(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right well we're here in Isaiah chapter 1 and let's read verse number 1 together says the vision of Isaiah the son of Amos which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah kings of Judah. Let's pray Heavenly Father, Lord we thank you so much for the opportunity to come to church and Lord I just pray that you'd help me fill me with your spirit tonight and help me and fill me with boldness as I preach the sermon in Jesus' name, Amen. All right so the title of the sermon tonight is The Decline and Coming Doom of America. The Decline and Coming Doom of America. Well I thought it you know I wanted to take a week off of the book of Acts because I figured it was fitting to preach a sermon about this. I haven't preached about this kind of stuff in a while so but you know we live in the United States of America and people say this is the greatest nation on earth and I would agree with that but at the same time it's also the most wicked nation on earth. So there's a lot of Christianity that comes you know there's a lot of more Christians here and a lot more being done with the gospel from the United States I understand that. That's a separate thing I count that as a separate thing. If you look in the history of the different kingdoms like you just think of Daniel, Shadrach, and Meshach, and Abednego how they were able to operate and do great things for God even though they were in a wicked system and the spirit of Babylon was there it was the kingdom of Babylon. And then you see in the Medes and the Persian Empire Daniel was still alive and was still able to operate and great things were done for God during that time period also. You see in the Roman Empire the Lord Jesus Christ came on the scene during the Roman Empire and you saw great things were done by God's people in those nations and Rome was a wicked nation. There's no doubt about that. But still and here we are in Babylon USA we are able to do great things for God but that's going to come to an end because there's a final Babylon you know and I believe that the United States is it. If anything changes then you know I'm wrong about that but I believe that this is the country. I believe that the United States was born with a secret agenda to be that Atlantean kingdom that the Freemasons and all these people are trying to bring usher in the kingdom of the Antichrist and I know that might sound crazy to you but you know if you could do some research about it you'll see that our founding fathers most of them were reprobates. Thomas Paine was a reprobate. Thomas Jefferson was a reprobate and people are like oh Thomas Jefferson is so great. What's so great about someone that's a reprobate? I mean I don't understand what's so great about that. So and that's proven in the fact that he changed God's word he took out all the miracles of the Bible and rewrote his own Bible called the Jefferson Bible. Have you ever heard of that before? What happens when you mess with God's word? You're done. That's it. You're over. And Benjamin Franklin you know I mean just if you just look into these characters nothing's good about them. Thomas Paine is the one that started the Revolutionary War and that's you know what 17 you know what we're supposed to be celebrating the 4th of July tomorrow you know well I'm celebrating the fact that you know I have a great church that's what I'm celebrating and hey if fireworks go off and then that's good you know it kind of you know to me it represents the fact that Babylon is going to be destroyed you know with fire and brimstone right. So so anyway I mean I do love you know this country to a certain extent but I don't love what it's become. So I thought this is a fitting chapter I was going to preach out of Second Chronicles 7 but I decided that this is really fitting. If you compare this to what you see happening in the United States of America you see a lot of contrast here between Israel at this time and the United States. So I heard it said before that if God doesn't punish America he'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah and he's right and whoever said that I don't know who it was is right about that because this country is gone off the rails. I mean it's gotten so much worse even just in the last few years. I mean we had a there was a way I told the story about this on Sunday night a little bit but this transgender came out as her brother was about to get saved okay and stopped the gospel from being preached to him and then acted like we were the bad guys corrected his friend when when he called said she she blah blah blah and she was like it's man it's man that's basically what it's he that's what she said he's like oh I'm sorry I'm sorry even the little children are afraid to call a spade a spade anymore. I mean you could look at it and see that it was a she you know dressed up like a she but supposedly wanted to be called a he I don't understand how that worked I mean if you're gonna try to be a dude like I mean I guess dress like one right look like Andrew Sluiter on your way to the prom anyway let's uh let's look at verse number two in Isaiah chapter one Isaiah chapter one verse two number one tonight America is in decline because they have forgotten God number one America is in decline because they've forgotten God look at verse two it says hear O heavens and give ear O earth for the Lord has spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me the ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider so here you see that the children of Israel have rebelled against the Lord you know his people and people will say well America is a Christian nation it started as a Christian nation I don't personally believe that I don't think it ever has been a Christian nation but I do believe Christians have been able to operate within the nation very well because God just is gonna let his people flourish well whether whatever's going on and as long as we're doing the things that he says we're supposed to do but see the the people of America have rebelled against God and they and they stopped you know acknowledging the fact that there even is a God half the time we go to a door and they're not interested at all let me tell you this when a per when you go to a door and they you know it doesn't matter if they've heard the gospel or not when you go to a door and they say I'm not interested that's a rejection of the gospel right there and so they can't you know maybe they want to be able to say well I never heard no you had someone sent to your door you clown and they tried to give you the gospel but you shut them down just like that and that's the thing is that God's gonna hold them responsible for them not receiving you not receiving you and and that is the same as just rejecting the gospel so maybe that was their one time where someone came to them God it was drawing them God was saying hey I want this person to be saved and then you go to the door and they're like nope that's a rejection and so this nation has rejected God almost as a whole now obviously there's a lot of people still getting say there's still a lot of people in receptive areas I get that but it's getting less and less receptive when we first started going soul winning in Vancouver it was way more receptive than it is now do you agree with that we would come back and have like 25 people saved after like a couple hours soul winning or 13 or 15 or whatever we would have a lot of people saved but now it's just like you know it's not unrese I mean compared to why it's unreceptive but we're still getting people saved here every week I mean but here here in Isaiah it talks about these people rebelling against me and what is rebelling against me just saying hey I don't want