(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Safe and it's under my sermon this morning is we're strong to our Baptist Church. We're strong tower Baptist Church Let's pray father. Thank you for your word. Thank you for this church. Lord. Thank you I just for the many blessings you've given us over the last few years here to have this church here Lord Please help me now just to preach preach this message that you've laid on my heart Lord just to preach it clearly and boldly to To everyone here Lord and help me to have just be full of your spirit and for everyone here to have attentive ears Please don't pray this. Amen Okay, so in case you're a bit confused that let me explain to you again. What's happened I don't know if everyone is fully aware of this. So I saw if I bore some of you that are so it was back in September of 2020 that pastor Thompson of Shaw Foundation Baptist Church got in contact with me. We were we were a soul winning group here and you know, we were some of us were dotted around but there was a bit of a kind of an amount building in sort of the south of the UK and We were out so winning and doing stuff sort of regularly and meeting up and he got in contact with me About the thoughts, you know what thoughts I had of maybe leading a satellite church for him here He wanted to you know, make us into his you know, sure foundation satellite church So we started talking and he started training me for it. And obviously I was like, yes, please We need a church. It's something we'd all been desperate for for a long time and and up until that point I couldn't really see a good way of it happening. I thought if they if someone gets sent over here They're probably just gonna get deported right if they're gonna preach the whole council of God I remember I'd emailed churches and said do you have anyone made with dual citizenship there? Maybe anyone you got any British nationals there that you know up for the ministry and the answer was kind of a flat No Then I thought maybe I'll go out there And find a way of getting out there and getting involved with the church and seeing if maybe you know I could get ready to do that And had better ideas and he started training me up that was in September 2020 and ending in January 2021 we started doing basically weekly Saturday Saturday meetings whilst trying to perfect The church service and everything to become that church many of us were still trying to go to kind of what we considered to still qualify as churches around the nation and then The wonder that Myself and my family were out with a few others ended up just eventually preaching full-on repent of your sins having claimed you didn't believe You know and at that point I said the pastor Thompson, right, you know, we've kind of this church Sunday So well, I think you're ready. You know, I think you're ready to become our satellite church So it was actually a 14th of February 2021 that we became sure foundation Baptist Church UK And that was our first service and and I was a satellite leader at that point This if anyone has managed to forget it because a lot of people I think with post-traumatic stress have that was during all the COVID stuff. Yeah, that was when people couldn't come in and out the country That was when you weren't meant to be going out and all that stuff so we couldn't get past the Thompson over here at this point However, then in me, I think it was the August or September of that year. We managed to get him get him over He had a quarantine at my house, which kind of worked out great, you know Because otherwise you would have been and I remember when he originally had the plans I was looking for him to stay someone looking at hotels and then it got to the point where he had to quarantine for a Minimum five to six days before having these negative tests to be able to then You know not have to stay within the confines of a home and he came and stayed at our house and obviously, you know We were a little bit nervous He was a bit nervous as well. You know, what if like we just really don't get on it It's a bit of a nightmare And the way it was I had a home where it just kind of had this slightly separate kind of office type room that we Can put him up in with kind of a toilet that they could kind of use separately and stuff and it worked great You know and the way and in the end we had a great time and we really got on got to know each other Well and over subsequent visits and trips as well So that was a great thing because you kind of got to know me and not you know People can put on an act but it's different when they're living amongst you and your family and stuff They just get to know you properly. We have pastor Thompson with us. He came to visit. He ordained me as an evangelist We continued as a satellite church then felt for what ended up being over two and a half years so we started in the foot of February and and really we started in the January practicing and then What's just happened is in case you weren't here? Last Sunday pastor Thompson ordained me as a pastor and the way our churches Do things away new independent fundamental Baptist churches which which you know, it's not well we like this special time church We're just a Bible believing Bible for the church And we believe that biblically a church should be an independent church now However, in the meantime, he would we were under him as an independent church He was our independent church pastor, but we were a satellite church. We're now an independent church. Hence the name change We're now strong to our Baptist Church now pastor Thompson is he's still gonna be a great friend I'm still gonna see him, you know, I'll always see him as a pastor figure to me However, we are now independent on our pastor. We are now strong to our Baptist Church You might be sitting there going well why strong town then brother in because you know, we were sure foundation What made you choose strong tower? Is it because it sounds a bit cool a Bit alpha it's got the word strong in it at least isn't it? Well slightly Partly, but it's because I believe that the name Epitomizes our church now and also my vision for this church in the future Okay, so for me that name really does it and it's something that I actually I made note of that name I don't know. It's probably about a year ago. Now. I've had it just sitting at the bottom of this little word file I've had with like sermon ideas in it every time I scroll down to see that the most recent verse I've kind of grabbed one in my Bible reading thought I might preach from that at some point I just keep seeing strong tower Baptist Church strong tower Baptist Church, and it really doesn't Why why well We are a tower in a nation of tumbledown ruins, aren't we? Okay This church is a tower in a nation of basically ruins you look on the front of your bulletin and you've got this strong tower There and around it are ruins ruins of a previous castle But still standing is a strong tower and and that's how I kind of feel that this church is We we have all sorts of just sadly the ruins of previous churches in this nation And then out of nowhere is just sprung up this strong tower this tower of people going out and preaching the gospel Sitting here and being a part of a church preaching the whole council preaching stuff, which sometimes hurts right preaching messages It could be hairy preaching messages that challenges you Preaching things which which a lot of people won't want to sit and listen to and and we're becoming this big Strong tower in a nation of ruins. I've been a few castle ruins over the last couple of weeks And you're looking at these walls and you're looking at these ruins and when you go why you've been going to castle It's because I had to American pastors here They love this stuff. They want to see castles. They want to see palaces You know stuff which basically they don't have there because These castles are older than their nation much older than their nation The one on the front of your bullet in there is nearly a thousand years old I'm just to put the head to perspective, you know And you're still seeing the ruins there and you look at these rooms and you're trying to imagine in your mind What might have been how they might have lived in this castle and and you know And you're trying to picture bits and a lot of the time they'll have sort of though, you know these National Trust I think they call them sort of little they have these little plaques sort of things You know where they kind of have a little picture of what might have been and things like that And they've done a bit of excavation Historical stuff and they've got an idea of what it is it and it's kind of like that with this Nation really with the churches you kind of just thinking what maybe might have been in the past Maybe what could have been maybe what used to happen in those churches? It sure ain't happening now They're ruins. All you can do is imagine right? Just imagine what might have been with the King James Bible I mean, this is the nation where the King James Bible came from and and believe me you might go. Yeah Well, you know you get these are weird people are like such thing as salvation before the NIFB or something like that There was yeah, I'm sure there were some great churches in this nation And you know what? Do you know what the greatest churches in this nation you wouldn't have ever heard of them? You'll never hear about them. You'll hear about the false prophets You'll hear about the Spurgeons you'll hear about all the other guys that were friendly with the world But you won't hear about in the future you won't be hearing about Pastor Roger Jimenez past Steven Anderson other pastors who have who have led soul-winning Crusades and other things like that the same in the past here now We might not hear about but I tell you what the gospel went out from this nation More missionaries, I think was sent out from the UK with the King James Bible than anywhere else They people have gone out with the Word of God and you know where they were being sent out from churches Strong towers of churches in a nation where look, you know, there's been some religious battles over the years here Right, there are probably people fearing their lives at many periods in history in this nation And now you look at these places you look at I have a church near where I used to live and this this building again Probably thousand years old or something aims for Baptist Church beautiful old building for some reason They bury their dead around the side of the building, which is never a good sign, right? But this old graveyard you look at all these old stones and you're looking at this This building and you're just thinking I wonder what might have been in that church I wonder how many hundreds of years ago whether they were actually going out and actually preaching the gospel out of there whether they were banging the pulpit and preaching hard and preaching the truth and I reckon they probably were and I reckon a lot of places probably were but now they're just ruins Yeah, and you know what? It's not just in the UK same across Europe, isn't it? Europe, which is on the whole a spiritual wasteland What do you see out there? Just again a few old IFB churches here and there if they haven't slipped into being taken over by the repent of your sins mob It seems like they're on the way there. Yeah, there's a few out there There's a few maybe still out soul winning, but there's very few However a tower has been built in England But it's not just any old tower here. Okay, it's not just that we built a tower. It's not just some pop-up tower It's not some dig dodgy leaning tower like in Pisa. Okay, it's not that sort of tower either No, this tower is built upon a shore foundation It's built upon a shore foundation It's a strong tower, okay It's a strong tower with strong tower Baptist Church look at Proverbs 18 and verse 10 verse 10 says the name of the Lord Is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and is safe and I'm gonna give you three reasons today Well, why we are strong tower Baptist Church. So so look, this is a bit of a basic sermon But hopefully it's a sermon that you'll be able to really understand why we are strong strong tower Baptist Church Why we'll continue to be strong tower Baptist Church the title is we're strong tower Baptist Church and number one Because we're God's Church. We're strong tower Baptist Church because we're God's Church look at Proverbs 18 and verse 10 It says at the beginning the name of the Lord is a strong tower now. Yes. We're an independent church But we're not independent of the Lord We're independent of a denomination Okay, we're not a denomination we're Baptist we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church we ain't no denomination We don't have some hierarchy up there telling us what we can and can't preach telling us what we can and can't do Okay, we don't have people going. Yeah. Well, you've got to do things this way because If you want to carry on receiving money and receiving all the stuff that they do to pull you into that you better do As we say no, we're an independent church. We're independent of that. We're independent of a union We ain't gonna get pulled into some like like for example the Baptist Union of Great Britain churches together And it's the same thing you want to carry on getting money You better you better tow the line your pastor better be trained up by the Baptist Union. I mean, what is that about? What is that? And if they're not they have to go and do supplementary training to become a Baptist Union recognized pastor Should I tell you what they're being trained in? Heresy damnable heresy Fellowship of independent evangelical churches. I'm just choosing the ones that at least some people from the They seem to be Bible following same stuff you have to adhere to all their junk you have to adhere to their equal Nonsense and bring the homos in and everything else As an independent Evangelical churches part of the fellowship of independent evangelical churches when I was first saved and I met these churches guys saying to me basically part of his ministry is is is welcoming Basically ex perverts who have been in prison into the churches and finding the right fit church for them without anyone knowing So these churches bringing in all these perverts all these abusers from prison who claim to have got saved And bring them into churches because their policy is well, we've got to give them a second chance No, they're reprobates. They're not welcoming our sort of churches. We're an independent Church We don't have to do what our pay masters tell us to do, right? We're independent of some elders or deacons telling me what I can and can't preach We don't have that We don't have a group that they're kind of like the real boss and they tell me what I can and can't do while they kind Of sort it out between themselves. No, no, no, we're independent of all of that But we're not independent of the Lord Okay, we're not independent of God. We're strong tower Baptist Church because he's a boss and he is that strong tower He's a boss. He's a strong tower proverbs 18 10 said the name of the Lord is a strong tower now turn to Psalm 18 See his name is not only a strong impregnable tower when it comes to salvation That's obvious right Romans 10 13 says for whose service shall call upon the name the Lord shall be saved But it's also a strong tower in all areas of life Okay, he's a strong tower in every area of your life if you're saved Psalm 18 Psalm 18 you've turned to a verse 1 It's a psalm of David to the chief musician a psalm of David the son of the Lord who spake unto the Lord the words of this song in a day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul and He said I will love thee O Lord my strength The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my God my strength in whom I will trust my buckler and the horn of my salvation and my high tower He said that he's his strength his rock his fortresses delivery strength his buckler his high tower But you need to be near to God's calling his name, don't you? need to be near to him to be able to call him all those things in your Christian life and where's near and then being In his house and here specifically in his tower, right you want to call God all those things He is the high tower But if you want to call him your high tap you need to be in his house You need to be in his high tower right need to be in his strong tower He said in verse 3 I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from mine enemies Is he not worthy to be praised? He's worthy to be praised, isn't he? But you ain't praising him at the Catholic Church, are you? Yeah, anyone think they're praising God. They're praising the God of the Bible at the Catholic Church No, they're praising a false God. It's an idol. It's a fake God Same at the C of E Church, which is very similar to the Catholic Church. It's a false God It's a God where you can only go to heaven if you follow the amount of commandments They've decided that particular church you have to follow The Pentecostal Church same thing Worshipping the God of the Bible. It's a false God It's usually a repent your sins God or a God where you can lose your