(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, so Proverbs chapter 16, I love a lot of the Proverbs out of there, there's a few good ones on pride here as well, verse 18, for example, pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fool, sorry, verse 19, better is it to be of an humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. However, I want to focus on verse five, which is our verse a week today, which says this, verse five in Proverbs 16 reads, every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord, though hand joined in hand, he shall not be unpunished. The title of my sermon this morning is three open abominations of pride, three open abominations of pride. I'd like to pray before we continue. Father, thank you for your word, thank you for, well, you know, chapters like this in the Bible just make so clear about this wicked sin of pride and the other passages we're going to look at today as well, Lord, just make it so clear about what we're seeing today, this huge movement we're seeing in our world and just how against your word it is, Lord, please help me to preach this message just clearly and boldly and accurately, Lord, help me to preach it in the right way, Lord, and just fill in with your spirit, please, just knowing for all of this, Amen. Okay, keep something here, we're going to be coming back here in a bit and turn to Isaiah chapter five, Isaiah chapter five, there was one of these pride parade marches through London yesterday and some news reports claimed that over a million people were involved in it and this was selective numbering as it was apparently 30,000 that actually physically marched in it, so they go, oh, a million are involved, you're thinking, wow, like a million people marching, but no, that people, I mean, in fact, the vast majority of those are people standing and watching it, gawping or probably people that just happened to be in London at the time and kind of wander over to the barricades to see what's going on and they get counted into that million. Now, it was selective numbering, but regardless of those real numbers, I'm sure that there were still a lot more spectators than there should have been, right? Even if half of them were reporters and virtue signalling celebrities and, you know, anyone else that could kind of get their name out there as someone that supports this sort of thing. Now, just a couple of stats on this. It's 51 years since the first Pride March in London, which was in 1972, which was soon after the Stonewall riots. Anyone know how many participants that had? Don't all put your hands up at once if everyone was going, yeah, that's a bit strange. Okay, it had 200 participants, okay, 200 people march in 1972 and it seemed to be approximately 30,000 in 2023, so things have changed, right? Okay, things have changed a lot. And anyone who says for the better, and I hope no one here would say things have changed for the better, but there are people out there and there are people that claim to be Christians that would say, well, things have changed for the better. Well, they're definitely not taking biblical stance, are they? Okay, because the Bible has a lot to say about what many witnessed sadly yesterday in London. And I don't know about you, but I'll go with the inspired, preserved words of God over the sodomite influences in the mainstream media, right? Okay, and there's a lot of sodomite influences in our mainstream media. And this is how bad it's got here, okay? It's got so bad that you have 30-odd thousand deviants marching in London. You have apparently a million people involved when it comes to spectators and things like that, although I'm sure there's selective reporting and selective videoing and photographing and everything else. But do you know what? There wasn't. There wasn't a load of people protesting this, were there? And look, I know we're not called to protest, but the world out there will protest a lot of stuff, won't they? Yet they're not protesting a load of deviants marching through London with their pride flags and everything else. And that's weird, isn't it? In fact, there wasn't. No, sorry, I'm wrong. There was a protest. Did you know that there was a just stop oil or whatever they call it protest? Seriously? But do you know this is how bad it's actually got? Those stop oil protesters never seem to get arrested, do they? When they're blocking people on their way to work and everything else, they got arrested and removed within a few minutes at the pride protest, okay? That's where we're at right now. Even those just stop oil lot, who seemed to be the goodies for a few minutes yesterday, actually got removed in London and got arrested. So that's how bad it's got. And yeah, our pro-sodomite police force was out in force yesterday too, okay? There were loads of them. They apparently, what I read is they've even set up an LGBTQ plus liaison team now, where they've got a group of them, I can't remember how many, it might be eight or so officers that are now dedicated solely to liaising with the LGBTQ community. And of that, they were parading one of these officers as being a proud sodomite and everything else. I mean, that's where we're at in this country, okay? And that's bad, isn't it? Now, again, like I said, they try and encourage us to think a lot more people are involved than are, however, make no mistake, the powers that be are. Sadiq Khan is still the mayor of London, am I right? This guy's fully behind this stuff. Prince William is doing some sort of sodomite mental health thing during it all, okay? These people are fully behind this sort of filth, and that is just an absolute, just shame on our nation, isn't it? How bad has it got? Well, Isaiah has a warning for these people. Isaiah said in chapter five, verse 20, where you are, he said, woe, woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. And that's exactly what we're seeing, aren't we? Just the complete opposite. Everything turned its head, woe unto those people, said