nothing to do with God and so they've rebelled turn to Psalm chapter 9 verse 15 Psalm chapter 9 verse number 15 what happens when nations reject God well Psalm chapter 9 verse 15 says the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made in a net which they hid is their own foot taken so you know the heathen you know people just fall into have you ever seen that meme where they're like the little Chinese kid has like the boot on his neck and then like you see the other thing and it's like he's holding the own but you know it looks like they're just a boot there but then you see the next frame it's just him holding the boot to his own neck it's kind of like this it's like the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made hey your responsibility you're responsible for your own actions it says in the net which they hid is their own foot taken the Lord is known by the judgment which he executed the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands and it says in verse 17 that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God hey what's gonna happen if America as a nation forgets God they're gonna be turned into hell so and we're kind of at that point you know and so God if you look throughout history you see like I was talking about Cyprus you know at one point Cyprus was a powerhouse probably of so winning had lots of people that were saved there and then now you know 2000 years later Pastor Anderson's going there and getting 25 people saved but do you think that that Cyprus is a powerhouse of Baptist churches or like-minded churches with us they're not why because that they at some point the gospel moved on to a different nation and so that's what happens is like even like Mongolia there was people that were saved in Mongolia there's people that saved in all these different places and the gospel just moves around the world like that but then when you get a nation like North Korea that shuts the gospel down I mean why would we go to why would we go to a place where they're just gonna kill you as soon as you walk across the border you know we're supposed to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves we're supposed to be smart about situations but the point is is that when you turn when the wicked they say you know what I'm gonna forget about God you know and then we go we think we're the first it's the first time that someone's going there but it probably isn't it's probably just died out and then we're coming back to restart something that died out before I don't know the full I mean I don't know if the people that first went to Hawaii the missionaries that first went there had a right gospel I don't think they did but that's why I think that maybe now that we're going there with the right gospel maybe and maybe the Baptist before did have a right gospel when they went there but I'll tell you what the people act like they've never heard it before like that they act like this is the first time they've ever heard the true gospel and that's great I want to get as many people saved there as possible and hey if you're gonna judge me about talking about Hawaii too much well sorry but I'm probably gonna talk about why a lot so anyway and I look at Hawaii as its own nation sometimes I mean it's part of the United States I see that but it also there's a there's a big presence where it seems like it's a foreign nation also at the same time so anyway the Bible says the wicked should be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God for the needy shall not always be forgotten the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever arise Oh Lord let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight put them in fear Oh Lord that the nations may know themselves to be but men and God is going to judge nations like this country that think that they're higher than they really are it says the nations that the nations may know themselves to be but men there's a lot of people here that think Richard preached a sermon against that moron from tool the lead singer from tool and we got all kinds of people making all these comments I get a comments on our main Facebook page that says what's his name something Maynard or whatever says he is God no he's not God he's a devil and he's going straight to hell as soon as he dies soon as his eyes are closed he's gonna wake up roasting in hell but people are just upset about stuff like that it's like that guy is so wicked I actually saw that guy in concert and he came out he didn't even face the crowd for like half of his songs and then he turns around and he has you know he's got us like a sports bra and fake breasts I mean the guy is a sick freak he had like makeup that was just he was hideous and I left I thought it was weird I wasn't even saved I thought it was weird anyway number two number one was America's in decline because they've forgotten God number two America's in decline because of the moral decline of the people all you have to do is just go outside for a few minutes and you can see the moral decline of this place I mean we literally can't go anywhere without some sodomite being in our face we just went to 7-eleven after soul winning we're gonna try to get a blessing the blessing of a Slurpee you know we were hard work and soul winning we're like let's go get some Slurpees and then you know standing in line there's some weirdo there I mean we already got had a weirdo interrupt our soul winning and then another weirdos in there it's like I mean I was looking at the per capita sodomites you know Oregon is is number two Washington is right up there with the per capita thought over 5% so 2% is the sodomite population but it's it's twice over twice the amount here in this state and in Oregon you know what the number one is District of Columbia 10% almost 9.8% sodomites there and then you know it didn't just show the stats of of them but it also showed the stats of how many have children 22% 36% 25% I mean just it shows every state of the Union why how do you think it's getting out of control well it's getting out of control because they have no natural predators they're like an infestation that's taking place and there's no natural predators to come in and smoke them and even the government that is in charge of everything won't do anything about it in fact they punish us for even saying stuff about it I can't even put this sermon tonight on my youtube channel on our youtube channel because some freaks gonna get taken down and give us a strike and I want to reach people so I'll just put these kinds of sermons different channels or whatever but look at look at Isaiah 1 verse 4 it says ah sinful nation a people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel onto anger they are gone away backward so just like the nation of Israel was a sinful nation then the nation of America or the United States is also a sinful nation and a people laden with iniquity what does that mean they're like they're just you know covered when you say heavy laden with sins like you're weighed down with them it says the people laden with iniquity it's just this is all over them a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors why do you think we want to take have people homeschooled in our church not at our church but you know in their own homes because the children in these public schools are corruptors you think your children's gonna are gonna come out unscathed going to a public school they're not they're gonna see things that they should never see at school they're gonna hear things that they should never have to hear at school they're going to try to get an education and then all these heathen parents are bringing their kids and and teaching them who knows what and then they're coming I mean you know where I heard all my jokes my bad jokes growing up the school you know where I heard all the colorful cuss words that I learned growing up from school and I you know I don't think that our kids should should have to deal with that hopefully they're not hearing those colorful words at home too often you know our houses the places that we live should be a place of security a place of safety where we don't have to hear and see all that garbage but it says they have forsaken the Lord and that provoked the Holy One of Israel to angry or angry anger they're gone away backward look at verse 5 it says why should you be stricken anymore you will revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart is faint God's like why should I keep beating you you're just you're just you're done you're toast you'll revolt revolt more and more I mean I think about the wildfires that happened all over is that stopped California from trying to legislate all this weird stuff no has it stopped Oregon and Washington from legislating all this weird stuff that they're doing it's like the states are in competition to who can who can have the weirdest laws coming upon I mean the Republicans had to walk out and leave Salem and not come back until the session was over so they wouldn't pass like the worst carbon emission thing ever in the country where if you had a 2007 diesel you had to turn it in it's it's not allowed to be on the roads anymore I mean they're just getting crazy with all this stuff and I'll fight against all this stupid global warming climate change garbage I had a person at work this like a week and a half ago he got real mad because I said dude climate change is fake man he got really pissed I didn't realize I like ruined his day apparently he just like got all sad he got all sad his lips was all down like this and I was like come on man I was like look the supposedly the coastlines are fading you know they're getting more flooded or whatever I'll tell you what I went when I was four years old almost I almost drowned at Haystack Rock you know what the tide still comes into the same place the same location as it did when I was four years old 40 years ago so tell me how that works tell me how the you know all the ice caps are melting you know what they grow back that's the part they don't show you because if if it was as catastrophic as they're saying that we'd be underwater right now it's a bunch of garbage so it says verse 6 from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores they have not been closed neither bound up neither mollified with ointment basically it's saying you got all these problems and there's no cure for you you're you're you're done I'm gonna have to just hit the reset button on you verse 7 says your country is desolate your cities are burned with fire your land strangers devour it in your presence and it's desolate as overthrown by strangers now don't get me wrong here okay but here the thing with all these refugees and stuff coming into all these lands what are they doing in Europe are they Christians that are bringing the light of the gospel to these nations no they're raping and pillaging that's what they're doing and if we were as soft as is Europe is right now be the same thing happening to us you know that's not supposed to happen and obviously we don't live in the nation of Israel but that was never allowed to happen back then hey if you're gonna come from a different country you better beat believe in the God that we believe in but obviously America isn't isn't you know isn't a Christian nation but in God's name in in the millennial reign of Christ I guarantee you there's not gonna be Muslims coming in and and you know teaching their lives to other people they're gonna you know what's gonna happen to them what's gonna happen to them brother CJ they're gonna get stoned to death that's what's gonna happen they're not gonna even live past their first breath and somebody's gonna be like you're done done that's what's gonna happen look God is not for freedom of religion that concept you know if freedom of religion I like that I have it here but I'll tell you what it's he God is not for freedom of religion he's for his religion he's for him only now obviously you have a free choice and but you can believe what you want you can die and go to hell all you want but God's never gonna be in the millennial reign it's not gonna be freedom of religion it's gonna be your Jehovah's Witness you're dead you're a Mormon you're dead you're a Muslim you're dead you're a homo you're getting thrown off a building that's it people don't understand that but that's just that's the truth and we'll be like oh you know God bless America hey God bless America he's how can he do it how can he do it we lead that we lead the all the nations and all these different perversions we're pushing the the faggot agenda in Africa we're pushing the faggot agenda all over the world you know why because we are Babylon USA we have the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City the one world government what do you think that place is just a Chuck E Cheese party place no things are getting done behind the scenes that you we don't know about I mean does anybody know what they're doing they're having these meetings and talk I mean are do you have a live c-span feed into that I mean we probably could see it if we wanted to but I'm sure that the the real stuff that's going on behind the scenes we're not privy to those things why are they pushing all this no cash society stuff because eventually they're gonna take the cash away from us and we're gonna have to you know have our credit cards or something with our phones and then it's just gonna keep pushing further and further until there's a mark that you're gonna have to take if you want to buy or sell look at what they did with our pay pals at the Mesa conference they thought they're gonna cause here's the knockout punch they don't have any way to get home they can't buy anything they can't rent you know that's what they think that all they just crippled our our donations but little do they know surprise I don't use PayPal but how do I use PayPal I would have been crippled so what's their next shot what are they trying to do next they're gonna try to cripple us financially they're gonna try to shut down our missions projects financially no fly list stuff like that and so that's what's coming next they're just ramping up there's a bug here for me there's a there's a they're ramping it all up so anyway I'm going off on rabbit trails here verse 7 your country is desolate your cities are burned with fire your land strangers devour it in your presence and it's it's desolate as overthrown by what strangers people that aren't from here people that aren't citizens I mean that's kind of the way I see that and if they weren't a citizen of Israel they were called what strangers okay Proverbs 1434 turn over there Proverbs 1434 obviously keeping a finger in Isaiah this is kind of a Bible study in a way Proverbs 1434 says righteousness exalt exalted the nation but sin is a reproach to any people hey for righteous that exalts the nation God is happy with a nation that loves him and believes in him it says but sin is a reproach to any people and so when we're filled with sin in this in this country it's gonna have a God's gonna have a problem with us now obviously as Bible believe in Christians God doesn't have a problem with us he has a problem with the wickedness that's going around you know we're supposed hey he didn't take us out of the world Jesus said hey that you're gonna stay in the world right we need to be in the world so that we can reach people and so obviously God believes that we can handle it God wouldn't put us in that situation obviously there's things