(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening, welcome to Church Foundation Baptist Church for the mid-week service. Alright, let's take our bulletins if you have one, and over the front page we have our verse of the week. It says, I know that whatsoever God doeth it shall be forever, nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it, and God doeth it that men should fear before him. Ecclesiastes 3.14, great verse there. And our service times are located on the inside left page, it says service times Sunday morning at 10.30am, Sunday evening at 3.30pm, and our Thursday Bible study is at 6.30pm. We're going to cover the last half of chapter 12 tonight, we're going to talk about the body of Christ tonight, the Church, and our so many times are listed there below. We've had, let's see, we've had four salvations on Sunday, and of course I don't have a pen, I might have a pen, I do have a pen, alright. And so, didn't we have some other ones this week too, did anybody get salvations this week? Does anybody know, I thought there was like two during the week, one on Monday, one on Tuesday, okay, nothing tonight, okay. So that's two more, praise the Lord. And let's see, October, this coming weekend, I'm going to, oh there's going to be a marathon, a so many marathon, and that's going to be October 2nd, and Brother Shawn's leading that up, there'll be Panda Express, do you know how many, do you have a count of how many people? Yeah, sure. Okay, perfect, alright, well I'll get enough for eight, for twenty people, just in case somebody wants to eat a little bit more, okay. So that'll be in Longview at 11am, lunch will be provided of course, that's at 1 o'clock, right? At 1 o'clock there'll be food provided, and Brother Shawn will have all the maps and everything like that posted in the group for people that are going. And we have, the next day we have the deacon, Corbin Ressel will be here from Faithful Word Baptist Church, Tucson, and he'll be preaching for both services this Sunday morning and Sunday evening. I'll be in Houston, Texas at the same time, preaching at Pure Words Baptist Church down toward Pastor Shelley, and then on the 5th there's the Firebreathing Baptist Fellowship Conference, and I'll be preaching the first night on Wednesday, and I'll be back Saturday in time for the Sunday services that next weekend. So the conference is going to be pretty cool, I guess there's a spelling bee and ice skating and just all kinds of cool stuff, and obviously some good preaching is going to be happening, so looking forward to that. I think Pastor Mejia, Pastor Burzins, of course Pastor Shelley, Pastor Jimenez, myself, am I missing somebody? I can't remember if I'm missing anybody, but if I am I'm sorry about that. Those are the ones that I know of anyway, and then, so let's see, we've got the Busy Farms Pumpkin Patch, that'll be October 16th, and so if you haven't signed up, who's going and has not signed up? Mrs. Thompson. Brandon? Really? Really? My own family has betrayed me. Alright, well make sure that you put your name on there and how many people are going with you, and anybody, any child that's under 2 is free, so just please note that on there for me if you would, and so we'll have a good time. I think we're going to do 11 o'clock, something like that, I don't want to wake you guys up too early, because I know how you all are, so. Anyway, you'll probably be late for that too, I know you, so I'll probably be late too, just kidding. Alright, so anyway, we always have a good time there, and of course nobody has to pay for anything there, it's all included in the cost, and the church is paying for that, so, and October 31st we're going to have a potluck after the morning service, and then we'll have a men's preaching night for the evening service, and that is October 31st, which is of course Halloween, not something that we celebrate, so I figured some good hard preaching against Halloween would be a good thing for Sunday night, I don't know, you guys can preach whatever you want, I'm just giving you an opportunity here, to just, you have the subject, it could all be anti-Halloween for all I care, and there wouldn't be enough of it, so, anyhow, November 14th we have Pastor Roger Jimenez here preaching for the PM service, and of course you know all the rest of the information, we have a lot of people out sick, and I kind of got a little bit of a cold, so if you would pray for me I'd appreciate that, any birthdays let's see, I don't think we have any coming until, oh, Kylie and Remy are here, I want to sing happy anniversary to Kylie and Remy, because we haven't had a chance to, somebody named Bender messed it all up, so, let's sing happy anniversary, you guys, let's sit next to each other, alright, ready, happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you, god bless you and keep you, happy anniversary to you, alright, I'm sorry about that, I should have caught that myself, I was like the 19th, anyway, so happy anniversary, I don't think we have any other, anything else, does anybody have anything else that I forgot, okay, we're good, alright, well let's sing another song, we'll receive the offering, alright, our next song is song 119, till the storm passes by, song 119 till the storm passes by, song 119, let's sing it on the first, in the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face, while the storm howls above me, and there's no hiding place, mid the crash of the thunder, precious lord hear my cry, keep me safe, till the storm passes by, till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds amour, till the clouds roll forever from the sky, hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of thy hand, keep me safe, till the storm passes by, many times satan whispered, there is no need to try, for there's no end of sorrow, there's no hope by and by, but I know thou art with me, and tomorrow I'll rise, where the storms never darken the skies, till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds amour, till the clouds roll forever from the sky, hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of thy hand, keep me safe, till the storm passes by, when the long night has ended, when the storms come no more, let me stand in thy presence, on that bright peaceful shore, in that land where the tempest never comes, lord may I dwell with thee, when the storm passes by, till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds amour, till the clouds roll forever from the sky, hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of thy hand, keep me safe, till the storm passes by, amen good scene brother robert you want to bless the offering for us all right thank you it was very beautiful all right well let's bow our heads together and we'll pray for the prayer request dear heavenly father we thank you lord so much that we could come before you in jesus name and we just ask lord first of all for this church here i pray that you would just bless it and keep it and lord put a hedge about us and all of our churches our church plants lord in the uk canada and spokane and i just pray that lord you would just watch over them and bless them and bless the leadership there and keep them lord and our church family there lord all the mothers with child miss rachel miss crystal miss candace and miss kylie i pray that you would just bless them and lord some of them are going through some hard times with their pregnancy i just pray that you'd help them lord help them to feel better and lord help them to have safe and healthy births and that the children would be safe lord as well and the mothers and lord for brother alex k pray for his wife mary's health um let's pray that you would help her to get better and better lord and watch over her bless her and keep her and brother alex and also miss sarah lou wai prayer for travelers mercies for her as she goes down to texas with her family brother chris and for miss glory's healing from her oral surgery that she had and the pain that she's going through pray that you'd help her to feel better and less pain lord also for the lambert family as they travel they left today lord pray that you just help them and give them a blessed time of refreshing and lord also we want to pray for brother eli's mom mary who she was thrown from a horse lord and you know the the situation but she's been in a lot of pain she has a lot of issues from that fall i pray that you'd help her to feel better and lord that they would have good news concerning the tumor that they found on her brain lord and we pray for the harrington family who are all sick right now and just pray for koa as he's really sick also and lord the the sickness is just going around pray that you just help people to recover as fast as possible pray watch over us help us to just do the things that we should to keep sickness from spreading lord as much as possible and lord for miss leilani who has an unspoken prayer we pray for her and whatever that need is lord and also for miss julene who's had some back pain pray that you'd help her with that for the fmo family extra prayers lord for her due date coming quickly and also extra prayers for miss crystal for her troubles with her pregnancy lord and and lord all those that are facing losing their jobs for vaccinations being forced upon the lord i pray that you would just help people to stand strong and lord pray that your people wouldn't be confounded in front of these people that would try to force things that are unclean into our bodies lord pray that you'd help us in that situation it's very