the prophet Isaiah, and obviously that's God speaking through him. Woe unto them, okay? They're calling evil good and they're calling good evil. They call him preaching like this evil, aren't they? They're calling people that have the stance, the biblical stance, that have a stance, which pretty much has been the normal stance throughout modern history in this nation, they're calling that evil, okay? They're calling good evil. They put darkness for light, they're calling this stuff light, like it's somehow something good, something to be sought of, something to support, and they're calling light, the light of God's word, darkness. They're calling bitter, they put bitter for sweet, and there is some bitter wickedness going on there, isn't there? And sweet, the sweetness of God's words that we've just read here, haven't we? That pleasant words of us and honeycombs, sweet to the soul and health of the bones, is there anything more pleasant than the words of God? But they're calling those bitter. And turn to Leviticus 2013, because as Bible-believing Christians, as those seeking to be more Christ-like, I think like I said in our study on Genesis, we are seeking to be more Christ-like. We therefore take God's stance when it comes to sodomy and similar perversions, don't we? Okay, look, we're all trying to be more Christ-like in this church, aren't we? Okay, so we take God's stance. And God said through the inspired and preserved word of God, in Leviticus 20 and verse 13, Leviticus chapter 20 and verse 13, God said this, if a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. The title is three open abominations of pride. And abomination number one is sodomy. Okay, abomination number one is sodomy. What's an abomination? Maybe you're going, well, I've heard this word before, I'm sure it's something that's not very good. What exactly is it? Well, it's the object of extreme hatred or detestation. God extremely hates, he extremely detests sodomy. Okay, homosexuality, whatever you want to call it, he despises it, extreme hatred for it from God. Okay, they have committed an abomination, it said here. And these parades are celebrating something that God detests. He absolutely detests that he calls an abomination. That's what they're celebrating. And any so-called Christians supporting this film, and there are a lot of so-called Christians supporting this stuff, they are in direct opposition to God's word. Okay, direct opposition, clear as day. He said, if a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. Now, when it's talked about being put to death, we're not talking about vigilantes here. Okay, this was how God's theocratic government was to deal with this sort of thing. This is how a government modelled how God would want it, would deal with this sort of thing. Okay, we're not a government here before anyone tries to, because they try and do this, they try and attack our church, it's like we're inciting violence or something else. No, we're saying this is how a government should deal with it. Okay, this is how a government would have dealt with it in the past if it was doing what God's will was, and how it should deal with it in the present and in the future if it's doing what God says him to do. And by the way, incidentally, it's how God's government will deal with it in the coming millennial reign of Christ. Okay, when he rules and reigns on this earth, do you think he's going to suddenly go, oh yeah, but I'll go a bit easier on the sodomites now? Well, no, the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't change. Okay, when he rules and reigns, Revelation 19.15 says of Jesus Christ, and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, and with it he should smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God. When Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign, it will be with a rod of iron. He'll be treading the winepress, basically the wrath of God, he'll be executing that wrath on the world. Okay, it's scary for some, isn't it? For others, it's reassuring, isn't it? It is reassuring, and that's coming soon to a town near you, by the way. Turn to Romans 1, because look, one of the big lies in the world, and in compromising false Christianity, is that there's this different Old Testament God. Okay, you will have heard this a lot, that you'll hear sometimes when you try and preach your gospel, you know, do you believe the Old Testament as well? They come out with this sort of thing, right? That Jesus is sort of this chilled out, laid back hippie, as opposed to the mean Old Testament God, yeah? This sort of thing you hear out there. But there is only one God, isn't there? And Jesus Christ is God. He's one of the three persons that is that one God. And Hebrews 13-8 says, Hebrews 13-8 says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. It's the same Jesus. Same Jesus yesterday, in the Old Testament, as it is today, as it is in the future, as it is in the book of Revelation, when Jesus Christ comes out with some pretty ferocious sorts of punishments. It's the same Jesus. He hasn't changed, and he hasn't changed his stance since he inspired Moses to write the book of Leviticus, has he? He hasn't changed his stance since, through Moses, he called them dogs in Deuteronomy chapter 23. He hasn't changed his stance since his godly kings were removing the sodomites out of the land in 1st and 2nd Kings. Okay, he hasn't changed any of that stance, let alone all the other passages in the Bible that fly in the face of these modern liberal compromising lily-livered so-called Bible teachers out there, who aren't tackling this. Or if they are, they're tackling it completely wrong, aren't they? Because, look, unlike the born that way unproved gay gene liars out there, okay, and there's a lot of those, aren't there, out there, okay, unlike the compromising bunch it together with other sexual sin sell out pastors out there, and I've seen a few of these, I've seen these statements of faith where they'll go, we consider, and