that we have to see that we don't want to see but we're way down the road as far as history goes we're well I think we're getting close you know but obviously it could be longer than that I'm not predicting any timetables or anything like that okay but I I found this article and I thought was interesting I a long time ago before I think before I was saved someone told me you got to read this book it's about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire now I never actually read the book but one of the things that the guy was talking to me about was that there's like you know seven different things that will make a country go down in flames and the Roman Empire was you know it's like basically a model once you see certain things happen then you know the decline is further than you realized okay so here's what what this guy says about moral decay he says and he's writing kind of a I don't know maybe a commentary a little bit of that book but he says this about moral decay three important trends demonstrate moral decay they're the rise of immorality the decay of religious belief and the devaluing of human life those three things the classic study of Roman civilization the decline and fall of the Roman Empire written by English historian Edward Gibbon was published in the that famous year of 1776 he observed that the leaders of the Empire gave in to the vices of strangers a sound familiar morals collapsed laws became oppressive and the abuse of power made the nation vulnerable to the barbarian hordes British historian Catherine Edwards demonstrated that our current examples of immorality are not a modern phenomenon in her study of the politics of immorality in ancient Rome she says that contraception abortion and exposure were common ways to prevent childbirth in Rome husbands refused to recognize any child they did not believe to be their own until accepted by its father a Roman baby did not legally speaking exist so there's nothing new under the Sun so the same things that are starting our moral decay here and have totally started our moral decay here happened before in other countries okay and it says life became cheap in the latter days of the Roman Empire burdensome regulation and taxes made manufacturing and trade unprofitable families were locked into hereditary trades and vocations allowing little if any vocational choice eventually children were seen as needless burden and aborted and infanticide became commonplace in some cases children were sold into slavery manners and social life fell into debauchery under Justinian entertainment grew bodier and more bizarre homosexuality and bestiality were openly practiced under Nero Christians were blamed for the great fire in Rome and horribly persecuted similar patterns can be found in other civilizations Greece the music of the young people became wild and coarse popular entertainment was brutal and vulgar promiscuity homosexuality and drunkenness became a daily part of life and all moral and social restraints were lost leading to greater decadence and Carthage worship turned from bail to the earth goddess tannant sacrifices to the goddess of fertility were supposed to ensure productivity long life and even greater profits or ornately carved funeral monuments depicting infant sacrifice can be seen today along with thousands of tiny stone coffins to infant sacrifice to the pagan goddess sound familiar any of this sound from higher the parallels to our own nation are striking no we don't sacrifice infants to pagan goddesses but we have aborted nearly 40 million babies on the altar of convenience and the various sexual practices are openly accepted as part of an alternative lifestyle it's no wonder that many believe our country is a nation of decline and that's what I'm preaching about that our country is a nation in decline and God is going to judge this country America is like an aging bloated rock star it's become addicted to dozens of different drugs you know you see like Elvis when he was in his the end of life you know he was kind of like that America is a shadow of its former self and it desperately needs to wake up before it plunges into oblivion now that was a quote from the article so what's the problem with the United States what why are we so why is it so bad here Pastor Thompson well we have the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population in the entire planet I mean if that does I mean we only have 300,000 people here there's India there's China there's all these big countries that have way more people not Japan but these other countries that have way more people and we have more of a population of prison than they do the United States has the highest percentage of obese people in the world the United States has the highest divorce rate on the globe by a wide margin the United States is tied with the UK for the most hours of television watched per person each week the United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use on the entire planet there are more car thefts in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world by far there are more reported rapes in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world there are more reported numbers or murders excuse me in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world there are more total crimes in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world the United States also has more police officers than anywhere else in the world prison state right prison planet the United States has more people on pharmaceutical drugs than any other country on the planet the percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than any other country in the world more pornography is created in the United States and anywhere else in the entire globe 89% is made in the USA and only 11% is made in the rest of the world the United States spent seven times more on the military than any other nation on the planet does in fact US military spending is greater than the military spending of China Russia Japan India and the rest of NATO combined what are they what are they doing all this for what's all this it's planned you know they want to be the mother wait there's no way anybody could even hang with us at all in a fight that's why even though a lot of countries hate us we're still the most dominating country on the planet and no one's gonna even think about messing with us nobody will because we are Babylon USA and also I mentioned before we lead we lead the country the the globe and sodomy all kinds of filth kidnapping STDs and back and you know STDs I just want to mention this really quickly because this really you know is a is a is a debate killer with any of these people that are like calling for the Christians to vaccinate their children right what about your STDs you filthy humos what about your STDs you harlots and whoremongers you're spreading all this disease but you don't seem to be worried about that you're just worried about what our kids have our vaccinations vaccinations I still disagree with and I think they're wicked so do the research before you stick your kid with needles I'm just saying that number three tonight America is in decline because of a lack of saved people Isaiah 1 9 let's turn back to Isaiah 1 Isaiah 1 9 like Pastor Thompson can you preach about something nice I did Sunday anyway Isaiah 1 9 says except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant we would have been as Sodom and we should have been like unto Gomorrah so in this time and I and I in the history of Israel it was so bad that because of the remnant is the only reason why God didn't wipe Israel off the face of the planet and I would I would say to you this that probably because the remnant of saved people here is the same reason now obviously