(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How He left His home and glory for the cross of Calvary. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Singing with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea. I was lost but Jesus found me, found the sheep that went astray. Through His loving arms around me, drew me back into His way. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Singing with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea. I was bruised but Jesus healed me, fate was I from when He'll fall. Sight was gone and fears possessed me, but He freed me from them all. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Singing with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea. Days of darkness still come o'er me, sorrow's path I often tread. But the Savior still is with me, by His hand I'm safely led. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Singing with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea. He will keep me till the river rolls its waters at my feet. Then He'll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Singing with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea. Amen. Good seeing you, Brother Brandon. Could you open up a word of prayer? Amen. Our second song will be song number one, Jesus, I, my cross have taken. Song number one, Jesus, I, my cross have taken. Song number one, let's sing it out on the first. Jesus, I, my cross have taken, all to leave and follow Thee. Destitute, despised, forsaken, thou from hence my all shall be. Perish every fond ambition, all I sought and hoped and known. Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own. Let the world despise and leave me, they have left my Savior too. Human hearts and looks deceive me, thou art not like men untrue. And while thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and mind. Foes may hate and friends may shun me, show thy face and all is bright. Man may trouble and distress me, twill but drive me to thy breast. Life with trials hard may press me and will bring me sweeter rest. Oat is not in grief to harm me, while thy love is left to me. Oat were not in joy to charm me, were that joy unmixed with Thee. Haste Thee on from grace to glory, armed by faith and winged by prayer. Hem's eternal days before Thee, God's own hand shall guide Thee there. Soon shall close Thy earthly mission, swift shall pass Thy pilgrim days. Hope shall change to glad fruition, faith to sign and prayer to praise. Good evening, welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church. Let's take our bulletins and go through them. If you don't have a bulletin, would you please raise your hand? And Brother Sean will bring you a bulletin. All right, it's good to see some faces back from sickness, nigh unto death. But it's been kind of a couple things bouncing around, so I'm hoping everybody's feeling better. I know that there's some people that are still out sick or whatever, but we'll continue to keep our protocols in place. But look at our front cover. We have our verse of the week. It says, He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm chapter 126 verse 6, great scripture there about soul winning. And our service times are Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. and Sunday evening at 3 30 p.m.. Thursday Bible study is going to be tonight in 1st Corinthians chapter 14. And basically going to be talking about the difference between preaching and talking in tongues and the rules for those types of things. So it'll be there's a lot of verses in this chapter. So we might be here till midnight. I'm just kidding. I'm not going to do that to you. But it might be a little bit longer than normal. But, you know, you're used to that by now, right? You guys are like, I'm leather longed and you've got leather rears, right? So anyway, it might be a little bit long tonight. I'm sorry about that. I'll try to get through as fast as I can. We have so many times listed below. And I know we had a salvation on Sunday and the person got baptized right after they got saved. So that's biblical. Amen. And then we also so we had two baptisms. Brother Ramon's brother got baptized also. And a lady that came to our church for the first time. She reached out to us because she found our COVID or basically our what do you call it? You know, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's you you honey handling training and we're also going to do just the refresher on the usher training and so that's going to be the agenda for november 6th and i'll feed you maybe we'll have it coincide with soul winning what time is the soul winning time on saturday it is 3 30 so maybe we'll just you know show up here like noon or something and then we'll just get the training done and then we'll have some food and we'll we'll do some training so anyway november 21st is the thanksgiving potluck and men's preaching night for november and i did have to cancel the um the class the preach the preaching class so that'll be next wednesday so this coming wednesday that's the preaching class so guys i want you to have a sermon ready um for like a 10-minute sermon so yeah it's going to be a now you'll you'll know what the you know what it's like to have to preach multiple days in a week but only 10 minutes so it's not that bad right anyway so that'll be next wednesday six o'clock here at the building and december 11th we have the ladies cookie exchange white elephant game at 1 pm at the bender home and please bring three dozen cookies and a container for the goodies all right should be a good time the ladies always have a good time doing that december 19th we're going to have our christmas service and children's choir and then we'll have a prime rib dinner after the morning service i'm definitely going to need people to help cook the prime ribs this year but uh yeah it's going to be nice we're going to have a nice big area to sit in and it's going to be a good service so then we'll have the candlelight service on december 23rd and pray in the new year game night on december 31st so that's kind of going to cover the next couple months so anyway we're a family integrated church of course you all know that and the children infants are always welcome during the church services however if they become distracting or disruptive please take them to the mother baby rooms now i want to explain a little bit about the mother baby rooms and the dad baby rooms so um the mother baby rooms and dad baby rooms are for training okay yeah i'm going to put my smile on but officer thompson wants to come talk to you guys first all right listen up oh no i'm just kidding so listen so here's what i want to avoid and and look i don't expect toddlers and children that are past their napping through the service age to just sit here like robots and have to sit through the whole service without moving are they going to get smacked or something like that that's just unrealistic so you know i i just you know if you're expecting a 15 month old or a two-year-old to sit through the service without ever moving or trying to throw a ball or something like that it's just not it's not possible so you know my recommendation is if your child can't sit through the whole service they're like once they start you know ramping it up then that would be the time to take them to the mother baby room or take them to the bad dad baby room and then instead of like this whole coming out going back in coming out going back in it's just kind of just plan on camping you know with them and you can still hear the services back there and you know obviously as the children get older they're going to be able to sit through the services better and yes then that would be the time where like you know some punishment might come in if they're acting up but you know to expect you know like i said like a 15 month to like a three-year-old to fully just sit through the services and listen and they have their bible open they can't read okay so i just i just i don't want like people to have like this feeling like they have to have their child and subjection at all times it's a toddler that can't really sit through the service so that's what we have the mother baby room for that's what we have the dad baby room for and if your child is screaming bloody murder you know not not literally but you know you know what i'm saying the the sane screaming bloody murder if they're screaming and screaming and screaming then maybe you should just take them outside you know and let them chill or take them to the car watch the sermon on your phone or something like that i'm not saying i'm kicking you out because your kids are screaming but like if it's distracting the whole church if it's distracting everybody then it's too much of a distraction so i'm not going to say anything during the middle of my preaching but you know at times it can get a little too rambunctious in here and like that back room right there i'm just going to start closing those doors because i mean if you're going to take them back there that's fine but that's not a mother baby room that's the fellowship hall and like here's something else while i'm on a kick um so leaving children unattended i realized that like kids are mobile and want to do stuff but like one of the gates that gate back there got broken and and really you know i'm not like mad at what happened necessarily but like we that's why i say that we need to pay attention and watch because if the kids just like ramming and back and forth and back and forth on one of those gates they're gonna break and so like if you are watching your kids that's not gonna happen or if you are in there and children are doing that then you need to stop your child from doing that and correct them so we can't just let everything go you know so i'm i know i'm taking a few minutes to explain this but like you know we have a nice building we have a nice church building and i want to keep it nice and so i just don't want i want everything to be done decently and in order so does that make sense okay i hope it does and i might repeat that message on sunday morning if i forgot anything and you know the other thing about the mother baby rooms and dad baby rooms i don't want children playing in those rooms before or after the services so really if there's nobody in there then the kids shouldn't be just going in there by themselves in either room so we probably should just keep those doors closed and then that way they're not tempted to do that because as far as i know none of the toddlers can reach the handles of those doors and open them um one more thing when i left on sunday night there was a bath the bathroom door was