then they'll just list homosexuality with fornication, with adultery, with all these other things, like we consider it all. And in fact, I've seen them where they'll then list it with pornography, as if it's all just sexual sin, like it's all just kind of of the same level. That's not what my Bible says. My Bible says something different about sodomy. Jesus taught us that it's actually the symptom of a reprobate mind, didn't he? A mind whose conscience has been seared, that's what sodomy is. In Romans 1 he tells us through the Apostle Paul why someone does these disgusting things, okay, and I know this isn't kind of news for many here, but it sometimes needs, you need reminded this stuff sometimes, okay. Verse 21 in Romans chapter 1 says this, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. So they have a knowledge of God but they've rejected it. Professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things. So they've tried to change God, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator has blessed forever, amen. So these people have changed the truth of God, they have a knowledge, some knowledge of God, they've changed him, they've chosen willfully to change God into a lie, for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections. They've been given up to what the Bible calls vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat. Okay basically it's suitable for them, the recompense and the recompense isn't good, okay that's what they're going to get in return and even as they did not like to attain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. So he then goes on to give other symptoms of a reprobate mind and the world would use the word psychopath, these are typical symptoms of what the world would call a psychopath, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. By the way are we in the New Testament or the Old Testament? Anyone know? This is the New Testament isn't it? This is the New Testament, this isn't what people are trying, oh well that's the Old, no this is the New Testament and the New Testament says this in verse 32, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things, what things are you talking about? The things in verse 28, those things which are not convenient, okay those things that he's just talked about in the verses before, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, that's what the New Testament says, not only do the same, they not only do those things but they have pleasure in them that do them. Okay that's Jesus Christ stance isn't it? Yeah if anyone's wondering here, the Word of God is all inspired, men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit okay, that's what the Word of God is, it's Jesus Christ talking through people, Jesus Christ talking through men who wrote it down and Jesus Christ's stance is this, and Jesus Christ's stance is the same yesterday and today and forever because he doesn't change and as Christians our goal is to be more Christ-like isn't it? And by the way such things included women doing the same as well okay because some people they focus all on the sodomite men like the women, well it's not so bad, no it's wicked okay, it's wicked, it's vile, they're all worthy of death because it's all abomination okay, it's all abomination isn't it? Now keep a finger on Romans 1 and turn to Deuteronomy 22 because yesterday and throughout these marches all over the western world they're celebrating sodomy, they're celebrating something that we've just read is the symptom of a reprobate mind, that is a symptom of mind that's been given over, that's been given up, that God's given them over to a reprobate mind but they're parading this, parading sodomites and acting as if somehow you're discriminatory if you don't support something that God said is an abomination, that God said is is a symptom of someone that's been given over okay that has changed the truth of God into a lie, someone that's a God hater, someone who has been given up by God to unclean this through the lust of their own heart, it's madness isn't it? It's madness when you compare it to God's word and it is also madness when you compare it to just history throughout the western world where people have just recognised this as deviant behaviour, sexual deviants, sexual perverts, people that have always throughout history not only been given a wide berth but have been arrested and either imprisoned or put to death for this. God said that they which commit such things are worthy of death however we saw yesterday it being paraded through the capital city of our nation all these sorts of different types of sodomites but it's not just sodomites look down at well in fact most of them are sodomites but there's something else that they're praying look down at Deuteronomy 22 and verse 5. Deuteronomy 22 and verse 5 says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God the title is three open abominations of pride number one abomination number one is sodomy abomination number two is cross-dressing abomination number two is cross-dressing now they can call them trans this and non-binary that and are there any more along that lines i think it's something along those lines but as far as i'm concerned they're all cross-dressing reprobates that's really what it is it's cross-dressing reprobates whether or not they take some bizarre hormonal treatments and go under the surgeon's knife and all sorts of weird creepy things like that they're still ultimately cross-dressing reprobates because they can never change that they can't change the fact that either a man or a woman so they can do their best and they can dress up and they can do whatever they like but ultimately they're cross-dresses whether they've had had bits removed or bits put on they're still cross-dressing okay it makes no difference if God said in Deuteronomy 22 5 that cross-dresses are abomination okay he hates that filth hates it and by the way have you noticed how they're never wearing female trouser suits ever