there's a part to play in all this end time stuff that hasn't happened yet there's still a book in the Bible that hasn't been fulfilled and many prophecies in the scriptures that haven't happened yet but I think that God is merciful to America because of saved people so but America isn't also in decline because of the lack of saved people so it's kind of a two-edged sword isn't it turn to Romans chapter 9 verse 27 Romans chapter 9 verse 27 Romans 9 27 Romans 9 27 says Isaiah's also cryeth concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea a remnant shall be saved so you know Israel was was a nation it's just you know it was a nation that was supposed to be special to God but what end up happening is it stopped becoming special stuff people stopped being saved in the time of Jesus there was few saves just like today it's even worse now because most of them are already reprobate they're already taught to hate Jesus and spit on the ground from an early age and so that they have a hard time getting saved you know when you blaspheme Christ and you blaspheme God you're gonna you know and obviously their eyes are blinded because they rejected Christ I'll read for you Romans 11 verse 5 go ahead and turn back to Isaiah Romans 11 5 says even so that at this present time also there's a remnant according to the election of grace and so we have a remnant tonight there's probably not a lot of people meeting in church tonight that are the remnant there might be some people you know Wednesday night services don't really happen in community churches you know and their church services are rock bands rock bands with a couple poems and a couple stories maybe a scripture from the NIV and the ESV and the NASB and the NLT and the HIV right joke never gets old anyway so God is is you know America isn't in decline because a lack of saved people but it's also being protected because of the remnant and like there's obviously if there's nobody saved here this place is gonna become a reprobate nation but there's still people out there that are willing to hear the gospel and there's still a remnant that we need to reach number four tonight America is in decline because of sodomites I know I already kind of jumped the gun a little a little while ago but we're in decline because of sodomites that's one of the things in the decline of the Roman Empire you know Nero was a sodomite I don't know if anybody knows that I can't even tell the stories of the things that him and Caligula did I can't tell them in a public place because they're so sick and twisted that I just can't talk about it but they were sodomites they were into bestiality they were into all this stuff and it didn't take much longer before the Roman the Roman Empire was destroyed after all this that's when you know once the more the moral decline happens it's all it's just a downhill slide from there Isaiah 110 says hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom give ear unto the law of our God ye people of Gomorrah what's he doing he's calling Israel Sodom and Gomorrah the leaders said harken unto the hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom we got a lot of rulers of Sodom here too don't we Kate hateful Kate our governor is is the probably the worst governor we've ever had I mean we've had some bad ones some really bad ones but this lady is trying to pass every single heathen law that she can pass before she and she just got reelected we still have like four or three and a half years with this witch she is she is a reprobate she's a sodomite and she is gonna just make this state way worse than it was in the first place Jay Inslee is the same way we I mean if you look on the where all the home was were concentrated it's all on the coastal cities found that pretty interesting it's all the coastal cities if you look at the map that's like mainly where all the sods are right so the Bible says in Leviticus 2013 if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them I'm sure you guys have heard me say that a lot of times I'm sure you guys get sick of me preaching about it but I just didn't get enough out at Mesa so I just wanted to kind of you know low-light these dogs here for a little bit look at what it says it says in verse 10 it says hear you the word of the Lord he rules or saw them give ear unto the law of our God hey if I preach Leviticus 2013 till the day I die I'm still preaching the law of our God hey you need to listen to the law of our God and quit listening to the television in your Hollywood movies and your video games where the sodomites are in the video games now they're everywhere they're taking over they've won but you know what we still need to tell them it says give ear unto the law of our God is the law of the Lord perfect or is it not it's perfect and what he say put them to death he said put them on the government's supposed to be put them to death and I'll say that every time because I don't want them to try to mince my words and try to say things that I didn't say but just because we're not supposed to do that doesn't mean we're not supposed to preach that okay give ear unto the law of our God we should be preaching that other churches to be preaching that but what do you see you see us standing alone on the top of a hill and everybody taking shots at us and saying that we're crazy and that were imams of Muslim religion or whatever this is Baptist saying this are you crazy look if a Baptist ever says that in my presence I'm gonna rebuke them sharply how dare they call the law of God the imam they're basically saying that we're Muslims nobody stood with Pastor Fritz as he was being you know attacked by all these sodomites Cracker Barrel you know refused to even let them have a soul winning thing event at their place you know and I was actually for some reason I forgot all about that I was like hey I'm gonna go to the new Cracker Barrel I ain't going to Cracker Barrel again that's off the list you can sneak over to Cracker Barrel all you want but I'm not going with you I finally got my senses back I've been working too much or something I'm like what am I talking about I'm not going to Cracker Barrel anyway but turn to Luke chapter 17 verse 28 look if they get to the point where they're stopping us from preaching the law of God and what it says concerning sodomites we've lost we've lost the the war in the public they've already won because if you even say one bad thing they're all over you they're getting everything taken away from you they're deleting your Facebook and your YouTube and any way that you have publicly to get the message out to lots of people they can do that but when they've won the war inside of our church building that's when we've lost we've lost we shouldn't ever be afraid to preach the truth you know obviously be wise about it you know don't go on your first day of work and go I hate all these filthy hell miles they could die go to hell have some have some you know kuth and some you know obviously you can't do that we have to operate within this world but you know from this in this building this is our safe space this is our safe space we should be able to say whatever we want in here when it comes to these filthy queers and it will go out on the internet as much as I can get it to go out and any new believer or new visitor that walks in and happens to hear a sermon about something like this they're gonna hear it too and if Anthony's preaching the gospel to them they're gonna hear the reprobate doctrine every single time and God's people said amen I was telling Richard I think in Ryan I was like I was like Richard you don't even hate the homos enough I was like when you get to the level of Anthony didn't you come talk to me I said Anthony goes to foreign countries and has the