dire with a lot of people in our church and for brother primone and miss bobby i pray that you would help them to get their stuff ready for their house and their property lord so they can move and also for chris and sarah who are trying to move as well miss shila's health and the pain that she's been going through her son ricky's living situation lord and also for miss jessica's grandma pat who has an upcoming eye surgery lord and we just pray for all the unspoken requests and lord for people who are on the prayer list to be saved to pray lord you'd help us help us remember to pray for those family members of other people that need to be saved lord and that you'd be merciful and just help us to maintain a great testimony in front of our family and friends as much as it's possible within us and lord just pray that you would just bless the service to come and we thank you for all your provision lord in Jesus name we pray amen open your bibles if you would to first corinthians chapter 12 first corinthians chapter 12 the bible reads in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 says now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant you know that you were gentiles carried away onto these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore i give you give you to understand that no man speaking by the spirit of god call call it jesus accursed and that no man can say that jesus is the lord but can say that jesus is the lord but by the holy ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same lord and there are and there are diversities of operations but it is the same god which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these worketh that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because i am not the hand i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because i am not the eye i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling but now hath god set the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him and if they were all one member where were the body but now are they many members yet but one body and the eye cannot say unto the hand i have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet i have no need of you nay much more these those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon the upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our uncombly parts have more abundant comeliness for our comely parts have no need but god hath tempered the body together having having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all members suffer with it or one member be honored all members rejoice with it now ye are the body of christ and members in particular and god hath set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles have have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show i unto you a more excellent way brother brandon will you pray for us amen okay well we're going to finish up the chapter that we didn't get done last week first corinthians chapter 12 so this is part two and title the sermon if you want to title is the body of christ let's look down at verse number 12 it says for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit let's pray lord we thank you so much for the opportunity to come and study the bible lord and that we do have some freedoms left in this country and lord we're blessed to be able to meet here lord in a nice place where nobody's bothering us lord i pray you just help us to understand the scriptures tonight i pray you'd help me and fill me with your spirit and that you would just have the people to hear what the spirit says to them tonight lord and i pray that we would just focus on the bible just for a little while tonight and i pray that you bless in jesus name we pray amen all right so point number one of the sermon i only have two points tonight and the first point is there's one body and multiple churches all right turn that thing off or it's going to get trashed right after the service all right so uh one body number one point number one we have multiple churches um where christ is the head of the body all right that thing's getting destroyed after the service anyway i'm just kidding but turn it off please whoever's back there that's why we have mother baby rooms all right i just had to be my grandchild all right so anyway let me get let me get uh into the scriptures here so like i said there's one body and you know but that's people people that believe like in the universal church will try to use these verses right here to say that we're all just one body of believers and and we are but there's not just one church the body is the church okay but there's different churches like this is the church in vancouver washington and i'm sure there's others that would meet the qualifications of a church in vancouver washington so in a place this big in this metro area there's going to be other churches that god considers legitimate churches now the universal church is a teaching that's put forth by the roman catholic church and other people believe in that doctrine so there's a lot of people that believe in this universal church and that's what catholic means it actually means universal all right so they call it the holy roman catholic church all right there's nothing holy about the roman catholic church and catholic like i said means universal so and we don't believe that doctrine we don't believe that there's just one church um and and we're all every believer is made up of this one big giant church on the planet right now because there's a lot of churches that wouldn't even be considered a legitimate church first of all and we're not interconnected with every church we're an independent church this church here the head is jesus christ just like any right church any church that is uh is is in existence right now that has jesus christ as the head that is a church that's if the head is christ then that's a little legitimate church and they're teaching what christ told us to teach now people can be messed up on some doctrines and still be considered a legit church i mean jezebel was teaching people to fornicate and she was actually preaching in one of the churches in revelation and he still wrote a letter to that considering it still to be a legitimate church so you can be pretty messed up i mean the the church of corinth was pretty messed up and was still considered a legitimate church but where we gotta be careful is when uh we stop doing what god told us to do as far as soul winning and loving god first all right loving god first is the most important thing that we could do and number two loving our neighbor as ourselves soul winning if you take those two things out of the equation god just immediately will take that candlestick out now i mean i guess i say immediately but he does give people time he says unless you repent you know if the church gets things right you know say there's a church in this town and they're a baptist church and maybe they just quit going soul-winning maybe they just lost their zeal and the bible teaches that if you lose your love for the lord you're going to lose your love for other people too so you have to repent and do the first work so then you're going to get your love back for christ because you realize you know this is what christ came to do is to seek and save which is that which is lost but there's probably churches all over this city that consider themselves churches that do not go out and you know they might call themselves a church but they're not legitimately a church if they're not doing you know the first the the first works you know god will come and he'll take that candlestick away and i'll show you that verse later on i'm sure you guys are all familiar with that but i was looking up so ravi zacharias you know he recently died what was it last year or whatever and in his statement of faith he says that we believe in the holy catholic church and so basically and he wasn't saying he was catholic like in doctrine like a priest or whatever but he still believed that doctrine that we're just all one big universal church so basically anybody that's a christian is supposedly in this church and the problem with that is is that church means congregation so we're not all we're not congregating with the whole uh all the people in the world that consider themselves to be christians so and there's no you know the cat the roman catholic church has a hierarchy and but they say that everybody is kind of splintered off of them that's what church history teaches is that everybody's split off the roman catholic church and they're the legit first church well if that's true we're all in a lot of trouble because they have some of the weirdest teachings some of the most ungodly teachings that there are and they're they're not even a real legit church you know them with all their wizard outfits and stuff i mean they have statues that people bow down to worship they change the ten commandments they've changed the bible and they worship mary who's you know the just christ's mother you know they call her the holy mother or whatever and say that she's sinless which she's not they they worship saints they worship people that have died you know and and say oh saint christopher let him help you get to your spot or whatever he's the what is he that saint christopher is the one of travel right but basically they just took all these pagan gods that they used to believe in and just kind of call them different things and so basically the roman catholic church is just an amalgamation of christianity mixed with paganism and so yeah they still worship this they worship the saints but they were called something else before they started worshiping them as saints and so i don't want to have anything to do with that and that's why it's important that we believe the right doctrines in the bible the right doctrine of the bible is that yeah there is one body and christ is the head of that body but there's one body in each place there has to be a place where those people congregate now so and the roman catholic church they think that anybody that just kind of breaks away is still going to be catholic in the end right they teach that in the catechism that they just don't realize they're still catholic but in the end in purgatory they're going to be able to make the decision to come back to the holy roman catholic church you know i read that in my in my grandma's catechism uh book that she had and i just thought man that's so weird so they actually think that we're part of them but we just don't realize it or something like they're the hierarchy they're the one you know one church to rule them all or whatever but the term catholic refers to the universal church from the from the greek catholicos which usually means general or universal and so basically that's where these this apostles creed has you know that's not necessarily by the roman church but it's brant bastards that branched off right see baptists were have never been part of the catholic church anybody that says that i just they just don't know what they're talking about baptists have never been part of it and obviously you know going back to the time of john the baptist not every church has been called you know it wasn't called ephesus baptist church or antioc baptist church okay i understand that but they're but what the bible refers to it as the church in ephesus the church at antioc the church at jerusalem you know so it's saying the congregation of the lord that's in that place and so that doesn't mean so people will say well yeah the people are the are the church yes the people are the church but the people gathered together in one place with the right doctrine you know with the you know with the right motives for preaching the gospel and fulfilling the great commission so turn to psalm chapter 22 verse 22 psalm chapter 22 verse 22 i want to prove some concepts to you here tonight and i know that i preached about this i don't know a while back but i just preached it right out of revelation chapter two which is a great chapter to preach that stuff out of but psalm 22 22 says i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation will i praise thee so where are we supposed to get together and praise god in the midst of the congregate of the congregation so now turn to hebrews chapter 2 verse 12 and this verse is going to be uh quoted but it's gonna that's gonna put a different word there hebrews chapter 2 verse 12 says sane i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will i sing praise unto thee so the word congregation and the word church are used interchangeably in the bible also it could you could take the term assembly so we're supposed to assemble in the name of christ and we're supposed to sing unto the lord in the midst of the church so when we get together at church what do we do first we start with singing you know we come into his gates with singing and we're praising the lord and we're praising his name and we're trying to get spirit filled before the service starts right so the reason why i showed you that the point i'm making is that church is not some universal body made up of all believers that's just not true but a congregation that meets together for the purpose of worshiping the lord singing preaching prayer we did that tonight now the preaching's going on and doing the work that god has called us to do the things that god has commanded us to do yeah we still believe that you're supposed to keep the commandments of god at this church don't we now obviously some things have changed you know in the new testament like obviously there is no more high priest unless it's unless you're talking about jesus jesus is the high priest forever after the order of malchizedek so there's never going to be another high priest except for jesus christ who is god he's the god man right he's the one that went in and put the blood on the mercy seat for us so that we could even be saved in the first place so now turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 Ephesians chapter 2 verse number 18 so the bible says in Ephesians 2 18 it says for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father now therefore you're no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of god and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone so it's talking about how now that you know now we have the gentiles have the ability to be part of the household of god there's no there's no partition there's nothing stopping the gentiles from from being part of everything you know before they had to join the nation of israel by being circumcised and keeping the passover and you could be part of the nation of israel as a gentile but you know there was certain still certain parameters keeping them out of full service in the house of the lord so you they couldn't be priests you know they couldn't you know joshua you know it's the the kings couldn't necessarily be priests there was a priesthood there was the the sons of aaron and the sons of you know moses and the levites were that priesthood and so everything was done if they if anybody else came nigh then they were supposed to be killed okay so there was only certain people were allowed to be priests so there's things that have changed is my point in the new testament so we don't have to keep the the meats drinks carnal ordinances the you know blowing of trumpets and all this other stuff we don't have to do that we don't have to keep the sabbath day anymore why because christ has you know has fulfilled those things and they were pictures of things to come and i'm not saying you know that those things are completely useless there's still spiritual application that you can make out of those uh out of those things but now in the new testament we are fellow citizens with the same and it says the household of god so even if you're not in a church you know you're still part of the household of god say someone just they're saved they live in the middle of nowhere they don't go and congregate with other believers and that that's true that happens there's people all over this country and all over the world that don't even have a good church to go to they don't even have a saved pastor in their country where they could go to church at now what what are they are they pieces of garbage because they were born in that country no they're still a part of the household of god they're fellow citizens with the saints but they're just you know the church is when the believers gather together and i'll prove that to you as we go through this sermon so again don't get me wrong anyone that's saved is the family of god all right you're saved you don't even have to be baptized to be part of the family of god just saved and we get a lot of people that will say like you know you're just you know you're just giving birth to a baby and throwing them in the dumpster you know all kinds of stupid accusations at least they're saved at least we're getting people saved it's like they think that the discipleship is more important than getting this person saved it's ridiculous oh you you you you left them as a sheep with no shepherd yeah well you know sometimes you just got to do that but at least they're saved at least they're going to heaven they're part of the household of god they're still part of the family of god and so when we go on these soul winning trips and these so many marathons or when we go sowing out in this area and the people don't come to church well does that mean that they're just you know god just thrown them in the dumpster or we're throwing them in the dumpster no everybody has the choice it's not like nobody says hey we come to church you know you get baptized we all do that right i hope you do that you know we do the follow-up while we're there and if they don't come to church then you know i mean obviously you can follow up with them i want you to follow up with them but if they never come to church it's not like you didn't invite them while you were there it's not like you didn't say hey come get baptized while you were there it's not like you didn't give them a king james bible after you got them saved it's not like you didn't give them all kinds of dvds and all kinds of goodies that we give out you know a lot of churches don't even do that but we've equipped them to succeed in the christian life right there at the door after we get them saved don't we so but just because we do all that just because they get saved doesn't mean they're part of the church okay that doesn't because if they don't come here and assemble they're not part of the church it's not really that hard to figure out but let's look at uh first turn to first corinthian chapter 16. first corinthian chapter 16 look at verse 19 it says now i i'm gonna i'm gonna just teach you some a little bit of english grammar here okay plural and singular all right so it says in verse 19 the churches of asia is that plural or singular plural that means there's more than one right the churches of asia salute you aquila and priscilla salute you much in the lord with the church that is in their house so they had a church the church that was in their house i love this verse because it basically just shuts down that whole universal uh church doctrine because he say the churches of asia there's several different churches plural right and then it said then he's saying hey by the way aquila and priscilla said what up you know from the church that's in their house so there's one singular church in their house but what what makes these churches well they're people that are gathered together in the name of the lord jesus christ christ is the head of their church and they're meeting at a specific place where at the church that's in their house or the churches in asia so turn to acts chapter 9 verse 31 i will beat this horse and i will beat it and i will beat it and i'll beat it anyway acts chapter 9 verse 31 the bible says then had the what does it say churches is that plural or singular it's plural right the churches rest throughout all judea and galilee and samaria were edified so they had rest these churches and what which ones are they the one in judea the ones in galilee the ones in samaria so that's saying that there's multiple churches so for someone to say that that you know it's just one big universal church that's not what the bible says is it there's several churches but the thing that they all have in common you know because a congregation could be you know people congregating for whatever whatever reason like when paul you know paul was being accused of of overthrowing the idols in in uh in emphasis and they were saying great is diana of the ephigians and chanting for two hours or whatever it was and he says he's not a robber of churches and that's not talking about you know that's not talking about the churches of god it's talking about you know these churches of these uh you know these diana worshipers so just different kinds of congregations there's all kinds of different congregations but when we're talking about the congregation of the lord this is when believers are gathered together in his name it says they were edified and walking in the fear of the lord and the comfort of the holy ghost were multiplied turn to acts chapter 15 verse 41 acts chapter 15 verse 41 the bible says and he went through syria and silicia confirming the churches plural so he went through these different areas confirming these churches acts chapter 16 verse 5 turn to acts chapter 16 verse number 5 and so were the churches established in the faith so if there's just one universal church wouldn't wouldn't it say so was the church established in the faith it would because you know then that gives you your singular one church mentality but just because the bible says the church when it's saying the church is talking about the church in whatever area people are congregating in whatever area is a legitimate church right it says they were established in the faith and increased in number daily now turn to revelation chapter uh two verse one revelation chapter two verse one and i love how the book of revelation teaches us about the differences between you know church and churches and this is a great verse right here to help you out it says unto the angel of the church of Ephesus singular right there's one that one church in Ephesus right these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks now we know if you've read the book of revelation what are the seven golden candlesticks they're the churches okay that that candlestick has oil in it all right that we're the holy spirit and there's different branches off of that candlestick that's talking about different churches so he's writing specifically to that church in Ephesus and he's saying who what the one who walks in the midst of the golden candlestick so Christ walks in the midst of our church also the spirit of God is in this church in the believers that are gathered together here all right so skip down to verse number seven it says he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the what the church is so he's writing this letter john's writing this letter to seven separate churches and so you know it's funny because the bible when it's taught you know when we're going through first corinthians obviously we're not in Corinth all right but these these these letters are written for our admonition also so you know there's the book of revelation was written to the seven specific churches and had specific messages for those churches but those messages apply to us also because it's the bible now it says turn to Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 now here you'll have Christ talking about my church and in Matthew chapter 18 the church so but you have to understand that Christ is the Lord of every church you know he he is truly the and if he's not then it's not a real church period Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 says and I say unto also unto thee thou art peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so where did the church start out at in Jerusalem right and peter kind of kicked that off right and it says I will build my church it's that's not but that's not the only church I've showed you other verses that prove that that's not the only church there's other churches but this is where it first kicked off was in Jerusalem and look at Matthew chapter 18 verse number 17 Matthew chapter 18 verse number 17 and people will use this this verse to say that we need to just we need to confront everybody and bring them in front of our church if we have a problem with some other pastor we have a problem with some other believer in a different area that we're supposed to bring them before the church we would have says in verse 17 and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church talking about someone that's offended another person in the church tell it if they neglect to hear them tell it under the church but if you neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican so Jesus is instructing people in their church that if somebody offends someone and that person goes to that brother privately or that sister privately and says hey you've offended me this is what you did and then it's a whatever I don't want to hear what you have to say you're wrong and then you take two or three witnesses and then you take those two or three witnesses that every word may be established in a conversation and then if they neglect to hear after that's been established then you take it to the whole church and then the whole church judges and what's the judgment that they should be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican that means you treat them like they're not even saved you treat them you know like a person that's a bad person a publican someone that's an IRS tax collector right that's that's basically what they're talking about an IRA you know somebody that's a tax collector so what what my point is here though is that wouldn't it be weird if some if TD Jakes offended me TD Jakes you know do you think he's part of the church absolutely not but this is where people you know they get this warped sense of of reality of this one church one universal church and they would say well TD Jakes offended you then you should go to TD Jakes and and if he won't hear you then you know what are you talking about it's ridiculous TD Jakes is first of all he's an imposter he's not even a real Christian second of all he's you know he's just a total heretic he's he's he's a child of hell and I'm not going to go to TD Jakes you know how many times people say well did you ever go to Billy Graham before you preach that sermon about him yeah like Billy Grant like I just got him on speed doll hey Billy got a problem with you teaching this repent of your sins garbage you know I mean that's that's just stupid did you ever talk to Ravi Zacharias before you cast him into hell well first of all I didn't cast him into hell but you know his his own will cast him into hell he obviously had a different will than what God wanted for him is his conversion story is very shady and everything he did was very shady and now it's found out that everything he did was pretty much a lie but you know what about the pope you know if we're all just one big universal church shouldn't I be able to call the pope and say hey pope hey papa that's what pope means I wouldn't even call him that you know people call him the pope but that just means papa and the bible says we're not supposed to call any man father upon the earth right so why would I call the pope and tell him I hope I got a problem with you you know there's a lot of people have been in purgatory before twitter ever came out and you're telling people that if they just follow you on twitter that they get some what 10,000 years off of purgatory or whatever I can't remember what the exact number was that's ridiculous we don't believe in a universal church because it's not true because otherwise that verse would apply to everybody that's all believers everywhere and the only authority we have in this church is through our congregation alone we judge situations in our own congregation and what happens at other people's churches is none of our business okay so you know should we consult every church in the world and tell them too when somebody wrongs us we all judge at the same time I mean do you see how ridiculous and stupid that sounds it doesn't make sense folks you know why it doesn't make sense because it's not true so that's why it doesn't make sense there is no universal church it's local churches local assemblies local congregations didn't they have names and places the church in their house the churches in Asia the church at Ephesus I mean the Bible is very clear that there's a location for these places there's just not some network all around the world now turn to a Hebrew or Acts chapter 8 verse 1 Acts chapter 8 verse 1 Acts chapter 8 verse 1 says and and Saul was consenting unto his death and at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria except the apostles so the Bible is telling us how these other churches started these other congregations started because there was a big persecution because Jesus said to go to the whole world right going to the ends of the earth the uttermost parts of the earth and they were kind of just chilling in Jerusalem and so God's stirred up some persecution you know they were persecuted and so then that persecution made them go out and start other churches so that's why the church at Antioch was started and the churches and you know other regions of Judea and Samaria remember Philip you know he went to Samaria after he got the Ethiopian eunuch say or was it before I can't remember but anyway I think it was I think it was before he went he went to Samaria and then he afterward he went to a different place after he went to the Ethiopian eunuch but anyway so Philip did this great work in Samaria where he got all these people saved and Simon the sorcerer got saved and you know then John and Peter came down to help them with all this stuff it's because of the persecutions that happened that made the churches branch out Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 the Bible says but you're come unto mount Sion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels so you want to talk about where the great universal church is going to be well this is where it's going to be it's going to be in heavenly Jerusalem we're all together at the same time after the final judgment after everything's done and he's wiped all the tears away from our eyes and he's made us to forget all the wicked and bad things that have happened in times past and we will be one congregation and it's going to be in the heavenly Jerusalem and that has not happened yet it says to the general assembly and the church of the firstborn who's the firstborn Jesus Christ it'll be the general assembly so that'll be the all believers that are saved will will be in this one church the church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect so all believers all just men all just women that have been made perfect through the blood of Christ are going to be in this place so you know there is actually a universal church but it's not yet now I know the bible says we're already seated in heavenly places so it's as if it's already happened right now but you know we are still here on planet earth okay literally here I know that time doesn't exist for God so as far as he's concerned we're already there but we still have to live our lives and at some point there will be a universal church it'll be the first you know the general assembly the church of the firstborn which is the church of Jesus Christ he's the firstborn and first begotten of the dead turn to first timothy chapter 3 verse 15 first timothy chapter 3 verse 15 like pastor thompson you've kind of already covered all this before well I mean I'm using different verses all right but this is an important topic because there's a lot of people that you're going to knock on their doors and they believe this doctrine of a universal church and they don't understand they're like oh yeah we're all just one love or whatever we're all just one heartbeat we're we're not though because if they believe a bunch of weird stuff that we don't believe then how can we be agreed how can two walk together except they be agreed the bible says you know we're supposed to you know be separate we're supposed to be holy we're supposed to not be you know I mean how can we fellowship with a church that's rolling around and barking like a dog and speaking in tongues and what do we have to do with that it's ungodly so why would we be you know we're the word church with them no that's why we have our own congregation you're in first timothy chapter 3 verse 15 it says but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou ought us to behave thyself in the house of God which is what the church of the living God so if you're in the church of the living God guess what you're in the house of God and it says the pillar and ground of the truth do you think the Jehovah's Witnesses are the pillar and ground of the truth do you think the Mormons are the pillar and ground of the truth do you think the seventh-day Adventists are the pillar and ground of the truth do you think the Pentecostals are the pillar and ground of the truth they're not so now obviously I'm not saying that our churches are perfect all baptist churches are perfect that there isn't any other churches that aren't baptists that aren't good I'm not saying that but they should be teaching the truth you know number one about who God is if they don't believe in the trinity then they're not they're not part of that branch are they they're they're heretics and if they don't believe in the one true God they don't believe in the right salvation how are they the church of God they're not the church of God are they so they're not the pillar and ground of the truth now obviously Christ is that rock that pillar that's represented as the rock which is Jesus Christ and you know he's also you know the ground of the truth you know everything goes for him he's the one that set that chief cornerstone he's the he's the one that set these pillars in place and and that's the the point is that Christ is the head of this church and the ground and and this church needs to preach the truth as much as it possibly can so that's why I study the bible that's why you all study the bible so we can know what the bible says a lot of churches don't even preach the bible they'll even preach the right bible or they just preach a whole bunch of different bibles that don't even make sense just to fit their pet doctrines the esv the niv the the hiv the whatever whatever bible of the month club there is there's over 400 translations of the bible in english which one's the right one the one without any mistakes the one we preach out of the king james amen so we are in the church of god right now we are in the house of god right now and you know anybody that's in a proper church or uh you know that's in a congregation there has to be a location to it doesn't there it's not just some mystical thing that you can't see we're here right now we're looking at each other we're here together and obviously the temple of god is where the holy spirit resides and when we're all together we make up the body of christ in this church so it is a tangible thing it's something that you can see it's a place that you can go whether it's underneath an oak tree or in the back alley of some you know big city it doesn't matter about the building what matters is that there's a location for the saints to gather in the congregation to gather together it's not on television it's not on youtube it's the local new testament church it's a tangible thing it's something could be seen it's also must be at a location that's why the apostle paul is very careful by saying the church is in asia the church at emphasis it has to be a tangible thing it has to be at a location and it must have people there one person does not make up the body of christ so there's people there there's multiple people and even if it's like three or four it's still got to have some people there so in order for it to be a true church it has to be a tangible thing it has to be at a location and it must have people there that are saved saved baptized believers turn to acts chapter 2 verse 41 acts chapter 2 verse 41 how do i know that they a church a true church has to have saved people that are baptized well look what it says then they that gladly received his word you know when you receive the word of god you're getting saved right we're baptized and the same day there were added unto them about 3 000 souls so talking about the church at pentecost you know these people all got saved and so that church grew really big really fast didn't it but what made it a true church well the fact that it was at a location the fact that it had people the fact that it had saved and baptized believers now it a true church must teach the truth and i already went through that with the first timothy chapter 3 we got to teach the truth as much as we can now do i know every single doctrine perfectly i i mean i probably do have some things wrong i'm sure i do i'm a human being i i'm not jesus you know i'm sure i get things wrong from time to time and people let me know when i do but uh but that's okay i don't mind you know as long as people are respectful when they come to me like hey you got a mistake there it's like okay well sorry i'll make it you know i i was talking about the assault or whatever and i got up here and i said i was wrong so i mean sometimes you got to walk things back but i like to do that as least as pop as the the less amount as possible when i'm trying to walk things back but you know what there's going to be times when i have to walk things back things that i you know make stupid mistakes when i'm preaching or whatever you know you try being perfect up here every single time i mean many of you the guys in our church preach and they know that you know you're going to mess things up you're going to flub up things i think remy in his last sermon what was it it was something about oh yeah the