closed with the light on i was like is somebody here somebody trying to stay here and like steal stuff from the church or something i wasn't saying like you guys but maybe someone snuck in or something but anyway i'm knocking on the door i'm like hello somebody in there i'm coming in and then i couldn't get in because it was locked so me and rylan had to spend some extra time doing that so doing that so just you know if you're if you have littles that are prone to like locking doors you know don't just let them go off to the bathrooms or doors that they could lock themselves into i mean obviously we can get those doors open but you know i just don't want something like that to happen where we can't get a kid out of a room or something because they weren't being watched so not accusing looking up right now all hinders my witness can i get an amen all right so i'm just this is for everybody okay anyway so all the rest of the stuff you can see and we do have a birthday today to sing happy birthday we sang the key is happy birthday last sunday so miss chantelle's birthday is actually tonight she's 29 so the age that every one woman wants to stay out right anyway let's sing this chantelle happy birthday all right ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you i hope sean got you all the things that you desire in life for your birthday all right i think that's all we have for announcements let's sing another oh what oh yeah that's right you guys are gone all right let's sing happy anniversary to the herringtons how many years have you been married 13 years all right happy anniversary you i hope he gives you everything that you want this year for your 13th anniversary all right let's sing another song and we'll receive the offer all right our next song will be song number 220 jesus is all the world to me song number 220 jesus is all the world to me song number 220 let's sing it on the first jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all he is my strength from day to day without him i would fall when i am sad to him i go no other one can cheer me so when i am sad he makes me glad he's my friend jesus is all the world to me my friend in trial i go to him so he sends the harvest golden grain sunshine and rain harvest of green he's my friend jesus is all the world to me and true to him i'll be oh how could i this friend deny when he's so true to me following him i know i'm right he watches or me day and night following him by day and night he's my friend jesus is all the world to me i want no better friend i trust him now i'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life also we want to praise you lord that brother gary has been able to retire and we wish him lord a happy retirement lord and also uh tonight while we're praying lord we're just asking for extra special prayer for steadfast baptist church lord pastor shelley and his family and all their congregants and lord you know what's going on there and lord sometimes i don't understand why things happen i just pray that lord you'd be with them and help them and lord just give them victory over their enemies and the battles that they're going through and also we pray for our churches lord that we've planted around the country and around the world we pray for our church in spokane and our leadership there and in canada lord also brother win and miss queenie and also for our church in the uk we pray for our evangelist brother ian taverner and his family and lord just all the people represented at those churches lord we can pray that you just continue to help them lord they have a they have a big so many marathon this weekend i pray that you bless it lord and help them to get to their goal of a thousand people saved for the year and lord we just uh ask that you just continue like i said to bless this church lord and and help us and lord keep us on fire keep us in the spirit lord keep our soul winning going and help us to just not lose our zeal for you lord and we pray all these things in jesus name amen turn your bibles if you would to first corinthians 14. first corinthians 14 if you don't have a bible raise your hand and someone ring you on first corinthians 14. starting there in verse number one the bible reads follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understandeth him howbeit the spirit howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries but he that prophesyeth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify himself but he that prophesyeth edify the church i would that ye all speak spake with one tongue with with tongues but rather that you prophesy for greater is he that prophesyeth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying now brethren if i come unto you speaking with tongues what shall i profit you except i shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine and even things without life giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds how shall it be known what is piped or harped for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle so likewise ye except ye utter by tongues by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for ye shall speak into the air there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification therefore if i know not the meaning of the voice i shall be unto him that speak at the barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me even so ye for as much as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret for if i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful what is it then i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also i will sing with the spirit i will sing with the understanding also else when thou shall bless with the spirit how shall he that occupy the room of the unlearned say amen at the giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest for thou verily giveth thanks well but the other is not edified i thank my god i speak with tongues more than ye all yet in the church i had rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice i might teach others also then ten thousands ten thousand words in an unknown tongue brethren be not children in understanding how be it in malice be children but in understanding be men in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will i speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me say it the lord wherefore wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not but for them which believe if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you're mad but if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship god and report that god is in you of a truth how be how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you hath a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to god let the prophet speak two or three and let the other judge if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace for ye may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints let your woman keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also say it the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church what came the word of god out from you or came it unto you only if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that i write unto you are the commandments of the lord for if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant wherefore brethren covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues let all things be done decently and in order brother bill will you pray for us uh heavenly father thank you for your word for reading your word uh plus pastor phil in the holy ghost let's pay attention and uh to the preaching and be out of here tonight is decently in order when it comes to tongues and when it comes to preaching but there's obviously some other rules in here and remember the the fact about Corinth is is that it's a messed up church remember that's kind of how we began this bible study and you can see that i mean i believe that god uses this as an example of a church that's really messed up but still a church of god there's a lot of churches out there that are pretty messed up but god still considers them a church so and they just have a multitude of problems and one of them is that obviously they can't seem to get their service orders right and it's too loud good night all right every time every time oh man just let me at him i'm just kidding all right so but what was i saying um so huh yeah the service order so they just can't seem to get their order of service right and it kind of sounds like they're kind of getting a little free-for-all-ish like they think it's like a house church that everybody just has he has a chance to stand up and i have a song that i would like to do in front of the church it kind of sounds like some of the churches i've been to before like you know that's it's like a showboat type of situation where people are wanting everybody has a sermon hey i got a revelation i got to get this off my chest and sounds like you got some disorder going on where one person's standing up and some person's doing something else but when it's talking about tongues i just want you to understand that the bible here is talking about languages okay tongue interpreted is language and i'll prove that to you here in just a bit but you also have to understand the context of where Corinth is Corinth is a port city okay if you have a bible you know that has maps in them you can look at where Corinth is on the map you can see that it's a port city and they spoke a lot of different languages in port cities at that time and a lot of cities still do now right across the bridge we have a place called portland but that's not necessarily it's not a port kind of like you would see like on the ocean necessarily but i mean they do have a lot of port activities but times have changed okay and so if they had a lot of people speaking a lot of different languages then you can see that it might be a little bit of an issue if everybody spoke all these different languages you know maybe his best language over here is is english and his best is a is romanian and then somebody else speaks spanish you know you can see that if like they're that's their best language if the church isn't speaking just one language in the service maybe there's a church where three languages are really dominate and but here's the thing if there's other people in the church that can't understand that language then the bible is giving ways that you would interpret things if somebody was going to get up and speak in a different language so let's look at verse number one i'll kind of just explain this verse by verse all right so first corinthians 14 says follow after charity now remember