(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The trusting heart to Jesus' kings, nor any ill forebod'd. But at the cross of Calvary sings, praise God for lifted loads. Singing, I go, a long life shown, Praising the Lord, praising the Lord. Singing, I go, a long life shown, Jesus has lifted my load. The passing days bring many cares, Fear not, I hear Him say. And when my fears are turned to prayers, The burdens slip away. Singing, I go, a long life shown, Praising the Lord, praising the Lord. Singing, I go, a long life shown, For Jesus has lifted my load. He tells me of my father's love, And ever slumbering high, My everlasting King above. Now all my needs supply, Singing, I go, a long life shown, Praising the Lord, praising the Lord. Singing, I go, a long life shown, For Jesus has lifted my load. When to the throne of grace I keep, I find the promise true, With mighty arms upholding, He will bear my burdens too. Singing, I go, a long life shown, Praising the Lord, praising the Lord. Singing, I go, a long life shown, For Jesus has lifted my load. And Brother Sean, could you open up for a water prayer? Would you serve the Lord, and come into the house of the Lord? All the things that come to the throne of grace are in the house of the Lord. All the things that come to the throne of grace are in the house of the Lord. Amen. Our second song is going to be song number 105, Kneel at the Cross. Song number 105, Kneel at the Cross. Song number 105, Kneel at the Cross, and sing it together on the first. Kneel at the Cross, Christ will meet you there, Come while He waits for you. Listen to His voice, lead with inner care, And begin life anew. Kneel at the Cross, Leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the Cross, There is room for all who would His glory share. Bliss there awaits, Conquer people, Those who are anchored there. Kneel at the Cross, Leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the Cross, Give your idols up, Look unto realms above. Turn not away to my sparkling cup, Trust only in His love. Kneel at the Cross, Leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Good evening, welcome to the trip. My name is Kevin. If you don't have a bulletin, then I don't know what to do to help you. We don't have an usher. Does anybody need one? If you don't need one, then it won't matter, but if you need one, Ryland's spot on. He's on top of it. So, anyway, I'm going to go through some quick announcements here. On our front cover, we have a reverse of the week. It says, Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. Call ye upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55, verse number 6. Our service times are 10.30 Sunday morning for the preaching service, and Sunday evening is at 3.30 PM, and we're starting to go through Exodus on Sunday nights. Thursday evening is our Bible study, and we are in 1 Peter. We're going to finish chapter 2 this evening. Our soul winning times are listed below. Soul winning tonight. Did anybody end up getting a salvation? You got one. Sean, you got one? Amen. That was a rough stretch there. So, praise the Lord for one salvation. Amen. We're kind of in the richy rich areas right now. Maybe high middle class or maybe low middle class. I don't know. Anyway, it's been tough, so praise the Lord for another salvation. And then you can see the church reports down below the stats, the church stats. And on the right hand side, again, we did have 19 salvations when we went to Yakima, so it was a successful trip. People got saved. People had a good time. A lot of good fellowship. We had a good church service, so it was a blessing. Good food. All that stuff. So, everything that says in Acts chapter 2, verse 41 and 42. So, anyway, you can look that up on your own if you want to. But, excuse me, Miss Amy's baby shower is this coming weekend. It's on Saturday, brother Eli. You're not coming, are you? Okay, yeah. He knows. He's a man. You just step away. But she is registered on Amazon if you haven't had a chance to get something that's not too late that's on the list. So, she's registered at Amazon. Be here at 11 a.m. for the shower. So, if you have any questions, see Miss Alejandra. I don't see her here right now, but she's probably going to be floating in any time or maybe not. I guess not. But, you know how to get ahold of her. So, anyways, you know the thing. No, I'm just kidding. But, October 22nd is the Busy Farms Pumpkin Patch Trip. That's at 11 a.m. And, please sign up for that soon just so we kind of have an idea of how many people we're buying tickets for. If you're inviting family or friends, please make sure you note that on the form. It's in the WhatsApp group. I don't know how you do it, but you can search for like, you can search for the forms or other types of technology in there. I don't know. I'm just like really bad at that stuff. But, I assure you the sign-up sheet is in there. If you don't know how to do it, you need help. You're like, you're me-aged or just don't really know how to operate that stuff very well, then please just see someone younger and they'll help you. I think Julene could probably help or somebody else. So, anyway, so that's coming up. Pastor Jimenez is coming to preach for us. They're having like a conference at Steadfast right now. I think it's the Heritage of the Lord Conference. So, it's kind of a youth-centered conference and Pastor Jimenez preached there tonight. And, I think Pastor Mahi is preaching tomorrow night. So, anyway, that's going on. And so, Pastor Jimenez will be here in a couple weeks preaching for us. So, that'll be the 10.30 AM service. So, and then October 28th through 30th is going to be the Sure Foundation Baptist special service weekend slash anniversary, I guess. It's actually the so, the 28th, I think, is a Thursday. So, it's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is when it's going on. So, I probably got the dates wrong in there. It's Ryland's fault. I cannot tell a lie. It must be Ryland's fault. So, anyway, Crystal can yell at me for that later if she wants to. So, anyway, just a joke. So, it's an inside joke. But, anyhow, so that weekend will be Pastor Jared Pazarski will be preaching for us at 10 AM. And then there's going to be a lunch provided at 11.30. We penciled it all out, me and Brother Nguyen, last night. 