locals carved God hates fags into the keychains and brings them back for people that's real hate right there so you're in Luke chapter 17 verse 28 says likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded but the same day the lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even though shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed now I believe in that day that it is gonna be like the days of lot where a bunch there's more fags and we're even gonna realize today remember this sermon that the numbers are gonna do nothing but increase the 5% 5.6% of sodomites per capita in Oregon is gonna be higher next year than it was this year that's because they have no natural predator the critter gators aren't gonna get them there's no natural predator there's no lion to take them down the only thing we can do is use God's Word and still keep preaching God's law to the people and not we got to be the remnant the remnant doesn't compromise the remnant doesn't hold back when it comes to the preaching don't cut some point out of your sermon that has to deal with the facts because you're afraid don't be afraid hey when you're afraid that's what God's gonna confound you hey Jeremiah when he told Jeremiah to preach to the people he said don't you know don't be afraid of their faces he said preach everything lest I confound you before them and I don't want to be confounded before people like hey I noticed you know I was looking at your notes that you leave over there every time you preach a sermon and I saw that you crossed out the sodomite part I'm not doing that so it's gonna be like it was in the days of law there is going to be a reprobate army they're calling them all to arms in the military and in the police force look you do a lineup of police officers it's gonna be bull dykes and homos I you know the men homos I kind of doubt because they're afraid they're gonna break a nail if they were gonna take somebody down to the ground right but the female cops you know they'll try but that takes like five or six of them to get somebody down anyway you know that sodomite that got hurt stopped her brother from getting saved that is a natural predator to the Christians see they're they're the children of the devil and so what she did you know she left the message on my answering machine trying to be all nice thinking that I was you know she didn't realize I was the pastor so she thinks she's gonna call the pastor and get Ryan in trouble for what he said but I was trying to get a word in edgewise Ryan was just like nope I got this you filthy freak you're gonna die die and go to hell you know I was like yeah yeah yeah it's practice for Hawaii I was trying to say stuff of Ryan was talking on top of me but she act you know when she called she acted all sweet nice and I'm just an agnostic and I haven't decided what I believe yet and I don't hate God yeah you do why did you stop your brother from getting saved you filthy beast that's that's your problem you hate God and that's what Ryan told her he said he just when when the kid was corrected about what gender he wasn't even corrected he was right she was wrong but once that once he said that Ryan goes oh okay well then so you're so you're a homo so you just hate God you know and so then he just gave her the business after that what she deserved because her brother might not ever get saved because of that encounter so the problem with America is that we got a sodomite problem and there's no natural predators so we have to live in this world with these filthy beasts I would love for God to just kill them all tomorrow but you know that's apparently we have to live and it's gonna be like the days of law number five America's in decline because of weak Christians number five America's in decline because of weak Christians turn back to Isaiah 111 was that enough about the sodomites or do you want me to go on well we got to end some time tonight but before I go on to my next point yeah I mean the homosexual that that runs this this state Kate Brown has a moratorium on the death penalty and so does Jay Inslee in Washington I think California might have one I'm not 100% sure about that but a moratorium means that they have a temporary stop on it like if we if you pave a road and it's freshly paved there's a moratorium on that road that you're not supposed to make utility cuts on it for a certain amount of time which gets ignored but anyway that's beside the point but there's a moratorium on the death penalty that means that they've stopped the death penalty from happening with people that are serial killers rapists child murderers all these different types of people they can't be put to death nobody can be put to death so the worst murderers and killers are in our our prison system just sitting there getting three hots and a cot living their life breathing our air when they should be dead trials been done the death penalty has been given and then this faggot Kate Brown says oh I'm gonna put a moratorium on this yeah because they're just they're her homies their reprobates just like she is they're gonna put a moratorium on it meanwhile she passes the most progressive abortion bill in the whole country at that time everybody gets free abortions doesn't matter where you're from doesn't matter where you've been doesn't matter what you're doing free abortions you know who's paying it for it everybody in this room that works we're stuck with the bill that this monster has created meanwhile people are in death row that deserve to die isn't that hypocrisy where you won't put the worst people to death but you'll kill innocent children before they even have a chance to fight for their lives that's wicked as hell all right number five America's in decline because of weak Christians verse 11 it says to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me saith the Lord I am full of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts I delight not in the blood of bullocks or of lambs or of he goats when you when you come to appear before me who has required to set your hand to tread my courts bring no more vain oblations incense is an abomination unto me the new moons and Sabbaths the calling of assemblies I cannot away with it it is iniquity even the solemn meeting they say pastor Thompson what do you what does this have to do with weak Christians well these people were weak Christians they were presenting things that God didn't care about and not doing the things that he asked them to do that were more important like obedience like loving thy neighbor as thyself going out and giving the gospel why is it the Christians can't just go out and give the gospel anymore they're too scared they're compromising they compromise with their soul winning by not actually just knocking on the door and talking to someone showing them out of the Bible what's so hard about that find a plan preach it to them if they want to get saved they get saved what's so hard about that you know they got to put the little door hanger on the door and run away that's what I'm talking about that's weak Christianity they meet for their song revival assemblies every year these stinking Baptist churches have these revival assemblies and they don't even realize that there's a revival already going on you're just not going to the right church they're going to the wrong church where they just sit there like it's a stinking Country Club and do their little cake bakes and their taco whatevers and sit there and they have prayer time and they have their revival meetings where what they think is revival isn't the same thing that we think is revival they're talking about some Welsh revival that happened over in England like 200 years ago that's what they think revival is that's not revival revival is when people like get a fire in their heart for God and they say hey I got a tear in my eye for the lost people I want to go out and reach those people for the gospel and when I pray I'm praying for people to get saved and for God to knock down strongholds so that we can get in there and get those people saved in other countries and in every places all around the world that's God's plan start churches get people say start churches rinse and repeat right I don't know about that but you know what I'm saying right I mean God's plan is for us to start churches and get people saved okay and that we learned this book and that we're priests in our home and that we're priests out and you know we're priests and kings for him amen but God you know what God hates he hates their new moons there's a pointed feast the blowing of their trumpets look how much I put in the offering plate brother make sure everybody knows or whatever whatever lame things that they're doing look God says in verse 14 your new moons and your appointed feast my soul hate it do you think God loves their stupid revival meetings where nobody's getting saved nobody's revived it's just a little altar call sir the pastor can feel good about himself and he preached a good sermon that's garbage God hates that says when you spread forth your hands I will hide my eyes from you and when you make many prayers I will not hear you your hands are full of blood and you know why their hands are full of blood because the blood of their neighbor is on their hands because they're not going out and they're not preaching the gospel they're weak and they're phony and it makes God sick Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 their blood their hands are full of blood now this was talking about murder obviously but if you want to look at it in a spiritual way their hands are full of blood because they're not reaching why did God take the nation of Israel away from being a people and make us God's people make the save people God's people well because they weren't doing the work he came to the fruit tree he said there's no fruit on it he came to his own his own received him not and so he said I'm taking this from you I'm taking the name of the kingdom of God from you and giving it to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof here we are his plans still in effect his plan is still working but I'll tell you what there's a lot of weak Christians out there that have lost the plan they don't do it anymore and the ones that say they do it yeah let's just say they don't really do it right they might knock the doors they might give some flimsy gospel presentation and maybe people accidentally get saved just because you know they gave some good verses than the person actually believed right but look if you're not giving verses if you just say you believe in Jesus okay let's pray that's not soul winning yeah hey look if someone said look this happens all the time I'm just going to get on a soapbox here real quick when you go to the door and someone doesn't change their mind that they were not saved isn't that the hardest thing to do is to convince somebody that they weren't saved you're like hey when I first got here you believed you know that you could lose your salvation you believe that you had to pray and ask for forgiveness every time you sin now what do you believe well I believe what you believe well let's pray do you want to pray and trust Christ as your Savior well I'm already saved no you're not already saved you're not already saved and so to try to convince them that's the hard part but they don't even these people these other weak Christians they don't even get to that point they can't even discern a a person that isn't really you know they can't discern the fact that they're lost when they got there they just think they're shoring them up on something and maybe you are in some cases but most of the time when someone won't admit that they were saved that's pride and they won't get saved but you know what these people that just go soul winning for 59 minutes and 59 seconds once a month do you think that they're discerning discerning those things no they're not here in revelation 315 it says I know thy works that thou art neither hot nor cold I would thou were cold or hot so that because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot excuse me neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth this is Jesus talking he's saying hey if you're a lukewarm Christian who likes lukewarm coffee it's the grossest thing ever it really is like the it's it's either got to be hot or cold brew right I mean if it's not if it's lukewarm it's gross if it's like room temperature you're like yeah and that's what Jesus is talking about I said I'll puke you out of my mouth I don't want nothing to do with you because you're you're lukewarm you're just weak and you're gross that's like I mean because it is gross right to have like lukewarm water say it's a hot day and you're working real hard and someone just says here you want some water brother this is really refreshing you're like it's lukewarm what is this I mean if you're super thirsty it'll work but generally on a hot day and you're working hard the last thing you want is lukewarm water right so it makes God sick it says because thou sayest I'm rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing now and knowest not that thou are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked you know what's so funny about these churches they don't even under they don't even see it they're blind and they don't see it they're poor in reality not rich they don't see it they're naked they don't see it it says I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment thou mayest be clothed then that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see look around look around at the churches of America and see what they become lukewarm they're already been puked out their candlesticks already been taken away because they've quit soul winning there was a preacher on Facebook today saying well you never heard John or Peter call it soul winning we don't get anybody saved it's all God what are you a stinking Calvinist yeah you've been taught some Calvinist junk at your Baptist church you know if someone says the depravity of man in their in their uh thing that's not a church you want to go to now obviously people copy and paste I get that but a pastor should be discerning enough to know that's a Calvinist garbage you know so he's not watching correctly on what his website says it's bad because people like us will look at that before we go to their church and if they have some hint of Calvinism we're like hey no thanks God doesn't just supernaturally appear out of the sky and get people saved that's not how it works Paul said that he might save some so we do partner with God to get people saved that's the fact they're not nobody's gonna get saved without us it's gotta be God's obviously the one that saves them he's the one that died for him even one that that forgave their sins obviously I understand that but we're the messengers of the Lord we're the ones that help lead them to that path how can we fix this I know it's been a kind of a depressing sermon but how can we fix this I would say that we can't totally fix the decline we can't what's the Bible say I mean we can't break the Bible what the Bible says the Bible says the Babylon's gonna be judged you know and it's it's worthy to be judged but you know what we can do we can make a difference with the remnant we can teach people the Bible we can get as many people saved as possible we can turn a little bit of a tide when we preach against the sodomites maybe somebody's kid doesn't get molested because they heard that sermon you ever