(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right we're doing a Sunday morning series as you know called what we believe what we believe we've been going through our statement of faith and explaining what we believe and why we believe it so far we've looked first at salvation what we believe about salvation then we looked at the Bible what we believe about the Bible and this week we're going to look at the Trinity so the title of the sermon this morning is what we believe about the Trinity what we believe about the Trinity I'd like to pray before we continue with the sermon father thank you for your word Lord thank you that your word is very clear about the things that we believe Lord and right now we're going to look at the nature of God the Godhead Lord today the Trinity help me to just preach this this sermon just very clearly very accurately Lord I'm in a way that people just really understand what your words saying and really really be able to just remember the these clear verses in the Bible Lord help everyone to have attentive ears film with your spirit please Lord in Jesus name we pray Amen okay so we like I said we've been going through our statement of faith and we have quite a long statement about the Trinity for a few reasons it's very long there's a lot of false doctrine about the Trinity out there our statement says this we believe in the Trinity which is a belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the Godhead of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead a distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God but believe that each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God we reject polytheism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God we reject oneness a belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles of our proof verses of Genesis 1 26 27 John 1 1 to 3 Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 of 1st John 5 7 and in case you're starting to switch off already and you think it is does it sound so exciting look doctrine is important all right doctrine is important who God is the nature of God is important and if you can't it's something that you've never been that interested in hopefully gonna learn a bit today and regardless that you know we need to we need to know why we believe in what we believe and today you're going to understand that about the Trinity hopefully so we believe in the Trinity at this church and I'm gonna give you a simplified reason as to why we believe that God is a Trinity because we're saved okay because we're saved and because we believe the Bible for what it says okay so therefore we believe what the Bible says that how God is revealed through the Word of God and just to make it clear on that point yeah there are those that change the truth of God into a lie in various ways and there are those and we just talked about some of those in that statement of faith and there are those that blindly follow those lies like the members of false religions okay they're following the lies they're not those people change the truth got into our however there are saved people there are babes in Christ that maybe just don't explain the truth that well okay that say something that maybe doesn't sound exactly right yeah it doesn't mean that there's some Trinity denying heretic okay because some people can go too far with this it's like oh they kind of said something slightly off they must be denying Trinity they must be unsaved right the question is do they believe the Bible for what it says okay do you believe the Bible for what it says and there are some clear verses I believe in the Bible about the Trinity now the Bible has a combination of some pretty clear statements showing this truth there are many events dialogues that can only be explained by the Trinity okay really like anything else just has massive holes in it and is ultimately it's it's let's be honest it's damnable heresy okay you start denying the Trinity and start trying to go to the Bible and explain all these different weird versions of God it's it and it never it just it's always got massive holes in it John chapter 1 where you are in verse 1 says this in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and and that is a great opening verse the Gospel of John isn't it what a great opening verse verse 14 being one of a few places shown that the word here is Jesus Christ because the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we beheld his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth okay now revelation chapter 19 describes the Lord Jesus Christ and tells us of the name written upon him King of Kings and Lord of Lords and in verse 13 revelation 19 says and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God okay and then this that's two of a few places where we can say that we know that the word is clearly talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and here in verse 1 we see that the word was with God and the word was God I mean how does that work right well the only way that works because God is a Trinity that's the only way it can work the word Jesus Christ was with God the Father have the word is God because he's got the Son one God that exists in three persons for all equally God and all eternal yeah he said in verse 2 the same was in the beginning with God yeah they're all eternal he was in the beginning with God because there are those and I would say you know obviously many unsaved and people maybe just confused just believe that Jesus Christ only came into existence two thousand odd years ago or something and sometimes you kind of explain this to people on the door they're like oh okay because they're just thinking well who is this guy he came a couple of thousand years ago how's he God right and in fact I don't know anyone ever had the Muslims try and say that so okay so where was God before Jesus and I think they really caught you out there or something right well well no Jesus Christ always was because he's God okay he always was he was in the beginning with God the Father however all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so I keep something in John chapter 1 and turn to Genesis chapter 1 I'm gonna go to Genesis 1 and we look from verse 26 which by the way also listed on our statement of faith Genesis 1 verse 26 27 is one of our proof proof text we just read that all things were made by him talked about the word and we just seen the word is Jesus Christ and without him was not anything made that was made and most people know the first verse survival Genesis 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth so we've just seen all things are made by him and the Bible says that God created the heaven in the earth because the word Jesus Christ is God Genesis 1 and verse 26 Genesis 1 26 says and God said let us notice said us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creep upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him man and female created he then them so in verse 26 God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and in verse 27 it says so God created man in his own image so you think wait a second verse 26 God said let us make man in our own image after our likeness then he says so God created man in his own image because there is one God there's one God however there are three distinct persons or one God I remember once when I was newly saved I had these just bizarre heretics come to my house and they claimed to be believers and and and on the door I asked them you know they came to my house they were from some sort of Presbyterian I think Korean Presbyterians I used to live in there which is very densely populated by Koreans and they said um and I asked them you know you believe you know Jesus the Son of God yeah yeah you believe in the gospel yeah okay she said this lady said oh I've got this this young young lad who wants to present this he's got a presentation of Christian presentation trying to see if anyone wants to hear it about God the mother and I was think he's just talking about some like you know attributes you know you know we can look up and kind of almost be mothered by God or something you know along and I was thinking what they talk about come on come on in let's say I wasn't you I shouldn't just told him to get out right okay so I brought him in and she they went to this passage and said look that's because there's a God the mother we ended up in a bit of a row and stuff but she she was a damnable heretic she was clearly you know she was she was pretty bad but the the kid who was kind of trying to do this you could see he was really interest cuz I just went into Bible versions showing how their Bible version was wrong and they were trying to show me the NIV and stuff like that and I've kind of felt like he kind of took you can see he was kind of asking she was trying to silence me he's gone over can you show me that again and stuff like this so it was quite interesting point being that they were taking this passage and trying to show there must be a mother no this passage is because God is a Trinity okay that's what this passage this is how we explain it and again if you don't understand the word of God if you're not saved you they'll go into all sorts of weird stuff and we're going to talk about a few of those weird things and for even that God there's a God the mother up there that's just not talked about in the Bible anywhere but it did say hours so that must be it right anyway let's keep going um okay so there's there's one God we've seen here he said however we're seeing that there's three distinct persons he's talking about in our image and the only way that you can explain these verses is by what I stated from our statement of faith isn't it we believe in a Trinity which is a belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the God head of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit otherwise you start going in a wacky like God the mother stuff or other bizarre things because in the beginning was one God and three distinct persons are all one God and then our statement then says the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will and by the way Genesis 1 to talk of the beginning said in the spirit of God moved upon the face of all this as well and we also see there are the proof text for example acts 5 when when you got an analysis of fire and he says it you've lied to the Holy Ghost and he says you've lied to God because the Holy Ghost is God okay but anyway let's continue the three members of God had a distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God but believe that each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God so for example some would believe that they're kind of different slices of the pie of the pizza or something you know but if you take one out it's no longer God's you know it's kind of a kind of not quite complete no John 1 2 said of the word Jesus Christ the same was in the beginning with God okay not parts separate distinct persons right because Genesis 1 26 said and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness because they're separate persons not pieces of the pie we reject polytheism our statement of faith says the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God okay there's a lot of people that believe in multiple gods aren't there John 1 1 said in the beginning was a word the word was with God and the word was God the word was God not was a God and by the way there's some full spiral versions out there that will turn it to a God and put in a little a and suddenly you create a whole new false doctrine no no the word was God the word was God in Genesis 1 27 after God spoke of creating man in our image and after our likeness it said so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he then because there's one God we reject oneness the belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles John 1 1 said in the beginning was the word and the word was with God okay how could he have been with God if it's the same person John 1 2 said the same was in the beginning with God how is he with himself right makes no sense Genesis 1 26 said God said let us make man in our image after our likeness who is he talked about them okay again bizarre nonsense now none of those false doctrines stand up to the test of Bible unless you've got false Bibles so if you've got a false Bible and you're going into false Bibles and false so-called versions of the Bible then you look you can create all sorts of false doctrine but but then they still got a public is none of it seems to add up with each other so this verse well we can kind of go with that but then we can't with this and none of it makes any sense turn of first John 5 where there is a verse in the King James Bible that is as clear as you can get for me no no wonder modern false Bibles remove and change it cast doubt on whether or not it's a real verse the Bible etc because they're just constantly all these false versions are just constantly trying to poison your mind trying to trying to push in false doctrine trying to put doubt shade cast shade upon the Word of God and if you're wondering what's he talk about just see our last sermon okay and I made it very clear why we believe the King James Bible is the Word of God in this church will always only ever preach out the King James Bible 1st John chapter 5 you've turned to in verse 5 1st John 5 5 says this who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God so to overcome the world to enter in at the straight gate the narrow way you have to get saved that's how you've overcome the world you get saved by believing that Jesus is the Son of God now although that that you know that's a gospel in its entirety so in case you look at that going oh well as long as someone says oh yeah they believe Jesus son of God the same no that's believing the gospel it all goes hand in hand okay the Son of God dying for your sins and and rising from the dead okay that's believing that Jesus is the Son of God that's all part of it him being the Son of God though is part of it as well okay him being the Son of God and I tell you why because it's the only way that there could have been that sin the sacrifice it had to be the Son of God it had to be God in the flesh because no one could have paid for our sins without having anything on their account so it all goes hand in hand believing that Jesus is the Son of God is is part of the gospel in fact not only part of the gospel it's it's an essential part of the gospel because he became sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him had he known sin he couldn't have become sin for us so the fact that he was the Son of God is is is a massive part of the gospel God himself coming to die for your sins and by the way being the Son of God is God is equal with God he's God in the flesh because again if he was oh well he's like one of just many sons of God well then he's going to be sin he's going to have sin in his life isn't he no he is the Son of God he's God in the flesh he came to die for your sins the Trinity is part of the gospel without the Trinity it's not the gospel it doesn't it can't work okay it's not it's it's an integral part of the gospel verse 6 says this is he that came by water and blood even Jesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood it is a spirit the birth witness because the spirit is truth now Walter when compared to John chapter 3 talking about the physical birth you don't have to go there the the amniotic fluid okay that's like coming by water that's a physical birth I believe he's saying that it wasn't just a virgin birth of some now you could either there's two ways you can look at it either he's saying it wasn't just a virgin birth to some sort of spirit like the blood being physical God manifest in the flesh or you could say that talking about that he also came of the line through Mary of David as well and he was a prophesied one and obviously you know being of the line of David as well either way but it's it's a spirit he was justified in the spirit wasn't it bears witness of him through the Holy Scriptures doesn't it verse 7 says for there are three that bear record in heaven okay three did it say one of three three that bear record in heaven the father the word and we've just seen the word is Jesus Christ haven't we and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so three clearly distinguishable but distinguishable persons he didn't say there is one that bear record bears record in heaven did he there are three that bear record in heaven the father gave these are three distinct persons the father the word we've seen that's Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and these three are one clearly distinguishable countess three however one because there's one God one God three separate persons the only way you can explain so many of these verse in these verse we're going through today is the Trinity and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree on one I believe likely talked about the witness being the Holy Spirit the virgin birth and the physical manifestation of God in Jesus Christ verse 9 says if we believe the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is a witness of God which he had testified of his son he that believeth on the Son of God had the witness in himself he that believeth not God has made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son and that's basically what it comes down to that's what it comes down to do you believe the record that God gave of his son his son the Son of God or if he made God a liar and that's that for me that's such a that's such a key verse when you're talking about it because he that believes on the Son of God as a witness in himself he that believeth not God have made him a liar and for me just those verse alone anything else oneness modalism nonsense you know these polytheistic gods all of this you're calling him a liar you're making him a liar and look for me look when someone who saved reads these verses when the with the indwelling Holy Spirit the witness in himself and the others the other verse we're going to see the Trinity is clear isn't it for me the Trinity you go through these verses it's just yeah God's a Trinity now look you you don't have to go through these verses to get saved right but if you're saved you have the Holy Spirit in you and you go through these verse you're not gonna I think it must be oneness right or something else like that no the Trinity is clear now turn to Colossians chapter 2 those denying the truth and going around preaching and teaching a false version of God okay they're not saved if you're teaching and preaching a false version of God you're not saved and in Colossians Paul warns us of these sorts of deceivers now in case you're thinking yeah but if you're saved you won't be deceived I think you know sometimes people think that well how could they get deceived if they're saved well you can have your head turned can't you you can get to see for a time you you can have your faith shaken you know enough to pull you out of church right because when I mean there was quite a famous in in our movement sort of you know won this sort of push and drive and people whispering and teaching obviously faithful word knows this is this big issue that came from it right and now look there was a lot of bad people but I'm sure there were probably some people that were saved that kind of got a bit mixed up got their head turn kind of lost a bit of faith in the preaching in in the church because they were being convinced that actually there was this truth that they weren't being taught right now what what happened to those people some of those people I reckon some of those people probably that was the last time they're maybe in a decent church that was maybe the last time that they're really properly serving God and and that's what a lot of this false doctrine does is to shake your faith in a biblical church and to start losing faith in the Word of God being preached everything else yeah but I know something they don't like how does he not see it is that even a and then they start doubting and questioning and then they their spiritual life just starts going downhill and downhill and downhill and yeah okay that person isn't gonna become on it you can't lose your salvation you're saved you're saved right they're not gonna go and start teaching and preaching Trinity for the sorry oneness for the rest of their life they're not gonna stop believing the Trinity deep down however they're gonna be shaken they're gonna find it hard to be in church or listen to preaching and everything else because they're thinking well there's something wrong you know how could they be getting this wrong because this person is convinced with that and that's what these wolves do they pray on the week they pray on people that can be shaken they but they sow a little seed they say a little comment just a little comment in private and just see where it gets it you know and when you hear that sort of stuff when you hear people trying to sow a seed which is against the doctrine of the Bible and it could be in church you could be out of church you need to just smash it with the Bible smash it with the Bible we had it recently or someone just a little whisper you know about something separate and the both just basically that's not biblical that's not scriptural and that was the end of it and look you that's what you got to do right you got to deal with it quickly you deal with it with the Bible and how do you do that by knowing your doctrine by knowing your doctrine and some is like this that's why they're vitally important and they're not just oh one of those boring ones about the Trinity come on can we talk about reprobates next week or something so your turn to Colossians chapter 2 where like I said Paul's warning about these type of people okay it said in verse 4 Paul said in this I say lest any man should beguile you with enticing words people want to beguile you with enticing words you know what's part of the enticement is is that you know something everyone else doesn't know oh it's like an extra truth it's like a something that the rest of church don't know now suddenly someone who's probably got a fairly weak spiritual life suddenly thinks they've been put up here now now they're one of the select few the elite who know the truth about God or whatever it is that there are the others don't so it works on the ego a bit as well right they entice you they beguile you with enticing words for though I'd be absent in the flesh it am I with you in the spirit joying and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ I hope everyone here has a steadfast faith in Christ as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith okay that's again why we need these sermons that's why I'm pleased that you know I decided to go through this series because we need to be rooted up and established in our faith don't we know what it is why we believe what we believe as you have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving he said in verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ and that's what so much this false doctrine really is pagan gods molded loosely with Christ and let me tell you that what they're all either openly or a lot of the time not openly believing I I reckon a salvation that's the work of men's hands in one way or another a lot of these people they go off into these weird stuff they're teaching these weird things but you're not really pretty much a majority of them all are they just work salvationists subtle quiet ones maybe they can't push the work salvation so push just this bizarre false version of God or something else right it's just and then they just they're just making this God in their own image the one that they want to make verse 9 says for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily suppose saying that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh okay that's what he's saying here he said in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he's God manifest in the flesh and doesn't that upset certain false religions you ever notice that I mean think the Jews and the Muslims for example the Jews and Muslims who who try and act like they kind of got it right and that really upsets him because if you accept he's a son of God then you have to accept why he came don't you you'll say you're accepting he's the son of God and it wait a second if I'm accepting he's the son of God and that he died on a cross or why did he come and on that cross to pay for your sins and basically your works ain't good enough mate your your your you know following of the of the Torah the Talmud whatever you want to follow whatever version you want to do that's not going to get you there you're following of your you know of the pedophile prophet ain't gonna get you to heaven you've got to put your faith in Christ and it upsets him and it angers them and it makes them you know they're just so they get so it's a lot of time it's a bit that they attack isn't it they really attack it because if you're accepting he's the son of God he's gone to flesh you're accepting the Trinity then you're accepting why came why done that cross to the point where I mean I've had a few Muslims over the years that told me that any religion with a monotheistic so that's one God as opposed to a polytheistic like multiple God is basically is another is another way to get to heaven so I've had a few Muslims over the years say to me as long as you believe in a monotheistic God any God just as long as it's one God and they usually don't use the word monotheistic as long as you believe in one God yeah I think it's just another path to heaven basically anything but that Trinity ah because what do they hate really the truth they hate the truth of God and obviously they're claiming because what what do they claim because ultimately we are believing one go but what they claiming they're claiming that we believe in a polytheistic God no no we believe in the biblical account of God we believe in the preserved Word of God we believe in the inspired preserved Word of God's clear for me definition of God and and let me just remind you again our statement we believe in the Trinity okay this church we believe in the Trinity and we're gonna be strong on believing in the Trinity as well okay so well we believe in a Trinity but if you don't really believe that I don't really know no we believe in Trinity okay it's a key part of the gospel as well it's a key part it's it's it's a massive part of our faith we believe in a Trinity which is a belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the Godhead of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three all equally God and eternal mean that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God but believe that each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God we reject polytheism the police the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God we reject oneness the belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles and I mean that one just how would you explain the dialogues between Jesus Christ and God him saying things like you know if if it's possible for this cut to pass me but not my will but lie will be done I mean how does that even work right it's ridiculous and obviously we've looked at those verses that we have down there as our proof verses now turn to 1st Timothy 3 because the next statement I want to also include in our sermon about the Trinity is this 1st Timothy 3 you're turning to our next statement is we believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and our proof text of John chapter 1 verses 1 to 14 1st Timothy 3 16 Luke 1 27 to 35 Matthew 1 23 and Isaiah 7 14 so we believe in the Trinity and of course Jesus Christ being the second person in that Trinity is God in the flesh now 1st Timothy 3 we're gonna look for verse 14 where Paul writes sister Timothy he says in verse 14 these things right down to thee hoping to come unto thee shortly but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou alters to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth the pillar and ground of the truth there's only one truth in life okay there's only one ultimate truth it's the word of God and the the church has to be a pillar and ground of that truth now what's interesting for me is that he makes this statement this verse verse 15 then follows it straight after with verse 16 where he then gives us a very very important truth he says and without controversy so basically this shouldn't be a controversial point there's no argument about it okay this isn't one of those where it's like that come to me after the sermon if you've kind of got a different interpretation that's cool you know you know let's all put our heads together and see if we can work out what these verses really say no there's no controversy there's no argument it's yet this isn't sort of have a little chat afterwards this it is so it's this there's no controversy it's without controversy however it's still a mystery okay in that and when I say mystery it's not oh well just you know maybe it's a Trinity maybe it's not no it's a mystery in that exactly how the Trinity works understanding all aspects of God isn't possible all we know is what's revealed to us through the scriptures right and there is a mystery of godliness however it's revealed through the scriptures the Trinity is revealed through the scriptures the mystery is great but but there's no arguing the clear scriptures such as this one so without controversy great is a mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh okay now manifest means plain open and clearly visible to the eye obvious to the understanding apparent not obscure or difficult to be seen or understood so Jesus Christ was the embodiment of God he manifest him physically on this earth it says God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory that is clearly Jesus Christ isn't it okay go back to John chapter 1 I just read statement number 2 which was we believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and then we quoted those verse verse references we're going to look at them as we go through you're turning to John chapter 1 and back to John 1 and we're gonna look from verse 1 where where the Bible says in the beginning was a word and the word was with God and the word was God okay definitely God right Jesus Christ we've seen as a word the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made in it was life and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from God his name was John the same came for a witness to be a witness of the light that all men through him might believe he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light which light of every man that cometh into the world about Jesus Christ he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name the great verse of the Bible that isn't it which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man but of God and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth and there are a couple of ways that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father or the only begotten Son at least he's the only begotten meaning either procreated or in Revelation 1 5 you turn to Revelation 1 5 if you want I'm going to quote it the only one generated from the dead pro creator generated from the dead Revelation 1 5 says and from Jesus Christ who is a faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washes for my sins in his own blood yeah there were those that slept for the purpose of the miracle of resurrection but no one was ever spiritually dead in hell to then be begotten of the dead okay that that's never happened before no one's come out of hell if you know like we saw in fact we talked about on Wednesday in our Genesis series because the gates of hell did not prevail against him okay he he he was the only begotten of the dead which is also referred to by the way in Psalm 2 acts 13 elsewhere in the Bible in fact many times we're seeing it talking about him being the only begotten of the dead but here in John 1 he's described as the only begotten of the Father being the only pro created of the Father however don't get confused Jesus Christ always was so it's not that oh well he only came to existence like I said earlier two thousand years ago he always was verse 2 says the same was in the beginning with God Micah 5 2 says but thou Bethlehem afraid to though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from old from everlasting case from everlasting he always was he's always existed he's eternal but turn to Luke chapter 1 because something amazing happened though for the physical birth of Jesus Christ when he came to this world 2,000 years ago God manifest in the flesh was begotten of the Father through the Holy Ghost and Luke chapter 1 and verse 26 Luke 1 26 says this Luke chapter 1 and verse 26 and in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the Virgin's name was Mary and he and the angel came in unto her and said hell thou that that art faily sorry art highly favored the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be and the angel said unto her fear not Mary for thou has found favor with God and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth the Sun and shall call his name Jesus he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end then said Mary unto the angel how shall this be seeing I know not a man she's saying I'm a virgin how's this going to happen and the angel answers said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God and by the way that's a Trinity right there in that verse isn't it said the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore so that only thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God but also that the Holy Ghost came upon Mary for Jesus Christ to have them been born on this earth approximately 2,000 years ago we believe that Jesus is God in the flesh that Jesus Christ is begotten by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary now turn to Matthew 1 once I read Isaiah 7 14 you turn to Matthew 1 Isaiah 7 14 says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel now that was the prophecy of Isaiah nearly 800 years before the birth of Jesus Christ clearly prophesied isn't it 800 years odd just just under I think 800 years earlier and in Matthew 1 23 shows the fulfillment of that prophecy and by the way yes these are different authors no the Bible wasn't written by one person okay and it's amazing isn't it and this is just one of many prophecies we see fulfilled in the Bible Matthew 1 23 says now all this was done and it might be fulfilled which is spoken of the Lord by the prophets saying talking about this prophecy that I just read of Isaiah 7 14 behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth the Son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us why is a virgin birth important because it shows that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father and if he wasn't begotten of the Father then he wasn't God in the flesh and he would never been able to be the sinless sacrifice for our sins okay and again it's it's a key part of the gospel it all goes hand in hand you can't take one out without ruining the rest right it's all that the look real clear doctrine true doctrine all goes together and it all goes hand in hand and then it leads on to the final statement I want to discuss today in our statement of faith which is this we also believe that Mary did not stay a virgin so the virgin birth was massively important right the virgin birth showed that that he was yes he was God in the flesh that he was God manifest in the flesh he was a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man at the same time but then we also believe that maybe did not stay a virgin but had other children that the scripture mentions and I'll prove verse in Matthew 13 55 mark 6 3 in Matthew 1 25 so we believe in the Trinity okay we don't believe in some mediatrix perpetual virgin goddess that's contrary to the scriptures contrary to the clear scriptures contrary to the Bible Matthew 1 from verse 22 Matthew 1 and we'll look again for verse 20 says now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which has spoken of the Lord by the prophets saying behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth the son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us and then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord have bidden him and took unto him his wife and knew her not till till she had bought forth her firstborn son and he called his name Jesus yep Joseph knew her a euphemism for a physical relationship however it wasn't till she'd given birth to Jesus turn to Matthew chapter 13 it said till she bought forth her firstborn son he called his name Jesus Mary was a virgin when she was with child of the Holy Ghost however she went on to have multiple children after the Lord Matthew 13 55 we look for verse 40 verse 54 so in Matthew 13 54 says and when he was coming to his own country Matthew 13 54 when he was coming to his own country referring to the Lord Jesus Christ he taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said whence had this man this wisdom and these mighty works is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas and his sisters are they not all with us when sin hath this man all these things and by the way this isn't just in Matthew's gospel you have to turn up at mark 6 3 says it's not this the carpenter the son of Mary the brother of James and Joseph and of Judah and Simon are not and are not his sisters here with us and they were offended at him so it's clear here isn't it that there were brothers there were sisters of Jesus Christ of at least here you know what we're seeing is other children by Mary and Joseph so half brothers and half sisters however look Mary was it Mary was a great lady okay chosen to be the mother to Jesus Christ however she she was just that wasn't she she was a lady okay she was a late she was a normal person and she went on to have a family after that in fact she called him her say she called him her Savior right okay she wasn't some sinless goddess she wasn't a perpetual virgin we believe in this church in one God in three persons the Trinity that's one God not an extra pagan mother son queen of heaven merged with Christianity goddess okay we don't believe in that nonsense here we never will believe in that nonsense here it's completely unbiblical and and you know look do you know why we believe what we believe so why do we believe all this because we believe the Bible and and here's a point we believe the King James Bible we believe the same Bible that people have been believing in English for the last 400 years okay we we believe what the Word of God says we don't believe we don't go well we got a new Bible come out that's being dug up this there's something completely different about God oh well let's grab that one let's grab this on oh well that doctrine sounds cute let's go without see if we can find a find a Bible to prop it up now we believe the King James Bible and the King James Bible is for me that those verses are clear aren't they that's clear scripture right and of course we're patient with unbelievers and babes in Christ with funny terminology aren't we okay we're gonna be patient with that stuff we don't need to be on a sort of you know Trinity denying heretic hunt you know of new believers and stuff like that but we won't put up with people teaching we won't put up with people teaching some sort of oneness heresy around here any of the other it's any of that other junk yeah we won't put up with that it's a false God it's idolatry it perverts the gospel and it will get you kicked out of our church okay because look and you go well why would people do that because people have done that people continue to do that for some of the reasons I mentioned earlier because they just want to try and pervert the Word of God one way or another and that's one way you can do it you're perverting who God is and like I said it weakens people it turns heads it makes people doubt and question and everything else we don't put up with that first John 5 10 said he that believeth on the Son of God had the witness in himself he that believeth not God has made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son now we don't we don't want people make out that God's alive okay we take we don't take too kindly to that now it's pretty clear and that's like I said without going into all the many dialogues between Jesus Christ God the Father and many things like that now what in case you're sitting there going yeah but so what do these people try and say well how do they try and attack this well one one thing they say is they try and say the Trinity is a Catholic doctrine this stuff before it's a Catholic doctrine they say the word is it found in the Bible well do you know what other words not found in the Bible for example you know that Bibles not found in the Bible but I quite like the word I think it's quite a useful word to describe what we're reading right but the word Bible is not found in the Bible it works fine for me though and you know another word that's not found a Bible rapture no rapture is not found in the Bible but you know what it's quite a good word to describe what's going to happen after the tribulation amen and look the Catholics by the way if you go well yeah but but the Catholics said it was a Trinity so it must it must be damnable heresy right well the Catholics had to acknowledge a lot of other truths to pass as Christians okay because they couldn't pass off as so-called Christians even though really it was a pagan goddess mother-son goddess that they are worshipping without at least claiming some other clear truths of the Bible and I think the Trinity they couldn't deny because the Trinity so clear so look they deny other stuff and they try and debate and argue other bits and pieces for example like you know they truck they try and obviously teach their work salvation other things like that but there's other things that they that they don't deny they've acknowledged some other truths for example the Catholics acknowledged a virgin birth now yeah they go a bit far and they start to turn her into this perpetual virgin but they do acknowledge a virgin birth they acknowledge the crucifixion don't they they they acknowledge the crucifixion along with the burial and resurrection maths wasn't their strong point okay and they kind of when they look at the days they kind of like one plus one equals three but anyway if you don't want to go don't worry but they kind of think that he died on two days before the resurrection but it's three days anyway okay they didn't have calculators back then all right but but a six-day creation they believe as well don't they as far as I know most most Catholics believe in the six-day creation although at least people professing to be Catholics you know claiming to believe and follow they've been blogging the Catholics have been blogging that they care about children for many years now and rightfully call abortion baby murder and they rightfully believe that that life begins at conception now look the Catholics it's not like the Catholic they must just be wrong about absolutely everything no they acknowledge some clear truths don't they what should be obvious truths until you know sort of hundreds and maybe thousand years of brainwash to kind of really wash that out of you right but regardless whether or not they believe the Trinity or not it makes no difference to us does it because it's neither here nor there because what do the scriptures say first John 5 7 said for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these feel one so I couldn't give a damn what the Catholics believe and don't believe I care what the Bible says and the Bible clearly without using the word Trinity explains something that we that we explained by the word Trinity God is a Trinity and therefore Jesus God in the flesh he was forgotten by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary there the other statements we've looked at and Mary isn't some sort of perpetual virgin goddess okay in case anyone was confused here and that is what we believe about the Trinity and like I said in those extra truths that go along with that I hope that that's kind of explained that I hope those verses that are on our statement of faith are enough for you with that if you ever want to talk about after your work like I said it's not a debating thing but if you need some more explanation I'm happy to explain it to you afterwards hopefully you won't need that that's the Trinity and that was the third one in our series of what we believe on that we're gonna finish in a word of prayer father thank you for your word I thank you that your words so clear about the nature of God that that we don't have to doubt we don't have to wonder we don't have to question we can just go to clear verse in the Bible and see just just a clear doctrine that we stand on at this church Lord we stand steadfast on the doctrines of the Bible clear doctrines like the Trinity Lord help us to to just be strong on that help us to not get our heads turned by by the the wicked deceivers out there and help us to Lord go out and and preach you know the gospel which of which the Trinity such a key part loud and clear this afternoon Lord help us to just show people the truth of your word get people saved Lord and be back it for this afternoon service in Jesus name proles amen