(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) complete precious name oh how sweet hope of earth and joy of heaven precious name oh how sweet hope of earth and joy of heaven good singing all right good afternoon good evening welcome to sure foundation Baptist Church I need a bulletin I don't see any bulletins anywhere thank you shark bait appreciate that all right so our first of the week is the fear of man bring it to snare but who so putteth his trust in the Lord shall be saved Proverbs chapter 29 verses 25 and our service times are 10 30 a.m. on Sunday morning and 3 30 p.m. Sunday Sunday evening Thursday Bible study is 6 30 p.m. we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 I believe that we're gonna do a couple sermons out of this definitely two so possibly three it's a really big chapter so just too much to cover excuse me in one sermon I think so anyway our so many times are located down below there I think we had one saved yesterday and then one saved on Sunday and I think today we had ten out and none got saved but appreciate everybody's faithfulness and sewing and our regional teams are located there below in our prayers report you can see the salvation baptisms and attendance totals those are not up to date excuse me and then don't forget to sign up for pictures we have the living document the Google there's Google sheets inside our whatsapp group so you can sign up for there do you have plenty of people stand up who is has not well I don't you don't have to answer that if you well I don't want to just drag this on till Christmas so I would like to have a target end date on this so we haven't gotten our pictures taken yet I know that for sure so but thanksgiving potluck day so hard that's the hard chop right there 20 that's the 21st so better get pretty get your haircut pair your nails get a nice outfit and take a picture with your family all right or a single you know you can get the glamour shot yeah anyway we had a great time at the men's preaching night the men did a great job preaching and we all had great fellowship with the pizza and all that stuff and this Saturday we're gonna have an usher training class and it's not going to go too long maybe a couple hours so about 10 to noon there'll be some money handling training involved also and then 12 that'll be at 12 o'clock lunch will be provided so if you're an usher or you want to be an usher please be here for that meeting we're only gonna do that training probably once a year maybe twice a year so and if you handle money then you also need to be here just to go through some retraining we have some updated policies and so let's see we got the 14th is pastor Jimenez coming to preach for us on the p.m. service and then the 21st is of course the Thanksgiving potluck men's preaching night is not gonna happen so I'm changing that I'm taking that out so we'll do a men's preaching out of the next month after that but we have a guest speaker it's gonna be preaching for us on the 21st it's gonna be brother Jason Graber and he is preaching he preaches for us a lot up in Spokane and he's coming down for the holidays he was gonna come by anyway so I asked him if you want to preach and he said yes so I'll be preaching for us on the morning service and then I'll just preach the evening service I'll give you guys a break and then we have the Wednesday evening service it's gonna be the 24th there'll be no service on that Thursday December 11th we have the ladies cookie exchange and the elephant white elephant game at 1 p.m. at the bender home don't spend more than $10 on the white elephant gift okay because it's not like a competition so it's just supposed to be a fun game so anyway and then people are like doing each other dirty trying to get that gift you know so it's just try to get something cool that's ten bucks okay and bring three dozen cookies or some kind of holiday you know brownies or whatever else kind of dessert type things you want to make and a container for the goodies December 19th we have our Christmas service where there'll be a service just for the Chris you know for celebrating Christmas and our children's choir will be going we have the choir practice I forgot to mention that on the 21st so and then the prime rib dinner will be after the Sunday morning service on the 19th December 23rd is a candlelight service and then December 31st we'll pray in the new year and have a game night and so you guys all know all the rest of this stuff on here we had a the woods family congratulations to them for the birth of Levi Woods Levi what was the middle name again cedar cedar yeah Levi cedar woods it's a good kind of wood anyway he was nine pounds eight ounces 21 and a quarter inches long and also congratulations again to the FM off family the birth of Isaiah Anthony FM off born six pounds ten ounces nineteen and three-quarters inches so I think that's all we got for announcements let's sing another song we'll receive the offering oh one more thing whose are these going once going twice page 149 open your handles to page 149 singer third song page 149 trusting Jesus trusting Jesus 149 on the first simply trusting every day trusting through a stormy way even when my faith is small trusting Jesus that is all trusting as the moments fly trusting as the days go by trusting him whatever befall trusting Jesus that is all brightly does this spirit shine into this poor heart of mine while he leads I cannot fall trusting Jesus that is all trusting as the moments fly trusting as the days go by trusting him whatever befall trusting Jesus that is all singing if my way is clear praying if the path be drear if in danger for him call trusting Jesus that is all trusting as the moments fly trusting as the days go by trusting him whatever befall trusting Jesus that is all trusting him while life shall last trusting him till earth be past till within the Jasper wall Jesus that is all trusting as the moments fly trusting as the days go by trusting him whatever befall trusting Jesus that is all man great singing this evening at this time while of our offering for the Sean Harrington can you bless it for us pretty you would bless us offering Lord bless both the gift and the giver in Jesus name you you you when I almost said Wednesday night Thursday nights let's go to the Lord in prayer with our prayer requests okay let's bow our heads together dear Heavenly Father Lord we come before you in Jesus name tonight we just ask that you would Lord answer our prayers according to your will Lord and Lord we ask first of all for the ladies that are pregnant in our church miss crystal and miss Kylie and pray that you would just bless their pregnancies and their health and the baby's health and also for Kyle and Alana they have a Lord of urgent unspoken prayer requests I pray that you would answer that according to your will also Lord we pray for people that are sick and out of church right now the old our quarter family Lord and also we asked for prayer for Olivia to gain proper weight over the next few weeks for brother Alex we pray for his wife Mary for her health to improve and to stabilize her and help her to start eating more Lord and taking the medicine that she needs to take Lord and for the Bada family we pray that you would just help them to get an answer about their household items that are supposed to be arriving they're not able to get answers for I pray that you'd help them with that situation and also urgent unspoken for the Larson family and for Robert to be able to find some employment right now that's not making them take the vaccine for Kenny we pray for him and his mother's living situation and for miss Jessica prayer for her grandma Pat's eye surgery this month pray that you would help the doctors and guide their hands and or that the surgery would be successful and also for Chris and Sarah prayer for glorious healing from her eye surgery and Lord also for their request to be able to transfer up back to Washington again for miss Amanda an unspoken prayer for her sister and from miss Sherry an urgent spoken for miss azure who's in from Hawaii and also the Baker family pray that they'll receive good news about purchasing their new house and also we just want to thank you Lord for all that you do for us we pray that you continue to bless our church here in Vancouver Lord pray that you'd watch over steadfast Baptist