11.30 for lunch provided by the church. And then I'll be preaching at 1 o'clock. So, not 1.30. We will be there from Sound Doctrine Baptist Fellowship in Winkler, Manitoba, Canada. He's coming all the way over from there. And he'll be preaching Sunday morning there at the building. And then I think Brother Nguyen will be preaching Sunday evening or something like that. But, anyway, there's going to be a lot of preaching going on. Some soul winning, some fellowship. And so, it's going to be a great weekend being able to go up there again. Anyway, well, I'm preaching me and Brother Jared are preaching, Pastor Pazarski are preaching on Saturday. Brother Jim Weav is preaching on Sunday morning. So, Friday is an arrival day and we're going to hang out. You know how we do it. So, we'll probably go out. I think we might have a barbecue at the church. I think that's what we're doing. Brother Nguyen just got a new barbecue. So, he's like really excited about cooking meat right now. So, they're going to be providing some protein. So, if you're on that carnivore, whatever diet you call it, the caveman or Captain Caveman, I don't know, whatever diets, fads is going on right now, you can do it there. So, lots of meat, lots of fellowship. So, they have a ping pong table now, too. So, anyway, it'll be a good weekend to go up there. And you do have to have a passport. You do have to have, or an enhanced ID, which means, if you don't know what an enhanced ID is, then you probably don't have it. So, anyway, that's all you have to have, though. You don't have to have, so if you want to get an enhanced ID, it's like, I'm not sure. I think it costs more than a regular ID, but you have to have that to enter in. So, anyway, then that Sunday, the 30th, is the chili potluck dinner here at the church after the morning service. Probably in the afternoon. And so, we're just asking people to bring a big old pot of chili. If you want to bring cornbread, or make a certain special kind of chili, or a special hot chili, you're more than welcome to do so. And then we'll have a men's preaching night, and then we'll probably all be gasping for air as we leave the building, because people are going to put beans in that chili, I'm sure. So, no beans. No beans for me. So, if you're keto, you can't have the beans, right? So, November 22nd is going to be a mid-week service change. We're going to change from Thursday to Tuesday, and we're going to have a high social after the church service. So, all this other stuff, all the information about our church is on there. It's the pros and chosen in here tonight. It's the main church family. We don't have any visitors. So, I'm just going to skip the rest of everything else here, and I think that we sing happy birthday to everybody. Where's Olivia? We didn't get to sing happy birthday to Olivia. Let's sing happy birthday to Olivia. So, I don't think anybody else is here that we didn't get to sing happy birthday to you, but Olivia, let's sing happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Yay! I forgot, she doesn't know the Bible says not to dance worldly, so forgive her this trespass. She's a sweetheart. So, alright, that's all I got for announcements. Actually, one more thing. So, when we do prayer time, that's going to not be public anymore. So, any prayer requests that come in, and I'm pretty good about not going into specific detail publicly about certain things, you know, especially if it's something that might be embarrassing or something. So, anyway, I just want to let you know that when we have a cut out, like anybody that's watching online, it's not because we're really having technical difficulties tonight, it's just that we're cutting out the prayer time away from public. So, just, you know, that's just something I've been thinking about doing for a long time and trying to figure out how to do it, and so that's what we're going to do from now on. So, your prayers won't be out for all the freaks and geeks and trolls to, you know, do with whatever they want. So, anyhow, let's sing another song. All right. Our next song, song number 211, Love Lifted Me. Song number 211 in your Blue Hymn books, Love Lifted Me, let's sing it out on the first. I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry from the waters lifted me, now safe am I. Love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me, love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me. All my heart to him I give ever to him I'll cling in his blessed presence live ever his praises sing. Love so mighty and so true merits my soul's best songs faithful loving service to him belongs. Love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me, love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me. Souls in danger look above Jesus completely saves, he will lift you by his love out of the angry waves, he's the master of the sea billows his will obey, be your savior wants to be be saved today. Love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me, love lifted me, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me. Brother Rylan could you bless the offering for us? We're allowed to get out of here, worship you Lord. Please watch over us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .