(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Hello and welcome to Shure Foundation Baptist Church. Thank you everyone for coming out to our Thursday evening service. Please take your seats and find your green handles and turn to page 199. Let the joy overflow page 199. Green handles page 199. Let the joy overflow on the first. There's a clear fountain flowing from the bride throne above and its waters are glowing with the sunshine above. Take the blessed consolation which the Lord will bestow. Take the cup of salvation. Let the joy overflow. Oh the joy with this wondrous salvation be our hearts all aglow. Oh the joy let the blessing run over and joy overflow. On the second many hearts need the story are a thirst for his grace. Go to them with his glory shining out from your face. Tell of Jesus your savior if his mercy's you know. Show the light of his favor. Let the joy overflow. Oh the joy let the blessing run over and joy overflow. Be our lives freely yielded to the Savior's coming. By his care ever shielded and upheld by his hand. In the pathways of sadness sweetest lilies may grow. Let us sow seeds of gladness. Let the joy overflow. Oh the joy with this wondrous salvation be our hearts all aglow. Oh the joy let the blessing run over and joy overflow. Amen. Page 257. Singer's second song, Look and Live. Page 257. Look and Live page 257 on the first. My brother live. Look to Jesus now and live. Recorded in his word hallelujah. It is only that you look and live. I've a message full of love hallelujah. A message oh my friend for you. Tis a message from above hallelujah. Jesus said it and I know it is true. Look and live my brother live. Look to Jesus now and live. Tis recorded in his word hallelujah. It is only that you look and live. Life is offered unto you hallelujah. Eternal life thy soul shall have. If you'll only look to him hallelujah. Look to Jesus who alone can't save. Look and live my brother live. Look to Jesus now and live. Tis recorded in his word hallelujah. It is only that you look and live. On the last I will tell you how I came hallelujah to Jesus when he made me whole. It was believing on his name hallelujah. I trusted and he saved my soul. Look and live my brother live. Look to Jesus now and live. Tis recorded in his word hallelujah. It is only that you look and live. The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm chapter 27 verse number one. That's a very fitting and great scripture there. Our service times are 10 30 a.m. on Sunday mornings, 3 30 p.m. on Sunday evenings and Thursday Bible study is 6 30 p.m. Tonight we'll be finishing off chapter number six in 2 Corinthians and so we'll move on to chapter seven next week. And this Sunday will be in Genesis chapter 41. We'll finish off the last half of that chapter. And our so many times are listed below. We had so many tonight. Was there any salvations? For the week I'm not sure. Did you guys have salvations on Sunday? Is there any salvations on Sunday? One on Sunday. Is there any else for the rest of the week? No? OK. Our praise report. You can see the salvations, baptisms and attendance totals for last week, the week before last. And then I preached at Verity Baptist Church last Sunday night. I preached Jack Hyles outline and it was pretty fun. I like preaching that. It's a great outline. And I didn't copy his sermon. I did copy the outline though. It's some of the scriptures but it was a it was a fun sermon to preach. And next this next coming Sunday is going to be our third anniversary for not this Sunday, but the Sunday after this is going to be our third anniversary for Sure Foundation Baptist Church Spokane. Pastor Joe Jones will be preaching for us on Friday night. And we'll be having a so many marathon Saturday and I'll be preaching the services on Sunday. And then also coming up, we have the Detroit soul winning trip. And that is April 22nd through 25th. There's still room to sign up. I think we got I know some people from West Virginia called me today and said they were going to come. And then I know Brother Corbin's going. So the deacon is going to be there and he's actually going to be preaching on that Sunday. So there will be church services. But Brother Corbin will be preaching because I will be in Boise preaching for Pastor Jones for Pastor Appreciation Week. So I'd already had that in my calendar to do so. I'm not going to make the Detroit trip, but it sounds like it's going to be a really good trip. I think there's a lot of people there. So everybody wants to go. There's still room to sign up and go. But the further you along your way, the more expensive the tickets are going to be. So if you want to go, you better book your trip now. I think Brother Moan got his on the cheap $200 plane tickets and I think a $54 hotel room a night. That's pretty cheap. So I don't think you can stay here for that cheap. I think three days here would cost you more than that just in hotel fees. So anyway, that's going to be a great trip. It's very receptive there. And there'll be a church service on Sunday. I'm not sure if there's going to be two services preached. And we'll get all the details about where that's going to be at probably sometime next week. And let's see what else we've got going on. The church camp is going to be June 1st through 4th. June 10th is going to be the Northeast New IFB Conference Night in New Jersey. That's going to be at 6 p.m. with food and fellowship. The service will begin at 7 p.m. And I'll be preaching and then Pastor Jimenez will be preaching one night and one night only in New Jersey. And there's just so many marathon the next day that I'm going to fly home, come home at 11 o'clock at night, and I'm going to preach in the morning, Lord willing. Pray that I don't get any messed up flights or anything like that. So let's see, July 14th through 17th is the Red Hot Preaching Conference. And there's a fish coin challenge. I think that's going to be ended this weekend. Has anybody else done it? Yeah. All right. Harrington's. All right. Anybody else going to do it? Anybody else want to try these fish coins? How could you? How could you deny these fish coins right now? Anyway, if you do the verse, you get one of those points and you also get to hide the word of God in your heart, which is eternally rewarding. So and then we're a family integrated church. Of course, you all know that. We have the mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available. And no dads are allowed the mother baby rooms and vice versa. No one attended children in any area of the building. And please watch your children at all times. No food in the assembly area. Please silence your cell phones. Escorts to the vehicles are available from the ushers. And you can donate online at our Web site. And I don't think there's anything going on besides Alex and Annie. They don't really have an anniversary, though, because it's not leap year. So it doesn't really count. Was that this next week. Right. We'll do it on Sunday. You better be here Sunday. Have you guys come up here. Yeah. OK. So happy anniversary. He don't come. All right. And it's been, what, two years to two years. That was a great wedding. And that was a nice place. The black pearl. So they got married. So anyway, I did the wedding. So that's why I remember it. But anyway, it was good. So good food, too. You want to know how to put on a wedding. They did a great job. So anyhow, let's see. I think that's all we got for announcements. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The McDonald's page 312. Just keep my mouth shut up here. Page 312. Open my eyes that I may see. Page 312 on the first. Open my eyes that I may see. of truth thou hast for me. Place in my hands the wonderful key. Thou shall unclassman set me free. Silently now I wait for thee. Ready my God thy will to see. Open my eyes, illumine me. Spirit divine. Open my ears that I may hear. Voices of truth thou sendest clear. And while the wave notes fall on my ear. Everything false shall disappear. Silently now I wait for thee. Ready my God thy will to see. Open my ears, illumine me. Spirit divine. Open my mouth and let me bear. Gladly the warm truth everywhere. Open my heart and let me prepare. Love with thy children thus to share. Silently now I wait for thee. Ready my God thy will to see. Open my heart, illumine me. Spirit divine. Amen. Great seeing everyone. At this time we'll have our offering. Brother Sean Harrington, can you bless the offering for us? Thank you. Thank you. All right. Well, before we read 2 Corinthians chapter 6, we're going to go to the Lord in So would you bow with me and let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you so much for this church, Lord. Thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. The second book of Corinthians chapter 6. The Bible reads, we then as workers together with him beseech you also that he received not the grace of God in vain for he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have I secured thee. Behold now is the accepted time. Behold now is the day of salvation. Giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blamed. But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumult, in labors, in watchings, in fastings, by pureness, by knowledge, by long suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report as deceivers and yet true. As unknown and yet well known, as dying and behold we live as chastened and not killed, as sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things. Oh ye Corinthians our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. You're not straightened in us but you're straightened in your own bowels. Now for a recompense in the same I speak as unto my children. Be ye also enlarged. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them and be separate sayeth the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters sayeth the Lord Almighty. Brother Anthony will you pray for us? And this is the third sermon I've preached out of this and I thought it was important to preach this last sermon out of here. The title of the sermon is Biblical Separation. Biblical Separation. Let's pray. Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for this gathering tonight. Lord I pray that you would just bless each and every person that's come tonight. Pray fill me with your spirit with power and boldness Lord and I just pray that you'd help me to expound on the Scriptures tonight and that the Holy Ghost would be our guide. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright. I have three points in my sermon tonight. Point number one is biblical separation requires the right communion. Biblical separation requires the right communion. Let's look at verse number 14. The Bible says, Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Now what is that term unequally yoked talking about? Well, unequally yoked is talking about two animals. Basically it's giving us the picture of two animals that are different kinds of animals that are hooked up to like pull a wagon or pull a team to till the ground or till the earth. You know Elisha the prophet had his cattle that he was driving. So basically the picture is here is that you don't want one different than the other because it's going to mess up the way that you get the work done basically. Because you wouldn't want to put a cat with a dog, right? You know cats and dogs are eternal enemies. You don't want to put, you know the biblical example is in Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 10 it says, Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together. Now there's no reason you know why God would say that besides the spiritual application that you would get. And I believe that Paul is referring to some of these things that we're going to go back into the Old Testament and look at. But that's Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 10 if you're taking notes, Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together. So these two animals, one is going to be taller than the other. They're going to pull different than the other. Basically you want two things that are alike each other to pull at the same time. So when the Bible says be not unequally yoked together, you're basically tied together with somebody else. God's saying don't be tied together with unbelievers. So that's a different type of animal. That's a different type of person that you would not want to be with, unbelievers. Now we go out soul winning. We deal with unbelievers all the time. But we're not yoked up with them. We're not hanging out and having dinner with them. And even if we were that wouldn't be bad. But I'm just saying we don't become best friends with them and then just start going to the movies and going to basketball games and stuff. It's saying we're not supposed to be tied together with them. Now obviously you have to work with unbelievers. You have to be out in the world with unbelievers. But this is talking about a close relationship. Because if two things are tied together and they're pulling, two oxen are pulling, they're really close to each other aren't they? But if it was an ox and an ass, a donkey, those two things would probably start to get annoyed with each other. I don't know how well they get along. But you know animals in the animal kingdom might just not like other animals. I kind of told the story about the poor little bunny that got eaten by the, didn't even get eaten. It just got killed by a cat in our neighborhood. And why? Because they're not going to pull the cart together. You know the cat kills the rabbit. That's just kind of how the world works in a fallen world right? But what it says in the rest of the verse says for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness. So the person that's righteous is the person that's what? Saved right? The person that's unrighteous is the person that's not saved. We're talking about unbelievers, not to be yoked together with them. And so fellowship is, we talk about fellowship a lot here. We will hang out after church no doubt tonight and we will fellowship together. Why do we fellowship together? Because we have a lot of things in common don't we? And in the book of Acts the Bible says they had all things in common. And so who do you want to be yoked together with? Well if you're married aren't you tied together with that person? Isn't there a bond? You become one flesh. And so this would apply to marriage also. You don't want to be tied together with someone in holy matrimony for the rest of your life with someone that's an unbeliever. So this biblical separation that I'm talking about tonight, it's the reason why I call it biblical separation because it is biblical to separate from things that you shouldn't be a part of or from people that you should not be with and yoking up with them. You don't want to be tied together with an unbeliever in business. You know? I've heard of a lot of, I know people that have gone into business with an unbeliever and they always end up failing in that business. You want a biblical one-on-one on going into business? Don't go into business with unbelievers. Wouldn't that be yoked together? Wouldn't that be working with them? Right? So you don't want to work, and I'm saying you don't want to build your business where you're tied to that person and they have some kind of influence on whether your business is going to move on or not. You can't help but work with unbelievers. That's not what I'm talking about. You know? Don't just slap your co-workers around because they're not saved or something. All right? So it says for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness. So the Bible's given us these vivid things to think about. You know, we are saved because we have the righteousness of Christ and Christ expects us to live a righteous and holy life. Right? And the opposite is true with unrighteousness. That's breaking the law. That's sinning. That's, you know, doing unrighteousness. And so the Bible's given us this contrast between who we should hang out with, who we shouldn't hang out with, who we should be in business with, who we shouldn't be in business with, who we should be married to, who we shouldn't be married to, what activities we should do, what activities