last chapter was chapter number 13 which was the chapter on charity so you could do a lot of things for god but if it has if you have no love then it really means nothing and then it says in desire spiritual gifts so chapter 12 was talking about the spiritual gifts and desiring to have a spiritual gift and and seeking after those gifts and knowing what they are and it says but rather that that that you may prophesy now that word prophesy people will automatically think that someone's telling the future okay that's not what it means in proverbs chapter i think chapter 30 it talks about the prophecy well let's just turn over there real quick i don't have it my notes but let's turn over to proverbs i think it's chapter 30 proverbs chapter 30 31 thank you okay yeah i knew it was one of those 30s all right so proverbs 31 says the words of king lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him you see that so now people would read that and think there's a big prophecy but he just she's just basically just they're talking about stuff and nothing has to do with foretelling the future in any way shape or form so prophecy or prophesying is just talking about preaching now there is preaching that can be stuff that's telling the future you know different prophets would preach and things would happen like of course jesus christ was prophesied to be this you know to be the savior and the messiah and the son of god in the old testament so um so yeah but now we have the whole book we don't have to we don't have like new interpret you know you know new things are going to be added to the bible so there would be no real reason to prophesy things of the future because the bible has everything that we need to know in it already so look at verse number uh so the bible saying that you know it's great to have charity that's you know if you don't have charity you have nothing if you you should desire to have spiritual gifts but rather that you prophesy you may prophesy so that you preach it says for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god now people the cares maniacs will get a hold of this verse and they'll say see it's an unknown tongue it's some heavenly prayer language that ain't only angels speak and all this other stuff but what does it really mean it just means so if tongue means language it means an unknown language it's unknown to you and i'll prove that as we go through the sermon here but it's not some kind of jibber jabber that sounds like hebrew it sounds like all these people that speak in tongues are trying to speak kind of some kind of hebrew babylonian or something i don't know but it's definitely it's it's you know cares maniacs and and pentecostals and all these people they they think that if you don't speak in tongues which the bible doesn't say that it says with tongues by the way but they say if you don't you know do so you know you got to trap yourself inside a room until you can just you know just start talking like a like a weirdo or whatever but they'll say that you're not filled with the spirit and you're not even saved if you don't speak with tongues but not everybody has that gift and look that's not the gift that it's talking about okay but you know so you got people just using these you know using these verses to try to justify themselves acting like complete bozos in a church service and it varies in degrees like some churches would say that they're you know that they would say they talk in tongues but it rarely happens then some churches is like everybody's talking in tongues and they're all gibber jabbering and falling all over the place and you know getting whipped with coats and they're slinging the spirit and all this other weird stuff i've seen videos where they're like you know unholy laughter where they're just like and they're just all laughing and just it's crazy you know what do you think an unbeliever is going to do when they walk into a room and they see that kind of stuff going on they're going to go you're a nut job we're out of here but there's a whole movement of of supposed christians that are doing this and none of them believe in eternal security by the way and so what does that tell you about them that they're false so it says for he that speak in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understandeth him so see they don't understand because they don't understand the language how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries so it's talking about a language that's not known to the people that are hearing it now why would you need a rule like that well because if everybody in here speaks english okay and someone in here just comes in off the street or whatever they're they're a missionary they come in and all they know is spanish and nobody in here can interpret spanish back to the people who are speaking english well then what point is it for that man to get up here and preach a whole sermon in spanish that nobody understands it's pointless so god has rules in place for these types of things god wants his services done decently in an order why do we do the services the way we do well because we want them done decently in an order you notice we do the same thing every time it's not just like hey what are we gonna do tonight well i don't know you know as the pastor of the church it's my job to make sure that everything in this church is done decently and in order brother sean can you zap that cooler off i think that everybody's freezing to death in here are you guys all good if you're good well yeah crystal's freezing to death so anyway um maybe just turn it up a little bit or whatever thank you i appreciate it so look at verse number three it says but he that prophesyeth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort so preaching is good because you're speaking to people that can understand and the other thing is is that you're preaching to them something to edify them now we've been talking about this a lot lately but here's what edification means it means to build up someone edify to build them up in the faith to instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually so edification is for being built up all right so and exhortation is is important because it's something it's basically you're encouraging somebody to do something and you're encouraging them vehemently strongly encourage or urge someone to do something and it's encouraging you know but it's not encouraging style preaching like joel osteen or you know these t.d jakes or whatever where you're just you know you're like well how do you know well here's the thing if i encourage you to tithe doesn't that isn't that i'm i'm encouraging you to do something good right if i encourage you to come to church three times a week i'm encouraging you to do something good that's exhortation that's encouragement and sometimes you got to get a swift kick in the pants to get exhorted don't you sometimes you got to have somebody get up and tell you you're wrong so you'll change something in your life you know but all these churches out there that just it's only positive only that's not what that means exhortation doesn't mean it's only positive it just means it's encouraging to do something and so that's what preaching should be like and by the way you know the apostle paul is giving us a little lesson here hey what what's the point of preaching well it's to edify exhort and to comfort right and so sometimes we need some comfort we need some comfort of the scriptures like hey guess what you have everlasting life i know you're going through a hard time right now but or maybe you lost a loved one recently and they're saved hey it's encouraging to know that person's in heaven amen and it's it's comforting so now romans chapter 15 i'm not gonna have you turn there but romans chapter 15 verse 4 says for whatsoever things were written a four time were written for our learning that we may or excuse me that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope so you know the bible is written for us a four time for our learning and that we you know through patience comfort of the scriptures might have hope so god wants to encourage us he wants to build us up in the faith you know if you've been coming to this church for a while have you gotten better like has the preaching helped you in some way shape or form you know i i think about families that are that are here and then what they were like when they first got here and what they're like now are people you know that came here and you know i i think i feel like i'm a better christian having been here you know and i think that everybody here i could say the same thing about every single person that's been here but here's the thing you have to receive that kind of preaching you can't it's not just like oh well i'm not really learning anything right now so i'm just gonna go somewhere else well that's all good and fine but you can you can run into the same situation at any church if you're not applying the preaching if you're not applying it to your life then it's not going to do any good moses had a whole bunch of rebellious types of people that he led and do you think he preached good sermons i mean he ripped face didn't he he leviticus 2013 well i rest my case but uh he ripped face right but he also helped people and taught people and at one point he was going from sun up to sundown just teaching people and helping them showing them what the bible says and you know but if you're not applying it it's not going to do you any good if you come here three times a week and you're just like you're tuned out you know and that can happen people can get backslidden people can go back you can be you could be here three times a week you can sing all the songs but if your heart's not in it then it's not doing you any good if you're not applying it to your life it's not going to help you whatsoever and so um you know you have to listen to the word of god and apply it all right in order for it to help you if you want to be edified you want to be exhorted you want to be comforted well apply the scriptures apply the preach into your life so it can help you but there's lots of people i can think of that you know and even people that are not here anymore that i felt like their family was soup was helped greatly by preaching you know i know people that have changed lots of different things in their lives because of bible preaching i've changed my life a lot because of bible preaching but there's a counterfeit type of preaching out there that's just no good it's not helping but that's what people want to hear they want to hear the encouragement they want to hear their ears being tickled they want to tell