notice that never wearing the trouser suit like the kind of career woman they're they're they're never uh it's never some like ladies casual wear is it it's never that is it they never seem like they're just hanging around in sort of some sort of unisex type clothing according to the world's sort of standards it's nearly always skimpy it's nearly always attention seeking and it's nearly always a skirt or a dress isn't it isn't it it's pretty that's that's what I see out there and and look why is that why is that because that's what women have worn throughout history skirts and dresses okay as much as the world tries to blur those lines as well but we're not going to go on to that today but but yesterday yesterday in London you would have had a load of women dressed as men and a load of men dressed as women now are they abomination to me yes but more importantly they're an abomination unto the lord thy god okay that is an absolute abomination he said here that that people just dressing like that are an abomination putting on the garment is an abomination so how do you think he feels about people putting on wigs or women getting crew cuts and all of that just crazy weird stuff acting trying to act as much as possible like a bloke always make me laugh we we laughed about this in a in like a builder's merchants when we did the work at this you go in and this like local builders merchants and the the the sodomite in there is basically saying things like you know mate and ogies and things like that I mean it's just ridiculous and and all they're trying to do is act like a man and it's saying the other way okay with the cross-dressers but okay they're an abomination to god god extremely hates he extremely detests he despises that's what abomination means cross-dressing and and yesterday in London apparently the cross-dressers were the theme of the day anyone know that I don't know if anyone read any of the reports on this stuff but they were apparently the theme the 2023 theme was never march alone okay in support of trans and non-binary allyship I mean what does that even mean so I've got a translation all cross-dressers of different names are welcome basically whatever you call yourself if you're a cross-dresser you're welcome with us but was that ever not the case I don't know maybe the original pride marches they just had a load of sodomites and no cross-dressers but now it's well it's their theme 2023 was never march alone in support of trans and non-binary allyship but you know what the truth is okay and the truth with this is that normal men normal people because you can look at it and go okay well maybe just these people are a bit confused they just kind of want to put on a skirt yeah because that's what they're trying they won't even say try and try and say they're confused but but the world out there kind of want to sit on the fence go well there's some funny beat it's a bit weird isn't it and everything else but the truth is is that normal men regular men don't start putting on wigs and miniskirts okay if you start getting drawn to put on a wig and a miniskirt okay don't come back okay for starters okay regular women don't suddenly shave their heads and put on even more blokey clothes than normal okay normal people don't do that do they do you know what they all are they're pretty much all just another flavor of sodomy that's really what it comes down to isn't it they're just another flavor of sodomy it's it's basically another symptom of the reprobate mind okay that's what it is now some the symptom will just be full sodomy without dressing like a woman okay but for many it's a bit of sodomy and a bit of cross-dressing like a woman for others it's a bit of sodomy and for the women a bit of cross-dressing like a man okay it's all just flavors of the rep might mind go back to romans one which shows us that it's all sorts of unrighteousness and wickedness that goes along with the symptom of a reprobate mind romans chapter one and verse 28 romans one and 28 says and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so remember they've been given over to this warped mind okay being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate to see malignancy whisperers okay so unrighteousness wickedness like glorying in the sorts of things that god calls abominations yeah that's unrighteousness of wickedness like going to some public parade dressed in the most horrific revealing female outfits that's all unrighteousness isn't it that's wickedness because what are they really trying to do they're really trying to defile people's eyes aren't they that's why they're in a public parade where there's photos videos and everything else with them dressing next to nothing it's it's it's horrendous and just trying to look at some of the stats on this yesterday i mean you want to kind of shield your eyes while you're looking it's awful just absolutely terrible but think about the poor kids think about the people that take their kids to that i mean that's a sermon for another day what sick twisted weirdos oh uh we we have a there's a church plant over in spokane and and um uh the the one of the preachers there he preached a sermon where he said that parents would do that that take their kids or i think i don't think it was just to a pride parade he said parents that basically take their take their kids for some sort of like treatment and a hormonal treatment should be shot anyone see a problem with that he got a lot of grief for that i mean that went viral and he our pastor was getting death threats and and they even got the police involved i mean what sort of parenting is that what sort of parenting but what sort of parenting takes your child to watch that sort of filth i mean that that's how bad it's got here like i said 1970 whatever it was 72 200 sodomites now 30 000 sodomites cross-dressers all sorts of free korean show and people bringing their children along to watch it people who aren't sodomites bringing their kids along to see that stuff and parading them and having them with pride flags everything else that's beyond belief isn't it i don't think anyone in the 70s could have seen that happening 50 years later could they horrendous look at verse 29 again it said being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers so unrighteousness wickedness like cross-dressing in a stripper's outfit and reading kids stories in the local library that's unrighteousness and wickedness isn't it i mean that's sort of that's inventors of evil things i mean it even comes up with that who even comes up with that idea i mean getting lined up and shot is probably is kind isn't it i mean how do you come up with that how do you decide that that's a good idea how do we have apparently libraries across i thought it's a windup when my wife was first telling me about this i thought she i thought this is probably one of those well they've done it at one library and it's probably not really it's going on everywhere i mean that is something else isn't it this our nation is so in free fall it is unbelievable at least the people that are running and controlling and and like i said no who's complaining about this really like some people mumble and yeah there's the odd thing where some parents outside of school will go stop teaching our kids this stuff or we might even take them out of school you know it's like yeah okay it's gone a bit further than that hasn't it and you get a bit of that but this should be i mean this is unbelievable isn't it what we're seeing out there people and where people are queuing up to watch these guys go past us like this it's just unbelievable okay however look at verse 29 uh look at our study it then says backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters and we're going to pause there because the title is three open abominations of pride abomination number one is sodomy okay that is an abomination according to god's word abomination number two cross-dressing that is an abomination according to god's word but abomination number three is pride abomination number three is pride and this is what i want to focus on a bit more today because when describing a reprobate minor romans one god through paul tells us that they are proud and they're boasters and isn't it ironic that these worldwide parades of reprobates are called pride parades i mean that's just bizarre isn't it in fact it's not but it's ironic isn't it it's ironic that they're also celebrating another wicked sin it's like if that's not enough we're going to actually celebrate pride as well and and a sin that is also described as an abomination so back in proverb 16 i hope you kept something there where we started proverb 16 and verse 5 says this proverb 16 5 says everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the lord though hand joined in hand he shall not be unpunished so those that are proud in heart are an abomination to god god extremely hates remember he detests or extremely detests he despises the proud in heart who are those that are proud in heart that for me is a reprobate okay now there are people that that can be prideful there are people that can get proud you can have moments of pride and some people maybe deal with this more than others but someone that is proud in heart it's just deep in their core the pride that's a reprobate that that's in their heart they ooze pride okay they're so prideful that they're actually proud of vile perversion okay that's super weird isn't it being proud of vile perversion i mean think about this for a second god hates it when you're proud of actual real supposed achievement okay so so if you were proud of your job proud of some achievement in life proud of proud of your supposed godliness maybe proud that you managed to resist some sins god doesn't like that okay god hates that god's god's looking at you going look you need to stop taking the credit and give the glory to god because of also where that leads and it's just it's just a wicked way of looking at things isn't it because people get puffed up with that god hates that a proud look is one of the six or seven things that he hates yeah when you look at proverb six but imagine being proud not just of a more obscure sin so not just you're proud of something you didn't quite realize with sin maybe not just as some regular sin that you just want to try and justify but imagine being proud of an abomination i mean that's just it's it's just beyond just weird it's just it's completely out there isn't it you're proud of an abomination proud of something that's associated with a deviant mind proud of something that shows that you're beyond hope that that's that's just off the wall isn't it for weirdness how are you proud of that how not only are you proud of it you're telling everyone that you're proud of it you're having a parade and a march to show everyone that you're proud of being a reprobate deviant it's it's like it's beyond weird it's so just crazy now isn't it however we shouldn't be surprised okay we shouldn't be surprised because this is one of the classic characteristics of the reprobate mind it's pride okay pride is a massive part now we we've we we've dealt with sort of similar stuff in this church in the future and sorry in the past and we will in the future but we had in the past where it was just ridiculously obvious okay and it was like a good insight into that mind because it was just laid bare for everyone to see yeah the pride boastful just wickedness okay and they're not always as obvious as this but the rep that like the reprobate sodomite is just kind of out there like this aren't they i mean they're just like a kind of glaring example for everyone and then some are better at hiding this sort of thing but these guys look these guys out there in these pride parades or something else don't a second timothy three pride however like i said it's not just amongst the most open obvious sodomites and cross-dressers either okay the the reprobate mind has a predisposition to immense pride okay that's what sadly that's kind of one of the the classic characteristics of the reprobate and i was thinking about this i was thinking that probably without it it would be an even more depressing existence wouldn't it if you think about it you imagine you're just some some just deviant reprobate deep down you know you're a reprobate without the pride that would i don't think you'd probably last very long would you the suicide rate would be even higher okay and obviously they have a fragile ego so now and again kind of it cracks and then they just give up yeah however i think the pride is probably something that's needed to keep them alive second timothy three you're turning to yeah he's talking about the false prophet type here though okay this is like the religious type reprobate so these can be the false prophets behind the pulpits in the false churches it can also be that the infiltrator types of false brethren in various different ways and we talked about this before you know the for us the false brethren in a sort of you know in a in a in a dress in a catholic church with a kind of collar doesn't really con us does it okay that's a bad wolves outfit in a church like this would be different but there's many many different false prophet types religious reprobate second timothy three just tells us sort of again just gives us the the most common at least repeating type of characteristic is his pride it says here in secretary three this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves okay the lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truths breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despised of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such a way so they claim some sort of religious type sort of behavior they have a form of godliness but denying the power basically they're unsaved okay they're unsaved for one reason or another okay for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth they're never able why because they've been given over they've been given up to a reprobate mind they're unable okay they cannot be saved verse 8 says now as janis and jambres with submoses so do these also resist the truth and janis and jambres were for me some of these false prophets around pharaoh so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith okay they're reprobate they're rejected that means okay the lord reprobate silver shall men call them for the lord has rejected them okay that's what a rep rate is someone rejected they're rejected they cannot be saved but did you notice how they were lovers of their own selves okay they're they're boasters they're proud they're heady they're high-minded okay they're big parts big characteristics of the reprobate mind do they admit it like the marching sodomite though i mean a marching sodomite i mean that's just beyond weird is it they're just walking around proudly going i'm you know marching on a pride parade oh it's just so so weird isn't it however not everyone emits it like that okay so of course you know the infiltrator type won't but turn some 119 because not only is it one of the prominent characteristics of god's enemies god's enemies are actually defined by this characteristic okay so this is why the pride pride being called pride is just so fitting i mean i love that they call it that okay because it just helps remind you of what not only what we should be looking out for and avoiding but also you know that's the sin that we want to just be as far away from us as possible don't we okay look everyone in different ways in different times of life might have the odd temptation or tendency to this sort of sin pride that is okay however we want to put it as far away from us as possible because it is basically what god's enemies are called okay they're they're defined by this sin look at some uh you're trying to turn to some 119 but what are you trying to i'm going to read psalm 86 14 where david said oh god the proud are risen against me and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul and have not set thee before them okay so david's talking about a group of people he's calling the proud they're the enemies of god they've risen against him okay they're seeking after his soul they have not set god before them okay because they're reprobates they've rejected god he's rejected them they're known as the proud so it is fitting isn't it it's a fitting name for this wicked parade of god haters the psalmist is psalm 119 also refers to his enemies by this characteristic and we'll just start from the beginning so you really get a flavor no i'm kidding we're going to start for verse 21 psalm 119 which says this thou has rebuked the proud that are cursed which do earth and thy commandments so they're known as the proud and what are they the cursed okay they're cursed the proud here he's rebuked their curse they've erred from thy commandments okay they they've erred they've gone away they're basically they've rejected god look at verse 51 the proud have had me greatly in derision yet have i not declined from thy law okay so they they will mock god's people they will laugh at them they'll when they're together when they're away maybe whether it's a couple or whether it's a group whatever else oh they will mock they will snigger they will mock everything about god's people they'll have us in derision but we don't want to decline from the law of god okay ultimately they're wicked they're reprobates yeah okay the proud have had me greatly in derision yet have i not declined from thy law look at verse 69 the proud it's the proud again and he's he's proud of coming up a lot aren't they they're proud of forged a lie against me but i will keep thy precepts with my whole heart so the psalmist is saying that the proud of forged a lie they'll lie they'll convince themselves of it okay this is what these people do because they're too proud to accept their own wickedness they're too proud to go no i'm wicked i'm a problem so it's everyone else's fault yeah it's always someone else's fault and of course you know the most extreme example is the sodomites yeah they'll just kind of make up all sorts of things i mean i've been around these people before in the past and these are some wicked vile people they'll convince themselves of their lives but the proud the enemies of god they'll forge lies against you but we should therefore keep his precepts with our whole heart look they want anything on you right okay and when it comes to people that are trying to find fault trying to attack god's people they want anything the goal is keep his precepts with your whole heart right verse 78 says let the proud be ashamed for they dealt perversely with me without a cause but i will meditate in thy precepts yeah they'll treat you badly okay they won't have a reason they'll convince themselves of reason because they're prideful okay but let them be ashamed but what do we do we meditate in his precepts verse 85 the proud it's the proud again have digged pits for me which are not after thy law so they'll try to entrap you as well they'll set up traps they'll try and find ways of trapping you in one way or another they've digged pits for me which are not after thy law and verse 122 in psalm 119 122 says be surety for thy servant for good let not the proud oppress me they will try to oppress you okay and that's what they're trying to do now that's like if you think so many of these the the way the world's going so many of the laws that we're seeing so many of the support for all this sodomy and then obviously the opposite for people just you know all the hate speech stuff coming out all of that for just preach the word of god is ultimately these same people it's the enemies of god the enemies of god wanting to oppress god's people be surety for thy servant for good let not the proud oppress me but we can rely on god can't we we can rely on god with it and they will look they will proudly justify everything that they do against god's people these people okay but like i said what it should do when we see that and when we go through and by the way i've just chose 119 because it's just easy there's psalms there's many psalms just concerts the proud the proud the proud okay and what should that do it should number one it should remind us how bad a sin that is shouldn't it okay when you've got god's enemies just being called the prat look we don't we don't want that associated with us do we okay and sometimes you're gonna have times alive some people are going to deal with this more than other times times that you get a bit lifted up a bit puffed up and sometimes flatterers can do that can't they the flatterers will come and try and lift you up okay and they you know because pride goes before destruction holds a bit before fall so you've got to watch for that because it can for some it can be easy to get a bit prideful right we want to a make sure that we cut that out okay and number two what it should do therefore when we know how bad it is it should just make us just want to avoid it at all costs and and ultimately not be around people that are like that right people that are pride filled they're so proud boasting petty high-minded look they're massive red flags aren't they look i'm not saying that anyone who gets a who seems to get a little bit of an ego or something else right that's it cut them off but i mean they're big red flags aren't they okay bid reg and i'm talking about outside as well i'm talking about when you're in your workplace you don't want to suddenly find that you're buddied up and best mates with a reprobate or something else you know or my work buddy here we get on so well they're just they're a bit prideful but hey look you want to avoid that stuff okay they're because it's it's it's the classic characteristic of these people now like i said some will humble themselves some will crouch down and humble themselves and act like they're not and they're the they're the cleverer ones right but here when it comes to the pipeline you just see the complete opposite i mean these are just open bearing all to everyone okay these are like your most just blatant reprobates out there okay but what they should do is they should help us to learn about others as well they're they're so debased they're so debauched they're so messed up that they're proud of open weird perversion okay that's unbelievable isn't it however their time is coming so you can listen to a sermon like this just go this is messed up we've got we've got a million people apparently involved in somewhere or another walking past it 30 000 people marching through the streets of london we've got pride parades going on all around this country and different months and everything else it's a bad situation isn't it oh man i'm going to come away from here and just think like what do we do it's like time to give up it's not it's not no turn to malachi chapter four their time is coming god's enemies don't have long left even though the numbers are growing you don't have to fear them okay we don't have to fear these people as i 13 11 while you turn a malachi force says and i will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity and i will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible another name for being puffed up haughty haughtiness i like that word nice old english word the haughtiness of the tale he will lay low the haughtiness of the table it's coming to an end okay the day that day is coming malachi 4 tells about that day where it says in verse 1 for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch so just let's just go back to god's view on this sort of thing okay we've made it clear that god considers sodomy and abomination we've made it clear that god considers cross-dressing and abomination we've seen that god prescribed the death penalty for sodomites and now we've also seen that god considers the proud an abomination and he's now saying the day's going to come when all the proud all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up