we should not do, what places we go, what places we should not go. Las Vegas is not a place where Christians should go. Now I'm talking about the strip. All right? You know, there's Christians that'll be like, eh, it's okay. I just went, you know, I just wanted to go to the strip or whatever and see what it was like. Well, you know, it's called Sin City for a reason. You know, you're, you know what? You're going to find trouble. Now I know that there's believers that live in Las Vegas. I'm not talking about don't go to Las Vegas, the place where actually people live, because you got that strip, but then there's a whole big city behind it. Right? So I'm not talking about not reaching people in Las Vegas area or whatever, but, you know, we're not supposed to go to places like that. We're supposed to have light and not darkness in our lives, righteousness, not unrighteous. Now, number one, point number one is biblical separation requires the right communion. So to be separate, what am I talking about here? I'm talking about saved separated from unsaved. I'm talking about the places you go, the people that you have a close relationships. I'm talking about spouse, you know, future spouses or whatever. And even if that person is saved, look, sometimes you have to separate from saved people too. Okay. Because sometimes save people, you know, David had to separate himself from Saul, didn't he? Why did he have to separate himself from Saul? Because Saul was trying to murder him. I mean, that's a, that's a good reason to separate from somebody right now. He was saved. Saul was saved. But like, that's not somebody that you want to hang out with. He's not acting righteous. He's acting wicked. He's doing wickedness. He's acting like the darkness. Now, some synonyms to the word communion. Now, obviously, we think of Holy Communion. It's like a time where we, you know, take the, uh, the un, you know, non-alcoholic grape juice and the unleavened bread, and we partake with each other in a fellowship, in a close setting, and we do it like Christ did with his apostles all those years ago. Now, communion, so it's a close, tight-knit type of thing. So communion is, the synonyms for communion are affinity, fellowship, kinship, friendship, fellow feeling, community, togetherness, closeness, sharing, harmony, understanding, rapport, connection, communication, association. So have you ever heard that term? Like, you know, we don't want to have any association with that, those people. So, you know, uh, empathy, sympathy, agreement, accord, concord, unity. So these are a lot of the words that are being used here are synonyms for this same word communion. So fellowship is a synonym, but God's just using the different synonyms, but they kind of mean the same thing. So, uh, so like I said, the first part of this picture that you see is this separation between different kinds of animals. It's giving us a spiritual, it's giving us a carnal picture to look at to get a spiritual meaning out of it. A lot of things in the Old Testament were like that. Now, what did Jesus say about his yoke, though? Turn to Matthew chapter 11, verse 28, Matthew 11, 28. Should we be yoked up together with Jesus? Absolutely. I mean, Jesus Christ is our Savior. That's a yoke that we should yoke up with. Look what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 11, verse 28. He said, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. So, you know, the Bible says not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, but we should be yoked together with Christ. Now it says my yoke is easy, my burden is light. So in work, in business, in marriage, in church, in friendships, places you go, etc., and so on and so forth, if you're not, if they are not yoked together with Christ and you yoke with them, you are unequally yoked. Wouldn't that make sense? You are unequally yoked or tied together with them or associated or in affinity with those people, places, things, whatever it might be. Because biblical separation is something that every Christian should take part in and practice. Because we shouldn't just be hanging out with the worst kind of people, going to the worst kind of places involved in the worst types of things. Now look back at verse number 14 in 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and it says in, you know, the second, it says, For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? So again, this is saved, not saved. Righteous, saved. Unrighteous, not saved. Now again, we're not saved by our works, we're not saved by repenting of all of our sins, we're saved because we have taken that yoke of Christ upon us and Christ has given us the gift of everlasting life. If you're saved today, it's because of His grace. It's not because of anything you did, it's because of what He did. And it says, In what communion hath light with darkness? Now we get this other picture that it shows us because obviously light and dark are two different things, right? Two completely opposite things. Now the spiritual picture is righteous versus wicked or, you know, obviously just the picture of light. Right now it's night outside and Jesus said, you know, work for the night is coming, right? But in Genesis chapter 1, turn over to Genesis chapter 1 verse number 3. Genesis chapter 1 verse number 3. This is the first time that light is created right here by God. Verse number 3 it says, And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. So right away, God divides the light from the darkness. And so this is, again, a carnal picture that we can look at for what this passage tonight is talking about is that we have, what fellowship hath light with darkness? What communion has light with darkness? If you're one of the people of light, you should stay away from the darkness. Stay away from the children of darkness, from the people that would drag you back into the darkness. Okay? So God divided the light from the darkness. Now, you know, when God said, Let there be light, you know, Jesus, what is the light of the world? This was not the sun that He created. This was actually the light which is Christ, which we're going to have that light in New Jerusalem after the millennium is over. Notice that it says, And God saw the light, that it was good. Did He say the darkness was good? No, He didn't. He said the light was good. So we've got to think about, you know, in proportion to this text, you know, what's the picture trying to show us that light is good and darkness is not. Turn to John chapter 8, verse number 12. John chapter 8, verse number 12. Now, Jesus actually told them that He was the light. Look what it says in John 8, 12. It says, Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. So if you have Jesus, you will not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. And whose it say is the light of the world? Jesus is the light of the world, right? And we are God's children. And so because we're God's children, that would make us children of the what? Of the light. Look at 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 5. 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 5. 1 Thessalonians 5, 5 says, Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of the darkness. So the Bible makes it very clear that children of God, the people that are saved, are the children of light and the children of day. So we are not of the night, nor of the darkness. Now, are we capable of going back to the darkness sometimes? Yes, we are. But we are still children of light. And if you walk in the light of God's word, He's going to guide your path. He's going to direct your steps. He's going to show you the path that you're supposed to go on in life. But see, it says, He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness. See, you can still walk in darkness if you're not following Jesus. Now, getting saved is easy, but walking the path is hard. Walking after Jesus, taking up your cross daily, and following after Him, that's a little harder, isn't it? You know, and every day is a new day for us. You know, we say that about people that have a hard time figuring stuff out at work, right? Like, every day is a new day for this guy, right? You know, you've got to teach him the whole thing all over again. You know what I'm talking about? Every day, you know, but for Christians, every day is a new day when it comes to God's mercies, right? So we might have screwed up yesterday. We might not have read our Bibles yesterday. We might not have prayed yesterday. We might not have cared about anybody else but ourselves yesterday. But you know what? You can wake up the next day and follow after Christ, okay? Every day can be a new day for you, too, where you're just being better than you were the day before. Maybe you have a bad week, but you know what? Pick yourself up. Get back, you know, put your boots on. Get back to work. Get back to following God. You know, and you know what? If you get in a routine, that's what's going to help you get back on that path. You know, there was a poll that I saw, I think Pastor Mejia did on YouTube, and it was talking about, you know, what time do you read your Bible every day? And hey, as long as you read your Bible every day, that's good. But I noticed that in the morning was not the bigger percentage. I don't know what the poll ended up being, but that is probably the best time to read your Bible. You know, make time. Get up a little bit earlier. I wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Yeah, I know, right? I've got to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. But you know what? What I've learned is that if I wake up early, I can accomplish the tasks that I wanted to accomplish. I can read my Bible. I go to work an hour early. That used to not be me. I'd be like the person like strolling like two minutes before, you know, just like all disheveled. And, you know, I didn't start my car in the morning, so I'm like holding my head out the window trying to drive to work like this. Who's ever done that before? Don't lie. I'm like, it's freezing. You're like, you get to a stop. You have to roll down both windows and look both ways. You know you've done it. But anyway, so let's talk about the children of darkness here. Turn to Ephesians 5, verse 8. Ephesians 5, verse 8. So we are the children of light. Who are we supposed to follow? Well, the light of the world, which is Jesus. And we can do that on a daily basis. And again, if you screw up one day, just pick yourself back up. The Bible says a just man falls seven times and riseth up again. Hey, you know, a good fighter is going to get up after he's been knocked down. A good fighter is going to come back after he's been knocked out and fight another fight and come back. You know, I know that I probably use those a lot because I'm a guy and I like to see fights sometimes. But there's this fighter, he's like a pikey, like a, I shouldn't say pikey, that's kind of a, he's like a traveler guy. He's from England. His name is Tyson Fury. He got dropped by this guy, what was his name, something, Joshua, I don't know, I don't know all their names but, like there's this video where he gets dropped by the guy and then like he's like, it looks like he's like totally out, he's like twitching and all of a sudden he just like rises up and gets up and he wins the fight. But like he was dropped. I mean that was like one of the hardest, if you hear the replay you can hear it just go boom, like I mean he just gets smashed. But, you know, we can, when we get knocked down, we should get back up again. You know, that's what a good soldier of Christ will do is get up. So, Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8. So, you know, there's children of light but there's children of darkness. We want to avoid the children of darkness. You know, if we're having problems going back to these things that we used to be into, what is going on here? Rylan? Is this me doing this? Did I mess something up? No. Alright, I'm sorry. Okay, so Ephesians 5 8. So it says, For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you the light of the Lord. So, we reflect God. It's like the moon being, the sun reflecting off the moon and shining light. We shine the light of the Lord to other people. It says, But now you're the light of the Lord. Walk as children of light. So not only are you light, but you should walk as children of light. The Bible says in Amos chapter 3 3, go ahead and turn to Ephesians 5 11. Well, you're already in Ephesians, just look at verse 11. I'm going to read for you Amos 3 3. Amos 3 3 says, Can two walk together except they be agreed? Now the answer to that question is no, because if you don't agree on anything, then you're going to end up fighting with somebody. You're going to end up arguing with them. You're going to end up not being able to walk with that person anymore. Ephesians 5 11 says, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather do what? Reprove them. So we shouldn't have fellowship with these unfruitful works of darkness. We should reprove these works of darkness. What does that mean? Tell them the wrong. When someone is doing something that's wicked and wrong, sometimes you've got to tell people. And that's what people don't like. People like to come to church. They like to hear the preaching. But you know what? When it comes time for them to get the smack down by the Holy Spirit, they don't like that. And they get upset. And they're like, Well, I'm never going to come back to this church. I can't believe that you preach that. You mean preach against your sins? I didn't. You know, it's like people act like I just like pick somebody out of the hat. It's like, Who am I going to preach against this week? And I'm really mad at them. Who am I going to pick on? Yeah, it's going to be Brandon. Brandon, you dummy. I'm going to rip on Brandon today. You know, that's not what I do. But you know what? The Holy Spirit convicts us when the preaching of God's word hits you, that's God's word hitting you. And you shouldn't take it like I'm reproving you. You should take it like God's reproving you, because it's God's word that reproves them, right? So look at John 7, 7. John 7, 7. John 7, verse number 7, the Bible says, The world cannot hate you, but it hateth, but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. Pastor Shelley brought this point up last night in his sermon I thought was really good. You know, people, you know, we're not only just persecuted for the gospel's sake, but we're persecuted because of testifying that the works are evil of this world. So Jesus, you know, when he would preach on something, people hated him because, why? Because he was preaching on their sin. They didn't like that. So, and it wasn't just about the gospel, but, you know, when he would rip on the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they hated it because he was calling them hypocrites. He was saying that they liked to, you know, stand with the long clothing, and they liked to preach long prayers so that people will say, oh, they're so great. They're so awesome. Or blow a trumpet when they would give something so that everybody would say, oh, look how much they give. You know, we don't want to be that type of person. But Christ was hated because not only did he preach the gospel, but he also preached against the world and because he preached that the works thereof are evil. Turn to 1 John chapter 5, 19. 1 John chapter 5, 19. So, yeah, when we get up and we rip on any kind of sin, you know, it's not like we just rip on the homos or something. We rip on all sin. Okay? We rip on adultery. We rip on fornication. You know, but there's just some people that can't handle, you know, these snowflakes can't handle being preached against. You know, what's really funny is that I thought this was a free country. I thought we could believe whatever we want. You know, I thought we could say whatever we want. You know, it's called freedom of speech. But, you know, when we preach something that someone doesn't like, the LGBTQ mafia doesn't like it, well, then heads roll. Well, you know what? I'm not going to stop preaching against that. I'm never going to stop preaching against that. You know, these fags are trying to ruin our country. They already have. I mean, look, they basically, you know, somewhere down the line, somebody told one of those judges not to rule in their favor because you know what? The thing with steadfast is that that was their appeal that they just lost. The first time they shouldn't have lost. It's free speech. It's preaching the Bible. And when he said that it's unprecedented in his video the other day, yesterday, he's right. That's never happened in U.S. history before. No church has ever been kicked out of a building for practicing free speech. You know, but if you say something against the mafia, the LGBTQ mafia, then they come after you and you know what? They have friends in high places. But they're not the light. They're the darkness. You know, it's pretty weird that shut, you know, cut and dry cases were being, you know, drug out, fangs were being allowed to be set in the courtroom that had nothing to do with the case. And then, you know, the lawyers are saying it's a slam dunk and it's not a slam dunk. It's like you're out. And so now what? They can just do this to any church, any building, anybody that has a lease or a property. That's wicked. And all because of preaching against the works that are evil. Every stinking June, we have to go through pride month. And so really what got them in hot water was preach, was having like a little clip every day of the month of June. And finally somebody noticed. And the bad people noticed. Some devil in a high place is like, okay, this is day 21. I've had enough. You know, we're fighting back against this. And then, you know, they're, they don't like that. Like in the, in the email I got, they're just like, how could this possibly be in 2022? Yeah. Because you know why? Because everybody else is laid down. Everybody else is paved into this. Every single pastor ought to be ashamed of themselves for backing these sodomites. We're saying, oh yeah, good for them. Yeah. You're wicked. You're wicked. If you're sitting there siding with this felt and with these animals and these animals, you've seen what they do. You say how they scream in children's ears and say all kinds of weird things to them and show pornographic pictures to our children. As we walk into the church building, stinking faggots, you know, I'm going to testify that their deeds are evil. I'm sure, you know, Ryan and Chad are reporting me right now to YouTube. Go ahead. You fruitcake lovers. First John chapter 5 19 says, we know that we're of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness. The whole world lieth in wickedness. And so it shouldn't be surprised that we get persecuted for preaching against the wickedness of the world. Jesus did it. You know what they did? They called him Beelzebub. They said he had a devil. They said John the Baptist had a devil. They said that, uh, you know, he said he was going to, you know, kill his body and or, you know, destroy the temple and raise it up in three days. That's not what he was talking about. He was talking about his literal body, the temple of his body. Uh, Ephesians chapter six, verse 12. Did I have you turn there? He's just chapter six, verse 12. See, we got to understand something. People, you know, when we say it's a spiritual battle, it really is a spiritual battle. These are wars of words. What am I using words? I saw like a, uh, a cover of a, of a video from, uh, some bozo saying, oh, yeah, it was, uh, the guy that used to work for Kent Hovind. What's his name? Ted or whatever. I don't know. Anyway, it's a resist the devil or something. Anyway, he said the violence of Stephen Anderson. It's like pastor Anderson doesn't have a violent bone in his body. Pastor Anderson is a violent. If you're talking about words, yeah, our words, you know, when we speak there for wars, right when, you know, we speak and yeah, they, they cause a war to happen, but, you know, it's just words, you know, didn't you learn in school, you know, sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you. You big babies, you know, you're a stinking faggot. Why, why do you care if we call you one? Seriously, you know what you are, you know, they always try to add, Hey, I want an apology. Why? You know what you are? You sicko. You know what you do behind closed doors? Do you have a bad night at the bath houses last night? You freak. So this is what they do. They rage against our churches. And then they're like, Oh, we better get back to the bath houses and they forget all about us. You know, that's what they do. But you know what? They have friends in high places. Ephesians 6 12. This is what it says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. These are your George Soros is your judges of the land that don't follow the constitution at all. Just whatever the mafia wants. That's what they roll. It doesn't matter what the law says. They're just going to do whatever they want. And that's how they've been railroading like people like that for years, even in the criminal, you know, in the criminal justice system, you know, some people just don't have a chance. They're not smart enough to fight back or whatever. They don't have a good lawyer. And so they just lose while OJ gets off scot-free. But you know what? He still has to go to hell. So I guess it's not that free, but, uh, you know, these people like George Soros, that's a person that's a Prince, uh, there's a power, a ruler of the darkness of this world, a person that's spiritual, wicked, spiritually wicked. And then they're in high places, you know, they can tell a judge, you better not rule in their favor. No, that's why the Bible is so specific about being a judge. You know, a good judge, they're going to look at the law and they're going to judge based upon that law. They're not going to judge based upon what you look like, how you talk or anything like that. A good judge is going to judge the right thing, but in America, it's corrupt. In America, you don't have freedom of speech anymore. You get canceled for saying something that the people don't like. You know, we live in a canceled culture society. If society says, cancel that person, that person's canceled. If they're a black conservative, they get canceled too. You're not really black. Didn't you know that? You're not even really black. If you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't even black. I mean, he got away with saying that he's white. Because apparently, as long as you believe in their ideology and their garbage, then you're okay. But we have to understand that this has always been going on. There's been a battle against the light and darkness since the beginning of time, since, you know, Cain killed Abel. You know, he was darkness. Turn to John chapter 3, 19. So, John chapter 3, 19, the Bible says, and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. You know what the problem is with people? Is that people really, they just love darkness rather than light. They have a chance to follow Christ. They have a chance to get saved. But then, they don't do it. Why? The Bible says, because men love darkness rather than light. Because their deeds, the things that they want to do, are evil. Deeds are things you do, right? Their deeds are evil, they like the darkness better, and it says, for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light. Neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. See, they don't want their deeds to be reproved. These sodomites don't like people saying that they're child molesters, which is what they are. Two percent of the population molesting 40 percent of the people. They get molested. Two percent, 40 percent. It's a staggering number. Do other people, do heterosexuals molest people? Yeah, they do. But a lot of these people are freaks anyway, they go both ways. They'll molest a son and a daughter. They don't care. It doesn't matter to them. These are the types of people that we want to stay out of this church. You want to talk about separation? I want them separated out of our church. I don't want any fruitcakes. I don't want any molesters. We're not going to sit here and hide them like other churches in this town. Hide the fact that they have chomos in their church. Oh, they're not allowed to go downstairs, though. Well, how do I know that they didn't try to creep on my kid upstairs? If we don't even know who they are. But yet they'll protect them because they deserve a second chance. This ain't Star Wars, okay? Darth Vader got a second chance, but he was a reprimanded reality. He killed all the Jedis. You don't come back from that. Good night. That's kind of the message that's being put upon people today, though. The message is that everybody's reformable. No, they're not. I'm sorry. Not sorry. Jeffrey Dahmer, there's no redeeming qualities in him. He's got people's heads in formaldehyde in his refrigerator. Do you think that's redeemable? It's not. Death penalty. He got prison justice. You know, because he was a freak. He said, if I get out, I'll do it again. But I'm saved. But he was saved, though, right? Sure he was. So verse 20 says, For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved. Now, there's a story in the Bible about a man named Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat was a good king. He was a godly king. But he had a problem with having affinity with the wrong people. Now, affinity is basically, like I said, a synonym of this word. So, of concord or fellowship. Same type of thing. So turn to, let's see, 2 Chronicles chapter 18. 2 Chronicles chapter 18. 15 minutes to pull this off. Can he do it? No. I'm just kidding, I'll try. All right, 2 Chronicles chapter 18, verse 1 through 3. It says, Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor and abundance, and joined affinity with Ahab. If you know anything about Ahab, he's one of the most wicked kings in the whole Bible. Okay, so he joined affinity with him. What does that mean? They're good buddies. They're good friends. And it says, after certain years, he went down to Ahab to Samaria, and Ahab killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance, and for the people that he had with him, and persuaded him to go up with him to Ramoth Gilead. It's a war, right? And Ahab king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Will thou go with me to Ramoth Gilead? And he answered him, I am as thou art, thy people as thy people, and I will be with thee in the war. So, you know, Ahab, you know, at this point, as an unsaved man, if he is saved, he's really wicked. He might be saved, I don't know. But he's definitely wicked. He's married to Jezebel, you know, the byword Jezebel. If you call someone a Jezebel, you know, you little Jezebel, you know, that's what old ladies usually call, you know, harlety type girls or whatever. You little Jezebel. But anyway, he was married to her, okay? He was married to her, okay? Then Chronicles 19, verse one through two. So, they go to this war, Ahab gets killed, but God is not happy about the fact that he had affinity. He was hanging out with this guy Ahab, this other king. It says, And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. And Jehu the son of Hanani the steer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord? I mean, just think about that question for a second. He's asking this king who's saved, by the way, shouldest thou help the ungodly? What's he saying? Ahab's ungodly. And love them that hate the Lord? See, we're supposed to love our enemies, our personal enemies. But he's telling him here that you're not supposed to love people that hate the Lord. You're not supposed to help people that hate the Lord. In Romans chapter one, the Bible says that the Sodomites are haters of God. If someone says, I hate God, that person is no longer only your enemy, they're God's enemy, and they're someone that you should have nothing to do with, and you shouldn't have pity on them. So it says, Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. So he's saying, hey, you know what, Jehoshaphat, you got a problem. God is pouring his wrath upon you because he's upset because you had affinity with someone that hates him. You know, so it's kind of weird when Christians would say, oh, I'm a Christian, you know, I love the Lord, but then you love somebody that hates God? That's weird, isn't it? And so God was very upset and it says wrath has come upon him because of this. Now, even later, he just can't seem to stop doing this stuff. Look at 2 Chronicles 20, verse 34. 2 Chronicles 20, verse 34. The Bible says, actually, let's look at verse 35. It says, And after this did Jehoshaphat king of Judah join himself with Ahaziah. Good night, how do you say that? Ahaziah, Ahaziah. Good. All right, Ahaziah, king of Israel who did very wickedly. So this is another person, another king that's wicked and here's Jehoshaphat joining himself again with another bad guy. And he joined himself with him to make ships to go to Tarshish and they made the ships in Ezion-geber. Then Eleazar the son of Dodova of Maresha prophesied against Jehoshaphat. So what's he do? He's obviously a prophet or a preacher prophesied against Jehoshaphat. He preached against him. You know, people get upset when you preach against a saved person but sometimes people need to get preached against. What was he doing? He was doing something that deserved to be, you know, I'm sure God told him to preach against him just like, you know, the last guy that preached against him, you know, told him he was wrong. And he prophesied against Jehoshaphat saying, Because that thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thy works and the ships were broken and they were not able to go to Tarshish. So that's two times that God had to reprove this person. So we should learn a lesson from this that, you know, obviously he had some redeeming qualities. Jehoshaphat was a godly king. Obviously nobody's perfect, okay? But one thing we should learn about this is God hates it when we are in affinity with someone that hates him. And that he's going to have wrath upon your life, he's going to destroy your works in life like he destroyed these works. He built this fleet of ships and God's like, nope, sunk. Done. Everything you're trying to do, done. You know, even God does reprove and say, you know, you do have some redeeming qualities basically but, you know, I'm pissed off about this. I'm mad. I have wrath against you. Number two, we should have no concord with believers. So, again, this is another synonym of the same theme here. We should have no concord with unbelievers. A concord is an agreement or harmony between people or groups, like a treaty. You know, and so we're supposed to have no concord with these, with unbelievers. So, or with things of the devil. All right? Look at verse number 15 back in our text. It says, and what concord hath Christ with Belial? And Belial is another word for the devil, okay? What agreement has Christ with the devil? What treaty have Christ with the devil? They're enemies that are never going to reconcile, okay? And so this is giving us the picture that, hey, hey, we're never supposed to side with the devil. You know, there's like songs about, you know, all these people that sell their soul to the devil and all this stuff. I believe that stuff happens. I believe it does happen. There's a guy named Robert Johnson that sold his soul at the crossroads. There's all kinds of pop singers. Eminem sold his soul to the devil. Snoop Dogg sold his soul to the devil. All these people talk about selling their soul to the devil. You think they're just saying that for no reason? And all of a sudden they're mega popular and, you know, making all these millions of dollars. Snoop Dogg rolled out of his wheelchair. It's like the Super Bowl or whatever, I guess. Smoking a blunt or something. But it says, or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Now, a believer is someone that's saved. An infidel is someone that's not saved. It's not like we go da-da-da-la and like go after them or something because they're an infidel. They're just saying we don't have anything to do with them on a level like this, like Ahab and Jehoshaphat, right? So it says in verse 16, and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? So we're not to have idols in God's house, right? In the house of the Lord. That would be really weird. And so anytime that happens, that's super sacrilegious and profane. It says, for you're the temple of the living God, as God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people. So just remember this, that once you're saved, the Holy Spirit dwells within you for the rest of your life. But also think about this. You're gonna live a separated life. Think about this. Where you go, he goes. Where you walk, he walks. What you watch, he watches. And when we're thinking about things we need to separate, hey, if there's things, I mean everybody in this room has something that they need to separate from, okay? Don't lie. You're not perfect. You have something. What do you have? Tell me what you got. Confess! No, I'm just joking. But yeah, I mean, we're supposed to have no concord with unbelievers. Number three, see, I got to that point fast. You guys were like, oh no, it's only point two. It's almost over. All right, it is almost over, but number three tonight, the answer to how to be separate is to come out from these people, places, or things. So look at verse number 17 in our text. It says, wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate. So you all know how to separate from other people, right? You walk away, or you don't hang out with them, or whatever. Come out from among them. If you're with them, go away from them. If you're having problems getting in trouble because you're hanging around the wrong cross, you're not going to get away from them. If you're having problems getting in trouble because you're hanging around the wrong crowd, well, get away from them. Move. You know, I had to move to get away from people I didn't want to be around. It's not that I didn't want to be around them. It's just that I couldn't be around them because I was just going to get in trouble. I was going to get myself into trouble. I was going to do things I shouldn't be doing. So sometimes you just got to get yourself away from the situation, away from the people that are dragging you down. And let me tell you something, if you're saved you're going to get into the hog pen every time. If they're not saved, you're not going to change them. They're going to change you. Their ways are going to change you. They don't have the same moral compass that you do and so it's going to wear on you and wear on you and wear on you and wear on you and eventually you're going to cave because you're already weak to it. Listen, if you already have the proclivity to do certain sins before you got saved, you're going to have the same problems after you get saved. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. So how do you get away from that kind of stuff? Well the Bible says, come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord. And what does it say? And touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. What kind of unclean thing? Things of the devil? Things that the infidels are into? You know, just yoking up with people you shouldn't be yoking up with? Hanging out with people you shouldn't be hanging out with? You know, starting businesses with people you shouldn't be starting business with? Going to places you shouldn't be going to? You know, staying, avoiding those things. You know how you avoid getting into sin? Well stay away from the things that draw you the most. Stay away from those places. If it's scratch off tickets, don't go to Plaid Pantry. You know, if it's video poker, then don't go to the Chinese restaurant or whatever, I don't know. There's things, you know, just avoid it and then don't put yourself into situations where you know you're going to mess up. You're setting yourself up for later to enjoy some kind of sin that you like. You know, you've got to learn to avoid those pitfalls. So, you know, and so when it says touch not the unclean thing in the Old Testament there were certain things that were clean and certain things were unclean. So like, you know, when Nadab and Abihu got smoked because they offered the wrong incense God said don't go into the house of the Lord you know, having drank and alcohol. And it says, you know, I'm just paraphrasing but it says that you should know the difference between clean and unclean. So what was he talking about? Well, I believe he's referencing back to the fact that they were drinking alcohol. You know, and why would he bring it up just out of the blue, oh and by the way don't drink alcohol when you're coming to God's house. He's saying that because it's an unclean thing. It's poison. It makes you drunk. It makes you lose your judgment. It makes you say perverted things. It makes you get into a fight and get beat up and you can't, you don't feel it. It makes you black out and do stupid stuff. Like alcohol is one of the most damaging things you can actually do, is drink alcohol. But God said, you know, don't touch those things. Come out from among them, be separate, touch not the unclean thing. When you, you know, people always say well you don't like homosexuals but do you wear clothes with mixed fabrics? Do you do that? Do you wear linen and woolen clothes? Listen dummy, that was just something so we could have a picture of the unclean and clean mingled together. He wants things to be separate. He wants us to divide those things. It had nothing to do with whether the fact that it wasn't an abomination as in of the abomination of, I mean, yeah you're wearing a, you're wearing a partly polyester shirt. That's just as bad as being a queer, isn't it? I don't think so. As being a mass murderer. As being an adulterer. Okay, that's stupid. In Leviticus 19, 19 it says, you shall keep my statutes. You shall not let thy cattle gender with diverse kind. Thou shall not sow thy field with mingled seed. Neither shall a garment of meat mingled seed. Neither shall a garment of, mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee. Why is he saying this? Because you don't want to mix together with the wrong thing. And God's just showing a principle of separation. Don't do that. Because, I mean, think about if you sowed mingled seed. You don't even know what's growing. You don't know how to take care of that plant. Kind of all looks the same when it first starts to come up, doesn't it? Watermelon and, I mean, it's confusing. So, you know, it's just a picture of us to show to be separate. Different materials, you know, linen is a plant-based thing and then woolen is an animal-type clothing. So God said not to do that in the Old Testament. But those things, those laws are done away in Christ anyway. So there's clean and unclean foods. We can eat all foods now. Back in Noah's day when they got off the ark all foods, you know, then the law came and God said in Leviticus chapter 11, there's a whole chapter about things you're not supposed to eat and things you're supposed to eat, clean and unclean. Okay, so this is the picture that 2 Corinthians is trying to show us. But we can eat all things now, okay? But, like I said, this was something put in the Old Testament to show that we need to make a difference. What was God always telling the children of Israel, stay away from the Hittites, stay away from all these cultures, you know, they do all these abominations and all these wicked things, stay away from them. First of all, destroy them and then don't leave them alive. But they couldn't do that so they just, you know, continue to be a thorn in their flesh, someone that they always let hang around and they always end up corrupting them and they always end up worshiping their gods, didn't they? Leviticus chapter number 11, verse 47 says, to make a difference between the unclean and the clean and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. So God has always been in a way that he wants there to be division, you know? There's gonna be a great division at the end of this, at the end of time, basically. And Christ is gonna come back and he's gonna separate the sheep from amongst the goats. You ever heard that before? He's gonna say, you know, the sheep are going to everlasting life, the goats are going to everlasting