sin nature passed through the woman when he was and it was just a mistake that he verbally made obviously everybody knows that's not true but did someone pointed out to you yeah and that's good several people did oh good see that's a church that's awake and they're paying attention what's going on remy's up here preaching false doctrine you guys need to let them have it but it's a natural mistake that sometimes people make you know i heard somebody say recently i was listening to this sermon it said that when someone does this sin this certain sin that they should supposed to be murdered it's like well i think that i think he made a mistake in the choice of his words you know we don't murder people we would put them to death you know they it's something that they deserve but i wouldn't call them up and beat them up over it or you know i'm sure you know what they meant okay you know that person needs to be murdered it's like uh well you know no they don't but uh that's what people always accuse us of doing though like oh you say thou shalt not kill and you know people get put the death sentence it's like well yeah jesus said that we're not supposed to do murder okay when he was interpreting that verse okay anyway so we got to teach the truth to be a true church right obviously some churches can go really bad off onto false doctrine and still could be considered to be a real church but here's the thing like i said in the beginning of the sermon to be a true church you must be active in the great commission and at some point god will remove that candlestick if you're because basically think about it this way if you don't really if the church doesn't really love god and they don't love other people enough to get them saved the whole reason jesus came to seek and save that which was lost he had compassion on people because they were like a sheep like sheep having no shepherd christ cared about people and when he sees churches that get away from door-to-door soul winning they get away from the soul winning program they get pastors up there preaching that it doesn't work in our area you liar you don't even try these pastors just don't want to do it because they're lazy and they're scared or maybe they're just charlatans they're not even legit they're spurious not genuine and you know and i'm not saying every pastor that stops the soul winning program is unsafe but i'll tell you what god's going to stop considering that to be an actual church when he removes your candlestick and now you can put such and such baptist church on the sign you can have ushers you can have tithes and offerings you can have people sitting out here but if the the great commission's not being preached and it's not being done then they're not a church they cease to be a legitimate church look at revelation chapter 2 verse 4 revelation chapter 2 verse 4 this is the warning that he gave to Ephesus and as far as i know there's no Ephesus baptist church existing today that building or wherever they were meeting two thousand years ago is non-existent now am i saying there's no baptist churches and and what used to what's in turkey now so as far as i know they don't allow baptist churches there maybe they do maybe there is some diamond in the rough over there where they're hiding underground but at some point they quit preaching the gospel in what was known as asia back then revelation chapter 2 verse 4 says nevertheless i have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love we're supposed to love the lord our god with all our hearts of our minds with all our soul all our strength that's the first and greatest commandment right and to love our neighbor as ourselves so jesus says in revelation chapter 2 verse 5 this is jesus talking if you have a red letter edition then it should be even read right here remember therefore from whence our fallen and repent and do the first works the first works work follow me and i'll make you fishers of men isn't that what jesus the first things he asked him to do is to follow him and then they'd be fishers of men so that's the first thing that he taught his preachers to do is to go around and preach the gospel follow me and you're going to preach but how is it that we have churches all over america and baptist churches all over this country and all over the world that don't even get the first thing that we're supposed to do how is that possible follow me and i'll make you fishers of men they forgot that part didn't they it says or else i will come unto thee quickly does it say no it says quickly that and when he's saying quickly he means pretty quick right and i will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent he's like you're on the timer now unless you do what i said and you start going out and reach a loss again unless you get your first love back from me then i'm going to remove that candlestick out of this place and it's no longer going to become a church it's not going to be a church anymore so like i said people can come there they can put on their sunday best they could call it such and such baptist church but it's not going to be a baptist church it's not even going to be a church at all in god's eyes it's going to be a country club where people get together and and what pretend i guess right because if they're not doing the first works then they don't really love the lord do they now there's a lot of people out there there's a lot of churches that don't even do so many whatsoever but i'll tell you what this is a very dire warning to any church that would quit a soul winning program and a dire warning and it starts in the heart of one person one person says you know what i just don't want to do this anymore and that person can be a wet blanket for another person you got preachers out there saying well if you have sin in your in your life then you shouldn't you're preaching a false gospel what a weird teaching that is as far as i know we're all sinners right each and every one of us so if i remember when i was uh i was going to a church in town a couple churches ago and they had sent a person to hyles anderson uh college and that person went through their call bible college and they went and were a missionary to scotland which is like you know a graveyard for baptism for baptists i mean scotland's ungodly they got a sodomite leading their nation right now i was probably wasn't the best location to go and start a church but he was over on deputation and i was pretty new to the whole church thing but man his sermon really inspired me it really did it inspired me to care about people and he talked about this girl and call uh he talked about that cassie girl on call of the columbine shooting and one of the one of the guys said do you believe in god and she said yes i do and shot her and that had a big impact on this kid and he was going around he was saved he's going around getting other people saved he was a skateboarder and as he called in the sermon a little skateboarding punk do you remember that sermon yeah and he and he smoked cigarettes he was a skateboarding punk a little skate that's what he kept saying in the sermon a little skateboarding punk that smoked cigarettes but he had already had over a thousand people saved you know and again i'm just listening to the word of another baptist preacher but i have no reason to believe that that wasn't true but you know that wasn't a very popular sermon at that church because you know that church you know they just they they didn't really like hiles anderson college they didn't like the spirit of the preachers that were there they didn't like you know them teaching things like you know call your husband lord and all this other stuff they didn't like so many you know why because that church didn't go so many so i'm sitting there listening to like this is great but it wasn't like really well received with a lot of people there because they knew them and i didn't but you know what i got out of that is that a punk that smokes cigarettes that skateboards it's like 16 or 17 years old can go around and get people saved so the you know obviously the people that that have cleaned up their life and have been purged by the lord they're going to do the most works obviously i understand that but i mean again think of jonah think of jonah sitting on the outside of the city waiting for god to fireball minneba it's not a very sweet spirit was it he was a you know he wanted them to all die but guess what the lord spared them because they all believed the preaching and repented at the preaching of jonah's and you know a guy with a bad attitude and a racist and just like someone that wished hell and damnation on people he did a great work didn't he i mean he was still a great prophet he just had some problems you know he had problems liking people you know so and i'm sure you've run into people out so many that you didn't really like you're like man this person's just the lowest scum that there is but you're still there even if you don't really love that person you still love them because you're preaching the gospel to them and so you can have a bad attitude still get people saved you can have a bad you can have bad sin in your life and still get people saved but i'm not recommending that okay i'm just saying that that's just legitimate okay not saying to do to be yeah just go ahead and keep sinning everybody and keep sowing because you know it's just gonna you know love covers a multitude of sins which is true by the way but you know i'm not recommending that people just go out and sin as much as possible and still go soloing obviously the lord wants to purge us of the things that we have in our life but not everybody grows at the same rate that other people do so uh first uh turn to colossians chapter 1 verse 18 so another thing to be that you must have to be a legitimate church is you have to have jesus christ as the head of the church okay colossians chapter 1 18 is a perfect verse for this it says and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning now what's it say the firstborn from the dead so you remember it said the church of the firstborn the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the what the preeminence what does preeminence mean it means the first place christ has to be the first place for that place to be a legit church and you know what did he say happens if you don't give him the preeminence he's going to take the candlestick away right it's not just about not doing the first works it's also about not loving god you know that's where it starts that's where the downward spiral starts for a church becoming a non-church how many churches around are being used for other things because the spirit of that church died out long ago there's baptist churches all over this country and probably a lot in the south that are just some other fly-by-night tongue-talking fire-walking pentecostal church or something or some non-denom or non-denom so are we or another denomination we're just you know we call ourselves baptists so that people understand where we're at we call ourselves baptists so that people know that we believe the bible's true you're one of those baptists those fundamental baptists yeah i'm glad i am glad i'm not weak like you drinking soy milk in in your chairs with your starbucks in the in the back of the room so people are making lattes and stuff again i like lattes so i'm starting to go away from it though starting to get right with god no now so point number one which is a long point but point number one was you know there's one there's one body but several churches okay and so all those several churches they're still a the body of christ because christ is the head of that church you know there's lots of different churches but they still just have one head that head is christ number two we have one body with multiple members so that one body has multiple members within it now if you're talking about a body you're talking i mean if you think about a body we have a body right and so that body has multiple members in it that make up that body it's all fit together you don't you can't just take your head off and set it on the shelf and clean it up and you know we're all fit together we're glued together we're tempered together and christ shows us this picture of the body for us to understand what it means to be a member of the body of christ it doesn't mean that you're on the church rolls but you're part of this church because you come here and you assemble and so that's why it's likened to a body look what it says in verse 14 in first corinthians chapter 12 it says for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because i'm not the hand i'm not of the body is it therefore not of the body it is it's part of the same body right and if the ear shall say because i'm not the eye i'm not of the body is it therefore not of the body see how the apostle paul is using different body parts that we would find important right i mean do you like having a hand you like having both hands you like having feet no life is hard without feet life is hard without hands life is hard without ears isn't it can't hear so it says because i'm not the eye am i not of the body is it is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where were the hearing so it's not just one member it's multiple members and so if you if the your body was just one big eyeball if this body was just one one eyeball one member it wouldn't really be the body would it and if it were the whole we're hearing where were the smelling so we got to have a nose so we can smell it says and now god hath god set the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him so the people that we have in this church god set these people here as it's pleased him every single person in here is part of the body of christ in vancouver washington and so god finds it you know you're here for a reason every single person in this church no matter what you do no matter how much you help if you're here and you're at the in the church services you know you are part of this body if you come and gather together with the believers you're part of the body of christ you're a member of the body of christ you know and and god does bring in the people he wants he also removes people he doesn't want maybe we can't perceive the people that need to go but god perceives it god helps them get weeded out and then god helps bring new people in right i mean people come people go and that's the way this church has been since we started we had a lot of a whole different looking crew when we first started there's still a lot of people here that were here from the beginning but some are not and you know that's that's just the way it goes but god knows what members need to be here he's the one that sets them in place as it's pleasing that's what the bible says right so if someone leaves our church does that mean they're bad or unsaved no and you'll never catch me saying that unless they actually do things that show me that they are bad or unsaved so people leave our church and start talking crap about us or talking crap about our church then i would say i'm not saying they're unsaved but they're not they're not right they're not doing right so you know that's just the way it is people are gonna leave and they're gonna talk crap some people just leave and they never say anything those are normal people what i find abnormal is people that leave and then still want to cling on to everybody else i don't understand that it's like you're already you're going to another church make friends there you know i'm not saying they can't be friends with people from our church i'm not controlling what people do but i just sometimes you know if you didn't like our church then why are you still trying to be friends with people that go to the church that you don't like i find that strange but that's just the way people are in 2021 they just have no scruples they have no they just have no character people have no character they don't have a problem just cutting a church down behind people's backs and you know i just i'm actually sick of it to be honest with you anyway verse number 19 i want to park on that for too long but but here's the thing people can leave this church and they can be useful in another church no one's saying they can't there's other churches in this city where people can go and get plugged in and go soul winning and serve the lord and i don't have a problem with that at all what one iota i have no zero problems with that you know what i want to see is people just going to church and staying with god and serving the lord like they should i don't have a problem with that and i'm not going to have a problem with people that leave this church and just mind their business and go and serve the lord someplace else you know i don't think that this is the only church where there's saved people in in the town okay i've never said that and i never will i think our church is the best church in the city but why wouldn't i say that well first of all it is and second of all why would i call another church better than our church like that'd be like you know hey guys welcome to your foundation baptist church there's another church in town that's better you might want to check that one out i mean why would i do that i wouldn't but you know people can still serve the lord but here's the thing go serve the lord all right don't cling on to things don't cling on where you don't need to you know i i don't understand that i've never will i don't still keep in contact with people from i mean i do to a certain extent but it's like you're most close with the people you go to church with that's just a fact the people you regularly congregate with are going to be the people that are your best friends in most cases as a church member so if you you know it'd be weird if you you know came to this church but were friends with everybody and hung out with only the people from your other church wouldn't it be weird it's like make friends at the new church you didn't want to be part of this church make friends at your other church you know i mean that's that's what makes sense to me but i don't know that's what i did that's what i've done do i still have friends that are at other churches absolutely i do i'm still friends with my old pastor he was really sick not too long ago i texted him said hey how you doing you know we had the covid real bad but are we as close as we were when i went to his church no but i'm still friends with them you know i still care what happens to them and i care about other people of other churches i've gone to before but you know i care most about the people in this church here that's who i care the most about that's who i hang out with these are my peaks right here sure foundation baptist church all right let's finish this off of chapter 12 verse number 19 it says and if they were all one member where were the body but now are they many members yet but one body so this is point number two that there's many members in this church but this is one body of believers it's not a big universal church and the eye cannot say unto the hand i have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet i have no need of you nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary so i kind of struggle with this a little bit in the past like well what what body what members are more feeble you know what members because obviously there's people that are in this church that might be struggling or or maybe they're just not as involved maybe they just come to church once a week and they come to one service or whatever and people look at them and think well they're kind of you know kind of feeble members or whatever but we ought not to look at people like that every single person that comes to this church is important we should be encouraging each other to grow and to come more if that person just comes one service for the rest of their life and they still keep coming to church and they keep serving god then i then i'm fine with that you know i mean i would think that they'd be more successful if they come to church three times a week and get involved with the soloing program and get involved you know and make friends and fellowship that's what church life's all about that's what god put together a bunch of unperfect people living unperfect lives who come together and strive together for the faith and the gospel and so you know yeah none of us are perfect including yours truly definitely not perfect you can ask my wife she'll probably tell you after service for like a half hour you know she would she doesn't talk bad about me at least that i know of if you hear her talking about me come tell me but anyway but what you know but what's the point it's making well you know there's there's parts of our body that are uncombling that means not as pretty right take off your shoes show me your your your feet i'm going to show you some parts that are ugly okay there's some ugliness right not i mean some people have nice feet okay but like you know what does that really mean the older you get the uglier your feet are gonna get the more hair grows on your toes and all that stuff it's they get gross all right toenails turn yellow you know you gotta use a grinder to chisel them off and there's some on there's some there's also vestigial organs inside of our bodies you know there's those are members of our bodies too and we can't even see them but that vestigial organ people would say is a is a an appendix right you don't need that but you do you know if if you can you live without it you can live without it you can live without your hand you can live without your ears you can live without your eyes you can live without your nose you can live without a lot of body parts but you know people say you know these evolution scientist type people will say oh that's just a vestigial organ we don't really need it well from what i've heard i'm not a scientist or a physician but what i've heard is that the appendix has to do with your immune system and so you know it is something that's necessary but it's not something you can't live without if you lose your heart you're gonna die you know that's an organ that you need to live well you know they can even fix those now really good i remember when i was a kid they first came out with the the the different kinds of hearts making like make mechanical hearts or you know at least fix things that they couldn't fix you know long time ago but now they can fix a lot of things but tonsils they say you know people get their tonsils taken out you can live without your tonsils but they are a guardian for germs and things like that getting it's a defense line for you wisdom teeth some people have to pull them out some people don't maybe we just had bigger mouths back in the day i don't know what the deal is with that um tongues aren't exactly the most pretty thing in the world you know you know people you know people go around sticking their tongue out you're like what are you doing you know that's ugly get that little tongue back in there but uh you know our intestines are probably not a pretty thing to see you know our veins you know the uvula that thing that hangs back in the back of your throat you know the uvula does something what does it do i don't know what it does probably helps us talk or something i have no idea but you can live without some of these parts but you know all of our body fit together is the way god made us and just like how he's tempered us together as a church he tempered our bodies when he created mankind and all that stuff meant something all that stuff was meant to be together even some of the things that we would consider ugly like our hindr parts aren't necessarily something you know that's it's behind us for a reason so we don't have to look at it right so but there's people but there's people in the church that people would say well that person's you know not a very commonly part of the body they're not they're not you know a pretty you know when people come in they look at that one person they're like oh what's wrong with them you know but we should look at each other like that you know you need your big floppy ears so you can hear you know everybody in this church is important and don't ever let anybody tell you any different verse 23 it says in those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our uncommonly parts the the ugly parts so to speak have more abundant comeliness you know we bestow honor upon those things and say hey we need that person god put them in this body for a reason and don't act like we don't need that person when we actually do and we should put put more honor upon these people and our uncommon parts and and give and look what says in verse 24 for our commonly parts have no need but god hath tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another we should have the same care one for another there shouldn't be divisions in this church about what we believe there shouldn't be divisions in this church because you don't like that certain person there i don't like that person they're the appendix of the church they're the hinder parts of the church they're the armpit of the church should be talking about your brothers and sisters in christ like that have the same care one for another everybody in this room has feelings everybody in this room has worries and concerns everybody in this in this in this room has victories and defeats you know we should take care of each other verse 26 and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it you know if you stub your toe really hard you know the rest of your body is going to suffer why because you feel that pain you know and it might make you limp it might make you compensate for one part and then you know your other your knee is hurting on the other side you know how that works right you hurt something and you're compensating more with another body part and then it hurts the rest of the body you know or if you can't see out of one eye it makes your you know it gives you a blind spot and every body part is important again we can live without them but we don't want to have to live without them right look at verse number 27 and now you're the body of christ oh excuse me verse 26 and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it now you're the body of christ and members in particular and god has set some in the church first apostles secondary prophets and thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues now it's going back and talking about these gifts and like i said a lot of these gifts last week i said i said that some of these gifts are just not existent i mean there's no more apostles are there so and so some of these gifts are either done away with or maybe we use them in different ways it says are all apostles what's the answer to that no are all prophets no are all teachers are all workers of miracles i haven't seen anybody working miracles in here lately our prayer works miracles through christ it says have all the gifts of healing come up here tell me i'm going to heal you right now no we don't you all speak with tongues no no you all interpret no but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show i unto you a more excellent way and that that's going to lead us and segue us into chapter 13 and there's there's gifts that are better than other gifts so just to recap the church is not a universal church um it's it's a church means assembly and congregation right and each member of this church is important no matter whether you don't like them or not they're still part of the body of christ and we should treat people and have the same care one for another just like we would anybody else we're not supposed to be respected for persons if uh lebron james decided to start coming to our church you know i would expect lebron james to get treated just like everybody else you're like well i don't know if i could do that maybe at first you couldn't but after a while we just shouldn't be respected as a person you know it's just that's what the bible teaches so anyway that's first corinthians 12 let's pray lord we thank you so much for this great chapter in the bible lord pray to help us to for this all to sink down in our ears and for us to understand the doctrine of the body of christ the church and lord uh to shun these weird teachings that teach that we're one universal church lord and lord it'll be rock solid when it comes to this doctrine thank you lord so much for everything you do for us pray this in jesus name all right our last song of the song number 127 tis so sweet to trust in jesus song number 127 in your green hymnals tis so sweet to trust in jesus