they want some preachers say how how good that person is you know they want the attaboys from the pulpit they you know people some people just want to be seen by men and they want to hear what men have to say that's what happened with the pharisees right the pharisees ended up just not even teaching the bible correctly anymore some of the things that they said were right but they had lost literal real salvation they weren't even teaching a correct salvation and they were basically just you know doing things to be seen of men wearing the wizard outfits you know they were blowing the trumpets when they did something nice for somebody you know nothing that they you know they were full of excess and extortion the bible says so they're teaching here's what's funny about them they're like so you know talk about how much they fast and i fast twice a week and all this other stuff but the jesus said that they're full of excess that means that they're eating too much they're eating you know oh yeah maybe you did fast for a couple days but then you pigged out the baby the day after or something you know i mean they're full of excess and extortion that means you're trying to take something that other people have by force right so we need to understand that preaching needs to be edifying and it's going to help your life because look who's going to encourage you to go out and soul win except for an encouraging sermon but sometimes you need this swift kick in the pants soul winning sermon like why are you being lazy why won't you get out and go soul winning why won't you go help people don't you care about people you know those types of sermons can motivate you and exhort you to do what's right you know and so let's look at first corinthians 14 4 now it says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifyth himself but he that prophesieth edify at the church you see it's better to prophesy because it's helping the church but if you just if you're the only one that knows the language that you're speaking at church you're not helping anybody else you know and and obviously if you know seven languages and you can go to seven different countries that you know you can preach the gospel too that's great and paul's not saying there's something wrong with speaking with tongues with other languages he's saying that it's not as good as preaching it's not better than preaching it's not something we should focus on more than preaching is speaking in an other in an unknown tongue now it says you know they edify themselves he that prophesy edify the whole church so and i'll just say this that's proof that not all people have the gift of tongues or interpretation isn't he saying he that he that speaketh you know it says but he that prophesy so there's different gifts there's a gift of preaching there's the gift of tongues now i believe that today if you have the gift of tongues it's not that you can speak your language and the other person can hear it in their own language i don't think that that gift exists anymore but i do think there's people that have the aptitude to learn multiple foreign languages that's not me but it is other people that's because everybody has different gifts and so you know these pentecostals that say that you have to speak with other tongues or in tongues as they call it or you're not really saved i knew a guy that said it took me like a like 30 days and i finally did it you mean you finally just learned how to go i mean it's not that hard is it because it's not a real language listen to any of these buffoons i mean it's demonic it's straight up demonic and yes i will say it's demonic because it is it's ungodly the people that are trying to say that they believe this they don't even believe in eternal security so they're not saved they're just like snake handling you know snake oil peddling you know liars saying that they can heal people with all the you know they're they're trying to like use these gifts that the that the apostles had in the book of acts and try to apply them today and like i've said many times before hey if you have the gift of healing then you should be up at the burn center up on the hill in portland and going and healing those kids that have burns but instead they do some show on television or whatever these people don't have the gift of healing you know and maybe today modern term that's like someone that that you know there's a lot of people that are doctors or nurses and they do have a gift of healing you know where they're just really good at taking care of people and things like that or seeing someone out or whatever it is but you don't have supernatural gifts today now i remember the last time i talked about this i kind of you know someone came to me with a question like saying is that ever going to happen again well i i don't really know i know the bible says we'll do great exploits but uh as far as like having these gifts of tongues and things like that i don't i don't really think so but like i could be wrong about that but i know that miracle you know the the the two witnesses will be able to breathe fire on people you know they'll be able to call that they'll be able to do miracles in people's sight you know obviously they're the two witnesses they're prophets it doesn't say everybody can do that but there will there might be certain people will be able to do stuff like that for sure the two witnesses will be able to do it so anyway moving on here uh let's see verse five it says i would that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesieth than he that's speaking with tongues see it's just flat out saying it's better except he interpret that the church may receive edifying so it's it's better in all cases except for if that interpretation has been able to be heard by the rest of the church so it's basically like there's you know that gift of having the ability to speak multiple languages is not as good as someone that has the gift to preach okay now let's look at some verses where it kind of defines for us and helps us to understand what tongues you know obviously you have everybody has a tongue in their mouth or you can't speak right you can't taste food you know you can't stick your tongue out at people stuff like that that's the member called the tongue but why is that why is it called the gift of tongues because the tongue is what helps people articulate words to speak right now genesis chapter 10 i'll have you turn to deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 49 i'll read genesis chapter 10 it's the first mention in the bible of the word tongue genesis 10 5 says but these were the isles of the gent by these excuse me were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nations so it's basically saying you know god divided you know this is when god divided the the people and and and confused their languages to where everybody spoke and they couldn't understand each other okay what happened in the tower of babel so you're in deuteronomy 28 verse 49 it says the lord shall bring a nation against thee from far from the end of the earth as swift as the eagle flyeth a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand so it's talking about a language that someone won't be able to understand ezra chapter 4 verse 7 go ahead and turn to john chapter 5 verse 2 ezra chapter 4 verse 7 says and in the days of artaxerces wrote bishlam mithrideth tabul and the rest of their companions unto artaxerces king of persia and the writing of the letter was written in the syrian tongue so the language of the syrians and interpreted in the syrian tongue so you have two uh places where it's basically saying that it's written and then it's interpreted so same tongue john chapter 5 verse 2 says now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda having five porches so the bible is specifically saying you know this is the hebrew language okay now let me prove it with where the bible actually defines itself in acts chapter 2 now the so let me just tell you this the gift of tongues that it's talking about in the bible there's two there's two different gifts that's talking about in this chapter there is the supernatural gift of tongues but there's also just the gift of tongues that you'd be able to speak okay now acts chapter 2 is where you have the supernatural gift of tongues happen in the bible look at acts chapter 2 verse number 1 acts chapter 2 verse number 1 and it says in acts 2 1 it says and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues so it's very interesting that that's what appears to them as cloven tongues what is a cloven tongue that's a tongue you know it's like a forked tongue right so why is it showing why is it a cloven tongue well probably because it's speaking more than one language it's like what it's representing here like as a fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own what's it say language doesn't say tongue good try good try though brother at least he's paying attention but yeah the language it says language so remember I was saying that they're they're speaking with other tongues but then down here that helps define what that's talking about so every man heard them speak in his own language so basically what's going on here the supernatural gift that's happening is that the holy spirit came down and gave power to these people that were waiting for the day that the holy spirit because they were already filled with the holy spirit but they didn't have the power of the holy spirit at this time so what was the gift well what was the this supernatural gift well it was that I would speak in english and miss molly there would would hear it in the language that she understood which would be spanish or whatever you know I'm just saying that like as an example you know if someone spoke a different language or understood different they didn't understand english I could speak english and they would understand it in their own language that's what isn't that what the bible says it doesn't say they flopped on the floor it didn't say that they were going you know just saying all kinds of weird stuff right they were actually speaking a language that that other people understood that's why it says that they were out of every nation under heaven and what was the purpose of this it was ultimately so they could get the gospel to as many people as they could because they're having if there's people represented of every nation then if there was a bunch of people that didn't speak a certain language that would not help them get the gospel out what's god trying to do here he's trying to pour the power of the holy spirit on the on the church here so that they can go out and preach