destruction. Let's turn that real quick. Matthew chapter 25, verse 31. I'll breeze through these verses real quickly. Matthew chapter 25, verse 31. The Bible says, when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left. Then shall the king say unto him, on his right hand, come ye blessed of my father and here at the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. So there's gonna be a great separation that happens. The people that are, you know, God's people are gonna be on the right side but the goats are gonna be on the left side. The king's gonna tell the ones on the right hand, come ye blessed of my father and here at the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Skip down to verse 41. It says, then shall he say unto them on the left hand, depart from me cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. So this separation is gonna happen and some are blessed and going to everlasting life. Some are cursed and going to everlasting fire. That's just the way God is. He wants to make a division between the clean and the unclean. He wants to make a division between the clean and the unclean. He wants to make a division between the light and the darkness. He wants to make a division between believers and unbelievers. You know, like I thought God just wanted everybody to hang out and sing Kumbaya and you know, we're all just gonna be together, you know, hands around the world, all this stuff. No, you can't do that. You can't, you know, love flower, you can't love weeds and flowers at the same time. You have to pluck the weeds and get them away from the flowers. Don't you? Because you know what's gonna happen if you let weeds grow around the flowers? Then those weeds are gonna choke the flowers and kill them. So you're not gonna get the beauty that you wanted. If you allow pedophiles to exist, then they're going to harm children. You know, you can't love everything. If you try to say you love everything, then you love nothing and you hate nothing. That's just a fact. You know, quit saying that hate is this bad thing. Sometimes hate's a good thing. There's a time to love and a time to hate. Verse number 46 says, and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal. Last scripture I'll have you turn to and then we'll be done. Haggai chapter two. Haggai chapter two. Haggai chapter two is a really interesting chapter because it kind of has this principle of clean and unclean and it kind of gives us a picture of how we should hang around, who we should hang around. Look at what it says. It says, thus saith the Lord of hosts, ask now the priest concerning the law, saying, if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with the skirt do you touch bread or pottage or wine or oil or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priest answered and said no. Then said Haggai, if one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priest answered and said, it shall be unclean. Then answered Haggai and said, so is this people and so is this nation before me, saith the Lord, and so is every work of their hands and that which they offer there is unclean. So, you know, if you're bearing holy blood just talk about the sacrifices that were received and you're bearing it, say you're holding it in your shirt, right? And you touch bread or pottage or whatever, shall it be holy? And the priest answered no. So what is this principle trying to teach us? It's trying to teach us that if you're holy and you're touching things that you're not supposed to be touching it's not going to make them clean and it's not going to make you clean. It's going to make you unclean. It says if one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these shall it be unclean? And he said it shall be unclean. So if you're hanging around a bunch of uncleanness you're not going to make that uncleanness better by yourself. You need to get away from it. That's what the Bible's talking about in the end of this chapter that we need to separate. We need to be separate. And you know what? God's house needs to be separate and God would try to harm it. That's why at a church like this someone could get kicked out because they're breaking certain laws that God says hey that person needs to go. That person's a drunkard. That person's a fornicator. Whatever it is that they're doing that God would say hey that person's got to go then we have to do that for the betterment of our church. A little leaven, leaven at the whole lump. So if we allow leaven to grow in this church it's going to make the whole lump filled with leaven. And so as a church we have to be separate. In our daily lives we have to be separate. We have to make a division and a separation. So number one biblical separation requires the right communion. Number two we should have no concord with unbelievers. And look just a little caveat here I'm not saying don't love your mom, don't love your dad, don't love unsaved people. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about having close relations. You're a Christian and your best friend is a death metal garage band person or something that hates God or something. That's weird, you just shouldn't do it. And the answer to how to be separate is to come out from among these people, these places, these things. And then in the last verse in our chapter it says and will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters sayeth the Lord Almighty. Alright that's that Corinthians chapter six. Let's pray. Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great chapter of the Bible Lord we got so much nuggets of truth out of it. I pray Lord that you bless this church Lord and Lord even if we are slain even if the world comes against us Lord that we would stand strong Lord and realize that we win in the end and eventually we get separated from the goats and we win. No matter what happens to us in this world Lord no matter what happens to our church no matter what happens to us our bodies or anything like that our possessions. It really means nothing in comparison to eternity Lord I pray you'd help us to realize that Lord help us to not be afraid when the wicked come against us help us to not be afraid even though there's principalities and powers and darkness and spiritual leaders in high places that are just ready to try to devour us Lord. We know that you'll be there to protect us and Lord even if you don't we know we're saved anyway. So we just thank you Lord for the blessing of being able to come to church tonight and we pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Singing out loud on that first verse. I've reached the land of joy divine and all is rich is freely mine the air shines and in one blissful day for all my night has passed away oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land as on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea where mansions are prepared for me and view the shining glory shore I have my home forevermore my Savior comes and walks with me and sweet communion here have we He gently leads me by His hand for this is heaven's borderland oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land as on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea where mansions are prepared for me and view the shining glory shore I have my home forevermore a sweet perfume upon the breeze is born forever vernal trees and flowers that never fading grow where streams of life forever flow oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land as on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea where mansions are prepared for me and view the shining glory shore I have my home forevermore the zephyrs seem to float to me sweet sounds of heaven's melody as angels with the white rope thrown join in the sweet redemption song oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land as on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea where mansions are prepared for me and view the shining glory shore I have my home forevermore man, thanks for coming out this Thursday evening I'd like to see you back here on Sunday morning at 1030 Brother Kyle, can you end us with a word of prayer?