Church good friends of ours pastor Shelley and his family and Lord for that church there and all the trials and battles that they've been going through is pray the Lord that you'd just make it very very well known what your will is Lord and that you've helped them and all the situations are going through we pray for our church plants around the world right in this country and Spokane let's pray you'd watch over all the church families that we have helped them to grow and help them to learn the Bible Lord I pray that you'd watch over our leadership and their wives and families pray that you just bless them and keep them and Lord pray you'd help us to have a great holiday season Lord and spray that our families would be blessed not only just with their needs but also their spiritual needs Lord and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen all right good evening would you please turn with me to the book of 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15 the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in 1st Corinthians 15 the Bible says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein ye stand by which also ye are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Kephas then of the twelve after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some are falling asleep after that he was seen of James then of all the Apostles and last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time for I am the least of the Apostles that I'm not meet to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the Church of God but by the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but I labored more abundantly than they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me therefore whether it were I or they so we preach and so ye believed now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead if there be no resurrection of the dead then it's not risen and if Christ be not risen then our preaching then is our preaching vain and your faith also is vain yea and we are found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not for if the dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is vain ye are yet in your sins then they also which are falling asleep in Christ are perished if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept for since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards afterward they that are Christ at his coming then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death for he hath put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Sun also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead and why stand we in jeopardy every hour I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord I die daily if after the manner of man I have fought with beasts at Ephesus what advantages it me if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die and that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body all flesh is not the same flesh but that there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the Sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star differth from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body and so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit how be it that was not first which was which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is thy sting Oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord Heavenly Father Lord thank you for your word thank you for the power of it Lord I pray that you'd be with pastor as he reads or as he preaches to us Lord fill in with your spirit Lord in Jesus name Amen right we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 like I said this will be the first part as you can see it was a it's a really long chapter so it's just too much to cover and it's a great chapter in the Bible and it's basically kind of known as the resurrection chapter and Paul goes through and teaches a lot of resurrection doctrine are you guys not hearing me is that this is this working just can you guys hear me okay all right my wife can't hear me so she never hears me anyway so no I'm just kidding but anyway so this chapter is a lot about I mean it's basically the almost the whole thing is just about doctrines concerning the resurrection now remember the Apostle Paul is addressing a church that has a lot of problems but here he takes the time to break down things and questions about the resurrection apparently there are some people that were saying you know that the resurrection had already happened and things like that are saying that there is no resurrection and obviously that's a false doctrine it's just not true there if there's no resurrection there's no point in even being a Christian I mean honestly there's no point and just you know live a life here on earth where we follow God's laws and try to evangelize people if there's no resurrection it's just pointless so and Paul goes on and talks about that but we're just going to kind of cover tonight just about what the definition of the gospel is here you have like the first four verses or so we're just kind of dealing with kind of a nutshell definition of the gospel so let's look at verse number one it says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein you stand by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and then he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so the first four verses kind of just Paul's just explaining to you what the gospel is is that Jesus Christ you know that he's preached unto them that Jesus Christ died he was buried he rose again the third day now obviously you know when we go out soul wanting we present a lot of different verses we don't just use these four verses here because it's bit it's a basic gospel breakdown it doesn't tell everything that you need to know in these verses it does tell you know that Christ died for us according to the Bible what the Bible says you know the scriptures that it's talking about so the Old Testament scriptures where there's multiple verses and things that can be expanded upon that talk about Christ coming for us and dying for us and the Psalms and the Old Testament prophets lots of different things concerning Christ but you know there are things that you have to know you have to understand that you're a sinful person you know Christ died for sinners right according to the scriptures so already died for the our sins excuse me according to the scriptures it says in verse three so you know we have sins that have to be forgiven and there's only one person that on this earth that could do that and that was the Lord Jesus Christ he had to come down from heaven he had to have this rescue plan in order to redeem his creation so he's just Paul's just kind of explaining this basic concept to them but it's also very powerful truth and it's a good thing to put in your gospel presentation these for at least these four verses and maybe even showing verse five six seven and yeah five six seven which basically say that he was seen of different people when he was resurrected so these people that claim to have saw the resurrected Christ are seeing the resurrected Christ you know they they're in the end of the gospel when Jesus is crucified you know they're they're in a mess Peter goes off and goes back to work where he used to work and you know they're just they're distraught they're distracted and they're upset and they're they're broken but then you see in the book of Acts Jesus Christ talks to them before he goes the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon them at Pentecost and then they go out and turn the world upside down or turn it right side up whichever way you want to actually consider it but you know what changed well they saw the resurrected Christ they saw the power of God and the ability to raise people from the dead and so you know people are not gonna die they're not gonna get beaten they're not gonna go through what the Apostles went through if it wasn't true I mean eventually you're gonna get put on something and tortured like I mean if you think about all the things that Paul went through where he was beaten with rods and all those all the things that he went through if he didn't believe that Jesus Christ was really resurrected he would never have taken that punishment he's like okay you got me just don't hit me again because that's what most people are gonna