what do you think god's view on the pride parade is anyway how on earth do you have so-called bible believing christians and claiming to believe the bible claiming to believe the bible is the word of god christian churches in inverted commas all over this nation who claim to support this sort of stuff talk about inclusiveness talking about getting these people in to try trying to trying to roll out the red carpet for this it's absolutely wicked isn't it isn't it wicked what a shame on the name of christ call themselves christians to the point where where people i i had a guy i think i told you this story recently because it was to do with that clown andrew tate yeah and there was a guy i know who's friends of this guy and he um he basically was having always just been anti all sorts of religion so they're basically trying to um at least i wouldn't say glorify but he basically was saying well at least with islam at least they speak out about sodomites because the christians aren't are they now obviously he'd been just hoodwinked by andrew tate it's now become a muslims and where he's like you know it's kind of it's it's like the david eich thing isn't it they give a bit of truth on certain things and then they just pull you into a load of falsehoods yeah and this is what's happened with this guy but the the reality of it is though is that there is a little element of truth there the element of truth is is that people just look at christianity around this nation and go why aren't they talking about sodomy why aren't they talking about sodomites now i don't know how much the muslims are on i don't really know because no one really understands what they're preaching right okay that's the truth is it we don't really know what's going on okay but what we do know is that christian churches around this nation aren't talking about something that is absolutely wicked that every single church in hyde park where i think they all met up yesterday should have been preaching them if they were real churches they would have been preaching about this they would have been warning their congregants about this they would have been telling them to batten down the hatches to stay inside to not bring their kids out and and what do you think the reality is probably half of them are getting involved in it probably put up pride flags outside their churches that's how bad it's got isn't it but that's completely opposite to what the word of god says and if you just take the pride part of it alone the fact that these people are not they they they they call themselves like pride it's a pride parade they're talking about being proud of sodomy and perversion then god says and the day that comers shall burn them up saith the lord of host and it shall leave them neither root nor branch they're done that's what god thinks about that and that's why a church a church has to preach that don't they and you don't have to preach it every week you know and we you know obviously it will come up in bible studies it'll come up at times and there's a lot that a church needs preaching and sometimes there's a lot of other things that need preaching as well but that has to be preached surely by the churches at least nearby there as well but unto you that fear my name that's us shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stool and you shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that i shall do this saith the lord of hosts look it's not only god that's going to tread him down he said we'll be treading down the wicked there shall be ashes under the soles of our feet in the day that he'll do that you know why because well we are going to return aren't we with the lord jesus christ yeah we won't have to do the fighting you know our god leads from the front right okay however we'll be trending them under our feet afterwards won't we and that's something that he's enticing us with okay you want to be more christ like get in get in step with the bible all right getting set with the bible don't think you're somehow more loving more kind more accepting than god because you know that is that's a proud heart isn't it that's a proud heart but until that day comes we may have to put up with a few more parades of the proud flaunting their abominations right we have to put up with that but it's eternity that counts isn't it okay it's eternity that counts so the title today was three open abominations of pride and of course there are many other abominations going on there aren't there but the open just clear as day number one was sodomy number two was cross-dressing and number three was pride it's a fitting name and i hope they keep that name because it just just reminds us how wicked pride is as well and on that we're going to finish in a word of prayer well thank you for your word thank you for um well you know just how clear you you you make things that we deal with today lord issues that the world is dealing with that we have in our faces lord in this nation and many other nations around that your word just has a lot to say about everything your your word um speaks to us today as clear as it spoke to us yesterday as clear as it spoke to us many many hundreds if not thousand years ago lord you you know the word of god is clear the word of god um just is a rock for us to stand upon lord um you know you never change and we thank you for that we thank you that uh we we have this rock to stand upon lord in it when we're in a world that's just going absolutely crazy around us help us to be grounded lord on on the rock help us to be grounded on your word help us to to to just stay steady to stay firm lord help us to um to get to go out this afternoon and preach the gospel to people lord to to help help get you know just just help us please to find those that that want to get saved that want to hear your word that want to put their faith in you lord lead us to those people this afternoon help us return for this evening's service just thank you for all of this amen