salvation God that ain't the God of the Bible The God of the Bible paid for all your sins past present and future The repent of your sins Baptist Church is not the same God And look if you can find a church where they've got the gospel, right great But we have people around this nation that are making do a false church. That's not a church Please find one that is a church great. You don't have to come here But you ain't making do it a church. She doesn't believe the gods that ain't a church It's a false God It's a false God that says you've got to repent of all your sins to get saved. That ain't the God of the Bible But we don't just want to tick the box here, okay, we don't just want to scrape by as a church I just want to go well We got the gospel right and we got the King James Bible and we kind of do a little amount of soul-winning or something like That and that's kind of for us a tick box if you want to call it a church It needs to have the King James Bible, doesn't it? It's a pillar and ground of the truth that has to have the King James Bible It has to have the gospel right? Like I said, otherwise it ain't a church of the false God It's a false church and it has to be some form some element What's the point of a church to go out and reach the lost there has to be that as well But we're not just a box ticking church here We're strong to our Baptist Church because we're God's Church because we're God's Church Shona Mark chapter 16 That means that we have to do things here as close to how he wants them done as we possibly can so when God says do it this way we do it this way when he says do it that way we do it that Way, right and sometimes it's clear as day in the Bible which way to do it, isn't it? And when it's clear as day if you ain't doing that, are you really God's Church? In mark 16 15 he told his disciples to go and preach the gospel and by the way, are we not his disciples? We're his disciples here, aren't we? Okay, so if you're a disciple and if going to church is part of being a disciple He's talking to you here in this verse and he said in mark 16 in verse 15 It says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature now I want to point out a few words in this verse. Okay, just to remind you I know this is old hat for some of you, but it could be a good reminder somewhere He did say go didn't he? He did say go. He didn't say stay He didn't say wait He didn't say welcome him in he said go Because we're to go out and preach the gospel aren't we? Okay point number one is go there point number two He did say all the world didn't he? He didn't say go you into some of the world He didn't say go to just support areas because there are some people that all born alone refuse To solve it and we've had people like that here in the past when they just don't want to go anywhere Where it's not like ultra ultra receptive to choke up numbers, right? But he said go into all the world And look for us all the world That we can affect right now is the local area, isn't it? We're gonna preach to every door for that reason But it's also not just the rich areas because you get churches that only want to preach to the rich Because then they're gonna get like the big donation of big tithers in no No, we just want to preach to everyone right want to preach to everyone and obviously when we go on so many mountains We're gonna go for receptive areas, but when it comes to local to the church We're gonna preach to everyone all the world And for us we can affect our local area and he did say go you into all the world and preach Because he said preach it didn't he he didn't say give out the gospel and look It's great that we can leave a video where the gospel is being preached, but we want to try and preach your gospel Okay, don't get to the point. You decide what just take one of these Oh, okay You know we want to try where possible to give them the opportunity here you preach gospel to them live right not just put in invites through the door Not not just go ye into all the world and kind of you know give them a few verses and leave don't know preach the Gospel we want to encourage them to want to hear the gospel, and he said every creature And let me tell you a good way of doing that near your church And a little bit of this because we have some online listeners We have some guys that are abroad that can't make it all the time But I want to encourage them this is do you know how we get every creature in our local area? We knock doors We knock doors How the Bible tells us to we knock doors because there are those who will say things that will door knock He doesn't work in this country So is that what the Bible says I ain't seen that Acts 5 42 said and daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Do you know that not every creature goes to parks? Did you know that a lot of creatures don't go to parks? I used to try and always avoid going to the park Anywhere else But a lot of people don't go to the park a Lot of people aren't just wandering up and down the streets. Do you know how we try and reach every creature by knocking every door? Now look you might be somewhere where it's not so easy to get into place I understand that but you know what there are a lot of doors you can knock and I think often. It's an excuse And look sure preach some people in the parks aren't preach the people in the street in the highways and hedges as well, right? But it was daily in the temple and in every house Every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ If we're gonna reach every creature if you want to be if you want to be a soul winning group and eventually get to the Point of being a church you need to start knocking doors Okay, and I know it could be scary for some but it could be a bit weird you think well You're coming with good news coming with the gospel aren't ya knock the doors knock the doors sure do the parks Well if you want, but not the doors, right? Turn to 2nd Timothy 4 when a pastor Timothy is commanded to do something in his church We're strong to our Baptist Church because we're God's Church and God through Paul Commanded Timothy and all pastors this he said in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead it is appearing in his kingdom preach the word Be instant in season out of season approve rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine He said preach the word didn't he preach the word. That's why this isn't the university top star lecture For those you that are disappointed that I don't have the whiteboard out. I ain't getting a whiteboard out I'm not standing here pointing at things make you feel that you're so intellectual We've come to the intellectual church You know because we're a bit clever Now we're told to preach the word preach it Not just stand here and do kind of studies and try and make everyone feel very wise Yeah, we're gonna preach the word Preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine He did say preach the word though didn't he he didn't say preach Charles Spurgeon He didn't say preach Calvin's words that wicked damnable heretic Did he he said preach the word? That's why we preached the King James Bible here He didn't say preach the church father's words. You ever had people come out with this stuff before well I I like to go back to see what the early church father said about what what God said About what God said not what the church father said We we're told to preach the word so we preach the word and the word in English is the King James Bible, isn't it? That's the word. That's why we'll always preach the word here. That's why we're strong town back So that's one of the reasons we're a strong town in this nation because we preach the word the word And that means that we're all all of us are going to get reproved rebuked and exhorted Which is you could say encouraged all of us all of us look I had an hour sermon with the pastor literally pointed Reaching at me of my ordination and you know what? I loved it And you know what? I loved it and it convicted me even left his sermon notes at my house for me to go through and remind myself What's expected me as a pastor here? And if you do it on purpose or not, I just like I Think he did. Okay it too, right? Yeah, and you know what? We need that don't we? And look sometimes you're gonna get your little feeling sir. Okay Sometimes you're gonna get your little toes trodden on Sometimes you're gonna be like he's preaching at me. You know, what if the cat fits wear it, you know And I like it I think he was then past also is telling me that pastor Shelley's new response to where people say Well, you preach it means that yes, I was said You feel it great if I didn't mean to what the Holy Spirit did right? Okay, and look we're gonna get reproved we're gonna get rebuked but we're gonna get exhausted as well Okay, every single one of us here and you know what? It's not just our pastor preaching that so look every time I study the Bible out to preach sermons every time I read you out I'm getting reproved and rebuked as well Okay, every single one of us and you have to deal with you have to be strong to deal with it, right? But what are we we're strong to our Baptist Church? Yeah, not easily offended but they're not snowflake Baptist Church turn of Romans 12 To see why your church doesn't sound like the latest pop concert We're God's Church. And you know, what God doesn't want is us taking music tips from Satan's music industry fancy that He didn't want us learning and training up with Satan's music industry Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy Acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. Just your reasonable service verse 2 says and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? Let me tell you something. Okay, God's good Acceptable and perfect will isn't that we turn his house into some sort of mosh pit Okay, it's not that we turn his house into some sort of some sort of rap concert where we just like rapping along and like Vaguely and like mentioning Jesus at some point or other in the rap, you know that that's not anyone think that's God's good Perfect will good acceptable and perfect will it's not that we take some sort of satanic music style Emerge it with praise to God. Do you think that's God's will well, you know that it sounds exactly like the satanic music industry But don't worry because we're mentioning Jesus Is that God's good acceptable and perfect will no, it's not He said be not conformed to this world and you know what more important than ever is in a house. God, isn't it? Why would we write we've got to get the drums in the flashing lights the electric guitar and all of that And then we can sound like the world he said be not conform to this world Which is why we sing traditional hymns of the faith here and it might not get into your flesh Like the drum beats like the bass lines like all that other stuff whatever your flavor of wickedness is it might not but you know What? It's not being conformed to this world. They're traditional hymns of the faith that the world ain't interested in But you know what it's pleasing to God, isn't it? We Do it God's way We're strong tower Baptist Church number one because we're God's Church. Okay, we're God's Church here We're strong tower Baptist Church number two Because we are the church Number two because we are the church proverbs 18 10 said the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous Runneth into it and is safe who are the righteous are saved If you put your faith in Jesus Christ in his righteousness has been imputed unto you That's why you're called the righteous not because you have sinless perfection God looks down and sees Jesus Christ sinless perfection. Not yours. You don't have sinless perfection. Sorry to break it to you And it's the righteous that make this a church This church like I said this morning in the announcements This church would not exist without everyone else all of you guys here. You are the church Okay, turn to first Peter to the word church is interchangeable with congregation It's not this building. That's a strong tower. I know it's three stories. I think that probably impressed a few people, right? Okay, we even know the top ones this, you know a bit of a story to him Okay, but that's not what's a strong town, you know a steeper or a bell tower wouldn't make this church a strong tower It's got nothing to do with the building the shape of it or any of that stuff We're strong to our Baptist Church because of everyone here because of everyone that has run into it and stayed in it We're strong to our Baptist Church because we are the church 1st Peter 2 says to whom coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed a member chosen of God and precious ye also as lively stones a Built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices Acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. You are the stones that make this tower Everyone here But it's not just any old tower. It's a strong tower You're the ones that are still here Yeah, you're the stones that are still here that have made this a strong tower that it is You're not the reject stones You're not the ones that just we had to get rid of okay You're not you're not the stones that look like stones, but really they were more likely to blow the place up There is sticks of dynamite. You're not the ticking time bombs that we've had here You're still here, right? You're the strong stones. You're you're not the stones that that that Were brittle and needed replacing because there were some that just won't they weren't strong enough to be stones in here It weren't that they're all ticking time bombs They're people that come in and out of our church over the last few years They're just were not strong enough to be a stone in a strong tower You're not the stones that just couldn't fit in with the other stones Because you were so just out there and you couldn't fit in here know your strong stones that could take a battery And look you might know we haven't had the sodomites camped outside look there being a lot of batterings that come here though from inside Especially you resisted the sledgehammer you resisted the crowbar you resisted the little bolster and the hammer just chipping away Chipping away chipping away chipping away, and there being people here chipping away Whether they're inside or outside We're strong to our backs Church because of everyone here because we are the church We are the church if you're still here, then you successfully run that gauntlet you're tried and tested stones You're winning that battle with the flesh, and you've resisted the devil's attempts to pull you out Okay, you've resisted the flesh because the flesh doesn't want to be in church the flesh wants to find an excuse that's one battle That's a big battle A lot of Christians don't even they can't even beat that battle in the first place to even get in the church Because for them it's like Sundays rest day Sundays relax day Sunday Super Sunday day Sundays family day Sundays Hang around doing nothing day Sundays whatever day Sundays work day. I can get more money. Whatever it is, but you've resisted that battle However It's not just the flesh You resist the devil the devil's attempts to pull you out as well And you because the devil is trying to pull every single person here out of church in one way or another Some it's been sucked away some it's been direct ways some it's been indirect ways. There have been many ways Now the odd stone here and there can be replaced but pull out or destroy enough in one go and the tower falls, isn't it? And that's ultimately been the goal, isn't it? And that was an attempt before to try and just cause a massive division and try their best to just to destroy the whole tower We're here because of everyone here because we've all everyone here is resisted the various attacks You're still sitting here. You've resisted You are those strong stones. Yeah. Yeah. I don't feel very strong, baby. You are strong You're strong enough to be here. You're strong enough to be in that strong tower We're strong to our Baptist Church because our church is strong We have a core of hardened battle-tested stones here Okay, we've had our own battles here over a few years now and we have a core here of stones that are still standing strong Everyone here is continuing to stand tall and strong We're standing on the King James Bible, aren't we? We're standing on soul winning we're standing on biblical standards Are we in this church and we're standing on the pillar and ground of the truth the New Testament Church God's Church good people here know that God wants you in church. You need to stand on that church Right, and that's what you're doing. We are the church turn back to Proverbs 18. We're strong to our Baptist Church number one because we're God's Church Number two because we are the church Number three because we'll keep being that church We will keep being strong to our Baptist Church verse 10 says the name the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and is safe We're not just our Baptist Church. Okay, we're strong to our Baptist Church because we will keep being that church We're strong enough to survive. You will keep safe in this church The righteous is present tense safe in that strong tower You know why because that tower ain't going nowhere just like God ain't going nowhere if you're saved We ain't going nowhere as God's Church Hear that all you haters out there We ain't going nowhere We ain't gonna know we're still here. You could try your best. You could try your stupid little attacks You could try your son. We ain't going nowhere. We're still here these sad pathetic stalkers Which all they do is show that they're sad pathetic stalkers and you know, they always do they always revert to type They try for however long to prove that they're just normal people Disgruntled but they always do what all the rest of those sad pathetic stalkers do it's hilarious I love it when I see these guys expose themselves. I like great Amen, you can show that everyone else that you are as wicked as I thought you were You've shown it to everyone great And They're just desperate aren't they desperate to destroy us or as a consolation at least put out someone anyone Just get someone out of here. Stop someone coming here. Just someone Anyway possible to do what affect God's work. That's really what it comes down to. I don't know they just so consume They even know I think they or they at least one except they're just being completely used by the devil to Destroy at least attempt to destroy good stuff, but I ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna win cuz we're God's house Cuz we're strong to our Baptist Church Any way to limit the soul saved whether it's by reducing the army Demoralizing the army or at least if we could just distract the army, but you don't distract us You just make me laugh and go great show everyone what you are Keep it. Keep going. Keep going great because all you're doing is making us stronger And all you're doing is exposing yourself for the wicked devils you are and these guys are tenor pay everywhere Churches, I can't deal with these idiots. They're hilarious And you know where you're safest from these people first ten said the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and is Safe the exact place these devils don't want you. They don't want you We're strong to our Baptist Church because they won't destroy us. The only way is if we destroy ourselves That's the only way if we go out of God's way out of God's will we stop doing it his way Turn to Psalm 61, but we're not going to do that Okay, we're gonna keep being that church. We'll keep being that safe place for God's people Because you can't say that of most other legitimate church in Europe. Can you? We're the false prophets because you could go. Oh, yeah, this sounds a bit rough man. They're trying to pull you out There's all this stuff going on. We got people come in come out Get kicked out Yeah, the battles here, right? But you know what? I've been to other churches where the false prophets roam unchecked. I Mean, they're just I mean if he's not behind the pulpit He's just roaming around trying to weaken you trying to poison you trying to pull you this way that way Whisper all sorts of false doctrine. I mean you don't even know what they believe at half these church You got one guy's trying to whisper Calvinism and other guys trying to whisper that you can you've got to repent your sins to be Saved and other guy whispering something else these places are a minefield, right? And by the way, it's not just those whispering damnable heresy either I've seen various tactics over the years Okay And not just here in other churches as well from sowing seeds of heresy to print pushing and promoting just pure carnality to scorning righteous behavior To extorting money out of vulnerable people in churches To encouraging terrible parenting even pushing terrible parenting to even grooming of children But we're not gonna put up with that crap here. Are we? We're not gonna put up with that. We'll preach it. We'll kick people out and we'll do our utmost to make this a safe place Okay, that's what we'll do. We'll do our utmost to make this a safe place In Psalm 61 David shows us that being safe in that tower For the future means being in the house of God for the future. Okay, it's interchangeable really says in verse 1 It says to the chief musician upon Nagin our psalm of David here my cry Oh God attend up to my prayer From the end of the earth. Will I cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed? Lead me to the rock that is higher than I For thou has been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy that's why they want you out of church They want you out in the open away from the safety Okay, that's why they want you out in the open where they can just get to you attack you weaken You destroy your family or whatever else. He said I will abide in thy tabernacle forever Forever I will trust in the cover of thy wings sealer For thou of God has heard my vows Thou has given me the heritage of those that fear thy name thou wilt prolong the king's life and his years as many generations He shall abide before God forever Oh prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him So will I sing praise unto thy name forever that I may daily Perform my vows and we do that in house God we do that in a strong tower, don't we? We sing praise unto his name forever now. Yes, we still have to watch out for the Trojan horses We still have to be sensible have our eyes and ears open in the church, but outside is where they really want you That's where they want you out in the wilderness fending for yourself without that protection that comes from the church from the strong tower That's why they want to destroy this church But we're strong to our Baptist Church because we're here to stay We're here to stay we ain't going nowhere and we ain't letting no one change us either It's not just that we're not going anywhere because any other attack if they can't destroy you is to change you It's to stop you being that strong tower and turn you into that weak soft tower But we're gonna keep being that church for generations to come. That's my goal for there. We're a strong tower Okay, we're strong town because we're gonna be here for a long time that that that photo on that bulletin is a tale That's been there for a thousand years Everything else is crumbling and the tower stands We'll keep being a family integrated church where the kids can go up to fly that flag Right, we want because we want generations after this to keep flying The flag is strong to our Baptist Church and ain't gonna fly the flag if they're in Sunday school every week What they're missing out on years Years of Bible learning of getting stronger of learning the Word of God if they're out there painting pictures Because it's easier for mommy and daddy I Matthew 19 of verse 14 after this is but Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven and With that we'll keep fending off the walls that want to get to our kids We'll keep fending them off that want to discourage our kids Okay That want to find a way of putting our kids off that want to find a way of getting to them that want to find A way of weakening them that want to find some way or other We'll keep home schooling our kids where possible won't we? Because they want to learn people want to push you don't need to do that You don't look oh, is it that hard work for you? Whatever else so what? So what we want to keep this tower strong, don't we? For those 22 6 says train up a child and away should go when he's old. He will not depart from it That's why we'll keep them in this church. That's why we'll keep them in the services That's why we'll keep we'll keep keep preaching about train them up in a way They should go home school your kids where you can and I know there's some that don't have that pull that that option but most do Okay, home school them get them in church. Make sure they're in church bring them the church Okay, look when there's no like oh well. Yeah, but now they're a teenager Get it even more important get him in church three to five Why would you not We need to train them up in the way they should go okay, otherwise this church will eventually crumble The kids are the future aren't they? And kids are the future of this church But it's not just the kids. It's others. It's bringing people in it's being welcoming to people when they come in It's trying to also give people the benefit of the doubt when they come in to be able to give them the chance to train up And be the future of this church as well. We won't be compromising as the years go by We won't go soft as the years go by will we? We won't hand the reins over in the in in the future some soft little liberal compromiser. Oh Well, that's a bit more modern now You know he's a bit more he's a bit more in with the youngsters with the times You know with his skinny jeans and with his whatever no no no no We'll find we'll find some old-time guy to take over in the future when I'm too old to do this and if and if I Can't find one. I'll keep preaching until I'm 90-odd Till I can find someone who's who's old school right who's gonna do it in the old-time religion way Because we ain't going no we're gonna keep being strong to our Baptist Church. We're not conforming to the times are we? We're strong to our Baptist Church because we'll keep being that church, and you know what we're gonna do as well We're not just gonna be one strong to our Baptist Church my goal my plan I want to Plant more churches more churches in the UK more churches in Europe more towers more strong towers, right? But we need everyone on board. We need everyone to be strong. We need everyone to be behind it, right? Proverbs 18 10 said the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and is Safe we're strong to our Baptist Church because we're God's Church because we are the church because we'll keep being that church We'll keep being that church, but full of that to happen. We need everyone to be a big part of that Everyone's responsibility to keep being that church on that. Let's finish the word of prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for your word. Thank you Lord this church. Thank you for the many things you've given us over the years to make this happen Lord Thank you for the people here all the people that are those Strong stones in this strong tower Lord that are the reason we're still here Lord Thank you for giving us those strong people those people that have been able to withstand the battering People that have been able to just persevere to to win against the flesh to win against the devil To be able to still be here still be in church still serving you Still out so winning Lord still knocking doors still listening to the preaching, but we thank you for everyone here That's part of that. We pray that you just bless us with more strong stones Lord Help us to make those stones that maybe aren't quite quite of you know strong enough to make them strong Lord help us to encourage people to get people Just in the things of God Lord to get people to just be serving you want to serve you and want to be part of A great church Lord help us to plant future churches That are also strong towers not to do it in a rash way to do it in the right way in a sensible way Lord and help us help us to just just just well just keep having that opportunity to be your church in the UK Lord and we thank you for everything you've done for us. We love you Lord We we pray that you just bless our soul in this afternoon as well and help us all but get back for the evening service And just don't throw this