do if you don't believe in something that you're not gonna be willing to die for that if you don't truly believe that Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and they actually you know they're saying that they saw him you know Paul's saying that he saw him as one born out of due time you know Paul saw him after he had already gone back to heaven and then you know so it's one born out of due time as in Christ came down for a special you know for a special thing just for Paul to be able to be an apostle and to see the resurrected Christ and for him to be saved and then Paul obviously did more work according to this this chapter Paul did more work than all the Apostles and so you bunch of Gentiles in here should be fortunate that Paul you know went around to the other places and got people saved you know so but anyway so I'm just gonna cover the definition of the gospel and some of the things that it's alluding to in here I'm just gonna expand on that a little more with some more scriptures and then next week we'll get into the actual resurrection of people and what that's like and what that's the that kind of doctrine so I might be able to just knock it all out and to chap in two different sermons but we'll see what happens but number one tonight I want to show you how Christ died for our sins look at verse number one says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preach unto you which also you have received and where and you stand by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what I preach unto you unless you believed in vain now that part where it's talking about believed in vain you know there's people that you know they say all the right things they pray the right prayer they answer all your questions but they didn't really believe okay if someone truly believes they're saved okay but if someone believes in vain and they never really believed those types of people usually just wash out and end up just being reprobate or they end up being you know involved in some other church if somebody from our church went to the Mormon Church after this you know they just said you know what I just feel like the Mormon Church has you know more of the Spirit of God than this church then I would say that person's not saved because you know they're not hearing the voice of the Shepherd because the voice of the Shepherd doesn't do baptisms for dead I'm not gonna get into that doctrine tonight but that's in this that's packed into here you know they do these things where they baptize people for the dead and they go in and have one person is like they're they're the person they're baptizing over and over again for somebody's name you know a different person's name that's already died hey look folks and I'll just cover this really quickly the Bible says this is appointed unto man wants to die and after this the judgment you don't have and and here's the thing baptism doesn't even save you but that's what the Mormons believe the Mormons believe that baptism does save you so they think that they have to go back and they take and rest this scripture to their own destruction and to the destruction of other people and say hey we're baptizing Mary Lou from 1855 she was part of your family and it's like that's weird that is really weird my wife says I say weird too much so what's another good word for that that's strange that's a strange and diverse doctrine okay so but it says for I delivered unto you first of all verse number three which I also received so Paul's delivering so this isn't the first time Paul said he's delivering something he delivers doctrine okay and it says that which I also received so Paul saying I'm telling you what I got I got the gospel and now I'm delivering it unto you it says that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures the Bible is very clear that Christ died for the whole the sins of the whole world now what does gospel mean well gospel means and according I'm not gonna have you turn there I'm gonna have you turn to John 1 2 or what no I'll have you turn to Colossians 2 6 in Romans 10 15 says how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things so the Bible there definite defines the term gospel for us that it's actually glad tidings you know it's good news we would say right that's why we said people say have you heard the good news there's nothing wrong with saying that it's kind of a synonym of what the gospel is it's a synonym of glad tidings it's a good it's good news hey you know what the good news is that Jesus Christ died for your sins he was buried he rose again the third day so you don't have to go to hell and all you have to do to be saved is believe him and believe on him and trust him for your salvation you get to go to heaven for all eternity that's a pretty good that's that is good news you know what's bad news bad news is when someone says hey you know you got to repent of all your sins you guys you gotta stop doing this you gotta stop doing that it's like hey I've been trying to do that for a long time you know it doesn't work so if you're if the God that's good news isn't that you might be saved you know he loves me he loves me not you're saved you're not saved that's not good news you know and we talked to people at the door all the time that will tell us the things that they believe about being saved it's some quasi Christian belief that you know if they reap if they repent of that sin well if you repent that what they mean by that is that you have to ask for forgiveness every time you commit a sin or you're gonna go to hell that's not good news because you know what if you if that's what you're counting on you you're gonna go to hell because you have not been forgiven because you think that your salvation lies upon you repenting of your sins and that's a false that's a false gospel you know a gospel that would say you have to work your way to heaven and believe in Jesus or just plain works you know if you just say that someone just has to do good works or be a good person to go to heaven that's a false gospel it's impossible for you to be a good person all the time that's why Jesus had to come because he wouldn't have to come if for some way in some way shape or form we can get our own salvation we could earn our own salvation it's ridiculous John 1 12 says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so you must receive Christ you must receive Jesus and then God gives you the power to become the sons of God okay and it says even to them that believe on his name so Paul's delivering what he also received so he received Christ he's delivering what he received that's how people get saved that's what the Bible teaches over and over and over again is that you know Christ died for our sins and we have we have to get that message that we received and deliver that to somebody else and that was Paul's main thing wasn't it and that is the main thing the main theme of the New Testament is that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost and he procured our salvation by his perfect life and his death his bloody death on the cross and the fact that that God raised him from the dead and so that is the message of the New Testament the Old Testament still an application in a lot of different areas it's just and this is the New Testament is just it's completely different you know and in a lot of ways and one of these days I'm going to preach a sermon about the differences between the Old and New Testament is probably gonna come sooner rather than later but you're in Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 look what it says as he therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him so you have to receive Christ you have once the message is delivered that person has to receive it and then God gives them the power to become the sons of God you become a son or daughter of God you're adopted into God's family and you have salvation Christ died for that ability to have people be saved number two death is going to hell now in in 1st Corinthians 15 3 it says Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures well what is dying what is death well Romans chapter 6 23 says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord it's giving us a contrast here hey if you want if you want to if you want to just live in your sin you're gonna die and so death it's not the end