the gospel to people and they can understand it in their own language okay now we don't really have that way I can't go to Mexico and speak Spanish because I don't understand I don't speak Spanish I don't understand Spanish and so no matter how hard I try I'm not going to communicate unless they understand english so we don't have that power today this was a supernatural event that happened in the bible okay look at verse seven it says and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galileans now we hear every man in our own what to say tongue remember it said language it said tongue language now it says tongue wherein we were born Parthians and Medes Elamites and the dwellers of Mesopotamia and Judea and Cappadocia and Pontius and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia and Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes creeds and Arabians it's just naming all these different languages and tongues off we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said these men are full of new wine now that's as far as I'm going to read there but the point is is that the bible very clearly defines it for us that what's it tells us exactly what's happening with the supernatural gift that they're hearing you know someone's speaking they're hearing it in their own language and that is a miracle that is a gift and a thing that the Holy Spirit allowed to happen now again now if someone knows multiple languages in our church I've said this before at our church in in the UK that there's a lady I think that knows like seven or eight different languages there and I would say that person has a gift like how many people do you know that speak seven or eight different languages I mean I know the King James translators did but like you know it's just not a lot of people that speak a lot that many languages so I would say that person's spiritual gift is probably the gift of speaking with tongues okay now the member that's in your mouth and you don't have to turn there just turn back to first Corinthians chapter 14 but in James 3 5 it says even so the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindle is so there you have a you know where it's defining basically the actual member which is your tongue okay so I don't think it's that complicated but let's move on look at verse number six in our text it says now brethren if I come unto you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine and so he's basically saying hey what's it gonna how's it gonna help how's it gonna profit you and so it says and even things without life giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give distinction in the sounds how shall it be known what is piped or harped for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to battle so he's talking about basically how you know trumpets are used to like call forth certain things and you know I was in the military but I know that they have that you know that one I think that's like to wake you up in the morning I would just be like throwing things at that guy but anyway you know what I'm saying like the trumpet tells you like to do certain things like the people in the military for thousands of years have used trumpets to prepare people to war I mean obviously they don't have like microphones like they do now and all that stuff and their head gear and all that back in the day they had to you know communicate some way to where everybody understood and the military was trained to use trumpets to call them to probably line up and you know do certain battlements and things like that but if it gives an uncertain sound like talking about languages if I get up here and all of a sudden I'm just speaking Greek to you and none of you understand Greek you know it's not going to help you it's not going to it's going to be an uncertain sound to you so it says so likewise ye except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air it's basically what's Paul saying he's saying it's pointless it's great that you have to get the tongues but it's not going to help the rest of the congregation it's not going to help unless you're preaching things that people understand and you know for people that want they'll like to preach the bible well if you're preaching the bible hey make sure that you preach things that are easy to be understood you know don't use words like you know what are some theological words I don't even use those words but huh hermeneutics ex-jesus what are some other ones like I don't know transubstantiation I mean you shouldn't get up and and say a bunch of things to people that if they don't understand the words you're trying to wax eloquent you're trying to wax you know like act like you're smarter than everybody you know you come off looking pompous first of all and the other thing is this doesn't help people you know if the you know the common the bible says the common people hurt him gladly you know why because jesus used easy to be understood words the common people heard him gladly they weren't all eloquent and you know had huge vocabularies I'm sure there's nothing wrong with having a good vocabulary I'm just saying don't get up and use things that you don't even understand just so you can look smart but anyway let's look at verse number 10 it says there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification therefore if I know therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice it shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me and basically back then like anybody that didn't speak greek was basically considered a barbarian like if you I mean these barbarians you know we think of like conan the barbarian or something like that but literally just most of the world spoke greek at that time most of the a lot of people spoke latin and so but the main the main language back then was was greek the common tongue so people that were like clear across the world that spoke chinese or whatever you know they were considered barbarians so anyway it says even so you verse number 12 even so ye for as much as you're zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding also so so yeah I mean he's basically just going on about the fact that you know you need to you know if he's praying with an unknown tongue it's just helping him it's just edifying him there's nothing wrong with that but like that's why Paul is saying the difference between what's better is that preaching helps everybody and speaking with another language doesn't help the whole church because if they don't understand it's talking about an unknown language verse number 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say amen at thy giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest so if you see there it's clear it's not talking about some unknown prayer language it's just talking about the fact that they don't they haven't learned that language they don't understand what you're saying I don't understand the words that are coming out of your mouth that's what it is for thou verily give us thanks well but the other is not edified I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all and isn't it true the apostle Paul went all over the place and he spoke multiple language so obviously he had the gift of tongues he had a lot of gifts he was you know he had the gift of preaching and knowledge and you know he had a lot of different gifts that he got from the spirit but he's just saying hey I thank God that I I speak with tongues more than you all but you know that's not going to help people if they don't understand the language look at verse 19 yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue so he's just making it real simple here hey if I could just give you five words they're going to help the whole church it's better than you getting up here waxing eloquent in your in your your latin language or whatever and nobody understands what you're saying it's an unknown tongue it's just unknown to you an unknown language brethren be not children in understanding so and it says how be it in malice be children but in understanding be men hey the gods are saying here you know the apostle paul is under the inspiration of the holy ghost is just saying here hey be not children in the understanding of the things of god and the things of god's word hey this might be kind of a meteor chapter or whatever and you know some some harder spiritual truths but you know don't be children in your understanding of the bible now it says how be it malice be children hey the things that are carnal in this world the things that are bad the things that you shouldn't know a lot about those are the things that you shouldn't you know be a child in that area you know that's why we protect our children and try to keep them away from wicked things and and you know this is a hard time right now to have kids going to to walmart and stuff because there's just a bunch of you know scary stuff out there or whatever you know and halloween's a wicked holiday you know i'm just going to say this real quickly because it's designed to scare people isn't it and like that's you know we don't want our children to be scared so it's just hard to take them to places where you know everything is just a scare fest you know so but uh anyway it says in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips while i speak unto this people for all that will they will not hear me say at the lord now that is referring back to that gift you know in in acts chapter 2 i believe i think it's talking about the other tongues with men of the other two because that's what that's the fulfillment of that prophecy and the fulfillment of the prophet joel is that you know in with men of other tongues while i speak unto this people so obviously i i think that that's a reference back to that in isaiah chapter 28 verse 11 it says with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people but the problem is people you can speak to people in all any language like i said but if they don't want to they don't want to hear they're not going to hear so and that includes christians you know christians just turn it off when they when it's something that sin that they want to continue in when it's something that they want to just continue to do and they don't want to hear about it then they just tune you out you know and ever everybody's like that to a certain extent i'm sure but you know god's just going to continue to chip away at you until you get better and better but don't despise preaching don't get mad when someone stomps on your toes you know that you know the next sermon will hopefully be a little bit better for you you know but if you're just getting beat up in a sermon it's not like i just said you know what i'm coming in with the combos today on brother temo temo needs to go down you know and just kind of hit temo with everything i got that's not you know you know if the spirit of god is is beating you up in a sermon that's the spirit of god doing that you just need to listen internalize it fix it and and get help because you know why do we why do we say hey be three to thrive come to every single church service that you can come to why are we like that well because you might be missing something that god wanted you to hear during that church service you know you stayed home and you halfway listen to it on you know the live stream you know it's different being in service than it is on a live stream the live stream is great if you want to catch up or you want to follow it but you know you can always hit pause on the live stream here you're not going to hit pause you know you're going to the heat's on and the you know you know when you get when you're getting preached at and you know it's not like an intentional but like when it's something that you know it's just like have you ever had your face like turn red in the sermon before because you know that that's you it's like it is me you know i don't know maybe it's just me but i've it's it's it's not a good feeling but god's trying to tune you in he's trying to tune you up and then tune you in you know get you on his program so um let's look at verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them to them that believe not but prophesy in service not for them that believe not but for them which believe and so this is the the key difference to our church than a lot of different churches so now tongues the bible is saying right here the tongues are for a sign you know what was the sign at pentecost well it was a sign to help those that believe not it didn't three thousand people get saved on the day of pentecost because of peter's preaching and because you know the people had that gift that the holy spirit gave to them to to get those people saved right so but it says but prophesying service not for them that believe not but for them that believe so we believe we gear our preaching towards people that are saved here now you'll notice that a lot of different churches and i'm sure you've gone to these churches where every single sunday morning service is a salvation sermon you know it's like you know and half the church is asleep because they're all saved you know that's like i'm saved will you please preach something else you know and they're like well so-and-so's come up to the altar for the 15th time this year and they got saved again it's like good night you know and that that was really annoying like i wasn't i was pre uh uh i ran that like the junior church and like the sunday school thing and i was glad that i was downstairs for the 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock service because at least i got to rip those little kids faces off every every sunday morning well pastor's way pastor you know future pastor thompson's ripping these kids' faces off you know and i did that you know it's funny that little kids can handle hard preaching and adults can't i mean i've preached some scathing rebukes at children and they loved it you know because they're you know they don't have all these you know built-in features you know and and things that you know they're already hung up on and stuff like that they're like hey okay well you know you don't want me to eat candy anymore pastor thompson no i was just kidding i didn't preach that but like i love missing those services why because i didn't want to keep hearing a salvation sermon every single time i came to church you know we're supposed to be preaching the whole council of god and not just a salvation sermon every single sunday and the other thing that they do is they always even no matter what the sermon's about they always tie it in with getting saved at the end it's like it could be about a completely different subject on like a sunday night or a wednesday night and then they still do an invitation and call people forward it's like i don't know i understand why they do it but it's just it's not biblical you know there's that's why i didn't want any steps built in this in this area because our last building we had two steps on it and the kids would always just try to run and get saved at the altar no i'm just kidding we'd have some escape kids sometimes they'd run up there and throw themselves and grab the horns of the altar i'm just kidding but uh i just you know the altars in the old testament folks there is no altar in the new testament and it's not supposed to be steps up to an altar so i was very clear in the old testament about that but anyway i'm getting off the getting off the trail here so i need to reel myself back in here but this this chapter can really help you about what's important to be preached hey what's important well when you're preaching things should be preached to the believers when you're in church so it says in verse number 23 if they're for the whole church become together into one place which is having a church service right and all speak with tongues and they're coming those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you're mad which goes again to my point that i made earlier is that if a bunch of people are just speaking all different languages in our church service you know people that are unbelievers or unlearned are going to come in and go what is going on in here regardless of whether it's a pentecostal power party or if it's just people speaking multiple languages so and i don't think that the pentecostals are right i don't think that there's this like ecstatic tongue speaking experience that you have to have in order to show that you have the gifts of the holy spirit these people also play with rattlesnakes down south i mean i mean they because they say no deadly thing will bite them or no deadly thing will kill them and so they hold rattlesnakes and you know do these like snake parties or snake church services have you ever seen that one where the guy gets bitten like he's like stumbling out of the building and the rattlesnake bit him it's just like it's foolishness so anyway so so so if this happens if this is taking place in a church service people you know that's why the bible is saying everything must be done decently and in order you can't just have a bunch of people speaking a bunch of different languages now i don't think that we should separate people based upon their culture or the color of their skin or anything like that but it should be basically separated basically on the fact what language do you speak so if everybody in here only spoke spanish and i get up here and preach in english every every week it's not going to help anybody you know i'm i'm speaking in an unknown tongue to them so look at verse 24 it says but if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or one unlearned he's convinced of all he is judged of all and thus all the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship god and report that god is in you of a truth how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you hath a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying so again this church is messed up so obviously they're practicing and doing some practices that are just not right they're doing things that are out of order they're obviously i mean if he's having to have you know restrictions on what how many languages are being spoken in a church service this church has got issues and this is with just the order of the service when they're just talking about when they've come together and then he's like well how is it that you all have a psalm you know every single person wrote a new psalm of the week and they all want to come up and sing it in front of everybody how is it that everybody has a new as his doctrine or has a tongue has a revelation has an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying if any man speak in an unknown tongue that means an unknown language right let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course like one at a time right and let one interpret so doesn't that tell you if the tongue speaking pentecostals are right which they're not but if they were then they do have rules that they're supposed to follow so i don't believe that the the this is that's what this is talking about but but i'm just saying if you're a pentecostal out there today and you're listening to this and you have a church where people are just everybody's just saying talking with tongues and all this other stuff in front and the bible says that if you're if you're if you're speaking in an unknown tongue let it by two or three at the most that means at the most in that church service three people okay and then it says by course and let one interpret so there has to be an interpreter but what i what i believe this is talking about is three people speaking a foreign language and if they get up and say something that's supposed to be edifying the church it says let one interpret but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church that what does that mean shut your mouth don't speak in an unknown tongue in a church service if there's nobody to interpret what you're saying because who knows what that person's saying right and let him speak to himself and to god just you know talk to yourself buddy don't start talking with an unknown tongue and so that's what you know you'll see in these in these churches like just multiple people speaking in tongues at the same time and the bible says speaking with tongues and so i don't want to confuse you with this language because they're they're used they're meaning it for something else they're meaning it for jibber jabber they're meaning it for you know just babbling foolishness that they're not real words okay it says but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and god let the prophet speak two or three and let the other judge if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace so and then it says for you may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted so you can prophesy one by one so if you had more than one person preaching at the same time wouldn't that be confusing it would be it'd be super confusing it'd be super weird so that's where the order of the service comes in it says and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets this isn't some kind of thing where you know i am being controlled you know we i say to be filled with the spirit i pray that god would fill me with the spirit when i preach brother bill prayed for me to be filled with the spirit but the the bible says the spirits of the prophets are subject under the prophets i'm still in control of myself here but in a pentecostal crazy meeting are they do they seem like they're in control of themselves no they don't because they're not you know and so what spirit is controlling them that's a that's a real question to ask but you know i you know and obviously sometimes i get up here and i froth at the mouth and i scream and hit stuff and things like that but i'm still in control i'm still in control all right you'll know what i'm out of control but i've never been out of control yet so it says for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saint so what's god want in his churches he wants peace in his churches he doesn't want it to be this confusing convoluted crazy house where people are just getting up and singing songs whatever they want hold on now i'm coming up to sing a song you know this is my turn it's like god wants there to be order in his church he doesn't want to be confused he doesn't want a bunch of people getting up and waxing eloquent in a different language and he doesn't want three people praying preaching at the same time he doesn't want three people praying at the same time he wants everything done decently in order one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted and it says here's verse 34 ladies you want to get up and get out right now oh this is this is the one this is men's favorite verse in the bible a lot of them but it says let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they're commanded to be under the obedience as also sayeth the law now you know this is a verse that'll piss women off but who is this is the bible all right this is the bible it shouldn't upset you when god's word is telling you to do something now you're like well pastor thompson do i just shut my lips as soon as i walk through the door no it's talking about during the preaching time okay it's you know we're talking about the preaching time how the prophets are supposed to prophesy one by one you know god's not the author of confusion but then so you know some guy's up here talking some lady stands up it's like hey well i got a question about this shut up and sit down you're not permitted to speak in the church service i've actually had to incorporate this sermon recently like these women were like just saying all kinds of stuff in a church service i was preaching at and i just you know i answered the question the first time and i was just like obviously they're unlearned and ignorant and don't understand these things so i was nice about it but i mean you were there brother shawn i was nice about it wasn't i but i just told them what the bible says you know and they shut up for a while till the end of the sermon i didn't hear him talking at the end of the sermon i would have said something again but i just said hey it's not permitted unto you to speak you know just be quiet so and you know people get upset about this but here's the thing how many churches have you been to where women you know i've been to churches where on a on a wednesday bible study there's all these men and women in the church and you know the pastor is like hey who wants to stand up and read this this verse and then like women just just pop up you know i got their hands right there at the scripture it's like because if you allow free-for-alls to go on if you allow disorder and chaos to go on your services that's exactly what you're going to get and these women their husbands are sitting down in the chair the women are just like like it's you know a sword drill or something just like well pastor you know here's what i think is it means like shut up and sit down you know it's not permitted unto you to speak in the church you know and if that's something that bothers you um you know take it up with god because he's the one that wrote the bible you know he's the one that gave you know paul the spirit to to write this down and it's a commandment okay it says but they're commanded to be under obedience so they're women are not supposed to get up and preach behind the pulpit women are not supposed to get up and talk and give lessons to and teach men period you know so and if you have a question look what it says if look at verse 35 it says and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home so if you have a question you don't raise your hand in the middle of service and just interrupt the pastor you know and obviously i've never really had that happen much but we've had some bozos come in here and do stuff but anyway it says let you let them ask their husbands at home now obviously if you don't have a husband then maybe ask the pastor or ask the spiritual leader in your life that you trust it says for it's a shame for women to speak in the church so you know that's what the bible says that's what we practice here you know even when men say amen you know it's men saying amen okay so it's you know i've been to services where women are just like amen you know it's like sometimes they just they get more obnoxious because they're just allowed to be out of order like that and you know why does god do that well why does god want women to have long hair men to have because he wants to make a difference and he's he's put men in spiritual leadership so just you know it's funny women don't want to be this you know they want their husband to be the spiritual leader when it's time to come you know pay for everything or take care of the bills or you know work around the garden or whatever it is that they're doing but when it comes time to church things and then also they want to be the boss it's like it doesn't work that way you know stay in your lane stay in your role and your marriage is gonna be a lot happier your marriage is gonna be happy you know if you just maintain the rules you're supposed to be in you're like well you know i don't think that's fair well take it up with god so that's not my that's not my jurisdiction i just preach what it says so it says is a shame for women to speak in the church period now does it say they can't sing they can't talk to their lady friends and they can't talk to their husband they can't talk to other people that's not what it's saying it's talking about getting up and trying to preach behind this pulpit so Joyce Myers no matter how good of a preacher she is which she's not but no matter how much how good people think she is she's wrong the moment she opens her mouth in a church service period just like Jezebel in the new testament she was wrong the moment she tried to teach other men in the church things period does that mean women are dumb and they just don't know the bible no that's not what it's saying it's just saying that god's role for you is to not get up and preach behind the pulpit now women can preach they you know it's called soul winning go preach at the door preach to your children but you know preaching to your husband what he needs to be doing that's not your job either so now obviously we're just here i didn't like pick this chapter out of the out of a hat you know so don't get mad at me this is where the women are turning off they're like what do i want for dinner tomorrow and they're just like writing stuff down but hey i mean just let the bible correct you you know some some women just have the spirit where they just want to dominate and you know that it's just not right i'll just say this anything that our flesh seems to want to do is always seems to be the wrong thing think about that you know no matter what it is it always just seems like our flesh when it's like boils down to what we want to do it's always wrong well i just love them well that's not right you know there's certain times in your life when love you know love applies but it shouldn't be when you're 13 years old you know people should be dating when they're 13 years old you can't get married you know you can't support the other the other person it's like that's why i don't understand this whole christian dating within the church when they can't aren't even close to being able to get married it's just it's it's strange but i don't know why i'm going off about that because i need i need to get shut down here i'm almost done so women need to keep silence in the churches they're commanded to be under obedience as i also say at the law if you have a question ask your husband at home and by the way husbands if your wife asks a question at home and you don't know the answer maybe you need to learn your bible a little bit better let me get on the men for just a minute you know you need to know the bible well you know well i i've been saved a lot longer my husband i know the bible better well hey you better catch up better do some catching up boy start reading that bible you know start just laughing her no more because if your wife has a has a question she shouldn't be having to ask some other man in the church that question right and women i just don't go asking other men what they believe about the bible when your husband's sitting right there it's disrespectful it is or to go online and ask that question when you have a husband at home right i just i don't think that that's right now maybe you're in a situation where your husband's not saved or your husband doesn't know the bible or whatever but you know he needs to learn the bible and if you don't know your the bible better than your wife then you're ashamed yeah you know i mean i'm just saying it's it's shameful so unless there's some you know obviously i got a caveat this like you know she's been saved 10 years he's been saved you know a year or something like that whatever there's different situations out there but i'm just saying this the bible says that if a woman has a question they should ask their husband at home why is it saying that because your husband should know the answer right so anyway so it says what came the word of god for out from you or came it unto you only if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things i write unto you are the commandments of the lord so let me just say that one more time the the the if you think you're spiritual if you think you're a prophet if you think you just know the bible so good well why don't you just acknowledge this that the things that paul's writing here are the commandments of the lord and so whatever issue you have with anything i've said did i say anything that was not in the bible tonight no i said everything that was in the bible right i went verse by verse through this whole thing and the bible says what it says there is no other interpretation of what i'm saying right here keep silent ask your husband at home i mean is that really hard to understand there's some words easy to be understood anyway but it says but if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant that doesn't mean well if they just want to be stupid then they don't have to follow these rules that's not what it's saying it's just saying hey if you just want to be stupid just be stupid because that's what ignorant means doesn't it means hey you want to be ignorant be ignorant wherefore brethren covet to prophesy forbid not to speak with tongues so we're not supposed to forbid people to speak with tongues but like in this church we're not really in a situation where we have to have multiple people speaking in different languages you know unless we have some missionary from you know the Philippines that only speaks Filipino and we got someone that can interpret then we could let someone get up and preach and they would interpret and there's nothing wrong with that and it should be allowed if the situation arises it says forbid not to speak with tongues but here's what it says in the last verse let all things be done decently and in order that should be the bottom line of this chapter right here let all things be done decently and in order what would that include what would all things in include how about soul winning should be done decently in an order which is really hard to get soul wanting done decently in an order because there's just like herding cats right but we should still have some semblance of order with it right and a map taking class or something anyway or the orders of the service should always be the same or something similar unless it's like a special occasion people should know what to expect when they come to church they should know that I'm going to come up and do the announcements after two songs we're going to pray after the in between the two songs you know we're going to have an offering we're going to have a a psalm sang on sunday morning you know just things that people should know it's done decently in an order our prayer service when we do prayer on thursday nights it's done decently in an order the bulletin needs to be done decently in an order and our offering the you know everything that we do the way we sit you know all that stuff should be done decently in an order of course I mentioned child care and taking care of your children spanking correcting you know um and just there's just there's just behavioral things in our church that we need to get a hold of okay here's one thing you should not let your child be hitting other children that should be immediately corrected if your if your kid whacks another kid in the face punches them hits them pull their hair obviously kids push each other down with their toddlers I understand that sometimes there's some scraps that happen like that but if they're just like wailing on some other kid you need to correct that you need to correct it fast so you know and that includes you know obviously watching your children but you know here's the thing about consistency with children if you're not consistent with them no amount of spanking is ever going to help them because if they know that because here's how kids think they think like and I know I gotta close but here's how kids think they're like well they let me get away with it seven times and I only got spanked three maybe they won't catch me this time that's how kids think they're little weasels like that you know it's true I love the kids you know but they will try to get over on you any way they can because foolishness is bound in the heart of a child isn't it they will try to get over on you but here's how we think this is where our flesh comes into play listen this is where our flesh comes into play oh I want to give them another chance oh they didn't really mean it oh that's your flesh talking that's not the bible talking god says that we're supposed to beat them with a rod okay and I'm not saying beat them like bruises and bloody mess in the corner or something beating just means you're hitting them with something it says to spank them with a rod okay it doesn't say backhand them in the face doesn't say punch them in the in the mouth it says to beat them with the rod it says to chasten your son while there's hope chasing your son while there is hope and that could be son or daughter okay but we need to do it while there's hope because you know what once they get to a certain point they become little monsters that are uncontrollable do you want that or do you just you just want oh I just feel bad you know what you're not going to be you it's weird how many people that won't consistently spank their children they're run by their children they're controlled by their children and it's like they're in misery they're in a torture chamber and it's just like you look at them it's like man if you just like look what the bible says for just one second where it says to spank them don't let you know don't spare for their crying they're always going to cry oh I promise mommy I'm never going to do it again they're like crying right but you know they're going to do it again beat that kid right brother temple beat them and beat them and beat them you know what I'm saying like you got to be consistent if you're training your children the bible says to train up a child in the way they should go and when he's old he won't depart from it you've got to train them early b times you know what b times means it means early so like if you have a two-year-old and they're going around just causing havoc and you know punching kids in the face and tearing apart the church and what you got to get control of that situation and you got to do it now and so you know people aren't gonna most people aren't gonna say anything to you and I probably won't say anything to you except for behind the pulpit I might if it gets bad enough I'd probably say something but like I'm telling you as a you know as officer friendly right now you got to get that stuff under control we're constantly having new children born in our church and and praise god for that but I'm trying to save you some pain right now you know if you want to enjoy them while they're older and they're not giving you a bunch of problems or do you want to just go and have to bail them out every week because that's going to be the difference if they if kids don't realize that they have consequences for what they do then they're going to grow up and they're not going to understand the relationship between god and his children because god what is god's plan for us to spank what does he do to us when we do stuff wrong when we're saved he spanks doesn't he so why would you break the picture of what god's word is trying to tell you do you understand our flesh wants to do the opposite of that that's why people don't spank their kids you know it has nothing to do necessarily with dr spock as it has to do with people just not wanting to do what the bible says christians you know what it says obey it do it it's going to help you in the long run I'm trying to help you you know and if you can't handle that then you can't handle the bible you just don't love god's word period you know but everything in this church needs to be done decently and in order all right and that includes everything obviously we're imperfect things are going to get messed up I get that but like you can't let it get out of control you have to get a hold of the situation when it comes to child rearing you know I can't I can't express it enough you know I still don't have to spank my kids except for josh but I you know I've had I've had to spank josh I'll still spank him right now he still lives in my house you think I'm joking I'm not joking I will spank him I'll beat him he's listening to me right now aren't you I will spank him believe it I spanked me when she was 17 ask her about it she was mad at me for like two weeks but I'm telling you I practice what I preach spank your kids it'll help you in the long run you know what I only had to spank her once when she was 17 because you know why she got spanked when she was younger but if you don't drive that out of them when they're young you're gonna have problems all your life with them that's not gonna be good all right I gotta close let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great chapter in the bible lord I pray that at our church that everything would be done decently and in order lord prayed help our church family lord to to just when things need to be done around here to to get it done and lord they're real good about that I just pray lord you put it in our heart to care about the things that we have here the fact that we have a great building to meet at lord and I just pray that we take care of what we have and lord that we take care of our families husbands would take care of their wives wives would take care of their husbands and lord the parents would take care of their children and children would take care of their brothers and sisters lord and I just pray that you'd bless everybody that came tonight and I pray that you bless us as we go our separate ways in jesus name amen all right our last song is song number 228 I love to tell the story song number 228 I love to tell the story song 228 let's sing it on the first I love to tell the story of unseen things above of jesus and his glory of jesus and his love I love to tell the story because I know it is true it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do can do I love to tell the story will be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of jesus and his love I love to tell the story more wonderful it seems than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams I love to tell the story it did so much for me and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee I love to tell the story it will be my theme in glory to tell the old old story of jesus and his love I love to tell the story tis pleasant to repeat what seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet I love to tell the story for some have never heard the message of salvation from god's own holy word I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of jesus and his love I love to tell the story for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest and when in scenes of glory I sing the new new song twill be the old old story that I have loved so long I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of jesus and his love he made a good scene brother bill please close your water prayer uh heavenly fathers thank you for the sermon and for the service help us to uh not fuck up and do things in order in the way that would be pleasing to you in jesus name we pray amen