was in the days of lot. That's what it's gonna be like when he comes back So again highlighting the fact that there's gonna be some kind of crazy weird stuff going on when he comes back Too and look we're on a top. We're an unprecedented time right now You know people that are young in this room people that are you know, maybe not generation X maybe your generation Why bother and I'm just kidding. But uh, yeah, what is it? Yeah. Anyway, I'm sorry I'm just joking but you know people like to joke about that when you're Gen X. It sounds cool or you know, whatever but you know when It's just I grew up in a time as a child where it was You know a hideous thing to be a homo It was just a scut I mean, I remember some lesbians moved across the street from me when I lived in southeast Portland and nobody liked them Everybody thought they were weird, you know, I used to knock on their doors and run and call them fags and stuff like that I mean, I guess I was you know, committing hate crimes or whatever, but Back then everybody thought they were weird and now everybody's like, what are you talking about? I had a Baptist preacher Send me messages and you know, he's sending me messages along with a whole bunch of fags saying all kinds of vile stuff to me last week Then I have an independent fundamental Baptist. I don't know if he's a preacher but an independent fundamental Baptist Telling me I'm hateful and wrong for condemning the homos and I should love them and all this stuff You know that that kind of stuff Does really make me angry because it's like this is how far down the Baptist churches have gone Paul Chapel Church down there in Lancaster is saying, you know, don't treat them badly because you know They deserve to have compassion upon them as well No they don't and They don't you want a bunch of you want to just they might as well just put a rainbow flag on the outside of their church building a Lancaster then That's disgusting So what I you know, I figured it was fag history month So I would teach you about their history and do my part to make sure that you understand their history. So So, you know, isn't it weird that they have two months there's 12 months in the year October used to be safety month where you'd wear your you know Orange is like this color of safety or whatever for flaggers and construction workers and stuff like that Don't you think that they deserve to be recognized a lot more than a bunch of queers? Why can't they just put the history month in June? And calm combine them both because they're both both teaching the same thing Anyway, they just want another month so they could be filthy And that just tells you about the people that are in charge of this country that they're just letting these sodomites Just have a whole nother month You know in February we have a day called Presidents Day You know what and and some you know, I know there's been a lot of bad presidents or whatever But there's been some pretty good presidents of the past so they all get combined into one day of the month and Then sodomites get two whole months out of the year It's disgusting you know, and then it's just like every with everything else but But the colonizers, you know, we're all against the colonizers that came and colonized here or whatever So these are said in the days of of his return. It will be like the days of lot So again lot is brought up instead of Abraham. I find that very interesting. I find it very Thought-provoking because if you just if he had just said in the days of Abraham That could have been a lot of good stuff right because Abraham did a lot of good stuff didn't he? Abraham lived at peace with his neighbors Abraham, you know was a great man of God, you know He was the founder of the faithful. Basically. He's the father of faith. And so you could have said well the days of Abraham He was doing a lot of good stuff But what about all the other prophets that were just living in that time that were just doing all kinds of mighty works for God Oh, wait, you don't hear about that. Do you so there again is You got Abraham a preacher, you know, he's a preacher of righteousness. Also, he's also a prophet he you know So but where's all the other ones? So you have two two people to picture you have lot you have Abraham obviously Sarah is also a very faithful woman Abraham's house is very faithful. I Believe that he probably had all this, you know, most of his servants were probably saved, you know And then probably lots Cowboys were saved to remember the Cowboys had a big old fight because they didn't have enough room and that's why Lot separated first right, you know and lot went to Brokeback Mountain with his Cowboys and then and then Abraham You know took whatever lot didn't want right, so Luke 17 look at verse number Actually, let's turn to Genesis chapter 19 So while you're turning I'm just gonna read verse 29 again in our text. We're gonna come back there though. So Make sure you keep a bookmark there But says but the same day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all so this is also a picture of When Christians are taken out of this world That it's going to rain down God's wrath upon a wicked and evil world It's the wrath of God this takes place after the Great Tribulation that will still be here for and when Jesus comes to Rescue us Then we are going to be away from all that filth and then God is going to destroy the earth and the wicked people That are in it. So Genesis chapter 19 verse 23. Look what it says. It says the Sun was risen upon the earth That's an interesting quote too the Sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zor so you have this picture So the Sun does picture Christ Obviously, you know we revolve around the Sun the Sun gives us life. He gives us light and So the Sun is risen upon the earth So when Christ comes back there's going to be you know The brightness of his glory is going to appear to all mankind Every eye shall see him and then that pierced him Everybody's gonna see the Lord when he returns he's going to you know Raise the dead in Christ and then he's gonna change those that are still upon the earth that have managed to hold on Says the Sun was risen Upon the earth and when Lot entered into Zor Zor and I'll just tell you this I I just I just had a feeling that it had some kind of a cool name that you can kind of put with this Picture Zor is like a small town that he asked to go to right Zor means sanctuary or place of refuge That's what it means. So when we're in our place of refuge Look what happens Look what happened with with Lot then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah Brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven Why is Jesus telling us about this picture? Well, because that's what it's gonna be like when he comes back So put like a half hour later or whatever then all the judgments of God are gonna start in succession until he comes back to fight the beast at the very end and Then it says in verse 25 and he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground he Annihilated it and you know what you can still go to the place where Sodom and Gomorrah once was you can still see the sulfur Buildings that are torched there. Nothing grows there to this day It used to look a lot different than it does now. It used to be a plush Garden type area and now it's not look at verse 26 But his wife looked back from behind and she became a pillar of salt So they were told don't look back at the cities. Don't look but once the fire is coming down Don't look back. You know, basically the angels had to drag even lot out of that city. That's how backslid He was he's like, well, wait a second. Let's do this. Let's do that You know, let's get you know, and nobody really nobody end up coming with him except for his two daughters So and somehow he made it out with a bottle of booze too because he ends up getting drunk in the cave right but He left her heart in Tel Aviv You know, I like to say she left her heart in San Francisco But she turned to look back and she became a pillar of salt Because she her heart was really in Tel Aviv, you know right now Tel Aviv's like the queer capital of the world, right? So she left her heart there or San Francisco Just add whatever city is filled with sodomy and queers and that's what she was. That's what she that's where she left her heart it says an Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord and he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and and toward all the land of the plain and behold and lo the smoke of the country went up as the Smoke of a furnace and so it says it and it came to pass when God destroyed the cities of the plain that God remembered Abraham and sent lot out of the midst of the overthrow and he overthrew the cities in which lot dwelt So again, you have the picture of a saved person being taken out of there so it is a picture of the rapture and then it's a picture of the wrath of God and God even though a lot was you know as bad as it gets almost with his backslidden carcass Where he's just in Sodom in the gate Being around all these people all the time. They're just disgusting. You know what? There's a lot of trannies out there today There's no new thing under the Sun. I'm sure there was trannies in Sodom also I'm sure there's been trannies throughout all history just like there is today. Nothing new under the Sun But I think it's interesting here that it says God remembered Abraham so What does that mean exactly? Well, isn't Abraham the father of the faithful? So, you know if you think about it's kind of a picture of lot believed and even though he wasn't perfect And obviously it was in a bad way God still remembered the Covenant that he made with Abraham and why did he save Abraham because he believed right? Because his faith was counted for righteousness and so even though lot was not the greatest example of a Christian as a matter of fact He's always brought up as a bad example He was still saved. He was he will still see lot in heaven But that's what it's like for us to a lot of you know A lot of people in this world are saved, but they're still sinful. But you know what? They're still going to heaven They're still not gonna have to face the wrath of God now. Let's turn back to our text in verse number 30 Turn back to Luke chapter 17 verse number 30 It says even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed and that day He which shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house Let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field let him likewise Not return back and then look what it says there Remember lots wife Remember lots wife one of the shortest verses in the Bible But it's triggering back our mind to what when she looked back and became a pillar of salt So this is a admonition to us as Christians that you know, we ought not to look back either And I can't remember what chapter and Luke it is, but it does talk about When you put your hand to the plow Looking back as if you're not fit for the kingdom of God So when we're working for the Lord, we should not look back and want to go back to our old life We shouldn't want to look back and go back into You know or even when we things are in a bad way Maybe there's just a time gonna come when there isn't well, we can't even exist as a church Where you know, everybody's just kind of doing that which is right in their own eyes. I hope that day never comes back But there's a possibility that we might not be able to even go to church at some point You know, I can't imagine they're gonna be like well their churches so they're protected. No, they're gonna be we're gonna be hunted It's gonna be a lot. It's gonna be worse to be bad But even during those times, you know, we need to keep our souls We need to you know, keep ourselves in check with following God's commandments serving him and trying to get as many people saved as we can even on to the end and The Bible says we're gonna do great exploits We're gonna shine like the stars forever With Jesus the crucified one, right? We're gonna shine but look what it says remember lots wife as It was in the days of lot social and also be in the days of the Son of Man, right? so as it was then it's gonna be that way there's gonna be a lot of people looking back and Apostasizing and falling away and saying you know what? I'm just gonna do this and that and whatever but you know what? God wants us to continue to work for him. No matter how hard life gets here on this earth He's still and you're like well pastor Trump's that's easy for you to say Yeah, I mean, I guess it is easy to say and on those days when it comes I'm sure that we'll really realize who was really down and who wasn't Who was just pretending who wasn't who you know, as soon as something like touches their life. They're like, I'm out of here. I'm done What is it in your life that if you lost it you would stop following God Because you just might lose that thing So like well, I'll serve God as long as he continues to bless me at my job I'll go ahead and serve God as long as you know, nobody in my family ever gets hurt or dies I'm gonna serve God no matter whether my children forsake me or whether my wife forsakes me or whether my husband forsakes me or Whatever it is it happens. Are you willing to still serve God? Because you know the picture for us in Job is that he lost pretty much everything even his wife said curse God and die so he felt completely alone and Yet he still did not sin with his lips nor charge God foolishly So is he your God as long as you're just as everything is going hunky-dory in your life Or is he God even when the bad times come that's what you have to get checked in your heart And in your gut and just say you know what no matter what happens I'm gonna serve God with all my life I'm not gonna look back remember lots wife So Jesus has given us a clue also of the state of affairs and morality at the time of his return Since Christ came to this earth morality was became more of an uptick it became more of a A universal thing as Christ was known to all the nations and even if they weren't necessarily Bible believing Baptist or just hard, you know, maybe they had issues But maybe they were but they were still saved even play even churches that sent missionaries out That weren't saved at least they're still teaching the Bible And again, I'm not saying that that's good that they were not saved But I'm just saying that God's law and Jesus Christ changed this world for the better Vikings stopped raping and pillaging and they brought back their religion back to those countries now you go over there and Obviously the gospel is far from those people the gospel is far from Norway and Sweden and Denmark and all those things The gospel is far from England But you know there was a time when England was sending out all these missionaries And there were a great hope for the world with the King James Bible in their hand or the English Bible in their hand Sending out missionaries To go preach the word and sending people to America and then America now America is the one that sends all these missionaries out But a lot of them are just mooch in areas now a Lot of them are just trying to get this big fat paycheck so they can go You know be on some beach in a beautiful country But you know morality was on an uptick even the heathen savages around the world were changed People stopped sacrificing people in fires people stopped building pyramids and Sacrificing people and a whole because there was whole nations that were doing this all around the world you see pyramids and the same type Of setup of religion or eventually you have to sacrifice your children in a fire. That's ungodly and wicked and disgusting Christ's name and his laws changed that There was a time not too far back where people did go to church all the time people did pray and read their Bibles and Went soul-wanting there was a time when that was when I was a big deal Even in early America. I'm sure that most people went to church I'm sure it was a very high percentage in England you were commanded to go to church There was compulsory you had to go if you didn't go they probably thought you were a witch or they probably thought you were a Catholic You know because England even kicked the the Pope in and everything all the Catholic stuff out of England and went full Protestant so You know but we live in a world today Where that's a distant memory when you knock on someone's door trying to give them the gospel And they're calling you on the phone and harassing you and saying all kinds of filthy things to you That's what I deal with I'm a buffer for you guys for all that stuff But even in Yakima some freak some freak got their door knocked and they were saying all kinds of filthy things to me Which you know I just said hey, can I invite you to the block party, and I just blocked them so But those days are those days are distant memory folks You know but people are a lot more conservative in Yakima people are a lot nicer And even if they're in a false religion more people probably go to church in Yakima then go to church here That's just a fact So and even more than over across the river there But every day grows darker the Bible says that this was going to happen every year grows less receptive You know we used to come back with pretty big numbers in Vancouver And now it's just kind of you know obviously people are still getting saved every week So if it's not receptive that means nobody gets saved okay, so obviously the benchmark for being Receptive is that people are still getting saved every week, and yeah We're having to put more people and more effort and all that stuff in but people are still getting saved The Gospels still going forth people are still getting saved but the thought You know even of 30 years ago of cities being Modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah was unheard of the only town the only city that was really considered some queer capital was San Francisco To where people still make jokes about San Francisco, you know that you know I left my heart in San Francisco. Yeah, you're a queer Because you know San Francisco is known as this queer friendly place That's where like Ashbury Street and all the hippie and and drug movement started all that stuff started in San Francisco And so it was like a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, and it still is and they do attack churches there I mean you know 30 years ago They were attacking a church because they dared to say that it's homosexuality was just a sin I'm sure the Baptists down there. Don't say anything now They've been muzzled because they'll come and they'll protest their church and all that stuff Thank you My voice is already going out, huh? It is But anyhow Thank you So now we have fast forward to 2022 we have trannies Dressed up like the beast of revelation reading children kids books in live public libraries And then policemen standing guard to make sure nobody comes in a protest protest them But see they could protest everything else, but if you protested one of them They're gonna take you to jail if you walk into the library. I thought it was a public library So we have trannies reading children's books this happened in Vancouver Where the trannies are reading books to children molesting their minds perverting their innocent brains Why do they do that? Why do they try to show pornographic pictures to children that walked into our church building downtown and Them and thongs or whatever they were wearing these dudes that were down there Why do they do that because they wanted to corrupt your children's mind and let them see something that they should not see because it's disgusting Disgusting Which plants a seed in the child's brain who knows what what what's going to germinate out of that? But that's okay it's okay for them to for teachers to teach children about sodomy and filth and How you are whatever you think you are or whatever? Only in a liberal hellhole would you a lot be allowed to just tell people that you can be whatever you identify as It's weird. It's sick. Make sure you use the proper pronouns, though He she it they or whatever it is You know, they're we live in just weird times folks. You can't even send an email I mean people send me email sometimes and it has their pronouns at the bottom of them. I Know what you are if your name is Mary, I should know right Queers are everywhere from schools to sports To coaching sports to serve as a restaurants They're just infested in our society now That was never a thing you could not be oh You couldn't even have tattoos when I worked at Walmart a long time ago The people that had long the men that had long hair and tattoos were in the back like doing You know stuff where people couldn't see them now you go into Walmart. It's exactly the opposite Everybody has a different color hair. They have all these piercings in their face You know, you could just they're disgusting like I want to go and shop and I don't want to have to have like blinders on my eyes I Don't want to have to have my wife walk me around while I close my eyes and arrest in a in a store But that's where we're at folks where if you question the status quo, you're labeled a domestic terrorists on 9-eleven Whoa, the director of Homeland Security got up and said there's a new type of terrorist and They're ones that preach hate So you're no longer a terrorist if you literally fly airplanes into buildings and blow them up or Or do some kind of bombing or something like that? Those aren't the terrorists anymore though they're they made a deal with those 9-eleven so-called terrorists or whatever and Allowed them to leave Guantanamo Bay just recently on the you know, right around the time of 9-eleven the the anniversary and Then he's getting up and talking about people that just say things that are hateful People that say things on social media. They're hateful that those are the terrorists. That's the ones that we need to focus on So we're being you know, what does that mean? Well, a lot of that is just geared towards Trump and Republicans and stuff in general if you're if you're if you're Conservative you must be a Trump supporter. If you're conservative you walk around with a red Trump hat that says make America great again No, I would be down to wear a red hat that says make America straight again I'd wear that one, but We live in a climate where if you say that you support Trump Even if you just you know something you can do whatever you want. You can support who you want But that to me what he was saying runs deeper than just MAGA and super maga and ultra maga or whatever, you know, I don't know all this stuff But it runs deeper than that, doesn't it? Because if you're hateful Then you're a domestic terrorist How does that work? I thought the depth the definition of terrorism were actually doing violence to people now Obviously, there's cyber stalkers which we have that are are cyber stalk and they want to strike terror into the hearts of people that come to this church or they want to try to you know, Just whatever freak us out or just make us thinking about people always texting this weird stuff and all this other garbage But when what am I saying? That's violent Or I'm saying go out and do this. I'm not saying go out and do this I'm not saying go out and put sodomize to death. I'm not saying that I never have said that and That's very clear I already Caveated that earlier in my sermon, but I want to look at I have a few points that I want to look at this morning Before we're done But let's I had to go back to Luke chapter 17, right Luke chapter 17 verse number 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it So, I mean there's gonna come a time where people are like literally trying to hide You know wanting to go out to the mountains and preserve their life or whatever But if you're trying to preserve your life, it says you're gonna lose it If you if you seek to save your life, you're gonna lose it whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it I tell you and that night there shall be two men in one bed One shall be taken and the other left shall be left now queers will get a hold of this and say see there's homosexuals There's two men in one bed Well, what if I was to tell you that you know some place in some places in some countries you don't really have a choice You don't really have a choice It's either the floor or the bed next to somebody else. It doesn't say they're queers Right two women shall be grinding together. The one shall be taken the other left It's just saying that basically two people could be in one place But one saved and one isn't one's gonna go in the Rapture and be saved and forever and the other one's gonna be left there Two men shall be in the field One shall be taken and the other left and the answer and said unto him where Lord and he said unto them Wheresoever the body is thither will the Eagles be gathered together? So, you know, of course, I think that this is like picturing like, you know Where the body is where Jesus is the Eagles are gonna be gathered together. We're gonna be you know flown on eagles wings or whatever You know, it's just a picture of him coming back But there's also another picture of it that where literal dead bodies are there's gonna be birds feasting on their flesh so that's gonna actually happen too in the end, but I you know, I know this is all introduction and you know my times Wow drawing near but I'm gonna try to get through this fast. So number one. Yeah number one Number One there was a lack of good preachers in the days of Lot what was it like in the days of Lot? Well, there's a lack of good preachers in the days of Lot And the only one I could think of would have been Abraham It doesn't I mean, I'm not saying that nobody else was saved But I would say that probably the vast majority just like it is today We're not saved Jesus said broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction many there be that go in there at Narrow straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it So it's it was few then it's few now, but I mean you're just when we get into Genesis Abraham's after the flood obviously and he's this prophet look what said so go ahead and turn to Genesis chapter 20 verse number 7 So we have Abraham he's he's called a prophet here in Genesis 20 verse 7 Keep your place back in Luke's we'll come back there. I think maybe not anyway I we probably will Genesis chapter 20 verse 7 says now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and He shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not Know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine so the point I want to Put to your to your vision here is that for he is a prophet the Bible says that Abraham was a prophet now he was a pilgrim a sojourner, but he was also a prophet still and So but number one in the days of law so Abraham existed in the same time as law right and We basically just see one good preacher one good prophet in the land at that time so I believe that in the days of law it'll be the same you know there's gonna be this great falling away and There's gonna be very little amounts of people that are actually preaching the Word of God Because unless you can just point me to somebody else in the days of Abraham that was just saved and you know doing great Thanks for God. You know here's something else to consider. There was no written Bible at that time There was no written Bible at that time and with all the modern Bible perversions that we have today It's almost like we have no written Bible because the vast majority of people are reading something that's not even the Word of God and Then the vast there's a lot of Christians that have a King James that don't even read that So but how about living in a time when there is no Bible? There's one prophet that you can point to and you know obviously you had Melchizedek That's a picture of Christ, and he's a priest of the Most High God So if he was the priest of the Most High God then obviously there was probably other saved believers and things like that but you know there wasn't a lot of options for good fellowship and worship and You know you have a guy named Lot Who's your nephew who is saved, but also not a good picture of being a good Christian what we have a couple good pictures here What are they Abraham and Sarah? That's it so in the days of Lot it'll probably be a lot like that also So I mean you know and obviously you could say that at that time There was a falling away because think about it Noah was a preacher of righteousness only eight people were saved from the waters There wasn't very many one of them was you know had sugar in the tank but I'm sure there were people that were saved even after Noah obviously I believe that there was there's a broken chain of salvation Going back to the beginning in my opinion. I believe that that's true the Bible says by faith to faith You know is how it works so someone has to get somebody else saved so turn to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 The Bible says exactly what's going to happen But there's gonna be this great falling away, and you're like well. We're probably in it right now. Well the Bible does say Well, let's just read it together verse number one now We beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Which is what the context of our sermon is about basically and by our gathering together unto him that means the rapture That you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word Nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand Let no man deceive you by any means for that day Shall not come Except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition So the day of Christ is not going to happen There's some things that have to happen first I know this is really difficult for pre-trib believers that the pre-trib rapture But the Bible is very clear here Don't let anybody deceive you let no man deceive you the day's not gonna happen except for there be a falling away first now The falling away that it's talking about is probably you know maybe even more severe than we see now But we don't see a lot of great churches out there today We don't and I'm not saying new IFB churches are the only good churches out there I don't believe that that's true But I believe that there is a serious lack of good churches now most of them are Apostates most of them have fallen away. They they say they're Christian, but they're really not They say they believe salvation by grace or faith, but they say it's repent of your sins They say that you know you don't have to do any works, but then they're saying that you have to be saved and baptized Last time I checked you have to walk up those stairs to get into that baptismal. That's work Even even if it's easy, maybe you could jump right into it, but still you're jumping it takes work and effort to do that Doesn't it I? Have this guy messaging me I kind of brought up to my sermon last week, but he's still trying to message but I finally had a block party him too because you know he's just uh, but it says repentance and You know you know Baptism and repentance and baptism is like dude. You're an idiot how many times I have to show you that it's salvation by faith alone That's what the Bible teaches Just go away leave me alone so like it was in the days of lot there will be a few good churches and a few good Abraham type Believers out there doing and preaching. What's right? I don't think it's gonna be a great number. That's why it's called the falling away When you cross that River most of the churches on the outside of the river have a rainbow flag hanging from them or Inside in the bulletin thing or in you know on the window somewhere Everyone's welcome with a rainbow flag on it. That's just like a sign that they were conquered They were conquered and now now Satan runs that church Now Satan runs that church, but again. You know lot was saved, and he was actually living in Sodom He was living with a whole bunch of queers But Isn't that what it's like today, too? You got a bunch of Christians out there Just like oh you have to love them you have to you know bring them in and let them in and so they're willingly Allowing them to come in and vex their righteous soul Number two this morning we Christians are in the days of lot You know what that's gonna. You know there we Christians were in the days of lot, but so shall it also be In the time of the coming of the Son of Man we Christians so look at Genesis chapter 13 Genesis chapter 13 we'll see kind of the downfall of lot here Now lot was hanging out with Abraham. He was you know he was saved But a lot of times Christians let the things of this world riches You know the love of money being the root of all eat of all evil You got people just loving their family more than they love God You have people loving their job or career more loving their clothing more than they love God You know because if you say that you know a man shall not pertain to that or wear that which pertains to a woman You know or a woman should not put that on what that will pertains to a man And he said he'd show them that and they're like well. I still want my pants It's just like well, then you just don't believe the word of God And you don't you don't love the Bible you don't love the scriptures look what it says in Genesis 13 10 It says a lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan And it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah So what did it look like before well it says even as the garden of the Lord? It looked like the Garden of Eden it was beautiful It was you know all kinds of different plants and probably fruits and vegetables. It was beautiful It says even as the garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as Thou comest unto Zor Though Lot chose a place that was obviously on the surface good for his profession. He was a cowboy He was yet. He drove cattle sheep and goats and all that stuff So that looks good, but you know what a lot of things are put before our faces that look good and look enticing But you know what we ought to stay away from it But we're always being tempted to fall away from the Lord, that's what the devil does That's it You know he wants people to not get saved and if you do get saved by whatever miracle you do in this wicked world Then once you're saved he wants to rip your family to shreds. He wants to rip you to shreds He wants to destroy your children and make them not get saved. He wants to destroy your church He wants to make a way to where he can totally make us unusable like Lot Because what did God use him for? You know once he kind of just went off the deep end He's just he wasn't used for anything God Just kind of had to just be for Abraham's sake you know and the fact that he was saved and God's not gonna pour his Wrath upon a saved person he had to go rescue him But notice it says like the land of Egypt as thou comest unto Zor What was Egypt like? Wicked, a bunch of false gods, a bunch of false religions, probably a bunch of queers Believe in all multiplicity of gods all this other trash You know everything that was like the land of Egypt Well you know that you might as well just say it was like the world that you used to live in It was like the things that you used to indulge in that you shouldn't indulge anymore But that's what Lot saw when he saw the the land of Sodom and Gomorrah and this garden of the Lord It looks like a garden, but you know what the Garden of Eden. They were commanded to leave there get out You're not welcome here anymore You know and obviously so and you know these queers they like to take up the best real estate, too They come in and they take over the real estate, and you know now you can't live in San Francisco unless you have millions of dollars And they just you know cuz San Francisco is a nice place like it's beautiful Except for the fact there's a bunch of you know vile monkeypox ridden AIDS infested freaks there. It's pretty, but besides that it's pretty good all right So and they're still probably good obviously there's probably still good people there and saved people there I'm not saying that there isn't but the the reputation precedes it just like the reputation precedes the city of Sodom so Look what it says in verse 11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan and Lot journeyed east and they separated themselves the one from another Abraham dwelled in the land of Canaan and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain and Pitched his tent toward Sodom so he already looked there, and he was like this looks like Egypt You know because Lot was in Egypt. He knew what Egypt was like He knew all the great You know the leeks of the garlic and all the good food, and you know the the music and all the games and the sports I'm sure it had everything that he could possibly want that was of the world First he's looking at it like hey. I want to go there that looks great It's like hey. I want to go to Las Vegas so look at all the bright and shiny stars Look at all look at the strip. It's all lit up. It looks beautiful It might look good, but inside is hell inside is you know wickedness and people just giving over to all kind of lasciviousness and Gambling and whoring and all the other things that come along with this beautiful Strip it might look the lights are to bring you in like ooh lights look cool. Oh the buildings look cool I'm gonna go check it out Then when you leave penniless, and you're addicted to alcohol, and you're addicted to gambling you're addicting to whores and whoredoms You know then it's gonna ruin your life, and that's what Lot saw. He's like hey. There's Las Vegas Hey, there's San Francisco. Hey. There's this beautiful place and All the things that come along with it. I'm gonna go there Abraham's too rigid Abraham's Church is too. You know they're too King James. I'm just kidding It wasn't there yeah, well, I mean he had the pure Word of God in his heart God revealed things to him as a prophet So he knew the Word of God he knew to tithe he knew the things that were Right and wrong because God put those things in his heart and spoke with Abraham personally so now it says Well he pitched his tent towards Sodom so he saw the land of Egypt He pitched his tent toward there's like what one you know when you're going in a direction You know that if you're looking in a direction. You're probably gonna walk that way, right? So your eye his eyes were you know showing him these things that his heart probably wanted But he didn't consider the end of going there Did he it says but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly? So look I don't care how much money. They're gonna offer me. I'm not gonna live in the queer side of town You know what I mean like so Seattle has its Capitol Hill area or whatever That that's you know where they have the Chaz that was in Sodom Ville right there. That was where all the queers live was in that place so They took over several city blocks and just allowed people to kill people and hurt people and walk around with machine guns and everything and you know as far as I know you're not allowed to have firearms and sit in the City of Seattle they just walk around with an AR-15 I don't think you're supposed to be you know you're not allowed to do that but they're taking an advantage of weak people that are scared and Hurting them and finally they took it back over or whatever But look at just look at how much has changed in our world in the last two years Kill all the white people Kill the police Let's get rid of the police and what does that gotten us to more crime? More division More hatred you want to talk about causing hatred. How about telling everybody that white people are the devil? That's pretty hateful isn't it? You know so the roles have been reversed and now Instead of learning the lesson and moving forward in history They're like hey, well, let's hate this group instead of a different group. You know or anybody that's Conservative anybody that goes to a church. Let's burn the churches down. Let's tax tax the church That's the real attitude right now that we have thinking what it's gonna be like actually in the days of the Son of Man It's gonna be worse Somebody had somebody asked it was brother Robert. I think they said hey. Do you think that we should tax the church? I just want your opinion on that Weird thing to ask you know we already paid taxes on the money that we donated to the church So what you want to you want to be double taxed How about when everybody drove the Yakima that's three and a half hours away from here? Did you pay did you put gas in your car? Well guess what there's a tax on that, too We're not avoiding taxes at all You know when we went out to see galley there was sales tax attached to the bill We paid taxes on all that food that we ate we paid taxes We pay taxes on all kinds of stuff So what you're gonna tax us on money that we already paid taxes on That doesn't make sense and that we're not we're not getting rich off of it We're using it to go on a mission strip where we can pay more taxes These people are just idiots they just hear one thing and they're like it beats like a drum to them tax the church tax the Church tax the church It's wicked It's a wicked attitude when people ask you that you should just say well Do you want me to tax you for you know? I mean waitresses get double taxed. I feel bad for them Because someone tipped them that money That they already pay taxes on also And then they're gonna have to pay it to the government the government's double-dipping They're double-dipping and probably triple-dipping and quadruple-dipping whenever they get a chance to do it So people just act like you know these tax people are so you know obviously I don't want to get in trouble over taxes and nobody else should want to get in trouble over taxes because if it's gonna affect Your life serving Christ, and you know by all means pay your taxes But you know this this country revolted over like a what is it? What was the t-tax brother bill? He's the theosaurus for me What was it like a two cent or one cent or what he doesn't know for one for once in history bill does not know But he knows a lot of stuff, so It was a very small amount But you know that's what they said they were doing it for but what they really want to do they want to overthrow the king And have a revolution so Anyway, I'm I'm off topic here But you know lot was weak lot was Backslidden and it's a picture of how current Christians would be at the time of the coming of the Son of Man So it's a big picture for us to see well. What's it gonna be like well very few prophets the excellent Christians and The backslidden Christians are this is about as bad. I mean just to be in Sodom to live in Sodom I mean we don't live in Sodom We might see a lot of breaks and weirdos, but you know what we don't is anybody in your neighborhood Just surrounded by rainbow flags and in sodomites No, but you know what in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. It's gonna be like that It's gonna be like that in a lot of different areas. There's gonna be whole cities that are overrun by them So look at Genesis 19 1 Genesis 19 1 It says and there came two angels at Sodom at even and lot sat in The gate of Sodom and lot seen them rose up to meet them and bow He bowed himself with his face toward the ground. So a lot recognizes these guys are angels I don't know if God just oppressed that upon them, but he sees right away that they are but look at where he's at Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. He was one of the political leaders of that city That's what it meant when you sat at the gate You were sitting at the gate for judgment or for welcoming people or whatever. So he's in politics He's he's a politician in Tel Aviv he's a politician in San Francisco Now skip down to verse 4 says but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom Compass the house round both old and young all the people From every quarter. So here's the other picture. Is that this is this is what's gonna be like in the days of Sodom in the days of Lot So shall it be that also in the days of the Son of Man? so you're gonna have Events where thought of mites encompass houses where sodomites encompass church buildings Where Sodomites encompass people and it's and look at the whole city is a bunch of queers both old and young Why did God send the angels there in the first place because he wanted to see He wanted to see if the what he heard the cries of Sodom Were were what they were supposed to be and obviously I know that God knew that But he's still God still has since two witnesses in there That's real interesting to he sends two witnesses in there to check it out and then what happens these these freakazoids these filthy faggots Surround his house and even young people that they have converted to their sodomy So you cuz sodomites they can't breed. I mean they can but they're you know, they have to use surrogates or whatever But what do they do? They they infest people's minds? They they have to bring them over to their side through propaganda and lies and that's what we're seeing today Look at verse 5 It says they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them When it says that we may know them It's not talking about how we can have a dinner afterwards and shake hands or whatever That's a euphemism for what they want to really do. They want to You know do what sodomites do they want to rape them they want to know them carnally a Lot went out the door unto them and shut the door after him and he said this is one of the most disgusting verses in the Bible to me and Said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly He's calling them brethren. He's calling them brothers They're not his brothers You know Abraham was his uncle But isn't it funny how you know, they're going he's going out and calling them brothers, but that's what people are doing today They're saying there are brothers too. No, they're not They're children abelial. They're wicked as hell. They are Disgusting their predators. Look at what they did. They compass the house roundabout That's what dogs do. That's what wolves do they compass people around about and then they attack the weakest one And they try to kill them and that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to do something harmful. They're predators so He's calling them brethren. So this is where you know, I mean a lot is really far down the pipe here But we have Christians today that are calling sodomites their brothers Thotomites their sisters that guy that's I said was texting me. That was a Baptist He loves sodomites more than he loves me. He's calling me a false prophet He's calling our church a cult. He's calling what what the Bible says is true hate speech hate It is hateful But you know, there's a time to love and a time to hate so the Bible says so he just like It is in the days of lot. So shall it be in the days of the Son of Man? People are gonna be sticking up for queers People are gonna be loving queers more than they love their brothers in Christ and I've experienced this Multiple times where someone will say I can't fellowship with you anymore, or you're bad. You're wicked Well because I preach what the Bible says I'm wicked No, you're wicked because you don't believe the Bible because you think that the Bible is Just up to your own subjective interpretations When it says what it says The first time I mean this is the second time you see a sodomite sodomites in action in the Bible And what do you see them trying to hurt people then trying to rape people then? You know compassing a house roundabout. So he was a queer loving Christian lot was a queer lover Not a queer but a queer lover So and he you know what so and you see that today Christians being queer lovers today So the Bible paints us a picture the type of Christian a lot was and it wasn't good was it Yet again lot is saved so people can be queer lovers and saved at the same time They can stick up for queers and most of the time when it's Christians. It's somebody in their family That they just well, you know, I love that queer more than I love God That's what a real boy is not I love that queer in my family more than I love the people that I go to church with that actually are my brothers and sisters in Christ Let this be a lesson to us lest we get soft a soft spot for these queers and end up like lot Because I'm sure you know part of lots Punishment in this life was because of the things that he did Right and one of those things was living in literal Sodom and Ended up, you know, he ended up with a very severe punishment drunk in a cave with his daughters You know birthing these children that end up being the enemies of God later on in life Turn to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensample Unto those that after should live ungodly and delivered just lot not just lot but like lot That's just as in a good as in a safe person vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked So what does that mean the filthy lifestyle? He had to see these filthy freaks every single day and hang out with them and talk with them with their little lists and stuff Like that, that's vexing, isn't it? Just seeing them in public is vexing to me But that's what it's saying, isn't it? He was vexed with the filthy lifestyle conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing Vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds So look lot was he was vexed by it But yet he was there and yet he called them brethren. I mean, that's just how far gone he was and He was it says that he vexed his righteous soul with their unlawful Deeds the things that they did the wickedness that they committed. He's seen it He might not be seeing it out on the street necessarily, but he knows it's going on. He hears it going on. It says hearing What do sodomites like to? Show you bill What do they like you to hear their filth That's why in workplaces they like to talk about their sexual Escapades and in conduct that they do and you just have to put it's supposed to just put up with that It's disgusting. Nobody wants to hear your filth Lot didn't want to hear it. But it you know there yet there he was But you know, what's great about this is that the Bible says the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to Reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished So, you know what? They might not get their punishment here on this earth But you know where they're gonna get it by the judgment of God just like he did in the days of Lot Last point here is fags abounded in the days of Lot fags abounded in the days of Lot point number three Look at Genesis 19 for Genesis 19 for I know I need to hurry up here Genesis 19 for says but before they lay down The men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the house roundabout both old and young all the people from every quarter So they abound fags abounded in Sodom was anybody else spared besides Lot? Remember Abraham was like hey if there's you know, 50 if there's 40 if there's 30 to 20 10 and God said he would spare it for 10 and Who made it out Lot and his two daughters wasn't even 10 people saved in the whole place all those people headed for hell and They called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came to thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them So literal fags are the majority in the city of Sodom right now we have you know, it used to be said two to three percent But you know what? It's gotten worse than that But Notice that God destroys the cities also on the outside of town. He didn't just destroy destroy Sodom. He destroyed Gomorrah He also destroyed the little villages that are surrounding it Why because that filth spreads out to other people if there's not a natural enemy to take care of an invasive species Then you know what happens the invasive species takes over and that's exactly what they are in Florida They have a they have a lot of problems of Florida, Florida, Amanda No, then, you know, Florida is a you know is a place where you know things like and certain animals thrive well People started letting their Burmese pythons loose and they thrived in the area of Florida to the point where? You know now they're having Python Challenges where you have to you go you can go out there and you can like win big prizes of ten thousand dollars $2,500, you know, you have to go through a little bit of training on mandatory training on the website that you're gonna kill them humanely Of course, they have to get their Greenpeace stuff in there You gotta stab them right in the brain and scoop it out or whatever, but I mean, so that's a pretty tough I would just I don't want to get close enough to them where they could bite me So I would just be like trying to shoot them in the in the brain or whatever But they're I guess they're very elusive and hard to catch But I'm just gonna read you this really quick It says there are tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of pythons slithering through the Everglades And this year 950 hunters signed up for the Python challenge. That's a state-sponsored snake hunt Targeting one of Florida's most troublesome invasive species the Burmese Python the most severe declines in native species Have occurred in the remote southernmost regions of the Everglades National Park where pythons have established the longest Have been established the longest excuse me in a 2012 study populations of raccoons had dropped 99.3 percent opossums 98.9 percent they are ugly anyway, but anyway and bobcats 87.5 percent since 1997 Marsh rabbits cottontail rabbits and foxes effectively disappeared They have invaded this the population They've taken over they've exploded why because there's no natural enemy. That's why they're an invasive species I mean this could be like in plant life or any kind of a place where an Animal was not meant to be and then they come over with no natural predators and they become the main predator these things get 15 feet long and When you try to catch them they will bite you and eviscerate you and they can actually kill you So if you get a big enough snake and you're trying to wrangle it around to try to kill it humanely or whatever You know they could kill you they like teach you techniques of how I was I got I dove down deep into this one But they're like teaching you techniques of how to get if they wrap around you how you can get them off and all this stuff But I think all the men need to get together. Let's go down and have a python hunt. That'd be fun See who can win the ten thousand dollars, but anyway It says the mammals that have declined most significantly have been regular regularly found in the stomachs of Burmese pythons removed from Everglades National Park and elsewhere in Florida raccoons and possums Often forage for food near the water's edge, which is a habitat frequented by pop up pythons in search of prey So what is my point well just like in? Sodom where it probably started. That's why God just call sometimes. I'll just say for all the area. He'll just call it Sodom, right? But it spread didn't it spread to Gomorrah spread to these other little towns lots like let me go to zor You know refuge a place of refuge from the from the annihilation that was about to happen Because there was no natural predators there So that's what's going to happen in a world where you're not keeping God's law You're not carrying out. God's justice the government has turned on the good people and are praising the wicked That's what's going to happen and now Instead of there being two percent. There's ten percent or whatever and those percentages are probably going to go up Because there's no natural predator To take no and and and I and I chose Burmese pythons because it's just something I already knew about but then looking into it It's just like wow they've killed off everything else, and that's what people that infest In these areas will do these sodomites will not only infest the area and take it over But then they'll spread their filth all over and so well It's no big surprise that the US government is spreading filth and sodomy into all these other nations like Ukraine You know they they queered them up to Queering away with all their stuff. You know they're like. Yeah, let's go for Ukraine no Let's go for neither one because both are wicked So what you know why are we praising war I thought the Democrats ruled everything they just anti-war But they're secretly slipping all these things to them why because they've already you know infested them with their queer ways What are they trying to do in Africa the same thing spending billions of dollars to make them queer way If it looks like a queer sounds like queer it's a queer okay My favorite videos right now, but anyway turn to Genesis 9 Genesis 9 and we'll roll roll it up after this okay. Sorry about that So Here's the real history of the sodomites here's LGBTQ history month encapsulated in just a few minutes here Okay, Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 and Noah began to be a husband man And he planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered in his tent means He was naked and ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his children two brethren without what it's not saying is what he did to him and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were backwards and they saw not their father's nakedness and Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him It wasn't just that he saw naked you can accidentally see your parents naked and you're not you know cursed for all time for that He cursed Canaan for a reason He cursed him for a reason ham obviously was you know already cursed because if you would do something like that to your own father There's some some others a screw loose up there, isn't there? But it says he knew what his younger son had done to him He did some kind of querying away on Noah and he knew what he'd done to him and he cursed his son and Said curse became in a servant a servant. Shall he be upon his brethren? So there's your first real mention of queerness I'm not saying that's the only one but I'm just going by the Bible's history of it because that's a more accurate history, isn't it? Than Harvey Milk The queer who was murdered by some probably one of his ex-boyfriends or something. But anyway Genesis, excuse me. So let me give you the timeline. Okay, so you have Noah You have Noah Being abused by his son and You know, the Bible isn't gonna tell you that the dirty details, but it says he did something to him Doesn't say you just saw him naked. He did something to him Genesis 19 We already went through pretty much almost the whole chapter where you know, the sodomites are doing something bad. They're predatory Judges 19 they do the same thing. They encompass a house and want to rape a priest of the Lord a Levite Instead they they rape his his concubine wife to death and leave her to die and then Benjamin You know takes their back and God totally annihilates Benjamin Why because they're protecting these filthy children of Belial, you know what the Bible calls them in Judges 19 They're not homos that just didn't have a chance to be saved their children of Belial is what they said Leviticus 2013 pronounces the death penalty upon anybody that would engage in this activity and Then of course you have the godly kings and you know I don't have time to go through all this but the godly kings like Josiah and you know Asa that cast the saddle sodomites out of the land destroy the sodomites destroy their houses and cast them out then you have the survey then you have You know Romans chapter 1 New Testament says they're given over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are unseemly It says men with men working that which is unseemly Even their women did change, you know the natural use right of their bodies and then you know, obviously It says that they're worthy of death They're worthy of death St. Your New Testament folks Paul the Apostle Well Paul wouldn't say that Jesus wouldn't say that Paul said they're worthy of death. That's what it says there's some history for you and You know, let's not leave out the fact that you know the book of 2nd Peter chapter 2 Jude talks about it being brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. I'm gonna have you turn to one last verse when we're done Okay, one last verse Revelation chapter 22 verse 15 While you're turning there, I'm going to read Ecclesiastes 115 it says that which is crooked cannot be made straight and That which is wanting cannot be numbered that which is crooked cannot be made straight. These freaks are crooked They're crooked as a dog's hind leg. They're crooked as a snake in the grass as a python and They cannot be made straight they can't be saved, okay That's the real history Revelation chapter 22 verse 15. Here's what in the Bible that uses dogs as a euphemism for Sodomites and it says for without our dogs Without you know what? I'm happy about that. There's not going to be any LGBTQ history That's that's skewed to their weird and sick like they're just like champions of civil rights or something You know the history we're gonna know about is the history that they did on This earth not one single positive mention of the sodomite in the Bible not one instance of one getting saved not one Iota of a shred of evidence that sodomites can be saved In fact, the Bible says they're reprobates and there's children of Belial They're dogs That's the true history is that God is going to rain fire down upon this earth Just like he did in the days of Lot He's gonna rain fire and brimstone and hail and all the other things that are accompanied You know what? It's gonna be like the days of Lot Where a bunch of queers are querying away and probably in every law enforcement agency every school that it's already happening How much more when they take the mark of the beast who's gonna run the schools People that have the mark of the beast who's gonna run the police people have the mark of the beast Who's gonna run the military people have the mark of the beast? everything will be bagged out With lack of a better word to think of but anyway You know, I you know again, I didn't want to preach this sermon but Because they want to take a whole month. Well, I'll just take a day. How about that? I'll take a service And just kind of do a counter sermon against them and next week I'm gonna preach about the days of Noah because you know, we're seeing signs of that happening too with all the violence That's going on this world. Let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much for the scriptures Lord I pray that you just help us to stay strong When these times come and Lord we're already living in times that are just very vexing and we have to see this filth even if we don't want to and Lord I just pray that you give us grace as we walk through this world Help us not to look back at the land of Egypt. Look back at the world and desire those things Lord Help us to not get caught up in this this sick filthy agenda Lord that that is trying to promote this Disgusting filth to our children to our families and Lord as people are just turning over to a reprobate mind in In in ways that they never had before there's Lord I pray that you just help us to walk through this world on Stained by the by the by the filth and help us to be righteous and serve you to the end in Jesus name we pray Amen