when our body dies our bodies will die but your spirit and your soul are gonna go someplace else and if you're saved your spirit your soul goes up to heaven if you're not saved your soul goes straight to hell and then it awaits the final judgment which is the great white throne judgment which is the everlasting casting out into the lake of fire so if you die and you go to hell there's no way to escape that but one person was able to escape from that and his name is Jesus Christ and so the fact that he raised from the dead isn't that he was just dead and in a state of nothingness for three days and three nights his body was in the tomb separated from his soul where was his soul well the Bible teaches his soul went to hell and people get upset about that and people you know especially you know fundamental Baptists they get upset about this doctrine but it's so easy to prove it's so true it's so it's easy as the day is long I mean it's it's super easy to prove so but before I get to that I want to show you what you know what what hell is it defines Jesus Christ defines what it is for us in Mark chapter 9 go ahead and turn to Mark chapter 9 verse number 43 Mark chapter 9 verse 43 and Jesus gives a real stern warning about someone that would end up going to hell and it's pretty it's pretty powerful look at verse 43 it says and if thy hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than to have two hands to go into hell into the fire that shall be quenched is that what it says no it says never shall be quenched it's never gonna go out the fire is never going to go out think about that for a second who's been burned in here before by fire at some point have you ever been thrown into a fire I mean even if you were thrown into a fire for just a little bit and and and you felt that pain you didn't die just for five minutes just think about how agonizing that would be it'd be very agonizing just a small burn hurts but think about the fact that it would never be quenched it says in verse 44 where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched and you know Jesus goes on to just just double down on this and just make it very clear you know when Jesus starts to say things and he says things like more than one time two three times that means he really wants you to get what he's talking about it says in verse 45 it says and if thy foot offend thee cut it off or it's better for thee to enter halt into life and having two feet to be cast into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched so once again he's saying it's a fire if you go to hell what is it it's a fire that never shall be quenched and that means if you're in it then your body will never totally get engulfed in flames three just burn up see a lot of a lot of these cults teach that you know it's annihilation the annihilation doctrine where you know you go there and you're annihilated then you don't you cease to exist but is that what the Bible teaches is that no it's not it says look at verse 46 it says were there worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched now when it's talking about the worm I used to kind of have this thought where it was just like this literal worm or whatever but you know Jesus said you know in the Psalms it talks about you know such a worm as I and then our I think one of our hymns it says that but I think the worm just kind of means it's a it's a body that's in the ground you know it's a body that is in I think it's talking about their body that's what I actually think it's talking about it says where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched and if I offend the pluck it out first better for thee to enter in the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire and once again he says it again where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quench so you will never completely burn you won't completely burn up is what it's saying your body will still be there it'll still be in pain and it's a fire that never shall be quench it's never gonna go out there's never gonna be a reap you know a time well thanks for turning down the the fire there for a little while that's not gonna happen so that can you see that's why it's so important that we preach the gospel to people right it's so important that we go out so winning it's so important that we preach the gospel message and it's just like it's kind of weird that you see churches that just have no soul winning they have no soul winning zero soul winning and it's like do they even really care about people I mean it doesn't seem to me that they actually care about people turn to Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 it says in Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 it says the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever so how long are the beast and the false prophet and the devil gonna be in the fire forever and ever they're gonna be tormented forever and ever and you know what God made hell for the devil and his angels he didn't intend it to be for human beings but when Adam and Eve sinned that changed everything and so now the Bible talks about hell enlarging itself because just multitudes and multitudes of people are going to hell and they're gonna get the same punishment you know it'll be torments day and night forever and ever and people get really angry about this and they say well God's a monster how could he do that to somebody no God's good that's why he's doing that to somebody because you know it's just like you are you gonna let some criminal come into your house men are you gonna just let some dude just walk in and take over your house and you know he you know he's saying all kinds of filth in front of your children you know drinking alcohol doing drugs just all that you wouldn't just let some anybody come into your house and so how much more God who's holy and just and perfect doesn't have to let people into heaven just because we you know we think that he should it's his choice it's his heaven it's his home so why would he want to have that so basically the only we just get an exception because of our faith in Christ that's all you know we're only made righteous by the blood of Christ that covers our sins if we didn't have that we wouldn't be allowed to be in heaven either look at verse 11 I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the book what to say at the at the very end those last four words according to their works you're like well I thought we weren't judged by our works no we're not judged by works but the people that go to hell they're gonna be judged by their works because there's a lot of people out there that think that they're a good person like I would say that I think that the highest percentage of people that think that they're saved at the door say this answer I'm a good person and so you know they think they're a good person and they probably a lot of them have been told that they were a good person but you know when we tell them they're not a good person they get really upset about that don't they when we tell them hey no you're sinful and God is angry because of your sin and you need to be forgiven of that sin people get upset about that but it says according to their works they're gonna be judged so the people that think that they're going to heaven God's actually gonna judge them according to their works he's gonna judge them for all the wicked things that they've ever done and they're gonna get cast into hell because of that because they refuse to get saved look at verse 13 and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works so all the all the commandments of God they broke and that's what they're gonna be judged upon it's not gonna be the fact that they you know gave to charity it's not that they gave to the Save the Whales Fund it's not the fact that they you know adopted a rescue puppy that's not gonna get you to death it's not the fact that you were a schoolteacher or that you were in the military or any of those other things you're gonna be judged according to your works and it's not because of the good things that you think you do to me a lot of people surprised on Judgment Day it says in death and hell were cast like a fire this is the second death so the second death the death that the Bible defines the second death as you being cast into the lake of fire at the final judgment but let me