think of that if one if that reaches just a couple people that needed to hear it you know if the rest of the people think that we're crazy that's fine well let some sodomite babysit your kid then you idiot because that's just moronic oh yeah I just love children get that freak away from my kids Isaiah 1 16 says wash you make you clean put away the evil from your doings before my eyes cease to do evil learn to do well seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the fatherless plead for the widow come now and let us reason together sayeth the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land so when we're doing what's right then we're making a difference and even though the rest of the people are doing wickedness and even though the rest of the churches aren't for us and are actually calling us sheiks and imams or whatever we know that we're preaching the Bible because you know it says hear the law of the Lord you know the law is still perfect so why would we go away from that number six America is in decline and is doomed America is in decline and is doomed Isaiah 1 20 says but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it how is the faithful city becoming harlot it was full of judgment righteousness lodged in it but now murderers so israel's being compared to a harlot what is a harlot a whore a slut you know a wicked uh person that just you know and there's obviously whoremongers but it's likened to a harlot it was full it's full of judgment righteousness lodged in it but now murderers turn to revelation chapter 17 verse number five i know i gotta hurry up here revelation 17 verse 5 says and upon her forehead was the name written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and i saw her and i wondered with great admiration this is john looking forward and seeing this mother of harlots being judged which is the place where we live right these shall make war with the lamb skip down to verse 14 these shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them why because he's the king of kings or he's the lord of lords and the king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful look at verse 15 it says and he said unto me the waters which thou sawest where the horse sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues and the ten horns which shall saw us upon the beast these shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire for god has said forgot to put it in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give the kingdom unto the beast until the words of god shall be fulfilled and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth the one world government all that stuff this is where we're at this is where we live you know and at one point god's going to say come out of her my people lest i'll be a partaker of her sins that's going to be after we've already been raptured so but uh there's coming a day when this place is going to be destroyed and god's going to judge it he's not going to forgive it we can't stop that the bible says and the scriptures can't be broken right revelation 18 turn over to revelation 18 it says and i cried when i saw the smoke of her burning saying what city is like unto this great city and they cast dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying alas alas the great city wherein we made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness for in one hour she is made desolate rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets for god hath avenged you on her so this spirit of babylon has gone through many different nations and now it's resting upon this nation and we're coming to the see every single one of those places was eventually destroyed by the wickedness that was in it and then it moved its power to another spot and now we're here in the last days in the in the place that i believe it's going to be uh the end and god's going to judge it and the people are you know we're we're on the decline the end of that decline so how much longer can it really be you know 20 years ago the fags were in the closet still now where are we or it's starting to become like the days of lot or if you go and start preaching if you go and start preaching this on the in the city somewhere you're going to get surrounded just like lot dead why are you judging us you know that girl like got smoked by ryan but i guarantee if she would have more of her little buddies it would have been a different story that's when they get tough you know you throw a little rock at the little dog and they run away but then when they get packed up they're like wolves let's finish up here isaiah 1 22 it says thy silver has become dross thy wine mixed with water the princes are rebellious and companions of thieves everyone loveth gifts and fall with after rewards they judge not the fatherless neither does the cause of the widow come unto them therefore sayeth the lord the lord of hosts the mighty one of israel ah i will ease me of mine adversaries and avenge me of mine enemies it's like you know i'm gonna ease me of mine adversaries and avenge me of my enemies and i will turn my hand upon me and purely purge away thy dross and take away all thy ten i will restore thy judges as at the first i thought that was really interesting how it says that he's going to restore the judges as at the first now that's the bot we're going to be the judges so all these wicked judges have been wickedly doing things behind the scenes and do and making all these fake proclamations and let it making it so sodomites and pedophiles can't be put to death anymore we're going to be the judge you know jesus is going to say bring them before me and let me enslave them before me you know and then we're going to go into the millennium it says and thy counselors as at the beginning afterward thou shall be called the city of righteousness the faithful city zion shall be redeemed with judgment in her converts with righteousness and the destruction of the transgressors and the sinners shall be together and they shall they that forsake the lord shall be consumed they shall be ashamed of the oaks which he have desired and he shall be confounded in the gardens that i have chosen for he shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth and as a garden that hath no water and the strong shall be as toe and the maker of it as spark and they shall burn both burned together and none shall quench them that's the end of the heathen nations that's the end where babylon is destroyed are we a nation in decline do you think we're a nation in decline i think we're pretty far down the pool right we're pretty far down um second how do we fix it though how could how can we fix it we can't it's over but in second chronicle 714 it does say we can make a difference it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways and i will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will hear their heal their land so we have to do our part too we have to pray we have to humble ourselves we have to seek god's face turn from our wicked ways and god's going to hear from heaven you know if we're doing the things we're supposed to do we're going to be okay but you know what america tomorrow i'm not singing god bless usa i'm going to be saying goodbye to some dear friends and fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters in christ let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord uh god just for the fact that we can operate as christians in this nation right now and lord i just pray that you would continue to bless and protect and help us and lord we know that perilous times are coming and it seems like it's just around the horizon lord i pray that we'd be strong enough to withstand all the things that are coming our way in jesus name we pray amen