just say this you are already dead before you get cast into here you're all you're already dead you're just that's the final judgment there is that you're cast into this lake of fire says and whosoever was not found written the book of life was cast into the lake of fire that means anybody right whosoever means anyone says whosoever was not written the book of life was cast into the lake of fire number three Jesus rose from death and hell turn to Psalm chapter 86 we were did some some preaching last night the men did some preaching and I I heard this verse and I just it really just stood out to me brother Sean preached a sermon about Jesus going to hell and he used a lot of different verses but this one really just jumped out at me I never really thought about it before Psalm 86 verse 13 so I don't know if you have those little things in your Bible where it says a psalm of David or who wrote the psalm on it but it says in the beginning of this psalm a psalm of David so I believe it is a psalm of David but in verse 13 it says you know for great is thy mercy toward me and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell from the lowest hell and I just thought about that and I was thinking you know this is talking about Jesus this is talking about Jesus being delivered to the lowest hell you know we always talk about how people you know you're gonna get that person's in the lowest hell well you know who actually was in the lowest hell Jesus Christ was in the lowest hell think about this he took upon himself the sins of the whole world so think about this every sin that's ever been committed from Adam and Eve and every sin that ever will be committed by the worst people by the best people by sinners by saved people by wicked people by reprobates all those sins fell upon Jesus Christ when he was on the cross every sin I mean there's a lot of disgusting things that people do in this world there's a lot of wicked things that people do in this world that nobody in this room has ever done but there are people in the world that have done them and think about that so Jesus Christ had the sins of the whole world upon him when he died and so where do sinners go that are the worst sinners the very worst sinners where do they go to the lowest hell but so Jesus did not have any sin upon his own account and so this changed the game a little bit this is the caveat that got him to be able to be you know to be able to be released from hell is that he had no sins of his own but he took the sins upon him of the whole world think about whose sin he had on him Adolf Hitler sin was upon him Marilyn Manson sin was upon him Mao Satan's sin was upon him Paul Pott who if you know who that is his sins were upon Jesus Nero one of the most wicked Caesars that ever lived his sins were upon Caligula his sins were upon him stop Joseph Stalin sins were upon him guess who else's Judas Iscariot sins were upon him even that's the sin that betrayed Christ in the garden that sin was laid upon Christ Haman you know wicked Haman that tried to destroy all the Jews in one day his sins were upon him Pharaoh the reprobate of Egypt was sins were upon him Ahab Jezebel Manasseh Cain Ahaz Ted Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer I mean think about that I mean that just really blew me away when I when I realized you know you never really think about that that part of it but like that's a lot of wickedness that was laid upon him and so no wonder why God had to turn his face away from him and couldn't look upon him and had to separate himself from him the Father and the Son were separated on the cross and when Jesus died the Bible says you know you know that he had great mercy you know because Jesus didn't have to he didn't stay in hell we know that he wrote he was resurrected from the dead but think about what he had to endure he had to endure the lowest hell which means it probably was the hottest burning part of hell and he did that for us and he did it for Adolph Hitler he did it for Pharaoh and Ahab and Manasseh and Cain and Ahaz and all these just wicked people Ted Bundy the monster Jeffrey Dahmer all these sodomites he died for all their sins every single one of them and so why would it why wouldn't we think that he would go and burn in the lowest hell but he did but here's the thing he didn't deserve to be there himself and we'll get into that more here in just a minute but turn to first John chapter 2 first John chapter 2 I mean I just really just sat there you know when he was preaching that sermon I was just like man that's that's crazy like all that sin that was put upon him it's just really mind-blowing you know because we think of people that you know have accepted that penalty for sin but not everybody does but it doesn't mean he didn't die for the sins of the whole world he still died for the sins of the whole world look at 1st John chapter 2 verse 1 it says my little children these things write I unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous so an advocate like have you ever heard of you know an advocate is basically like a lawyer you know but he Jesus is a good lawyer there's a lot of lawyers out there they're no good but he's a good one it says that we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous because you know what if you have accepted Christ as your Savior if you believed on him then he pleads to the Father because of the blood that he shed for you and God you know he passes over that transgression because he sees the righteousness of Christ look at verse 2 it says and he is the propitiation for our sins very big word in the Bible it's not used a lot this might be the only time it actually is used I think propitiation for our sins not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world propitiation means the appeasement of God because God is a God of wrath God is a God of fire God is also a God of love but he also is wrathful he does have a wrathful side that's why people are going to hell because God's not gonna just put up with it he's not gonna put up with this wickedness and he doesn't have to and he's not going to but he's the propitiation God was angry and so Jesus Christ appeased that anger that God had and he accepted the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and he accepted it as the sins for the whole world but now we'll talk to people and I say I think everybody's going to heaven because Jesus died for everybody but that's not true because there's something you have to do to be saved you have to believe on Christ to be saved if they don't believe on Christ they're not going to heaven there's no exceptions to that rule I read this statistic that there are 70 71 percent of evangelical Christians believe that you can get to heaven in a different way besides Christ well that just tells you the devil's been working overtime now I don't know what 71 percent of those it was like a some one of these Pew studies or something like that there's only 4,000 people that were asked I don't know exactly I mean I don't know if that would come from independent Baptist but I'm sure that there are some independent Baptist that believe that kind of stuff I'm sure that there are because a lot of these churches that are independent Baptist churches they're not getting the doctrine that you would get at a church like this they're not they're not getting the full doctrine they're getting a salvation sermon every Sunday so one out of three sermons salvation every time so you got the gospel glaze going on and then hopefully you actually get a sermon where there's some meat and potatoes in there or you're actually learning some doctrine you're actually getting some Bible I mean I'm just pretty we've gone through several scriptures already in this Bible study it's a Bible study you study the Bible in it and people just but pastors just you know they some some pastors do study the Bible but you know what they skip over the stuff that they don't want to preach that's garbage but I'm not preaching about that so anyway I'm just saying the propitiation is it means the appeasement for our sins God had to have his wrath satisfied and Christ is the one that did that look at Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 22 Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 22 the Bible says in Deuteronomy 32 22 it says for a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountains it sounds like God's a little angry isn't it sounds like he gets a little mad doesn't he but it knows how it says that he's gonna burn unto the lowest hell that's where Jesus was wasn't it that's where his soul was the lowest hell so God's anger was taken upon his wrath went upon the Lord Jesus Christ he suffered a lot for us it wasn't just the death that he suffered it's also the fact that his soul went to hell and was afflicted for three days and three nights look at 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 10 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse number 10 give you a second to get there I didn't hear any pages turning so I was just kind of give you some more time there 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 10 the Bible says therefore for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men specially of those that believe so he's the Savior of all men he's the Savior of Marilyn Manson too did you know that he's the Savior of Ted Bundy too did you know that he's the Savior of Paul Paul and all these different wicked rulers and people that killed millions of people through war and communism he's he's the Savior of those people too but it says especially or excuse me specially of those that believe so he's the Savior of all men but not all men are saved so it's especially of those that believe so he's still the savior of everybody but not everybody's gonna accept Christ but God took upon himself the sins of all those people that hate his guts there's people out there that hate God's God so we deal with them we attract them like a magnet because God you know God is working mightily through our church and through other churches like our church and you know God gets angry I mean excuse me the devil infiltrates churches like ours and tries to you know bring these people in that hate God to try to mess things up in the church it happens all the time and as a matter of fact in time it's gotten worse in time it's gotten worse and I was always wondering what was gonna get worse for me and I kind of realized that it's gotten worse but just kind of notice that I don't know I mean it's been pretty bad but you know it's gonna happen but Jesus Christ died for those people that hate his guts that hate our guts you know he gave everybody a fair chance they chose to not believe that's on them you have a choice is God's not a puppet master that controls everything that we do he doesn't control your life he doesn't control whether you brush your teeth in the morning or whether you know you've lost he doesn't control whether you read the Bible in the morning or not or whether you pray or whether you go to church isn't control any of that you control that God just wants you to obey him you know and you should brush your teeth you know I don't want to smell your bad breath but anyway you know God the Bible says in Psalm chapter 7 verse 11 God judges the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day and God was angry and God still is angry with the wicked every day you know and you know if you're not saved you're already condemned the Bible says you're just waiting for it's like you're already on death row just waiting to go to hell just waiting to go to the lake of fire and that's why we got to wake people up that's why Christ came Hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 turn to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 says for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities so he understands what we're going through he understands the issues that we're dealing with he's he's not out of touch you know you say you're out of touch with reality Jesus is not out of touch with us he understands our infirmities he cannot he can be touched with those feelings it says but he why because but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so he was tempted to do the things that we do but yet he did it not and so he does understand it doesn't mean he condones it but he does understand the feelings of our infirmities the problems that we have the weaknesses that we have he understands it because he's been tempted with the same things Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 says but we see Jesus who is made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man so the Bible says he tasted death for every man so Jesus didn't go to hell for all eternity but it was as if he did in those three days and three nights he tasted death it's just like if you taste a drink of water and you don't drink it you know you didn't like ingest that water fully you know you take he tasted death for all men he was there for a short period of time but it seemed to hint I mean if you're there for three days three nights in the lowest hell burning and being tormented it's gonna have a lasting effect on you it's gonna it's that's torture but he's you know what what it's talking about in Psalm 86 it can't be talking about David and here's how I know it's not talking about David because David never spent a moment in hell David never had to spend a moment in hell because he was saved nobody that's saved spends one second in hell you know and Jesus did that for us he took upon himself the sins of the whole world and he tasted death for every man let's turn back to our our our text here in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 4 it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 4 and that he was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures the Bible says that he would rise from the dead and he was you know the Bible said he was bit you know the Bible says he was buried you know the death burial and resurrection is what you would call the basic gospel nutshell his body was buried his soul was in hell and you know he died or he would rose again the third day according to what the Bible said now Jonah chapter 2 is a very interesting chapter and it kind of shows us a parallel between Jonah being swallowed by the whale and between Christ suffering in hell and if you don't see the parallels here I mean I don't know how I can help you but turn to Jonah chapter 2 verse 1 Jonah chapter 2 verse 1 now Jonah's swallowed by this great fish or whale so the Bible says Jesus said it was a whale so Jonah was swallowed and you know how did he survive those three days and three nights well obviously God allowed him to survive so but he was in affliction you know I'm sure he had to deal with some stomach acid and some weeds and you know whatever else I mean it probably isn't a good feeling to be swallowed by a whale you know they're pretty big they're pretty you know they probably got bad breath you know when I was a kid when I was like probably four years old I had a dream that that Jaws ate me I must have saw a commercial on television or something like that but Jaws is a great white shark okay but in the dream that I had I dreamed that I was going to hell and so that feet you know and why would I think that like it's not like I went to church how would I know that why would how would I draw that parallel why would that come into my brain as like a three or four year old kid you know but I woke up screaming I remember the feeling was hot I remember being you know I feel like that that's just like the initial point where God just kind of started to work with me a little bit and I you know how did I know even what hell was how did I know I mean how did I know I was in hell in this dream as a small child I mean I think that you know maybe we just forget things that God does to kind of move us along that path but I never forgotten that dream and I was a little kid I'm old now and I still remember it so but compare it I mean so it's easy for me to see the parallels here with Jonah because he was swallowed by a whale and like in my dream I was swallowed by jaws and thought and I felt like I was in hell it was dark you know he didn't chomp me up or anything he just swallowed me you know and I just remember going into his mouth and like it was darkness but that's what the Bible explains that hell is like darkness I'm not saying like I saw some vision or something okay I mean it was a dream I can't explain how I knew what hell was so so I think that's pretty interesting but anyway Jonah chapter 2 verse 1 says then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly and said I cry by reason of my affliction unto the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of hell cried I and thou heardest my voice so right away I mean obviously the Old Testament shows us pictures and parallels of Christ well you know Christ was an affliction Christ was in hell it says by the reason of mine affliction you know he cried unto Lord he cried out of the belly of hell he says out of hell thou heardest my voice for thou has cast me into the deep in the midst of the seas you know and like I said it's going back and forth to the story of like Jonah it's you know but it's it's definitely talking about Jonah also but it says for that was cast me in the deep in the midst of the seas and the floods compass me about all the billows and I waves passed over me then I said I am cast out of thy sight that I will look again toward thy holy temple the waters compass me about even to the soul the depth closed me round about the weeds were wrapped around my head and then you know in verse 6 you know it says I went down to the bottoms of the mountains I went down to the bottoms of the mountains the earth with her bars was about me forever so here here you have like it's talking about the bottoms of the mountains like that's that's you're not gonna go get to the bottoms of the mountains by being in some you know small sea or something and it says that it says his bars were about me forever so was Jonah in the well forever no he was in the well for three days right so just like Christ was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Jonah was three days three nights in the whale's belly so it's a comparison it actually talks about Jesus Christ talks about that comparison between Jonah as you know he said I'm not going to show you a sign except for the sign of Jonah the Prophet and so he compares the three days and three nights that Jonah went through to the three days and three nights that he was going to go through it says yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption Oh Lord my God so God rose Jesus Christ from the dead the Holy Spirit rose Jesus Christ for the dead Christ took his life back because all three are God amen it says that was brought my life up from corruption Oh Lord my God when my soul fainted within me I remember the Lord and my prayer came in unto thee and to thine holy temple they that observed lying vanities forsake their own mercy but I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of Thanksgiving I will pay that I have vowed salvation is of the Lord and the Lord spake and the fish unto the fish and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land so here's the picture Christ is praying to get out of hell Christ is raised up from the dead and the picture of that is you know Jonah is also praying to the Lord to get out of this fish to get out of this whale and then the Lord spake unto the fish and the fish vomited him out on the dry land so after three days in the whales belly he rose essentially from the dead because if he gets all by well I mean you're pretty much gonna die right but God kept in there and it's as if he was there forever you know and that's that's why I think that you know when Christ died and went to hell for three days and three nights it's as if he experienced that forever turn to Acts chapter 2 verse 22 and I'll prove to you that Jesus Christ so went to hell even further I think it's pretty pretty plain and clear but you know we talked about the death burial and resurrection and the resurrection is important I know and I don't think someone has to believe that Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights to be saved I think you can just preach the resurrection to him however I think it's beneficial to preach the the Jesus Christ went to hell for three days and three nights because that also you know it it helps people to get it more it helps people to understand just what he went through for us in order to save us look at verse 22 in Acts chapter 2 it says he men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinant counsel and for knowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death excuse me because it was not possible that he should be holding of it so God raised him up it says right here right having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it so it wasn't possible for Christ to stay in hell why because because he didn't deserve to be there himself he took the sins of the whole world upon himself says for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest and hope because thou will not leave my soul in hell now people will say well that's David talking about himself it's not David talking about himself this is neither what thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption if you notice in the book of Isaiah the Prophet it says the Holy One of Israel over and over and over again the Holy One of Israel is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and it even says it right here in Acts it says thou hast made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance men and brethren let me speak freely unto you the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher excuse me is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of his loins according to the flesh would raise up Christ to sit on the throne so this is David the Prophet he's prophecy is talking about him preaching and prophesying and predicting about Christ it says he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ is what he's speaking about the resurrection that his soul was not left in hell so in order for someone's soul not to be left in hell where did it have to be at some point I mean this is just common sense when I asked my pastor about this a long time ago he said yeah that that that hell is not really hell it's like you know it's the abode of the dead or something like that and I was like huh kind of seems like his soul is in hell but anyway I didn't know there was a good hell I mean the Bible never talks about this good hell there's no such thing as the good hell paradise hell I'm in paradise hell yeah no it doesn't talk about that at all his soul is not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption this Jesus hath God raised up whereof we are all witnesses so David was speaking of the resurrection of Christ he wasn't speaking about himself and he said that that will not leave my soul in hell or suffer the whole dine holy one to see corruption so David prophesied that Jesus was going to go to hell but he also prophesied that he was soul would rise out from hell death could not hold him and he was resurrected so let's look look back in our text at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 5 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse number 5 it says and that he was seen of Cephas then of the 12 so after he resurrected he was seen of as brother Eli was called Cephas is that what he said okay well Cephas Cephas whatever you say Cephas I say Cephas or he says Cephas I say Cephas anyway that's Peter so it's talking about he was seen of Cephas then of the 12 so the Apostles saw him Peter saw him when he rose from the dead after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once so 500 people at one time saw the resurrected Christ it says of whom the greater part remained unto this present but some are falling asleep after that he was seen of James then of all the Apostles so he had 70 other Apostles that he had ordained after the first 12 and these guys saw him alive and the last of all he was seen of me also as one born out of due time so I talked about that a little while ago that he was seen by Paul the Apostle himself he knocked him off the horse on the way to Damascus and he was blinded for a while and then he got saved and then he became the Apostle Paul but the point of showing that it says seen look at every verse says seen he was seen of he's seen seen and the reason why that's important because that's a witness that is a witness of the fact so this was written by Luke the Apostle is chronicling the acts of the Apostles here at least that's who we think it was I mean I think the the very first chapter in Acts says you know he's talking it's addressed at the office I think but the point is is that you know it only takes two or three witnesses to be a fact okay the Bible talks about that over and over again nowadays you can get convicted by one person saying you do something which is not right but you know we people talk about how we just believe in a book written by men and we just believe everything it says but you know they believe in books written by men too don't they they believe in their science books written by men they believe you know they believe George Washington is the first president United States and I believe that too you know by faith I believe that it's true I mean did I see George Washington I've never seen him before but you know what I believe it's true because multiple people saw him alive and wrote about him multiple people saw Christ and wrote about him to multiple witnesses you got the four Gospels and you have the Apostles talking about him in every epistle and saying how he resurrected from the dead you know what is this this just giant conspiracy of all these people pretending that Christ rose from the dead and then they say hey come on and beat us and we'll prove to you that he's true I mean nobody's gonna take a beating for that reason no one's gonna get killed for something that's not true nobody's gonna do that nobody's gonna die for that lie and so I believe that it's a powerful witness this this chapter right here is a powerful witness of the fact the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead it's a fact it's multiple witnesses multiple upon I mean 500 people at once but people would say oh that's just you're just reading a you're believing a book written by men yeah multiple men on multiple continents you know all jiving together in one big book you know that's that's a pretty powerful witness in my opinion in my opinion it all agrees with it with each other you know you read the Quran which I I haven't read the cranberry I've heard it's a jumbled mess it doesn't make sense you know one that's telling you to kill the Jews and Christians and the next man is saying to be okay with them so I mean that's a contradiction wouldn't you say it is and I think the visual witnesses of the resurrection is proof that it happened so and I just I can't get past the fact that I believe that Paul would not have put him to his body through all that stuff and hazard in his life daily going into all these different villages and towns preaching the gospel that could get him killed at any moment I don't believe that that's that's just impossible I just don't believe that and then all the other apostles that followed him to people have followed him for over 2,000 years now and there's still Christians today you know why because it's true you know you're like well what about the Muslims they you know they've been around for a long time too yeah but Muhammad's a pedophile okay he's a pervert and he got his religious stuff from a genie or something from a gen from some demonic angel that came to him and he couldn't even read man he couldn't even read you're gonna tell me he was a prophet that's that's that's weird that's that's strange that's strange to believe that that a man that couldn't write or read was a prophet I mean Jesus said have you not read I highly doubt that Jesus had any illiterate prophets so anyway it was just a bash fest on Islam there for a second but the last point is that believing is all it takes to be saved and of course you all know that but I just want to go over a couple more verses and we'll be done all right John 647 I'll have you turn to Ephesians chapter 2 John 647 says verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life and so what did Paul say what did Paul say I I delivered unto you that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried he rose again the third day according to the scriptures but you have to believe Paul receiving is believing though in I had to turn to Ephesians 2 8 but do you have your finger in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 if you do just kind of keep your finger there and John Ephesians 2 8 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 9 says for I am the least of the Apostles the Apostle Paul talking and I'm not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God but by the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but I labored more abundantly than they all he worked harder than everybody yet not I but the grace of God which was with me therefore whether it were I or they so we preach and so ye believed that's how it works folks that is how the gospel is purported from one person to another that's how it goes by faith to faith is that we preach and they believe someone preached to you you believed this is the way it's done this is the way Christianity spreads that's how it multiplies and so you're in Ephesians 2 8 it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so it's by grace and I had some Calvinists try to challenge me on this you know again or they're saying that the the gift is faith faith is not the gift the gift is everlasting life the gift is eternal life for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life doesn't say it's the faith this verse right here says for by grace which is something you don't deserve we don't deserve to be saved are you saved through faith how are you saved through faith I mean someone can they can read perfect English even someone that's not great at English can you see that it says you're saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God so the gift of God is not it's not saying it's the faith it's the fact that you have faith the gift of God is you're saved by your faith God doesn't give you the faith though that's what Calvinists believe and my Bible says whosoever will may come whosoever that means anybody right so whosoever will may come and have the the water of life freely they can take that eternal life upon themselves as a choice they choose to believe God sets the parameters on salvation and we have to do what he says it doesn't matter how we feel it matters what God says this book tells us how to be saved it says we have to have faith it says we have to believe he that believeth on me hath everlasting life you're saved through faith and then in in Acts chapter 16 verse 30 it says and brought them out and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house we have to make the gospel really simple for people and the gospel is simple it's easy to be saved it's not hard and in this chapter in this nutshell it basically just tells us you know so we preach so you believed the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of Christ and the fact that you have to believe on Christ to be saved and Christ paid a lot he took upon himself the sins of the whole world so that we could be saved he died number one Christ died for our sins number two death is going to hell when you die that's where you go if you're not saved you go to hell number three Jesus rose from the death from death and hell and then number four believing is all it takes to be saved that's all it takes it's real easy people like that's too easy I know he made it easy for us it's not easy to live the Christian life it's not easy to do all the things that he asked but you know what it is easy salvation is easy it's not hard it's an easy thing and all you have to do is believe so let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great chapter in the Bible I pray Lord that you would help us to internalize all this stuff and there's just a lot to learn in this chapter Lord I pray that you just help me to continue to interpret it correctly Lord help me as we go through the rest of this book and let's pray that you bless everybody that came tonight and give them rest Jesus name we pray amen you sex in your green hemmels page 146 on the first the Lord's are rocking him we hide a shelter in the time of storm secure whatever will be time a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm a shade by day defense by night a shelter in the time of storm no fears alarm no foes a fright a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm the raging storms may round us be a shelter in the time of storm we'll never leave our safe retreat a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm on the last Oh rocky vinyl refuge dear a shelter in the time of storm be thou our helper ever near a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm man good seeing you all tonight good seeing like to see you back here on Sunday